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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 R 50X1 -HUM Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 VOLUME 7 JANUARY, 1963 1 0 NUMBER 1 International Journal 13S C610 .11 EDITORS D. BLA8KOVI C, Bratislava A. A. SMOR OD IN T S E V, Leningrad V. VALENT A, secretary, Bratislava EDITORIAL BOARD S. ANGELOV, Sofia N. CAJA L, Bucharest CHEN SI UN. Fenjan E. F ARK A S, Budapest G A W H. ZANYI N, Wuhan HUAN G, C. H., Peking G Y. IVANOVICS, Szeged H. MAK OWE R, Wroclaw S. NICOLA U, Bucharest F. PATOOK A, Prague F. PRZESMYCKI, Warsaw H. ROHRE R, Inset Riems V. L. RYZHK 0 V, Moscow L. STOJKOVI 0, Belgrade A. L. TERZI N, Sarayevo H.URBACH,Jena E. YANE V, Plovdiv V. M. ZHDANO V, Moscow EE cacgemom,ciwAm ACIDEAkOW COW S3C01%CMg3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 VOLUME 7 ACTA VIROLOGICA ENGLISH EDITION .JANUARY, 1963 NUMBER 1 CONTENTS ZHDANOV, V. M., BUKRINSKAYA, A. G., & RAMENSKAYA, G. P.: Autoradiographic Study of the Penetration of Sendai Virus into the Cell. III. Use of Virus Preparations La- belled with Uracil-C", P32, Methionine-S" or Cysteine-S" IVANIOOVA, 8., SKODA, R., MAYER, V., & SOKOL, F.: Inactivation of Aujeszky Disease .(Pseudorabies) Virus by Nitrous Acid 7 GHENDON, YU. Z.: Mutations of Virulent and Attenuated Poliovirus Strains Induced by Nitrous Acid 16 STYK, B., HANA, L., FRAN-PK, F., SOKOL, F., & MENMK, J.: Cofactor and Specific Antibodies against Influenza Viruses. VII. The Nature of Cofactor and Influenza Anti- bodies Studied by Density Gradient Zonal Cent ifugation 25 LEO, J., SZANTO, J., & ALBRECHT, P.: Mumps Virus Infection of HeLa Cells Studied by the Fluorescent Antibody Method 37 NOSIK, N. N., & KLISENKO, G. 4.: Cytochemical Studies on Nucleic Acids in Cells from Tissue Cultures Infected with Type 5 Adenovirus 42 ZALKIND, S. YA., ANDZHAPARIDZE, 0. G., BOG OMOLOVA, N. N., & FOKINA, A. M : Morphological and Cytochemical Study of HEp-2 Cell Cultures Persistently Infected with Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus 48 ILYENKO, V. I., & ZHILOVA, G. P.: Methods of Preparation and Immunogenic Properties ? of a Killed Tissue Culture Vaccine against Tick-borne Encephalitis 54------ SUPTEL, E. A.: Pathogenesis of Experimental Coxsackie Virus Infection. Distribution of Coxsackie Virus in Mice after Air-borne Infection r 61 RUTTKAY-NEDECKIT, G., & 8PA.NIK, V.: Evaluation of the Efficiency of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Purification Procedures by the Polarographic Method 67 NIKOLAYEV, V. P.: Virological and Serological Investigations of Sporadic Cases of Serous Meningitis 76 CHUMAKOV, M. P., KARPOVICH, L. G., SARMANOVA, E. S., SERGEEVA, G. I , BYCHKOVA, M. B., TAPUPERE, V. 0., LIBIKOVA, H., MAYER, V., REHAOEK, J., KOZUCH, 0. & ERNEK, E.: Report on the Isolation from Ixodes persulcatus Ticks and from Patients in`Western Siberia of a Virus Differing from the Agnet of Tick-borne Encephalitis 82 KORDOVA, N., & BREZINA, R.: Multiplication Dynamics of Phase I and II Coxiella burneti in Different Cell Cultures 84 STYK, B.: Effect of Some Inhibitor-Destroying Substances on the Nonspecific Inhibitor of C Influenza Virus Present in Normal Rat Serum 88 Letters to the Editor: LINDE, K., & URBACH, H.: Complement-fixing Coxiella burneti Antigen Prepared from In- fective Yolk Sacs by Trypsin Treatment GEFT, R. A., & POLYAK, R. YA.: Removal of Thermostable Inhibitors against A2 Influenza Virus from Immune Horse Sera by Rivanol 90 91 Reports (VIIIth International Congress for Microbiology, Montreal, August 19-24, 1962. ? A Jubilee of Czechoslovak Science) 92 Review (K. M. Smith: Viruses) 95 Erratum 96 For authors' addresses see cover p. iii I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: ICIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Ada virol. 7: 1-6, 1963' Autoradiographic Study of the Penetration of Sendai Virus into the Cell III. Use of Virus Preparations Labelled with Uracil-C", P32, Methionine-S35 or Cysteine-S35 V. M. ZI-IDANOV, A. C. BUKRINSKAYA, G. P. RAMENSKAYA Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow and Severtsov Institute of Animal Morphology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, MUscow Received July 16, 1962 In a previous communication the dynamics of the displacement in the cell of radioactive components of P32-labelled Sendai. virus were described (Buk- rinskaya et al., 1961). In the present paper this process is characterized quanti- tatively and the results of experiments with P32-labelled virus are compared with those obtained with Sendai virus labelled with a specific precursor of nucleic acids, namely uracil-C". To study the fate of viral protein, virus preparations labelled with methionine-S35 or cysteine-S35 were used. Materials and Methods , The materials and methods used and the characteristics of the labelled virus preparations were the same as those previously described (Bukrinskaya et al., 1961; Zhdanov and Bukrinskaya, 1961). The labelling of virus with uracil-C" was done by injecting 100 tiC of uracil-C" into each ehick embryo simultaneously with virus; the virus was purified by a procedure similar to that used previously. Preparations containing 105.?-107?0 1D55/ml. of virus were used throughout, thus ensuring a high multiplicity of infection in view of the few thousand cells on the glass strips used in the experiments. Results When virus preparations labelled with P32 or uracil-C" were used for in- fection, 0.5-10% of the cells in the culture showed radioactive inclusions. While in autoradiograms prepared 10 minutes after infection of the cells with P32-labelled virus radioactive grains were located predominantly in the nucleolus (Fig. 1), during further incubation the proportion of such cells decreased and cells containing intranuclear and internucleolar grains appeared (Figs. 2 and 3). Two hours after infection the proportion of cells showing grains in the cytoplasm increased (Table 1), the grains being located in the form of conglomerates in the perinuclear. part of the cytoplasm (Fig. 4). To estimate the total radioactivity in the three groups of cells containing cytoplasmic, nuclear or nucleolar grains, the mean number of radioactive grains per cell was determined in an infected human amnion cell culture (Table 2). To characterize the dynamics of incorporation of viral components into cellular structures, the mean number of grains per cell, determined at various intervals, was multiplied by the number of cells in the corresponding group. The results obtained are presented in Figs 6 and 7. It can be seen that the higher the interval elapsed after infection (10-180 minutes), the higher the degree of incorporation of viral components into the nucleus. While during 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: IA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 2 ZHDANOV, V. M. et at. the first hour after infection the radioactivity of the cytoplasm did not change, two hours after infection it increased rapidly. This increase coincided with the decrease of the number of cells containing grains in the nucleolus. The total radioactivity of the nucleoli however, did not change during incubation, Table I. Distribution of radioactive grains in cells infected with P32-labelled Sendai virus Per, cents of cells containing grains in the Time after infection in mins cytoplasm nucleus nucleolus 10 10 10 80 30 11 14 75 60 4 16 80 120 31 18 51 180 32 24 44 Table 2. Mean number of radioactive grains per human amnion cell after infection with P32-labelled Sendai virus Time after infection in mins cytoplasm Number of grains in the nucleus nucleolus 10 3.2 ? 0.5 11.0 ? 1.5 5.3 ? 0.8 30 5.8 + 0.7 13.0 ? 2.0 5.2 ? 0.4 60 8.8 ? 1.8 13.6 ? 2.0 6.6 ? 0.8 120 13.2 ? 1.2 16.1 ? 1.3 5.0 ? 0.3 180 11.1 ? 1.5 16.1 + 1.8 10.0 ? 1.9 this fact being caused by a parallel increase of the number of intranucleolar grains during prolonged incubation of infected cells (Fig. 7). When cells were treated for 10-60 minutes with noninfected allantoic fluid labelled to the same degree as the virus preparations used for infection, grains were not detected in the cells. After 2-3 hours' contact some of the cells contained grains in the nucleus. P32 was not incorporated into the nucleoli of such control cells. The character of the incorporation of the virus into the structural components of the cell was the same, regardless whether cultures of stable cell lines (Cyno- molgus monkey heart or human amnion cells) or primary cultures of chick embryo cells were used. Experiments with uracil-C" were carried out in human amnion cell cultures. The character of .the incorporation of viral components into cellular structures was the same as with virus preparations labelled with P33 (Table 3), but the proportion of cells containing grains in the nucleolus was lower duirng the early period of incubation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 SENDAI VIRUS PENETRATION INTO THE CELL 3 When human amnion cells were treated for 2 hours with noninfected allantoic fluid labelled with uracil-C14 and diluted to the same degree as the virus pre- parations used for infection, some of the cells contained grains in the nucleus. After 3 hours an appreciable proportion of cells contained radioactive grains, 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Fig. 6. 3 Fig. 7. Proportion of cells (%) in culture infect- , The change of the total radioactivity of ed with P"-labelled Sendai virus showing cells (proportion of cells in % showing incorporation of radioactive viral corn- radioactive grains x Mean number of ponents in relation to the incubation time grains per cell) infected with P"-labelled ES cytoplasm, 0 nuclei, A nucleoli; Sendai virus during incubation ordinate: % of cells; abscissa: hours of ordinate: cells x grains; for other expla- incithation. nations see Fig. 5. Table 3. Distribution of radioactive grains in cells infected with uraeil-C"-labelled Sendai virus Time after infection in mins Per cents cytoplasm of cells with grains in nucleus the nucleolus 10 6 34 60 30 11 38 _ 51 60 14 45 41 120 18 50 32 90% of them showing intranuclear and only 10% intranucleolar localisation of the grains. Using virus preparations labelled with methionine-S35 or cysteine-S35, faint grains distributed uniformly over the nucleus and cytoplasm appeared on the surface of most of the cells already 10 minutes after infection (Fig. 5). The number of grains reached a maximum 60 minutes after infection. The uiform distribution of grains suggest that they represented viral components adsorbed onto, but which had not penetrated into the cell. To verify this assumption, cells were inoculated in parallel experiments with methionine-S35-labelled virus at 4 and 37? C, taking into account that the penetration of virus into the cells is markedly suppressed at low temperatures. The number of grains Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/92/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 4 ZIIDANOV, V. M. et al. per cell was 21.0 ? 2.5 and 24.0 + 3.0 at 37 and 4? C, respectively, i.e. about the same at both temperatures. Similar results were obtained when virus preparations labelled with cysteine-S33 were used. When cultures were inoculated at 4? C with uracil-C14-labelled virus, the proportion of cells showing incorporation of viral components as well as the occurrence of intranucleolar grains was decreased (Table 4). Table 4. The effect of temperature on the incorporation of Components of uracil-C14-lab,elled Sendai virus into human amnion cells Temperature , .?C Proportion of cells containing grains Percentage cytoplasm of cells with grains nucleus in the nucleolus 37 4 10% - 2% 5 36 (over the whole cell) 44 44 51 20 Discussion Analysis of virus preparations labelled with P2 or S33 has shown that the distribution of the radioactivity between the viral components was not uniform. While 44-58% of the activity was found in the S-antigen (internal ribo- nucleoprotein) fraction of P32 labelled virus, only 16% was recovered in the haemagglutinin and denatured protein fractions obtained after splitting of the virus with ether. In virus preparation labelled with S23, 55.5% of the radio- activity was bound to the viral protein and only 10.4% was found in the S- antigen (Bukrinskaya et al., 1961). Thus the grains contained in cells infected with 1332- or S33-labelled virus corresponded essentially to the nucleic acid and protein fraction of the virus, respectively. Labelling with uracil-C1-4, a specific precursor of nucleic acids, enabled a more reliable examination of the fate of viral nucleic acid. While 97% of the cells in the culture inoculated with methionine-S33 and cysteine-S33-labelled virus showed grains on autoradiograms, only 0.5-10% of the cells contained radioactive inclusions after inoculation with P32- or ? uracil-C14-labelled virus. In the former, case the grains were uniformly distribut- ed over the whole cell, while in the latter a tendency for accumulation of the grains in the nucleolus was evident. These findings can be readily explained when it is assumed that the nucleic acid component of the virus penetrated into the cell, while the viral protein remained on its surface. The results obtained in experiments on the adsorption of S33-amino acid or uracil-C14-labelled viruses at different temperatures supported this assumption. But the data obtained do not exclude that a part of the virus protein penetrates into some cells. This question could be solved by autoradiography of sectioned cells. Taking into account the fact that one hours' adsorption was sufficient to obtain optimum virus multiplication in the cells, it can be deduced that the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved' for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 A SENDAI VIRUS PENETRATION INTO THE CELL 5 changes observed in the localization of grains during incubation of the infected cultures were due to displacement of viral components already penetrated into the cell rather than to the penetration of new virus particles, although the latter factor cannot be completely excluded. The results of the present experiments indicate that a part of the viral components which had penetrated into the nucleolus were liberated during further incubation and concentrated in the nucleus. Then they entered the cytoplasm and were located in the peri- nuclear zone. Recently autoradiographic studies on the synthesis of cellular ribonucleic acids have been published (Errera, 1961; Perry et al., 1961). Their results are in agreement with the data given in the present paper. Thus the fate of viral ribonucleic acid which had penetrated into the cell is essentially the same as that of cellular ribonucleic acid in a noninfected cell. Some hours after the entry of viral ribonucleic acid from the nucleus into the cytoplasm an intensive synthesis of viral antigen takes place (Zhdanov et al., 1961). In agreement with other investigators (Brachet, 1960; Errera, 1961; Jacob and Monod, 1961) we can asume that viral ribonucleic acid possibly plays the role of messenger ribonucleic acid in the synthesis of specific protein in the cyto- plasm. Summary' 1. The dynamics of the displacement of the nucleic Acid component of P32- or uracil-C1-4-labelled Sendai virus in the infected cell was studied by auto- radiography. First radioactive grains appeared early after the infection mainly in the nucleolus, then in the nucleus, and 2 hours after infection in the cyto- plasm. The proportion of the cells in the culture showing incorporation of viral components by autoradiography was 0.5-10%. 2. In autoradiograms of cells infected with methionine-S35 or cysteine-S35 labelled Sendai virus the radioactive grains were uniformly distributed on the surface of 90-97% of the cells in the culture. 3. The interaction of methionine-S35 or cysteine-S35-labelled virus and cells at 4? C instead of 37? C, did not lead to decreased labelling of the cells, while the radioactivity, of the cells was markedly reduced when the cells were ino- culated at 4? C with uracil-C14-labelled virus. 4. The results obtained indicate that after inoculation the ribonucleic acid or the internal ribonucleoprotein (S-antigen) of Sendai virus penetrated into the cells, while the protein coat of the virus remained on their surface. Acknowledgement. The authors thank Dr. A. S. Konikova and her collaborators from the Laboratory of Biochemistry of the Institute of Surgery, U.S.S.R. Acad. Med. Sci., and Prof. V. K. Modestov and his collaborators from the Chair of Medical Radiology of the Central Institute of Postgraduate Training of Physicians for the aid in this study. References Brachet, J. (196): Le role biologique d'acides nucleiques. R. C. Let. Sci. Camerino 1, 3. Bukrinskaya, A. G., Zhdanov, V. M., and Ramenskaya, G. P. (1961): Autoradiographic study of the penetration of Sendai virus into the cell. II. Use of virus preparations labelled in the P32. V op. Virusol. 6, 547. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 6 ZIIDANOV, V. M. et al. Errera, M. (1961): Biochemical processes in injured cells in relation to cell recovery. J. cell. comp. Physiol. 58 (Supplem.), 209. Jacob, F., and Monod, J. (1961): Genetic regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of proteins. J. Mol. Biol. 3, 318. Perry, R. P., Hell, A., and Errera, M. (1961): The role of the nucleolus in RNA and proteins synthesis. I. Incorporation of cytidine into normal and nucleolar inactivated HeLa cells. Biochem. biophys. Acta 49, 47. Zhdanov, V. M., and Bukrinskaya, A. G. (1961): Autoradiographic study of the penetration of Sendai virus into the cell. I. Labelling bf Sendai virus with radioactive isotopes. Vop. Virusol. 6, 542. Zhdanov, Y. M., Bukrinskaya, A. G., and Azadova, N. B. (1961): Fluorescent microscopic study of incomplete Sendai virus formation in tissue culture cells. J. Immunol. 87, 641. Explanation of Photomicrographs: Fig. I. Autoradiogram of a human amnion cell infected'with P32-labelled Sendai virus. Time after infection: 10 mins; grains are iodated on the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes, and in the nucleolus; x 900. Fig. 2. Autoradiogram of human amnion cells prepared 1 hour after infection with P32-labelled Sendai virus. The upper left cell contains grains located in the internucleolar zone of the nucleus; x 600. Fig. 3. Autoradiogram of human amnion cells prepared 1 hour after infection with P32-labelled Sendai virus. Isolated nuclei containing radioactive grains; x 600. Fig. 4. Autoradiogram of human amnion cells infected with P"-labelled Sendai.virus. Two hours after infection. The grains in the left cell are located in the perinuclear zone of the cytoplasm. x 600. Fig. 5. Autoradiogram of human arhnion cells prepared 1 hour after infection with methionine- S35-labelled Sendai virus. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Acta virol. 7 : 7-15, 1963 Inactivation of 'Aujeszky Disease (Pseudorabies) Virus by Nitrous Acid s. IVANI6OVA , R. 8KODA, V. MAYER, F. SOKOL Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava . Received August 17, 1942 Mundry and Gierer (1958) showed that desamination of purine and pyrimidine bases of isolated viral ribonucleic acid (RNA), by treatment with nitrous acid (HNO2), carried out as described by- Schuster and Schramm (1958), led in addition to inactivation also to induction of mutations. They demonstrated, too, that mutants can be obtained also when intact viruses are treated with IIN02. Recently the kinetics of inactivation of various RNA- or deoxyribo- nucleic acid (DNA)-containing viruses by IIN02, the properties of isolated chemical mutants and those of inactivated virus were studied by several investigators (Boeye, 1959; Tessman, 1959; Vielmetter and Wieder, 1959; Schafer et al., 1959; Granoff, 1961; Bautz-Freese and Freese, 1961; Carp and Koprowski, 1962; Restle et al., 1962; Wassermann, 1962). We studied the reaction between 11NO2 and the Aujeszky disease virus, a DNA-containing animal virus (Ben-Porat and Kaplan, 1962). In the present paper the kinetics of inactivation of this virus at different pH, temperatures and HNO2 con- centrations are described. The immunogenicity of the inactivated virus was also investigated. Materials and Methods Virus. The Bucharest strain of Aujeszky disease virus in its 368th-372nd chick embryo cell (CEO) culture passage was used throughout. Virus suspensions were prepared as follows. Bottles_ were seeded with 5 x 107 CEO in 100 ml. of growth medium (1: 1 mixture of medium 199 and Earle's saline, containing 2% calf serum heated at 56? C for 30 minutes) (PEC) and incubated at 37? C for 48 hours. The medium was then removed and the cells inoculated with about 108plaque forming units (PFTJ) of virus. The virus was allowed to adsorb at 37? C for 90 minutes. Then 100 ml. of fresh PEC medium were added and the cultures incubated at 37? C for a further 48 hours. The harvested infectious culture fluids, containing about 5 x 107 PFU of virus per ml., were freed of cells and their debris by low speed centrifugation. In some experiments virus partially purified by sedimentation at 40,000 x g for 30 minutes was used. The pellet was resuspended in phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4 (0.007M phosphate, 0.14M NaCl). Infectivity titration. Virus was titrated by the plaque method in CEO monolayers as described by 8koda and Mayer (1961) using 2-4 plates for each serial tenfold dilution. After adsorption of the virus at room temperature for 90 minutes the inoculum was removed. In some experiments also the TCID? titres of the virus samples were estimated. Tube cultures containing 5 x 105 CEO and 1 ml. of PEC medium were inoculated with 0.1 ml. of serial tenfold dilutions of the samples using 4 tubes for each dilution. The cultures were incubated at 37? C and the cytopathic effect was read after 5 days. Neutralisation test. Serial twofold dilutions of rabbit immune serum heated at 56? C for 30 mi- nutes were mixed with equal volumes of a suspension containing 103 TCID20 of virus per ml. and incubated at 37? C for 60 minutes. Tube cultures of CEO were then inoculated with 0.2 ml. of the mixture using 4 tubes for each dilution. The titres were taken as the reciprocal of the highest initial dilution of serum showing complete inhibition of the viral cytopathic effect. Treatment of virus by HNO2. Two parts of virus suspension were mixed with one part of 1M acetate buffer of required pH and one part of a 4M NaNO, solution in distilled water. When solutions of lower. NaNO2 concentration were used, NaCl was added to adjust the concentration Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 8 IVANIOovA, et al. of Na+ to 4M. All solutions were heated to the required temperature before mixing. The reaction mixture was kept in a water bath of a constant temperature and stirred by a magnetic stirrer. The pH of the mixture did not change during the reaction time. Samples were withdrawn at intervals, diluted 1 : 10 with 0.25M phosphate buffer pH 7.85 to stop the reaction and immediately assayed for infectivity. The final pH of the 1 : 10 diluted virus suspension was about 7.4. NaNO, was not removed from the samples, because an appreciable drop in virus titre was observed regularly after exhaustive dialysis against phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4. Controls set up in parallel consisted of virus, acetate buffer and 4M Neel. Several batches of inactivated virus for immunisation were prepared by treatment of crude virus suspension for 30 minutes with 1M NaNO2 at pH 5.55 and 37? C. The suspension was then dialysed exhaustively against tap water, the viral antigen sedimented at 40,000>< g for 30 minutes, resuspended in 1/10 of the original volume of phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4 and freed of insoluble material by low speed centrifugation. No live virus could be demonstrated in such preparations by the plaque method, when 0.4 ml. of the suspension were plated on CEC mono- layers. Experimental The character of the inactivation reaction Most of the curves characterizing the decrease of infectivity with time showed essentially an exponential rate of inactivation (Figs. 1 and 2) corresponding to the equation log (Io/I) =k X t +b, (1) Io being the infectivity titre of control virus suspension at zero time, I that of treated virus at time t and k the reaction rate constant (min. -1). However Fig: 1. Inactivation of Aujeszky disease virus by HNC/2 1M final concentration of NaNO2, pH 5.55, 20? C; abscissa: time in minutes; 0 = controls; infectivity assayed by the plaque method; k = 0.0397 min-1 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: ICIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: DIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 INACTIVATION OF PSEUDORABIES VIRUS BY HNO, 9 almost in all experiments the titre of virus suspension determined immediately after mixing with NaNO2 solutions was significantly lower than the titre of control virus suspension at zero time and therefore the constant b was usually 80 Fig. 2 Inactivation of Aujeszky disease virus by HNC), Conditions as in Fig. 1; TCID? estimated in tube cultures; k = 0.0327 mm-' 120 higher than zero (Fig. 3). In some experiments, especially at low temperatures and concentrations of HNO2, an initial shoulder was observed in the inactivation curve (Fig. 4) followed by exponen- tial inactivation according to equa- tion (1). In such cases the rate con- stant was calculated from the expo- nential portion of the curve. ? Fig. 3. Inactivation of Aujeszky disease virus by IINO2 1M final concentration of NaNO2, pH 5.1, 20? C; for further explanations see Fig. 1; ? k = 0.378 min-l? ? Impurities of nonviral origin contained in crude virus preparations did not affect the appearance of the shoulder or the rate of inactivation. At 1M final concentration of NaNO2, pH 5.7 and 200.0 k was e.g. 0.0312 and 0.0310 for crude and partially purified virus, respectively. When a pure virus line, obtained by threefold plaque purification, was used instead of wild virus, the shoulder did not disappear. It was demonstrated that under identical conditions the cytopathic activity Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 10 ivANIOOVA, 8. et al. of virus and its ability to form plaques were inactivated at about the same rate (compare Figs. 1 and 2). Therefore in further experiments infectivity was assayed only by the more exact plaque method. Fig. 4. Inactivation of Aujeszky disease virus by 11NO2 1M final concentration of NaNO2, pH 5.55, 4? C; for further explanations see Fig. 1; note the initial shoulder in the inactivation curve; k ---- 0.00872 min-1 The relationship between temperature and the inactivation rate The dependence of the inactivation rate on temperature was studied at pH 5.55 and a 1M final concentration of NaNO2. When log k was plotted against the reciprocal of absolute temperature (1/T), the experimental points fitted well the Arrhenius equation 1 l\ log (k/k,) 2.303 x R \T, T)' where R is the gas constant and q the activation energy. The latter was 15.2 kcal/mole, as determined from the slope of the line shown in Fig. 5. (2) 3.2 3. (//T) x /03 3.6 Fig. 5. The temperature dependence of the inac- tivation rate 1M final concentration of NEiNO? pH 5.55; temperatures: 4, 20, 30 and 37? C. 0.5 M NaNO2 Fig. 6. Dependenceof the inactivation rate on the con- centration of NaNO2 20 ?C, pH 5.7. 1.0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: DIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 INACTIVATION OF PSEUDORABIES VIRUS BY IINO, 11 E ffect of pH and NaNO2 concentration According to the mass action law the dissociation of 11NO2 is characterized by the equation pH ? pK = log [NaNO2] ? log [HNO2] (3) As the rate of inactivation should be proportional to the concentration of free IIN02, it was expected that k will be proportional to the concentration of NaNO2 and that the plot of log k against pH will give a linear relationship. As shown in Figs 6 and 7, the experimental data obtained fitted well the expected relation- 2.0 ships. Below pH 4.8 and above pH 5.8 the rate of inactivation was, under the condi- tions given in Fig. 7, too high and too low, respectively, to be measured with sufficient accuracy. < /0 b, FIN. 7. Dependence of the inactivation rate on pH 1M final concentration of NaNO2,20? C. 0 4.6 5.0 5.4 PH Attempt to isolate infectious DNA from Aujeszky disease virus It was suspected that the shoulder in some inactivation curves was caused by the disturbing effect of viral protein, and possibly also of other substances surrouding the viral DNA, on the interaction of HNO, and the virus nucleic acid. Therefore it was attempted to isolate infectious DNA from the virus and to study its inactivation by HNO2. However, all attempts to obtain infectious nucleic acid by treatment of crude or partially purified and concentrated virus preparations with cold or hot phenol were unsuccesful. The extracts showed no infectivity when tested in CEO tube cultures or monolayers using various isotonic and hypertonic NaCl and MgSO4 solutions as diluents. 5.8 Immunogenicity of HNO2-inactivated virus Repeated intravenous injections of HNO2-inactivated virus to rabbits in 1-2 ml. amounts led regularly to the development of virus neutralizing (VN) antibodies. The animals received 3-4 doses of inactivated virus at various intervals (see Fig. 8). At intervals, samples of blood were collected and the level of VN antibodies determined. The results of two representative immunis- ation experiments are presented in Fig. 8. The level of antibodies increased relatively slowly, reaching a maximum (VN titres 32-128) several weeks or even months after the last injection. In 2 out of 6 immunized rabbits the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 12 IVANIOOVA, 8. et al. antibodies persisted in relatively high levels for more than 3 months aft there last injection of inactivated virus, while in remaining animals antibodies. either disappeared within 2 months or their level decreased to a minimum. 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 160 ' 180 200 220 Fig. 8. Immunisation of two rabbits with HNO, inactivated Aujeszky disease virus abscissa: time in days; ordinate: VN titre (log, scale); 0 on the ordinate means no protection against the cytopathic effect of the virus; arrows indicate- the time of injection of inactivated virus; * = intramuscular challenge with homologous live virus; t = death of the animal. Animals vaccinated with the inactivated virus were protected against intra- muscular challenge with 300 TCID50 of homologous virus as long as antibodies were preserved (se eFig. 8). All nonimmune control animals infected with similar or even much lower doses of virus succumbed under typical symptoms of the disease. Even repeated subcutaneous administration of the inactivated virus did not led to antibody formation in 4 rabbits. The fifth animal exhibited an extremely low level of VN antibodies after the third and fourth injections_ Discussion In general, the kinetics of inactivation of Aujeszky disease virus by HNO2 deviated from the strictly exponential inactivation observed with other viruses (Schuster and Schramm, 1958; Tessman, 1959, Schafer et al., 1959; Bautz-Freese and Freese, 1961; Restle et al., 1962): The lines characterizing the dependence of log (Io/I) on the time of inactivation were regularly shifted upwards (positive intercept). This fact can be interpreted in two different ways. Either an extremely rapid inactivation of an? appreciable proportion of virus particles occurred immediately after exposure to IIN02, which was then slowed down and proceeded further at a much lower rate as a first order reaction, or the reaction was not stopped completely immediately after dilution of the sample with phosphate buffer pH 7.85 and HNO, bound by or penetrated into the virus could react for an additional period of time with viral protein Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 INACTIVATION OF PSEUDORABIES VIRUS BY HNO, 13 and DNA. The former explanation seems to be more probable, since at relati- vely low temperatures or low HNO, concentrations this initial inactivation became somewhat slower and was manifested by a shoulder in the inactivation curve. Similar survival curves were observed in inactivation of poliovirus (Boeye, 1959), bacterial transforming DNA (Litman and Ephrussi-Taylor, 1959; Stuy, 1962) and especially of type 1 adenovirus (Wassermann, 1962), indicating that at least two different components are involved in the inactiv- ation by HNO2. The possibility that the initial shoulder observed in some in- activation curves of Aujeszky disease virus was caused by the heterogeneity of virus population in respect to its sensitivity' to HNO, must be rejected, because plaque purified virus displayed also under appropriate conditions a shoulder in the inactivation curve. It is highly probable that the action of HNO, on the infectivity of Aujeszky disease virus involved, as suggested also for other viruses (Boeye, 1959, 1962; Restle et al., 1962; Wassermann, 1962), both the viral DNA and protein. The fact that infectious RNA can be liberated from HNOrinactivated poliovirus (Boeye, 1962) indicates that the alteration of the viral protein coat only may cause inactivation. It was also found that intact poliovirus was inactivated about three times faster by IINO, than its isolated infectious RNA (Boeye, 1959). Thus the initial rapid inactivation observed in the reaction of IINO, with Aujeszky disease virus may correspond mainly to the alteration of viral protein and the slower exponential inactivation mainly to that of viral DNA. Aujeszky disease virus particles have a diameter of 1500-1800 A (Reissig and Kaplan, 1962) and a 1: 25 ratio of protein to DNA (Ben-Porat and Kaplan, 1962). To reach the viral DNA located inside of the virus particle, HNO, must penetrate trough the broad coat consisting of protein and possibly also of lipids and saccharides. Unfortunately we did not succeed in isolating infectious DNA from this virus and thus we could not compare the kinetics of inactivation by IINO, of intact virus and its DNA. The velocity constants, the activation energy, the dependence of k on pH and NaNO, concentration determined in this study are all related to the second, exponential stage of inactivation. A linear dependence of the inactivation rate on FP- ion concentration and its proportionality to NaNO2 concentration was also found with T2 bacteriophage (Vielmetter and Wieder, 1959; Vielmetter and Schuster, 1960). Aujeszky disease virus inactivated by HNO, retained at least a part of its original immunogenicity as manifested by the fact that rabbits immunized with killed virus developed specific antibodies and showed resistance against challenge with homologous live virus. Our samples of inactivated virus did not contain live virus in 2 ml. of suspension concentrated 10 times by sedimentation, because all animals survived the injection of the first dose of inactivated virus. Rabbits namely cannot survive infection even with extremely low doses of the virus strain used in this study. Repeated intravenous injections of the inactivated virus were necessary to obtain a relatively high level of antibodies in the blood and to ensure its persistence for a prolonged period of time. Further experiments are necessary to evaluate the efficiency of HNO2-inactivated virus in vaccination. Poliovirus inactivated by IINO, to a sufficiently safe level was found to be of little if any value for immunisation. Its immunogenicity was Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: IA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 14 ivAmaovii, 8. et al. lost almost completely (Boeye, 1962; Restle et at., 1962). The latter finding cannot be generalized, however, for all viruses, as e.g. the composition and the structure of Aujeszky disease virus is quite different from that of poliovirus. In plaque titrations of 11NO2-treated virus the occurrence of small-plaque- type mutants was regularly observed. The biological properties of the mutants and their sensitivity to IIN02 treatment will be described later. Summary The kinetics of inactivation of Aujeszky disease virus by nitrous acid was investigated at various concentrations of sodium nitrite, pH of the reaction mixture and temperatures. After an initial short, but very rapid inactivation of an appreciable proportion of virus particles the reaction was slowed down and proceeded further with an exponential rate. For the exponential portion of the inactivation curves, the rate of inactivation was proportional to NaNO2 concentration and linearly dependent on the hydrogen ion concentration. The activation energy of the reaction was 15.2 kcal/mole. Attempts to isolate infectious deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the virus by phenol extraction were unsuccessful and thus the kinetics of inactivation of intact virus could not be compared with that of isolated DNA. It was -concluded that the action of nitrous acid on the infectivity of the virus involved both viral DNA and protein. Virus inactivated by nitrous acid retained its immunogenicity. Rabbits immunized with the killed virus developed specific virus neutralizing antibodies and showed resistance to challenge with homologous live virus. References Bautz-Freese, E., and Freese, E. (1961): Induction of reverse mutations and cross reactivation of nitrous acid-treated phage T4. Virology 13, 19. Ben-Porat, T., and Kaplan, A. S. (1962): The chemical composition of herpes simplex and pseudo- rabies viruses. Virology 16, 261. Boeye, A. (1959): Induction of a mutation in poliovirus by nitrous acid. Virology 9, 691. Boeye, A. (1962): Inactivation of protein in poliovirus by nitrous acid. Nature (Lond.) 193, 601. Carp, R. I., and Koprowski, H. (1962): Mutation of type 3 poliovirus with nitrous acid. Virology 17, 99. Granoff, A. (1961): Induction of Newcastle disease virus mutants with nitrous acid. Virology 13, 402. Litman, R. M., and Ephrussi-Taylor, 11. (1959): Inactivation et mutation des facteurs genetiques de l'acide desoxyribonucleique du .pneumocoque par Fultraviolet et par l'acide nitreux. C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 249, 838. Mundry, K. W., and Gierer, A. (1958): Die Erzeugung von Mutationen des Tabakmosaikvirus durch chemische Behandlung seiner Nucleinstiure in vitro. Z. Vererbungslehre 89, 614. Reissig, M., and Kaplan, A. S. (1962): The morphology of noninfective pseudorabies virus pro- duced by cells treated with 5-fluorouracil. Virology 16, 1. Restle, H., Hennessen, W., and Schafer, W. (1962): Verhalten der antigenen und sonstigen 1?io- logischen Eigenschaften menschen- und tierpathogener Virusarten beim Behandeln mit salpetriger Saure 1. Mitt.: Verhalten des Poliomyelitis-Virus. Z. Naturforsch. 17b, 228. Schafer, W., Zimmermann, T., and Schuster, H. (1959): Inaktivierung verschied,ener menschen- und tierpathogener Virusarten sowie des Tabakmosaik-Virus durch salpetrige Saure. Z- Naturforsch. 14b, 632. Schuster. H., and Schramm, G. (1958): Bestimmung der biologisch wichtigen Einheit in der Ribosenucleins5,ure des TMV auf chemischem Wege. Z. Naturforsch. 13b, 697. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 INACTIVATION OF PSEUDORABIES VIRUS BY HNO, 15 Stuy, J. H. (1962): Inactivation of transforming deoxyribonucleic acid by nitrous acid. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 6, 328. Skoda, R., and Mayer, V. (1961): fiber die ZUchtung des Virus der Aujeszkyschen Krankheit in einschichtigen Hiihnerembryo-Fibroblastenkulturen mittels der Plaquemethode. Arch. exp. Vet.-Med. 15, 391. Tessman, I. (1959): Mutagenesis in phages OX174 and T4 and properties of the genetic material. Virology 9, 375. Vielmetter, W., and Schuster, H. (1960): Die Basenspezifitat bei der Induktion von Mutationen durch salpetrige Shure im Phagen T2 Z. Naturforsch. 15b, 304. Vielmetter, W., and Wieder, C. M. (1959): Mutagene und inaktivierende Wirkung salpetriger Shure auf freie Partikel des Phagen T2. Z. Naturforsch. 14b, 312. Wassermann, F. E. (1962): The inactivation of adenoviruses by ultraviolet irradiation and nitrous acid. Virology 17, 335. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Acta virol. 7 : 16-24, 1963 Mutations of Virulent and Attenuated Poliovirus Strains Induced by Nitrous Acid YU. Z. GHENDON The Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Viral Preparations, Moscow, U.S.S.R. Received September 4, 1962 Recent investigations have shown that mutants exhibiting new biological properties can be obtained by direct treatment of viral nucleic acid with muta- genic agents capable to alter the arrangement of nucleotides (Gierer and Mundry, 1958; Schuster and Schramm, 1958; Siegel, 1960; Fraenkel-Conrat and Tsugita, 1961). In the present study mutations occurring in virulent and attenuated polio- virus strains under the action of nitrous acid (IIN02), capable to cause des- amination of purine (adenine, guanine) and pyrimidine (cytosine) bases of viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) (Schuster and Schramm, 1958; Schuster et at., 1960), were investigated. Materials and Methods Viruses. The virulent type 1, Mahoney, and type 2, MEF,, poliovirus strains and Sabin's type 1, LSc 2ab, and type 2, P-712 Ch 2ab attenuated vaccine strains were used. Genetically homogenous lines of these viruses, isolated from plaques formed after infection with viral RNA, were used throughout. By this method virus lines with a high degree of homogeneity of the genetic markers can be obtained (Ghendon et al., 1961a). Tissue culture. Primary cultures of Macaca rhesus monkey kidney cells, obtained by dispersion of the tissue by trypsin, were used. Isolation of viral RNA. The phenol extraction method of Gierer and Schramm (1956) was used. Treatment with HNO2. Both intact virus and isolated viral RNA were treated with HNO2. Two volumes of the preparation examined were mixed with one volume of acetate buffer pH 3.3, 4.2, 4.7 or 5.2, and one volume of 4M NaNO2. The reaction was allowed to proceed in rubber stoppered tubes at room temperature. The tubes were not agitated during the reaction. Separate tubes were used for each time interval. The reaction was stopped by diluting the mixture 1 : 10 with 0.02 M phosphate buffered 1.2M saline pH 7.8, after which 0.2 ml. portions of the material examined were inoculated into monkey kidney cell monolayers washed twice with phosphate buffer. Viral RNA and intact virus were allowed to adsorb at 37? C for 30 or 60 minutes, respecti- vely, and the monolayers were then overlaid with agar medium prepared as described by Hsiung and Melnick (1957). In several experiments bottle cultures of monkey kidney cells in medium. 199 were inoculated with 1.0 ml of a 1 : 10 dilution of the sample examined. Isolation of mutants. Mutations of virulent poliovirus strains were investigated in cultures overlaid with agar medium and incubated at 36? C. Mutations of attenuated poliovirus strains were studied in two types of culture: (1) infected bottle cultures in liquid medium 199 were in- cubated in parallel at 36? and 40? C and examined for 7 days; cultures showing a characteristic cytopathic effect were investigated further for the genetic markers of the virus; and (2) cultures overlaid with agar were incubated at 36? C, while parallel bottles were incubated first for 30 hours at 40? C and then at 36? C. This procedure facilitated the isolation of mutants with ST + genetis markers. After plaques had developed in cultures infected with virulent or attenuated strains, their size was determined and from all isolated plaques virus clones were subcultured by a method described previously (Ghendon et al., 1961a) The genetic markers of the virus clones obtained were then investigated. Genetic markers. The folowing markers were studied: N ? neurovirulence for monkeys after intracerebral inoculation; M ? the character of morphological changes in the central nervous system of infected monkeys; mN ? neurovirulence for mice after intracerebral inoculation; 16 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: [CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: IA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 POLIOVIRUS MUTANTS INDUCED BY NITROUS ACID 17 T (rot") ? ability to multiply at 40? C; d ? ability to multiply at low sodium bicarbonate concentration; S ? plaque size. The methods used in studying these markers were described previously (Ghendon et al., 1961b). Experiments on attenuated and virulent strains were carried out in separate rooms isolated from one another. The data given in the figures and tables represent means from 3-4 experiments done at different times. Results First, the kinetics of inactivation by 11NO2 of intact virulent or attenuated polioviruses and of infectious RNA isolated from them were investigated. The results obtained showed that the rate of inactivation increased with decreasing the pH of the reaction mixture. At any pH the intact virus was inactivated more rapidly than the corresponding infectious RNA. There was no difference between attenuated and virulent polioviruses in the rate of their inactivation by 11NO2, irrespective of whether intact virus or infectious RNA were subjected to 11NO2 treatment. In control experiments the prepara- tions examined were exposed to acetate buffers without the addition of NaNO2. Neither intact virus nor infectious RNA were inactivated under these conditions within the reaction time used (2-5 minutes at pH 3.3 or 4.2; 20 minutes at pH 4.7; and 60 minutes at pH 5.2). As next, we studied the appearance of mutants in virulent type 1 poliovirus, strain Mahoney, following treatment of intact virus or infectious RNA with HNO2. The alteration of the T(rct40) genetic marker served as the basic criterion of mutation in these experiments. (Virulent poliovirus strains with a T+ genetic marker multiply equally well at 36? and 40? C, while attenuated strains with a T- genetic marker do not multiply at 40? C.) Data presented in Fig. 1 show that the number of mutants increased with prolonging the time of treatment and, as the mutation rate is closely connected with the rate of deamination of nucleotides, with lowering the pH of the re- action mixture. No T- mutants were observed in control preparations of 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 pH 4.2 ? pH 4.7 pH 53 ?X Ax ??XX X ?X x -x{ . 2 x 8 12 16 20 30 40 50 60 Fig. 1. Induction of T- mutants by treatment of the Mahoney virulent poliovirus strain with HNO2 in dependence on the reaction time and pH of the medium 0 - - -? isolated viral RNA; X x intact virus Abscissa: time of treatment in minutes; ordinate: % of mutants among survivors. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 18 GHENDON, YU. Z. ntact virus or infectious RNA exposed only to acetate buffer pH 4.2, 4.7 or 5.3 for 4, 20 and 60 minutes, respectively. Further experiments were devoted to mutations of attenuated type 1 Fig. 2; mutants induced by treatment of the attenuated LSc 2ab strain of type 1 poliovirus with HNO2 Sor,e the csingle large 'S+ plaques on the background of small S- plaques. 10 - 9- 8 - 7 - 6- ?lc) 5- . 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 7 x X ?/ *.x x '? :XXX ?X p1-14.2' XX ?? ? "XX ?XX II II 109 _ 8 - 7 - . 6 - ? oh, 5- / x I. / x poliovirus strain LSc 2ab, induced by treatment with IIN02. First, monkey kidney cell cultures were inoculated with nitrous acid-treated virus and, after adding liquid nutri- ent medium, incubated at 40? C. In this way optimal conditions for the growth of T+ mutants were ensured, if such mutants were formed follow- ing treatment with HNO2. Results of these experiments showed that treatment of attenuated poliovirus for only a few minutes was suffi- cient to induce mutants capable to multiply at 40? C (T+ mutants). .x ,?Zx "x-P- . x Fin. 3. ?s:xx ?xx x x 3 2 3 14 Frequency of S+ and T+ mutants among surviving virus following treatment of at- tenuated poliovirus with HNC), I ? isolated viral RNA; II ? intact virus! ? ? S+ mutants; x x T+ 'mu- tants. Abscissae and ordinates as in Fig. 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 POLIOVIRUS MUTANTS INDUCED BY NITROUS ACID 19 Then a quantitative study of the formation of S+ and T mutuants follow- ing treatment of attenuated poliovirus with HNO, was carried out. Tissue cul- tures were inoculated with nitrous acid-treated preparations of intact virus or infectious RNA, overlaid with agar medium and incubated first for 30 hours at 40? C and then at 36? C. These conditions favoured the multiplication of S+ clones, which could be clearly differentiated from S- clones (see Fig. 2). It is evident from the results summarized in Fig. 3 that treatment of attenuated virus with IINO, led regularly to the appearance of S+ and T+ mutants. As with virulent poliovirus strains, the number of these mutants increased by prolonging the time of treatment or by lowering the pH of the reaction mixture. The genetic markers of several mutants obtained were investigated in detail in special experiments. The properties of the mutants showing various combinations of genetic markers are shown in Table 1. In addition to changes of the S and T genetic markers also other properties changed of both virulent and attenuated strains. With several mutants there occurred a separation of Table 1. Genetic markers- Of poliovirus mutants induced by nitrous acid Virus strain Mutant Genetic markers N 1M T d J S mN Mahoney, type 1 , Original strain M/4.2/3 M/4.7/4 M/4.2/6 M/4.2/2 ? ? ? ? ? _t_ ? ? ? +. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + ? MEFI, type 2 Original strain MF/4.2/1 - MF/4.2/9 ME/4.7/6 MF/4.2/2 MF/4.2/5 MF/4.2/3 + ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? _ ? ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? _ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LSc 2ab, type 1 Original strain L/3.3/2 L/3.2/5 L/3.3/3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? ? + and ? = genetic markers characteristic of virulent and attenuated strains, respectively very closely related genetic markers, as of the virulence for mice and monkeys (mutants MF/4.7/6 and MF/4.2/2), or of the T, d, and S genetic markers (mutants M/4.2/3, MF/4.2/1 and L/3.3/2). Other mutants exhibited changes in all the genetic markers -examined. Mutants with genetic characters of attenuated strains, including -apathogenicity for mon-keys (mutants M/4.2/2 and MF/4.2/3),. were obtained from virulent poliovirus strains, and a mutant Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: IA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Table 2. The stability of genetic markers of poliovirus mutants In the course of passaging In tissue cultures Mutant Changes of genetic markers in the course of passaging 1st passage 2nd passage 3rd passage 4th passage M/4.2/1 M/4.2/2 ? M/4.2/4 , M/4.718 M/4.7/12 M/5.2/40 MI5.2/50 NMTdS NMTdS N-1VI?T?d?S? N?M?T?d?S? N?M?T?d?S? NMTdS NMTdS N M T?d S N+M+T+d+S+ N?M?T?d?S? N?M?T?d?S? N?M?T?d?S? N?M?T?d?S? NMTdS N+M+T+d+S+ NMTdS NMTDS N?M?T ?d?S? N?M?T?d?S? N?M?T?d?S--- N M T cl S N+111+T+d+S+ NMTdS NMTdS NMTdS MEF1 N+M+ T+d+ S+mN+ MF/4.2/3 N?M?T?d?S?mN? MF/4.2/9 N+M+T?d?S?mN+ MF/4.2/5 N?M?T+d+S+mN? N?M?T?d?S?mN N+M+T?d?S?mN+ N?M?T+d+S - mN? NMTcl SmN N+M+T?d?S?mN+ N?M?T+d+mN? NMTdSmN N+M+T?d?S?mN+ N?M?T+d+S+mN? L/4.2/1 L/4.2/2 L/4.2/31 L/4.2/32 L/4.2/61 L/4.2/62 L/4.7/20 T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? 'T?d?S? T?d?S? T?? d?s? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d?S? T?d--s? T?d?s? T?d?s? , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: ICIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 POLIOVIRUS MUTANTS INDUCED BY NITROUS ACID 21 with characters of a virulent virus (L/3.3/3) was obtained from the attenuated strain. The stability of the newly acquired genetic markers of several mutants during passaging in tissue cultures was also investigated. The results obtained (Table 2) showed that the genetic markers of the prevailing proportion of the mutants examined remained completely stable on passaging in tissue culture. The results obtained by Mundry (1959), Boeye (1959), Vielmetter and Wieder (1959) and Siegel (1960) ruled out the suggestion by Bawden (1959) that treatment of viruses with HNO2 does not induce mutations, but leads to selection of particles less sensitive to the inactivating action of 11NO2. Never- Table 3. Isolation of virus clones from mixtures of virulent and attenuated poliovirus strains treated with nitrous acid Mixture Treatment Number of clones examined Number of clones with genetic markers Significance T+ S+ T.?S- 97% Mahoney untreated 252 244 8(3.2%) , i - 0.024 + 3% LSc 2ab, intact virus pH 4.2, 2 mins. / 174 ? 168 6(3.5%) P> 1.0 97% Mahoney untreated 116 112 4(3.5%) x2 ..-- 0.12 + 3% LSc 2ab RNA pH 4.2, 4 mins. 112 109 3(2.7%) P> 1.0 97% LSc 2ab untreated 133 4(3.0%) 129 x2 --- 0.018 + 3% Mahoney intact virus pH 4.2, 2 mins. 108 3(2.8%) 105 P> 1.0 97% LSc gab untreated 121 4(3.3%) 117 x2 ,--- 0.067 + 3% Mahoney RNA pH 4.2, 4 mins. 127 5(4.1%) 122 P> 1.0 theless we carried out experiments to prove once more that the appearance of virus clones with unusual genetic markers after treatment of poliovirus with 11NO2 is a result of mutation and not of selection. Known amounts of virulent and attenuated polioviruses were mixed and treated with HNO2, and the S and T markers of the viruses before and after treatment were de- termined. The data presented in Table 3 show that the ratio of virulent to attenuated viruses did not change after treatment of the mixture with 11NO2, as the differences observed were not statistically significant. The results of this experiment, together with the aforementioned data on the same rate of inactivation by 11NO2 of both virulent and attenuated poliovirus strains, confirmed the finding by other investigators that the appearance of virus clones with altered genetic markers in the viral population surviving after 11NO2 treatment is a result of mutation and not of selection resulting from Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 22 GHENDON, YU. Z. a different sensitivity to HNO2 of virus particles showing different genetic markers. Discussion In the present experiments mainly the virulent strain Mahoney and the attenuated strain LSc 2ab of type 1 poliovirus were used in studying mutations induced by the action of IIN02. The virus strains used were found previously to be genetically highly homogeneous (Ghendon et al., 1961b; Ghendon and Diskina, 1962). The present investigations showed that treatment with HNO2 of both virulent and attenuated poliovirus strains led to the appearance of mutants. Bautz-Freese and Freese (1961) reported that reversion of genetic markers may occur on treatment of some mutants with HNO2. However, as shown by Wittmann (1961), such reversion can take place only with mutants obtained by the action of mutagens other than HNO2. In agreement with the latter finding we did not observe reversion of genetic markers following treat- ment with HNO2 of mutants induced by HNO2 and possessing properties of attenuated strains (Ghendon, unpublished). On the other hand, treatment with HNO2 regularly induced mutations of attenuated strains selected by Sabin. These findings suggest that changes of biological properties of poliovirus may be related with different mechanisms affecting the nucleotide composition of the viral nucleic acid. Studies on Newcastle disease virus (Granoff, 1961) and bacteriophages (Freese, 1959; Vielmetter and Schuster, 1960) showed that the frequency of nitrous acid-induced mutants increased with lowering the pH of the reaction mixture. Vielmetter and Schuster (1960) found with T2 bacteriophage that increasing the pH of the medium up to 5.0 decreased more markedly the rate of mutation than that of inactivation by HNO2. The results of our experiments on poliovirus confirmed that the frequency of mutants induced by 11NO2 increased with lowering the pH of the reaction mixture. However, the pH dependence of the inactivation rate was the same as that of mutation rate, i.e. both processes had a parallel course at any pH examined. This fact sug- gested that the ratios of the deamination rates of the nucleotides in poliovirus RNA, in contrast to the phage DNA (Vielmetter and Schuster, 1960), remained constant and were independent of the pH at which RNA was treated with HNO2. Our experiments showed that, if using HNO2 as mutagen, mutants can be obtained on treatment of both infectious RNA and intact virus. But the pro- portion of mutants among survivors was much higher with isolated viral RNA than with intact virus. This was apparently caused by the fact that, in addition to deamination of bases of the viral RNA, also alterations of the protein coat may lead to the inactivation of intact virus. Thus in experiments aimed at obtaining mutants it is more advantageous to treat directly the carrier of genetic informations, the naked viral RNA, than the corresponding intact virus. When exposing isolated RNA to the action of HNO2, inactivation due to deamination of the viral protein coat is avoided and optimal conditions Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 POLIOVIRUS MUTANTS INDUCED BY NITROUS ACID 23 for the induction of mutations can be achieved, offering the possibility of obtaining great numbers of mutants. Summary 1. The rate of poliovirus inactivation by nitrous acid increased with lowering the pH of the reaction mixture. Intact viruses were inactivated at a higher rate than the corresponding infectious viral ribonucleic acids (RNA). There was no difference between virulent and attenuated poliovirus strains in the rate of their inactivation by nitrous acid. ? 2. Treatment with nitrous acid of infectious RNA derived from virulent poliovirus strains led regularly to the appearance of T- mutants among surviving virus. The number of mutants increased with prolonging the time of treatment or with lowering the pH of the reaction mixture. The ratio of the inactivation rate to the rate of mutation was independent of the pH at which the reaction proceeded. 3. A part of the mutants obtained by treatment of attenuated poliovirus strains with nitrous acid possessed all genetic markers typical of virulent strains. As with virulent strains, the frequency of mutation increased with prolonging the reaction time or with lowering the pH of the medium. 4. When treating attenuated or virulent intact viruses instead of isolated viral RNA with HNO2, mutants were also obtained, but the ratio of the rate of mutation to the inactivation rate was considerably less than in experiments on viral RNA. 5. Mutants obtained after treatment of virulent and attenuated poliovirus strains with nitrous acid exhibited various combinations of genetic markers. Mutants obtained after treatment of virulent strains and possessing all the genetic markers characteristic of attenuated strains could be of practical importance. References Bawden, F. (1959): Effect of nitrous acid on tobacco mosaic virus: mutation or selection? Nature (Lond.) 184, 27-29. Bautz-Freese, E., and Freese, E. (1961): Induction of reverse mutations and cross reactivation of nitrous acid-treated phage T 4. Virology 13, 19-30. Boeye, A. (1959): Induction of a mutation in poliovirus by nitrous acid. Virology 9, 691-700. Fraenkel-Conrat, H., and Tsugita, A. (1961): Effect of chemical alteration of RNA of tobacco mosaic virus on the structure of protein and biological properties. 5th Int. Congr. Biochem., Moscow, 1961, Symposium 3, Evolutionary biochemistry 3, 19-20. Freese, E. (1959): On the molecular explanation of spontaneous and induced mutations. Brook- haven Symposia in Biology 12, 63-75. Ghendon, Yu. Z., and Diskina, B. S. (1962): Vaccine strains of poliovirus obtained by different physical treatments of ribonucleic acid isolated from virulent strains. Acta virol. 6, 289-296 Ghend on, Yu. Z., Diskina, B. S., and Marchenko, A. T. (1961a): Infection of tissue cultures with viral RNA as a method for isolation of virus clones with stable genetic markers. Vop. Virusol. 6, 651-656 (in Russian). Ghendon, Yu. Z., Khesin, Ya. E., and Marchenko, A. T. (1961b): Studies on the stability of genetic markers of Sabin's attenuated poliovirus strains. In: Oral live vaccine against poliomyelitis, 461-483 (in Russian). Gierer, A., and Mundry, K. (1958): Production of mutants of tobacco mosaic virus by chemical alteration of its ribonucleic acid in vitro. Nature (Lone!.) 182, 1457-1458. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 24 GHENDON, YU. Z. Gierer, A., and Schramm, G. (1956): Infectivity of ribonucleic acid from tobacco mosaic virus. Nature (Lond.) 177, 702-703. Granoff, A. (1961): Induction of Newcastle disease virus mutants with nitrous acid. Virology 13, 402-408. Hsiung, G., and Melnick, J. (1957): Morphologic characteristics of plaques produced on monkey kidney monolayer cultures by enteric viruses (poliomyelitis, coxsackie and ECHO groups). J. Immunol. 78, 128-136. Mundry, K. (1959): The effect nitrous acid on tobacco mosaic virus: mutation, not selection. Virology 9, 722-726. Schuster, G., Gierer, A., and Mundry, K. (1960): Inaktivierende und mutagene Wirkung der chemischen Veranderung von Nucleotiden in Virus Nucleinsaure. Abhandl. Dtsch. Ak. Wigs. Berlin. Kl. Med. 1, 76-85. Schuster, H., and Schramm, G. (1958): Bestimmung der biologisch wirksamen Einheit in der Ribose- nucleinsaure des Tabakmosaikvirus aur chemischem Wege. Z. Naturforsch. 13b, 697-704. Siegel, A. (1960): Studies on the induction of tobacco mosaic virus mutants with nitrous acid. Virology 11, 156-167. Vielmetter, W., and Schuster, H. (1960): The base specificity of mutation induced by nitrous acid in phage T2. Bioch. Bioph. Res. Corn. 2, 324-328. Vielmetter, W., and Wieder, C. (1959): Mutagene und inaktivierende Wirkung Salpetriger Siture auf freie Partikel des Phagen T2. Z. Naturforsch. 14b, 312. Wittmaim, H. G. (1961): Studies on the nucleic acid-protein correlation in tobacco mosaic virus. 6th Int. Congr. Biochem., Moscow 1961, Symposium 1, Biological structure and fractions at the molecular level 6, 39-44. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13 -;1A-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Acta virol. 7 : 25-36, 1963 Cofactor and Specifle Antibodies against Influenza Viruses VII. The Nature of Cofactor and Influenza Antibodies Studied by Density Gradient Zonal Centrifugation B. STYK, L. HA-NA, F. FRANEK*, F. SOKOL, J. MENSTK** Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; *Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague; and **Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Brno Received July 10, 1962 Based on pilot immunoelectrophoretic investigations we suggested that cofactor ? a component of normal animal sera potentiating the effect of in antibodies ? is of macroglobulin nature (Hama et al., 1961). This assumption has been supported by the results of rivanol precipitation of mouse sera (Styk et al., 1962b). But we also showed (Styk et at., 1962b) that cofactor occurs in sera from newborn pigs which had not yet been suckled. As pig placenta is impermeable for serum proteins originating from the mother (Brambell et al., 1951; Bram - bell, 1958), serum from newborn unsuckled pigglets contains only proteins synthetized by the newborn organism. It was found (Sterzl et at., 1960; Franek et al., 1961) that sera from newborn pigglets do not contain either 19S gamma- globulin (beta2m-globulin) or 7S gamma-globulin. Such sera contain in the gamma-globulin region only components with a sedimentation coefficient of 3-6S (Fran& et al., 1961) showing no antibody activity even against antigens to which adult pigs regularly possess the so-called natural antibodies. This fact has been confirmed by the extremely sensitive bactericidal test (Sterzl et al., 1962). Thus the question arose as to the validity of our assumption concerning the macroglobulin character of cofactor. Two explanations of the discrepancy mentioned appeared possible: either sera from newborn pigs do contain macroglobulins or the nature of cofactor from such sera differs from the nature of cofactor from other animal sera. ? In order to elucidate this question as well as the nature of cofactor from different animal sera we used density gradient zonal centrifugation, which method has been suggested for differentiating serum proteins of a different molecular weight (Edelman et al., 1958). In a part of the experiments this method was supplemented by our modification of rivanol precipitation of serum (liana and Styk, 1962a) which makes possible a partial separation of macroglobulins from other serum proteins. ? These two methods were also used in investigating another problem. In a previous paper we reported about the different character of influenza anti- bodies from early immune and hyperimmune sera. The principal criterion for their differentiation ? in addition to different Sensitivities to inhibitor- destroying substances and to heating ? was their different ability to be po- tentiated by cofactor (Styk, 1962). We are reporting the results of experiments, in which we studied by density gradient zonal centrifugation (Edelman et al., 1958) whether the two kinds of antibody differ in their molecular weihgt. 25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13 CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 26 STYK, B. et al. Antibodies of different molecular weights are namely known to occur in man, rabbit, horse and pig (Kuhns, 1955; Stelos and Talmage, 1957; Kabat, 1943; Bauer and Stavitski, 1961; Fran& et al., 1962; and others). In mice, different molecular weight antibodies have not yet been reported. A brief preliminary account has been published (Styk et al., 1962a). Materials and Methods Normal animal sera were kept frozen until used. Sera from white mice were pooled, those from other animals were examined individually. In the case of pigglets occasionally serum pools from two animals of the same litter were used. For details on the sera from newborn pigs see Styk et al. (1962b). Early immune and hyperimmune sera were prepared in white mice as described previously (Styk, 1962). As antigens for immunization and in serological tests We used influenza virus strains A2/Bratislava/4/57 and B-Lee, both in the form of infective allantoic fluids. (In a part of the experiments viruses partially purified by adsorption onto and elution from formolized erythrocytes were used.) Saccharose gradient zonal centrifugation. The method of Edelman et al. (1958) as modified by fliha (1963) was used. A discontinuous saccharose gradient in 0.15 M NaC1 was prepared. in lusteroid tubes of the 40.2 rotor of model L Spinco ultracentrifuge. The saccharose concentration was 40 and 10% at the bottom and top, respectively. The sera examined were mixed with an equal volume of 0.15 M NaCl solution and layered on the top of the gradient. After centrifugation at 32 000 rev/min. for 16 hours at 10? C the contents of the tubes were consecutively withdrawn by means of a hypodermic needle and syringe in six equal portions, starting from. the top. The, individual fractions were numbered 1?VI from the top to the bottom. The cofactor contents of, the fractions were determined after removing saccharose by dialysis. In a part of the experi- ments also the protein content of the fractions was estimated. Under these conditions 7S gamma- globulins were located in fractions II and III, macroglobulins in fractions IV and V, occasion- ally VI. Rivanol precipitation was done as described by liana and Styk (1962a). A. 0.06% rivanol concentration was used which, according to our experiences, leads to the most selective precipi- tation of cofactor from mouse serum. Cofactor titration was carried out by the method of Styk (1961) using detection sera anti-A2 (with non-avid influenza virus A2/Bratislava/4/57) or anti-B (with influenza virus B-Lee). The distribution of cofactor activity determined by these two sera was the same (with the exception of guinea pig serum in Table 1), though the absolute titre values determined using the anti-B serum were regularly lower. If not stated otherwise, the results given in the Tables are those obtained in titrations using anti-A2 detection serum. Results I. The nature of cofactor in different- normal animal l sera as revealed by saccharose density gradient zonal centrifugation, Table 1 presents the results concerning the distribution of cofactor activity in different normal animal sera after centrifugation in saccharose gradients. In mouse, bovine and rat sera maximal cofactor activity occurred in fractions IV and V. With two guinea pig sera the cofactor activity was found in several fractions when anti-A2 detection serum was used; when using anti-B dectection serum, the distribution of cofactor activity was narrower, but the titres were lower. With rat serum, the level of cofactor in fraction III could not be exactly determined because of haemolysins occurring in this fraction. Sera from adult pigs (mothers) also showed maximal cofactor activities in fractions IV and V. A different behaviour was shown by cofactor in sera from Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: DIA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: IA-RDP80T00246A021500200001-0 COFACTOR AND SPECIFIC INFLUENZA ANTIBODIES VII 27 newborn unsuckled pigglets (Table 1). In all these sera examined maximal cofactor activity occurred in fractions I and II, which suggested that the molecular weight of cofactor in such sera was lower than in sera from adult Table 1. Distribution of cofactor activity in different normal animal sera after saceharose gradient centrifugation ' Fraction Kind of serum Mouse (Pobra Voda breed) Mouse (Dean breed) Mouse (3 weeks old mice) a) Guinea pig Pig (mother No.1) Pigglet of mo- ther No. 1, befo- re 1st feeding Pig (mother No. 2) Pigglet of mo- ther No. 4, be- fore 1st feeding 0 ?--, ? DS DS 1 A2 B 4 rg I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 +2 II 0 0 0 ?2 0 ?4 ? 0 1 16 0 4 III 0 0 0 +2 4 ?4 0 2 4 0 +1 (Haem) IV 1 2 4 . 8 132 4 2 8 2 +4 ?2 V ?8 4 4 4 ?16 +4 1 4 1 +2 0 VI 1 +1 1 2 8 1 0 1 0 0 0. Whole serum ?80 40 40 160 +320 +160 20 +160 80 +80 20 0 means < 1 pigs or other animals. Sedimentation analysis of fractions I and II obtained after centrifugation of sera from newborn unsuckled pigglets revealed a single component, the s20, w of which varied in the individual experiments from 3.01 S to 4.03 S. The protein content of these fractions varied from 2.4-6.0 mg./ml. After taking food (maternal milk) the distribution of cofactor activity after centrifugation in the density gradient changed (Table 2). In ten-days-old Table 2. Distribution of cofactor activity in sera from young pigs and from their mother (on the day - of parturition) after saccharose gradient centrifugation Fraction Newborn pig (before 1st feeding) 10 days' pig 20 days' pig Mother 1 4 +1 0 0 II 8 2 1 1 III ?2 2 ?1 ?2 IV ?1 ?16 8 +8 V o 2 ?-4 4 VI 0 o +1 ?1 Whole serum ?80 +160 ?80 +160 0 means