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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 TABLE OF CQNTF.~ITS Perspeotive Plan for the Export of 3laohinery and ~ieohanioel Inatallationa ...............................................~........ 30 ^The 'Preferential Ivor?sao of the Produotion of Produotion Deana .........^.. l Develo~onont of #z~ Cseohoalovak Engin?ering Before 194b ............,....... 5 Dezrelopment-of Csoohoalovak Engineering in the Period From 194b-Through 1949 ..............~........:.......,..'................... 8 The Signifioanoe and Tasks of the Cseohoalovak ~aohino Industry in the First F3.vo Yeax Plan ,......~....? .................................. ZO Developmont-of khgineering in the Years 1954 and 1956 ....s .............. 18 The Export of Ltaahinoa and ~;oohanical Installations ..................... 23 Cseohoalovak Lycporta of. ?~aohinary and };ochaniaal Installations lifter Norld filar II .................................................. 27 C~oohoslovak b'acporta of ~[aohinQry and ~techanioal Installations Compared to ~Yorld Figuros ........................................... 28 PART I I Z Teohnioal L_evol of Production in F~gineering .........~..........._....... 35 II.noxploited in Connaation with Racy ~fatorial; ;~ateriala~and New Substanoar ........................................... 45 How to Reduoe the 1`Teight of f~aohinea and Installations .............., AS Possibilities for the Applioation of the Best Teohti$~~agival Advauo merits o.oo...........?.+........??~????????sf..a.........J..... 48 The Uae o~' ?leer ~iatorials ... e.... ? :............ ~ . ~ .......... s s ....... ? bl Some Obs'~r~a1oB to the Intrhduotion of Now Teohniquea in the Machine Industry ......................t..........................:..... .66 =.c;a T'Tzv.: STAT `.Y-e^"^r }.J-~~- ~r'>`~~z ~,4'' I ?1 ..d4yy.~I~ `;?;l .~Y .. ~ Tti`e'Cse~h'oslov~k ~isohino Industry in Comparison to the }daahine zridustriae ~f the Other Paople~a.Da~oora~rfes .............e..o....e'ea... `ls t ~. International._E'conom3a:~Cooperation,.~.n the~~iaahitte~_=~Ixiduatry 'e4se..e,,..a? 83 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ?~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Tasks of the ?~aohine Industny in Connaotion with the Further Conetruotion of Sooialism in Cseohoslovakia .....??a???????????????'????? 86 The Meahanisation'of Production Prooessos -One of the Outstanding 102 I~`eatures of tho Second Five Year Plan ................................... Automatization and the Produati.on oP ~!easuring Devioes and Installatidns`P.or Automatization ....................................... 109 Division of~9asks -From the Appeal of the National Conference of`~laohine Building j~orkers .........:.................................. l19 ~~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP8 v Y candition ~.. to the ~ development of the Czechoslovak national ?oonomy; ~, ;- , ~. Expanded re ? o PY'aduction is he repetition of '?'~ Process the Pr~duotiori for the purpose of replac t ~~ ins used production mean$~ t, materials and materials~~machl.nes9meohanical ?quip~nt bui d ~= sad articles of ' 1 ~?5 ?t~sb -. r.~~ personal us? (clothes,fbod,etc. ); it ie also a repet~t~,~,n ?. of the roduotion P process on an inor?as `? ingly 1 er scale In the re ~'8 p?s~~ ? production proo?88 soclet re ~;.- Y place8 the uBed material goody and al?o ~?.: makes more such . ~; 8oods,fsrsteto insure tho ?xpansion of the volum? of ' ~ product ion in the ftitttire . production procee? ~atiof`y og }. ' _ _ a larger scale the increasing demands t'or oons~mers~ goods. ? The process o~ expanded r eproduction as a wholo is prima,ril teas of the e~anded re y a ~O" . production of eocial~produot$on? Social p8??duO ' tion en~rac?s all material goods which 8oci :,. ?ty oreated~for ?xamp1a91n -:, one yearn Social production is~forsed in the sphere o~ mat? ? };:. ~, ti?n _ real produo.: in industryDa,gricu_1tw~-e,~ilding ,transportation o~ good? and t~ ~~ _ ps'i'tly also ~ coma?rc? (~to the extent that such o e ~? ducted in commero? which? - P rations are con- e ?.~~.: a~ a continuat a~o? ~~~..~ sorting,Pac&ing,Btor e _ ion of the production p as - . ins to.) -~~/ ~ The ent,'~re social production is divid?d ? ;. ?~?~` ~ The first ~ into two larg? grouper .t group is the ProduQgion ~ - ~~ _ ,, - .~ ?-_ Pr`oduot ion m?ans which are d?~St~ine +~:.:ma.:.ti+~:..yon.:t:~u~..aa+:~-rl.>.s~;m:~,.,,,i::r,.~..,1. - ~ ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~czE osT ov ~N.alN~a ~ ~NG- ~_~r--_ S ?6 IT3 by R~idol~ P~ un rei-ere a crease of the od o P o ie s ' The constant repetition and e ~ ~ _ xPangion of the production of ~` ~ material goods - ex panded reproduction - is a prelim Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 to return apex into the production prooea?. (To this f irat group belong most o~ the products of the heavy industry). The s?cond group embrao?s the production oY conewaera' goods which are intended to aatiasf~r the do- mands of the popu].atione(To the second group belong moat-o~~ products of the light- and food industries.) The mayor rol? in the pros?as of reproducing social production io pls~~lby the reproduction of production meanerand primarily oY tool ma- chinea~sinoe the increase and improvement of tool maahin?s are nocessary.condition~ for the constant eXpauaion of pr~iction on th? basin of advanced technical aciernc?.The expand?d reproduction oY prodna~ tion means insures the possibility of eapsnding t},~ prroduction of consumor89 goods, such as f'oodsQt?~ctil?soshoeasmetal consuffieret goods otoo Th? oeas?less increase aszd iaprovement~of tool ma.ohiae? aroath?reforo~n?- cessary to inaur? the Y't11.Yilm?nt of the mat?rial denaxada of Boci?ty on a constantly wider coal?,' E~cpanded r?production demands that production b? constantly r?nc~md and inorcaasad at a certain rat~,om.Ther?Yor?,ia aocordanc? xith th? r?quir?ments of tho.basio ?aonomia prim?ipl? of sociali+~n and g~ the prin- cipg.? oY th? planned (prop~rtior. dot?1.opment of th? national ?oon?~'a th? r?q~ired ratio~~ b?txgen_ the produ?tion of production meaYas esid that. ~ oY consumors? goodsaal8o-b?t~?n the ~rarious branahe? oY the national. ?oo nomy~is. systh~atioally ?stabllaohod in tha proo?ss oY social r?producti~ The most important proportion-oY bocial reproduction is the proper ratite betty?en th? Yirst and s?oond group of products;+ The t'irot groupaeho~cs~rers play the docisiv? rol? 1n t~ entire national a?onomy; ~fithout,th? p~Yo- rsntial 3nor?am? of the production oY production m?ans, it i? i~aposaibl? to aohiev? e~d~ r?prodxaotion., This m?ana that xithout at a? ar? ummab~ ~to ?xp~~nd production ~ th~bT m??t th? increasing demand of sooi?ty on a oesnetantly increasing a~o~.?, "qc'o inorea?e productions it is . ? ~ ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 first of all n?oeas~ry .}~- ~ ~,go -production meane.Thereroro it is n?. cessary to ?apand that branch of production which Hakes produotion mane The preferential increase of the produotion of ~duotion means (pri warily tool miaahlnee) is aloo a neoeBSarp condition for the wid? applio t ion,of advanced toohnical acieno? in all branohe$ of the tional ?cono~r,and t2t?rebv also t'or th? ?yet~thic inore-a?? of labor produo~vity and eoono~gg ~ vreduet~ ~~ _ ~..,. ~?~.~~'_-- , e~ production, min which thA riao of th? rust ~ S~uP is ~a~~? rAr9~d tin? Lea anon?ase or the a?cond group, ~,a oharaoteristia or ended aoeialiet reproduotion acoompaniod by th? rapid prpg~?e or t?ohnical saieao?. Si.. mugtan?ously~ in sooia3lat aocioty th? production o{ con~m?r? goods is co etantly inor?asing.This ie rerl?ctsd by th? oonetant inor?a?? or pro~.uoti urb an and rural h,ous;~ in agrioulturoerood~. and in~~,e+;,,.., ~..~,., - -- ,d~velop~nt of oom~z'o?,?to; The basic branches or the heavy industry o~rhich provid? raw material. and materials (px'oduation Buppli?v) ar?s ooal and ?r? m~,ning,tho iron a~ ste?1 industry, the ohemioal industry (the produotion of artificisa, r?rt9,:~ lizerA,ru?1s)at~ power induatry(eleotricity) etoo~hie gi-~p of p~dua- tion means is of ?xceptional iiaportana? is t h? d?v?lop~ent or th? natio~i al eoonomdr;With,out them it is mm of even poB~,bl? to raatur~ oonat~f~~ good?.Th?r?fore,the rest?r their production inoreae?8,th? ~r?o ty society will have to m~traotur? t ?~ ~~~~ ~ coneumora goods rot it? tae ?_~ tom iieay~- 'induatr , r s _ ThiB 9zp1a~.A-~ ~.o~.u aey iisi~a~.ano? ammd rho need ~.o dov?1. it ra i . aP~ p ~ at~d ~ L~iaat Th? aha.raoteri?tic? or ?o onoffilo romsntioism. ~o~a or evoboda l~2sp~ 1~5. L?ngmm~~?1 2 , prefergjntia~y~ Failure- to inure th? profential production of pr+vdu?~~; m?ane would mak? the constant detreloPm~t or th? national ?oonor~ ~sr~~:~ bl? and this in tore would aOO~-'~r or 18~ ?r restri _ ~ of the dovelop~ent ~~ th ?pz~duction of consu~ersc ~ goods, e.... Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~yith the general and rap~.d d=velotimexit of the b.eavy industry itt A~ possY,ble. to achieve a considerable increase in agr~.culturo9the 11ght.~ and food 2nduatr~.ea6Th9.a is not a question of the heavy 1.ndi~etry serving Ats o~rn endabC~n1.y by mainta9.ning and aupport9xag the 1?adix~g rol? of the head' induatrg is 3.t posa9,ble to _ ~.nsur? an abundance of - art~.clea of mesa conaumpt~on in CzechoaloVakiao Be~auae of the ob9ective need ~'or the preferent~.a1 and more rap~.d dsv?'? opmant of the heavy industx~nthe construction of Sin. the Czechoslovak republ~.c is marked by a baa~,cally more Y?apid rise of the heavy industry than that ?n the light induatry,Tknu6~for examples ~n 1955 the product~,on of production means in industry increas?d t~ app proximately ~.7~ as compar?d to the 1937 1egel,wher~.a the produat~.on of coma~cmera ? gouda 9.ncraased to 1120 The heavy industry wss the basis of the develapr~ent of the Cz?cho~ Slovak national economyoTh? r?aults9which the Czeeh~glovak working people achiev?d in t he construction of anew aoeiety9muat b? linked directly to the development of the heavy f.nduatry, In the future it will ~i? neceasaxy to contix~.~ae this right road which insures` constant increase of the standard~of living ~'or the Czechoslovak peoples For thga rea~on?the.a?eon vea ~1an will be based on the more rapid-development of ~ production in?the heavy industry tY~an in the light induatr, The moat St.mport~~.nt branch of the h?avy industry is the machin? ? induatrya~ which manufactures tools?? It plays an important e zni? ro3? in the development and~~atrenghtening of the country s.. na'~ional defers?oalso in ?the development of all branches of the national economyoEapecially the Czechoslovak iron and steel worka,minea,chemi~ cal industry power industry,-tranapartationQagricultur?,construction in-. duatry ?tc, are placing great demands on the machine induatry,The machines Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 $attpp:Lied by the Czechoslovak machine industry to the individual branches . of industry not only increase labor productivitT,but also improv? work- conditions and provid? _saf'etgo By aompletinPC the tasks assigned i~ in the first Yive y?ar plans"the Czechoslovak machine industry has insur?d also in the years of 1~-55 the ~Pid aoc~.aliat industrialization' oY' Cz?.- sl of the preAwar yeaz??ethe period or Worid star Tl,poat-wear reaonstruc- ,tion in 1945 and t~6,the fro dear ~-lan,the Y1rst vivo- dear and. the period between the fir>ati~and second F iv? Y?ar P1anv During the?aapitaligtic regis~? the Czechoslovak machin? induatxy achic~?d the Y1rat summit off' its derv?lopment in 1929eIta favorabl? d?- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~elopment~however,was interrupted. by the economic crisis trhich affeoted this industry much mots than the othera~ disrupting it to a considerable extent.This fact can b? fudged best on the basis of the following ~igureas Whereas the maximum decline of in- dtistrial production did not QxQeed 58,3 of the 1929 figures machine industry production dropped to not quite 3~~ for the same period.In the years of economic crlais the-machine industry,naturally,developed in ac- cordance with market demands,t~hile the production of arms gradually in- areaaed its radio in~proportion t? th??total production of this industry and from 1935 on dominated it entirely: The adjustment to arms produat~ enabled this industry to lucrease its produotion by more than 70~ in the years from 1935 through 1937 and to surpass its 1929 production leer?1. The economic crisis and ~ subsequent pr?p?ratioas t'or World War $ II h~ had a peunetrating effect on the stricture of machine industry pr? duction,determin~,ng the degree of its concentration'apeaiali- zation and technical level.?The ratio8~ of arms production - arms,~nnition and airplanes -rasa conaiderablg in proportion to ~ctotal productiono g], 89 Together with these industriea9the others increased--~~ieir produo thus for examples eleotronics,procesaing maohin?e,oto. Their develop- _ ment was roads possible and-necessary by the armament boos its?lf: Simultaneously r+rith the development of production,exteneiva con= centration was also achieved.In the period following the eoonomic crisis large~conoeraag were fgrmed in Czechoelovakia.R'h? most promin?nt on?s among these were the 9koda?Works,tho C$DyThe ~?skoalovenska Zbro~owka (Cz?choalovak Munitions Works) axed the Ringlhoffer works,?tc. ? Thes? cozy ~ern~ gradua~.l.y ruled more ~~han 80;~ of the machine indu?tryQ s to$al pre. du~t~.on;fihis gives one a fair id?a of the ?xt?nt of the cono?nt"ration ~? ":.G.11.:i-?lm'CL?`.?'-_a_: ~~'a~ y ~Yy Y~.:_.._r-i.~.:`_L.t.1:~^_:L-Pe+~'-Lts~i".'.'--tdi:3v_aevAt,c:rz.~- +.-w_.. _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~thich had been achieved, Despite its increasing importance in 9xidtisatriaY ? n?~aaDespite its high scientific level and expansioaflthe pre-Mar machine pr?-war ~ma~hine industry was nark?ci by faulty construction ~ and ~.ncoap~:ete~ ? - the need?d industry was unable to supply the nat9.ona1 economy with/machinog chan3.ca1 insta~ationsb During the entire period of capitalistic deve3.op- ~entethe Czechoslovak machine industry was compelled to in$ur?e ~.arg8 ~.mnart of>s from abroado3?al.des this the machin? 9..ndustry~ ~n a considerabl? volume of products~t~aa forced to r?ly on completing parta- from abroad ~ e spec ia1~.y from Germsny and Grit, The high concentration of production enabled the German ixxv'ader? to gain control of the Czechoslovak machine Sndustry in a short tim? and to adjust it to their armament program. During the ward si'''lo s p~duct~n reached ite height in 19~3.~After that its volume constantly declined in accordance frith the military situation. Fascist occupation therefor?9 dad not improve pr?-war conditions in the Czechoslovak mach~,ne industry8 only made them even worae8causing heavy loss?s in thing i~idustrysdieorganA izing it and increasing its dependence on the capitalistic countri??o Toward the end of the'war the Western "allies" conaiderably~reduced the capacity of this industry by their air raids,especially against also P1zenDPrague ard~Brnobin this way they~reduc?d t h? machin? industry,~s ability to fulfil. the~~needs of the rapid reconstruction of the-national eoono~, These br~.efly outl.ii~ed'' facts compelled th?-Czechoslovak rational economdoafter the liberation of the countxy by the Armyato part the mistakes and deficiencies of the former machine industry produc- tionpto end its chaotic developmentsto place it on a new basis which will insure .its self-sufficiency and a lasting development of the tech-~ nical level of the entire national economy; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 F?, ~x~tY~n~ ~nlsnal Ay-atr ]~___--_ m T..a.. ?a,R.. a._ aL_ Att?r its lib?rdtion Cz?ohoelo'~--r~]t9.a was Sa,o?d t~fth tlao di~'~'ioult h?r ~ ~ to?~S o~ r?virr ~ dlasRtpt?d- ?oono~~r??onatroot~ amd dew?1?p ad S~ suoh a Zaahion as to insnrg i$? aonataat doh?~,o~~$? a ~ ?t ri??~ tb~ standard oY li~ia~, ind?p~ad?n4? of th? ooan~.~cy- and ~.t? national defo~ooFor _tbg;a ~ botch #,he R`e~o? Y?ar and th? I~i~? X?ar ~'3:an plao~ gr?at ?a~pha.?g~c on tt~ d~?3op~nt of ~,?hln? ind~tatr~, Th? t'ia?~tt to?k oY $h? C~~hoal~adk maohls? ind~aBtr~ is th ?~o~,?o d?~orao~- ~? to road~uat xea~ prodnotian to ~a?? pa~duoti~,~3, 4~^ tb].1 ?apaoit~ of this inlt~a?t~ 9itto t~ ro?o~truotion o~ t~ aatio~,~yg ?aonos~e'i'h? r",.r~ir?d pao? o~ d~olopn?n$ An th? 3~di~ri8~ta1 tnduatri?? ~aa hanp?r?d by ta~napoa~ati?a ~'~tiostlti?a ~': ahort~? o~ r~stet?laZ.,' ~ oonsid?rabl? Y,aok of oag?oti~?a~ d~aaadoal apo~ do~ol t o4' t~oo? 9~da:atri?a?'Fas~~rA?~ 'a?r Yiniah~ ~a?h~a ~d ~~'i~t7.t*~g'al ?~ ~~ t'a~~ nth t ?t' o~ro?~in~ t2~ 1~ bs~hand tho ~~d ~,~~~,etbs~~ boo ?o? bow oatan?ci b~ C~?o~a~.ovak~~~ i~? ~4ur ~?rld far ago -~0 8n $ho taa~ 08' r??t?"~ati t2a~ }~,$ o? a 1$ ~~~ ~_ oosa~ to ~ . ~. ~ o $ho i~ida~al ~ti?~.i~~ ,~t~i~~a ~.t? offic? t -~ tars~it ? a ~Ch? m~ C$?~I~ala~ah ~oh? i~dr~ ~~~ ~?t3.f~ t3c~a looati~ ?~ the pa-t8~n _ ?e:mmd .~ a???loraL? 4.h~ ~ad~ ors?lad~t~.~ in this ~~~ .. ~~aoall~ t aim ?!P the ~?e~ F '~ r~~ ' C~ I,~a~ ~ti ?o ' ~oto~?? its love?~,~a~ ~ ~ ~ d~? ~~1~ it fro ? Ca??1? ~o g?am s~? ~t ~i?? Y?a~ FZaga iti th? ~~~,~ tP~~.~+a~? ~t a t'or ~- ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -9- non~.Basically it .x~ta~od?:: the f orner structure of production?Zt was considered that this poriod was sufficient for the r?etoration of th? national econotc~ because of tha considerable degroe of its dev?loprsent. With reg~ia to the .situation in the Cze~oslovak national, ?conomy aftor 1945,the?machine industry was assigned such rol?a in'the Two Year Plan as w?re neceasitatod b3 thv most urgent post-war proble~te of the country,as for exarsplQiltho production of railroad cars,locomotivaa,trac~ fora, t~,tcks, cars, agricultural machinery. Naturally, tha Two ~?ar Plan, slat called for an?increaBe in the production of con$umora' goods. The Two Year Plan of tike Czechoslovak national. economy eonteined only special ta8k$ which incurod: the restoration and lnareago of th? ~p capacity in the production of trar~portation r~eanB, the reconstruction of production installations in the iron and StE industry, the mechanization of egrieulturo, a ris? in the atand.arci of living. The consolidRtion of tho nationalized enterprie?s teas ao succeesfli that by 191+7 tha national enterprises wore alroady able.t~ achieY?a high ~er productivity of labor `than in the privat? entarprriseso B?eid?a,th? na tional enterprises were s~ufaoturSag products which requir?d t~tch i:.;:a~e work than th?. production of the private s?ctor which to a considera~la- .- eztent only installed products manufactur?d try the nat~.onal enterprises.? ? The Two Yoar P1:an for dea'eloping th? .national o?onomQT has ft,L1.. filled its taaks,Nation~.l economys revived and the ?nterprise$ have been adjusted to peace-time productiono The .production of coneumerc8 goods has also developed to a.conBiderable.d?gre?~ = eD classified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 F~.rst Five Yea4r Pl ar, 10 ~~ S1rnificance and TaskB of the C echosloyak The renewal and rov_ival of the national economy did not create any basic changes in tho structure of industry nor -conaequeont]y- in the dependenoe ?of Czochoslovakia on thv capitalistic countries. Tt becam? ne- cessazy to alter this situation in accord,aiice~with the statement oP Klement Gottwald made to the workors of th? Central Planning Comnisai~ on 10 Octo ber 1947. The task of constructi~n~ socialism and reconstructing tho Czechoslo- vak national oconomy in the first Five Year Plan ~rus one of historical sib" nificane?. The basic tasks of socialist irzdustrializatiorz in Czechoslovakia de- manded,firat of all, the read~ustnent of Czechoalo~ak `,nduntry in a very short timed The rapid pace of reconstruction was n?ceesary by th e int?rnal and e:tternal conditions of th? development of the Czechoslovak stat? and its national econo~r. The e:~ternal conditions were created by the fact that reconstr~etion began to materialize in an era wh an the differs-. cea~between the peace camp and the imperialistic ?~rorld ware constantly ?shaz'pening.At th? sane time the capitalistic countries endeavoured to re- tard the pace of ~ reconstruction and ~ construction of So- cialism in the~Czechoslovak economy to tho greatest possible extent~~ugh disc~ininatory nolicies(as., for ~exnpl?; cancelling the shipnent of machines already pa1.d forp~a~;ca ). questions pertaining to the pace .of r?- construction z~~ould not have becone so critical had the Soviot Union and? the people's d.e~crac2os poa~ssed the slime h1~3Y industrial potential ae ,- th e capl.talis+,,3.c countries In"othar words: it would hwve beon neces sary for tho peoples democracies ~ rava a substantially rsore developed in- dustry, respoct'veiy'~1r ~Yidus?iJry,tl~~.~~ they had in the ears f~ Y won Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 11 1949 through 1y53:It was necessary to cr?ate t~ in the shortest possible tine the conditions roquired for tho socialization of Czechoslovak agri= culture.Internal conditions,x demandod a rapid pace of industrial r?- cozlstruction,tho same as external ones. Other people~a democracies lik? Poland,Hungary,RourQania etc., wero in an even less favorable ?position, Along with the machine-industry-of th? Soviet Union,the basis of socialist in- waa dustrialization in theso countries ~~ to a largo extent ~ th? Czechoslovak na.chine industry. To aid ~,r1b tha development of industry?a in these cauntriea eras ono of the Host important tanks ob the Czechoslovak first Five Year Plano Th? isportancs of the Cz?choslovak ~a.chine industry in the period of the first Five Year Plan"~ugt be recognized in the task of insuring the general x~6ccnstruction of the national economy through ship~~shts of th a needed kinds and quantiti.ea of machinery and installations,and also in the task of contributing to a considerable degree to the socialist indue?. trialization of the other~peoplQtn denocracies, For this reason the machine industry becamo th? Host important ci7a.pter of th9 five year p].an.4nd fox this reason tho Corr,.;r:.inlst Party of Czec?ZOSlovakis and tha. CzQChoslo~'~ governmorit hav? paid clone atvention to this in dustry in tL^3 past yearao With tYle first Five Y-Q~r Flan a nog: p?riod began in the development of the Czechoslovak ecora~,Th? ~ol,ume of industrial production inei'?ased year by yaa.r. ? Ir 195a industrial produc+.,ion rosy tU 200; in comp~ison to the 1948 le~'ol.axzd to 250 ~ 2n compariso?~ to 1937.T~.s it has o;:eQeded by 53o tha highest levo3 ~cliieved by CzAchoslov~: ~.ndustry during the aa- pitalistic reginleo r ~'~itr?iil the frau?5eori: of tha antiro dz~~elopmar_fi, of the r~at3;ona:~ ecoi~o~ in CzeahaW~.evak.'ia,~s2=e c~ev~l~t~~~~n~, oi' ~,`s~.:. Indus ~x;y ir, es ~EC~.ul"?-~' notrl.CecL~bs.r3~'1.1: ~^ve ~'~^X'?a ~~ti sr~'ji`:;E? .~:...~ "7~~~:^f',-?r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 v s Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ' I~ ~ - 14 _ 1937 191+8 1949 1950 1951 1952 19 Total H 100 100 100 100 lOO 100 l eavy industry products Li ht 38,3 34,5 41D4 43~g 45 ,5 50 3 4. g indust 2'y products . - ? " ~,3 40,1' 41x6 34,8 29,4 , 26 1 2' gricultural ,forestry and lunber industry products ~~ Total _ ' - 15,4 25,4 17,0 21,E 25 1 ~ , 2 3,6 , 2j ? H 100 100 100 100 100 100 1C eavy industry products r Li 33,6 51,p 54.,1 51,2 52,2 58 6 62 ght industry products A i 58,9 47,3 44,'2 1+1+,6 43,2 , 37,8 33 gr cultural,forvr.~;,;~ and lumber industry products -, 7,5 ls7 1,7 4 2 4s6 3,6 3 The basic changes in the Czechoslovak econo~p~brought about by the socialist construction and reconstruction of the first Five Year are evident in the fact that the C echoslovak national eco ' _ z nou~,ea du atrial production are today the secure and fire b peeially in asis of the indep~d?~ of the Czechoslovak republi~~ts econon'c strenght and nations de 1 fens?, The results of socialist construction and reconstruction of the na_ tional ?t~on.o~y are convinc ing -proof of the rightness oS the gene-~ 1 iIIe of policy laid down by the Czechoslovak Co~uniet Party for the co s Lion of the national econo 4 n truu_ rc~;and this policy is Pu~gefully being carried out into practice by the working class and the workers e In theBe historical yearsrof the Czechoslovak econo teaks of socialist industrialization were be u~,when the basic ing carried ottt,the .leading and decisive'braneh of industry was the machine industry.It insured the e struction arch -reconstruction off' `the individual branches of the na ?n_ econo~r by , su? 1 ~ tional PP Y~S'IIachines and installations,by enuring With the most Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -15- Modern ?machines also the new iriduatriea which rose in the first Five Year r Investments made and?r the Five Year Plan made it possiblet to place into operation: 12 nc~w electric.planta,2 mines for brown coal,l mine for lignit?,1 mine for pyrite orea,6 bleat 2`urn,aeea, 9 open hearths,8 electric hsartha,6 rolling mills, 2 roller frames for the rolling of pipes, 1 aluminum plant, 2 plants for the produc- tion of synthetic fibres, ~1 plant for the production of activ? car- bon,2~ new machine inchistry plants, 1 cem?nt factorgQ 4 large brick factori?a,2 lime kilns,2 factories for the production of i'ireproof ma,terials,8 saw mills, 1 cellul.os? factory 91+6 refrigeration plants, 10 deep-freezing plants830 dairy plants etce ;~~o incroas? th? ~ c~~ number of locomotives by 15a~'~,tho number of motog vehlcl?a by 83o5~afreight cars by ~?1,5~ ?tco Th? machines and la- atallations supplied by the Czechoslovak machine industry served to inarea8e power production by 65~ eti~' output of brown coal by ~5~~ that of li~ait? by 57,coke production by 5~ie gas production by 390~,the production of bes~tzine for motor vehicles crude ~by 31~,the outfit of iron ~ by 69 N,that of crude, steel by 67~m rolled steel products by 73 p eto,These figures ar? based - on the 191+8 produotion figux'ea. 3laailtaneously the Czechoslovak maohine Industry contributed br~nchas of the national economy by cupP1?y~S them with machines and ;natallations and these branches to expand the mecha- nization and autoz~tisation of their production processesoThus the ? productivity of labor in the' yEara cf the' f irat ~'Iv? Year Plan in- ~ of labor productivity in the individual Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 :~-8 19~~9 1950 1951 1952 1953 ., Gross industrial produc~~icn - 100 100 100 100 iJO 100 Ratio oz" tl~e mac_..:.~~ indi:suryts _ productior_ .~ - 17gjt 18,3 20,0 22,6 25y2 ~7:9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 cross?d 69 ~ in the entire industry as compared to 19fi$. The breakdaun of the::e figures for the various is the folloztin~;: i,i fuel mining the increase is 25~2~, in the fuel re. fin?riea 81,~4;n, in Clio minig of ores 26,~~, in the iron- and steel industry 45,5?~,in the machine industry proper 9~,5~,9.n the output of chemical raw materials lOb",~, in tha ch~ija_~ iri~. dustry 81F,~, in the production of construction materials 5~a?~i Li the textile industry 69,9 ~,otc. To enable the Ch?choslovaL machine industry 'b~, I~z1Pi1 these great tasks in the f ir3t stage of the construction of the national economy,it was necessary to d?velo~ itn?capacitiea on a large scale and to make its rate of development hi~-~er trap in the other indu~ tries. In its period of cons~,,ructior. do production surface of the macij irduatry increased about l!',-j~ l.n comrarison to 19~8,and the number of s production ma.chl.nes in this industry increased 25~.The aubstant: ~:~ expansion of machine industry production in the years of the first Fivo Year Plan placed Cz?choslova~kia among th? leading nations,with regard to th? role and Sipiificance of ~ machine industry production in the national economy. For-exazaples the ratios of ~t ma.chine industry production in the US in 1953 was 35~, in Great Britain ~~, in jest . Gvrm~any in 195 about 31~. The developement of the Czechoslovak machine industry is reflect?d in the ratios o.f the machine industry products in proportion to the ??nti~~e industrial production: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~~-~~ ~??~ ~vrs over 1W KYtl , l.racreased 1360~,power transformers "over increas?d xYold),generators for alt?rnating currant 360 ~,e1ec- nautical 500 ~),Diesal engines 420 ~ (th? number of/ Diesel motors 32,2 turban?s in all increased 1~6op (etoam turbines over 6000 ~T increases (boil erg with a pressure of ov?r ,~ 0 tons/h increased 400 ;~) ,steam Five Year Plans the total production of steam boilers increased 49~ chine industry ahor~ed the production increase l.n the first In comparison to 158 t'igurd,th? impoPtant br~nohoa of the ma- age rate of expansion of r_~1.y $ 15,5. th a capitalistic countr~ii~a,for example in West Germanypaohieved as aver- vakia increased at an average off' 25@3~,whereas the machine industry in the years from 1950 through 1953 machine industry production in Czechoslo- more rapid than iri the leading capitalistic countries. For examples in In Czechoslovakia the machine industry has developed ~~ more rapidly than the other industries, Its expansion ie comparatively ~5, kW d3acroased 1170,electric stov~?a 33(x,electric cabl?s 2~O~.a milling .nachinos 30~,mining installations increased 420''b, ,rolling mill, installations 1100 ~9foundry' installations 3~,cement factory installation 290, power Wining machines 350,~a~aterpillar excaxa~~orB The increasing signi.f'icance of na,chine industry in the Czechoelova,k national economy tan also be noticed in the increase of itg employment ratio !.n proportion to the total number of persona employed in the. in_ dustries in the years Eton 191+8 th.rou~h 1953. . 19~ 191+9 1950 1951 1952 1.953 EYitire industry -100 100 l00 100 100 100 Ratio of the machine_ and metal industries 21,9 22,6 23,1 25,2 ' 26,9 29,0 ~f~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ?~ 18 sod 29tr~,trucka-53p (respectively 58O;a ~ comparison to 1937~a increa cranes 870;~g turbo-compressors and ~~a~~~ pneL~latic drills 520i~a ballbearir~3a 55C~ s eta,ne industry ~'p~- Another index of th? importance of rl ~ onion a;:ution in CzschoalovAk~ economy is the induatt a ratio to the total foreign trade. In 1953 machin? industry products represented about 42p of the total foreign trail?o In order to visualize bettor the extent of this index, it is necessary to realize that in th~~ year' Cz~aaho- slavakia 1,mportod about 28p of its total drain aupplY a2~'~? of its annual meat conaunptiona68 0 of its artificial fertilizer and about ?~ of its iron oro, Th? basis for developing the machine industry waa deter~-ined in har- mony wit h? policy of socialist induatrializationaby` thg regairenents of the heavy industry and ~ the Czechoslovak foreign trail?. After the first five Year Plan the ba3 is of the development of th? Czochoalovak na,ch3,.n? ~-nduatry we.a marked by the Yollowing inde~cess its ra- tio~ in p~Portion to th? total social production Baas 12a5~a~chine ir~dus- tIq production represented resugY~,ly 28~ oY total iridustria~. produc~tiono In 1953 tho Cz?ahoaloQak machine industry er~tploy~- about 2~ of the ?'?" total rnimbor oY uoxkers- and ~3~ of th? total ?r_gl.neera all induatrieao number of -~ s ,sad t?clmiclaa8i omployed in . ~T1Arit 4f _ i ""'~'3 ~?~~~ir~xr'iy i n '~~9 Y~~n>~ ~.~~ gnA '9 ~~i~r?. i After the st?caeaaF'u1~,co~apleti4n of th? Viva Year P1anaCxechoglo~k national econor~r waa faced. with th? task of working out a n?u persportive b 1~n thc~ intererc$ of i ply for the dovelop?xaent o f the country a increasing Cooperation b?tween tho dmmocratic countri~~ ahow~s9roit xas deemed expeaient and necoasaay to mutual].Y co?rdinata t~ individugl cco~ om18 plena, It was necesgP.s~ tv draft a Y~arther plan for the dew?lopc~Faent .of C~?cho$1dQabia -in coop?ra~iom ~rit21 tho p~,opl?~'s dsn~ocrc.c~.~~ and ki'~h_u Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -19- the Soviet Unionvand this preferably z'or the same period. Therefore th? years of 1954 ~ 1955?wero assigned to the solution of the most urgent tasks in the devvlopem_ent of the Czechoslovak eaono~y, Firta of aL 1t waLg nec?aaarl to remedy th? gnaufficienci?s in the developmontsof the peat years -- to r?- medy the diaproporti.ona among and within the industriea~ anal ?to improv? the work o,f certain departments. It was necessary' to insure the conditionr~ for the liquidation of the lag in" fuel aupply,to insure the construction of new minea,to increase substantially the raochanization of coal-mining etao For the purpose of expanding thOJrat~ material resourc?se it teas nec?ssary to start and to intensify basic geological survey worko It was nec?ass~~a $o expand the production of nitrogeneoua fertiliz?rs and artificial fibers,aad also to develop the production of crude iron and atavl by building ore re- fining lnatallation3~also to raise sub8tantially the mechanization and auto- ~,tisation of mvtalurgical proc?asea etc, The completion of the abov?-mentiof ed tasks tiaras basically insured by t h? plans for the machine industry 1n the pasta mentioned and by the pace of developement in the nachisie induatryeBe- 81de this it zras necessary to increase considerably th? export ~ of rsachin? industry products and to crests..~the~by thm preliminary' conditions fo+ the farther expansion of raw material im~rta,for industry and the lmprots oY consumer?'s goods. Similarly as in 195t+,the Plan for 1955 also reflects the need to abolish ~lisproportions_ S?ri-thin industry and the disproportions bett~re~i industry and agriculturee TYie y?ara 1954 and 455 were decisive isi insuring th a successful start of the second Five Year P1an,This the importazr- ce which the x.Congress of the?Czechoslovak C~ommuniat Party attach?d to the 1954-55 plans and to the basic needs 1.n the development and activities of the Czechoslovak r;,a,chine Industry? It was established that the Czechoslovak 'machine industry not always insured the completion of, machine industrial pro- instances b its ? failure to neat del.iver~?s~ for duction' on brie,and in max~y __ ~ y the construction of various branch?a of the national economy on:~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 the lamed ca acities Into production. time~it caused a delay in setting p P its failure to fulf i].k the planned exports ,the machine industry also da- ~ traction of the basic capacities in the other peoples democra- layed the cons standard.iza- ciea.The machine industry did not conduct the tion and unification of installations consistently and rapidly eno~u8h.neg- lecting thereby to create the conditions for raising machine industry pro- duction to a higher level.It neglected t he production of instruments and roduc- installationa required for the mechanization and automatisation of p t on rocessea. bong delivez'y dates for machines and installations,the dia- i P for. developi~,~stering production proportionately long period ~ placing and new products into production were further consequences o inadequate functioning of the machine industry. In the past years the Cz?- choslovak machine industry did not pay sufficient attention ~ even to the production and quality of mdtal consumers' goodB,for example! refrigeratorrrakia$e ?hare in th? export of automobiles and tractors has not bocce signifioant so t'ar,er~~i though is the export of tractors she surpaa??? Franc?oItala sad Austria whero production is conaiderabl.y high?r ths,ri is Cz?oho?lova]cia '' ' 'r'h? g?oaraphical structuPC+ of th? capits].istio t~? in ' maohin? industrg~ products Ste 1953 ladioates that approxis~$?1~ og th? ea~re trad? xa8~oonductod beta?~ capitaliaticr~territorias9that ie .among ~ t~ Unit?d 3tat ?s' Canada and Ko at?~t ~urop?.. In 1953 approai- matelot 50~ of th? agpitalistio exports oY ~sohin? industry products xent to ?oonomioallry u~erzle~mlop?d greas ~~3 of this almost vest ~rto Lat~.n American oountriea and to the oountri?s of the St?rling b1oo~; Th? gr?atest export?r of machin? industry products Yor West?~ I~1rop? was W?st aermanyo (3~~. In the futuro B fur'th?r inoreaaa? in the ezpor$ of maohinet?p and mechanical installations can b? ?xp?atedo According to present ?s~ timat?at,th? ?~porta of -ma4hinery and m?chanica], insta.llati~ in 1,960 . will inoreas~? approxiatat?ly 90~ in comparison to 1955 exportooThoreby the ratio of mach~.nery and m?oh,anical installation export in s~ proportion to $h? total volume of export ~ril.l b? approxiaaatel$~ 60~. This includes a more ~ than double inoret-.a? Zn the export of ir~estm?nt units and a 76~ inareasa in the export of piece products, In compari:. son to 1937 f figures a ?xport$ ~*ill b? f iv?_fo],d high?r. ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 31 - ? Tn conducting the export of Czechoslovak machinery and mechaai cal ~ installations in the coming years, it must be expected that tradw relations with the capitalistic countri~a will aubatantially expand. A change in the structure of the export of machinery and mechanical ir~atallationa to the advantage of - i.r:~eatment unite is due to the factthat a further l,ncreaes in th? export of such unite to capitalistic co~antr3:eo is expectecio These unlta will b? mostly installations for the food industry is cement plantealight industry plants and machine industry plant? ng the pi?c? pro- ducts of the machine industry th? greatest increase In ?xports is expected in automobil?a,to?1 aaachinea .and tractorsa/ss~aese three item and railroad locomotives should form the basic volum? of th? Czechoslovak export of pi?ce products manufao- tured by the machine induatrgromainl.Y beaauae these are products trhich have already reached the world level. Cz?choslovakia intends to export td. the democratio coun- triea mainly mine ~installation~a,tranaportation and maintens,~o?, inata?lation?~power in atallations'a,food industry iastallationa, cement factory installations'refrigeration inatallatioa,?,foam- dry and chemieaY industry dnatallations,excavatora,lo?e~tiv?s, coal grading ?inatallationB,Di?e?1 ongi~??el?ctrio motor to?1 Machin??,trucks,pumpa,aaaohinea for the iig~it industry, ball bsaring~,agriaultural machinery,iaetallationa for th? ~.. nufacturing of pap?r sad .cellulose,aaohinex~y for the coastra~o- tion indua$r~r,m?teps and regulators lamb?r'finie~ing machin??' paasaag?r ahipa,and turboats,suctioa ?xcavators etcs ~ Th?~ Soviet Union xill remain th? chief max?ket for Cz~. choalovak maehia? industry pro~ct~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 3~ - lumber and rubber industries,pumpa~shoe industry machinesDfood industry nachinea ~"(main7.y sugar refinery installationa),motor- cycleaeetc. to the. capitalistic countrieae t To the economically underdeveloped areas Czechoslovakia plans to export power plants and textile mills cement 2'aatorieee saw-mills,various machin? ahopa,aas?mbly plantspplaats for in- dustrial oils factories for artificial fertilizer plants for pharmaca+utical produ,cts,brick factory installations,flour millBa, refrigeration installation8ainstallationa for paper mill shoe factories canneries and sugar r?f inerie?,locomoti4oa,lo- comobil?a,tractoraamining machineryDtrucks and automobil?sa power inatallations~Dieael aggx~gat?s,fousidrq installations, procossin~5 nachin?s9printing machine?Droad construction machi- n?ry,cranes,electric motors and pumps all this in a much gz*?at- er volume than during th?~paet y?ara. Figur?a concerning the volumeistructur? and geographical distribum tion of Cz?choslovak.exporta of machinery and meahanioal installations prove without a doubt that there is a substantial. diff?renc? in quality and quantity between th? pr?a?nt Czechoslovak ?xporte ?f machinery and mechaai- cal installations and the pr?=war such ?xports; Chang?? in the structure of ~th? Czechoslovak ?xporte of. machinery ~d mechanical installations are .du? primarily to the Czechoslovak alliance with the;~"oviet Unioa and the poopl?P~ democraci?a.Their dsmands have enabled the Czechoslovak machine industry Czechoslovakia intends to continue her export of metal- workt~ ,machines,agricultural machinos,tractora,construction machinery,textile nachines,cars,rolling mills,machines for the to complete its reorientation and hav? comp?lled the introducti~an o2' sash nor chin?? xhich previaua3lg x?re~ not manufactured in Czechoslovakia, ..~ ~? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -33- The Favorable developement of.Czechoslovak foreign trad? in th6 past years had also its dl~~ dark sideso Thee - xport of maahin? inc~u$try products increa$ed naturally to a certain extent.Its results can be seen among nth?ra, in the fact that C$?ahoalovak ma,ch~ne industry is al- ways able to Supply th? foreign markets -+ith the re quir?d quantify and quE lit y of machine '' ry and mechanical inatallationa.The constant inoreas?~ ~ the asso~-tment of exports ~ factor?d by th? mach~xie Indus $Y'y have mad? it impossible to maintain the necea$ cry teohnical level of production in ov?ry case, This fact le ex teased also b the uueaonomiaal P y produot ion of the ma,. chine industry. In several inatanceo funds Here lack ~8 to insuiro th? rapid devslo em t ? p n of ..mportant branches of this Indust in order t ~ o insur? a Hors effective expansion of the national aoono~. In the export of C echoelovak maohine induct ? z ~'Y P~uctB to the pen, ple?s democracies in the past years there oocurred several oases tshi h not serve to o did maintain the good name of the Czechoslovak machine industry, TheBe faults ~rere caused ma inly by the failure to supply th? desired ~1?~- ty of th? exported instal.lations4 For ?xa.mplo,th? ~~l Klement t~ottwa3d Factory in Brno I~aohir PY'?pared for ~ahipment a turbine fro~a which the rotor wan missing. Th? "Heroic February" I~iachin?W . orka (Zavoc'il31~ Y1$?znc~ho .Unora -in Hr d a ec Kralovy atorod a sugar refinery installation intend?d for but the difhisor$ were not completed and badl ~~ y Paint?de Furnc~o?A e~ort?d by the Czechoslovak machin? iizduatry did not alt~yo giv? the r formance onoe they j,ere installed for a ~uirod per.. op ratiQnm? In som? cae?e oracka and ~~oleg were found in the body of th? turban?t~ and th? s elfcloeing cov?r? ?were loosen ' The construction of the basin oapaciti?a of industry in the individual democratic couz,trioa Atha ~,i~~al of trade relations with the ea- pitaliatic ~oountries and prg,m~-i;a, the ext?nsion of trad? Frith eoonomio ~1,Y -~- - - -- - --. ~-- :j ~ ~ .. .. .. . ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 dependent and industrially underdeveloped states the competition oY the leas ins capitalistic countries on these markets confront the Czechoslovak maohin industry with new?taska which necessarily require a change in the organiza- tion of production in the machine industry and also in t he Czechoslovak ~for'eign trad?. Solar the Czechoslovak machine industry is manufacturing a large variety of products and there is no branch in this industry which is not represented in exports. his ate of aYtairs is not the moat Pavorabl one. In the f'titure it will be neceasargr to prepare for ?xport a smaller as- ,aortnent of x machinery and mechanical installa- tiona,but which are off' a much higher t?chnical level. If it is desired that the Czechoslovak machine industry master ;,~...,,. w,....~_ ..,_.. ~L_~ \; f~e~`1 necessary measures mat be adopted,namelgs ability 1) To lnorc~as? th? of the machine industry to me?t th? demands oY the d?mocratic countri?a,3ovi?t Union,th? capitalistic countri?s and eventually the economically d endant countri?s.Thia involy?? primarily t o e e s e s technical ability a? or exapml?~ aaaaering inquiriea,ordera't?oh- nical inforna.tion, a6lving t?chnical aid and making teo~ioal preparations. 2~ To shorten the t~.m? roqulred Yor delivers?s and pri~aaxily to shorten the tentatiP? t~.m?-limits in pro~eatioaoconstruction and $he supply of materials, and last but not le~at,to shorten the tiffi? required Yor the pr --~~__ ~~ _ :~ ' duction process it~'].I'. ?, - 3) To modernize machine industry products and to 3._~prave their quality in order to satisfy tk~e?demands of the consumers and to meet world level requirements with r?spect to quality, and, operation. ~F) To improve the maintenance of the e~cported machinery and mecha~ nical installations, 5) To organs&? dir?dt contact between the~ranufacturer and the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -- 35 foreign customers (especially in the case of investmen Before ~Torld War ~II,Czechoalovak t units) insured the manufacturers followed e,nd Proper operation~of the exportEd, they did so, not on machinery and installation ly during the period of t'ra'''x'ant it expired The Y,but also after , y were motivated by their `` ferenCeg,Their -~~-_ interest in obtaining good re~ further interest lay in the su 1 third important ir~teres~t la PP y of r~ pa~Beand a their eventual pa.rticipatlon in ex the supplied installations . After World W P~din~ and follow-up of the su ar II in Czechoslov. pplied~ skis the care machinery and mac deteriorated ve .- hanical installations ha>~e z`9' mocha The pre-war tr parts accessories and attachments aditlona were not obeerP~egpare insufficient to the maohinea are be quantities and with dale ~ supplied 1n where spare y?~d this is done even in asses P~'ts were ordered s~lt~eously with th With a very fe-,t exCe t e basic inatallati,on. P ions there is no fo1,1,ow_up on the operat d~"`ance of the machines and inst ion and ?n_ with the allations, There is no d~'eet contact purchasers and no experience$ direct production and t - ~? c?llected which would hol o eliminate in time the ? P to cles not only in the ~ ~rieno?d inAUfficien_ machines alr?4Ady delivered but also in t productions - hos? under PART IYI;- ~ h IYt~.~rlN ~'~ ? ~ The application of near - - .. th? machine induct _ tec~niqu? atad progressive t?c 2'y has not aahie+~ed. solar a d?c s hnolo~ ~ cY`eas? of procluction~ - - i iv? eft'?ct on the ~_ of labor and eeono ~~ ~ PY'odueti vity of pr'?duction,nor has of pr?duc$1on.D?spite the fact that it i~ov~ th? quality t?chn ~ _ _~ the past years a series-~ of ological proQms$es a~u1 - uex Px'oduction methods hQ,ve b?en intx'od exampl?Y automatic '' - uood ~. for .. and$.oma~lc weld~ngpeedier and power-driven Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 toolmachine8,highr-proasure and pressure casting the production of maahinea. With centrifugal and oblique casting,pr?cision forg~g,co~id preBaing, high f~'oquency tempering etc. -,the ravel off' machine industry produa-> ~~ tion is at ill low and lags behind th? technology used by highly developea: industrial cotiintriea, Insuf.~icient technology is evident primarily in the high ratio of manual w~r3c in proportion to the total wank required in product~.oa. For erample,in the case of steep turbin?s,turbo-compr?aaors,ct~.tde oil enginas,locomotivaa and large"tool machin+~s the ratio. of manual work is $a high as c 6C+~ while in the production of cranea,steam boilers aid railroad care it ~ exceeds ?5is;, In the United States in ].947 in the produc- tion. of tool machines 78~ of the production time was ~ work done by ma- chines ;in Czechoslovakia machine ?rrork amounted to only 45--5Q~.Thia is due t primarily to the fact that nary enterprises neglec .mechanization of ma- nual- and assembly work (they are very 1.nadequate].y equipped with assembly' machines and preparations ) and also to the fact that #rhe requirements of tect~.nolo,~ic^1 a~ d.isx~egardedo For example, in tYic -designing of steam boilers only now are Choy-beginning to be designed in away s~ which allowa~ their assembly. with the aid of blocks. Also the condiderabls ratio. o~ piece production . the unsa,tisi~,c~COry level in unification and standardization lead to a The rapid increase in 'tho production volume of the machine r. . industr,~ is refl?cted in t he increasing volume of the production of indi- a a vidu~.l proc'azct~; in, this '~taye character of piece- :~.nnct small-aerial, pro- duc~t~.on is transferred zo` serial production, This .fu.stifi?s tho introduc-~ t-io.~ of tar~hn~;logv ~.~hiah corrc~aponds to a highor level of production,.,. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -37- But it is necessary to a~ strive to~,rard a higher larval of technology also in piece- and shall-aerial production and to cY~nge rogreasive production nethoda, For this r?ason it is necessary to in the shortest . po8aible time from aerial production to mass production ~n tho case of pro- ducts of mass consumption also-in the case of typified productB and stan- dardized parts, such as piston=ringa,piatona,pivota,bearings eta. Beside8, ~, it is necessary to proceed t1Z~ugh production lines and one-purpoB? ma- chines toward the automatization of production processes. For this rea?on, Yor exarzple,in the factories manufacturing ball bearings a production line systen will be introduced for six typified sizes of ball bearings and thereby the preliminary conditions for th? autae~.zation of production will be established.. It is a mistak? that up to nor the mesa production of th? moat curr?aot standard parts has not been introduced.. R?he indv?8dual factorise are manufacturing th?ae atandardi$ed spare parts th?ma?],~ and are using production methods evhlCh are considered pria~itivo in th? present age, The organization"of the mesa production of atandardiLed ,spare parts for stock and "i'or the ?laetic supply ~of th? enterpriB?B an th? baais- of norms will contribute to increasing th?, productivity of labor.In they pro- duction of typified prodneta it i8 nec?asary to change to th? most Progres- sine methods of production organization, in accozd,ance with th? volum? of production, " In the produotion~of the heavy machin? industry,where not erven.ty- ,pification itself can hake the introduction of aerial production possibl?,it is necessary -because of the ditf?rances of the machines - factured on a piece basis ~- to.:-find and to d?sign groups of paste of th? same measur?menta or at least, of the same kinds It is also necessary ~ group the production of thea? parts into s?ri?e and t? organi$? their pi'o- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 duction in closed cycles, Another important factor in increasing the level of t?chnology is the ap?cialization of preduction~coupled with the apeoificatioa and stabilization o cooperation betxeen ~tfactories, Speo9.alized produc~ tion demands that the production program of the factory b? defin?d and stabilized,and that the program bA basically ~ ohosea from th? point of vim of identioal or teohnology of product~,sn9?mbrao- ing products where t variationraaf d~rmand compensate each other. The specialization of production, made possible by tho drafting principl? of the plena for the seconl Five. Year,. ~~ b?oome a basic 9.n organizing the production of ! maohin? factors?s g~ also in the location of the production programs and in th? e~pedient formation of aooparatlonal relationav The developement of modern technology in machine produc- tion demands basic changes in the machine stock of the machine 3n-- dustrya~Thia applies ,first of all to tool- machin?a becaua? their level determines the d?gre? of~the productivity of labor and there- by the economy o2' production.Th? ration of milling machines in pro- portion-to to p~6 ~ machin?a in Czeohoalovakia has,reffiained un- changed for several years. For example, in the United States in 1~94~ the ratio of milling mach~.nes in proportion to shaping machines was ?3t27,wher?aa in Czeahoalovaki.a at~the same time the ratios was 86s1~4~(in pieces). The stock of machine tools in Czechoalovak~ na.chine industry consists mostly of universal Machin?a meet the requirements of-technology used approximate7.y at the end of World ~rtar II; Thus,for er~.mple, from the total number of lathes only 25~ are turret lathes ,automatic or semi-authomatic Lath??~ and The authmmatic ~ semi-aut'~.,matic lathes represent only 2,8;~,of the entire number~of machine tools, Turret lathes represent 5 ~ . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -39- and Planing machines_11,5~e Similar the ly,the stz'ucture of/ahap~g ~ch~? Stook also fai18 to 'meet the requirements of modern machine industrial technologyo For e~tp1ee97~ of the mach~,nes for - unguided foz'ging are ha.mmere and only 3~ are presses: whose production capacity in com ris to hammers is consider'abl hi ~ on Y ghera~ From the total number of hammer 48~ are s rin h p g ammers which by tar do not meet the de modern production and 1 mands ~ of ag ~ way behind the capacity of the pn~y tic ha.m~aerse?8o~ of the machines for guided forging are obsole such ass fall hammers belt to one ~ hammers cable hammers and turd px'essess Only 2~ of such machines meet the requirements of modern tec These are hnolo~ mostly vertical and horizontal forging machines of the moat modern design and have been acquired for the Czechoslovak dust in?. 2'Y mostly in the last years, The obsolete machine pang, especially in the forg~g ladust are an obstacle to switch ~' ~g over to high~,,p productive tec2mologi.. cal process?s. The average age of s~P~6 machin?s i? 208E years {in 195.)8 whereas in the United States in? the ave 1949 Y?a8e ag? xas? 1787 y?ars, in the ''Quiet Union bett~een 14 and yearse The aver e ~ ag age of the milling machines is 184 yam.?~~ th? United States in 1949 it' was 1285 y?~.~D~d ~ th? g?viet U it was a Wien PPmximately 12 y?ars, _ The present developement in the preduction of machine t o s does not o 1 guarant?e the rapid elfa~9.nation of these s?riou$ d?ficien.,. cies.Thie 18 substantuated by the t'oll~ ? - ~6 facts, In 1955 the production of milling machine tools incraas?d 1 in comparison to 1950, The 33 ,~ - production of lathe? g-nareased 1~,5 ~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 m ~ m that of turr?t lath?a 8~ a~ttomatia lathes 10 5~ ~ ~~~~" a s o axed tht~ : ~.noaae .iJ ` is siYSilaar in ?ps~1a2..-.~?hine toolsoTh?s? ligt~~? ar? na'l~.p . ;. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Ylu~o?d by th? produoti~- of .~h~a? to?la for for?ign e~a~H~~' evor~~ of oon?unption oZ t h? Cz?~ahosl? ma?hir~ indus~r,~ ~-?ala t~sa$ tPi? ia'f i?~,?no~ of m~,l.ling ms,Qh~.n? t~~a had! s~ not ohaxago~io The- $ituat~n ~.m aim ~oith r $~ ~,m oh~,n?so{ It is tY?!1? yth? Atoek ?f fo~,ging maohaa~ ha? ino8~so~l ~ . but prisaa~il.y in s~1.1 and ium uaito and th?gr 'iac~l 103. shoxs oar an insi~aiPioa~t i~~t i~ ~o??s~ to p~~ra~ ~! dnot~a'3~safor ooth?~ ~6? std?1 oas~pr~?a s~?~ ~ ~ a~??l~i~g rand ~?tsoh+~ao~.u ~ ~ 8iffe~ th? p~-ter mod?g xith ittn ate m~i~ahir gn?i~?e . t high?r r ?f ?l~at ioaa~ g?r ~ut~ o~ huh?r d?groo? oY ?~p? ~o?~orA??~~h d ~~ a ~~t~, utilisation ?f t~ ?lo~tQ s?fa~ ~~? not yot b?~a t~tilt~ Al s~?~ ~ t~ tam of ~~~ni~~g ~?t p~?oa??~ in t}~ f aux~dr:l?s mead ~'?~ ~ a,~ i~ an a~4~?!.0 ~~~ th?~ ?ti9.1 ?~iat ?poa~{~~. ~ioh ~ oo~pi ~ ~ ?~?~? . t~o~1?a1.3~r?= C~?, ?f the .s?~oua taoloa. ~ ~ ~~ a~plk~ 9~~~1~ ?R' n~ $?iqu? .R~ ~tl ~s tha sly g~? of ~ ~o eased m9.~1 i~tallat~i~ the Est ~?~ t~ ~o t ~ ?b~l~t? ue~ h~a? ~i~ ~ a ~ti~bl~ 1.Y ~~ g$'~a ~? e~~~nt o~ th? h9~? ?~~ o4~u?t~ t~ ~ t~ tont of 1~ 18 easuxo ~hiah ~osug~so?a lifot3uo ?! ~@~~~ y os? ~~ for m~o~iin?se??~,~ iaa tie f? and fo anima stri~,- C~~u~t].,$pttp '~- th? a~b~r of ~].l.i~ ~ohinoa t~ ~~~ or older Qompx~is~. ~~ than 6?~ ?f th? ~xshins a~ok~ tho Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 number of machines from 20 to 30 years old was 2Op; shaping ma- chines (non..ailling on?s) over 10 years old compris?d 69,5 off' 'the machine park,the numb?r oS such machin?s from 20 to 30 years old amounts to?31,6~. ' It can be Qaid that the aging of the maohin? park ie contit~ ~?~~ - technical methods proaide un, liinitsd possibilities in tho dervo'~op?ment ?ot th? pr'oduativit o~ y la3aor. Howe,-er~the Czeoho?lovak machine industry workers who ~,k? the machin?s and mechanical ~stallatioas and a18o thos? o who adapt ouch t?ahniquos to production,aro inclined to Yorget this. Th?y tolerate in their shops a large amount of old gnstauatg,osa sad are blocking the to the more rapid introduction of n.~ tech, piques in productiono~ For this ~?reason,~rhen drafting thci perspecti4? plan for the 1956060 yearoetho basic principle in oonneotion with nachine tool? was that the machino stook of tho ministri?v conoerned with th.~? . mac~iin? indu,atry must bO r?pl.aaod at a rapid rat? ?uch a fashion that the composition and average ag?Iof th? machin? stock shoo: reaoh a level vo`rr?sponding to that of states boasting th? most d?. ve7.op?d maohine indust~~; It has: ~dn determined that by' ].96.0 them will be no maohin? in the factors?e of the miatetries t'or machgn? industry ? Certain industries , where high precision i n roduction is not re uire~or o p q 1? e the government tractor atationssconatruction industry et ?~.: ~, e now adequately su~pplic~d with nou machine tools, Th? near maahin?e are not ~Q, utilised in th?s? industries,and especi8l~y their tecYinloal qualiti?a are left un?zploi't?d,? Tharefore~it is 30 ? y?ars o~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 .. ~}2 .- present _ uneconomical (from the c point of view) to , directly ~ ly?these industries with the newest and technically perfect PP machines ;it would seem more advisable to give them older machines ' from enterprises be'! cr~;ing to the enterprises of the machine in- dustry, Both problems,tha,t ?is the economical d~>atri'bution of machine s and? the faster modernization and replacement .of the machine tool stoc of the miniatries~for the machine industry,can be eolTad ; re , industry?s, esa by satisfying the needs of artly recisional productions ith older machines in good condition to P to the be supplied tp[ for this purpose by the f?=ctoriea belonging mj,nistries for the machine industry. Further s+o~uiaitions of ma,chinee by the machine industry gill substantially reduce the average age of its machines by 1960.An im rovement in the structure of the machine stock will also be P achieved by supplying m~,,chin?e of the ne~,Test construction and high capacity,for example: automatic lathea,turr?t lath?ssmachin?a for combined operations one-purpose ma,chinea~?tc. the shaping machines ~ their av?ra,ge a,ge will b? By replacing rednc6d and? the average world level xi7.]- b? achieved.p~duction ro--id? mechanical presses and its develope~ent will be gear?d to P of rester pressure.F'or, exampl?, it has be?n planned to manufactur? 8 for the Czechoslovak forging- shops ?3ie presses of the "Maxi" model with a pressure of ~s000 tonao Also count?~~a,asage sera of th? 16,.000 kSffi "B?rbe"s model.~Thsy will be used to introduc? n6w toehnological methods 9~i ahapingoeapecially in the automobile and airplane industries .The production oY steas~- repsectiv?ly pn?umatic heavy forging h~ert~,with th? ham- mer head. -prof?r weighing up to ~s~ ~?~d of rolling mi11B ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 has also beers pled. This will prow _ ids the conditions for th? ~ troduction of tha~most advanc?,d techno choslbva,g machine logy Ito the Cx a.ndustryo ~~ new advanCBd production methods Czechoslovak machine were introduoed industry, the ,, ~t~acthe 3.ndividu p cor_. orned o~y.? a fey factorie$ ~ ass and" were not Indust BPreac: :~,?~flc.~~.~tlp in th? eatiz ~? New advanced methods era bei _ ns3 introduced slow ~ 'e~68automatic we1d~ in C ec ~'~~ ~'or 15,E of t he z hoslavakia is used for onl we1d~ ~ob+a,wher-eae T about ~ the Soviet Union its use ea$ond to 60,~,Precision aasting,the automstiz ation oI heated 5 introduction of produotion asBembl Proc?esing,tn widel Y lineeae$c. arm not berg adopts p ?nough, Similarly, insuffiaiest, technical PrePQ."g"~,ion~ tual Pz`oduction he4'ore th? ac_ ~,tas also au obstacle th? technological lev?1 rr to th? increaa? of ..oat t?ahuolo eliriinattng and sole ~ Sists are eoneerned wit current ins~ticienci?s iu Product not pap such ?attentiori to the ,tiro h t? ion and do ? . duction ~ ohnical Pr?Par'ation or Fromm ~ z rk eta the .deBi a ani ation off- wo ; In+guPticient coo e gnere az~cl t?c~?logigt? is re P ration bet~reeu tleat~. nological, r?qusrementa in the road?quate t??he. ?f ~ th? d?si it is neQ?as"' - ~~~ j''or this reamon to t'ocus a31 attention within th? sible time on the te~ical de~e ~ ~?~?st fig" lopement of the machine industr~-,e?_ peciallp on th? basic izaprove~t ?g the teahnol,ogy of on?the modernization of a considerable ~ ~''oductia$~ nization number of plants~pon th? ~~a_ and auto~,tizatfan of production Pic?es .?? and on t a~ doztic~a _ ~t~uoing n?x model8 of ~chinm?' into pztiductionA, - Zn the s?aand Five Year Plan a mediu~i c~ization xi,1]. b? achieQ d@Br?? (about 8g,~) of m?-. . ed in the ? i'~dries and corgi . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - - ~3 " 1{.f} ., Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 A complex modernization of about 80 machine industry plants will be caz'ri?d~ out s Modernization will be bae?d on the revision of the . present technology in accordance with the newest a vrienc ,,, xP os and on redesigning present-d.a,y_ operations?Modernizat~,on will e P rmit the intro- duction f f o e ficient machinv_tools and sha P~G machine?9combin?d automatic machineasono-purpose mach~.n~B; it will also make Possible the o . of. closed cycles and automatic production lines The rganization mechanization and + automatic operation of the presently ua?d machine tools and shaping machin?s will exce 1955 ls~v?1 f ifteen_fold the ~ the s use 0't automatic and semi-automatic welding will be doubled in comparison to 1955. The technological level will basically influence the equipping of rod t P uc a with accessori?s~tools and instruments. Their production in C z?ohoslo'~ra~;ia is compl?t?].y split u P. ~ Under the ffi~istxy of the 2~,achine Indust Y`Y alone thvr? are 2'TO plants beside t, h? small units conducting mostly-maintenance Yrorko In only 4 of thes? s 'is the .production of hop? instrumonts~the chief line of production. Unt-il now the developeaent of the ro -of toolaeaccec~ies and inat~;ments has been one P duction ~,y accidental~it eras con_ ducted on. the.basi$ of local demand and never aimed t p _ o pj`ov ids such ?qu ip,. ment which ~~ould affect the increas? of the productivity of la r a exam 1e: - bo , s for p perfect sz~ritehe$,autona.tic instruments for making- measurements i th n e course of production et s c+ Littl? attention ha,s been paid .to the typification and ,standardization of c tally of operational in,~t ~struments 9 ?ape- rt~m?nteawith empha,sia on their individual ele_ $?nts+ In affecting th? normali-zution and typificati on of instruments it is necvsBazy to compil? sari?~'of basic elements and to introd _ uce the seo rial~produetion of th? typifiod and standardized parts, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 The results achieved by the C2echoslovak people 1n the yield of new technology in the first Five Year Plan are evident in an entire.roM of 'new ` products iri all branches of the national ?conompo To a decisive?~ ~~~~ industries and the introduction of nex technology in the entlr9 Czech,oslova~( national economyeConaequentl3r-the great poa8lbilitiea and 1 resourceaswhich Czechoslovakia unqu?stionably had and has, were not e}:ploited completely.The other branches of the heavy industry did not keep pace with the rapid gror,~th of the nachine induatry.Thia la true ~. especially of the supply of industrial materialao For this reason the introduction of new technology had to be linked frith are ' increasing econony in the use of ma,t.erials,coupled with improvement of .the quality of the manufactured machinery and inatallationso It was n?c?a- sary to declare war on the former extensive use of metalao0n the ba,ala o~ the latest developementa in~scionce and technology,it was necessary to di- rest the activit~.ea of sci..entific institutiona,designing bureausat~ inventors and innovators ( -with the mass participation of workers and technicians - } in such a fa.sYrion as to promote tkn rapid reduction in the a use of materials and thereby-to insure ~ further r do. velopement of the machine industry in the years, This task con- , - tinuea even to-day'despite thy, tact that. 'basic defici?ncies ,for example ~in the -fouxzdx~~.~ it~':..a~,~~?~ ~ : _.~:~0 the ~unevennegs o'f production, The uneven operation,, of the fac- ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 _ 65 tortes consumes the valuable tine of the leading workers which they could use for creatin6 the conditions required to introduce new techniques Into productions and for promoting technical developements, Some imprrn ment has been achieved in the evenness of production in the factoriee,This is reflected in a better distribution of quarterly tasks accorc~ia~, to mont2~ But ao far there are no signs of having uchiev?d evenness in production during the month itself.Both in th? factories and within the ?ntire mi- niatry ,the completion of the plan shows conaiderabl? fluc- tuation in the individual decades (ten-day periods), There is also a storms rush period at the end of-each month, For examplagif the average produotior quo t?d in the first decade is 100 psrcent,~ the production figures for the g decades of 1955 were the foil oxing~ 1955 ~y Jun? , 1st -2nd decade 3c1 1st tad decade 3d Total machin? industry production 140 ? 117 170 100 ~ 118 173 Production of consumar9s good? in the machine iu- dnatry 100 - 13~ 30'7 - 100 139 336 Agricultural machinery 100, ~ -1~7 216 100 192 295 Ball b e ax ing a 100 _ 173 276 1.00 130 201 - Motorcyol?s 100 _ 105 166 100 97 7-9~ E1?c.~rash;:rg machin?s 10'0 ~ 175 769 ~ 100 l67 l95 El?otric acre?pera ~ - ~ 100 - 151 223 100 97 102 Bair clipp?re ~ 100 - 10~ ~ 111 100 121 110 ? $?win8 mac~inea 100 _11+2 208 ? 00 9~ ' 122 With f6-A e~~eptions$in-the e3tir? Cz?choalovart national ?conou~ today th? conditions?neaeaaary for ev?ry factory to camplete its state plan s,~ith = .. G~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 r 66 ~ e datermlined specifications and to maintalz~ an even strict adherence to th do e~ciat. production pace - ~ __ _ ? d be aid to the fact that in the C zecho Slovak ma-- Attention ghoul p a still ma~Y enterprises oveaent 9there ar china i.nduatry ~deapite sons ~Pz' _ their produc- ra not operatin8 xythmically and are not cot~rpleting which a _ tion plane ervenly. ~ - Factory ~at:~tex The production f inures of the I''~?cb?~e Industry M?choluPy oan be ball bea.rin6 factory in prise in Zebrak and the -- is conducting ea.Althou~h the factory in riacholuPY quoated as exarspl ?a month by Month shoat larg? aerial production, its production f 16ur decade of the nonth.This not only con- third - . sh ~ the a stornyentire e of the top workersDl~ut also requires that th e tec auMee the~tim f i ni sging their oim work Whelp in th? shops to work on nicians,after Such inea in order to _~,.nsure the fulfilment of the Pl~? fac% the much ~ ~ this roduction 'nag gocoIIe accented c,.zd is considered norms-ua decadaa P ea for the Cory the break-do~?rn of production i ice' _.a i s the_ f olio ~?rin& ~ _ _ r i1 1955 June 1955 ? ? . Ap - , st 2nd - 3d ? 1st 2nd -- ~? c? e c ado _ _ae ? 25 3~ _- 57,7 16' 31~ 53 1'T~ ' ' m , ~ break-doz'Tn of Production opQrs?tions corresponds also ..1.1 J In the n co-irorl~ora to the t?or~:ir~ tim? of file tirorkers ^.nd leadinti, -_t~e z~?as from 8 to 9 furs; .in the second first 1act~~e tl:.o ~~or::in~ ~ the third from ~ ~' to 14 aoura? to 10 hours; in decode j t was frog: 9 r" b co-~?.orkers fora th a offices is not included in "Br~ad? wort y the a e f i~;ure s. v ?- .,A ?ndustry FwctorSr National Ehte.priae in Zebr~.k The ,:a,chi?- _ Hsre the brewkdown of pl'~=suction ~ccox~il.~ to operates sin.ilaxly. ~- ,;,..., Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 d?c;a,dea 13 ~:t -, the follo~?r1ng: ? January 1955- - march 19.55 1st 2nd _ 3d - 18t 2nd 3d ~~~~~~e l5 ~~~a~~ ocwde 22~6n - ~_'j.3s6 0 12'$N 2588x! 61a4p June 1955 July 1955 1st 2nd ~ _3d 1st mod. ??ocade ?- c~ecwcle 3d 3,8;` '~%' 58i~ 1288; 2886' S8 6 0 a if ;:eitr,.er in 2d~cinolupy nor in ~ebral~ was the nanagenent able to level out the fluctuwtion of production and to croate a balanc? of aeni-finis~ied productB. - Th e main reasons ~ for t he unevenness in produeti~ and in the shipments of finished products causing a great rush in com- pleting t h ?plan at the end off' the month -are to be found primarily ~ ~ Lisufficient planning and organization of production within the factory itself e The level of .planning ~?rithin the f n.etory i,a often un- favorablS influenced by the- increasing demands with which t pla~i~ers are Eased as a result of the -constant increas? in production?Here :.n- terna~. pl.ann does not ? insure the necessary organization o2' produc- ? Lion ~.T1 the 3hQpsoTYli3 7.n turn leads ~ to th? disruption .of even asa~IIlbl~ and shipping o.f finished producte~o In 1955,for e:cample, in the :~,,.. chine Industry Factory National nterpris? in Zebrak the assembly and shipnent of finished precision lathes n,adel FN 2'2 wee delayed becaus?_ the factory failed to na?ke the necessary preparations for - ilam*~ered production in the shopso The assea~t~ly was also by the delay of the shops i.rt supplying p3rts.Tnese are the primary reasons w':~p the plan for th o i~achinas menti~Gner1 was not fulfilled.. ? ~s .~ ~ - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 68 factory Another great fault-in internal/planning reeul' ing in uneven production -. is the improper uti~.ization of produa- tion capacity and the failure to conduct previous estimates of production capacities according to the work required and the groups of machine installations. The underestimation of the existing pro- duction capacities in the operation plan ~ hampers the g achiervement of the required results ~ and also materials - the supply of the necessary ~ semi-finished for produc- tion. In many cases it: disrupts the production of t~ta sna,ll parts which are necessary for assembling the products,This accured,f'or example,in the t~.a,chine Industry Factory National Enter- prise in Varnsdorf 3n June 1955. In Chia factory the stat? and production capacity of the ma- chine park were unknown.Thia led to an underestimation of the pro- duction capacity. For example,in the first half of 1955 th? plan for general repairs was completed 480, In comparison to thiaaun- planned repairs were completed to the extent of 168; their volume .exceeded the volume of -the -plazu1ed repairs thre?-folds The machine for grinding dorm the edges of the rianufactur?d machines brok? down and was out of order for 2a months, It was necessary to rasp these edges by- hands The result of this waa feverish work in all shops of the enterprise and a failure to complete the }flan, An equally i~rportaxit insuf~'iciency iri internal ,planning and orgaziization of production in the factoriea,which diaturbss their even production, i~s the unsatisY'actory state of technical preparations for productions When designing new maehinea,th? designers and technolo{~ists fail to insure the productional and operational quality of the new product.For this reason,nuneroue corrections are Wade this becones evident when production is begun, It is necessary to mike - ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Yn2 a9m 4agg ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -70- ? ~; at the best,would be a sign of shortsightedness, 'Jnder the conditions ~? in Ozechoslov~l~ic.,it is necessary .to choose another solution. ~~x~tBxm~~.~ss~c.~d~::g~uam~gc~x~~Y~'.~atx~~t~x ~..chan~e from, small serial- and piece production to ~. :, large aerial-_and production is possible only with a wid?,thorough ' and s~~ aysthenatic standardization of ma? industry products. Very little hc.s Qeen done in this respect in the past years. Therefor?~ r it is necessary that Wore attention be paid now than previously to this imtant basic condition for the further t?chnical developenent of the machine industry. 'she tasks assigned for this purpose moat inaures~ ss b 1~ the Host ext?nsive unif ication and standardization of models and characteristic measurements of uk^_chines; ~ ~ the selection of the best ki?ids of machines for production; 2 a 2) the most extensive standardization and unification pos- sible of models and design groupa,unita and pasta;the determination of th?x~ Host perfect designing forms and siz?a Por pro- duction; 3~ the mutual repl.a~ability of broupa,units and parts, Naturally, in the production of a large? number of vaxious kinds oi' machinery and instc,llatioris in comparatively small serieseit is not always . modern possible to make the often expensive change to ~~ technical max xs~ production methods, Through a purposeful standardiza- tion or r~~chinea, mechanical installations,units and mc,chine parts - "rroat it is possible to create conditions gt inport,for ex~ple,cars and truc'._s,the greater part o: r~achi:~e tool:,etc. In 1953 tl.e exports of? raachiner-f and mechanical installations com~ rised 12,3;' of the entire Polish e~tport. In the futuro the Polish machine industry is trending to- ward the production of couple:: L~achiner',~ and installations,rzs for examw;le: r~^..chine tools ~cutoi_zobilos,ag ,icultural machinery,excavators, construction and road machinery, etc . Poland inte:zda to deg,*elop? the production of rolling aills,to double the production of the cheDical industry,to increase the production of excavators almost 6 fold,tho production of agricultural r.~.rvesting con- bines Wore than l0 foldetho production of trucks 50~,that of cars 6,5 fold,Diosel Qnginea 3 fo7_~?,generatora 4 fold,3tear turbines k fold~t~achine tools 70;~ (this includss a Wore than five fold increase in they produc- tion of automatic and semi automatic latheso ~TitY~ respect to its volume and assortment of produeta,the Hungarian r::achine industry is also ~sr~aller thL~xz that of Czechoslovakiae Its techni- cal level - ;?rit'n sore excegtions9such as the electro-technical industry and the locor~otiv~e industry -does .lot the Czechoslova?~ levelo:~reat - f uturo ,_ ir~~gtance ,is attachod to ~thefdeveloper~ent of the machine induati~,~ in run- ._._ must gary, The ~~chine industry in that country/tr?nds primarily toward the pro- . duction ?of machines for the mechanization of agriculture and for mal~ing ~ ? Fron the above revlew?of?the machine industries in the individual people's demodracies it is evident that the Czechoslovak machine industry - ;~Tith regard to its tra'itions,*~ast e;;perience in production,Mechsnical a :ui;,cment m will continue to be ~.n i ?portunt factor in the further economic ~developement of the other people's domocraciese uzechoslovakia,however,r~xst ta;:e into consido- consumer?s good?s. ration th~;at th? de~sands of tY~e people's democracies wi?1, increase in ~conparison erfdi~m~~nce,technically pretentious and of the host modern design, ons~ _o~' high p ~ _ to former yeare;these demands will center around r.~.chlnes and installs- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~ by c'oordinat - --_--~ ~ the prc~uction prograiiiis~ ario - ng the countries of the socialist caarp through an international, distribution of labor. Without a properl;; functioning economic cooperation~it is hardly possible to ~ ~ ,fulfil all the great tasks which x in t he coin - `~' " ing years. will face the-CZe~hoslovak national econor~p,and warily the nachine industzy~/~ ~ pri_ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Internwt Ec llonic - 83 in file '' a? In ustr It I=nist not be forgotten that competiticll b?tween the socialist and c,apitali, t ecoi;ornic s;~stams is not a mere phrase but necessity,ir. which technical c~evelo e:n~nt~n ob~ectit~e p ?~s a decisive rola. io set the direction .and the pace oz~ conpetition bett~~een the tw economic systems, it is necessary to study thoroughl.,S' the state f o _ ~ -kcal dev~opeinent abroad a.nd to master it. One of the r," o tech 1wctors in increas inv the uace of file introduction oy technical developerients vakia i~ th e ex, ~ j-n Czechoslo? p_oitation of scientific and technieal cooperation among the peopler~ de>ocracies and the "Quiet Jnion,ti~tg~ and also their economic coo_?oration. The res troduced in the entire national econo~r ra i ~ alts must be in- p d1,y and ~yst?ma.ticl,y. g A firm support for the furt~ler technical developement of the Cze slova~; >,lach cnos ins industry and for the increase of the productivity of labor irthis industry is undoubtedly the increase of the volume of large eerial? and mass production; tn~~rttr--- - - - ? Econonic relations among the coi;; - ~ r z lies o~ the socialist oanp are in accordance with the basic econoni?,4principle of socia and the principle of aethodical and proportional~devel a lisrn the social ai>r of satin ~~ a op nent,sub~ect to f'Y~8 a~ conpl.etely as possible the constantly incr?asing demands of society,by c?natantly incr.?as th? aid of new technical developeaents E ~~ ~'~ production with .. eonomic cooperation among the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 countries of the socialist camp are based on the new socialist interna- tional division of labor. Socl.a:list division of labor among states is ? conducted by closely coordLnating their national economic plana,eapeei3l ly the plans for investment c.onatructions, and by specialization and cooperatio~z arsong the Host i.. portant branches off' industry. This economic coo,eration is a new type of international ralationa, unequaled in the history of civilization. The international division of labor ( In the form of dividing production,developement and research ?='o-- grans) ~.a of enormous si~if~Lcane to industry, especially to the nachine industry. PJamely,on the basis of definite speciul.ization and supply it is possible to increase and cl~,nge piece production to aerial- and even large-serial production with all its eventual advantages, mhe division of labor auong the individual people's democracies is v9ry advantageous for the nachine industry ~rhere the assortment of products is such wide, and where a considerably number o= machines and mechanical installations are manufactured in small serie3 or by piece productions^he results of such cooperation 1~rould necessarily bring con~ic'.erwble economic advwntages to .the particil;atinC countries. Another improta:zt factor in economic cooperation is the saving of invest~:ents in the i~~di;ridual countrios,bocause overlap anc' duplicity in proc?uetion,ciQVelopemEnt ~.ncl r_essarch is elii~inated~. 3y reducing the rit~r~ber or pro~.~ucts (narrot,ring d:cthe assortr_:ent of pro:~ucts )~~. snallcr assort: _s~~t of machine *!ZOde~ s and :~eeh~naiical instal- lc.tions can bo c'n~^_~;ed to productio~z or_~ploying rwcern technical nethods, ~onsequentl3r,this ra~ults in i~ incr?ased productiTity an3 econ~ot^i cr.l- ness of production. 4t~aAr~i~r~fens The division oi' labor among,-countries :~tith plan economies provides thsir furthar pcvUibilities to Qlim'+n?te~e~cono~~ic d.epender_ce on the eaz~.tal- istic countriesgto ircreas? ser,iwl prccuction; . tc~ ~:oncentrate t~ch- ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 r i c; , rror~:; to c111:,ii~.tca 4ul~licity;~ar.%~ to insure th~:~xa~camgroator oco- no:.:31~a~s- ir: ti.e ~e~-eloi~or:5nt or the :~uchi~:E ind~:sti;?. .~oCotis.tions ~ or oco~:~:~~:~-~.c coo_r.~:ratio~z in the Wachine inuustxy are br--;; in,~inC at ~ t L?' e tthan viiey ~;eoi to f s cio;~ocrac i es ~l,ave Cone; tlz^ou~;h a periou of Crewt ~s~~t$ inc~~ictrial u.evelo?ae:~Ent,cap~eci~.lly with reapec.t to ?tre ::,~ chine? inc?.tstry.^1-_i~ nz-'1od tray s:i_ficic~Y~t to rccoCizize ths.t further Qco_~cnie develbpenent is possib].a with close eoope~^ation ~.non~ the pee^-lc~ s denocracios an:_ t're Soviet Union. ~~~-lama~~attIIr~::i-n.;t3ar~r~z~SsS~~ t c~a~-~~~~~~-~r:~t~tex~t.Y A lack oy coorclinwtior. in the tine develope:~ent of i>~ production. ~ in the r~~~~cl~ine ~in'usti^y irou?u leap? to a duplicity of facto~~l0S,a1~d Glso certain to the introduction of ~~'~~~ :?:inds of products ~ ?~rhich could be one or t ha other supplied by~s~ os tl~e poorle` s denoc~^s.cies or by the Soviet :;Hier. be- cause the products are ~ beady n,^,.nufa,ctured there.Thoso cleficienciea in the devslopersant of the iizdividual countries would reduce the of f.ect ive- Hess of file invested capitwls a*~d would not foul the most iavarable con- ditions for file constant rise of the productivity o~ ~ social labor; us a resu?_t they would retaxd tie rise of the ~ standard of livingm ~?lhat great possibilities economic cooperation covers -is best indi- cated by the first stays 1-rr~ich have been r_lado. to achi~=ve cooperation ?in, the yroluction o ~' ball bearings. s~t;c~x~ ~x_~~~Xx~~aa~ By their coopera.- tion (the division of developsnent end production) the coun- tries have sofar gained ~n a.dvantaCeous start in the developanent and in- troduction of near models acid ,sixes, Thereby they have assured their eco- nomic independence ~m the capitalistic countries in these vital pro- ducts which are necessary to coIIplete neW ma.chine_ industry products and t mainta,n 'the preseT? m=chine stock in operation. ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 86 - , a At present a series of bilateral negotiations,concerning the moat va- ?riou8 branches of the Machine induatry~ are in progreas~ They concern,for example,rsachine tools,power-in?, construction industry machinery, automobilos,tractors,etc, In negotiations on economic cooperation and division of production prograrss,the issues taken into consideration are: the utilization of favor- able economic conditions in the individual countries,their experience in a certa~.n industrial field,their capacity, hone demwnd etc, Through negotiations it is desired to achieve in the short-- ?st time possible: 1) a better utilization of the already existing capacities,a ban on superfluous constructions and investments for un~ustifled new production capacities in one country or the other; 2) Wore favor?ble conditions for the further rationalization of $Y'O- duction;nore serial production and effective cooperation; 3) ~'~X'~'"}g %~~~$~~~X~~~~~t~:cp~t~a cooperation in the planning and production of .complete inveatmant unite,for both dom?stic dema.ncl and ?xporte , 4) the closest possible cooperation in research and t?ating on.a wider ~: scale,for the purpose of forming larger groups of co-workers in the resveo~. tive fields thereby accelerating such activitieso PARS' Y? Tasks Qf '~h~ fl c lns?~dustrv 9~a Cie i n ~~ ~.,.~d~..,._ t~L n Of' SQOsm-?CzechosiaQa~~,e 'Fux~h?R ~an~tx~a- During the past ten years Czechoslovak industry. has achieved conaidgr- z abl? resulta,primarily in the rate of its developenent,in i~ ~tg r?~.~uat- went and in th? invreaae of ~ita production rolu~oThese results aati be at- \\~ ? tribut?d to the pref~nt~l detrelppemc~nt of the ?product~.on of produotg,?n means which are. the bases ?f the devel"?pement of~production reaourc?s . ~ ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 oY t ho r?ao? oY toshnioal dc~~log~+m~nto D?s~~te these r?sulteD~.t oarusot b? d~nie~1 that th? ~pplicati~ of sett t?obnic~u?a 8nd of ~si~a too~aol~ hae aot~ aoh1~6Q. ~oYar a d~ x c~ioiv? 9~Yluou?~ on the inoraas? of productioaa mnd its ~ ~~ nomiaaln~oa - a].~h~Ba thoa? v?ry ?2'f?ot~ ar?a fa?tor oY induotrial doer?- lopea~nto3.~s gon? branoh?~~-~ ?f industrial. produotio~sCt~~~?].~ak 1~du~t~ hao achi~er?d th? wo~id 3,ov?~10~?rath0 ovor~l~l a~t? oY tsahuioal do~e~ 1.?p?mont to n?t o atiaYao#~~o~o~ b ??t' in~~tr~ are 9.~g~.?~ behest th? wor'l.d 3~?lo~h? pr?~v5at has?~ oY $eslaniaal_ d~?lop~t door nc~t t~e~-t tho rea~tirt~ ?f tho tao~ ~aet ~t tb~ ~ooo vivo Y?a~ 8& !~ oo~ ascot xith the devel?p?ra~t ?Y teobpa~o~o?? taa~~ ahould ~Y~.I.~ with the aid oZ th? ~aet r??o'orcgc~ u'hioh oon b? ~d? e~ail.ab2~ ~~~ intrc~oduction oY t~s~lgn~o Th~+ ind~aotrlal p~tt9,a1 a~ad oapaa~. oY t~ ~t ~attoI. ~~ n?~ to ~td~~ ~t ao1.?I~ t~ ba~i~ ?3Y i~ ab~oluto ~c~~.~~.o'?? $t~ p~otab~ of th? r ~~' th? o~`~?? t?iYt i~ g~:i ~.3.~ ~ s~~it the bs~~a~ ?Y th? ooon~.- oY 4a~d~ot~ of t~ ~ati~ ~ti~~ ?oa+~n~ to t~ati~~ th? nom ?Y ~o~~~ and ~Y ~it~ t g.a~o by thFi ata~nt ?~' px~scl~?3 t~l.oh YP.Y].0 ~ ~ : ~o o1aY1?~ ~ ~apital~~a ~ ~'~~.7.~ ~~ ~~ a~ ?~ tb~~? ~? ~~ th3a o?~?t~t a~ tc~ oa~~te ?~~.~t ~~sol' ~ that 1t i~ nem~oar~g ~ ?>gs ~on~ai~sa the 1 ?~,,~.?t~.? o tri??o~'~ ~- t~ a~~? t ~Y i~fl~~tr~ p~~u~t ~r p~~+i~~ I~atu.~?.3:~ ~ thla i s not a q~?~tl~ ?f s~~i~ the a~~~ ?tb~n " ~liare per \~r~~~ Zt i~ oo&~S.d?r~ ~ ~ ~t '~ ~~.t ' duBtrial potont ~'o~ th? b~ne~'it ~f'~~ ~?h ~~ ?YY~-~tiw?1g t~~ ~, $h~.a ~ ~~ a?~ t?a~ o~tr~o? ~ ~ ~ t~ past ~oa~a~Qth~4. ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -- 88 In the years of industrial reconstruction in Czec~oslova- kia, a saries of results hav? boon achieved in the develope:~ent of tho cou try's industrial potentialo~ T:;Zese_ results aro best ret?leeteci by campzring the pr?- and poat..War avorage share of Lic?ustrial production par person in Czechoslovakia and in the leadii~; capitalistic countries. ( The output of?th a power and cos`!"industries,the production o~ crude steel anu ce- ment are the Host decisive indexoa for 3udgir~ thn econo,~ic developamont of a country) s 'Production por person Czechoslo- Britain 1934 1954 1934 1954 Fower (Ln ~dh) 285 1051 512 1468 Coal (in mss) 1890 3500 5165 4449 Crude iron (3.r. kgs) .116 215 l82 238 Crude steel (~ ego) 159 330 Cement (in kgse) 96 198 ~ #prdr~ coal(lignite~) e~.prossed coal, frith a coefficient of 1,7 279 370 156 238 :?ieat G?rnany Franco IIS 1934 1954 1934 1954 1934? 19 1385 487 1067 1136 3351; 3630 1076 1271 3488# 233 254 192 209 293 ~ 32~ 352 l92 248 399 493 186 328 104 224 156 281 ~lneae la.gures Lndicate ~ rapid 1xlcreaa? in the industrial ote ti l p n a of Czecho slogakia after World ~?;ar II. Before the trar the average volune of industrial pros duction per parson in Czecr~oslovakia tras f a,r behind that of the leadins capitalis- tic countri?s,f or 'exarzpl?a with ,respect to coal, crude steel output etc, After th? completion of tho first rive Year Plan and the succ?ssful developement of th? Czechoslovak economy in the years 19~$? and '55athe avarago share of industrial production per person is higher th~.n either in France or Canada; it has reached the level of Britain and ~~est Ger,atZd has neared t he pre-~~rar production of the United States ,This `fact is of gr?at signif icance ,pith res.p?ct to the further Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 developenent of Czechoslovakia. It serves as a basi3 of comparison anc~ de- termines certain phasos in t'rie further developenent oi~thv Czechoslovak na- tional economy.In tho near future Czechoslovakia ~~rill soon surpass Eng12..nd and ~~Teat Germar~y with respect t o the Indexes mentioned, At a further stager only the United States irill~ remain as a competitor fro; among the capitals: tic countries.The means by_Srhich thesQ victories can be achieved is the ful-? filnent or the tasks of the. second Five Year Plano industrial production per persona larger scale d?velopemont, o f th? nation- al economyDand primarily of the machine industry will occur in t h? seoond Five Year P1an.In the second Five Year Plan t h e CzechoalovalL machino in- ' An analysis of the levels achieved in the Czechoslovak national eco- nomy,in comparison frith th? leading capitalistic countries, has revealed tha~ 1)Czechoslovakia ie som?ti{hat behind sn the electrification of the country because the present index of the average share of the power supply per person is lower than in the leading industrial countries; 2) Cz?choalovakia lags behind the industrially developed countries in the mechanization oS her economy; 3) The situation is similar with respect to automata?atson,in compari- son ~[ to th a United Statee~,Britain,?tc. ` The analysis has also revealed certain insufficiencies sn the prom portial developement of the Czechoslovak economy. Ther? is a aertain dis- har~O~my b?tween th? fuel-and~_ raw material resources and r_ gi~~, the industries manufacturing consur~er~ a goods; increasing To satisf~r th el,matersal and cultural needs of the Czechoslovak peopl?~ at~d 'to ovortake~and surpass the leading capitalistic country?s~.n -89r dustry will,hav? to achieve the world level in the production of a aeries of vital products such as automobiles~tractorsmcrudo oil engines, el?ctric lo- coasotivesslarg? machine tools"and shaping machines,certain installations Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 -90- for th? food industryDetc~ :.'his of course does not include products in which Czechoslovakia ha.s already a,chierved the zrorld level or is nearing itefor example: the production of motorcycles,refrigex~a,tion installatior_e Kaplan turbine,adding ,machines and certain unique machines. ductivity of lwbor Host -be insurod in comparison to _195. A considerable saving of m~.terials and raw ~.terials is planned bacause Czechoslovak ma- chines in general are heavier tl~zn the ones manufactured abroad,For tiha reason,fron 1960 on,a nuriber of r~zchines and installations will b? re- designed and mod?rn ized,;~raste of naterial S~?ill be substGntia113' reduced and the use of ply? =tic n~^,terials ;~ri1_1 be increa,s?d, ' StTiti~ the aid of the investments planned under the s?eond 5 Year Plan in Czec?~oslovakiat~,chine indust?~y plans grill be;,r L_cuernizod. and the conditions for the mass introduction of modern production methods in the machi.r:o industry will, be incur?d. To s.ehis've? a substantial increase in the entiro 1eve1.l~c of the Cz?_ ? chosloval; national econoi~r i~ is neceBSS,r.,, first o-r wll to insure the cie.? In 19b0 tha volume of gross production brill be approximately 83 per_ cent higher, than in 1955.Sinultaneously at least~a 2%3 increase in thv pro Fur~tlhe~1~?~ore,an ir~conpa,rablQ` Wore rapid pace must be achieved in the introd~~ction of new techniquese To enable the Czechoslovak r~:chine industry to fulfil these ta3ks in '~ must he consiG.?red tho basic rule i_n $~, developin6 t Ile ns.t3:ona1 econor.~}ro r; - especially the prod action of. net~r machinoa,installationa and inst?runent,a -~ - velopement? of now teciu?iques, - - ror this reason the devolopement of naehine industry produetion~- the coming yoars,it is necess ` - ary to rem?dy certain serious deficiencies in' ~~ its technical level ;-rithin: the shortest tine possibl?ebecau?se they are hampering th? ryuality - of production. ; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 91 Tkic t.,ec'.u.ical get o" procuctioi:,esreciall3' the * ~ state and `t technical ~_~rJal of th? Mc.cilinery an^ ;a:st?~1'!._.tioiis,o,nd their practical +atilization are of t2ie `rewtrst si~,iificur:ce for tlzo technical level of L. the entire ;aC.chliZC industry. .he ri:.chine stoc'~ of the Czechcalova~: :~acliine industry to--cls.y is noct-'. 1;; universal and cor?'~espords to the tac~inolo~;ical level of the pre-war years. R ~gretal~ly,littlo has bean done tbnder the first Five Year Plan to cl:z~n~e the situation. also the cor~ppsition of t he ;~ach~ie stock of shap9.r~, r:~~chines ~:nd their averaga age fail to neat the require- Me its of r_~dorn tECYniology in the leading industrial countries, ~Jntil noZ; little attention has been paid not only to the structure of the machine stock but also to its replacement, The z~roduction of machines aYso shows certain signs tirhicY? mist be urgiently eliminated, Developement and research in the field of shaping cachines is altogether neglected ,In the United States and the Soviet Unioilsfor exa.mple,drill bits are already manufactured by ' t~'ris+,,inS the profile of the drill bit; small balls Dbarrela and corgi?s for b' all bearings are manufactured by shapinga gears in factured thes? countries are .> r~tteh Wore eeononically tban in Czachoslo-~ vakia' where technological. methods of the past decade are sti~.l t1s9d, The situation ~ is somewhat batter in. the production of milling machine toolanesp?cially the ones of a heavier type,Cz?ehoslova~ kiaeho~tever;is'1a6Sing behind in th e utilization,of special machinery and ~~aggragat? unita,also in equipping machinery with ace?ssorieae ~ The best proof this def~icieney are the ace?saori?s of autono- biloaemotorcyc~le.s,bal7.~-bearings,ref'rigerators~ and ?other consumers goods, _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 a aeries of pneumatic _hat~nera with a p?rt'orr~ance of tip to 2e500 tone, f t o Zo 000 tona,autonatic u ai11Other cha,racteriat~.c trait of the modernization of techno- logy in the machine industry is the ration of?machine work in pro- er ~ Production unit. ~iatural- portion to manual labox~7~ P ly,thia index is uni'avox'ably 9Lnf1-uenced b~' t h? insufficiencies in the structure of the, ma, stock and in the ut9.lization of -~~ techn18a1 methods in production: ` modern ~ ~ _ In order to increase the technical and technolo61ca1 level of machine production,~4- devolopement of machine tools is plane?d under the second Five Year Plan. Theee will be both mi11~6 tools and s~,ping tools.~Y"thermore,th? degree of mechanization and automatfr nation will be incx-eaaQd b9 th a vasi use and ingroductlon of ad- ditional installations,by installing electronic controls for the machine toola;high-precision ma,chlxiez'y will be used,eapecially one-purpose machines and aggregate unite; the pace of developing milling- and aha.Pin6-too5. production will be substantial-lY increas- if16d and standardized to a wide ed,their designs will be typ r?sa?s gill be gx'aduallp deer?- ext_ent.By 1960 a serios of forging p , to ed,and placed into production,Theae press?s will~be?~ert~,cal and P horizontal owes with a performance of up to t~vo00 tons, Lik?wis?a p ' ~ . ala Y~pdraulic pr?eses with a performance o ball bearing8,acrewaanuta,boltgb~' presses for the mss production of turret latheseautffiomatic lathes,somiautomatic lathea,inatrumenta, scalea,rapid heating.f~aCec~~stallationa for th a ,,utomatization of production in the foundries and.forg~ Plants,automatic nachinE for pressure castin8anew types of machines ,for autoaatlc ~ welding ?tc.-will alao~ be introduced. ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 93 - The forgin6 shops and foundries of the machine industry-are equipped with s obsolete m~:chinery acid installations and are ham- pered by the insufficient mechanization of strenuous ~~~ ~,nual operations. To improve-the work of these branches of the machine iY dustry,large scale nechanication trill be uildertaken, in the forging shops. r A series of~ new technolo ical trork- p c-. 6 and roduction meths ha~re been introduced during the first Five Year Plan in ord~~,er to increase the productivity of labor and to reduce production cost; also to insure the- needed developement of economy in the use of ~,_ terials and raw Howerver,th a tracable effects of these n?$hods on the national econoa~ are not satisfactox^y, The new me- thods are not generally :,tidesprea.c~ a.nd are not being usedeTheir in- troduction is progresses o~y g~duallye To accelerate the-spreading of new and modern technological processes and production nethods - ? = ~ castingaahall casting, precision forging,economical surfacing will be 4ntroduQedjth? auto-? manic heat control of forging ovens,eto. will b?-expanded,_ The mechanization and automatization of ?the riaintenance of mac?tine tools. and shaping tools will be considerably develop?d~ Also a .series of highlry-groduct~.~re_ ~.nd on?-~trpoea nachlne~ will ?be introduced?The nunbex of such machines will increase ten fold ~ conrx:s~ison to 1955,? A' considerable number of assembly- and pro4 duction lines will be placed in opera-t~ionolt will be necessa to .~ i~~crease substantially-the pro3uction'of goods Eton powdered ne$~s?- etc,mh~~ chr.,,nEe to modern `production methods denands a substantial ?improvement in the trork of the Czechoslov I~ shops. It is necessary to'incr?ase the itoas of the p1F.neThe pri many -purpose of t here~i~tems,will b?.to conduct the modernization and Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 94 - subBtantial improvercnt ir, the tra,st r'r_~c_~_;;~, o:: `~wc~~ .. ` plants?iae conditions=for tiiQ introduction of ~e industry shaping_ and ~~r new,ni~i J offec rive milling r~chinQ tool,combined auto- matic n~~ch~1os,one-` pUZ'Pose r-chin?sDautomatic production and aBSen lY lines r1ust ba ~sux'ed?ihese t;ill be tha chief mean plot s fo~? con- ~ the tc,sk oi^ alternig the structure of the ~ chii ~ . Eton tli? present ratio~t of,tel., ~ ze stocl~ ~r ,, 8s 2, in favor of milling nachinesp to a ratio of ?P3? Coal is t he basic and the Host ir1portant raw nc=teria Czechoslova~~ n~ l ~ the ~.tional ?conorgq? Its deve lorement is affected to a considerable degree by coal production. In the newt Q~,s dovolopene*~t of Czechoslovwk induct Y the rapid z`Y will depc3nd on the total of the coal output and on rho degre? of econ~ in us For the further sieve ~ coal, lopenent of the CZeah.oslovak notional econo~r it is messes ~9 to insure the maximum increase in coal output in the Ares?nt nines, and the rapid constrt,1ctio ulnes.Simultaneous ~ _ n of new ly it is s.leo neaessary~ to insure the ciesireabl? substitution of coal with lignite by the a ro and construction of n?w capac~,ties Fo PP priate developement ? r this reason the basic t as7- of tho Czec `~ hoslovak machine industzy in the second Five Yea,Y? p . will bo to inst~?e~.. in ~ ~ lam Query possible way th? construction of netiy mine8 by supply then with the necessa ' j`Y ?nachinery and arechanlcal .9.n~tallation$. Aloes with this it is Hess .~ ssary to insure the aPP~priate aapa~aitieB_ in the proaesai. . new .coal wash '~8 of coal by building ~ plants-,pr.ily for the process for coke mak - ~S o f c oat suited ing.~Coal grading installations should be reconst and new ones built? Provisional coal rttcted be ?rected,esp~ial~ for t he Sradfaag ~ installation? should grading of coal frog small ainea? . ~?~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 .. 7 J _ and by ln- ' ~ uri suitabl? end ?ffective inatalls?t14~8 By manuf wct n6 the C zecho slo- ~he volume of th? ~~econstruetion operationsa ditione nep creasy-~?6, the con mist take Part in f owning - vaL* machine industry _ el $ rked increase ~ the 'economical use of ~ ~ cesa cry for a ~= - the use ' in th? use of ~ ~.iela,egpecial7,Y ~ ~~,~~iua economy . _ _ ess valuable ite'the increased usQ of l of coal and graded lid ? ' all branches of the na,tiona.l. economy. ~ fuels ~ nachlne Sndustry To increase the econo:~ical use of f~.tels the econstx?uctgd sure that in its factories ~atallwtions ~'e r ere there must ~ itoOeSpecially wh which use coal or Graded kinds of lign ces of lignite Potrder.Inareaaed output oY ~,ve been found resour terials depends a and greater econo~' ?~~rith these basis raw ma fuHl duatr9? r e e:ttent on the Cz?choalovab machine ~ shine in- ~ a launder ~ the Czechoslovak ma the first ~ive Year ~-~ s these ea ~,surad the coxiditions f orwi~ f illin6 dustry has alr ~Y a dredg excavatora'weir~~ 1 ?0~ tons tasks .Stheeled -. ?rs and a performance of 1000 cubic meters P?r volume of 650 lit -. - 1oad~6 macchnn?s ? laced into operatio~~~s? hour,have been p _ 1800 liters and, a ~ - . with a dr?dge volums of 7.200 -~resnectively - ' ? ~?etiv?1,y ].~~ cubic nete~s~. Per houro poY?~formancA of.1:300-aresp also being ma~f aatured and bziak?ts of the Bucket ?xcavators are ,. , of 0,5 to ?a5 cubiQ maters, The . res?oeativo models have a`'~o-~ . r~s nd to ,the world level. new models which are being prepared co Po o also being developed to satiai`Y the needs Other ma,ah~es ax' Mines c~C zeaho Slovak ainin8 industry ? of th? a volume of 400 atld railed excavators ~, ith a dred~ are getting - $.00 and 1000 cubic - theoretical Performance of i~ , . ' 800 liters and a n e exca- - to For export pux'poaee'be~id~s the dredg meters per hourm e . _ r e~.cavatore j - ffientioned$ four other types of gloating ,rators already n.~ - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 96 - being plAnned And deslgned~ suction pumps kitiZ, . a perforr~anca of x+00 cubic meters per hour and dredge badgers with `a porforr~nco of 500 " u ,i ~ - 41ong with t he construction of liC~s-'site suri'?~c e Nine necessary to create the conditions raquired for a f a, it is u1 ~-ncre~ase ,, urtner subs tanti~ in coal To satisfy the ne?ds of ,~ s,9 c, the C~eChoslovak mining ?ndustrymthe Pi'~% ductiozi or the machine industry wily b? jride~ed to in_ elude s?vers,l modems installations x'or this induct nificant oft nes? z~rill be a ~? The IIost siF;_ " coal trzshing plant open At ? ,~ ~. liquidse ~ .rith h?avy output prom the underground ::~,~;~, ;~;i co,i.-~ec;,__.. with the opening of maw i::tncs9t3,~ 0~,~"~~o;~lovaY ' planniru; to porfect_ the present dill " chine i'~dust2;y is ~ installations'mining nschine '-nd pit equipIIent~ I''or the mechanization of nine work t dustry is pr?pa,r s ho machine in a series of e:~cavating and loading machines coal cutters drills coabinos ~ a ? D ,loa.dera~m~ ~ machine t ? Increa s ir.~; th? technical 1 vvel of tha ` a doing on also in Czechoslovakia only very sloz?rly, Although it is a `1,re11 knosm fact that the rower corntersion of stearz locoi~otivea varies only between 6 and 9 percent~wiiereaa Diesel less veY~^,; few such locono rives usec'_ ir. Czec'_oslcvakyz..I_f'ter the ;~ effectiveness of ''isel a 6eor~~otives hat= Uven 6stw~liilizecl in ti1E;? U wtod? electric locomotives covert porter to frog: 20 to ~0 pe: cvnt~ neverth?- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Bhimb?r o! In th? begix~g States8the following ohangee have bean made in the American lo?o~~ tiv? stook in a Very short timer On the first class railroads t~i? tou ow~g changes have oocur?d8 ~~ 1~5 Diesel loaomotiv?s _ ~01,~1 ~ ^,3531 st?sm - p 37D551 ~8~50 a"1?otrio ~ s ~~ One e1?atric looomoti4? sav?e 2pQ~ tone ?t highmgrs$? ooalo~ Czecl~slovak n8ohgn? industrq mast pay IIor? attentive to thm develop msnt of Li?8?1 ?lectrio loocamoti~??o' - %n thc~ stook of looomotie?a it is neoea to achia9r? at l~s~ th? eam? rat? of reoonvtruotion as in th? United StatAa ~ t~ 196 the ratio a8' ~iosa~, of??tri? to?o~iti~?a in P~p?srtion $ o rho ?t~- tir~r numb?r of 1ooo~tiv?s gill b? at ].vast 9 p~roesata Tho ~1??tritioatioe of min??~aga'Aoultux~ and othor ba~ncho~ of th? natione~3 ?oonomsr h~ th? ~m? ?~omieal ?ttoa~ts, - ~ o~ical. induatry- 9,n C~?oho?lovakia bas n?t a??aahed the same d?gr?o of der?1~eme3nt aaa for o - ? a?s is th? IInit~d Scat?>~ aa~at . ~ritaiee?tom Espee~~, the perdu?tion of pla$tio mat?riag? 1? 6 ~r?ry f'ar bvh1~? in oompariBOe ?to $ h~ production of -th? 1ea~dieg. industrial oouatrivso%ts pr??oat ~oluaao 1? not oaottgh -to oot~?P t ~ ~ 9.nor?s,eiz~g he?da ~ot C~ohoslmvQk leduatr,~Qi'he ~'olum? of pla8tio pro.. duatioe aaad its arasor~meat are ?ery r?etri?tod b?cau~ ot? th? _sl?~ d~*?lopement of this ~du?tx~?~'or $is r?aaon it will b? a?o?ss to acv?1?rat? ths~ d~n*elope~at et ~ Po~'i~1~ohl.orid? ~dnot ~~ and to increase aubstantia~,7r its capacity bet?ro 1950? the task of the ? 107. - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ' - 102 A CzeohoBlov~ nachlne industry will be to insure tha ~ o~ t necess Pte' ~ ~9' -ohoniga], iustallatioas demande8? by the ch,?mioal 3ndust ~ nth in the produot9,on of the mentioned raw mater~l? ~ also for tho produotion of n thet ~Plastica)yatl~ 3'n is Pal~'ast?r 2'ibres, . The pra$ent de~relopenent of metal~g~ioal preduat does not m?et th? inca~ae?d requirements of the ~~ `whine industr,~ for th? supply of metalaQ For this reasona~ th,e next fete sate tr1.11 ~.e ,.. ,.------- - -? ~ ~~.t ~ ~~ to ~P~dly devolope th?-r~?ta~'lurgical induct x'yoYt is the task of the naehine ibdustry to~enlarg? the caPaoit~e? of the o the shortest time P~ossi P~ h?axths ~ bl?, The ?atene~iv? increase ~.n production demandd,$ extraodinary mcut.. sureg Sn the reapecti~r? neterpris?sQ Th a entire devalopemosat mho~r~- a t-to~a~d rolling mills op?rettug on a continu?u? basin by far surpass the perfornanoa of the prevent ro Th?y Th? most tin?ly ~ae?ga eeort to be cant ~~ minas ? izn:ou~ mills for st?el~paat?, wire-and sot't.-metes ~ - _?~ ~~ o To Pra~rid? then Fill b? th? . teak , of the ~ichin? .indu at ' Y'Y in the , c oni.xag T?a,~s In Cz?choelovakia~th~ - - ~in r~r~uix?em?nt for inax?easiz~g the to?h.. nioal le~''el in the meohanizat of pr?duction p~ceaa?~ trieBeThe present resa~lta ~.~ in moot indus~ ~isation ar? ?nly Partial onesoIt i~ necessary to increase the pao? o#' ms+chanizatiou ~ traneportation8 ~ un,. dergrourd ininia~~in the coaxs~ruction induct and in ~ - ~ the Production of construction materiala0pu?tion ~aethode ~ the stone tories 11m? k$, - Quarri?s~gbx?iok gao- ? lnas~to? are very obsol?$e? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 1p3., Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 The thorough raochanization~of production processes is an.eoonomic necessity in the era of th? construction of. socia,lismA A constant and rapid rigs in industrial production~9.n Cz?choslovakia oan be assured on- ly through a constant perfection~.~ of techniques and through an al~.~roun-d? mechanization of production process?s? A~~echanization of prpduct9.oa pro- cesaea is? the decisive factor' j~~ithout whioh it is not possibl? to insure the high pace and the endrmoua inorea8e of production which is ?xp?otod. in Cz?choslovakia in the coming year?, 2~iechanization during the second Five Y?ar P1,anDtherefor? boa come one of the chief sources for 'the inar?ase of labor productivity and for the elimination of tedious and heavy ~or~ko Befor? 1955 c?rtiain r?sultg have be?n achi~ed in mechanization in the gnduatrieg~ Tn steam poorer plants efor ?~ample eth? clowning oi' furrier??e and operations have been mechaniz?d to an optimal d?gr??m In the foundries 59 percent of tht entire work has been mechaniz?cl, and in wiz foundri?? all operationa~ have been mechanized, 3n th? Forgir~ shops m?ohanization has reaoh~ an- ave~sg? of. 530 .In. th? constrtaotion industry th? m?chanixation of ?oil . work, in oomparison to 19~9~g 'inor+a~?d moa?o tin 50 $~raonty ? T~ handl.iz~ of coal aevork in the ra~.l.road d~~t?stan].oading ?p?t~tloa? in highxs~r trans- portation eve been. couplet?1~-~ mechaniz~A~ Cz?ahoslovak chemical i,nd~,tsw try has. begun the m?chanisati~on :of work xhioh i~ t~diouc Q~ ham. ~ health.2yiecha8lzation has de~relo also in _ths o?ail ~d oar minec~a~ cer-~ taro stepffi have be?n taken to m?oku~niz? soma aor? oP th? food i~us~tx'yo Th?Be pa~ial reault~~ho~ierversdo not ?xhaua$ b~ Y'ar th? grit poasi? ` th? bilitieg in conneot$9n with~~??hani$a$io'~,o! laboro oampax?d to develop- ?d industrial ~oountri?smmechanization is at a 1?w l~ralo'~am?1y` Cz?oho- Slovak industry has be?n ul? t? dcrvelope and ex~d complg~ ~??hani- nation ., Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 universal dump carte for, thv ministry of transportation;Ql?ctric ? ?s winches for the ministr~t of comae?roe~ and treusportatioa f a series of other mechanical installations for all bxh?s oY th? nay tional ?conorap*o (Some, of _these have not beon manuPactur?d previously in Czechoslovakiao~)With the aid of such measuY'esaloading and unload- ing operations on th? Cz?ahoslovak ra1.?lroad will ~be m?abaniz?d at 1?a st ~a 85~ ter 19640 _ In motor transportation the extent ofthechanization of load ~8 and unloading op?rations ~r_ill b? inor?as?d fro ~0 ;G to 85 ~ b9 ~ i~dustz'yo?elf-dumping gars for the mianistry of the Pour a vacuum press?a,mechani~zs refrig?ration equi~nent?snttotnatia p:oduction lines for sausages and cold meats,?tcs p~c::;.nory and installations will b? m~'ut'ac-. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 1~T - . tared for the dairy_induatry,aanneries and beverage bottling plant for examples continuous seperatoreaaechani$ed production lin?~ for Damned fruits,?to?e? . The extensive meohanization o:P farm Sorg and the complete uti- lization of modern t?chnical methods is a3ricultural production are the prelininaiy aonditione t'or th? rapid growth oY crop yi?ldo M?oYianiz?dian is espooiall,y lour In th? oultirration o! sugar be?taEin 'the harvesting of potatot?s asor~oootton~augaar b~taaYodder; in the gathering off' atra~ E in th? eadir;g of Y'ertilizer;and ~?g Silage operationae The Soviet Union is u$ing harvesting combino? on a largo acal.eeYor th?~ harvesting oY p?tato?e,oorn; and also silage combinee,3om? 1?ading oountrieast'or ?~mpl? th? United Ltat??,alao have their Drop onlti4ation meohaniz?d to a oonsiderable degree Onl.,y the hax*veeting of grain has aohic~r?d a aomv~hat better l~r in Cz?choelovaki8o Bttt also ire thi,? fi?ld Cz?ohoslovak-agriaulttaro is 1a68~S behind mod?r9a ~rorld me-thodeo The degree of meohani~ation in tms t=-asportir~g oY fodd?r d manure8~n oo~tuotir~= cileg? oporatlo~nt~e 9.n th? pr?poration aid _$torage of Yodeler ara~-not soly to eatleYa?tlo~~ Simila~- ly as in th? meotiania~ti~ oY Drop oaltivat~lon~hea=? to? it isi< ' ,~ ~ IIe8?asarg to atriv? _to~ard oorapleac mechani~atiouQ a -- ' T~o i,nsur~ rapid rata oY meohanisatioat in Cza~ohoal,a+vak agri- cultur?,th? produatl~ of traotore and ggrioaltural naohin?r~-~~ is ' being expand?d, to a c`ai~iderabl? oxtentofihe output oY xhe0lm and ~~ o ~- ~efor?_ 1954 the produotion vY th? follyring machin?~ mill be introclue~8 maahiu?ry ~'or th?. QompleA cultivation anc~ hax?St?ating o2' sugar b?et?epotato?e and hops; maohinery Yor the - , __ complex. har.~r?oting of grain and Yodderathe mt::h wooded m?oh~,n,~x~p sat?i'pillar ._t='aator? ie inor?aaing ~l~,res ~~ peotively 35 a _ _ ~ _ _...,..~,~..++ J iii one DaBiS ? Of ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 - 108 - standardized operat~.ons. besides all this there still remains the task of typi.fyin~; anu atandardizin3 agricultural machinery, ' To a certain extent it i.s possible to develore and Sraprove the tech- nical level of the bwsic -"tools through so-called " small nec'aanization"~ By various .end often t~ne:~penaiv??ud~mstments,it is Necessary to increase the capacity of the nach7.nery and installationa,to speed up production processes,to :~~?chanize tedious worketo improve the technology oi? production,ete~-aerea~ting`thereby the conditions necessary for the eons stant incrsa,ae of,?tYie productivity of labor. In order to pro4lde the material conditions for tho introduction of the small mechanizatior. of la'.:or, it is necessary that the ministries of the nachine industry ~,of local econor~, and the Central council of Cooperatives study the developenent and normalization of production and ? of certain small~Preciuantly used nechanisms~for c~lagtple: cm.~x ?olli~ tracks,ic~ con4ecyera,hoista,~echanical ahovel~,etc. To insure the needs_of the national econor~r under tho second Five Year Plan,the Cz?choalova~. -machine industry ~ is faced z~rith the follot~ing tasks: g) a Quunvitativ? tasL.; to inaur? th? large volume of machinery and ~echan~cal installwtlons for investnent constructioriseexport,narket funds and national security, ~ - ? b) a qualitative task,f:?o to manufacture and export ma?~y machines of high perforr~.nco ,and new installatiori8 of~ world technics? 1ev?l; suer machfnea, anti install~!~iona can increase the productivity of labor ? in all br~~nches of the national econou~, Furthermore the machine in- ~dustry must nalce a decisive chang? in the ~ technics and teclino- _ , ? ?logy of the nachine industry itael~'~tiaereby increasing the productioi ty of labor and Waking ~.chlne industry production entirely mare economi- /? ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001400120009-0 The fult'ilment of the quulits,tiv? task trill require exceptional efforts great activity unct the nob~lization of e.ll workers in the machine in- dustryo The outstanding re$ults achieved in technical developer~ent' tho first Five dear flan at'fectad nostly uniau? and. outstandini, cas?s they were solved by small ccllectivee of workers, j _ Under the second Five Year i',howe~verothe sin is to achieve ~ evorld level on the enti for of - machine industrial productions .- - The further increase of Czechoslo~rak on h~ _ / production resources depends to a con- siderable extent the rsachine induetzy grill fulfil th?s? tas$$ in th? a?cond Five Year P1~0 For this ree.son the machine industry contixtues to bead?cisive factor in the developement of tho Czechosloval; national econ also undEr ~ th? scrcond Fiv? Year Plano Th? machine industry is the basic means 2'or aohie~ving enorrnoum pragx??es ig al; branches of the national ?oono~, Aut ~xAn ~(~ '~.~}1Q ~l'oAl~ ~t wd~ 1 P1 s 'Z~~~4.uta-matiz~ g o$~ . auto~aati~ation of, p~'oduotion processes. ,is the hi;ghmat stag? of the intorciuction of new tt~~hn~iquea into produc$lota? At 1$s pras?rit sta Czechoslo~'ak industry alts 6 ? ~ has the caacditio~mma required for t h? gradual ? .- introduction of auto~tizatlon~?$peaial,l~ ~ ? thos? branch?a' r _ of industry . ?~rhere production has achie~od a high degr?e of mechanization aaa for example ., th? power "'del?~~~1cal~,~molt3ng indust~~etem T`h? automatiza_ . tion of production proce?a?e~ is deternia?c~ by- t ~he very charaote~r 'of mode :~