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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 a_ ou* Inn= .1?1???? =BEI MIME 'ME ha. UM. IM??? ,1?1MI? .11 1111 11E06 .11 .MI1. IMMO i 11, AMMO 11?=1 111, .1. 1111.. MEM II?M? m.? Ammo .?????=k ?????? ONO ????????? AIMEM11?11. ?INIMP. ????? MI, 1?11?1 IMO MIN ??? 1MM //?mat =Ei III= ..ilEall /MO .,.. .???????=, ???=??M? 11?1=I =IV ????MM?o.. ??? ?????? 4?1?????? AM? ??moi, 41??? ilinImir ??? = ??? w/o ME. ??? =0 .... Ar ??? AIM .??????? ?M? .?????? ?????? ,Impomm, ....=???? Alms ..1?IMP ?????b ?????? .1?1ft ???=m? ....m., ???? ilM/ 4 ? 10M11 I?MM GIRMI. M=1, ,11 ? 111??? MS 16 ????? d/MNI 41?1, IM?1. dEMI MEM UM' ??^ ?^ ? ???? ??? =IN ?=11 411. ?IM/ MB 111M, - 1?1?10 MD ??? NM .1?. MEM ?I1M, ilmm.... ...?? 11?? ?111111111 .11111111?MI.P ..1?????? 110`. 411?? 4??? 1??? ???I MM. = ????1 ?I? ,M. 1 ???? ?1?111 MIN ??11? Mil? M?15 em. d???? INN. MEI ..0?11 AO= 11.??? ????? ?????, 'NM II?11W ????? =MS 11?1= MEM .. ?MI MOO MN ????. ??=11 d???=I ???? ..???=?? 11111?1 ?11W In= GINO !NOM 1=1 Friday October 2, 1987 e s 0 .,,-,...i?A-QAA) Part VI Office of Personnel Management Personnel Management Demonstration Project; Alternative Personnel Management System at the National Bureau of Standards; Notice of Approval Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 37082 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No. 191 / Friday. October 2. 1987 / Notices OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Personnel Management Demonstration Project; Alternative Personnel Management System at the National Bureau of Standards AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management. ACTION: Notice of approval of a demonstration project final plan. SUMMARY: The National Bureau of Standards Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 1987 (Pub. L 99-574) directed the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) to "jointly design a demonstration project which shall be conducted by the ? Direaor of the National Bureau of Standards." Section 10 of the Act, which covers the project, further provides that "The demonstration project shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, be conducted in accordance with section 4703 of title 5, United States Code. . 7 Section 4703 requires the Office of Personnel Management to publish the final project plan in_the Federal Register.. This notice meets that requirement. DATE& Approval date: The demonstration project plan was approved by the Office of Personnel Management on September 29, 1987. Project implementation date: January 1, 1988. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: NBS: Allen Cassady, (301) 975-3031. Mailing address: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Room A-123, Administration Bldg., Gaithersburg. Maryland 20899. OPM: Paul Thompson, (202) 632-8184. Mailing address: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Room 7H34, Washington, DC 20415. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1. Background The Office of Personnel Management published the proposed project plan in the Federal Register on July 1, 1987 (52 FR 24906). Copies of the proposed plan were transmitted to both Houses of Congress, as required by 5 U.S.C. 4703(b)(4). The period for public comment on the proposal continued through August 31. 1987. The notice of the proposed plan also announced the times and locations of public hearings during which interested persons or organizations could present their written or oral views on the proposed demonstration project plan. The Office held the public hearings as scheduled at the two NBS sites: in Gaithersburg. Maryland. on August 10, 1987, and in Boulder, Colorado. on August 18, 1987. The hearing record was left open for additional data, views, and arguments until September 1, 1987. 2. Summary of Comments Six letters were received commenting on the Federal Register notice. In addition, three individuals made statements at the public hearings. The following is a summary by general topic of these written and oral comments. (1) Conversion to project pay system. Objections were raised to the manner in which NBS employees are to be compensated for foregone within-grade pay increases. The project plan stipulates (in accordance with Pub. L 99-574) that they receive a pro rata share of their next within-grade increase as of the day before they enter the project, to be paid in a lump sum. It was proposed that the share be paid instead as an addition to base pay, on the grounds that the lump sum payment would result in a short-term (and in some cases long-term) loss of salary for many employees. (2) Cost neutrality. Opinions were expressed that the project could not achieve some of its objectives--i.e., competing more effectively for highly qualified employees, motivating and retaining those on board?if personnel costs are maintained at the levels they would have reached were the project not implemented. (3) Performance appraisal. Concerns were voiced that a quota would be placed on favorable performance ratings under the project, and that persistent differences among supervisors in the severity of the ratings they give would produce inequitable results for employees working under a strict supervisor. One respondent also urged that peer ratings be introduced, that is, peers rate each other's performance. The project plan calls instead for subordinate peers to be ranked by their supervisors in order of the quality of their performance. (4) Classification system changes. It was argued that the banding of adjacent grades would result in the loss of status for employees formerly in the upper of the two grades and that these employees would also be disadvantaged in a RIF situation. Concern was also expressed that movement of qualified employees between career paths be encouraged, and that the delegation of classification authority to line managers be accompanied by extensive training. Finally, a question was raised regarding how employees would be converted back to the General Schedule system if they leave the project or at its termination. (5) Probationary periods. The observation was made that the provision for probationary periods of up to three years for new hires in the scientist and engineering career path is too open-ended. This could make for excessive uncertainty among employees regarding when their probation might be ended. (8) Promotion. The suggestion was received that employees be included on promotion panels for their peers. Demonstration Project Changes Only a few comments were received on the preliminary project plan, especially considering that about 3000 employees will come under the project at implementation. Of those received, only a few were critical of the content of the substance of the plan. Most were cautionary in nature, urging that certain steps be taken to ensure success in applying the planned provisions. Some of the provisions whose contents were directly challenged. such as payment of the lump sum. pro rata share at conversion and pay banding, were mandated by Congress in the act authorizing the project and are not open to change. Others?extended probationary periods and the requirement of cost neutrality?were not mandated but have been retained in the final plan. The probationary period provision was modified to establish points in time at which supervisors must decide whether the probationary period will be ended. This provides a regular schedule under which each employee's probation is reviewed. In the case of cost neutrality, no substantive changes were made in the final project plan. Basic project objectives can be met within these,constraints, which will also make the experiment more applicable to other government agencies. Additional changes were made to the final version in order to clarify and expand on its provisions. A few editorial changes were also made. The substantive changes, by section, are: (1) Position Classification: further explanation of the process of generating position descriptions, (2) Total Compensation Comparability: more Information on the method of measuring benefits, (3) Staffing: More information on the applications of direct hire, the extended probationary period, recruitment and retention allowances, travel expenses, and the link between promotion and performance ratings (the promotion subsection was moved from the classification section to the staffing section), (4) Pay Administration: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 191 / Friday, October 2. 1987 / Notices 37083 expanded explanation of the linkage between performance ratings and pay increases, the criteria for supervisory differentials, pay setting for new hires. and prorating lump sum payouts upon conversion, and (5) Implementation: more detailed criteria on determining grades if the project terminates and employees must be converted back to the General Schedule System. Public Law 99-574, National Bureau of Standards Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 1987: Because many elements of the proposed demonstration plan are required by section 10 of Pub. L 99-574, the complete text of section 10 is presented here. Section 10, "Demonstration Project Relating to Personnel Management" Sec. 10. (a)(1) The Office of Personnel Management and the National Bureau of Standards shall jointly design a demonstration project which shall be conducted by the Director of the National Bureau of Standards. (2) The demonstration project shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, be conducted in accordance with section 4703 of title 5. United States Code, and shall be counted as a single project for purposes of subsection (d)(2) of such section. (3) Subject to subsections (f) and (g) of section 4703 of title 5, United States Code, the demonstration project shall cover any position within the National Bureau of Standards which would otherwise be subject to? (A) Subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, relating to the General Schedule: (B) Subchapter VM of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, relating to the Senior Executive Service: or (C) Chapter 54 of title 5, United States Code, relating to the Performance Management and Recognition System. (b) Under the demonstration project. the Director of the National Bureau of Standards shall provide that? (1) The rate of basic pay for a position may not be less than the minimum rate of basic pay, nor more than the maximum rate of basic pay, payable for the pay band (as referred to in paragraph (3)) within which such position has been placed: (2) The minimum and maximum rates of basic pay for each pay band shall be adjusted at the times, and by the amounts, provided for under subsection (c): (3) Positions shall be classified under a system using pay bands which shall be established by combining or otherwise modifying the classes, grades. or other units which would otherwise be used in classifying the positions involved; (4) Employees shall be evaluated under a performance appraisal system which? (A) Uses peer comparison and ranking wherever appropriate: and (B) Affords appeal rights comparable to those afforded under chapter 43 of title 5, United State Code: (5)(A) The rate of basic pay of each participating employee will be reviewed annually, and shall be adjusted on the basis of the appraised performance of the employee: and (B) Subject to subsection (c)(4)(A)(i). the adjustment under subparagraph (A) in any year in the case of any employee whose performance is rated at the fully successful level or higher shall be at least the percentage adjustment taking effect under subsection (c)(3) in such year (6) Appropriate supervisory and managerial pay differentials (which shall be considered a part of basic pay) shall be provided: (7) Performance-recognition bonuses. and recruitment and retention allowances, shall be awarded in appropriate circumstances, (but shall not be considered a part of basic pay): (8) There shall be an employee development program which includes provisions under which employees may, in appropriate circumstances, be granted sabbaticals, the terms and conditions of which shall be consistent with those applicable for members of the Senior Executive Service under section 3396(c) of title 5, United States Code (excluding paragraph (2)(B) thereof): (9) Payment of travel expenses shall be provided for personnel to their first post of duty in the same manner as is authorized for members of the Senior Executive Service under section 5723 of title 5, United States Code, at the discretion of the Director and (10) The methods of establishing qualification requirements for, recruitment for, and appointment to positions shall, at the discretion of the Director, include methods involving direct examination and hiring. (c)(1) For the purpose of this subsection, the term i"compensation7 (ineans the total value of the-various ? ,-formt-of-compensation provided.' 'including? _ (A) Basic pay: (B) Bonuses:--, (C)Allowances: (D)Retirement-benefits;- (E);Health insurance benefits: (F).-Life insurance benefits: and ' (G)Leave benefits. (2) The director of the National Bureau of Standards shall, by contract or otherwise, provide for the preparation of reports which, based on appropriate surveys? (A) Shall include findings as to? (1) The extent to which, as of the commencement of the demonstration project, the overall average level of compensation provided with respect to positions under the demonstration project is deficient in comparison to the overall average level of compensation generally provided with respect to positions involving the same types and levels of work in the private sector and (iii) With respect to each year thereafter, any net increase occurring during such year in the extent of the deficiency in the overall average level of compensation provided with respect to positions under the demonstration project, as compared to the overall average level of compensation generally provided with respect to positions involving the same types and levels of work in the private sector and (B) Shall recommend a single percentage by which basic pay for all positions under the demonstration project must be increased so that, when considered in conjunction with the other forms of compensation generally provided, any net increase determined under subparagraph (A)(ii) will be eliminated. (3) Whenever the Director of the National Bureau of Standards receives a recommendation under paragraph (2)(B). the Director? (A) Shall increase the miniminii ad inaximTirn rates- of basic payfor etelP flitch pay b-ond by the le_aug= (i) The percentage recommended; or--) (fi) The overall average percentage of the adjustmentin-the-rate& of pay wider the-General Schedule under section-5305 of title 5, United States Code, for the period involved: and (Bhlf and to the extent that funds are-- aVailable_for that purpose, may further - ,Increilse those minimum and maxim-U-1C- rrates=:? (i) To make up for any part of then differnce between the respectiv e--,;- percentages under subparagraph (A). if the percentage under subparagraph (A)(ii) is the lessen and (ii) After making up for the entirety of any difference determined under clause (1) (including from any previous year), to eliminate any part of any remaining deficiency as originally determined under paragraph (2)(A)(1). (4)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section? (i) The maximum rate of basic pay payable under any pay band may not Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 37084 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 191 / Friday. October 2. 1987 / Notices exceed the rate of basic pay payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule; and (ii) The amount of basic pay. bonuses, and allowances paid during any fiscal ? year to any employee participating in the demonstration project may not, in the aggregate, exceed the annual rate of basic pay for level I of the Executive Schedule. (B)(i) Any amount which is not paid to an employee during a fiscal year because of the limitation under subparagraph (A)(ii) shall be paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the following fiscal year. (ii) Any amount paid under this subparagraph during a fiscal year shall be taken into account for purposes of applying the limitation under subparagraph (A)(ii) with respect to such fiscal year. (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the demonstration project shall be conducted in such a way so that, with respect to the 12-month period beginning on October 1, 1986, the total cost to the Government relating to providing compensation to participating e:nployees shall not exceed the total cost which would have resulted if this section had not been enacted. (6)(A) If the minimum rate of basic ''y for a pay band, after an increase under paragraph (3)(A), exceeds the rate of basic pay payable to an employee u hose position would otherwise be ithin such pay band, the employee's position may, notwithstanding subsection (b)(1), be placed in the next lower pay band. (B) Placement of a position in a lower pay band under subparagraph (A) shall not be considered a reduction in grade or pay for purposes of subchapter U of chapter 75 of title 5, United States Code, or a comparable provision under the project. (d)(1) The rate of basic pay for an employee serving in a position at the time it is converted to a position covered by the demonstration project may not be reduced by reason of the establishment of such project. (2)(A) Each employee referred to in paragraph (1) shall be paid? (i) In the case of an employee serving In a position under the General Schedule on the date the position becomes covered by the demonstration project, a lump-sum pro rate share of the equivalent of any within-grade increase which would have been due the employee under section 5335 of title 5, United States Code, computed as provided in subparagraph (B), and (ii) In the case of an employee serving in a position subject to chapter 54 of title 5, United States Code, on such date, a lump sum pro rata share of the equivalent of the employee's merit increase which would have been due under such chapter, computed as provided in subparagraph (B), taking into account the performance requirements applicable to such Increase. (B) For purposes of subparagraph (A), the pro rata share of an equivalent Increase referred to in such subparagraph shall be computed through the day before the date referred to in such subparagraph. (e)(1)(A) In carrying out section 4703(h) of title 5, United States Code, with respect to the demonstration project. the Office Of Personnel Management shall provide that such project will be evaluated on an annual basis by a contractor. Such contractor shall be especially qualified to perform the evaluation based on its expertise in matters relating to personnel management and compensation. (B) The contractor shall report its findings to the Office in writing. After considering the report. the Office shall transmit a copy of the report, together with any commenta of the Office and any comments submitted by the National Bureau of Standards, to? (i) The Committee on Post Office and /Civil Service, and the Committee on Science and Technology, of the House of Representatives; and (ii) The Committee on Governmental Affairs, and the Committee on Commerce. Science, and Transportation, of the Senate. (2) The Comptroller General shall, not later than 4 years after the date on which the demonstration project commences, submit to each of the committees referred to in paragraph (1)(B) a final report concerning such project. Such report shall include any recommendations for legislation or other action which the Comptroller General considers appropriate. (f) The authority to enter into any contract under this section may be exercised only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriation Acts. (g) The demonstration project shall commence not later than January 1. 1988. Office of Personnel Management. Constance Homer, Director. Project Plan The demonstration project plan reads as follows: An Alternative Personnel Management System to Improve the Ability of the National Bureau of ? Standards to Attract Highly Qualified Candidates, Motivate Employees. and Retain Successful Performers. Executive Summary The project was designed by the National Bureau of Standards, with participation of and review by the U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The Bureau will conduct the project over a 5-year period beginning January 1, 1988. The Office of Personnel Management will evaluate the project annually through contract; the Comptroller General will make a final report to Congress that will make any recommendations for legislation or other action which the Comptroller General considers appropriate. The project is built upon th-enoneepts rcif (I) total compensation comparability, rather than pay comparability only; (2) market sensitivity, by surveying compensation for private sector positioni-similar to NBS positions., linking entry salary to market fornhy ccupation, and selectively granting' recruiting and retention allowances; (3) operformance, by linking performance to pay for all covered positions; (4) administrative simplicity, by simplifying, paperwork and processing in i. ...i Classification and other personnel,I. systems; (5) management flexibility and accountability, through the delegation of classification and other authorities to , line managers; and (6) Government-wide 7 applicability, by designing an-- is ialternative system not just for NW but ? for use by any agency. The din?fonlitratiorrayiteiii is designed to (1) improve hiring and allow NBS to 'compete more effectively for high- quality researchers, through direct hiring, selective use of higher entry salaries, and selective use of recruiting allowances; (2) motivate and retain staff, through higher pay potential, pay- for-performance, more responsive personnel systems, and selective use of retention allowances; (3) strengthen the manager's role in personnel management, through delegation of personnel authorities; and (4) increase the efficiency of personnel systems, through installation of a simpler and more flexible classification system based on pay banding, through reduction of guidelines, steps, and paperwork in classification, hiring, and other personnel systems, and through automation. The Director of the National Bureau of Standards will conduct the project through a Personnel Management Board (PMB) under the chairmanship of the NBS Deputy Director, with the directors Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 191 / Friday, October 2, 1987 / Notices 37085 of the six NBS major organizational units (MOUs) as voting members and the NBS Personnel Officer and NBS EEO Officer as non-voting members. A Project Office within the Personnel Division will provide administrative support, communicate with individuals and groups outside NBS, and oversee NBS evaluations of the project. In presenting the FY 1987 NBS Authorization bill to the Senate, Senator Slade Gorton stated that the bill "creates a National Bureau of Standards demonstration project relating to personnel coin ? ensation and mana ement. The demonstration project n ances e ureau's ability to recruit and retain capable employees by giving the Bureau flexibility in setting salaries competitive with those available outside the Government and in adjusting compensation on the basis of merit. The project addresses the Government's problem attracting and keeping qualified personnel especially in high-technology fields." Participating Organizations Both sites of the National Bureau of Standards will participate in the project. The two sites are located at Gaithersburg, Maryland, which is also the headquarters of NBS, and at Boulder, Colorado. The two sites are similar in employment profiles, with the following exceptions: (1) Of the approximately 3050 positions covered by the project, about 85 percent are in Gaithersburg; (2) all heads of major organizational units and all but one center head are located in Gaithersburg; and (3) certain administrativ" services at the Boulder facility, such as personnel administration and procurement, are provided by the DoC administrative support center in Boulder, which is not covered by the project and which services other DoC organizations also not covered by the project: in Gaithersburg those services are provided by NBS positions under the coverage of the project. Types and Numbers of Participating Employees The project will cover approximately 3050 NBS employees. By pay category. the coverage is 87.5 percent General Schedule (GS) positions, 9 percent Performance Management and Recognition System (PMRS) positions. percent 5 U.S.C. 3104 positions. and 3 percent Senior Executive Service (SES) positions. Under the PATCO categories. the coverage is 61 percent "professional," 12 percent "administrative," 18 percent "technician." 16 percent "clerical," and 3 percent "other." The professional category is 98 percent scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. The ten most populous occupations are Physicist (427), Chemist (258), Secretary (249), Engineering Technician (170), Electronics Engineer (155), Physical Science Technician (152). General Physical Scientist (148), Computer Scientist (134), Computer Specialist (110), and Mechanical Engineer (93). Of the approximately 3050 covered employees, 78 percent are full-time permanent (FTP). 5 percent are part-time permanent (PTP) and 17 percent are "other" than FTP or PTP. The "other" category, made up of such categories as student, post-doctoral, temporary. and intermittent, shifts significantly during the year, particularly in the summer when many students are hired. Labor Participation A few General Schedule employees are represented by labor unions. These employees at the Gaithersburg site are represented by the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), and at the Boulder site by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). Union representatives have been separately notified about the project. NBS is proceeding to fulfill its obligation to consult or negotiate with them, as appropriate, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4703(f). Project Implementation Date January 1, 1988. Project Ending Date In accordance with section 4703 of title 5, United States Code, the project shall terminate before the end of the 5- year period beginning on the date on which the project takes effect, except that the project may continue beyond that period to the extent necessary to validate the results of the project. The Comptroller General is required to submit a final report to Congress not later than 4 years after the date on which the project commences, including any recommendations for legislation or other action. Methodology This proposal explains the methodology for introducing the following innovations in personnel management and demonstrating their results over a 5-year period: (1) Simplified position classification through pay banding, occupational groupings by career paths, and delegation of classification authority to managers; (2) compensation comparability based on total compensation; (3) improved staffing through direct examination and hiring, extended probation, qualification standards more in line with private sector practice, more flexible use of recruiting tools such as paid advertising and retention allowances, travel expenses, and competitive areas based on career paths; (4) pay-for- performance, supervisory and managerial pay differentials, and market-based entry salaries; and (5) sabbaticals. Senior Executive Service and 5 U.S.C. 3104 Positions The personnel systems for SES positions will not change for the project. SES classification, staffing, compensation, performance appraisal. awards, and reduction in force will be based on current methods. The personnel systems for 5 U.S.C. 3104 positions will change only to the extent that 3104 positions are in the same performance appraisal, awards, and reduction in force systems as General Schedule positions. Classification, staffing, and compensation, however, will not change. Neither SES nor 5 U.S.C. 3104 employees will be subject to the pro rata share payouts upon conversion to the demonstration system. Pay adjustments for their positions under the project will be carried out in accordance with existing Federal rules pertaining to SES and 3104 pay adjustments. Performance Management and Recognition System (PMRS) and General Schedule (GS) Positions The PMRS and GS categories will no longer exist as identified categories under the project. Both will be incorporated in the new career-path/ pay-band system. The step increases of the General Schedule and the merit increases of the PMRS system will be replaced by the annual performance pay increases described under "Pay Administration". Laws and regulations pertaining to the General Schedule that have not been waived for this project. however, such as those pertaining to overtime pay, will continue in force for all covered positions to which they now apply. Position Classification Introduction The objectives of the new classification system are to simplify the classification process, make the process more serviceable and understandable, and place more decision-making authority and accountability with line managers. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23 CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 37086 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 191 / Friday, October 2, 1987 / Notices Coverage All positions listed under "Types and Numbers of Participating Employees" above will be accounted for in the classification structure. All General Schedule occupations currently respresented at NBS will be included. Provisions will be made for including others as employment requirements change in response to changing technical programs. Career Paths Occupations at NBS which can be treated in a similar fashion will be aggregated into career paths. Occupations will be grouped according to similarities in type of work and customary requirements for formal training or credentials. The common patterns of advancement within the occupations as practiced at NBS and in the private sector will also be considered. The current occupations and grades at NBS have been examined, and their characteristics and distribution have served as guidelines to the development of career paths. Four career paths will be established: (a) Scientific and Engineering. This path will include all technical professional positions, such as physical. biological, and social scientists, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, and computer specialists. Ordinarily, specific course work or educational degrees are required for these occupations. (b) Scientific and Engineering Technician. This path consists of the jobs that support the various scientific and engineering activities. Employees in these jobs are not required to have college course 'work. However, training and skills in the various electrical, mechanical, chemical, or computer crafts and techniques are required. (c) Administrative. This career path contains specialized functions in such fields as finance, procurement, personnel, public information, technical Information, accounting, administrative computing, and management analysis. Special skills in administrative fields or special degrees are involved. (d) Support. This career path is composed of positions for which an minimal formal education is needed, but for which special skills and knowledge, such as typing or shorthand, are usually required. Clerical work usually involves the processing and maintenance of records. Assistant work requires knowledge of methods and procedures within a specific administrative area. Other support functions include the work of secretaries, guards, firefighters, and mail clerks. Pay Bands Each career path will be composed of discrete pay bands (levels) corresponding to recognized advancement within the occupations. These pay bands will replace grades. They will not be the same for all career paths. Each career path will be divided into either five or six pay bands, each pay band covering the same pay range now covered by one or more grades. The maximum rate of a pay band will be the highest rate possible for positions within that career path and band, including any position with a special pay rate. A salary overlap, similar to the current overlap between grades, will be maintained. OfdinatiilScaff mdivichralwill be hired at the-lowest salary-irya-payband= Superior qualifications may lead to a higher entrance level within a band. For each pay band, a corresponding band will be established for employees qualifying for supervisory/managerial differentials. The supervisory pay band will have the same minimum rate as the non-supervisory band, but its maximum rate will be e percent higher than the maximum rale of the_npitit.iperyllosy_ band.tPhiiitions in_the supervisory_payo bands willinclude-division-chiefs-it-IF-id cgroupieadewinTtheScientifThandJJ a7th; Mrth?over.at7 (last threiTioliitions-(eiceluding-supp_ortj rpositions)ind other positions approved by the PMB on a case-by-case basis. The proposed pay bands for the four career paths appear in Chart I. The General Schedule (GS) grades being replaced appear at the bottom of the figure. The pay band concept has the following advantages: Reduces the number of classification decisions required during an employee's career: In the current system a classification action is required for each promotion to a higher grade, while in the new system a classification action is required for promotion to a higher band. Because there will be fewer bands than grades, there will be fewer classification decisions. Simplifies the classification decision- making process and paperwork: A pay band is a larger target than a grade, and thus may be defined in shorter and simpler language. At the same time the definition for one band can be made more distinct from the definition for adjacent bands, reducing the Potential for disagreement. Supports delegation of classification authority to line managers with review or post-audit by personnel specialists. CPrbvidssa broader Cpeilaft-nancezielattii Oak foiTCh (Ititifilitmses;leinplhyees-_ylio-scriay would have been frozen at the top step or a grade will now have more potential for upward movement in the broader pay band. The chart below shows all four proposed career paths and how their pay bands relate to the current General Schedule grades. Each regular pay band is considered to have a corresponding pay band for supervisors and managers who qualify for the supervisory/ managerial differential, though it is unlikely that the lower bands will ever be filled by supervisory positions. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501260003-0 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 191 / Friday, October 2. 1987 / Notices 37087 CHART I: CAREER PATHS AND PAY BANDS Career Path Levels (or Bands) c, Scientific and Engineering -12.3.3%--, I