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Publication Date: 
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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 1 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 (2. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 17 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 SECRET SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Central Intelligence Agency Washington. D. C.20505 MEMORANDUM FOR ALL EMPLOYEES SUBJECT: Pursuing Excellence 23 April 1984 I am very pleased with the reports I have received from the Deputy Directors on the progress being made in following up on many of the suggestions you made to me in February. I also have drawn on your papers in preparing an expanded goals statement. I like to think of it as a checklist of principles and operating standards. I am sending a copy to each of you, and am particularly interested in having it used in orienting and indoctrinating new employees to the mission, standards, and work ethic of our organization. WiLLLliam J. Ca Director of Central elli Attachment STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 PURPOSE o Protect the United States, through the provision of ample warning, from surprise armed attack (albeit from terrorist bombing or nuclear war). o Collect, analyze and appropriately disseminate Foreign Intelligence in support of National interests related to the full range of threats around the world to U. S. interests and to U. S. relations with other governments. o Engage in authorized special activities in support of U. S. foreign policy objectives and combat anti-U. S. activities by hostile foreign powers. ORGANIZATION o Keep our energy and our resources focused on the Agency's mission. o Organize,to adapt to fast-moving situations; ensure quick reaction when needed; develop a workforce with multiple skills which can be redeployed quickly as issues or crises arise. o Minimize management layering without sacrificing proper command and control. o Keep abreast of state-of-the-art collection, processing, analysis, and production techniques and make them available to do our job. ETHICS o Set high standards of patriotism and respect for the laws and Constitution of the United States. Protect the lives and identities of our sources and assets, most of whom are not protected by U. S. law. o Recognize in our efforts the absolute primacy of national loyalty and personal values over personal loyalties and the desire for personal gain. o Recognize that loyalty and values are worthless without the courage to act in their light. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 o Strive for fairness and a generosity of spirit in our internal affairs. o Continue to stress security, both individually and technologically, even into retirement. Consider the security investment as a proportionate part of the human and technological investments and always make it. o Demand prudent use of government funds. o Avoid conflicts of interests. PEOPLE o Hire the best, and expect the best in performance, integrity, and commitment to the organization. o Recognize that some experimenters, free thinkers, and free spirits just might be the kinds of people that a dynamic Organization needs. o Make the Agency an attractive place to work for the highly capable people we want. o Give individuals responsibility throughout their careers and hold them accountable; people mature best, find career satisfaction, build self-confidence, and work hard to advance when they are given real responsibilities. o Give individuals freedom to try new things, recognizing there will be some failures. o Stress cooperation and teamwork as key factors in individual and organizational performance. o Continually strive for equity in performance evaluation systems and communicate it to the employees. o Pay the staff in accordance with their skills and contributions. Specifically reward exceptional performance appropriately, as it occurs. o Individually and as an organization invest in a strong and well-managed, career-long, educational program, and encourage each individual to participate. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 o Give those whose skills have been diminished in value by professional and technological advances a chance to find renewed value through an educational investment. o Maintain a sense of humor and encourage the same among your people. o Use the DCI's special authorities to establish personnel systems responsive to the nature of the Agency. Pursue this course with consistency. MANAGEMENT o Delegate responsibility to the lowest possible level. o Set goals, define tasks, establish plans, and monitor and measure progress. o Be accountable and demand accountability. o Display confidence in people and trust them to do their jobs. o Foster participation and a sense of belonging to the Agency family. o Devote time to expanding an individual's ability to contribute. o Never let a pressure towards mediocrity develop. Do not make, or let others make, people who do more look foolish; reward the outstanding employee. MEASURE OF RESULTS o Continually assess our ability to meet customer needs. o Be alert to the barometer of demands for more intelligence and the esteem in which CIA is held by consumers and the Community. o Analyze failure as well as success. Learn from mistakes. o Ask employees and consumers what they think. Communicate. -3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STANDARDS o Produce finished intelligence that is objective and free of political bias. The product must be timely, relevant and accurate. o Strive for excellence by staying insatiable in the quest for excellence. o Strive to be the best intelligence service in the world, second to none. o Believe in innovation - be willing to take some failures in stride. o Know which pieces of the past to honor and preserve while moving into the future. -4- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 A Progress Report: In Search of Excellence by the DCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE 1S MARCH 1.984 A FEW WEEKS AGO I SPOKE TO YOU IN THIS SAME AUDITORIUM AND ASKED FOR YOUR HELP IN UNLEASHING A PROCESS TO GET FROM EVERY CORNER OF OUR ORGANIZATION A BROAD EXAMINATION OF WHAT WE ARE ABOUT, AND WHAT WE WANT TO FOSTER AND ENCOURAGE. I ASKED YOU TO DEVELOP A CONCISE STATEMENT OF GOALS, PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE THAT WOULD BOTH REFLECT WHAT MAKES CIA GREAT AND SERVE AS A CONTINUING CHALLENGE TO US NOT TO REST ON OUR LAURELS, BUT TO CONSTANTLY STRIVE FOR SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE AND EXCELLENCE. TO GIVE YOU A STRAWMAN, I PROVIDED A ROUGH DRAFT OF WHAT SUCH A STATEMENT MIGHT CONTAIN. I ALSO ASKED FOR ANY OTHER IDEAS OR SUGGESTIONS THAT ANYONE MIGHT HAVE FOR FOSTERING AN ATMOSPHERE OF CREATIVITY AND A BIAS TOWARD ACTION. I DIDN'T WANT TO NAME A HUNDRED PEOPLE OR A DOZEN TASK FORCES TO WORK MANY MONTHS IN ORDER TO PRODUCE HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF PAGES OF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS AS SO MANY ORGANIZATIONS HAVE DONE. INSTEAD I WANTED TO INVOLVE ALL OF YOU IN EXAMINING AND DISCUSSING OUR MISSION AND HOW WE COULD DO IT BETTER AND HAVE YOU GIVE ME YOUR IDEAS IN THREE WEEKS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 I'M VERY PLEASED TO REPORT THAT AS USUAL, YOU CAME THROUGH WITH FLYING COLORS. ON FEBRUARY 24TH I RETURNED FROM A TRIP ABROAD AND FOUND 34 INCHES OF THOUGHTFUL RESPONSES WAITING FOR ME. I HAD A HEAVY COLD AND STAYED IN BED FOR THE WEEKEND. THAT ENABLED ME TO READ ALL OF YOUR DRAFT STATEMENTS AND ADDITIONAL IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS. I MADE 12 PAGES OF NOTES ON YOUR SUGGESTIONS AND MY REACTION TO THEM. COPIES OF THOSE NOTES WERE SENT TO THE OF YOU WHOSE NAMES APPEARED ON THE STAT SUBMISSIONS I RECEIVED. I KNOW THAT MANY TIMES THAT NUMBER PARTICIPATED IN THE DIALOGUE THAT GENERATED THOSE IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS. I HAVE TO ADMIT THAT YOUR CRITICISM OF MY DRAFT 1lAS GOOD FOR MY SOUL. IF I HAD KNOWN THAT IT WOULD BE SCRUTINIZED SO THOROUGHLY, I MIGHT HAVE SPENT MORE TIME ON IT. As I'VE MENTIONED TO SOME OF YOU, THE UNKINDEST CUT OF ALL WAS, "IT SORT OF RESEMBLES A GOVERNMENT REGULATION." THE BEST COMMENT ANYONE COULD MUSTER WAS THAT IT WAS A RESPECTABLE FIRST TRY: PUNY OF YOU DID NOT MINCE ANY WORDS, AND I APPRECIATED THAT CANDOR. I UNDERSTAND SOME INITIAL HESITANCY GAVE WAY TO STIMULATING DISCUSSIONS AT ALL LEVELS OF THE ORGANIZATION. I WANT THAT DIALOGUE TO CONTINUE. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 YOUR RESPONSES REFLECTED A STRONG UNDERCURRENT OF IDEALISM AND A DESIRE TO ATTAIN EXCELLENCE. YOU HAD MANY GOOD THOUGHTS ABOUT WHAT WE DO BEST, WHERE WE NEED TO DO BETTER, AND HOW WE CAN DO THAT. SEVERAL COMMON THEMES EMERGED: --YOU HAVE A STRONG SENSE OF PRIDE IN YOURSELVES, IN YOUR WORK, AND IN CIA. --YOU DO HAVE A STRONG BIAS FOR ACTION AND --You WORRY THAT CREEPING BUREAUCRACY MAY BE STARTING TO TAKE A SIGNIFICANT TOLL ON OUR SPIRIT AND ON OUR ABILITY TO GET THINGS DONE. --IT CAME THROUGH LOUD AND CLEAR TO ME THAT YOU HAVE A CLEAR CONCEPT OF WHAT WE'RE ABOUT AND THAT WHILE YOU WANTED A CLEAR AND CONCISE ENUNCIATION OF OUR GOALS AND IDEALS YOU ALSO LOOKED FOR FOLLOW THROUGH ACTION. WHAT I WANT TO DO TODAY IS LET YOU KNOW WHAT WE PLAN TO DO TO FOLLOW UP ON YOUR IDEAS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 TO ESTABLISH A FRAMEWORK FOR OUR EFFORTS, I HAVE SYNTHESIZED YOUR SUGGESTIONS FOR A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE INTO A CIA CREED. I BELIEVE THIS IS SOMETHING WE CAN ADHERE TO AND POINT TO WITH PRIDE WHEN ANYONE ASKS US WHAT THE CIA IS ALL ABOUT. AS YOU WILL SEE, IT SAYS THINGS LIKE: -- WE PRODUCE TIMELY AND HIGH QUALITY INTELLIGENCE FOR THE PRESIDENT AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. -- WE PROVIDE OBJECTIVE AND UNBIASED EVALUATIONS AND ARE ALWAYS OPEN TO NEW PERCEPTIONS AND READY TO CHALLENGE CONVENTIONAL WISDOM. -- WE PERFORM SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE TASKS AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT. WE CONDUCT OUR ACTIVITIES AND OURSELVES ACCORDING TO THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF INTEGRITY, MORALITY AND HONOR AND ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT AND LETTER OF THE LAW. 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 -- WE BELIEVE OUR PEOPLE ARE THE AGENCY'S MOST IMPORTANT RESOURCE. WE SEEK THE BEST AND WORK TO MAKE THEM BETTER. WE EXPECT OUR LEADERS TO DEMONSTRATE INITIATIVE, A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE, AND A PROPENSITY FOR ACTION: TO REWARD AND PROTECT US IN A MANNER WHICH REFLECTS THE SPECIAL NATURE OF OUR RESPONSIBILITY, OUR CONTRIBUTION, AND OUR SACRIFICES: AND TO PROMOTE AMONG US A SENSE OF MUTUAL TRUST AND SHARED RESPONSIBILITY. WE DERIVE OUR INSPIRATION AND COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE FROM THE INSCRIPTION IN OUR FOYER: "AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." TO CAPTURE ALL THE VALUABLE IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS PRODUCED IN THIS EXERCISE, I CONVENED AN INTERDIRECTORATE TASK FORCE TO PULL TOGETHER A STATEMENT OF OUR MISSION AND GOALS TO SUPPLE- MENT THIS CREED. WE'LL SEE THAT THIS IS WIDELY DISTRIBUTED, ALONG WITH THE CREED. 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 THIS GROUP ALSO CULLED THROUGH YOUR IDEAS TO IDENTIFY WHAT WE COULD IMPLEMENT RIGHT AWAY. I MET WITH THE TASK FORCE LAST WEEK AND AGREED WITH THE VAST MAJORITY OF THEIR SUGGESTIONS. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO KNOW THAT THIS EFFORT IS GOING TO LEAD TO CHANGES OF ATTITUDE AND POLICY ON THE PART OF SENIOR MANAGEMENT AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NUMBER OF SPECIFIC STEPS THROUGHOUT THE AGENCY THAT ARE RESPONSIVE TO YOUR CONCERNS AND ASPIRATIONS. FIRST, LET ME NOTE SOME BROAD CHANGES IN DIRECTION UHICH YOUR SENIOR MANAGEMENT UNANIMOUSLY SIPPORTS: --WE WILL PUSH DOWN AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE LOWEST LEVEL OF MANAGEMENT POSSIBLE. DECISIONS AND ACTIONS THAT CAN BE TAKEN AT THE BRANCH, OFFICE, OR DIVISION LEVEL WILL BE DELEGATED TO THAT LEVEL. --WE WILL UNDERTAKE A MAJOR EFFORT TO INCREASE RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE. BECAUSE WE CANNOT TOUT OUR SUCCESSES TO THE OUTSIDE, WE MUST RECOGNIZE EXCELLENCE AND EXPRESS APPRECIATION FOR PERFORMANCE MORE BROADLY INSIDE. 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 --WE WILL GIVE RENEWED EMPHASIS TO IMPROVED COMMUNICATIONS. MANAGERS TOO OFTEN ARE TOO REMOTE. WE WILL UNDERTAKE A NUMBER OF MEASURES TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATIONS IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. --WE WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE UNIQUENESS OF CIA AND ITS PEOPLE AND TO ENSURE THAT THE SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND BURDENS THAT OUR PEOPLE MUST BEAR ARE MATCHED BY COMMENSURATE BENEFITS AND SPECIAL TREATMENT. --WE ARE GOING TO REVERSE THE TREND TOWARD MORE BUREAUCRACY AND MORE REGULATION. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF SPECIFIC ACTIONS THAT YOU HAVE SUGGESTED THAT BRING THESE GENERAL NOTIONS TO LIFE. I HAVE CHARGED EACH DEPUTY DIRECTOR TO DEVELOP SPECIFIC MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT THESE GENERAL POLICIES. SOME OF THE MEASURES CAN BE IMPLEMENTED IMMEDIATELY; OTHERS MAY TAKE A LITTLE TIME. BUT 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 THERE ARE A NUMBER OF THINGS THAT YOU RECOMMENDED IN YOUR DISCUSSIONS THAT WE CAN IMPLEMENT ON AN AGENCY-WIDE BASIS NOW. HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS YOU HAVE MADE THAT I HAVE DIRECTED TO BE CARRIED OUT EFFECTIVE NOW: --WE WILL BEGIN DELEGATING AUTHORITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES BY --DELEGATING ASSIGNMENTS OF SIS-1s AND 2s TO THE DEPUTY DIRECTORS. --WE WILL DELEGATE AUTHORITY TO APPROVE AWARDS UP TO THE CAREER INTELLIGENCE MEDAL TO THE HEADS OF THE CAREER SERVICES. --WE WILL ALSO DELEGATE APPROVAL OF CASH AWARDS UP TO $1,000 TO THE CAREER SERVICE HEADS. --WE WILL DELEGATE CONTROL OF FTE, FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT, TO OFFICE HEADS. --WE ARE LOOKING AT ALL OF OUR ADMINIGTRATIVE PRACTICES TO DETERMINE WHERE WE CAN STREAMLINE OUR PROCEDURES AND REDUCE THE BURDEN OF PAPERWORK. 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 --WE WILL MAKE ANNUAL WORK PLANS OPTIONAL, DEPENDING ON THE MUTUAL DESIRES OF SUPERVISORS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES. --WE WILL ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT FOR SEPARATE DOCUMENTATION FOR PROMOTION RECOMMENDATIONS. --WE WILL SIMPLIFY THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES OF OUR OFFICE OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION FOR EXTERNAL TRAINING. --IN THE COMMUNICATIONS ARENA, I AM SENDING ALL AGENCY MANAGERS A LETTER LETTING THEM KNOW THAT OUR PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE DEPENDS ON THEIR PERSONAL COMMITMENT TO COMMUNICATE OUR GOALS AND STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE TO ALL OUR EMPLOYEES. I EXPECT THEM TO PRACTICE "MANAGEMENT BY WALKING AROUND" -- TO BE VISIBLE, TO FOSTER SENSIBLE RISKTAKING, CREATIVITY, AND INNOVATION; TO BE OPEN TO YOUR IDEAS AND RECOGNIZE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS. --WE WILL GET MORE NEWS OUT THROUGH OUR ELECTRONIC MAIL SYSTEM, WHICH IS OPERATED BY THE OFFICE OF DATA PROCESSING AND KNOWN AS AIM, AUTOMATIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. --EACH DIRECTORATE WILL DEVELOP ITS OWN "TRENDS AND HIGHLIGHTS" PROGRAM THAT WILL BE OPEN TO ALL AGENCY EMPLOYEES. 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 --THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL WILL PROVIDE PERIODIC BRIEFINGS OPEN TO ALL EMPLOYEES ON THE STATUS OF BENEFITS AND OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST. --FEEDBACK FROM INSPECTOR GENERAL SURVEYS WILL BE SHARED AND EMPLOYEES WILL BE INVOLVED IN SOLVING THE PROBLEMS THAT ARE CITED. --OFFICE OF ;1EDICAL SERVICES WILL CONDUCT HEALTH FAIRS AND PUBLISH A HEALTH NEWSLETTER. --MANY OF YOU VOICED CONCERN THAT THE ONLY VISIBILITY THE PUBLIC HAS INTO CIA IS THROUGH THE MEDIA, WHICH IS OFTEN SLANTED OR INCORRECT. --To COUNTER THAT, JOHN MCMAHON, MYSELF, AND OTHER SENIOR OFFICERS WILL SELECTIVELY SPEAK TO RESPONSIBLE, INFLUENTIAL GROUPS TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ABOUT THIS INSTITUTION'S VITAL CONTRIBUTION TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY AND FOREIGN POLICY. THIS WILL NOT BE A PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN. IT IS SIMPLY AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT THE UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC ARE NECESSARY IF WE ARE TO SUCCESSFULLY PERFORM OUR MISSION. MANY OF YOUR RESPONSES MADE IT CLEAR THAT YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR SENIOR OFFICIALS TO STAND UP FOR OUR MISSION 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND WE INTEND TO DO THAT. I HAVE ALREADY SCHEDULED TALKS OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS IN SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND HOUSTON. --REALIZING THAT THE QUALITY OF YOUR WORK ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS ON WHAT YOU PRODUCE, WE ARE BEGINNING A CONCERTED EFFORT TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE AROUND HERE. I RECENTLY SIGNED A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE ADMINISTRATOR OF GSA THAT DELEGATES TO US AUTHORITY TO MAINTAIN OUR OWN BUILDING. IF YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT A DIFFERENCE THAT WILL MAKE, I SUGGEST YOU VISIT AS I DID RECENTLY, AND SEE THE TRANSFORMATION THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE OVER THERE. --WE ARE UPGRADING OUR CURRENT PHYSICAL FITNESS FACILITY AND PLAN TO INCORPORATE ANOTHER ONE INTO THE NEW BUILDING. --FINALLY. WE ARE MOVING OUT ON THE PERSONNEL AND TRAINING FRONTS TO MAKE SURE WE GET THE FIRST RATE PEOPLE WE NEED AND KEEP THEM ONCE THEY ARE HERE. --OUR RECRUITERS' FULL COURT PRESS FOR CAREER TRAINEES SO FAR THIS YEAR HAS ALREADY ALMOST DOUBLED THE NUMBER WE TOOK IN ALL LAST YEAR. 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 --SPECIAL RECRUITING EFFORTS RECENTLY UNDERTAKEN AT TOP FLIGHT SCHOOLS LIKE STANFORD AND MIT HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL. OVERALL, WE HAVE MORE APPLICANTS IN PROCESS AT THIS TIME THAN WE HAVE EVER HAD IN OUR HISTORY. --WE WILL DEVELOP A BASIC INTRODUCTION FOR ALL THESE NEW EMPLOYEES SO THAT THEY CAN APPRECIATE THE MISSION, GOALS, WORK ETHIC AND CULTURE OF CIA. --WE WILL WAIVE TIME-IN-GRADE GUIDELINES FOR PROMOTIONS TO REWARD EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMANCE. --WE WILL LOOK FOR MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR DUAL CAREER TRACKS, SO THAT SPECIALISTS WILL BE PROMOTED FOR THEIR EXPERTISE WITHOUT HAVING TO TAKE ON MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITIES. --WE WILL ELIMINATE THE 8-HOUR DONATION RULE FOR OVERTIME. --WE INTEND TO PROVIDE SOME FORM OF ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR ALL OF OUR EMPLOYEES WHILE THEY ARE SERVING OVERSEAS. 12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 --SPECIAL PAY SCALES WILL BE DEVELOPED FOR HIGH TECHNOLOGY JOBS AND OTHER CRITICAL SKILL JOB CATEGORIES. --I SHARE YOUR CONFUSION OVER THE USE OF THE TERMS PROFESSIONAL, CLERICAL AND TECHNICAL IN AN ORGANIZATION WHERE ALL EMPLOYEES PRIDE THEMSELVES ON THEIR PROFES- SIONALISM. SO, WE INTEND TO ABOLISH THOSE LABELS AND RECOGNIZE ALL EMPLOYEES AS PROFESSIONALS. --WE WILL TAKE A CAREFUL LOOK AT THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON OUR PEOPLE, THEIR JOBS, AND OUR OFFICE ENVIRONMENT. --WE'RE ASKING THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL TO CONSIDER POSSIBILITIES FOR A PHASED RETIREMENT PROGRAM -- THIS IS AN IDEA THE PRIVATE SECTOR IS TOYING WITH TO PERMIT PEOPLE TO DROP BACK TO PART-TIME WORK AND PHASE OUT GRADUALLY RATHER THAN COMPLETELY, AS WE TRADITIONALLY DO NOW. --MEANWHILE. WE ARE CAREFULLY FOLLOWING SEVERAL NEW PROPOSED LEGISLATIVE CHANGES IN GOVERNMENT RETIREMENT PROGRAMS. BOB MAGEE, WITH THE HELP OF OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS, HAS A CADRE OF PEOPLE WORKING FULL-TIME TO DEVELOP CIA RETIREMENT OPTIONS FOR MY CONSIDERATION. AND FOR THE FIRST 117) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 TIME, WITHIN THE OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON, WE HAVE A SENIOR OFFICER WHOSE EXCLUSIVE DUTY IS TO FOLLOW GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL PROGRAMS THAT MIGHT AFFECT OUR EMPLOYEES AS THEY DEVELOP ON CAPITOL HILL. --OUR PURPOSE IS TO ACHIEVE CONTINUED CONGRESSIONAL RECOGNITION OF THE AGENCY'S UNIQUE RETIREMENT NEEDS. WE HAVE DISCUSSED THIS AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS WITHIN THE ADMINISTRATION AND ON THE HILL, WHERE WE dA4E THE STRONG SUPPORT OF OUR TWO OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES. I BELIEVE WE WILL BE ABLE TO SATISFY THE SPECIAL RETIREMENT NEEDS OF THE CIA AND ITS EMPLOYEES. THIS LAST POINT REMINDS ME OF ANOTHER COMMON THEME IN YOUR RESPONSES--PRIDE IN "THE UNIQUENESS OF CIA." I WOULD LIKE TO DIGRESS ON THAT FOR A MOMENT. I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT IN THE THREE YEARS WE HAVE WORKED TOGETHER, I HAVE COME TO APPRECIATE THAT YOU ARE INDEED A SPECIAL GROUP OF PEOPLE. IN MY VISITS TO AGENCY INSTALLATIONS, WHETHER OVERSEAS OR HERE, I AM ALWAYS 114 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 IMPRESSED BY THE HIGH CALIBRE OF OUR PEOPLE. I HEAR THE SAME THING FROM CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS WHO HAVE VISITED OUR PEOPLE OVERSEAS OR WHO HAVE BEEN BRIEFED BY THEM HERE ON A WIDE RANGE OF COMPLEX ISSUES. IN ORDER TO WORK HERE, YOU HAD TO SURVIVE ONE OF THE MOST RIGOROUS SCREENING PROCESSES KNOWN TO MAN -- THE HIGHEST SKILL REQUIREMENTS, PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING, MEDICAL CLEARANCES, SECURITY CLEARANCES, POLYGRAPHS. OUT OF AN ANNUAL AVERAGE OF 153,000 INQUIRIES OVER RECENT YEARS, WE INTERVIEW ONLY 23,000 APPLICANTS. OF THOSE, COMPONENTS. ONLY ARE ACTIVELY CONSIDERED BY ARE PUT IN PROCESS, AND OF THOSE, STAT STAT MAKE IT THROUGH THE ENTIRE SCREENING PROCESS AND ENTER ON DUTY. AFTER YOU HAVE EMERGED FROM THAT FUNNEL, THEN YOU UNDERGO A 3-YEAR PROBATIONARY PERIOD. ONCE YOU ATTAIN CAREER STATUS, YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES LIVE WITH ANY NUMBER OF CONSTRAINTS -- SECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES, PREPUBLICATION REVIEW REQUIREMENTS; WITH ALL OF THIS, YOU ARE THE PEOPLE POLICYMAKERS TURN TO WHEN THEY NEED SOMETHING DONE WELL AND FAST. LAST YEAR YOU 15 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 FORFEITED HOURS OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND WORKED UNTOLD HOURS STAT OF UNCOMPENSATED OVERTIME. YOU WON'T FIND THAT AT YOUR ORDINARY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY. You ENJOY NO PUBLIC RECOGNITION FOR YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS AND MUST TOLERATE CRITICISMS - RESPONSIBLE OR OTHERWISE - IN SILENCE. I KNOW AND APPRECIATE ALL THAT. SO DOES THE PRESIDENT. AND SO DO OUR CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES. CONGRESS, IN 1947, ANTICIPATED THE SPECIAL NEEDS OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EMPLOYEES AND PROVIDED THE DIRECTOR WITH CERTAIN SPECIAL AUTHORITIES. WHILE THESE AUTHORITIES CANNOT BE USED IMPRUDENTLY, I HAVE EXERCISED AND WILL CONTINUE TO EXERCISE THEM WHEN THE NEEDS OF THE AGENCY CLEARLY JUSTIFY DOING SO. ONE FINAL NOTE ON OUR FOLLOW-THROUGH ON YOUR SUGGESTIONS. I WANT TO EMPHASIZE THAT THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. WE'VE ASKED THE DEPUTIES TO USE WHATEVER MECHANISM THEY WANT -- MAO GROUPS, OFFICE-LEVEL TASK FORCES, WHAT HAVE YOU -- TO CONTINUE TO PERIODICALLY GENERATE IDEAS TO IMPROVE THE WAY WE GO ABOUT OUR BUSINESS. WE BELIEVE OUR WORK DURING THESE LAST SIX WEEKS ONLY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE AND WE WANT TO TAP DEEPER INTO THE WEALTH OF IDEAS OUT THERE. 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 I WANT TO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE TIME AND EFFORT YOU PUT INTO THIS EXERCISE. IT WILL CONTINUE TO BE AN ONGOING PROCESS -- THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE AND EVER INCREASING EFFECTIVENESS IN CARRYING OUT OUR NOBLE MISSION IS SOMETHING WE ALL MUST STRIVE FOR TOGETHER. 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CREDO We are the Central Intelligence Agency. We produce timely and high quality intelligence for the President and Government of the United States. We provide objective and unbiased evaluations and are always open to new perceptions and ready to challenge conventional wisdom. We perform special intelligence tasks at the request of the President. We conduct our activities and ourselves according to the highest standards of integrity, morality and honor and according to the spirit and letter of the law. We measure our success by our contribution to the protection and enhancement of American values, security and national interest. We believe our people are the Agency's most important resource. We seek the best and work to make them better. We subordinate our desire for public recognition to the need for confidentiality. We strive for continuing professional improvement. We give unfailing loyalty to each other and to our common purpose. We look to our leaders to stimulate initiative, a commitment to excellence, and a propensity for action; to reward and protect us in a manner which reflects the special nature of our responsibility, our contribution, and our sacrifices; and to promote among us a sense of mutual trust and shared responsibility. We derive our inspiration and commitment to excellence from the inscription in our foyer: "And Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 CIA Mission and Goals Our mission is to provide timely and high quality intelligence to the President and other policymakers, and to perform such other tasks as are assigned to us. In accomplishing this mission we will: Assure the earliest possible warning of foreign plans, intentions or actions to attack the United States, its interests, and its Allies worldwide. Be alert for any foreign activities that threaten harm or damage to persons or property associated with U.S. interests. Uncover foreign attempts to subvert the people, organiza- tions, processes, and capabilities of the U.S. and its Allies. Detect foreign plans to subvert or overthrow free democratic societies worldwide. Provide the intelligence necessary for the United States to maintain its military, economic, social and political stature in the world as second to none. In the pursuit of our mission our goals are: To recruit, train and retain the finest people available based solely on their skill, performance, personal conduct and integrity. To provide all employees the opportunity to develop and exercise personal competence to its fullest and to be recognized and rewarded for their performance. To delegate authority and responsibility to the most appropriate levels. To live a high personal code of conduct, ethics, integrity and silence. To foster reasoned risktaking in all phases of the intelli- gence process. To keep our eye on the mission, questioning how daily actions contribute to ensuring the continued quality, timeliness and objectivity of the intelligence product. To celebrate internally our successes and learn from our defeats, accepting the fact that an intelligence organization often cannot be publicly recognized for its work or be defended to its critics. To select as our managers people who exemplify our standards of excellence, who are role models for their subordinates, biased toward action, flexible, and teamwork oriented. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 35 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 .. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT -STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director ? FROM: SUBJECT: Career Opportunities REFERENCE: Memorandum from Executive Director for Multiple Addressees, dtd 15 March 84, Same Subject 1. Following are some collective thoughts frodmy Office Directors on resolving the concern of the imbalance of women in senior executive positions. We all recognize there is no siwple way, short of a quota system, lateral entries at SIS level, or an accelerated promotion rate, none of which is consistent with our qualitative, competitive evaluation system to resolve this issue. There are steps that we can take to improve the system so that qualified women perceive and receive a Better opportunity for advancement to the SIS ranks. a. Concentrate our efforts in identifying women in the grades GS-12/13 who show potential for managerial positions. b. Managers should be less concerned about the "rightness" of the- opportunity and the possibility of failure, and moreintent on moving qualified women into higher level positions when openings occur. ? c. Give women the opportunity to perform in senior positions that are temporarily vacant in order to provide visibility and/or experience. d. Emphasize management training at the GS-12/13 level rather than waiting until officers are GS-14/15s. e. Put women at the GS-12/13 level on promotion boards, advisory panels and on screening and recruitment programs. f. Utilize external management training specifically tailored for women. g. Each career service should systematically review the careers of women to see that they are receiving adequate career attention, especially at the GS-13/15 range. h. Establish priority classification audits of GS-15 positions occupied by women. There may be positions occupied by women at the GS-15 level that meet SIS criteria. p. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 SUBJECT: Career Opportunities i. Study the retirement eligibility of SISers to see where identified, qualified women may expect the opportunity to move up as retirements occur. j. Let's poll our middle grade and senior women to get their input on how they can improve their competitive position. ? 2. I believe we should recognize that a number of our women in the and in the Agency have done quite well and are in positions where they may move into SIS positions upon retirement of the incumbent, when new SIS positions are established, or through normal career assignment actions. As our female work force expands and matures, we will see more of them in the senior executive ranks. In addition to the ideas listed above, we should be realistic in allowing the competitive system and time to bring about the upward evolutionary movement we anticipate for our qualified women officers. The Agency was once pretty much an all male bastion. This is changing and we should take advantage of it in a sensible, mature manner. STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 i;e'? MEMORANDUM FOR: 2 3 MAR 1934 FROM: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Pursuit 'of Excellence 1. As I mentioned in the auditorium on Friday, our pursuit of excellence depends ultimately on the personal commitment of each of you to implement the broad changes in direction that we have agreed to undertake. Recognizing that each manager's style is different, I expect each of you to find ways of doing the following: Delegate authority and responsibility to the lowest levels possible. Undertake a major effort to increase recognition of outstanding performance -- provide feedback, celebrate successes; encourage greater use of unit citations, cash awards and nonmonetary forms of recognition. Foster better communications in all directions -- be visible and accessible. Encourage sensible risktaking, creativity and innovation. 2. Responsibility must be accompanied by accountability. I will hold you accountable and expect you to do the same with your subordinate managers. The measure of a manager will include an evaluation of the extent to which he or she communicates the goals, philosophies and standards of this Agency to its employees. William STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 12 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: 27 February 1984 FROM: Director of Central Intelligence 25X1 SUBJECT: Goals and Principles 1. Thank you for your thoughtful responses to my request for improvements on my draft of a statement of goals, principles and standards of excellence for our organization. 2. I returned on Friday, 24 February, from a trip abroad with a heavy cold. I spent Saturday and most of Sunday in bed with 34 inches of submissions received in response to my talk in the Auditorium and the material I circulated. 3. I got the message that the test of the value of this exercise will be in the follow-through and not in the promulgation of a positive articulation of our goals and principles. 4. The criticism I received on my draft was good for my soul. I thought I was giving you a starting point, something to shoot at to provoke discussion and criticism. If I had known it would be criticized so severely I might have spent more time on it. The unkindest cut on my draft was: "It sort of resembles a government regulation." The highest praise was that it was a respectable first try. 5. I'm pleased that it apparently did succeed in generating discussion in all corners of the Agency. I received many very good and constructive criticisms and suggestions for improvement as well as alternative drafts. It is clear that the final product needs to be more pungent and terse, more relevant to our mission, more evocative, with emphisis on objectivity and independence, more forward-looking of what we want to be rather than what we are, etc. It will take more time than I thought to sift and work all these ideas into something brief and comprehensive. I am now inclined to go for a one-page credo supplemented by a detailed statement of operating principles and commitments. I will be getting something out to you shortly. 6. As I expected, the discussions, criticisms, expression of concerns and specific recommendations for improvement in our procedures, communications, and operations will be more important than the promulgation of positive goals and principles. I attach for your information some notes I made as I read your submissions over the weekend. 7. Again, I appreciate your efforts in leading the discussions and in preparing your submissions. Please pass along my appreciation for the participation of all your colleagues. 25X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 9 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 ALMORANDUM FOR: VIA: 17 February Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 1984 FROM: 25X1 SUBJECT: Product of DCI Exercises on Developing Goals, Principles, and Standards for CIA 1. I am proud to present product 25X1 of your exercise in developing CIA's goals, principles and standards. I am particularly proud of the thoughtfulness and professionalism exhibited by our Directorate's inputs. 25X1 2. As you will note from some of the Office Directors' memoranda to me, the exercise drew some skepticism and question of purpose and effective result. From what .1 have been able to glean from people involved, that skepticism soon evolved to a sincere interest in the exercise that in many cases resulted in people willingly working after hours on their inputs. I understand that many wanted more time to think about the exercise and to try to do a better job. 3. fly direction to Directors did not tie them to a single procedure as to how to develop these papers. I did propose, however, in order to receive an input from "every corner of the organization," that they consider starting at the Branch level with all of the Branch inputs being synthesized at the Division level, and the Division level inputs being distilled into a nrodur-t for fhr, office. The Offices' inputs were used to develop a Directorate product. Some of the Offices used this proposal, others did not. In accordance with our discussion, you are receiving all of our papers. Where you see. a single signature or name does not necessarily mean one person developed the paper but is the :representative for the group. 4. I connend you on initiating this exercise but caution that we have a tiger by the tail. We have created great expectations, not to follow through would be disastrous. This atmosphere of expectation, hopeful expectation that this quest is genuine, implies that you and the senior management of the Agency are connitted to excellence in all its forms. Lurking beneath this expectation is a latent cynicism born of past SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/01/20 : CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 25X1 frustrations where expectations, however perceived by our people, came to naught. We, therefore, owe to our Agency an honest, realistic, and sincere push to strive for understandable goals and standards and to pursue excellence in every corner of the Agency. - 5. In the notebooks attached you will find a theme running through the inputs that we are a proud organization--proud of our Agency, our mission, and our people. Our people believe we are better than other Government agencies and the corporate giants. They believe our codes of conduct and unwritten ethics are more rigid than either Government or the private sector. We understand the principle of "the customer is always right" but "do not operate for profit but with a sense of duty and pride." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STATEMENT OF GOALS MISSION To provide the finest, unbiaSed intelligence in the world. OUR PEOPLE People are our most important resource. Our people must be: o Dedicated to the task at hand. o Ethical in all facets of their professional and private lives. o Disciplined in meeting the unicue requirements of their profession. o Loyal to an Agency whose mission is in support of the Constitution of the United States. o Willing to endure an adverse environment. o Professionally skilled to fulfill our mission. o Willing to accept responsibility .and challenge. o Willing to respond when flexibilit}'i and self-initiation are required. MANAGEMENT Our leadership must: o Articulate succinctly the organization's objectives. o Provide a climate that encourages creativity and innovation. o Encourage and accept reasoned risk taking. o Recognize and reward accomplish:rient. o Provide adequate training and guidance. o Be accountable for its actions. o Delegate authority and accountability to the lowest possible level. o Be prepared to meet employee expectations. o Challenge the imagination of or people. o Utilize effectively the unique authorities given to this Agency. o Domonstrato its implicit concrn for its pecpl?. o Provide adequate and responsible communication channels to its people. o Provide a wide range of effective technological. systems. STANDARDS Integrity of the highest order. Complete responsiveness to our mission. Ethical conduct in all activities. Self-discipline throughout the work environment. Development of outstanding skills, confidence and personal resources. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 PAGE A summary of key ideas from this-exercise: -- Senior management needs to provide visual feedback to the participants of this endeavor to reinforce their confidence that this was not just another management exercise. -- Our people have historically gone the extra mile based on the expectation that managers recognize and reward such effort without prompting. -- There is an underlying belief that the DCI Special Authorities have eroded through disuse and an equally strong belief that many of the perceived stumbling blocks could be eliminated by invoking these Authorities. - , ? -- Our people believe they are unique and want a leadership that fosters uniqueness as well as an atmosphere of caring and mutual respect. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 GOALS Collection, analysis and dissemination of timely, accurate and unbiased intelligence for national policy makers. O To hold the respect of all nations as the most competent and professional intelligence organization both from the standpoint of collection and production. OBSERVATIONS O The Agency was established as a direct result of the shattering experience of Pearl Harbor. Our motto could well be "no more surprises." O In the past, faulty intelligence has lost battles. In a thermonuclear age, faulty intelligence threatens the nation's survival. OBJECTIVES O To be accepted, on the basis of proven leadership, example and published product, as the leader of the Intelligence Community in both the positive and counter- intelligence fields. O To develop systems available for collection, analysis and production of intelligence to the highest degree possible to make our product the best in the world. The recruitment and retention of and innovative personneleremains We must never be "normalized" Some of our people live in life- threatening situations. The stars in the lobby attest to that. qualified, a critical dedicated issue. O To develop our personnel to reach those heights they might not think possible, through an enlightened management which fosters creativity, risk-taking and innovation. To ensure that development of personnel is sensibly achieved by appropriate training, assignments and good management planning. To provide a program of rewards fully commensurate with the employees' effort, dedication and contribution. STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 o To provide outstanding leadership through demands on its executive corps to be positive and enlightened in style, generating enthusiasm and dynamism among their employees and holding that group accountable for shortfalls in meeting this most rigorous demand for a continually vital Agency. ? Our people must be led, not driven. STANDARDS o As an Agency, we are a service organization. We respond to requests from the national level for our product. The instant we become either unresponsive or self-serving, we lose our raison d'etre. We cannot afford preconceived ideas not based on reality. We must be open to change yet rooted in experience. We must be disciplined, but the best discipline is always self-imposed. We must be as idealistic as the Peace Corps and as cynical, and loyal, as the Marine Corps. o As an organization we must exude integrity. Our managers must embody it and demand it of their subordinates. There are many deprivations placed on us as employees of this Agency. Our people must under- stand, support and obey the rules. They must be led by people who can instill in them a need to carry on this tradition. OBSERVATIONS 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 SUBMISSION First, some general comments: 1. At the Agency level, our goals should be succinct, meaningful, and understandable. I would suggest striking from the DCI's draft the sections dealing with organization, ethics (do we have to state that we will not violate the Constitution or break the law?), management style, measure of results, and standards. Toward that end, my draft, attached, deals only with purpose and people. 2. The requirement levied on all employees by the DCI has involved a massive effort and, as a result, has created high expectations that the DCI truly means what he says. Hence, employees and managers will be awaiting certain changes; such as: --A reversal in the trend of recent years to suck up authority far beyond what good management practices dictate and to return decision making to the lowest, practical level; --Elimination of bureaucratic policies, practices, and requirements beyond those needed to provide order or to comply with law. Managers are stifled by countless rules, regulations, or requirements which impair their authority or otherwise create a needless flow of paper. The DCI should order an immediate review of all administrative practices to determine those which are essential and those which can be eliminated. Moreover, the DCI, DDCI, and ExDir should set the example and take the lead by cancelling all practices which involve them in decision making in matters involving the management of the Directorates--excepting, of course, those practices which cross all Agency lines and are needed for sound organization. As an example, the Deputy Directors have massive authorities and manage programs involving tens of millions of dollars. Yet, they must seek approval for the assignment of a GS-15 to an SIS position. 3. The DCI's speech and his subsequent request to us all has caused excitement and high expectations. At the same time, there is a degree of skepticism. I trust he will try to understand why the skepticism exists because expectations have been created before. He can win over the skeptics very easily by demonstrating by his actions that he really means what he said. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 GOALS 1. PURPOSE To serve the American people and to help preserve our freedom by providing the President and our Nation's policy-makers with the best possible intelligence. (Comment not for publication: The very heart of the CIA--the element that has formed our character, spirit, personality, and which has sustained us for almost 37 years--is the CIA Mission. If one really understands the seriousness of our work and how vital we are to the nation, giving our best and total effort, often at great personal sacrifice, becomes very easy. For me, therefore, the statement of purpose should deal only with why we exist and it is all said in the Scripture etched on our walls, "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.") 2. OUR PEOPLE Our people are the Agency's most important resource. To each employee, the CIA pledges to establish personal management programs that will: --Assert the value and importance of each employee at all levels; --Provide maximum job satisfaction; --Recognize and reward quality performance; --Encourage initiative and innovation; --Promote excellence in every aspect of performance; --Provide opportunities for personal and professional growth and career development. --Assure fairness and equitable action on all matters affecting them. In turn, employees pledge their support, dedication, and commitment to the Agency's mission as well as their understanding of and compliance with CIA's standards of security and integrity. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Comments on Submissions STAT 1. Our Divisions and Staffs were provided the basic materials. My only guidance to them was that they should provide all of their employees a full opportunity to participate and to contribute to the DCI's request. They were free to interpret the DCI's request in any way they chose, but they were required to send me composite and/or individual responses. 2. The results were somewhat limited and not very creative. Except in one instance, what our Staffs did was to critique, comment, and propose suggestions solely on the DCI's Statement of Goals, Principles, and Standards. I had hoped that some of our people might have proposed an entirely new set of objectives or perhaps a different format or approach. Perhaps it would have been a more challenging assignment if they had not had the DCI's Statement in hand but, rather, were charged with developing Agency goals de novo. 3. Notwithstanding the above, it is clear that personnel not STAT only welcomed the opportunity given them by the DCI but were impressed and pleased that he desired their views. They obviously enjoyed the interaction that took place; for many, it was the first such opportunity they have had during their entire career. Thus, if nothing more comes out of this effort than just that, it was well worth it. 4. Most of the submissions suggested a tightening of language and a crisper statement. Two of our senior officers commented on the obvious-- that all of this will only succeed if top management sets the example by their own conduct. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT STATEMENT OF CIA PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLES Purpose: To provide a timely, honest, and objective intelligence product that is of the highest quality, relevance, and value to our customers. To accomplish this purpose, we will follow these principles: --Work as one agency in a cooperative manner sharing information and expertise while respecting the integrity and value of each component. --Conduct our activities in accordance with the Constitution, the laws of the United States, and within the moral structure and fiber of our society. --Protect our sources and methods. --Respect each others' rights and contributions while ensuring the opportunity for all of us to progress according to our ability and to be recognized and rewarded for our growth and accomplishments. --Provide a climate where ideas may be pursued in a creative and initiative manner while accepting that an occasional failure is only a step toward success. --Delegate authority to the lowest level necessary to effectively coordinate our activities. We will judge our success on the: --Efficient use of our resources in fulfilling the Agency's purpose. --Improvement in the quality of our product even when our customers express satisfaction. --Adherence by all to the standards established by CIA leaders in attaining our purpose and involving the principles that govern our activity. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: STAT STAT SUBJECT: Evaluation of Agency Goals tached are responses from within STAT to the DCI's call for the establishment of Agency goals an creed. In addition to the attached, STAT is undergoing a goal-setting exercise, previously scheduled, the results of which will be made available to you approximately 22 February 1984. 2. There is a substantial and gratifying degree of consensus with regard to the higher level aspects of the Agency's reason for being. The most salient factors which derive from a review of the attached are: o The Agency's role is a vital one for the existence of the nation.- o We need to constantly improve the quality of our effort. o We are unique. o We must devote considerable effort to the development of our personnel, with a major stress upon creativity. o We suffer from bureaucratic hardening of the arteries and should divest ourselves of all bureaucratic trappings. o We must as an Agency become more comfortable with taking risks. o We need to push forward the frontiers of technologies in those areas which enhance our doing our job. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 SUBJECT: ODP Evaluation of Agency Goals o We must function in accordance with the-standards of ethics and morality which our society wants. o We must recognize that people are our most important asset. 3. The above are not in any particular order. Attachments: As stated r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 14 February 1984 Statement of Goals, Principles and Standards for CIA Purpose - To provide accurate, timely and quality intelli- gence for policymakers to allow them to make informed decisions. Serve as a bridge between the various contributors to the intel- ligence process to ensure that intelligence is reported in a balanced and accurate fashion regardless of equities. Organization - Retain the small company nature of CIA to avoid bureaucratic inertia. Be able to pull together multi- disciplinary teams informally to support operations, analyst and dissemination. The organization chart at any point in time is not important but flexibility and the ability to adapt to intel- ligence needs and collection opportunities is critical. Ethics - The special authorities given to the CIA through the DCI place special responsibilities upon CIA employees for uncompromising integrity and honesty. Only those who can live up to these responsibilities will remain and these must be gratified with internal rewards from being a select few, performing a special task. The taxpayer should be remembered whenever his/her money is being spent. People - Select the best from all of society and help them to learn and grow. Provide rewards in relation to the extra- ordinary demands of the profession and attempt to make them whole from losses incurred by incident of service. Challenge employees and recognize innovativeness, risk-taking and initiative. Management - The CIA can only operate effectively if respon- sibility and accountability is distributed to the lowest possible level. This is necessary because of the geographic dispersion of CIA elements, the variety of activities necessary for an intelli- gence organization to function and the need to respond quickly to opportunities. Top management should mix leadership liberally with management and avoid micro-management even at the expense of occasional mistakes. We should strive to keep our management system simple and flexible. Measure of Results - The CIA can measure results by the impact of its product upon policy decisions, the ability to meet customer needs, the demands for more and the esteem in which CIA is held by consumers and the community. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Standards - CIA standards are higher than those of other organizations. This is evidenced by our selection process, our security and personal conduct standards and the way that we challenge our people. In many ways, we are similar to private industry. CIA can set its own standards, expect people to meet these challenges, reward excellence and weed out those who can't or won't meet these standards because all serve at the pleasure of the Chief Executive Officer (the DCI). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STATEMENT OF GOALS, PRINCIPLES, AND STANDARDS FOR CIA Mission and Purpose CIA coordinates the production and dissemination of the U.S. foreign intelligence. We support policy with those special activities which supplement and complement normal diplomacy. Our resources are used to protect U.S. global interests from hostile activities of foreign intelligence and security services or international terrorist organizations. Consistent with the Constitution and the rule of law, we provide policymakers and other elements within government with the most accurate, comprehensive, and highest quality intelli- gence possible, to enable them to anticipate events, choose among viable options and make decisions in the interests of protecting national security. No matter what job we have or the nature of our immediate tasks, our independent and collective efforts are all directed towards this purpose. Organization As the Agency charged with the responsibility for coordinating the U.S. foreign intelligence effort, CIA's operating elements are critically dependent on one another to support their individual and joint activities. Each element's departmental and national responsibilities are respected and, in turn, each undertakes to contribute to and make use of the role and performance of the others. Ethics Every member of the Agency must be constantly aware of and sensitive to the idea that our activities are conducted under the Constitution and laws of the United States. We produce the highest quality intelligence without regard to politicization, while remaining responsive to the President, the Congress and the American people. We must adhere to the highest standards of ethics in all our relationships and endeavors, knowing that anything less compromises the principles that we individually and collec- tively stand for, and diminishes our effectiveness with others. Through the exercise of organizational and personal discipline and integrity in performance and conduct we have overcome the inherent contradiction of a secret intelligence organization in a free society. People CIA's strength is the quality and integrity of its talented, creative, and dedicated people. In addition to recruiting the best people available, we must provide continuous training to develop the skills and expertise unique to this profession and to encourage the overall development of the individual. We promote STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 objectivity, imagination, and initiative by providing a positive work environment that challenges the employee while it encourages and supports responsible risk-taking as an essential element in the collection and production of intelligence. As a result, CIA professionals are instilled with and manifest a sense of pride in their own and the Agency's accomplishments. Management CIA's operating style is to encourage initiative, interactive communication, and self expression, providing the opportunity for creative thinking and allowing great freedom of action, including the right to fail. Objectives and goals are well defined, requiring efficiency, accountability, and results at all levels, but rewarding excellence by providing opportunity for personal growth, professional development, and career advancement. Measure of Results Unlike our counterparts in industry, we are not driven by profit motives. However, the prudent utilization of financial resources is essential, to allow us to achieve the maximum results with the smallest possible investment of taxpayer dollars. By utilizing the unique skills of our people and state-of-the-art technology, we are able to collect, analyze, and apply the most current and accurate information and judgments needed for the protection of national security. Ultimately, results are measured in the satisfaction of our customers, in the value, quality, relevance, and timeliness of the intellience and operational product we provide. Standards We strive to exemplify the following: Excellence in the intelligence product; - peraonal integrity and self-discipline; - development of outstanding skills, confidence, and professionalism in our people; development and utilization of the most advanced technologies possible; - maintenance of superior responsiveness, flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements; - recognition of and dedication to our assigned role as the coordinator for the production and dissemination of foreign intelligence in the United States; - leadership and recognition as the best intelligence service in the world. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: 1 1BJECT : Search for Excellence 1. Communication is important to employees in any organization but it is vitally important to Agency employees. The sense we have of the returns from the "Excellence" exercise is that the employees see this as a critical test of top management's commitment to improvement. More than one response noted that there have been previous similar statements about the value of Agency employees and their work that resulted in no improvement in attitude toward the workers in the trenches, no change in what are perceived as poor management practices and most critically no recognition that the greater Agency populace had participated and con- tributed--there was no feedback at the personal level. An Employee Bulletin or DCI letter won't cut it. 2. The statement has also been perceived as too bureaucratic in tone. It also fails to incorporate a sense of unity of purpose among management, the various components and the general employee population. All CIA employees must have sufficient information about the intelligence mission to understand the links between collection,i(both human and technical), analysis, production and support. Each person must be made to feel and understand that his or her function is inextricably linked to all others in the Agency and is an integral part of the successful accomplishment of the CIA mission. 3. If senior management is truly in search of excellence then it should pursue it aggressively. Demonstrate commitment to the principles STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 of good management and to the practices suggested in the Peters and Waterman book. There is still a desire within the greater part of the work force to recapture the spirit of a family agency--quality management The paragraphs that follow are a distillation of the and teamwork. comments and and suggestions for changes to the Statement of Goals, Principles Standards for CIA. ?Recognize innovation, creativity and initiative. Rewards and recognition should be for extra effort and creativity, not mediocrity. Inspire others to emulate good work. Facilitate change to improve performance. ?Eliminate the fear of failing; accept the fact that employees after all are human and make mistakes. Employees who are given responsibility will understand that they are also accountable. ?Strengthen two-way communication by communicating downward more, but encourage and listen to feedback. By letting employees know in a general sense what some of our significant accomplishments have been management can instill a sense of pride and commitment to common goals. Do more walking around; managers, especially senior managers, should learn to mingle better. Take the bureaucratic tone out of the objectives. ?High quality, productive people are the CIA's strength. Make the message to them positive. The CIA places a high value on its people; each employee is an integral part of a dynamic, first rate organization. ?We are an elite organization. Our personal and professional conduct comes not only from written codes, but also from a personali unwritten code of behavior, set of values and sense of integrity which each employee brings to the Agency and which sets us apart. We are the best. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20 : CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 ?In measuring results don't use business organization to develop an analogy. Make a positive statement about our results being judged by the President and Congress. ?Working for CIA is more than a job, it is the assumption of a duty and the sharing of responsibility to protect America's vital interests. 4. A former Washington Redskins coach once said, "the future is now," and kindled a feeling of community in the Washington area that transcends race, finances and personal status. Let us paraphrase that expression and say, "the search for excellence begins where you are now." Mindful of the past, let us strive in the present to anticipate the future. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 14 FEB 1984 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: Development of Goals, Principles, and Standards for the CIA received inputs down to the Branch level on Mr. Casey's search for a CIA philosophy and quest for excellence. A distillation of the major themes which run through these papers has produced the following summary comments: ORGANIZATION: As an Agency, the key ingredients that make up the substance of what we stand for are people, product and quality. The people are our employees who must meet high standards to get into CIA to begin with. The product is essentially our intelligence production but in the minds ol-BUT-i-mployees this includes every single activity performed in the Agency which is part of the collection, production and support processes. The quality of which we think means not only excellence of work performance and integrity but also esprit de corps and patriotism. PEOPLE: CIA employees already collectively know and believe they are the best in our Government, if not in the world. They take pride in belonging to the Agency, which they view as an elite organization. A common theme which one hears and which our papers reflect is the need for management to recognize their contributions and to ensure that everyone is afforded a fair opportunity to achieve their full potential. Our employees place heavy emphasis on training and the need for management to ensure that responsive training programs are in place. ETHICS: CIA employees are expected and do set very high standards for themselves and their fellow employees in adherence to ethical standards and conduct. Perhaps it is a result of some of the criticism we have heard but our employees seem to be highly sensitive to any appearance of wrong-doing or unethical behavior. They want and expect that CIA employees in general and our 25X1 leadership in particular will be, must be, above reproach or criticism as to personal conduct and behavior. Their judgments on this character trait tend to be harsh and uncompromising. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 itas, am. 'V I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 MANAGEMENT: Another word that could be used here is "leadership". Employee concern and feeling on this point undergirds every other facet of their perception of the CIA. Basically, they want and expect management to keep faith with them. If management promises something, it better be prepared to deliver or an immediate loss of confidence occurs. CIA employees feel that 'management could do more - more of everything. They especially want to receive recognition for their efforts and to receive communications in a system that allows and encourages employees to communicate with management. They want management to tap into that great reservoir of our strength - the vitality and creativity of our employees. One of our papers commented on the need for management to provide a sense of unity among our employees throughout the Agency. They especially dislike any comments or actions that foster a "we-them" feeling among Agency employees. This basically translates into saying that no component should be viewed as being more elite or unique than any other. We need them all to get the job done and what each person does is important in the overall picture. Therefore, we need to put more stress on participation and unity. RESOURCES: Agency employees are basically an uncomplaining, highly motivated group of people. They will and do put up with long hours (often uncompensated), over-crowded office conditions and hazardous duty situations overseas as part and_parcel of their lot in CIA. They deserve better. It's not that we shouldn't expect sacrifice to get the job accomplished but we should never accept our inferior conditions as the eternal status quo. The new building is a step in the right direction. It was delayed much too long. We have not done enough to rebuild the Agency's Support infrastructure. Atts 2 SECRET 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Suggested Organizational Statement "In Search of Excellence" I. PURPOSE: The Central Intelligence Agency exists under the laws of the United States to provide the Government with a centralized organization tasked to collect, analyze, and disseminate intelligence in support of policymaking and to conduct certain other specialized intelligence functions as prescribed by laws and Executive Order. II. GOALS: In performance of its duties arising out of the purpose described above, the Central Intelligence Agency aspires to the following goals: a. The development of a professional corps possessing the educational background, practical experience, and the in-depth knowledge of the intelligence processes and international affairs required to carry out in a thorough and timely manner the critical missions of the Agency. b. To produce consistent, timely, and accurate foreign intelligence which can be disseminated to policymaking officials in the most usable format possible. c. To develop the capability both in terms of personnel and material resources to be able to respond quickly and effectively to intelligence requirements resulting from changing political situations and crises wherever they may occur in the world. d. To assume a leadership role within the Government in the development of technical collection systems so vital to the security of the Nation. e. To maintain a high level of commitment to activities which acquire information concerning the intelligence function of our adversaries and to initiate measures to counter these endeavors wherever possible. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 f. To develop effective working relationships with the intelligence services of friendly nations wherever it can be demonstrated that to do so serves the best interest of the United States. III. Standards In its working toward its goals, the Agency will maintain the following standards: a. In all of its activities, the Agency will adhere to both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution of STAT the United States and the laws that have derived from that Constitution. b. The Agency will insist on its corps of personnel maintaining the highest possible standards of integrity and conduct so that at all times these personnel will be worthy of the special trust that has been given to them by the people of the United States. c. In the process of developing intelligence to support the policymakers of the Nation, the Agency will strive for thoroughness and objectivity and will resist all efforts from whatever sources to have our intelligence product influenced by political or other considerations. d. In dealing with its personnel, the Agency will make every effort to provide opportunities for growth, development, and advancement based upon individual merit and contribution. Consistent with the unique requirements of this particular organization, its people will be encouraged to display initiative and to assume responsibility which may often be greater than would be indicated by the individual's rank or status at the moment. Conscious and positive efforts will be made at all levels to encourage creativity on the part of individual employees. e. Recognizing the important talents and abilities which exist in all segments of our society, the Agency will take positive steps to ensure that not only the letter but also the spirit of equal employment opportunities is pursued throughout the organization. f. Wherever it is appropriate to do so in terms of the best interests of our Nation, the Agency will take full advantage of the special authorities granted to it under the law. Recognizing that our mission is truly unique, the Agency will dare to be different where required. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STATEMENT OF COALS Agency Purpose To provide the best possible intelligence. Organizational Purpose To provide timely, responsive, and innovative support for all aspects of this intelligence effort. To accomplish our tasks promptly and efficiently. To accomplish our tasks within these inescapable constraints: the conflict which exists between an intelligence agency which by necessity must operate in secrecy and an open democratic society; the discipline required to maintain our security, cover, and compartmentation. Resources People are our most important resource. We must: Instill a sense of dedication to the highest standards and principles. Provide job security based on performance. Create an environment which encourages people to develop as individuals and to attain their full potential. Insure a safe and pleasant work environment. Recognize and reward achievements. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Management Everything management does should be measured against whether it encourages or impedes progress in achieving our purpose. Standards We seek: Integrity of the highest order. Awareness of the urgency of our mission. Development of our people. First-rate performance. Utilization of effective technology. Capability and flexibility to meet tough and sudden challenges. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP89-00087R000300280004-5