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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Vol. 9, No. 2 THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF August, 1.91 OMIC ENERGY ATOMHail .11eprlist -RANStATE) FOW JA- CONSULTANTS BUREAU , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 \ THE LATEST SOVIET RESEARCH' IN TRANSLATION ? LIQUID-METAL HEAT TRANSFER MEDIA by S. S. Kutateladze, V. M. Borishanskii, I. I. Novikov and 0. S. Fedynskii This informative volume is devoted to the problems of utiljzing , liquid-metal heat transfer media in nuclear power. Data on the study of heat removal by liquid metals, obtained during the past ten years in the USSR as well as abroad, in connection with problems of nuclear ? power are both systematized and generalized in this work The book will be of considerable assistance to scientific workers and .engineers in the field of reactor design and nuclear power and in other fields of technology'where liquid-metal coolants can be utilized. cloth 150 pp. illus: $22.50 CORROSION OF CHEMICAL APPARATUS' by G. L. Shvartz and M. M: Krisfal , , ... the book is concerned with stress corrosion cracking and intercrystalline corro- sion, especially in connection with process equipment . . . a judieious mixture of facts, prac- tice, and theory . . . It contains a good deal of Shvartz's own work, and, indeed, is useful for the many pertinent Soviet references . . . collects in one place much of the current Soviet , thinking in this field .. . the chapter on methods of testing and the one on methods of retard- ation are particularly effective . . . Not Only do they contain more detail than is usually found .4n such books, but they are clear and concise, and should prove useful to the practicing corro- sion engineer . . . " & Engineering News 'cloth -- 250- pp. $7.50 DENDRITIC CRYSTALLIZATION by D. D. Saratovkin "Translated from Russian, this 2nd edition has been revised to inClude fresh material derived from observations under \the stereoscopic- microscope. The bulk of this' volume con- tains many original and unpublished ideas and observations, and is an example of the mod- ern microscopic approach to the crystalline state by an experienced worker concerned with the infinite variety of real crystals. Line diagrams and sets of stereoscopic photographs are included." ?Journal of Metals cloth 126 Pp. illus. $6.00 CONSULTANTS BUREAU 227 West 17th Street, New York ii, N.Y Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 EDITORIAL BOARD OF ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA A. I. Alikhanov A. A. Boehvar N. A. Dollezhall D. V. Efrernov V. S. Ernel'yanov V. S. Fursov V. F. Kalinin A. K. Krasin A. V. Lebedinskii A. I. Leipunskii I. I. Novikov ( Editor-in-Chief ) B. V. Semenov V. I. Veksler A. P. Vinogradov N. A. Vlasov (Assistant Editor) A. P. Zefirov THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of ATOMNAY A ENERGIY A, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian original dated August, 1960) Vol. 9, No.2 August, 1961 CONTENTS Theory of Heterogeneous Reactors with Cylindrical Lumps of a Finite Radius. A. D. PAGE 591 RUSS. PAGE 89 Galanin . A Study of the Transfer of Radioactive Materials by Steam and Water and the Chemical Stability of Deposits in the Steam-Water Loop of the First Atomic Power Station. P. N. Slyusarev, G. N. Ushakov, 0. V. Starkov; L. A. Kochetkov, L. N. Nesterova, and V. Ya. Kozlov. . 601 98 The Recrystallization of Cold Rolled Uranium. G. Ya. Sergeev, V. V. Titova, and L. I. Kolobneva 608 104 Separation of the Stable Isotopes of Boron. N. N. Sevryugova, 0. V. Uvarov, and N. M. Zhavoronkov 614 110 Determination of Energy Absorption in a Mixed Flux of Fast Neutrons and y -Rays by an Ionization Method. Yu. I. Bregadze, B. M. Isaev, and V. A. Kvasov. 630 126 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR "Irradiation Reactor". Yu. S. Ryabukhin and A. Kh. Breger. 637 132 Approximate Determination of the Optimum Thermodynamic Cycle for a Nuclear Power Station. Yu. D. Arsen'ev and E. K. Averin. 639 133 Approximate Calculation of the Mean Energy of Electrons Produced by y -Rays in an ionization Chamber. A. K. WaPter, M. L. Gol'din, and V. I. Slavin. 642 135 Investigation of the Behavior of Minerals Accompanying Uranium in the Acid Leaching of Ores. G. M. Nesmeyanova and N. K. Chernushevich. 646 137 Attenuation of y -Radiation from Volume Sources in Iron and Lead. G. V. Gorshkov and V. M. Kodyukov. 649 139 Attenuation of y -Radiation from Point Sources in Various Media. V. M. Kodyukov. . . . 651 140 Absorption Corrections in the Backing of the 4/r -Counter. R. M. Polevoi 653 140 Particularities in the Variation of the Capacitance of Irradiated Air-Gap Capacitors. V. P. Sokolov. 655 142 Application of Neutron Pulse Sources for Investigations in Oil Wells. B. G. Erozolimskii, 658 144 A. S. Shkol'nikov, and A. I. Isakov. VIII Session of the Learned Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. V. Biryukov. 661 146 Atomic Energy at the Czechoslovak Exhibit in Moscow. Yu. Koryakin and V.. Parkhit'ko . 664 148 [Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, see Nuclear Power, 5, No. 47 (1960) [USA Nuclear Power Development Plans for 1960-1970 [USAEC Financial Report for 1959 Annual subscriptions 75.00 20.00 12.50 Single issue Single article @ 1961 Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 1, N.Y. Note: The sale of photostatic copies of any portion of this copyright translation is expressly prohibited by the copyright owners. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE? A 680 Mev Synchrotron. V. A. Petukhov 665 154 A New Ore Dressing Plant in France 666 155 A Facility for Irradiating Personal Film Holders. B. M. Dolishnyuk. 669 156 BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS 671 157 BIBLIOGRAPHY Reviews of Books and Symposia 672 159 Articles from Periodical Literature 674 161 NOTE The Table of Contents lists all material that appears in Atomnaya gnergiya. Those items that originated in the English language are not included in the translation and are shown enclosed in brackets. Whenever possible, the English-language source containing the omitted reports will be given. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 THEORY OF HETEROGENEOUS REACTORS WITH CYLINDRICAL LUMPS OF A FINITE RADIUS A. D. Galanin Translated from Atomnaya nergiya, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 89-97, August, 1960 Original article submitted December 21, 1959 This article presents a consistent theory of heterogeneous reactors with cylindrical lumps of a finite, but small, radius. The density of thermal neutrons inside a lump and in the moderator is de- scribed by taking into account the azimuthal dependence. The diffusion theory is applied to the entire reactor volume. Simple expressions for the diffusion length in the parallel and perpendicular directions with an accuracy to the first power of the lump surface to cell surface ratio are obtained. It is shown that the average scattering length for the perpendicular direction depends on the lump shape. A simple method for determining the diffusion tensor for the case of weak absorption and large spacing between the lumps is considered in section 4. Introduction The theory of heterogeneous reactors with point (more accurately, filament-shaped) lumps has been devel- oped systematically and in sufficient detail [1 and 2]. The basic assumption of this theory consists in the fact that the neutron density in the lump and in the nearby moderator does not depend on the azimuthal angle. If we con- sider only an infinite lattice, the fact that the lumps are not point-like can be taken into account without violat- ing this assumption [2]. For a regular lattice structure (for instance, for square cells), the resulting accuracy in determining the thermal efficiency is very high if the ratio of the lump cross-sectional area to the cell area is not close to unity. The author of paper [3] considered an infinite lattice renouncing the basic assumption, and he found the corresponding corrections for the magnitude of the lump-effect in the moderator. In considering a lattice with finite dimensions, the azimuthal dependence of the neutron density around the lump arises not only due to the effect of the neighboring lumps on a certain given lump, as is the case in an infinite lattice, but also due to the over-all neutron field gradient. For this, the azimuthal dependence of the neutron field near the lump can be expressed by the following equation: N (r, 9) = Ao (r) + A1 (r)cos + A2 (r)cos 29 + . . . The effect of neighboring lumps in a square lattice of infinite didierisions results in the dependence N (r, .9) = Bo (r) + Bj (r) cos 49 + B2 (r) cos 89 + . . i.e., the expansion in this case begins only with the fourth harmonic. The appearance of the first harmonic in N(r, 9) is caused by the lattice finiteness, and, therefore, this harmonic is connected with changes in neutron leakage and not with changes in the multiplication constant. Thus, if we form a theory according to which A1 cos 9 terms will be taken into account, we shall obtain corrections for the diffusion length in the lattice. We shall henceforth consider a square lattice consisting of a finite, but sufficiently large number of cylin- drical lumps of finite length. Anisotropic diffusion, which has been considered in a number of papers [4-111 must arise in such a lattice. In this, many authors did not restrict their investigations to the diffusion approximation ap- proach and, therefore, their results are more general with respect to this point. Nevertheless, it seems to us that 591 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 the method presented here deserves attention, since, in the first place, it represents a consistent development of the theory of heterogeneous reactors with point lumps, and, in the second place, the simple diffusion approx- imation equations can be useful as a physically fully justifiable limiting case in formulating more accurate theories. As far as the author knows, diffusion approximation equations for diffusion in the perpendicular direc- tion in the case of cylindrical lumps have not been published before., The following restrictions are used in the proposed theory: 1. All calculations are performed under the assumption of diffusion approximation, i.e., in the first place, it is required that the absorption in lumps be small, in the second place, the spacing of lumps must be large in comparison with the scattering length in the moderator, and, in the third place, either the lump dimensions must be large in comparison with the scattering length in the lump or the difference between the scattering lengths in the lump and the moderator must not be too large. It is possible that nondiffusion corrections, connected with intensive absorption in the lump, can be taken into account by introducing certain effective values. 2. Neutron absorption in moderation is not taken into account. 3. It is assumed that thermal neutron sources are not present in the lumps and that the distribution of sources outside the lumps is the same as in a homogeneous reactor of the same dimensions. A simple method for determining the diffusion tensor for the case where the lump-effect is not taken into account and the lump volume is small in comparison with the cell volume is given in section 4. The obtained equations can be used for determining 'the moderation length anisotropy (if the diffusion approximation is ap- plicable). 1. General Theory Let the z axis be directed along the lump axis, and let the x and y axes be perpendicular to the z axis along the sides of the square cell. For the sake of simplicity, we shall assume that the reactor is finite only along the x and z axes. We shall also assume that there are no reflectors along the z axis. Then, the variables can be separated, and the neutron (thermal and moderated) density dependence on z is given by the over-all factor az z, which will be thereafter omitted. The neutron density k inside the lump will be expressed by the equation* -I-00 Mik) (r, ?) E A(k)/ e? , n L ? co where LI-2 = Lj + a2z. The over-all number of thermal neutrons absorbed by the lump per unit time per unit length is given by: (1) S Mk) (r, 3c?Di/4 do = 2t , Ti i (2) where p is the lump radius. It is known that, in a lattice with point lumps, the density of thermal neutron sources depends on the coordinates only because of the reactor finiteness; there is no fine source field structure in the cell (we assume that the conditions necessary for this are fulfilled). There can hardly be any doubt that this condition will also hold for nonpoint lumps. Therefore, we shall calculate the density of sources as in the case of point lumps:' ? 27(Q.DiL; S(r). L, I ,) 11?at r)2 2 0 - ?4ate 4 (3) ? The quantities pertaining to the lump and the moderator will be denoted by the "i" and "e" indices, respective- ly. The designations of various geometric quantities are clear from the picture. All vectors are two-dimensional. ? ? The age theory is used here. If we assume that It is not valid, the e-a2 7 factor in Eq. (4) must be changed; it is only necessary that the neutron field fine structure not be present inside the cell. For the sake of simplicity, the diffusion anisotropy of moderated neutrons is not taken into account. In the diffusion approximation, it can be taken into account according to the method presented in section 4. 592 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Assuming that Aok= Ao?ex xk, after summation,* we obtain: 271Q. D iL! S ( *) = a2L2 i(*) (4) r2 where a2 4 + az; is the lattice spacing. The IV (r) = (4 T)' exp ? ). function in Eq. (3) is normalized in such a manner that the integral over the entire volume is equal to unity. However, we assume that there are no sources inside the lump. Therefore, the regular W(r) function, obtained by taking into ac- count the lump finiteness, must be normalized in such a manner that the integral is equal to unity only over the moderator surface. Hence, it follows that, in the right-hand side of Eq. (4), the (1-c)-1 factor must be introduced, where 7.[Q2 = The neutron density in the moderator is AT e (P), = N (r) N2e (r), (5) (6) where Nie (r) is the solution of the nonhomogeneous equation (4) for sources and N2e (r) is the homogeneous equation solution. By using Eq. (4), we readily obtain rie-2,t2T A(L)/ O N "(r k ' * k) = (1 + a2I,F) go(2 " ? '\ )eittxr4 cos h where Io = 1?cC taC'? 0 , ) / ?) ? 1 Q e (7) (8) In Eq. (7), rk is the distance of the given point from the lump center k (see figure). By expanding this equation in a Fourier series, we obtain: 150 = (1+a2/ 2) ( A(k)/ X (A-) E r ? x k e 71-= The solution of the homogeneous equation can be written thus: N2e (rk,0a) = E E B()1(L)e?i"?A" fl=?co ' (9) (10) where L'e-2 = + a2z; E denotes summation for all lattice lumps including the kth lump; in this case, Rkke k' is equal to rk. By using the addition theorem [12] r.1_12;. n(r einap Le and the relationships between angles IT = xk,?; = 11) we obtain +00 N20 (r, 0) = E e?i"ftun (r), 71= ?co It is assumed that the number of lumps in the reactor is sufficiently large; paper [2] describes how this sum- mation is performed. (12) 593 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Diagram explaining the mutual position of the k and k' lumps. where ? (r) = 13K ? (7?Fr )H , E (_ i)" 11' /11=-4?,C0 (13) ei 01-1,1) L'e ) where the kth lump is conventionally taken as the 0th lump r -== ro, rk,= rok,, X0k and E' denotes summation with respect to le under the condition that k' 0. The limiting conditions are valid for each harmonic separately, i.e., ( A?in 77") Ile (1+ a2L,) g0(2 e ?rt Deaxic?a2T Li n ? t q0Y , X Ni (Q, it) = Ajo A I ) 0 1 Are (Q, 0); Di aAr = (14) (15) aN (r D ear ofr, I \ n kv/7 e ,r?Q Jn (as) + Un (Q); . ?? , D, u, 1 n k a ?NI 1-- , Le where the prime denotes the derivatives with respect to the argument of the corresponding Bessel function. The (10 (k) system of equations (15) makes it possible to determine the An and Bn constants. 2.Small Lump Theory Hereafter, we shall consider only the first correction to the theory of point lumps, and we shall assume that Aflk) = 41() = 0 for I n I 2. The solution of the system of Eqs.(1.5) will be given by an expression of the following form (it is assumed here that the lattice is sufficiently large): == jh,B = 1. (16) By assuming that n = 0 and eliminating Ao from the system of Eqs.(15), we obtain the characteristic lattice equation [hereafter, Jn (a,p) is replaced by the first expansion term for cc, p ? 1]: where _a2t Li2 ( cot r.,2 _i_a24: 1? c ? goV G' = 23t/4 L2 Q ? ci o(Q) Here, U0 ( p) also contains the unknown Oil coefficients. For their determination, system of equations (15) for n = 1. Let us introduce the following notation: U.1+ U1= 2W1; U +1? II _1= 2W2 a2 (1? c) (Q) and B?.= ; 594 (17) (18) we must consider the (19) (20) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 where where Equations (15) yield: De Q 1 -767 L'e 2Q-1 W; (Q) Wi (Q)= D e Q I Ty, ne?a2t C = (1 De 1' ') 1+ a24 LI,L,;2 1?c Di 2Q-1 ie?a2T calLg Li2 1?c TL By using Eqs. (13) and (16), we obtain x ti ? y(E0H-E2)?yi 221: x [21- yi (LH- E2)-- v o= K (IT) -I- I (IT) X [E ? 2iy Ei? 2y 21], el'it cos K L (r k) ? 'eiaxkK ? ? E _ , 0? LI 0 -1. 7 e = eiaxiz cos 2X K2 (rk 2 k - For reasons of symmetry, it is readily found that ? ? ? Z2 ? 1 iejaxh sin x K (r k ); lc 1 iT elan, sin 2X K. (---7r k ? . L (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Then, the second of the Eqs. (21) yields yi = 0, and the first makes it possible to determine y in the follow- ing manner: [ii (ID] 21+[K1( /-1-) 11 a)] axL:C (26) L; \ e I where De s = DE- (2Q? lr'. For p ? 1, the Bessel functions in Eq. (26) can be expanded in the series iv axl4C (1? 2 2 E 0) (s ? 1) 1 Q2 2 .? n2 C ? s+ 2/42 (s-1) (.111 (27) (28) Let us now calculate the sums (24). The sum E0 can be calculated according to the method described in (21. As a result, we obtain:* *It is assumed that I = 2rcL/e2 O 4aL a2 ( I -4- a1/42) ' 1,78a 6 ' in 6 21tLF aa 1, < 1. a2 21t (29) 595 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 The E1 and E2 sums can be written as = ' ki sin axak K 17 1,1) ? r I Z.1 Z-J h2 kl+ki / = (k?/4)Cos Kk2, . 2 14, /to (30) (31) In calculating these sums in the first approximation, the summation can be replaced by integration from ?co to co with respect to ki and k2 (including the k1 = 1 E and the perpendicular diffusion coefficient is -7k I F , t 2 (t?s)i -Fs j ? (66) Equations (63), (64), and (66) coincide with Eq. (49). In the same manner, it can be shown that, in the case of spherical lumps, the diffusion coefficient is D c 3 (1 8)] e s ? (67) The obtained equations are valid in the first order with respect to c. For this approximation, the diffusion coefficient depends only on concentration c. If the concentration increases, the field *acting* on each lump differs from the *average* field in the lattice, and, generally speaking, the average diffusion coefficient depends on the lattice structure. The author is indebted to B. I. Il'ichev, N. I. Laletin, and Ya. V. Shevelev for the discussion of this paper. LITERATURE CITED 1. S. M. Fainberg, Transactions of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1955 [in Russian] (Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow, 1957) Vol. 5, p. 578. 2. A. D. Galanin, Theory of Thermal Neutron Nuclear Reactors [in Russian] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959). 3. Ya. V. Shevelev, Atomnaya Energ. 2, 3, 217 (1957).? 4. D. Behrens, Proc. Phys. Soc. A62, 607 (1949). 5. B. Spinrad, J. Appl. Phys. 26,548 (1955). 6. Ya. V. Shevelev, Atonpaya &erg. 2, 3, 224 (1957). ? 7. L. Trlifai, Atomnaya Ener4g. 2, 3, 231 (1957).? 8. V. V. Smelov,AtomnayaEnerg. 6, 5, 546 (1959).* 9. N. I. Laletin, Transactions of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958. Reports by Soviet Scientists: Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power Engineering [in Russian] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959) Vol. 2, p. 634. 10. P. Benoist, Rapport S. P. M., No. 522, Saclay (1958). 11. B. Davison, J. Nucl. Energy. 7, 51 (1958). 12. I. M. Ryzhik and I. S. Gradshtein, Tables of Integrals, Sums, Series, and Products [in Russian] (Gostekhteorizdat, Moscow, 1951) Equation 6.540.2. 13. L D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits, Electrodynamics of Continuous Media [in Russian] (Gostekhteorizdat, Moscow, 1957) p. 63. *Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. 600 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 A STUDY OF THE TRANSFER OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS BY STEAM AND WATER, AND THE CHEMICAL STABILITY OF DEPOSITS IN THE STEAM-WATER LOOP OF THE FIRST ATOMIC POWER STATION P. N. Slyusarev, G. N. Ushakov, 0. V. Starkov, L. A. Kochetkov, L. N. NGsterova, and V. Ya. Kozlov Translated from Atomnaya fnergiya, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 98-103, August, 1960 Original article submitted November 23, 1959 An important problem in the design of boiling reactors or reactors with boiling and super- heating of the steam in channels is the study of the level of contamination of steam by radio- active materials, generated and directed into the turbine, the physicochemical properties of the radioactive deposits and the possibility of deactivation of the internal surfaces of the pipes and turbine. At the first atomic power station, studies were made on the transfer of radioactive mate- rials by steam and water in the loop built into the first circuit of the power station. A deter- mination was made of the coefficient of deposition of the materials on the internal surface of the pipes, and the chemical stability of the deposits was studied. Studies were made on prob- lems of deactivation of some parts of the steam power equipment of the station. Introduction It is well known (1-31 that the radioactivity of steam in boiling reactors with nuclear superheating, due to the entrainment of radioactive materials in the boiling zone, can be about 0.0150 of the level of radioactivity in the boiling water. However, this value depends to a considerable extent on the type of reactor-operation and the design of evaporators and separators. The radioactivity of steam caused by activation of impurities in the steam when it passes through the active zone (7- = 0.02 sec) is very small in practice. It is difficult to calculate the radioactivity of steam caused by washing out active corrosion products and deposits from the internal surface of the circuit, especially for certain systems and unstable operation of the installation. The oxygen radioactivity of the steam was not taken into account. Description of the Installation The steam-water loop [4] consisted of two circuits of 1Kh18N9T stainless steel (Table 1), insulated from one another and mounted in the reactor of the first atomic power station (Fig. 1). The coolant was regular distilled water. The heat source was provided by heat-evolving elements of the reactor channels of the atomic power station. The working channels B I of the circuit were cooled by water which passed through the heat exchanger 1 and was further cooled in the cooler 2, and the working channels A II of the circuit were cooled by steam super- heated to the given temperature. The coolant was circulated by the circulation pumps 3 and 4. The steam ob- tained in the vaporizer 1 was directed to the steam superheating channels (SSD) and then through a heat exchanger 6 and cooler 5 they were returned to the vaporizer. 601 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 TABLE 1 Characteristics of Circuits I and II of the Steam-Water Loop Parameters ?Pressure, atm Flow of coolant, ton/hr Volume, m3 Pressure drop along route, atm Number of channels 1.d .41??? Fig. 1. Arrangement of steam-water loop. Samples were taken from the following points: a) from feed tank; b) from the head of pump I of the circuit; c) from the vaporizer of circuit II; d) from the in- let to the steam superheating channel of circuit II; e) from the outlet of the steam superheating chan- nel of circuit II; f) from the suction side of the pump of circuit II; g) from the head of the pump of circuit II; h) from the suction part of the pump of circuit L Circuit I 95-100 10 0.33 11 10 Circuit II 40-60 1 0.61 11 3 The first and second circuits of the loop were fed with di?tilled water 7. Two systems were investigated: with superheating of the steam (working channels) and without superheating of the steam (blank channels). The water temperature at the inlet to the SSD was 265?C, at the outlet it was 310?C (with steam content of 250/0) and in the case of superheating of the steam? at the inlet 275?C, at the outlet-340-365?C. Points for the removal of coolant samples were placed along the routes of circuits I and II of the loop. The samples were taken with a steady system. The places where samples were taken along the circuits of the loop are designated by Latin letters (see Table 2). In each sample of the coolant, measurements were made of the B and y activity, the amount of dry residue, pH of the medium, studies were made of the radioisotope, anion and cation compositions of the impurities. Transfer of Radioactive Materials by Steam and Water The transfer of radioactive materials by steam and water was studied from the change in level of the radio- activity of the dry residue along the route of the loop. Samples of the coolant were taken regularly over a long period of time. Table 2 gives the results of measure- ments on the level of radioactivity of the coolant along the route of circuit II of the loop during various periods of operation. The periods are due to the fact that the operation of the loop was interrupted or was changed to a different system. In the first and second periods the steam passed through channels without superheating the steam; in the third and fourth periods it passed through the channels with superheating of the steam. The days were counted from the day when a stable system was established. The system was changed over to steam by gradually replacing water in the SSD by steam [5]. In the initial period when the loop operated on steam the radioactivity of the dry residue of the coolant at the outlet from the SSD was much greater than at the input. This difference is gradually reduced since the deposits or corrosion products are washed out. Deposition takes place during this period at the section of outlet from the SSD?the suction part of the pump of circuit II; the radioactivity of the dry deposit at the suction part of "he pump is less than at the outlet from the SSD. This difference is also gradually reduced. These phenomena are caused by the change in rate of elution and precipitation of deposits in the loop, and also by the change in quality of the coolant. Before exit into the steam system in the working channels, water was circulated with a 602 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 TABLE 2 Radioactivity of Dry Residue of the Coolant in Circuit II of the Loop, 10-8 C/kg Points of sanr pie removal Periods first I second 2 3 4 I 5 third days fourth 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 10 11 d, e e, f 2,6 3,2 2,8 +0,6 -0,4 7,0 19 7,1 +12 -12 3,8 5,3 3,3 +1,5 -2,0 3,6 4.5 amples not taken +0,91+0,2 ample not taken 2,8 3,0 were s were 19 41,0 14 +22,0 -27,0 2,9 9,2 4,6 -1-6,3 -4,6 1,0 3,2 2,5 +2,2 -0,7 1,4 3,6 3,3 +2,2 -0,3 2,1 2,8 +0,7 1,0 1,7 2,4 +0,7 +0,7 0,5 0,8 1,8 +0,3 +1,0 2,5 1,7 4,1 -0,8 +2,5 (3,0 2,1 38 -3.9 +6.7 Note. The accuracy of measurements was ? 0.1 ? 10-8 C/kg, 41I Fig. 2. Relative changes in radioactivity AI of a dry residue of steam and water in relation to the time of operation of the loop: 1) difference in radioactivity of the dry re- sidue of steam and water at the points d and e; 2) the difference in radioactivity of the dry residue of steam and water at the points e and f; 3, 4) the curves for difference in radioactivity with fluctuations in the quality of the steam. higher content of salts, which were deposited on the walls of the channels. Since the steam has a lower content of salts, in the steam system the prevailing process is the elution of the previously settled deposits. The contaminated steam, passing the section of outlet from the SSD-the suction part of the pump of circuit II, loses a part of the previously washed radioactive deposits, as a result of which the radioactivity at the sampling point f is reduced. With the passage of time, these selective processes are retarded and dynamic equilibrium should be estab- lished between the content of impurities in the coolant and deposits at the inside surfaces of the loop. Figure 2 shows the experimental curves representing the change in difference of radioactivities of the dry residue of the superheated steam and water in relation to the time of operation of the loop. The symbol Almin represents the increase in radioactivity due to activation of the impurities or due to elution of the corrosion products from the channels of the active zone. With changes in the quality of steam, the curves can assume the form of curves 3, 4 of Fig. 2. The Physicochemical Factors of the Coolant in Circuits I and II These factors are given in Table 3. The radioisotope composition of impurities in the coolant of the loop circuit and the first circuit of the atomic power station are the same. The radioactivity of water in the evaporator during blow- ing is reduced from 5 ? 10-8 C/kg. The radioactivity of the steam is - 10% of the radioactivity in the evaporator (the entrainment factor is 1 ? 10-1). The entrainment factor obtained in our experiments is 100-1000 times greater than the factors given in (61. This is due to the features of design of the evaporators and separator and to the fact that in our experiments the concentration of active impurities of the water in the evaporator differs considerably from the activity of solutions described in [6]. 603 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100060002-6 TABLE 3 Physicochemical Factors of Feed Water and Water of Circuits I and II of the Loop Point of sample removal Dry residue, mg/liter Total a and Y activity, 10-8 C / kgotal, pH Concentration of ions, mg/kg Concentration Of chromium CO2 NO; Cl'C mg/kg Cr, 5,04' Cr*3 % ' Feed water Water of circuit I 1 ' Water of circuit H ' 0,9-1,3 2 { 4',2 ( 1,3-2,1 0,6-1,1 6 0, -1,1 0,6-1,1 1 1 0,6-1,1 l 0 220-2200 500-5000 5-50 1-7 0,5-19 3-7 3-5 6,2 5,4 5,2 5,2-5,8 5,4 5,4 5.2 5,5 0,6 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9