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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Aj. SECRET ???.? ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT BASIC AROMATIC CHEMICALS IN EAST GERMANY CIA/RR 56 12 February 1955 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGE,NCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS 12 ? 50X1 50X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans? mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E-T ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT BASIC AROMATIC CHEMICALS IN EAST GERMANY ?CIA/RR 56 (ORR Project 22.160) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports S-E-C -R 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060062-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T FOREWORD The purpose of this report is to describe the East German supply, distribution, and consumption of basic aromatic chemicals obtained from coal and the intermediates and products derived from them. The scope of this report is limited to consideration of the aromatic series of organic chemical compounds. Detailed discussion is restricted to those aromatic compounds, generally known as aromatic chemicals1which, because of supply factors or industrial applications, are of primary importance to the chemical industry of East Germany. These chemicals are benzene, toluene, xylene, naphtha- lene, phenol, cresol, and aniline. Other aromatic chemicals, such as xylenol? .anthracene, and pyridine and other tar bases, are dis- cussed only brieflY; at the present time they, are of secondary importance in East Germany. Although most basic aromatic chemicals produced in East Germany are byproducts of the recovery and processing of coal tar from the coking and illuminating gas industries, analyses of the technology of those industries are not presented in this report. Such analyses are readily available in other publications. S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 BrE-C -R -E -T CONTENTS Summary I. Introduction A. History of the Industry B. Technology ....... . . . . . ...... . Page 1 4 4 9' 1. ? Crude Benzol and Hard-Coal Tar ...... . 9 2. Crude Tar Acids (Crude Phenols) 10 C. Organization 12 1. January 1953 12 2.. January 1954 13 II. Production and Supply . ........ - . ? 17, A. Domestic Production 19 1. Refined Benzol. ........ . 19 2 . Toluol ...... ? ? : : ? ? ..? ' ? ? ..-? ' ? 2. ? ? .- . ? 22 3. Xylol , ' .. ? t II. ? . 23 IL ? Naphthalene . . _ ? ?- 28 5. Refined Phenol 32 6. cresols 37 7. Aniline 38 B. Foreign Trade ? ? ? ? ? . . ... .. . .. ,40 L. Imports ho a. General 4o b. Benzol 41 c. Toluol 41 d. Naphthalene 43 e. Aniline 47 S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7. S-E-C -R-E-T 2. Exports a. General b. Basic Aromatic Coal Chemicals Page 48 48 49 C. Stockpiles 53 D. Material Balances 55 III. Consumption 55 A. Refined Benzol 60 B. Toluol ? 61 C. Xylol 63 D. Naphthalene 64 E. Refined Phenol 67 F. Cresol 69 G. Aniline 71 IV. Input Requirements ? . .. .? . 72 A. Raw Materials 72 1. General 72 2. Raw Hard-Coal Tar 74 3. crude Benzol 75 4. Crude Tar Acids (Crude Phenols) 76 B. Manpower 85 C. Process Materials. and Energy 86 V. Capabilities, Vulnerabilities, and Intentions 91 A. Capabilities 91 B. Vulnerabilities 92 C. Intentions 94 - vi - S-E-C -R -E-T .Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T _ _ _ _ _ _ Appendixes Appendix A. Detailed Use Patterns for Basic Aromatic: Chemicals in East Germany Page 97 1. Refined Benzol 97 2. Toluol 107 3. Xylol 4., Naphthalene 114 5. Refined Phenol 126 6. Cresols 137 7. Aniline 144 Appendix B. East German Foreign Trade An Derived Aromatic Chemicals and Products Appendix C. Statistical Tables 151 169 Appendix D. Indications of Trends in Research and Development 179 Tables 1. Estimatea.Ftoduction of Refined Benzol in East Germany, by Producing Plants,. 1949-55 . . . . 2. Estimated Production of Toluol in East Germany, by ? Producing Plants, 1949-55, . . . . . . . . . 3. Estimated Production of XylblAn-East Germany, by Producing Plants, 1949-55 $-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T Page 4. Estimated Production of Naphthalene in East Germany, by Producing plants, 1949-55 30 5. Estimated Production of Refined Phenol in East Germany, by Producing Plants, 1949-55 36 6, Estimated Production of Cresols in East Germany, by Producing Plants, 1949-55 39 7. East German Imports of Benzol, by Countries of Origin, 1950-55 421 8, East German Imports of Toluol from the USSR, 1950-54 . . ? 44 9. East German Imports of Naphthalene, by Countries of Origin, 1950-54 10. East German Imports of Aniline, by Countries of Origin, 1949-54 47 11. East German Exports of.Basic:Aromatic'Cbal Chemicals, by Importing Countries, 1951-54 50 12. Estimated Material Balances for Principal Coal Chemicals and Aniline in East Germany, 1951-54 56 13. Estimated East German Benzol Consumption Pattern, 1952 61 14. Estimated East German Toluol Consumption Pattern, 1952 .63 15. Estimated East German Xylol CoSsumption Pattern, 1952 16. Estimated EaStGerman Naphthalene Consumption Pattern, 1952 17. Estimated. East German Refined Phenol ConsuMptiOn Pattern, 1952 ? o ? ?- '? ? ? 18. EatimatedEadt German,Cresol-Consumption Pattern-, 1952 614 70 19. Estimated East German Aniline Consumption Pattern: 1952. . 73 - viii - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 Page 20. Estimated Production of Crude Benzol in East Germany, by Producing Plants, 1949-55 77 21. Actual and Planned Production of Crude Phenols in East Germany, by Producing Plants, 1949-55 79 22. Actual and Planned Production of Crude Phenols in East 414 Germany, ?.949-55 23. Eatimated East German Manpower Requirements for the Production of Aromatic Coal Chemicals, 1952 ..... . . 86 24. Estimated East German Material and Energy Requirements for the Production of Aromatic Coal Chemicals, 1952 . . . 87 25. Reported Imports or Requirements of Aromatic Chemicals by East Germany, Countries of Origin, and Possible Uses, 1950-54 . . . 152 26. East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived fran Benzol, by Importing Countries, 1951-52 ? 156 27. East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Toluol, by Importing Countries, 1951-54 159 28. East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Naphthalene, by Importing Countries, 1951454. . . 160 29. East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Phenol, by Importing Countries, 1951-54 163 30. East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived fran Cresols, by Importing Countries, 1951-54 165 31. East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived fran Aniline, by Importing Countries, 1951-54 166 32. Production of Coke, Raw Tar, and Crude Benzol by Cokeries and Gas Plants in East Germany, 1936 and 1938-55 . ? . . 169 33. Production Quotas for Hard-Coal Tar and Crude Benzol for Gas Plants in East Germany, 1952 171 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T - - - - - - Page 34. Raw Hard-Coal Tar Processed by Tar Distilleries in East Germany, 1941753 175 3,5. Plants Producing Crude Phenols in East Germany, 1954 . . 176 36. East German Production Costs and Sales Prices for Aromatic Coal Chemicals, 1951-52 178 Illustrations if Figure 1. East Germany: Process Flow Chart for Raw Hard-Coal Tar, Crude Benzol, and Crude Phenols, VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner (Chart) . - . . . ? ? Figure 2. East Germany: - Estimated Consumption of Basic Aromatic Chemidals, 1952 (Chart) . ? ? East Germany: Basic Aromatic Chemical Plant: Major Producers and Consumers (MAP) -x- - _ _ _ _ _ Following Page 10 58 Inside Back Cover Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 CIA/RR 56 S-ErC-R-E-T (ORB Project 22.160) BASIC AROMATIC CHEMICALS IN EAST GERMANY* EYELrz The aromatic chemicals industry of East Germany is an essential component of the country's industrial economy and is a significant contributor to the economic development of the Soviet Bloc. The East German industry is more highly developed than that of any of the other Satellites) and in the production of some industrial chemicals it probably exceeds that of the USSR. In East Germany, the belie aromatic compounds)** or chemicals, are derived from coal and its tar. The aromatic-chemicals of major Importance to East Germany are benzol,*** toluol, xylol, naphthalene, phenol) Cresol) and aniline. These chemicals constitute the raw materials, or "building blocks," for many important industrial prod- ucts -- rubber, explosives, plastics, synthetic fibers, dyestuffs, insecticides, pharmaceuticals, photographic film, solvents, tanned leather, and synthetic essential oils. * The estimates and conclusions contained in this report represent the best judgment of ORR as of 1 August 1954. ** The term aromatic compounds was originally applied to various naturally-occurring substances with an agreeable aroma (such as oil of wintergreen, vanillin, etc.) obtained from resins, balsams, and volatile oils, but was later restricted to benzene and compounds related to benzene (C6H6) whose molecular structures consist of one or more cloSed-chain or rings, chiefly of carbon atoms. *** Benzol (benzene ) is a definite chemical substance, c06, and should not be confused with "benzine," which is a petroleum ether, a - complex mixture of hydrocarbons. To avoid confusion, the term benzol will be used in this report when reference is made to those chemicals based on the hydrocarbon benzene'. In like manner) toluol will be used instead of toluene, and xy30i instead of xylene. Exceptions will .be made only when it is necessary to distinguish the pure chemical : substances from the -crude or refined product. S-ErC-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Numerous sectors of the economies of the other Soviet Bloc coun- tries are reliant upon the intermediates and end products produced by East Germany from aromatic chemicals. Perhaps the most significant uses of aromatic chemicals, both in the Satellites and in the USSR, are in the production of explosives and in the manufacture of other military end products Such as aircraft tires, parachute materials, and color-film dyes. ' At the present time, East Germany is incapable of producing several of the aromatic chemicals (benzol, toluol, naphthalene, and aniline) in quantities sufficient to cover domestic requirements. Import of these chemicals is necessary to close the gap between domestic output and demand. Benzol and naphthalene are imported in great quantities from the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia- All imports of toluol originate from the USSR. As no aniline is known -babe produced in East Germany, the total supply must be imported, mainly from the USSR and Poland. Although phenol is in short supply, no imports have been reported, probably because phenol is scarce in the Soviet Bloc. A materials balance for the important aromatic chemicals in East Germany can be estimated for 1954 on the basis of production estimates and preliminary plans for foreign trade. East Germany is expected to produce about 10,800 metric tone' of refined benzol, to import 22,000 toss, and to export 14,000 tons. Thus, domestic consumption** of re- fined benzol will be about 29,200 tons during 1954. Toluol production is estimated as 4,000 tons and 3,200 tons more are to be. imported. As there are no planned exports of toluol, East German consumption of toluol is estimated as 7,260 tons, The estimated production of xylol in 1954 is about 1,000 tons, and because no import b or exports are planned, domestic consumption will equal production. Production of naphthalene is estimated as 5,800 tons, and planned imports total 17,000 tons. No exports of naphthalene are Anticipated, so consump- tion will equal the sum of production and imports, 22,800.tons. The production of refined phenol in East Germany during 1954 is estimated to be about 11,800 tons, of which only 50 tons are scheduled for ex- port. Since no refined phenol imports are planned, domestic consump- tion should be about 11,750 tons. Production of cresols is estimated * Tonnages throughout this report are given in metric tons. ** As there is no evidence that more than negligible quantities of aromatic chemicals will be stockpiled in East Germany in 1954, it can be assumed that total supply equals consumption. - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T at about 17,900 tons, and planned exports total 1,600 tons. East German consumption of cresol is estimated as 16,300 tons. All aniline consumed by East Germany is available only from import. The aniline import plan figure for 1954 is 2,100 tons. Subsequent to 1952, available data are incOmplete on the consump- tion of basic aromatic chemicals in East Germany. The preparation of reasonably complete consumption patterns was possible for 1952. The consumption patterns show that the major consumer of aromatic chemicals in East Germany was the rubber industry. The manufacture and fabrica- tion of synthetic rubber consumed about three-fifths of the total supply of benzol, one-third of the supply of naphthalene, and twit).- thirds of the supply of aniline. East German industries manufacturing synthetic materials such as plastics, .resins, lacquers, and fibers re- quired the second largest proportion Of the total supply of aromatic chemicals. These industries consumed about four-fifths. of the phenol, three-fifths of the cresol, and one-third of the naphthalene total supplies. Aromatic chemicals employed as solvents and diluents in various industries accounted for the third largest use. Approkimately four-fifths of the total supply of xylol, one-half of the supply of toluol, one-seventh of the supply of naphthalene, and one-tenth of the supplies of benzol and cresol were used for solvents and. diluents. In terms of quantitative consumption of aromatic chemicals, the East German explosives industry was relatively unimportant in 1952. It is significant, however, that about one-fifth of the total supply Of toluol was used in the production of explosives,, and about 8 percent of the aniline was probably used in .the manufacture of smokeless powder stabilizers. ' The aromatic chemicals industry of East Germany had adequate supplies of process materials and energy. Coal, especially bituminous coal, and electric power shortages are frequent threats to the in- dustry, but thus far they have not affected production to a serious degree. The major input of the industry is bituminoUt coal, and it is estimated that the consumption of coal in 1952 was 2.8 million.tons. Manpower requirements for the actual production of the basic aromatic chemicals in East Germany are small; an estimated 2,260.employees were engaged during 1952. Among the basic aromatic chemicals required by East Germany, only: one, cresol, is produced in quantities which permit sizable exports... A planned export of 4,000 tons of benzol in 1954 was made possible, however, because the USSR cancelled its annual import of ethylbeniene S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T ? ? _ _ _ _ from East Germany. ? The East German Five Year Plan (1951,55) calls for increased production of most of the aromatic chemicals, but it appears likely, that actual production by 1955 will fall short of plan figures. PoSsibilities of expanding production appreciably after 1955 depend upon new plant construction and the relief of present equipment and power shortages, and they do not appear favorable. Potential areas of vulnerability in the East German aromatic chemicals industry are the. concentration of production in a relatively few plants, the necessity of importing major quantities of some of the aromatic chemicals of primary importance, the dependence on an over- burdened railroad system, and the continuous threat of coal and electric power shortages. The aromatic chemicals industry is a possible indicator of Soviet intentions to the extent that .its use pattern may dhow a shift of emphasis from peacetime industrial uses to production of-absolute - military, uses. At the present time, there is no clear indication of such a shift. I. Introduction. A. History of ihe Industry. The history of the production of aromatic chemicals from coal in Germany is closely related to the history of the production of coke: Before 1900 the center of German coke manufacture was in the eastern area (Silesia and Saxony), but the Ruhr coking industry grew. rapidly, and by the time of, the outbreak of World War II the Ruhr was the-most important coking district in Germany. In 1939, Western Germany-was producing nearly five times as much coke as the eastern portion. In 1943 about 70 million tons of coal were carbonized at coking plants and 10 million tons at gas plants in the western , area. 2.1* During 1938, about 372,000 tons of coal were carbonized by cokeries and 1.75 million tons by gas plants in the present area of East Germany. 2/ -E-C -R,E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : lA-RDP79R01 S-E-C-R-E-T After 1930, practically all bituminous-coal (or hard coal)* tar produced in Germany was distilled. The tar-distilling plants obtained the greater proportion .of their coal tar from coke ovens. Prior to World War II, only about 20 percent of the total was pro- duced in gas plants. In 1943, approximately ?.3 million tons of tar were processed by German tar-distilling companies. Eastern distilleries, including those in Silesia, processed about 450,000 tons of tar, less than one-fifth of the total production in Germany. The distilleries in the area which is now East Germany:processed only about 137,000 tons, ,less than 6 percent of the total tar pro- cessed in all Germany. V The German coal-tar industry developed to great lengths the commercial separation of coal-tar components: The production of certain coal chemicals was commercially .possible only because .some plants processed large quantities of tar. For this reason, produc- tion of coal chemicals was confined almost entirely to syndicates specializing in tar processing. One of the largest of these syndicates, Ruetgereverke AG, owned two distilleries in the present area of East Germany. These plants were located at Erkner (near Berlin) and Niederau (in Saxony near Meissen). - In 1943, both plants together processed about one-fifth of all tar processed (518,000 tons) by Ruetgerswerke AO* In addition to bituminous-coal tar, which is obtained by high- temperature (usually about 9000C) carbonization of the coal, a com- parable amount of a second kind of tar was produced during World War II. This was obtained by low-temperature (500 to 6000C) carboniza- tion (ITC) of brown coal.*** Based on the quantities of tar processed, the high-temperature and low-temperature tar industries were about equal in size in 1943, but they differed so much in all other respects _that they were virtually two separate industries. Lbw-temperature carbonization was introduced in Germany on a large commercial scale just prior to World War II. Because of the imminence of the war and because Germany had only a limited supply of natural petroleum, the rearmament program included the erection of synthetic-oil plants capable of utilizing brown coal and * The term hard coal is used In European terminology to include both .anthracite and bituminous coal. The German term used is Steinkohle. ** For a map showing the major producing and consuming plants in the 'East German-aromatic chemicals industry, see inside back cover. *** The term brown coal is? used in European terminology to describe ill grades of brown coal and lignite. - 5 7 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -R -E -T bituminous coal. The costs of the 'processes were very high, compared with the cost of natural petrolehm, but development was necessary for self-sufficiency, an important consideration for Germany in time of war. low-temperature tar from brown coal and, to a much less extent, from bituminous coal ultimately was the basis for a substantial part of Germany's liquid-fuel output. airing the war, large low-temperature carbonization plants provided substantial supplies of coke particularly suitable for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of liquid And solid products, of fuel oil for the navy, of motor spirits, and of oil for hydrogena- tion in the manufacture of gasoline and diesel oil. The low-temperature tar oils had high contents of phenolic substanees. Phenols extracted from tar oils were useful in the pro- duction of high-quality diesel oils. &traction processes were developed, and plants were erected in the present confines of East Germany to treat the middle-oil fractions of low-temperature brown- coal tars. Only a few plants, however, were equipped for refining the crude phenols obtained and for, the production of refined phenol and cresols. . The effluents from tar-producing and tar-processing plants, because of their phenolic content, pollute municipal muter supplies. - when dumped into rivers. By the end of the war effluent treatment to remove phenols was highly developed in Germany The effluents, from coal-carbonization plants were also a substantial source of crude phenols for industry. Special processes suitable for use with the liquors from low-temperature carbonization plants had to be developed. Two plants (at Leuna and Boehlen) in which is now East Germany were equipped to recover 'phenols from effluents. Crude benzol production' and refining plants throughout Germany were concentrated mainly in the various coal-producing areas. Of the total etude benzol produced, less than 2 percent was obtained from the distillation of, bard-coal tar, the remainder originating from the Washing of coke-oven and gas-plant gas. In 1943, the Ruhr area con- tributed about 54 percent of the total production of refined benzol and its homologs, while the eastern area (Silesia and Saxony) provided only about 18 percent. The total output amounted to about 690,000 .tons (equivalent to about .206 million US gallonsl, including 140,000 tons from small gas plants.12/ During 1938, in the area which is now East Germany, the production of crude benzol was 17,100 tons. 2/ - 6 - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T The postwar division of Germany into occupation zones isolated East Germany from adequate supplies of coking coal. The hard-coal deposits in the Zwickau-Oelsnitz district are hardly worth mentioning, but they do furnish much of the raw material for two cokeries in that region, August Bebel (formerly Estav) and Karl Marx (formerly Gewerkschaft Morgenstern), both outmoded installations. War damages and dismantling in the August Bebel plant reduced its prewar capacity by about 30 percent. In 1950, funds finally were approved to obtain materials to repair badly damaged coke batteries so that former capacity could be attained and further deterioration of equipment could be arrested. No large expansion is expected at either cokery. Poland is the main source of supply for hard coal to sustain the East German gas economy. The gas-consumption structure in? East Germany explains why many large production areas contain a great number of small plants located close to the individual areas of con- sumption. Before the war, most gas plants were operated as communal enterprises by public authorities, but a number were privately owned -- particularly the plants servicing Leipzig and Dessau. The most essential obstacles to be overcome following the war were war damage and the difficulties in obtaining the necessary hard coal. Before the war, there were 225 gas plants using hard coal in the area of East Germany, but at the beginning of 1946, only 133 plants were in operation. In 1946, all gas plants, excluding those in Berlin, consumed 920,000 tons of hard coal to produce 676,000 tons of gas coke, 25,200 tons of gas tar, and about 2,500 tons of crude benzol. V The coke output represented a reduction of about 60 percent from the 1943 output. pi Production of gas coke in 1947 increased over that of 1946 because there were 182 plants in opera- tion. 2/ In 1952, although there were about 210 gas plants operating on hard coal, only 194 plants were expected to be able to produce gas tar. One source reports that the number of plants Using hard coal is expected to decline by the end of 1955 because smaller enterprises will be consolidated into large production plants and gas combines will be established. 22/ Of the two large hard-coal tar distilleries (at Erkner and Niederau) existing in East Germany befOre the end of the war, only the Erkner plant remains. Niederau was dismantled in 1945. Erkner suf- fered little war damage and, except for naphthalene production, was capable of full-capacity operation, provided sufficient tar was made available. 12/ This plant has a capacity greater than can be 7 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T ? ? ? ? ? ? utilized by the raw materials available within East Germany. The plant is considered one of the key installations in the present economy of the country. Since 1951, capacities for distillation of benzol and production of naphthalene have been enlarged. Further enlargement, except for production of phenol, is territorially impossible, but present capacity- suffices for taking all hard-coal tar from the gas plants in the area. The small tar distilleries at Velten and Doebeln can process some tar, but the intermediates must be shipped to Erkner for final processing, 1g/ The construction of a coking plant was planned for the VEB j(Volkseigene Setrieb -- People's-Owned Enterprise) Eisenhuetten Kombinat Ost (Ironworks Combine East) in Stalinstadt (formerly Fuerstenberg/Oder). The required hard coal was to be obtained from Upper Silesia, but Poland -decided to deliver only coke. Abyproducts installation at this coking plant was to produce 47,000 tons of tax per year by 1955, which was then to be processed in a new tar dis- . tillery.built within the combine.. It was intended- that this distillery would make unnecessary the previously planned construction of a similar distillery at Luetzkendorf. The proposed, but later canceled, tar distillery at Eisenhuetten Kombinat Ost was to have an annual capacity of 100,000 tons, but because 30,000 tons of tar would have to come mainly from gas plants in the Saxony area, the location was.unfavorable. 12/ It is now known that East Germany has abandoned all plans-: for constructing any large plants for processing hard-coal tar. 1V During 1951 a Fischer-Tropsch gas-gynthesis plant at Luetzkendorf was dismantled, probably because operations proved too costly. Up to this time,-Iuetzkendorf had been a small contributor of benzol, a byproduct of the manufacture of synthetic fuels. Some of the plant's equipment may have been sent to a second Fischer- Tropsch installation at Schwarzheide, but there is no information to indicate that this plant produces benzol (or toluol) in quantity. 12/ The processing of effluents from low-temperature carbonitation plants and hydrogenation plants utilizing bran coal, its, tar, or its oils has been developed to a higher degree in the postwar period. Additional plants now have units to recover crude phenols, and future plans include more plants to adopt recovery methods. Only three plants are capable, however, ot producing refined phenol and its homologs, for apparently no new plants have been constructed since the dis- mantling of Niederau. - 8 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T B. Technology. 1. Crude Benzol and Hard-Coal Tar. The carbonization of coal is the destructive heating of the coal in the absence of air, resulting in the formation of a olid (coke) in the' retort and the evolution of a number of volatile products. High-temperature carbonization (HTC) (usually above 9000C) is' used for the production of metallurgical or foundry cokes and for the manufacture of gas in byproduct coke ovens and in gas retorts. The volatile products consist essentially of gas, ammonia, tar, and light oil. From the tar and light oil are produced various aromatic coal chemicals. Up to a few years ago,- the volatile products were . commonly called byproducts. but their importance justifies the term coal chemicals, by which they are now commonly known. The yields and character of the carbonization products depend primarily on the severitylduration,and nature of the heat treatment. The light oil represents only about 1 percent of the volume of the coke-oven gas. Recovery of light oil is generally practiced in coke ovens, but it was not until the demand for toluol became insistent during World Wax I that plants for the recovery of light oil were introduced into municipal gas plants. .The principal constituents of light oil (hereafter called crude benzoll from hard coal are benzol, toluol, and xylol (a mixture of xylene isomers). The boiling points of the crude benzol components rise progressively by temperature intervals and consequently can be separated from each other satisfactorily by fractional distillation. A number of the xylene isomers, for example, boil at temperatures which are so close together that their separation by distillation is impractical. The tar produced in the carbonization of hard coal is composed of compounds which range from the relatively simple ones which make up crude benzol to the highly complex substances' which form the pitches. The composition of tar depends on the tempera- ture of carbonization and, to.a lesser extent,-on the nature of the coal used. High-temperature, hard-coal tars contain significant proportions of aromatic compounds such as naphthalene, phenol-, cresols, and xylenols. Of more than 200 compounds which exist in tar, a relatively few are recovered on a commercial scale. The only large tar distillery remaining in East Germany VEB Teerdestillatim- und ChemisChe Fahrik Erkner (near Berlin) -- - 9 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T ? ? ? ? ? ? has seven tar-distilling stills, mounted vertically directly below cast-iron fractionating columns, each of which has from 20 to 40 trays. The equipment operates on a batch basis. Thus direct fractionation of tar in one cycle produces fractions of tar which are sufficiently close for all subsequent processing. ? It is claimed that this procedure facilitates direct manufacture, with a fairly high degree of purity, of compounds such as naphthalene and ace- naphthene. Figure 1* ii a graphic presentation, based on the 1952 .production plan, of the flow of materials and the resulting end products at the Erkner distillery. 16/ . plring the tar fractionation, a middle oil containing tar acids, naphthalene; and tar bases (pyridine -- for synthesis of vitamins and pharmaceuticals) is recovered. The tar acids are phenolic compounds and include phenol, cresols, and xylenols. After the removal of the tar acids and tar bases (pyridine), crude naphthalene is recovered from the middle oil, usually by a crystal- lization process in boxes, or pans. The Erkner plant had 45 boxes In 1952. 21/ After crystallization is complete, the naphthalene crystals are centrifuged and washed with hot water to remove en- trained oil.- Pressing the crystals in a steel cylinder with a heated (400C) hydraulic press removes the last traces of oil, and most other impurities are carried away as lower melting portions dissolve. Erkner's refined naphthalene produet, "warm-pressed" naphthalene, melts at 78.8 C, contains few impurities, and is satis- factory for most industrial-uses. It is believed that no pure naphthalene is now produced at Erkner. 2. Crude Tar Acids (Crude Phenols). Crude tar acids are the acidic (phenolic) constituents of tar and consist of phenol and its homologs, the cresols And xylenols and higher phenols boiling at 250 to 360?C. The bulk of the tar acids obtained in East Germany originates from brown coal and its tar and oils rather than from hard-coal tar. The great abundance of brown- coal deposits in the area appears to assure ample future supplies of tar acids, provided satisfactory and economical means to recover the acids are.employed. ' The process of carbonizing brown coal at temperatures approximating 500 to 6000C is known as low-temperature carbonization. The most important effect of low-temperature carbonization is a higher yield of tar than is produced in gas plants and coke-oven installa- tions employing a high-temperature carbonization process on hard * Following p. 10. -10- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 CRUDE ACIDS EAST GERMANY PROCESS FLOW CHART FOR RAW HARD-COAL TAR, CRUDE BENZOL, AND CRUDE PHENOLS VEB TEERDESTILLATION-UND CHEMISCHE FABRIK ERKNER INIENOIATE LIQUOR FROM HIRSCHFELIDE FROM ESPEMIAIN TAR MIDDLE OR (MAX. B.P. ?APO FROM ROOFINOTELT PURRS. SMALL TAR PROCESSING PUNTS. AND COURTS RAW HARD COAL TAR FROM GIS MARIS 014111)41.1001 041111324410.1 /0410214 WARR 0.1,0111 SI MHO 151) "'WA" D ' 4023 MKT CIL IMPOOT I14 211 40 MI DICKS DISMUD IN MMUS VW WITH 4040 (IAT( OlUVWS IMO MINIM tang (n 11400 01(00(10 040 01 I I M 40 MUI11)1, 1449q.) -liar, ?1114 c'L Itttl t SS C IvttDL .:M1ULM? 0014nar AOlt 011730114111 .91 Ti [DIM HOUSE CMIALUILII PIM Ott III OSP CRUM NAPHINALINE LOSS (4)00 (000411 IS) 0014 PRESSED I 1 NAPHTHALENE 1.053 IIIISSICI CIL FARM /14.440 (2001.11 III (21.211 17B00 Wan 000 PLANT 1 11114.0101 WITH SAME . 4Si POOH ISOCW 1111 PHENCILA I "Illorrl 7T" r44O WASTE *MIR IlltISTONC COM CRUDE PYRIDINE FROM ESPENHAIN *ASKO OILS CASOIXX 010 CIRCA OISS TRU OF 04101011 ? 1.11004 Nat fwvat ? (00.310 01 4111 MTN M I L........0 ti ............(14 I In n till) till I WI MI.I) MI I 70171711gra I ? aiig fzn,r 1 i. A0011101 I Ws j MOB I I 1 I H.TO 11113CHMCW &I tZTACCC ltPAU LI0101 SATO. DISITUAIION IS BTU 14011 40 PLOTS COWLS Ltall YKUUM PURE PHENC1. LOSS nINSTILLOSE Dna (II WO MOUT DLII MST) LOAM 13275 1-55 OW ill 13 611' 1114`4311 ((004L...... (21 -51) 0011.1)0) 1 Wirt) 141.011?10)...... LOSTS (ABOUT It) OtIS 7) 01 02111111113 IS RETORT WITH so RAM Mums 0)20 7302,11 Alt oern40, 111411124 1.0111110011/ fiSn.011) ? TON 21101C IWW14 I LB ? PITCH BOA 142:0X4101. Of TAPS FROM GAS PUNTS CRUDE DENIM cC4S-LIGHT OIL) FI 14111101 001111410111a STILLS 1120111 PARTIAL Sala 40 MO CO ROT CO4 INNS MOH /(0.0t) MORO WITH PITCH F02 PROCUCTOW 0( 1000 rgtpagIvra i atomUMWPARTIA L VACUUM MY/ 01204 L02 NIPS It MGM U. 11.1111 14/141 4SI 4100114L411 III 211 LOSS (ABOUT 001) Figure 1 50X1 111/14111) W3341441 110TH II)014 (an) ARO SOOA LSO 11.001 W03211) 0111111?14 fa. 03 11211 11102 MUTED TO .04.1.4414t LOSS 0.011001 MIS 934YINT 1101001 (1?1111 1n1T (4?51) lATCH 0111114111) In 111533 141114 LI al) BO PLATE Catlike! KRIM 1104412 COMMERCIAL (NZOL (sot) 1011101. 04. SOLSIMI KNOX MINE HSI BSI OA W.) 10 ism ((II) I 1 1 1 1 ISLAM MULE Matt FOR IMMO MTh PITCH WM 7)0010011 04 42n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 121(14(0 I9 11)) Prepared barn Planes f052 Oproaana/ Pion 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T- coal. The low-temperature tar, compared with hard-coal tar, contains a higher percentage of tar acids but almost no other aromatic chemical compounds. The development ,Of the low-temperature carbonization in- dustry in Germany was the result of the' critical demand for liquid fuels before World War II. Brown coal, and the tar and oils derived therefrom, was the basis for the synthetic fuel industry. Plants erected in the present area of East Germany to produce low-temperature tars and oils were equipped to use the Lurgi-Spuelgas process (employs internally heated ovens) rather that the Krupp-Lurgi process, because locally available feed stock, lignitic brown coal, has a high moisture content (25 to 55 percent). Installations to recover the phenolic byproducts (the tar acids, or crude phenols) were constructed at synthetic fuel plants. The Lurgi firm developed the Metasolvan process, using dilute methyl alcohol as the solvent for extracting the crude phenols from tar oils, to produce good diesel oils. Similar plants were erected toward the, end of the war at Altenburg (Aositz plant) and Zittau (Hirsctfelde plant) to' treat middle oil from brown coal tars, but the war ended ' just as they were to go into production. The maiasolvaa process was limited to ,certain types of oils and specific oil fractions. A much more widely used process for the extraction of crude phenols by the - use of caustic soda has since been developed. Fairly elaborate plants are required to remove phenols from effluent liquors or Waste Waters (Sehwelvasser). of hydrogenation and low-temperature carbonization plants which contaminate local water supplies. The Lurgi firm, with I.G. Farbenindustrie AG, developed the phenosolvan Process that uses technical butyl acetate as the solvent; the solvent is subsequently distilled off, leaving the phenols. Plants at Leuna (near Merseburg) and Boehlen reportedly employ this. same process. Other processes were developed to dephenolize waste liquors, and many were based on the principle of using selective solvents. One of these, the tricresylphosphate process, is now used by a plant at Zeitz which hydrogenates brown-coal tar and its light oil. Most of the processes, however, proved too coetly, particularly when quantities of high-boiling phenols are encountered. A biological dephenolation process whereby residual phenols are destroyed in phenol-thin liquors can be used to minimize stream pollution. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7. S-E-C-R-E-T ? ? ? ? ? ? research work to support the endeavor to raise the phenol production of East Germany has been continuing. More efficient and economical ways are being sought to recover phenolic compounds employing the basic principles of dis- tillation and extractive separation.* Progress to date appears to have been slow in determining and developing the most economic methods for recovering phenols from middle oils and other fractions of low-temperature tars. A continuing phenol shortage in the post- war period has thwarted expansion in some industries which require phenol as a raw material. Further research effort and capital in- vestments are justified, if only to satisfy the needs of the synthetic plastics industry. C. Organization. 1. January 1953. Most chemical plants in East Germany, as of 1 January 1953, were administered by HV Chemie (Hauptverwaltungen Chemie -- Main Administration for Chemistry).. HV Chemie was one of three ad- ministrations controlled by the Staatsekretariat fuer Chemie, Stein, und Erden (State Secretariat for Chemistry, Stones, and Earths). The two other administrations were HV Steine und Erden (Main Ad- ministration for Stones and Earths) and HV Kali und Nichterzbergbau (Main Administration for Potash and Non-Ore Mining). HV Chemie, in turn, had under its jurisdiction various groups or enterPrises, each enterprise consisting of a number of plants. The enterprises were known as VVB's (Verwaltung Volkseigener Betriebe -- Administration of People's-Owned Enterprises). Individual VVB's were composed of plants which, in general, produced similar products. In 1952 there were six centrally administered VVB's: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Paint and lacquers, Elastics, Pharmaceutical Products, and Potadh? and Non-Ores. The names of plant members in each VVB were preceded by the lettere VEB (Volkseigene Betriebe People'so-Owne& Enterprises). . ' On I May 1952 the Soviet government returned 66 Plants to German ownership. UP to this date these plants were Soviet- owned and had been designated as SAG plants (Sowjetische Aktiengesellschaft** -- Soviet Corporation). Included in the list * See Appendix D. ** SAG may also mean Staatliche Aktiengesellschaft -- State Corporation. -12- 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-11;17T of plants returned were twovery important chemical plants, Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld and Farbenfabrik Wolf en. Both plants were formerly awned by I.G. Farbenindustrie AG, but under . Soviet control they were members of SAG Kaustik. .The USSR also re- turned to German ownership some synthetic fuel, liquid fuel and oil; and tar (from brown coal) processing plants located at Goelzau, Rositz, Webau, Koepsen, and MUeckenberg. All these plants were members of SAG Syntheses The USSR, on the other hand, retained own- ership of synthetic fuel plants at Zeitz .and Schwarzheide. Some - chemical plants which the USSR also retained were Chemische Werke Duna, Schkopau near'Merseburg (SAG Kautschuk), Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht" at Leuna and Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz (both of SAG - Mineralduenger), and FiImfabrik (Agfa) Wolfen and Zelluloidwerk. Eilenburg (both of SAG Photoplenka). The centraloffice in East Germany for SAG administration was located at:Berlin-Weisbensee. - Also existing. in 1952 wasthe State. Secretariat for Coal- and Energy. One administration under its jurisdiction was HST Kohle (Main Administration' for Coal). The ..latter administered the enter- prise VVB Kohle; Zwickau; to which belonged the two Zwickau coking plants, August Bebel and Karl Marx. .Most of the East German gaS ' plants were allocated hard coal-by the HV Energie (Main Administra- tion for Power). As- far as can be determined; the small hard-coal tar. distilleries at DoebeInsand Velten were private concerns. . All basic planning for East.Germany,was supervised by Moscow; and, in many instances, even minor decisions -had to be sub- mitted to Moscow for approval. The SAG's were expected to work economically under all circumstances, and that was frequently accomplished at the expense of.the VEB plants. .in general; integrated planning for VEB and SAG' plants was not practiced'. /he East German and Soviet planning offices conferred on planning, bnithe SAG office was the stronger and was inconsiderate and ruthless:. This partly ex- plains difficulties experienced by VEB'S-in their planning and produc- tion; even raw materiald to fulfill their quotas were not always made available to them; for the SAG plants always had priority. 2. January 1954. A nuMber of important'organizational.changes took place in 1953, especially after OctOber-of that-year. ':The secretariats and VVB's were abolidhed; and in their place were established deputy ministers who assumed control of variousscondMic sectors.' A news - 13 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T _ _ _ _ ? _ consolidated Ministry for Heavy Industry was created, with deputy ministers directed by the Minister for Heavy Industry, Fritz Selbmann. Among the deputy ministers are ones for Chemistry, for Coal, and for Power: The Deputy Minister for Chemistry had the following five separate main adminietrations:. Main Administration for Liquid Fuels . (HV Fluessige Brennetoff), Main Administration for Heavy Chemistry (HV Schwerchemie), Main Administration for Organic Chemistry (HV Organisthe Chemie)1 Main Administration Tor Synthetic Products (HV KUnststoff),.and Mein Administration for Potassium and Non-Ore Mining (HV Kali mid Nichterzbergbau). In the-process of the re- organization, plants were also Shifted from one main administration to another, perhaps partly to dissolve groups that would become too powerful because of' the importance of some of the member plants. The Zwickau coking plants are subordinate to the Deputy Minister for Coal. The gas plants are placed under EV Gas, one of the main administrations under the Deputy Minister for Power. ? On 1 January 19514; all of the remaining SAG plans that had not been returned in May 1952 were transferred to the East German:government, and it became necessary to place these returned plants into the structure. Meted below are the five main ad- ministrations Of the Deputy Minister for Chemistry, and udder each administration is given-the-names of some of the member plants. 1?/ .a. Mein Administration for Liquid Fuels (EV Fluessige ? Brennstoffe). YES Kotbinat "Otto Grotewdhl," Beehlen YES Mineraloelwerfluetzkendorf ? YES Teerverarbeitunggwerk Rositz VEBTeerverarbeitungswerk Goelzau YES Teerverarbeitungswerk-Koepsen ? YES Teerverarbeitungswerk Webau . VEB-Teerdestillation- und?Chemische Fabrik Erkner VEMLMIneraloelwerk Herrenleite, near Etta \FEB Mineraloelwerk Klaffenbach YES Mineraloelwerk Mittelbach, YES Bydrierverk Zeitz/Troeglitz* YES Werk Schwarzheide* . YES Kcanbinat Egpenhain* . Prior to 1 January 19514, thisplant was a SAO, or Soviet-owned, corporation. 12/ S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T b. Main Administration for Heavy Chemistry (HV Schwerchemie). YES Elektrochemisches Kambinat Bitterfeld YES Farbenfabrik Wolfen YES Fahlberg-List, Magdeburg YES Chemiewerk Doelau, Greiz/Daelau (formerly Zschimmer and Schwarz plant) YES Elektrochemie Hirschfelde VEB Sprengstoffwerk I, Schoenebeck YES Sprengstoffwerk II at Gnaschwitz YES Pharmaceutische Werk Oranienburg (formerly Byk plant) YES Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht"* VEB Stickstoffwerk Piesteritt* VEB Chemische Werke Enna Schkopau* c. Main Administration for Organic Chemistry (HV Organische Chemie). YES Chemische Fabrik Gruenau, Berlin Gruenau VIE Chemische Fabrik von Heyden Radebeul/Dresden YES Deutsches Hydrierwerk Rodleben, Rodleben/Rosslau YES Fettchemie- und Fewawerk Chemnitz (now Karl Marx Stadt) VEB Schering, Berlin/Adlershof YES Russwerk Oranienburg VEM Schimmel, Miltitz/Leipzig YES Farben- und Lackfabrik Leipzig YES Lack- und Lackkunstharzfabrik Magdeburg YES Lack- und Lackkunstharzfahrik Zwickau YES lack- und Druckfarbenfabrik Coswig YES Lackfabrik Spindlersfeld, Berlin/Spindlersfeld YES Druckfarben- und Lackfabrik Halle * Prior to 1 January 19541 this plant was a SAG, or Soviet-owned, corporation. 272/ -15- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Main Administration for Synthetic Products (HV Kunststoffe). VEB Kunstseidenwerk "Friedrich Engels," Premnitz* VEB Kunstfaserwerk "Wilhelm neck," Schwarza* VEB Kunstharz- und Pressmassefabrik (Plasta) Erlmerifw VEB Kunstharz- und Pressmassefabrik (Plasta) Espenhain** VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa) Wolfen*** VEB Zelluloidwerk Eilenburg*** e. Main Administration for Potassium and Non-Ore Mining (HV Kali und Nichterzbergbau). No plants under this administration are mentioned in this report. Domestic trade in East Germany is the responsibility of various official organizations called trade centers/or DHZ's (Deutsche Handelszentralen)? which are organized along industrial lines. One of these centers is DHZ Kraftstoffe und Mineraloele (sometimes abbreviated as DMZ), which is responsible for internal de- liveries of fuels and mineral oils, including coal tars) benzol (all grades), toluol (all grades), and xylol.**** A second trade center is DHZ Chemie, which is made up of various sections.. One section is con- cerned with coal chemicals such as phenol, cresols, and naphthalene; and another section is concerned with basic chemicals that include pro- ducts and intermediates derived from aromatic chemicals;. In the-field of foreign trade, there is one internationally recognized East German trade company concerned with nearly all imports and exports of chemicals. This Company is known as DIA Chemie plants producing cellulose and artificial silk would be transferred to the Ministry for Light In- dustry. !2/ ** Plants producing Presstoff reportedly would be transferred to the Ministry for Machine Construction. gli *** This plant was also a SAG until 1 January 1954. gg/ ? **** The Soviet-owned Derunapht (Deutsche-Russiscne Naphtha AG) distributes a similar product line. -16- -&-C'R -ErT 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T _ _ - _ _ _ (Deutscher Innen- und Aussenhandel Chemie). DIA Chemie participates in trade agreements and contracts and administers the foreign-trade plan in chemicals. There are, in addition, semiofficial trading companies, such as Chemiepha, which may or may not conduct their operations with the knowledge of DIA Chemie. The Soviet-owned Derutra (Deutsche-Russische Transport AG) operates as a transport company handling international shipments of many product lines, in- 'eluding aromatic chemicals. Many East German tank cars apparently are owned by Derunapht, which thus becomes involved frequently in shipments of aromatic chemicals. II. Production and Supply. ? Most aromatic coal chemicals currently produCed in East Germany are obtained primarily through. high-temperature carbonization of bituminous coal. The principal source of tar acids (phenol, cresols., and xylenols), however, is through low-temperature carbonization of brown coals or through hydrogenation of these coals or their tar and oils. East Germany, in contrast to Nest Germany and most other coun- trieS.which also possess well-developed chemical industries, is reliant mainly upon the gas-retort phase, exemplified by city gas plants, rather than upon coke-oven operations of high-temperature carbonization. There are nearly 200 gas plants operating on hard coal in East Germany and there are only 2 small cokeries. The hard-coal-gas plants play a decisive role in the gas supply for the country, but they are supple- mented by other gas plants using brown coal. In addition to supplying. gas, the hard-coal gas plants have great responsibility for the pro- . duction of coke suitable for foundries, of raw coal tar, and of crude benzol for the chemical industry. Not all .of the hard-coal gas plants in East Germany have facilities to recover both crude benzol and tar. Only about one-quarter of the plants appear capable of recovering crude benzol, but they account for almost 79 percent of the output in the country'. Al]. of the benzol and about 80 percent of the. tar . obtained is shipped to one processing plant; VEB Teerdestillation-, und Chemische Fabrik Erkner at Eiskner near Berlin. The 2 coking plants at Zwickau, Karl Marx and August Bebel, produce about 10 percent of the hard-coal tar and about 20 percent of the crude benzol produced in East Germany; and they process most of their own production. 17 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-71 S-E-C-R-E-T There are approximately nine plants processing brown coal and brown-coal tar and light oils. Together they produce a large quantity of crude phenols, including phenolate liquors. Only three plants, however, are known to be capable of processing crude phenols and to obtain refined phenol and cresols. The largest producer of refined phenol and cresols is 'FEB Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricat" at toterseburg, which produces more than one-half of East Germany's total production. East Germany's production of several aromatic hydrocarbons (benzol, toluol, and naphthalene) is wholly insufficient to meet the country's needs. Import is necessary to make up the differences between produc- tion and demand. It is estimated that in 1952, East Germany contributed its domestic production toward gross supply in the following percentages: less than 30 percent of the refined benzol; less than ho percent of the toluol; about 20 percent of the naphthalene; and 100 percent of the xylol, refined phenol, and cresols. There were apparently no imports of xylol, refined phenol, and cresols, but phenol supplies were partic- ularly short of the desired requirements. Imports of benzol and naphthalene in 1952 came from the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, but some naphthalene was received from Western countries. The USSR was reportedly the only supplier of toluol and of the bulk of the aniline. imports. In addition to the imports of certain basic aromatic chemicals, a variety of chemicals derived from these aromatics were also imported. The USSR supplied the largest share of these other imports. . East 'German exports of some basic aromatic coal chemicals and of various derived intermediates and products amounted to about ho,000 tons in 1952. Pure toluol, xylol, phenol (pure and crude grades), and certain cresol fractions were exported. Xylenol shipments in large quantities were also made, but this commodity has not been seriously considered in this report. Exports of toluol, xylol, and phenol were shipped chiefly to Soviet Bloc countries, and cresols went largely to the Free World. A large toluol export to Hungary was signif- icant because it was undoubtedly intended for use in explosives manu- facture. The derived chemicals and products exported were many. They Included such general-use categories as insecticides and pesticides, synthetic rubber manufacture and rubber chemicals, plasticizers and softeners for plastics and resins manufacture, photographic chemicals, dyestuffs and intermediates, solvents, pharmaceuticals and medicinals, and chemicals for the manufacture Of explosives. Exports of products and derived chemicals favored the Soviet Bloc countries. Commodities sent to the West were generally distinctive in that they were good earners of hard currencies and served as barter goods for obtaining essential raw materials and equipment. -18-- S-E-C,R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No sure evidence was found that prior to 1953 any aromatic coal chemical had been stockpiled in an East German strategic reserve. There were indications that establishment of State Reserves was to be greatly emphasized in 19530 and these chemicals may now be in- cluded. Plant operational stocks were reportedly not to exceed a 75-day supply. A. Domestic Production. 1. Refined Benzol. Virtually all of the crude benzol produced by the gas plants in East Germany (including East Berlin) is shipped by rail to VEB Teerdestillation-- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner, where it is re- fined. Before the end of World War II, the crude benzol from these plants was distributed between the two plants at Erkner and Niederau (near Meissen). In 1945 the Niederau installation was lost to the area through Soviet dismantling. The Erkner plant, however, still had capacity to process more crude benzol than the combined out- put from all existing gas plants.) / During 1951 and 1952) Erkner's crude benzol input was expected to come from gas plants within the various East German political divisions in the following percentages: 1951 2L1/ 1952 ?22/ Mecklenburg 1.1 3.7 Brandenburg 6.9 ' 4.6 Saxony-Anhalt 17.9 25.2 Saxony .38.8 30.5 Thuringia 4.4 5.4 East Berlin 30.9 30.6 Total 100.0 100.0 Provisions were made at Erkner to assure that processing capacity would remain in line with increasing output from the gas plants, as the latter became more efficient and as additional plants utilizing hard coal were restored. in 1951 7 19 - . S-E-C-R-E.-T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Erkner had an annual capacity for processing 11,000 tons of crude bentol, and during that year an investment of 300,000 DME (East German marks) was appropriated to construct a 100,000-liter benzol- distillation still in order to raise capacity to about 20,000 tons per year. 26/ A later report (mid-1952) revealed that such a still was installed. 2// During 1952, Erkner encountered operational difficulties, principally because the flow of crude benzol stocks from the gas -plants was too often irregular. The blame for the disruptions in flow was placed on the railroads for failing to provide sufficient numbers of tank cars at the proper times. The benzol rectification plant also suffered a large reduction in output because of the loss, for nearly a month, of one large still which had to be dismantled and cleaned. 2?/ Erkner was reported to have received 14,545 tons of crude benzol for processing in 1952. The scheduled 1953 input of crude benzol was 15,500 tons. The reported 1953 plan yield of refined benzol from crude benzol was 48.07 percent, and an additional yield of 0.24 percent was expected from the raw bard-coal tar to be processed. 22/ Actual yields obtained in 1952 were the same as those of the 1953 Plan. 3.2/- The processing of crude benzol at Erkner produces both pure benzol and a refined industrial benzol called "90er Handels- benzol."* Other products recovered include toluol, xylol, solvent and heavy benzols. The two cokeries at Zwickau, .Karl Marx and August 'Babel, are believed to process most of their own crude benzol production. There is the possibility that other plants may produce a little refined benzol -- for example, the two small tar distilleries, VEB ? Chemische Fabrik Doebeln (formerly Oswald Greiner plant) and VEB Chemische Fabrik Velten (formerly Schieweck and Company plant), and Perhaps the large gas plant at Magdeburg. There is no available information, howeverito substantiate this conjecture; and output, if * 90er benzol is the distillate recovered at 100?C and consists of 90 percent pure benzol. Pure benzol for industrial use, such as for nitration purposes, is the distillate recovered within a maximum tolerance of 0.80C above or below 80.1?C. -20- S-EC7R-E-T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T any, is not believed to be substantial. Total estimated East German production of refined benzoll as well as estimates of plant outputs, for the year's 1949 through 1955 is-presented in Table 1.. Table.1 Estimated Production of Refined Benzol in East .by Producing Plants 1949-55 Germany Metric Tons Production Year Total 1949 6,690 1950 8,520 8,300 ?2/ 1951 10,150 2/ 91400 c/ 1.S/ 1952 101300 // 11,200 2/ 1E/ 1953 10,810 12,1400 2/ 1954 11,200 13,500.c/ 22/ 1955 11,700 15,100 VEB tuad Teerdestillation- Chemische Fabrik .Erkner 41100 2/ 21/ c 8 5,704 ]2/ 3 / 5,900 7,172 6,890 c 7,247 7,335 c 7,712 7,591 2/ 22/ 7,654 c 8,000 7,682 c/ 2/ 81400 7,682 2/ 22/ Karl Marx and August Betel Cokeries !/ 2,569 32/ 2,073 i] 2,800 44/ 2,400 2/ 12/ 2,950 2,430 2/ Lig 3,000 3,050 3,100 3,200 Other b/ 31 16 28 53 50 100 100 a. Estimates for the years 1950-55 are based upon probable percent- age yields of refined benzol applied to the estimated coke produc- tion by the cokeries. Yield factori range from 1.10 to 1.19 percent of the coke. See Appendix C, Table 32, p. 169, below. b. Figures Shown represent the difference between the sum of the Erkner plant and cokeries estimate and the East German estimate. c. Plan-figure. d. Estimate based on reported actual output for 11 months of 1950 (2,551 MT). 36/ e. Estimate-Eased on first half year output (51540 MT) and first 9 months' output (71798 MT).120/ f. Estimate based on output for first quarter of 1952 (2,586 MT).112/ g. Revised 1953 production plan effective 1 August 1953. -21 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T The Erkner plant supplies some of its benzol product, perhaps over 15 percent, to 2 large East German chemical plants, VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen and VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat (ECK) Bitterfeld. In addition, Erkner probably furnishes a third, still.larger, plant, VEB Chemische Werke Buna at Schkopau, an even greater consumer of benzol, but no details are available.. The benzol demands of the Schkopau, Wolfen? and Bitterfeld plants are largely filled through import from Soviet Bloc cOuntries -- the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Erkner's contribution probably -amounts to only about 10 percent of the combined requirement of Wolfen and Bitterfeld. 56/ The cokeries at Zwickau have also supplied Wolfen and Bitterfeld. Perhaps over 25 percent of the cokeries' output goes to the 2 plants, but the amount represents less than 10 percent of their demand. It is presumed that in 1953 the' Wolfen and Bitterfeld plants received from East Germany no more than one-fifth of their combined benzol need. 2. Toluol. The large tar distillery, VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik at Erkner and the two Zwickau. cokeries, August Bebel and Karl Marx, recover toluol in the processing of crude benzol produced in East Germany. A Fischer-Ttopsch unit at VEB Mineraloelwerk Luetzkendorf appears to have been a source for toluol synthesized from he 2// but the unit was dismantled it the spring of 1951. 8 One report has stated that a second Fischer-Ttopsch unit, located at VEB Werk Schwarzheide? also pro- - duces synthetic toluol, but there is no confirmation of this state- ment. 22/ Some toluol is produced as a byproduct in the manufacture of monostyrene. The sole East German producer of styrene, which is used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber, is SAG Chelische Werke Buna, Schkopau. The toluol yield is reported to have been as high as 6 petcent of the plant's total styrene output.* ?0/ The production of toluol as a byproduct at Schkopau is an important source for toluol-short East Germany. The sane may be said of the toluol obtained in refining and purifying imported ? crude benzol. It is reported that at least three large chemical plants, VEB ChemiSche Werke Buna at Schkopau, VEB Elektrochemisches KoMbinat Bitterfeld, and VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen, have facilities * US yields are reported to be about 3 pounds of toluol per loa pounds of styrene.. . -22- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2913/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T to purify imported crude benzol. The three plants must have pure, or nearly pure, hydrocarbons as raw materials to manufacture other chemi- cals and end products of good quality. AVailable information on these plants is insufficiently detailed, and it is not possible to deter- mine what quantities of toluol are produced by them. Variously re- ported shipments to these three plants have included both "pure" and crude benzol grades, but what toluol amount was subsequently obtained from these shipments is unknown. It is possible that the total amount of toluol realized from imported crude benzol represents an appreciable addition to the over-all toluol availability; the addi- tion could have been as much as 1,000 to 2,000 tons during 1953. Erkner was able to produce only 96.9 percent of its 1952 toluol production plan. Plan underfulfilIthent was explained by one source as follows: difficulties were experienced because of the same transportation problems that affected refined benzol produc- tion and partly because- of an increase in output of half-finished washed toluol and a shift to salient benzoll'which resulted in ? considerable overfuifillment of the latter product. Li The 1953 planned yield factor for toluol from crude benzol was reported. as 13.95 percent (1952 actual yield was 14.21 percent), gj and from crude hard-coal tar an additional tolubl yield of 0.13 percent was expected. 6_1/ Table 2* gives estimates of toluol production in East Germany for the years 1949 through 1955. Also given are output estimates for individual producing plants. The.Schkopau synthetic rubber plant can suPply its awn requirements for toluol, and its need is probably not significant'. , The Bitterfeld plant is reported to have received shipments during late 1951 and early .1952 from the Zwickau cokeries, from the Schkapau plant', and from the USSR. gi/ The latest information (1950) on the . dye factory at Wolfen indicated that the plant received toluol from the Zwickau coketies, from the Erkner and Schkapau plants, and from the USSR (via Schoenebeck, East Germany). ?2/ 3. xylol. ,xylol is known tole produced only by the large tar distillation plant, VEB Teerdestillation- mid Chemische Fabrik Table 2 follows on p. 24. - 23 a S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 2 Estimated Production of Toluol in East Germany by Producing Plants 1949-55 Metric Tons Year . Production Total ai VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner Karl Marx and August Bebe], Cokeries 12/ VEB Chemischc Werke Buna S/ 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1,800 2,500 3,1091 2,025 3,460 2,936 3,9oo 4,000 41300 - 1/ iy./ 1/ /8/ . 1,200 900J$/ 1,622 _2 1,310 A7 70 240 267 2/.88/ 320 250 iii III 350 291 di 1Y 370 - 38o . 380 390 . 360 535 800 900 10000 1,100 1,200 21 ' 1,935 2 11700 d 12/ 2,188 Li IL/ 2,259 1/ 2,495 5/ I 2,272 di h fil/ 2,.286 .20550 , 2,287 1/ 81/ 20700 2,287 di ?12/ a. Annual planned production for years, 1951 and 1952 Aces not include Schkopau's output. Estimated totals are the sums of individual plant , outputs. The figures are rounded. . b. Estimates for 1950-55 :Jere derived from probable percentage yields of toluol to the estimated coke production by the cokeries. Yield factors range from 0.125 to 0.143 percent'of the coke. See Appendix CI Table 32, p. 165, below, for estimated coke production by the cokeries in corresponding years. . c. Estimates made for byproduct toluol output at Schkopau were based on a probable yield of 4 to 6 percent of the styrene output, with figures rounded off. d. Plan figure. e. Estimate based on actual reported output during 9 months of 1951 (603 MT). /2/ - 24.- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-EC-R-E-T Table 2 Estimated Production of Toluol in East Germany, . by Producing Plants 1949-55' (Continued) ? f: Includes 1,353 tons of purified toluol and 835 tons of pure teluol. g. Includes 1,506 tons of purified toluol and 989 tons of pure toluol. h. Includes 1,522 tons of purified toluol and 750 tons of pure toluol. i. Revised 1953 production plan effective 1 August 1953 (1,321 tons of purified toluol and 965 tons of pure toluol). Erkner, and the two small cokeries? August.pebel and Karl Marx at Zwickau. A "xylol substitute .(for solvent and diluent purposes) has been reported to be made at the Fischer-Tropsch gas-synthetis unit installed at VEB Werk Schwarzheide. ?2/ ? The chemical plants, VEB Elektrochemisches Kothinat, Bitterfeld, SAG Chemische Werke Mina Schkopau, and Farbehfabrik Wolfen? are probably able to separate the xylol-solvent naphtha, mixture from crude benzol in the process of rectifying the latter to produce refined or pure benzol and refined toluol. This id actually done at Schkopaul where it appears that no further refining is done -beyond the fraction called xylol-solvent naphtha. Schkopau was re- ported to have produced 28 tons of the fraction during 1950, and the 1951 plan called for 30 tons. ?.6./ This plant supplied over one-half of its .1950 output to the Wolfen dye plant. -?1/ Wolfen, in addition, regularly receives small quantities of xyleal from the Erkner plant. t12/ The Erkner plant is the main xylol producer in East Germany This plant failed to fulfill its 1952 production plan by 13.1 percent. The basic reason given for underfulfillment was a steady increase in solvent benzol output in lieu of xylol, apparently caused by a change in the composition of the raw materials (crude benzol and tar). This fact was explained, in turn, by an apparent change in the quality of imported Polish hard coal received by East Germany, a change which was expected to continue indefinitely. Erkner attempted to have its plan target reduced, but the controlling Berlin office refused, complaining that the requirements of lacquer factories would have to be converted from xylol to Solvent benzol. ?.2/ The 1953 - 25 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -scheduled yield factor for xylol from crude benzol was set at 5.20 percent (1952 actual yield was 5.05 percent), 22/ and the yield from crude hard-coal tar was set at 0.05 percent. 21/ Refined xylol (or industrial xylol) of coal origin is a mixture of hydrocarbons, including three xylene isomers. The normal-proportions of the xylene-isomers present in refined xylol derived from coal, as opposed to petroleum hydroforming sources, are about 15 percent ortho, 15 percent pare, and 70 percent meta. Grades of xylol depend upon the sharpness of fractionation and are described partly by a specific boiling point range of the product. The separation of individual isomers from one another must be accomplished by methods other than usual straight frac- tionation because their boiling points are nearly identiCal (meta-xylene, 139.3?C; pari-xylene, 139.4?C; ortho-xylene, 144?C). A similarity in chemical structure and in physical properties creates formidable purification problems. East Germany. is not currently able to separate the isomers on a commercial scale. The Erkner plant has achieved a fraction cut boiling between 137.5?C and 140?C with its distil- lation column, which has 80 trays and an efficiency of about 50 theoretical trays'. This fraction, amounting to only It tons, was made in 1952 on special order by NEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen for the purpose of obtaining a cut high in meta-xylene content (4o percent) in order to prepare a color film component. The usual xylol fraction supplied to consumers by Erkner boils between 135?C and 1450C. 2g/ Prior to 1952 there appears to have been little demand in Eaat Germany for individual xylene isomers. Supplies were obtainable from West Germany whenever a requirement arose -- for example, Wolfen could make dyes with meta-xylene obtained from Leverkusen. Wolfen reportedly imported 28 tons Of this isomer during 1950. 22/ A later report (early 1952) indicated Wolfen was still importing- from Leverkusen. 211/ Table 3* gives estimates of xylol production for East Germany during the years 1949 through 1955. Outputs of individual loaogn producing plants are also given. * Table 3 follows on p. 27. - 26 - S-E-C-R-E-T _ _ ? _ _ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 3 Estimated Production of Xylol in East Germany by Producing Plants 1949-55 Matrid-.Tons :Production Year Total a/ VEB Teerdestillation- Karl Marx and und Chemische Fabrik August Bebe1 Erkner Cokeries IV 1949 460 400 38o s/ 1950 660 604 8 1951 840 E 3.o 0.1 696 2/ 12E/ 1952 850 781 105 1,048 s/ 12W 899 1953 900 827 , - 848 c 781j/-? d no/ 1954 1,000 915 854 Si la/ 1955 1,150 1,050 854 s/ 1.11/ ' 58 5/ 48 c 59 5o si ici2/ 66 51.5 E/ 1211/ 71 '80 85 86 a. Estimated annual totals are the suns of individual plant outputs. The figures are rounded. b. Estimates for 1950-55 were derived from probable percentage yields of xylol to the estimated coke production by the cokeries. Yield factors range from 0.023 to 0.032 percent of the coke output.: See Appendix C, Table 32, p. 169, below, for coke output. estimates for cor- responding years. ? c. Plan figure. d. Revised 1953 production plan effective 1 August 1953. - 27 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T ? ? 4. Naphthalene. The 1945 dismantling of the Niederau tar distillery of the former Ruetgerswerke AG of Berlin reduced the East GermaL capacity for naphthalene production by about one-third. Moreover, another Reutgers installation, VTB Teerdestillation-_ und Chemlsche Fabrik Erkner, sustained war damage in the plant's naphthalene cooling and warm- press departments. For several years after the war, these conditions affecting naphthalene supply were not drastically serious, for the raw material (hard-c6a1 tar) output in East Germany was limited, and industrial recovery in general was retarded through dismantlings and widespread disorganization and confusion. By 1949, however, the economy, was recovering enough-to impose increasingly greater demands upon the East German chemical industry for basic chemical raw materials. Where plant capacities were inadequate to produce whatever chemicals Were heeded and in amounts'sufficient to fill requirements, numerous critical situations developed. Importations of chemicals in short supply were necessary to offset East German deficiencies. One good example was the naphthalene supply; capacity to produce the product fell behind growing demands, necessitating a steady.increase in naphthalene imports. The demands made'up6n the Erkner plant tO produce naph- thalene became greater with each year, for this ,plant was the prin- cipal supplier of naphthalene and it processed the bulk of the hard- coal tar produced in East Germany. Annual quotas of naphthalene production for Erkner increased rapidly, but they were unrealistic. In Erkner's 1950 investment plan, provision was made to construct a badly needed naphthalene warm-press unit. A warm-press unit employs the cheapest and most effective method for the purification.of naph- thalene and will yield a product suitable for further processing to the pure grade, if that is required. It was also considered essential to construct a new naphthalene washing unit and a distillation Unit: In addition, it was anticipated that when a warm-press Unit was installed the plant could release and utilize a. centrifuge to increase production of acenaphthenel fluorenel anthracene, and possibly other technically pure hydrocarbons. Up to this point, the operation of the 'centrifuge had allowed only limited outputs of these hydrocarbons. the Erkner plant had 50X1 placed an order for a naphthalene press with a West German firm by the name of Harburger Eisen- und Bronzewerk AG, Hamburrzharlun. 50X1 - 28 - SA?C;K:E4T. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T It has been mentioned before that Erkner processes high- temperature hard-coal tar produced by numerous gas plants in East Germany and tar received by import from West European and Soviet Bloc countries. ? Erkner, in addition, receives from various tar paper, roofing board, and roofing felt manufacturing plants -- for example, the Riedel Roofing Felt Factory (Hans Burchard) in Rostock -- a supply of middle-oil fraction (distilling off up to 240?C) which is obtained from primary distillation of hard-coal tar. There have been no recent reports indicating? that Erkner is now producing a pure naphthalene product having a softening point (SP) of 79.5?O to 80.ot. During 1950, two naphthalene grades were produced: a very crude product of SP 70qC, but satisfactory for manufacturing carbon black (for buna synthetic rubber) and the hydrogenated naphthalenes, tetralin and decalin (both solvents); and a centrifuge grade of SP 78?C to 78.5?O, which was suitable for phthalic anhydride manufacture. By 1952 the warm-pressed material, SP 78.8?C, was the principal naphthalene product. This grade was satisfactory for most industrial purposes. At Erkner the 1952 yields of warm-pressed naphthalene from the crude tar and middle oil fraction were 4.43 percent and 8.1 percent, respectively. The percentage yield of naphthalene planned for 1953 was 4.37 percent of the coal-tar twit" and only 3.50 percent of the middle oil fraction. 115/ The Zwickau cokeries, Karl Marx and August Bebel, are - also produCers of naphthalene, but their combined output is probably less than one-fourth as great as Erkner's production. No specific information defining the quality of their product is available, but probably all of it is a crude grade of about SP 70?C: In 1949 the cokeries-obteined a combined naphthalene yield of 0.429 percent of the coke output (0.60 percent at the Karl Marx plant), or 9.74 percent of the tar production (16.39 percent at Karl Marx). lla/ Under better operating conditions, the efficiency may improve, particularly at. the August Hebei plant. Two small high-tetperature hard-coal tar distillation plants of privateownership are known to be crude naphthalene pro-? ducers; but their combined output is considered to be very small. These tar distilleries are'Chemische Fabrik Doebeln (formerly Oswald . Greiner) and Chemische Fabrik Velten (formerly.Schieweck and Company) - 29 - S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T in Velten. A possible third small producer is the Riedel tar roofing- :board plant at Rostock. Current naphthalene production rates or capacities at these three plants are unknown. There is no available information relating to the pattern of disposition of naphthalene from individual producers to specific con- suming plants. It is presumed that naphthalene is distributed among several large consuming plants, such. as VEB Chemische Werke.Buna Schkopau, VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen, VEB Deutsches Hydriewerk Rodleben, VEB Russwerk Oranienburg, and TSB (Treubandbetrieb) Werk Westeregeln, formerly Deutsche Solvay Werke Westeregeln. Further details regarding the consumption and uses of naphthalene are to be found in III, below, and in Appendix A. Naphthelene (all grades combined) production estimates for East Germany for the years 1949-55. are given in Table 4. Output estimates for individual plants are also given. Table 4 Estimated Prodtction of Naphthalene ,in East Germany, by Producing Plants - 1949-55 Metric Tons Production Year ? VEB Teerdestillation- :und Chemische Total 2/* Fabrik Erkner Karl Marx and August Bebel Cokeries Other 1949 1950 1951 2,406 1,300 - 2,082 si lly 3,600 2,747 4/ 122/ 1,033 : .17 100 85 70 2/ 122/ 51/ 760 c 112/ 1,000 1,000 2/ lag 815 e 940 a/ 1g2/ 4,222 4/ 2/ lgy 91/2,2oo 3,358 2/ 124 moo 2/ 122/ 4,000 3,122 J126/ 4,o4o 2/ 2.2i/ 3l0o0 2/ / * Footnotes for Table 4 follow on p. 31. ? -30-. -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 4 Estimated Production of Naphthalene in East Germany, by Producing Plants 1949-55 . (Continued) Metric Tons Production Year Total 12/ VEB Teel-destination- und Chemische Pabrik Erkner Karl Marx and August Bebel Cokeries Other bi 1952 1953 1954 1955 4170o :5,500 5,800 6,200 3,757)1/ 900 1,000 :1,100 1,200 50 100 100 loo 3,100 c 22/ 4,375 liai 3,800 2/ 134/ 4,162 0/ 13-122/ 4,600 4,293 2/ I.16/ 4,9oo 4,293 2/ 12// a. Estimated annual totals are the sums of individual plant outputs. The figures are rounded. b. Other plants are presumed to include two small tar distilleries at Dcebeln and Veiten and a tar roofing-board plant at Riedel. These plants have been reported as privately 3wned works. c. Plan figure. ? d. Including 971 tons of crude naphthalene produced and sold. e. Reported amount but apparently includes crude naphthalene. The factor used to convert crude naphthalene to the refined grade is 1.26 to 1.0. . f. Including 908 tons of crude naphthalene produced and sold. - 31 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Table 4 Estimated Produttion of Naphthalene in East Geimany, by Producing Plants 1949-55 (C ontinued) . g. Estimates for the cokeries for years 1951 through 1955 were de- rived from probable percentage yields of naphthalene to the estimated coke production by the cokeries. Yields range from 0.311 to 0.450 percent of the cake output. See Appendix CI Table 322 p. 189, be- low for coke output estimates for dorresponding years. h. Revised .1953 production plan effeative 1 August 1953. 5. Refined Phenol. By the end of World War II, there were in all Germany only a few tar-processing plants equipped to process crude phenols and obtain refined (including pure 'grade) phenol, the cresols, and the xylenols. These plants received their feed stocks of crude tar , acids from various kinds of produting plants in the form of tar oils, crude Phenol oils, and phenolate liquors. Today, East Germany is believed to have only three plants capable Of producing refined phenol, the cresols, and the xylenols on a commercial scale. The three plants are SAG Leunawerke.'"Walier Ulbricht" at Leuna near Mersebdrg; VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner at : Erkner near Berlin; and VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen at Waren. Before being dismantled by the USSR in 1945, a tar distillery at Niederau (near Meissen) also produced pure' pnenol? about 2,500 tons a year. In addition, the Niederau plant was known as a producer of Synthetic phenol made from benzol by a chlorination process. Synthetic phenol? capacity was reported to have been 6,000 tons a year. 1 No synthetic phenol is now produced it Eagt Germany. The . synthesis of phenol from benzol is not considered practical, for 'benzol 1 is even less available then phenol. West Germany, on' the other hand, produced 10,100 tons of phenol in 1951, 38 percent of it synthetic.* * Natural phenol output in the US is between 11,000 and 14,000 tons per year, but this represents only about 6 percent of the total phenol produced; the remainder is made synthetically:. - 32 - S-E -C -R -E-T ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T At the present time the Leuna plant is considered the . largest producer of .refined phenol in East Germany. Leuna's phenol distillation unit is an up-to-date, automatically controlled unit capable of processing 24,000 tons of crude phenol stock per year. 1122/ Information has been scanty on Leuna's phenol production since the end of ,the war. Actual output. in 1946 was reported as 728 tons, and the 1948 goal was stated as 2,400 tons. 41.1/ The estimates of phenol production for 1950 and subsequent years see Table 5*) had to be based partially an data relating to actual and planned outputs of 'cresols and xylenols 'at Leuna. the 50X1 1953 production quota for refined phenol was 6,300 tons** and that Leuna will use 5,250 tons for itself and sell the remainder. 143/ The plant is'believed to process same of its own crude phenols stock, but mostly that which is supplied by VEB Kombinat Eppehhain. The second most important plant, for Producing refined phenol, is the Erkner .tar distillery, a former member of Ruetgersmerke AG, Berlin. This plantwas reported to have had, in 1951, a capacity for distilling 10,000 tons of crude phenols ami-for processing an additional 10,000 tons of phenolate liquor annually. 144/ Crude phenol oils produced by plants at Espenhain and Zeitz and phenolate liquors from Hirschfelde and Klaffenbach plants are forwarded to ' Erkner for refining. In 1947, stock for processing was received from Leuna) but currently Erkner is adequately supplied by other plants. Various plants, including the Karl Marx and August Hebei -Zwickau and tar roofing=paper and board-manufacturing plants, which prodese raw bard-coal tar, ship to Erkner their recovered medium fractions 'or middle oils (boiling up to 240cC) containing tar acids. Many'gas plants also send to Erkner raw bard-coal tar, which is an additional source of tar acids. In 1952, Erkner's total crude tar acids input was 9,052 tons, and 9,645 tons were anticipated for 1953. Raw hard-coal tar output in 1952 was reported' to have been 86,591 tons, and the 1953 schedule called for 87,500 tons.. The 1952 output norms and expected 1953 norms (in percent) from crude-tar acids, middle oil, and raw hard-coal tar were las follows * P. 36 below. ** In 1944, Leuna produced only 14,192. tons of refined phenol. - 33 - S-E-C-R-E-T ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20131O9114: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T Percent Crude-Tar Acids Middle Oil Raw Hard- Coal Tar Espenhain Hirschfelde 1952 1953 1952 1953 1952 1953 1952 1953 Phenol 30.75 24.55 19.44 4.00 6.0 6.0 0.85 0.87 Cresols 34.65 25.50 24.97 4.06 8.9 8.9 1.84 1.77 Xylenols 14.19 14.99 8.79 13.50 1.6 1.6 0.17 0.33 Phenol-cresols mixture 24.65 56.49 Phenol pitch 12.79 16.24 14.68 14.18 2.2 2.2 0.23 0.25 Water and loss 7.62 18.72 7.47 7.77 1.3 1.3 Others 59.3 59.3 -96.91 96.78 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0 100.0 100.00 100.00 The equipment installed at Erkner in 1952 for distilling crude tar, acids included 5 batch stills with a combined capacity of 176 cubic meters. Four of the stills had 80-tray columns and 1 still had a 40-tray column. Further distillation results in pure phenol with a yield of' about 87 per- cent. For this operation there was 1 still of 23-cubic-meter capacity (40-tray column) which operated under vacuum on a batch basis. Some of the reported salable products obtained from crude tar acids processed at Erkner are 146/: Product Specifications and Description of Product Pure phenol, DAB 6* Cresol DAB 4* Cresol, DAB 4, B 1 Orthocresol, pure Xylenol fraction * DAB Solidifying point, 39 to 41?C; boiling range, 178 to . . 18290; white; 0.5 percent water. Boiling range, 193 to 2129C; red-brown to brown; 0.5 percent water. Boiling range, 196 to 207 C; red to brown; 34 to 36 percent meta-isdmer content; 0.5 percent water. Solidifying point, 29 to 319C; pink to brownish, 0.5 percent water. Boiling range, 205 to 225?C; red-brown to dark; up to 1 percent water. (Deutsche Arzneibuch) is the German pharmacopoeia. - 34 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T . Phenol production data and estimates for Erkner are shown in Table 5.* There is no exact disttibution pattern available for Erkner's phenol production) but a considerable portion is supplied to Various synthetic plastics and resins manufacturing plants, including 'VEB Kunstharz- und Pressmassefabrik Erkner, VEB Kunstharz- und 'Pressmassefabrik Espenhain, VEB Lack- und Lackkunstharzfabrik iSchoenebeck-Elbe, and VEB Lack- und LackkunstharzfabrikiZwickau. .Phenol is shipped also to VEB Deutsches Hydrierwerk Rodleben, VEB Fettchemie- und Fewawerk.Chemnitz (now Karl Marx Stadt), VEB Pharmaceutischewerk Oranienburg) and VEB Elektrochemie Ammendorf. The third, and only other) known producer of refined phenol is VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. Very little is known of this plant's capacity. The plant was reported to have processed 2,078 tons of crude phenol in 1943.112.7" At that time crude phenol oil from .Leuna was the starting material)and installed at Wolfen were three batch-distilling units. Later information (1950) indicated that Wolfen ? received some pure phenol directly from Leuna and that crude tar acids stock was furnished by the Espenhain and Rositz plants. During 1950) Wolfen received nearly 3,800 tons of crude acids, of which Espenhain supplied about 90 percent. Receipts during the first quarter of 1951 indicate that Wolfen may have received between 14,500 and.5)000 tons of crude tar acids in 1951.112Y Refined phenol output in 1950 was 1,281 tons.1122/ Of this amount, about one-half was shipped out of the plant; VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld received 250 tons, and 310 tons were exported (200 tons to West Germany and 110 tons to Czechoslovakia and Hungary). 152/ The Wolfen plant annually consumes increasing quantities of phenol to manufacture various end products) including synthetic organic tanning agents and ion-exchange resins. East German phenol, consumption and uses are discussed in detail In III) below) and in Appendix A. Table 5 gives output data and estimates for individual phenol-producing plants and over-all East German estimates for refined phenol produCtion from 1949 through 1955. * Table 5 folloies on p. 36. -35- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 5 Estimated Production of Refined Phenol in East Germany, by Producing Plants _1,949755 Metric 53/113 2/ Year Total . 1949 4,300 1950 5,200 1951 ? 7,900 8,000 12/ 12g 1952 -9,250 9,600 c/ ly 9,000 72/ 1./ 1953 10,300 y 1o3/ 13,000 sI Ig/ 1954 11,800 14,300 2/ 1612/ 1955 13,600 15,3oo.y 21,000 Lgi Production Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht" VEB Teerdestillation und Chemische Fabrik Erkner 2,400 ' Boo 756 y 151/ 2,580 1,342 1527-- 1,30017-154 4,5oo 2,133 155. 20000 Firla/ 5,000 2,834 1.521--- 2,380 6,900 1,738 0/ 1,700 6,300 hi 166/ 2,344 'Li 1,687 .s/ 1.22/ 7,500 2,500. 1,800 7,125 12/ la2./ 2,760 If 170/ 8,500 . 3,200 1,900 2,760 12/ 122/ . . ' VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen 1,100 1,281 153/ 1,300 1,300 12/ I.2W 1,620 41. Estimated annual totals are the sums of individual plant outputs. ? The figures are rounded. b. Plan figures. c. Preliminary plan given in the first draft of the East German Five Year Plan (1951-55). d. Reported total East German production for first 6 months was 5,066 tons. e. Revised 1953 production plan effective 1 August 1953. -36- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T 6. Cresols. The producing plants for cresolt in East Germany are the same installations that produce refilled and pure phenolt VEB Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht", at Leuna; VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner; and VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. A fourth plant formerly existed at Niederau, which reportedly produced about 4,000 tons per year of cresols, but the installation was dismantled by the USSR in 1945. Eli All three currently operating plants are known to separate the ortho- ?cresol isomer from the cresols mixture. Wolfen, apparently,is capable of separating the three isomers (ortho, meta, and pare) from one another, and Erkner also may be equipped for this purpose but does not male separations on a commercial scale. Little is known of Leuna's capabilities, but if it, too, can Separate the isomers, it is probably done to a very limited extent. Anticipated 1953 output norms for Cresols from crude tar acids and hard-coal tar are known only for the Erkner plant. They are 38.2 percent and 1.77 percent, respectively. 175/ Various cresol :gradel and salable products have been reporterto be produced, and sold by one or more of the three producing pleats and are given below: Cresol Product Pure cresol DAB 6 Cresol DAB 4 Ortho-cresol Meta-cresol Para-cresol Prucing Plant Leuna and Wolfen Erkner, And Wolfen Erkner and Wolfen ? Wolfen Wolfen -No specific distribution,patternd Are available for each cresol-producing plant. There Is, however, sometragmentary infor. mation. The Leuna plant was scheduled to produce 1,300 tons of cresol -DAB 4 during 1953, 176/ and all was to be consigned to VEB Elektro- chemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld. 177/ In 1952 the Erkner tar distillery was reported to have supplied, cresol to VEB Kunstharz- und Pressmasse- fabrik Erkner-Berlin and VEB it'ettchemie- und Fewawerk Chemnitz (now Karl Marx Stadt) to have supplied ortho-cresol to VEB Deutsche& Hydrierwerk Rodleben, Rodleben/Rosslau, and VEB Schimmel, Miltitz near Leipzig. 176 During 1950 the Wolfen plant sold its cresol products As follows 17 -37- S-E-C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Product S -E-C -R -E -T _ _ _ _ _ _ Amount Destination (Metric Tons) Nit cresol DAB 6 Hamburg, West Germany 30 VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld 18 Cresol DAB 4 VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld 1160 Ltdwigshafen, West Germany 66 Ortho-cresol VEB Deutsches Hydrierwerk Rodleben 59 USSR 20_ :Meta- and 'para.- SAG Filmfabrik (Agfa) Wolfen Negligible cresols Reported and estimated cresol consumption and uses in East Germany for 1952 are discussed in detail in III, below, and in Appendix A. Estimates for cresols production in East Germany, and individual estimates for the producing plants, are given in Table 6.* It should be stated that information available on adtual or planned cresols production has been too meager to assist more than super- ficially in the preparation of estimates given in Table 6. 7. Aniline. A search of all available information revealed no evidence that aniline is currently produced in East Germany. The aniline re- quirements of the country must be satisfied entirely through imports,. largely originating from the USSR, with occasional shipments from ' Poland and West Germany. * Table 6 follows on p. 35. . S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 6 Estimated Production of Cresols in East Germany, by Producing Plants 1949-55 Metric Tons Year Total Pg. Production Leunaverke "Walter Ulbricht" VEB Teerdestillaticm- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 5,500 6,400 .10,100 12,700 15,800 17,900 20,000 3,400 3,516 5,600 5,800 7,000 9,200 4,300 10,600 12,000 180/ 1,200 1,114 b/ 179a/ 950 1,030 1,400 1,400 1,900 2,300 2,800 3,000 11/ 1.1.3?/ 1,813 181/ 1,600 ?7-182 1/ 1?1/ a/2..D_/ 3,128 183 2,95Gb 31785 c/ 1 7/ 3,350 IV 10.../ 4,267 4/ 169/ 4,146 4,011 ij 12/ 4,500 5,346 II/ 122/ 5l000 5,846 kl/ 1211/ a. Estimated annual totals are the sums of individual plant output. The figures are rounded. b. Plan figure. c. Including 3,379 tons cresol DAB 4 and 4o6 tons ortho-cresol. d. Including 2,424 ions cresol DAB 4, 582 tons ortho-cresol, and 1,261 tons phenol-cresol mixture. e. Plan figure includes 1,300 tons cresol DAB 4 and 3,000 tons cresol, DAB 6. f. Plan figure includes 2,853 tons cresol DAB 4, 389 tons ortho-cresoll and 904 tons phenol-cresol mixture. g. Revised 1953 production plan effective 1 August 1953 (includes 2,344 tons cresol DAB 4, 449 tons ortho-cresol, and 1,218 tons phenol-cresol mixture). h. Plan figure includes 1,200 tons phenol-cresol mixture. - 39 - dAHEHIHBHE-1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T An aniline-producing plant at VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen was reported as a planned capital investment for 1954. Immediate con- struction of the installation appears to have been cancelled, but the aniline plant will be built later and will use the Standard process of reducing nitrobenzene. 195/ Aniline is prepared commercially by two different methods, both requiring benzol as the starting material. One method requires nitration of benzol with nitric acid to produce nitrobenzene, which, in turn, is reduced to aniline by treatment with hydrochloric acid in the presence of cast-iron borings (turnings) or powder (free from oil and nonferrous metals). A second method-is based on a reaction between monochlorobenzene and an ammonia solution under pressure and with heat in the presence of a catalyst (cuprous oxide). B. Foreign Trade.* 1. Imports. a. General. East Germany's production of basic aromatic hydro- carbons -- benzol, toluol, and naphthalene, for example -- is insuffiCient to meet the area's requirements. Imports are continually necessary to close the growing gap between production and demand. ' Various other aromatics (derived from the basic ones) are also imported. The East German organic-chemical industry benefits con- siderablY through importation of various special chemicals such as aniline, dimethylaniline, toluidines, mononitrotoluenes and dinitrotoluenes, and:alpha-naphthylamine. Imports of these derived aromatics augment indigenous supplies of benzol, toluol, and naphthalene that otherwise would be reduced in the manufacture of the derived chemicals. Imports-of these chemicals make it unnecessary to construct and maintain special installations and to consume valu- able raw materials, such as nitric acid:, for producing the derived arotatics. This discussion of imports is restricted pribarily to benzol, toluol, naphthalene, and aniline. Only a very brief mention :is made of several other aromatic chemicals imported by East Germany. Data and discussion which follailfor each commodity are concerned * See Appendix B for foreign trade in derived aromatic chemicals. -40 - S-E-C-R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R-E -T with the source and relative volume of imports and with the degree to which East Germany is dependent upon Soviet Bloc countries or upon . Western countries. East German imports of benzol, toluol, naphthalene, and aniline to cover annual domestic requirements amount to a rather significant total. During 1952, approximately 51,000 tons of these chemicals were shipped toEast Germany, and the 1953 total may have approached 55,000 tons. The total value of the 1952 imports is not known, but the 1953 total probably exceeded 27 million rubles. Between 90 to 95 percent of the 1953 imports wereto originate in Soviet Bloc Countries, and the USSR alone was to contribute between 50 and 55 percent of the total. b. Benzol. East Germany has consistently received benzol Ship- ments from only? three Soviet Blocmembers, the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Since the end of World War II, no other countries have been mentioned as exporters to East Germany.. The bulk of the benzol imports have come from Poland and the USSR. It is possible that imports from the USSR may be Polish benzol or Czechoslovak benzol re-exported, although the USSR is undoubtedly capable of supplying benzol from its Own stocks. Factual information on East German benzol imports, planned or actual, has been sporadic in respect to annual total imports and amounts supplied by individual countries. The situation is further complicated by the fact that shipments were "crude" benzol, while other reports mention "pure" benzol imports. It has been necessary to assume that all shipments were of refined, or commercial, benzol. Table 7* summarizes available data on East German imports of benzol and lists exporting countries. c. Toluol. Current imports of toluol by East Germany appear to originate entirely in the USSR. -During 1948 and 1949, however, Poland and Czechoslovakia were also supplying East Germany with ' toluol. -Factual information on imports of toluol is more scattered * Table 7 follows on p. - 41 - S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E-T Table 7 East German Imports of Benzol by Countries of Origin Total Year Annual Import 1950 1951 1952 l6,520 197/ (14,000) 12y 20,600 b/ (20,500)7200/ 26,000 b./ 15,288 ai 2.9g (25,000) 207 1953 (27,224) g/ 211 (27,000) 'ff12 1954 216/ (22,000) all/ . 1955 _ (35,000) 218/ 1950-55 Metric Tons Country of Origin Amount USSR (9,900) iti* 122/ Poland N.A. Czechoslovakia 1,000 bi USSR (16,321) (sic) gal/ -Day Poland (8,500) 91000) 204 Czechoslovakia 1,500) av US" (14,500) 1/ 208/ Poland (11,000) f/ ag 7,500 g Czechoslovakia (4,00o) 210/ USSR (14,000) 213/ Poland (10,00o) Czechoslovakia (3,224) 212/ USSR Poland (9,000) 21 (10,000) Czechoslovakia (3,000) USSR (11,000) fi 212/ Poland N.A. Czechoslovakia N.A. Footnotes for Table 7 follow on p. 43. - 42 - S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 6-6 -C -R -E -T Table 7 East German Imports of Benzol, by Countries of Origin 1950-55 (Continued) a. Figures in parentheses are either reported official import plans or contract trade agreements. b. Estimate. d. Total quantity in the 1952 trade agreement, including supplement export plan. e. First 6 months. f. Established basic export each year by the USSR within the long- term trade agreement of 27 September 1951. g. Total contracted amount as of 1 April 1953. Total value reported was 10,230,000 rubles. than is similar information on benzol imports. The scarcity of "information is most unfortunate, for toluol availability can relate directly to, and limit the capacity for, explosives (TNT) production. In spite of East. German increases in toluol production, the 1952 Plan figure for toluol imports was greater than the 1950 Plan figure by about 46 percent. Table 8* presents available data on East German imports of toluol. d. Naphthalene. ? The principal difference between East German imports of naphthalene and the imports of other aromatics is that substantial quantities of naphthalene are imported from Western countries. Leading Western suppliers are West Germany, the Netherlands, and -- Sweden. Imports have been reported as "crude" naphthalene, as .? "pure" naphthalene, or as just "naphthalene"? Lacking more precise information, it is impossible to estimate what quantities of each * Table 8 follows on p. 44. -43- S-E -C -R -E -T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T Table 8 East German Imports of Toluol from the USSR 1950-54 . Metric Tons Year Import Plan 2/ 1950 . 1951 1952 1953-5,581.117-323./ 1954 3700 222/ 4,700 221/ 5,400 =/ 3,200 224 All amounts shown are reported annual import Plan figures. ' h. Total amount under contract; original plan was 4,700 tons. Actual delivery during the first quarter 1953 was 1,531 tons. Total value of contracted amount was 2)272,000 rubles. grade were actually received by East Germany. Moreover, there is available nO definite information about the degree to which specific trade agreements (or planned imports) were fulfilled. The need for naphthalene is very great in East Germany frequent references to local shortages have been noted, and, although in some instances' deficiencies may have been only temporary ones caused by irregularity of incoming shipments, production of some naphthalene-derived products was curtailed. If Western sources for naphthalene should be withdrawn, the usual ? Supplying countries in the Soviet Bloc -- the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia -- probably would be able to increaie their expOrts. to East Germany Because of current failures an the part of Western countriea to deliver naphthalene as prearranged, various East German planning offices have been forced to make readjustments in allocations' and plans. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Table 9. S-E-C-R-E-T East German naphthalene imports are summarized in Table 9 East German Imports of Naphthalene by Countries of Origin 1990-914 Metric Tons Year Total Annual Import Country of Origin Amount 1950 16,900 aj* Soviet Bloc Crude: 9,167 229/ USSR ' (4,600) 12/ aay (7,oco) agy Poland (7,000) 229/ Czechoslovakia N.A. Pure: 7,772 agi/ ? 1991 (18,600) Western Countries West Germany 1,015 3.32/ (3,000) 230a/ ' Netherlands 1,600 it/ ? - Sweden N.A. . Soviet Bloc USSR (5,100) 22/ Poland (4,000) ?31/ Czechoslovakia (3,500) LIE/ Western Countiier 3.,000) 239/ Netherlands 2,000) Sweden E3LZ/ West Germany 1,000) 1952, 18,000 tl/ Soviet Bloc (20,000) 238 USSR (7,000)21JJO 11,311 El232/ Poland N.A. Czechoslovakia (2,000) 21.......a./ (900) (pure) 211.1a/ * Footnotes for Table 9 follow on p. 46. - 11.5 - S-2-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 9 East German Imports of Naphthalene by Countries of Origin 1950-54 .(Continued) Metric-Tons Year Total Annual Import 1953 (20,500) d/ 243/ Crude: (10,500) ( 4,705) Pure: (10,000) ( 8,250) d/ 244/ d/ 246/ W/ NT/ 1954 (17,000)-252/ Crude: (13,000) 253/ Pure: ( 4,000) 2.5-/ Country of Origin Amount Western Countries West Germany Netherlands 'Others Soviet Bloc USSR . Poland - Czechoslovakia Western Countries England Belgium Soviet Bloc USSR Czechoslovakia Western Countries V 222) Belgium Netherlands Others 825 (incomplete) 242/ N.A. N.A. (7,000) (pure) e/ 248/ N.A. (4,182) (crude) pi 249/ (1,250) (pure) (415) (crude) e/ ?.22/ (108) (crude 27 221/ (3,000) (3,000) (4,000) (1,000) (700) (4,000) (1,300) (crude) 255/ (pure) 277 (crude) 257/ (pure) 2387 (crude) (crude) (crude) a. Estimate. b. Figures in parentheade c. First 6 months. d. Total value of planned 5,853,000 rubles). ' e. Amounts contracted for lc Total from Western sour are either Plan import, or trade agreement figures. import was 12,649,000:ru1les (crude, 6,796,000 rubles; pure, as of 1 April 1953, ces 6,000 metrie tons. 260/ S-E -C -R-E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T e. Aniline. Available information indicates that aniline is not produced in East Germany, certainly not on a commercial scale, and that nearly all aniline imports go to the large dyestuffs manufacturing plant, VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen.. Imports of aniline originate almost entirely in Soviet Bloc countries. Since the beginning of 1950japparently, East Germany has been mainly dependent upon the USSR and Poland for its aniline requirements. . Table 10 tabulates what are probably the most plausible data relating to East German aniline imports. Tbble 10 East German Imports of Aniline by Countries of Origin 1949-54 Metric Tons Total Year Annual Import Country of Origin 1949.Eal 669 1950 1,300 Iti* 1951 (1,100) Ea/ 1952 266a/ (1,300) USSR Poland Czechoslovakia Bulgaria USSR ' Poland USSR Poland USSR Poland * Footnotes for Table 10 follow on p. 48. S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000500060002-7 Amount 264 . 242. 65 98. (1,o8o) yyy ( 200) 263 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E-T Table 10 East German Imports of Aniline, by Countries of Origin 1949-54 (Continued) Metric Tons Total Year Annual Import Country of "Origin Amount 1953 . 1,686 267/ USER - (1,468) c/ 269/ 0 (1,688) TM/ . West Germany ( 30) ZJ7?j ' 1954 (2,100) 271/ N.A. a. Estimate. b. Figures in parentheses are either Plan import or trade agreement figures. c. Amounts contracted for as of 1 April 1953. Total contract valUe was 1,995,000 rubles. 2. Expoits. a. 'General. The export by East Germany of some basic aromatic coal chemicals, as well as various intermediates and products derived from coal chemicals, is greater than-might be expected,-in.view of the general inadequacy of East German production of basic aromatic hydrocarbons. Dcmestic production, however, is reasonably supplemented through imports, mainly from Soviet Bloc countries. Thus, with some exceptions, the entire export activity depends upon successful ful- fillment of the import program. During 1952, East Germany exported about 6,000 tons of the principal aromatic coal chemicals (including xylenols)? valued ' at about 5.5 million rubles. Nearly 80 percent of this amount) however, consisted of the tar-acid aromatics (phenol and its homologs). . S -E;C -R-E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E-T On the other hand, 1952 exports, through DIA Chemie* of intermediates and products derived from coal chemicals (excluding finished or semi- finished end products such as synthetic rubber; fibers and plastics, and photographic films)r-approximhied33,000 tons and were valued at nearly 38 million rubles. 272/ Trade data and information on export of coal chemicals are fragmehtaril eviii for the years 1951 and 1952; In aadition, avail- able details on 1953 export plans and actual deliveries are scanty. iMost -export quantities given in Table 11** reflect legal trade agreements and their fulfilments. Few factual details are known of reparations and "Kanto T" deliveries*** to the pssii. Seine special or illegal . trade with Western countries is suspetted to have occurred during 1952. Certain commodities -- pure phenol, pure toluoll and saccharin, for example --are especially good earners of hard currencies or serve as barter goods for obtaining special and desired equipment from the West. In view of these probably illegal shipments and the paucity of information, it is apparent that a complete export pattern cannot be determined. b. Basic Aromatic Coal Chemicals. Basic aromatic coal chemicals exported by East Germany, those specifically considered in this ?tidy, include the following: pure toluol, xylol, phenol (both refined and crude grades), and various cresol fractions. Other commodities known to be exported but hot considered, include xylenols, pure pyridine, and pyridine fractions. There is no evidence that naphthalene is exported. Benzol apparently was not exported prior to 1953, but because no ethylcenzehe was included in the 1954 export _plan, a quantity of 4,000 tons of benzol :Wei-to-be mide-avaiiable tor export in 19514. 27471*** ' * DIA Chemie --Deutscher Innen-: .und Aussenhandel Chemie (East German official trade organization for chemicals). ** Table 11 follows on p. 50. *** "Konto T" (T-account deliveries). Those goods Which are produced in SAG plants under the so-called Konto T are intended for specific Soviet ministries, as opposed to regular deliveries, which go to the usual Soviet importing agencies to be resold to custoMers'in the USSR. Such deliveries are said to be based an the writing-off of mutual debts. and would include rental and profit payments. 273/ win.0-ontinued on p. 5.31 . . -49- S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T- Table 11 East German Exports of Basic Aromatic Coal Chemicals by Importing Countries 1951-54 Metric Tons Amount Commodity Importing Country 1951 275/ 276/ 1952 2 1953 77/ 1954 :512/- Benzol '0' 0 N.A. - 4,000 (Plan) Toluol (Pure) Hungary 108 11040 N.A. N.A. Austria 101 N.A. ? N.A. Switzerland 15 313 N.A. N.A. Total 224 1,353 N.A. N.A. Xylol Hungary -20IS* 20 Total 20 20 QJ Plan) N.A. Phenol (Pure) Bulgaria 48 N.A. N.A. China 67 96 N.A. . N.A. Czechoslovakia 120 N.A. N.A. Poland 117 N.A. Rumania 19 1.9 N.A.-, N.A. USSR 650 N.A. N.A. N.A. Africa 30 N.A. N.A. Austria 125 N.A. N.A. Liechtenstein 15 N.A. N.A. Switzerland 49 N.A. N.A. Total 1,161 -- gm 660 2/ 50 (Plan) * Footnotes for Table 11 follow on p. 52, - 50 - S-E-C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T Table 11 East German Exports of Basic Aromatic Coal Chemicals by ImPorting Countries 1951-54 (Continued) Metric Tons Commodity Importing Country Amount 1951 275/ 1952 276/ 277/ 1953 1954 21?1 Phenol (Crude) Poland N.A. - 1,030 N.A. N.A. Netherlands 15 N.A. N.A. West Germany 1,000 (Plan) 66 N.A. N.A. Total 1,000 1,111 9,798.E/ N.A. Cresol, DAB 4 IV Bulgaria North Korea 7 31 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. USSR 50 (Plan) N.A. N.A. Denmark 65 E/ N.A. N.A. England 205 500 N.A. N.A. Netherlands 50I N.A. N.A. Sweden 30 N.A. B.A. Switzerland 45 N.A. N.A. US 50 N.A. N.A. West Germany 30 N.A. N.A. Total 728 1,000 (Plan) 8._22 (Plan): Cresol, Ortho (Pure) China 10 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Hungary 180 N.A. N.A. USSR 150 (Plan) N.A. N.A. Belgium 318 15 N.A. Denmark 4o 180 N.A. N.A. England 99 N.A. N.A. .Netherlands 96 N.A. N.A. - 51 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 11 East German Exports of Basic Aromatic Coal Chemicals by Importing Countries 1951-54 (Continued) Metric Tons C ommodity Cresol, Ortho (Pure) (Continued) Total Cresol, Ortho (fraction) Total Importing Country Sweden Switzerland. .US West Germany Hungary Belgium ?Switzerland US West Germany Amount 1951 275/ 1952 276/ 1953 El/ 1954 278/ 30 N.A. N.A. 100 N.A. N.A. 200 LA. N.A. 117 N.A. Na. 411 300 (Plan) 300 (Plan) 1 124 155 Eli 100 dj 200 d/ 455 33 N.A. N.A. 589 622 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 500 (Plan) a. b. c. d. Nine months-. DAB (Deutsche 'Arzneibuch) is the German pharmacopoeia. Six months. Ten months. - 52 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T _ _ _ _ _ _ As shown in Table 11, 1952 exports of toluol, xylol, and phenol went primarily to Soviet Bloc countries', and exports of cresols and its fractions went largely to countries in the Free World. One commodity of special significance is toluol, which was exported mainly to Hungary, probably to supply the Hungarian explosives manu- facturing industry with the raw material for making TNT. A second item of significance is pure phenol. There was a marked decrease of pure phenol in exports in 1952 compared to 1951, which supports existing evidence of a phenol shortage in East Germany. It is quite possible, however, that pure phenol was shipped to the USSR during 1952, not as an export but under a reparations account, and that the total quantity shipped by East Germany during the year was actually greater than that reported. Table 11 shows East German exports of basic aromatic coal chemicals, and importing countries', ;tor 1951-54. C. Stockpiles. There is no positive evidence that any aromatic coal chemical was placed in an East German strategic reserve (State Reserve) prior to or during 1952. Definite, but fragmentary, stockpile data have been received for years subsequent to 1952. The State Reserve for medical and pharmaceutical supplies was reported to have received a small quantity (5 tons) of crude cresol during 1953, 21:1/ and the 1954 Plan for the same reserve included phenol (40 tons) an aniline (15 tons). 280/ Other aromatic chemicals mentioned in the 1954 Plan were salicylic acid (pure), 5 ions; methyl salicylate, 2 tons; acetanilide, 2 tots; pare- nitrotoluene, 2 tons; and phenophthalein, 1 ton. 281/ In 1952, several basic coal chemicals were slated for allocation to a "Plan Reserve", but the allocations were small: 156 tons of benzol, 25 tons of toluol, and 20 tons of xylol. 282/ The specific purpose of the Plan Reserve is still unknown, but it is known that the commodities . and amounts designated for this reserve had to be regarded .as "Priority allocations." 283/ One possibility is that those quantities of benzol, toluol, and xy101 which were allocated to the Plan Reserve may have been transferred to a State Reserve, at the end of 1952,and became an addition to a. strategic stockpile. No similar 1952 allocations for naphthalene, refined phenol, cresols, or aniline were disclosed. Provision was made in official East German statistical reports of 1951 for Plan Reserve allocations, but only for toluol, 180 tons; xylol, 76 tons; and naphthalene, 517 tons. 284/ There is no evidence" to indicate that these allocations were completed. -53- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T In 1952 there were indications that it was official intent to stockpile various commodities, including chemicals. Stock- pile programs in 1950 and 1951 seemed largely directed at correcting shortages and bringing supplies of materials under governmental control. In August of 1951 the work of the Chief Operational Section Of the State Reserves, a section within the State Secretariat for Material Procurement, came under Soviet criticism for falling behind stheaUle in its storage program. 285/ There were no indications that this, program was very ambitious with regard to chemitals. Organizational changes followed, and in September 1952 a State Secretariat for Administration of State Reserves, with cabinet rank, was established. 286/ during the spring 50X1 of 1953 the Entwurfsbuero fuer Industriebau (designing office for industrial construction) of the Ministry for Construction was ordered to prepare preliminary plans for the erection of storehouses for the State Secretariat for State Reserves. A total of nearly 30 million 50X1 DME had allegedly been allocated for this project. The plans included one type of reserve depot designed to etore chemical products and 50X1 pharmaceuticals. 287/ warehouses belonging to the State Reserve doNexist? and have 50X1 chemicals in storage. the largest warehouse owned by the State Reserve will be at Niederau, bear Meissen, the site of a distillery of the former Ruetgerswerke AO, which was 'dismantled in 1945. This warehouse reportedly will store chemicals. If Niederau is to be a reserve depot, it is likely the tank farms at Niederau will store quantities of aromatic coal chemicals supplied largely through import. The dye factory at Wolfen (Farbenfabrik) is known to have utilized Niederau as storage for its aniline stock during 1950 and 1951. 289/ Significant stockpiling of chemicals, accompanied with expanded production and large imports of strategic chemicals, might indicate the initiation of a substantial armaments program in East Germany. For normal operations, adequate stocks of various chemicals, including benzol, naphthalene, and aniline, are reported to be maintained in the warehouses belonging to the large chemical com- bines like Chemische Werke Buna Schkopau, VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld, and VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. All three of these plants were Soviet corporations (SAG's) in 1951, and material balance records Were kept for them by the Central Supply Accounting Office (ZVK) of the Main Administration for Soviet Property in Germany (USIG) at Berlin-Weissensee. From some of these records it is learned that S-E -C -R -E -T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E-T toward the end of 1951 these plants) collectively) had in their ware- houses about one and one-half months' requirements for benzol and naphthalene) and the Wolfen plant had an aniline stock equivalent of about four months' consumption. 296/ regulations limit chemical plants to a 75-day supply of stocks on hand. 291/ D. Material Balances. The estimated 1951-54 material balances for the principal aromatic coal chemicals and aniline are shown in Table 12.* Consumption.** The main objective of this report is to determine East German consumption patterns for the principal, basic aromatic chemicals -- benzol, toluol; xyloll naphthalene, phenol, cresols) and aniline -- and to describe these patterns as fully as available information will permit. These chemicals are essential to a modern economy, regardless of whether the economy is strictly controlled or is based on free enterprise or whether there exists peace or war. There are no sub- stitutes for the basic aromatic chemicals. The consumption patterns for each chemical, and the accompanying discussions, which appear in this section disclose where Soviet and East German interests lie) which industries are the dependent and which the 'preferentialones) and what the degrees of development in various fields are, thus permitting comparisons with other countries. Although as much factual information as was available for 1953 . and 1954 has been included in the commodity discussions, the detailed consumption patterns were based on 1952 data. This was done because the most complete details were available for that year and because the mass demonstrations in June of 1953 created unusual conditions. Also, comparative data for US outputs and consumption have been more readily available for 1952. (See Fig. 2*** for a graphic summari- iation of the estimated consumption in East Germany of the various basic aromatic chemicals.)**** * Table 12 follows on p. 56. ** -See Appendix A for detailed use 'patterns of basic aromatic chemicals. *** Following p. 58. **** Continued on p. 58. -55- S -E -C -R -E -T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T Table 12 - Estimated Material Balances for Principal Coal Chemicals ? and Aniline in East Germany 2/*. ?1951-54 -Metric Tons Commodity Year Domestic Production Import Stockpile Gross , Supply 12./ Export Net , Supply Et Benzol (Refined) 1951 10,150 20,800 o 30,950 0 31,000 1952 10,300 26,000 o 36,300 o 36,300 1953 10,800 27,000 0 37,800 o/ 37,800 1954 11,200 22,000 0 33,200 4,000 29,200 ? Toluol 1951 3,100 4,700 7,800 224 7,600 ? 1952 31460 5,4o0 0 8,86o 1,353 , 7,500 1953 3,900 5,581 0 9,481 o It 9,500 1954 4,000 3,200 0 7,200 . 0 7,200 Xylol 1951 840 0 8140 20 ? 800 1952 850 0 8o- 20 Boo 1953 -900 0 0 900 20 900 1954 1,000 0 0 .1,000. o 1,000 Naphthalene 1951 4,000 18,600 22,600 o 22,600 1952 4,70o 18,000 22,700 o 22,700 1953 5,500 20,500 26,000 o 26,000 1954- 5,800 17,000 22,800 o 28,800 Footnotes for Table 12 follow on p. 57. - 56 - S -E -C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T Table 12 Estimated Material Balances for Principal Coal Chemicals and Aniline in East Germany 2/ 1951-54 (Continued) Metric Tons Domestic Grose.1 Net 1 Commodity Year Production Import Stockpile. Supply 3?] Export Supply 21 Phenol (Refined) 1951 7,900 0 0 7,900 1,161 6,700 1952 9,250 .0 0 9,250 175 9,100 1953 10,300 0 0 ? 10,300 660&9,600 ' 1954 11,800 o o 11,800 50 11,800 Cresols 1951 10,100 ' 0 0 10,100 1,914 8,200 1952 12,700 0 0 - 12,700 .1,761 10,900 1953 15,800 o o 15,800 1,300 14,500 1954 17,900 o o 17,900 1,600 16,300 Aniline 1951 0 1,100 0 ' 1,100 0 1,100 1952 - 0 1,300 0 1,300 0 1,300 1953 -0 ?1,686 0 1,686 0 1,700 1954 o 2,100 0 2,.100 0 2,100 a. Explanatory bases for figures given in this table are to be found under the appropriate sections of this report: Production, Imports, Exports, and. Stockpiles. Material balances for 1953 and 1954 are less accurate than for 1951 and 1952 because there. is a lack of trade information, especially in exports. b. Gross supply is the sum of domestic production, import, and stockpile. c. Net supply is the difference between groes supply and export. Figures are rounded., d. Exports are believed possible, but there is no definite information. e. Total amount shipped by East Germany in first 6 months. ' - 57 - - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E-T East German consumption patterns for the basic aromatic chemicals show that the manufacture and fabrication of synthetic rubber is the most significant consuming industry. Some three-fifths of the gross supply of benzol is utilized to produce ethylbenzene, the starting material for styrene, which, in turn, is a constituent of synthetic rubber of the buna type. in addition, about one-third of the avail- able naphthalene and approximately two-thirds of the total aniline supply is consumed in producing rubber-processing chemicals. The manufacture of synthetic plastics, bonding agents, resins, lacquers, fibers, and the necessary plasticizers and softeners for the finished products require the neXt largest proportion of the total supply of aromatic chemicals. Only a small percentage of the enters into polystyrene plastics materials, but about four-fifths of the phenol supply is used in producing a synthetic called Perlon (similar to nylon), various plastics, protective coatings, resins, plasticizers, and synthetic tanning substances. The cresols are used to make products similar to those made from phenol, with the exception of Perlon, and approximately three-fifths of the cresols supply is so consumed. About one-third of the gross supply of naphthalene is employed in the manufacture of phthalic anhydride, from which plasticizers and softeners, used chiefly in compounding polyvinyl chloride plastics, are derived. Some of the aromatic chemicals -- benzol, toluol, and xylol, for eXample -- are used directly as solvents in formulating lacquers, varnishes, and paints. Other aromatics, including naphthalene, phenol, and the cresols, are the starting points for making chemicals which themselves serve as solvents. An estimated one-tenth of the benzol, About one-half of the toluol, and four-fifths of the xylol supplies are used as solvents. The soltents derived from naphthalene are decalin and tetralin, and jointly they consume about one-seventh of the available naphthalene.. Products obtained through hydrogenation of phenol and cresols are also valuable solvents. The quantity of phenol used for solvents manufacture is believed rather small) but almost one-tenth of the supply of cresols is used. East Germany is an important producer of insecticides and pesti- cides derived from organic chemicals. Approximately one-sixth of the benzol supply is consumed to prepare dichloro-diphenyl- trichloroethane (DDT), benzenehexachloride (BRC), and the dichloro- benzenes. .Some naphthalene is used for termite control and moth repellents, but the volute is unknown and probably represents less -58- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/99/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 EAST GERMANY ESTIMATED CONSUMPTION OF BASIC AROMATIC CHEMICALS 1952 MISCEIIMEDOS 11.2: SOMENT MD muter USES 9.41 EIMIRENZENt FOR RUNS RUBBER, PaSTICS 1710 EXPORT 59.81 CIII.OROSENZEOES FOR INSECTICIDES, DYESTUFFS. AND EXPORT N. 9.31 REFINED BENZOL NAPHTHALENE 13276 1.55 EXPORT 1.9% PliMIAACEIMCALS 4.31 ll18001. REARING 4.9% REFINED PHENOL TOLUOL Figure 2 XYLOL SKIFIUSS POWER SIMMERS 7.7: CRESOLS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 ANILINE 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T than 5 percent of the gross supply. An even smaller percentage of the cresols supply is utilized in preparing fruit tree sprays and powders. A considerable number of medicinals, pharmaceuticals, drugs, antiseptics, and disinfectants are prepared from the basic aromatics. The sulfa drugs stem mainly from aniline, and about 5 percent of the supply is used for their manufacture. Toluol is the starting material for saccharin, a sugar substitute, and benzoic acid, a food pre- servative and germicide as well as a stabilizer in the rubber industry. Nearly one-seventh. of the gross supply of toluol is used for these two items. Phenol and the cresols possess natural germicidal and antiseptic properties. Cresol is widely used in disinfectant soaps and solutions, and phenol is the source for salicylic acid, a pre- servative and starting material for making aspirin. Less than one- tenth of the phenol supply, however, is believed to be used for pharmaceuticals. All of the basic chemicals considered in this report are used in East Germany for the synthesis of complex organic dyes which are used in the manufacture of finished textiles and printing inks and in photography. No quantitative estimates of consumption could be determinedlbut it appears that somewhat less than one-tenth of the aniline and about one-tenth of the xylol were consumed for dyes. The explosives industry requires toluol for the production of TNT. Almost one-fifth of the toluol supply is believed to have been consumed in East Germany for the production of TNT during 1952, but sizable toluol exports were sent to Hungary) presumably for the manufacture of explosives. Aniline is the starter from which another explosive, tetryl, is made There is no evidence to indicate, however, that tetryl is made in East Germany. Smokeless powder stabilizers may also be produced from aniline, and apparently almost 8 percent of the aniline was used for this purpose in 1952. ' One additional East German industry, the photographic film ? industry, plays an important role in supplying photographic chemicals and film to the other Soviet Bloc countries, including the USSR-- Both aniline and phenol are starting chemicals for making photo- graphic film developers. Approximately 15 percent of the available aniline is consumed, in making hydroquinone. The quantity of phenol used is negligible, but only small amounts of the product called Metol are necessary. -59- S-E-C -R-E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T A. Refined Benzol. The East German benzol consumption pattern is peculiarly different from the use patterns of other countries, especially those of the US. One reason for this difference is that East Germany produces only about 30 percent of its benzol requirements and depends upon Import for the remainder. In addition) Soviet control of the area limits the use of benzol to an absolute minimum above ,,requirements for the manufacture of intermediates and end products which are of value to the USSR. - An attempt has been made to determine beniol distribution, requirements, and allocations to various industrial sectors and individual consuming plants within East Germany Apparently no benzol is consumed to produce aniline,, phenol, diphenyl, adipic acid (for nylon manufacture), and cumene (for aviation gasoline). No benzol appears to have been exported prior to 1953 and possibly only a negligible quantity is used as a motor-fuel additive. Furthermore, there is little, if any, benzol consumed to produce maleic-anhydride, resorcinol, and synthetic detergents. There is no firm evidence to indicate that benzol had been included in the East German State Material Reserve, nor was benzol mentioned for future ccneignment to that reserve. The principal use for benzol in East Germany is in .the production of ethylbenzene, the starting material for making styrene, which, in turn, is the basis for the manufacture of synthetic rubber of "Buna-S" types and of polystyrene plastics. An estimated 6o percent of the 1952 gross supply of benzol (36,300 tons) was consumed to produce ethylbenzene, the entire production con- centrated in one chemical installation, VEB Chemische Werke Buna'at Schkopau. The second largest use of benzol is for monochlorobenzene (MCB) and dichlorobenzenes (DCB)which required nearly 20 percent of the gross supply of benzol in 1952. The chlorobetzenes uere.used mainly to produce insecticides, pesticides, and dyestuffs. Table 13* shows the estimated East German benzol consumption pattern for 1952. . * Table 13 follows on p. 61. - 6o - S-E -C-fl -E -t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 SrE -C -R -E -T ? Table l3 Estimated East German Benzol Consumption Pattern 1952 -ProdUct or Use Amount Consumed (Metric Tons) Percent of Total Consumed Ethylbenzene (for export, other than for styrene and polystyrene) 7,150 19.7 Styrene (for Buna-S rubber types) 13,600 37.4 Polystyrene Plastics 970 2.7 Monochlorobenzene (other than for DDT) and Dichlorobenzenes 2,700 7.4 DDT (insecticide) 4,300 11.9 Benzene Hexachloride (BHC) (insecticide) 550 1.5 Miscellaneous Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Other Uses . 3,374 a/ 9.3- Solvent and Diluent Uses 3,500 9.7 East German Plan Reserve , 156 292/ 0.4 Total 36,300 100.0 a. Residual value obtained by difference. B. Toluol. Toluol has many uses, especially as a chemical raw material for syntheses of other organic compounds, and there are no substitutes for toluol. Chemical uses include the manufacture of important inter- mediates -- benzoic acid; benzaldehyde; nitro-, chloro-, and amino- derivatives -- which are essential for the manufacture of dyes, - medicines, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, and the like. Because toluol has high solvent power, relatively low toxicity, and high volatility, it is one of the most valuable aromatic solvents available to industry. Because of its high solvent powers, toluoi.has found wide use, partic- ? ularly in the cellulosebase lacquer industry. Its solvent appli- cations include the extraction of fats and alkaloids, utilization in -61- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T degreasing operations, and the formulation of lacquer thinners, dopes, resinous coatings, rubber cements, rotogravure inks, and paint re- movers. Toluol is the basic material in manufacturing important commercial and military explosives based on dinitrotoluene (DNT) or trinitrotoluene (TNT). Toluol may also be blended with aviation gasoline, but there is no evidence to indicate this use in East Germany. East Germany is heavily dependent upon imports to fulfill national demand for toluol.. All imports appear to originate in the USSR, which supplied more than 6o percent of the estimated total 1952 gross supply. Because of this fact) it is probable that dis- tribution and allocation of toluol are closely controlled. Principal known consumer plants within thechemical industry include VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld; VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen; VEB Sprengstoffwerk I, Schoenebeck; VEB Zelluloidwerk Eilenburg, VEB Fahlberg-List, Magdeburg; and a considerable but unknown number of lacquer, varnish, and paint factories. There is little definitive information on toluol consumption by plants, products, and uses -- especially information on chemicals_ and explosives manufactured from toluol. It is estimated that about one-fifth of the 1952 toluol gross supply was employed in menu; facturing TNT and DNT exclusively for explosives.* Almost an equal amount went into organic chemicals manufacture, and nearly one-half of the supply was utilized as solvents and diluents. There is no evidence to show that toluol has been allocated to any East German State Material Reserve as a part of the strategic stockpile. In 1952, a significant amount of toluol, 15 percent, was exported to Switzerland and Hungary. The toluol supplied to Hungary was probably used for making explosives based on TNT. Table 14** shows the estimated East German toluol consumption pattern far 1952. * No recent US patterns for the ukte of toluol are available. During the war year 1944, however, the US is estimated to have used 77 percent of its toluol supply for explosivea,and 17 percent as an additive in . aviation gasoline. ** Table 14 follows on p. 63. -62- S-E-C-R-E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E-T _ _ _ ? ? _ Table 14 Estimated East German Toluol Consumption Pattern 1952 Use Amount Consumed (Metric Tons) Percent of Total Consumed Chemical Uses Solvent and Diluent Uses 1,700 4,182 A/ 19.2 47.2 Explosives 1,E00 ' 18.1 Export 1,353 293/ 15.2 East German Plan Reserve 25 2T/ 0.3 Total 8,860 100.0 a. A residual value obtained by difference. C. Xylol. Xylol has few industrial applications in East Germany at the present time. This aromatic is used largely as a solvent in the lacquer industry and to a lesser degree in the manufacture of dye intermediates and color-film dye components and for other chemical uses. Because.of limited stocks, an insignificant quantity of xylol, if any, is used as an additive for motor fuels.* East Germany exports an almost negligible quantity of xylol. There is no definite evidence that the commodity is stockpiled for strategic purposes -- that is, included among items placed in the East German State Material Reserve. * The xylol consumption pattern of the US is radically different. In the US, xylol is used extensively as an additive in aviation fuels for rich mixture performance. During and since World War II, most US xylol has come from petroleum refineries (85 percent in 1951), and the huge xylol output has accompanied the demand for high-octane fuel and 'for toluol for explosives. Some US hydroformers? operating on petro- leum stocks containing mixed sylenes, are capable of separating the isomers. Both meta- and para-isomers are excellent blending agents in aviation-grade gasoline, but the ortho form is not desirable in high- test fuels. -63- 'S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T ? _ _ It has been stated previously that industrial-grade xylol is a mixture of three isemers: ortho-xylene, meta-xylenel and pare- xylene. Because of technical limitations, East Germany has not yet been capable of separating the three isomers on a commercial scale. There was, however, very little demand for individual isomers before 1952. Small requirements of meta-xylene by VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen for the manufacture of dyestuff intermediates has been successfully covered by imports from West Germany. The para-isomer of xylene is the starting material for pro- ducing terephthalic acid which) in turn, is one of the raw materials for manufacturing a polyester (terephihalate) fiber called Dacron (by DuPont) in the US and Terylene in the UK, where it was developed. By the end of 19510 East Germany was Only in the experimental stage of producing terylene fiber, and -- unless large quantities of para-xylene become available through import -- or a new process is found that does not require para-xylene -- the manufacture of terylene-based products in East Germany is not likely to go beyond the laboratory stage. Table 15 shows the estimated East German xylol consumption pattern for 1952. Table 15 Estimated East Germany Xylol Consumption Pattern 1952 Use Amount Consumed (Metric Tons) Percent of Total Consumed Chemical Uses 100 11.7 Solvent and Diluent Uses 710 83.5 Export 20 295 2.4 East German Plan Reserve 20 2.95/ 2.4 Total 850 100.0 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E D. Naphthalene. Naphthalene is one of the most important of all industrial organic chemicals, an essential raw material for the preparation of hundreds of products. From such naphthalene-derived intermediates as the naphthols, naphthylamines, and phthalic anhydride, are formed a great many dyestuffs and colors for the textile, paper, lacquer, and paint industries. Its partial oxidation product) phthalic anhydride, is usdd extensively in East Germany for manufacturing plasticizera and softeners, which are important in synthetic resins, lacquers) and varnishes, and polyvinyl chloride plastic materials. Hydrogenation of naphthalene yields the important industrial solvents, decalin and tetralin. Products of the sulfonation of naphthalene are used in dyestuffs and, special-purpose chemicalsofor which in the synthetic rubber industry, there-are no substitutes. Naphthalene is the source for another rubber nhemicalla reinforcing carbon black, used mainly for the manufacture of rubber tires. A continuing shortage of the rubber chemicals derived from naphthalene would affect a national economy by limiting the life of its rubber tires. When chlorinated., naphthalene may be used to produce a lubfi- cating oil additive, a pour-point depressor, which makes the oil more effective in cold weather. Another chlorinated naphthalene serves as a wood-preservative. Naphthalene and its derivatives have a.great. many special applications -- the manufacture of insect repellents, wetting agents, pharmaceutical products, and synthetic tanning agents, to mention a few uses involving synthesis of organic chemical products. The production of phthalic anhydride in East Germany represents the largest single use for naphthalene and in 1952 required about 30 percent of an estimated gross supply of 22,700 tons. The manu- facture of carbon black, hydrogenated naphthalenes, and beta-naphthol together accounted for more than 40 percent of the remainder of the naphthalene consumed. It is believed that almost one-hplf of the naphthalene was consumed by two chemical plants, the yEB Chemische Werke Buna Schkopau and VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. The Schkopau plant probably used more than three times the amount that Wolfen did. There is no evidence to indicate that naphthalene has been placed in a strategic stockpile. Table 16 shows the estimated East German naphthalene consumption pattern for 1952.* Is Table 16 follows on p. 66. -65- S -E -C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-EaC-R-E-T Table 16 Estimated East German Naphthalene Consumption Pattern 2/ 1952 Product or Use Amount Consumed (Metric Tons) Percent of Total Consumed Hydrogenated Naphthalenes (Decalin and Tetralin) 3,350 14.8 Phthalic Anhydride ' 6,760 29.8 Beta-Naphthol 2,500 11.0 "Emulgator 1,000" (an emulsifier for Buna rubber) 1,800 7.9 Carbon Black . 3,840 16.9 Miscellaneous Uses 4,450 19.6 Total 22,700 100.0 a. In the US the principal end uses of naphthalene in 1953 (estimated) were; phthalic anhydride, about 70 percent; beta-naphthol, nearly 8 per- cent; other aye intermediates, 4.6 percent; household and insecticidal uses, 5.4 percent; chlorinated and hydrogenated naphthalenes, 2.7 percent; and surfactants, tanning agents, and textile uses, 2.7 percent. -66- S-E-C-R-E-T _ _ _ _ _ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T E. Refined Phenol. Refined phenol is currently in great demand in East Germany. A shortage exists even though the area has the potential to produce adequate supplies. The exploitation of this potential requires the development of successful and economical methods for separating phenol from the crude tar acids recovered by the low-temperature carbonization plants. Phenol stocks are being extended as far al possible, but the industry manufacturing phenol-based plastics and resins must shift to other tar acids, (cresols and xylenols) as raw material substitutes. East Germany used little more than an estimated one-third of its production of phenol for the manufacture of plastics (excluding polyamide fibers) and resins. Because the metallurgical resources of East Germany are too small to satisfy demand) it is essential to employ plastics at an increasing rate as substitutes for iron and nonferrous metals. The largest single use of phenol in East Germany is in the manufactue of caprolactam, the intermediate from which a polyamide, Perlon L (Luran)is produced.* An estimated 45 percent of the total 1952 phenol supply went into caprolactam for Perlon L) a plastic similar to nylon. Caprolactam is one of the production target items listed Within the framework of the East German Five Year Plan (1951- 55). One plant, VEB Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht" at Merseburg) produces all of the caprolactam made in East Germany, but other plants process the material into Perlon products. The consumption of phenol for the manufacture of plastics, resins, and caprolactam overshadows all other uses of the chemical in East Germany. Only about 20 percent of the estimated 1952 gross supply remained to cover other requirements and manufactured products -- exports) refining of lubricating oils, pharmaceuticals and medicinals, salicylic acid, ion-exchange resins (Wofatit), triphenyl phosphate (a plasticizer), photographic chemicals and materials, weedkillers (2,4-D), dye intermediates, synthetic organic tanning agents) and * In the US the most important use of phenol is in the manufacture of resinous condensation products by reaction with formaldehyde. These products are used in the manufacture of molded and laminated materials, heat-hardening varnishes, impregnating compounds, and printing inks. Plastics and resins derived from phenol consume from 60 to 75 percent of the total US production of phenol. -67- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E 4 other miscellaneous products.* Soviet Bloc countries appear to be favored in exports of phenol. Communist China possibly received the bulk of the phenol exported in 1952) and in the previous year the ? USSR was the principal recipient. There is no evidence to indicate that phenol was stockpiled in ?any East German State Material Reserve during 1952, but the 1954 plan does include a small quantity. allocated to the State Material Reserve for medical and pharmaceuti- cal supplies. Table 17 shows the estimated East GerMan refined phenol con- sumption pattern for 1952. Table 17 Estimated East German Refined Phenol Consumption Pattern 1952 Product or Use Amount Consumed (Metric Tons) Percent of Total Consumed Caprolactam (for Perlon -- similar to nylon) 4,200 45.4 Plastics and Resins (except Wofatit and synthetic tannins) 3,000 32.5 Refining Lubricating Oils 450 4.9 Pharmaceuticals 400 (Plan) 221/ 4.3 Ion-exchange Resins (Wofatit) 300 3.2 Salicylic. Acid 235 2.5 ?Triphenyl Phosphate 125 1.3 Miscellaneous. 365 4.o 'Export 175293/ 1.9 Total 9,250 100.0 * Several interesting comparisons can be made showing close similarities between the phenol end-use patterns of the US (for 1951) and of East Germany (for 1952). East Germany used nearly 5 percent of its phenol supply for refining lubricating oils (the US, 3 percent), about 2.5 percent to produce salicylic acid (the US, 1.6 percent), almost 1 per- cent for manufacturing "2, 4-D"-type weedkillers (the US, 5.9 percent), and about 2 percent was exported (the US, 5..4 percent). -68- S-E -C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 $ -E -C -R -E -T F.. Cresol. Cresol has many uses and applications parallel to those of phenol. Cresol is a substitute for phenol in numerous applications, as also is xylenol. For-exapple, phenolic resine made from cresols exhibit better color stability than do similar resins made from pure phenol. The largest single use of cresol in East Germany is for the pro- duction of tricresyl:phosphate (TCP), an essential illasticizer in polyvinyl chloride plastics and other important plastics, including polystyrene. It is estimated that East Germany used about one-third of the total cresol supply in the manufacture of TCP during 1952. East Germany is estimated to have used about one-fourth of its gross supply of cresol during 1952 for manufacturing phenolic resins and plastics. The field of plastics alone in East Germany consumes approximately 60 percent of the cresol supply.* The demand for cresol in East Germany for making phenolic resins and plastics is understood to be rapidly increasing as a result of the continuing phenol shortage. Cresol may also be used as a solvent for refining lubri- cation oils,** a disinfectant*** in Lysol and health soaps, the starting material for making organic Solvents, synthetic tanning :agents, pesticides (orchard sprays), dyestuff intermediates, flotation reagents, metal cleaning compounds (for aircraft engines), oil additives, and explosives (trinitrceresol). There is no firm evidence, however, to establish what quantities of cresol are consumed for these purposes in East Germany. The production of organic solvents, hydro- genated cresols like Metbylhexalin, probably consumes considerable cresol. The manufacture of tanning agents, which are in great demand in East Germany, probably also consumes an appreciable amount of the total cresol supply. Cresol-based disinfectants and soaps are made, but nothing is known about the volume of production. There is no evidence to indicate that cresol is nitrated to produce explosives nor is there evidence to suggest that cresol is used to refine lubricating oils, although East German specialists were reportedly considering this use at one time. * Comparable US figures: for TCP, about 25 percent; for phenolic resins and plastics, from 4o to 50 percent. ** Comparable US figure: about 5 percent. *** Comparable US figure: about 10 percent. -69.- S-E -C -R-E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T There is no evidence indicating that, prior to 1953, cresol was placed in a strategic reserve such as the East German State Material Reserve. A negligible amount was reported to be included) under a category called "disinfecting drugs," in the 1953 State Material Reserve plan for pharmaceutical supplies. A coppilation of the fulfilled East German exports of cresol (all fractions combined) during 1952 shove that over 95 percent of the exports went to non-Soviet Bloc countries, and the total amounted to more than 10 percent Of the East German output. No exports to the USSR were noted in 1952. Table 18 shows the estimated East German cresol consumption pattern for. 1952. Table 18 Estimated East German Cresol Consumption Pattern 1952 Pioduct or Use , Amount Consumed (Metric Tons) Percent of Total Consumed Tticresyl Phosphate 4,150 32.7 Synthetic Resins and Plastics (except Synthetic Tannins) 3,000 23.6 Hydrogenated Cresols (Methylhexalin, etc.) 1,200 ' 9.5 Synthetic Organic Tanning Agents 750 5.9 Miscellaneous Uses 1,900 14.9 Export 1,700 13.4 Total 12,700 100.0 - 70 - S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E-C -R -E-T G. Aniline. Aniline is the source of hundreds of more complex inter- mediates and finished products. The chief importance of aniline lies in its value as an intermediate in the manufacture of dyes and pig- ments (for textiles) leather) and printing inks)) pharmaceuticals and drugs, rubber chemicals) photographic chemicals (developers and dyes), smokeless powder stabilizers, and the explosive tetryl. Another application) recently developed, is its use as a rocket fuel, used in combination with fuming nitric acid. Production. of this; special fuel is of considerable military interest, at leaSt in the US. Because aniline has such a great number of uses and it-has-no substitutes, the entire-war or peacetime economy of a country would be crippled if the aniline supply were curtailed. There is no evidence to indicate that aniline is produced in .East Germany, and supply is, apparently, completely dependent upon import.* The total East German import of aniline during 1952 has been estimated at 1,300 tons (see II, B0 10 above). No East German exports of aniline have been reported. Prior to 19540 aniline was not mentioned as an item to be included in the East German State Material Reserve. The. 1954 plan for medical and pharmaceutical supplies of the State Material Reserve, however, showed an allocation of 15 tons of aniline. 299/ Because of tharelatively large size of the synthetic rubber industry in East Germany, considerable quantities of rubber chemicals are needed. The manufacture of rubber antioxidants, including phenyl-beta-naphtbylamine and diphenylamine) and a series of vulcani- zation accelerators under the trade name (Vulkazit) are believed to consume approximately 65 percent of East Germany's total aniline supply; the preparation of dyestuffs, pigments, and intermediates consumes less than 10 percent; the manufacture of photographic chemicals, especially the developer hydroquinone, consumes about 15 percent; and the preparation of drugs and pharmaceuticals) primarily sulfa drugs, uses approximately 5 percent.** East Germany is believed The US produced about 43,500 metric tons in 1952. ** Comparable US figures: rubber chemicals, 6o percent; dyestuff,. pigments, and istermediates, 15 to 20 percent; photographic chemicals, 2 percent; drugs and pharmaceuticals, 10 percent. - 71 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T to have used about 7 percent of the 1952 total aniline supply to make centralite (carbanilide),* and probablimost of the output was shipped to Hungary for the manufacture of gunpowder. East Germany has imported, particularly from the USSR, a number of aniline-derived chemicals. One outstanding item is dimethylaniline (DMA), which is an intermediate for the synthesis of tetryl (tetranitromethylaniline), an initiating explogive and a secondary charge for detonators. DMA is also used to a great extent as an intermediate for the preparation of dyestuffs. An import of 16 tons from the USSR was planned in 1951, and the-1950 import amounted to about 34 tons. 300/ -The production of organic dyes by East Germany is apparently inadequate to meet demands, even though organic dyes are exported. This situation may be attributable to failure to produce all the types of dyes required. The 1953 import plan included 1,200 tons of organic dyes Valued at 24.1 million rubles, and the dyes were to come mainly from Western countries, probably Switzerland, West Germany, and the UK. ' 301/ The largest single aniline-consuming plant in East Germany is VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen.. It appears that this plant used about? 820 tons in 1950, apProximately 1,000 tons in 1951, 302/ and had an. anticipated requirement of 1,176 tons in 1952., 303/ Table 19** shows the estimated East German aniline consumption pattern for 1952. IV. Input Requirements. A. Raw Materials. 1. General. Hard coal (bituminous) used in coke-oven plants (cokeries) and gas plants yields two principal crude products which are sources for obtaining refined basic aromatic chemicals: raw hard-coal tar, and crude benzol (light oil). The tar recovered from carbonizing hard coal is the source of naphthalene and amount of crude tar acids. The crude benzol product provides most of the refined benzol, toluol, and xylol obtainable from coal. A small amount of crude benzol is recovered in the distilling of coal tar, but this * During World War II (1944) the US used about 3 percent of the total aniline supply for smokeless powder stabilizers. ** Table 19 follows on p. 73. - 72 - S-E-C-}14-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 19 Estimated East German Aniline Consumption Pattern 1952 Product and Use Amount Consumed (Metric Tons) Percent of Total Consumed Phenyl-Beta-Naphthylamine (PEN) (Rubber Antioxidant) 750 57.7 Vulkazit (Rubber Accelerators) 60 4.6 Hydroquinone (Photographic Developer) 200 15.4 Centralite (Smokeless Powder Stabilizer) 100 7.7 Sulfonamides - (Sulfa Drugs) 60 4.6 Miscellaneous 130 10.0 Total 1,300 100.0 fraction of the tar is combined with the main crude benzol product before rectification. Formerly) some crude benzol was produced in East Germany by one plant having a Fischer-Tropsch low-pressure synthesis unit, but this installation was dismantled in 1951. Brown coal and/or lignite furnish the greatest quantity of crude tar acids (crude phenols) produced in East Germany. Only a very small proportion of the tar acids produced come from hard-coal tar. The tar acids are processed for Separation to give refined phanol, cresols, and xylenols. The three sources -- hard-coal tar, crude benzol, and crude tar acids -- from which East Germany acquires all of its indigenous production of the refined basic aromatic chemiCals are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs. - ?73 - S-E-C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T 2. Raw Hard-Coal Tar. The production of raw tar from hard coal in East Germany is confined mainly to installations equipped with gas retorts, as exemplified by the many municipal and city gas plants throughout the area; In 1952 there were 194 of these plants producing hard-coal tar, and their combined output accounted for about 90 percent of the total East German tax output. 32y (See Appendix C, Table 33.*) The remaining 10 percent of.the tar Output was produced by two small cokeries located at Zwickau) -August Bebel (formerly Estav cokery) and Karl Marx (formerly Morgenstern cokery). ? Indigenous tar production; however, is insufficient for domestic requirements, so additional quantities of tar must be Obtained by import, mainly from several Western countries, including Denmark, Sweden) Norway, Austria, and West Germany. Tar imports in 1950 amounted to 8,019 tons, 305/ and the annual import plans for 1951 and 1952 were 18,000 tons and 20,000 tons, respectively. ..3.2/ There is no information to indicate the success of these import plans, but they were probably not fulfilled. Raw tar is required by several East German tar distilleries for processing to produce.coal-tar products. Quantities of tar are needed also by a number of roofing-felt (paper or boardl manufacturing plants and for road construction and repair. One source reported that, because of the tar shortage in 1951, the East German State Planning Commission had to allocate 5.5 million marks for the purchase of cobbled pavement to me-et the road construction schedule. 121/ In 1952, three tar distilleries were scheduled to receive approximately 92 percent of the planned total tar output, 90,067 tons, from gas plants operating on hard coal. The largest of the distiller- ies is.VEB Teerdestillation- und.Chemische Fabrik Erkner (near Berlin), which expeated to receive 80 percent of the total tar output from the gas plants. The remaining tar deliveries were to be divided between two small tar distilleries, Chemische Fabrik Velten (formerly Schieweck and Company plant) (to receive 5.9 percent of the tar) and Chemische'Fabrik Dcebeln (formerly Oswald Greiner plant) (to receive 6.4 percent of the tar), and the various East German Land governments (to receive 7.7 per- cent of the tax-). 308/ Tar deliveries to the Land governments probably were to go to a number of tar roofing-felt manufacturing plants and to road construction units. The largest plant known to produce roofing felt in the area is the Riedel plant (formerly Hand Burchard plant) at Rostock. * P. 171, below. -74- S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T during 1952 the Erkner distillery actually processed about 83,800 tons of raw hard-coal tar containing a maximum water content of 5 percent, but this quantity included about 8,700 tons imported from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Austria. 222/ (See Appendix C0 Table 34.*) The Zwickau coking plants partially process most of their own tar production but apparently do ship a small amount of the raw tar to Erkner for processing. . The Erkner-plant also receives medium-boiling tar fractions, called the "middle oil" (maximum boiling point of 14.000), from the - Zwickau cokeries, from the Velten tar distillery, and from various tar processing plants -- the Biemann plant at Grabow; the Siemens-Plania plant Lichtenberg; Teerverwertung Gotha; the Eggert plant at Wismar; . and tar-paper plants at Bruel, Manisa, Woltersdorf, and Rostock (Riedel plant). 310/ The middle oil fraction is processed by Erkner,. primarily to recover naphthalene and crude tar acids. Before 1945 the area which is now East Germany had two large tar distilleries. One was the Erkner plant) and the other was located at Niederau (near Meissen -- in the vicinity of Dresden). Both plants were former members of the second largest tar-distilling organization in Germany,. the Ruetgerswerke AG. The USSR dismantled the Niederau plant in 1945. The norm for tar production by gas plants, based on East German statistical investigations, has been established at 4:3 kilograms of tar, with a maximum of 5 percent water content, per 100 kilograms of coal throughput, where the crude goal has a pure coal content of 82.6 percent. 311/ ? 3. Crude Benzol. The primary source of crude benzol_in East Germany is the city gas plant. Of the 194 city gas plants, including two plantain. ? -the Soviet sector of Berlin, that werecapable of recovering hard '.? coal tar in 1952; apparently about one-fourth were equipped with benzol scrubbers and could recover crude benzol from the volatile materials produced. There were 48 gas plants scheduled to produce crude benzol during 1952, and together they were, to contribute about ? 78 percent of the entire East German crude benzol production.quota.?312/ (See Appendix C.) * P. 175, below. - 75 - S -E -C -R -E -T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 SE-C-R-E-T The second important source of crude benzol is the cokery. Only two East German cokeries? Karl Marx and August Bebel, use hard . coal. Both plants are located at Zwickau in the district (Bezirk) of Chemnitz, formerly Land Saxony. Prior to April 1951; a Fischer- Tropdch low-pressure synthesis unit at VEB Mineraloelwerk Luetzkendorf) Krumpa/Geisteltal) was a producer of synthetic crude benzol. The unit was dismantled in 1951, and some of-the equipment was moved to expand the capacity of a similar type of installation at VEB Werk Schwarz- heidel near Ruhland/Senftenberg. .313./ There is no evidence to indicate that Schwarzheide will produce -synthetic crude benzol. Annual East German produCtion plans for crude benzol from 1949 to 1952 are available, but no reports have appeared giving actual final outputs for\anv one of these vears. Table 20* gives estimates of the production .of crude benzol in East Germany from 1949 through 1955. 4. Crude Tar Acids (Crude Phenols). Conditions in East Germany are most favOrable for producing large quantities of crude tar acids. The raw materials, brown coal and lignite, are available in considerable amounts. It was reported ? in early 1952 that if the quantities of the low-temperature carboni- zation (LIC) liquors recovered at that. time were fully utilized) ? 9,000 tons of crude phenol containing 3,000 tons of pure phenol could be obtained annually, and if the middle oil phenols from LIC plants were processed completely, it would be possible to recover each year 52)000 tons of crude phenols containing about 12,000 tons of pure phenol. 314/ Curkent rates of production of crude phenols, however, are not known for all producing Lit plants and hydrogenation plants. Furthermore0.the processing conditions-) the raw materials) the phenolic content of each tar) oil-fraction, and effluent; and the actual yields of tar acids obtained from each crude phenols source are so varied and complex from plant to plant that it has been impractical to make total estimates of crude phenols production in East Germany by a plant-analysis method. Fragmentary production data and annual quota figures were available for many of the * Table 20 follows on p. 77. 76 S-E-C -R -E-T 50X1 bOX1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -Table 20 Estimated Production of Crude Benzol ? in East Germany, by Producing Plants ? 1949-55 Metric Tons Production Karl Marx and City / August Bebel VEB Mineraloelwerk Year Total Gas Plants IV cokeries 12/ Luetzkendorf C..! 19149 12,800 : 8,734 316/ 3,449 317/ 617 10,000 d/315/ 2,8504/ 318/. 800 d/ 319/ 1950 14,900 . 10,100 3,800 i/ 12,000 d/320/. 3,200 ili 322/ 1,000 d/323/ 1951 16,900 Y/--:? 12,618 3,950 i 332 3287-- 16,384 1./ 326/ 3,340 RV 1952 18,600 E/ --- 14,600 4,000. ' 18,482 4/ 329/ 14,413 4/ 330/ 1953 19,600 B./ , 15,600 4,000. 1954 20,700 B/ 16,650 4,o5o - 1955 21,700 B/ : 17,600 4,100 - a. Outputs were calculated from probable percentage yields of crude benzol to coke production estimates. Yield factors employed range from 0.74 to 0.88 percent of the gas coke (Gaskoks) produced. See Appendix C for estimated gas-coke production during corresponding Years. b. Procedure used was similar to (a) above in estimating crude benzol out,- puts by cokeries, except yield factors employed range from 1.49 to 1.52 percent of the estimated coke outputs. gee .Appendix C for estimated coke (Zechenkoks) production by the cokeries for corresponding years. c. Production of synthetic crude benzol ceased when the Fischer-Ttopsch unit was dismantled in 1951. d. Plan figure. e. Estimate based on reported actual output for 11 months 1950 (3,507 MT). 321/ f. Estimate based on first half-year output (8,455 MT) 324/ and first 9 months output (12,676 MT). 325/ g. Estimate representing the sum of the separate output estimates for city gas plants and Zwickau cokeries (Karl Marx and August Bebel). ter - 77 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T _ _ _ _ _ _ significant producing plants and are presented in Table 21.* Another table, in Appendix C; lists the same plants and provides information about the raw materials used) the specific sources of the crude phenols, and the method or process employed to recover them at each installation. .East German plants reported to be currently producing crude phenol oils are located at Espehhain, Boehlen, Zeitz; Rositz, Leuna, and Goelzau; and plants presently producing phenolate liquors are at Hirschfelde, Goelzau, Boehlen, and Klaffenbach. The largest producer of crude phenol oil is VEB Kombinat Espenhain at Espenhain. Most of its phenolic product is obtained from LTC spent liquors and the remainder from heavY benzine or naphtha ' (gasoline). Two crude phenol extracting towers are in operation; each capable of handling 850 cubic meters of LTC waste waters daily and lowering the phenol content from 8 to 0.75 grams per liter. The Koppers steam-circulation process is employed with caustic soda lye. The phenol extraction plant for heavy benzine is understood to extract 01 tons of crude acid daily. Espenhain processes the phenolate liquors from plants at Boehlen and Hirschfelde. 331/ Espenhain's crude phenol product is shipped mainly to VEB Leunawerke "Wallet Ulbricht," at Leuna near Merseburg, but some (about 10 percent) is sent to VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Sabrik Erkner for refining. 'During 1952; Erkner received 3,291 tons 'f'rom Espehhain; and the 1-9-53 plan called for 5;550 tone (containing 16.5 percent water). 332/ A reported analysis of Espehhain's crude phenol oil showed it to contain the following 333/: 24.6 percent phenol 25.5 percent cresols 21.1 percent xylenols 10.1 percent phenol pitch 16.5 percent water (2.2 percent loss) Table-21 shows actual and planned East German production of crude phenols; by producing plants; from 1949 through 1955. * Table 21 follows on p.79. -78- S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T Table 21 Actual and Planned Production of'Crude Phenols . in East Germany, by Producing Plants 1949-55 ai* Metric Tons Plant and Location Production 12/ Crude Phenol Oil VEB Kombinat Espenhain, Espenhain (neat Borna) 1951 (30,000) 334/ 1952 38,098 3557 1953 40,391 3.5.4/, 1954 (41,500) 337/ VEB Kombinat "Otto Grotewohl," Boehlen (near Leipzig) VEB Hydrierwerk Zeitz/Weissenfels VEB Teerverarbeitungsverk Rositz .(near .Altenburg) VEB Leunawerke "Walter 'Ulbricht," Leuna (near Merseburg) VEB Grosskokerei "Matyas Rakosi," Lauchhammer (near Ruhland) Ultimate. annual capacity 1,700 357/ 1950 310 338/ 1951 469 339/ 1952 493 , 1953 (897)77 342/ 1950 1,392 1951 (1,450) ./ 1952 (9,720) 345/ 1954 (2,092) Wi 1950 3,459.347/ 1951 4,201 lja/ 1952 5,058"2/ 1953 5,964 222/ 1954 (6,300)352/ -- 1955 (6,300)Z]V 1950 (1,575) (2nd Quarter) .32,/ 1950 ? 5,000 (Approximate) 355 Annual capacity 24,000 356/ Footnotes for Table 21 follow on p. 80. 79 - . S-E -C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R-E -T Table 21 Actual and Planned Production of Crude Phenols in East Germany, by Producing Plants 1949-55 a/ (Continued) Metric Tons Plant and Location 1952 1953 1954 1955 1949 1950 1952 1953 1953 1954 1955 Production IV Crude Phenol Oil (1,120 358/ 4,219 ;7-360/ (Continued) VEB Teerverarbeitungswerk Goelzau/Weissarldt Phenolate Liquor (Sodium Phenolates) (4,500) 361/ (4,500) 362/ 8,o96 363/ (8,200764/ (390) 365/ 34 IT.E6/ .1,547 367/ VEB Elektrochemie Iiirschfelde (near Zittau) VEB Mineraloelwerk Klaffenba,ch? Klaffenbach Erzgebirge ? VEB Teerverarbeitungswerk Goelzau, Goelzau/ Weissandt ?(3,200.78/ (3,200) T63/ VEB Kombinat "Otto Grotewohl," Boehlen . (near Leipzig) 1950 43,375 370/ 1951 46,662 371/ 1952 53,589 F-372 19531 C (52,577) Th' 4' 37 a. Production information is not complete for all plants through 1955. b. Data shown in parentheses are annual production quotas. c. Original plan for 1953 was 840 tons. Actual output fox first 9 months was 648 tons. 341/ d. Original 1953 quota was 5,500 tons, 351/ but the revised quota was 4,865 tons. - 8o - s-E-c-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T ? Table 21 Actual and Planned Production. of Crude Phenols in East Germany, by Producing Plants 1949-55 a/ (Continued) e. Original 1953 quota was 3,860 tons'. Revised 1953 quota was 4,003 .tons. 359/ f. Original 1953 quota was 300 tons and the revised quota was 34 tons. g. Quantity includes 49,373 tons from brown-coal tar and 4,216 tons from hydrogenation. h. Original 1953 quota was 50,000 tons. Actual output for first 9 months was 39,696 tons. 373/ A tar-processing plant near Altenburg, VEB Teerverarbeitungs- werk Rositz, recovers crude phenols from heavy benzine or naphtha fractions by .absorption with caustic soda. In 1951, Rositz was not equipped to recover phenols from LIC waste waters, output of which was then at the rate of-180 cubic meters A day. 375/ No subsequent infor- mation indicates that Rositz now is capable of dephenolating its process effluents. The plant produces a product called "R-III" oramiddle- oil phenol," but apparently its phenolic constituents have not been .succeSsfully exploited to date. The product may have possibilities in direct utilization as a phenolic raw material for manufacturing synthetic plastics. "R-III" reportedly boils between 170 and 3009C, and a sample analysis showed the following composition 876/: 64 percent crude phenols mixture 8 percent bases 4 percent acids 24 percent neutral oils The crude phenols mixture consisted of: 11 percent phenol 29 percent cresols (including 11 percent ortho cresol) 28 percent xylenols 32 percent higher phenols 7 81; - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T There is little available information about the production of crude phenol oil at VEB Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht." The plant is known to recover phenols frcm hydrogenation (Bergius process) waste waters and heavy benzine fractions by absorption with caustic soda. 377/ Another plant, VEB Kombinat "Otto Grotewohl" at Boehlen near Leipzig, uses a Phenosolvan process unit to recover crude phenol oil from hydrogenation (Bergius process) waste waters) output of which was 10 1 cubic meters per hour by 1951. On the other hand) the Bergius hydro- genation plant near Weissenfels, VEB Hydrierwerk Zeitz) recovers phenols by using the Tricresyl phosphate process. By 1951 this plant was processing hourly 30 cubic meters of waste waters having a pnenos content of 5 to 6 grams per liter. 378/' An analysis of Zeitz's crude phenol oil indicates that it contained the following 379/: 16 to 20 percent phenol 40 to 50 percent cresols 20 to 25 percent xylenols 10 to 15 percent water 4 to 5 percent other elements with higher boiling points ? 0.05 percent neutral oil A newly constructed plant at Lauchhammer (near Ruhland) named VEB Grosskokerei "Matyas Rakosi," Lauchhammer, is expected to produce crude phenols) but the status of current operations is unknown. The VEB Teerverarbeitungswerk Goelzau was reported to have planned experiments for 1953 to determine a more economical way of freeing phenols from LLC liquors by developing a wash oil) with a high binding ? property for phenols to treat the LTC water. 380/ The Erkner distillery was directed to erect, by the end of 1953, a 735,000-eastmark dephenolating installation 381/ in which the "Phenosolvan" process would be employed. The phenol-containing waste waters from VEB Teerverarbeitungswerk Kcepsen at Koethemand VEB Teerverarbeitungswerk Webau near Radegast were to be dephenolized in a different manner. These plants were to use as the solvent a diesel oil fraction from brawn-coal distillation. The process is expected to give a crude phenols recovery of 80 to 85 percent from a daily throughput of 100 to 110 cubic meters of water containing about 350 kilograms of crude phenols. 382/ - 82 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R-E-T _ _ _ _ _ _ Some plants remove crude tar acids from tar oils by extraction witia'a caustic soda solution. The result is a mixed sodium phenolate liquor, generally known as phenolate liquor, or lye. Phenols are recovered from the liquor at refining plants- by "springing" with carbon dioxide (or sulfuric acid). The largest East German producer of phenolate liquor is VEB Kombinat "Otto Grotewohl," at Boehlen. The product is shipped to the Espenhain plant. Another producer is VEB Teerverarbeitungswerk Goelzau, near Weissandt, which makes a 50 percent-phenolate liquor. 383/ A petroleum refining plant, VEB Mineraloelwerk Klaffenbach, is under- stood to be a minor producer of phenolate liquor. A 25 percent liquor produced by VEB Elektrocheirde Hirschfelde, second largest producer) is sent to the Erkner plant for refining. 384/ In 1952, Erkner received 2,459 tons from Hirschfelde and was to receite 1,600 tons in 1953. 385/ When processed at Erkner, Hirschfelde's product was reported to yield the following 386/: 11.8 percent phenol 10.6 percent cresols 4.6 percent xylenols 3.0 percent phenol pitch 12.8 percent solid caustic soda 54.7 percent water (2.5 percent loss) .-The Goelzau plant also produces a "phenol resin," but com- position and applications are not known. Goelzau's revised 1953 production goal for the resin was 779 tons, but the actual output was 915 tons. 3?1/ A "phenol extract" is reported to be made by VEP Mineraloelwerk Luetzkendorf at Krumpa. The nature of the "extract" is unknown, but output was 1,196 tons in 1950, and the 1952 production plan was 2,400 tons. 32/ It is obvious that production possibilities for tar acids ? derived from brown coal in East Germany far overshadow those for what- ever quantity of tar acids can be realized from indigenous production of hard-coal tar. None of the hard-coal tar producers, the gas plants and cokeries, are presently capable of separating tar acids from the tar. In all of East Germany the Erkner plant is the sole installation which processes hard-coal tar and its fractions for tar acids. -83- S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 - S -E -C -R -E -T Table 22 presents actual and planned production of crude phenols in Eatt Germany from 1949 through 1955. , Table 22 Actual and Planned Production of Crude Phenols in East Germany ? 1949-55 Metric Tons_ Year Production 1949 23,500 389/ 1950 26,749 1/-391/ 1951 33,766 iii 1952 45,70o ay 393 41,650 Ey T/-395/ 1953 45,800 Ey Ty 1T390/ 1954 61,000 17/ T./i/ 399/ 1955 70,000 EY E/h/ goT/ a. The 1950 production plan was 25,010 tons. 390/ b. Plan figure. C. Original production quota stated in the East German Five Year Plan (1951-55). d. Estimate based on reported actual production 'for 8 months of 1952 '(30,456 tons). e. Annual production quota. Original 1952 plan stated in the East German Five Year Plan was 44,500 tons. 3914/ f. Revised 1953 produOtion quota. Actual output for first 6 months was 23,700 tons. 396/ g. Original 1953 production quota was 53,000 tons, as given in the Five Year Plan. 397/ h. Actual output is not likely to exceed annual ' quota tet in the Five Year Plan. -84 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E-T. B. Manpower. The manpower requirement for the production of aromatic coal chemicals in East Germany is not large, and there appears to be an adequate supply of all required skills. The processing of raw hard- coal tar and crude benzol is practically monopolized by one plant). VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner. This plant has a larger number of employees directly engaged in the production of coal chemicals than has any other plant in East Germany. Available employment data on the Erkner plant have been generally complete. It has been reported that the Manpower requirements (excluding apprentices) at Erkner increased in 1951 to 116 percent and in 1952 to 121 percent of those of 1950 and that, from a plan point of view, requirements in all professional groups were satisfied. At the same time, worker productivity was 135 percent in 1951 and 141 percent in 1952 of the 1950 figure. 401/ The two cokeries at Zwickau are equipped with byproduct recovery units and are capable of processing most of their own production of tar and benzol. Thus the number of workers actually connected with the bytiroduct plantsjnot total employmentjis the desited figure; the, latter would include workers for coke-oven operations. There. is no available information, however, on the manpower requirements for the pperatioh of the byproduct plants at the Zwickau cokeries, and it has been necessary to base an estimate on US practices. No reported manpower data are Available on the number of personnel actually concerned with the recovery and readying for shipment of tar and crude benzol at the nearly 200 East German hard- coal gas plants. Only an arbitrary estimate can be given. The same is true for the number of workers required by almost 10 crude phenols producing plants and 2 plants, besides Erkner? which pro- cess these crude phenols. There is available no ourrent labor employment information on the small tar distilleries at Doebeln and Velten. Table 23* gives the estimated East German manpower require- ments for the production of aromatic coal chemicals 'in 1952. * Table 23 follows on P. 86. -85 - S-E-C -R -E -T. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E-T Table 23 Estimated East German Manpower Requirements for the Production of Aromatic Coal Chemicals 1952 Estimated Total Producing Plants Number of Employees Gas Plants (for tar and crude benzol recovery only) 1,200 2/ Cokeries (for coke byproduct plant only) 70 b/ Erkner Tar Distillery 640 Doebeln and Velten Tar Distilleries ? 100 a/ Plants Producing and Processing Crude Phenols 250 e/ Total 2,260 a. Estimate for 194 gas plants. Total workers reported employed by 180 gas plants in December of 1948 were 10,605. 402/ b. Total workers reported employed by 2 cokeries in December of 1948 were 511. 403/ US manpower requirement for a byproduct plant of a cokery is 1.7 man-hours per metric tan of coal consumed, c. Erkner employed 634 (total) on 1 January 1952. 404/ d. These plants and the Riedel roofing-felt plant at Rostock employed 80 workers in December of 1948. 405/ e. Estimate. C. Process Materials and Energy. . The coal chemical industry in East Germany has adequate supplies of process materials and, except hard coal, of energy. Aside from hard coal, over-all requirements are relatively small in comparison with the rest of the East German chemical industry and other heavy industries. Because indigenous hard-coal resources are lacking and import deliveries and allocations are sporadic, coal supplies at city gas plants are often meager, and production losses sometimes occur. Fortunately for the industry, requirements are small for sulfuric acid, Which is critically short throughout East Germany. -86- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 In many instances, however, it has been necessary to estimate input requirements, particularly for coke byproduct plants and crude phenols processing installations, on the basis of US practices and input factors or on German operations prior to the end of World War II. Those estimated requirements for 1952 given -in Table 24 are incomplete, and a number of the estimates are crude. Production and processing procedures vary so greatlyidepending on local factors, that it is Impossible to make accurate estimates. The bulk of the estimates of principal inpUts, however, are reasonably !accurate.* Table 24 Estimated East Geiman Material and Energy Requirements for the Production of Aromatic Coal Chemicals 1952 Input Bituminous Coal (for coke, raw tar, and crude benzol) Gas Plants Cokeries Total Electricity VEB Teerdestillation- 'land Chemische Fabrik Exikner Cokerles VEB Chemische Fabrik Doebeln and VEB Chemische Fabrik Velten Boehlen (Phenolate-Liquor Plants) Quantity 2,440,000 tons ti** 350,000 tons 2,790,000 tons 4,300,000 kilowatt-hours 3,700,000 kilowatt-hours 153,000 kilowatt-hours 2,870,000 kilowatt-hours * Continued on p. 91. ** Footnotes for Table 24 follow on p. 91. -87- -E -C -R -E -T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T Table 24. Estimated East German Material and Energy Requirements for the Production of Aromatic Coal Chemicals 1952 (Continued) Input Quantity Electricity (Continued) Other Phenolate-Liquor-Producing Plants 590,000 kilowatt-hours f/ Crude Phenol-Oil Producing Plants 2,970,000 kilowatt-hours Total - 14 583,000 kilowatt-hours Steam VEB Teerdestillation-, und Chemische Fabrik Erlmer (at 19 atmospheres pressure) 187,000 tons h/ _ Gas Plants (for recovering crude benzol) 73,000 tons 1/ Cokeries 108,000 tons k/ VEB Chemische Fabrik Doebeln . and VEB Chemische Fabrik Velten 7,800 tons 11 VEB Kombinat "Otto Grotewohl," Boehlen (Phenolate-Liquor Plants) 74,5oo tons mi Other Phenolate-Liquor Producing Plants 18,200 tons E/ Crude Phenol-Oil Producing Plants 81,000 tons 2/ ? Total 549,500, tons r Lime VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner 8,400 tons IV Cokeries 300 tons 11 Crude Phenols-Processing Plants (except Erimer Plant) 11,500 tons LI Total -88- S-E-C -R-E-T 20,200 tons --- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T Table 24 Estimated East German Material and Energy Requirements for the Production .of Aromatic Coal Chemicals 1952 (continued) ? Input Quantity Coke VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner Other Plants, including Cokeries and Crude ' .Phenols-Processing Plants (except Erkner 'Plant) Total 1,000 tons 418/ 14,200 tons 2/ - 15,200 tons Caustic Soda (100 Percent NaOH) VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik trkner 668 tons 420/ VEB KoMbinat "Otto Grotewohl," Boehlen (Phenolate-Liquor Plants) 2,068 tons 421 Other phenolate-Liquor-Producing Plants 415 tons t Crude Phenols-Processing Plants (except Erkner plant) 1,000 tons Total 14,151 tons Sulfilric Acid (100 percent acid basis) VEB Tterdestillation- und Chereische Fabrik Erkner 1,050 tens 423/ Cokeries 3,600 tons it Total 4,650 tons e. Based on. an estimated total coke production of 1.7 million tons and a coke yield of 69.5 percent of the coal charged to the gas retorts. b. Based on an estimated total coke production of 264,000 tons and a coke yield of 76.0 percent of the coal charged to the coke ovens. c. Based on 14 kilowatt-hours, per ton of coke produced and an estimated coke output of 264,000 tons. d. Based on 13.8 kilowatt-hours per ton of Tair tar processed and an : estimated tar processing total of 11,100 tons. - 89 - S-E-C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 24 Estimated East German Material and Energy Requirements for the Production of Aromatic Coal Chemicals 1952 (Continued) e. Based on a reported consumption of 53.5 kilowatt-hours per tan of phenolate liquor produced and an output of 53,600 tons of phenolate liquor in 1952. 407/ f. Based on a consumption of 55 kilowatt-hours per ton of phenolate liquor and an estimated output of 10,700 tons of phenolate liquor. ;4,0i1/ g. Based on an estimated consumption of 66 kilowatt-hours per ton of crude phenol oil and an estimated output of 45,000 tons of crude phenol oil. 142/ Ii. Reported steam consumption for the first half of 1952 was 93,900 tons, and total quantity of products produced was 50,014 tons (1.88 tons of steam per 1 ton of product). L.1.12/ Total 1952 output of products was 99,853 tons. Lily j. Based on reported norm of 5 tons of steam required per i ton or crude benzol prcduced.111.2/ Estimated crude benzol output from gas plants in 1952 was 14, 600 tons. k. Based on 900 pounds of steam per ton of coke and an estimated .coke output of 264,000 tons; 1. Based on an arbitrary estimate of 0.7 kilowatt-hours required for 1 ton of tar processed and a total tar processing of 11,100 tons. in. Based on a reported consumption of 1.39 tons of steam per ton of 'phenolate liquor produced an output of 53,600 tons of phenolate liqUor in 1952. ill/ n. 'Base& on a consumption of 1.7 tons of steam per ton of phenolate liquor and an estimated output of. 10,700 tons of phenolate liquor..ily/ o. 'Based on an estimated consumption of 1.8 tons of steam per ton sr crude phenol oil produced and an estimated output of 45,000 tons of crude phenol oil. Li.21/ p. Based on a reported relationship of 1 ton of lime per 0.12 ton of Coke (for burning) 11.1?J and a reported coke consumption in 1952 of 1,000 tons: jilt/ q. Based on a requirement of 3.0 pounds of.lime per 1.0 ton of coke produced and an estimated coke output of 264;900 tons. r. Based on 46 kg. of lime per 100 kg. of crude phenols processed and an estimated 25,000 tons of crude phenols processed in 1952. s. Based on 8.35 tons of lime per 1.0 ton of coke (for buruing).1.212/ ? and an estimated requirement of 11.800 tons of lime (see Lime, above). - '90 - $-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E-T Table 24 ? ? Estimated East German Material and Energy Requirements for the Production of Aromatic Coal Chemicals ? 1952 (Continued) t. Based on 3.ob kg. of caustic soda per 100 kg. of phenolate liquor produced (as reported for the Boehlen Plant) 422/ and an estimated 10,700 tons of phenolate liquor produced. u. Based on 4 kg. of caustic soda per 100 kg. of crude phenols pro- cessed and an estimated 25,000 tons of crude phenols processed in 1952. t. Based on 39 pounds of sulfuric acid (600 Baum( or 77.7 percent. acid content) per ton of coke produced and an estimated coke output of 264,000 tons. Bituminous coal estimates shown in Table 214 represent only the coal required for the production of coke (including coke.breeze), raw coal tar, and crude benzol by coking plants and gas plants. No attempt has been made to estimate coal requirements for electricity, process steam, heating; and other uses, for plant operating conditions vary widely: Similar problems exist for calculating plant require- ments for water, and n?stimates have been made.. V. Capabilities, Vulnerabilities, and Intritions, A. Capabilities. It has been previously -stated that East Germany is incapable ? " of producing several of the basic aromatic chemicals in the quantities that the country requires. It is estimated, that in: 1952 less than 30 percent of the gross supply of benzol came. frcm East German producers; about 4o percent of the toluol supply; -about 20 percent Of the naphthalene supply; and none. of the aniline. The production of ' xylol, phenol, and cresols in 1952 seems to have. satisfied Mini/hum- - requirements; there were no reported imports of these, chemicals, but? actual demands, especially for xylol and phenol; ,were discernibly greater than production. - 91- - S-EC-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T SI . The Five Year Plan (1951-55) calls for the production of 15,100 tons of refined benzol and an import of 35,000 tons. 424/ Based on available information, the fulfillment of the 1955 benzol plan does not appear likely; actual output may fall short by about 20 percent. The production of raw hard=coal tar, according to the Five,Year Plan, is to be 140:500 tdns in 1955, and an additional 20,000 tons will be imported. 425/ Current information, however, indicates that tar production in 1955 will be only a little more than 80 percent of plan. (See Appendix do Table 32.*) Unde'r the Five Year Plan) output of pure phenol in 1955, is to be 15)300 tons, and no imports .are contemplated. 426/ Actual phenol production in 1955 probably will be about 90 percent of the Five Year Plan figure. The possibilities of expanding production appreciably after 1955 do not appear favorable. Much depends, of course) on the degree of success that will be attained in realizing the potential supply of aromatic chemicals available from brown coal. Additional production gained from brown coal sources can hardly be anticipated in quantity before 1960) at the earliest).because new plants must be built. In the meantime, equiptent and power shortages other than those which now exist, may arise, and they will impede progress in the new approach to solving the'problem'of deficiencies in aromatic Chemicals. B. Vulnerabilities. From a military point of view, East Germany is, apparently, exceptionally vulnerable in respect to the production and refining of coal chemicals for direct Utilization by the chemical industry and other economic sectors. The situation exists mainly because there is only one significant plant, VEB Tterdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner (near Berlin), which is capable of processing large quantities of raw materials -- raw hard-coal tar and crude betizol. It is estimated that in 1952 Erkner produded from indigenous supplies of the raw materials just mentioned the following products, in percentages of the total East German output: 70 percent of. the refined benzol, 63 percent of the toluol, 92 percent of the xvlol, 80 percent of the naphthalene, and almost 30 percent of the refined phenol and the cresols. Only VEB Leunamerke "Walter Ulbricht" outproduces Erkner on refined phenol and the cresols, producing about 55 percent of the country's total output. * P. 169, below. -:9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T The bulk of the raw tar and crude benzol for Erkner originates from the many gas plants. Numerous small installations among these . plants, however, are antiquated and are unsuitable for the normal production and recovery of byproducts such as coke, tar, crude benzol, and ammonium sulfate. The East German economy, apparently, is also quite vulnerable because nearly all of the well-developed and complex organic-chemical Andustry is centralized in a few large chemical combines. These plants or combines manufacture the intermediates and derived. aromatics from coal chemicals, and upon these products the economy is defihitely dependent. These plants also contribute significantly to other Soviei Bloc countries, particularly to the USSR. A list of the outstanding plants would include the following: VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen; VIM Chemische Werke Buna Schkopan; VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld; VEB Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht"; and VEB Deutsches Hydrierwerk Rodleben. The Walfen plant manufactures a surprisingly wide range, of products. Some of the products are rubber chemicals, dyestuffs and dye intermediates, pharmaceuticals and drugs, photographic chemicals and color film dyes, synthetic materials (for example, ion-exchange resins for the sugar industry and for water purification and leather- tanning agents)) and stabilizers for smokeless powder. Without Wolfen'S production of rubber chemicals, the entire rubber manu- facturing and fabricating industry in East Germany would collapse, ? provided that imports from the USSR or the West were unavailable. The plant is the largest dyestuffs and photographic chemicals pro- ducer in the country and probably in the Soviet Satellites. The synthetic rubber (buna) plant at Schkopau would eease. operations if the ethylbenzene and styrene production units were destroyed. Schkopau also makes necessary rubber chemicals not pro- duced at Wolfen. Other products made by Schkopau include valuable plasticizers for the plastics and explosives industries. The Bitterfeld plant provides the country with insecticides, plasticizers for the plastic industry, salicylic acid, weed killers, and starting materials for dyes manufacture at Wolfen. If Bitterfeld's monochloro- benzene plant were eliminated, East Germany's production of organic insecticides (DDT and others) would be at least halved. The Leunawerke is the sole producer of caprOlactam, the base for the "Perlah" fiber,' a synthetic similar to nylon. The Perlon fiber and cord industries -93_- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R011.41A000500060002-7 8 -E -C -R -E -T rest on Leuna's output. The hydrogenation plant at Rodleben is very Important forits production of organic solvents and also for its sulfa drugs. Lack of vital materials brings on production bottlenecks. Reported shortages of various materials indicate weaknesses in the East German economy and point to potential vulnerabilities in time of war. Particularly scarce items appear to include stainless and other high-quality steels, sheet metal; seamless boiler tubes, tube - bends, retorts, pressure vessels) electric motors and mountings, parts for electric generators, damp-resistant cables, vacuum pumps, welding electrodes) welding flanges) wire ropes, nuts and bolts, and sulfuric acid. 427/ The inadequacies of the East German rail transportation sYstempinterrupted.centinuous operations during 1952 and jeopardized production quotas at. Erkner. because of the tank-car shortage) sporadic deliveries of crude benzol.from the gas plants to Erkner were contributory to the non- fulfillment of. .refined benzol and toluol production plans. On a number of occasions) Erkner had to use tank cars from itd own limited tank-car park to dupply the plant with raw materials prodUced by the? gas plants. On the other hand, there were timed when the gas plants were not 'supplied With the necessary hard coal and their production was sporadic. In February1952, coal stocks at Erkher.were so low that the.plant-was faced with the problem of either-keeping up production or keeping the plant wand in order to avoid damage from frost. ay 50X1 If the scarcity of materials continues as before and the other limiting'faptors still exist in the next few years, the ambitions Mt self-sufficiency, such as developing to a Commercial scale the .production of aromatic chemicals from brown coal, ,Cannot be realized. ; C. Intentions. . ' In general, the objectives of. the East German chemical. industry aPpear to be based mainly on a desire to attain a greater' degree of-self-sufficiency) especially in relation to the West. Self-sufficiency is to be accomplished through technological advance- ments and more exhaustive utilization of domestic resources. Attention and effort are directed currently toward developing - 94 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T potential sources for essential chemical raw materials now in *short supply, some of which must be imported at great cost. At the same time, technical experts are endeavoring to produce synthetically new producte or substitutes that do not require the scant raw materials. These substitutes, or "ersatz" productsroften may be as satisfactory as, or even better than, products formerly made from scarce raw materials. The segment of the East German organic-chemical industry con- cerned with aromatic ehemicals is very much integrated in the over- all national economy and to a considerable degree) moreover, in the economies of other Soviet Bloc countries, including the USSR. Various sectors of the East German economy -? domestic, industrial, and military are vitally dependent on the availabilities and the allocations of aromatic chemicals. Definite shifts in allocations between these sectors will denote change in emphasis and most certainly serve as indicators of Soviet economic, military, and political intentions. Under the "New Course," which allegedly stresses increases and improvements in the production of consumer goods for raising the 'living standard of the people, aromatic chemicals can be expected to play a significant role. The.domestic sector being favored under the "New Course" should receive higher priorities in raw materials) resulting in a larger volume of goods for the population: products manufactured from synthetics (fibers, plastics, and resins); agri- cultural and household chemicals, including insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides; pharmaceuticals and medicinels; leather-tanning agents; dyestuffs; and perfumes. Tmplementation of the "New Course" policy in East Germany apparently was not undertaken seriously until the fall of 1953, and available information is too meager to show conclusively that significant shifts in allocations actually have occurred. During the first half. of 1953, reductions in planned capital investments for various segments of the industrial economy were effected. The investments_of.the State Secretariat for Chemistry were cut by about 25 percent. The investments of the Main Administration for Organic Chemistry (Hauptverwaltung Organische Chemie) were not reduced; on the contrary, its investment plant was raised by about 5 percent. - 95' - S-E -C -R -E-T Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T It is ooth interesting and significant that under the "New Course" policy there was no reduction in the 1953 capital invest- ment plan for the principal East German explosives manufacturing plant, VEB Sprengstoffwerk I, Schoenebeck. A planned investment amounting to 3,890,000 DME Was mainly for the construction of a new trinitrotoluene (TNT) installation. 429/ The building of a new TNT installation at Schoenebeck represents only a partial project for renovating this plant but is classified as a first priority project. When completed in 1955, the plant will have an annual production of 6,000 tons of TNT, a monthly output of three times the 1953 monthly quota. 430/ et -96- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 ? -E -C -E -T - APPENDIX 'A DETAILED USE PATTERNS FCR BASIC AROMATIC CHEMICALS IN EAST GERMANY The following sections contain expanded discussions of the various uses of basic aromatic chemicals in East Germany. Where information is available, specific plants and economic sectors are identified with uses and derived products associated with each aromatic chemical, The production) aromatic chemical inputs, and industrial applications of the major intermediates and end products produced in East Germany are also discussed. 1. Refined Benzol. a. Ethylbenzene. This alkylated benzene is produced in East Germany for three basic purposes: (1) The manufacture of Buna-S-type synthetic rubber, a dopolymer of butadiene with a-synthetic resin monomer (styrene); (2) the manufacture of an elastoplastic? polystyrene; and (3) as an export (reparations or profit deliveries) commodity to the USSR. The formerly Soviet-owned plant, VEB Chemische Werke Buna Schkopau, is the only East German producer of ethylbenzene and synthetic rubber (bhna). Maximum output of ethylbenzene at Schkopau before the end of World'Wer II was attained in l93, when 23,900 tons were produced. U31/ This may be .compared with an estimated 25;800 tons produced in 1952, an amount requiring about 21,706 tons of dommercial benzol. Schkopau's 1953 production goal called for the production of 31,850 tons of ethylbenzene (equivalent to 26,800 tons of benzol). .432/ The 1954 production plan was reported as 26,430 tons (equivalent to 20,325 tons of-pure benzol or 21,593 tons of 90 percent grade benzol.) 1232/ 6,000 tons of ethylbenzene were to be shipped to the USSR in 1952, but final delivery was more probably near 8,500 tons, representing a benzol consumption of 7450 tons. 434/ Prior to 1954, Schkopau is known to have shipped ethylbenzene to the USSR under so- ' called "T-deliveries," that is, deliveries of plant profits in the form of commodities. These shipments represented additional quantities of - 97 - S -E -c -R -E -T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E-C -R -E-T products beyond those quantities established in concluded trade agree- ments. The original 1953 export quota for ethylbenzene was 12,000 tons, 435/ but the quota was revised to 6)617 tons before the end of the year. 436/ An export plan for 5)000 tons in 1954 was later cancelled FEE no exports were contemplated. 437/ b. Synthetic Rubber (Buna-S). The production of Buna-S synthetic rubber) similar to US- made GB-S rubber, at Schkopau shall include for this report only Buna-S3, Buna-SS 3, Igetex-S (about 35 perceut Buna-S3) and Igetex-SS Special (about 50 percent Buna-SS 3) types. Total Buna-S production in 1952 is estimated at nearly 55)000 tons, which required about 13)600 tons of benzol. The Buna-S estimate is the sum of the reported actual output of 27)236 tons in the first half of 1952 and 27,756 tons planned for the second half. 438/ The average styrene content of the combined Buna-S rubbers in 1952 is calculated to be 26.2 percent. The Schkopau 1953 production plan included the output of 60,240 tons of Buna-S rubber types. Ib 4/ is is to be compared to the 67,700 tons output of 1943. 0 The East German 1952 export plan listed 26)000 tons of buna, but actual deliveries from Schkopau totaled 26)893 tons, of which the USSR received 23,950 tons. IS/ It is of special interest to note that the exports of Buna (not including possible deliveries under reparations and T accounts) to the USSR, assuming all to be Buna-S, represent a benzol consumption of about 9,600 tons and 1952 planned total imports of benzol from the USSR were .only 11)000 tons. c. Styrene Monomer. The estimated 1952 production of styrene monomer in East Germany is 15,420 tons (about 12.5 percent of the US output in 1952)) of which almost 94 percent was utilized in the manufacture of Buna-S rubber types, and the remainder was polymerized to polystyrene. In 1952, VEB Chemische Werke Buna Schkopau consumed about 17,300 tons of ethylbenzene for styrene, which is equivalent to about 14,550 tons of benzol, which is 40 percent of the total benzol supply.* * By comparison) the US consumed almost 32 percent of its total benzol supply for styrene in 1952. -98- S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Reported styrene outputs for 1950 and 1951 were 10,034 'tons 442/ and 13,095.tons,11a/ respectively. The 1953 quota for styrene was reported as 17,675 tons, and this would require 19,850 tons of ethylbenzene'.LOILI./ The 1954 styrene quota was given as 18,905 tons which would require 21,230 tons ofietbylbenzene. 444a/ The highest prewar styrene output at Schkopau appears to have been attained in1943, when 18,800 tons were made. 11./ ' d. Polystyrene Plastics. . The estimated production of polystyrene at Schkopau for 1952 is 1,040 tons, which would require 1,020 tons of styrene. The polystyrene output in 1950 was 782 tons. 446/ The 1953 production plan called for a combined output of 1,500 tans of "Polystyrol EF, EFS and BW" types, and 1,538 tons of styrehe were required. The preliminary 1954 plan lists 840 tons of "BW" type and 720 tons of the ' "EF" type. 447/ Schkopau is understood to sell polystyrene in pouter form. The Polystyrol BW is transparent and is the result of mass (block) polymerization; it is equivalent to the West German product "Ttolitul." Polystyrol EF is opaque and is the result of emulsion polymerization. Most of the polystyrene output is directed to uses other than consumer goods. Polystyrene is used for lacquers) die castings, press moldings, and as "Styroflex" for plastic foil or thread it cable insulations and electrical condenser foils. The product has high dielectric properties and a low power factor and is used as an electric insulator in radio and radio-locating devices. elluloidfabrik Eilenhurg is a producer of polystyrene die castings. e. Monochlorobenzene (MCB). Chlorine compounds of. the aromatic type are widely used as ? intermediates in the dye and pharmaceutical industries. The most important chlorine derivatives are those of benzol and toluol. Chlorination of ring hydrocarbons results in isomers and byproducts, and avoidance of these in the production of any specific compound is often a great problem. XII the US, most of the monochlorobenzene (CB)- producedis consumed in the preparation of synthetic phenol and aniline. MCB is also used ,as a solvent for paints, varnitheal and lacquers and in the manufactpre of insecticides, dyestuffs, drugs, and other organic chemicals. Demand for MCB comes practically entirely from the synthetic organic-chemical industry and is often manufactured in the same plant in which it is consumed. S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T In East Germany the manufacture of the insecticide DDT possibly consumed as much as 62 percent of the 1952 MCB output. Pre- sumably, about 24 percent of the ICE output was used mainly for produoing nitrochlorobenzene (both ortho and pam forms), dinitro- chlorobenzene iDNCB), And miscellaneous organic chemicals (for example, diphe yl oxide). Exports, all to the USSR) amounted to about 14 percent of the !CB output. Some MCB finds its way to Rubezhnoye, USSR, where a dye-manufacturing plant is known to be located. 448/ The 1954 export plan included 1,000 tons of MCB. 449/ Significantly, East Germany does not produce synthetic phenol from MCB, nor is aniline made. Two chemical plants, VEB Eliktrochemisches Kombinat Bitter- feld and VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen, are known producers of MOB: Total MCB production in 1952 is estimated to have been 7,100 tons, equivalent to about 7,000 tons of benzol. Bitterfeld is apparently the largest producer and had an output of 4,105 tons in 1952 (benzol demand, 4,050 tons), 450/ although the 1952 plan was 3,600 tons. 451/ Bitterfeld's original 1953 revised plan was issued 1953 production was 4)743 for other years is as follows: Year quota was reported as 4,200 tons, but a later calling for 4)463 tons.1251/ Actual tons. 453/ Output of !CB at.Bitterfeld Tons . 1937 1938 1939 1940 3,894 24./ 3,016 4.ji( 3,944 _5_/ 3,830 V5I/ 1941 4,091 ply 1942 194 3 4,120 g/ 4 ,037 ? 1947 _/ N.A. 1948 833 !(.4.?.1./ 1949 1,000 Plan) 142/ 1950 1,424 1463/ 1951 3,021 Eely (Plan, 2,000 tons Lt.?2/) The estimated MCB production at the Wolfen plant in 1952 is 3,000 tons, an amount which should have consumed about 2,950 tons of benzol. Wolfen's 1953 goal is unknown. The production of this plant for.previous years follows: -100 - S-E -C -R-E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Year Tans. 1937 3,552 466/ 1938 3,190 467/ , 1939 3,322 468/ 1940 3,76251, 1941 4,319 470/ 1942 3,919 471/ 1943 5,096 47ff/ 1947 1,408 473/ 1948 2,400 (Plan) 474/ 194 N.A. 1950 2,580 (estimate based on 2,540 tons benzol used) 475/ 1951 N.A. ? East Germany is believed to have consumed about 2,700 tons of benzol during 1952 for MOB (other than for DDT demands), and this represents an estimated 7.4 percent of the gross benzol supply. In the same year, the US used 6.1 percent of its benzol supply .for !CB (other than as an intermediate for phenol, aniline, and DDT). f. Dichlorobenzenes (DCB). The dichlorobenzenes (DCB), artho and pare, are produced either as byproducts recovered in the rectification of crude MOB or by the further chlorination of }CB. The para form is a solid which volatizes at room temperature. It is normally consumed in large quantities as a household moth repellant (replacing naphthalene moth balls), it . is used in agriculture to fumigate soil to control the peach-tree borer, it is employed as a deodorant and germicide, and it is used in the manufacture of dyes and intermediates. The ortho form is a liquid and is used as a high-boiling solvent for tars, fats, oils, gums, waxes, and resins and for treating wood to control termites. Both forms are used in organic syntheses. Trichlorobetzene and DCB .are two chemicals produced at VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen from ,dichlorobenzete East Germany exports both isomeric DCB's, but Western countries appeared to have been the only recipients duritg 1952, receiving about 20 percent of the total -output. Known producers Of the DCB's are the same as those of MOB. Estimated total 1952 prOduction of DCB is 1,340 tons, which is the sum of the' Bitterfeld output and the estimated output at WOlfen. Bitterfeld had a 1952 quota of 785 tons - 101 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -I (pare, 500 tons; ortho, 285 tons), 476/ but actual production was 617 tons (pare, 386 tons; ortho, 231 tons). 477/ Bitterfeld'S 1953 quota was originally 750 tons (para, 500 tons; ortho, 250 tons), but the quota was revised downward later during the year to 613 tons (pare, 409 tons; ortho? 204 tons). 478/ Actual 1953 production was only 542 tons (pare, 332 tons; ortho, 210 tons). 11/2/ The 1954 quota was reported as 48o tons (pare, 300 tons; ortho, 180 tons). The 1951 goal was 450 tons, but the plant made 612 tons. 481/ The 'higheat prewar production attained at Bitterfeld was in 1940, when 1,184 tons (pare, 788 tons; ortho, 396 tons) were produced. 482/ There is little available information on VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen's postwar production of DCB. Based on a production estimate for MCB at Wolfen, the 1952 output of DCB at Wolfen is estimated at 720 tons. The previous high was in 1943, when 1,288 tons (pare, 788 tons; ortho, 500 tons) were Traduced. L421/ g. DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane). DDT is obtained when chloral hydrate is condensed with chlorcbenZene in the presence of sulfuric acid. Production is aimed toward the para-para isomer, which carries the insecticiSal properties, but the technical grade always contains some of the other isomers. The insecticidal action of DDT is considered one of, the important chemical discoveries of World War II. East Germany has considerable capacity to produce DDT. Pro- duction of the insecticide has increased rapidly in recent years. The product is distributed to agriculture and forestry and to export, and negligible quantities are allocated to hospitals; pharmacy, and home use. The first producer, and still the largest, is VEB Elektro- chemisches Rombinat Bitterfeld. This plant produced 526 tons in 1950, Ltyi/ 1,634 tons in 1951, !it/ and 2,886 tons in 1952. 28.?/ The 1952 and 1953 goals were 2,960 tons 487/ and 3,600 tons (Original, plan -- revised 1953 plan was 3,750 tons12??/), respectively.12?2/ The 1953 output was 4,049 tons. 4 The Bitterfeld 1954 goal was reported as 4,140 tons. 1121/ ,Two other plants are in operationi VEB Schering at the Berlin Adlershof and ITEB Fettchemie- und.Fewawerk Chemnitz,(nowXarl Marx Stadt). Schering produced 828 tons in 1952, and the Chemnitz plant produced 1,040 tons. 4 The Schering and Chemnitz plants had? 1953 -102- S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T production quotas of 1,000 tons -and 2,000 tons, respectively. 493/? Thus, by addition, the total 1953 DDT quota is 6,600 tons (100 per.- cent DDT effective content). .494/ The sum of the 1952 outputs of the 3 producing plants adds up to 4,753 tons (100 percent DDT basis). This -amount of DDT would require approximately 4,400 tons of MCB or, in terms of benzol input, 4,300 tons. The benzol required represents 11.9 percent of the gross benzol supply. The US used only about 5.4 percent of its 1952 benzol supply for DDT. It is understood that East- Germany exported about 60 percent (2,970 tons, calculated on a basis of 100-pereent DDT) of its 14,753_ ton output in 1952. In terms of monetary value, this amounts to over 24 million rubles. 4.95/ Reportedly, no exports were made to countries outside the So-717t Bloc. The USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, in that order, were the largest importers of DDT. The other Bloc countries., perhaps, obtained most of their 1952 DDT require- ments from East Germany. (See Appendix B, Table 26,* for details on DDT exports.) The insecticide is usually compounded into various powdered and emulsion forms and frequently is mixed with another insecticide, benzene hexactaloride (BHC). The DDT content in these preparations varies from 5, 25, 40jand 100 percent DDT, and the preparations are sold under numerous trade names, "Gesarol" (tem Schering and Bitterfeld), "Duolit" (from Fettchemie), and "Duplexan" (from Bitterfeld), for example. h.. Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB). Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) is obtained by nitrating MCB first to ortho and pare. nitrochlorobenzenes. Upon further nitration, both isomers yield the dinitro compound. DNCB is an important inter- mediate for the preparation of various sulfur dyes and of picric acid. There is insufficient information with whiah to make a reasonable estimate on how much DNCB is made in East Germany. Farbenfabrik Wolfen may be the only producing installation in the area, as there has been no mention of the product connected with Bitterfeld's pro- duction or shipments. Wolfen is known to have produced crude nitrochlorobenzene (NCB) before the end of the war. Output of NCB was 1,662 tons in 1937; 1,151 tons in 19142; and only 866 tons in 1943. 2.12/ In chemical trade circles, considerable interest -recently arose concerning exports of DNCB to Communist China, as this-chemical probably was employed by China, at least in part, in manufacturing * P. 156, below. - 103 - -E -C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T picric acid, an explosive. DNCB is readily converted to dinitro- phenol by meansof sodium hydroxide and then nitrated to trinitro- phenol (picric acid). Picric acid is reported to be used by the Communist Chinese as a high explosive filler and booster in munitions. Nearly all of East Germany's 1952 export of DNCB went to China, some 812 tons (about 1 million rubles in value), 497/ To date, however, there are no positive indications that picric acid is made from DNCB on a commercial scale in East Germany. NEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen has been mentioned as a producer of picric acid and picramic acid (by partial reduction of picric acid). 498/ i.. Benzene Hexachloride (BHC). .'Benzeno hexachloride (BHC) is an insecticide developed by the British toward the end of the war. The product is manufactured by the complete chlorination of benzol in ultra-violet light. BHC is partieularly effective as a component of insecticides toxic to flies, roaches', grasshoppers, aphids, boll weevils, and the like. The technical grade contains at least five isomers, but the gamma geo- metric isomer is the most active biologically. The gamma isomer content in the technical or commercial grade is about 10 to 15 per- cent. When the gamma isomer is concentrated to not lest: than 99 percent purity, the product is called lindane. East Germany refers to BHC as hexachlorocyclohexane, or "Hexa products]' when compounded. , The production of BHC began during 1950 at VEB Elektrp- chemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld, and since 1950, production has been expanding rapidly in East Germany There are, however, no actual production data on total BHC output in East Germany during 1952: Four plants are -producers of BHC: VEB Elektroehemisches KoMbinat Bitterfeld; VEB Schering, Berlin Adlershof; VEB Fahlberg-List, Magdeburg; and VEB Fettchemie- und Fewawerk Chemnitz (now Karl Marx Stadt). These four plants compound the insecticide into dusts and sprays and -one additional plant, VEB Fatbenfabrik Wolfen, also does this. Gross production of BHC preparations at the Bitterfeld plant during 1951 was reported as 389 tons, L4.22/ but the 1952 quota was stated to be 1,000 tons. 500/ Bitterfgra's chief BHC preparation is called "Duplexan" which contains only 1.2 percent of 85 percent "Hexa-effective" ingredient (the gamma isomer). Actual output of Duplexan was 723 tons in 1952, equivalent to about 8.7 tons of 85 percent BEC . 501/ ? - S-E -C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E-T Production plans or actual outputs of the other BHC producers previous to 1953 are unavailable., The 1953 production goals for BHC (of 85 percent gamma content) of the individual plants have been reported as follows: Bitterfeld, 25 tons (original goal; the revised goal was 14 tons 502/); Schering, 25 tons; Fahlberg7List, 32 tons; and Fettchemie, 93 tons. The total output quota for East Germany during 1953 wasitherefore, 175 tons (of 85 percent gamma content). 503/ To prepare an estimate for 1952) it is necessary to assume a total out-- put of 90 tons (85 percent gamma) from all plants during the year. To make this amount of BHC, it is estimated that about 500 tons of pure benzol (or about 550 tons of commercial benzol)were consumed. The basis for this calculation was a source reporting pure benzol input at the Fettchemie plant to manufacture 85 percent gamma BHC. Factors determined were 10.0 tons of pure. benzbl yields 1.76 tons of the product. 12y East Germany is estimated to have used about 1.5 percent of its gross supply of benzol in 1952 for BHC manufacture; the US used about 2.3 percent of its benzol supply. Research work at Bitterfeld to prepare pure gamma con- centrate, or lindane, was unsuccessful in 1952 and again was included in the 1953 research program. 505/ Bitterfeld's 1953 investment plans include an installation for the manufacture of 60 tons per Annum of pure gamma concentrate. 506/ Preparations from BHC are sold by the producing plants under specific trade names. Some leading names other than Bitterfeld's product, "Duplexan," are known as "Cartolit powders" (Fettchemie), "Arbitex" (Fahlberg-List), "Gesaktiv" (Schering), and "Mux" (Wolfen). Some Hexa :products were exported by East Germany in 1952. The total exports amounted to a value of nearly three-quarters of a million? rubles. 507/ Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia were the only countries listed as importers. ? j. Miscellaneous Chemicals and OtheflUses. Other chemicals derived from benzol are known to be made in East Germany, but no quantitative production data are available for any of these chemicals. VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen undoubtedly produces a number of other benzol-derived products. Wolfen is understood to produce nitrobenzene from which it manufactures azobenzene (for benzidine and dyes manufacture), meta-dinitrobenzener meta- phenylenediamine (which may be made from aniline), and azo dyes. 508/ - 105 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Other plants) including those which manufacture drugs, vitamins (Vitamin 1)2), and pharmaceuticals) use quantities of benzol for pro- cessing-purposes. The second Wolfen plant) VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa), Wolfen, uses benzol as a solvent for photographic film and for the manufacture of color film components. This plant's 1952 benzol requirement for film production was reported as 4o tons. 502/ Arbitrarily, an amount of 3,374 tons has been assigned as the 1952 benzol consumption for the production of miscellaneous chemicals and other uses. This amount represents a residual value obtained '. by difference from the total benzol supply (gross) of 36)300 tons and the sum of other benzol uses listed in Table 13.* k. Solvent and Diluent Uses. Benzol has wide application as a solvent or diluent in many industries. There are available no data br information to indicate the extent to which benzol is employed in East Germany as a solvent or diluent. It seems plausible that 3,500 tons of benzol, nearly 10 percent of the estimated total supply, was used for these pur- poses. Paints, varnishes) lacquers, and liquid cements and glues should be expected to consume appreciable -quantities of benzol. The Bitterfeld plant-is known to produce a glue or cement..solUtion, probably for polyvinyl chloride plastics application. It is estimated thatabout 250 tons of benzol were used by this plaht in 1952 to manufacture an adhesive solution. 510/ Benzol would be used as a solvent by plants other than chemical plants. Allocations in 1952 were planned for various ministries and state secretariats, for example) 1)116 tons to the Secretariat for Coal and Power; 74 tons to the Ministry for Con- struction and the Secretariat for Building; 4o tons to the Ministry of Light InduStry; and 35 tonsto others, including the Ministry for Transportation. In addition, 1,480 tons were allocated (planned) to the various East German Land governments, including Greater Berlin. 511/ It is presumed that most, if not all, of these: benzol allocations were for-general solvent or diluent purposes. - Various Soviet-awned corporations (SAG's), such as AMO, Ttansmasch, Brikett, and Synthese) were allocated altogether about 200 tons of benzol during 1951, perhaps mostly for solvent use, but there is no comparable figure for 1952. 512/ * P. 61, above. -106- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -E -T 1. Zest German Plan Reserve. 156 tons of benzol were to be allocated in 1952 to the East German Plan Reserve. 513/ The pur- pose of this reserve is not clear, but it is known to be a priority allocation. The possibility exists that any amount placed in the Plan Reserve may be transferred later at the end of the year to a State Material Reserve -- that is, to a strategic stockpile. 2. Toluol. a. Chemical Uses. Information available on East German organic chemical plants has failed to provide much data relating to toluol consumption and the chemical intermediates and products derived therefrom. The available factual information and data were focused largely on VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld. This important chemical installation is understood to produce the following deriVed products: bental chloride, ?benzaldehyde, benzoyl chloride, benzotrichloride, benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, add benzyl chloride. estimated that Bitterfeld consumed more than 800 tons of toluol during 1952, and much of this undoubtedly went into the manufacture of chemicals. 514/ The large dye-producing plant, VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen, probably now produces from toluol such intermediates as benzal chloride, benzaldehyde, benzyl chloride, nitrotoluene, and ortho-toluidine and para-toluidine. Toluol consumption at this plant probably dbes not exceed'Bittetfeld's requirements. A third significant cOnsumer is - VEB Fahlberg-List, Magdeburg, which appears -to be the. only East German' producer of saccharin, a sweetening agent. .As saccharin it made from - . ortho-toluene sulfonic acid, which is produced along With the pata:. isomer when toluol is sulfonated, the Fahlberg-List plant is Capable of producing chloramine-T,? a surgical antiteptic, from the'para.form.- A high-purity grade of toluol is needed to produce these'dertved chemicals. Output data for some intermediates produced only by Bitter- feld during 1950 through 1953 are available and are given beIew. (in metric tons): - 107 a 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Intermediate ? 1950 5151 56/ 19511 1952 517/ 1953 518/* Benzotrichloride (crude) 437 627 537 614 Benzotrichloride (pure) 367 555 470 (esti- mated) 540 (esti- mated) Benzoic acid 183 267 218 259 Benzyl chloride/Benzal chloride LA. 171 159**- 209 Bitterfeld's4roduction of benzotrichloride is utilized for the preparation of benzoic acid. In the US, benzoic acid is now made chiefly by decarboxylation of phthalic acid, but it was previously made through chlorination of toluol to benzotrichloridel with sub- sequent alkali hydrolysis. One of the 1951 research projects assigned to the VEB Teerdestillation, und Chemische Fabrik Erkner was the production of benzoic acid by catalytic oxidation (employing air) of toluol with vanadium pentoxide as catalyst. 521/ This alternate process is well-known, and the purpose of Erkner's research was probably to develop the method economically for East Germany. ' The Ruetgerswerke at Niederau, now dismantled, formerly produced benzoic acid froth sodium benzoic liquors supplied by other Ruetgers works. In 1950, VEB Schering plant at Berlin Adlershof conducted experiments on production of benzoic acid from sodium benzoate liquor produced by Erkner. 522/ ? Benzoic acid and its sodium benzoate are widely used as a preservative for foods-, fats, soft drinks, margarine, fruit juices, and jellies. The acid is employed by the pharmaceutical industry as a mild antiseptic, a wound dressing and diuretic, and a urinary antiseptic. The East German pharmaceutical industry, reportedly required 10 tons of pure benzoic acid in 1952: 523/ The textile industry uses benzoic acid as a dyeing assistant, a dye stripping agent, a preservative for sizing, and a mordant in calico printing. Other uses of the acid are for the curing of tobacco; the manu- facture of chemicals (sodium and benzyl benzoates), a stabilizer in the rubber industry, and for dyes and color stabilizers in baking varnishes.. Various esters -- methyl and benzyl benzoates, for example -- are perfume materials. * Revised 1953 goal was 454 tons; revised 1953 goal was 204 tons, and 1953 goal was 171 tons. 212/ ** Benzyl chloride0.95 tons; benzal chloride, 64 tons. 122/ -108- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T . ? Benzyl chloride is an intermediate with varied uses, including the production of dyestuffs, perfume bases such as benzyl alcohol and acetate, photographic developer, rubber accelerators, and various pharmaceuticals. VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa) Wolfen required 6 tons of benzyl chloride in 1952 and 16 tons in 1953. 524j Benzal chloride is the starting point in making benzyl compounds that are used in making dyes. Saccharin production by VEB Fahlberg7List, Magdeburg, was . reported as 334 tons in 1951, 525/ and the 1952 output may have attained 400 tons. Total saccharin exports in 1951 represented nearly three-fourths of the East German prioduction.. Exports in 1952, however, were only 42 percent of the 1951 figure, but nearly two-thirds of the amount went to Western countries. In 1953 the Fahlberg-List plant was ordered to ship 15 tons of saccharin to Bulgaria and 55 tons to China. 526/ Saccharin exporto in 1954 were to total 200 tons. 527/ Even in competitive Western markets East German saccharin sells= for about $2,000 per metric ton. Saccharin is about 550 times as sweet as cane sugar and is employed as a sweetening agent in beverages, foods, toothpastes, syrups, and pharmaceutical preparations. It is particularly valuable to diabetics. The East German pharmacies were repotted to have had a requirement for 200 tons of saccharin in 1952. 21/ Knowledge on production of other toluol intermediates in East Germany is very limited. VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen produces many types of dyes; some of which are derived from toluol. Wolfen's situation is complicated by the fact, that some intermediates, used by the plant are imported -- para-nitrotoluene, for example, which is required for preparing p-toluidine, a valuable first component in azo dyes. Total toluol consumption as a raw material for organic chemicals menu- facture, excluding dinitrotoluene and trinitrotoluene for explosives, is estimated at 1,700.tons for 1952. b. Solvent and Diluent Uses. There are no available data on total East German allocations of toluol for solvent and diluent applications. Because.toluol is considered a preferred diluent for lacquers and enamels using nitro- cellulose, it is reasonable to expect that East Germany also uses toluol for this purpose. VEB Zelluloidfabrik Eilenburg is one plant employing the aromatic for colloxylin (nitrocellulose) production; the plant required 78 tons in 1952 and 100 tons in 1953, 529/ In ? -109- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T East Germany there are a considerable number of lacquer and enamel manufacturing firms which use toluol: VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner supplies toluol to VEB Farben-7 und Lackfabrik Leipzig/Leutzsch, VEB Lackfabrik Teltow/Berlin, VEB Lackfabrik Spindlersfeld/Berlin., VEB Lack- und Lackkunstharzfabrik Magdeburg, and VEB Lack- und Lackkunstharzfabrik Schoenebeck. 530/ ElektroChemische Kombinat Bitterfeld produces an "Igelit" (polyvinyl chloride) stock solution which is a basic solvent for lacquer uses. Output of the solvent in 1952 was 921 tons, of which 820 tons were sold to other consuming plants. 531/ The 1953 goal was only 800 tons. 532/ For the solvent; the pure toluene input is estimated to have been 460 tons in 1952 and 404 tons in 1953. 533/ Bitterfeld also produces an Igelit adhesive solution with a toluol base of about 22 percent. 534/ Output of the solution in 1952 was 383 tons (367 tons sold), and the 1953 plan was 420 tons. 535/ Toluol required to make the glue isestimated at 84 tons for 1952 and more than 90 tons for 1953. In addition to the plants mentioned above and other chemical plants in East Germany, there are small firms which consume toluol, presumably as a solvent or diluent. Allocations to the Laender in 1952 amounted to. about 600, tons. 536/ In 1952 the Ministry for Light Industry was allocated more-than 200 tons of toluol, and-the Secretariat for Coal and Energy was scheduled to receive nearly the same amount. 537/ Specific uses to which these allocations of toluol were put are unknown, but very likely-they were used for solvent And diluent purposes. An arbitrary total of nearly 4,200 tons has been estimated as the toluol consumption in East Germany during 1952 for solvent and diluent uses. This amount represents about-47.percent of the estimated gross supply of toluol (8,860 tots). c. Explosives. The only definite .producer of trinitrotoluene :(TNT). it East Germany is VEB Sprengstoffwerk I, Schoenebeck, formerly Lignose SprengstOffwerke, GmbH. This plant also produees dinitrotoluene (DNT), an ingredient ih "Gelatin-Donarit," which is a mining and commercial dynamite. In 1952) Schoenebeck was rePorted to be producing; in addition to blasting gelatine, "all kinds of shell explosive .charges," but this information has not been confirmed. 538/ A second explosives manufacturing plant, VEB Sprengstoffwerk II, Gnaschwitz (near 'Bautzen), also produces Gelatin-Donarit but receives - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E-T TNT and DNT from Schoenebeck. 232/ Both plants ship out industrial explosives, principally to uranium mining projects under Wismut AG in Saxony and in the general area of Aue. 540/ There is little definitive information on Schoenebeck's current rate of production of either TNT or DNT. the first-quartet Production plan. for 1953 as 504 tons TNT and 263 tons of DNT. 541/ 4uring August 1949, this plant.actually made 152 tons of TNT and 68 tons of DNT. 542/ 1952 production is estimated to have been 1,950 tons of TNT and 1,000 tons of DNT, together requiring a total of about 1,600 tons toluol (commercial-grade basis). the 1954 production plans for Schoenebeck include 2,040 tons of TNT and 1,420 tons of DNT.* 542a/ of of d. Exports. Reported toluol exports in 1952 were 1,353 tons, an amount 6 times the 1951 total (224 tons). 543/ (See Table 11** for details on exports.) During both 1951 and 1952 Hungary appears to have been the largest recipient. Most, if not all, of the toluol going to Hungary probably was destined for the explosives manufacturing plants located north of Lake Balaton, especially the Fuzfogyartelep plant. e. East GerMan Plan Reserve. An official East German statistical report advised that 25 tons of toluol were to be allocated to the Plan Reserve in 1952. 544/ This reserve is known to be regarded in East dermany as albriority allocation." The exact purpose of the reserve is unknown, but, as a conjecture, the amount may be later transferred to a State Material Reserve as a strategic stockpile addition. 3. Xylol. a. Chemical Uses. Xylol may be the starting material in making dye intermediates (xylidines)? sulfonamides, gulfonic acids, and other products. The dye-manufacturing plant, VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen, is a known producer * Seep. 96, above. ** P. 50, above. S-E-C -E -T 50X1 50X1 50X1 bUAl 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T of xylidines and sulfonamides, but the plant's xylol requirements are not well known. -In 1952 a considerable quantity of xylol (300 tons), having at least 40 percent meta-xylene content,-was required by Wolfen for the extraction Of pure meta-xylene from which a dye intermediate could be made. VEB .Filmfabrik (Agfa) Wolfen needed this intermediate to manufacture color photographic film. 545/ There is no indication that the 300 tons were made available to the dye plant from import, but certainly the tar distillery at Erkner cpuld not supply the amount. Xylol is also .a process Material in making many organic chemicals. The-pharmaceutical industry may employ xylol in manu- facturing vitamins and in making ccmpounds having therapeutic properties. The East German pharmaceutical industry was reported to have had a xylol requirement of about 21 tons in 1952. 546/ Lacking other information, an arbitrary 1952 consumption estimate of 100 tons of xylol for chemical uses is made. Only within-the past few years have the xylene isomers been recognized in the' profitable chemical building blocks. Ortho- xylene was the first-isomer to be so used. In 1945 it was oxidized- on a commercial scale to form phthalic anhydride. The production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene is now rapidly increasing in the US, and eventually it should relieve the demand on naphthalene, of which 80 percent now goes into the production of phthalic anhydride. In the 115, para-xylene is also separated for use in the production of terephthalic acid. The latter is one of the raw materials for manufacturing a synthetic fiber (a polyester -- terephthalate) called "Dacron" -(DuPont) in the US and "Terylene" in England, where it was developed. Later, a.photographic film base and polyester: film called "Mylar" were developed in the US; both are condensation products of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. By the end of 1951, East Germany was- in the experimental stage of producing terylene fiber. The experiments were conducted at the Institute for Synthetic Fiber Research, Berlin-Teltow-Seehof, and the VEB Thueringische Kunstfaserwerk "WilhelmIie&" at Schwarza. The large chemical plant at Bitterfeld was reported to have been the source. of supply for theterephthalie acid. 1.11/ terephthalic acid could be obtained from VEB Deutsches Hydrierwerk Rodlebeno Rodleben/Rosslau, but only in gram-size lots. 548/ Experiments also were being conducted in early 1953 within the ELM research department at VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa) - 112 - S -E-C -R-E -T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Wolfen to produce a nonflammable film material from terylene. A film was made, but it proved to be too dull.. Photographic film specialists attached great importance to the work. 549/ Less speCtacular in US markets than para-xylene is the meta- isomer. Meta-xylene is already in use in the US for the manufacture of isqphthalic acid) which appears to have a large potential market. The acid is More reactive than terephthalic acid and shows good promise of becoming a replacement for phthalic anhydride in its surface-coating and plasticizer applications. To date) there has been no mention of the Manufacture of isophthalic acid from meta- xylene in East Germany. b. Solvent and Diluent Uses. Undoubtedly, xylol is principallY used by East Germany as a solvent and diluent, but data.on the quantity consumed for these purposes are available: The chemical industry is expected to be the largest consumer. The aromatic is widely used as a solvent and diluent in the manufacture of protective coatings -- lacquers) enamels) and varnishes. Xylol-is also a solvent, for dyes, waxes, fats, oila,and resins, and for paint and varnish removers. Also as a solvent) it is used in making rubber cements and photographic . film. VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa). Waren reportedly had a 1952 solvent requirement of 20 tons for color film, 550/ and the 1953 need was 40 tons. 551/ Perhaps more than 80 percent of the gross supply of xylol was utilized hy East Germany in 1952 for solvent and diluent uses. c. Export: A small quantity (20 tons) of xylol was reported as an export item in 1952. Bungary received the entire amount,which ? was valued at 13,000 rubles. 552/ d. East German Plan Reserve. A priority allocation of 20. tons of xylol was made to the East German Plan Reserve in 1952. 553/ The purpose of the reserve. is unknown, but the allocation may have become an addition to a State Material Reserve -- that is:, a strategic stockpile. -113- S-E -C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -E -T 4. Naphthalene. The problem of establishing a naphthalene consumption picture is a peculiar one because of the degree to which the physical volume of the salable product shrinks as it is reduced to greater purity and because certait important uses of the product. require the refined grade. This situation is evidenced particularly in East Gertany, as the country is largely dependent on imports of naphthalene. Thus, If a large proportion of the East German .imports.during 1952 had consisted of a crude grade of naphthalene (melting point below 7990) rather than of a refined quality, the estimated total supply fignre would be considerably higher than the net amount of naphthalene actually available. Unfortunately, definitive information is lacking on the relationship between crude and refined naphthalene imports into East Germany in 1952. It has been necessary in this report, therefore, to simplify the problem by assuming all naphthalene imported was of the crude grade and to make adjustments whenever uses for the refined product were noted. a. Hydi.ogenated Naphthalenes (Decalin and Tetralin). Decalin (decahydronaphthalene) and tetralin (tetrahydro- naphthalene) are both made by hydrogenation of refined naphthalene (warm-pressed grade). Decalin and teiralin are excellent solvents for fats, oils, waxes, resins, and rubber. They may be used for the extraction of naphthalene from coal gas; in the manufacture of lacquers, paints, and varnishes (as substitutes for turpentine); and in solvent mixtures and lubricants. Despite their toxic nature, they are used as fumigants for moths because they are cheap, effective, and noninjurious to fabrics. Both may serve as cleaning agents and rust-dissolving solvents. The sole producer of hydrogenated naphthalenes in East Germany is the VEB Deutehes Hydrierwerk Rodleben, Rodleben/Hosslau. Formerly this plant supplied all Germany and in 1939 was reported to have - produced 8,930 tons of decalin and 3,300 tons of tetralin. 554/ In comparison, the 1952 production plan called for a combined output of only 3,000 tons for the two compounds. 555/ 50X1 the plant would have an allocation 61: 3,350.tons of naphthalene 50X1 for.1952..556/ This amount of naphthalene represents approximately ' 15 percent or the estimated gross supply in East Germany in 1952. the 1953 production quotas for 50X1 decalin and tetralin were,1,447 tons and 2,460 tons, respectively. 557/ S -E -C -R LE -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E -T Consumption of crude naphthalene in 1953 should total 4,150 tons (1,500 tons of naphthalene for decalin and 2,650 tons for tetralin). 558/ Production of hydrogenated naphthalenes would be greater if more naphthalene and metallic sodium, for refining tetralin, were made available to Rodleben. Currently (19514), theplant is understood to have maximum output capacity of 4,316 tons of decalin and 13,280 tons of tetralin. 559/ It is estimated that about 15 percent of the combined output of decalin and tetralin was exported in 1952. Decalin exports, however, were less than one-half of the 1951 figure, but tetralin exports were nearly three times greater than they haa been in 1951. In 1952, Soviet Bloc countries imported about 29 percent of East Germany's exports of hydrogenated naphthalenes, but West Germany alone imported 47 percent of the total. (See Appendix B) Table 28.*) b. Phthalic Anhydride. Phthalic anhydride is a very important derivative of naphthalene. It currently is produced at only one East German chemidal plant, VEB Chemische Werke Buna Schkppau. For its manufacture, Schkopau employs the process of catalytic oxidation of naphthalene vapors with air) using a vanadium pentoxide pelleted catalyst. The remarkable yield obtained by 102 kilograms of phthalic anhydride from 100 kilograms of naphthalene, 88 percent of the theoretical yield. In the US, the most widely quoted yield figure is 80 percent, although many producers are believed to be getting 75 percent or lower. The US, however,.is now producing nearly 10 percent of its phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene obtained from petroleum refineries. Phthalic anhydride is principally used by East Germany for the manufacture of plasticizers (phthalates or "Palatinols" -- mostly for vinyl resins and plastics) and softeners ("ED 242"). A con- siderable amount of phthalic anhydride) one-half, or more) of the output, is probably shipped to the USSR. Some of the product is required for synthesizing dyestuffs. It is surprising that there are no indications that more than a negligible amount of phthalic anhydride is employed to produce alkyd-type resins: In the US, alkyd and vinyl resins require 85 percent of the total consumption, and. dyes and-miscellaneous uses require the remainder. In the phar7 macettical industry) phthalic anhydride is the starting product for the preparation of phenolphthalein and a number of phthalate esters. * P. 160, below. -115 - S -E -C -R-E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T The East German pharmaceutical industry reportedly required 10 tons of phenolphthalein during 1952 to be supplied from indigenous pro- duction: 560/ It is believed likely that VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen produces synthetic indigo blue, a dye that stems from intermediates derived from phthalic anhydride. ? Production statistics from former I.G. Farbenindustrie AO files indicate that Schkopau's peak output was 6,350 tons of phthalic anhydride in 1943. 561/ Sit:LS 1949 there has been a rapid increase in output. Production in 1950 Was reported as 5,988 tons, and the 1951 quota was 6,040 tons. 562/ Output in 1952 was 6,637 tons. 563/ The production plan for 1953 was 8370 tons 564/ of which, 6,650 tons were to be delivered to outside consumers, including shipments to other countries. 262/ The 1954 production plan called for 8,480 tons which would require 8,650 tons of naphthalene (warm-pressed grade). The 1955 production goal under the Five Year Plan (1951-55) was reported to be 10,000 tons. 566/ During 1952 the production of phthalic anhydride in East Germany consumed an estimated 30 percent of the total naphthalene supply. By comparison, the US used per- haps 70 percent of its naphthalene in the same year for phthalic anhydride. As mentioned above, considerable phthalic anhydride is. shipped to the USSR, the only country that has been reported actually receiving the product since 1950. .Total exports during 1950, including 40 tons to Czechoslovakia, represented about 36 per- cent of the East German production for that year. The export of 4,150 tons in 1951 567/ was in slight excess of plan and amounted to about two-thirds or the output. In respect to 1952 shipments, some confusion exists, for the reported plan was either 3,000 tons or 3,300 tons, 568/. but alleged actual shipments totalled only 119 tons. .5.?2/ It is strongly suspected that much more than 119 tons of phthalic anhydride were sent to the USSR in 1952; perhaps nearly 4,000 tons in addition were shipped under a reparations account and/or plant profit deliveries (T-accounts). The 1954 export plan called for a delivery of 5,000 tons of phthalic anhidride. 570/ Under the East German Five Year Plan (1951-55) 5,300 tons of phthalic anhydride, about 53 percent of the planned output, are to be exported in 1955. El/ (See Appendix B, Table.280* for more details on phthalic anhydride exports.) * P. 160, below. - 116 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T (1) Palatinols. VEB Chemische Werke Buna Schkopau employs phthalic anhydride principally for the manufacture of "Palatinols," which are phthalic anhydride esters (or phthalates). The following kihds of phthalates were produced during 1952 and are distinguished from one another by letter designations: Palatinol.AR (dioctyl phthalate), Palatinol BR, Palatinol C (dibutyl phthalate), and Phthalic opal BU. Previously, other kinds were made, including Palatinol HS (diheptyl phthalate). Phthalic anhydride esters are plasticizers and are used in vinyl resins, in plasticizing smokeless powder, and in manufacturing insect repellents. Dibutyl phthalate (Palatinol C) is an excellent plasticizer for surface coatings of nitrocellulose lacquers; it replaces odorous and volatile camphor and overcomes the characteristic brittleness and lack of adhesion of these lacquers. An estimated 1,546 tons of phthalic anhydride were consumed for the manufacture of Palatinols in 1952. TO produce the 1953 quotas, 1,720 tons of phthalic anhydride should have been consumed. East Germany used nearly 33 percent of its phthalic anhydride in 1952 for plasticizers (including Weichmacher ED 242 -- see below); the US used. almost 30 percent. Palatinols have been exported almost exclusively to Soviet Bloc countries, principally to Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the USSR. The original 1952 export plan called for 750 tons, 273/ but this apparently was reduced to 150 tons. 2.7S Only 125 tons; however; were reported actually shipped by the end of the year. pi/ The Schkopau plant was scheduled to ship 220 tons of C and 50 tons of AR types to the USSR during 1953 under reparations and T-account deliveries. 222/ Schkopau's 1954 export plan includes 765 tons of Palatinols. 575a/ -117- S-E-C-R-E-T , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Given below are production data for each Palatinol type currently made at Schkopau and the most common uses of each: Production (Metric Tons) 1953 e, 1954 1952 (Estimated) (Plan) L.TV (Plan) arri Uses Palatinol AH 1,929 2,300 3,100 Softener for Poly- vinyl chloride (Igelit) and lacquers. Palatinol BH 400 430 N.A. Softener for poly- vinyl chloride (Igelit foil and flooring material). Palatinol C 6lo 600 720 Customary softener for nitrocellulose lacquers. Also -- suitable for Buns and Igetex mixtures-. Phthalic Opal BU 190 200 200 Binding agent for artificial resin lacquers and oil-free synthetic resin for nitro-lacquers. Total 3,120 2722/ 3,530 4,020* (2) Weichmacher ED 242. Another plasticizer (or softener) which consumes a con- siderable amount of phthalic anhydride is Weichmacher ED 242. It has been reported that during World War II various German cable Works * Phthalic anhydride requirement is 1,906 tons (1,352 tons for AH, 424 tons for C, and 130 tons for BU). - 118 - S-E-C -R-E-T _ _ _ _ _ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T were supplied with -"ED 242" (and "ED 356" - not believed made now) for the manufacture of insulating varnish for cables in aircrafi. E2/ There is no evidence that the product is used today for this purpose. It is known that "ED 242" is a good softening agent for leather and. polyvinyl chloride (Igelit) and may be used in Igetex, a Buna 33 . latex. Great interest in the product has been shown by the USSR. The softener was quality inspected by Soviet officials at the plant and was shipped in metal drums (200-liter) inscribed With Soviet markings. VEB Deutsches HydrierWerk Rodleten, Rodleben/Rosslau, produced ED 242 at the rate of about 400 tons per year after the plant was restored in 1947. 580/ Reported actual production for 1950 was 624 tons, and the 1951 plan was 722 tons, which probably ? was. exceeded, as 750 thus were exported. 581/ The production plan. for 1952 was 905 tons, but actual output was alleged to have been 960 tons. 582/ The production goal for 1953 was 1,025 tons.'582a/ Maximum production possible is 1,244 tons. One ton of ED 242 re- quires 390 kilograms of phthalic anhydride. 5?2/ An estimated 10 percent of.Schkopauss 1952-output of phthalic anhydride was consumed during 1952 in the manufacture of ED 242. ED 242 is exported regularly to the USSR. In fact, the USSR is the only known importer. East Germany VW reported to have shipped 150 tons in 1950, 583a/ 750 tons in 1951, 84 7001 tons in 1952, 22/ and 1,100 tons were planned for 1954. 8 Of the 1952 production (960 tons), 73 percent was ex- ported to the USSR, and about 21 percent went to "government orders." 587/ (3) Alkydal P and Alkyd Resins. "Alkydal P" is understood to be .a type of alkyd coating resin and is produced by Schkopau. It is reported to be a condensation product of butylaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, and phthalic anhydride. VEB und Lackkunstharzfabrik Zwickau (formerly Louis Blumer plant) is a known producer of alkyd resins ("Duxalkyd") from phthalic anhydride supplied by Schkobau. The Zwickau resin plant is believed currently to consume about 300 tons of phthalic anhydride a year. The resins are distributed to various industries requiring them for coating purposes, especially the automotive industry for body finishes and the tin preserving can manufacturers. ga/ - 119 - S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T ' Prewar Germany made large quantities of alkyd resins (various Alkydals), of which the ingredients were mainly phthalic anhydride, glycerin, and the fatty acids from linseed oil or castor oil. In the US today, almost 60 percent of the phthalic anhydride goes into alkyd resins. End uses for alkyds in the US are primarily for automotive and other metal finishes) particularly for consumer goods) but large amounts are used in surface coatings for military vehicles) equipment, and ammunition. Other uses include artificial leather coatings and house and marine paints. "Alkydal P" outpUt at.Schkopaudn 1952 is estimated at about to tons. The 1953 plan yes 70 tons 588a/ About 100 kilo- grams. of phthalic anhydride are required to produce 350 kilograms of the product. There are no exports reported for Alkydal PI nor have any imports of alkyd?resins been reported. c. Beta-Naphthol,. Beta-naphthol is a primary derivative of naphthalene. It is the starting material for the manufacture of a large group of naphthol dye intermediates and is used in the production of azo dyes. A particular strategic use is in the rubber industry) where beta-naphthol-becomes a raw material to produce an essential rubber antioxidant) phenyl-beta-naphthylamine. .(See the following subsection, Phenyl-Beta-Naphthylamine.) In the US the second largest use of haphthalene is in the manufacture of beta-naphthol. Perhaps over 60 percent of the US output of beta-naphthol goes into dyestuff intermediates, and the remainder is used to make a rubber antioxidant. Because of the need for naphthols (alpha and beta isomers) by the dye industry) the cbunercial production of refined naphthalene, heretofore required .only for the preparation of moth balls)..was begun in 1873. Con- sumption was small at first, and it inCreased slowly. At that. time its uSe was.confired to Germany and England. Beta-naphthol is produced by alkali (caustic soda) fusion of sodium naphthalene- beta-sulfonate, which) in turn) is obtained by neutralizing the sulfonation product of refined naphthalene. ' The only known producer of beta-naphthol in East Germany is VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. There have been no source references to indicate that alpha-naphthol is produced at Wolfen or at any other East German chemical plant. Alpha-naphthylamine, the principal dye - 120 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T intermediate from alpha-naphthol, is normally imported from the USSR and West Germany The 1952 Import plan was 190 tons.522/ There are no production data available for any one year on Wolfen's output of beta-naphthol. It is known, however, that SAG plants (Soviet-owned corporations) had a combined planned require- Ment for 1952 of 1,665 tons of beta-naphthol. 522/ Inasmuch as ,FarbenfabrikWolfen was an SAG firm during the early part of 1952, and because there are no other plants in the SAG category which are believed to have required the chemical, it is assumed that the 1,665 tons represents Wolfen's own'needs. Wolfen was experiencing "an acute shortage of beta, naphthol" but that this situation had been "partially overcome by imports from the West." 221/ It is quite possible Wolfen failed to produce its 1952 requirement. Thus, an arbitrary output estimate, but one believed to represent a maximum) for beta-naphthol during 1952 is 1,650 tons (about 15 percent of the 1952 US output). This amount of beta-naphthol would require about 2,000 tons of refined naphthalene, an equivalent 2,500 tons of the crude grade. No beta-naphthol was reported actually exported in 1952, although 100 tons (destined for Hungary) were mentioned in the export plan. 522/ This may confirm the belief. that Wolfen failed to produce sufficiently to cover all requirements for the chemical. The 1951 export plan was reported as 165 tons) but only 115 tons apparently were shipped (50 tons to China, 65 tons to Hungary). 22y Phenyl-Beta-Naphthylamine (PEN). .Undoubtedly, the most Important use. Put to beta-naphthol in East Germany is for the manufacture of phenyl-beta-naphthylamine (PBN) by way of beta-naphthylamine. PM. is a necessary general- purpose antioxidant in all rubbers. This rubber chemical retards aging of rubber resulting from oxidation, flex-cracking, atmospheric cracking, and heat deterioration. PBN maybe referred to also as an age .resister, for when such a material is incorporated in a rubber mixiit helps to protect the vulcanizate against certain kinds of aging. Natural rubber oxidizes when exposed to sunlight and air, whereas Buna-type rubbers, under similar conditions, tend to poly- merize further and also to cyclicize. This action is prevented by adding a stabilizer, usually PBN. TSN is used in natural rubber on a. 'basis of 1 to 1.5 percent of the rubber in tire treads, inner tubes, wire insulation, mechanicals, and footwear. Synthetic rubber requires - 121 - S=E-C-R-E-T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T about twice as much antioxidant as natural rubber. Chemische Werke Buna Schkopau is reported to use PBN at the rate of 2.9 percent per ton of Buna rubber produced. 594/ VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen is the only known producer of PBN in East Germany. Production at Wolfen in 1950 was reported as 1,120 tons and, based on output in the first quarter of 1951, the estimated 1951 production was 1,500 tons. 595/ Assuming about 55,000 tons or buna rubber were made in 1952, an estimated 1,600 tons of PBN would be required. It is possible that PBN output in 1952 may have been close to 1,700 tons, for which about 1,250 tons of beta-naphthol would have been used. East Germany used possibly three-fourths of its beta-naphthol production to make PBN. There Are indications that PBN output in 1952 ran close to synthetic rubber production. Schkopau was reported to have been, on one occasion at least, within 48 hours of. a complete stoppage,.but a, shipment of PBN from the USSR arrived in time. _UW Schkopau's 1954 PBN requirement has been reported as 1,874 tons. 596a/ Prior to 19510 East Germany was apparently unable to produce sufficient PBN to cover requirements for its Buna manufacture. Wolfen's PBN plant was reported destroyed in World War II and not rebuilt until 1949. 597/ Imports planned for 1950 were reportedly from the USSR and Poland, the latter to supply 90 tons and the USSR 200 tons. '..2y Still earlier, the large chemical plant at Ludwigshafen in West Germany occasionally shipped PBN by truck to Schkopau. Output was,sufficient by the end of 1951 to permit exports totalling 132 tons, J22/ but in 1952 only 50 tons could be exported, and that amount went only to China. 212/ East Germany's selling price to China was about $12050 per ton, practically equivalent to the US market price. (PBN is also mentioned under aniline consumption, p. 71, above.) d. Emulgator 1,000. "Emulgator 1,000" is an emulsifier for buna-type rubbers, including Perbunan and Igetex types. It is used for Making "kalunit" (the sodium salt of dibutyl naphthalene sulfonic acid). The latter is a degreasing agent and is employed by the soap industry for the preparation of washing and cleansing agents of all types. Emul- gator 1,000 has 'frequently been used for the preparation of "Nekal BX," a wetting agent for the textile industry or a dispersing medium tor dyestuffs. - 122 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T The most strategic use for Emulgator 1,000 is as a rubber chemical, an emulsifier. It is considered to be the best emulsifier - used in Germany for the manufacture of Buna rubber. Reportedly, its use gives a higher tensile strength to rubber than do fatty acid ? soaps used in the US. For every ton of Buns rubber made by Schkopau, about 6o kilograms of the emulsifier are required. The chemical was first made at Ludwigshafen in 1917, And ? new plants for its manufacture were installed during the war at Schkopau, at Ruels (West Germany), and at Auschwitz (now Poland). From the files of the former I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. it is learned that Schkopau produced 2,966 tons of Emulgator 1,000 in 1943..601/ Today, Schkopau remains the only'East German plant to produce the emulsifier. SchkoPau's production in 1952 is estimated at 3,490 tons. 602/ The production goal for 1953 was 3,855 tons, and the 1954 plan is 4,145 tons (requiring 1,687 tons of warm-pressed grade naphthalene). 603/ In order to have produced 3)490 tens in 1952, it is estimated that Schkopau consumed 1,430 tons of refined naphthalene, an equivalent 1,800 tons of crude naphthalene. The product was exported in 1951; the USSR was reported as receiving 88 tons of the total 91 tons expOrted, and China received the rest. 604/ There is no definite indication that any of the chemical was exported during 1952. e. Carbon Black. The term carbon black identifies an important group of industrial carbons used chiefly as reinforcing agents in the rubber industry for such commodities as tires and. for coloring pigments in the ink (printers' ink), paint, and plastics industries. Carbon blacks differ from other carbonaceous materials such as charcoals - and bone chars in their unique chemical and physical characteristics.' Chemically, they are nearly pure elemental carbon; physically; they are composed of essentially spherical .particles of graphitie- crystalline structure. The variation in properties displayed by different types bf carbon blacka is due, in large part, to differences,' in average particle size. The process of making carbon blacks Pram aromatic hydrocarbons ? (anthracene and naphthalene) was developed before World War II by Degussa (Deutsche Gold und Silbersheide Anstalt) at Frankfurt/Main in West Germany. East Germany now has one carbon black manufacturing - 123 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 . plant utilizing crude ,naphthalene. This plant is the VEB Russwerk Oranienburg, which reportedly employs the Dusek Process to produce a carbon black comparable in quality to the. "channel-black" type. the plant also uses anthracene, but this has not been confirmed and it will be assumed that only naphthalene is. used. About mid-1952) Oranienburg had additional facilities installed to increase its capacity and to assure the tire industry of an adequate supply of carbon blacks. 605/ A second type of carbon black is made in East Germany from acetylene gas and is produced by VEB Stickstoffwerk Piesteritz. Production of carbon blacks at the Oranienburg plant has usually been short of annual quotas. Apparently only 894 tons were produced in 1950) whereas the plan was 2,000 tons. '006/ Output in 1951 was 1,130 tons,. against a plan for 1)800 tons.737/ Reported 1952 production was 1,842 tons, 608/ but the year's quota was 2,000 tons. 609/ The 1953 goal has been given as 2,399 tons.-610/ To manufacture carbon blacks from crude naphthalene, a considerable quantity of naphthalene is consumed. It is estimated that about 3,840 tons of crude naphthalene were required in 1952 to produce 1,842 tons of carbon blacks. Inasmuch as the need for reinforcing black for rubber tires is critical in-East Germany, the expenditure of precious naphthalene must be considered a worthy purpose. No exports of carbon blacks have been noted. f. Miscellaneous Uses. Naphthalene uses included as "miscellaneous" are: (1) those products known to be produced in East Germany but for which there is little production information available and (2) products that may possibly be made in East Germany but of which there is no Positive evidence. Admittedly, any amount of naphthalene declared consumed for miscellaneous uses actually represents unaccountable naphthalene con- sumption. Unfortunately, nearly 20 percent of East Germany's 1952 estimated naphthalene gross supply must be entered udder a miscellaneous category at this time. One class of naphthalene derivatives, the chlorinated napthalenes, possibly consumes appreciable quantities of naphthalene. Two German trade names are associated with chlorinated naphthalenes) "Xylamon" and "Paraflow." Xylamon, possibly pentachloronaphthalene, is prin- cipally a wood preservative for protecting telephone poles, wooden S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T houses, and the like. The production of Xylamon was intended to be resumed at Treuhandbetrieb (THB) Werk Westeregeln sometime in 1951 after equipment was repaired. 611/ 1,000 tons of crude naphthalene were shipped to Westeregeln during July 1951, and most likely this was for Xylamon production. 612/ No further naphthalene imports destined for Westeregeln have been noted, but during 1952 the plant received raw material from the Erkner tar distillery. 613/ Paraflow is a viscous, oily material usually Made by con- densation of a chlorinated paraffin wax with an aromatic hydrocarbon (naphthalene). The product is useful to improve low-temperature- flow characteristics of lubricating oils -- that is, a pOur-point. depressor. The luboil additive prevents large crystals of paraffin (left in oil after solvent extraction) from forming at low tempera- -tures. Paraflow was used by the Germans in their automobile oils during World War II. During that time the commodity was obtainable only from the Ludwigshafen plant .(west Germany) The cold-Weather . luboil additive was imported by East Germany from Ludwigshafen at least until 1950. On Orders from Moscow, a product was developed during 1949 at sAn HydrierWerk Zeitz, Zeitz/Troeglitz which was. composed of 90 percent chlorinated paraffin and 10 percent chlorin.,- ated naphthalene and which allegedly compared favorably with the LudwigOafen product and that made by Standard Oil (US). 614/ The East German requirement for Paraflow in 1949 was 60 tons, and in 1952 it had risen to 150 tons. 615/ East Geimany'was even capable of exporting the commodity in 1951 and sent 4 tons to Poland, ?1W but a planned export of 10 tons to Poland 1E11952 failed to be . realized. 617/ Available information has' not been sufficiently detailed to report quantitatively how much naphthalene is required -or used : by East Germany for dyestuffs and intermediates manufacture. ? Various azo dyes are made.byVEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen Which stem from naphthalene, but also certain intermediates for their preparation are imported (alpha-naphthylamine, for example), making it impossible to resolve the situation. Wolfen very likely products some sulfonated naphthalenes and similar compounds for its awn use; . Wolfen is capable of producing H- acid but "is at present unable to offer any to the West" because sulfuric acid is short. H-acid was formerly imported from the USSR and West Germany. Wolfen also produces alpha-nitronaphthalene? commodity presumably used in East Germany for manufacturing - 125 - S-E -C -R -E -T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T dyestuffs rather than for "deblooming" (decolorizing) petroleum oils. 619/ In 1950, Wolfen shipped out 57 tons of the product of which 23 tons went to West Germany. _22/ During 1952, East Germany exported 130 tons of alpha-nitronaphthalene, all to West Germany 621/ Refined naphthalene is used in making moth repellents. There is no information, to indicate the extent, if any, to which naptha- lene is used for this purpose in East Germany Naphthalene may be used to manufacture synthetic organic tanning agents ("Syntans"). These are made in East Germany, but which agents require naphthalene and consumed are unknown at this time. 5. Refined Phenol. a. Caprolactam. Caprolactam (E-amino-capronic acid lectern) is the inter- mediate substance from which is manufactured a synthetic plastic of the polyamide type, in East Germany an "Igamide" (Perlon Luran). During World War II, Germany used polyamides of the Perlon type for. the manufacture of parachute fabrics, cord filaments for airplane tires, bristles for industrial brushes, and foils (0.1-mm thickness) for airplane gasoline tanks. Other uses under development included protective coverings for aircraft cables, connecting belts for motor- driven equipment, glider tow-ropes, harness, and belts for military and civilian use. Currently, East Germany is producing the following from caprolactam: hosiery and tie silk, parachute material, dress' and raincoat materials', fibers, bristles for brushes, "wire" for industrial filters and coiled brush coverings for polishing nonferrous and light metal surfaces, electrical wire insulation, cord for auto- mobile and airplane (MIG-15) tires., technical foil ("Perla"), and transparent film for food bags. 622/ The generic term for polyamides is "Nylon," but Perlon L differs from nylon in manufacture and, somewhat, characteristics and uses. Nylon results froth the reaction of a dibasic acid, such as adipic acid (from cyclohexanol via phenol), with .a diamine,. such as hexamethylene diamine. Perlon L, .on the other hand, is made from the condensattan of amino-carboxylic acids, their lecterns or deriv- atives. -Briefly, the production steps for making Perim L are: Phenol to cyclohexanei to cyclohexanone to cyclohexanone oxime to caprolactam to Perlon L. Caprolactam is shipped from producer to, consumer as a solid (yellowish-white scales) and is usually called "lectern salt." - 126 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T East Germany has only one caprolactam producer, VEB Leuna- werke "Walter Ulbricht." This plant makes caprolactam from its own production of pure phenol. The product is shipped to VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa) Wolfen (about one-half); VEB Thueringische Kunstfaserwerk "Wilhelm Pieck," Schwarza; VEB Kunstseidenwerk "Ftiederich Engels!' Premnitz; and VEB Kunststoffwerk Aceta, Berlin/Rummelsburg. In those plants it is consumed in the manufacture of Perlon materials. Leuna's caprolactam production record, including annual plans, is as follows: Year Metric Tons 1942 914 623 1943 1,140 1944 731 1946 159 1947 569 7/ 1948 600 rfitimated), 500 (Plan) pi 1949 750 (Estimated), 650 (Plan) .6_9/ 1950 1,160 (Estimated), 930 (Plan) _22/ 1951 1,671 V.I./ 1,400 (Plan) 1952 2,092 2,000 (Plan) _Li 1953 2,600 (Man) p._/56( 1954 2,750 (Plan) _1 1955 10,000 (Original Plan) Considerable phenol is required to manufacture caprolactam, about 2 tons of phenol for 1 ton of caprolactam. It is estimated that during 1952 Leuna consumed about 4,200 tons of phenol for caprolactam. This amount of phenol constituted about 84 percent of Leuna's output and about 46 percent of the total East German phenol production. The following caprolactam consumption factors for Perim L materials are available 638/: for 1 ton of cord- silk, 1.23 tons of caprolactam; 1 ton of fine-silk, 1.26 tons of caprolactam; 1 ton of bristles, 1.33 tons of caprolactam; 1,000 square meters of foil (Perfol), 0.062 ton of caprolactam. For general purposes, it id customary to use a factor of 1.3 tons of caprolactam for every ton of Perlon L produced. The 1953 pro- . duction plan for Leuna called for an output of 2,600 tons of - caprolactam requiring 5,230 tons of phenol, 83 percent of the plant's phenol quota. 639/ - 127 -, S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T b. Plastics and Resins Based on Phenol. In the US the largest single peacetime outlet for phenol is in phenol-formaldehyde plastics. The second largest is in phenol- formaldehyde resins for surface coatings and as a bonding agent in laminated products. Together, these consume 60 to 75 percent of the :Cot-al US phenol production. In comparison, East Germany is estimated to have consumed in 1952 only'about one-third of its phenol output. If more phenol had been available; the proportion allocated for plastics and resins manufacture might have been greater. The production of plastics in East Germany is totally inadequate; production had only attained about 20 percent of prewar output in 1951. Raw materials', as Well as fabricating machineryjhave beet lacking. Supplies of phenol have been too short to permit the manufacture of phenol plastics ("Phenoplasts"). :640/ A production of 10,000 tons of molded plastics with a phenol resin base was desired for 1951. The lack of phenol and woodpowder (for filler purposes), however, limited production to only 5,900 tons. 641/ Moreover, available molding equipment capacity was incapable of handling more production. It was then foreseen that in 1952 9,000 tons, corresponding to the available equipment capacity on hand in East Germany would be possible. 642/ The final 1952 pro- duction plan was 9,132 tons, 643/ but actual production was 6,272 tons. 644/ The 1953 East German production capacity for phenol- based plastics was reported as 8;500 tons. gi2/ Since molded articles are expected to play an important role as a substitute for nonferrous-metals in the East German Five Year Plan, it is antici- pated that phenol ,plastics will find an even larger use. The original 1955 Plan goal of moldable plastics for-the plastics industry Was 12,000 tons, containing approximately 6,000 tons of resin. The molded plastics industry is understood to be shifting away from preferred phenol and has started utilizing cresol and xylenol as raw materials. Also, the acute shortage of phenol has made it necessary to develop good Molding powders for.plastics- from low-grade but abundantly available phenolic compounds.- Investigations were conducted in 1951 on the "middle-oil phenol" (R-III), produced at VEB TeerverarbeitungsWerk 'Weitz, as a potential phenolic raw material for plastics, even though the . material contains only about 15 percent phenol. .The problem entails : the preparation from R-III of a suitable product which is free of - 128 - S -E -C-fl -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T bases, acids, and neutral oils. Similar experiments, utilizing crude phenol mixtures for manufacturing synthetic resins, were. also con- ducted with products obtained from plants at Hirschfelde and Espenhain. There is no available information relating to the .0:Mount of phenol consumed in 1952 to produce phenol plastics and resits. It is necessary to assume that production of nearly 8,300 tons of molded plastics was based entirely on phenol and did not include cresol and xylenol. A further assumption must be made that total output represented molding Compound (including filler, and the like) with an actual resin content of about 55 percent of this total. Since a typical phenol-formaldehyde resin may contain about 6o percent phenol, it is estimated that 2,700 tons of phenol were consumed for phenol molded plastics during 1952. The production of bonding agents, surface coatings, Haveg acid cements (for acid-proof bricks and coating iron), grinding wheel resins, and the like, very prob- ably consumed an additional 300 tons Of phenol.- Also included is the manufacture of "Kramitoel," believed to be a phenol-formaldehyde adhesive, by VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa) Wolfeh, which, in 1952 was expected to require 90 tons of phenol for 120 tons of the product. 647/ In summary, it is estimated that 3,000 tons of phenol were used during 1952 by East Germany to produce various phenol-based plastics and resins. Not included are the ion-exchange resins, Nofatits" and synthetic organic tanning agents (based on phenol-formaldehyde" resins), which have been considered separately and are discussed later. Several known phenol plastics and resins manufacturing plants in East Germany are: VEB Kunstharz- und'Pressmassefabrik Erkner, Erkner/Berlin VEB Lackkunstharzfabrik Zwickau, Zwickau VEB Lackfabrik Moelkau, Moelkau/Leipzig VEB Kunstharz- und Pressmassefabrik Espenhain, Espenhain/ Leipzig VEB Lackkunstharzfabrik Schoenebeck, Schoenebeck/Elbe, c. Refining Lubricating Oils. The principal East German producer of natural lubricating oils is VEB Minetaloelwerk Luetikendorf at Krumpa. This plant employs phenol as a selective solvent for refining lubricating oils by removing aromatics and naphthenic hydrocarbons. If a sufficient - 129 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T _ _ _ _ _ _ amount of anhydrous. phenol is used, the aromatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons.can-be completely extracted, leaving a purely paraffinic oil behind. The quality of the raffinate is best when anhydrous phenol is used, but the yield is small. The effect from sOlvent. extraction on a luboil is to produce a product with a high viscosity index -- that is, to maintain good lubrication characteristics even at elevated temperatures. The Luetzkendorf plant is the only natural luboil producer in East Germany known to use phenol to refine its products. This plant requires phenol from year to year to replenish losses in process and to cover expanding production. Luetzkendorf was scheduled to receive 270 tons of phenol from Leunawerke for its 1948 requirement. 648/ The 1949 requirement was reported to have been 330 tons. 6497--tuboil production quotas for Luetzkendorf for 1948 and 1949 were 33,000 tons and 4ol000 tons, respectively. 650/ A . recent estimate on Luetzkendbrf's 1952 luboil production was 55,000 tons. For this quantity of production, it is estimated that about 450 tons of phenol were -required. d. Pharmaceuticals. The announced 1952 requirements of the East German phar- maceutical industry included 400 tons of pure phenol. All of the phenol was to be consigned to the industrial portion of the industry for manufacturing medicinals. 651/ It is not known, however, whether or not the industry actually received its full allocation during the year. At present, there is some question about the inclusion of phenol requirements for manufacturing salicylic acid (see f, below) in the allocation to the pharmaceutical industry. This report has assumed that phenol for the production of salicylic is not included in the pharmaceutical allocation, for-salicylic acid has uses other than medical and also may be a starting material to produce other . medicinals. e. Ion Exchange Resins (Wofatits). On a comparative basis, the US and German ion exchange . industries had reached approximately the same level of development by the end of World War II. Work on synthetic resins preceding the development of Wofatit began in 1936. Among other uses, the Germans were utilizing the-process to recover copper fram cuprammonium (rayon) process waste waters and silver from photographic waste - 130 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T waters. At the present tine the process may be used to recover valu- able metals from wastes, for purification of streptomycin, for recovery and separation of radioactive isotopes from atomic fission, and for the catalysis of organic reactions. Another important use is in the beet-sugar industry, where the final impurities are removed from the sugar.luices, increasing sugar and decreasing molasses yields and making it possible to produce an edible liquid sugar directly. Probably the main use today for ion exbhange resins in East Germany is for softening water. Many industrial waters in the area are very hard and, therefore, numerous softening instal- lations are required. The resins are used by thermal power plants as a boiler water additive. 'FEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen Was the principal German producer of ion exchange resins of the Wofatit type before the end of the war and is now the only known producer in East Germany. The Wolfen plant makes several types of Wofatits, only one of which, the "P" type, is known to be prepared from phenol. The P type is prepared by reacting phenol, formaldehyde, and sodium bisulfite to produce the methylene sulfonic salt of phenol. This compound is then con- densed with additional phenol and formaldehyde, and a solid resin results. After further treatment, the final product is a moist resin containing about 4o percent water. Various Wofaiits under- stood to be produced by 'FEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen are as follows: Type Characteristics Wofatit P A cation exchanger for water softening. Re- sistant to temperatures up to 95?C. Wofatit F Same as P but resistant to temperatures up to 500C. Wofatit C For partial salt removal of water rich in carbonates. Wofatit MD An anion exchanger for removal of salts from water, used together with P and F types. Wofatit L An anion exchanger for salts and silicates. .Wofatit E and ED Both types are used for decolorizing of solutions, such as clarified juices, sugar clearing liquors, molasses, starch solutions, glucose, dextrose, sorbite-plant and other extracts. - 131 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -' No current production data on production of Wofatit at Wolfen are available, in early 1952 50 tons of .phenol per month (600 tons per year) were being consumed by the Wolfen pleat to produce Wofatits. 652/ This amount, however, appears to be too high in relation to other phenol requirements of East Germany. Production of Wofatit of all types was about 410 tons in 1950. 653/ Perhaps lop to 150 tons of phenol were used in 1950 to produce Wofatits based on phenol. Allowing for a possible doubling in output by the end of 1952; the phenol consumption would amount to 300 tons as a maximum for production of Wofatit. East Germany is an exporter of Wofatit resins, largely to other Soviet Bloc countries. Poland has been the principal importer, with Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and the USSR following in decreasing order. Wolfen's productive capacity for Wofatit Vas fully utilized in 1953 and exports Were scheduled to take 54 percent of the total output.211./ (See Appendix B for further details.) f. Salicylic Acid. SalicyliC acid is considered a fine chemioal and is used as a medicinal and an intermediate in the manufacture of other medicine's and.pharmaceuticals. In the US, approximately 65 percent of the salicylic acid.roduced is employed to prepare aspirin, 25 percent for making other medicinals, and 10 percent for miscellaneous uses, . including the manufacture of dyes. Aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid) is prepared by acylating salicylic acid with acetic anhydride. Salicylic acid is a starting material in making various salicylates, methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen), phenyl salicylate (Salo1)., and the like. The chemical is used in making dyes, including azo colors, and may be employed as a preservative and for manufacturing organic intermediates and perfumes. Salicylic acid produced in East Germany probably is not used principally to make aspirin, for production of the latter wae expected to begin only by mid-1952, upon import of acetic anhydride. Com- mercial quantities of acetic anhydride have not been made in East Germany. Aspirin his been available, however, through imports from "capitalistic countries," from Hungary, and from the USSR. Aspirin requirements by the pharmaceutical industry amounted to 75 tons in 19520 and salicylic acid requirements by this industry totaled 205 tons. 612/ The large dyestuffs manufacturing plant, VEB Farbenfabrik Holten, requires salicylic acid, presumably only for making azo dyes. In 1950 the Wolfen plant received about 75 tons, some of which was - 132 - S-E-C-R-ErT 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T imported from. Denmark and West Germany (Leverkusen). 656/ It is believed that Wolfen's needs in 1952 would not have been much higher than in 1950. East Germany also exported some 20 tone of salicylic acid in 1952, althbugh the plan called for 30 tons. 657/ The 1954 export plan provided for shipment of 60 tons of salicylic acid (technical grade). 657a/ Only two known producers of salicylic acid exist in East Germany. These plants are VEB Pharmaceutisches Werk.Oranienburg and Leunawerke "Walter Ulbricht." A third plant, utilizing a new process which is about 50 percent cheaper, was reported to have been established at VEB Chemische Fabrik von Heyden, Dresden/Radebeul. 658/ Available data on salicylic acid production in East Germany for 1949- 55 are given below: ' Year Metric Tons 1949 6o (Plan) 659/ 1950 112 660/ -- 1951 240 -Tian) 661/ 1952 294 662/, 286?(Plan) 663/: 1953 320 TPTan) 664 1954 350 (Plan) 1955. 350 (Plan) /. It is estimated that to have produced 294 tons of salicylic acid in ' 1952, about 235 tons of phenol were required. It is interesting to note that salicylic acid is one of the production target items listed within the framework of the East German Five Year Plan (1951-55). The production of salicylic acid by oxidation of ortho-cresol has been considered hy East Germany and was included among the 1951 research projects aseigned to the tar distillery at Erkner. ??1/ g. Ttiphenyl Phosphate. Ttiphenyl phosphate is. mainly a plasticizer and a softener. As a plasticizer, it increases theflexibility and extensibility of synthetic resins and similar compounds. It Is an excellent softener in making photographic films from cellulose acetate, a gelatinizing and softening agent in making compbaltions containing.nitrocellulosel and a substitute for camphor in.making celluloid. The chemical is a solid nonvolatile) incombustible softener widely used for manu- facturing lacquers, varnishes, and plastics in combination with -133- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T nitrocellulose and acetyl cellulose. It may also serve as a softener for film toils and in natural and synthetic rubber (Buna) mixtures. It is understood that East Germany employs triphenyl phosphate mainly in the lacquer and cable industries. VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld is the only producer of triPhenyl phosphate in East Germany. According to I.G. Farbenindustrie statistics, the Bitterfeld plant produced 298 tons of the chemical in-1937 and 284 tons in 1943. Output in 1951 was 291 tons. 668/ Only 135 tons were produced in 1952, of which 49 tons were used by Bitterfeld itself. The original 1953 quota was 240 tons, 669/ but this was later revised to only 50 tons, although 114 tons were produced. 670/ An estimated 125 tons of phenol were consumed in 1952 to produce the 135 tons of triphenyl phosphate. The plasticizer has been an export item but has been exported only to Western countries. Nearly one-half of the 1952 output was exported. (For details, see Appendix B0 Table 29.*) h. Miscellaneous. East Germany requires phenol to produce various other chemical intermediates and end products. important to the area's economy. Individual outputs of these phenol-based produets demand little of the available phenol supply, but collectively the athount of phenol consumed for their preparation has sone significance. The large photographic materials manufacturing plant, VEB. FilmfSbrik (Agfa) Wolfen, expected to require a total of 30 tons of .pure phenol during 1952. Anticipated requirements to manufacture photographic film, paper, plates, and color film components amounted to shout 20 tons. An additional 10 tons of pure phenol were to be used for a softener for Perfol, a technical foil from caprolactam. 671/ The extensive hydrogenation plant, VEB Deutsches Hydrierwerk Rodleben, Rodleben/Rosslau, is a producer of cyclohexanol (1:Hexa1ie) through phenol reduction. Hexalin and the ketone cyclohexanone are important solvents, similar in purpose to Methylheicalin and methYl- cyclobemanone derived from cresol. (See Hydrogenated Cresols, p. 1400 below.) These hydrogenated materials, either alone or mixed with each other, are valuable solvents for camphor, fats, oils, waxes, natural and synthetic resins, and rubber. They also find application in a variety of special soaps and detergents, for they are emulsifying and solubil-- izing agents for soaps and oils. The production of solvents by _ . * P. 1630 below. -134- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T pressure hydrogenation cduld not be fully realized at VEB Deutschea Hydrierwerk Rodleben in 1951, and, although the 1952 program was robably more optimistic, it is probable that little phenol was used, for cresol was more readily available. The only production infor- mation available is Rodleben's 1953 quota of 50 tons of Hexalin. One ton (1,000 kilograms) of Hexalin requires 1,175 kilograms of phenol. 672/ Phenol is the starting material for the manufacture of the hormonetype weedkiller 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid). This chemical has particular value to farming because of its selective power to.kill broad-leaved plants without harming grasslike crops -- wheat) barley, oats)and rye, for example -- thus making possible higher average crop yields. The VEB Elektrochetisches: Kombinat Bitterfeld is the most important producer and may be the only producer of 2,4-D in East Germany. The Bitterfeld plant formulates a spray with a 2,4-D base called "Hormit (H 11)" and a powdered preparation (dust) called "Hormin (H 22)." Two other plants produce preparations with a 2,4-D base, the VEB Asid-Werk' Bernburg (product: D 24) and VEB Ieunawerk Marseburg (products: L 1 and L 2). Nothing is known of production rates at these two plants. Bitterfeld's production record and plans are as follows: Year Metric Tons Hormit (Epray) 1951 17. 1952 38 (Plan). 84 (Actual) 1953 '158* 1954. 200 (Plan) Hormin (Dust) 58 673/ 360 Nan) 6714 265 (Actual 75/ 962** 678/ 500 (Plan) ?12/ Bitterfeld sells all of the Hormin it produces and more than half of the Hormit product, but the purchasers are unknown. The remainder of the Hormit product is used by the plant itself as an ingredient in making up the powdered form, Hormin. Pure phenol Input in 1952 was 84 tons, and 153 tons are anticipated for 1953, 679a/ * Actual output. Original 1953, suota itas 180 tons but the quota was later revised to 141 tons. 676/ ** Actual output. Original 191,uota was 1,100 tons but ihe quota later was lar revised to 868 tons..677 -135- S-E-C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E-T The dyestuffs plant, VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen, is understood to produce a limited amount of picric acid (trinitropheno4. This product results from nitration of phenolsulfonic acid, which is obtained by heating phenol with concentrated sulfuric acid. Picric acid is the starting point in making indulin and nigrosin dyes. Wolfen's output of-picric acid is not known. Dinitrophenol is also made.atWolfen, but?Output is unknown. VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen is also the only East German pro- ducer of "Metol," a very important photographic developer. This chemical (methyl-para-aminophenol sulfate) is believed to be made by Wolfen by the method involving the reduction of para-nitrophenol and then reducing the resulting para-aminophenol compound. Wolfen produces various nitrophenol isomers. Output of Metol in 1950 was reported as 52 tons 680/ but no later annual outputs are known. 4 Metol was exported to both Soviet Bloc countries and the Free World in 1951, but apparently the only exports were made to Soviet countries in 1952. .(See Appendix B, Table,29.*) All synthetic organic tanning agents(Syntans) made in East Germany are based on phenol and formaldehyde or urea), or on cresol (see Synthetic Organic .Tanning Agents,. p. 141? below) and naphthol. In view of the small availability in plant-derived tanning agents, the pro- duction of Syntans in East Germany is under heavy demand, with no pro- spects for exports. ?..L./ The 1952 production plan (3,240 tons 2y) was only 78 percent fulfilled, .principally because of the "lack of phenol." The quality of these synthetic substances did not measure up to the requirements of the leather industry) and the addition of fine vegetable tanning agents was necessary. VEB FarbenfabrikWolfen currently produces one synthetic tanning 'agent) "Wofagan M" (for sole leather)) but there is no evidence that phenol is Actually used in the manufacture. Wolfen was scheduled to produce 1,560 tons of ? organic tanning agents in 1954. 22/ Other Syntans known to be produced in East Germany are: "Novaltan" (by VEB_Chemiewerk Doelau, GreiilDoelau) and "Boemotan" (by VEB Fettchemie- und.Fewaverk Chemnitz) Again, no details And information are available relating to the proportionate use of phenol Against cresol in manufacture of these Syntans. It is impractical to estimate how much phenol was consumed Fa.195276o manufacture_EYhtaus. CUirently)_considerAbly, More cresol ? than phenol is probably being used. * P. 163, below. -136- S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -R -E -T Other products and intermediates based on phenol Are unquestion- ably produced in East Germany) but information concerning them is lacking. The quantity of phenol consumed in 1952 for miscellaneous uses and products) of course) is unknown. An arbitrary consumPtion figure of. 365 tons erely represents the difference between the sum of better known phenol uses already discussed (and export) and the estimated gross supply of phenol in 1952. i. Exports. . Both pure and crude phenol are exported by East Germany. Soviet Bloc countries appear to have been favored in actual exports. . Reported 1952 exports of pure phenol total 175 tons (252 tons were planned)) of which Communist China received 55 percent. Apparently no pure phenol was exported to the USSR in 1952, a striking contrast to 1951, when the USSR received 650 tons, 62.5, percent of the total East German export./ Crude phenol exports were nearly all destined for Poland in 1952 1,030 tons). gg (See Table 11) p. 50, above, for additional details.) j. Stockpile (Strategic Reserve). There is no. available information indicating that a phenol stockpile, that is, an allocation of phenol to the East German State Reserve; was established in 1952. It is assumed that no phenol was placed in strategic reserve during that year. A recent report has indicated, however, that 4o tons of "liquefied phenol" were included in the 1954 plan for medical and pharmaceutical supplies of the State Reserve. ,?2.1) 6. Cresols. a. Tricresyl Phosphate Tricresyl phosphate (TCP) is Trincipaily used as, a plasticizer. It is compatible with vinyl, polystyrene, and cellulose-derived *plastics, but its greatest demand is in plasticizing polyvinyl chloride and nitrocellulose. TCP contributes nonflammability, which is - especially valuable for nitrate lacquers and films. It is employed as a softener for collodion body colors, for adhesives and binders) and as a substitute for camphor. in the manufacture of celluloid. TCP is used for the extraction of phenol from waste waters (effluents) of coal hydrogenation plants. The phosphate may go into oil additives. - 137 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E-T Because it increases the strength of dil film, it is valuable for heavy duty oils, and its flame-resisting characteristics make it desirable in hydraulic fluids used in hot-running equipment. A new use for TCP as an additive for premium motor fuels, little known as yet outside the US, may eventually develop into the largest US use. During World War II the Shell Oil Company discovered that when TCP is added to leaded motor fuels, any lead oxide deposits in the engine are converted to lead. phosphates or other nonconductive ' products whereby spark-plug fouling is prevented, thus prolonging spark plug life and improving performance of the leaded fuels. In the US the use oftricresyl,phosphate as a plasticizer probably accounts for about 90 percent of sales. No comparable ' end-use pattern is available for East Germany; but unquestionably most of the product serves as a plasticizer in polyvinyl chloride materials, and the greatest demand is in the lacquer and cable. industries. Total annual; output of TCP in the US from the 4 pro- ducing plants was about 7,900 metric tons and 8,200 metric tons . for 1951 and 1952,.respectively. On the other hand, East Germany had but one producer, VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld. Repcirted annual outputs of TCP at this plant are as folrows: Year Metric Tons 1937 : 254 688/ 1943 ;3,342 b8W 1944 '4,053 ;76/ 1946' 845 67/ ? 1947 1,700 (As reported) 692/ 1948 .1,703 693/ (Plan 1,500 ?21/) 1949 .1,800 "(Ran) .?222 1950 3,569 696/ (Plan, 3,240 697/) 1951 3,766 ET/ (Plan,'4,2oo7) 1952 3,951 700ll(plan, 4,200 751/) 1953 .3,830 702/ (Original plan, 6,000 703/; revised plan, 3,880 777) 1954 4,000 (Plan) 705/ The Bitterfeld plant employs cresol DAB IV, a cresols mixture but low (less than 2 percent). in ortho-cresol isomer content. An _estimated 14,150 tons of the raw material were used by Bitterfeld in 1952 to produce P. 2101Y--it-was expected that about 6,300 tons-of cresol DAB IV would be required in 1953, and VEB Leunawerke "Walter - 138s- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Ulbricht" was to supply 1,300 tons of this amount.?721/ This ortho- cresol isomer imparts toxic characteristics to TCP when the latter is used as a plasticizer. East Germany has found it necessary to ban the uee of plastic articles of polyvinyl chloride, and the like, which have been plasticized with TCP containing more than 6 percent,ortho- tricresyl phosphate, when these items are used in connection with food, drugs, cosmetics, toys, and wearing apparel. The Bitterfeld plant itself is a reasonably large consumer of the product for plasticizing purposes; the plant' used 37 percent (1,462 tons) of Its 1952 TCP output. The remainder of the 1952 pro- duction was exported (19 percent) (see Appendix B) or was sold to other East German consumers, including VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. Bitterfeld anticipated in 1953 a consumption of 1,686 tons of TCP,? about 28 percent of its output. 708/ Wolfen expected to use 60 tons in 1953. 709/ The VEB'Hydrierwerk Zeitz, Zeiti/Ttoeglitz, is known to employ TCP by the Otto procets to recover crude phenol from the -plant's waste process waters to prevent stream pollution. 710/ b. Synthetic Resins and Plastics.* Like phenol, cresol also is used in the formation of Synthetic resins upon treatment with formaldehyde. Soft, fusible, and soluble thermal-setting resins, which are used in varnishes as well as in molding?and laminating compounds, can be formed. In manufacturing' resinous materials, the meta-cresol isomer exhibits closer analogy to phenol than do the other cresol isomers, ortho and para.' A meta- cresol-para-cresol mixture is most. generally used in the preparati6n of resins. The ortho form can be removed from industrial cresol, which contains all three cresol forms, by simple distillation, but meta and Para isomers can be separated from one another only by chemical means. Ortho-cresol and ortho-cresol fraction may be used in making resins, particularly with phenol, to control the reaction and the final hardening of the resin. ? - - In East Germany, cresol is used in the manufacture of synthetio resins for lacquers, pressed resins, molding preparations, cast and hardened resins for turning and carving purposes, acid and liquid- proof substances for putties and cements, hard-paper manufacture, and the like. Synthetic organic tanning agents based on condensation- products formed from cresol with formaldehyde or urea are also Produced. These are discussed later. Much research effort in East Germany has gone into developing many resins and plastics from more 139 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T plentiful cresol that will exhibit comparable qualities add appli- cations to phenol-based products. In the meantime, cresol has been employed but often at a sacrifice resulting in inferior products. Some success is apparent from a 1951 report advising that the molded plastics industry was moving away from the preferred phenol base compounds and was already utilizing cresol (and xylenol) as raw material. 711/ There is little information about the ambunt or extent to which cresol is employed-in the manufacture of resins and plastics in East Germany It has been necessary to assume arbitrarily for 1952 that the amount of cresol used was equivalent to the estimated amount of phenol consumed, 3,000 tons. There have been no reports of exports of resins and plastics derived from cresol. Presumably, the largest manufacturer of cresol-based resinous products in East Germany is VEB-Kunstharz-und Pre ssmassefabrik Erkner. c. Hydrogenated Cresols:. Cresol yields valuable solvents when hydrogenated. Methyl- cyclohexane and methylcyclohexanol are the best known. The latter, also known as "Methylhexalin," is perhaps the most important and may be employed as a solvent for cellulose esters for lacquers, as an antioxidant for lubricants, and as a blending agent for special textile soaps and detergents. The VEB Deutsches Hydrierverk Rddleben, Rodleben/Rosslau is?.a known producer of organic solvents by hydrogenation, and both methyl- OdIbhaxane,and-Methyihexatin are made there.. It is understood that VEB Leunawerke "Walter Uloricht" also hydrogenates, cresol. The Rodleben plant produced 487-tons ef Methylhexalin in 1939. 712/ - . Very little postwar production data are available for either solvent.( 1.1/?manufacture of one ton (1,000 kilograms) of Methylhexalin requires 1,175 kilograms of cresol. flJ Since there is no production information available for any hydrogenated cresols in 1952, it is assumed that total East German output of these solvents may have been-about 1,000 tons'. The cresol consumption then conceivably could have been about 1,200 tons. - 140 - S-E-C -R-E -T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T _ _ _ _ _ _ The tar-distillation plant at Erkner is known to have supplied the Rodleben installation with ortho-cresol during 1952. al/ An export plan of 100 tons of Methylhexalin was reported for 1952, 716/ . but only 60 tons were shipped, apparently) and that was all sent to France. 717/ d. Synthetic Organic Tanning Agents. Synthetic organic tannins (Syntans). are based principally upon phenol, cresol, and naphthol.. Because natural or vegetable tannins were not in sufficient supply, synthetic organic substitute's for tanning principles were developed in Germany before World War II. East Germany now has shortages both in plant-derived tanning agents and in synthetic organic substitutes. The quality of Syntans during 1952 did not meet the requirements of the leather industry, and it was necessary to add vegetable tanning agents. 718/ No information is available relating to the quantities or the exteht to which either, cresol or phenol are used currently in the manufacture of substitute tanning materials. Moreover, data are lacking on recent outputs of. various individual Syntans. Three. chemical plants are known to be producers: VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen VEB Chemiewerk Doelau, GreiVbcelau; and VEB Fettchemie- und Fewawerk Chemnitz (now Karl 'Marx Stadt). Wolfen currently produces a Syntan under the trade name "Wofagan M." This tannin may be used .for bottom leather and sleek and russet upper leather, both in the pit-tanning and drum-tanning process, and for the tanning of sole leather. If Wofagan M is mixed with Vegetable canning extracts, it produces a mild leather from calf, sheep, and goat skin.. The product was first mentioned in production at Wolfen in 1950, and the output that :year was reported as 700 tons. 112/ During the first 6 months of 1951; Wolfen' pro-' duced.582 tons, 222/ and output in the first 7 months of 1952 amounted to 619 tons toward the annual plan of 1,440 tons. lay The Doeleu plant manufactures condensation products on a phenol (and cresol) formaldehyde basis for the leather industry. Products made here are called "Novaltans" (Novaltan F,.Novaltan extra W, etc.). Starting materials employed to synthesize tanning agent fixation materials include phenol, and/or cresol formaldehyde con, densation products, urea, sulfite spent liquor, and sulfones from cresol. During 1950, research was being undertaken at'Doelau to S-E-C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E-T develop more economically feasible tanning agents from cresol, of .which some could also be used in the PerlOn fiber industry. 722/ The plant at Chemnitz produces a tanning agent called "Boemotan." This substitute is reported to give best tanning results with bottom leather, belting) and sleek and russet upper leather. The tar distillationworks at Erkner supplied Chemnitz with cresol during 1952) presumably for manufacturing Syntans. Synthetic organic tanning agents produced in East Germany during 1950 amounted to 1,410 tons. 723/ Output in 1952 was reported as 2,548 tons 724/) the 1952. annual plan was 3,240 tonS. 725/ Information and data available do not permit a firm estimate on the . amount of cresol consumed in 1952 to manufacture Syntans, so an ' arbitrary quantity of 750 tons has been selected. 6. Miscellaneous Uses. There are a number of other possible uses for cresol, including the manufacture of disinfectants, medicinals, insecticides, health soaps, perfumes, -textile compounds, dye intermediates, and inka. 'Still other probable applications include selective -solvents for refining lubricating oils; agents for the flotation of ores, grease detergents for industry, and use in the preparation of sheep-dips. 'Ortho-cresol is the starting material for VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen to prepare dinitro-ortho-cresoll from which Wolfen produces two salable products, "Sedolit Powder" and "Selinon." The Hedolit Powder becomes a spraying agent for pest control in grain seeds, particularly against charlock and other wild varieties of field ' mustard. Belindn is a winter spraying agent for combating the principal fruit tree parasites) which are dormant during the winter . in the egg br larvae stages. Selinon also kills shield lice types and destroys mosses and lichens: .The Spring worm larvae and various lice and mites found in vineyards are controlled with Selinon. According to the records of I.G. Farbenindustrie AG, the Wolfen plant produced 457 tons of dinitro-ortho-cresol in 1943, but later output data are not available. 726/ There is no positive indication that East Germany is currently using cresol as a selective solvent for refining lubricating ' oils. The matter was given consideration in 1951, when ortho-cresol . was found to be difficult to market. Ortho-cresol was suggested for - 142 - S-E-C-R-E-T ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C lowering the solidification point of diesel fuel and to replace phenol as the selective solvent at VEB Mineraloelwerk Luetzkendorf. 727/ VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner is known to have made delivery of ortho-cresol to Luetzkendorf during 1952. 728/ When mixed with phenol, cresol can be used as a selective solvent which extracts cyclic hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds, and asphaltic bodies, leaving behind a more paraffinic raffinate in petroleum refining. Cresol is also an effective antioxidant in the prevention of formation in gasoline and acts similarly in inhibiting harmful oxidizing reactions in petroleum lubricants. Pure ortho-cresol is used in the manufacture of perfume materials and coumarin (for flavoring substances), of a perfumery fixative, and of pharmaceutical preparations. The Erkner plant shipped ortho-cresol to VEB Schimmel, Miltitz/Leipzig in 1952. 729/ The Miltitz plant is a flavor extract and perfume manufacturer. Ortho-cresol, when treated with caustic soda and carbon dioxide under ,pressure, produces ortho-cresotic acid) a dye inter- mediate. There is no indication, however, that the Wolfen dye factory-or any other East German plant produces ortho-cresotic acid. Cresol is used extensively in general disinfectants such as cresol soaps and lysol. Cresol has greater germicidal properties than has phenol and is safer to the skin. The meta isomer exhibits more powerful antiseptic action than phenol or the other cresols. Undoubtedly, East Germany consumes an appreciable quantity of ,cresol for.disinfectant purposes) but there are no data on the magni- tude of this quantity. Cresol Consumed by East Germany during'1952 for miscellaneous uses may have totaled about 1,900 tons. Sufficient information is unavailable to permit a smaller figure for "miscellaneous uses," and it is impossible to make further breakdowns into specific demands for included end-uses. f. Export. East Germany exports between 10 and 20 percent of its cresol output. Total cresol exports apparently declined in 1952, when approximately 1,700 tons were shipped, in contrast to about 1,900 tons in 1951. (See Table 11, p. 50) above.). It is of interest to note that - 143 - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E-T nearly 90 percent of the cresol exports in 1951 (over 95 percent in 1952) were made to non-Soviet Bloc countries. Also, no actual deliveries of cresol (in any grade) to the USSR were reported for 1952. g. Stockpile (Strategic Reserve). 5 tons of crude cresol were allocated in 1953 to the State Reserve.for pharmaceuti- cal supplies (disinfecting drugs). 729a/ 7. Aniline. a. Phenyl-Beta-Naphthylamine (PBN). Discussion concerning the production and use of phenyl-beta- naphthylamine (PBN) in East Germany has already been given.* It was also stated previously that the only East German pro- ducer of PBN is VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. The estimated output of . this rubber antioxidant in 1952 was 1)700 tons. In order to produce this amount of PBN, 750 tons of aniline were probably consumed. There is little doubt that the bulk of the aniline used in East Germany during 1952 went into the manufacture of PBN. Perhaps nearly 60 percent of the total aniline supply was used for this purpose. Another derivative of aniline, diphenylamine, is used as a rubber antioxidant by VEB Chemische Werke Buna, Schkopau (see Miscellaneous) p. 148) below). b. Vulkazit. Vulkazit is a German trade name-for a series of special- purpose rubber accelerators. They are indispensable to the processing of both natural and synthetic rubber to the finished fabricated pro- ducts. The only plant in East Germany producing this line of rubber chemicals is VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. This plant is understood to have started Vulkazit production in early 1949. Wolfen is reported to produce the following types of Vulkazit at the present time: * P. 1212 above. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500066002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E-T (1) Vulkazit AZ (liquid) (Benzothiazoly1-2-sulfendiethylamide). This type is preferred as a vulcanizer accelerator. in a mixture for rubber goods of heavily detailed profiles (forms) because a retarded start of vulcanization insures a.good filling out of the molds. ? (2) Vulkazit DM (Bis-mercaptobenzothiazole). This type is preferred as a vulcanization accelerator for light-colored rubber goods because no discoloration results. ? (3) Vulkazit M (Mercaptobenzothiazole). The M type has wide application as a vulcanization accelerator, except for articles which come in contact with foodstuffs. (4) Vulkazit P extra N (Zinc salt of methylphenylthiocarbamate). This vulcanization accelerator is used for transparent, thin-walled rubber articles. (5) Vulkazit 1,000 (2-tolyl-biguanide). This type is suit- able as an activator for strong accelerators (mercapto, thiuram, and the like). (6) Vulkazit Thiuram (Tetramethylthiuram disulfide). A vul- canization accelerator particularly for rubber mixtures of low sulfur content and high heat resistance. Waren was reported to have produced about 46o tons of Vulkazit (all types) in 1950. Of this quantity the plant specifically reported the production of about 19 tons of type M, 14 tons of DM, and 21 tons of AZ. 130/ The DM and AZ types require amounts of type M for-their manufacture, and the latter is based on aniline. For the quantities of types M, DM, and AZ reported produced in 1950, it is estimated that about 40 tons of aniline were consumed. There is much uncertainty whether additional amounts of Vulkazit were pro- duced which required aniline.; some may have been listed under an' unspecified categbry. There are no available data for any Succeeding years on production of Vulkazit at Wolfen. An estimate of 6o tons bs-aniline consumed uy Wolfen in 195.e to prepare these rubber chemicals is entirely arbitrary and may be low. East Germany supplies Vulkazits to the Satellites., especially to Hungary (see Appendix B, Table 31*). In 1953, East German exports of Vulcanization accelerators were reported. to amount to 11 percent of the production capacity. 731/ * P. 166, below. -145- S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20 3/09/14 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T c. Hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is produced from aniline) through quinone, and is a strong reducing agent. This is the property that; makes it valuable as a photographic developer; it is used in larger amounts than any other chemical for this purpose, including Metol. ' The plant producing hydroquinone is VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. What is known of Wolfen's production record for hydroquinone is as follows: Year Metric Tons 1937 211 732/ 1938 199 733/. 1939 178 7T/: 1940 179 735 1941 217 i36/ 1942 304 737/, 1943 284 77/ 1950 140 739/ 1951 170 (estimated; output in first quarter of 1951 was 47 tons) 740/ 1952 200 (estimated) An estimated output of 200 tons of hydroquinone in 1952 would require approximately 200 tons of aniline. An appreciable portion of the hydroquinone output is sent to VEB Filmfabrik (Agfa) Wolfen. Approximately 45 tons were supplied to the film plant in 1950, 741/ and the plant's requirement for 1953 was reported as 92 tons. 112/ Hydroquinone exports in 1951 amounted to nearly 30 percent of the estimated output) but to only 20 percent in 1952.. Exports were about equally divided between Soviet Bloc countries and Western countries in 1951 but most of the product went to Soviet countries in 1952. (See Appendix B, Table 31.4) d. Centralite (Carhanilides). In the preparation of nitrocellulose, the principal ingredient in most smokeless powder, great care is exerted to produce a highly purified product that has a high degree of chemical stability. In spite of these precautions, it is found necessary to add stabilizing \* P. 166, below. - 146 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T _ _ _ _ _ _ chemicals to all modern explosive powder compositions to insure an acceptable stability life of the finished powder. The two principal stabilizers employed are centralite and diphenylamine (see f, below). Centralite is actually two chemicals -- Centralite I (dimethyl- diphenyl-urea) and Centralite II (diethyl-diphenyl-urea). Centralite may also be used as a solvent for cellulose esters and ethers and shellac or as the starting material for intermediates and pharmaceuti- cals. The dye factory, VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen, is the only definitely known producer of centralite. 743/ Unfortunately there are no output data available. An export of 76 tons of centralite to Hungary in 1952 was reported. 744/ If an arbitrary estimate of 90 tons of centralite is established as the 1952 output in East Germany, this quantity ? of product would consume about 100 tons of aniline. e. Sulfonamides. Aniline is the starting material for the manufacture of a whole series of sulfa drugs, including sulfanilamide, sulfaquanidine, and sulfathiazol. The sulfonamides are a group of medicinal chemicals Used internally in combating infections and externally as bacterio- static agents. Two significant sulfonamide producers in East Germany are VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen and VEB Deutsches Hydrierwerk Rodleben. Another plant reported producing sulfa drugs is VEB Chemische Fabrik Gruenau, Berlin/GruSnau. A new installation was installed in 1953 at VEB Schering, Berlin/Adlershof. 745/ There are little factual data on individual plant outputs. The Wolfen plant was reported to have produced only 2.5 tons in the first half of 1950 and 2.8 tons in the Corresponding period of 1951. 746/ The plant at Rodleben had a 1953 plan of 8 tons but - had produced 6.7 tons by the end of June. 747/ Rodleben prepares sulfanilamide and has a maximum capacity output of 23 tons. 748/ the entire East German production? plan for sulfa drugs in 1953 was 60 tons. 1!?9,/ An output of about 45 tons in 1952 is perhaps a. reasonable estimate, and this amount would have consumed about 60 tons of aniline. -147- S-E -C -R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T f. Miscellaneous, A great number of other aniline-derived products are probably prepared in East Germany. One chemical apparently produced in significant quantity is diethylaniline, which is used for making dyes. Where the product is produced is not known) but it is probably mane at VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. East Germany was to export 230 tons of diethylaniline to the USSR in 1952;but only 110 tons had been shipped by the end of 10 months. 750/ SAG plant requirements in the same year were 11 tons. 751/ The Wolfen plant does prepare sulfanilic acid, which is largely used as an intermediate in manufacturing azo dyes, including methyl orange. Requirements for sulfanilic acid in 1952 amounted to 15 tons, 752/ and 3 additional tons were shipped to Bulgaria. 753/ Wolfen also produces para-nitroaniline, but it is not known whether the chemical is made from nitrochlorobenzene or acetanilide (from aniline). Current output of para-nitroaniline is unknown) but Wolfen produced 945 tons in 1938 and 338 tons in 1943. 754/ East German exports of the chemical in 1952 totaled 40 tons, and all vent to Soviet countries. (See Appendix B, Table 31.*) Para- nitroaniline is used to some extent as an intermediate in the prepa- ration of azO and azoic dyes and also for the production of paraphenylenediamine, a rather important intermediate and dye. The Wolfen plant probably produces para-chloroaniline, but there is no positive evidence. This chemical is chiefly used as an intermediate in the prel5aration of azo and azoic dyes. An export of 10 tons to the USSR was reported in 1952. fl/ East Germany's production level of azo dyes in 1953 was 200 tons per month. :76/ In 1954) the Wolfen plant was scheduled to produce the following organic dyestuffs: 6)051 tons for textiles and leather industries, 211.11. tons for lacquers and pigments) and 414 tons of miscellaneous types. An additional 4,877 tons of organic dyestuffs and pigments are to be made in 1954 by other chemical plants. 757/ Prior to 1952, East Germany imported diphenylamine from the USSR. In 1952, however, the SAG plants were reported to have an annual requirement of 56 tons) and 30 tons were expected to be avail- able from East German manufacture, the remainder from stocks. /22/ * P. 166, below. - 148 - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E:-T To produce 30 tons of diphenylamine, about 39 tons of aniline would be needed. Diphenylamine, like centralite, is an important stabilizer for nitrocellulose propellants and celluloid but may be used as a .synthetic rubber antioxidant, as an intermediate for dyes, or for the preparation of the insecticide phenothiazine. A plant named Anilinfarbenfabriken, Wilhelm Brauns, KG,* located at Quedlinburg, requires aniline for the manufacture of dyes for clothing, food, leather, and printing inks. This plant is believed to be the second largest consumer of aniline in East Ger- many and its 1953 plan requirement was 120 tons. 758a/ A third aniline consumer is Laborchemie Apolda but the nature of this plant's products is unknown. Apolda probably consumes only a few tons of aniline each year. . An antihistamine called "Thiantana is made by VEB Deutsches Hydrierverk Rodleben. The 1953 produdtion plan called for 572 kilograms, and 334 kilograms were produced in the first half of the year. 12,21 Thiantan ib prepared from aniline hydrochloride, and 1 kilogram of product requires 2.5 kilograms of aniline hydro- chloride. 1?2/ * KG is the abbreviation for Kammanditgesellschaft, a joint stock ccupany. -149- S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E-C -R -E -T APPENDIX B EAST GERMAN FOREIGN TRADE IN DERIVED AROMATIC CHEMICALS AND PRODUCTS 1. Imports,. . East Germany imports aromatic chemicals which are not produced domestically or are not produced in sufficient quantity. A con- siderable_variety of these chemicals are imported. A single shipment may amount to only a few kilograms or to several tons but the import may cover a year's requirement for East Germany. A high proportion of these chemicals have a limited use and are destined for VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen. A study of the import pattern for other aromatics and chemicals derived from banzol, toluol, naphthalene,.and the like, reveals an apparent decline in imports which may indicate that East Germany is becoming more independent. At the present time, East Germany is. certainly less dependent upon Western countries, especially West Germany, than it was prior to 1951. Several chemicals now seemingly in sufficient production so that imports are no longer necessary are nitrobenzene and benzidine (from benzol), salicylic acid (from phenol), and diphenylamine (from aniline). In addition, beta-naphthol and phenyl-beta-naphthylamine (PBN) -- both from naphthalene -- were continually imported prior to 1951, but after that, except for sporadic shortages in 1953, domestic production surpassed demand and even per- mitted export of both items. Table 25* lists some chemicals that have been reported in recent import statistics and are not produced in East Germany or are produced in inadequate quantities, and gives countries of origin and possible .uses.** * Table 25 follows on p. 152. ** Continued on p. 154. -151 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R-E-T Table 25 Reported Imports or Requirements of Arcratic Chemicals by East.Germany, Countries of Origin, and. Possible Uses 1950-54 Item Import Plan or Requirement W (Metric Tonsj Year of Import Country Possible Uses of Origin for Item Fran Benzol Maleic Anhydride Maleic Anhydride Diphenyl, pure Diphenyl, pure Fran Toluol Pararnitrotoluene Nitrotoluene Dinitrotoluene Dinitrotoluene Dinitrotoluene Ortho-toluidine Meta-toluidine Para-toluidine From Naphthalene Phenyl-beta- naphthylamine Beta-naphthol Alphi-naphthol Alpha-naphthol Alpha-naphthol Alpha-naphthylamine Alpha-naphthylamine 3 to 5 (R) 71212) 2 (R) 3 (R) 7 4/ 0.4 (R) i/ 450 li) 41/ 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 ' 1953 1950 1951 1952 1951 1951 1952 1950 . 1950 1951 1952 1954 : 1951 N.A. West Germany West Germany West Germany USSR' USSR USER. USSR USSR USSR(?) USSR (?) West Germany USSR USSR tom(?) H N.A. N.A. USSR USSR Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Organic synthesis Organic synthesis Dyestuffs and 1 Explosives Dyestuffs and Organic synthesis Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Rubber antioxidant Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs 500 P) 7 / 150 (P) ire 88 (P) 7 57 (R) 7 6 (R) 770/ 9 (R) Tff 0.5 (R) 172/ 200 (R) lie 50 (P) 77 / 8 (R) 77 12R) IL/ ei 15 6) 2173./ 170 (P)7L7j1950 97 MEW * Footnotes for Table 25 foliar on p. 153. - 152 - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T Table 25 Reported Imports or Requirements of Aromatic Chemicals by East Germany, Countries of Origin, And Possible Coes 1950-54 (Continued) Item Import Plan or Requirement ,/ Year (Metric Tons of Import From Naphthalene (Continued) Alpha-naphthylamine 150 P) 1?2/ H-Acid 14 k2 igt/ I-Acid 22 From Aniline Dimethylaniline 33.5 M If Dimethylaniline 16 P 7 Diphenylamine 71 (P) 1_2/ Miscellaneous Pyrocatechol 4o Pyrocatechol 20 Pyrocatechol 60 Pyrocatechol 60 Pyridine, Pure 500 1952 .1051 1:951 1950 1951 1951 1951 1952 15/3 1954 1952 Poland Country of Origin USSR USSR N.A. USSR USSR ? USSR (7) Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Resorcinol 6 (R) 791,/f,I 1952 N.A. ). figures are identified by the symbol R a. Import plan figures are identified by the symbol pl. b. Requirement c. VEB Chemische Werke Buns, Schkopau, was capable of producing only about 1 ton s year (1952).- d. VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen was able to produce only enough for research Purposes (1952). . e. YES Farbenfabrik Wolfen does not produce alpha-naphthol (1952). f. VEB Farbenfabrik Wolfen was capable of producing about 3 tons per year (1952). Possible Uses for Item ' Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs DyistuffS Dyestuffs Synthetic tannins Synthetic tannins ? Synthetic tannins Synthetic tannins Pharmaceuticals, color film dyes, and export Various - 153 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R-E -T 2. Exports. East Germany exports .a considerable number and variety of chemi- cals and products derived from coal chemicals. Broadly speaking, the exported products can be grouped according to their probable uses. Such general use categories would include the following: insecticides and pesticides, synthetic rubber manufacture and rubber chemicals) plasticizers and softeners for plastics and resins manufacture, photo- graphic chemicals, dyestuffs and dye intermediates) solvents, explosives manufacture) and pharmaceuticals and medicinals. . The exported products mentioned in Tables 26 through 31* are presented under the particular aromatic (benzol, toluol, naphthalene, phenol, cresols, or aniline) from which they were probably derived. All available export data for the years 1951 and 1952 forrn each product are given along with the respective countries receiving the exports. Exports of final or semifinished end products like synthetie rubber, plastics and fibers, and photographic films are not given, although many chemicals considered in this report entered into their manufacture. No mention has been made in any of the tables regarding export of finished organic dyes. These dyes are often referred to as "aniline dyes," a term which popularly includes not only dyes derived from aniline and its derivatives but the entire field of synthetic organic dyes. During 1952 the export of organic dyes by East Germany was valued at 6,179,000 rubles, and of that amount, dyes valued at 5,782,000 rubles were shipped to the Soviet Bloc countries, including Communist China. 792/ Unfortunately, no comparable figures are avail- able for 1951. or 1953. Also, no quantities for derived chemicals and products are knowingly included in the tables which represent "bonus" deliveries that is, reparations or "T-account" deliveries -- to the USSR. Several cdmmodities reported to be involved in these shipments during 1952 were ethylbenzene) phthalic anhydride, and the Palatinols (C and AR types), which are phthalate plasticizers. Other items suspected of being sent to the USSR under supplemental accounts are saccharin and a softener called "ED 242." Actual annual shipments of the above commodities under special accounts are not available for any year. However) planned deliveries reported for 5 months (February through June) of 1953 were 2,500 tons of ethylbenzene, 3,300 tons of phthalic anhydride, and 530 tons of Palatinols (290 tons of C type). 222/ The East German prese announced on 22 August 1953 ,Tables 26 through 31 follow on pp. 156-166. -154- S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T that the USSR had made an agreement with East Germany which called for the cessation of reparations beginning 1 January 1954, as well as the transfer to German ownership of the Soviet corporations (SAG) formerly controlled by the Administration of Soviet Property (USIG). East German exports of certain chemicals and products obtained from the basic aromatic chemicals are shown in Tables 26, 27, -28, 29, 30, and 31. -155- ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R-E-T Table 26 Bast German Exports of Chemicals and products Derived from Benzol, by Importing Countries 1951-54 Metric Tons Commodity Importing Country Amount 1951 12i/ 1952 1.22/ 1953 12Y 1954 122/ Benzene Hexachloride (MC) ("Hexa" products) , DDT (100 Pereent Basis) Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Total Albania Bulgaria China 4o 540 222 0 33 0 po 560 .860 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.. 78 173 50 N.A. LA. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Czechoslovakia 95e Boo N.A. N.A. Hungary 0 213 N.A. N.A. Poland 240 (Plan) 765 LA. W.A. North Korea 0 32 N.A. USSR N.A. 860 N.A. N.A. ? Total 1221.9 (Plan) 2,971 3.149 (Plan) 4,725 (Plan) Dichlorobenzene, Ortho Switzerland 0 50 N.A. Total 0 22 'Dichlorobenzene, Para Hungary 0 16 N.A. N.A. USER 100 50 N.A. N.A. Total 100 66 N.A. N.A. Dinitrobenzene, Meta Czechoslovakia . 0 Co N.A. N.A. Total ' Bo N.A. - 156 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table' 26 . ? Bast German Exports of Chemicals and Prcducts Derived fran Benzol, by Imparting-Countries - 1951,54 ' (Continued) metric itipa Amount ? Importing Ccanolity. Country 1951 le/ 1952 -122/ 1953 TS_ 1954 Hi/ . Dinitrochlorotenzene (MOB) China 187 812 :N.A. . N.A.' Hungary 11 0 N.A. NA. Netherlands 33 20 .. 'N.A. N.A. Total gal !lig NO.(Plan) 0.A. Diphenyl Oxide Poland o 23 . N.A. 'N.A.' 0 N.A. N.A. Total Ethylbenzene Hungary ' 0 70 Poland. o 5 ::2: 0 UWE. 9,000 6,000 (Plan) N.A. 0 Total ;coo 6 012 2,000 (Plain) 0 Monochlorobenzene ?CB) Bulgaria 4 5 N.A. N.A. USSR A.A. 1,000 N.A. 222 (Plan) 1,0:0.4(lan) 4 1,005 Total , Nitrcehlorcbenze, Ortho Hungary 22 0 1.A; N.A. 200 200 N.A. N.A. Total 222 200 2 (Plan) : il.A.. - 157 - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 SE-CR-ET Table 26, East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Decived from Benzol, by Importing Countries 1951;54 (Continued) Metric Tons Amount Ccamodity Importing Country 1951 1?-/ 1952 122/ 195312W 1954 121/ Nitrochlorobenzene, Para Hungary 0 16 N.A. USSR 100 50 V.A. N.A. Total am 66 im (Plan) N.A. Polystyrol Bulgaria 1 0 N.A. N.A. Czechoslovakia 1 -0 . Hungary 6 0 V.A. N.A. Poland -15 , 0 N.A. N.A. Total ga 0 (Plan) 50 (Plan) 120 (Plan) - 158 - S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 27. East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Toluol, by Importing Countries 1951-54 Metric Tone Amount Commodity Importing Country 1951 122/ 1952 122/ 1953 .?22/ 1954 fq/ 1 Benzoic Acid Poland 55 25 N.A. P.A. France 0 30 N.A. V.A. Total 22 22 (Plan) _22 (Plan) , Saccharin Albania 2 0 .1(4) N.A. N.A. 'Bulgaria 16 12 N.A. N.A. China 2 0 N.A. Poland o 9 N.A. N.A. upea 60 o N.A. N.A. BelgiUm 10 9 N.A. N.A. England .147 24 N.A. N.A. Netherlands 5 4 N.A. W.A. SVitzerland 2 0 : W.A. V.A. Sweden and Turkey o Negligible N.A. V.A. Total 244 2? loo (Plan) u)o (plan) - 159 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C -R -E -T Table 28 East German Exports of Chemicals and Products ' Derived from Naphthalene,- by Importing Countries 1951-54 Metric Tons COmmodity Importing Country Amount 1951 ?2a/ 1952 !La/ . 1953 .?21?/ 1954 2MI Alpha-nitronaphthslene 'West Germany H.A. 130 N.A. N.A. Total N.A. 130 N.A. N.A. --- ___ Beta-naphthol China 50 0 N.A. H.A. Hungary 65 0 N.A. N.A. Total 112 0 N.A. B.A. Decalin Czechoslovakia 15 (Plan) 0 N.A. N.A. Poland 10 3.13 months) 0 N.A. N.A. USSR 50 (Plan) 5 N.A. N.A. Australia 10 (10 months) 0 N.A. N.A. ,Denmark 15 (10 months) 0 N.A. England 0 5 France 0 6o W.A. N.A. Italy 20 N.A. N.A. Sweden 13 i10 months) 0 N.A. N.A. West Germany 30 Plan) 35 ? ? N.A. N.A. Total 122 (es reported) 4g5??rted) (as 222 (Plan) N.A. '1? Palatinole Czechoslovakia 90 90 N.A. Poland 140 10 N.A. N.A. USSR 200 N.A. N.A. N.A. .Austria 15 (10 months) ' 0 N.A. N.A. Totalla E.2 670 (Plan) 613 (Plan) S -E-C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 28 East Gelman Exports of Chemicals and Prcducts Derived from Naphthalene, by Imparting Countries 1951-54- ,(Continued) Metric Tone Amount Importing Commoditycountry 1951 ?21/ 1952 222) 1953 *221/ 1954122W . Paraflow (Chloro- naphthalene) . Poland it (lo months) 10 (Plan) 'N.A.. Total 14 0 N.A. N.A. Phenyl-beta- naphthylamine. (PEN) China England -Switzerland 2 50 0 0 Total lE . 22 o(Plan) 0 (P)-an) Phthalic Anhydride Czechoslovakia N.A. N.A. 4o (Plan) N.A. USSR 4,150 (Actual) 100 (sic) V.A. N.A. (Actual) 4,000 (plan) 3,300 (Plan) 4,000 (Plan) N.A. Total 4,150 112 (sic) 4,040 (plan) 5,000 (Plan) Tetralin China 10 0 N.A. N.A. Hungary 21 0 N.A. Poland 10 125 N.A. N.A. Australia 20 0 N.A. N.A. Denmark 15. 10 N.A. N.A. France 0 45 N.A. N.A. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T Table 28 East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Naphthalene, by Importing Countries 1951-54 (Continued) ? Metric Tons Amount Importing Commddity Country 195122g/ .19521:11/8 1953 ?119Y 1954 1.4251 TetralityContinued) Italy o a N.A. N.A. Sweden 13 0 N.A. Switzerland 0 12 N.A. N.A. West Germany 42 (Plan) 176 N.A. N.A. 1 Total121 121 3cs (Plan) 200 (Plan) Weichmacher (Softener) ED 242 ? USSR 750 700 975 1,100 . Total 122 1_52 9n (Plan) ip.00 (nth) - 162 - S-E-C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 29 East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Phenol, by Importing Countries 1951-54 Metric Team' Commodity Importing Country Amount - 1951 22Y 1952 221/ 1953 2'2Y 195022/ Cyclohexanol (Hexalin) Belgium 0 9 . N.A. N.A. France 0 9 N.A. N.A. Sweden 34 0 B.A. B.A. Switzerland 5 11 N.A. N.A. Total 32 R2 52 (Plan) N.A. Cyclohexanone Austria 15 0 N.A. W.A. Switzerland 20 30 N.A. N.A. Total 32 22 . 100 (plan) Iota (plan) Metol(methyl pars- aminophinol sulfate) China 1 1 LA. N.A. Czechoslovakia 3 0 N.A. N.A. Hungary 3 0 N.A. H.A. Poland 2 1 N.A. N.A. USSR 10 N.A. N.A. N.A. Austria 3 0 . N.A. N.A. Belgium 10 0 N.A. N.A. Denmark 1 0 N.A. N.A. England 2 0 N.A. N.A. Sweden 1 (10 months) 0 N.A. N.A. Switzerland 10 0 N.A. N.A. Total 46 2" 16 (Plan) 35 (Plan) ? 163 ? S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T Table 29 East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Phenol, by Importing Countries 1951-54 (Continued) Metric Tons COmmodity Importing Country Mount 1951 806/ 1952 ?2I/ 1953 2a(i/ 1954 13.10_2/ Salicylic Acid Bulgaria 4 o N.A. N.A. China 20 0 N.A. N.A. ? Poland 0 12 (8 months) N.A. N.A. Switzerland 20 (10 months) 0 N.A. B.A. Total 44 20(as reported) 32 (Plan) 70 (Plan) Selinon Total 0 ?0 20 (Plan) 190 (Plan) ? Triphenyl Phosphate Netherlands 0 50 N.A. N.A. Switzerland 50 o N.A. N.A. Tangier 0 8 N.A. N.A. ? US 0 1 N.A. N.A. West Germany 0 1 N.A. W.A. Total 50 60 loo (Plan) N.A. Wofatit Czechoslovakia 97 89 N.A. N.A. ' Hungary 33 59. N.A. N.A. Poland 200 200 V.A. Rumania 0 1 NS. N.A. USSR o 4o N.A. N.A. Austria 0 11 N.A. N.A. Netherlands 0 25 N.A. N.A. .Switzerland 1 0 N.A. Total 331 425 600,000 850,000 liters liters (Plan) a/ (Plan) Li/ - 164 - S-E-C -R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 30 East German Ekports of Chemicals and Products Derived from CresolsIby Importing Countries 1951-54 Metric Tons Importing Amount Commodity Country 1951E212/La/ 1952 allY 1953 Pai 1954 Methylcycichexanol (Methyl Remain) Poland 0 8 N.A. N.A. France 0 60 N.A. N.A. Switzerland 15 (10 months) 116 N.A. N.A. Total 12 IA N.A. N.A. Tricresyl Phosphate Bulgaria 0 1 N.A. N.A. Czechoslovakia 20 100 N.A. Hungary 0 150 N.A. N.A. Poland ? 139 108 N.A. N.A. Audtria 42 78 N.A. N.A. Denmark 30 15 N.A. N.A. England 0 30 N.A. N.A. Netherlands 88 79 N.A. N.A. Switzerland 209 135 N.A. N.A. US 5 o B.A. N.A. ? West Germany 0 250 (Plan) N.A. N.A. -Liechtenstein 50 (10 months) 0 N.A. N.A. Total 121?(Az reported) 1,500 (Plan) 1,500 (Plahi) - 165 - S-E-C-R-E-T ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S -E -C -R -E -T Table 31 East German Exports of Chemicals and Proolucts Derived from Aniline, by Importing Countries 1951-54 Metric Tons Importing Amount '21?,/ Commodity Country 1951 1952 ?12/ 1953 1954 211/ Chlorosniline, Para (or from Benzol) USER N.A. 10 N.A. N.A. Total N.A. 10 N.A. R.A. Centralite Hungary N.A. 76 N.A. N.A. Total B.A. 76 . N.A. N.A. Diethylaniline USSR N.A. 110 (10 months) N.A. N.A. Total N.A. aN. (Plan) N.A. Hydroghinone China 6 . 0 N.A. N.A. Czechoslovakia 3 8 N.A. B.A. ? Hungary 3 13 N.A. N.A. Poland 2 13 N.A. N.A. ? USSR ? 10 N.A. 11.A. N.A. Austria 3 0 N.A. N.A. Belgium 10 0 N.A. N.A. Denmark 1 0 N.A. N.A. England 2 9 N.A. N.A. Switzerland 10 0 N.A. N.A. West Germany o 7 N.A. N.A. Total 22 a 20 (Plan) 100 (Plan) - 166 S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T table 31 East German Exports of Chemicals and Products Derived from Aniline, by Importing Countries 1951-54 . (Continued) Metric Tons Ccurablity Importing ' Country Amount 1951 1952 1952 ?12/ 1953 filg 1914 Lai/ Nitroshiline, Para (er from Benzol) China Czechoslovakia Hungary Total 12 0 0 12 .13 IT 10 4o V.A. V.A. N.A. 6o (Plan). N.A. N.A. N.A. Phenylenediantine, Meta China 5 (Plan) 0 N.A. V.A. Hungary N.A. 3 N.A. M.A. Total N.A. N.A. N.A. . Sulfanilic Acid Bulgaria N.A. 3 W.A. N.A. Total N.A. 2 N.A. --- Vulkazits Bulgaria 5 6 N.A. W.A. China 0 4 N.A. Czechoslovakia 0 8 N.A. V.A. Hungary .o 33 N.A. V.A. Poland 1 0 N.A. N.A. Rumania 0 1 N.A. N.A. Italy 9 1 W.A. N.A. Vitherlands 3 o S.A. N.A. Switzerland o 11 N.A. N.A. Total 2 ?2(aa reported) N.A.. 42 (Plan) - 167- - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T APPENDIX C STATISTICAL TABLES Table 32 ? Production of Coke, Raw Tar, and Crude Benzol by Cokeries and Gas Plants in East Germtuly 1936 and 1938-55 Metric Tons Year Coke Raw Tar Crude Benzol Cokeries Gas Plants Cokeries Gas Plants Total Cokeries Gas Plants Total 1936 818 1938 285,000 279,000 249,834 239,320 228,835 224,614 226,881 227,037 142,738 175,404 224,492 (213,00o) 226.798 (220,00o) . 2/* 1,056,000 1,440,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,684,000 N. A. H. A. N.A. 600,000 970,000 y 12,000 13,000 11,181 10,883 10,436 10,034 9,433 9,030 5,363 5,802 7,486 (9,440) 7,928 (6,938) 62,000 Th000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 83,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. 26,700 50,400 y 74,000 83,000 ? BA; N.A. N.A. U.k. 93,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. 42,957 (55,5oo), 58,300 y 4,000 6,000 N.A. N.A. 4,415 4,118 4,050 3,877 2,145 1,532 2,850 (2,70o) 3,083 (2,480) 7,300 10,800 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 9,21)0 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2,789 9,450 y 11,300 16,800 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 13,213,2001944 N.A. N.A. N.A. 5,639 12,631 1939 ly g 1940 / 1941 8-- 1942 1943 Fp a( 1945 _._/ g 1946 27j 1947 RN 1948 ?D../ kit ftotnates for Table 32 follow on p. 170. -169- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Production S-E-C-R-E-T Table 32 of Coke, Raw Tar, and Crude Benzol by Cokeries and Gas. Plants in East Germany 1936 and 1938-55 (Continued) Metric Tons Year Coke Raw Tar Crude Benzol Cokeries Gas Plants Cokeries Gas Plants Total Cokeries Gas Plants Total 1949 IV 1950 231/ 1951 ?.3E/ 1952 n2/ 1953 fly 1954 ply 1955 Ilul/ 240,691 (230,000) Li/ 254,4co (24o,000) 262,000 y (250,000) 264,000 y (245,500 265,coo y (268,opo) 2/ 266,000 y (292,000) 268,000 y (299,000) 1,111,800 1,365,000 1,440,000 b/ (1,481,000) 1,700,000 12/ (1,708,000) 1,800,0CA b/ (1,896,000) 1,890,000 12/ (1,850,000) e 2,000,000 b (2,000,000)2/ 8,731 (7,800) 9,200 12/ (8,500) 9,500 12/ (8,770) 9,650 12/ (9,686) 9,700 Lc/ (10,425) 9,850.b/ (10,450) 9,920 12/ (10,650) 55,786 57,826 75,400 12/ 84,000 12/ (90,067) 95,500 b/ (99,753) 100,000 12/ 104,000 b/ 64,5oo y 67,000W (64,000) 84,900 (85,150 93,650 y ' (99,854) 105,200 y (110,179) (114-,000) cy 109,850 b/ (124,500) d 114,000 b (140,500) 4/ 3,449 (2,850). 3,800 y (3,200) 3,950 13./ (3,340 4,000 y . (3,325) 4,000 y (3,670) 4,o5o y .(3,990)' 4,100 12/ (4,070) 8,734 9,700 y 12,618 y 14,600 y (14,413) 15,600 y 16,650 y 17,600.12/ 12,200 b/ (10,000) 13,500 y (12,000) 16,600 y (16,384) 18,600 y (18,482) 19,600 y (12,400) II/ 20,700 y (13,5oo)y 21,700 b (15,100) 4/ a. All figures in parentheses are reported production plans. b. Estimated production. ? $ d. Plan as given in Final Draft to the East German Five Year Plan (1951-55). e. Plan as given in the Preliminary Draft to the East German Five YearPlan (1951-55). - 170 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A900500060002-7 ' S-E-C-R-E-T _ _ _ _ _ _ Table 33 .ProduCtion Quotas for Herd-Coal Tar and Crude Benzol for Gas Plants in East Germany 838/ Ei! 1952 Metric Tone Saxony-Anhalt Hard-Coal Crude Benzol Salton; Hari.-Coal Crude Benzol ,Saxony (Continued) Hari-Coal Crude Benzol Allstedt Annaburg .Bernburg Bismark Calbe/Milde Dueben Eilenburg ? Elsterwerda Gardelegen Halberstadt Halle Helldrungen Klcetze Koelleda Magdeburg Osterburg Quedlinburg Salzwedel Sangershausen Steads]. ?Tangerhuette Torgau Wittenberg Total 27 (L) ? 23(0) 24o (E) 35 (L) 35 r) 39 110 D - 70(D 8o (v 570(B) 2,350 (E) 29 36 L 58L 114,200(B ? 50 (L 360 (E 190 (V 240 V) 360 E 58v 140 E 480 E 19,770 75 330 3,060 27 44 19 75 3,630 Annaberg . Me Bautzen Bernsdorf Chemnitz CriMmitschau Dahlen Doebeln Dresden Ebersbach Elbenstock Eppendorf Geithaim Grosseahain Grossechoenau Hainichen Heidenau Herrnhut Hohenstein- Ernsthhl Hoyersverla KemenX Lammatsch Langebrueck Lauenstein 560 (E) 285 (D) 520 (E 16-(L 4,200 (E 248 (0 25 (L 302 I) 8,48o 65 D 8o D 20 D 40i. 130 I)) 65 11 41 1,860 E) 28 L) 38L 87 D 164 lol 45? D 4o L ? 15 L 42 44 770 55 1,060 7 . 344 12 Lausik Leiplig 'Leisnig Loebau Marienburg 'Markneukirchen :Meissen Mittveida Heugersdorf 'Neustadt . .Hiesky . Oberwiesenthal Cede:ran Oelsnitz Olbernhau Ottendorf Ocrilla Plauen Radeberg Radeburg Riese. . Rietschen Rochlitz Rosswein Rothenkirch ? Sebnitz Seitenhennersdorf ? Weisswasser Zoreblitz Total 40 . 6,740 456 132 45, 184 600 230 210 64 46 11 70 75 43 27 900 E 69 28 250 12 174 120 20 110 64 D 150 (D) 30 (L) 28,254 1,65o 22.8 17.6 103 . 10 29 L 143 D ol 4o D L D 21.6 D L D 20 4,391 Table 33 follows on p. 174. 14. Footnote for - 171 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 33 Production Quotas for Hard-Coal Ter and Crude Benzol for Gas Plants in East Germany 2321 2/ ? 1952 (Continued) Metric Tons ThUeringen Hard-Coal Thueringen Crude Benzol (Continued) Hard-Coal Mecklenburg Crude Benzol (Continued) Hard-Coal Crude Benzol Arnstadt Dingelstedt Eisenach: Eisenberg Erfurt Ethal rns Frankenhausen Preiz Gera Haselbech .Hildburgshausen Jena Kahle Meiningen Mnelhausen ? Neustadt/Orla Nordhausen Poessneck Ronneburg Rudolstadt Schalkau Schleiz Schlotheim Schmalkelden Schmoelln 570E) 32- L) 1,350 91 1E)' D) 2,222 17 L) 6o (L) 276 (D) 8381E) 93 D) 7o D) 515 (E) 27 (L) - 170 535 E 6o (E) 48o (E) 240 92 E) 528 rE) ) lo (L) 32 (L) 55 140 128 rD)D) 120 390 87 50 50 Schott Jena Tennstedt Triptis ? Weimar Zeulenroda Total Berlin-East WX; (D) 26 (L) 25 r) 426 E) 84 L) 9,589 82 ri 4,420 21.6 24.4 Guest-row Regency Kroepelin Ludirigslust Luebtheen Malchin Reubrandenburg Reukalen Neukloster Neustrelitz Parchim Pasevalk Riebnitz Roebel Rostock &hymn Schwerin Sternberg Strahluund Tessin Teterov Torgelov Uckermuende Waaren Wismar Wittenburg Woldegk Wolgast 317 T..) 1.18 Ly 29 (L) 151 1..) 40 L) 65 (L) 161 (L) 29 (L) 48 (L) 184 (L) 143 (L) 53(L) 43 L)) 34 L) 1,327 34 r) 755 L)) 38 L 517 (L) 26 (L) 69 {14 6o L) 67 L) 118 r) 495 L) 24 L) 24 (L) 6o (L) . 36 to 15 222 131 36 17,600 (E) 183 (L) 95 (L) 70 (L) 36 (L) 29 (L) 198 (L) 93 (L) 48 (L) 50L) 64 L) 278 L) 58 (L) Lichtenberg and Dimitroffstrasse Mecklenburg Anklam Barth Buetzow Crivitz Dargen Dentin Doer= . Friedland Gnoien Grabow Greifswald Grevesmuehlen Total - 172 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A600500060002-7 6,228 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -R -E-T Table 33 Production Quotas for Hard-Coal Tar and Crude Benzol for Gas Plants in East Germany fay 1952 (Continued) Metric Tons Brandenburg Hard-Coal Brandenburg. Crude Benzol (Continued) Hard-Coal Crude Benzol Angermuende 96 (v) Luebben 48 (L) Beeskow 46 MUellrose 16 (L) Bernau 164 v) Neupetershagen 40 (L) Brandenburg IL) 690 v) Neuruppin 344 (v) Cottbus 720 E) 120 Neustadt/Dosse 15(L) Eberevalde 500 (V) 66 Niemegk 16 Finsterwalde 225 (E) Peitz 20 L) r) Forst. - 24o (L) 36 Perleberg 12k V) Frankfurt 528 (v) 56 Potsdam 1,790 r) 34.4 Freienwalde 90 (v) Prenzlau 90 v) Frieback 30 (L) Pritzvalk g Fuerstenberg 32 (L) Rathenov. 230 V 1Y Fuerstenvalde 14o (v) Rheinsberg v) Grossraeschen 50 (L) Schwedt 40L) Cubes 204 (E) 37. Senftenberg Havelberg - 42 SpreMberg 16; Henningsdorf iL) leo v) Vetschau 25 (L) Jueterbog 02 v) Werder 6o (v) Ketzin Kirchhain 18 r) 35 L) Wilsnack 77 60 Koenigs WAisterhausen 150 v) .Wittenberge .Wittstock 63(v) Lenten 264) Wriezen 45 (L) .55 Luckau 42 (L) Zehdenick (L) Luckenwalde 276 (v) Total 8,626 - 173 - S-E-C -R -E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T ? Table 33 Production Quotas for Bard Coal Tar and Crude Benzol for Gam Plants in East Germany 838/ a/ 1952 (Continued) a. Coal tar allocations to consuming plants are designated by letters: (E) VEB Taerdestillation-und Chemtsche Fabrik Erkner; (D)' 'FEB Oswald Greiner; Doebaln (now VEB Chemischer Fabrii Doebeln); (V) VEB Schvieck and Company, Velten (now VEB Chemische Fabrik Velten); and (1) Land Governments. Summary: Buaber-of Produding Plants: Coal Tar, 194; Crude Benzol, 48. Total Quantities of Coal Tar to Consuming Plants: 'FEB Teerdestillation- tiM Chemische Fabrik Erkner VEB 'Oswald Greiner, Doebeln VEB Schwieck and Company, Velten Land Governments Total - 174 - S-E-C-R-E-T 72,072 metric toni 5,737 metric tons 5,339 metric tons 6,919 metric tons 20,067 metric tons Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T Table 34 Rau Hard-Coal Tar Pressed by Tar Distilleries in East Germany 2/- 1941-53 Metric Tons Year Tar Distilleries VEB Teerdestillation- mid Chemische Fabrik Erkner Former Ruetgereverke AG Niederau VEB Cbemiache Fabrik Velten VEE Chemische Fabrik Doebeln 1941 fa/ 1942 / 1943 El/ 1944 1945 1946 fite 1547 / 58,545 59,8o4 66,892 N.A. A.A. 21,657 32,416 s/ N.A. N.A. 62,471 76316 14L4/ 83,799 ak5,339 87,500 Eel/ Ei 52,117 47,601 42,943, 72,000 842/ y/ Dismantled 9,820 10,550 9,670 N.A. N.A. 2,846 4,264 s/ N.A. N.A. N.A. 4,000 VE/1/ 222/ 2/ N.A. 8,3g 8,2 8,424 V.A. N.A. 2,650 6,000 s/ N.A. N.A. N.A. 5,000 49/ 4/ 5,737 PE/ E/ 1948 - 1949 1950.8122/ 1951 - 1952 1953 a. Tar distilleries do not include cokeries or roofing-board manufacturing plants. b. Reported annual processing capacity. c. Annual plan. d. Reported operating capacity., e. Reported annual processing capacity is 1101000 tons. al/ - 175 - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 35 Slants Producing Crude Phenols 1954 in East Germany 2211/ Plant and Location Raw Materials Used Source of Phenols' Phenols Recovery Process Used Crude Pheno1.01.1 VEB Kombinat Espenhain, Espenhain (neer Borna) Brown-coal briquettes LIE t2/* waste waters and heavy benzine Absorption with caustic soda (naphtha) VEB Hydrierwerk Zeitz, Brown-coal tar and Waste waters from Tricresyl phosphate Zeitz/Weissenfels light oil hydrogenation (Otto) proceed (Bergius process) VEB Leunawerk*Walter Brown-coal tar, light Hydrogenation waste Absorption with Ulbricht," Leuna oil and hydrogenation 'waters and heavy caustic soda (near Merseburg) of brown coal benzine (naphtha) (Bergius process) VEB Teerverarbeitungs- Brown coal in genera- Heavy oils from . Absorption with werk Rositz (near tors and brown-coal distillation of caustic soda Altenburg) ? tar processing brown-coal tar VEB Kcmbinat "Otto Brown-coal tar and Waste waters frcm Phenosolvan Grotewohl," Bcehlen light oil hydrogenation (Lurgi) process (near Leipzig) ? (Bergius process) VEB Teerverarteitungs- werk Goelzau, Coelzauji Crude brown coal B.A. N.A. Weissandt VEB Grosskokerei "Matyas Rakosi," Brown-coal briquettes HIE 12/ waste waters Phenosolvan. process Lauchhammer (near Ruhland) * Footnotes for Table 35 follow on p.177. - 176 - S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Sable 35 Plants Producing Crude Phenols in East Germany 1954 (Continued) Plant and Location Raw Materials Used Soiree of Phenols' Phenols Recovery Process Used Phenolate Liquor WEB Elektrcchemie Brawn-Coal briquettes LTC waste waters Absorption with Hirschfelde'(nesr and heavy benzine caustic soda Zittau) (naphtha) VHB Ecnbinat "Otto Brawn-coal briquettes LTC waste waters Absorption with Grotewohl," Boehlen and heavy benzine caustic scda (near Leipzig) (naphtha) .VES Teerverarbeitungs- Brown-coal., snide and Heavy benzine from Absorption with writ Gcelzau, Gcelzau/ predried LTC. unit caustic scda. Weissandt WEB Mineraloelwerk Crude Austrian Klaffenbach, flatten- petroleum bach/Erzgebirge Heavy benzine (4) Absorption with; caustic soda a. LTC -- low-temperature carbonization (500 to 600cC). b. HIV -- high-temperature carbonization (900 to 1,200O3). - 177 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 ? -E -C -R -E -T Table 36 East German Production Costs and Sales Prices for Aromatic Coal Chemicals 855/ a/ 1951-52 East German Marks (DME) Cost per Ton Sales Price per Ton Product 1951 - 1952 1952 Benzol (commercial grade, "9Der") - --: Toluol (refined) Toluol (pure) Xylol Naphthalene' (warm-pressed grade) Phenol (pure) Cresol (DAB 4) b/ Cresol ortho) Xylenol fraction 390.90 457.60 506.60 476.80 134.70 1,083.30 418.80 655.40 385.90 ?414.90 487.8o ;540.0 508.80 135.10 1,047.90 415.50 709.10 382.70 456.5o 538.0 596.50 561.50 235.0 980.0 340.0 592.0 313.0 a. Actual reported costs for 1951 and 1952 (without turnover tax) and sales price for 1952 per ton of product produced by VEB Teerdestillation- und Chemische Fabrik Erkner. . b. DAB (Deutsche Arzneibuch) is the German pharmacopoeia. - 178 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E -C -R -E -T APPENDIX D INDICATIONS OF TRENDS IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT . The shortage of indigenous hard coal makes the problems in the field of basic organic chemistry in East Germany both important and critical, as it limits the supply of many of the required aromatic chemicals. It is logical, therefore, that the greatest attention should be shown to the chemistry of brown coal, a potentially valuable source of similar raw materials. It was reported that the primary use of brown coal in the future will be as a basic raw material for the organic chemical industry rather than in direct burning as a household and industrial fuel. Research currently is under way to create methods of utilizing brown coal not only for the production of synthetic fuels and crude phenols but also for other aromatics -- benzol, toluol, and the like. Aromatics are present in small quantitieS in low-temperature carbonization tar. At present, the complex extraction of such products is justified only in the case of phenols. Refining operations presently do not permit the Attainment of the most valuable components or the light oils from brown-coal tar -- henzol,_toluoi, and xylol. Researchers at the synthetic fuel plants VEB Leunawerk "Walter. Ulbricht" and VEB Kodbinat "Otto Grotewoid" at Boehlen have proposed dehydrogenation methods as the means for obtaining considerable amoutts of aromatics (ranging up to ethyl benzene) from the light oil distillate Of tar, which contains hydrogenated aromatics, naphthends, obtained by hydrogenation refining and from the gasoline fraction (con- tains from 55 to 6o percent aromatic compounds -- mostly homologs. of cyc1ohexane) which is obtained by hydrogenation. 856/ The submission of the coal to hydrogenation is similar to the US hydroforming process. The end result is the same, and experi- mentally this work has already been done at Boehlen in the so- called DHD units (dehydrogenation high-pressure units). As a result of the research awl development work carried on thus far in East. Germany, it was proposed that in the future further attention should be given to the following methods of brown-coal tar treatment: (1) 'a combined treatment by distillation - 179 - S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 S-E-C-R-E-T and hydrogenation at combine-size plants equipped with sufficient hydrogenation capacity and -(2) a separate coking of pitch under con- ditions similar to the high-temperature coking of hard coal, for in the hydrogenation step the bulk of the hydrogen is consumed by the pitch fraction. The adoption of these methods appears to present the greatest possibility for complete utilization of brown-coal tar to obtain the following products: carburetor fuel, benzol, toluol, xylol, diesel fuel, hard paraffin, phenol and its homologs, pyridine and higher bases, other fine chemicals (particularly for the dye industry -- naphthalene, anthracene, and carbazole), electrode coke, sulfur and sulfuric acid, synthesis gas for the basic chemistry of plastics (ethane, ethylene), fuel as, methane, and others. 857/ Alternate plans for commercial production have been drawn up. One plan shows a throughput of 690,000 tons per year of tar and light oil to produce 132,000 tons of DUD gasoline (aviation) or produce 5,000 tons of benzoll 22,000 tons of toluol, 22,000 tons of xylol, and 56,000 tons of motor gasoline. The second plan requires an input of 900,000 tons of tar and light oil per year to produce 128,000 tons of DHD. gasoline or to produce 4,0o0 tons of benzol, 21,000 tons of toluol, 21,000 tons of xylol, and 55,000 tons of motor gasoline. .me two plans were proposed for realization in 1960. 858/ the 1953 research program at Boehlen included research on obtaining naphthalene from hydro- genation products. The naphthalene_ was to be gained by distillation and dehydrogenation of various raw and intermediate materials and byproducts. Boehlen also was to attempt the oxidation of DUD residue, primarily to produce phthalic acid. The residue obtained during the dehydrogenation of gasoline to yield DHD gasoline was to be oxidized with potassium permanganate and air, thus giving oxygenated products, such as phthalic acid. 822/ The solution for the aromatic chemicals problem of East Germany is not to be expected at once. Considerable research is still necessary, and much outlay in capital investments will be required to build the installations. Also, it should be stated that the ,extraction of aromatics considerably increases the "knocking" properties of gasoline, and in addition, higher homologs 'rather than benzol are likewise usually formed. - 180 - S -E -C -R -E -T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 -E -C -R -E -T Further research is being conducted in East Germany for more complete recovery of crude phenols from the low-temperature water fractions (Schwelwasser), not only to increase the supply of phenol and its homologs, but to attain complete recovery of all the prodUcts contained in these effluents, because this is an urgent necessity - from the point of view of the East German water economy. It is con- sidered that further development of the chemical industry in "Central Germany" is directly dependent upon total recovery of chemicals in the waters. 860/ In the meantime, because of the limited supply of refined (including the pure grade) phenol, particularly essential to the plastics industry, research efforts are to continue and are to be aimed at the establishment of new types of resins with partial to ekclusive use of xylenols and medium-oil phenols from brown-coal 'tar. The technology of the production of protective coatings and moldable plastic materials is Sped to be converted to the phenol- cresol (mixture) basis and standard specifications established therefor. Uses of these materials in the form of moldable plastics and fluid resins are being developed, as substitutes for metals,. as basic materials in the construction of bearings, fittings, and apparatuses. 861/ Inasmuch aa a large proportion of the total phenol supply enters into the manufacture of the synthetic fiber (and plastic), Perlon, research is being carried on endeavoring to produce new synthetic fibers not based on phenol. Recently, it was reported that there has been developed a fiber called "Ttelon," which originates from lignite and agricultural waste products such as husks of oats. Titan is claimed to be superior to Perlon in many of its characteristics. 862/ -181 - S -E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 .40 Next 40 Page(s) In Document Denied e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/14: CIA-RDP79R01141A000500060002-7 ?........V LiCINDIAKEL ? d? 44 0 'Th ?Sr. A... A'IrtI- IF AE?Ilic 82,C11"9 \ m ,nrxanrrftnra ';7 t 1111r L. ""????'"' ley .g; ? .. , 4 ,,,,BuRGk. s. r ji .., i - r 1 MEM s. i ciwit \ \ y Tr INA?01144410?010. Meariond NAM 040r6T X N 3,E IntnacItta DM. c..5 +4 ???o,atNBuPG (i DEW IALANA Ontiritet, ? BERLIN 0 I 01 , ? 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