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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 THE FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYSTEM Questions and Answers DEPARTMENT OF STATE MAY 1962 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Foreword This pamphlet is designed to answer the most frequently asked questions about the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, and explains in simple terms the operation of this System and the benefits it provides for participants and their families. This information is based on the law as amended through September 1961. In preparing this information, we have drawn extensively on the Civil Service Commission's Retirement Pamphlet No. 18, March 1961 for both format and content since there are many basic similarities in the two retirement systems. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Contents Page I. The Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System 1 II. The Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund 1 III. Membership IV. Crediting of Civilian Service 3 V. Crediting of Military Service 5 VI. Voluntary Contributions 6 VII. Retirement Eligibility 8 VIII. Types of Annuities 11 IX. Annuity Computations 13 X. Reemployment of Foreign Service Annuitants 16 XL Death Benefits 17 XII. Refunds 20 XIII. Miscellaneous 21 Appendix 24 Index 25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 I. The Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System 1. What is the Foreign Service Re- tirement and Disability System? This is a retirement system originally authorized by the Foreign Service Act of 1924 (the Rogers Act) for Foreign Service officers. 2. What is the current statutory basis for the Foreign Service Re- tirement and Disability System? The System is operated under the authority of the provisions of Title VIII of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended. II. The Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund 3. What is the Foreign Service Re- tirement and Disability Fund? It is the accumulation of money held in trust by the United States Treasury for the purpose of paying annuity, refund, death, and separation benefits to persons entitled to them. 4. Where does this money come from? It comes from four main sources: (1) deductions from the salaries of partici- pants in the Foreign Service Retire- ment and Disability System; (2) con- tribution by the Department in amounts which match the deductions from participants' salaries; (3) Gov- ernment appropriations; and (4) inter- est earned through investment of money received from the first three sources. 5. How is the money invested? The Secretary of the Treasury invests in interest-bearing securities of the United States such portions as are not needed immediately for the payment of benefits. 1 6. How much is deducted from the salary of participants in this re- tirement system? Six and one-half percent of basic salary. 7. What is meant by "basic salary"? Basic salary is the pay or compensation set by law or regulation for Foreign Service officers and employees. It does not include charg?ay, overtime pay, military pay, cash awards for suggestions or superior accomplish- ments, extra pay for night and holiday work, overseas allowances and differ- entials, or other compensation given in addition to the basic salary of the particular participant. It does in- clude periodic salary increases, meri- torious salary increases, salary re- ceived as chief of mission, or salary received while assigned to a position in the Department or any other agency where the officer or employee is en- titled to receive the salary of the position to which assigned in lieu of his Foreign Service salary. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 8. Has this deduction rate (em- ployee contribution) always been 634 percent? No. A rate of 5 percent was orig- inally established by the Act of May 24, 1924. From July 1, 1924, to August 5, 1955, all participants were required to contribute 5 percent of basic salary not in excess of: a. $9,000 for the period July 1, 1924, through June 30, 1931; b. $10,000 for the period July 1, 1931, through November 12, 1946; and c. $13,500 for the period November 13, 1946, through August 4, 1955. Beginning August 5, 1955, the com- pulsory contribution was required on the full basic salary received. The Foreign Service Act amendments of 1960 increased this rate to 634 percent effective October 16, 1960. 9. How is the Government con- tribution to the Fund made? From the time of the enactment of the Act of May 24, 1924, the Gov- ernment contribution has been ob- tained from the Congress in the form of appropriations estimated to be required by the Fund. Such esti- mates are prepared annually by the Secretary of the Treasury and included in the Department of State's budget requests. Effective July 1, 1961, a sum equal to the contribution made by each employee (634 percent) is contributed from the appropriation used for the payment of the par- ticipant's salary. 10. May a participant pay money other than compulsory salary deductions into the retirement Fund? Yes. He must pay to cover past service for which no deductions were made to the Fund if such service is to be used. He may also make addi- tional payments known as voluntary contributions to provide a larger annuity, or to be returned to him in lump sum at time of retirement. III. Membership 11. Who are participants in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System? The following persons are participants and are entitled to the benefits of the System: (a) all Foreign Service officers; (b) all other persons making contribu- tions to the Fund on the effective date of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (November 13, 1946); (c) any chief of mission who is not otherwise entitled to be a participant and who fulfills the following conditions: ? has served as chief of mission for an aggregate period of 20 years or more 2 exclusive of extra service credit granted for posts; ? has paid into the Fund a special con- tribution for each year of such service; and (d) any Foreign Service staff officer or employee appointed by the Secre- tary of State who has completed at least 10 years of continuous service in the Department's Foreign Service, exclusive of military service, and ex- clusive of leave without pay in excess of 6 months in any calendar year. 12. Will Foreign Service staff offi- cers and employees who do not service in unhealthful Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 yet have 10 years of continuous service subsequently be in- cluded in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Sys- tem as soon as they have com- pleted 10 years of continuous service in the Foreign Service? Yes. 13. Are persons in the military service of the United States members of the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Sys- tem? Not by reason of military service. However, participants in the System who leave the Service to enter the Armed Forces for active duty are con- sidered to be on furlough and retain their status as participmts while in the military service. No contribution is made to the Fund by a participant during a period of military service. IV. Crediting of Civilian Service 14. What types of civilian service may be credited for retirement purposes under the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability System? Credit is given for all service performed as an employee of the Federal Govern- ment (including the Foreign Service) or of the District of Columbia Gov- ernment provided appropriate contri- butions are made to the Fund to cover such service. There is one minor exception to this rule: No credit may be allowed for service in which an em- ployee acquired social security coverage under the Social Security Amendments of 1954. This exception applies only to service of a comparatively few indi- viduals most of whom are temporary or indefinite employees in the field service of the Post Office Department. 15. Must the service involved be consecutive, or may separate periods of service be counted? All service is creditable, regardless of breaks in employment. 16. May credit be allowed for periods of service during which 3 no retirement deductions were taken? Yes, provided the participant became a member of the retirement System after such service was performed, and provided special contribution is made to the Fund to cover such service. 17. How is credit given for service which was performed before the establishment of the For- eign Service Retirement and Disability System? This service is free. Full credit is allowed without any deposit for Federal Service performed before July 1, 1924 (the date deductions began under the Act of May 24, 1924). 18. Is special contribution required to obtain credit for periods of service performed after estab- lishment of the System for which no retirement deduc- tions were taken? Yes. If all service credit is not pur- chased by special contribution only that portion as is covered by special contribution can be used. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 19. Is extra credit allowed for service at "unhealthful" posts? Yes. Unless a participant received a salary differential in lieu of extra service credit, time served at such posts is counted as time and a half. (Salary differential has been optional since April 5, 1955.) 20. In case of purchasing or repur- chasing service at unhealthful posts how is the special con- tribution made? It is made the same as for any other special contribution?for straight time only. 21. How is the amount of special contribution determined? The special contribution is made up of 5 percent of the basic annual salary plus interest compounded annually at 4 percent to date payment is com- pleted, for each year of service for which credit is sought subsequent to July 1, 1924, and prior to October 16, 1960, and 6% percent for any period on or after October 16, 1960. 22. Is it to a participant's advantage to make the special contribu- tion? Yes, unless he already has the maxi- mum of 35 years' service. Under the provisions of the Foreign Service Re- tirement and Disability System, prior service may not be used unless special contribution is made to cover such service. 4 23. When must the special contri- bution be made to the Fund to cover prior service? Special contribution must be made to the Fund prior to retirement or separa- tion from the Service. 24. Does the date of payment affect the amount of special contri- bution? Yes. The longer the payment is de- layed the more it will cost because of the accrual of interest. 25. May the special contribution be made in installment pay- ments? Payment may be made in a lump sum or, if the participant so desires, in installments or payroll allotments in multiples of $25. 26. If a person is appointed in the Foreign Service in circum- stances which entitle him to participate in the Foreign Serv- ice Retirement and Disability System directly from other Fed- eral Service where he is covered by another Government retire- ment system, how is the special contribution covering the prior service handled? In such circumstances the person's total contributions and deposits in the other retirement system including interest accrued thereon, except volun- tary contributions, are transferred to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund effective as of the date such person becomes a participant in the System. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 V. Crediting of Military Service 27. What does the term "military service" cover? It covers all active and honorable military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or the Coast Guard of the United States. 28. Is military service creditable under the Foreign Service Re- tirement and Disability System? s As a general rule, military service creditable provided it was active service, was terminated under honor- able conditions, and was performed before separation as a participant in the System. 29. Is a special contribution to the Fund required for military serv- ice? No. Full credit is given for military service without any special contribu- tion to the retirement Fund. 30. Does the receipt of military retired pay bar the crediting of military service under the System? Yes. However, credit may be allowed if retired pay is (a) based on a dis- ability incurred in combat with an enemy of the United States or caused by an instrument of war and incurred in the line of duty; or (b) granted under the provisions of Chapter 67, Title 10, U.S. Code, formerly Title III of the Act of June 29, 1948, P.L. 810, 80th Congress. (See question 31.) service instead of disability. The basic requirement is the attainment of age 60 with the completion of 20 years' service. 32. Is it possible to receive mili- tary retired pay and an annuity from the Foreign Service Re- tirement and Disability Fund at the same time, using the same period of military service? Yes, under the conditions outlined in question 30. Only the portion of the military service which was in active status however, may be crearel tovi.. retirement under the System. 33. What credit is given if a partici- pant in the Foreign Service Re- tirement and Disability System is placed on furlough or leave without pay to enter the mili- tary service? The entire period is credited without special contribution. 34. May a participant receive credit for service with the National Guard? Only when ordered into the military service of the United States. 35. May military furlough periods be credited as service if credit for the military service itself is barred because the partici- pant is receiving military re- tired pay or is entitled to social security? 31. What is Chapter 67, Title 10, No. U.S. Code? It is a provision granting retired pay to members of reserve components of the Armed Forces on the basis of 5 632820-62---2 36. Do the provisions on the credit- ing of military service which are explained in this section apply to service performed with Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Yes. women's organizations such as the WAC, WAVES, etc.? 37. Is service with the WAAC cred- itable? Yes. However, it is creditable as civilian rather than as military service. VI. Voluntary Contributions 38. May a participant make con- tribution to the retirement Fund in addition to the regular 61/2 percent deduction from salary? Yes. Voluntary contributions may be made for the purpose of increasing the annuity at the time of retirement. Any participant may make voluntary contributions by payroll deductions to the Fund during any given year in amounts of multiples of 1 percent, but not exceeding 10 percent of his basic annual salary. 39. What happens if a participant who has made voluntary con- tributions is separated from the Service? Voluntary contributions with accrued interest will be refunded to the partici- pant at the time of separation. They may not be withdrawn except at time of retirement or when the participant is separated for reasons other than re- tirement on an annuity. (See ques- tion 40.) 40. What disposition is made of the voluntary contribution ac- count if a participant dies in service? The entire amount of his contribution and interest is payable immediately in a lump sum to the designated benefi- ciary, or if there is no designated beneficiary payment is made in ac- cordance with the order of precedence set out in question 125. No part of this account may be used in corn- 6 puting the annuity which may be due a survivor. 41. Is the privilege of making voluntary contributions open to all participants? Yes. 42. For what periods may a par- ticipant make voluntary con- tributions? He may make voluntary contributions based on civilian salary received sub- sequent to July 1, 1939, the beginning date of voluntary contributions, provided special contribution has also been made if service prior to becoming a participant is involved. Voluntary contributions may not be made for periods of leave without pay or military furlough. 43. May an employee make volun- tary contributions based on his military pay? Generally no. However, in those cases where a participant, prior to April 1, 1948, made special contribu- tion for any period of military service, he may also make voluntary con- tributions for such period. (Special contribution made after April 1, 1948, to obtain service credit for military service was refunded upon applica- tion by the participant?see Sec. 8 of P.L. 84-22.) 44. May a participant make vol- untary contributions after sep- aration from the Service? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 ADDITIONAL ANNUITY BASED ON VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS A. Participant elects a monthly single life income, with no guaranteed return of unexpended principal: Example: Male officer age 60 retires with $9,863.46 of accumulated voluntary contributions. His purchasable monthly income would be $64.90. B. Participant elects monthly single life income, with guaranteed return of unexpended principal. Under present interpretation, retiring officer may invest all, any part, or none of his accumulated contribu- tions as illustrated below: Male officer age 58 retires with $10,486.39 of accumulated voluntary contributions. Example I: Invests all?monthly income $56.21. Example 2: Invests part (say $5,486.39) with guaranteed return of unexpended principal and leaves $5,000 as a lump sum payable upon death. Monthly income $41.74. Example 3: Invests part (say $5,486.39) with no guaranteed return of unexpended principal and leaves $5,000 as a lump sum payable upon death. Monthly income $46.13. Example 4: Leaves entire amount as lump sum payable upon death. Monthly income $25.86. C. Male officer retires at age 58 with voluntary contributions of $10,000. He could purchase for himself a monthly income of $61.60. Instead he decides to elect a joint and survivor annuity with no guaranteed return. His wife is 56 years of age. Example 1: If he elects an equal annuity for himself and his wife, the amount would be $45.97. Example 2: If he elects that his wife's annuity be equal to one-half of his reduced (additional) annuity, his additional annuity would be $52.66 per month and his wife's annuity would be $26.33 per month. No. These contributions may be chase increases his annuity as ex- made only while the participant is plained in question 46. still employed. 46. How much additional annuity 45. How do voluntary contribu- may be purchased with the voluntary contribution account? tions made by a participant affect his annuity? The amount of additional annuity purchasable with voluntary contribu- The additional annuity which the tions is calculated upon tables of voluntary contribution account (con- mortality prescribed from time to tributions with interest) will pur- time by the Secretary of the Treasury 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 for this purpose, and it varies ac- cording to age of participant, age of beneficiary, if any, whether all or a part of the amount in the Fund is invested, and whether a guaranteed return of the unexpended principal is elected as shown by the examples on page 7. 47. Is it possible for a retiring participant to name a different beneficiary to receive either a cash payment or a life annuity based on his voluntary con- tributions? Yes. 48. Has the retiring participant a choice as to the type of annuity purchased with his voluntary contribution account? Yes. He may use the entire amount to purchase annuity for himself or he may share it with a survivor annuitant. (See table for question 46 on page 7.) 49. May a participant withdraw his voluntary contribution ac- count? Only upon separation by retirement or otherwise. (See questions 39 and 40.) 50. May a participant withdraw his voluntary contribution account if upon separation he is eligible for an immediate annuity? Yes. (See question 49.) VII. Retirement Eligibility 51. How many kinds of retirement are provided for in the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability System? Four. They are known as voluntary, involunta_rv, disability, and deferred - _ . (d iic?ontinued service) retirement. 52. Is there a minimum require- ment as to the amount of civil- ian service? Yes Five years of civilian service are required before annuity benefits may be paid in any case. 53. Is there a mandatory retirement age under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Sys- tem? Yes. Generally, all participants other than career ministers or career ambas- sadors are mandatorily retired for age upon reaching 60. Career min- isters and career ambassadors are 8 subject to mandatory retirement upon reaching age 65 (Exemptions from mandatory retirement are described in question 56.) 54. Is there a different mandatory retirement age for Foreign Service staff personnel who become participants in this System? The earliest mandatory retirement date for Foreign Service staff personnel who become participants in the Sys- tem will be October 31, 1963, on which date those who are age 64 or older will be retired. Subsequently, a graduated schedule of such retirements of staff participants will be in effect for about 4 years. Thereafter mandatory retire- ment will be at age 60. 55. May the services of participants be extended beyond the normal mandatory age? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Yes; if the Secretary deems it to be in the public interest to continue the services of a participant who has reached mandatory retirement age, such retirement may be deferred for a period not to exceed 5 years. 56. Are any participants exempt from mandatory retirement for age? Yes. A participant who is serving as chief of mission or in any other posi- tion to which he has been specifically appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, such as Assistant Secretary of State, may continue in service without regard to mandatory retirement pro- visions, so long as he serves in such capacity. 57. When does the annuity begin for a participant who has sepa- rated and who is eligible for an immediate annuity? It begins on the first of the month foil owing separation in all cases ex- cept retirements for disability. In those cases the annuity begins the first of the month after termination of pay status, or if the participant becomes disabled while in a non-pay status, the annuity begins on the first day of the month after disability is determined. 58. Under what conditions may a participant retire for disability? Any participant who has 5 years of creditable service toward retirement, excluding military service, who be- comes totally disabled or incapacitated for useful and efficient service by reason of disease, illness or injury not due to vicious habits, intemperance, or willful misconduct on his part may be retired on an immediate annuity. 59. Is there a "minimum guaran- teed" disability annuity? There is not a guaranteed minimum in all cases, but depending on age of participant a minimum of 20 years is sometimes used in computing the annuity as described in question 95. 60. Who determines whether a participant is totally disabled so as to qualify for annuity? Disability is determined by the Secre- tary, or his designated representative, on the basis of advice provided by one or more duly qualified physicians or surgeons designated to conduct examinations. 61. What determinations are made regarding permanent disability? Unless disability is determined to be permanent at time of retirement, examinations by duly qualified physi- cians or surgeons designated by the Secretary are made annually until the annuitant has reached the mandatory retirement age for his class in the Service unless an earlier determination of permanent disability is made. 62. Must the annuitant pay for these medical examinations? No. Costs of these examinations, including reasonable traveling and other expenses incurred in order to submit to examinations, are paid out of the Fund. 63. What happens if the annuitant recovers from the disability upon the basis of which he is retired? If the Secretary, or his designated representative, determines on the basis of advice of one or more duly qualified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 physicians or surgeons that an an- nuitant has recovered to the extent that he can return to duty, the an- nuitant may apply for reemployment in the Service within 1 year from the date his recovery is determined. 64. Is such a recovered annuitant entitled to reemployment? Yes. Upon the application of a recovered annuitant within 1 year from the date his recovery is de- termined, the Secretary must reinstate him in the class in which he was serving at the time of retirement, or the Secretary may, taking into con- sideration his age, qualifications and experience, and the present class of his contemporaries in the Service, appoint him or, in the case of an annuitant who is a former Foreign Service officer, recommend that the President appoint him, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to a class higher than the one in which he was serving prior to dis- ability retirement. 65. When an annuitant is deter- mined to be recovered what happens to his annuity? Payment of his annuity is continued until a date 6 months after the date of examination showing recovery or until the date of reinstatement or re- appointment in the Service, whichever is earlier. 66. What happens if the annuitant fails to submit to examinations as required? Payment of annuity will be suspended until continuance of the disability is satisfactorily established. 67. If a recovered annuitant is for any reason not reinstated or reappointed in the Service what is his status with respect to annuity benefits? He may be entitled to deferred annuity at age 60, or he may elect to have the unexpended balance of his contri- butions to the Fund, if any, returned to him with interest, or if he qualifies for voluntary retirement he may be immediately retired under the provi- sions governing such retirement. 68. Must an annuitant who is de- termined to be recovered repay any of the disability annuity received in order to qualify for reinstatement or reappointment or for an annuity at some future time? No. 69. Who is eligible for voluntary retirement? Any participant who reaches age 50 with 20 years of creditable service- under the System is eligible to retire voluntarily. Also, any staff employee who becomes a participant in the System and who on October 16, 1960, was age 57 or over, may retire volun- tarily. This permits voluntary re- tirement with at least 10 years of creditable service since a staff employee must have 10 years in the Foreign Service to become a participant.) 70. Who may be involuntarily re- tired? 10 a. Foreign Service officers who reach the mandatory retirement age for their class; b. Staff participants who are retired mandatorily for age; c. Participants whose services as chief of mission are terminated and who Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 are not reappointed or assigned within 3 months; d. Foreign Service officers who are selected out; e. Participants beyond mandatory re- tirement age who are serving as chief of mission or in any other position to which appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, when no longer serving in such capacity. 71. What classes of Foreign Service officer may receive retirement benefits upon selection-out? Foreign Service officers of class 1, 2, or 3 may receive retirement benefits only in the form of annuity. Any officer of class 4, 5, 6, or 7 who is separated by selection-out may receive a benefit of one-twelfth of a year's salary at his then current salary rate for each year of service, but not to exceed a total of 1 year's salary, in addition to retirement benefits in the form of annuity at age 60 if he has 5 years of creditable civilian service; or he may elect to receive a refund of contribu- tions to the Fund. (Officers who are age 50 or over with 20 years of credit- able service may apply for voluntary retirement in lieu of selection-out benefits.) 72. Who is eligible for a deferred annuity? Any participant who, after completing at least 5 years of creditable civilian service, voluntarily separates from the Service, is separated by selection-out (see question 71), or is separated for cause (except in cases where the Secretary determines that separation was based in whole or in part on the ground of disloyalty to the United States, or unless he is barred as explained in question 147) may elect to receive a deferred annuity upon reaching age 60. 73. When does deferred annuity begin? It begins on the first day of the month following the month in which the separated participant reaches age 60. 74. What happens if a separated participant entitled to deferred annuity dies before reaching age 60? In voluntary separations, separations for cause on grounds not involving disloyalty, and in separation by selection-out of Foreign Service officers of class 6 or 7, the contributions together with interest are returned to his designated beneficiary. Or, if there is no designated beneficiary, payment is made to survivors in order of precedence, described in question 125. If the former participant was a Foreign Service officer of class 4 or 5 and was separated by selection-out, his death would be considered a death in service, and an annuity would be payable to a survivor. VIII. Types of Annuities 75. How many types of annuities are there under the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability System? 11 Three. These are known as (1) full annuity; (2) reduced annuity with annuity to surviving spouse; and (3) reduced annuity with annuity to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 designated beneficiary other than spouse. 76. What is the "full annuity"? It is the annuity elected by the retiring participant which makes no provision for a survivor and is ordinarily payable to the retiring participant for the remainder of his life unless it is termi- nated for reasons such as recall or recovery from disability. Under this type, which any retiring participant may choose, no survivor annuity is payable unless the annuitant at his death leaves dependent children. (See question 122.) 77. What is the reduced annuity? In this type, the retiring participant takes a reduction in his annuity and names his wife (or her husband), or in the case of an unmarried participant, a designated beneficiary, to receive a survivor annuity. 78. Who may elect a reduced an- nuity with benefit to widow or widower? Any participant, including one who is eligible to receive a deferred an- nuity at age 60, may choose this type if married at the time annuity is scheduled to begin. 79. When is the survivor annuity to the widow or widower paid? Monthly benefits which have been elected by the participant at time of retirement for a widow or widower commence on the day following death and continue until the surviving widow or widower dies, regardless of remarriage. 80. How much survivor annuity will the widow or widower receive? The retiring participant may choose all or any portion of his annuity as a base for figuring the amount of the widow's or widower's annuity. The widow or widower will receive 50 percent of the amount which the participant chooses as a base. For example, if a retiring participant chooses $2,400 as a base, the widow or widower would receive $1,200 a year or $100 a month. If he chooses his full annuity as a base, and if such annuity amounts to $6,000, the widow or widower would receive $3,000 a year or $250 a month. 81. If a participant elects a reduced annuity with annuity to surviv- ing spouse, how much is the reduction in his annuity? That depends on how much of his annuity the retiring participant chooses as a base for the survivor annuity. The reduction is 2% percent of the first $2,400 chosen as a base, plus 10 percent of any amount over $2,400. For example, if the retiring participant chooses $2,400 as a base, the reduction in his annuity will be 2% percent of $2,400 or $60 a year. If he chooses $6,000 as a base, the reduction in his annuity would be 2% percent of $2,400 or $60 a year plus 10 percent of the balance ($3,600) or $360 a year for a total reduction of $420 a year. 82. Does the age of a wife or hus- band who is named as a survi- vor annuitant affect the rate of annuity? No. 12 83. Must the retiring participant be married for a specific num- ber of years in order to be able to name a spouse as survivor beneficiary? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 No. The participant must be married at time of retirement, or in the case of a deferred annuity the person must be married at the time deferred annuity is scheduled to begin. 84. Who may elect a reduced an- nuity with benefit to a person other than a spouse? At the time of retirement an unmarried participant who has satisfactorily passed a physical examination may elect to receive a reduced annuity and provide for an annuity payable after his or her death to a beneficiary designated in writing to the Secretary. Former participants who elect to receive a deferred annuity at age 60 may, at time of application for an- nuity, also designate a beneficiary other than a spouse. A widowed or divorced person is considered un- married. 85. When is the annuity of a "designated beneficiary" paid? Monthly benefits to the designated beneficiary begin on the first day of the next month after the retired participant's death and continue for the life of the beneficiary. 86. How much annuity will a "designated beneficiary" receive? The person named as the designated beneficiary will receive 50 percent of the reduced annuity paid to the retired participant. 87. If a retiring participant elects to provide an annuity for a "designated beneficiary," how much is the reduction in his annuity? That depends on the difference be. tween the ages of the retiring partici- pant and the person he designates as beneficiary. A table from which the reduction in any particular case can be figured is on page 24. For ex- ample, if a retiring participant names a person who is 11 years younger than himself, he will have his annuity re? duced by 20 percent; if the person named is older than the retiring em- ployee, the reduction is 10 percent; if the person named is 30 years younger, the reduction is 40 percent, which is the maximum reduction. 88. Can an annuitant ever change the type of annuity he elected at retirement? Ordinarily no change can be made in the election made by the participant at time of retirement. However, if an annuitant is recalled to duty in the Service, or is reinstated or reappointed after recovery from disability, he may make a new election at the time of subsequent retirement. IX. Annuity Computations 89. How is the amount of a partici- pant's annuity determined? The amount of annuity depends pri- marily upon a participant's length of service and his average basic salary for the highest 5 consecutive years of , 13 service. These two items are used in a formula which produces the par- ticipant's basic annuity. The basic annuity obtained by using the formula may then be reduced or increased for various reasons. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 90. How is a participant's length of service figured? All periods of creditable service (this includes service for which full contri- butions have been made in the retire- ment Fund plus free military service and any free service prior to July 1, 1924) are added together. The odd days in the total are dropped and the time (years and months) remaining is the length of service used in the annuity computation formula. 91. Is there any limitation to the length of service which may be credited? Yes. Only 35 years of creditable civilian and military service may be counted in the computation of annuity. 92. How is a participant's average salary for the highest 5 con- secutive years figured? This salary is determined by the aver- age basic salary for the highest 5 consecutive years of service for which full contributions have been made to the Fund. In the case of participants who serve as chief of mission and whose continuity of service as such is interrupted by appointment or assign- ment to another position determined by the Secretary to be of comparable importance, the annuity is computed on the basis of the highest 5 years of service for which full contribution has been made to the Fund (not necessarily consecutive). The "high- 5' average salary is the highest salary obtainable by averaging the rate of basic salary in effect during any 5 consecutive (or nonconsecutive as the 14 case may be) years of service, with each rate weighted by the time it was in effect. (See question 7 for defini- tion of " basic salary.") An example of an average salary computation which covers the 5-year period from January 1, 1956, to December 31, 1960, follows: Rate in effect from? Time rate was in effect Yr. Mo. Dy. Annual rate 1-1-56 to1 0 0 12-31-56 1 1-1-57 to1 6 0 6-30--58, 1 7-1-58 to0 3 0 9-30-58. 1 10-1-58 } to 2 3 0 12-31-60 Total 5 0 0 X $10,000 =$10,000 X 10,500= 15,750 X 10,800= 2,700 X 11,000= 24,750 5/$53,200 "high-5" average salary=$10,640 93. What is the formula for deter- mining a basic annuity? The annuity is equal to 2 percent of the "high-5" average salary multi- plied by the number of years, not exceeding 35, of the participant's service credit. This automatically fixes 70 percent of the "high-5" average salary as the maximum an- nuity payable. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 94. Give some examples of annuity computations where different elections are made.' Case A " High-5" average salary . . Basic annuity 70 percent (2 percent times 35 years of service times $16,000) . . Maximum survivor (widow or widower annuity-34 of $16, 000 11,200 $11,200) 5, 600 Cost to participant (2% per- cent of $2,400 equals $60 plus 10 percent of $8,800 equals $880) 940 Participant's reduced annu- ity 10, 260 Case B " High-5" average salary . $12, 000 Basic annuity .60 percent (2 percent times 30 years of service times $12,000) . . 7, 200 Survivor (widow or widow- er) annuity (participant chooses $6,000 as base-34 of $6,000) 3, 000 Cost to participant (234 per- cent of $2,400 equals $60 plus 10 percent of $3,600 equals $360) 420 Participant's reduced annu- ity 6, 780 1 A retiring employee may choose all or any part of his annuity as a base for the survivor's annuity. The reduction in his annuity will be 24 percent of any amount up to $2,400 he speci- fies as a base for the survivor benefit, plus 10 percent of any amount over $2,400 he specifies. In Case A above, the employee specified all of his annuity, thus providing the maximum for his survivor. In Case B employee specified $6,000 of his annuity as a base. If in either case the employee had chosen to provide $1,200 for his survivor, the reduction in his annuity would be $60. Case C "High-5" average salary . . $14, 000 Basic annuity 60 percent (2 percent times 30 years of service times $14,000) . . 8, 400 Age of unmarried retiring participant-60 Age of designated benefi- ciary-45 Reduction: 25 percent 2, 100 Reduced annuity 6, 300 Beneficiary's annuity (% of participant's reduced an- nuity) 3, 150 Nora.?See also table in appendix, Reduction for Survivor Annuity to Person Named as a Designated Beneficiary, on page 2.4. 95. Upon what basis is a disability annuity computed? Any participant retired for disability with more than 5 years of creditable civilian service under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, but with less than 20 years of service credit, has his annuity comput- ed as if he had 20 years of service, ex- cept that the additional service credit up to 20 years which may accrue under this provision shall in no case exceed the difference between his age at the time of retirement and the mandatory retirement age applicable to his class in the Service (age 65 for career ministers and career ambassadors, age 60 for all other participants). For example, a Foreign Service officer of class 1 or below with 10 years of creditable service who is retiring on disability at age 55 would have his annuity computed on 15 years of service. If the retiring participant is disabled and has 20 or more years of creditable service, his annuity is 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 computed on the basis of actual years of service up to 35 years. 96. When is a retiring participant's basic annuity increased? The annuity is increased if the retiring participant has made voluntary con- tributions and at time of retirement elects to purchase additional annuity. (See table on page 7 illustrating amounts of additional annuity that may be purchased.) X. Reemployment of Foreign Service Annuitants 97. May an annuitant be em- ployed outside the Federal Government? Yes. 98. Would employment outside the Federal Government have any effect on annuity payments? No. However, the ability of an annuitant who is retired for disability to accept outside employment might have a bearing on the outcome of the annual physical examination required by the law to determine recovery. 99. May an annuitant be reem- ployed in the Federal Govern- ment? Yes. He may be reemployed in any position for which he is qualified. 100. What effect would reemploy- ment in the Federal Govern- ment have on annuity pay- ments? A reemployed annuitant may receive the salary of the position to which he is appointed plus so much of his annuity, which when combined with such salary does not exceed during any calendar year the basic salary such person was entitled to receive in the Foreign Service on the date of his retirement. Annuity payments in some cases will be reduced, but such reduction will not reduce the salary of the annuitant. 16 101. Does reemployment in the Federal Government affect an annuitant's annuity when he subsequently retires? It does not affect his annuity under the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability System. If during his re- employment he is covered by another Federal retirement system, he will make contributions to that system during the period of his reemployment and it is also possible to qualify for benefits under another system. (Re- employment in the Federal Govern- ment in this sense should not be con- fused with "recall, reinstatement or reappointment" to the Foreign Service.) 102. What happens to the annuity of an annuitant who is recalled as a Foreign Service officer? The annuity of an officer who is re- called is terminated the day preceding recall, and computed anew when he subsequently separates from the Service. 103. Would a recalled annuitant have the right of a new elec- tion regarding survivorship benefits when he retires again? Yes. 104. Should a Foreign Service an- nuitant notify the Department Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 of State if he is reemployed in the Federal Government? He should tell the agency in which hc is reemployed that he is a Foreign Service annuitant. That agency must then notify the Department of State of the annuitant's reemployment. The Department of State will adjust his annuity payments accordingly. XI. Death Benefits 105. What kind of death benefits are payable when a participant dies in Service? There are two kinds: 1. A survivor annuity benefit which begins on the date following death of the participant, and is payable in monthly installments. 2. A lump-sum benefit which is paid only once. 106. To whom is a survivor an- nuity payable? Under certain conditions a survivor annuity may be payable to the widow or widower) and dependent children of the deceased participant or deceased annuitant. It may also be payable to a person who was named by a par- ticipant at the time of retirement as a " designated beneficiary." 107. What conditions must the deceased participant have met to permit payment of a sur- vivor annuity? He (or she) must have completed at least 5 years of civilian service and must have been a participant in the System at the time of death. 108. What conditions must the widow of a participant who dies in Service meet to be eligible for a survivor annuity? She must have been married to such participant for at least 2 years im- mediately preceding his death or, if married less than 2 years, be the mother of his child born of the marriage. 109. What conditions must a de- pendent widower of a par- ticipant who dies in Service meet to be eligible for a survivor annuity? He must have been married to such participant for at least 2 years im- mediately preceding her death or be the father of her child born of the marriage. In addition, he must be incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability and must have received more than one- half of his support from the deceased participant. 110. How is the survivor annuity computed upon the death in Service of a participant? If the participant at time of his or her death had less than 20 years of creditable service, the participant's annuity is computed the same as in disability retirement cases. (See ques- tion 95.) If the participant had 20 or more years of service, the annuity is computed as in voluntary retire- ment cases. (See question 93.) In either case the survivor annuity is one-half of the participant's annuity. 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A00060001nn7n_i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 111. What conditions must the child of a participant who dies in Service meet to be eligible for a survivor annuity? The child must be unmarried and under age 18 (a child who is over 18 may be eligible if he or she is in- capable of self-support because of physical or mental disability which began before age 18). There are two basic provisions for survivor children: (1) if a participant dies and is survived by a wife or a husband and a child or children, each child is entitled to an annuity equal to the smallest of (a) 40 percent of the participant's "high-5" average salary divided by the number of children; (b) $600; or (c) $1,800 divided by the number of children; or (2) if a participant dies in Service and is not survived by a wife or husband but by a child or children, each surviving child will be paid an annuity equal to the smallest of: (a) 50 percent of the participant's " high-5" average salary divided by the number of children; (b) $720; or (c) $2,160 divided by the number of children. 112. Is an adopted child eligible for a survivor annuity? Any legally adopted child is eligible if he meets the conditions stated in question 111. 113. May a stepchild be eligible for survivor annuity? Yes. A stepchild must meet the con- ditions stated in question 111. In addition the child must have received more than one-half support from the deceased participant. 114. May an illegitimate child be eligible for a survivor annuity? Yes. Such a recognized child would 18 be eligible under the same conditions as a stepchild. (See question 113.) 115. Is a child survivor annuity payable in addition to the widow's (or dependent widower's) annuity? Yes. For example, if a participant who died in Service is survived by a widow and 3 children all of whom are eligible to receive survivor annuities, annuity benefits would be paid to all 4 survivors. 116. If a widow (or widower) annuitant dies, will the chil- dren's annuity be increased? Yes. If the children are still drawing annuity, their payments will be in- creased as though the participant had not been survived by a widow (or widower). 117. If the annuity of one child stops for any reason, will the annuity of any remaining children be increased? When the annuity of any one child stops, the other children's annuities are recomputed as though the one child had never been eligible. In some cases this will increase the an- nuities to the other eligible children. 118. When a child's annuity stops, is the widow's (or widower's) annuity affected? No. 119. When does the survivor an- nuity of a widow (or wid- ower) begin? Such annuity begins on the day fol- lowing the date of the death of participant or annuitant, nimrlaccifiPci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 120. How long will the widow (or widower) continue to receive the survivor annuity? The widow will receive her annuity for life. A widower's annuity con- tinues for life or, in the case of a dependent widower survivor of a participant, until he becomes capable of self-support. 121. When does the survivor an- nuity of a dependent child begin and when is it termi- nated? The annuity begins on the first day of the next month after the participant or annuitant dies and it is terminated when the child dies, marries, or attains the age of 18 years, except that if a child is incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability the annuity is terminated only when such child dies, marries, or recovers from such disability. 122. Is there any survivor annuity benefit for a spouse who marries a participant after he or she retires? No. There is no provision for a surviving wife (or a surviving hus- band) who is not married to a participant at the time of his or her retirement. However, a child who became a dependent of the annuitant subsequent to his or her retirement would be entitled to a survivor annuity upon the death of the an- nuitant, if such child qualified for an annuity on the basis of age or de- pendency status. 123. Under what conditions would a lump-sum payment be pay- able immediately after the death of a participant or an annuitant? A lump-sum benefit is payable im- mediately if the deceased participant had less than 5 years of civilian service, or had completed 5 years but leaves no widow (or dependent widower) or children who are eligible for survivor annuity. If an annuitant who did not elect a survivor benefit dies, leaving no children eligible for bene- fits, before he has received in annuity payments the amount of compulsory contributions in the Fund, the remain- der is payable in a lump sum. 124. May a lump-sum benefit be paid if the participant leaves a widow (or dependent wid- ower) or children who are eligible for survivor annuity? No lump-sum benefit may be paid while the widow (or dependent wid- ower) or children are eligible for a survivor annuity unless there are voluntary contributions in the de- ceased participant's account. If when the annuities of all the survivors have ended they have received in annuities an amount which totals less than the participant's compulsory contribu- tions to the Fund, plus any accrued interest, the difference is payable as a lump-sum benefit. 125. Who may receive the lump- sum payment? In the absence of a designated bene- ficiary, if a valid claim to lump-sum payment is established, it would be paid in the following order: (1) to the surviving wife or husband of such participant; (2) if none of the above, to the child or children of such participant and descendants of de- ceased children by representation; (3) if none of the above, to the parents of such participant or the survivor of 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A00060001nn9n_1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 them; (4) if none of the above, to the duly appointed executor or adminis- trator of the estate of such participant; (5) if none of the above, to other next of kin of such participant as may be determined by the Secretary in his judgment to be entitled thereto. 126. Of what does the lump-sum payment consist? The amount paid into the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund plus any accrued interest. If a deceased participant's account in- cludes voluntary contributions, that part is payable as a lump sum im- mediately, even though survivor an- nuities are also payable. Compulsory contributions after annuities have ceased are payable in lump sum as described in question 124. 127. What should the participant do if the order of payment indicated in question 125 will not carry out his wishes? He should designate a beneficiary to receive compulsory contributions by completing FS- 560, Designation of Bene- ficiary, in duplicate and forwarding it to the Office of Personnel, Department of State. FS-374, Election of Voluntary Deposits and Designation of Beneficiary, is appropriate if the participant is designating a beneficiary to receive voluntary contributions. XII. Refunds 128. What is meant by "refund"? A refund is the return to a former participant of money to his credit in the retirement Fund. 129. Under what conditions is a re- fund payable? It is payable in the following cir- cumstances: 1. When a participant is separated voluntarily or involuntarily from the Service and is ineligible for a deferred annuity at age 60 because he has had less than 5 years' civilian service. 2. When a participant is separated from the Service and is entitled to a deferred annuity at age 60, but before reaching that age elects to have the refund in lieu of an annuity. 3. When a Foreign Service officer of class 4, 5, 6, or 7 is separated by selection-out and elects a refund in lieu of an annuity at age 60. 20 4. When a participant transfers to employment in which he is sub- ject to another Federal civilian retirement system. 5. When a participant elects, either at time of retirement or separation for reasons other than retirement, to receive his voluntary contribu- tions in the form of a lump sum. 130. How is application for refund made? Application must be filed on form FS-316, Application for Refund, and filed directly with the Department of State. 131. If a participant who is eligible for deferred annuity elects to receive a refund at the time of his separation from the Serv- ice, may he later redeposit the refund and receive an annuity at age 60? No. Payment of refund cancels the right to a deferred annuity. If, how- nprlacRified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 ever, the participant is later reem- ployed in the Foreign Service under conditions in which he would again be a participant, he must replace his withdrawn contributions into the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability Fund in order to receive service credit for the period covered by the refund. 132. Of what does a refund consist? It consists of the deductions taken from the participant's salary, any special contributions made by him to purchase prior service credit, and any interest accrued on such sums. It may also include voluntary contribu- tions. 133. May the contributions made by the Department to the re- tirement Fund be refunded? No. The Department's contributions are to the Fund in general and are not credited to any individual employee. 134. What rates of interest are paid on contributions to the re- tirement Fund? Interest on compulsory contributions to the Fund is paid on the basis of 4 percent per annum whereas interest on voluntary contributions is 3 per- cent per annum, compounded annually at the end of each fiscal year through June 30, 1960; semiannually as of December 31, 1960; annually there- after as of December 31, and propor- tionately for the period served? during the year of separation including all contributions made during or for such period. 135. Does interest continue to ac- crue on contributions to the Fund after the participant has separated? No. 136. May a participant who is pro- hibited from receiving an annuity because one has been denied him under the provi- sions of P.L. 769, 83d Con- gress, as amended (because he has committed a certain offense) be paid a refund? Yes. XIII. Miscellaneous 137. How are benefits paid? The Department of State authorizes the payment of all benefits (annuity, refund, and lump-sum payments); the checks are issued by the Treasury Department. 138. May annuity checks be ne- gotiated under power of attorney? Yes, if the power of attorney is given to a reputable bank or trust company. 21 Banks usually have the necessary forms and are familiar with the in- structions which are issued by the Treasury Department about power of attorney. 139. Can annuity, refund, or lump- sum payments be attached in order to settle a judgment or other indebtedness? Such payments are not subject to attachment, levy, garnishment, or other legal processes. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 140. Does this bar apply to in- debtedness to the United States? No. This is one exception to the rule. Amounts payable to a par- ticipant in an annuity or refund or as lump-sum payments may be used to settle a claim which the Government may have against the individual. 141. May a participant voluntarily assign his retirement deduc- tions as security for a loan or other purposes? No. 142. May a participant borrow from the retirement Fund? No. 143. Are annuity payments subject to Federal income tax? Yes, under rules prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Department. One exception to this rule is that annuities paid on the basis of retirement for disability are not subject to Federal income tax. 144. May an annuitant engage in politics? Yes. An annuitant is not an employee and is therefore not governed by the political-activity restrictions which apply to Federal employees. 145. If an annuitant serves on a jury, will his annuity be affected? No. 146. May an individual receive a Foreign Service annuity and annuity from some other Fed- eral retirement system at the same time? Yes, if he has qualified for benefits under more than one system. 22 147. Under what conditions can a participant eligible for an immediate annuity be denied such annuity? P.L. 769, 83d Congress, as amended, prohibits payment of annuity to persons who have committed specific offenses or acts, or who remain outside the United States to avoid prosecution. A person who is barred by this law cannot receive an annuity. 148. Are the survivors of a par- ticipant disqualified from re- ceiving an annuity if the participant himself was barred by the general requirements of P.L. 769, 83d Congress, as amended, which prohibits the payment of annuity to persons who have committed certain specific offenses or acts? Yes. 149. Under what other conditions can a participant who is eligible to receive a deferred annuity be denied such an- nuity? He may be denied such annuity if he is separated from the Service for cause and if the Secretary determines that separation was based in whole or in part on the ground of disloyalty to the United States. 150. May a participant receive an annuity and Social Security benefits at the same time? Yes, if he has qualified for both benefits. 151. Does the information in this pamphlet apply to all retire- ment benefits? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 No. It applies, in general, to present participants and to those whose separations occurred on or after October 16, 1960. The rights of persons separated before that date are usually determined by the laws which were in force at the time of separation. If such persons need information about their rights under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, they should make inquiry of the Department of State. 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 APPENDIX Reduction for Survivor Annuity to Person Named as a Designated Beneficiary An unmarried participant who names a person as o designated beneficiary to receive a survivor annuity will have his annuity reduced. The amount of the reduction depends upon the difference in ages of the participant and the person named, as shown in the following table: Age of person named in relation to that of retiring participant Reduction in annuity of retiring participant Percent Older, same age, or less than 5 years younger 10 5 but less than 10 years younger 15 10 but less than 15 years younger 20 15 but less than 20 years younger 25 20 but less than 25 years younger 30 25 but less than 30 years younger 35 30 or more years younger 40 24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Numbers following items INDEX refer to the questions involved unless otherwise Indicated Age retirement: after recall to duty, 88, 101-103 beginning date of annuity, 57 career ministers and ambassadors, 53 chiefs of mission, 56 conditions for eligibility, 52-56, 69--70 Foreign Service staff personnel, 54, 69 mandatory, 53-56, 70 voluntary, 69 Annuity: and military retired pay, 30-32 and selection-out, 71-74 basic, 93-94, 96 beginning date of, 57, 73, 78-79, 85, 119, 121 children's. See Children's annuity computation of, See Computation of annuity designated beneficiary's annuity, 84-87, 94 disability annuity, 95 effect of reemployment on, 98-104 election of type of, 48, 67, 71, 72, 78, 80-81, 83-84, 87-88, 94, 103 how paid, 137 increases in, 10, 45-46, 95-96 life, 46-47, 76 maximum service credited, 22, 91 minimum service requirement for, 52, 69, 71, 72, 91 offenses barring payment of, 72, 136, 147-149 recomputation of, 102, 116-117 redeposit, effect on title to, 131 reduced, 77, 81, 84, 86, 87, 94, 100. See also page 24 repayment of cost on reemployment, 68 suspension of, 66 tax on, 143 termination of, 65-68, 79, 85, 88, 102, 120-121 types of, 75-88 widow's or widower's. See Widow's (or widower's) annuity Application: for designating beneficiary, 127 for refund, 130 forms, 127, 130 to make voluntary contributions, 127 Assignment of retirement funds, 141 Attachment of retirement funds, 139, 140 Automatic separation, 53-56, 70-71 Basic salary, pay or compensation. See Salary Beneficiary, designation of, 47, 84, 125, 127. (See also Designated beneficiary's annuity) Break in service, 11-13, 15, 92 Career ministers (and or) career ambassadors: age retirement for, 53 Charge pay, 7 Chiefs of mission: age retirement, 53 exemption from mandatory age retirement, 56 high-5 year average salary, computation of, 92 involuntary retirement of, 70 participation in system, 11 Children's annuity: beginning date of, 121 computation of, 110-111, 116 conditions for eligibility, 76, 107, 111-114, 122 payment of, 115, 121 recomputation of, 116-117 termination of, 117, 121 Computation of annuity: children's annuity, 110-111, 116-117 deposit, effect of, 90, 96 designated beneficiary's, 86, 94 disability annuity, 59, 95 general formula, 89, 93-94 "high-5" average salary, 92-94 maximum rate, 93-94 order of reductions in basic annuity, 94 recalled Foreign Service officer, 102 recomputation of, 102, 116-118 reduced annuity, benefit to designated bene- ficiary, 86, 94. See also page 24 reduced annuity, benefit to widow or widower, 80-81, 94 service computation, 90-92 voluntary contributions, 45-48, 96 widow's (or widower's), 80-81, 94, 110 Continuity of service, 11-13, 15, 92 25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Contributions by employing agency, 4, 9, 133 Coverage of retirement system. See Membership in retirement system Credit for service. See Service credit Death benefits: kinds of, 105 lump-sum. See Lump-sum death payments offenses barring receipt of, 74, 148 payment of, 106, 125-127, 137 survivor annuity. See Children's annuity, Designated beneficiary, and Widow's (or widower's) annuity Deductions, retirement: beginning date, 17 not withheld, deposit of. See Deposit to cover past service rate of, 6, 8 refund of. See Refund Deferred retirement: beginning date, 72-73 chiefs of mission, 56 conditions for eligibility, 52, 54-56, 67, 71, 72-74 death of separated participant before annuity, 74 widow's (or widower's) annuity, election of, 83 Deposit to cover past service: advantage or disadvantage of, 16, 22 after retirement, 23 amount of, 21, 24 by reemployed annuitant, 131 computation of, 21 credit without, 16, 29, 33, 95 free service, 17, 90 how made, 20, 21, 23-25 installment payments, 25 leave without pay, 11, 33 military service, 29, 33 other retirement systems, 26 prior to separation, 23 service prior to July 1, 1924, 17 through payroll deductions, 25 Designated beneficiary's annuity: application forms for, 127 beginning date of, 85 computation of, 86, 94 election by retiring employee, 47, 84 reduction of retiring participant's 87 and page 24 termination of, 85 Disability retirement: beginning date of annuity, 57 computation of annuity, 59, 95 Disability retirement-Continued conditions for eligibility, 58-67 disability of short duration, 61, 63 extra service credit given, 95 guaranteed minimum annuity, 59 intemperance, misconduct, etc., 58 medical examinations, 60-63, 66 minimum service requirements, 52 permanent disability, 61 recovery from disability, 63-68, 98 reemployment, 63-65, 67-68, 98 restoration to earning capacity, 63-68 tax on, 143 termination of annuity, 65-68 total disability, 53, 60 Discontinued-service retirement. See Deferred retirement District of Columbia Government, 14 Exclusions from membership, 11-13 Foreign Service officers: membership, 11 recall to duty, 88, 101-103 reinstatement of, 64, 88 selection-out. See Selection-out Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, 3-10 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, 1-2 Foreign Service staff personnel: age retirement, 54, 69 beginning date of participation, 69 conditions for eligibility, 11-12 Forms, application, 127, 130 Full annuity. See Life annuity Furlough, military, 13, 33, 35-36, 42 Government appropriation, 4, 9 Government claim, 140 Income tax, 143 Information: employees separated before October 16, 1960, 151 securing of additional, 151 Interest: on deposits, 21, 24, 134-135 annuity, on investments, 4, 5 on lump-sum death payments, 124, 126 on refunds, 132, 134-135 on voluntary contributions, 39, 40, 45, 134 Investments, 4, 5 Involuntary retirement, 52-56, 70-74 26 nni-laecifiinr1 in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release 2012/06/15 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Jury duty, annuitant, 145 Leave: for military service, 13, 33, 35-36, 42 without pay, 11, 42 Legislation authorizing, 1-2 Life annuity: definition, 76 effect of voluntary contributions, 46-47 Loans from retirement fund, 142 Lump-sum death payment: amount of, 123-124, 126 application for, 127 delayed, 124 how paid, 137 immediate, 123, 126 to whom paid, 106, 124-125 upon death of annuitant, 46-48, 123-126 upon death of former employee, 40, 74, 123 voluntary contributions, 40, 46-47, 126 Mandatory retirement for age, 53-56, 70 Medical examination, 60-63, 66, 84 Membership in retirement system: automatic, 11 chiefs of mission, 11 continuity of service, 11-13 Foreign Service officer, 11 Foreign Service staff personnel, 11-12 while in military service, 13 Military service: branches, 27 credit for. See Service credit: military definition of, 27 furlough, 13, 33, 35-36, 42 National Guard, 34 pay not basic salary, 7 voluntary contributions while on, 42-43 women's organizations, 36-37 Offenses barring payment of annuity, 136, 147- 149 Overtime pay, 7 Pay not credited toward basic salary, 7 Payment of benefits, 115, 137 Political activity of annuitant, 144 Power of attorney, 138 Reappointment, 64, 88 Recall, 88, 101-103 Redeposit of refund after separation, 131 Reemployment of annuitant: as Foreign Service officer, 88, 102 effect on annuity payments, 98, 100-102 in Federal service, 99-101 Reemployment of annuitant-Continued maximum salary allowed, 100 new election regarding survivorship benefits, 88, 103 notice of, 104 outside Government service, 97-98 recovery from disability, 63-64, 67-68, 98 reinstatement in class, 64, 88 Refund: agency contributions, 133 amount of, 132 application for, 130 conditions under which payable, 67, 74, 129, 136 definition of, 128 effect on title to annuity, 131 how paid, 137 in lieu of annuity, 67, 74, 129 offense barring payment, 136 transfer to position outside system, 129 under selection-out, 71 voluntary contributions, 39, 43, 49-50, 129, 132 Reinstatement, 64, 88 Removal for cause, 72, 74, 136, 147-149 Retired pay, military: Chapter 67, Title 10, U.S. Code, 31 effect of, 30-32, 35 Title III, Public Law 810, 30, 31 Retirement: eligibility for, 51-74 kinds of, 51 systems, other. See Retirement systems, other Retirement fund: agency contributions to, 4, 9 definition of, 3 Government appropriation, 4, 9 interest on, 134-135 investment of, 4, 5 source of, 4-6, 8-10 Retirement systems, other: coverage of Foreign Service employees, 146, 150 reemployed annuitant under, 101 transfer of contributions from, 26 Rogers Act, 1 27 Salary: basic, 7, 8, 92 deductions from for retirement, 4, 6, 8, 10, 17 "high-5" average, 89, 92-95 not credited toward annuity, 7 received while assigned to Department or other non-Foreign Service position, 7 reernolovt'd annuitant, 100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/15: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010020-1 Selection-out benefits: deferred annuity, 72 lump-sum benefit, 71 refund of contributions in lieu of annuity, 71, 129 retirement benefits, 71 survivor benefits, 74 voluntary retirement in lieu of, 71 Separation: after 5 years, 52, 58, 71, 72 after 10 years, 69 after 20 years, 69 automatic, 53-56, 70-71 by selection-out, 71-72, 74 involuntary, 53-56, 70-74 prior to October 16, 1960, 151 voluntary, 69, 72, 74 voluntary contributions after, 44 Service: break in, 11-13, 15, 92 computation of, 90-92 credit for. See Service credit maximum credited, 22., 91 minimum requirements, 52, 58, 69 Service credit: civilian: before July 1, 1924, 17, 90 creditable service, 14-18, 90-91 deductions not taken, 16-18, 22 deductions refunded, redeposit of, 131 District of Columbia Government, 14 extra credit, 19, 95 free credit, 17, 90 leave without pay, 11 other government retirement systems, 26 special contribution required, 14, 16, 18 without deposit, 16-18 deposit not required, 29 furlough, 13, 33, 35-36, 42 how credited, 28-37, 90-91 National Guard, 34 retired pay, 30-32 Social Security benefits, effect of, 35 women's organizations, 36-37 unhealthful post credit, 11, 19-20 Social Security: benefits and credit for military service, 35 benefits and Foreign Service annuity, 150 coverage of, 14 28 Special contributions to cover past service. See Deposit to cover past service Survivor annuity. See Children's annuity, Designated beneficiary, and Widow's (or widower's) annuity Survivor benefits, 40, 46, 48, 74, 76-88, 103, 105-127 Tax, 143 Termination of annuity, 65-68, 79, 85, 88, 102, 120-121 Transfer to position outside of system, 129 Unhealthful post service credit, 11, 19-20 Voluntary contributions: advantages of making, 10 after separation from service, 44 amount of, 38, 46 based on military pay, 43 beginning date, 42. choice of type of annuity, 46-48 disposition of upon death, 40, 46-48, 126, 127 effect on annuity, 10, 38, 45-48, 96 in other retirement systems not transferable, 26 interest on, 39, 40, 45, 134 limitation, 38 refund of, 10, 26, 39, 43, 49-50 who may make, 38, 41-42, 44 Voluntary retirement: beginning date, 72-73 conditions for eligibility, 52, 69 death of separated participant before annuity, 74 in lieu of selection-out, 71 minimum service requirement, 52, 58-59 Widow's (or widower's) annuity: age, effect on, 82 beginning date of, 79, 119 computation of, 80-81, 94, 110 conditions for eligibility, 83, 107-109, 122 death of widow (or widower), effect on child's annuity, 116 election by retiring employee, 77-78, 80-81, 83 length of marriage, effect on, 83 remarriage, effect of, 79 termination of, 79, 120 termination of child's annuity, effect on, 118 voluntary contributions, 46, 48 113. 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