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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains infonnotion affecting the Notional Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionoge Laws, Tide 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in ony manner to an unauthorized S-E-C-R-E-T ? 50X1 I COUNTRY Germany, Soviet Zone REPORT SUBJECT Technical Examination of Fast German Semi- DATE DISTR. 7 April 1959 Conductor, Diodes and Transistors NO. PAGES 43 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REFERENCES THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 50X1 -HUM 1. These semi-conductors are believed to have been produced for the East German "Office of Technology" and for the ERst German UVA. 50X1 -HUM b. MCN 15914 - Two high frevency, high-voltage (150 V), miniature diodes produced as for MCN 15913. c. MCN 15915 - Two high-frevency, high-voltage (110 V), miniature diodes produced as for MCN 15913. d. MCN 15916 - Two high-frequency, high-voltage (160 V), miniature diodes produced as for MCN 15913. e. MCN 15932 - A. box received from the field containing 30 devices which could not be associated with any description. Upon inspec- tion, it was determined that the box contained semi-conductors of six general types as follows: (For eauivalent West-German type designations, see Table I) (1) Sub-miniature diodes (numbered 1 and 2 for identification in this report). (2) Small diodes (numbered 3 through 10 for identification in this report). (3) Small, all-glass diodes (numbered 11 and 12 for identifi- cation in this report). (4) Flat diodes (numbered 14 through 21 for identification in this report). (5) Glass-envelope transistors (nuMbered T-11T-4,T-51 and T-13 for identification in this report). (6) Metal-envelope transistors (numbered T-2,T-31T-9 and T-12 for idenfifination in reznor+) 50X1 -HUM STATE ARMY NAVY 1R FBI S-E-C-R-E-T INFORMATION REPORT AEC BD Obi EV INFORMATION litiibiet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 f. MN 15933 -One germanium, power transistor, reported to be a copy of the Vest German "Tekadel Type GFT 2006". The pro- ducers are reported to claim that this is a very high-;ower transistor for D.C. voltage and conversion applications, that it is used to replace mechanical choppers, that it meets all requirements for shdp-borne applications, era that it will sustain a 50 percent overload at 500 C without damage or impairment. g. MCN 15934 - Two germanium, power transistors of recent (March 1958) development to 'which it is reported the East Germans had not yet assigned type designations. It is further reported that tests at VEB RFT Werk fur Fernmeldwesen, Berlin-Oberschoen- weide show very good ratings. 50X1-HUM 2. items comprising eight germanium, point-conae.(1 -HUM glass-envelope, double-end, miniature diodes are treated together here 50X1-HUM because of their structural and electrical similarity. For identifi- cation the samples will be referred to as follows: MCN 15914 (diodes C and D), MCN 15915 (diodes E and F) and MCN 1591 (diodes G and 11): 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM c. Forward and. reverse voltage-current characteristics were photo- graphed on the curve tracer. No drift at turn-on was visible in the forward curves at the sensitivities shown. Diode C shows somewhat more than usual thermal] effect in the forward direction as evidenced by the fact that the sweeps to 10 ma and 30 ma peak forward current do not overlap. This diode also shows a greater thermal effect in its reverse cheracteristic than the remainder of the group, or for that matter than the miniature Diodes 1 and. 2 of MCN 15932 as shown by the hysteresis effect in the reverse characteristic curve. No drift was Observed in the reverse characteristic curves for any of the eight diodes,. (See Table II) - 2 - S-E-C-P-P?T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 ? e ? -stis:-.Ir S (1) The diodes show good forward characteristics. The statement that the pellets are germanium is based on the start of significant conduction at about 0.3 v forward voltage as shown in these curves. (No enftlyses of the pellets have been made-) At one volt, forward current characteristics in general are like the miniature diode No. 1 of NCH 15932 and better than No. 2. They are as good as, or better than,the larger point contact diodes of KCN 15932, except for the best of those which is No. 6. (2) In the reverse direction, the characteristics are also very good. Since these diodes can be expected to have high thermal resistances of about 1.0?C/mu, the curves were not carried out to a, peak inverse voltage as defined in M11.-specifications for fear of thermal dpmpge during these preliminary measure- ments. Instead a pePlc permissible Dower of about 58 mw was chosen as a limit, based on a maximum safe junction temp-ature of 85?C. (b) IILIT 15914 (C and 1) are reported to have max- imwn voltages of 130 v, At the Dauer limit, Diode C reached 126 v while Diode D reached 134 v. The peak inverse voltage of Diode C 1.ould exceed 130 v, but operation should pro- bably be well belay this since Diode C is beginning to show hysteresis effects while swept to 126 volts; dc operation would be more demanding (c) ECH 15915 - CE and F) are reported to have TIPXI- Elm voltages of 110 v.. This is easily met by both diodes. At 110 v, reverse current is only 109nA or less. At the Dower limit, both diodes reached 140 v. (d) RCN 15916 - (G and H) are reported to have max- ima voltages of 160 v. At the Dower limit, Diode G reached 140 vy while Dicde H reached 136 v_ Neither shows evidence of maintaining a peak inverse voltage of 160 v de. Ilmomentary check of Diode G shaved that a reverse current considerably in excess of 1.0 ma would be required to reach 160 v, with a cons ecuent dissipation of the order of 200 E7:11%, Diode B of NUE 15913 actually comes closest to bethj a 160 v diode - 50X1 50X1 -HUM d. These diodes have better reverse characteristics on the average thPn the miniature diodes ros- 1 and 2 of ECH 15932, but the maximum voltages at the Dower 1iiit for all of the 10 miniature diodes fplls in the range from about 120 v to 140 vl except for Diode B at 150 v. Some of the other diodes of MCK 15932 such as Eos, 3,4, and 9 are competitive with these. - 3 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 4 S-.-C-R-E-T e. The capacitance of Diode Awns measured at a smar-ni:nal freq- uency of one megacycle at two values of reverse voltage bias. At 0.5 v, the capacitance was 0.40)Inf, and at 25.0 v., it was 0.30)upf. This variation is within the measurement tolerance of 0a5uf. This independence of voltage on the part of the capacitance is typical of point contact units where the capaci- tance is due primAyily to the leads and encapsulation rather than to the junction. The remaining diodes were meesured only at 0.5 v dc reverse bias and ambient temperature 27.8?C with the following results: Item Diode Capacitance MCN 15914 MCN 15915 MCN 15916 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.65 0.50 f. These diodes may be compared with the JAN-1N127A (MIL-E-1/ 157C), sic. is of comparable size and peak Inverse voltage rat- lag. This diode is rated at 100 v maximum reverse voltage, with a peak inverse voltage of 125 v. All of thesadiodes will meet the rating; some with a few tens of volts to spare. The forward current of these diodes at 1.0 v fells within the speci- fied range of 3.0 to 25.0 ma, the measured range being 7,0 to 11.5 ma. The reverse current specificatIon of this JAN type evils for a uaximum of 3004uA at a reverse voltage of 50 v. All eight of these diodes are far superior to this, even thong)) they were measured at UD to 2.80C above the 25?C test temperature of the specifications. Own specifications permit a test temperature of 25-4- 3?C) The poorest diode shows 35)uA reverse current at 50 Ir. similarly, the specified maximum reverse current at 10 v is 25.0)u.A. The poorest diode shows 5.5/.2A, veil within the specification. g. As a check on the high frequency capabilities of these devices, the reverse recovery time was measured. In the discussion of MCN 15932, it is explained that recovery measurements were made under two sets of conditions: (1) At a forward current of 20 ma and a reverse voltage of 25 v with a loop resistance of 750 ohms and, (2) At a forward current of 30 ma and a reverse voltage of 35 v with a loop resistance of 2500 ohms. (a) In case (2) the total reverse current was measured as a function of time while in case (1) the current in excess of stealystate was measured. Case (2) allows direct comparison with the specifications of a switching diode of MCN 15932 and is similar to commonly used Western conditions. Case (1) avoids the difference in results which occur due to dif- fering steady-state, reverse-leakage current, and separates out the transition current. It also per- mits comparison with results obtained earlier with - number of USA point-contact diodes. b. The results of the recovery measuremenpst.for these eight diodes are shown in Tables III and IV. Consiaeiag first the conditions of case (1), these diodes appear to fe..71.1 ?i.ia that category of the miniature diodes of MCN 15932, together pith the other units of T - - iV S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 ? h. (continued) that item, which comprise the slower group. This group is com- parable to the poor 10V, of 182 USA point-contact diodes tested and reported in 1954.. On the other hand, because of the very good reverse voltagl-current characteristics, the recovery characteristics measured under the conditions of case (2) appear to be a little better. At 3.5.usec, all of these eight diodes meet l'ae recuirement of the VAIN() 0A87 specifications This is not true of the slower group of MCN 15932, At 0.5.elsec, one-half of these diodes exceed the maximum current specified by as much as 36%. The average time for the diodes to recover to 0 5 ma reverse current is 0.76.usec. This is essentially the same as the 0.79:usec required for the slower diodes (Nos. 1 thrcuele 6 and 8). Acheck on two sample diodes under the bias conditions and loop resistance, called for in the specifications of the only JAB computer germanium diode, the JAN-111276, indicates that all of these diodes would probably meet the JAN specifications for recovery.. 3. The semi-conductors identified as KM: 15932 are discussed in succeeding sub-paragraphs. The individual devices end their Uest-German equivalents are3isted in Table I. a. Subminiature diodes 1 and 2: (1) Diode Bo, I was compared with the VAIWO 0A95, specifica- tions dated 1.2:56. There it is listed CS a general-purpose, all-glasszermanion diode with a peak reverse voltage of 115v. Dimensionally, Io.. 1 meets the CA95 spccifications it is approximately 6mfil long by 2,5mm 0.D. and is shaped like the 0A95. No. 1 is a aouble ended diode of all glass con- struction, hermetically sealed by a Dumet-to-soft-gless type of seal at each end. At the cathode end, a tinned copper wire is butt welded to the rod supportin-r the semi-conductor chip. The glass-metal seals on La.. I have been somewhat over- heated; most of the conner-claddin3 is no longer visible-The curves are generally typical of point-cen-z.act types, the reverse bredle being sharper than usual. Data from these curves are tabulated together with W.:170 characteristics (onlj nominal values, without limits, are specified for this type.) Leasured values are close to those specified encept at the higher reverse voltage and forward current points. Here the diode is poorer than the given values.. Eote, however, that where limits are given in the case of ether VAIWO typcs (see Table VI) the ratios of maxim= to nominal to minireum values would sueest limits for the 0A95 readily covering the observed values for no. 1 No drift of the characteristic curves was observed (a) Assuming a thermal resistance of 10C/mw and a maxi- Trim safe junctfon temperature of 85?C (100C above the specified value for the 0A95), a maximum safe dissipa- tion at 250C is 58 mw. The reverse curve for To.. 1 reaches this dissipatien at 12,7, before the 10:: cha slope point. 3r-ion is above this value (b) Over the range of voltage from C.5v to 25-Cv, the ce,pae- itance was constant within the measurement tolerance at an average value of 0.42 enf. This characteristic, too, is typical of a point-contact type where the capacitance is due primarily to encapsulatien and leads and GO is voltage independent. For this reason, to plot is attached- -5-. .3 '7-CRiz 51;,- 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 (c) S-E-C-R-E-T No specification for reverse recovery time is given for the 0A95. However, it was measured for Diode No. 1, for comparison with the others and the data are discussed under Small Metal-Ceramic Diodes, for some of which such measurements were requircd. (d) This diode may be compared with the JAN-1N127A (MIL- E-1/157C). In so far as the measurements made are concerned, and in consideration of dimensions, this diode will meet this specification. However, certain ratings for the 111121A exceed those of the 0A95 (e.g. Ehx. Eb, Max. T). These cannot be checked on a single sample under room temperature conditions..The JAN-1U70 (MIL-E-1/154C) and JAN-1N38B (MIL,E-1/492B) specifica- tions can be met by measurements made and those diodes are rated at Max. T. = 700C which the 0A95 is reported to meet. The 0A95 ratings do not quite meet the dc voltage rating of these types (90 v vs 100 v) or the peak inverse voltage (115 v vs 120 or 125 v) but the measured sample does meet the peak inverse voltage requirement. These two JAN types are in a larger case zize than Diode No. I, (2) Dicde No. 2 was compared with the VALVO 0A91 specification sheet dated 1.2.56. The statements made for Diode No. 1, as to application and structure, both specified and observed, apply to this unit also. Again, VAIVO gives only nominal data for this type. Both the forward and reverse character- istics of this diode are below the quality level of the spec- ified nominal values, this is particularly true of the reverse current at high reverse voltage. The reverse curve is more typical of a point contact than No. 1, but it does not hold up so well or break as sharply as No. 1. Again ; however, attention is called to the fact that where VAIVO (or Phillips which is essentially the same organization) gives limits as well as nominal values, the maximum leakage current at high reverse voltage is several times the nominal value. Thus, the measured value of 200 ma at 100 v might well be within limits, even though the nominal value is only 75 ma, No drift of the characteristic curves was observed. As for Diode No. 1, a safe dissipation limit was reached before the reverse curve reached a slope as low as 10K ohms. The reverse voltage at the 58 mw point was 135 v; this exceeds the 115 v breakdown limit given for the 0A91. Over the range of reverse voltage from 0.5 to 25 v, capacitance remained constant at 0.45 yyrr. Like Diode No. 1, this represents encapsulation and lead capacitance. The effect is typical of a point contact diode. (a) Bo specification for reverse recovery time is given for the 0A91. However, it was measured for Diode No. 2 for comparison with the others and the data are discussed under Small Metal-Ceramic Diodes, for some of which such measurements were required. (b) The comments made in regard to equivalent JAN types under Diode No. 1 apply to Diode No. 2 as well. b. Small Metal-Ceramic Diodes (Nos. 3 through 10) (1) None of these double-ended diodes have been opened to deter- mine internal structure, but externally they show the use of a right-cylinder of a hard, dense, white ceramic (similar to an aluminum oxide in appearance) which is sealed at each end by a smoothly formed soft solder cap. This is a relatively expensive structure, generally replaced in the U.S.A. for non- microwave types by some other form such as glass for good qual- ity units or plastic for lower auality units. The solder sea) provides a chance for flux to be present inside the encapsu3a- tion, which may degrade reliability unless some other internal -6 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 (i) (continued) seal is present which can only be determined by open- ing the unit. This is unlikely, however. One of these units, No. 8, showed a drift in reverse current of about 15 sec. duration. No. 7 had no drift, but did display a snail (0.5uA) reverse current jitter in the 10v range. Another/No. 6 shows two reverse characteristics, either one of which it may follow arbitrarily when it is turned on. (a) Bone of these diodes is equivalent in mechanical structure to the comparable VAIVO types listed in the "General" discussion above. All of thetjpes 0A70? 73/ 811 85, and 87 are all glass diodes in contrast to the structure described for Nos. 3-10. The overall length varied from 13.3an (No.6) to 15.2mm (No.10), Maximum diameter was 4.35mm. All exceed the maxuawn length specification of 12.7mm for the "equivalent types", but meet the specification for maximum diameter of 5on. The units are reasonably uniform in shape, althon the solder seal shape varies somewhat from unit to unit. (b) For all of these units, a thermal resistance of about 0.7?C/mw was assumed, together with a max- imum junction temperature of 850C, to calculate a safe dissipation limit of 82 mv at 250C. In all cases/ this dissipation limit was reached before a reverse characteristic slope of 10K ohms was reached. Thus where "breakdown" voltage is quoted, it represents the value at this dissi- pation. (c) Before treating the diodes individnally, some general comments should be made. The first of these refer to the capacitance versus voltage measurements. These measurements were made at reverse dc bias voltages of 0.5v to 25v. In general, capacitance was law and largely indepen- dent of voltage, characteristic of point-contact types. Some diodes shaved a distinct increase in capacitance at low voltages. Note that Bo.3 and No. 5 are reported to be the same type (0A70), but Nos. 3 and. 4 have similsr C vs V curves, show- ing the most pronounced increas& in capacitance at low voltages. It will be seer later that this similarity anplies to other characteristics also. Neither have slopes high enonel to suggest pur- posely diffused or alloyed junctions. Results are shown in Table V together with the limits observed for the plotted data and specifications for capacitance where given in theeraivalent type data sheets. VAIVO does not state the bias volt- age used for their capacitance measurement. (d) In general, the forward characteristics of all of these diodes are representative of typical point- contact units not of bonded or plated point (very law impedance) types. (e) Two diodes in this clsss (Nos. 8 and 9) were reported to correspond to the 0A87 for which reverse recovery measurements are specified.. All of the diodes of MON 15932 were measured, however, as a check on their suitability at high frequencies (especially since high frequency rectification efficiency meas- urements could not be made). Measurements were made under two sets of conditions. For comparison with previous diodes tested reverse recovery was meas- ured with a loop resistance of 750 ohmsla forward current 20 ma, and a reverse (continued on next page) -7- qPrITZT 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 S-E-C-B-E-T (e) (continued) voltage of 25 v. The reverse current in excess of steady-state current is recorded during recovery asa function of time. This has the advantage of showin_; recovery speed unaffected by the steady-state leakage current which varies from diode to diode. The second set of conditions called for a loop resist- ance of 2500 ohms, a forward current of 30 ma, and a reverse voltage of 35 Nr. Total reverse current is shown as a function of tine. This was done to corres- por'l to the specifications for reco-ery measurement of the C:.87 to which Nos. 8 and 9 ex renortedly eauiv- alent. Also, this corresponds closeij to conditions of 256 - JAN and freeuent USA practice. Its advantece is that the rectifier resistance as a function of time during recovery is obtained by stmoly dividing the con- stant reverse voltage by the observed current. Tables of results therefrom, are attached. Those for selenium diodes, which are limited to low fremency applications are not shown. Of the others rcG. 1 through 4,9,10,and 12 were within the maximum limits for the 0A87. These specifications are 0.30 ma maximum at 3.5 nsec. I: very rough compariscn may be made w-ith the only JAE computer germanian diode (JLE-1E276). -7.t the same loop resist- ance but at a much lover forward current (5 ma) and slightly higher reverse voltage (40 v), the JAE-1E276 is recuired to have less than 0.5 ma at 0.3)nsec. These bias conditions would cause a substantial reduction in current at 0.3)nsec. ever that measured in this evaluation. However, the time required for the dicdes in this group to reach 0.5 ma is shown in Table for the conditions of loop resistance equal to 2:7: ohms. Using the (TIT loop resistance Rna bjr,s conditions, a check or the two slow- est diodes of the group (rc. h and No. 8) showed that all of the diodes in this Group would meet the .1276 recovery time requirement if correlation between the different test sets is assumed. A cor=ison of these twelve diodes can be made with 182 domestJ.c point-contact germanium of var- ious manufacture as tested and reported in 1954. (f) The 750 ohm loop resistance and ccrres?ondirts biases were closely matched in both cases. Uith the exception of Eos. 2 and 6 at 0.1dusec, and Re. 2 at O..3 /sec., the group 1,2,3,4,5,6,8, would fall with the poor IC5 of the 182 USA unit in reverse recovery time. Eos. 7,9,10,11 and 12 would be in the top 505. Iooking now at the tabulated recovery times for 750 ohm loop resistance and ignoring mementaril7 the "equivalent types", these diodes sem to fall naturelly into several groups. (See Table VIII) (1) Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 8 have very similar lecovery rates. Nos. 7,9 and 10 are much faster and are similar to each other, Rose 11 and 12 are quite similar to each other, and commrise the fastest group. Nos. 1,2,11 and 12 will be excluded from this discu:sion since they have different encap- sulations, - (2) on the basis of similarity of forward and reverse charact- erist#5the first group splits into two. Eos. 3 and 4 are much PJike and Eos. 5 and 6 form a pair of similar units. Nos. 7,9 and IC are much alike. NO,8 has a rather a typical reverse curve beyond a reverse voltage of 10 to 20 v which excludes it - 8 - S-E-C-R-7-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 S-E-C-R-E-T (0 (continued) froci matching others. Of these groups, Nos. 3 and 4 have the best overall characteristics. Of the remaining groups, Eos. 5 and 6 have the better forward characteristics and Nos. 7,9, and 10 have the better high-voltage reverse characteristics. At low reverse voltages, Nos. 7 and 9 have somewhat poorer leakage character- istics. 50X1 (h) In Table VI, the data for these diodes are compared with the specifications for the equivalent types listed ear- lier. In many cases it will be evident that the meas- ured values do not meet the electrical specifications. Other equivalences are suggested by the comments made above. (1) Vbs. 7,9 and 10 might well be compared with the 0A87, since high reverse voltage characteristics are suitable and speed is high as required for the electronic switching applications suggested for this type. These units would not meet the com- puter application requirements of the MIL-2-1/1025 (JAN-1N276), which calls for a much higher forward conductance (Maximum of l?Ov at 40ma). These diodes give only 4 to 5 ma 1.0v. The difference lies in the gold-bonding employed in the 1E276. They would probably meet MIL specifications fol. some of the general purpose diodes such as the 1N38B (KIL-E-1/492B), 1N69A (NIT-E-1/142D) or the 1E70 (MIL-E0-1/154C). (2) Nos. 3 and 4 are comparable with the 0A81 or 85 which are all-purpose diodes with a peak reverse voltage of 115v. Among the JAN types, tiese may be compared with the 1N38B (AIL-E-1/492B) and so far as they have been tested, they would appear to compare very favorably with these speci- fications. Again No. 5 and No. 6, though similar to each other, seem to correspond to difference VAIVO types. No. 5 is compardUe to the 0A7.) as suggested. but No. 6 is better than the diodes covered by this type and corresponds more nearly to a very good 0A70 or 0A72, or possibly an 0A73 when allowance is made for the different tempera- tures at which the measurements were made. These diodes may be compared on the basis of measure- ments made with the JAN 1N69A (MIL-E-1/142D) or the JAN-1181A (MIL-E-1/155D). c. Small All-Glass Diodes (Nos. 11 and 12) (3-) Diode No. 11 was compared with the VALVO 0A72 specification sheets dated 29.11.54 and 9.12.54. There the 0A72 is des- cribed as an all-glass germanium diode for use singly in a high-resistance rectifier or demodulator circuit, or in pairs in ratio-detector and discriminator circuits. Diode No. 11 is a point-contact diode in an all-glass envelope 12.2mm long and approximately 4.3mm O.D. This size is within the specified 12.7mon by 5mm 0.D., maximum dimensions. No. 11 is a double-ended, hermetically-sealed unit, apparently closed at each end by a hard glass to metal seal. The seals show light metal, not the usual Kovar mouse-gray, but the lead - 9 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 (1) (continued) metal is magnetic and stiff as is Kovar. This is a high quality sealing technique. The diode shows a considerable amount of dirt on the interior of the glass encapsulation. Data from these curves are tabulated together with VAIVO's nominal values for the 0A72. (See Table IV) A small drift in reverse characteristics appears on first operation after several days shelf life; but the drift ends too rapidly to permit photographing it. Forward characteristics are close to the nominal specified values. Reverse current is con- siderably poorer than the specified values, even at low voltages. This unit shows the highest low-voltage satura- tion current of any diode in MCN 15932 higher by a factor Greater than two than the next lower (No.7). These values would probably exceed limits estimated on the basis of other VAIVO types. The 0A72 is a law voltage unit; wih a maximum peak voltage of 45v specified. The maximum esti- mated safe dissipation limit was reached at an estimated reverse voltage of 62 before the 10K ohm slope resistance was reached. Specifications call for a capacitance of "aboutal)4uf. The measured values, at 1 MCps, were 0.55 if at 0.5v reverse bias and 0.4.5)9uf at 25v reverse bias. This diode and No,. 12 are almost identical in reverse recovery characteristics and they are the best in this item. (a) This diode can only be compared with the lowest vot- age rating JAN type, the 1121A (MIL-E-1/155D), and even then it will fail to meet the specification. Although the forward characteristics are satisfac- tory, and the peak inverse voltage specification can be met, No. 11 wour fail by a large margin to meet the requirement of 0.010 ma reverse CM- rent at 10v. (2) Diode No. 12 was compared. with the VAIVO 0A79 specification sheets, dated 15.2.56 and 15.12.56. There the 0A79 is des- cribeC as an all-glass-enclosed germanium diode for the same applications as the 0A72. It is evidently a higher cruality version of the 0A72, since the data sheets show very slightly poorer forward conduction characteristics but =preciably lower reverse leakage. Diode No. 12 is an all-glass-enclosed, point-contact diode appearing to be essentially identical to No. 11 in construction and size. There is somewhat more dirt visible within the encapsula- tion. From the tabulated data, it appears to have very slightly poorer forward conduction characteristics than :o. U, slightly better than the nominal values for the 01179. In its reverse characteristics, it is very much better than No. 11; and is within the specified values for the 0A79. The maximum safe dissipation limit (82mw) was estimated to be reached at 95v.. No specification is given for capacitance. It has the same values at the limits of reverse bias that were observed for No. 11. This is typical of a point-contact unit. This diode, with No. 11 had the best reverse recovery time of the diodes in this item. (a) This diode should_ probably becam2ared with the JAN- 1N69A (MIL-E-1/142D). However, its forward current fails very slightly to meet this specification, although its reverse characteristics are superior to those required. It could very readily meet the require- ments of the JAN 11481A (MIL-E-1/1551)) in so far as measurements made are concerned. -10 - S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 ! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 _ d. Flat Diodes (Nos. 14 through 21) ----50X1 (i) These units are all selenium rectifiers. Forward and reverse voltage-current characteristics suggested that this is so, and flame and X-ray spectrorraphic enelysis confirmed it. (a) What appears to be an identifying letter (like an B) is seen on No. 16. A sinilay letter is on No.14. She remainder have had the black:paint scraped away in the region where the letter appears on Nos.14 and 16. The condition of No.15 in this respect is not known, since it was spectro-analyzed before this identification was observed. As a result of dis- assembly of No.171 and analysis of No.15, the inter- nal structure of the unit appears to be what might be expected for a small selenium rectifier, although the external appearance is not typical of USA selen- ium units. 6 (b) In the sample analyzed, the base plate was found to be a stainless steel comprising Fe (major)) Vi? Co, 17n, and Cr. It was nickel plated. The rectifier material is,of course, selenium. With the selen- ium vale found bismuth, nickel, tin, and cadnium with none of these as a major constituent. This is in agreement with materials eYpected in USA. prac- tice. one lead with its eyelet makes contact to the selenium by :cans of c ,_Lav)erie.J.. which is insulated fron the selenium by a fiber r,ad except at the center cf the structure where c small hole in the fiber ---,emits the contact. This solder con- tains bismuth as a major constituent, tin in nearly the same premortion, and cadmium as a lesser, but still major constituent. An a...lhesive layer holds the fiber to the selenium layer. The other eyelet with its lead contacts the base plate. The entire structure is coated with a thick, soft, black layer of insulptirgnaint. It was not identified, but was easily removed with amyl acetate. The selenium covers the entire base plate, which is typicelly 14 un long, 5 cm wide, with half circle ends and with two 3 um diameter holes for the eyelets. This gives an area of approximately 0.57 cm?. Y Y A typical USA selenium rectifier is constructed as follows: A base plate of aluminum or steel plated with nickel is roughened and bis- muth or other material which rakes a non-rectifying contact to selen- ium is added. Then one or more layers of selenium are deposited (pos- sibly with chlorine or bromine in combination) and Processed. A layer of selenirn oxide, cadmium selenide, cadmium sulfide, shellac, or var- nish is added. -Pinally a layer of inert metal or of cadmium, bismuth, or tin is laid down. To this layer one of the electrical contacts is rade, while the other is made to the base plate. -n- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 ??? ee, n (2) '0112 diedcs were teste,1 ?ir-t at a 2f; v reverse veltage en4 to apprexireete54- a 1.0 ,/,,earn icrward voltage. Data from theso curves aro tebulated cti cca- culati= of ferwarL1 current eiersity at 1.0 v, on the basis of 0.57 cG2 active area, are shown. (Ece lablc 711 Beverse-to-forward-resistance ratio at 20-1 reverse, 1.u-7 foreard is also shwa. Note that the resietance values are brIlmd on the average value in 1-.110 hyr.-7-r.vcgts lcel? at 20 v. These valurs may be cempared with the typical Uest- ern values. They ere very 0-11. They could be expected to increase at higher ambient temperatures, higher duty -cycle or.higher foruardd peak voltages, but not by the two Orders of a- situde required to reach typical values. I/ (a) Diodes 110. 20 and 21 have relatively poor reverse characteristics, the remainder fall in a reasonably close grouping of about 7 to 20 megohm reverse resis- tance at 20 v. The forward characteristics, exclus- ive of No.. 21 seem to fall in two distinct croups. (3) Capacitance as a function of reverse bias at a one mega- cycle small signal test freauency was measured early in the analysis before it was established that the units were sel- enium. The values obtained. were very law for selenium. As a ci eck on these values, measurements at a frcauency of one kilocycle were me4e on samples of these units and on a single plate of a typical USA rectifier stack (Federal 10C4A, 17911CX). The active r-ca of the Federal unit was estinm- toe- at 74- cm2. Table X chewn the results on a per scuare centimeter tesie. Eesisearee values were such that the dom- estic unit could net be measurna en the one megacycle bridge. Nor could, the vrkroun units be meaimred on the one kilocycle bridge except at zero bias. Zero bias measurements could not be for these on the one megacycle bridge. The tab- -alated values do, hcIrcver, give an overlap that allows a con- cOx.siou to be arcan.. Al]. mcf-ouraaeuts were 'made in the order of dccreasing bias. (a) It ia quite apparent that the flat diodes have cap- acitance per square centimeter which is significantly laver thAn common USA rectifier stacks. Evidently, high rward conductance h-q bean traded for this chartActeristic. (b) As a check on this possibility, a very rough test of the frequency characteristics of the flat diodes uns made. There is evidence that a given forward to Tevorse current ratio, of say ten to one, is main- tsined to a frequency of perhaps an order of magni- tude higher tbnn is the case for the USA single-plate lo-..-frcaucncy unit, for the same total forward cur- rent. I/ Published Western data on selenium rectfiers give various AC voltage ratings, ranging usn:eily from about 26 v rus reverse voltage to 26 v peak reverse voltage. Some companies may give a higher figure. Beyond about 40 v damage will occur. Forward-current densities can be expected to be about 50 ma/cm2 at 1.0 vl although at leant one company (Sarkes Terzian) quotes a lower figure as a safe rating and one reference shows 50 ma/cm2 at about 0.6 v dc. A ratio of forward resistance measured at 1.0 v to reverse resistance measured at 20 v ranges from a common 100 to 1 to the order of 1000 to 1 for special applicatonz such as magnetic amplifiers. These values are generally given for a 350C ambient. -12- -50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 g./ S-E-C-R-E-T (4) All but No. 20 have high reverse-to-forward resistance ratios/ comparing favorably with the requirements listed above as typical for magnetic amplifier applications. Note that these measurements were made in en air amble' of 20.6 to 2(7.,9?C with a half-sine-wave ZUCGD applied 120 tines per second. At the hiE;her '-1500 usually accuz.Icd ambient temperaturelthe forward currents would 118thLgher and reverse resistances lowerlbut the changes should very gre , e. Glass Envelope Transistors :T-11 T-4/ T-51 and T-13) (1) These transistors were reported to be possibly equivalent to the Intermetall types OC 33134/40 or 41. These types have been renlaced by the OC 3031 304/ 4001 and 410 which the manufacturer claims to differ only in mechanical dimen- sions. None of these correspond mechan-selly to the trans- istors under test. The earlier models of thc0C 331 34 series were flat-sided structures while the laer model, are cylin- drical with flat ends and triang0Pr lead patte/ns. The 0C- 400-410 series have the same shape but an in-line lead struc- ture. landinum dimensiorc ert" the recent models of both series are 5.0 mm o.d with a 5,6 .7m seal diameter, and 8.0 mm in length. T-1 and T-13 are cylindrical with one rounded end and are typicrolY -" o.d. with no seal bulge. T-4 is simi3arly shaped, 14.3:zi long, 4.6mm in odd., with a seal diameter of 5.2mm. T-5 is 15.2mn long and 5.1mm in o.d with negligible seal bulge. All have in-line lead patterns. Lead diameters are 0.4mm for T-1, T-5, and T-13, but 0.3mm for T-4. (a) Uever,heless, since preliminary alph:--cutoff measure- ments for the four units suggested agreement with the equivalent types, they were measured for comparison with these types where possible. After the electrical measurements for this report were completed, the :mint was removed from these units to observe the internal structures. A brief description is given before the electrical results are presen,cd. (b) Transistor T-4, in common with the other three, appears structurally to be an alloy typej with a large collec- tor dot visible and a smaller emitter dot on the reverse side of the rectangular semiconductor block. This block is soldered to a metal tab which in turn is spot-welded to a wire lead. The lead is one of three Dunet-like wires sealed into a soft glass bead. The other twp have spot-welded to them the leads ( of undetermined material) which contact emitter and collector dots. This structure is sealed into a soft glass tube, using as a stem a s. bead sealed to the Dumet- like wires. A true hermetic seal results. The struc- ture appears to have been torch-sealed at both ends and the internal atmosphere is probably close to atmospheric pressure. There is no silicone grease, dissicant or other protective device visible inside. The semicon- ductor has been etched to a smooth shiny surface, but it is not completely free of stains. There are no obvious signs of dirt or extraneous particles on the interior of the tube, aside from a glass chip. Eote also that steady state values are discussed.. Initial reverse cur- rents were as .uch as three times as great as that when the units were first turned on, but they all stabilized in less than 30 seconds. Form- ins time is rormfOly required for selenium rectifiers, 3 to 5 minutes being perclitted in some cases, so that this is not excessive. With the exception of 0.5 the diodes were remeasured at a higher reverse voltage, corres- ponding to 26v ms or approximately 38v peak. The average reverse resis- tance and currert at 20v is tabulated for comparison with the lower pea's voltage case. Drift or forming times were much longer in these cases. - 13 - S-E-C-R-E-T ?50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 (c) Transistor T-13 uses the three Dumet-like leads sealed intoabead. asastarting point, but thereafter the structure differsfron T-4. The tube is molded soft glass: and tlemode line is directly visible at the roundel end, and indir- ect] ;y visible down the side facing the viewer through the optical distortion of the internal center lead. A, base molded from powdered glass is used to seal hermetically to the lead wires. It has a flat bottom with a step and a pedestal on top. The step receives the bottle and its presence is visible as a transverse line near the flat base of the tube. The inner pedestal is also visible; it produces the raised central por- tion from which the three internal leads rise. Sealing is probably not done with a torch in order to avoid distortion of the stem. On completion of the seal, the outside of the glass base region is ground to produce a nearly uniform outer dia- meter of the entire bottle below the hemispher- ical top. The reason for this apparently exces- sive effort toward a smooth outer wall was not evident until the "metal envelope transistors" describe' in the next section were investigated structrually after preliminary electrical meas- urenents. It will be described in that section. (d) Transistor T-13, and also T-1 which is similar use a small circular sami-conductor disk as the base of an allay type unit, Two smaller diameter wires, which appear to be gold, are spot-welded to the larger Dumet-like leads at one end, and at the other they contact the 'emitter and collector dots at right on les to the plane of the disk) A third small dia- meter wire (apparently not gold) is bent to form a loop in one end. The loop has a diameter of about 2/3 the diameter of the disk. The loop is soldered on one side of the disk and the lead extends to the remaining Dumet-like support wire where it is spot- welded. The entire upper half of the envelope is filled with a material which is probably silicone grease. This may both stabilize surface conditions and improve heat dissipation Excessive oxidation of the int-nal lead wires has produced black part- icles which are free inside the encapsulation. None seem to have penetrated appreciably into the sili- cone.. The smaller disk and dot sizes (to minimize capacitance values) and the :ire loop base connec- tion (to reduce base spreading resistance) may be expected to contribute to the higher frequency cap- abilities observed for T-1 and T-13. It appears probable that the disk and, therefore, the base region is thinner in T-1 and T-13 than the other two units. This would also raise frequency res- ponse by reducing base transit time. (e) T-5 uses a molded glass stem simile' in _principle to that of T-13 though with a much higher pedestal A torched blab and seal similar to T-4 is used, again giving a .lermetic seal, No bead structure is neces- sary. A formed, perforated, metal frame is spot- welded to the center lead and a semi-conductor die is soldered to it. The die has an orange peel surface. A large collector dot is alloyed to the uncovered side of the die, while a smaller emitter dot is allayed on the opposite side. The remaining two lead wires make soldered contact to these dots; access to the emitter is through the perforation in the frame. It seems surprising that the lead wire is found suitab7c for soldering directly to the dots, for example mech- anical strains might result. This structure appears to be clean inside. From the standpoint of ruggedness and reduced thermal resistance,this unit is probably superior to T-4. Base spreading resistance may also be better. -14- 50)S1 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 ? S-E-C-R-E-T (2) Alpha-cutoff measumzents showed tnat the -;lass transis- tors were divisible into a lower frequency group (T-4 and 50X1 T-5) and a higher frequency group (T-1 and. T-13) which could be compared with the OC 302 to 304 series and the OC 390 to 410 series respectively. The lover frequency pair is considered first. 11/ (a) Under the bias conditions VeB . -5.0 v at Iv, = 1.0 ma, alpha-cutoff is given in the following table. Measurements were made with the Transalyzer, based on low frequency values of alpha Observed on the Baird GP-4. Unit Alpha Cutoff Frequency T-4 T-5 (megacycles 0C304 .90 0C303 .75 0C302 .6o (b) The measured cutoff values lie between the most accurate ranges of the Baird and TransaIyzer instruments, but the units clearly fall in the range of the OC 304 rather than the OC 302 or 303. (e) h-parameters figuration at a bias of V ured at 1000 cps (TAM- lowing table, using April comparison. No drift was in the common emitter con- ap m IE = 1.0 ma, meas- are given In the fol- 1957 Intermetall data for observed in these measure- ments. ? Unit he h22 hale ha2e ) (K ohms) T-4 124 38.7 4.55 . 9.8 x 10-4 T-5 148 43.5 4.65 10.8 x 10-4 0G304 32 45 1.80 11.0 x 10-4 0C303 16-32 25 1.00 6. x 10-4 0C320 9-16 15 0.60 3.8 x 10-4 12/ 32 to 120 in March 1958 specification. (d) Again, the two units compare well with the OC 3041 although the input impedance is rather high. T-4 and T-5 are very high B(or h21e) units. 11/ Electrical analysis of these transistors began before knowledge of prob- able equivalent types was received. After establishment of polarity type, which was found to be PRP, the Cirst step was to :weep a family of curves through the region in which h-parameters were to be measured. This covered the bias condi- tions common in the USA (VeB=5v, IE=1 ma) ,and. those required for previous meauurements made here on Soviet transistors VcB=JOy,IE=Ima). Since no exces- sive drift, hysteresis nor alpha crowding were observed, nor was breakdown seen, meauurements of h-parameters were made under these bias conditions. Subsequently, they were also made under conditions of Vc-.5v and 10v with IB as required for Ic equivalent to that in common base. This is about one milliampere. All units stabil- ized in five minutes or less but one. T-13 was still very slowly drifting during common emitter voltage feedback (h2le) measurements at both 5v and 10v bias condi- tions. Later it was learned that some of these units probably are equivalent elec- trically to the Intermetall OC 3901400,410 series Irhich have-Voltage ratings of ? VeB 10v, VCE - 5v (March 1958) or Vbp 7:3v (0C410, April 1957). Arepeat of common base h-parameter meaSurements at 5v was made to see if.damaGe had been done by the Ipv coemon emitter bias but there had been no appreciable,chane caused by the high common bias measurement. This reneatmas illcde for T-1 and T-13 which arc the high frequency units probably dorrecponding-to the .0c390 to 410 series. These coments are included for camleteness to cover conditions o2 trestnent cccorded those units and the: f revciA.on_ - 15r SECTEll .A.. '1 .1 . ? .' li?Tt :13.A ' 60v; T-8 could not tolerate 50v. A recheck of leakage currents at ow voltages show a 0,--e11 charge as follows (T-25.6 to 25.80C,air imbient no heat si).12/ Unit ..2433a kma vripn iao T-8 1.0v- 33FA 1.0v o.6o MA 6.ov .** 5311A 2/ Since the 1..0 volt values are essentially unchanged, surface-conditiot changes probably caused the observed effect. -28- S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 "S-E-C-R-E-T TABLE 50X1 West German Semi-Conductor Devices roughly equivalent to those here designated as MCN 15932. Diode Number Equivalent West German Type Structure 1 0A95 Ge diode 2 0A91 Ge diode 3 0A73 Ge Point-Contact Diode 4 0A70 Ge Point-Contact Diode 5 0A73 Ge Point-Contact Diode 6 0A85 Ge Point-Contact Diode 7 0A81 Ge Point-Contact Diode 8 0A87 Ge Point-Contact Diode 9 0A87 Ge Point-Contact Mode 10 Bone 11 0A72 Ge Point-Contact Diode 12 0A79 Ge Point-Contact Diode 13 2/ 0A31 s? Si Pouer Diode Rectifier 14 Hone Si Wafer Diode 15 None Si Wafer Diode 16 None Si Wafer Diode 17 Pone Selenium Diode (?) 18-21 Equivalent types for the transistors were reported to be 0C332 0C34, 0C41, or 0C4101 manufactured. by Intermetail, Dusseldorf. 2/ No diode No. 13 was received. TABLE II MCN 15913-162 Diodes A-H Summary of Measured Forward and Reverse Characteristics Forward Characteristics Reverse Characteristics Measured Measured Measured Measured Current Voltage Temp Voltage Current Tema Diode (ma) (volts) (0C) (volts) WO (0c) MCN 15913. A 0.1 0.17 26.4 1.5 2.0 27.0 10 0.97 26.4 10 3.0 27.8 30 1.65 26.4 Eo 25.0 27.2 132 4400 27.2 B C.1 0.16 26.4 1.5 4.0 27.8 10 1.15 26.4 lo 9.0 27.8 30 2.10 26.4 60 45.0 27.2 150 3850 27.2 MCN 15914 C 0.1 0.175 26.4 1.5 1.0 27.8 lo 1.23 26.4 10 5.0 27.8 30 2.35 26.4 6o 45.0 28 1 126 47c0 28.1 D 0.1 0.175 26.4 1.5 1.0 27.8 lo 0.98 26.4 lo 1.5 27.8 30 1.83 26.4 60 15.0 28.1 124 11.300 28.1 MCN 15915 E 0.1 0.165 26.7 1.5 1.5 26.4-26.1 10 1.00 26.7 -;.) G 24-26.1 30 1.80 26.7 Ko 18.0 27. F 0.1 0.172 26.7 13y1 14.150 1.5 21i-26.1 lo 1.00 26.7 lo 2.0 26.4-26.1 30 2.00 26.7 60 18.0 27.8 139.5 11.150 27.8 S-E-C-R-v-T -29- (continued on next page) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 S-E-C-R-P-T TABLE II (continued) Diode Current (ma) Measured Voltace (volts) Measured Term (0C) Voltage (volts) Measured Current (uA) 50X1 Measured Temp (?C) MCA 15916 G 0.1 0.165 26.6 1.5 3.0 27.6 10 1.15 26.6 10 4.5 27.6 30 2.28 26.6 60 30.0 25.9 140 4150 25.9 H 0.1 0.170 26.6 1.5 1.5 27.6 10 0.93 26.6 10 3.0 27.6 30 1.72 26.6 60 10.0 25.9 136 4300 25.9 TABLE III MCN 15913-16, Diodes A-H Diode Reverse Recovery Time Reverse current in excess of steady state vs time. Conditions: Forward Current 20 ma. ? Reverse V - 25 v. Loop Resistance 750 ohms. MCN 15913 Excess Current At Peak Excess Current At 0.1;usec. Excess Current At 0.3jusec. Excess Current At 0.5)usec. Excess Current At 1.0)usec. A 5-5 ma 0.8 ma 0.6 ma 0.5 ma 0.3 ma 5.3 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.3 MCN 15914 4.5 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.2 4.9 1.0 0.5 o.4 0.3 MCN 15915 4.6 0.8 0.3 0.2 C.1 4.7 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.3 MCN 15916 4.7 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 5.4 1.3 0.7 0.5 0.3 -30- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 S-E-C-R-E-T TEBIL: TV MCN 15913-16, Diodes A through H Reverse Recovery Measurements: Reverse Current Above Zero vs Time 50X1 Conditions: Forward Current 30 ma, Reverse volts . 35 v, Loop Resistance = 2500 ohms Current Current Current Current Time for Current Diode At Peak At 0.3iusec. At 0.5,usec. At 3.5,usec. of 0.5 ma. MCN 15913 A 3.3 ma 1.4 ma 1.1 ma 0.1 ma 1.2 ma 2.45 1.0 0.75 0.05 0.9 MCN 15914 1.9 0.6 0.35 0 0.4 2.55 1.1 0.8 0.05 0.9 MCN 15915 E 2,1 0.5 0.3 0.05 0.3 F 2.9 1.3 0.95 (.05 1.0 MCN 15916 G 1.85 0.6 0.4 o 0.4 H 3.0 1.3 0.95 0.1 1.0 0A87 Nominal 0.38 0.036 Specs. Maximum 0.70 0.175 TABLE V Capacitance Vs Voltage a/ Diode Number Equivalent TYPe Specified Max. C. C Measured at V = 0.5V. C Measured at V = 25 V. 3 010:73 ixne 1.00.4uf 0.60,auf 4 0A70 1 1.10 0.65 5 0/173 1 0.70 0.60 6 01185 1 0.70 0.50 7 0A81 1 0.55 0.50 8 0/187 No Spec. 0.70 0.65 9 0p.87 no Spec, 0.60 0.55 10 none 0.60 0.45 Relative values of measured capacitance are estimated to be accurate to less than approximately - 0.1,tuf. S-E-C- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release JA-os ? : CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006- Diode And Eviv,Txpe t.? TABLE VI MCN 15932, Diodes No. 1 through No. 12 Comparison of Measured Values With "Egykals121/221_grecifications Forward Characteristics Measured Measure: VoltaGe Current Voltage " Temp L?t 25?C Voltage -11E1 ivoltsl_ i221 maLK1 Ncy;n2ra). Max(vi (volts) 1 0A95 0,1 10 30 0.185 1.00 1.63 2 0A91 3 0 tA, 1,) oA73 14. 0A70 5 0A73 6 0A85 * Double-valued reverse curve ** Double-valued reverse curve. 27,2 0.18 27.2 1.05 27.2 1.85 Highest volta,;e curve 720 uA Lowest voltage curve 670 uA Uigbest Irnitage curve 770 uA Lowest, voltage curve 720 uA Reverse Characteristics Measured Measured Specified Current Current Temp at 2500 (uA) _221_ Norm(uA) 14a4u19 1.5 2,5 10 4.o 75 34 loo 130 Highest volta,;e curve 720 uA Lowest voltage curve 670 uA Uigbest Irnitage curve 770 uA Lowest, voltage curve 720 uA oi Cl) e e e I. 1.5 2,5 10 4.o 75 34 loo 130 26.4 8 30 100 30 1.80 27.5 1.5 1.7 2.3 20 15 26.4 25 120 1400 30 20.0 26.4 45 275 1200 0.1 0,145 27.2 0.10 0.15 0.25 1.5 4.0 26.4 1.0 5 30 10 1.00 27.2 0.55 1.05 2.0 10 6.0 26.4 5.5 30 180 30 1.78 27.2 0.60 1.7 3.2 15 16.0 26.4 10.5 65 350 22,5 17.0 26.4 23 145 800 0.1 0.177 27.8 0.1 0.13 0.2 1.5 1.5 26.6 1 5 18 10 1.00 27.8 0,6 0.8 1.1 10 8.0 26.6 8 30 100 30 1,71 27,0 1.5 1.7 2.3 20 40 26.6 25 120 400 30 80 26.6 45 275 3.200 0.1 0.185 26.9 0.1 0.195 0.25 1.5 1.5 26.6 0.4 1.2 ":. 4.5 10 o.84 26.9 o.65 1.15 1.5 10 6.5 26.6 0.8 2.5 7 30 1.3 26.9 1.0 2.05 2.6 75 * 26.6 5.7 35 110 100 ** 26.6 10 75 250 ** Double-valued reverse curve. * Double-valued reverse curve I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release : CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 1- TABLE VI (Continued) Forward Characteristics Measured Measured Specified Voltage Diode And Current Voltage Temp at 25?C Equiv .Type (ma) (volts) (?C) Nin(v) Norm(v) Max(v) Voltage (volts) Measured Current (11A) Reverse Characteristics Measured Specified Current Temp at 25?C (0c) Min(uA) Norm(uA) Max(uA) zj 1-3 7+ 0.1 0.185 26.6 0.10 0.20 0A01 10 1.67 t 26.6 0.65 1.4 30 2.95 26.6 1.0 2.45 84+ 0.1 0.185 26.6 0.18 oA87 5 0.95 --26.6 0.78 10 1.35 26.6 . 1.12 30 2.46 26.6 2.15 9 0.1 0.19 25.8 0.18 0A87 5 1.14 25.8 0.78 10 1.65 25.8 1.12 A 30 3.05 25.8 2.15 I LA) U-1 10 0.1 0.189 25.6 t None 5 1.00 ? 25.6 )-3 10 1.40 _ 25.6 30 2.45 25.6 114+ 0.1 0.23 25.6 0.20 0A72 10 1.37 25,6 1.4 30 2.20 25.6 2.5 32 0.1 0.23 25.8 0.15 0.23 0A79 10 1.48 25.8 0.8 1.5 30 2.43 25.8 1.4 2.8 -4-Very slight reverse current jitter (0.5pA), but no drift 44-Drifts, (for +11 duration too short to photograph). 0.25 1.9 3.3 0.30 2.2 4.0 1.5 10 75 loo 1.5 10 60avg. 90avg. 1.5 10 Uo go 1.5 10 60 go 1.5 lo 30 45 0.1 1.5 10 30 45 6 15 105 205 1.5 3.0 240 390 5.0 9.5 45 95 2.0 4.0 4o. llo 13 55 220 49R.0 1.5 0,0 11.0 25.0 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 0.3 0.5 5.5 10.0 0.1 0.4 1.5 4 1.5 4 4o 75 1.3 2.5 34 130 1.3 2.5 34 130 0.8 4.5 50 130 0.35 0.8 4.5 35 90 7 11 180 275 1.0 2.8 18 150 350 ---1111161SP_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 S-E-C-P-E-T TABLE VII MCN 15932, Diodes 1-12 Reverse Breakdown Voltage Specified Peak Equivalent Reverse Voltage Diode Type At 250C (v) 1 0A95 115 2 91 115 3 73 30 4 70 22.5 5 73 30 6 85 115 7 81 115 8 87 90 9 87 90 lo None 11 72 45 12 79 None 50X1 Measured Reverse Breakdown Voltage Lt/ Meas. Temp. -CU-- (v) 122 26.1 135 26.4 151 26.4 166 26.4 95 26.6 2/ 26.6 134 26.9 125 26.9 138 26.9 132 26.9 62 27.8 95 27.8 4/ All diodes except No. 12 reached an estimated maximum safe power dissipatbn before the slope impedance of the reverse curve became as low as 10,000 ohms. Breakdown is defined as the voltage at this dissipation: 58 mw for Nos. ,1-21 82 mw for Nos. 3-12. For the exception, breakdown voltage at which slope of reverse curve is 10K ohm and maximum dissipation isrnached is essentially the same. 2/ Double valued reverse curve: Highest voltage curve 106v. Lowest voltage curve 110v. TABLE VIII MCN 15932, Diodes Nos. 1-12 Diode Reverse Recovery Time Reverse current in excess of steady state vs time. Conditions: Forward Current 20 ma. Reverse V=25 v. Loop Resistance:7500hms Diode Excess Current At Peak EXcess Current At 0.1,usec. Excess Current At 0.34usec. EXcess Current At 0.5,usec. Excess Current At 1.0,usec. 1 4.2 ma 0.9 ma 0.5 ma 0.4 ma 0.3 ma 2 3.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.3 3 6.1 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 4 6.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.3 5 4.9 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.3 6 4.1 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3 7 3.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 8 4.7 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 9 3.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 10 3.6 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 11 1.8 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 12 2.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 -34- S-E-C-R-E-T neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Forward Current ? S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 Unit TABLT: X Capacitance per cm2 at 1 KC clpf) Bias: 0.0 v 1.2 v .1.5 v 2.0 v 213v USA 11.550 2530 2320 2150 2080 #16 250 #21 14-80 TABLE XI Diode Time After Turn-On Drift Apparently Stopped 14 4 to 5 minutes 16 4 to 5 17 5, 18 4.5 19 4 20 5 21 6 TABLE XII MCN 15932 "Flat Diodes" Selenium Rectifiers Nos. 14-21 12/ Forward Current Forward Density Resistance Data for 26v Peak Sweep Reverse Reverse Ratio Reverse Current Resistance to Forward at 20v Resistance (MG A ) At 1.0v at 1.0v at 1.0v at 20v Diode (ma) (ma/cm2) (k) 9/ Data for 37v Sweep Reverse Reverse Current Resistance at 20v at 20v (uA) 9/ (MEG.1%) Break- down Voltage (10K slope Resist- ance) (volts) 14 0.27 .47 3.7 1.0 20. 5400 1.0 20 15 0.29 .51 3.4 3.0 6.7 2000 16 0.27 .47 3.6 2.0 10. 2800 1.5 13 67 17 0.44 .77 2.3 2.5 3500 2.0 10 61 18 0.43 .76 2.3 2.0 10. 11.300 1.5 13 64 19 0.48 .84 2.1 1.0 20 10000 1.0 20 66 20 0.42 .74 2.4 18.o 1.1 460 15.0 1.3 71 21 0.68 149 1.5 7.5 2.7 1800 16.0 1.2 36 2/ Reverse current is average value of hystersis loop. 12/ Based on estimated area of conduction egaal to 0.57 cm2. - 36' S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 S-E-C-R-E-T TABLE XIII COlvlION BASE h-PARAI or MCN 15932 T-1 to 5, 9 to 13 50X1 Conditions of Measurement: Vo : See Table, IE = 1.0 ma, Unit -Vo hub -1112b h2ib (volts) (ohms) ... 1 1.1000 1122b (umho) cpsITANB=23.3 -25. &C (h22b)-1 (megohms) T-1 5.0 27.8 9.5 x 10-4 .974 1.22 .820 T-1 10.0 27.7 10.5 .978 1.27 .787 T-13 5.0 27.4 7.6 .979 .710 1.41 T-13 10.0 27.3 6.8 .982 .,995 1.00 T4 5.0 :5.0 6.3 .989 .328 305, T-4 lox 34.5 4.8 .990 .233 4.29 T-5 5.0 30.5 5.8 .995 .308 3.25 T-5 10.0 30.5 4.7 .995 .214 4.67 T-2 5.0 31.2 2.8 .976 ..405 2.47 T-2 10.0 31.0 1.5 .977 .291 3.44 T-3 5.0 31.2 3.3 .988 .300 3.33 T-3 10.0 31.0 2.4 .989 .215 4.66 T-9 5.0 30.6 2.6 .987 .285 3.51 T-9 10.0 30.8 2.0 .988 ,:204 4.90 T-10 5.0 31.2 1.7 .986 .291 3.44 T-10 10.0 31.2 1.3 .986 .208 4.81 T-11 5.0 30.2 2.2 .995 .266 3.76 T-11 10.0 30.2 1.7 .995 * * T-12 5.0 30.8 1.7 .988 ..269 3.72 T-12 10.0 30.1 1.3 .989 .202 4.95 *Unstable; change in mea-ured value of'. 0.010 xmho. Value initially is 0.285 /mho, drifting to 0.320 Almho in 3 min. at which time drift has ended. 37- s-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved fo CHAJAA.W.MRIS"?.. (J.!. 3, ilax, Vci3 (v) Max. (v ) Max ( ) I HEI:" 1.P,; ) , T41.2.);? 7(j (1.) 6. IR:50 (1410 0, V13 .30v Ui nirr F 1.37.A !TIT' 3f0i 1;1 .11) I VI I Jt, -3 - 0,5 47v= . 23 -1(;0 c.)) , < -2v, __O ,35 ?0 70 9' vcEsAT (v) a. Ic = 1.0A VEBF(v) a, VCB (w) , a. Vcj_ b.. VcB C. VcB 10 3,1 -60v -30v,REB -30v -60v, REB 00 -0 - - 00 =1,5 ( ?I .( , .1 J.; ( : 12::3 (T-:) .1,12) ljtjl 1.2 1 , . ? ? ) it" 0.17 0.09'5 1.u.hUL2 !I Jee Nuber 5 ?. cal,(,(,fiatLve.?: 0 1-:,.(; '0' 1o. [five 20 w, to 1T,C. j ni L1,2, 3 zee surge to 01 initial 3 sec surge to 0.01, Cr.rve 2rac4Jr :;:a,;uroment Crcve Tracer 3.:easurement Curve Tracer Neasurement 1B - 120 MA, Curve Tracer Measurement Initial Value 0,16 D 0 0 0 (D 7:1 (D CT) (/) (D n.) n.) T=. 0 -0 co 0 0 0.) 0 0 0.) 0.) 0 0 co 0 0 0 TABLE XIA- (continued) CHARACTERISTIC SPECIFIED VALUES MEASURED OR GFT GFT GFT FOR ITEM RATING (25?C) 2N1581 2N1562 2006/303 2006/603 2006/903 MCN 15933 (After 1 min? ab to stilize4) COMMENTS 11.d.VcE = 60v,REB4.0 -5-10.1 Initial value?.=.-11,6,on1y e .VcE 1,..9011 REB =0 (-.20 Note 5 small drift >1 min. f .VaB = -2v, REB =00 -0.012 12.0 (0C/W) 3 3 5 5 5 To be measured (Thermal Resistance) 13 fab (KC) a.VcE .-_, -2v,Ic = A,145 _145 14.fae (KC) a VCE - -6v,Ic = 50014A 12 12 12 Value 12KC is Typical co ' - t7- 15.ICB0 ( ) C. a.VcE = - _ 3 3 - 3 -o.48 . r.k. ._ NOTES: 1-3 1, Specification MIL-T-19500/24 (SHIPS); measurements made accordincly except where noted. 2. Commercial specification, CBS Hytron, 3. Commercial specification, MADE, 4, In many cases dc stability vas not reached completely in 1 min, but major d..ift vas complete. A minimum off-time of 3 minutes preceded dc measurements, ,:. 5. VcE not taken to -90v, but Imo -, ijj = - .).., o' - U MA Oh (D (T) (/) CD 0 -o co 0 7:1 0 0 0 0 TABLE XV- SUMMARY OF SPECIFICATIONS AND MEASURED VALUES - MCN 15934 (T-7) Cl) 0?0 tJ 1-3 CHARACTERISTICS OR . RATING (25?C) 2N1581 SPECIFIED VALUES 0ITT, GPT, , 2N1564 2006/303 2006/603 GFT 2006/903 MEASURED FOR ITEM MCN 15934 COMMENTS 1.Max. V(v) -6o 2.Max, V(v) -3o 3.Max. Pt(w) 8.5 4.Max.Tj (?C) 85 5.Max Ic(A) -3 6.IEgo(ma) a.VEg -30v -=?- 0.5 b.VEg -15v 7.hFE a.VCE -2v,Ic =0.5A 2160 b.VcE -6v,Ig =16ma -3o -15 8.5 85 -3 > 0.5 224- lo 75 -2 10 75 -2 35(2550) 10 75 -2 (After 1 min., to stabilizer Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating 0.28 46 43 See Number 11 See Number 6 8.5 is conservative; 0 and Tj give 20 w Initial value 4.4ma. Drifts. (Tracer gives 0.24 ma) Curve Tracer Measurements Curve Tracer Measurements 8.VgE(v) a .VcE -2v ,Icz0.5A "3: 0.85 9.1.7bE SAT(v) a.Ic =1.0A 50.75 10.VEgF(v) a.VcB = -60v 55.30 Y0 .70 1.0.60 . 0.42 0.17 Curve Tracer Measurements IB 120ma Curve Tracer Measuments Cannot use 60v Vhgla = 0.08v @ Vcg = 30v. : CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 3 3 < CD 0_ a? CB = b.VcB = -30v,R =0 ,c.VcB -60v1R :00=7:1.5 d.Vm ; -60v,IIBB :0 e;Vag = -90v,RBB =0 LlicB - 2v,REB =00 Initial 2.3 ma Drops to25 c,VcE -6v,IB = 16ma 8.VBE (v) a.VcE - -1.2A ;f0.50 VCE = -5 A :,:*0.9 9,11cE SAT (v) = -12 A, IB = -2A .1;0,7 10,, \rap (v) . a.VCB : -80v .S10 TABLE XVI SUMMARY OF SPECIFICATIONS AND MEASURED VALUES MCN 15934 (T-8) GFT 22.261.22. .80 -60 70 10 95 75 .153 -2 GFT 200640 GFT 2006/90 MEASURED FOR ITEM MCN 17314 COMMENTS tit (:) I-3 10 10 75 75 -2 -2 35(25-50) to stabilize)5 -0.021 -1.15 24,5 8,2 3211 Rating of Number 11 Rating of Number 6 Rating Rating Rating Initial value 0.024 ma Initial value 1,25 ma, Drifts to 1,0 ma in 2,5 min. Tracer shows 1.0 ma. Curve Tracer Measurement Curve Tracer Measurement Estimated from curve tracer,Note: At Van -2v, Ic .5A hFEZ33 0.7 Curve Tracer Measurement 1,7 Curve Tracer Measurement Ic too great for MCN 15934,see report It- : CIA-RDP81-01043R003300180006-6 41% CHARACTERISTIC OR RATING (25?C) ? 1? ?re TABLE XVI_ (continued) MEASURED OFT GFT OFT FOR ITHM 2N1741), 2006/30 2006/60 2006/90 MCN 159311. (?terI min. to stabilize)5 11.IcE auVoa -2v1REE z 00 10.2 b.VcB ^ -33vREE Is 0 e'VCB X -.60vREB 0 dab/3 % -80vREB oo..515.0 e.vcB ? -,ovABB ? 0 12.0 (?C/W) Thermal Resistance ..c? 1 13.fab (Mc) 8.0103 s -12v, 1c a -I A? 0.30)n 14.IcEo (ma) a.Vo = -16v 15.1B(ma) a.VCE 16.IB(ma) a.VcE 2 NOTES -2v,Ic =-1.2A 15-30 -2v,I0 a -5A '5200 .