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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Top Secret NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER PHOTOGRAPHIC I NTERPRETATION REPORT SOVIET TROPOSCATTER EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS IN EUROPE (TSR) Top Secret 25X1 SEPTEMBER 1977 Copy 133 PI R-024/77 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Warning Notice Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved (WNINTEL) NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions NOFORN- Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals NOCONTRACT- Not Releasable to Contractors or Contractor/Consultants PROPIN- Caution-Proprietary Information Involved USIBONLY- USIB Departments Only ORCON- Dissemination and Extraction of Information Controlled by Originator RELThis Information has been Authorized for Release to .. . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Top Secret RUFF SOVIET TROPOSCATTER EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS IN EUROPE (TSR) ABSTRACT 1. (TSR) This report discusses the fixed-station, TWIN DISH (R-408) network; the known garrisons housing TWIN PLATE (R-410) battalions; and the locations of TWIN PAN troposcatter equipment in the groups of Soviet forces in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. 25X1 This information is current through 29 July 1977, the information cutoff date of this report. INTRODUCTION 2. (TSR) Twenty-four TWIN DISH (R-408) stations, six TWIN PLATE (R-410) battalions, and three TWIN PAN locations have been identified from photography of Eastern Europe. A map of troposcatter equipment locations (Figure 1) shows the well-defined groups of Soviet forces troposcatter network. Table 1 provides a list of the TWIN DISH stations (by country name) and the location, geographic coordinates, number of pairs of antennas, azimuths, and probable correspon- dents for each station. BASIC DESCRIPTION TWIN DISH 4. (TSR) TWIN PLATE troposcatter relay battalions are housed at the following installa- tions: Rembertow Army Barracks 203, Poland Miedzyrzecz Army Barracks 25X1 Keszyca 201, Poland 25X1 LZDAI and Milovice Army Barracks Northwest 201, 25X1 . The TWIN PLATE system is very mobile. Figure 3 shows TWIN 25X1 PLATES in an operationa con iguration at Torun Training Area Podgorz 416, Poland 0 25X1 Figure 4 shows elements of a TWIN PLATE battalion in travel mode at Legnica Training 25X1 Area 226, Poland 25X1 5. (TSR) The TWIN PAN system has been identified only with the NGF. Two pairs of TWIN PAN antennas (Figure 5) are at Borne Army Barracks Sulinowo 201, Polan and at 25X1 Miedzyrzecze Army Barracks Keszyce 201, Poland. An additional TWIN PAN pair was identified on the south edge of Swinoujscie The garrison housing this pair has not been con- 25X1 firmed. REQUIREMENT Project 121200NG -1- Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162AO00500010025-9 Top Secret RUFF Station Location Legnica, PL Lodz, PL Lubin, PL Lutol Suchy, PL Keszyca, PL Stargard, PL Wrzesnia, PL Table 1. TWIN DISH Stations in Eastern Europe This table in its entirety is classified TOP SECRET RUFF 51-48-40N 019-34-10E 51-22-35N 016-12-OOE 52-21-20N 015-42-05E 52-24-20N 015-28-40E 53-15-10N 015-00-OOE No of Pairs of Antennas Prob Correspondents Undetermined Lodz, PL Keszyca, PL Kluki, PL Wrzesnia, PL Wrzesnia, PL Milovice Wrzesnia, PL Wunsdorf, GC Borne; PI Legnica, PL Undetermined Lodz, PL Lubin, PL I iitnl Ciirhv P1 Doupov, CZ Milovice Jirice, CZ Milovice South, CZ Olomouc, CZ Olomouc Jaromerice, CZ Vysoke Myto, CZ Zvolen, CZ Budapest, HU Budapest Matyasfold, HU Kunmadaras, HU Polgar, HU 50-13-02N 014-51-48E 49-34-04N 017-12-22E 49-37-20N 016-52-10E 48-35-45N 018-59-30E 47-29-OON 019-22-45E 47-29-20N 019-13-OOE Single Single 1 Single 2 Milovice Area, CZ Lubin, PL Vysoke Mytol, PL Olomouc, CZ Olomouc Jaromerice, CZ Undetermined Zvolen, CZ Zvolen, CZ Vysoke Myto and Milovice South, CZ Vysoke Myto and Milovice South, CZ Olomouc and Milovice Jirice, CZ Olomouc, CZ Olomouc, CZ Polgar, HU Undetermined Kunmandaras, HU Budapest Matyasfold, HU Mukachevo, UR Budapest, HU 2 - 25X1 Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162AO00500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78T05162A000500010025-9 Top Secret RUFF kiej L~beck VYSOKE M 0 ICE \ MYTO` .' Plzen "0LOM000/ SOUTH 1 Ostrav ..~a~\ 0(~ERICE pUC Stuttgart \5 ; _ Brno Augsburd TWIN DISH (R-408) link --ProbTWIN DISH link -~ Undetermined TWIN DISH link -?- TWIN PAN link Q TWIN PLATE (R-410) battalions '\. g Szczecin BORNE / STARGARD KESZYCA// BE .~ RLIN \rMIEDZYRZ ECZE LjubUa Zagreb Szeged y FIGURE 1. LOCATION OF TROPOSCATTER NETWORK IN EASTERN EUROPE Top Secret REHAGEN WITTENBE`RG Rostock LAIN -WITTSTOCK tzzEIPZIG ~esden Poznan ~WR.ZSNIA MILOVICEt DOUPOV PRAHA GGdansk F3dz LODZ Kaliningrad Katowice ZVO LEN POLGAR DebreCe2 Timioara VIl'flVUS SiblU IC S-4163 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78T05162A000500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011106120: CIA-RDP78T05162A000500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011106120: CIA-RDP78T05162A000500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 List of Conversion Factors by Classification MILLIMETERS 0.0394 INCHES KILOGRAMS 2.2046 POUNDS)AVOIR.) CENTIMETERS 0.3937 INCHES POUNDS(AVOIR.) 0.4536 KILOGRAMS INCHES 25.4000 MILLIMETERS SHORT TONS 0.9072 METRIC TONS INCHES 2.5400 CENTIMETERS METRIC TONS 1.1023 SHORT TONS FEET 0.3048 METERS METRIC TONS 0.9842 LONG TONS FEET 0.0003 KILOMETERS LONG TONS 1.0160 METRIC TONS YARDS 0.9144 METERS METERS 3.2808 FEET METERS 0.0005 MILESINAUTICAL) METERS 1.0936 YARDS KILOMETERS 3280.8400 FEET KILOMETERS 0.6214 MILES)STATUTE) KILOMETERS 0.5400 MILES(NAUTICAL) LITERS 0.2642 GALLONS MILES(STATUTE) 1.6093 KILOMETERS LITERS 0.0063 BARRELS(POL) MILES)NAUTICAL) 60761154 FEET LITERS 0.0010 CUBIC METERS MIL ESINAUTICAL) 1.8520 KILOMETERS GALLONS 3.7854 LITERS MILES(NAUTICAL) 1852.0000 METERS GALLONS 0.1337 CUBIC FEET GALLONS 0.0238 BARRELS)POL) GALLONS 0.0038 CUBIC METERS BUSHELS 0.0352 CUBIC METERS CUBIC FEET 7.4805 GALLONS CUBIC FEET 0.1781 BARRELS)POL) SQUARE CENTIMETERS 0.1550 SQUARE INCHES CUBIC FEET 0.0283 CUBIC METERS SQUARE INCHES 6.4516 SQUARE CENTIMETERS CUBIC YARDS 0.7646 CUBIC METERS SQUARE FEET 0.0929 SQUARE METERS BARRELS(POL) 158.9873 LITERS SQUARE YARDS 0.8361 SQUARE METERS BARRELS)POL) 42.0000 GALLONS SQUARE METERS 10.7639 SQUARE FEET BARRELS)POL) 5.6146 CUBIC FEET SQUARE METERS 1.1960 SQUARE YARDS BARRELS)POL) 0.1590 CUBIC METERS SQUARE METERS 1.0000 CENTARES CUBIC METERS 1000.0000 LITERS SQUARE METERS 0.0002 ACRES CUBIC METERS 264.1721 GALLONS SQUARE METERS 0.0001 HECTARES CUBIC METERS 35.3147 CUBIC FEET ACRES 4046.8564 SQUARE METERS CUBIC METERS 28.3776 BUSHELS ACRES 0.4047 HECTARES CUBIC METERS 6.2898 BARRELS)POL) HECTARES 10000.0000 SQUARE METERS CUBIC METERS 1.3080 CUBIC YARDS HECTARES 2.4711 ACRES Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9 Top Secret Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/20: CIA-RDP78TO5162A000500010025-9