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? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 t1FP10RANDUM FOR: Executive Director "r Deputy Director for AdministraticWI Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director for Science & Techrtol.ogy FROM: Robert E. Fitzgerald Director, Equal Employment Opportunity SUBJECT: Five-Year Affirmative Employment Plan 1. The Director of Central Intelligence recently has approved the Agerc y's first multi year Affirmative Employment Plan (attached) and has requested quarterly status reports on our progress in achieving the goals contained in the plan. The Equal Employment. Opportunity Commission and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence also will require periodic progress reports. The first EEOC status report is due at the end of February. oversee the program in each Directorate. I have alerted my Deputy, 2. Now that the plan is approved, we must put in place procedures to implement, monitor, and report on progress made on the plan's Action Items. First, I would request that you discuss this plan with the managers in your Directorate and have them inform their personnel of its existence. Secondly, to ensure that the plan is effectively implemented, I would like to request that you appoint an SIS level officer, perhaps someone on the Directorate assignments panel, who would head up a small working group to to be available to meet with your designees to work out the OEEO's role in this process. rep ace in this position by who reports in January. Before leaving, however, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you for the'very strong support you have given me and Agency-wide EDO programs over the past two years. The gaiiis we have made in the EEO arena during this time could not have been achieved without your help. There is still much to be done, but our new Affirmative Employment Plan should give us a good start. I hope that you will continue to provide your active support for these initiatives. STAT STAT STAT STAT Robert E. Fitzgerald Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 SUBJECT: Five-Year Affirmative Employment Plan Distribution: 1 - Executive Director 2 - DDA 2 - DDI 2 - DDO 2 - DDS&T 1 - Inspector General 1 - D/Pers 1 - General Counsel ,-A - D/OCA 1 - D/PAO 1 - D/OS 1 - D/OMS 1 - Comptroller 1 - D/OrE OP/EEO:REFitzgerald) I(7 December 1988) STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ER 0437/1 88 ? MEMORANDUM FOR: Robert Fitzgerald Director, Equal Employment Opportunity FROM: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Five-Year Affirmative Employment Plan 1. I have approved the attached Five-Year Affirmative Employment Plan. I know that you and many others have worked hard in its preparation, and I commend you for your efforts. The Plan is comprehensive in scope and should provide an excellent blueprint for affirmative action within the Agency. 2. The Agency has made gains in its affirmative employment programs over the past few years, but I am committed to continuing progress. Towards that end, I will ask senior Agency managers to "go the extra mile" to ensure that the recommendations of the Affirmative Employment Plan are carried out. In addition, I would appreciate it if your office would report to me on a quarterly basis your progress in implementing the Plan. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Central Intelligence Agency ? 29 November 1988 0 Mr. Clarence Thomas Office of the Chairman Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Washington, D.C. 20507 Dear Mr. Thomas: Enclosed please find the Central Intelligence Agency 5 Year Affirmative Employment Plan which responds to the requirements outlined in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Management Directive 714. I remain committed to a determined and sustained affirmative employment effort for all employees at the Central Intelligence Agency, and I am hopeful that this Plan will help us achieve this goal. Sincerely yours, William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? * POLICY STATEMENT * STATEMENT OF ADEQUATE * DELEGA`T'ION OF AUTHORITY IOIJI'ICittING/EVIILUAI'ION SYST'EH * ORGANIZATIONAL CHART * PROGRAM ANALYSIS * CERTIFICATION OF * PROBLEM/BARRIER IDEiJ'lIla'ICA'1'ION QUALIFICATIONS * REPORT OF OBJECTIVES AND * PLAN FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACTION ITEMS SEXUAL HARASSMENT OFFICE OF EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI'T'Y CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 ? EMPLOYEES COVERED t3Y PLAN: PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL CLERICAL BLUE COLLAtt NAME OF CONTACT PERSON/PERSON PREPARING FORM ROBERT E. FITZGERALD, DIREC1'OR, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPO1i'1'UNIT NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL EEO OFFICIAL STAT STAT STAT SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EEO OFFICIAL DATE CERTIFIES THAT THIS PLAN IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH EEO-MD-714. WILLIAM H. WEBSTER, DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE NAME AND TITLE OF HEAD OF ORGANIZATION OR DESIGNATED OFFICIAL SIGNATURE OF HEAD OF ORGANIZATION OR DESIGNATED OFFICIAL CERTIFIES THAT THIS PLAN IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH EEO-MD-714. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? Policy Statement Delegation of Authority Organizational Chart Certification of Qualifications Plan for Prevention of Sexual Harassment Statement of Monitoring and Evaluation Development of Plan Program Analysis, Barrier Identification and Report of Oujectives and Action Items for each Proyram Element I. Organization ? II. Work Force III. Discrimination Complaints IV. Recruitment and Hiring V. Employee Development VI. Promotions VII. Separations VIII. Program Evaluation ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 1. I am committed to a determined and sustained effort in support of the principles of Affirmative aiiployment and Equal Employment opportunity. 2. The Central Intelligence Agency's Affirmative Employment record over the past few years has registered gains in some areas, out in others 1 want to see additional progress. I ask senior Agency managers to join me and the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity in taking appropriate steps to ensure that our Affirmative Employment programs are effective and that meaningful initiatives are in place to increase the representation of women, minorities, and handicapped employees in the Agency's work force. Particularly, I expect continued progress with respect to the representation of minorities in the Agency's professional work force in general, as well as increases of both women and minorities in the middle and upper levels of the grade structure, in managerial, supervisory, and policy-making positions, and on key selection and assignment panels. I wish to make it clear that these initiatives and their results will be closely monitored by the Agency's top marnagement. 3. People are our most valuable resource. we--every manager, supervisor, and employee--must dedicate ourselves to fully developing all of them so that the Central Intelligence Agency will have a fully representative work force of the highest order. William h. weuster Director of Central Intelligence ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? AFFIRMA'T'IVE ELMIPLOYIVL NT PROGRAM FOR MINORITIES AND WOMEN DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (EXPLANATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES OF EEO PROGRA1-1 OFFICIALS) 1. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM a. POLICY. It is Agency policy to provide equal opportunity for all persons; to prohibit discrimination based on age, color, mental or physical handicap, national origin, race, religion, or sex; and to promote the gull realization of equal employment opportunity through affirmative action programs. In administering this policy, the Agency, in a manner consistent with the requirements of security, will comply with applicable provisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and tree Aye discrimination iii Employment Act, as amended, and applicable regulations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (1) The Director of Central Intelligence exercises personal leauership in establishing, maintaining, and carrying out an Agency equal employment opportunity program that promotes equity in the employment, development, advancement, use, and treatment of employees arid that ensures an environment within the Agency for its effective implementation. Under the direction of the DC:I the Agency will: (a) Provide sufficient resources for the conduct of a positive and effective program and ensure that responsible officials are properly qualified. (b) Conduct a continuing campaign, including disciplinary action when necessary, to exclude from Agency policies and practices every form of prejudice or discrimination based on aye, color, mental or physical handicap, national origin, race, religion, or sex. (c) Utilize fully the present skills of all employees; identify underutilized employees; redesign jobs where deemed necessary and personnel policies permit; and provide for work opportunities commensurate with employees' abilities, training, and education. (d) Provide maximum opportunity for employees to enhance tneir skills through on-the-job training, work-study programs, and other training so they may perform at their hignest potential drib advance in accordance with their abilities. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? (e) Communicate the Agency's equal employment opportunity goals and employment needs to all sources of prospective employees and continually solicit their recruitment assistance. (f) Participate at the community level witn other employers, schools and universities, and other public and private groups to improve employment opportunities. (g) Ensure a continuing, vigorous application of equal employment opportunity policies by managers and supervisors and provide orientation, training, and advice to increase their understanding of the program. (h) Inform employees of the equal employment opportunity policy and program and enlist their cooperation. (i) Provide appropriate recognition to managers, supervisors, employees, and components demonstrating superior accomplishment in equal employment opportunity. (j) Provide counseling for employees and applicants wno oeiieve they have been discriminated against because of aye, color, mental or physical nandicap, national origin, race, religion, or sex to resolve informally the matters raised by them. (k) Provide for the prompt, Lair, and impartial consideration and disposition of employees' complaints alleging discrimination based on aye, color, mental or physical handicap, national origin, race, religion, or sex. (1) Make reasonable accommodation to the religious needs of employees. (m) Establisn a means to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the Agency's overall equal employment opportunity effort. (2) The Director of r;qual Etnploynient Opportunity, appointed by and acting on behalf of the IX1, will: (a) Designate as many equal employment opportunity officers, equal employment opportunity counselors and investigators, and special emphasis program coordinators as necessary to assist in carrying out the Agency's Affirmative Employment Opportunity Program. The Agency Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Employment Programs include a Federal women's Program, a Hispanic Employment Program, a Native American Program, a Black Affairs Program, an Asian and Pacific American Program, a Handicap Program, an Upward Mobility Program, and a Discrimination Complaints System. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 (b) In coordination with the Director of Personnel, oe responsible for continually evaluating the Agency's personnel policies and practices to ensure that they are compatible with the principle of equal employment opportunity. (c) Prepare and revise plans, programs, and procedures necessary for carrying out the Agency Equal Employment Opportunity Program and submit reports to the Civil Service Commission for review and approval as required. (d) Evaluate the sufficiency of the Agency EEO Program and recommend to the Director any improvement or correction needed. (e) Provide counseling for any employee who believes he or she has been discriminated against because of aye, color, mental or physical handicap, national origin, race, religion, or sex with the intent to resolve informally the matter at issue prior to the filing and acceptance of a complaint of discrimination. (f) Provide for the acceptance and investigation of individual complaints alleging discrimination within the Agency. (g) Provide for the processing of class complaints. ? (h) Make recommendations to the Director of Central Intelligence concerning any complaint on wrricir a decision of the uirector nas beers requested. (i) Ensure that equal employment opportunity for minorities, people with disabilities, and women is an integral part of the Agency's overall program and assign program coordinators the responsibility for matters affecting the employment and advancement of minorities and women. (j) Publicize to employees and post in appropriate places tyre names and office addresses of the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, Special Emphasis Coordinators, and, where permitted icy cover and security considerations, Equal Employment Opportunity Officers and Counselors. (k) Make available to employees a copy of the publistied regulations, notices, and procedures concerning the Agency's Equal Employment Opportunity Program within their jurisdictions. (3) Deputy Directors and heads of independent offices are responsible for the effective implementation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Program within their jurisdictions. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? (4) All managers and supervisors are responsible for the positive application of the Equal Employment Opportunity Program in their components. (5) Each employee is responsible for cooperating and participating in the Equal Employment Opportunity Program. c. INFORMING EMPLOYEES. Annually, and at other times as directed, the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity will bring the Agency EEO regulations to the attention of all employees. The Director of Personnel will ensure that all employees are made aware of the provisions of the Agency regulations as a part of their entrance-on-duty processing. (1) Each Deputy Director, Office Director, aria all managers, supervisors, and subordinates are expected to provide r:EO leadership and direction within their organizational unit through the establisi-mient of personnel policies and procedures in compliance with the Agency's objectives in the equal employment opportunity area. Managers will be evaluatea on the accomplishment of stated EEO objectives, along with other program objectives, during the performance, planning, and review evaluation process. ? 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 The organizational chart attached shows now the Agency is organized ny Directorates and Staff. ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03 CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 w 0 National Intelligence Council General Counsel Inspector General ongressional Affairs DEPUTY DIRECTOR for OPERATIONS Director of Central Intelligence Command Responsibilities DCI DIRECTOR ' INTELLIGENCE DDCI i COMMUNITY STAFF i EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ; ['mPtroh1erj DEPUTY DIRECTOR for DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR for SCIENCE $ for TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENCE ADMINISTRATION sis Office of SIGINT Office of East Asian Office of Current C Production and Office of Finance Operations Analysis Analytic Support Office of Technical Office of African & Office of Information Service Analysis F Latin American Resources 4 Office of Logistics National Photographic Office of Leadership H Office of Information Interpretation Center Analysis Technology Office of Office of Pers_onn_el_ Special Projects OEEO * - - H Office of Research & Office of Soviet Office of Scientific and Office of Medical Development Analysis Weapons Research Services H Office of Development Office of European Office of Global Issues Office of Security & Engineering Analysis H Foreign Broadcast Office of Near Eastern Office of Imagery Office of Training & Information Service SAnal Asian Analysis Education --*The OLEO is responsible to the DCI for Affirmative Action and Discrimination Complaints Office of Communications Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? CERTIFICATION OF QUALIFICATIONS OF EEO OFFICIALS I certify that the qualifications of all staff officials, full-time or part-time, responsible for the administration of the EEO program, including EEO Officers, Federal women's Program Manager, Hispanic Employment Program Manager, Native American Program Manager, Discrimination Complaints Program Manager, black Affairs Program Manager, Asian Pacific Program Manager, and Handicap Program Manager have been reviewed uy competent authority and the incumbents meet the professional standards for these positions. STAT Direct of Personnel Date ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Iq Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 STA'T'EMENT OF ADEQUATE AONI`l'ORtNG/EVALUA'T'ION SYSTEM Within the first quarter of each fiscal year, an internal evaluation will be conducted by the Agency covering accomplisnments made during the previous fiscal year in equal employment opportunity aria affirmative employment. The Director, Equal Employment Opportunity, will have overall responsibility for conducting the review, utilizing Personnel office and EEO staff as members of the review team. In addition to covering the topics and data required for reporting annually to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, as set forth in Management Directive-714, the review system will take into account the following: a. An automated information system will ue utilized to provide data, on not less than an annual (fiscal year) basis, showing representation of each EEO group in each PAi'COE category as of the end of the review period. b. The evaluation report will summarize in narrative form the trends reflected in the data, apparent reasons for gains or losses, and recommendations for addressing lingering problems of manifest imbalance. c. An assessment will be made of the extent to which identified barriers to representative employment are relevant and within control of the Agency. The effectiveness of innovative staffing techniques and revisions to Agency selection procedures, as they relate to such barriers, will also be addressed. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 This section explains the steps in the development of the tluiti-year Plan. It covers Program Analysis, Problem/Barrier identification, and the Report of Objectives and Action Items as they relate to the eiyiit program elements. The Program Analysis is an assessment of the discussion questions under each of the program elements, as follows: Organization and Resources Work Force Discrimination Complaints Recruitment and Hiring Employee Development Programs Promotions Separations Program Evaluation ? ? As a result of the Program Analysis, problems (tne situations or conditions which need to be corrected or changed) are identified, and barriers (the personnel or management policies, practices or procedures that cause the situation or condition) uncovered. Objectives and action items are then estaulished to eliminate the problems and/or carriers whicn snould ensure equal opportunity for all employees. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? PROGRAM ANALYSIS The Central Intelligence Agency's Equal Opportunity Program is a significant function within the Agency's management structure. The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity is located as a major element administratively within the Office of Personnel, and provides centralized leadership, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of Agency-wide EiO activities under the direct policy guidance of the DC1.* The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity establishes broad administrative policies and sets requirements and standards for implementation by managers, supervisors and EEO officers at the Directorate level. The Director of Equal Employment Opportunity on matters of affirmative action and complaints management operates at the behest of the head of the Agency. The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity has a staffing complement of nineteen (19) full-time permanent employees and one (1) part-time employee. It advises ana assists senior Agency management officials, and the four Directorate EEO Officers, in establishing, maintaining, and conducting programs to promote equal opportunity for employees and applicants for employment with the Agency. The Director of EEO, as well as Directorate EEO personnel, participate in senior staff meetings and planning sessions wnere significant management issues, staffing plans and other management problems are reviewed. They also assist managers and supervisors in resolving problems whicn impact upon equal opportunity progress. The four Directorate Officers provide EEO support for their Directorate management under the overall policy guidance of the Director of EEO. The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity consists of Special Emphasis Program Managers and a Complaints Program Manager who report directly to the Director of EEO. The complaints investigation function is performed uy senior officers assigned to the Office of the Inspector General. These officers are provided training in the cunduct of hEO investigations and perform their function under the overall management of the EEO Complaints Manager. The Complaints Manager also coordinates and guides the Agency's EEO counseling activities. All EEO Counselors are physically located at Headquarters and provide counseling to potential complainants throuyri telephonic communications to remote locations. Each Agency Deputy Director is responsible for implementing the Agency's Affirmative Employment Plan, with guidance and assistance from the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, the Office of Personnel, and other relevant Agency components. *Although OEEO operates within the Office of Personnel under the Deputy Director for Administration, the Director of EEO provides direct guidance to the Executive Director, and in certain instances to the Director of Central Intelligence, on determinations of employment discrimination complaints. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? Special Emphasis Program Managers devote full-time to their program activities, under the direction of the Director of IEO, and work very closely with the various Agency Special Emphasis Advisory Committees. However, the absence of a dedicated analytical resource nampers Program Managers' attempts to provide meaningful analysis of EEO status and progress. Agency EEO personnel are receiving sufficient training in their areas of responsibility. We are providing training for a number of recently appointed EEO Officers and EEO Investigators. We nave arranged for a special running of an EEO Investigations Course to supplement our participation in OPM-sponsored training in investigations and counseling. The Office of EEO manages its own operating budget. Funds are provided for EEO staff training, special emphasis program travel expenses, specialized EEO training for Agency employees, and various centralized Agency special emphasis activities. The budget is sufficient to meet the needs of the office. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 PROBLEM/BARRIER IDENTIFICATION Our analysis reveals the following problem areas: - The employment of a full-time interpreter woula facilitate the training and development of hearing-impaired Agency employees. - A position to provide uniform analytical research for all of our Program Managers would support stronger affirmative action in all of our Special Emphasis Programs. ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? OBJECTIVES AND ACTION ITEMS ? ? PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: LacK of an additional employee to provide analytical research support for the Office of EEO. OBJECTIVE: Allocation of one additional position to accommodate the assignment of an Operations Research Analyst. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Director of Equal Employment Opportunity. TARGET DATE: 1 January 1989 ACTION ITEMS: RESPONSIBLE TARGET OFFICIAL DATE Document the position requirements for one UPS Research Analyst DU/EW 1 Oct 8B Formally request the approval of one D/EEO 10 Aug 88 position from the Director of Personnel Publish vacancy notice to generate DD/EEO 1 Nov 88 applicants for newly allocated position Select and assign employees to new position DD/EEO 30 Dec 88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: Lack of a full-time interpreter to support the training and development of hearing impaired employees. OBJECTIVE: The allocation of a position to accommodate the assignment of a full-time interpreter, and the employment of a full-time interpreter. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Director of Equal Employment Opportunity TARGET DATE: 30 October 1988 ACTION ITEMS: RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL TARGET DATE Documentation of position requirements for a full-time sign language interpreter DD/EEO 1 Aug 1988 Formal request for the approval of a position to accommodate a full-time interpreter in OED from the Director of Personnel D/EEO 10 Aug 1988 Place interpreter applicants in process DD/EEO 1 Oct 1988 Employment of full-time interpreter D/EEO 30 Oct 1988* ? *A full-time interpreter entered-on-duty on 26 September 1988 and is now supporting training and development of deaf Agency employees. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 PROGRAM ANALYSIS An analysis of the Agency's work force was conducted by PATCOB and grade groupings for Fiscal Year 1987, using the Agency's automated human resource data base. This data was compared with the national Civilian Labor Force* (CLF) data to determine imbalances in our work force that would justify affirmative employment initiatives. PATCO3 ANALYSIS The analysis revealed that there is a manifest imbalance in the following categories: Professional - Black females Hispanic females and males Asian females and males Native American females and males ? Technical - White males Hispanic females and males Asian females and males Native American females and males Clerical - White males Black males Hispanic females and males Asian females and males Native American females and males Blue Collar - Hispanic females and males Asian females and males Native American females White females and males *The Civilian Labor Force (CLF) data was used to evaluate the Agency work force. The CLF was derived from the 1980 Census and the Agency used the national data for evaluation purposes. PATCOB. Acronym for Professional, Administrative, Technical, Clerical, and Ot~White-Collar occupational categories and the Blue-Collar occupational category. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 PROGRAM ANALYSIS The following is a summary of EEO groups shown in percentages: White male - 54.00 White female - 34.36 Black male - 3.43 Black female - 5.09 Hispanic male - 0.92 Hispanic female - 0.60 Asian male - 0.65 Asian female - 0.39 Native American male - 0.04 Native American female - 0.04 Unidentified 0.48 is ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 is PROGRAM ANALYSIS II. WORK FORCE, PROGRAM ANALYSIS The attached chart shows a comparison of EEO groups oy Professional, Administrative, Technical, Clerical, and Other White-Colar occupational categories and the Blue-Colar occupational category (PArCOB) using national Civilian Labor Force (CLF) data. ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 -CATEGORY AND SES AGENCY PROFESSIONAL CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE CIVILIAN I LABOR FORCE I - yl AGENCY TECHNICAL CIVILIAN I LABOR FORCE AGENCZ:i' 1 CLERICAL I CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE DISTRIBUTION OF EEO GROUPS AND COMPARISON BY PATCOB I 1 (ASIAN AMERICAN/ (AMERICAN INDIAN) WHITE I BLACK I HISPANIC IPACIFIC ISLANDERIALASKAN NATIVE t I_ _ __ 1 I z 1 s I s ?I 1 1. I I .58 .94 ~ .45 0_00 .00 100 1 65.231 27.06! 2.321 2.01 1 1.07 i I I I 1 I I 1 100 1 60.621 26.85 2.33 1 2.79 1 I 1 1 2.16 1.14 2.53 1.12 0.21 0.31 i I 1 I 1 1 - 1 1 . 100 141.52 1 40.96 1 5.98 1 9.46 0.88 1 0.48 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I t 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.08. 100 1 45.221 37.02 3.54 6.34 2.69 1 2.43 1.24 0.91 0.25 0.26 1 t l AGENCY 1 OTHER 1 100 _. 1 1 -i 1 8.56 170.51 1 2.12 116.14 1 0.04 1 1.10 0.00 0.72 0.04 1 0.21 1 t t 21.69 1 57.32 1 2.77 9.29 1 1.88 1 4.24 0.68 1 1.52 1 0.12 0.36 I I 1 I_ I I 1 CIVILIAN 1 1 1 LABOR FORCE 1 100 I 1 I AGENCY 1 1 BLUE COLLAR 1 100 -162.32 110.56 CIVILIANi I I I LABOR FORCE 1 100 164.20 114.30 1 t 1-1-1- ~I 21.33 21.33 1 3.52 1 1.24 1 t 8.40 12.90 1 6.10 -[-I- I 1 1 I 1 I t t 1 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.62 0.00 t I~1 1. i 12.00 0.80 0.40 0.50 1 0.10 1-1-1- I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? PROBLENVBARRIER IDENTIFICATION Based on our analysis of work force data, several problems were uncovered that relate to the representation of minorities as compared with the national CLF. We found an underrepresentation of minorities in the professional work force. Numerical objectives will be established for the EEO groups for which an underrepresentation is shown. Barriers that could have contributed to manifest imialance will be addressed under the appropriate program elements. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 PROGRAM ANALYSIS During our analysis of discrimination complaints activities, we examined precomplaint counseling provided and complaints filed in r'Y 1987. We note that the counseling efforts resulted in resolution of approximately 90 percent of the complaints. The backlog of formal complaints decreased significantly with the resolution of over 50 percent of the cases by settlement, rejection, cancellation, or witizdrawal. Even after the addition of all new formal complaints in FY 1987, the total number of formal cases pending resolution snowed a reauction of some zs percent from that of FY 1986. We have analyzed the factors contributing to the delay in our resolving the few longstanding complaints remaining in the system, and find that these cases were unduly delayed because: - Some cases required supplemental investigation, ? - Some cases assigned to NSA employees with collateral duties as hearing examiners, were not processed on a timely basis. An analysis was made of the complaints processes in terms or bases and issues. A majority of the complaints in FY 1987 were based on race (black), sex (female) and age. The principal issues raisea were promotion and appointment/hire. Almost all of the formal complaint cases were prosecuted by retirees and rejected applicants. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? PROBLEN/BARRIER IDENTIFICATION Our analysis identified the following barriers. ? ? Undesired Condition: Existence of longstanding complaints because supplemental investigations were required and delays were experienced in getting hearing examiners appointed to hear cases. Desired Condition: The more timely processing of complaints by improving the guidance and training of EEO Investigators and improving the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-National Security Agency (NSA) arrangement for appointing hearing examiners for each other's cases. Analysis: Analysis of the counseling and complaints data for FY 1987 indicates that we can further improve on investigating, processing, tracking, reviewing, and resolving formal complaint cases. 1. Probable Barrier: Need to expand guidance and training given to investigators. Alternative: Provide investigators with better guidance and training. Expected Results: Improved initial investigations which eliminate or reduce the need for supplemental investigations. Follow-up Action: Provide timely guidance and a special training course for EEO investigators. 2. Probable Barrier: Historically, some delays have occurrea in our arrangement with NSA for use of hearing examiners. Alternative: Continue to improve the Agency/NSA exchange arrangement by appointing an additional contract hearing examiner and making better use of the current contract hearing examiner, take necessary action to ensure that the employees who hear cases as a collateral duty are able to devote more time to hearing cases. Expected Results: Further improvements in the effectiveness of Agency/NSA cooperative agreement and expedited hearing process. Follow-up Action: Continue to closely monitor cases and improve our arrangement with NSA. Ensure that the complaints system operates efficiently by means of monthly case-by-case reviews and action programs. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: Insufficient guidance and training for investigators. OBJECTIVE: To ensure that EEO investigators are given sufficient case guidance and training. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Director of Equal Employment Opportunity TARGET DATE: 1 Oct 1988 ACTION ITEMS: RESPONSIBLE TARGET OFFICIAL DATE Provide an Agency-sponsored Complaints System 1 Oct 1988 course for EEO investigators. Manager Develop EEO Complaints Guidelines Complaints System 1 Oct 1988 to ensure that investigators Manager receive adequate guidance throughout the investigation process. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? OBJECTIVES AND ACTION ITEMS PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: Some historical delays in the Agency arrangement with NSA for assigning hearing examiners. OBJECTIVE: Improve contacts with NSA to avoid undue delays in the appointment of hearing examiners. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Director of Equal Employment Opportunity TARGET DATE: 1 Jan 1989 ACTION ITEMS: RESPONSIBLE TARGET OFFICIAL DATE Set regular meetings with D/EEO at Complaints System 1 Jan 1989 NSA to ensure that more cases are Manager assigned to the one contract hearing examiner and to ensure that employees who serve as hearing examiners as a collateral duty are able to devote more time to hearing cases. Ensure necessary action taken to hire an D/E;EO 1 Jan 1989 additional contract hearing examiner. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? PROBLEM ANALY SI S is ? In our analysis of the Agency's recruitment and hiring practices, we reviewed our recruitment strategies and sources in relation to the EED groups who evidenced a manifest imbalance in the Agency's work force. In addition, we reviewed our applicant data bases and supplemental tracking information to determine the overall selection rates for EEO Groups, as well as the impact of our various selection and processing procedures on the Agency selection rates for EEO Groups. It is evident from our review of the overall Agency work force, tnat we need to increase our hiring of minority employees. At the end of FY 1987, minorities represented 11% of our full-time permanent (FTP) employees. This is almost 7.5% less than the guideline provided by the CLF data. But, we have been making recent overall progress in that minorities did represent some 14.7% of our FTP hires in FY 1987, and in FY 1988 minorities represent almost 18% of our FTP hires. Our most significant challenge, nowever, is in the Agency professional work force. Our analysis of the work force shows that only 7.4% are minorities, more than 5% below the guideline provided by the CLF, and our FY 1987 professional EOD rate shows that only 7.4% were minorities. We have recently increased our focus on our minority representation in student programs as a way to help increase our minority professional hiring numbers, and we anticipate that this will begin to pay off through increases in our minority FTP professional hires in the near future. Obviously, our plan will have to include specific goals to increase minority professional hiring and student hiring. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? External Recruitment - Sources and Strategies: External recruitment sources generally include colleges and universities, technical schools, and applicants responding to employment advertisements placed in newspapers, professional journals, and special emphasis publications. Most of our applicants are identified for potential Agency employment through the efforts of our recruiters, located in various cities throughout the U.S. Special emphasis managers also play an integral role in the process by augmenting the routine Agency recruitment efforts through their recruitment trips to schools with significant targeted EEX) populations, as well as through their review, brokering, and monitoring of minority applicant files to ensure that they receive the broadest possible consideration. Most external recruitment efforts are aimed at filling entry level General Schedule positions in the Professional Category in grades GS-07 to GS-09 and in our Clerical Category on the General Schedule at the GS-03 to GS-06 level. The majority of higher level Agency positions are filled internally by employees who have achieved the higher General Schedule levels through competitive promotions. Also of note are the centrally-managed Agency Student Programs covering a number of professional career fields. The Agency Student Trainee Program, Graduate Fellows, and the Directorate of Operation's Summer Intern Programs are not specifically targeted at minority recruitment and only limited numbers of minorities participated in these programs in FY 1987. However, through a special Congressional authorization, the Agency has been able to offer student scholarships and summer employment to minorities through a program known as the Undergraduate Scholar Program (Stokes Program). Our Stokes Program and our Minority Undergraduate Student Program (MUPIE) have provided us the opportunity to offer limited employment and assistance to college minority students with the expectation that many of them will elect to work for the Agency upon graduation. The recent expansion of the minority-targeted programs demonstrate the increasing emphasis on minority employment in the Agency. In 1988, the MUPIE Program alone achieved a level representing a threefold increase of the previous year. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? Internal Recruitment Sources and Strategies: Most mid-level and senior level positions are filled through competitive promotion and selection procedures. Competitive promotions are presently the most effective method for the internal advancement of appropriate EEO groups. The Upward Mobility Program provides a means for employees in clerical and technical occupations to essentially "move up" correspondingly in the next higher job category once the occupational requirements have been mastered. Hiring Activities/Strategies: Particular attention was given to the analysis of applicant flow data to ascertain whether there existed barriers to the employment of ?EO groups who evidenced a manifest imbalance or conspicuous absence. Specifically, we examined the EEO composition of each of our major Career Service groups to determine the application, selection, and processing rates. We also examined qualification requirements in an attempt to determine if there were any requirements which presented artificial barriers to the employment of EEO groups. ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? Hiring Activities/Strategies Applicants for positions at our Agency must meet security, medical and other requirements to be accepted for employment. Academic records and performance, work experience, specialized skills and abilities, and, for professionals, results from our Professional Aptitude Test Battery (PATB)--a portion of which is a measure of attained skills--are factors considered in the applicant evaluation process. While nationally the gap between minority and non-minority scores on standardized measures of learned abilities (such as the SAT and GRE) have lessened in recent years, about a one standard deviation aifference in current test scores remains. A standard deviation difference in current test scores remains. A result similar to that on other standardized test instruments is seen in the results of abilities measures testing in the Agency PATB. Professionals agree that this is due to factors such as the accessibility of culturally and financially well-supported U.S. educational systems, not to factors of race or ethnicity. Our analysis disclosed a perception by some managers and employees that PATB factors, coupled with the considerable weight some managers and hiring officials give to measurements of abilities, and differing methods of interpreting the test's abilities measures, might provide some oasis for it to serve as a barrier to minority applicants for professional positions. Our anlaysis also clearly demonstrated, through the relative success of our student programs, that there is more that can be done to focus our recruitment on female and minority population groups that come trom strong educational systems. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? PROBLEM/BARRIER IDENTIFICATION Our analysis identified the following barriers. ? ? Undesired Condition: There are insufficient minority applicants to fill Agency requirements for professional employees in the desired EEO groups. Desired Condition: An increase in the numbers of minority applicants in the professional category. Analysis: An analysis of recruitment practices indicates that presently the Agency recruits from many sources that do not focus on minorities. Probable Barrier: The Agency's historical recruitment practices were not adequately focused on minority sources to generate sufficient applications from underrepresented minorities. Alternative: Supplement present recruiting sources by adding minority colleges and universities and those that have significant minority student populations. Expected Results: Increase in applications from minorities, and subsequent increases in the pool of minority applicants available for employment consideration. Follow-up Action: Monitor recruitment activity on a regular basis to ascertain rate of application for underrepresented minority groups. Based on results, determine if additional action is required. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? Undesired Condition: There are insufficient female and minority applicants to fill GS-13 through GS-15 level positions in the Agency. Desired Condition: Increase the number of applications for qualified female and minority EEO groups for Agency employment at the GS-13 through GS-15 level. Analysis: An analysis of Agency recruitment practices, indicates that they are not focused on minority professionals. Probable Barrier: Agency's recruitment requirements are not focused on generating applicants for higher level positions at the GS-13 through GS-15 level. Alternative: Focus the Agency's recruitment requirements on female and minority EEO groups with higher qualifications to generate applications for Agency employment at the GS-13 through GS-15 level. Expected Results: Increase in the number of applications from female and minority EEO groups for Agency employment at the GS-13 through GS-15 level, and resultant increase in the female and minority senior level Agency representation. Follow-up Action: Monitor the application and employment rate of females and minorities at the GS-13 and above rate, and determine if additional action is required. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? Undesired Condition: There is a low initial screening success rate for some EEO groups for professional positions. Desired Condition: An increased initial screening success rate for EEO groups for professional positions. Analysis: Analysis of our recruitment processing uata shows that, among those applicants who have been tested, EEO groups in aggregate tend to score in lower ranges on measures of achieved abilities. The analysis also shows that in some locales tested minority applicants have scored in ranges generally comparable to non-minorities. We recently increased the training of our managers and hiring officials in the purpose of the PATB, how the abilities measures can be best interpreted, and how the test should complement other factors in the evaluation process. We also are attempting to increase recruitment in those locales where minority performance is the strongest.. Probable Barrier: The use of a PATB may be preceived as a barrier to some minority applicants. Alternative: Stronger minority applicants are identified, and managers and hiring officials operate with a better understanding of the PATB, its intended purpose and usage as one of several tools in the evaluation process. Expected Results: Improved understanding of the achieved abilities of minority applicants. Follow-up Action: Continue to monitor the work success of hired minorities relative to their PATB performance as applicants. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03 : CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? OBJECTIVE AND ACTION ITEMS ? ? PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: The Agency's recruitment and hiring practices are not producing sufficient numbers of minority EODs from EEO groups who show an underrepresentation. OBJECTIVE: Increase the number of applications generated from EEO groups who show a manifest imbalance and increase their EOD rates in all Agency Directorates. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Agency Deputy Directors TARGET DATE: 9 September 1988 - 9 September 1992 Set goal to increase percentage of professional minority EODs to 8% of the total full-time professionals hired in FY 1988. Set goal to increase the percentage of professional minority EODs by 2% each year, commencing in FY 1989, for a goal of 16% of all professional EODs by close of FY 1992. Set goal to increase and maintain minority participation at 10% per year in the following Student Programs: Student Trainee Program, the DO's Summer Intern Program, and the Graduate Fellows Program as a way to attract professional minority applicants. Review selection procedures and criteria for minorities. At a minimum, elevate selection and turn-down decisions on minority applications to Office level. RESPONSIBLE TARGET OFFICIAL DATE Agency Deputy Directors 9/30/88 Agency Deputy 9/30/89- Directors 9/30/92 Agency Deputy Directors 9/30/89 Agency Deputy Directors 4/1/89 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? Develop annual recruitment plans which earmark resources to target key minority and non-minority schools with large minority populations; and help recruiters establish/maintain useful relations with placement directors and minority affairs coordinators at appropriate institutions. Require personnel responsible for job interviews, assessments, hiring etc. to avail themselves of Agency sensitivity and multi-cultural awareness training. Agency Deputy Directors, Director of Personnel 4/1/d9 Agency Deputy 4/1/89- Directors/Director EEO 9/30/92 is ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 OBJECTIVES AND ACTION ITEMS PROBLEP'I/BARRIER STATEMENT: Agency's recruitment requirements are not focused on generating minority and female applicants for mid- to upper-level positions at the GS-13 through GS-15 level. OBJECTIVE: Increase in the number of applications from female and minority applicants for Agency employment at the GS-13 throuyn GS-15 level. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Agency Deputy Directors TARGET DATE: 1 April 1989 - 30 September 1992 Devise a recruitment strategy to increase the EOD's of females and minority candidates at the GS-13 through GS-15 level. Set goal to increase minority new hires at the GS-13 to GS-15 level to 10% of all new hires at that grade range and increase female new hires in this range to 15% of all new hires. 0 RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL TARGET DATE Agency Deputy Directors 4/1/39 Agency Deputy 9/30/39 Directors 9/30/92 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: The method in which some managers and hiring officials interpret the results of the PATB and use the test in applicant evaluation may be perceived as a barrier to some minority applicants. OBJECTIVE: Reduce concern that a PATB serves as a barrier to minority employment. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Agency Deputy Directors TARGET DATE: 30 June 1989 ACTION ITEMS: RESPONSIBLE TAKGE1' OFFICIAL DATE Require managers and hiring officials Agency Deputy 1/1/90 to receive briefings from the Office Directors of Medical Services in the intended use of the test, and the value of the test as one of the evaluation tools in the applicant processing cycle. Continue to monitor the PATB Director of Office 6/30/89 to assess its use as a Medical Services predictor of minority performance. Develop and assess, and where Agency Deputy 6/30/90 feasible, utilize additional Directors/Director means of evaluating minority of Office of Medical applicants for Agency professional Services/Director of positions. Personnel Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? PROGRAM ANALYSIS & PROBLEM/BARRIER IDENTIFICATION Problem Analysis ? ? An analysis of the Agency's professional work force data showed significant shortages of minorities at all levels of our professional ranks. However, the picture grows progressively worse at the higher grades. Minorities constitute only 5.3% of the GS-14 level, 3.1% of the GS-15 level, and only about 2.5% of our SIS employees. Female representation was also very low at the higher grade levels of our professional ranks. Females represent only 13% of our GS-14 level, 8% of our GS-15 level, and 4% of our SIS employees. If we are to increase the numbers of our minority and female professional employees to a level approaching the guidelines provided by the CLF data, we will need to focus our efforts in developing our female and minority professional employees at the GS-13, GS-12, and below levels. One of the significant factors which prepares our employees for more senior grades is their participation in "key" developmental courses that are used generally throughout the Agency, as well as several additional developmental courses that have a more limited use within a particular Agency Directorate. The review of FY 1987 experience included four courses: the Midcareer Course, Intelligence Issues and Challenges, Program on Creative Management, and Looking Glass. Females constituted about 23% of the attendees of these "key" developmental courses, and minorities made up slightly over 7% of the total. This level of participation does not provide sufficient training needed to expand the pool of better trained personnel in middle- and lower-level female and minority candidates enabling them to better compete for the higher level individual and position grades. The numbers of women and minorities participating in developmental courses, particularly at the GS-13 and below level, need to be increased to provide them with the skills needed to qualify for the higher professional grades. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? Currently, managers and supervisors are primarily responsible for ensuring that employees selected for training progress according the criteria set forth in their plan. The training officer provides guidance and monitors employee programs. Another of the significant factors which prepare our employees for more senior grades is their assignment to supervisory or managerial positions. But the numbers of female assignees to these developmental positions are small. When looking at the most senior level, we found only slightly over 8% of the non-SIS employees assigned to SIS positions for developmental purposes were female. When looking at the Agency's supervisory/managerial positions, we found only about 16.3% of the employees assigned to these developmental positions were female. There is an obvious need to take steps to develop more of our female employees through developmental assignments of those at the GS-13, GS-12, and below levels to provide a large enough pool from which to draw our future higher grade employees. The number of minority assignees to supervisory or managerial positions is also small. We found only about 2.3% of the non-SIS employees assigned to SIS positions for developmental purposes were minorities. When looking at all of the Agency's supervisory/managerial positions, we found only about 5.5% of the employees assigned to these developmental positions were minorities. This picture clearly demonstrates the need to develop more of our minority employees through developmental assignments of those at the GS-13, GS-12, and below levels to provide a large enough pool from which to draw our future GS-14s, GS-15s, and SIS employees. The Agency's Upward Mobility Program provides a vehicle through which clerical and technical employees can "move up" into more technical or professional positions. Because a high percentage of clerical employees are minorities or women, opening positions to them via the Upward Mobility Program helps increase the representative population of the Agency's technical and professional employees. The Agency, principally through the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, continues to sponsor an array of special training courses designed to help managers and employees assist females and minorities achieve their full potential and, therefore, assist the Agency in obtaining a more representative ethnic and gender mix in the job categories and grade structure. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? The Urban Awareness Seminar has been offered since 1980. We have contracted with the Urban Crisis Center in Atlanta, Georgia, to conduct these seminars to help participants develop a better understanding of how racial, cultural, and gender differences can affect day-to-day working relationships. During the past six years, the Federal Women's Program (FWP) has sponsored four unique training courses for Agency employees. Three of these courses offer special awareness training for women only, the fourth is a special awareness program tailored to meet the needs of both genders. In FY 1987, OED offered a pilot running of a new "EEO or Managers" training course. This one-day program focuses on the responsibility of the manager in preventing and correcting problems that lead to discrimination complaints. ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Undesired Condition: Females and minorities have a manifest imbalance in Agency management positions and key assignments. Desired Condition: Increase the representation of females and minorities in Agency management positions and key assignments. ? Analysis: Opportunities for assignment to Agency management positions are very limited by the small pool of higher graded females and minorities available for selection. Probable Barrier: Females and minorities are not being promoted into these positions because of a possible perception that they lack experience and the necessary skills. Alternative: Ensure that tnere is a career development officer in each Office to counsel all employees, especially females and minorities. Identify short-term and/or part-time rotational assignments/tasks/programs within offices that provide management experience and developmental opportunities. Expected Results: An increase in the number of "qualified" female and minority employees for Agency management positions. Awareness by all employees of career development paths and potential for advancement. Follow-up Action: Monitor selections and report more relevant selection rates to management. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? AFFIRMATIVE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM FOR MINORITIES AND WOMEN EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS ? Undesired Condition: Females and minorities nave a manifest irnbalance and in some cases a conspicuous absence in Agency management development training courses. Desired Condition: Increase the representation of females and minorities in Agency management development training courses. Analysis: Opportunities for participation in management and career development courses are limited by quotas, resources, selection criteria, and Career Service Panel/Boards nomination requirements. Probable Barrier: Courses are often limited, are offered to individuals already holding management positions, or have grade restrictions, often GS-13 and above, that limit participation. Alternative: Be more flexible with grade requirements for high potential females and minorities for the quota courses. Continue emphasis on participation in specialized professional and management courses. Expected Results: An increase in the number of female and minority employees participating in the quota courses. Follow-up Action: Track relative selection rates and report findings to management. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: Lack of females and minorities in Agency management positions ana key assignments. Increase the representation of females and minorities on career-relatea panels and publish career development resources. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Agency Deputy Directors TARGET DATE: 1 April 1989 RESPONSIBLE TARGET DATE ACTION ITEMS: OFFICIAL Implement an Agency-wide policy Agency Deputy 1 Jan 1989 requiring representation by Directors females and, where possible minorities on career-related panels i.e., promotion, training, selection, etc. Publish a list of Agency Deputy 1 April 1989 designated Career Development Directors Officers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? REPORT OF OBJECTIVES AND ACTION ITEMS ? ? PROGRAM ELEMENT: EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMt:NT PROGRAt?1 PROBLEM/BARRIER STATEMENT: Lack of females and minorities in Agency management development training courses. OBJECTIVE: Increase the representation of females ana minorities in management positions by providing them with better skills through managerial development training. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Agency Deputy Directors TARGET DATE: 30 September 1989, and each subsequent end Fiscal Year RESPONSIBLE TARGET DATE ACTION ITEMS: OFFICIAL Establish an Agency-wide policy Director of December 1988 requiring representation by Personnel females or minority on all career related panels i.e., promotion, interview, training selection. Establish multi-culture/EEO Agency Deputy Octooer 1988 awareness training as a Directors requirement for all managers and supervisors. Increase the participation of Agency Deputy October 1990, females in the four "key" Directors October 1991 developmental courses to 25% of those attending in FY 1990 and 27% in FY 1991. Increase the participation of Agency Deputy October 1990, minorities in the four "key" Directors October 1991 developmental courses to 9% of those attending in FY 1990 and 11% in FY-1991. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 0 PROGRAM ANALYSIS ? 0 An analysis of the Agency's promotion practices was conducted on data based upon the number of the number of promotions for eacri grade by ELO Group. This information was compared to tcie work Force information wiiicti provided the numbers of employees, by grade, in each EEO Group that would nave been available for promotion. As witn the other elements analyzed in tnis report, our review of the Agency work force grade populations and promotion information was primarily focused on employees in our Professional Category. The information revealed significant imbalance, with small numbers of female and minority employee populations in the grade grouping GS-12 tnrouyii 66-15. This inDDalance becomes increasingly acute at the higher grade levels. The employees at this level serve as feeder groups for the promotions to the more senior professional levels in the Agency. In addition, the promotion rates of our minority employees to the GS-13 through GS-15 level was also relatively low, ranging from about 4.5% to 7.5%. Senior Intelligence Service (SIS) positions and employee populations were analyzed. In this review, we found that both our female and minority populations showed a far lower representation at the Sib level than their representation in the Agency work force or the Civilian Labor Force. We included in this review non-SIS employees occupying SIS positions to ensure that we had an adequate picture of our employees with demonstrated executive potential. After including SIS employees along with the lower graded employees with sufficient potential to be assigned to SIS positions, we still found that only 4% of our SIS positions were occupied by remales and 2.5% uy minority employees. It became evident from our review that the numbers of our remale and minority Professional employees in grades GS-12 through GS-15 need to be expanded to provide an adequate base for subsequent selection to the nigner grades in the Agency. The numbers of minority Professional employees at virtually all grade levels need to be increased to provide an adequate feeder pool for promotions. In addition, females and minorities must receive the required developmental training and assignment experience in order to be competitive for promotions to higher levels, if their promotion rates are to be increased to their proper representational level. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? ? ? AFFIRMATIVE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM FOR MINORITIES AND WOMEN PROBLEM,/ BARRIER IDENTIFICATION VI. PROMOTIONS Based on our analysis of work force grade data and promotion data by EEO Group, several problems were uncovered that relate to the promotion rates of women and minorities as compared with their professional representational level in the national CLF. We found an underrepresentation of minorities at virtually all grade levels in the Agency professional work force, and an underrepresentation of females in the Agency professional work force above the GS-11 level. Rather than establish numerical objectives for the promotion of females and minority employees, we have directed our goals toward the increase of the number of female and minority employees qualified for promotion through the establishment of goals for their recruitment and hiring and employee development. Barriers that could have contributed to manifest imbalance, as well as their derivative Action Items, are addressed under the appropriate program elements. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 PROGRAM ANALYSIS A review of separations from the Agency during FY1987 was conducted. Our analysis revealed that the rate of separation of minorities was consistent with their representation in the work force (in comparison with non-minorities). - The Agency professional separation rate is 3.62 percent. - The following is a summary of EEO groups shown in percentages: ? White male 3.82 White female 3.28 Black male 3.19 Black female 2.58 Hispanic male 3.44 Hispanic female 2.56 Asian Pacific male 5.51 Asian Pacific female 1.66 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 ? PROGRAM ANALYSIS ? ? The Agency's Equal Employment Opportunity Director has the responsibility for implementing the Agency's Affirmative Employment Program. This office has a separate budget to assure the administration and implementation of a results-oriented program which is involved in every aspect of personnel management, policy, and practice. Adequate funds are provided for EEO staff training, travel expenses and program development. Several EEO oriented programs--Minority Student Symposium, Sumner Fellowship, and Minority Undergraduate--are in direct support of the minority recruitment effort. These programs are being expanded and should play an important role in helping the Agency develop recruitment feeder groups and recruitment networks at the Historically black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other schools with significant minority enrollments. The Minority Student Symposium was introduced by EO in FY 1986, and in FY 1987 brought in minority students from a variety of colleges/universities to the Agency for a series of indepth briefings concerning the mission and objectives while providing them an opportunity to be interviewed for future staff employment. The students were enrolled in science, engineering, political science, and economic study programs at HBCUs and two universities with high Hispanic representation. In FY 1987 and FY 1988, the Office of Personnel conducted two Placement Directors Conferences to which Placement Directors and Minority Affairs Coordinators were brought to the Agency and given a series of briefings on employment at the CIA and career opportunities for their students. The Summer Fellowship Program, which began in 1980, has proven to be an excellent developer of supportive contacts at the HBCUs and at the same time offers opportunities for staff personnel at these schools to strengthen their own skills. Placing a small number of faculty and administrators of HBCUs, and other institutions with significant minority populations into regular Agency assignments during the summer months provides the participants valuable experience in their fields and assists the Agency in improving its image at these institutions and among the minority community. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8 The Minority Undergraduate Program was first introduced in the Directorate of Intelligence in 1984 and has since been expanded to an Agency program. Under this program, promising minority undergraduates receive an early introduction to the CIA through a summer work experience linked to their formal academic studies. Also, the program affords the Agency an opportunity to evaluate potential future employees and guide them into course work that will prepare them for careers within our various components. In response to a Congressional Directive in Section 506 of the Intelligence Authorization Act, the Agency developed an Undergraduate Scholar Program that will lead to baccalaureate degrees and intelligence careers for nigh school students interested in and capable of developing skills critical to the Agency's mission. This program, designed particularly for minorities and students with disabilities, will provide tuition assistance and CIA work experience to students pursuing intelligence-related studies with the understanding that they will become full-time CIA employees upon graduation. The Agency's Incentive Awards Program includes an element which rates manager's support of the Agency's affirmative employment efforts. Incentive awards are given to those managers whose overall performance is above average. However, the Agency Performance Appraisal System also requires that Agency managers be rated upon their performance in the EEO area. This ? is particularly significant for those managers that have been designated to achieve various goals within the Agency's EEO Affirmative Employment Plan. In order to evaluate the Affirmative Employment Program and special EEO oriented initiatives, the Director of EEO requires various reports. Quarterly reports are submitted by each Directorate to the Director of EEO so that they may evaluate progress, see how the Program is working and where improvement is needed. Senior management is informed on a quarterly basis of progress, or lack thereof, within the Program. Recommendations are then made to improve employment profiles in identified program areas. Following are the specific quarterly reports required for EEO evaluation: - Survey of current employment; - Analysis of internal work force profile; - Identified areas of imbalances and concentration and establishment of hiring and promotion objectives; - Applicant flow data and information. The work force has been apprised of the EEO complaint processing system and receives updates of changes in complaint procedures as necessary. We are currently expanding the number of fully qualified and trained investigators available. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/03: CIA-RDP90M00005R000200020023-8