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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ~~~ CIA Internal Use Only Copy No. 3 CIA Historical Staff SEMIANNUAL REPORT 1 .JANUARY - 15 .JUNE 193 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 1 SECRET MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretary, CIA Management Committee THROUGH Deputy Director for Management and Services SUBJECT The CIA Historical Program, 1 January - 15 June 1973 Summary 1. The refocusing of the CIA Historical Program on Agency support of US policy in international crises is now well under way, as the earlier, catching up phase nears completion. In the new, topical program, work or. the history of CIA and the Bay of Pigs is more than half completed, research on CIA and Vietnam is being pursued .with vigor, work is soon to be initiated on the history of a major technical collection program, and the search continues for a writer qualified to undertake the writing of CIA in Laos. Completion of the catching up phase has also proceeded agressively, with the publication of 17 histories during the present reporting period. Ninety- four percent of the scheduled histories in the catching up program have now been published or are nearing publi- cation. Strong measures have been ta3cen to cancel or suspend scheduled histories for which writers were lacking or which on further review appeared insufficiently important to merit attention at this dime. Considerable assistance was given during the period of this report to the President's declassification program, particularly to the review of documents selected by the Department of State for publication in Foreign Relations of the United States. Present Status 2. To complete this report by 30 June, when the present Chief of the Historical Staff is scheduled to retire from the Agency, production data are being provided through 15 June 1973. By this closing date, 291 histories had been published in the CIA Historical Program and 56 others had been completed in draft and were being reviewed, edited, revised, or typed for publication. Thus a total of 347 histories, or 94 percent of those now in the program, were either published or in an advanced state of preparation, compared with only 89 percent at the end of calendar year 1972, as shown in the following tabulation (derived from data in Tables l and 2): HS/HG- SECRET - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECRE'T' 15 June 1973 31 Dec 1972 Number Percent Number Percent Total Program 369 100 386 100 Published 291 79 274 71 Near Publication 56 15 70 18 Publish d or Near Publi- 347 94 344 89 ca~ion 3. Measured by the test employed in the previous paragraph, performance in the directorates was paced by the DD/S&T, which has published or completed in draft all of its scheduled histories, followed by the DD/M&S, DDO, and DDI, in that order, as indicated below: DD/S&T DD/M&S DDO DDI Overall Total Percent Publishes/or Nearing 100 Publication- a. For the purpose of this report, the composition of the directorates is assumed to be that of the beginning of the reporting period. It is expected that all of the DD/S&T histories will have been published by 30 June. In the DD/M&S all histories are now in draft except the history of Air America, which was begun relatively recently; except for this history, about 85 percent of the DD/M&S histories have been published and most of the remainder are in the last stages of revision or n typing for publication. The DDO is rapidly phasing out its catching up program, which has been the most extensive _ of all the directorates. By cancelling or suspending histories not making progress, the DDO has now narrowed its backlog to a small number of projects, most of which are in final typing or otherwise nearing publication. Comparable progress is also being made in completing the remaining projects of the DDI, a number of which are expected to be published soon after 30 June. 4. Progress towards completion of the catching up phase of the program was facilitated by the net deletion of 17 histories in 1973, through cancellation or suspension. Of the 78 unpublished histories remaining in the program, drafts have been finished of 56, while another 19 are partially drafted, as demonstrated by the following numbers: Not Yet Begun SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET 1 These numbers emphasize the continued progress made during the last six months in publishing previously drafted histories and in purging from the program histories that were stalled for one reason or another. 5. Of the 56 histories now in draft, 22 are in the Historical Staff for processing, including 10 in review or editing and 12 in final typing for publication. Eight completed histories are awaiting component signature for publication; some of these may be published before 30 June. The final processing of papers in hand or soon to be received is expected to continue to require editorial and clerical support at approximately the present levels through Fiscal Year 1974. 6. As the catching up program has been phasing out, the number of writers assigned on a full-or part-time basis, which peaked at 191 at the end of 1970, has fallen dramatically, -- to 81 on 31 December 1972, and 42 at the present time. The decline in the deployment of writers by directorate is shown in the following tabulation: Writers Assigned Component 15 June 1973 31 December 1970 Overall 7 13 DDI 15 42 DDO 10 71 DDM&S 9 60 DDS&T 1 5 Only 19 of the 42 were assigned full time; 21 were assigned part time; and two, though assigned, were inactive in the program, either because their manuscripts were in review, editing, or final typing, or because they had been temporarily assigned to other work. As in the past the "softest" of these numbers is that for part-time writers, most of whom carry their historical writing assignments in addition to other duties, and are thus able to work only intermittently. (For more complete data on writers by directorate and type of assignment See Table 4.') 7. Of the 42 writers currently assigned to the program 29 are staff employees, four are contract employees, and only nine are contract annuitants. Five of the nine contracts expire or lapse on,30 June; thus contract annuitants will comprise a nominal part of the writing cadre after that date. (Contract annuitants and their projects are identified by component in Table 3.) Overall Projects 8. As previously reported, the history entitled Walter Bedell Smith as Director. of Central Intelligence, by the late Ludwell Lee Montague, published at the end of 1971, continues to be in demand among historical writers and to receive SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 S]ECRE'~' 25X1 favorable comment. The final typing of the comparable history, Allen W. Dulles as Director of Central Intelli ence, ' in five volumes, is virtually completed. It is expected that this wor wi e published within the next few weeks. The undersigned and Sherman Kent have now completed the review of John A McCone as Director of Central Intelligence, by Walter Elder, and have provided Mr. Elder with comments and suggestions. Written primarily from memoranda for the record generated by Mr. McCone, this history provides a unique account of McCone's relationship while DCI with Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense. Additional work will be required on this manuscript to provide the historical background required by most readers, the continuity of topical treatment, and situation summaries before it cari be published as a finished history. 9. The history of the Inspector General`s Office, by has been reviewed by the Historical Staff and which was initiated in the former DDS, has been published as an Agency-wide history in the DCI Historical Series. This study was reviewed before publication by Colonel Lawrence K. White,. who commended it for its potential utility to future building planners. The history of the NIPE Staff, by John Bross, which presents authoritative insights into problems of community coordination, is in the final stages of documentation, before undergoing editing for publication; a brief history of PPB is in draft but its review awaits the return of ~ 25X1 revised by the author and is ready for final editing. As of this writing had just submitted his history of the United States Inte igence Board for review. This history promises to be a definitive reference work on USIB questions. Planning and Construction of the Agency Headquarters Building, Office of the General Counsel has been rescheduled as a series of annotated case studies to be accompanied by historical introductions. Mr. Walter Pforzheimer, who has .made no recent progress on his history of the Office of~Legislative Counsel to 1956, has agreed to the suspension of this project pending his scheduled retirement in August 1974, after which re- activation will be considered. The history of OLC after 1957 25X1 from .a training assignment. The history o t e is about three-fourths drafted, having been written by under the direction of John Warner. will 25X1 ~ ~ 25X1 replace who has been reassigned, as co-author. For the lack o- writers, the history of the President's Foreign Intelligence Board and the overall history of the Office of National Estimates have been cancelled. ONE has recently assigned of its staff to write a topical history of the problems encountered in identifying the Sino-Soviet rift and estimating its significance. This is a five-month assignment, pending retirement of the author. 10. history of .the Office of Policy Coordination as een pu fished. The introductory chapter is to be given wider distribution in the Agency in Studies in Intelligence. After a final editorial levelling, the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET 25X1 Chicago, will assume responsibility for the completion of this history. 25X1 a veteran Far Eastern officer, who is proceer:~ing with imagination and zeal. Despite a major surgical operation, 25X1 has drafted seven of the twelve projected chapters of the secon scheduled Agency-wide history, CIA and the Bay of Pigs. Following 0's imminent retirement, who holds a Ph.D. in Latin American History .from the University of 25X1 by an earlier writer, has been reassigned to Agency-wide program. 12. Two Agency-wide projects in the-new program were initiated in 1972 and are moving forward satisfactorily. The first, a history of CIA in the Vietnam War, partially drafted 25X1 The DDI Program 13. By 15 June the DDI had published 30 of the 49 scheduled histories and had 11 more in draft, which together account for 84 percent of its scheduled projects. Except for the final chapters of three office histories, the DDI has now published or completed in draft, histories of almost all of its major components. Although nominally office histories, they are primarily histories of the activities of the DDI components. Thus the history of the?Office of Research and Reports, the predecessor of the Office of Economic Research, is essentially a history of the development of economic intelligence, a generalization which applies to the subject matter of the histories of the National Photographic Inter- pretation Center and the Office of Strategic Research. The DDO Program 14. The DDO has published 193 histories, in a program that once consisted of more than 300 projects reduced by one- fourth through stringent rescheduling. Twenty-six of the remaining 35 projects are in draft and nearing publication, and 11 of the 26 are in final typing or are ready for final typing., This program, about 60 percent of which consisted of station histories, is now down to only seven full and three part-time writers, and is being rapidly phased out. The eight histories SECRET comparable history of the Office of Special Operations to 25X1 1948, by will be ready for publication typing. The scheduled histories of the administrations of the successive DDP's from Allen W. Dulles through Richard 25X1 Helms have been suspended for the lack of writers. Some drafting has, been accomplished by on the Dulles- Wisner period, but this. project will lapse when contract expires at the end of June. 11. In 'the other directorates, the history of the 25X1 DD/S&T by was published a year ago this month. has submitted for review the manuscript of the history of the DDI through the administration of Ray Cline and is drafting the final section - on Jack Smith's reaime. The history of the former DDS was cancelled by your __ of the Historical Staff, to write in the ongoing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SE~CR~'I' 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1 25X1 25X1 published during the first half of 1973 included comprehensive history of OPC, a history of the will be filled by a historical writer instead of a program manager. Personnel assigned by the DDO to the Historical Staff will edit and type the remaining backlog of DDO histories, which is estimated to require about one year to complete at present staffing levels. Staff, retires on 29 June. His slot on the Historical Staff the last DDO Historical Officer assigned to the Historica The DD/M&S 15. The DD/M&S has published 59 of the 70 histories scheduled and has completed drafts of 10 others which are nearing publication. All writing originally scheduled in the DDS program has been finished except for the history of Air America, a project begun in the last year, which is regarded as a part of the ongoing rather than the catching up program. The Missing in Action history is being revised per the suggestion of the Historical Staff, to treat more adequately the Fecteau/Downey story. Essentially, however, the historical programs of the major offices o,f the DD/M&S -- Security, Logistics, Training, Communications, Finance, and Personnel -- are all complete or ver close to final publication. With the assistance of a versatile contract annuitant, the once-lagging program of the Office of Medical Services, has also been brought to the verge of completion. 25X1 now reassigned as a historical writer, has a y manage t e DD/M&S program and deserves major recognition for providing the stimulus, guidance, and review which brought this program, the second largest in the Agency, to the verge of attaining its goals. The DD/S&T ' 16. The last three of the DD/S&T component histories, the histories of OCS, FMSAC, and OSP, have now been bound and are awaiting the signatures of the component chiefs for 25X1 publication. This will complete the catching up program of i-1'1a T1T1 ~C f.T mnc i- n?F' cuh i nh h n c Y~oon sari ~-~-on ~r rocsi cor7 1-~c~ Mrc 25X1 (will next turn her attention to ' an Agency-wide project in the field of technical collection, either an unclassified version of the U-2 story (as a spin-off from her history of OSA) or the history of one of the sophisti- ' cated overhead reconnaissance vehicles. It is planned to treat this topic not?as an OSP subject but from the standpoint of the community as a whole, ranging from consideration of ' the requirements for this vehicle, through the design and production stages, to its impact on_exploitation, analysis, and estimating. of the retirement of the undersigned on 29 June 1973, Mr. Walter Elder has been designated the next Chief of the Historical Staff. Staff Personnel 17. Numerous changes will occur in the composition of the Historical Staff by the end of Fiscal Year 1973. In anticipation the DDO Historical Officer, retires on 29 June, and who has served ably as the DDI Historica officer, i~o ~e reassigned to her parent office, OCI, beginning in the new fiscal year. To meet the requirements SECRET , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRE'T' by the retirement and reassignment were advertised on an agency-wide 25X1 1 1 of the smaller, topical program, the four Historical Officer positions in the Historical Staff are being converted into berths for historical writers., and the two vacancies created Of No the DDO has been appointed to fill one of these writing slots. suitable candidate has been found to date for the other slot. has almost completed his responsibilities as DD/M&S Historical Officer, by virtue of the near fulfillment of the catching up program for that directorate. He will retain. custodial responsibilities for the residual DD/M&S and DDI Historical Programs, while assumin new duties as a historical writer in the ongoing program. has in fact redrafted several of the DD/M&S histories in the catching up program, so that writing will not be a new function for him, although it will eventually occupy all of his time. has already been functioning as a writer and rewriter in the DD/S&T Historical Program so that the reorientation of the A enc ro ram will have no particular impact on her duties. senior member of the clerical cadre of the Historical Staff retires on 29 June and is to be succeeded by formerly of the Office of Communications, who has had considerable experience in supporting the production of the OC historical 25X1 administrative assistant to nal processing of the remaining DDO histories, in an OPSER/DDO billet, while will continue as DDO editor, in a DDO contract emp..oyee status until the last of the DDO histories is published. who continues as Senior Editor of the Historical Staff, deserves commendation for the professional guidance he has given to the editing and publication of the CIA histories. who assumed the responsibility of Documents Officer late in 1972, is rapidly mastering the content and use of the Index and the collection of supporting documents. Annual Historical Re orts 18. OPPB is coordinating the second cycle of annual component histories, in connection with the call for contri- butions to the CIA Annual Report. It is expected that the Agency-wide effort to develop component objectives will provide more satisfactory guidelines to the components in the preparation of their annual reports than did the skeleton outline of the Agency Report, in previous years. Responses should be monitored by the Historical Staff to determine whether the new annual reports are in fact eliminating the need for component histories. Attention should also be given?to the filling of the gap between the concluding dates of component histories written under the catching up program and the initiation of the series of annual component reports. Declassification Review 19. During the last }calf year the CIA Historical Staff has continued to support the Special Assistant for Information Control in the classification review of historical documents under Executive Order 11652, principally in connection with the review of documents proposed for publication by the Depart- ment of State in the Foreign Relations of the United States. SECRET L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRE'T' r This responsibility,:.,,,is.being absorbed by the SAIC and his staff. To date, Agency participation has consisted of reviewing documents identified by State as of possible intelligence concern. This procedure does not adequately provide for the fulfillment of the DCI's commitment to the protection of sources and methods, and cannot unless CIA reviews the full text of the documents which State proposes to publish. Review of this quantity of material, estimated at 5,000 to 6,000 pages per year would require approxi- mately one man-year of a knowledgeable senior officer. The Ongoing, Topical Program 20. Considerable uncertainty exists in many parts of the Agency on future plans for the Historical Program, particularly in view of its recent transfer to the DD/M&S. It is important that the character of these plans be clarified for supervisory personnel throughout the Agency in order that the new Chief may be able to elicit the broad support needed to complete the Agency-wide projects that are contemplated. The need for such clarification extends to the scope and purpose of the program, its topical nature, the location of primary responsibility for the production of histories, the requirement for access to records, provision for continued self-initiation of historical projects by components, and assurance that self-initiated histories will receive professional guidance and review from the Historical Staff. STAT Bernard Drell Chief, CIA Historical Staff SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRE'T' CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAMa~ 15 June 1973 Over- all ~~ DDI DDO DD M&S DD/S&T Total Total Histories Published or CurrentZ~ Scheduled Total Published to 15 June 1973 1 r 1 Partially drafted of which: 14 49 228 7p 8 369 2 22 177 .45 3 249 8 16 14 2 42 6 11 26 10 3 56 More than Half Completed i Published Before 1 July 1972 Published 1 July 1972-15 June 1973 of which: 1 January 1973.- 15 June 1973 Currently Scheduled Draft Completed and in Review, Revision, or. Being Typed for Publication Less than. Half Completed Research. Under Way but No Writing Not Yet Begun Component status as of 1 January 1973. Exclusive of 5 directorate histories tabulated in the directorate columns. SECRE'T` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Takale 2 CIA IiISTORI.CAI, PROGRAM Publication of Completed Histories Calendar Years 1 January 1966 - 15 June 1973 Components/ 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1 January- 15 June 1973 Cumulative Total 15 June 1973 Overall 0 0~ 0 0 0 2 1 1 4 DDI - 1 2 3 4 3 9 5 3. 30 DDO 21 25 34 52 23 15 15 8 193 DD/M&S 3 1 1 4 3 23 19 5 59 DDS&T 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 5 Total 25 28 38 61 29 49 44 17 291 a. Component status as of 1 January 1973. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 1 SECRE'T' 1 Overall CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM .Status of Contract Annuitant Writers by Directorate 30 June 1973 Project Status USIB Draft completed; con- . tract terminates 30 June OER History, Vol. III, Expects to complete 1967-1972 draft in. July; con- tract terminates 30 June DDP: Dulles-Wisner Partial draft completed; Period contract terminates 30 June FID: Division History Expects to complete draft in June; contract terminates 30 June More than half completed; contract extends to ? 1 Dec 1973 More. than half completed; contract extends to Dec 1973 DD/M&S ' James White 25X1 Expects to complete final revisions; contract termi- nates 30 June Research continuing; contract extends to 30 June Missing in Action Expanding and revising 19 June 1973 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET' CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM Status of Historical Writers 30 June 1973 Extent of Current Activity Type of Employment Com- Full Part In- Contract Contract ponenta/ Total Time Time active Staff Employee Annuitant Overall DDI 7 15 ~ 3 5 2 10 2 0 6 14 0 0 1 1 DDO DD/M&S 10 9 7 3 3 6 0 0 2 6 4~ 0 4 3 DD/S&T 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 42 19 21 2 29 4 9 a. Currently assigned to researching, drafting, or revising Agency histories. SECRE'T' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 TAB Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Attachment A CIA HISTORICAL.. PROGRAM Published Before l July 1972 Published 1 July 1972 - 15 June 1973 Of which: 1 January 1973 - 15 June 1973 Currently Scheduled 10 Draft Completed and in Review, Revision, or Being Typed for Publication ' Partially Drafted More than Half Completed Less than Half Completed Research Under Way but No Writing Not Yet Begun 18 June 1973 SEC.R.ET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 25X1 Attachment B 15 June 1973 THE CIA HIS'ORiCAL PROGRAI`~i DCI Level General Walter Bedell Ludwell L. Montague Smith as Director of Central Intelli- gence Allen W. Dulles as Director of Central Intelli- Bence John A. McCone as Director of Central Intelli- gence Office of the Director 1 Office of Planning Programming, and Budgeting: The Comptroller Function Deputy to the DCI. for National Intelligence Programs Evalua- tion The President?s .Foreign Intelli- gence Advisory Board United States Intelligence Board The DCI Area ' Office of the General Counsel ' Office of the Legis- lative Counsel, 1946-1956. ' Office of Legis- lative Counsel, 1957-1967 ' Walter Pforzheimer Received in HS for review, June 1973 Rescheduled as Series Annotated Cases Suspended; will recon-~ sider after retirement of author More than half com- pleted Published Four volumes ready for publication; fifth and last volume in final typing RevieEaed by Chief , HS , a:~d Mr . Kent and returned to author for revision Revised draft under review in component completing Cancelled for lack of writer Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ~,-~,,-?-.~ .--, LbX1 ~o~ l LbX1 ^ 25X1 Office of the Inspector General. Audit Staff, 1947- 1967 .Office of Natio.zal Estimates CIA and the Bay of Pigs CIA in the Vietnam War In i3S for f final editing Seven of 12 chapters drafted by before retirement; to be completed by Dr. Aboutralf drafted. by is completing SIGINT in the Central Intelli- gence Agency Headquarters Building Planning and Ca?zstruc- tion of the Agency Historical/Essays and Memoirsa Dulles-Wisner Period, Jan 1951- Jan 1959 The Directcrates~/ 25X1 1 The Directorate for .Operations Of ficc of Policy Coordination Office of Special Operations to, 1948 a/ b/ Bissell Period Jan 1959-Feb 1962 Helms Period Feb 1962-Apr 1965 Tabulated under Directorate Programs Published Published Six essays completed by Mr. Kent In final typing Less than half completes will suspend when con- tract expires, 30 June 1973 Cancelled for .lack of writer Cancelled for lack of writer SE~~LET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ~~~ `~ The Directorate for Intelligence Revised revision about three-fourths drafted ,The Directorate for Services The Directorate for Science and Tech- , nology Cancelled ~~~R~T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 TAB Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET Total Histories Published or Currently Scheduled Total Published to 15 June 19.73 Published Before 1 July 1972 Published 1 July 1972 - 15 June 1973 Of whicha 1 January 1473 - 15 June 1973 Currently Scheduled Draft Completed and in Review, Revision, or Being Typed for Publication Partially Drafted Of whicha More than Half Completed Less than Half Completed Research Under Way but No Writing Not Yet Begun r DDI 49 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 _ ~ CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM Attachment B DDI Histories Published during Reporting Period 1 January 1973 - 15 June 1973 Cartographic Support to Current Intelligence NPIC Component Project Number HS Project Number Title 3.019 National Photographic Interpretation Center, Volume One Antecedents and Early Years, 1952-56 3.031 Geographic Research in Support of Scientific, Military, and Economic Intelligence, 1947-70 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM ""?`'""`c'1` `' Status of DDI Histories and Writers by Major Components 15 June 1973 Components DDI CRS DCS ~nJ FBIS H IAS* IRS NP IC OBGZ OCI OER OSR Total Program Published In Progress Inactive 3 2 1 a 1 0 1 0 7 5 2 0 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 2 3 0 18 14 2 2 5 3 2 0 3 U 3 0 2 1 1 0 49 30 17 2 Active Full-time Part-time Inactive Estimated Attrition 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 .0 0 5 10 0 0 * Since IAS was so recently established, no specific historical papers have been projected for it. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM Status of DDI Histories HS Project Number Title .Office of the DDI . 3.052 Office of the DDI Central Reference Service 3.011 History .of CRS Attachment D Part time Annuitant on contract (till 31.May) First draft completed. Being revie~cred in Historical Staff Date Draft due to HS Foreign Broadcast Information Service 3.018 Foreign Documents Division In final typing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM Status of DDI .Histories 15 June 1973 . HS Project ?Number Title. Information Requirements Staff 3.012 Collection Guidance .Staff In final typing National Photographic Interpretation~Center .3.020 National Photographic In- -More than half finished ~ terpretation Center H Vol II 1956-5 National Photographic Cancelled Interpretation Center Vol III 1958-61 Being revised after Histprical Staff review NPIC Field Operations Being revised after .Historical Staff review ~ttacliment D Date Draft Status due to HS Retired Part time Part time Part time Part time Part time t~ n 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Status of DDS. Histories 15 June 1973 HS Project ..Number Title History Author Status Attacfunent D Office of Basic and Geographic Intelligence 3.059 Summary History of Geography Division 3.062 Intelligence Research on Polar Areas n 3.035 Procurement of Maps for ~ the Intelligence Com- y munity, 1946-70 Cancelled Cancelled In final typing Date Draft Status due to HS Part time Part time Part time Part time Part time 3.040 Automation in Cartography Suspended - in revision after review 3.063 Cartography Division, OBGI; Suspended - in revision Overview, 1941-52 after review 3.064 Cartography Division, OBGI; Less than half finished Overview, 1952-72 Office of Current Intelligence 3.046 Narrative History of OCI Being revised after Historical Staff Yeview 3.102 OCI Support for the Over half finished White House Part time Part time Part time Retired Full time 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Status of DDI Histories 15 June 1973 HS Project =Number Office of Economic Research 3.053 History of ORR CIA Support for the Economic Defense Program Economic .Intelligence Committee Office of Strategic Research Development of 'Strategic Research at CIA: 1947-67 Vol I being prepared for publication Vol II returned for revision after review Cancelled More than half finished Less than half finished Historical Staff review nearly completed Annuitant on contract Annuitant on contract Full time Part time Reassigned Part time 13 June 1973 Date Draft due to HS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 L~J~ ~ ~...~~ ~ L~J~ I SECRET 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Historical Staff SUBJECT : Status of the DDI Historical Program, 15 June 1973 ~ ' 1. The next few months should see the completion of the major part of the DDI Historical Program. Three writers are still working on the final chapters of their office histories. Except for those chapters., however, drafts have been completed .for all the overall office histories.. In addition, monographs covering a wide variety of activities have been published or ?are nearing completion. The number of published histories now stands at 30 out of a total program of 49. Of the remaining 19 papers currently scheduled, 3 are in final typing and will soon be ready for. publication. Only two are less than half finished. 2. has completed a draft of his history of the Office o.f the DDI through. the tenure of Cline. He is now working on a final section which will cover th.e Smith yearso contribution to the history of CRS and of the Agency. bridgeable - but most of the inputs provide a substantial 3. The committee system which CRS adopted to complete its history worked well. A first draft has been completed and is awaiting review. There are a few gaps - which will be will continue as coordinator and editor for the entire 1 Because of the impending retirement of the author, been published and th.e second volume is nearing completion, 6. The first volume of the overall history of NPIC has package during the review process. 4. Recent reorganizations have provided DCS with some time for history-writing, and is using the opportunity to finish one or both of the manuscripts left unfinished by previous authors. 5. FBIS?s history of Foreign Documents Division - a major work - and IRS?s history of the Collection Guidance Staff - which covers a much. shorter span - are both in final typing, with publication anticipated during the summer months. the succeeding volumes have been cancelled. The covered only through. 1958. NPIC still hopes to complete two additional monographs on special aspects of its work. 7. OBGI has again revised and reduced its program. The final volume of the Map Library trilogy is being typed for publication. Geography Division has cancelled its remaining papers, including the one giving an overview of the Division?s .history. Cartography Division, which has some manpower avail- able for the project, intends to continue with its three event of photographic intelligence in CIA will thus be SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET STAT ^ 25X1 remaining papers. The Division history for the period 1952- 1967 is currently active; the other two are currently in suspension. 8. OCI and OER both. have active programs. In OCI, priority is being given to revising the large, overall office history after its x'eview by the Historical Staff a ro'ect which~is over half completed. After that, will resume work on his monograph on White House support. In OER, hands of the OER Publication'Staff, while the second volume on ----- ORR is awaiting revision after review. Arrangements have been made to continue contract long enou h for him to complete the project. The other OER writer, is . moving ahead with the paper on the Economic Intelligence Com- mittee which he began last summer. it vo ume covering OER. '~iis first volume on ORR is in the is giving priority to completing a draft of his 9. OSR has completed a draft of its history of Strategic Intelligence in CIA and submitted it to a variety of readers, including the DDI Historical Officer, for review. It contains substantive discussions of CIA's role in resolving the "bombe'r gap" and "missile .gap" issues, together with a broader treatment of other developments leading up to the creation of OSR. 10. In sum, the "catching up period" of history writing has, in the DDI area, succeeded in providing basic coverage of the development of virtually all of the major components in the Directorate. Office histories will soon be available for all units except 00, OBGI, and IAS. In the case of the first two, nearly all the major activities of the office will have been covered by individual monographs. IAS, on the other hand, is still too young to be a proper subject for history. The total output of .the program surveys a group of operations that were innovative, reasonably efficient, and contributory to the overall development of CIA during its formative years. DDI Historical Officer. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 TAB Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 S~CRE~' 18 June .1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Historical Staff SUBJECT Status of DD/M&S Historical Program through 15 June 1973 GENERAL 1. During the period in review, the DD/M&S historical program achieved al~tiost 85 percent completion -- 59 of the 70 histories planned have'--been published (see,Aztachments A and C). Of the 11 histories still outstanding, the two OTR volumes. may be authorized for publication in the near future; and of the remaining nine, all but the Air America story (which was not a part of the catching up program) are either in final revision or in final typing. Fourteen histories of support activities or elements have been disseminated thus far in Fiscal Year 1973, including five volumes published between l.January and 15 June 1973. 2. The scheduled programs for both the Office of Logis- tics and the Office of Security have been completed. The status of the other components is as follows: a. DD/M&S -- Originally considered for publication in the Directorate series of histories the Planning and Construc- tion of the Agency Headquarters Building will now be published as one of the DCI series of histories. Colonel White's review, was very favorable and final co ies of the report will be disseminated before 30 June 1973. is continuing research on the Air America. history, but no date for completion can be estimated at this time. b. Communications -- The Cable Secretariat history is in final review in the Historical Staff and no major problems are apparent. The paper probably will be returned to the com- ponent for clean up and final typing in July 1973. ? c. Finance -- the overview history of the Office of Finance is being revised and will be returned to the Historical Staff by the end of F?Y "' 73. d. Medical Services -- Four histories are outstanding, but three of these are presently in final typing; and the revised version of the fourth paper also is being typed prior to being resubmitted to the Historical Staff. e. Personnel -- Both the Missing in Action and -Honor and Merit Awards histories are. being revised in accord- ance with, suggestions that have been made by the Historical Staff. Neither paper, however, will be completed before the end of FY '73. 1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 5~~~2~ ~ 25X1 ' 25X1 f. Training -- The: Junior Officer Training Program and we're forwarded for signature of the DTR many mont s ago, ut as yet they Have not been signed. Now OTR apparently plans to sign off on the histories with the proviso that their disclaimers are. included with the disseminated versions of the histories -~- a sugges:ti.on I.made to OTR on previous. occasions. In any event it is unlikely that either report will be published prior to the end of FY '73. employees are: a.~ who, except for a brief inter- ruption to revise the Cable Secretariat history, has. been working full time for the past six months on OMS histories. 3. As FY '73 comes to a close, there are six staff employees working part time and three contract annuitants working full time as historical writers. The contract efforts are, in fact, the principal reason for t .e progress in the OP~ZS program. His contract expires 30 June 1973. b. is doing a fine job as full time writer for the Office of Personnel, and he is revising the Mis-sing in Action history. He fully understands the sensitivity of the. problems presented by tre release of Richard Fecteau and John Downey, but h.e also realizes that the details of their stories must be incorporated into the history. As I recall,. Jim's contract runs through September 1973. c.' spent about two months in the Far East doing research. on Air America, and he is'currently drafting the first chapter. I do not know if he has been given a deadline date by DD/M&S. His contract expires 30 June 1973, but he reports. that it is being considered for extension. 4. Assuming that progress on the yet to be published DD/M&S histories. will be as noted in the preceding paragraphs, completion of the catching up phase of the program is assured. There are, however, several aspects of the historical program to which I think the DD/M&S should devote serious thought: a. Conscious effort should be made to insure that the completed support histories are put to more practical use. Considering the time.and effort devoted to the program and the many useful lessons which have been recorded, both senior and junior personnel could profit by browsing through the completed volumes. In fact, I think that the Directorate would do well to publicize the list of completed volumes.-- the Management Bulletin (or whatever the monthly poop sheet for the Directorate is called) would be one vehicle for doing this. b. The Directorate should take positive steps to insure that upon th.e termination of any given assignment (domestic or foreign). senior support officers are made respon- sible for preparing a written record of their tour. Obviously. this would include anyone serving as a Chief of Support for a Division or an activity, but the requirement should not be SL~CRE'I' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ~ ;~,~~ E~~ 25X1 25X1 limited exclusively to these personnel. report on Laos illustrates the value of such In fact, I: would b.e quite willing to v?ork wth.DD/M&S' to develop an outline for such reporting. c. Having now had the historical exposure, the senior personnel of the Directorate s:iould be alert to the need for preservation of documents of historical value.' Hope- fully if there are any questions about the value of retaining given documents or records, DD/M&S personnel will call on the Historical Staff. SECRET' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM 1 Total Histories Published or CurrentZz~ Scheduled Total Published to 15 June 1973 Published Before 1 July 1972 Published 1 July 1972 - 15 June 1973 Of which: 1 January 1973 - 15 June 1973 DD M&Sa~ Currently Scheduled yl Draft Completed and in Review, Revision or Being Typed for Publication Partially Drafted Of which: 10 0 ' More than Half Completed 0 Less than Half Completed 0~ ' Research Under Way but No Writing Not Yet Begun 1 0 ' a. Component status as of 1 January .1973. 1 18 June. 1973 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 - Attachment B DD/M&S Histories Published during Reporting Period 1 January 1973 -, 15 June 1973 HS Project Number Title 5.017 Supply Division, 1951-1970 5.036 Overview of the Office of Medical Services, 1947-72 Component Component Project Number 5..041 The Field Support Staff of the Office of Medical Services, 194,7-65 5.065 Security Program of the Central. Intelligence Agency, 1941-68 Volume 2 Personnel Security y 5.067 Security Program of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1941-68 Volume 8 Compartmented Information Security Practices OS OS-2 cn t~ n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 11LLQ1:11111C 11L V CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM Status of DD/M&S Histories and Writers by Major Components 15 June 1973 Active Total ~~ Estimated Components Program Published In Progress Inactive Full-time Part-t'ime Inactive Attrition DD/M&S 1 0 1 - 1 0 0 - Commo 9 8 1 - - 0 0 - Finance 1 0 1 - -. 1 0 - ~ ~ ~ n Logistics 17 17 Completed- - - '. - H y Medical Services 7 3 4 - 1 4 0 - Personnel 14 12 2 4 1 1 0 - .Security 9 9 Completed 0 0 0 0 - Training 12 10 0. 2 0 ~ 0 0 - Total 70 59. 9 2 3 6 0 - 18 June 1973 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM Attachment D HS Project Number Status of DD/M&S Histories 15 June 1973 History Author DD/M&S 3.088 Air America, 1946-72 Research underway 5.031 Planning and Construction Published in DCI Historical of the Agency Headquarters Series and tabulated there Building Office of Communications 1.007 Cable Secretariat 5.075 Overview of the Office Being revised by component of Finance Office of Medical Services 5.037 Clinical-Program Date Draft Statu:> due to HS Full time .Open (contract annuitant with DD/M&S) Reassigned Reassigned Part time 30 Jun ,73 Part time Contract annuitant with HS until 30 June 1973. Assisting OhIS with revisions. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ~Ltacnment u CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM - Status of DD/M&S Histories 15 June 1973 HS Project Number Title Office of Medical Services (Cont) 5.038 Psychiatric Program Being revised in component 5.039 Medicine in Operations Being revised in component ~ 5.040 Psychological Services Being revised in component t~ n ~ Office of Personnel H Office of Training 5.073 To component for signature 5.074 The Junior Officer Training To component for signature Program Date Draft Status due to HS Retired ASAP Part time Part time ASAP Full time ASAP (contract annuitant) See HSP 5.037 ASAP 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 TAB Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET 8 June 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, CIA Historical Staff SUBJECT . The DDO Historical Program Status Report Developments: 1. As of this writing 193 historical papers have been published in the Clandestine Service/DDO historical program, eight of them since 1 January 1973. The papers published during the current calendar year represent a total of 19 volumes. Two additional papers have been typed in final form and are awaiting component chief approval. Three papers are in final typing in the historical staff and an additional 11 papers are on hand, in final editing or awaiting typing. Some 13 papers are completed and being reviewed in the components before submission to the staff, or are nearing completion. Changes: 1. On 30 May 1973 papers carried previously in the CS/DDO historical program which had been started, or had ;been started but lacked writers, and those on which no visible progress had been made. over the past year or two (involving "part-time" writers) were suspended from the program. A few of the completed drafts ri~ay not meet component or historical staff approval; these will also be suspended from the program but will be retained by the components or the historical staff as research. or reference aids. 2. During the remaining six months of 1973, two part-time and four full-time writers,-all of them on cr~ntract, will be working on DD0 historical papers. By the end of 1973 probably five of the contracts. will have expired and the incumbents terminated whether or not their papers have been completed. One writer?s contract expires June 1974. There is a good probability that at least three of the papers on which these writers are working will be delivered in acceptable form. Plans: 1. During FY 1974 the DDO will undertake to maintain the editorial and typing personnel assigned to the directorate historical program at its' current strength. Papers will be processed in order of their quality and substance. If any draft papers remain unprocessed at the end of the fiscal year, they will most probably be of marginal ,nature, and, if so, will be suspended from the .program. SECRET DDO Historical Office Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET[' 15 June 1973 1 1 1 -- DDO Total Histories Published 'or Currentlz~ Scheduled ~$ Total Published to 15 June 1973 Published Before 1 July 1972 193 177 Published 1 July 1972 - 15 June 1973 16 Of which.: 1 January 1973 - 15 June 1973 8 Currently Scheduled 35 Draft Completed and in Review, Revision or Being Typed for Publication 26 Partially Drafted 8 of which: More than Half Completed Less than Half Completed Research Under Way but No Writing Not Yet Begun 11 June 1973 . SECRET ~ . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ument Denied Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 t CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM ~ Attachment D Status of DDO Histories 15 June 1973 HS Project Number Office of the DDO 2.229 The Office of Special Edited; .requires final Operations -- Origins and levelling Establishment, 1945-1947 2.230 DDP-Dulles-Wisner Period Partial draft will be completed by end of writer's contract. To be retained by Document Officer or by DDO Registry Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Status of DDO Histories 15 June 1973 HS Project Number Title Status Counter Intelligence Staff 2.255 CI Staff and Its Predecessor In component review Organizations, 1945-1965 Date Draft due to HS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ~ f ~ i > > ~ ~ Status of DDO Histories 15 June 1973 HS Project Number Operational Services History Title Status 2.319 Operational Services and Awaiting final typing .Reassigned RECEIVED Its Predecessor Organiza- tions cn I ~ t9 to n ~ H H Date Draft due to HS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 ument Denied Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 TAB Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET 14 June 1973 1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Historical Staff SUBJECT . DD/S&T History Program 1 January - 15 June 1973 1. Published Histories. Five of the eight planned histories of the Directorate had been published by the end of December .1972: OSA OSI OEL ORD DD/S&T 2. Unpublished Histories. The three remaining histories in the program have been completed with the exception of indexing, and covers are being printed. Approval to publish still has to be obtained from the chiefs of the three offices, Chairman of the DD/5&T Historical Board, and Chief of the Historical Staff. Those three histories are: OSP (now OD&E) ? OCS FMSAC 1 1 Historical Officer (DD/S&T) Note: The status of?the historical program in TSD, which was transferred from DDO to DD/S&T on 4 May 1973, will be discussed i.n the section of this report deal%ng with DDO. SECRET ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 SECRET Attachment A CrIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM 15 June 1973 ~otaZ Histories Published or CurrentZr~ Scheduled Total Published to 15 June 1973 .Published Before 1 July 1972 Published 1 July 1972 - 15 June 1973 Of whicho 1 January 1973 - 15 June 1973 Currently Scheduled Draft Completed ,and in Review, Revision, or Being Typed for Publication Partially Drafted Of which.: More than Half Completed Less ?than Half Completed Research Under Way but No Writing Not Yet Begun ' 14 June 1973 SECRET DD S&T 8 0. 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 -CIA HISTORICAL PROGRAM Status of DD/S&T Histories 15 June 1973 HS Project ..Number Title Attachment B Date Draft due to HS 25X1 4.001 The Directorate for Science & Technology, 1962-1970 Published June 1972 Full-time Staff 4.002 History of the Office of Published April 1969 Full-time Staff Special Activities, Inception to 1969 from (Reassigned) 4.003 Office of Research & Development, 1962-70 . Published December 1972 ~ ~ The Office of Scientific .Intelligence 4.006 The Office of Special Projects 4.007 The Foreign Missile & ' Space Analysis Center 4.008 The Office of Computer Services * Indexes have not yet been prepared. Published August 1972 Completed; awaiting approval of publication & binding.* Completed; awaiting approval of publication & binding.* Completed; awaiting approval of publication & binding.* Part-time Staff Full-time Staff Full-time Staff Full-time Staff Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9 CIA Internal Use Only i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/16 :CIA-RDP84-000228000100040001-9