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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-RDP80T00246A000100690001-4 50X1-HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied 6 Declassified in Part' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-RDP80T00246A000100690001-4 21 October 1959 No. 5401/59 r Copy No. ~,~ NATIONAL POLICY MACHINI';RY IN COMMUNIST CHINA (CIA Contribution to Senate!' Subcommittee on National Policy M ~chinery) THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECT- ING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USC, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, THE TRAN3MIS- SIGN OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-RDP80T00246A000100690001-4 ., ., Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-R DP80T00246A000100690001-4 Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. THE PARTY Policy Formulation . 3 The Supremacy of the Party 3 The Party Congress 5. The Central Committee 6 The Central Political Bureau 7 The Standing Committee of the .Politburo 8 The Special Position of Mao Tse-tong 9 Factors Favoring Bold Policy Policy Execution 10 The Party Secretariat 11 Central Organs of the Party 11 The Investigation Department /SRCRET7. 13 III. THE PARTY AND THE ARMED FORCES 15 IV. THE PARTY AND THE GOVERNMENT 16 The National People's Congress 16 The Chairman of the Chinese. People's Republic 17 The State Council and the Premier 17 Foreign Affairs 19 Th ` e Ministry of Public Security /3 ECRET7 20 The Role of the State Council 22 Annual Planning--National Economic Commission 22 " Long-run Planning--State Planning Commission 23 Specialized Planning Commissions Economic Staff Offices, Economic Ministries, . 25 and Local Governments 25 Agricultural Policy 26 Objectives 26 The Pace of Agricultural?Socialization Some Effects of Policy Shifts on Government 28 Operations 29 VI. SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS .. '. 31 E I. Peiping's 19.58 Shift in Foreign Policy.. 34 ANNEX II. Adoption of the Commune Program ~ECRET7 42 ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-R DP80T00246A000100690001-4 L , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-R DP80T00246A000100690001-4 I. INTRODUCTION This is a study of Communist China's machinery for formulating national policies and Por implementing those policies by appropriate executive decisions. The open- ing chapter describes the all-important role of the party, both in the formulation of policy and in monitoring the execution of policy. Succeeding chapters set forth the role of the government, which is to draw up detailed na- tional plans consistent with the policq guide lines prescribed by the party and to see they are carried out. The last two chapters describe how this party- government apparatus of policy-making and execution has worked in two rather specialized fields--in economic af- fairs and in scientific affairs. Two separate papers along these same lines have been included as annexes. The Yirst, which deals with a 1958 shift in foreign pol- icy,, is a free-hand reconstruction of how the machinery was manipulated by the authorities in this instance. The second deals exhaustively with the decision to set up communes in China. Oa the whole, the distinctive features in Communist China?s policy machinery we would emphasize are: 1. The theoretical formulations of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao Tse-tong give a sense of direction and purpose to Chinese Communist policq-makers. 2: Broad national policy is not formulated in the government, but by the party. within the party, it is the Politburo--and particularly its Standing Committee- which is the real center of national policy formulation. 3. The party also has organs to monitor the execu- tion of policq. .The powers of these organs are not merely to coordinate but to direct and enforce.. 4. Policy implementation is Further controlled by the assignment of individuals to interlocking positions in party and government. 5. National viewpoints are represented in Commu- nist China's top policy-making council. The responsi- bilities of the individuals in the Standing Committee of the Politburo cut across departmental lines. ?~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-R DP80T00246A000100690001-4 6. No effort is made to assure the repieseritation of disparate political viewpoints in the Standing Com- mittee.~ The Communist Party is of course supreme; and . the panty is dominated by Mao Tse-tung and his long- time associates. 7. Mao Tse-tung occupies a special position of au- thority in policy-making. He considers the views of his associates, but he has on occasion authorized policies that did not meet with their whole-hearted approval. 8. Mao considers that his responsibility for pol- icy-making requires time for reflective thinking and freedom from administrative details. He holds no gov- ernment post:. 9. The top leaders in China have had long experi- ence in policy-making roles. They are knowledgeable and confident to the point of cockiness. 10. Survival of the fittest is the rule in Commu- nist politics; only ,the boldest and most ruthless reach the top. This fact tends to make for aggressive pol- icies. 11. Consonance with existing public opinion is not an all-important criterion for deciding whether policies are workable. The .feasibility of public indoctrination and exhortation--i.e., of making public opinion follow policy--is regarded as more significant. The mass prop-' aganda campaign is :an invariable ingredient of policy implementation efforts. 12. A prominent role in this process of indoctrina- tion and exhortation is taken by organs of the party and government which are ostensibly loci of power. Actual- ly they serve primarily as sounding-boards .f or informing lesser officials and generally popularizing new policy lines. It' observed that not all the features in this listing relate to methods and organizational forms. Per- haps the most significant derive from 'intangibles such as philosophical doctrine and individual personality. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-R DP80T00246A000100690001-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/21 :CIA-RDP80T00246A000100690001-4 i~ CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY ORGANIZATION UNClAS$IFlED With a membership above 1000, 1t funetione In prncticc mainly as a 'sounding boars for pTevlounly de- termined policy. CENTRAL COMMITTEE Precluded from major policy formu- latlon role by niac -above one hun- tlred ninety -and Wrequent meel- inga. Sorves to clarHy prcriously determined policy and regard oub - s[anding Party service. Elective rosponelbillly Responslhltlty for policy formulatlon and execution Organlrallon Deft. Propaganda Dept. Soelal Af(nire Dept. General Political Dept. Unllod Front Dept. RurN Work Deft. lnduelrinl Work Dept. FWance and Tredc Dept. Communisation Dryl. Watson Dept. Military AUnirs Committee ONer central organs Conslata of taanty-six high level Party me mbcrs. It has an Import- ant, practlcal role In nntlonal policy formulation. ' STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE CENTRAL POLITICAL BUREAU Consists In October, 1959 07 the seven lop mnn on the Centrnl Po- lID