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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aped for Release 2012/10/24 CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED: (Please do not remove) SUBJECT: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24 : .IA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 ROUTING SLIP ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA X 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 D/011 /DA 18 19 20 21 22 STAT ER 1889X/1 18 Nov '88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 ER 88-.1889X/l .e I President's Council on Management Improvement NOV n 1s MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES FROM: Gerald R. Riso Vice Chairman SUBJECT: Management Guidelines for Information Dissemination Products and Services In recognition of the significant improvements in managing printed publications that Federal agencies have made over the past several years, the President's Council on Management Improvement (PCMI) established a working group to review and analyze electronic dissemination of information products and services to determine if, and how, their management might be similarly improved. The PCMI's working group prepared the attached document, "Management Guidelines for Information Dissemination Products and Services." It provides. a. single document containing guidelines from various sources for managing all types of information dissemination products and services, regardless of the media used. If incorporated into the management policies and practices of agencies, these guidelines could improve the management and control of information dissemination products and services and improve access to the Government's information by both private or public sector users. OMB will use the guidelines as input to its currently ongoing revision of Government-wide information policies, and will call on PCMI's working group to assist in providing a coordinated and integrated approach to information dissemination. Until refined direction can be issued, Federal managers may wish to incorporate the guidelines, particularly the control aspects, into their management practices for all information dissemination products and services. L_9u,4-7 - 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR- INFORMATION DISSEMINATION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 1. PURPOSE. To provide guideline's for Federal agencies to follow in managing t eiir information dissemination products and services. 2. BACKGROUND. These Federal agency guidelines were developed by the President's Council on Management Improvement. OMB Circular A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources," establishes policy for the management of information resources within the Government. A basic premise of this Circular is to "assist agencies in an integrated approach to information management." This premise led to the development of these guidelines to cover the dissemination of products and services regardless of the media in which the information is contained; printed, audiovisual, or electronic. 3. SCOPE. Information dissemination products and services are defined in OMB Bulletin 87-14, "Report and Inventory of Government Information Dissemination Products and Services," to be: a. "Any publication issued by a Federal agency annually or more often with a format, content, and purpose consistent in nature." b. "Any publication issued by a Federal agency on a one-edition basis. This includes leaflets, bulletins, folders, books, booklets, reports, speeches, and similar nonrecurring publications, including those reprinted based on evidence of need to maintain inventory." c. "Machine-readable data files, software files, on-line database services, and electronic bulletin boards, issued or disseminated by agencies to the general public. Dissemination to the general public means distributing without limitation as to recipients and entails public announcement of distribution." OMB Circular No. A-114, "Management of Federal Audiovisual Activities", defines audiovisual productions as: "A unified presentation, developed according to a plan or script, containing visual imagery, sound, or both, and used to convey information. Audiovisual productions include slide sets, film strips, motion pictures, television (videotape and disc), audio recordings (tape and disc) and multimedia (any combination of two or more media) productions." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 4. GUIDELINES. Agencies should:- a. Disseminate information, as required by law, describing agency organization, activities, programs, meetings, systems of records, and other information holdings, and h.ow the public may gain access to agency information resources. b. Disseminate such information products and services as are: (1) specifically required by law; or (2) necessary for the proper performance of agency functions, provided that the latter do not duplicate similar products or services that are or would otherwise be provided by other government or private sector organizations. c. Establish policies and procedures to protect the public's right of access to Government information and the individual's right to privacy in information activities. d. Disseminate Government information products and services: (1) in a manner that ensures that members of the public whom the agency has an obligation to reach have a reasonable ability to acquire the information; (2) in the manner most cost effective for the Government, including placing maximum feasible reliance on the private sector for the dissemination of the products or services; and (3) so as to recover costs of disseminating the products or services through user charges, where appropriate. e. Consult regularly with users or potential users of the information when designing, redesigning, or periodically auditing information dissemination products or services. Carefully consider user's suggestions concerning format, media, timing, or other considerations to assure that the product has initially, and continues to effectively serve user needs within the scope of the agency's mission and the constraints of budgets, and while satisfying legal, regulatory, and other requirements. f. Disseminate significant new, or terminate significant existing, information products and services only after providing adequate notice to the public. g. In the design and implementation of information dissemination products or services, maintain appropriate data control to assure the integrity of Government information while providing for equitable access by the public. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 h. Create or collect only that information necessary for the proper performance of agency functions and that has practical utility, and only after planning for its processing,' transmission, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition. i. Establish a management control system providing for the oversight of information dissemination activities at a policy level within the agency and which meets the applicable criteria set forth in 0MB Bulletin 81-15, and as set forth below--including: (1) Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of all information dissemination products and services in electronic format. Abstracts and keywords should be included for all inventory entries; (2) Making such inventories available to the public, either directly or through intermediaries such as other Federal agencies or private sector entities, as an aid in locating Government information products and services; (3) Ensuring the need or purpose for periodicals, pamphlets, audiovisual products, and other information dissemination products and services is confirmed by policy levels of agency management before procurement or other implementation action is requested. Factors such as relationship to agency mission, cost, timeliness, potential size, and alternate means of communication should be considered; and (4) Providing for periodic review of the need or purpose and manner of dissemination in order to determine if the requirements continue to exist or need revision. Minimize the cost and maximize the usefulness of Government information activities. The expected public and private benefits derived from Government information, insofar as they are calculable, should exceed the public and private costs of the information. k. Examine information dissemination products and services to determine whether conditions favor electronic dissemination. Conditions favorable to electronic dissemination include: (1) The information dissemination is relatively large; (2) Timely access to current data is important to the users; (3) The information dissemination is relatively frequent; i.e., annually or more frequent; (4) The need to update the material is relatively frequent; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 (5) The agency routinely collects the information in or converts it to electronic format; (6) A substantial number of the recipients are known to possess the necessary information technology to access the information; and (7) Conversion to electronic dissemination will not impose substantial costs or other adverse effects on recipients, especially small business entities. 1. Where the conditions appear favorable, conduct benefit-cost analyses and actively pursue the design and development of electronic dissemination systems where the benefits outweigh the start-up and other costs both to the Government and to the recipients. m. Incorporate records management and archival considerations in the design, development, and implementation of information dissemination products or services to ensure adequate control and preservation of Government records under existing law and regulation. n. Design and implement information systems only after considering the effective and efficient management of the entire life cycle of the information contained within the system i.e., creation, collection, processing, transmission, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition. o. Where the end product has commercial value, provide a "wholesale" product/service to permit vendors to add value for final consumer purchase, e.g., disseminate basic information products (such as a complete data base) whenever possible, permitting the private sector to offer a value-added information service direct to end user. p. Avoid disseminating information products or services which place the Government in competition with industry. q. Design products or services and contractual arrangements so that no party receives a commercial advantage over other information users. r. Encourage the open and efficient exchange of Government scientific and technical information, subject to applicable national security controls and proprietary rights others may have in such information. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 aw ER 88-1889X/1 President's Council on 1llanagement Improvement NOV ' ISM MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES FROM: Gerald R. Riso Vice Chairman SUBJECT: Management Guidelines for Information Dissemination Products and Services In recognition of the significant improvements in managing printed publications that Federal agencies have made over the past several years, the President's Council on Management Improvement (PCMI) established a working group to review and analyze electronic dissemination of information products and services to determine if, and how, their management might be similarly improved. The PCMI's working group prepared the attached document, "Management Guidelines for Information Dissemination Products and Services. It provides a. single document containing guidelines from various sources _for managing all types of information dissemination products and services, regardless of the media used. If incorporated into the management policies and practices of agencies, these guidelines could improve the management and control of information dissemination products and services and improve access to the Government's information by both private or public sector users. OMB will use the guidelines as input to its currently ongoing revision of Government-wide information policies, and will call on PCMI's working group to assist in providing a coordinated and integrated approach to information dissemination. Until refined direction can be issued, Federal managers may wish to incorporate the guidelines, particularly the control aspects, into their management practices for all information dissemination products and services. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90GO1353RO01500150001-3 1. PURPOSE. To provide guidelines for Federal agencies to follow in managing their information dissemination products and services. 2. BACKGROUND. These Federal agency guidelines were developed by the Presi em's Council on Management Improvement. OMB Circular A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources," establishes policy for the management of information resources within the Government. A basic premise of this Circular is to "assist agencies in an integrated approach to information management." This premise led to the development of these guidelines to cover the dissemination of products and services regardless of the media in which the information is contained; printed, audiovisual, or electronic. 3. SCOPE. Information dissemination products and services are defined in OMB Bulletin 87-14, "Report and Inventory of Government Information Dissemination Products and Services," to be: a. "Any publication issued by a Federal agency annually or more often with a format, content, and purpose consistent in nature." b. "Any publication issued by a Federal agency on a one-edition basis. This includes leaflets, bulletins, folders, books, booklets, reports, speeches, and similar nonrecurring publications, including those reprinted based on evidence of need to maintain inventory." c. "Machine-readable data files, software files, on-line database services, and electronic bulletin boards, issued or disseminated by agencies to the general public. Dissemination to the general public means distributing without limitation as to recipients and entails public announcement of distribution." OMB Circular No. A-114, "Management of Federal Audiovisual Activities", defines audiovisual productions as: "A unified presentation, developed according to a plan or script, containing visual imagery, sound, or both, and used to convey information. Audiovisual productions include slide sets, film strips, motion pictures, television (videotape and disc), audio recordings (tape and disc) and multimedia (any combination of two or more media) productions." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90GO1353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 4. GUIDELINES.- Agencies should:- a. Disseminate information, as required by law, describing agency organization, activities, programs, meetings, systems of records, and other information holdings, and how the public may gain access to agency information resources. b. Disseminate such information products and services as are: (1) specifically required by law; or (2) necessary for the proper performance of agency functions, provided that the latter do not duplicate similar products or services that are or would otherwise be provided by other government or private sector organizations. c. Establish policies and procedures to protect the public's right of access to Government information and the-individual's right to privacy in information activities. d. Disseminate Government information products and services: (1) in a manner that ensures that members of the public whom the agency has an obligation to reach have a reasonable ability to acquire the information; (2) in the manner most cost effective for the Government, including placing maximum feasible reliance on the private sector for the dissemination of the products or services; and (3) so as to recover costs of disseminating the products or services through user charges, where appropriate. e. Consult regularly with users or potential users of the information when designing, redesigning, or periodically auditing information dissemination products or services. Carefully consider user's suggestions concerning format, media, timing, or other considerations to assure that the product has initially, and continues to effectively serve user needs within the scope of the agency's mission and the constraints of budgets, and while satisfying legal, regulatory, and other requirements. f. Disseminate significant new, or terminate significant existing, information products and services only after providing adequate notice to the public. g. In the design and implementation of information dissemination products or services, maintain appropriate data control to assure the integrity of Government information while providing for equitable access by the public. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 h. Create or collect only that information necessary for the proper performance of agency functions and that has practical utility, and only after planning for its processing,` transmission, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition. i. Establish a management control system providing for the oversight of information dissemination activities at a policy level within the agency and which meets the applicable criteria set forth in 0MB Bulletin 81-16, and as set forth below--including: (1) Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of all information dissemination products and services in electronic format. Abstracts and keywords should be included for all inventory entries; (2) Making such inventories available to the public, either directly or through intermediaries such as other Federal agencies or private sector entities, as an aid in locating Government information products and services; (3) Ensuring the need or purpose for periodicals, pamphlets, audiovisual products, and other information dissemination products and services is confirmed by policy levels of agency management before procurement or other implementation action is requested. Factors such as relationship to agency mission, cost, timeliness, potential size, and alternate means of communication should be considered; and (4) Providing for periodic review of the need or purpose and manner of dissemination in order to determine if the requirements continue to exist or need revision. j. Minimize the cost and maximize the usefulness of Government information activities. The expected public and private benefits derived from Government information, insofar as they are calculable, should exceed the public and private costs of the information. k. Examine information dissemination products and services to determine whether conditions favor electronic dissemination. Conditions favorable to electronic dissemination include: (1) The information dissemination is relatively large; (2) Timely access to current data is important to the users; (3) The information dissemination is relatively frequent; i.e., annually or more frequent; (4) The need to update the material is relatively frequent; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 (5) The agency routinely collects the information in or converts it to electronic format; (6) A substantial number of the recipients are known to possess the necessary information technology to access the information; and (7) Conversion to electronic dissemination will not impose substantial costs or other adverse effects on recipients, especially small business entities. 1. Where the conditions appear favorable, conduct benefit-cost analyses and actively pursue the design and development of electronic dissemination systems where the benefits outweigh the start-up and other costs both to the Government and to the recipients. m. Incorporate records management and archival considerations in the design, development, and implementation of information dissemination products or services to ensure adequate control and preservation of Government records under existing law and regulation. n. Design and implement information systems only after considering the effective and efficient management of the entire life cycle of the information contained within the system i.e., creation, collection, processing, transmission, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition. o. Where the end product has commercial value, provide a "wholesale" product/service to permit vendors to add value for final consumer purchase, e.g., disseminate basic information products (such as a complete data base) whenever possible, permitting the private sector to offer a value-added information service direct to end user. p. Avoid disseminating information products or services which place the Government in competition with industry. q. Design products or services and contractual arrangements so that no party receives a commercial advantage over other information users. r. Encourage the open and efficient exchange of Government scientific and technical information, subject to applicable national security controls and proprietary rights others may have in such information. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 rx 00-.1007n/I President's Council on Management Improvement NOV MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES FROM: Gerald R. Riso Vice Chairman SUBJECT: Management Guidelines for Information Dissemination Products and Services In recognition of the significant improvements in managing printed publications that Federal agencies have made over the past several years, the President's Council on Management Improvement (PCMI) established a working group to review and analyze electronic dissemination of information products and services to determine if, and how, their management might be similarly improved. The PCMI's working group prepared the attached document, "Management Guidelines for Information Dissemination Products and Services." it provides a single document containing guidelines from various- sources for managing all types of information dissemination products and services, regardless of the media used. If incorporated into the management policies and practices of agencies, these guidelines could improve the management and control of information dissemination products and services and improve access to the Government's information by both private or public sector users. OMB will use the guidelines as input to its currently ongoing revision of Government-wide information policies, and will call on PCMI's working group to assist in providing a coordinated and integrated approach to information dissemination. Until refined direction can be issued, Federal managers may wish to incorporate the guidelines, particularly the control aspects, into their management practices for all information dissemination products and services. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR INFORMATION DISSEMINATION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 1. PURPOSE. To provide guidelines for Federal agencies to follow in managing their information dissemination products and services. 2. BACKGROUND. These Federal agency guidelines were developed by the President's Council on Management Improvement. OMB Circular A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources," establishes policy for the management of information resources within the Government. A basic premise of this Circular is to "assist agencies in an integrated approach to information management." This premise led to the development of these guidelines to cover the dissemination of products and services regardless of the media in which the information is contained; printed, audiovisual, or electronic. 3. SCOPE. Information dissemination products and services are defined in OMB Bulletin 87-14, "Report and Inventory of Government Information Dissemination Products and Services," to be: a. "Any publication issued by a Federal agency annually or more often with a format, content, and purpose consistent in nature." b. "Any publication issued by a Federal agency on a one-edition basis. This includes leaflets, bulletins, folders, books, booklets, reports, speeches, and similar nonrecurring publications, including those reprinted based on evidence of need to maintain inventory." c. "Machine-readable data files, software files, on-line database services, and electronic bulletin boards, issued or disseminated by agencies to the general public. Dissemination to the general public means distributing without limitation as to recipients and entails public announcement of distribution." OMB Circular No. A-114, "Management of Federal Audiovisual Activities", defines audiovisual productions as: "A unified presentation, developed according to a plan or script, containing visual imagery, sound, or both, and used to convey information. Audiovisual productions include slide sets, film strips, motion pictures, television (videotape and disc), audio recordings (tape and disc) and multimedia (any combination of two or more media) productions." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 4. GUIDELINES. Agencies should:- a. Disseminate information, as required by law, describing agency organization, activities, programs, meetings, systems of records, and other information holdings, and how the public may gain access to agency information resources. b. Disseminate such information products and services as are: (1) specifically required by law; or (2) necessary for the proper performance of agency functions,, provided that the latter do not duplicate similar products or services that are or would otherwise be provided by other government or private sector organizations. c. Establish policies and procedures to protect the public's right of access to Government information and the individual's right to privacy in information activities. d. Disseminate Government information products and services: (1) in a manner that ensures that members of the public whom the agency has an obligation to reach have a reasonable ability to acquire the information; (2) in the manner most cost effective for the Government, including placing maximum feasible reliance on the private sector for the dissemination of the products or services; and (3) so as to recover costs of disseminating the products or services through user charges, where appropriate. e. Consult regularly with users or potential users of the information when designing, redesigning, or periodically auditing information dissemination products or services. Carefully consider user's suggestions concerning format, media, timing, or other considerations to assure that the product has initially, and continues to effectively serve user needs within the scope of the agency's mission and the constraints of budgets, and while satisfying legal, regulatory, and other requirements. f. Disseminate significant new, or terminate significant existing, information products and services only after providing adequate notice to the public. g. In the design and implementation of information dissemination products or services, maintain appropriate data control to assure the integrity of Government information while providing for equitable access by the public. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 h. Create or collect only that information necessary for the proper performance of agency functions and that has practical utility, and only after planning for its processing,' transmission, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition. i. Establish a management control system providing for the oversight of information dissemination activities at a policy level within the agency and which meets the applicable criteria set forth in 0MB Bulletin 81-16, and as set forth below--including: (1) Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of all information dissemination products and services in electronic format. Abstracts and keywords should be included for all inventory entries; (2) Making such inventories available to the public, either directly or through intermediaries such as other Federal agencies or private sector entities, as an aid in locating Government information products and services; (3) Ensuring the need or purpose for periodicals, pamphlets, audiovisual products, and other information dissemination products and services is confirmed by policy levels of agency management before procurement or other implementation action is requested. Factors such as relationship to agency mission, cost, timeliness, potential size, and alternate means of communication should be considered; and (4) Providing for periodic review of the need or purpose and manner of dissemination in order to determine if the requirements continue to exist or need revision. j. Minimize the cost and maximize the usefulness of Government information activities. The expected public and private benefits derived from Government information, insofar as they are calculable, should exceed the public and private costs of the information. k. Examine information dissemination products and services to determine whether conditions favor electronic dissemination. Conditions favorable to electronic dissemination include: (1) The information dissemination is relatively large; (2) Timely access to current data is important to the users; (3) The information dissemination is relatively frequent; i.e., annually or more frequent; (4) The need to update the material is relatively frequent; - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90GO1353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 7 (5) The agency routinely collects the information in or converts it to electronic format; - (6) _ A substantial number of the recipients are known to possess the necessary information technology to access the information; and (7) Conversion to electronic dissemination will not impose substantial costs or other adverse effects on recipients, especially small business entities. 1. Where the conditions appear favorable, conduct benefit-cost analyses and actively pursue the design and development of electronic dissemination systems where the benefits outweigh the start-up and other costs both to the Government and to the recipients. m. Incorporate records management and archival considerations in the design, development, and implementation of information dissemination products or services to ensure adequate control and preservation of Government records under existing law and regulation. n. Design and implement information systems only after considering the effective and efficient management of the entire life cycle of the information contained within the system i.e., creation, collection, processing, transmission, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition. o. Where the end product has commercial value, provide a "wholesale" product/service to permit vendors to add value for final consumer purchase, e.g., disseminate basic information products (such as a complete data base) whenever possible, permitting the private sector to offer a value-added information service direct to end user. p. Avoid disseminating information products or services which place the Government in competition with industry. Design products or services and contractual arrangements so that no party receives a commercial advantage over other information users. r. Encourage the open and efficient exchange of Government scientific and technical information, subject to applicable national security controls and proprietary rights others may have in such information. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90GO1353R001500150001-3 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt x 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16, 7af 1 1 19 20- 21 22 Remarks Only one copy received - please dissem to DDA, if required. STAT V/ftie-cutive Secretary 29 Apr 88 Date Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90GO1353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 - Execntir R ist EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 April 22, 1988 -11 are- 1 0 el TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS .SUBJECT: Report on Government Information Dissemination Products and Services 1. Purpose. This Bulletin provides instructions and materials for submitting the Report on Government Information Dissemination Products and Services for FY 1988. The report is an extension of information previously required under OMB Bulletin No. 87-14. 2. Background. Section 1108 of Title 44 stipulates that the heads of executive departments, independent agencies, and establishments may use appropriated funds for the printing of periodicals with the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. OMB Circular No. A-3, Government Publications (revised May 2, 1985), which implements this provision of Title 44, requires agencies to report annually on periodicals and non-recurring publications and to maintain an OMB-approved control system. In addition, OMB Circular No. A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources, provides a general policy framework for the management of all information resources, and states that agencies shall maintain an inventory of information dissemination programs (Section 9a (5)). Integrated management of information dissemination is an essential element of overall information resources management. Agencies currently disseminate information not only in printed publications but also in electronic format. To achieve adequate management of the information dissemination function, agencies must maintain inventories of all their information products and services, subject these products and services to systematic management controls, and develop and implement internal policies and procedures for management of the products and services. 3. Coverage. The requirements of this Bulletin apply to all departments, independent agencies, and establishments of the executive branch of the government. 4. Definition. As used in this Bulletin, "information dissemination products and services" means: (a) periodicals as defined in OMB Circular No. A-3; and (b) machine-readable data files (including CD-ROMs), software, online database services, and electronic bulletin boards, issued or disseminated by agencies to the general public. Dissemination to the general Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 public means distributing without restriction as to who may receive the product or service, and entails some form of public announcement of distribution. Distribution limited to government employees or to agency contractors or grantees is not considered dissemination to the public. For the purposes of this Bulletin audiovisual products are not included because they are covered under OMB Circular No. A-114, Management of Federal Audiovisual Activities. 5. Changes from Last Year's Bulletin. This Bulletin differs from OMB Bulletin No. 87-14 in two ways: a reduction in the amount of information requested in Attachment A; and a simplification'of the method of reporting. Reduced Information in Attachment A. OMB Bulletin No. 87-14 requested 14 information items for each entry in Attachment A. This year's Bulletin requests only 11 items, and simplifies. another. Item 7, the basis for the agency's approval of the information product or service, has been simplified to a yes-no response. The following items from last year's request have been dropped: First Issue Date; Agency Volume; and GPO or Other Federal Agency Collections. Simplified Method of Reporting. For agencies responding to OMB Bulletin No. 87-14, OMB will provide a copy of last year's report for Attachment A. To respond to this year's Bulletin, agencies need only verify and update last year's Attachment A, supply this year's information for Attachment B, provide requests for approval of new periodicals as needed, and provide the required cover letter. 6. Required Materials. Report on Government Information Dissemination Products and Services. As in previous years, agencies shall report on their information dissemination products and services as indicated in the attachments below. a. Cover Letter. In the cover letter the agency head, or his or her designee, shall certify that the reported periodicals are necessary in the transaction of the public business required by law of that department, independent agency, or establishment, and that dissemination of all other information products and services is required by law or necessary for the proper performance of agency functions. The letter shall also certify that mailing lists have been updated, and cite actions taken to consolidate or streamline the lists as well as provide a rationale for any net increases. b. Listing of Agency IriLormation Dissemination Products and Services For agencies that responded to OMB No. Bulletin 87-14 in FY 1987: You will be provided a copy of your agency's response to OMB Bulletin No. 87-14. To report, you need only make Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 appropriate changes to last year's response (see Exhibit 1A), and return the copy to OMB. in accordance with instructions in Attachment A. For agencies that did not respond to OMB Bulletin No. 87-14 in FY 1987: Provide appropriate details for each periodical, machine-readable data file, software file, online database service, and electronic bulletin board in the agency's FY 1988 inventory as shown in Exhibit 1B, prepared in accordance with Attachment A. c. Obligations for Agency Information Dissemination Products and Services (Exhibit 2) Provide information on the agency's obligations for periodicals, non-recurring publications, machine-readable data files, software files, online database services, and electronic bulletin boards for FY 1987 through FY 1990, as shown in Exhibit prepared in accordance with Attachment B. d. Request for Approval of New Periodicals Provide justifications and requests, according to the instructions in Attachment C, for approval of the new periodicals the agency proposes to publish in FY 1988 that have not already received OMB approval. 7. Submission Date and Address. All required materials should be submitted by June 24, 1988. Please address an original and one copy of all materials to: Director Office of Management and Budget Washington, D.C. 20503. Attention: Information Policy Branch Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Room 3235 New Executive Office Building. 8. OMB Actions on Reports. OMB will respond to the agency's annual report and requests for approval of new periodicals within 45 days of receipt. In its response OMB will approve the periodicals listed for new or continued use or may request additional information on certain periodicals prior to giving approval. In addition, OMB will arrange for the. establishment of a database on floppy disks that will be made available to the public. Agencies will also be able to obtain floppy disk copies of their response to this Bulletin from the National Technical Information Service. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 9. Inquiries. Inquiries regarding periodicals of a specific department or agency should be directed to the appropriate budget examiner. General inquiries concerning this Bulletin and OMB Circular No. A-3 should be addressed to J.'Timothy Sprehe, Information Policy Branch, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, (202) 395-4814. Inquiries concerning floppy disk copies of agency responses should be directed to Stuart Weisman, National Technical Information Service, Department of Commerce, (703) 487-4807. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 OMB Bulletin No. 88-10 Attachment A Reporting Requirements for Listing of Agency Information Dissemination Products and Services Instructions for Data Listing The Listing of Agency Information Dissemination Products and Services covers: (1) periodicals as defined in OMB Circular No. A-3; (2) machine-readable data files (including CD-ROMs), software, online database services, and electronic bulletin boards issued or disseminated by agencies to the general public in FY 1987. Note that, as compared with last year's Bulletin, Item 7 has been simplified, and that previous years' items on First Issue Date, Agency Volume, and GPO or Other Federal Agency Collections have been dropped. FOR AGENCIES THAT RESPONDED TO OMB BULLETIN NO. 87-14 IN FY 1987: A copy of your agency's Attachment A for 1987 is attached to this Bulletin. (If your agency responded and the copy is not attached, phone Timothy Sprehe at 395-4814.) To report products and services disseminated in FY 1987: - Check each entry from last year's Attachment A for accuracy, and correct as necessary; - Indicate entries from last year's report that have been terminated; and Add new entries as appropriate; Total Volume, Agency Collections, and Total Obligations will change from year to year for most products and services. You should check each item for each entry in the listing. A sample copy of an agency's Attachment A for 1987 is attached as Exhibit 1A. FOR AGENCIES THAT DID NOT RESPOND TO OMB BULLETIN NO. 87-14 IN FY 1987: Report, as shown in Exhibit 1B, your agency's periodicals, machine-readable data files (including CD-ROMs), software files, online database services, and electronic bulletin boards disseminated in FY 1987. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Attachment A Information Requested for Attachment -A Name, title, and telephone number of person with working knowledge of agency's report. ITEM No. Action Code: For agencies receiving a copy of their response to 0MB Bulletin 87-14, indicate in this column on Exhibit 1A the type of action this entry represents using the following code: C Corrected; entry on agency copy is incorrect; make corrections in legible handwriting directly on the copy. T Terminated; agency ceased dissemination of this product or service. N New; new product or service disseminated in FY 1987. S Same; no change in any column from FY 1986 to FY 1987. 1 0MB Reference Number: From.the attached list of 4-digit agency codes, choose the code for your agency and bureau. Enter 4-digit code. 2 Type of Product or Service: The type of information dissemination product or service. Identify using the following code: P - Periodical N - Bachine-readable data file (including CD-ROMs) S - Software file 0 - Online database service B - Electronic Bulletin Board Title: Titles of information products and services disseminated in FY 1987. Abbreviate, if necessary, and identify clearly to fit space for maximum limit of 80 characters. 4 Frequency: Regularity with which periodicals are issued, and data files, software, databases, or bulletin boards are issued or updated. Enter 0999" if issuance or updating is continuous. Enter appropriate 3-digit code: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 001, 002, 003, etc. 501, 502, 503, etc. Attachment A - 3 once, twice, three times, etc. per year on a regular basis once, twice, three times, etc. per year on irregular basis 5 Pages per Issue: Identify average number of-pages per issue for periodicals, using maximum of 4 digits. Leave blank for other types of products or services 6 Free of Charge: Write "1" if the product or service is distributed entirely free of charge. 7 Mandatory Dissemination: Write 01" if this product or service is specifically required by law, regulation, or judicial direction. 8 Total Volume: List actual figures. For periodicals, total number of copies printed during FY 1987,including those for agency use and subscription and those copies to be printed and sold by GPO. For machine-readable data files and software files, total number of copies disseminated during FY 1987, including those for agency use and those copies sold or_ otherwise distributed by any other Federal agency (e.g., National Technical Information Service (NTIS), National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)). For online database services and electronic bulletin boards, total number of inquiries during FY 1987. 9 Agency Collections: Amounts received (dollars in thousands) by the agency in the form of subscriptions, and user and other fees during FY 1987. 10 Total Obligations: List annual costs (dollars in thousands) for FY 1987. Enter total annual cost (dollars in thousands) of product or service on the basis of obligations for FY 1987. Include all direct and indirect costs for editing, graphics, layout, composition, printing, duplicating, distribution, mailing, postage, and storage. Total obligations includes research and writing done by Federal staff or contract personnel to develop the material for publication. The term "research" applies to editorial investigation and not to scientific and technical inquiry; research does not include normal costs of development for - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 AttachmentA - 4 software, database, or bulletin boards, but does include costs associated with preparing these products or services for access or dissemination. 11 Provision to Federal Depository Libraries: For periodicals only, enter "1" if the periodical has been made available to the GPO Federal depository library program as required by 44 U.S.C. 1902. Enter "9" if the periodical was printed by GPO (in which case GPO would make the determination). Leave blank for machine-readable data files, software files, online database services, and electronic bulletin boards. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 ITEM NO. 1 - OMB REFERENCE NUMBER 0500 Department of Agriculture 0503 Office of the Secretary 0505 Office of Finance and Management 0506 Office of Governmental and Public Affairs 0507 Office of Transportation 0510 Office of the General Counsel 0600 Department of Commerce oBos General Administration 0607 Bureau of the Census 0608 Economic and Statistical Analysis D0610 Economic evelopment Administration international Tradet n siness Development Agency B 0518 Agricultural Research Service 0524 Cooperative State Research Service 0525 Office of Grants and Program Systems 0527 Extension Service 0530 National Agricultural Library 0531 Science and Education 0535 National Agricultural Statistical Service 0536 Economic Research Service 0537 World Agricultural Outlook Service u 0640 Minority 0644 United States Travel and Tourism Administration 0648 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 0651 Patent and Trademark Office C'52 Science and Technical Research 0660 National Telecommunications and Information Administration 0690 Office of the Secretary 0691 Bureau of Economic AnalYTechnology. and Innovation 0692 Office of Productivity, 0693 National Bureau of Standards tion t 0551 Foreign Agricultural Service 0557 Foreign Assistance Programs Conservation Service 0560 Agricultural nsurancet Corporation Insurance 0563 Federal Crop 0566 Commodity Credit Corporation i 0700 ra 0694 Export Adminis Department of Defense 0701 Department of the Air Force 0702 Department of the Army 0703 Department of the Navy rt on 0572 Rural Electrification Administrat 0575 Farmers Home Administration ffice of Rural Development Policy ent l 0704 Departmental and Others 0710 United States Army Corps of Engineers. rt n opm 0576 O 0577 Office of International Cooperation and Deve 0578 Soil Conservation Service 0790 Office of the Secretary 0579 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 0580 Federal Grain Inspection Service 0581 Agricultural Marketing Service 0583 Food Safety and inspection Service 0584 Food and Nutrition Service 1800 Department of Education 1801 Miscellaneous Department of Education 1610 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 1820 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 1830 Office of Vocational tsecondary EduAdult cation P rt 0586 Human Nutrition Information Service 0590 Packers and Stockyards Administration 0596 Forest Service 0598 Office of Energy 0599 Office of Operations os 1840 Office of 1850 Office of Educational Research and Improvementfslrs 1860 Office of Intergovernmental and interagency 1870 Office for Civil Rights 1875 Office of Planning 6 Budget & Evaluation 1880 Departmental Management to 1885 Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs 1892 Office of Inspector General Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 ITEM NO. 1-- OMB REFERENCE NUMBER 1900 Department of Energy 1901 Departmental and Others 1902 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 1903 Economic Regulatory Administration 1904 Conservation and Renewable Energy 19G5 Energy Information Administration 1910 Office of Administration 1990 Office of General Counsel 1991 Management and Administration 1992 Defense Programs 1993 Policy Safety and Environment 0900 Department.of Health and Human Services 0905 Public Health Service 0906 Health Resources and Services Administration 0910 Food and Drug Administration 0915 Wealth Services Administration 0917 Indian Health Service 0920 Centers for Disease Control 0925 National Institutes of Health 0930 Alcohol. Drug Abuse. and Mental Health Administration 0935 Health Resources Administration 0937 Office of Assistant Secretary for Health 0938 Health Care Financing Administration 0960 Social Security-Administration 0970 Family Support Administration 0980 Office of Human Development Services 0990 Departmental Management 0991 Office of the Secretary 0992 Office of Family Assistance 2500 Department of Housing and Urban Development 2501 Office of the Secretary 2502 Office of Housing 2503 Government National Mortgage Association 2504 Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank 2506 Office of Community Planning and Development 2508 Office of the Inspector General 2510 Office of the General Counsel 2512 New Communities Development Corporation 2528 Policy Development and Research 2529 Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity 2535 Office of Administration 2577 Office of Public and Indian Housing 1000 'Department of the Interior 1004 Bureau of Land Management 1006 Bureau of Reclamation 1008 Office of Water Policy 1010 Minerals Management Service 1018 United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1024 National Park Service 1028 Geological Survey 1029 Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 1032 Bureau of Mines 1076 Bureau of Indian Affairs 1084 Office of the Solicitor and Office of the Secretary 1090 Assistant Secretary for Policy. Budget, and Administration 1091 Office for Equal Opportunity 1092 Office of the Solicitor 1093 Office of the Secretary iioo Department of Justice 1103 General Administration 1104 United States Parole Commission 1105 Legal Activities 1110 Federal Bureau of Investigation 1115 Immigration and Naturalization Service 1117 Drug Enforcement Administration 1120 Federal Prison System 1121 Office of Justice Programs 1190 Civil Rights Division 1200 Department of Labor 1205 Employment and Training Administration 1210 Pension and Welfare Benefit Administration 1214 Bureau of Labor Management Relations a Cooperative Programs 1215 Employment Standards Administration 1218 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150601-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 ITEM-NO. 1 - OMB REFERENCE 'NUMBER 1219 Mine Safety and Health Administration 1220 Bureau of Labor Statistics 1225 Departmental Management 1290 Office of the Secretary 1291 Office of the Assist. Secretary for Admin. & Management 1292 Office of the Inspector General 1293 Office of Assist. Secy. for Veterans Employment & Training 1294 Office of Labor Management Standards . 1400 Department of State 1405 Administration of Foreign Affairs 2100 Department of Transportation 2105 Office of the Secretary 2106 Office of the Secretary - Aviation .2115 United States Coast Guard 2120 Federal Aviation Administration 2125 Federal Highway Administration 2127 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2130 Federal Railroad Administration 2132 Urban Mass Transportation Administration 2133 Maritime Administration 2135 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 2137 Research and Special Programs Administration 2138 Research and Special Programs Administration - Aviation 1500 Department of the Treasury 1505 Departmental Offices 1507 Office of Revenue Sharing 1510 Financial Management Service 1512 Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms 1515 United States Customs Service 1520 Bureau of Engraving and Printing 1525 Bureau of the Mint 1530 1535 Bureau of the Public Debt 1545 Internal Revenue Service 1555 United States Secret Service 1557 Comptroller of the Currency 1590 Office of the General Counsel 2000 Environmental Protection Agency 2010 Policy Planning and Evaluation 2020 General Counsel and Enforcement Counsel 2030 Administration and Resource Management 2040 Water 2050 Solid Waste and Emergency Response 2060 Air and Radiation 2070 Pesticides and Toxic Substances 2080 Research and Development 2090 Office of the Administrator Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 3002 Administrative Conference of the United States ?3010 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 3005 African Development Foundation 3014 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 3001 ACTION 3024 Civil Aeronautics Board 3035 Commission on Civil Rights 3037 Committee for Purchase From the Blind & Other Severely Handicappe 3038 Commodity Futures Trading Commission 3041 Consumer Product Safety Commission 0331 Council On Environmental Quality 3046 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 0300 Executive Office of the President 3048 Export-Import Bank of the United States 3052 Farm Credit Administration 9000 Federal Acquistion Regulations 3060 Federal Communications Commission 3064 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3067 Federal Emergency Management Agency 3139 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council 3068 Federal Home Loan Bank Board 3070 Federal Labor Relations Authority 3072 Federal Maritime Commission 3076 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 3079 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 7100 Federal Reserve System 3084 Federal Trade Commission 3090 General Services Administration 9999 Governmentwide Forms and Regulations 3137 Institute of Museum Services 0417 Inter American Foundation 3117 International Trade Commission 3120 Interstate Commerce Commission 3410 Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries 3122 Legal Services Corporation 3124 Merit Systems Protection Board 2700 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3095 National Archives and Records Administration 3125 National, Capital Planning Commission 3130 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 3133 National Credit Union Administration 3135 National Endowment for the Arts 3136 National Endowment for the Humanities 3138 National Institute of Building Sciences 3140 National Mediation Board 3145 National Science Foundation 3147 National Transportation Safety Board 3148 Navajo Hopi Indian Relocation Commission 3150 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3202 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 3104 Office of the Federal Inspector - Alaska Natural Gas Trans System 0350 Office of the United States Trade Representative 0348 Office of Management and Budget 3206 Office of Personnel Management 0349 Office of Science and Technology Policy 3200 Other Independent Agencies 3312 Other Temporary Commissions 3420 Overseas Private Investment Corporation 3207 Panama Canal Commission 0420 Peace Corps 3208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 1212 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 3220 Railroad Retirement Board 3235 Securities and Exchange Commission 3240 Selective Service System 3245 Small Business Administration 3250 Smithsonian Institution 3316 Tennessee Valley Authority 0310 The White House Office 3116 United States Information Agency 0412 United States International Development Cooperation Agency 3327 United States Metric Board 3210 United States Postal Service 2900 Veterans Administration Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 AGENCY: Department of Government .CONTACT PERSON: Name: John Doe Office: Pub. Aff./IRN Phone: (202) 555-9876 LISTING OF AGENCY INFORMATION DISSEMINATION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 1 2 3 Act- ORB Type Title Year ion code (80 columns only) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Freq Pp Free? Rand? Total Agcy Total Depos Volume colts. Obtig. Libr? (actual) ($000) ($000) ---------------------------------------~7 -"------------------------------------------------------------------ jYewS /eT1'GY' e4f ~ 012 008 1 1986 C 9996 . __ monthly _ N sy.e- _ 1987 .35 /.4 2,.Z Fil 1986 C 9996 N ABC Data es ------ _ _ 32 1.2 1987 _ 1986 9996 P JKL Proa. Activities 004 006 _1 _2500 _2.5 _ 1987 _T - 1986 C 9996 001 275 1 1273 5.76 250 1 1138 4.75 918 _ 1987 _ _ 1986 UPDATE -------------- 1987 _L. 1986 ---- --------------------- 1987 N 9996 Recent Trends in RST _503 004 _1 1000 0 _3 EXHIBIT IA S a m P L e E x h i b i t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 CONTACT PERSON: Name: Off ice: Telephone: LISTING OF AGENCY INFORMATION DISSEMINATION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR FY 1988 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OMB Type Title Freq. Pages Free? Hand? Total Agency Total Depos. Code Volume Collections Obligations Library? (actual) ($OOO's) ($OOO's) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 OMB Bulletin No. 88-10 Attachment B Obligations for Agency Information Dissemination Products and Services -Provide total obligations for periodicals, non-recurring publications, machine-readable data files (including CD-ROMs), software, online database services, and electronic bulletin boards, both current and proposed, for fiscal years 1987 through 1990, according to Exhibit 2. Note the following: obligations for non-recurring publications are included in Exhibit 2, although non-recurring publications are not included in Exhibit 1A or 1B. the total obligations for FY 1987 should equal the total from Column 10 in Exhibit 1A or 1B plus FY 1987 obligations for non-recurring publications. reporting for electronic products and services to those issued or disseminated to the general public (see Bulletin, Section 4)." Each agency must prepare Exhibit 2. Your agency's Exhibit 2 for FY 1987 is not attached. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 CONTACT PERSON: Name Office Telephone OBLIGATIONS FOR AGENCY INFORMATION DISSEMINATION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES (in thousands of dollars) FY 1987 FY 1988 FY 1989 FY 1990 Periodicals Non-Recurring Publications SUBTOTALS Machine-Readable Data Files Software Files Online Database Services Electronic Bulletin Boards SUBTOTALS TOTALS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353RO01500150001-3 P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 OMB Bulletin No. 88-10 Attachment C Request for Approval of New Periodicals The request for approval for proposed periodicals as part of this report should contain the following information. A supplemental request for approval of new periodicals proposed at other times of the year, in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-3, should contain the same information. (1) Description. (a) Name of periodical. (b) Issuing agency, bureau or other organizational unit and name and title of official requesting this approval. (c) Frequency of issue. (d) Number of pages. (e) General content (f) Number of copies per issue for limited free distribution to: (g) 1 - Agency personnel, plus contractors directly involved in the program. 2 - External audiences: (Specify quantity per audience; i.e., Congress, other Government agencies, non-Government). Number of copies per issue for sale to: 1 - Agency personnel, plus contractors directly involved in the program. 2 - External audiences: (Specify quantity per audience, i.e., Congress, other Government agencies,. non-Government). (h) Estimated annual cost broken down by: 1 - Salaries, materials, and other expenses associated with preparing the manuscript. Include costs for editing and for research and writing done by Federal staff or contract personnel to develop the material for publication. The term "research" applies to editorial investigation and not to scientific and technical inquiry. 2 - Graphics, layout, and composition. 3 - Printing, duplication, and binding. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3 Attachment C 2 " 4 - Distribution and storage. Include specific information on mailing class and postage costs. Appropriation(s) to be charged. (2) Justification. (a) Comprehensive statement of the necessity for the periodical, including any specific statutory authorization for its publication. In the absence of .specific authorization, describe why the periodical is necessary in transacting the public business which the agency is required by law to undertake. (b Statement justifying the number of copies proposed for non-Government free distribution and explaining why distribution should be free instead of by sale. (3) Certificate of necessity. Each issue of the periodical that has been approved under OMB Circular No. A-3 will indicate certification as follows: The (Secretary) (Administrator) of ( name of Department, Agency) has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business required by law of this (Department) (Agency). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/24: CIA-RDP90G01353R001500150001-3