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$~e>. mow `- 150X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R?E-T NO FO RIGN DISSEM SUBJECT English Translation of a Manual on a Soviet DATE DISTR. Airborne Transmitter Entitled Description of the Medium-Wave Unit "SVB-5' NO. PAGES 1 1. A copy of an English translation of a Russian-language manual entitled 50X1-HUM Description of the Medium-Wave Unit "SVB-9" Army: .' Army/FSTC: ,,Navy: , .-Navy/STIC : 'Air: ?Air F'TD s `SAC; "ORR: ,03p1e. OO/FDD : 2 copies 2 copies 2 copies 1 copy 4 'copies 6 -copies' 2 copies It copies b copies 2 copies 2 copies 1 copy 1 copy (Note: Field distribution indicated by iNfORM''ATION REPORT- IN I FORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 .Distribttion of Attachments (For Retention Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 50X1-HUM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 r_nv', iii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem DESCRIPTION OF MEDIUM-WAVE UNIT SVB-5 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem drive . . . . . . . . . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 12. Antenna winch control mechanism . . . . . . . . . 0 0.0 . .31. 13. Antenna winch control panel . .. 36 l1. Connection diagram of. components;'; 73 15. Schematic diagram .. o . a e ' o. 0 0 0. e o o 0 0 78 78 Secret/No-Foreign Dissem. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. General view of the transmitting equipment of the medium-wave 50X1-HUM unit, operating as an independent transmitter , . 2. General view, of the .SVB-5 medium-wave unit of the R-805 radio 1t. Medium-wave unit with casing removed, top view . . . . . . . 0. 5. Medium-wave unit with mounting and bottom removed, bottom view set '. `. i .. . . 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . 3. General view of the medium-wave unit with mounting.:. . . . 10 11 6. Diagram of output stage of,SVB-5 medium-wave unit . 16 7. Fixed and trailing antenna element,(general view) . . . . . 26 8. Fixed and trailing antenna element, rear view . . . . . 27 9. Switch panel for fixed and trailing-antenna (top view . . . . 29 10. Switch panel for fixed and trailing antenna (bottom view) . . `' 30 11. General view of the. fairlead- >. and antenna winch with motor Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 ouA'i -HUIVY Secret/No Foreign Dissem. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 1. General Information on Medium Wave Unit Chapter II. Circuit of Medium-Wave Unit SVB-5 1. Medium Wave Unit SVB-5 6 Master Oscillator 12 B. Intermediate Stage 14 C. Output Stage 15. D.:. Auxiliary Circuits of the Medium-Wave Unit 22 Element for Fixed and Trailing Antenna 21. E. Switch Panel for Fixed and Trailing Antennas 28 Automatic Antenna Winch With Motor Drive 32 A. General Description 32 B. Motor Drive 32. C. -Principle of Operation of the Antenna Winch Control Mechanism 33 D. Electrical Circuit of the Antenna Winch Control 31L E. Release of the Antenna 37 F. Retraction of the Antenna 38 Chapter III. Design of the Transmitting Equipment 39 A. Medium-Wave Unit 39 2. Element for Fixed and Trailing Antenna 42 Switch Panel for Fixed and Trailing Antennas 42 Possible Malfunctions and Methods for Correcting Them 1314 Specifications '50 Secret/No Foreign'Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 50X1-HUM Secret/No Foreign Dissem ATTENTION! Since October 1957, the monitoring. circuit of the radio set has.been changed whereby the audio signal from the detector (JI-101) is fed directly to the audio frequency amplifier (1i-305), by-passing the mixer(JI-301) through an additional capacitor C-333 of 1,000 pf. -Capacitor 9-333 is connected between terminal fl4U and the control grid ofJI-305 in the antenna element. Resistor R-317 is eliminated. The capacitance of C-329 was changed from 510 to 1,000 pf.. In this connection a note is.introduced on the.-schematic diagram in the specifications. Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 w Secret/No Foreign Dissem' Chapter I. General Information on the Medium-Wave Unit SVB-5 The medium-wave unit SVB-5, as with the type 805 radio set, is an aircraft-type transmitting set designed for (Notes the remaining portion of; this page was covered by a sheet containing the'following information.) NOTE During joint operation of the medium-wave unit with the radio transmitters R-805 and R-806, the following changes are made in the medium-wave unit,, Paragraph Numb_.... EKe. Line Reads Should Read 1 67 3rd from KSO-2-500-A-II. KS0-5-500-A-1000-II bottom 68 2nd from -- Moulded mica top capacitor C-333 KS0-5-500-A-1000-II Conversion from rectifier of. the indicator to the grid of the let stage of the of amplifier 70 4th from Resistor R-317 Eliminate top carbon, MLT- 0.5-O.47-II-A Main Characteristics of the Medium Wave Unit 1. The.medium-wave unit has.a smooth wave range from'600 to 857 meters (350-500 'kc) which"is covered by one band,- Secret/No Foreign Dissem (SPOT .6] - 1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Pnc. I. O6iniiit niia nepezaintttero %.CT 4 i cma rpe ietti ino Toro (S.ioi a? pa6oTaiotitero n t;:ittecTrc caMMOCTacze.ThtfOrn nepe, .aMn a. ;Fig. 1. General view of the transmitting equipment of the medium-wave unit, operating as an independent transmitter. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 ~Mdma -1 Fig. 2. Puc. 2. 06tiwttf nft~ cpeautenOilt1ot8oro 6,i0n CBb? i r. K, tii.~erc e c paAtiocraf+etHeft P-805. General view of the SVB-5 medium-wave unit of the R-805 radio set. Li O H 47 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dism appropriate frequency. 2. The quartz calibrator makes it possible to control the frequency of the medium-wave unit SVB-5 within 10 kc. During this in kc. / Every 10 kc, above a lengthened calibration line, is shown the The scale for setting the frequency of the unit is calibrated . time, the switch of the quartz calibrator is in the "10" position.. 3. The output stage of the medium-wave unit is designed for operation over a trailing antenna of steel cord with a length up to 75 meters, regardless of.the type of aircraft. In addition,. the output stage provides for operation over a rigid L-type and an. inclined beam-type antenna with a length of 12-15 meters. 4. The output provided to the trailing antenna by the trans- mitter varies depending on the resistance and reactance of the an- tenna, and amounts to approximately 59-80 watts in the telegraph mode and 10-20 watts in the voice mode. Besides, the transmitter can operate by telegraph and voice at lowered (25 percent) output. 5. The medium-wave unit is efficient at flying altitudes to 8,500 meters for operation at full output, and up to 1+,000 meters for operation at reduced (25%) output over the trailing antenna; and for an altitude up to 5,000 meters at full output and 9,500 meters at reduced output over the fixed antenna. 6. Used as the power supply is an aircraft circuit. with a rating of 27 volts. The maximum power consumed by the medium-wave. unit, in the telegraph mode at full capacity, is no more than 800 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem 50X1-HUM, The medium-wave unit is efficient for changes in the voltage of the aircraft circuit of ? 10%, i. e., at 24.3 and 29.7 volts. 7. The medium-wave unit is efficient fgr changes in ambient temperature from . 50 deg C to -60 deg C. 8. The medium-wave unit of the radio set permits continuous, operation for a period of 30 minutes after initial switch-on, and extended operation (to 10 hours) based on a cycle of 5 minute opera tion and 10 minute break. 9. All control of the radio set during flight -- conversion [SPN 7] from reception to transmission, from voice to telegraph, from full power to reduced power, and the switching of three waves remotely is performed from the control panel using three toggle switches and one gang switch located on it. Structurally, the control panel is together with the telegraph key. For convenience in monitoring the operation, the transmitter of. the radio set has control of its voice and telegraph operation based on radio frequency, regardless of the receiver tuning. 10. The following types of tubes are used in the medium-wave. unit SVB-5: two r-411 and one I'K -71. A type ZIPII-4 germanium diode is used as a radio frequency rectifier in the tuning indicator circuit. 11. The overall dimensions of all of the components of the radio set are given on the general diagram showing the connection of the radio set components - Diagram No 1. ..12. The "SVB-5" switching circuit of the radio set, in combi- nation with the "R-805," allows cutting in a maximum of three radio -5 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dis~em frequency units and, thus, provides for the selection in flight of any of j3 frequencies remotely. Chapter II. Circuit of Medium-wave Unit SVB-5 Nomenclature On the schematic diagram (Diagram No 2) is given the nomencla- ture for separate parts and components, such that they can be easily located on a diagram. According to this system, the letter of the code indicates the part (capacitor, resistor, tube, etc.). The first digit of the code indicates the. radio set component contain-. ing the given part. The last two digits indicate the order of the given part in the component. Name of Part B -'fuse insert (fuse); r - detachable contacts, terminals; A - motor-generator set, dynamo-motor; B - measuring instrument; 1I - tube; fl - switch; 3 - relay; L - inductance coil; C - capacitor; R - resistor; X - quartz crystal; -6- Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 cnxl _Ni inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Fore mn niao m - rectifier; T - thermocouple. Component Number 1 - SVB-5 unit; 2 - power unit; 3 - antenna unit; 4 - control panel; 5 - element for fixed-trailing antenna. Nomenclature Examples JI 101 -.first tube in the unit; JI 102 - second tube in the unit; R 101 - first resistor in the unit; R. 102 - second resistor in the unit; JI 201 - first tube in the power unit; A 201 - first resistor in the power unit; 3 301 - first relay in the antenna unit; 11 401 - first switch on the control panel. The general schematic diagram of the medium-wave unit is'shown in Diagram No 2. A general view of the parts of "SVB-5" is given in Figure 1 and on the diagram for connecting up the components of the radio set, Diagram No 1. Structure of the System As seen from the schematic diagram, the transmitting, part con- sists of six basic units; Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem 1. Three-stage SVB-5 medium-wave unit. '2. Power unit, including: a) 1"PK-3005"' motor-generator set with a stepping starter system;(SPN.9) b) Two-stage amplifier for amplifying audio frequencies fed in by throat microphone; v) Audio frequency oscillator with rectifier for negative .bias and monitoring of its operation. 3. Antenna element with quartz calibrator. #. Fixed - trailing antenna element for switching to fixed or trailing antenna. 5. Main control panel. 6. Switch panel for fixed and trailing antennas. Below is given a detailed description of the system and opera- tion of the units concerned only with the medium-wave unit and their switching. 1. Medium-Wave Unit SVB-5 The medium-wave unit differs little in external appearance from the external appearance of the short-wave units of radio set. A -8o5. The medium-wave unit is a self-contained 3-stage radio fre- quency oscillator. The first stage is a self-excited oscillator (master oscillator). The second stage is the intermediate stage, which operates.in a direct amplification mode. The third stage is the output stage (power amplifier). _8- Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnxl-Ni inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM 10 -_ Pic. N? 3. O6IiU11A rlnii cflen11c13onnonoro 6AOKa c noActaexof SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEMM '9- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 5J;CK1 T/NU FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM Puc. NQ 4. Cpe)wenwu+ontf 6.ioh co cuistrum 4yT. HpOM, BHA cBep;1y, Fig. 4. Medium-wave unit with casing removed, top view. SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM _10- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM PF+c. JNN' 5. CpeAuienontnoBWf! 6iIOK co CHSlTO l nollcTaugOI Fig Medium-wave unit with mounting and bottom removed, bottom view. SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Below is given a description of the stages?of the medium-wave . unit. Master Oscillator. The master oscillator operates with a'" r 411" type tube (A -101), which is a pentode beam power tube. The oscillator consists of an oscillatory network in the control (SPN 13] grid circuit and a feedback coil in the plate circuit. The oscillatory network consists of an L-101 self-inductance .coil with a'carbonyl iron core for adjustment of the inductance, two parallel connected variable air capacitors C-101 and C-102 serving to cover the frequency range of the exciter, trimmer capaci- tors C-103, C-10n, and C-105 for adjusting the initial capacitance of the variable capacitors and correcting the frequency of the exciter during a tube change, and a ceramic capacitor C-106 serving to accommodate the frequency range on the scale of the master oscillator. The L-102 feedback coil is wound on the same frame as the cir- cuit coil. To prevent the possibility of spurious oscillations arising, the coupling coil is made, of a. conductor with a high resistance (constantan). A distinguishing characteristic of the system is the use of a very weak grid coupling and a plate circuit with a network, which ensures high stability of the frequency generated by the master .oscillator. . Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 .: .. Secret/No Forei r In order to obtain a weak coupling, a radio frequency voltage is fed to the grid of the tube, not from the whole circuit, but from part of the' turns of the circuit coil. Oscillations are sent to the control grid of the tube through the C-109 capacitor. The necessary negative bias on the grid of the tube is produced by the grid currents flowing through the R-104 resistor, bypassed ,by the 'C-103 capacitor. The plate power supply of the master. oscillator is drawn from a f 350-volt source through an R-101 dropping resistor. ? The screen grid of the tube is fed from a potentiometer consist- ing of resistors R-102 and R-103 connected between a t 350-volt source and the frame. The screen grid is blocked from radio frequency by the C -107 capacitor. Either a positive (i. 27) or a negative (-300) ,'voltage is fed through the P -105 resistor, blocked by the C -110 capacitor, to-the suppressor grid of the tube of the master oscillator -- which accom- plishes telegraph manipulation. In the "key down" mode as well as in the voice mode of operation [SPN 14] the suppressor grid supply of the master oscillator is from a $ 27- .volt source. . In the "key up" mode a negative bias of -300 volts is supplied to the suppressor grid, the plate current of the tube is sharply reduced, the. tube cuts off, and the generation of oscillations ceases. - 13 - Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnxi-i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem B. Intermediate Stage Radio frequency oscillations are supplied from the master oscil- lator circuit through the C -111 decoupling capacitor, bypassed by the R ?106 resistor, to the control grid of the A -102 tube.of the.. intermediate stage, identical with the tube of the master oscillator ( r-x+11). As seen from Diagram No 2., the intermediate stage operates with an aperiodic load at the plate on the L-104 choke coil. The necessary bias in the control grid of the tube in the inter- mediate stage is obtained by the grid current flowing through the B. -106 resistor and the current flowing through the R -116 resistor. The R -116 resistor serves,also to remove any interaction between the intermediate stage and the master oscillator. The power supply for the plate of, the intermediate stage comes from a** 350-volt source through the R -119 dropping resistor. The screen grid of the tube of the intermediate stage, blocked from radio frequency by the C -112 capacitor, is supplied from a 350-volt source through the R -107 dropping resistor. As with the master oscillator, either. a positive (a 27) or a negative (-300) voltage is supplied to the suppressor grid of the tube of the intermediate stage, blocked from radio frequency by the C -113 capacitor, for accomplishing telegraph manipulation. 0 Resistor R -109 is connected to the cathodes of tubes JI -101 and JI-102 of the SVB-5 unit, serving to terminate the oscillations of the master oscillator and the intermediate stage of this unit iri -1.tt- Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnxi-i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 . Secret/No Forei the event that. it is not connected with the general control panel. cathodes, and the negative terminal -.s connected to the frame'of the terminal of which is at the end of the resistor' connected to they, stage cause a potential drop across the PL-109 resistor, the positive The plate currents of the master oscillator and the intermediate Since the leakage resistors of the control grids of the tubes [SPN 151 in the master oscillator and the intermediate stage are connected to the frame of the unit, a potential drop across the R-109 resistor causes a negative bias in the control grids of both tubes which is sufficient to terminate the oscillations of the master oscillator and the intermediate stage. When the unit is put into operation from the general control panel, the R-109 resistor is cut in by the contacts of the 3-101 relay, and the master oscillator with the intermediate stage begins to operate normally. collector through the L-107 high frequency choke coil, blocked by the C.-120 capacitor. C. Output Stage (power amplifier) Radio frequency oscillations are fed from the plate of the intermediate stage through the C -116 decoupling capacitor to the control grid of the JI -103 tube of the output stage. The rK -71 tube serves as a high capacity transmitting pentode. The output stage operates asa simple output network. The plate circuit of the output stage is fed from the 1000-volt m15- Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnxi-i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 0i Secret/No Foreign Dissem F- -Secret/No Foreign Dlssenj L .-16- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80TOO246AO68400310001-8 cnxi-i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem part of the parameters of the airborne antenna (fixed and trailing). The degree of coupling of the antenna network with the tube of [SPN 17] contacts of the 3-102 relay. Then switch n-104 is placed in the " B" position, cutting in the ?L-109 loading coil. The.variometer parameters for antenna tuning are a direct L-109 inductance coil through the contacts of the 3 -102 relay and 11-104 switch. During operation in the 350 kc to 390 kc range, switch 11-104' must be placed in the first position; in the 390 ke to 450 kc range, in the second position; and in the 450 kc to 500 kc range, in the, third position. When the trailing antenna is in operation, the plate circuit of the output stage is connected directly to the variometer through the put stage, except for the L-108 variometer coil, is connected the placed in the "8 " position. Then to the plate circuit of the out- When the fixed antenna is in operation, toggle switch 11-103i situated on the forward panel of the medium-wave unit, must be the output stage necessary for the optimal mode of operation with the ,trailing antenna is obtained at the middle point of the stator of the variometer for the entire range of the medium-wave unit; for opera- tion with the fixed antenna, the optimal coupling is obtained by vary, ing the L-109 inductance by means of switch 11-104. Voice operation of the medium-wave unit is accomplished by supplying to the suppressor grid of the tube in the output stage an 17 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Di"sem audio frequency voltage taken from the throat microphones and ampli- fied by a special audio frequency modulator. f The suppressor grid is blocked from radio frequencies by the 0 -118 capacitor, which has a high resistance'to audio frequen- .ties. To obtain the desired operating point on the modulating curve a negative bias from a special rectifier in the power unit is supplied to the suppressor grid. This bias is obtained from a potentiometer consisting of resistors FL-220 and R -221. During telegraph operation with full power + 50 volts is sup- plied to the suppressor grid of the tube in the output stage from a potentiometer, which is connected to a $ 350-volt collector. This potentiometer,~consisting of. resistors FL-229 and F I-230, is located in the power unit. The voltage is supplied to the suppressor grid of the tube in the output stage through the L-105 radio frequency choke coil, which presents a low resistance to a direct current and an audio frequency current. This choke coil serves to prevent the passage of radio fre- quency currents through the plate-suppressor grid capacitance of the tube to the power lead. Besides its operation in the voice and telegraph modes at full (100%) output, the output stage of the unit can also operate in these modes with a reduction (25%) in output. Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnxi-i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Reduced output is attained by supplying appropriate negative biases to the suppressor grid. The screen grid of the tube in the output stage, blocked from radio frequencies by the C-117 capacitor, is supplied from a f 350-' volt collector through the PL-110 dropping resistor. The control grid of the tube in the output stage receives the [SPN 18] necessary negative'bias from a combined source: partially from a negative bias obtained from the R -216 resistor in a potentiometer. connected to a 300-volt rectifier in the power unit, and partially from grid currents flowing through the R -216 resistor. The negative bias is supplied to the control grid of the tube through the L-106 radio frequency choke coil, blocked by the C -119 capacitor. Since the "I'K -71" tube of the output stage is a tube with "left". characteristics, its plate current, in the absence of voltage on the grid, is sufficient. This condition is utilized to equalize the load on the 1000-volt collector between pauses and signals during operation in the.tele- graph mode at full (100%) capacity. As described earlier, telegraph manipulation in the SVB-5 unit is accomplished by "blanking" the tubes of the master oscillator and the intermediate stage. Thus, when the key is released (pause), radio frequency oscillations are absent from the control grid of the tube` in the output stage. If the negative bias on the grid of the tube in the output stage were obtained only by the grid currents, then during a pause this - 19 - Secret/No Foreign'Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dish bias would be equal to zero and the plate current of the tube would .attain a magnitude on the order of 250 ma. This would mean that during a pause the power, being dissipated at the plate of the tube, would not be great enough. When a negative bias is supplied to the grid entirely from a constant source, the plate current of the tube during a pause would drop to zero, since the bias required for the tube (-50 volts) cor- responds to the point at which the plate current ceases, and in the "key down" mode (signal) the plate current would attain a maximum.. Thus, the load on the 1000-volt collector would change from zero (pause) to maximum (signal). This would lead to 1000-volt oscillations and would mean that at the beginning of a signal'the voltage on the plate of the tube in the output stage would be noticeably higher than at the end of the signal. In consequence of this, the quality of high-altitude opera- tion would deteriorate. To eliminate this effect, the bias on the control grid of the [SPN 19] tube is in a combined form, whereby the magnitude of the bias fromca constant source is such that in the pause mode the power required by the plate of the tube is only k0%-60% of the power required in the signal mode, and the power allowed to dissipate at the plate of the tube (125 watts) does not increase. The voltage on the filament of the tube in the output stage comes from the control panel only when the SVB-5medium-wave unit is in operation. Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01: CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem can be turned on for tuning from the front panel of the radio fre- By means of a 2-way non-arresting switch (fl-102) the.SVB-5 unit quency unit as well as from the control panel. In addition to turn- As is known, during the detuning of the output stage of a simple circuit all the power supplied will be dissipated at the plate of the tube. This can lead to failure of the tube in the output stage. In order to avoid this, place the switch in the "H " position when starting to tune. For this position of the key, the screen and suppressor grids of,the tube 'in the output stage are supplied from a- 27-volt aircraft circuit. The power supplied to the plate of the tube is reduced sharply and there are no detrimental effects from the detuning of the circuit, ing on the unit, this switch is also used for decreasing the power dissipated at the plate of the tube during tuning. However, the oscillatory power in the circuit will decrease and the current in the antenna will be negligible. Therefore, it becomes difficult to record the tuning of the circuit on the T 5-1 ammeter with the thermocouple connected to the antenna counterpoise networks When tuning is begun, with the switch in the " H" position, it is recorded in the same way as on the M-20 indicator of the R -805 radio set, with the former connected to the circuit of the screen. grid of the JI-301 tube of the antenna unit. In contrast with the R-805 radio set, a ZWII -4 type germanium diode is used as'a rectifier to indicate the tuning in the SVB,-5 medium-wave unit. Secret/No Foreign'Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dissem A detailed description'of the tuning indicator is given in-the instructions for the 8 -805 radio set. After the circuit has been tuned, turn the switch to the right position, causing the screen grid to draw a ,normal voltage from the f 350-volt collector and the suppressor grid to draw ? 27 volts as before. For this position of the switch a final fine adjustment of the circuit of the output stage is made on the basis of the highest read- ing of the T 5-1 instrument. The supply to the plate circuits, screen grids, and suppressor grids, and of negative biases to the control grids of the tubes in the output stages of the various radio frequency units is from the same points, common to all units, since of all the units of the radio set there is only one in which are connected the filaments of the tubes in the output staged The tubes in the output stages of the other units at this time are not connected and therefore require no D. Auxiliary Circuits of the Medium-Wave Unit The auxiliary circuits of the medium-wave unit include the cir- cuits of the filaments of the " r-1+11" tubes, the control device M -61, the starting circuit of the motor-generator set, and the cir- cuits of the unit mounting. The filaments of the parallel connected tubes "JI -1+11" of the master oscillator and the intermediate stage of the unit are fed from the + 27-volt aircraft network through,a dropping resistor $ -108. - 22 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign pi-g-gam The filaments of the output stage, as previously indicated, are fed from the aircraft network and are switched on from the control craft network, regardless of whether the radio set is switched to "receive" or "transmit." Connection of the filaments. of these tubes of the SVB-5 unit is made simultaneously with the connection of the radio set to the air .Thus with the application of filament voltage to one of the tubes [SPN 21] is panel simultaneously with switching on the unit for operation. Since the voltage of the aircraft network is 27 volts while the voltage rating of.the filament of the "PK -71" tube is 20 volts, the excess 7 volts of the medium-wave unit, as with the radio frequency units of the radio sets R -805 and R -806, is quenched across one common resistance for the output tubes of all units. Serving as this resistance are the windings of the triggering relay 3-202 and the receiving-transmitting relay 3 -203, which are located in the power unit, and resistor IL-226. of the output stages the triggering relay operates and the motor- generator set PYK -300.6 starts, feeding the plates and screen grids of the tubes in the radio frequency units. To balance the output stage and control the operating modes of other stages of the radio frequency unit a monitoring device with shunts is installed on the front panel of each unit. With monitoring device H -101 the following currents can be checked: 1. Plate of the master oscillator (position A I) 2. Plate of the intermediate stage (position A II) -23- Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnYi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 R -111+, which are connected to the appropriate circuits paralleled 8.113, and of the medium- During measurements of the over-all current consumed through the high voltage collectors.(position "oft "), device H -101 is connected to the minus high voltage circuit of the motor-generator-set PYR -300B The medium-wave unit is connected, to the power unit with terminal blocks r -101+ and r -103, installed on the mounting of the radio fre- quency unit.. Besides, located on the unit mounting is the terminal block r -105 for connecting the phone's during'the correction of the fre- quency of the oscillator based on the quartz calibrator and monitor- ing its operation. The element for the fixed and trailing antennas is connected to the medium-wave unit with terminal box r-1,06 located directly on the SVB-5 unit. Element for Fixed and Trailing Antennas The element for the fixed and trailing antennas is designed for switching the fixed and trailing antennas, and also for connecting them to the medium-wave unit SVB-5., Besides, through this element Secret/No Foreign Dis 3.. Over-all current based on high voltage collectors (position "OdBI ?) 4.. Screen grids of output stage (position 3 III) 5. Control grids of output stage (position Y III) Using gang. switch II -101, control device If -101 is turn during measurements with shunts, R -111, A -112, 24 - Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 cnxi _i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Tli afiom Located on the front side of the.element are the terminals: the aircraft antenna is connected to the short-wave units during Joint operation of the SVB-5 unit with the R-805 radio transmitter. " B " KB CB "s -~ I if The short-wave units are connected to the element for the fixed and trailing antennas (to terminal " KB") with terminals " and "A " of the antenna element. The lead-ins of the fixed and trailing antennas are connected to the terminals "I" and " B". The antenna is connected to the short-wave units through the contacts of relays 3-501 and 3 -502 located in the element for the fixed and trailing antennas, and the contacts of relay 3-301 of the antenna element. The antenna is connected to the medium-wave unit through the contacts of relays 3-501 and 3-502. With the application of ? 27 volts to the winding of the relay 3 -503, the relay operates and connects the end of the coil of relay 3 -501 to the frame. Relay 3 -501 operates and connects the medium- wave unit to the fixed or the trailing antenna. In switching on the short-wave units of the radio transmitter R.-805 for operation, * 27 volts is disconnected from the winding of the relay 3 -503 and the armature of this relay connects to the frame the secondary of the winding of the relay 3 -501, as a result of which the antenna is connected to the short-wave units. Switching from fixed to trailing antenna is effected with relay 3 -502 and controlled toggle switch 3 -103, installed on the front panel of the medium-wave unit. In toggle switch position (trailing antenna), toggle switch II -103 connects to the frame the 25 Secret/No Foreign Dissem [sPN 221 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 I SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Puc. JJV? 7. 3.7CAMeHHT sxecTKof it nianymuof awreunH (o6u ii null) Fig. 7. Fixed and trailing antenna element (general view -26- SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A068400310001-8 cnxl-Ni inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80TOO246AO68400310001-8 SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Piic. 14 8. a,leMeHr KeCTKOf ii BbinymKoft aHTeHH, BHA( C3MAH Fig. 8. Fixed and trailing antenna element, rear view. SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM 2 / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80TOO246AO68400310001-8 cnxi-i-ii inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 Secret/No Foreign Dis~-? connects the fixed antenna to the unit. In the case where the medium end of the secondary winding of relay 3-502, the relay operates and (fixed antenna), the toggle switch connects to the frame the end of the coil of relay,' 3-502., the relay operates and connects the trailing antenna to the medium-wave unit. in toggle switch position wave unit SVB-5 is, taken from the support, the switching from trail` 24 and the contacts of relay 3-203 of the power unit. Relay 3-301 operates and connects the antenna of the aircraft to the receiver. ing to fixed antenna is effected through the switch panel of the fixed and trailing antennas. Upon connecting the radio set to the aircraft electrical net- work in the "receive" position, the $ 27 volts of the network is applied to one end of the winding of,relay 3-301, The secondary of this winding is connected to the frame through [cable] conductor E. Switch Panel for Fixed and Trailing Antennas [SPN 251 During joint operation of radio set R-805 with the medium-wave unit SVB-5, the switching of the fixed and trailing antennas is effected by toggle'switch " Z-B ", located on the front panel of the medium-wave unit. In the case where the SVB-5 is removed from the mounting and the radio set operates without the SVB-5 unit, the fixed antenna is connected to the radio set through the switch panel for the fixed and trailing antennas.. Moreover, the panel is connected to the 27-volt aircraft electrical network by two conductors, and the cable running from the element for the fixed and trailing antennas is connected to the panel. The switching is effected by throwing 28 Secret/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 tinxl-Ni inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO68400310001-8 SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM - 25- ]ARM no1Myranae atecTaofi n nirnrer"rnoft nnremt Tipp C011MCCTnOi1 pa6ore pa:liiOCTaiiuIIfl P-803 co cpe uieRal- HOI:WM & -mom CB5-5 KOeTNiV Ta1311R )KeCTKOii it nu(ivciii(ei( a((TCHH i7poii3i3C+1iTCR 1\'m6lepcu c)K-Ih. pacn,.1oiKCHnnb1M ill nep e.meii nane.1n Cpellienomic Ioi-o 61oKa. B TOM c.l\'liae, Kor.a CBB-5 1134RT 113 n0,1CTa1>K1i, 11 pa. (TOCTauunR pi6oraeT-6e3 6ACKa CB5-5. iitilK.1K3gCHne )K(CTKOiI airrcuiibi K pa111OCTMati ( HpGi13BO111TCR uepe3 UUIIITOK KO M Ta(i((H )KCCTKOI'1 it nwnVCKHOii ammTemi. fpi( 3TOM UilTCK 3BX-MH (ipu$C,1H)fKatin no1K.l1ogae-rcR ii 6epTOao(i CeTn 27 fO.lbT, a Ka6e_1b, iiav(li(1!( or 3)1