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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 IF Ali AM allf . ,aa I . . - . INFOIIMATION REPORT This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorised ear- son is prohibited-by law. 50X1-HUM PREPARED AND DISSEMINATED BY , CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY COUNTRY Poland. SUBJECT Port Information: Gd,yzeta DATE DISTRIBUTED 27 December 1957 NO. OF PAGES 3 1 NO. OFF THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Z7THE OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELIGENCE FURNISBED THE FOLLOWING nUPORKATION TO CIA FOR IAC DISSEMINATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 3 c OF ECM in (Dios 811D Na 227-57)ff 50X1-HUM 2* Al..-betical Deainators In connection with information contained herein, specific poeerest are noted on photostatic copy of HO Chart No 4928 and. referred to in this report by the following alphabetical designators: A. Prohibited entrance G. Berth B. Pilot aboard H. Portal cranes C. Harbor entrance le Piers under construction D. Gate with naval guard. J. Destroyer and. destroyer-escort E. First tug engaged K. Lykes ship; later Polish cargo Fo Second. tug engaged. ship I. Danish three-master M. US tanker with wheat 50X1-HUM N. Two or three Polish ships 3* roAue_letceeehesteI_Ieleteeeete_Da a and Weather No merchant ships were permitted to use the entrance designated. A. It was necessary to send, a radio message preceding arrival. Compulsory 24-hour pilot service is provided. c; It was necessary to wait 11.5 minutes for the pilot who boarded at designator B. Pilot boat was a diesel motor launch painted black. A second launch accompanied the pilot boat. Two soldiers armed with submachine guns were aboard the pilot boat, Pilot was about 60 years old.? spoke good English, and provided good 50X1-HL service. Vessel entered the harbor at designator C. pleasant weather and clear skies However, on two mornings there was fog. There was no wind0 weather unusually warm. 50X1-1- 14-0 Controls a, Boarding party, which came on board at berth, consisted of one doctor, two imedgration officials, two customs officers, an agent, and a receiver. Only the agent spoke English; he served as inte.rpreter. :No search was conducted. The crew was not mustered, Cigarettes, liquors, and,, some personal effects were sealed. The procedure was simple, but because of lack of 50X1-H organisation it took two hours. Six crew lists and provisions and store lists were required. by boarding party. Printed passes wer given each crewman. b. Surveillance guard consisted of three soldiers Stationed on the -pier at the 1 DISTRIBUTION I I STATE I I ARMY NOFORN LIMITED: Dissemination limited to full-time employees of CIA, ALL and tin; and, within btate ana vezense, to me intelligent-a Lomponents, otnor offices producing NIS elements, and higher echlons with their immediate supporting staffs. Not to be disseminated to consultants, external projects or reserve personnel on short term active duty (excepting individuals who are normally fulI-time employees of CIA, AEC, FR I. State or Defense) unless the written permission of the _originating office has been obtained through the Assistant Director for Central Reference, CIA. NAVY Dere-N L -L AIR 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ????? ii1111010, C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L - 2 - 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM bows gangways and stern. The soldier at the gangway carried a submachine gun. The soldiers fore and aft carried rifles. Diagram 1 iLlustrates the uniform worn by surveillance guard0 this uniform was different frcet the uniform worn by military personnel aboard pilot boat and the tugs (see paragraph 5). Designator D represents a gate through which entrance and exit to the part area were made. A naval guard, consisting of one enlisted man and one chief petty officers was on duty to check passes and seamen's books. The nlisted man wore a navy blue berets navy blue juver and pants, and black shoes. Diagram 2 illustrates this uniform. The enliste4 man carried a rifle. The chief petty officer wore a navy blue suit with black tie and officer-type cap with visor. He wore a belt and revolver. 50X1-HUM no special marking or insignia. 50X1-HUM c. No survpi name boat in the harbor, A naval patrol craft followed the vessel from off Eel to designator B. Diagram 3 illustrates patrol craft. Vessel was flying a Polish ensign. 5. Harbor Craft Two tugs, the MULLES and the acrioPs (CIICLOP)swere employed. The ACHILLES is pictured on unnumbered Page 4o of brochure entitled "Polish Ports-Shipping-Maritime Trade* The cramps is pictured on unnumbered page 21. On entering, one tug was engaged at designator E and another at designator F. Departure was delayed because it was necessary to await both tugs had soldiers on board carrying submachine tugs. guns. 6. Berth a. Vessel berthed. at designator G. Diagram 4 details the berthinst eresa. the sucker tubes on the grain elevator were out of order. Four trucks with portable sucker tubes unloaded the 12,14-2 NE of #2 mixed wheat into railroad cars. It took nine days of 24-b.our pumping to unload ship, rail- road cars were old. b. Warehouses in the berthing area were old. and. censtructed of brick. No information on fire protection was disseminated, tall, portal cranes working in the area designated H. c. An unknown number of stevedores were employed. by the receiver -through the government. The rather young workers worked 12-hour shifts. Wanen were em- ployed. on the piers. workers' efficiency as "good." 7. Construction Designator I indicates piers under construction, Damage was nearly cleaned away and wooden poste being filled with cement. Many 'women were employed at manual labor on the pier construction, 8. Naval Vessels Present The only naval vessels were a 56X"-HUM destroyeanro xy_e7corto located at designator Z. only the stern shapes are illustrated in diagram 5. Ships were painted dark grey, There seemed to be considerable activity on board. Both enlisted50m-HUM men and. officers were present. One armed guard was present at the gangway of each ship. This guard marched back and forth for a distance of between 10 and. 15 feet. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM _ 50X1-HUM I 50X1-HUM ? 50X1-HUM -eh! 50X1 -HUM' 50X1-HUM". 414!Al ; 50)(1-HUM 11 J, eu"S: t ? IPIIiL 50X1-HUM 9. Merchant Shipping Present Designator K narks the position of a Lykes ship. Later this vessel departed, and its place was taken by a new 10-thousand-ton AI Polish cargo ship which had. been constructed in East Germany, Vessel's speed was 17 knots and. it was described as "modern and streamlined." A scanner-type radar was mounted above and. behind the bridge. Designator L is a three- master general cargo. This vessel departed An old tanker carrying approximately 10 thousand tons of wheat waited at designator M to depart. Two or three small Polish ships were being worked in the area designated N. NOFORN C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 416 CO 35' 32 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 fi 3 9 34' 4" 34 3.? 23 20 r 25 I 293' 30 32 21 d. 241 29 3 1, 17 , 26 4. 33 19 6' 23-- - 3' 9 22 3' 1.4 33 19 76 12 76 29 '-34 it ,?2( 34 ft 41' 30 23 28 24 28 3, 28 ?9 3, 30 32 12 31 14 3' 34 33 33 32 32 34 ? 32 33 32 31 34. 32 Bolg144 Quay F Q 29 ? Or 8786 2! 29 29 This" No 3 79 76 2Q . Quay 41* FCC ?4.?28 LI 41 off, 41_ - - ? 1711 32 /40- 09C ???..2 33 130 3031 ? 32 33 29 131 313 0 84 33 3- 32 29 29 Bas???? ?Vo 2 30 429 129,.., 29 30 32 ' 31 CONSPICUOUS OBJECTS Naval Martnerolo9 Obsy Radio Masts near Oksysiie OksysneCburch Tower Wats: Tower near P.O. 3E, 18 13 '6 3' 19 19 19 14 39 36 3, 36 39 ..39 35? 39 .36 35 34 3.1 39 34 39 34 34 az 34 34 35 34 3 , 37 39 39 42 39 41 19 39 19 39 41 39 3" 41 4, 4. 46 42 42 46 42 4 9?? 47 39 4 . 36 3', 19 3637 - 39 3 14 4/1 )6 3.7 39 42 19 16 3, ? ? 39 39 ' 35 ? , 37 35 39 39 19 39 36, 37 17 37 49 44 1836 141 ! 49 4.6 49 .6 46 41 22 18 16 l' ?E. 1, 4 39 39 4.6 39 49 3C At 41 ?, 59 28 48 6 42 49 2 69 s 37 3.f _r- 62 ;:.?3?4de?ii?-en-6. 65 \ ?65 61 65 4-72_ 46 46 52 55 ?, 62 65 49 55 55 .62 42 42 3 35 39 39 37 42 42 39 39 47 47 42 39 39 ! rj 39 41 49 39 " 39 46 _ 37 34 32 36302932 PA 33 37 5.. 35 37 7R A G E " 39 39 39 42 ' 52 49 39 44 42 42 Maw $9 .11?? SS 55 52 55 6$ 69 55 65 59 ? 65 55 59 72 69 65 69 69 , 62 65 ? 55 76 69 75 65 75 72 69 78 62 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 R 50X1 -HUM Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 SH I PCHANDLERS POLAND COMIDEKTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 .14 THE FLAVOUR OF THIS FINE HU MAKES IT THE DEMAND IT PROM VERM AND. FRAGRANCE NGARIAN VERMOUTH PERFECT APE RITIV F YERYWHERF ONTOR OUTH ? BALTONA SHIPCHAN-DLERS POLAND Head Office: GDYNIA, PULASKIEGO 6 ? Phone 43-06,10-55 BRANCH OFFICES: Gdynia, Polska 21 Phone 59-01 Gdansk, Zainkniqta 18 Phone 321-87 Szczecin, Gdariska 40 Phone 338-25 Swinoujgcie, Okolna 27 Phone Odra Port 30 Cable: BALTONA -Bonded Stores, Deck & Engine Stores Fresh & Dry Provisions Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ???????.. RbL S ? DM Skn Nkn Dkn FUL Fr.Fr. Meats & Sausages per kg Beef fores 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Beef halves 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Beef hinds with roastbeef 2,68 0,67 4/10 2,81 3,45 4,78 4,63 2,58 235,- Beef hinds 2,28 0,57 4/1 2,39 2,95 4,05 3,95 2,15 200,- Beef boneless 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 298,- Beef loins 4,44 1,11 7/11 4,66 5,75 7,92 7,67 4,24 389,- Roastbeef 3,04 0,76 5/5 3,19 3,93 5,43 5,25 2,90 266,- Veal whole 2,88 0,72 5/2 3,02 3,75 5,15 4,95 2,75 252,- Veal hinds 3,04 0,76 5/5 3,19 3,93 5,43 5,25 2,90 266,- Veal fores 2,52 0,63 4/6 2,65 3,25 4,50 4,35 2,40 221,- Veal boneless 3,80 0,95 6/10 4,- 4,90 6,80 6,55 3,60 332,- Mutton whole 2,40 0,60 4/4 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- Mutton hinds 2,80 0,70 5/- 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 2,65 245,- Mutton fores 2,40 0,60 4/4 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 210 - Sheep live 2,44 0,61 4/11/2 2,56 3,15 4,35 4,20 2,30 214,- Pork halves 2,80 0,70 5/- 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 2,65 245,- Pork cutlets 4,- 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80 350,- Pork knee, fresh (golonka) 2,60 0,65 4/8 2,73 3,35 4,65 4,50 2,50 228,- Pork loins 3,96 0,99 7/1 4,16 5,12 7,07 6,85 3,76 347,- Pork ham, fresh 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 298,- Beef tripes clean 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Pork entrails 0,20 0,05 -/4 0,21 0,25 0,35 0,35 0,20 18,- Pork head whole 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Ox sheep, brain 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Calf, pork brain 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 6,45 6,20 3,40 315,- Veal kidneys 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 6,45 6,20 3,40 315,- Pork kidneys 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Ox, sheep kidneys 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Pork petitoes 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 1,40 1,40 0,75 70,- Calf, ox feet 0,72 0,18 1/4 0,76 0,95 1,30 1,25 0,70 63,- Calf, pork, ox tongues 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Mutton tongues 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Pork tails 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,- Ox tails 1,60 0,40 2/11 1,68 2,05 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- Veal liver 4,32 1,08 7/9 4,54 5,60 7,70 7,45 4,10 378,- Pork liver 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 189,-. , Raw white sausage 3,80 0,95 6/10 4,- 4,90 6,80 6,55 3,60 332,- Rolled ham boiled 5,80 1,45 10/4 6,10 7,50 10,35 10,- 5,50 508,- Rolled ham smoked 5,60 1,40 10/- 5,88 7,25 10,- 9,65 5,30 490,- Fresh bacon 2,88 0,72 5/2 3,02- 3,75 5,15 4,95 2,75 252,- Smoked backon with bone ? 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- Smoked bacon boneless 3,12 0,78 5/8 3,28 4,05 5,60 5,40 3,- 273,- Ham sausage 4,60 1,15 8/3 4,83 6,- 8,20 7,95 4,35 403,- Sausage w. garlic 3,80 0,95 6/10 4,- 4,90 6,80 6,55 3,60 332,- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Rbl. S ? DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Cracow Sausage dry 6,- 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 10,70 10,35 5,70 Liver sausage 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 Mortadella sausage 4,- 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80 Meat sausage 3,20 0,80 5/9 3,36 4,15 5,70 5,50 3,05 Salami Polish 6,- 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 '10,70 10,35 5,70 Salami Jugoslavian 8,- 2,- 14/4 8,40 10,35 14,30 13,80 7,60 Smoked loin 5,60 1,40 10/- 5,88 7,25 10,- 9,65 5,30 Polish pork sausage 4,60 1,15 8/3 4,83 6,- 8,20-' 7,95 4,35 Vienna sausages 4,60 1,15 8/3 4,83 6,- 8,20 7,95 4,35 Frankfurters, small 3,80 0,95 6/10 4,- 4,90 6,80 6,55 3,60 Ham smoked 5,60 1,40 10/- 5,88 7,25 10,- 9,65 5,30 Ham boiled 5,80 1,45 10/4 6,10 7,50 10,35 10,- 5,50 Pork brawn in aspic 3.60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 6,45 6,20 3,40 Pork brawn in bloodpudding 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 Spiced sausage 4,80 1,20 8/7 5,04 6,20 8,60 8,30 4,55 Dry hunter's sausage 5,60 1,40 10/- 5,88 7,25 10,- 9.65 5.30 Karczewska sausage 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35_ 5,20 2,85 Zywiecka sausage 4,60 1,15 8/3 4,83 6,- 8,20 7,95 4,35 Frankfurter sausage 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 Canned meats Bacon smoked 850 g. 3,96 0,99 7/1 4,16 5,12 7,07 6,85 3,76 Beef ragout 870 g. 3,68 0,92 6/7 3,86 4,75 6,57 6,35 3,50 Pork ragout, fried 850 g. 4,60 1,15 8/3 4,83 6,- 8,20 7,95 4,35 Pork knee (golonka) 875 g. 4,40 1,10 7/10 4,62 5,70 7,85 7,60 4,20 Pork shoulder 870 g. 4,80 1,20 8/7 5,04 6,20 8,60 8,30 4,55 Pork, veal tongues 880 g. 5,92 1,48 10/7 6,22 7,65 10,55-10,20 5,60 Pork & veal tongues 6 lbs in large tins per kg. 6,40 1,60 11/6 6,72 8,30 11,45 11,05 6,10 -Pork liverpaste 850 g. 2,16 0,54 3/11 2,27 2,80 3,85 3,75 2,05 Special pork liverpaste 800 g. 2,80 0,70 5/- 2,94 3;60 5,=-- 4,85 2,65 Pork loins large tins 6 lbs per kg. 6,- 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 10,70 10,35 5,70 Pork loins 900g. 6,40 1,60 11/6 6,72 8,30 11,4511,05 6,10 Pork cutlets 860 g. 5,20 1,30 9/4 5,46 6,75 9,30 -9,- 4,95 Pork w. gravy 850 g. 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 6,45 6,20 3,40 Beef w. gravy 870 g. Vienna sausage 560 g. 3,68 0,92 6/7 4,86 4,75 6,57 6,35 . _ 3,50 netto 2.40 0,60 4/4 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 Special Vienna sausage 980 g. 4,40 1,10 7/10 4,62 5,70 7,85_ 7,60 4,20 Roast veal 860 g. 4,32 1,08 , 7/9 4,54 5,60 7,70 7,45 4,10 Ham in tins 900 g. 6,40 1,60 11/6 6,72 8,30 11,45 11,05 6,10 Ham in tins, large - Per kg. 6,- 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 10,70 10,35 5,70 Veal in tins, lage per kg. 4,96 1,24 8/11 5,21 6,45 8,88 8,57 4,71 4 Fr.Fr. 525,- 298,- 350,- 280,- 525,- 700,- 490,- , 40,- 403,- 332,- 490,- 508,- I 315,- 'r 189,- 420, - 490,- 263,- 403,- 263,- 347,- 322,- 403,- 385,- 420,-- 518,- 560,- 189,- 245,- 525,- 560,- 455,- 315,- 322,- 210,- 385,- 378,- 560,- 525,- 438,- RENOWNED FOR THEIR BEST QUALITY FRESH, FROZEN, SMOKED TINNED FISH in large assortment in oil sauce in tomato sauce in natural juice, etc. LIVE CRAYFISH, EDIBLE- SNAILS are exported by ANIMEX Exporters and Importers of Animal Products, Fish and Fish Products WARSZAWA, Pulawska 14, Poland Telegrams: ANDIEX - WARSZAWA ' 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 -A .L2 WNW) S-HrIt13 Fats Rbl. ' ? D,M - _.,, .,. , Lard in` tins ' 750g. 2,- 6,50 Lard pure per kg. 1,80 0,45 Lard whole kg. 2,80 ..0,70 .. . , Ox tallow kg. 2,40 0,60 Fresh butter, extra kg. 4,80 1,20 Margarine ' kg. 1,60 ,. 0,40 Olive oil (berio) per ltr. 5,40? 1,35 Salad oil per ltr. 2,20 .0,55 Poultry, eviscerated frozen per kg Geese Ducks Hens Chickens Turkeys Fresh Fish per kg. Codling headless, evisc. Codling fillet Flounder Lake carp, bream evisc. Tench evisc. Perch Pike - perch, evisc. Pike evisc. Eel I live Salmon univesc. Salmon evisc. Lake crabs Herrings fresh 4,40, 1,10 4,80 1,20 4,- 1,- 4,- 1,- 4,60 1,15 1,60 1,60 2,- 2,40 2,40 2,80 2,80 5,60 9,- 9,60 1,20 1,- Preserved Fish Salt herrings per kg.- 1,20 Eel smoked per kg. 6,40 Salmon smoked per kg. 12,- Kippered mackrels per kg. 2,40 Kippered herrings per kg. 2,40 Flatfish per kg. 1,60 Pickling smoked per kg. 2,60 Sole in tomato 400 g. tin 0,88 Herring in oil 310 g. tin 1,20 Pickled herrings 310 g. tin 1,20 Sprats in 'Oil 310 g. tin 1,60 6 0,25 0,40 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,60 0,70 0,70 1,40 2,25 2,40 0,30 0,25 0,30 1,60 3,- 0,60 060 0,40 0,65 0,22 0,30 0,30 0,40 - _ Irri:A?71 411:: SA.111 1,T4 , ? ? .? Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Fr.Fr. 3,60 3,45 1,90 175,- 3,20 3,10 ' 1,70 158,- 5,- 4,85 2,65 ' 245,- 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- 8,60 8,30 4,55. 420,- 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- 9,65 ' 9,30.. 5,15 473,- 3,95 3,80 '2,10 193,- 3/7 2,10 2;60 3/3 1,89 2,35' 5/- 2,94 3,60 4/4 . 2,52 310 8/7 5,04 6,20 2/11 1,68 -2,05 9/8 5,67 7,- 4/- 2,31 2,85 7/10 4,62 5,70 8/'7 5,04 6,20 7/2 4,20 5,20 7/2 4,20 5,20 8/3 4,83 6,- 1/10 1,05 1,30 2/11 1,68 2,05 2/11 1,68 2,05 3/7 2,10 2,60 4/4 2,52 3,10 4/4 2,52 3,10 5/- 2,94 3,60 5/-- 2,94 3,60 10/-- 5,88 7,25 16/1 9,45 11,65 17/2 10,08 12,40 2/2 1,26 1,55 1/10 1,05 1,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 11/6 6,72 8,30 21/5 12,60 15,50 4/4 2,52 3,10 4./4 2,52 3,10 2/11 1,68 2,05 ,4/8 2,73 3,35 1/7 0,92 1,15 2/2 1,26 1,55 2/2 1,26 1,55 2/11 1,68 2,05 7,85 8,60 7,15 7,15 8,20 1,80 2,85 2,85 3,60 4,30 4,30 5,- 10,- 16,05 _17;15 2,15 1,80 7,60 8,30 6,90 6,90 '7,95 1,75 2,75 2,75 3,45 4,15 4,15 4,85 4,85 9,65 15,55 16,60 2,05 1,75 .4,20 385,- 4,55 420,- 3,80 350,- 3,80 350,- 4,35-- 403,- 0,95 1,50 1,50 1,90 2,30 2,30 2,65 2,65 5,30 8,55 9,10 1,15 0,95 88,- 140,- 140,- 175,- 210,- 210,- 245,- 245,- 490,- 788,- 840,- 105,- 88,- 415 2,05 1,15 105,- 11,45 11,05 6,10 560,- 21,45 20,70 11,40 1050, 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- 4,30 '4,15 2,30 210,- 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- 4,65 4,50 2,50 228,- 1,55 1,50 0,85 77,- 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 2,15 2,05 .1,15 105,- 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- - - ? .. . . =X L- T NA Sr1 IP C4i;A'N DLER S, I. Mackrels in tomato 310 g. tin Eel in oil 155 g. tin Lobster 61/2 oz tin Bream in tomato 400 g. tin Rbl. 1,- 1,60 3,- 1,- 0,25 0,40 0,75 0,25 1/10 2/11 5/4 1/10 DM 1,i)5. 1,68 3,15 1,05 Skr. 1,30 2,05 3,90 1,30 Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. 1,80 1,75 0,95 2,85 2,75 1,50 5,36 5,20 2,85 1;80 1,75 0,05 Fr.Fr. 88,- 140,- 263,- 88,- Salmon (cooked) a 1 lb. 2,60 0,65 4/8 2,73 3,35 4,65 4,50 2,50 228,- Portug. sardines 125 g tin 0,72 0,18 1/4 0,76 0,95 1,30 1,25 0,70 63,- Jugoslavian sardines 125 g tin 0,52 0,13 -/11 0,55 0,65 0,95 0,90 0,50 46,- Jugoslavian fillets 2 oz tin 0,48 0,12 -/11 0,50 0,60 0,85 0,85 0,45 42,- Tunny fish Jugoslavian 41/2 oz tin 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 1,40 1,40 0,75 70,- Anchovies special Swed 450 g tin 0,92 0,23 1/8 0,97 1,20 1,65 1,60 0,90 81,- Portuguese Anchovies w. capers 2 oz. 0,64 0,16 1/2 0,67 0,85 1,15 1,10 0,60 56,- Matias fillets 220 g. tin 1,04 0,26 1/11 1,09 1,30 1,90 1,80 1,- 91,- Dairy products Fresh milk per lir 0,28 0,07 -/6 0,29 0,35 0,50 0,50 0,25 25,- Fresh cream per lir. 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- Full cream, fresh kg. 4,40 1,10 7/10 4,62 5,70 '7,85 '7,60 4,20 385,- Buttermilk per ltr. 0,20 0,05 -/4 0,21 0,25 0,35 0,35 0,20 18,- Cheese (Edam, Tilsit 451) kg. 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- Swiss cheese (Ementhal 400/0) kg. 4,- 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80 350,- Curd kg. 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- Condensed milk, Polish unsweetened 400 g. tin 0,32 0,08 -/7 0,34 0,40 0,60 0,55 0,30 28,- Condensed milk, Polish ' sweetened 450 g tin 0,48 0,12 -/11 0,50 0,60 0,85 0,85 0,45 42,- Milk powder, Polish 400 g. 2,- 0,50 3/7 2,10 2,60 3,60 3,45 1,90 175,- Evap, milk, case 48 this., unsweetened 26,- 6,50 46/5 27,30 33,00 46,40 44,90 24,70 2275,- Eggs fresh, export doz. 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 3,20 3,10 1,70 158, Eggs, fresh export large doz. 2,20 0,55 4/- 2,31 2,85 3,95 .3,80 2,10 193,- Groceries & Cereals Granulated sugar kg. 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 1,40 1,40 '0,75 70,- Lump sugar . kg. 1,- .0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- Rice kg. 1,-. 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- ?Warta" soup extract 2000 g. 8,80 2,20 15/9 9,24 11,40 15,70 15,20 8,35 770,- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ?Warta" soup cubes pcs. Sauce extract btl. 300 g. Tomato Ketchup 14 oz. Fresh pressed yeast kg. Dry pressed yeast kg. Vinegar 6o/o ltr. Table salt white kg. Pudding powder, fruit pack. Pudding powder/ ,,Chocolate" pack. Weat flour kg. Rye flour kg. Potatoe flour, super kg. Maccaroni, noodles kg. Maccaroni in packets kg Spaghetti, original per lb. Buckwheat kg. Miletseed kg. Pearl barley kg. Oatmeal in packets kg. Groats, manna kg. Dried beans, white kg. Dried peas kg. Lentils kg. French bread 500 g. White rye bread 6004 kg. Wheat bread, white each Rolls 45g. ICnacke-bread 250 g. pack Spices etc. Mustard seed Cloves Nutmeg Ginger Bay leaves Marjoram Paprica Black pepper Piment Gelatine white Gelatine red Cumin seed Cinnamon French mustard Mustard 8 Rbl. 0,64 1,60 1,28 1,20 5,60 0,40 0,16 0,16 0,20 0,56 0,48 0,80 1,- 1,40 1,- 1,20 1,- 1,- 1,- 0,84 1,- 0,96 1,- 0,48 0,48 0,40 0,08 0,56 kg. 2,- kg. 6,80 kg. 9,60 kg. kg. 2,- kg. 8,80 kg. 6,- kg. 6,.__. kg. kg. 10,- kg. 12,- kg. 2,80 kg. 12,- 200 g. 0,80 per kg. 1,20 $ i DM Skr. 0,16 1/2 0,67. 0,85 0,40 2/11 1,68 2,05 0,32 2/4 1,34 1,65 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 1,40 10/- 5,88 7,25 0,10 -/9 0,42 0,50 0,04 -/3 0,17. 0,20 0,04 -/3 0,17 0,20 0,05 -/4 0,21 0,25 0,14 1/- 0,59 0,70 0,12 -4101A 0,50 0,60 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 0,35 2/6 1,47 1,80 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 0,21 1/61A 0,88 1,10 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 0,24 1/9 1,- 1,25 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 0,12 -/104 0,50 0,60 0,12 -/101/2 0,50 0,60 0,10 -/9 0,42 0,50 0,02 -/2 0,08 0,10 0,14 1/- 0,59 0,70 0,50 3/7 2,10 2,60 1,70 12/2 7,14 8,80 2,40 17/2 10,68 12,40 1,-. 7/2 4,20 5,20 0,50 3/7 2,10 2,60 2,20 15/9 9,24 11,40 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 3,- 21/5 12,60 15,50 2,50 17/10 10,50 13,- 3,- 21/5 12,60, 15,50 0,70 5/- . 2,94 3,60 3,- 21/5 12,60 15,50 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 Nkr. Dkr. lifl. Fr.Fr. 1,15: 1,10 0,60 56,- 2,85 _2,75 1,50 -140,- 2,30 2,20 1,20 112,- 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 10,- 9,65 5,30 490,- 0,70 _ 0,70 0,40 35,- 0,30 0,30 015 14,- 0,30 0,30 0,15 14,- 0,35 0,35 0,20 18,- 1,- 0,95 0,50 49,- 0,85 0,85 0,45 42,- 1,40 1,40 0,75 70,- 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 2,50 2,40 1,35 123,- 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 1,80- 1,75 0,95 88,- 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 1,50 1,45 0,80 76,- 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 1,70- 1,65 0,90 84,- 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 0,85 0,85 0,45 42,- 0,85 - 0,85 0,45 49. __,- 0,70 0,70 0,40 35,- 0,15 0,15 0,07 7,- -- 1,-_ 0,95 0,50 49,- _ 3,60_ 3,45 1,90 175,- 12,15 11,75 6,45 595,- 17,15- 16,60 9,10 840,- 7,15 6,90 3,80 350,- 3,60 3,45 1,90 175,- 15,70 15,20 8,35 770,- 10,70 10,35 5,70 525,- 10,70 10,35 5,70 525,- 21,45 720,70 11,40 1050,- 17,85 -11,25 9,50 875,- 21,45 20,70 11,40 1050,- 5,- 4,85 2,65 245,- 21,45 20,70 11,40 1050,- 1,40 _1,40 0,75 70,- 2,15 - 2,05 1,15 105,- National Enterprise (Independent Liability) EXPORTERS AND IMPORTERS WARSZAWA, FILTROWA 61, POLAND Phone: 21-64-21 - Cables: ROLIMPEX - Warszawa Exports: SUGAR MALTING BARLEY BREWER'S MALT BLUE POPPY SEEDS AGRICULTURAL, VEGETABLES and other SEEDS SEEDS POTATOES POTATO PRODUCTS DRIED CHICORY ROOTS ROASTED CHICORY FRESH, CANNED and DRIED VEGETABLE CANNED FRUIT MUSHROOMS - DRIED and SALTED I.mports: BILBERRIES - FRESH and DRIED COLONIAL PRODUCTS MEDICINAL HERBS CITRUS FRUITS CONFECTIONERY OILS and FATS ALCOHOLIC DRINKS OIL SEEDS READY COOKED DISHES TOBACCO MEDICINAL HERBS AGRICULTURAL and VEGETABLES SEEDS CEREALS 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 - - 'B A L N A ...s-H P'C IVA N D Rbl. S ? DM Skr. Fresh Vegetables per kg. daily market pr ices Potatoes per 100 kg. 19,60 4,90 35/- 20,58 25,35 Onions kg.. 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 Carrots kg. 0,40 0,10 -/9 0,42 0,50 White cabbage 0,20 0,05 -/4 0,21 0,25 Red cabbage 0,28 0,07 -/6 0,29 0;35 Parsley 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 Dill 1,20 0,30 2/2 1;26 1,55 Beetroot 0,40 0,10 -/9, 0,42 0,50 Celery 1,20 - 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 Leeks 0,64 0,16 1/2 0,67 0,85 Turnips 0,20 0,05 -/4 0,21 0,25 Garlic 6,-1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 Horseradish 1,-0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 Fresh Fruit per kg. daily market prices Apples 1,- 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 Pears 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 Lemons 2,40 0,60 4/4 2,52 3,10 Oranges 1,60 0,40 2/11 1,68 2,05 Almonds 10,40 2,60 18/7 10,92 13,45 Plums 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 Dried Fruit per kg. Apples 3,60 0.90 6/6 3,78 4,65 Pears 2,80 0,70 5/- 2,94 3,60 Raisins 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 Plums 2,20 0,55 4/- 2,31 2,85 Cherries 2,- 0,50 3/7 2,10 2,60 Canned Fruit Pineapple sliced 30 oz tin 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 Jams: raspberry, gooseberry, strawber- ry, plums, apricot, peach 1/1 - tin 2,- 0,50 3/7 2,10 2,60 Jams: Black currant, cherry 1/1 tin 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 Stewed: pears, cherries, plums 1/1 tin 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 Stewed: apricot, strawberry, gooseberry 1/1 tin 2,- 0,50. 3/7 2,10 2,60 Juices: raspberry, strawberry 1/1 1,60 0,40 2/11 1,68 2,05 Juices: cherry, currant 1/1 1,40 0,35 2/6 1,47 1,80 Apple juice 0,5 0,32 0,08 -/7 0,34 0,40 Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. 35,- 33,85 18,60 1,40 .1,40 0,75 0,70 0,70 0,40 0,35 0,35 0,20 0,50.. 0,50 0,25 2,15 2,05 .1,15 2,15 .-2,051 1,15. 0,70 0,70 ,. 0,40 2,15 2,05 1;15 1,15: 1,10 0,60 0,35 0,35 0,20 10,70 10,35 5,70 1,80 1,75 0,95 1,80 1,75 0,95 2,15 2,05 1,15 4,30 4,15 2,30 2,85 2,75 1,50 18,55 17,95 9,90 2,15 2,05 1,15 6,45 6,20 3,40 5,- 4,85 2,65 3,20 3,10 1,70 3,95 3,80 2,10 3,60 3,45 1,90 3,20 3,10 1,70 3,60 3,45 1,90 3,20 3,10 1;70 3,20 3,10 1,70 3,60 3,45 1,90 2,85 " 2,75 1,50 2,50- 2,40 1,35 0,60 0,55 0,33 Fr.Fr. 1715,- 70,- 35,- 18,- 25,- 105,- 105,- 35,- 105,- - 56,- 18,- -525,- 88,- 88,- 105,- 210,- 140,- 910,- 105,- 315,- 245,- 158,- 193,- 173,- 158,- 175,- 158,- 158,- 173,- 140,- 123,- 28,- 10 Marmalade per kg. Orange marmalade 2 lbs Orange marmalade 4 lbs Orange juice 20 oz. tin Orange juice 46 oz tin Grapefruit - juice 20 oz tin Pineapple - juice 20 oz tin Lemon juice 6 oz tin Preserved Vegetables Green beans 1/1 tin Green peas 1/1 tin Carrots 1/1 tin Cauliflower 1/1 tin Carrots, peas & beans Asparagus 1/1 tin Sourcrout per kg. Pickled cucumbers kg. Canned cucumbers 9/1 lin 10,- Canned cucumbers 5/1 tin Canned cucumbers 1/1 tin. Gherkins 1/..i kg tin Tomato extract 200/o p. jar. Tomato paste 48,750/0 5/1 tin Rbl. 8 ? DM Ski. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Fr.Fr. 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 1,20 3,10 1,70 158,- 1,40 0,35 2/6 1,47 1,80 2,50 2,40 1,35 123.- 2,80 0,70 5/- 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 2,65 245,- 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 1.,40 1,40 0,75 70,- 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 3,20. 3,10 1,70 158,- 0,64 0,16 1/2 0,67 0,85 1,15 1,10 0,60 56,- 0,80 .6,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 1,40 1,40, 0,75 70,- 0,56 0,14 1/- 0,59 0,70 1,- 0,95 0,50 49,- 1,- 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 1,- 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 1,80 1,75 0,95 88,- 0,92 0,23 1/8 0,97 1,20 1,65 1,60 0,90 81,- 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 0,92 0,23 1/8 0,97 1,20 1,65 1,60 0,90 81,- 4,40 1,10 7/10 4,62 5,70 7,85 7,60 4,20 385,- 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 1,40 1,40 0,75 70,- 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 1,55 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 2,50 17/10 10,50 13,- 17,85 17,25 9,50 875,- 6,- 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 10,70 10,35 5,70 525,- 1,60 0,40 2/11 1,68 2,05 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- 1,60 0,40 2/11 1,68 2,05 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- 2,- 0,50 3/7 2,10 2,60 3,60 3,45 1,90 175,- Tomato paste 1/1 tin Tomato juice 1/1 tin Mushrooms in vinegar 1/2 tin Mushrooms whole dried kg. 25,- 6,25 Mushrooms cut & dried kg. 12,- 3,- 21./5 12,60 15,50 2145 Spinach 1/1 tin 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 1,05 '1,40` Sorrel leaves 1/1 tin 1,- 0,25 1/10 1,05 1,30 1,80 9,20 2,30 16/5 9,66 11,90 16,40 15,90 8,75 1,80 0,45 3/3 1,89 2,35 3,20 3,10 1,70 158,- 1,60 0,40 2/11 1,68 2,05 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- 4,- 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80_ 353,- 44/8 26,25 32,35 44,65, .43,15 23,75 2188,- Sweets & 'Chocolate ChocOlate. ;,1V1ani1la". ? " -per kg. Dessert Chocolate w. - nuts 160' per kg. 20,70 11,40 1050,-1 1,40 0,75- 70,- 1,75 0,95 88,- ,'-1 5,60 1,40 10/- 5,88 7,25 10,- 9,65 '5,30. -490,- - - 1 I 7,-- -1;75. 12/6 7,35 9,10 12,50 12,13 6,.951, 612,--. 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 - .BA`L'TONA liqrx H,FeN'-Dins. IVII"Lk Chocolate 100 g. bars per kg. 7,- 1,75 12/6 7,35 9,10 12,50 12,10 6,65 612,- (Choco1ate in boxes per kg. 7,60 1,90 13/8 7,98 9,85 13,60 13,10 7,20 665,- Crearn 'Chocolate perkg. 4,80 1,20 8/7 5,04 6,20 8,60.-_ 8,30 4,55 420,- Asso..71-ed per kg. 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3;90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- Coatai1 sweets 2lbs 6,- 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 10,70 10,35 5,70 525,- ..-korted sweets per kg. 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 6;45-- 6,20 3,40 315,- TOffees sweets per kg. 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 6,45 6,20 3,40. 315,- Lite-boat lollies 14 oz tin 3,20 0,80 5/9 3,36 4,15 5,70 5,50 3,05 280,- IXeboat biszults 2 lb. tin 4,80 1,20 8/7 5,04 6,20 8,60 _ 8,30 4,55 420,- Pare bee-honey ,500g.per gl 1,40 0,35 2/6 1,47 1,80 2,50 2,40 1,35 123,- Chewing Gum ?Anglo" per box 2,80 0,70 5/- 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 2,65 245,- _ Bbl. ? DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr. H2. Fr.Fr. Chewing GI= per box 4 - 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80 350,- -, Coffee. Tea. Cocoa Coffee 1 =roasted per kg. 7,20 1,80 12/10 7,56 9,30 12,85 12,45 6,85 630,- Coffee I roasted per kg. 9,60 2,40 17/2 10,08 12,40 17,15- 16,60 9,10 840,- Coffee TI roasted per kg. 8,- 2,- 14/4 8,40 10,35 14,30 13,80 7,60 700,- Maxwell :House coffee per lb 6,20 1,55 11/1 6,51 8,- 11,05 10,70 5,90 543,- Itloczona 2 oztin 2,60 0,65 4/6 2,73 3,35 4,65 4,50 2,50 228,- esenfe oz tin 2,60 0,65 418 2,73 3,35 4,65 4,50 2,50 228,- Pickwick lea in bulk per kg. 10,40 2,60 18/7 10,92 13,45 18,55 17,95 9,90 910,- Pickwick lea, 100 g. peck per kg. 11,20 2,80 20/- 11,76 14,50 20,- --19,35 10,65 980,- kwiak tea 1/.21bpertin 3,20 0,80 5/9 3,36 4,15 5,70 -5,50 5,05 280,- 1.1pton Blue Label perkg. 9;-- 2,25 16/1 9,45 11,65 1605 15,55 6.55 788,- Cocoa in bulk par kg. 4,80 1,20 817 5,04 6,20 8,60 _ 6,30 4,35 21.20,- -Cocoa 74..ownt?ee 1 lb-tin 8,20 '0,80 5/9 3,36 415 5,70 5,50 3,05 280,- Cocoa 'van Zioitten 190 g. parlzg. 5,60 1,40 10/--- 5,86 7,25 10,-=: -665 5,30 490,- 'Cocoa -van Trouteat 250 g. lpak - ;perl.g. '5,20 1,30 9/4 5,46 6,75 '6,30 :9,- 4;95 -Cigarettes per ION 24,- kChaStertield 24,- 1.0 'C47 -Stilke 24,- Morris Size "-26;- 1Viiton q.2 6,-- 42/10 25,20 31,-- 42,65 41,45 22,80 2100,- '6,- 42/10 '25,20 31,- 42,85 41,45:22,80 :21.00,- '6,-- 42/10 25,20 -31,- 42,35 -4145 '22430 21011,-- 6.- 42.10 25;20 31,- .42;35 -41;45 z,248.0 6,50 46/5 27;30 82,80 46;40 -44;99 t4,70,47:p,- 7/20 51-f% .805 :81;35 :5145 46;75 ;2735 "2520--. _ Players med. Capstan Gold Flake State Express 333 State Express 555 Senior Service Churchman No. 1 Abdulla Virginia leaf Abdulla No. 16 Paramount Gold Dollar Senoussi Astor Ernte 23 Kapitan Morskie Papastratos Hellas cigarettes No. 1 Papastratos Hellas No.5 Papastratos Hellas No.7 Papastratos Hellas No.3 LTONA SHXPCHANDLERS? Rbl. S. ? DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Fr.Fr. 28,- 28,- 27,40 26,- 33,20 28,- 32,8p 23,20 39,20 15,20 22,40 26,20 26,20 26,20 12,- 8,- 23,60 21,60 19,80 17,40 7,- 50/- 7,- 50/- 6,85 48/11 6,50 46/5 8,30 59/4 7,- 50/- 8,20 58/7 5,80 41/5 9,80 69/11 3,80 27/1 5,60 40/- 6,55 46/9 6,55 46/9 6,55 46/9 21/5 2,- 14/4 3,- 5,90 42/1 5,40 38/7 4,95 35/4 4,35 31/- 29,40 29,40 28,77 27,30 34,86 29,40 34,44 24,36 41,16 15,96 23,52 27,51 27,51 27,51 12,60 8,40 36,20 36,20 35,40 33,60 42,90 36,20 42,40 30,- 50,70 19,65 28,95 33,85 33,85 33,85 15,50 10,35 24,78 30,50 22,68 27,95 20,79 25,60 18,27 22,50 50,- 48,35 26,60 2450,- 50,- 48,35 26,60 2450,- 48;90 47,30 26,05 2398,- 46,40 44,90 24,70 2275,- .59,25 57)33 31,55 2905,- 50,- 48,35 26,60 2450,- 58,55 56,65 31,15 2870,- 41,40 40,05 22,95 2030,- 70,- 67,70 37,0 3430,- 27,15 26,25 14,45 1330,- . 40,- 38,65 21,30 1960,- 46,75 45,25 24,90 2293,- 46,75 45,25 24,90 2293,- 46,75 45,25 24,90 2293,- 21,45 20,70 11,40 1050,- 14,30 13,80 7,60 709,-- 42,15 40,75 22,40 2065,- 38,55 37,30 20,50 1890,- 35,35 34,20 18,80 1733,- 31,05 30,05 16,55 1523,- Tobacco Dobbelmann Gold Shag per kg. 12,- 3,- 21/5 12,60 15,50 21,45 20,70 11,40 1050,- Dobbelmann Bright Shag per kg. 11,- 2,75 19/8 11,55 14,25 19,65 19,- 10,45 963,- Egbert's Amphora per kg 10,- 2,50 17/10 10,50 13,- 17,85 17,25 9,50 875,:- Niemeyer Gold Star Shag per kg. 10,40 2,60 18/7 10,92 13,45 18,55 17,95 9,90 Capstan Mild per lb 12,- 3,- 21/5 12,60 15,50 21,45 20,70 11,40 Capstan Medium per lb. 11,20 2,80 20/- 11,76 14,50 20,- 19,35 10,65 Players per lb. 12,- 3,- 21/5 12,60 15,50 21,45 20,70,11,40, Three Nuns per lb. 14,40 3,60 25/9 15,12 18,60 25,70 24,85 13,70' Prince Albert per lb. 5;60 1,40 10/- 5,88 7,25 10,- 9,65 5,30 Prince Albert 1/2 lb. 2,80 0,70 5)- 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 2;65 George Washington 14 oz. 4,-- 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80 350,--f- Cigarettes paper per booklet Matches per dozen boxes 910,- 1050,- 980,- 1050,- 1260,- 490,.= 245,- 0,06 0,28 0,07 -/6 0,29 0,35 0,50 0,50 0,25 25,- 0,015 --/1/2 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,10 0,06 5,- Dutch Cigars per 100 White Ash Special, 10's 30,- 7,60 53/7 31,50 38,60 53,55 51,80 28,50 2625;- White Ash Special 50's 26,40 6,60 47/2 27,72 34,10 47,10 45,60 25,10 2310,--t- White Ash Cachet 20's 22,80 5,70 40/8 23,95 29,50 40,-70 39,35 21,65 1995,- White Ash Estimados - 10's 44,- 11,- 78/7 46,20 56,95 78,15 75,95 41,80 3850,:- 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 BA'LTOA iwizs Balmoxal Corona Reals ' 25's 13alrnoral Corona Reals 50's Balmoral Estimados 10's Balmoral Fstimados 25's Balmoral Estimados 50's Balmoral Super Class RbL 46,- 46,- 46,40 44,- 42,- 11,50 11,50 11,60 11,- 10,50 ? 82/2 82/2 82/11 78/7 75/- 25's 58,- 14,50103/7 Willem 11 ; Brand N. .30/B 10's 17,20 4,30 30/8 .Extra Senoritas 10's 16,80 4,20 30/- Patria /C 25's 28,- 7,- 50/- Livia 50's 30,- 7,50 53/7 Livia 10's 32,- 8,- 57/2 Imperial 10's 32,- 8,- 57/2 Corona 25"s 40,- 10,- 71/5 Corona 10's 44,- 11,- 78/7 Eminent 25's 48,- 12,- 85/9 Diplomat 10's 52,- 13,- 92/10 Corona Superior 10's 84,- 21,- 150/- Gerrazn Cigars per 100 Jugendklasse 10's 7,60 1,90 13/8 Leichte W 30 25's 21,60 5,40 38/7 Leichte W 30 10's 22,- 5,50 39/3 Brasil A-uslese 10's 22,80 5,70 40/8 Neu Hamburg Corona 25's 33,40 8,35 59/8 Sonderklasse 25's 34,80 8,70 62/3 Spirits and Drinks Wpisky Vi btL Johnnie Walker 8,- 2,- 14/4. Top"s Whisky 4,40 1,10 7/10 Spey Royal Gilbey Scotch Whisky 6,80 1,70 12/2 Gold King Whisky 3,40 0,85 6/1 Private Club 3,80 0,95 6/10 Ruin 2/r btl. Negritta 4,60 1,15 8/3 Jamaica Rum Coruba 2,40 0,60 4/4 Jamaica Rum Gilbey 3,60 0,90 6/6 Casino 3,- 0,75 5/4 Portorico 3,- 0,75 5/4 Havana 3,- 0,75 5/4 14 DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr, .Ffl 48,30 59,55 82,20 7.9,30 43,70 4025,- 48,30 59,55 82,20 79,30 43,70 4025,- 48,72 60,05 82,90 -80,- 44,10 4060,- 46,20 56,95 78,15 75,95 41,80 3850,- 44,10 54,35 75,05 72,50 39,90 3675,- 60,90 75,05103,60 100,15 55,10 5075,- 18,06 22,30 30,70- 29,70 16,35 1505,- 17,64 21,75 30,-- 29,- 15,95 1470,- 29,40 36,20 50,- 48,35 26,60 2450,- 31,50 38,80 53,55 51,80 28,50 2625,- 33,60 41,40 57,15 55,25 30,40 2800,- 33,60 41,40 57,15 55,25 30,40 2800,- 42,- 51,75 71,45 69,05 38,- 3500,- 46,20 56,95 78,15 75,95 41,80 3850,- 50,40 62,10 85,75 82,85 45,60 4200,- 54,60 67,30 92,90 89,75 49,40 4550,- 88,20108,63150,- 145,05 79,80 7350,- 7,98 9,85 13,60 13,10 7,20 665,- 22,68 27,95 38,55 37,30 20,50 1890,- 23,10 28,45. 39,30 38,- 20,90 1925,- 23,95 29,50 40,70 39,35 21,65 1995,- 35,07 43,15 59,60 57,70 31,95 2923,- 36,54 45,- 62,10 60,10 33,05 3045,- - 4,62 5,70 7,85 7,60 4,20 385,- 7,14 8,80 12,15 11,75 6,45 595,- 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 298,- 4,- 4,90 6,80 6,55 3,60 332,,- 4.83 6,- 8,20 7,95 4,35 403,- 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- 3,78 4,65 6,45 6,20 3,40 315,- 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- Gins VI btl. Gordon's Dry Gin Bols Dry Gin Gilbey Dry Gin CLOC Gin Silver Top's Dry Gin Bois V. 0. Genever Cognac 1/1 btl. Hennessy *** Hennessy VSOP Martell *** Martell VSOP Bisquit Dubouche *** Curvoisier *** Napoleon *** Napoleon VSOP Salignac Red 45 Salignac *** Salignac *** flasks 24/2 per case Salignac *** flasks 48/2 per case Salignac *** flasks 96/4 per case Rbl. 4,- 2,60 4,- 3,20 2,60 3,20 9,40 13,80 9,- 13,20 7,60 7,60 8,60 12,40 7,20 7,20 French Liqueurs & Wines Rocher Cacao Chouao Rocher Curacao Rocher Menthe Vert Benedictine DOM Grand Marnier, Cordon Rouge Grand Marnier, Cordon Jaune Cherry Marnier Champagne Deutz Champagne-Heidsieck Monopole Demi Sec, Red Top Heidsieck-Dry Monopole Mumm - Cordon Vert Mumm Cordon Rouge Bordeaux Rouge Medoc Red, Medoc Choix Pauillac Red Barsac, Sauternes White 5,- 5,- 5,- 9,20 8,80 6,- 5,20 11,60 11,60 11,60 12,- 12,80 3,40 4,- 4,80 ? DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Fr.Fr. 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80 350,- 0,65 4/8 2,73 3,35 4,65 4,50 2,50 228,- 1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3;80 350,- 0,80 5/9 3,36 4,15 5,70 5,50 3,05 280,- 0,65 4/8 2,73 3,35 4,65 4,50 2,50 228,- 0,80 5/9 3,36 4,15 5,70 5,50 3,05 280,- 2,35 16/10 9,87 12,15 16,80 16,20 8,95 823,- 3,45 24/8 14,50 17,85 24,65 23;85 13,10 1208,- 2,25 16/1 9,45 11,65 16,05 15,55 8,55 788,- 3,30 23/7 13,86 17,10 23,60 22,80 12,50 1155,- 1,90 13/8 7,98 9,85 13,60 13,10 7,20 665,- 1,90 13/8 7,98 9,85 13,60 13,10 7,20 665,- 2,15 15/5 9,03 11,10 15,35 14,85 8,15 753,- 3,10 22/2 13,02 16,05 22,15 21,40 11,80 1085,- 1,80 12/10 7,56 9,30 12,85 12,45 6,85 630,- 1,80 12/10 7,56 9,30 12,85 12,45 6,85 630,- 1,25 9/- 5,25 6,50 8,95 8,65 4,75 438,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- 0,50 3/7 2,10 2,60 3,60 3,45 1,90 175,- 1,25 9/- 5,25 6,50 8,95 8,65 4,75 438,- 1,25 9/- 5,25 6,50 8,95 8,65 4,75 438,- 1,25 9/- 5,25 6,50 8,95 8,65 4,75 438,- 2,30 16/5 9,66 11,90 16,40 15,90 8,75 805,- 2,20 15/9 9,24 11,40 15,70 15,20 8,35 770,- 1,50 10/9 6,30 7,75 10,70 10,35 5,70 525,- 1,30 9/4 5,46 6,75 9,30 9,- 4,95 455,- 2,90 20/9 12,18 15,- 20,70 20,05 11,- 1015,- 2,90 20/9 12,18 15,- 20,70 20,05 11,- 1015,- 2,90 20/9 12,18 15,- 20,70 20,05 11,-1015,- 3,- 21/5 12,60 15,50 21,45 20,70. 11,40 1050,- 3,20. 22/10 13,44 16,35 22,85 22,10 12,15 1120,- 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 298,- 1,- _ 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 6,90 3,80 350,- 1,20 8/7 5,04 6,20 8,60 8,30 4,55 420,- 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ..1.?=111. B :A" L -0 IN' A 'Es _ - Rbl. E DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Fr.Fr. Pommard 9,40 2,35 Chamber tin 16,20 4,05 Chablis 7,60 1,90 Montagne Saint Emilian 3,40 0,85 Gevrey Chambertin 14,80 3,70 16/10 9,87 12,15 16,80 16,20 8,95 823,- 28/11 17,01 20,95 28,95 27,95 15,40 1418,- 13/8 7,98 9,85 13,60 1340 7,20 665,- 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 325 298,- 26/5 15,54 19,15 26,45 25,55 14,05 1295,- Dutch Liquors Bols Liquers, various /4 1. 5,- 1,25 9/- 5,25 6,50 8,95 8,65 4,75 438,- BoLs Ballerina - Creme de Bananas 20,- 5,- 35/7 21,- 25,85 35,70 34,55 19,- 1750,- Choice Balkan Wines and Liquors Jelinek Plum Brandy 4,- 1,- Cherry Brandy Jugosl. 3,20 0,80 Cloc Liquors 1/2 1. 2,80 0,70 Various Spirits &I Wines Absolut Rent 2,- 0,50 Aalborg Akvavit 3/41. 2,60 0,65 Bordsbrannvin /4l.3 2,- 0,50 0. P. Anderson's Akvavit 2,- 0,50 Chianti Ruffino Ml. 3,20 0,80 Eau de Vie 3/41. 2,80 0,70 Invalid, Port Oporto 4,40 1,10 Swedish Punch 1/21. 2,80 0,70 Swedish Punch 3/41. 4,- 1,- Vermouth Cinzano /41.3 3,40 0,85 Vermouth Martini 1/i 1. 3,80 0,95 Vermouth Cora white, red 3,40 0,85 Dujarclin Extra - 3,- 0,75 Dujardin Imperial 6,- 1,50 Famous Polish Liquors and Brandies Export Vodka 3/4 1. 2,80 0,70 Export Vodka 1/2 1. 2,- 0,50 Cherry Cordial 1/21. 2,20 0,55 Cherry Cordial 3/41? 3,- 0,75 Cherry Liqueur 1/21. 2,20 0,55 Cacao Choix 1/2 1. 2,80 0,70 Zubrowka - Bison Brand 400/0 1/2 1. 2,40 0,60 Zubrowka,- Bison Brand 400/0. $1. 3,40 0,85 Winiak ,Brandy 430/0 3/4 1. 2,80 0,70 16 7/2 5/9 5/- 3/7 4/8 3/7 3/7 5/9 5/- 7/10 5/- 7/2 6/1 6/10 6/1 5/4 10/9 5/- 3/7 4/- 5/4 4/- 5/- 4,20 3,36 2,94 2,10 2,75 2,10 2,10 3,36 2,94 4,62 2,94 4,20 3,57 4,- 3,57 3,15 6,30 2,94 2,10 2,31 3,15 2,31 2,94 4/4 2,52 5,20 4,15 3,60 2,60 3,35 2,60 2,60 4,15 3,60 5,70 3,60 5,20 4,40 4,90 7,15 5,70 5,- 3,60 4,65 3,60 3,60 5,70 5,- 7,85 7,15* 6,10 6,80 4,40 6,10 3,90 5,35 7,75 10,70 6,90 5,50 4,85 3,45 4,50 3,45 3,45 5,50 4,85 7,60 4,85 6,90 5,85 6,55 5,85 5,20 10,35 3,80 3,05 2,65 1,90 2,50 1,90 1,90 3,05 2,65 4,20 2,65 3,80 3,25 3,60 3,25 2,85 5,70 350,- 280,- 245,- 175,- 228,- 175,- 175,- 280,- 245,- 385,- 245,- 350,- 298,- 332,- 298,- 263,- 525,- 3,60 5,-- 4,85 2,65 245,- 2,60 3,60 8,45 1,90 175,- 2,85 3,95 3,80 2,10 193,- 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- 2,85 3,95 -3,80 2,10 193,- 3,60 5,- -4,85 2,65 245,- 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 `5,85 3,25 298,- 5/- 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 2,65 245,- ? B-4LTONA SHIPCHANDLER- _1.41 Winiak Brandy Special .430/o 3/4 1. Nut Cordial 3/41. Goldwasser 400/o 1/21 Blackberry Brandy 1/21. Blackberry Brandy /41.3 Honey Cherry Brandy special bottles 38?/o 1/2 ICrupnik 400/o ipecial bottles 0,5 1. Cassis 350/o special bottles 0,51. Ratafia 35% special bottles 0,5 1. Trianon 253/4 special bottles 0,5 1. Honey Wine 3/41. Pure Alcohol 963/4 /41.3 Pure Alcohol 963/4 /2 1. Beer Original Pilsner?''" Urquell Kart' 2,50 17/10 10,50 ;13;-.7.. 9,50 Senator Piliner Beer 24 b-.4.10,80 '2,70 19/411,3-4 .13,65 10,25 Gdansk-SzCzecin ,Export ;", ? ." Beer, -? L "case 30 13.10,--=,2,50 17/10 - 10,50 ' 1.6;?.-.17,8-- 17,25 9,50 GdaliskzSzczeciff.-.ExPOrt4..; c.; ? - Beer 4 24.bottless-,8,-.:,'58;-.4. 14/4 8,40 10,p5-44,30 13,80 7,60 ,F,9?1is,h. Beer' ywiec ''? - ' ? 41unkrian ,Beeri;,12';" Rocky ?Cellar 'ICart,': ???,.; "- 24 bottles::: 8,;.=:' 8;40 10,35 14,30 13,60 1/27,60 '790,.?,, Rbl. 3,40 2,20 2,60 2,60 3,40 0,85 0,55 0,65 0,65 0,85 ? DM Skr. .Nkr. Dkr. ? Hfl. Fr.Fr.- WI 3,57 4,40 6,10 4/- 2,31 2,85 3,95 4/8 2,75 3,35 4,65 4/8 2,75 3,35 '4,65 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,19 5,85 3,80 2,10'193,- 4,50'i? 2,50 , 4,50 ;2' 2,50 ; '228, 5,O53,?5 ' 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,75 4,40. 6,10 5,85'2: 3,25 :- 296;47- 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 . 6,45 6,20 3,40 ? 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78,, 4,65 6,45. 6,20. 8,40? 3,20 0,80 5/9' 3,36 -4,15 .. 5,70 5,50'' 3,05 4,- 1,- 7/2 5,20.`?: 745' ?6,90 ? 3,80 30, , 2,- 0,50 3/7 , 2,10 2,60 :3,60 3,45 1,90 175,-/ 3,80 0,95.'-6/10-' 3,99 4,90 !.?6,80 6,55 3,60 2,60 0,65, 4/8 ,,2,72 " '3,35 4,65377'4,50' 2,50-': 228,- - ? - ' 24,bottles 8;80 2,po 15/5 ? 875,- 945,- 875,- 700,- ,24, 11,4..0 15,70 15,20 8,35 770,- :k.?.? 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 - .., Rbl. $ ? DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr: lifl. Worlds-famous Hungarian Wines and Liquors Tokay Aszu 1/2 ltr. 10/9 Egri Bikaver, finest claret (Bull's blood .: of Eger) 3/41. b. 6,90 3,80 350,- Szekszardi claret 3/41. b. 3,80 2,10 193,- Promontor claret 3/41. b. 4,85 2,65 245,- Odenburger claret in barrels per. ltr. 2,47 1,40 126,- Promontor, white wine ,, . - . 3/41. b. 2,80 0,70 2,94 3,60 4,85 2,55 245,- Riesling; white wine - -3/4 I. b. 2,40 0,60 414 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- Promontor Vermouth 3/41. b. 3,60 0,90 6/6 3,78 4,65 6,45 6,20 3,40 315,- Apricot Brandy, /41.3 b. 3,80 0,95 6/10 3,99 4,90 6,80 6,55 3,60 331,- Plum Brandy 3/41. b. 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- Cherry 'Brandy /41.3 b. 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 297,- Apricot Liqueur 3/41. b. 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 297,- Bonbon Grietto 3/4 1. b. 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 297,- Unicum Bitter 3/41. b. 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263-. Alash , 31. b. 3,40 0,85 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 3,25 297,- Trois Tours Brandy 3/4 1. b. 3,20 0,80 5/9 3,36 4,15 5,70 5,50 3,05 280,- Carlsbad Becher 3/41. b. 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,- Cabin and Steward Stores Steward jackets, white per piece 16,- Cook's, jackets, white per piece 16,- Rubber boots 20,- Deep ladles, alum. 8 cm 2,- Deep ladles, alum. 12,5 cm 3,20 Coir runner 1 m2 16,80 Meat boards 30X50X3 per piece 6,60 Meat boards 45X70X5 27,60.15,20 1400,- 34,55 19,- 1750,- 3,45 1,90 175,-- 5,50 3,05 280,- 29,- 15,95 1470,.- per piece 15,- 3,75 26/9 15,75 19,40 26,80 25,90 14,25 1313,- Cup and saucer for mocca 1,60 2/11 1,68 2,05 2,85 2,75 1,50 140,- Kitchen aprons , 6,80 1,70 12/2 7,14 8,80 12,15 11,75 6,45 595,- Alum, pots straight 5 ltr. 11,-. 2,75 19/8 11,55 14,25 19,65 19,- 10,45 963,- Alum. pots straight 50 ltr. 54,- 13,50 96/5 56,70 69,80 96,40 93,25 51,30 4725,-' Alum, meat hooks 2,40 0,60 4/4 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- Nickelplated meat hooks 3,20 0,80 5/9 3,36 4,15 5,70 5,50 3,05 280,- Tea kettles alum. 2 ltr. 11,60 2,90 20/9 12,18 15,- 20,70 20,05 11,- 1015,- Tea kettles alum. 5 ltr. 19,20 4,80 34/3 20,16 24,85 34,30 33,15 18,25 1680,- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ? -.'v cit M leAtiut occzatiniA Ata conttima -Oak Alt tt, Van 0..c, atate) in.Vr t t&tt utaia and ? MONIMPEX whfied-- Rbl. $ ? DM Coffee cups, china 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 Decanter glass 1 ltT. 2,20 0,55 4/- 2,31 Table spoons stainless 2,- .0,50 3/7 2,10 Table spoons, alum. 0,40 0,10 0,42 Breadcutting mach. 25,= 6,- 42/10 25,20 Pepper mills 2,40 0,60 4/4 2,52 Coffee mills 11;20 2,80 20/- 11,76 Meabnincers No. 10 23,20 5,80 41/5 24,36 Cover butter dishes 8,60 2,15 15/5 9,03 Laundry soap kg 2,- 0,50 3/7 2,10 Soft soap kg 0,80 0,20 1/6 0,84 Table knives, stainless 2,20 0,55 4/- 2,31 Table knives alum. 1,20 0,30 2/2 1,26 Carving knives 10" 3,-, 0,75 5/4 3,15 20 BALTONA., HIPCHAND,LER_S _ .? e. ? - tn. ? ? BESIDES THE EXCELLENT BOTTLED HUNGARIAN WINES WE WARMLY RECOMMEND THE FAMOUS ODENBURGER CLARET in barrels or carboys. THIS RED WINE (14 - 15010 STRENGTH) IS ESPECIALLY FIT FOR TROPICAL VOYAGES. Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Fr.Fr. 1,55 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 2,85 3,95 3,80 2,10 193,- 2,60 3,60 3,4T 1,90 175,- 0,50 0,70 0,70 0,40-35,- 31,- 42,85 41,45 22,80 2100,7- 3,10 4,30 4,15 2,30 210,- 14,50 20,- 19,3-5- 10,65 980,-- '30,- 41,40 40;05_22,05 2030,- 11,10 15,35 14,85 8,15 753,- 2,60 3,60 3,45 1,90 175,- 1,05 1,40 1-,40 0,75 70,-- 2,85 3,95 3,80 .2,10 193,- 1,55 2,15 2,95 1,15 105,- 3,90 5,35 5,20.-2,85 263,-- .RbL Butchers knives 6" stainless 3,20 Butchers knives 7", ' stainless 4,- Linen thread for sail 250 g 5,60 Round frying pans 28 cm 6,80 Round frying pans 16 cm 2,80 White linen cloth mtr. 4,40 Toilet paper 0,40 Metal polish liquid. bd. 0,28 Laundry powder kg. 1,- Cleaning powder pack. 0,60 Floor polish mahogany 5 kg tin tin 19,60 Stewpans alum. 024 cm per piece 12,60 Stewpans alum. 0 12 cm per piece 3,40 Cabin cotton, towels per piece 2,60 Kitchen cloth linen per piece 3,- Bath towels per piece 5,- Fine flour sieves 040 cm per piece 5,40 Salad dish, china 13X13 per piece 0,60 Salad dish, china 25X25 per piece 2,80 Whisky soda glasses per piece 2,04 Water glasses per piece 0,64 Tea glasses per piece 0,64 Crystal soda per kg 0,40 Ammoniac salt 'in pack per kg 2,- Caustic soda per kg 2,- Bristle floor brushes per piece 16,- Bristle floor brushes with handles per piece 6,20 Deck brooms per piece 2,40 Scrubbing 'brushes per piece 2,40 Kitchen polish cloth per piece 3,- $ 0,80 1,- 1,40 1,70 0,70 1,10 0,10 0,07 0,25 0,15 4,90 3,15 0,85 0,65 0,75 1,25 1,35 0,15 0,70 0,51 0,16 0,16 0,10 0,50 0,50 4,- 1,55 0,60 0,60 0,75 5/9 7/2 10/- 12/2 5/- 7/10 -/9 -/6 1/10 1/1 35/- 22/6 6/1 4/8 5/4 9/-- 9/8 1/1 5/- 3/8 1/2 1/2 -/9 3/7 3/7 28/8 11/1 4/4 4/4 5/4 DM 3,36 4,20 5,88 7,14 2,94 4,62 0,42 0,29 1,05 0,63 20,58 13,23 3,57 2,73 3,15 5,25 5,67 0,63 2,94 2,14 0,67 0,67 0,42 2,10 2,10. 16,80 6,51 2,52 2,52 3,15 Skr. 4,15 5,20 7,25 8,80 3,60 5,79 .0,50 0,35 1,30 0,80 25,35 16,30 4,40 3,35 3,90 6,50 7,- 0,80 3,60 2,65 0,85 0,85 0,50 2,60 2,60 20,50 8,- 3,10 3,10 3,90 Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. 5,70 5,50 3,05 7,15 6,90 3,80 10,- 9,65 5,30 12,15 11,75 6,45 5,- 4,85 2,65 . 7,85 7,60 4,20 0,70 0,70 0,40 0,50 0,50 0,25 1,80 1,75 0,95 1,05 1,- 0,55 35,- 33,85 18,60 22,50 21,75 11,95 6,10 5,85 3,25 4,65 4,50 2,50 5,35 5,20 2,85 8,95 8,65 4,75 9,65 9,30 5,15 1,05 1,- 0,55 5,- 4,85 2,65 3,65 3,50 1,95 1,15 1,10 0,60 1,15 1,10 0,60 0,70 0,70 0,40 3,60 3,45 1,90 3,60 3,45 1,90 28,60 27,60 15,20 11,05 10,70 5,90 4,30 4,15 2,30 4,30 4,15 2,30 5,35 5,20 2,85 Fr.Fr. 280,-- 350,- 595,- 245,- 385,- 35,- 25,- . 86,- 53,- 1715,-.- 1103,- 298,- 228,- 263,- 438,- 473,- 53,- 245,- 179,- - 56,- 56,- 35, - 175,- 175,- 1400,- 543,- 210,- 210,- 263,- 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 dkutic -- fat pAtioc occa16A &Leh, 4e2 cont6ima -0.4"tiv 1,9 tan. tapeitej.,9FICa441 uSr 14.2i t&L and Dutt MONIMPEX fffhfieff- Rbl. 8 ? Coffee cups, china 1,20 0,30 2/2 Decanter glass 1 ltr. 2,20 0,55 4/- Table spoons stainless 2,- 0,50 3/7 Table spoons, alum. ' ,0,40 0,10 -/9 Breadcutting mach. ' 25,-- 6,- 42/10 Pepper mills 2,40 0,60 4/4 Coffee mills 11,20 2,80 20/- 1Vleatmincers No. 10 23,20 5,80 41/5 Cover butter dishes. 8,60 2,15 15/5' Laundry soap kg 2,- 0,50 3/7 Soft soap kg '0,80 0,20 1/6 Table knives, stainless 2,20 0,55 4/- Table knives alum. . 1,20 0,30 2/2 Carving knives 10." 3,- 0,75 5/4 20 BESID-ES THE EXCELLENT BOTTLED HUNGARIAN WINES WE WARMLY RECOMMEND THE FAMOUS ODENBURGER CLARET in barrels-or carboys. THIS RED WINE (14 - 15?10 STRENGTH) IS ESPECIALLY FIT FOR TROPICAL VOYAGES. DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hf!. Fr.Fr. 1,26 1,55 2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 2,31 2,85 3,95 3,80 2,10 193,- 2,10 2,60 ? 3,60 3,45 1,90 175,- 0,42 0,50 0,70 0,70 0,40 35,- 25,20 31,- 42,85 41,45 22,80 2100,- 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,1?5 -2,30 210,- 11,76 14,50 20,- 19,35 10,65 980,- 24,36 30,- 41,40 40,05_22,05 2030,- 9,03 11,10 15,35 14,85 8,15 753,- 2,10 2,60 3,60 ; 3,45 1,90 175,-- 0,84 1,05 1,40 1,40 0,75 70,-- 2,31 2,85 3,95 3,804 2,10 193,- 1,26 1,55 -2,15 2,05 1,15 105,- 3,15 3,90 5,35 5,20 2,85 263,-- . ? ,.- BAIATONA.: SHIPCHANDLERS _ Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hf!. Butchers knives 6" stainless 3,20 0,80 5/9 3;36 4,15 5,70 Butchers knives 7", stainless 4,-1,- 7/2 4,20 5,20 7,15 Linen thread for sail 250 g 5,60,,- 1,40 '10/- 5?88 7,25 10,- Round frying pans 28 cm ' 6,80 1,70 12/2 7,14 8,80 12,15 Round frying pans -16 cm 2,80 0,70 5/- 2,94_ 3,60 5;-.! White linen cloth mtr. 4,40 1,10 7/10 4,62 5,70 ? 7,85 Toilet paper-. ? . 0,40 0,10 -/9 0,42 * 0,50 0,70 Metal polish liquid' bd. 0,28 0,07 -/6 0,29 0,35 0,50 Laundry powder kg. 1,- 0,25 1/10 1,05 .1,30- 1,80 Cleaning powder pack. 0,60 0,15 1/1 0,63- _0,80 1,05 Floor polish mahogany 5 kg tin tin 19,60 4,90 35/- 20,58. 25,35 35,- Stewpans alum. 024 cm per piece 12,60 3,15 22/6 13,23 16,30 22,50 Stewpans alum. 012 cm per piece?, 3,40 0,85 Cabin cotton, towels 6/1 3,57 4,40 6,10 per piece 2,60 0,65 Kitchen cloth linen 4/8 2,73 3,35 4,65 per, Piece 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 Bath towels "per. piece 5,- 1,25 Fine flour sieves 040 cm 9/- 5,25 6,50 8,95 per piece 5,40 1,35 Salad dish, china 13X13 9/8 5,67 7,- 9,65 per piece 0,60 0,15 1/1 0,63 0,80 - 1,05 Salad dish, china 25X25 -per piece :2,80': 0,70 5/- 2,94 3,60 5,- Whisky soda glasses , -.. ? per piece 2,04 '0,51 3/8 2,14 2,65 3,65 Water glasses per piece-0,64z .0,16 1/2 0,67 0,85 1,15 Tea glasses ;, ' `per piece -0,64 0,16 1/2 0,67 0,85 1,15 CrYstal soda: ,-er' kg 0,40 0,10 -/9 0,42 0,50, 0,70 Ammoniac salt in Pack per kg 2,- 0,50 3/7 2,10*. 2,60 3,60 Caustic soda . per* kg 2,- 0,50* 3/7 2,10 2,60* 3,60 Bristle floor brushes - per piece 16,- 4,- 28/8 16,80 20,50 28,60 Bristle floor brushes with handles per piece 6,20 1,55 11/1 6,51 8,- 11,05 Deck brooms per piece 2,40 0,60 ? 4/4 2,52 3,10 4,30 Scrubbing 'brushes . per piece 2,40, 0,60 4/4 2,52 3,10 4,30 Kitchen polish cloth per piece 3,- 0,75 5/4 3,15 3,90 5,35 Fr.Fr. ,5,50 3,05 280,- , . , 6,90 3,80 350,- 9,65 5,30 490,-, 11,75. 6,45 595, 4,85 2,65 .245,* 7,60, 4,20 385,- 0,70 *0,40 35,- 0,50 0,25 '25,- 1,75 0,95 .86,- 1,??* 0,55 ? 53,- 33,85,18,60 1715,- 21,75 11,95,-1103,- 585 3,25 ? 298;7- 4,50 *2,50 5,20 2,85 263,- 8,65 4,75 438, 9,30 5,15 473,- 1,- 0,55 53,- 4,85 2,65 245,- 3,50 1,95 179,- 1,10 0,60 - 56,- 1,10 0,60 56,- 0,70 0,40 35, - 3,45 1,90 175,L- '3,45' 1,90 175,- 27,60 15,20 1400,- 10,70 5,90 543,- 4,15 2,30 210,- 4,15 2,30 210,- 5,20 ? -2,85 4' 263,- , ?;. 21 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 a Iona ? EXPORTERS MINERALS, CE CER Warszawa, Xredytow. Telephone: 664 Telegramms: Telex: 10416 ependent Liability) PORTERS OF LASS AND IMPORT & EXPORT FOR LEATHER INDUSTRY.' -L0D2, Piotrkowska 260, POLA ND ,Telegrams: SKORIMPEX - LODZ P.O.B. 133 t 4, Poland 14 Warszawa RECOMMENDS: LUXURIOUS SKIN AND LEATHER FANCY GOODS We reco TABLE POR TABLE PO COFFEE and T also HOUSHOLD known all over the wo best quality, rich de differents their and ? FOR POLISH OFFERS AND CATALOGUES. ON REQUEST Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 40. BAL.TONA, SHIP CHANDLERS,: Rbl. $ ? DM Skr. Nkr. Dkr. Hfl. Fr.Fr. Flat plates, china per piece 2,- 0,50 3/7 Floor polish cloth per piece 2,80 0,70 5/- Middle plates, china per piece 1,20 0,30 2/2 Warm cotton wool suit 34,- 8,50 60/9 Worker's suit . 32,- 8,- 57/2 Buckets, galv. 0 32 cm per piece 3,40 0,85 6/1 auckets, galv. 0 28 cm - per piece 2,40 0,60 4/4 Buckets, enamel 0 28 cm per piece 4,80 1,20 8/7 Table scales 10 kg per piece 45,40 11,35 81/1 Decimal scales 100 kg 53,20 13,30 95/- Table forks, stainless 2,40 0,60 4/4 Table forks, alum. per piece 0,40 0,10 -/9 Kitchen forks 7" p. piece 2,80 0,70 5/- Coir floor mats 42X65 per piece 24,- 6,- 42/10 Patent door locks p. piece 5,80 1,45 10/4 Electric irons 220/400 per piece 14,80 3,70 26/5 2,10 2,60 3,60 3,45 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 1;26 1,55 2,15 2,05 35,70 43,95 60,70 58,70 33,60 41,40 57,15 55,25 3,57 4,40 6,10 5,85 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 5,04 6,20 8,60 8,30 47,67 58,75 81,10 78,35 55,86 68,75 94,95 91,85 2,52 3,10 4,30 4,15 0,42 0,50 0,70 0,70 2,94 3,60 5,- 4,85 25,20 31,- 42,85 41,45 6,10 7,50 10,35 10,- 15,54 19,15 26,45 25,55 1,90 175,- 2,65 245,- 1,15 105,- 32,30 2975,- 30,40 2800,- 3,25 298,- 2,30 210,- 4,55 420,- 43,15 3973,- 50,55 4655,- 2,30 210,- 0,40 35,- 2,65 245,- 22,80 2100,- 5,50 507,50 14,05 1293,- Toilet and Personal Articles Eau de Cologne and perfums - Coty, Worth, Bourjois Beauty and Toilet preparations - Helena Rubinstein, Elizabeth, Arden, Max Factor ?HALEX" hair, nail and tooth-brushes, and combs Nylon stockings, Men's Wool & Nylon socks Fountain pens, pencils and ink, Waterman, Parker etc. Swfdish steel Razor Blades Briar pipes " FaMous Jablonec necklets and artif. jewelry (Czech.) Aparatus - Watches. etc. Photo-cameras: Contax S & others, Erika portable typewriters and others Wireless sets " Pickups for wireless 24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 BALTONA SHIPCHANDLR ? - Swiss Wristwatches: -Tissot, Doxa, Cyma, Movado, Eterna Choicest Polish woollen cloth, linem, cotton, carpets & rugs China-ware, cut crYstal- and glass wares Iron ware, steward stores, electrical articles Marine paints Miscellaneous: toilet soap, laundry soap, soft soap etc. Sole Agents in -all Polish ports of: International Paints Exports Lid. London (Marine Paints) Scaling Hammers Ltd. London (Scaling -tools) Volspray Ltd. London (Paint spraying Machines) James Walker, Woking (Surrey) Packings and SoIntings (Ocean Oil Co./1942) Ltd. London (Specializing in the Manufacture of Marine Steam Engine, Steam Turbine and Diesel Lubricating Oils). ATTENTION: Not all articles we have in stocks could be included in above price-list. On application we are always ready to send you any information required. . - Delivery of all supplies Free on Board. PRICES SUBJECT TO WORLD-MARKET FLUCTUATIONS DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 26 ? s.r N T I C.E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 _ CWD-1194/Ga. GDA-1435. 9.5.57. 2000 brosz. 09. 80 g/III. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 TLice sr,,J1 01 Ir. Cu,;( r,"icre. tc tr.e W't Cr, (40 C rlLan cl...,,,N.?LtrO r.3C ; r.Czi lc! nes r ,1c1,-quate stnck c I1EJ U L. ? UPCUP. ou ttr-er - b.-L,rr,:`3t1 cVZI e t?-?-? n..:1 i tr,- W0110 k. trt, .no?-?ci rfle..MouLl not t.,e laLk.ng .n iy Lt de PRP L.U!..CZECHUSLOVA iA ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 hakt epaulets vdth rod strip: - ' ...r????????????????.....Yria r.? Khaki officer-typo. ellp \ . , ECtiMtAlf: 2 oztg nsval salt `f ?Z:2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 40am Aft guns diffliVtri ...I 71 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ? ' ? -'-vaishc-'" , ?10'4404.*-4- _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 fAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ???? POLISH PORTS. SHIPPING AND MARITIME TRADE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R0-01600220014-1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 PHOTOGRAPHS: KAZIMIERZ KONIOROWSKI EDITORS: L. J. GADZIEMSKI, J. MICIICISKI, A. KRZEPKOWSKI GRAPHIC EDITOR: G. BUDECKI TECHNICAL EDITORS: A. BOGUCKI, W. CZARNECKI, A. KRZEPKOWSKI PUBLISHED BY THE POLISH CHAMBER OF FOREIGN TRADE, 4, TREBACICA STREET, WARSAW, 1955 POLISH PORTS SHIPPING AND MARITIME TRADE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ??? -OF 10?...'",,i,.'l??????????: ? ? 0 'Miter . ? ? 3 ??????????-- 7r, ? , ? ?2????4???V.41,, ? ? 404 ? ??? .11 ."Z. ? 0?0'???;???????? ?? ??? .t.C?11 . 4.. pets ? ? ? ? *kV. ? ? ??41;?????-? al ? ? * ? Ai, ? '4444' - . ?-? ? . ? 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WW1 ? ? ? ? 7,.f ? ? ? . ? . . zoaib . fo??? 'OS' ? p ? t ONIP UliOnte a ? ...........? *or ? r? ?????? ? ? ? 1.07 ?? .1, ??? ? ? ??? ? ? - qL? ? ? 7 rr, ? " ? 14. we. ? ? _ ,31.N!.113.:???? 4.1.\?) Throughout the length of the Polish coastline, the 500 kilometre-long maritime border of the Polish State, in all towns and ports, work is going ahead at top speed on the development of maritime econom) rhc ports, shimards and maritime trade of the Polish People's Republic are developing in harmon) with the other branches of the national econom), facilitating the exchange of goods with the entire trans-oceanic world, across seas which do not di?ide, but link nations File Polish Chamber of I?oreign 1 rade desires, b) means of this publication, to inform the reader interested in problems of foreign trade, and in particular in maritime commerce, about the acti?mes of Polish ports, shipping and the numerous ser ice institutions rhe publication, therefore, contains not onl) general information, which shows in its proper light the development of Polish maritime econom?, but also detailed commercial information, and such addresses as those of shipping, ship brokering, shipchandler), insurance and sal? aging enterprises Should this publication facilitate, if onl) to a small extent, the co-operation with Poland's customers, of those who as ail themselves of transit facilities through Polish ports and territor), the publishers will be satisfied that if has achies cd its ends on this small sector of the great sphere of foreign trade Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 The loss and damage suffered by Polish coastal installation during the war years amounted, not counting the loss to private property and that of the merchant marine and navy, to 300 million dollars, on the basis of pre-war prices. The enormous losses in the ports, shipyards and coastal towns were all the more serious, in view of the fact that the decimated and impoverished Polish people had simultaneously to set about such enormous tasks as the reconstruction of Warsaw and many other cities, of railways, roads, schools, hospitals and public utility installations, and to bring, under cultivation enormous stretches of land lying fallow. The historic city of Gdansk, one of the most beautiful in Europe, which had grown and become prosperous through many centuries of co-operation with Poland, lay in terrible ruin, its magnificent architecture rich in historic works of art turned in rubble. Of the 270,000 sq. m. of warehouses in pre-war Gdansk, only 20,000 sq. m. were left standing; two thirds of the granaries, once capable of storing 160,000 tons, were completely destroyed. The cooling plants, Oil tanks and herring warehouses were wiped out. The port railway lines, transhipment equipment, bridges and viaducts, electrical power plants, rolling stock,- flood dams, ship- yards and factories, water mains and canalisation conduits ? all were either seriously damaged, completely destroyed, or removed by the Nazis. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 47. The port of Gdynia was also almost completely de- stroyed. Suffice it to quote as illustration that of the 4,000 metres of breakwater, built by the latest ferro-concrete construction methods, 80 per cent lay in ruins; of the 200,000 sq. m. of modern port warehouses, 170.000 sq. m. were completely destroyed or from 60 to 70 per cent. da- maged; the mechanical equipment of the port cooling plant, the rice husking plant, the oil mill and the grain elevators were either shattered or had been removed; of 112 mecha- nical transhipment machines, only 40 were in place and even those in a condition requiring complete overhaul. Szczecin suffered to a similar degree. It was so de- vastated as to make appear impossible the reconstruction of the city and the rehabilitation of the port as an conornic instrument. Military operations and the vindictive hand of the Nazis did not spare the smaller coastal towns, or even tiny fishing villages dispersed along the shore. During the first days of freedom the Polish sea coast presented a picture of ruin and emptiness. Now, after ten years of strenuous work, how different is the aspect of the coastal ports and towns! The ports have been rebuilt, equipped with modern loading equip- ment and warehouses, and now have a transloading poten- tial greater than they had before the war. The shipyards, which constitute a powerful overhaul and construction centre for the merchant fleet, have also been developed. The steel for the construction of new sheds, ware- houses and cranes, the machinery and all kinds of tech- nical equipment, were provided by ,the industrial hinter- land of the country, which has ceased to be a region pro- ducing only 'raw materials and agricultural produce" and has become a country having a powerful metal industry. The reconstruction of the technical port installations would have been unthinkable without the development of heavy industry. Neither, without steel and cement, would the port towns have risen from the rubble and be at the . present time pulsating with life. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ????? i?Scfl- N !EWA); cFROMBORKg TOLIKMICK, Before the war, Poland's access to the sea was limited to 120 km. of coastline with a single commercial port ? Gdynia. Following the Second World War, the Yalta and Potsdam agree- ments changed the national frontiers, extending the maritime fron- tier to 500 km., the major part of the south-western shore of the Baltic. Such an extensive and varied coast is proper to the 'development of a maritime economy corresponding in potential to the strong economic hinterland of an industrialized country , - such' as Poland has become during recent years. The Polish coast today has numerous ports, a rapidly de- 'veloping ship-building industry with auxiliary regional centres, and a powerful_ fishing industry, with a fleet reaching not only distant fishing grounds on the Baltic, but also the English Channel, the North Sea and the Northern Atlantic. The ports on the Polish coast. may be divided into three groups. The first consists of the great commercial ports: Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin. Their technical equipment and the great depth of their basins makes them accessible to ocean-going vessels. The navigability of the Vistula and Odra rivers makes the ports lying on the eastern and western sectors of the coast of the greatest importance in the transportation of certain goods, both seawards and in the opposite direction, to the important inland distribution centres. There are, moreover, transit shipments down the Odra; Czechoslovakia, in particular, makes considerable use of cheap transport freely through Poland. The smaller Polish ports serve not only ships of lesser tonn- age but also the fishing fleet. Wladyslawowo is, with its mo- dern equipment and breakwaters, one of the safest of Baltic fishing ports. That is why Swedish, Danish and German cutters mostly favour Wladyslawowo and Hel, particularly during the salmon-fishing season. The three ports of the central part of the coast ? Darlowo, Kolobrzeg and Ustka ? possess transloading devices and are also ideal for supplying the fishing fleet. At the mouth of the Odra, strictly speaking of the wina, lies the new port of 8wino- ujgcie, built before the war, acting as a base for the-deep-sea fishing fleet operating in the North Sea. Ships of many countries enter Polish harbours- ? tramp steamers and merchantmen of the regular lines from -different parts of the world, with crews of a variety of nations. The ships are rapidly and efficiently ,serviced, unloaded and loaded, and the crews are everywhere received hospitably in Seamen's Homes. The frequency of sailings to Polish ports, and detailed Sailing Lists of Polish ships to the various continents, are publish- ed systematically in the Polish Merchant Marine Sailing_. List. This list may. be obtained from the Port Authorities and agents of the "Polish Ocean Lines" and 'Polish Maritime' Shipping _Lines". Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Gdansk was founded around 990 A. D. During its nearly 1000-year history its development and prosperity have been due only to Poland an Polish foreign trade. Gdansk was always one of the largest and richest ports of Europe, and its position as a great Baltic transloading and commer- cial centre has been maintained to this day. The port has extensive, to some extent natural, docks formed in the branches of the Vistula delta. It lies under longitude 18? 40' East and latitude 54? 24' North. The depth of the maritime harbour is ample for great commercial vessels. The entry to the harbour is safe, presenting no navigational difficulties. The harbour entrance is flanked by moles, of which the eastern is the longer as protection against the prevalent East winds. The port is equipped with cranes and transporter cranes of all kinds, possesses modern warehouses, grain elevators, containers for liquid goods, conveyor equipment for coaling from railway wagons. A modernized and extended network of railway lines makes it possible to handle all goods efficiently on land. The centre of the city of Gdansk was destroyed during war opera- tions; it has already been largely rebuilt and connected up with the extensive suburbs and suburban industrial port zones, to form a single entity. 31J3 IT To 331 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Gdynia was, in 1923, a fishing village with little more than 1,000 inhabitants. Today it is a town of 120,000 inhabitants and the port has reached a transhipment capacity of over ten million tons a year. The port of Gdynia lies on the south-western shore of the 'Bay of Gdansk, under latitude 540 32' North and longitude 18? 34' East. Easy access to the port and safe anchorage off shore even during stormy weather are assured by geographical location. Natural shelter from the rollers from the open sea and against north-westerly winds is afforded by the Hel Peninsula, stretching far into the sea. The port freezes only during exceptionally cold winters, but even then is kept open to shipping by powerful icebreakers. The harbour is equipped with all types of modern cranes, conveyor type transloading equipment with tipping devices, numerous warehouses and tanks for liquid fuels, an elevator, a rice husking mill, refrigerating plant, .mechanical workshops, etc. All this has considerably raised the efficacy of the port. It can undertake large-scale transloading, and also handles both general and heavy goods consignments in conditions ideal for shipowners. 116 The reconstruction of the Old City, like that of the Old City in Warsaw, is being carried out so as to present as faithfully as possible all the old architectural features. At the same time, inside the houses, behind the fine Medievial fa?es, are modern, sunny apartments. Every day, there go up new walls of houses; every day some new house adds further charm to the city with a new splendid fa?e and brings it nearer to the beauty and ma- gnificence of dignified tradition. The Polish Government is lavish in its appropriations to help Gdansk in regaining as soon as possible its former magnificence. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 entire basin ? 1,700 km. of watenvays in all ? with the great Silesian industrial region. It has become an important transloading port, serving the trade between the Scandinavian countries on the one hand, and Poland and the Danubian countries, on the other. Czechoslovak goods shipments, in particular, both exports and imports, make use of transit facilities on the over 700 kilometre-long course of the Odra. The port of Szczecin has modern transloading equipment, including one of the largest grain elevators (43,000 tons) in Europe, numerous new warehouses and general goods cranes, built in the place of those destroyed during the war. The city's economic life is also developing today, through the reconstruction of maritime shipyards and nearby industrial plants, operating in connection with the port. The great number of barges on the Odra bear witness to the increasing importance of Szczecin as a great transit port. The port of Szczecin is situated under latitude 53? 23' North and longitude 14? 32' East. It is the largest natural port in the Baltic, embracing an area of about 920 hectares. It lies at the point where the river Odra flows into Lake Dab and the Szczecin lagoon. This extensive port has 'a, multitude of natural basins and canals formed by the numerous branches of the Odra river. It lies 65 kilometres from the sea. ,.Szczecin was once the port for Berlin, allowed to fall into neglect in favour of other Ger- m?' ports, especially Hamburg and Bremen. Today, Szczecin is connected by the Odra and its V174, Gm/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 ? 'ME BALTIC INIERNATIONAL MARR1ME CONFERENCE WOODCNARTER 1937. Baltic (excluding U.S.S.R.) and Nortag to Continent FOC StOgn,ShIps and tud-povier allotoratdpa. ? "N6V... P ? ?-? 7.2.? "Polfracht" is a Polish diartering enterprise, arranging as general agent of the disposal of the goods, for appropriate maritime tran- sport as between exporting and importing countries. This enterprise also acts on behalf of Polish shipowners, on the look-out for cargoes both Polish and foreign. "Polfracht" is a member of "The Baltic and International Ma- ritime Conference" in Copenhagen and, as one of the most important and reliable chartering companies on the European market, has wide connections with customers in other countries. In the course of implementing all kinds of chartering orders covering millions of tons of goods every year, "Polfracht" has unri- valled experience over the entire field of chartering. ? "Polfracht" will find a ship ?fore any consignment in any direction. "Polfracht" will find a cargo for any ship on any voyage. POLFRACHT Polish Chartering Company, 9, Swictojanska Street, Gdynia. Phones: 4991 to 4995. ? Cables: POLFRACHT GDYNIA 3, Plac Zwyciestwa, Szczecin. Phone: 5235. Cables: POLFRACHT SZCZECIN 3, I-Ebnera Street, Warszawa. Phone: 62921. Cables: P,OLFRACH:r WARSZAWA ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R001600220014-1 /10 ... ....* Ji..........htexw.. ----_,.,....._- Abe ... 0 ..... y.............,..?samsea.......---........4. .W., ,....,..0A1C,.....,,,,,,,a............... CT ..' 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