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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within tliO meaning of the Espionage taws, Title 18, U.B.C. Sees. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by taw. 50X1-HUM C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM SUBJECT English Translation of Herald o:l' Antiaircraft Defense. 'Issue Nii. e DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ 5 4 3 2 1 1. An English translation of Issue No. 6. June 1962, of the Soviet publication Vestnik Prctivovozdushnoy Oborony emerald of Antiaircraft a ense/, p flIF d~b t o i itar Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense. Moscow 50X1-HUM 2. In some instances, the articles were translated in their entirety- in other instances, they were summa:r:izeci. REPORT DATE DISTR. ~`" August 1.963 NO. PAGES 1. REFERENCES 04/FDD : I copy OS1: 2 copies ORR: 2 copies OG1: 1. copy OEL: 1 copy Air/F'I'D: 5 copies SAC: 2 copies iA' r 2 copies Army: / 3 copies Army/FSTC: 3 copies DIA: 5 copies Navy: 2 copies Navy/ST IC: 1 copy 3 copies C-O-N?-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM F.dudN I,en .vn.m..e e,..,"?" .e d.d..dd,o.~ AIR NSA XA4K NIC 11 OCR OO/FDD SAC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Vestnik Protivovozdushnoy Oborony, No 6, June 1962 M. S. LEONOV M. K. MASHTANOV V. S. POPOV M. P. OLEYNtK M. P. )VSEDVSK[Y N. Ya. IMDOLA Be in Constant Combat Readiness Party-political Work and Military Education Logical Patterns in the Development of .Socialist Consciousness into Communist Consciousness .With Honor We Are Justifying the Confidence Of the Party; Delegates to the 14th Komsomol Congress Speak Page 4 Combat Training Against Laxity and Over-Simplification in Combat Training Training Operators to Work in Crews Training OCI Controllers and Officers 63 For an Outstanding Podrazdeleniye 69 In the Final Stage of the Academic Year Increase Combat Readiness with the Creativity of Innovators II ' Confidential-/N0. Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/No Foreign Dis,~ :50X1-HUM G. D. DUDKD V. L. IVANNIKOV . V. S. YAROSHENIcO N. Ye. ZHOVINSKCY V. I. ZHUHAVLEV Equipment and its Employment Important Means to Enhance Technical Knowledge Reliable Station Operation Maintenance of Aircraft Radio Equipment Coherent-Impulse.Method Automation in the Preparation of Air Equipment for Flight Monopulse Method of Determining the Angular Coordinates.of Targets Antirocket Defense With the Aid of Laser Systems From the History of PVO Troops Bravery and Skill - b n__o.aen+tol'/Nn Fnreizn Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 I ; 50X1-HUM The Squadron Goes Uphill -- by Sr It A. V. ZHURBIN (page 2) Text: When young pilots arrived in the squadron which It Col ZHUKOV commands, certain squadron members feared that the squadron s reputation as leading would be damaged. The young pilots, you see, did.not have adequate experience in flight work. But the apprehensions proved in vain. The persistence in training, the friendly aid of the experienced pilots and the high demandingness and paternal attention of the squadron commander, Lt Col ZHUKOV,.Pilot 1st Class, toward the reinforcements, make.it possible to say that: the young pilots rapidly entered operations, attained manhood, and acquired experience. Not so long, ago, Capts KALGANOV and VABFOLOMEYEV; and Sr Lts BOLDYFEV and NIKOLAYEV and others successfully took the examination and became pilots 2d class. The squadron is confidently going upward. Its personnel have set as a goal.: Por each to become a pilot let class. Signal Troops Are Holders of Transferable Cup of Central Komsomol Committee- Text and Photograph by Capt Ye. GULAKA'(page 2) Text: For three years consecutively, the signal troops of N-skaya chest held first place in the Moscow PVO District in mass sports work. The achievement of the Komsomol organization in this matter is not small. Komsomol members serve as the spirit of sports work. They actively participate in and engage all troops in, qualifying under rating. norms and norms for the GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) badge. At their t - 1 - 'tnnftdentikl/}Zu Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 ~~??~-?.~?.~+ai~trv rvrd.gu ulssem initiative, various. sports sections have been created and are operating. and competitions are being conducted. Noting the achievements of the signal troops, the Central Committee of the Komsomol awarded them the transferable prize for the improvement of mass sports work. The signalmen also received a Certificate for a prize position in the competitive review for the best organization of sports work in the Armed Forces. In the photograph not reproduced here are: Yu. SHRANKO, chief of the Mass Sports and Defense Work Section of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, with servicemen following the presentation of the transferable prize. Holding the certificate is Pvt M. ZGURSKIY, active sportsman, who is outstanding in combat and political training. Useful Cause -- by Maj V. A. MIKHAYIEV (page 2) Text: in meeting the wishes of thee officers, our garrison officers club at the end of 1961, organized automotive courses. Many officers and re-enlisted sergeants expressed the desire to undergo the course of training and acquire a driver s license. A vehicle classroom and vehicle park.were.assigned for classes; teachers were appointed; and days for theoretical classes, practice driving of the vehicles and consultations, were fixed. The Auto-Tractor Service was concerned about assigning two, motor vehicles to the students for training. Training in the courses proceeded in an organized manner. Most of the officers were engaged with interest and attention. This factor did not delay the following result: in the examinations which took place. not R rn?pPi'Aantin9 /vs iaxsisn I fasem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM long ago, 30 students qualified as drivers 3d class. Among them were Maj ZDATCHENKO; Capts TYURAWKO, RUBIC`I, and KOTOV; Tech Lt VAIAVIK; re-enlistee Sgt SHCHURIKHIN and others. The classes in the courses are highly useful., not only because the officers have acquired a license to drive vehicles. They have acquired the knowledge and skills which make it possible for them to skillfully control the work of drivers assigned to them, and to better supervise the technical maintenance and operation of vehicular transport. And this is one of the indispensable conditions for working without vehicle accidents. Pirst Candidates of Sciences (page 2) Text: The first defense of dissertations in the competition for the academic degree of Candidate of Military Sciences recently took place in the training council of the Military Cormuand Academy of PVO. The dissertations of Lt Col P. TUSBEV and Engr-Col V. SHORSHIN represented scientific works which facilitate increased combat readiness and more efficient utilization d' equipment by PVO troops. Having reviewed the dissertations, the council of the academy decided to confer to both competitors the academic degree of Candidate of Military Sciences. Great attention is devoted in the academy to the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical cadres. Many teachers and scientific associates are successfully working to prepare new dissertations, and to develop practical themes on problems in the operational art and tactics of PVO Strany Troops. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 CIA-RDP80TOO246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/NQ Foreign D 50X1-HUM Be In Constant Combat Readiness-- Editorial (pages 3-7.) Text: Twenty one years ago on 22 June 191+1 an unprecedented, treacherous act was: executed against our peace-loving country. Fascist Germany; without declaring war, made a surprise attack against the Soviet Union. At that time Hitler s army was a formidable power which history still had not recognized. Having oppressed almost all western European countries German fascism, by utilizing their economic, and personnel reserves mobilized and advanced against the Soviet Union with a multimillion man army armed to the teeth. By utilizing surprise attack, the advantage of their preparation, and the concentration and deployment of their troops, the enemW succeeded during the first phase of the war, in gaining the strategic initiative. Our troops; taken by surprise were . forced to undergo difficult struggles and great losses, leaving cities and rural areas to. the enemy. How did it happen that our country, which had great economic, moral and political and combat capabilities, with which to meet the German fascist pirates in an organized manner and render them a crashing blow during the first days of the war, was not ready for such a blow. one of the reasons for this was the error of Stalin in evaluating the situation, which had evolved on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. He ignored the information which had been collected concerning the concentration of German fascist troops at our borders and considered it incorrect and even provocative. This placed our Arny.in an exceptionally difficult position. Even the border unite were not placed::into,combat readiness in time. ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 The underestimation by Stalin of the military danger which threatened our country had an adverse effect also on certain problems in the organi zational structure and technical equipment of the Soviet Army, including the antiair defense troops. At the beginning of the war, not everything was done to see that their organization completely answered the demands of modern war, and to see that the achievements of science and technology were fully utilized in the creation and mass production of the most effective armament for combatting enemy air forces. As a result, the enemy succeeded in delivering strikes against our troops and important military and industrial centers. However, in spite of the situation which was unfavorably complicated for our troops, the German fascist invaders in the first days of the war, felt the strength of .the Soviet Any. Thousands of examples of mass heroism among our troops in border struggles, in strugbles on lines of defense, in combat within the encirclements and during withdrawal operations, and in conducting counter-attacks and counterstrikes, demon- strated the inflexible will of Soviet servicemen, and their resolute will to fight the enemy unto complete victory. During the four years of this bloody war, our people experienced many difficult adversities and incredible difficulties. The road to victory was long and thorny. But the Soviet people, guided by the Communist. Panty, skillfully mobilized their forces, turned the course of the war to their favor, and attained a world-historic victory over German fascism. Soviet Armed Forces not only achieved honor, freedom and independence for their motherland, but also. saved the nations of hiirope from fascist enslavement. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/No r orergn uias i The victorious outcome of the Great Patriotic War clearly demonstrated to all the world the indisputable advantages of the Soviet social and state structure, the solidarity of our people around the Dommunist Party, and their deep devotion to the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. Our victory over the strong and,:. cowardly enemy, confirmed, with all confidence, that there is no power in the world which can hinder the progressive development of the socialist society. The Communist.-Party has been the organizing and supervisory power of the Soviet people. Daring the years of the Great Patriotic War, the party converted the entire country into a single combat field, ensured the superiority of our armed forces over the armies of the enemy, encounraged the entire Soviet people to surmount incredible difficulties, and inspired, the Soviet people to the decisive defeat of the enemy. In the front and in the rear areas, the Communists advanced forward, leading the masses. behind them, and by their example of persistency, courage and endurance inspired the Soviet people to feats of arms and labor. The victory achieved by the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, knows no equal in respect to importance and historic consequences. Caving to this victory.. the world socialist camp was formed; having do- cisive influence on the fate of peace. Our country has traveled a great and glorious route during the post- war period., The Soviet people long ago healed the frightening wounds inflicted by war, restored the enterprises destroyed by German fascist invaders and raised cities-.and rural areas from ruin. Many new plants and factories, shops and electric power stations, equipped with the _ 6 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Confidential/No Foreign last word in science and technology, were put into operation during this period. Tens of new cities arose, and significant changes occurred, in rural areas. Owing to the correct and farsighted policy of the. Leninist Central Committee of our Party headed by N. S. KMSHCHEV the might of the Soviet state has increased immeasurably during recent years. Now our motherland stands before the entire world as a first- class industrial.power, and in the advanced guard of world scientific and technical progress. The launchings of the artificial earth satellites, the launchings of the rockets to the moon and to Venus, the penetration of space by the Soviets constitute very clear manifestations of this progress. The historic 22nd Party Congress moved our country forward to new and great horizons. The Soviet people, inspired by the decisions of the Congress and under the supervision of theCommunist Party is selflessly. struggling to implement the primary economic mission namely, the creation of a material and technical base for Communism; and to put into operation the resolutions of the March Plenum of the Central Committee CPSU concerning the all-round development of agriculture. Each day yields the con- siderable victories of the inhabitants of cities and rural areas in building Communism. ' Our people need lasting peace to implement-the great missions out- lined by the 22nd Party Congress. The party and government and N. S. 1 USHCHEV, personally, by following the precepts of the great Lenin, are exerting enormous efforts to strengthen and maintain the peace and to reduce international tension, so that a nuclear-rocket war will not erupt. The struggle for peace, the implementation of the Lenin policy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/No Foreign seem 50X1 -H U M of the peaceful coexistence at states with different, social systems is the general line of the Communist Party and Soviet government. In the interests of thepeace and security of nations, our government has proposed a ban on nuclear weapons testing, the elimination of the vestiges of World War II -- namely the conclusion of a German peace treaty, and also the conclusion of a treaty on universal and complete disarmament under stringent international control. N. S. KHHUSHCHEV says, weak militarily. We have introduced our proposal under conditions when the Soviet Union has achieved outstanding successes in the creation of nuclear and rocket weapons. The Soviet Union is now the most powerful military power. But we do not want to utilize this advantage. We are ready today to destroy all our weapons if western powers do the same." The broadest masses of people, the progre ssive forces in all countries, struggling for peace, warmly and unanimously support the peace-loving policy of the, Soviet Union and socialist countries, since they know that to this time disarmament has not been implemented, and war is a constant danger. Our country and other countries of the socialist camp do not need predatory troops either for increasing their riches, or for disseminating their. ideals. They have everything necessary to implement their high goals. by peaceful means. V. I. Lenin pointed out, that victorious socialism exerts its primary influence on the fate of history by power of example and by its economic policy; that we will be victorious in this, field; and that we will win with certainty and, conclusively on an 'Confidential/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 international scale. The countries of the socialist camp, entering into economic competition with capitalist states, are advancing forward rapidly. In the course of 10 years, the world socialist system has 'caught up with and overtaken the capitalist-system, since, both in in- dustry and in agricultural production, it is approaching the era of complete abundance - the era of Communism. The 'very powerful might. of the countries of the socialist camp,' and the mighty growth of the forces of peace and progress are causing the angry malice of the imperialists. Possessed by blind hostility to Communism, they are rejecting the peace-loving suggestionsof the Soviet Union and ever more are increasing preparations for aggressive war against us and other countries of the socialist camp. American militarists and mercennary politicians who are sworn enemies of peace. and progress, are .uniting and heading the black forces of aggression. While participating in the.work of the disarmament committee of 18 countries, the US and England, at the same time, are implementing dangerous measures for placing the aimed forces of their aggressive bloc in a state of combat. readiness. The situation has come to this: recently US President Kennedy announced that under certain situations the US would possible take the initiative in a nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union. Thus the US government has officially declared that it can.be the instigator 7`. of an aggressive nuclear war. Disregarding the lessons of the-pat, imperialists of the US, England and France again are reviving the same German militarism which they'revived on the eve of World War Il and which gave them the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 ---"V." 50X1-HUM opportunity to, unleash aggression. Having entered into criminal collusion with German revanchists, they are indulging them in every way, thinking to employ them in the struggle against'the Soviet Union and other countries of socialism. Now as in the years preceeding World War II, voices of Hrevanchist forces which demand the conquest of "living space," have been raised in Western Germany. ' Finally, in the capitalist world, people can be found who have lost their reason and are ready to unleash war. The imperialists still have power. The piratical and aggressive nature of imperialism has not changed and cannot be changed. On the contrary, historical predestination makes it particularly warlike, malicious, and dangerous. But the unleashing by the aggressors of war against the socialist camp will be suicide for them. The fate of the raving Hitler would inevitability fall upon all who attempt. to attack the Soviet Union and its allies. If the Soviet Union, in the struggle of one against the other during the years of the Great Patriotic War, destroyed the German fascist army, which was very powerful. at that time, then tow ties balance of forces in-'the international arena is such that the socialist camp is able to destroy not only the German revanchists, but any other aggressor wherever'he may be. the Soviet Union and other socialist countries.by the aggressive military bloc created by the US, the Communist Party and Soviet government, having repudiated the harmful anti-Lenin thesis of Stalin which stated that the aggressive imperialist states are better prepared for war than states which are peaceloving, have done everything necessary to see that the 10 - Confidential/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 - -. I I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 ?" CAF/1 uissem 50X1-HUM Soviet Armed Forces have, in adequate number, the most perfect and powerful weapons which are capable of destroying any aggressor who dares to attack our motherland or the friendly socialist countries. Now rockets of various classes constitute the foundation of the combat might of our Armed Forces. Created by the genius of Soviet scientists'and engineers, and assembled by the hands of our remarkable workers, they serve the cause of peace. Recently, the motherland armed the Soviet Any with global rockets. They are invulnerable to antirocket systems and can, with a high degree of accuracy, deliver multichannel nuclear warheads to any point on earth. Therefore, the myth of the invulnerability of the US has been. conclusively ended. In preparing for war against the Soviet Union and other countries of the socialist camp, the imperialists are betting on surprise attack. As a result, Soviet military doctrine considers the primary, most important, and most urgent mission of our Armed Forces; to be the maintenance of constant readiness to reliably repel a surprise enemy attack and frustrate his aggressive plans. PVO Strany Troops are to play an extremely important role in this matter. They must display high and boundless vigilance, and maintain mighty combat equipment on alert, so that they can timely detect and destroy the piloted and pilotless weapons of an aggressor at any minute and at any time of the day or year, check enemy aggressive plans, and make it possible for our Strategic Rocket Troops to deliver a crushing blow against the enemy wherever on earth he may be. great and honorable mission assigned them. The party and government Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/No Foreik.. 50X1-HUM are concerned with seeing that their technical equipment, organizational structure, and combat readiness completely answer the requirements of Soviet military doctrine. The troops are armed with formidablerocket equipment, the latest supersonic fighter aircraft and modern radar equip. ment, which is able to detect aerial targets at enormous distances and altitudes. Day and night our units vigilantly conduct combat duty and are ready at any minute. to detect and destroy an enemy air attack weapon. During the winter training period which has been completed, personnel attained great successes in combat and political training. The. historical decisions of the 22nd Party Congress caused an unprecedented patriotic growth among soldiers, sergeants, officers, and generals. The socialist competition among units for improved ratings and for the outstanding mastery of new combat equipment and weapons has evolved with new force in chasti and podrazdeleniya. Acquiring great popularity among troops has been,the patriotic movement to achieve mastery of related specialties and broad profile specialties; to reduce the time required to transmit warning signals, to detect targets at superlong range, and to work on combat equipment at night under daytime norms; and other undertakings, which are enormously important to the further increase of the. combat readiness of our rocket troops, pilots, radarmen, and signal troops. As always the, Communists are going forward.. They are the cementing force, the personal example for troops in the struggle for the model fulfillment of duty to the motherland. But whatever the achievements of chasti and podrazdeleniya personnel in mastering equipment and raising their combat skill, they should not rest 12 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO 69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM on what has been achieved. Antiair defense troops are troops on the for- ward line of defense of the Motherland and they must not be complacent. In order not to be taken by surprise, we must display a high degree of vigilance, be in constant combat readiness, move forward from day to day, and make new achievements in training and in service. Complacency is' not permitted. However, we still have chasti and podrazdeleniya, where not all personnel have high level training in equal measure. In individual podrazdeleniya there are substantial shortcomings. in the organization of combat and technical training, and in maintenance of the requirements .of military discipline. The mission during the summer training period is this: master new horizons in combat skill and improve the training and combat readiness of troops to a new, ever greater degree, once the successes which have been achieved have been consolidated and existing shortcomings have been eliminated. Relying on the active support of party and Komsomol organizations, commanders of all grades must organize the training and education of personnel in such a way as to fully and in a highly qualified manner fulfill plans for combat and political training. To do this, a decisive struggle should be conducted against anyone who hinders the growth of combat mastery of the troops and reduces the quality of training. Naturally, this places high requirements on commanders. Whatever post the officer holds, he must be on top of the situation, constantly increase his military and political knowledge, perfect his tactical training, and master combat equipment,in an outstanding manner. At the same time he must constantly conduct educational and organizational work among the troops. The success of the further enhancement of the I.__.tJ,__~J?_, 13.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 uonriaentrai/No b'oreign DI 50X1-HUM combat. skill of personnel depends on how much the commander associates with the masses and can direct their efforts to the execution of primary missions. One of the decisive conditions for maintaining a high degree of vigilance and combat readiness among the troops is irreproachable military. discipline and organization. The complexity of the combat missions assigned PVO Strany Troops requires that each soldier fulfill the responsibilities assigned him in an exemplary manner and that each air defense flight (zveno) operate quickly and efficiently. Commanders, political organs, and party and Komsomol organizations must see that all servicemen, without exception, perform efficiently, since a violation .of the requirements of combat discipline, a delya or inaccuracy on the part of one crew member during combat would lead to fatal consequences. It is generally known, for example that slowness in the work of a radar operator station or his carelessness in tracking a target will enevit- ability result in a loss of time and in the denying fire against the tar- get. The demands of irreproachable efficiency and accuracy in work on equipuent apply in equal. measure to rocket troops, pilots, and signal troops. Iron military discipline is the foundation of constant high level combat readiness of chasti and podrazdeleniya, and is a reliable guarantee against the intrigues of imperialist aggressors.. Experience shows, that where the requirements of military regulations, and the orders and in- structions of commanders and chiefs are carried out in a strict manner and where all rules regulating the life of chasti and podrazdeleniya are stringently observed, personnel serve in a model meaner and know and employ combat equipment in an outstanding manner. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM Utilizing all the varied forms and methods of work, commanders, political organs, and party and Komsomol organizations are.called upon to constantly educate personnel in the spirit of strong military discipline, to develop among troops high moral and combat qualities, and to instill in them the constant desire to master new horizons in combat skill. It is necessary to widely rasie the question of popularizing the heroic deeds of antiair defense troops during the years of the Great Patriotic War. It is also very important to generalize and disseminate the experience of leading commanders who skillfully organize the training and education of their subordinates and who carry out combat duty in a model manner. The historic documents of the 22nd Party Congress should lie at the base of the political and military education of personnel. Concrete mis- sions of the Soviet Armed Forces for the modern phase were established in the decisions of the Congress, in the CPSU Program, and in.:the reports of N.. S..KBRUSECBEV. The comprehensive study of the documents of the Congress, the education of,personnel in a spirit of selfless devotion. to their country, and to the affairs of Communism, and in a spirit of courage, bravery, and heroism, and readiness to check a surprise air attack at any moment is the most important mission of coranders, political organs, and party and Komsomol organizations. The defense of the security of the air space of the country is en- trusted to antiair defense troops. Our duty is to carry, out, this high confidence with honor and dignity, to vigilantly guard the Soviet sky, to be always alert, and to be in constant readiness to detect and destroy the eneapr, if he dares to attack our Soviet motherland. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2.013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 ~1 -? ....rlu Y1 DDt811 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/No Foreign issem 50X1 -H U M Party-Political Work and Military Education Logical Patterns in the Development of Socialist Consciousness into Communi@st Consciousness--by Col. A.I. Seuchenko (pages 8-16) Text: The clarification of the problem of the logical patterns of develop- ment of socialist social consciousness and the paths of its development into communist consciousness is of great social and practical importance for our cadres. This conclusion is all the more true in as much as this very important process in our activity crosses into the complex inter- national situation. As is known, the modern era of development of mankind is a very complex interlacing of various social patterns. It can be said without exaggeration, that no other phase in the historic process has presented such a varied and dynamic picture of public movements infused with "storm and stress," as the one in which modern generations of peoples are witnesses and participants. However, in spite of the variety, complexity, and contradiction in modern society, we see, tfat the historic tendency for a progressive, ascend- ing development of mankind constantly prevails. Therefore the new program of our party passed by the 22nd CPSU Congress, correctly called by Communists .of all continents the Great Communist Manifesto of the 20th Century, declared:. "the modern era, the basic content of which is the transition from capitalism to socialism, is an era of struggle of two opposing social systems, an era of socialist and national-liberation revolutions, the era of the downfall of imperialism,. the elimination of the colonial system, the era of transition to the road of socialism by all new nations, and the triumph of socialism and Communism on a world-wide scale. In the center of the modern era stands 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM the international working class and its first offspring, the world socia- list system. Any intrigues of the bosses of the imperialist camp are unable to halt the inexorable development of these very great factors of our era, as objective logical developments in the natural historical process. The objectivity of such a conclusion does not need detailed arguments. It is clear that now the peoples of the world, and above all the peoples of labor, have been sufficiently convinced by historical experience, that this is genuine pro- gress in society and that it is necessary to ensure its development and its defense. But the behavior of peoples, is as is know, is a decisive factor on the scales of history. These times did not take root immediately. Only with the appearance in the arena of the development of social Marxist thought as the greatest achievement of human thought and social practice, did the phase of coura- geous and selfless struggle of the proletariat of all countries against the old world and for the ideals of Communism begin. From, that time began the uninterrupted process of the present enlightenment of the masses, and the process of restoring their class consciousness. A truly gigantic road was crossed before Communism became the very great force of modern times, a road of glorious victories and temporary defeats covered with the blood of thousands and millions of fighters for the cause of the people. In reviewing this road with thoughtful gaze, we speak with very at patriotic pride of our Motherland and the great, October Revolution which unveiled a new era in the history of mankind, the era of the downfall of capitalism and the confirmation of Communism. We are elated by the scope of the revolutionary struggle, by the wartime and peacetime heroism of the Soviet people-reformers. We are inspired by the glorious genius of -17- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 WILL 140111161/LTV V4~+rw+YYVw 50X1-HUM the great teacher of the workers of, the world, Valdimir Il'ich Learn, creator of our glorious Communist Party, which has raised the banner of Marxism high over the world as the ideological weapon of the revolutionary transformation of society. Our great feeling of national patriotic pride in the historical progress of the Soviet people and its combat-experienced advance guard, the Communist Party, is fused with the feeling of proletariat internationalism, under the banner of which workers of all countries of the world are struggling ,for Communist ideals. Therefore in October 1961, when the historical 22nd Party Congress began to work, almost all Communists and party workers of the countries of the world sent their delegations to this great forum of the creators of revolutionary thought and practice. Years and tens of years will go by, but the very sharp page, the 22nd Party Congress which illumi- nated for mankinA the high road to the Communist tomorrow, will never fade in the annals of history. By analyzing the situation and by correlating the social and political forces in the world arena in a comprehensive manner, the congress exposed the contents of the modern era as a. very great. triumph of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism converted into actuality. In the advance guard of this objective.process goes our motherland, which has already entered the period of development--the building of Communism. Guided by the laws and conclusions of Marxist-Leninist theory, our party developed and confirmed at its congress a concrete program in the struggle for the creation of a material and tech- nical base for Communism, for the development of Communist social attitudes and for the formation of the new man. - 18 - . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM The practical execution of these missions brings very comprehensive changes in all spheres of life of our society. It is completely evident, that the unity of economic, social-political, and ideological missions constitutes an objective foundation, which presupposes the need for the close association and activity of all party, state, economic, and public organs in the field of economy and in the field of the education of the Soviet people. This is understandable since it is impossible to conceive of implementing the mission of the Communist education of the Soviet people without the successful creation of a material and technical base for Communism, which incorporates an unforeseen potential for satisfying the spiritual requirements of the people, and since it would be unheard of to have the gigantic development of our productive forces within a very short historical period without selfless labor on the part of all Soviet people. Labor is the most expressive indication of the true consciousness of peoples.. The same dialectic unity is characterized in the problem of developing Communist social attitudes in our country. It should be particularly stressed, that during the period of develop- ing the building of Commuftism, requirements have grown unusually with respect to. the organized expansion, the ideological content, and the worth- while and practical results in the Communist education of workers. It is known that in all phases of our heroic history, our party always has been guided by the wise Leninist tenet that the development of the consciousness of the masses must be the main essence of our work. On this basis during the years of Soviet power thesacialist: social consciousness was formed and the Soviet people--the laborer, the fighter, and the reformer --were educated. Within our activity; developmental patterns in socialist - 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 I ~I 50X1-HUM consciousness which include the moral and political unity of the Soviet people and the community of their political, economic, and spiritual interests which exist independently of their parentage, knowledge, nationa- lity, etc., have also been strengthened. On the basis of socialist refor- orations, mutual aid and collaboration have been established in labor among. equally privileged and free members of society who are comprehensively interested in the development of the national economy and culture and in increasing the economic might and defense capability of the Soviet state,. knowing that this development depends entirely on the results of their combined labor. Highly essential to the development of social attitudes, including the consciousness of people, under socialism in conformityy.vith natural laws in the unity of purpose and activity of people engaged in both intellectual and physical labor. Having long ago finished with the heri- tage of the past, during which the disunity of intellectual and physical labor gave birth to a conflict of interests between physical laborers and intellectual laborers, our activity has developed new intelligence and opened very broad perspectives for. increasing the cultural and technical level of personnel of physical labor, in order to prepare conditions for eliminating essential differences between these two types of labor. The following figures speak well of the achievements of our nation in this field: at the present time in the USSR, 40 percent of the workers have higher and secondary education. As noted above, socialist social consciousness is characterized also by the unity of the international and national aspects of consciousness and by the union of proletariat internationalism and Soviet patriotism.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 -u? suenntat/No Foreign Dissem 50X1-HUM There are also other logical patterns in socialist social conscious ness, which clearly show that our society has attained great success in the socialist education of the masses, and in the creation of active builders of socialism. This fact is indisputable: socialist consciousness which has as its foundation Marxist-Leninist ideological has considerably hastened the movement of our society forward. This has been conditioned by the fact that on the one side, the revolutionary theory has always been scientifically founded, and the correct strategic plans and tactical methods of struggle of the party in the interests of the people have been in conformity with the historical situation. On the other hand, Marxist- Leninist theory has aided the party in increasing the consciousness of the masses of peoples to the level of new.practical missions on a day-to- day basis. The importance of Marxist-Leninist theory and the importance of consciousness on the part of the masses of people has grown immeasurably in the modern phase of development of the Soviet state. The new Party Program states, "in the struggle for the victory of Communism, ideological work has become an increasingly more powerful factor. The higher the consciousness of the members of society, the more fully and the more widely their creative activity will be developed in the creation of a material and technical base for the development of Communist forms of labor anQ new attitudes among people. Consequently, the building of C.ommunism, will be executed more quickly and successfully. In determining concrete missions for the Communist education of work- ers, the party depends on more than, recognition of the enromous mobilizating.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 - n....a. a.,.a...i iv., n..._. -- n. - 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 organizing, and reforming role of advanced ideas in social development.. It considers also the, uncommon complexity of this problem of Communist building. It can be said without exaggeration, that the formation of the man of Communist society is almost the most difficult task in the Communist reformation of the world. The fact is that in the transition period from socialist to Communism, this sociological development pattern operates and the development of social consciousness lags behind the development of public life. Although social consciousness in socialist society was confirmed in our country almost 30 years ago and is being developed even more on the material and ideolo- gical foundation of socialism, this does not quite mean that the conscious- ness of the people under socialism in all of its forms and manifestations completely conforms to the public life which is being developed and which is growing into communism. A number of obstacles, difficulties, and contradictions caused by the struggle between the new, socialist consciousness and the vestiges of that which is old, bourgeois, and at times feudal and patriarchal, block the road to the developm ant of socialist consciousness at the lowest phase of Communism. This explains why in the psychology and life of a certain portion of the workers in socialist industry and agriculture and among the intelligentsia, students and individual servicemen in the Army and Navy, there is a disregard for labor, a lack of discipline, wastefulness in production in service and in life, and a violation of the norms of Communist morality. .22 - r.nnfidentlal/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 a 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 9 --?". 7 1 ..In order to do away, once and for all, with the shortcomings in our society, it is necessary to completely remove the roots and causes of their origin and development from the lowest phase of Communism. Only under this condition can it be comprehensively understood why our party pays such enormous attention to ideological work, considering it not only the central mission of party organs and of the entire public but also literally speaking the main line of the struggle for Communism. Considering the reasons for the lag of socialist public conscious- ness Uehinrl the development of public welfare, the primary social foun- dation of the old consciousness engendered by the capitalist systems must never be forgotten. History has convincingly shown that traditions and habits burdening past centuries prevailed over peoples and'succeed- ing generations as chains. And this was at a time when eras were distin- guished one from another only by the method of exploitation of man by man. Soviet power has always abolished political, economic, and spiritual foundations for the exploitation of man by. man, and has created a society. which now is struggling to confirm on earth Peace; Labor,' Freedom, Equa- lity, Brotherhood, and Good, Fortune for all nations. All this is true. But it is also true that in our midst there are still many people who in their time were obstacles during the period of the struggle for liberation, and who not only failed to repudiate certain habits and traditions of the past but who showed a definite negative attitude toward the people surrounding them. To this must be added those moral and political losses (izderzbki),. of a certain portion of Soviet people, resulting from the efforts of bourgeois. propaganda.- The bosses of the.countries of the imperialist cawp ? 23- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 n'eL1U1M1f nuranuaaem cnnt IAnn+i,.1 /i.:. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 have created a grandiose propaganda apparatus for the struggle against the ideas of Marxism-Lentnism and against Communist world opinion. The ideological servants of American millionaires and their partners are trying by means of misinformation, lies, and slander to discredit the ideology, the social-political, and economic systems of socialist countries, and are trying to show the charming nonessentials of "western civilization." The pernicious effect of ideological diversion of the capitalist world penetrates certain Soviets by means of bourgeois radio broadcasts, books, journals, and newspapers. For this purpose tourist trips and many other channels of ideological influence are used. All this does not occur without leaving traces. In our society once in a while one still meets people who often begin their moral down- fall with admiration for trousers from "the west".and end with a leacherous act similar to the voyage to the "world of freedom" which GOLIIB and VOI CAKOV completed in the past year. How wise our Valdimir Il'ich was when he urged the party "to over- come all resistance of the capitalists, not only military and political, but also ideological,, which is the most comprehensive and powerful." A serious factor which spreads the vestiges of capitalism and of the old consciousness is the presence at the lowest phase of Communism of such antisocial elements as speculators, grafters, hooligans, home brewers, and organizers of gangs of thieves and bandits. Their amoralism and para- sitical attitudes bring certain death to our socialist public life. They are harmful elements which affect the immature, morally unstable, and poorly-cultured members of society. -24- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 The vestiges of the old ideology flourish particularly in the field of public life and morality. Undoubtedly, the roots of such old habits .and non-socialistic. views as the patriarchal and feudal attitudes toward women, family -- dowry, prohibition of children and women to work and study, etc. --.are passing into the old way of life, but the vestiges of this life are retained in certain eastern republics of our country. The struggle of state organs and public organizations against the ves- tiges of the feudal. and patriarchal way of life and the non-socialistic views related to them has been unsatisfactory in a number of cases; it has facilitated their preservation, and sometimes their enhancement. In elucidating the reasons which condition the complexity in form- ing public socialist consciousness and its lag behind the development of public welfare, it is also necessary to note that the ideas in their development have relative independence. History knows that the instances are not isolated in which advanced ideas considerably outstripped public demands which had not yet emerged. It abounds with contradictory facts and anti-situations in which reactionary ideas were utilized and are still being utilized by classes and parties in the public arena, in their struggle against the progressive development of society. For example,, science long ago pointed out the groundlessness of theology, but the religious narcotic continues to possess the minds of many millions. of people in modern times. . -Still one, more essential cause must be added to all that has.been stated. above on the lag of progress in the formation of social conscious- ness behind the development of public life. It is known that social consciousness is secondary and a derivative of public life just as the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 consciousness of man is derived from eternally changing matter. Conse- quently, under conditions-attending the transitional period from capi- talism to socialism and in the era of the development of the building of Communism, the consciousness of man lags behind his public life etc., and sociological developmental patterns which were inherent to other social formations operate within certain bounds. It would be erroneous to conclude this relatively short discussion of the basic factors which condition the complex formation of Communist consciousness among the Soviet people without talking about the number of conditions which from time to time objectively influence the aggra- vation of this process. For example the presence of specific diffi- culties in certain branches of our economy, above all in the production of agricultural products, complicates the timely and complete satis- faction of the needs of the constantly growing reserves of the population. This fact is being used without delay by speculators, grafters, rogues, and other parasites, to deal definite damage to our society. Or.take another example. In our country.very rich experience has been stockpiled to implemeht Leninist requirements to combine in all our conscious work the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses and the principles of material incentives for the results of peoples' labor. Unfortunately, there are still some stTervisors of enterprises and establishments, who do not display true concern for the vital and cul, tural needs of the workers, and who forget the material stimulants of labor. This inevitably leads to fluctuation in labor and often to undesirable moral and political consequences. .n. A_-.4 -I /T)n Vnwotnn Tl1ccam Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 '~ - cnVA UI IRA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Cases of bureaucracy, red tape, formalism, and officialdom, and violations of socialist legality which have not been entirely eliminated, negatively influence the attitude of certain Soviet citizens. And al- though these cases are in themselves isolated, their negative effect undoubtedly retards the process of purifying the Soviet society of these evils of the past. There are serious shortcomings in the political and educational work among the population which to this time still have not been overcome. We speak, above all, of that portion of our people which is engaged neither in the sphere of material production nor in the life of industrial or other collectives. We see that logically-existing peculiarities in the formation of public socialist consciousness, which condition its lag behind the development of public welfare, as the cause of great and practical pro-. biems in the day-to-day activities of party and state organs and of the entire public. It is for this reason that V. I. LENIN frequently stressed how difficult this problem of public life was. He said that the building of Communism depends not "on particularly virtuous people bred in special hotbeds and hot houses," but "on the mass of human material, spoiled by centuries and thousands of years of slavery, serfdom, and capitalism..." At the same time it mast be understood that the lag of the conscious- ness of some people behind public life which is being preserved under the conditions of the lowest phase of Communism, does not represent a universal, insuperable, or spontaneous process. It is absolutely evident, that in distinction from earlier societies, under socialism public attitudes have a conscious and planned character and the efforts of the state and society are directed toward surmounting the lag of public consciousness behind 2Z - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/No Foreign na'cnnM "" public life and toward elimination of the vestiges of capitalism in the consciousness and life of peoples. Therefore the primary and.leading aspect in the logical development of consciousness under socialism is the conscientious surmounting of the vestiges of reactionary ideology wherever it may be. Consequently, in the process of developing socialism into Communism and as a result of the struggle against the lag of peoples' consciousness behind their public life, and the struggle against antisocial ideology, the circle of people contaminated with this ideology is constantly being" narrowed. The influence within the developmental pattern of the lag in social consciousness behind public life is ever more being reduced and in fact, the influence of the new developmental patterns in public socialist consciousness, about which we spole, is being extended. The Communist consciousness of the Soviet people, the foundation of which is laid in socialist consciousness, is conclusively established under complete Connnnism. Its formation is a long and complex process which requires essential changes in the material life of the public, the new and all-around development of culture; and a continuous ideological struggle against bourgeois ideology, no matter how it is disguised, and the vestiges of the old society in the consciousness and life of peoples. To train the new man, whose consciousness and behavior completely agree with the principles of the moral code of the building of Commun4.sm, there is no need for a revolution in the field of ideology and culture such as that which took place in our country and is now taking place in the countries of the people's democracies during the transitional period from capitalism to socialism. However, a new ideological and cultural - 28 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 I - ?- ..aoocw OUAI-r7UIVI revolution is indisputably needed to solve the problem of developing. socialist consciousness of all members of society into Communist con- sciousness. At this point on the historic road all people must develop an inherent and internal need to work to the full measure of their'capa- bilities for the advantage of all society. This is, not all. All members of society, as specified by V.I. Lenin, must in every way be developed and trained as people who are able to do everything, that is, people who can combine intellectual and physical functions. This can be achieved only by combining training with pro- ductive labor and by continuously raising the cultural and technical level of all workers. Finally, this new field of cultural revolution must ensure the education of man in the spirit of Communist morality. Therefore, when we speak of the education of the new man we are not talking about the partial, quantitative changes in the conscious- ness of one group of people or another, but about the grandiose -- with respect to scale -- social effects of the changes in the consciousness of the entire mass of people who must ensure and consolidate the transi- tion to complete Communism.. Our country has every necessary condition to execute this great mission. And. the most decisive of these,conditions consists in this: on Soviet soil a man has grown and has been raised who can be seen from all corners of the earth, a man of new quality, who has been exposed to the favorable ideas of the Communist reformation of life on earth. Long ago he captured the esteem and affection of all the peoples of the world .for his titanic labor for the glorious future of mankind. confidential/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 I I education of millions of new people who are conscientious builders of Communism has been very important. Cn this factor has been founded the practicality of all missions in the building of Communism which have been formulated in the new program of our party including those in the field of the education of the new man. The very important processes in spiritual and moral life which are now being perfected in Soviet society demon- strate this fact convincingly. Only in certain of these are we lagging. Let us take a very important problem, namely the forming of the Communist attitude toward labor as an inherent need of man. Already, under socia- lism, labor for the millions of Soviet citizens, is a foremost and vital need, a matter of honor, glory, and heroism. It is known that now in .all spheres of economy and scientific and public life of our country, hundreds of thousands of brigades and collectives are struggling to achieve the most effective activity, and are increasing productive labor toward this goal, namely, to learn how to work and live under Communism. Trained personnel and young patriots are beginning to make an impression on life, in the great construction projects of Siberia, the Far East, and in the extreme north or virgin lands. Everywhere, our people are creating by their labor a material and technical base for Communism. Our state and Soviet society consider as parasites all, who still do not work and who live by means of the work of others. The time has come when the land has burned under the feed of good- for-nothings, speculators, grafters, and other parasites. _30_ Confidential/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 VVLl11Vwt4161/AV VVl CA uiC.Yem bUX1-NUM The entire theory of life, and everything spiritual that influences man thrives only in labor, physical, or intellectual. Therefore, we. must esteem and honor any labor to the advantage of society. This is why our party places the development of the Communist attitude toward labor among all members of'society in the center of education work. The following is addressed to the development of a high level of consciousness among our people: Already under socialism Communist morality is being formed and members of society strictly observe the rules of socialist community life and are beginning to react to violations in an uncompromising manner, relying, at the same time, on the ever increasing activity and combat readiness of our public. In our activity this notable phenomenon has arisen: There are groups of volunteer peoples guards which assist organs of state power in the struggle against antisocial elements -- hooligans, speculators, and other criminals. The role of moral principles in the life of society is increasing in the period of transition to Communism; the sphere of activity of the moral factor is expanding?conaiderably and, correspondingly, the impor- tance of the administrative regulation of interrelations among members of society is being reduced. That is why the new program of our Party has formulated a moral code for the building of Communism which incor- porates the basic human moral norms, which have been worked out by masses of people during the . thousands of years of their struggle against social oppression and immoral vice.. The-explanation of the essence of the moral code of the building of Communism and the active confirmation of these Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 cnx1_ui IRA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 uonncennaii^io voreien uissem principles in life itself, must constitute the most important aim of all our ideological work, particularly among Soviet youth. The development of public social consciousness into Communist consciousness will be implemented on a basis of the acquisition by all Soviet people of a truly scientific ideology -- Marxism-Leninism. Already, many millions of Soviet citizens systematically and comprehen- sively study revolutionary theory as a harmonious system ofphiloso- phical, economical, and social-political opinions; but this is not enough. The CPSU Program states: "the Party considers as its mission the training of the entire population in the spirit of scientific Communism, by striving to see that the workers comprehensively under- stand the course and perspective of world development, correctly; examine events within the country and in the international arena; and conscientiously build life in the Communist way. Communist ideals must organically coincide with Communist deeds in the behavior of each person and in the activity of each collective and each organization." Only under these conditions will Communist consciousness be based on the scientific understanding of natural phenomena and public life and exclude any non- scientific ideology, prejudices, or lack of culture. From this it follows, that in the transitional period from socialism to Communism and moreso under Communism all possibilities are opening up for the education of a new man who harmonisouly integrates spiritual richness, moral cleanliness, and physical perfection. We have dealt only with certain problems in educating.-the working masses in Communist consciousness, and in the role of the entire popu lation during the development of socialist consciousness into its higher X32 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 ~..~~uential/N~ j arsSem 50X1-HUM phase -- Communist consciousness. We have explained that there is no impassible step between socialist and Communist consciousness, as there is none between socialist and Communist economy. The confirmation of Communist views and norms of behavior is today combating the vestiges and influence of capitalism. But in speaking about the Communist tomorrow where all the best features of Communist consciousness and Communist morality are completely society sets in, when the character of labor is changed completely, and an abundance of material and cultural advantages is attained in full measure and when the Communist principle of distribution is completely implemented. Even today, we must do everything to hasten our movement forward and to bring the onset of Communism closer. Therefore, this conclusion must be drawn: the Communist training of all members of our society and particularly the rising generation of our youth on a basis of industrial Communist labor for the material wealth of the society and on an ideological foundation of Marxist- Leninist ideology must constitute the primary content of all ideological work of Party, state and public organizations. This requirement, in the same degree, concerns commanders and political organs, and party and Komsomol organizations of chasti and podrazdeleniya of our Armed Forces. This is all the more correct since service in the any is an enormous, vital school and since the formation of Marxist-Leninist.ideology among young servicemen is an important. phase and a decisive foundation for their high combat and, moral and political qualities. Therefore commanders and political workers, and party and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Komsomol organizations of chasti and podrazdeleniya of antiair defense troops, who are deeply aware of their responsibility for ensuring the security of the aerial frontiers of our motherland, are successfully implementing the complex and responsible missions assigned the Soviet. Armed Forces by the Communist Party and Soviet Government in the contem- porary international situation. It is known that the most important burden of all their activity is the ideological and political education of personnel on a foundation of the comprehensive propagandizing of materials and resolutions of the 22d Party Congress. Great and varied experience in this area has been stockpiled in the soyedineniya,.where Officer D'YAKOV is a propagandist of its poli- tical organ. Here, in an absolutely correct manner, they began with the organization of work with officer-cadres, on whose ideological, theo- retical training depends the scope and ideological content and results of all ideological work among the troops.. For this purpose the best grounded officers have been selected to serve as supervisors of theore- tical seminars and groups of Marxist-Leninist training, as lecturers and reporters. All known forms for the theoretical training of officers are supplemented with worthwhile lectures and conferences.. For example, in N-skaya chest', two series of lectures were organized in the officers lecture bureau: the first on the 22d CPSU Congress as the congress of the builders of Communism; and the second on the CPSU as the organizer, supervisor and educator of the Soviet Armed Forces. The officers of the chasti' thoroughly discussed actual problems in their work at a theoretical conference devoted to the decisions of .the 22d Party Congress 34 Confidential/No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 in military development, in increasing the combat might of our Armed Forces. and in strengthening the defensive capability of the Soviet state. In N-skaya chast!, a two-day conference was conducted on. the develop- ment of Lenin's military-theoretical legacy in the resolutions and materials of the.22d Party Congress. All this supposedly affects positively the effectiveness of the work of all officers in the, training and educating of soldiers and sergeants. of the moral code of the builders of Communism, military and technical, information, natural sciences, and the achievements of our literature and art. It is enough to say that in the chest' of Propagandist?IVANOV, officers of the political administration have conducted tens of political classes each, directly.in the podrazdeleniya. Here, various forms of agitation work have become more worthwhile and interesting. In a number of chasti, lecturers are successfully propagandizing among the, troops, the principles Officers YUROV, GROMOV, BCGDANOV, BOGUSHEVICH and. many others take active part in all of this work. Representatives of local Party organs, establishments, enterprises, sovkhozes, and kolkhozes have been enrolled to 'address the troops. It is a positive fact that the most politically grounded soldiers and sergeants participate actively in-mass agitation work. They speak -in lecture bureaus, and give oral readings of periodicals at evening N meetings' and in youth discussion groups. Sergeant NOVIKOV, Pfc DUBnC, and Pvts GIRASIMOV, RUDKOVSKIY, SHURAYNV and others, have proved them- .selves to be fine propagandists. - 35 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 VV1111UCllbJQl/1\U ro QUA I - rl U IVI The varied ideological work of commanders, political workers, and party and Komsomol organizations provide a serious moral and political foundation for the successful execution of the missions of increasing the combat readiness, of chasti and podrazdeleniya and improving the quality of training, and political and military education of personnel. It is possible to give considerably more examples of the organiza- tion of party propaganda among the FVOStrany.Troops. However, above all, we must concern ourselves with the unsolved problems in this area. Unfortunately there are still many even in the chasti about which we spoke above. It is known that the quality of all ideological work is measured only by one standard -- the results, that is, the level of combat readiness, the quality of combat and political training, and the status of military discipline. In certain chasti and podrazdeleniya, there are serious shortcomings both in the trainin and in the education of personnel. In order to quickly overcome these shortcomings and to raise the combat readiness of all chasti and podrazdeleniya without exception to the level of the requirements of the Central Committee CPSU and the Soviet government, It is necessary to begin,,;( ith the primary link in the work, namely, the improvement of the quality of ideological and political. education of personnel. The level of political zeal and consciousness of servicemen is in direct dependence on the purposeful- ness and ideological, level of each propaganda; statement and on how many problems. in individual educational work are solved in chasti, a factor which reliably ensures a wide moral aad'political influence on the consciousness and feeling of soldiers. and sergeants., For this purpose, Ticanm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80TOO246AO69000250001-8 s 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 .it is necessary for political organs and party organizations to organize work move carefully with propaganda cadres, more comprehensively study and persistently disseminate positive experiences, and more actively engage supervisory cadres such as commanders and political workers in the conduct of political and educational work directly in the podrazdeleniya.. The forming of a completely scientific Marxist-Leninist ideology among the troops is a great and responsible field of work for our officers, and party, political and Komsomol organizations. It is necessary never to remember that its importance extends far beyond the boundaries of immediate army interests and demands. After undergoing in the ranks of the army a great and vital period of moral and political tempering, thousands and thousands of young people annually return to the national economy, and to. groups of workers in cities and villages. They must bear with them the high level of organization, model discipline, and business- like and political activity, created by the entire tenor of army life. With Honor We Are Justifying the Confidence of the Party; Delegates to the 14th Komsomol Congress Speak (pages 17-20) Abstract: Prefatory notes to,a series of interviews by the editorial board of this journal with PVO Strany Troops delegates to the 14th Kom- somol Congress, disclosed that the 4-day congress held at the Kremlin discussed the missions of Soviet youth in implementing the plans for the building of Communism outlined by the 22nd Party Congress. The remarks of the PVO personnel interviewed are summarized below: Lt FEDORENCHIK, commander of a platoon and secretary .of a primary Komsomol organization, spoke of the varied representation at the congress; 37 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM the great attention given KHRUSHCHEP's speech at the congress; and the speech of Maj G. S. TITOV, Pilot-Cosmonaut. FEDORENCW{ recalled TfOV's words: "We are devoting all our efforts, knowledge and energy to per- sistently perfect combat skill; to master formidable combat equipment and weapons; to strengthen conscientious military discipline; and to increase vigilence and combat readiness." FEDORENCHIIC citing the preparations in his battalion for the Komsomol Congress and noted that one third of all Komsomol members became outstanding in combat and political training; the ranks of rated specialists were increased; half of the battalion achieved ratings; and Re-enlisted Jr Sgt GUSINETS, Pfc VOY=O, and other soldiers and sergeants reduced, by more than 50 percent, the norms for loading required for the rating of "outstanding." Our rocketeers have learned how to work at night under daytime norms. FEDORENCZZC disclosed that at the suggestion of the Komsomol members, his battalion commander permitted his troops to work on unfamiliar equip- ment in a neighboring battalion where they were evaluated objectively by the commander of that battalion. Moreover, at the initiative of Komsomol members, radio and technical courses were created, competitions were organized. among crews, evening meetings were held, and the experiences of outstand- ing personnel were widely propagandized. 5 photograph showed and identified FEDORENCHEC as a platoon com?nea-, der and secretary of a Komsomol primary organization) Capt MU1 ORTOV, assistant chief of the political organization for Komsomol work, praised Komsomol members in chasti and podrazdelenya. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 -??--?-??--~+a a.v a'V101Pa1 UlbSem Confidential/Ho Foreign Dissem He disclosed that the number of personnel who are outstanding in combat and political training doubled in the Komsomol organization where the work is supervised by Sr Lt SHUSHUNOV. In many podrazdeleniya., afl or almost all the members of the Komsomol are rated outstanding; The Komsomol members of the organization where Sr Lt ZUBOV is committee secretary, have completely fulfilled their duties. All the young soldiers have become specialists third class. In the Komsomol organization headed by Officer DENEZHKOV, many enlisted Komsomol mem- bers have learned to perform the duties of officers, in working on combat equipment. MUKHORTOV noted that the Komsomol members of the organization where Lt. GORBATYUK is secretary of the Komsomol committee have re- solved to struggle for "superlong range detection of targets." As a result of employing the technical capabilities of the radar to the madzazm.and the fine training of the operators, they have gained this objective. All crews are able to detect targets at ranges 20 percent ,greater than that certified for the stations. MUMORTOV disclosed that in preparing for the Komsomol Congress, Komsomol members struggled to conserve fuel, building materials, electric power, and funds. The drivers of the podrazdeleniya, where the Komsomol work is supervised by Capt ABRAMOVICH, operate on conserved fuel every M[II{HOSTAV told of the violations of discipline, amoral behavior and poor performance of 'duty of individual Komsomol members, and the poor ideological, educational. and organizational work in certain Komsomol Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 u _ - v Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confidential/No H'orel_, ~ ..;50X1-HUM organizations. He concluded that the wide propagandizing of the documents of the 22nd Party. Congress is the priority mission of all Komsomol commit- tees and bureaus and all Komsomol workers. Sr Lt KOZLOVSKIl',.assistant chief of a political organization for Komsomol work, in discussing preparations begun in November 1961 for the Komsomol Congress disclosed the following information: All troops in radio-technical chasti followed the example of Komsomol organizations (where Sr Lt GLANS is secretary of the Komsomol bureau) which began to struggle to achieve a rating for "each Komsomol member of a radar company." Komsomol-pilots were included in the pre-congress competitions to acquire technical knowledge of the problems of maintaining aircraft at the proficiency level of a rated technician, and the competitions for outstanding squadrons and chasti. The number of outstanding podrazdeleniya and podrazdeleniya with improved ratings increased as well as the number of outstanding personnel and rated specialists were supplemented as a result of these measures. On the eve of the Komsomol Congress the Transferable Red Banner of the oblast Komsomol Committee was awarded to the chest' where Komsomol. work is supervised by Lt ANDRUSZC. Almost all podrazdeleniya of this chast'.completed combat firings with the rating of outstanding. Almost all troops including young soldiers, overfulfilled the norms, of comba' work. In conclusion, KOZLOVM= urged the strengthening of ideological work, and the improvement of propaganda and the dissemination of advanced - 40 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 ..4 5OX1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 training experiences. He named Lt BITMETOV, Sr Sgt MISHUNIN, and Jr Sgt SHALASHNIKOV among the many disciplined, skillful soldiers, sergeants, and officers who are true masters of their work. Lt DENISOV, commander of a podrazdeleniya and member of the bureau of a primary Komsomol organization, stated the basic mission of army Komsomol organizations, based on the resolutions of the 14th Komsomol Congress, to be the mobilization of Komsomol members and all young servicemen to fulfill their duty, and develop an understanding of their role in strengthening discipline, and in increasing the combat readiness of PVC Strany.Troops. Describing Komsomol activities, DRNISOV told of a technical circle that was created, and which operates regularly under the supervision of Lt PANOV, a Komsomol member. He cited the competitions conducted among batteries and crews in the rapid and high quality performance of preven- tive maintenance work and in unloading and loading. Usually Komsomol members are the victors in these competitions. The Komsomol crew commanded by Sr Sgt CHERNYSHOV, has received letters from former Komsomol-personnel of the unit, now in the reserve. Pvt VORONKOV, senior operator and member of the Komsomol committee of a dhast', referred to a report from his chast' presented at the 14th Komsomol Congress, which included the following information: All troops, including the young soldiers, were engaged in the socialist competition for the outstanding mastery of equipment. Komsomol members who are outstanding, in their free time voluntarily assist new members who need help. Pvt RUSLICHENKO, who decided to become an operator Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 _CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 I I first class in his first year and learned to operate equipment in his second year, without sparing efforts and time aided Pvt USACHEV in training. As a result this soldier within 6 months mastered equipment on the level of specialist third class. Sgt MEDVEDEV, a member of Komsomol aided FEOICISTOV, KIIRILO and LUSHCH' to become rated operators within 2 months. VORONKOV described proceedings of the 14th Komsomol Congress. Heights Are Conquered by the Bold -by Lt Col M. S. IEONOV (pages 22-25) Summary: In spite of the opinion of certain pilots who thought it impossible, Mai PRfl OD'KO decided to test the ceiling and combat capabilities of his aircraft. This was a conventional aircraft, not a particularly light-weight fighter aircraft. There was much to do, the most important being to select the most effective regimen for the climb of the aircraft, and to consider the most favorable method of conserving fuel through the various stages of flight. He supplemented his instructions with creative conclusions, based on experience. The flight proved the accuracy of his calculations. PRIIO30D'KO reported to the control tower (SKP) upon completion of his mission. This incident shows the character of Mai PRDcZOD'K0, a squa- drom commander, indicates his desire to reach new altitudes and demon- strates his command ski" in the training and education of his subordinates. There is nothing unusual in the, biography of PRIKHOD'KO. Formerly a lathe operator at an aviation plant and a one-time student.(kursant) of an aeroclub, Komsomol-Member PRflmOD'KO joined an aviation school, where he demonstrated his ability for flight. He quickly mastered Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 the training aircraft and dreamed of jet aircraft. He was the first of the officer-candidates to fly a CG-15 fighter. It was at this time thatPRDCEOD'KO decided to be a fighter-pilot, to fly supersonic air- craft, and to master flying. With this attitude, PR32OD'KO entered a chast.:. With other pilots, he mastered a new fighter. In classes and on the airfield he laboriously studied the equipment and its combat capabilities. At the same time, he was trained in combat training aircraft. With the help of experienced pilots Maj ARTYUSHIN and Capt ABYSHEV, PRIKHOD'KO, in a short time, completed the re-training program and took his place in formation. In his first flights in the combat aircraft, he displayed the high combat qualities, persistence, and courage which were to ensure his rapid rise. Where several flights were required for the others to master one or another element of flying, only one or two were sufficient for PRDUIOD'KO. This does not mean that he relied only on his own ability. He constantly worked to achieve knowledge of flying. PRIKHOD'KO paid par- ticular attention to preparations for flight. Not many years following his completion of school, the young officer received the badge of pilot third-class. He subsequently became a pilot second-cl.ass,.and then, pilot first-class. He held first place in the firing competitions of his ob'yedineniye. He was inscribed in the honor book of a military district. The road to flight skill was not easy. A pilot's profession is laborious as well as honorable. Once, he was to check the operation of the engine in an aircraft. At first all went normally. But at a -..great altitude, the pilot suddenly felt a loud banging. The revolutions -43- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 -.. C?? ra VUG4l 50X1-HUM? of the turbine and the temperature of the exhaust gases began to fall sharply. Shortly afterward the engine stopped. The window was frozen, and it was cold in the cabin. PRIIQLOD'KO turned off unnecessary objects which burned electric power, leaving on only the radio and the instru- ments for controlling the engine and concentrated all his attention on piloting the aircraft. After reporting to the flight controller, the pilot descended to an altitude stipulated by his instructions and tried to turn on the engine, with no results. The fighter-aircraft' continued. to lose alti- tulle, and neared the ground. The only solution was to jump, but PRIKHOD'KO decided to try to save the aircraft. He turned on the ignition and looked at the instruments. They were alive again. The engine slowly began to turn and PRIKHOD'KO finally reached the airfield. For his courage and skilled actions during the flight, Maj PRIKUOD'KG was awarded a valuable prize. Flight skill and the skill to work with subordinates are considered in evaluating an air commander. The ability-to instruct holds a top place among characteristics evaluated, since instructors play a decisive role in improving the combat skill of flight personnel.,, There are few instructor-pilots-in N-Skaya chest' who are spoken of so frequently and so warmly as Maj PRIKHOD'KO. Many pilots have passed through his hands and remember the 'PRIKHOD'K0 method,' which opened for them broad horizons in combat perfection. Among them are Officer.KRYLOV, senior inspector in piloting technology; Pilots VOROHM, KLMOV, and PETROVSKIY, who are successfully mastering new aircraft; and SOKOLOV and NASHTBOCHNflOV, __ pilots, who, after one year of Individual tralning,,attained a second- class rating. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 50X1 -HUM . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 .PRD OD'KO did not achieve his instructor's skill at once. At one time when he commanded a flight,-there were many difficulties and accidents. One of his first instructor flights was with Sr Lt PAVLOV. In piercing, upward through the clouds, the pilot made an error and the aircraft pitched to an angle of 45?. PRnMOD'K0 did not take over the controls, hoping that PAVLOV would correct his error. The aircraft roiled over on'its wing and began to spin. The parachute which PRnMOD'KO wore got in PAVLOV's way. PRIEMOD'KO.has fastened the straps poorly before the flight. With great difficulty, the instructor succeeded in taking control of the aircraft. . PRl7UCD'KO learned serious lessons from this incident. He learned how important it was to prepare for each flight, analyzing in detail his actions and the actions of the students. The"PR]KHOD'KO method" was for- mulated, the essence of which was to teach quickly and well. This means above all to note in time a pilot '.s error, determine its cause, and correct it within a short time. The error should be corrected by the student-pilot, under.the instructor's guidance. Capt SOKOLOV, Pilot Jd Class, within.one year attained a high level of training owing to the "PRIKHOD'KO method." SOKOLOV.. critical of other instructors who feel that with time and coaching students'of will acquire all that is required, noted that PHI.iWOD'KO believes that the road to mastering flying must be straight, quick, and errorless. SOKOLOV recalls a personal example.. After being "coached" in how to land for a long time by other instructors, so4oV's error was corrected by Mai PRnMCD'XO after two flights. Among those testifying Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 50X1-HUM to PRD OD'KG's capability as an instructor are Sr Lt SIN 'KG; Capt CBTZH, who is a friend of Pilot-Cosmonaut G.S. TITOV, and Capt POLLIFlOV. PRIKHOD'KO while a strict and demanding commander also has a friendly attitude toward people. In a friendly discussion, Naj IRIKHOD'KO can and advise him not to repeat it. When a discussion is sometimes not enough and PR=O! KO.must consult with the offender at a "squadron quorum," PRD 0D'KG also consults with the flight commanders and with Capt SOKOLOV, secretary of the party organization. One incident which disturbed the entire squadron, involved Capt BABAYEV, an experienced but inadequately re-trained pilot. BABAYEV was rebuked by a flight commander and became coarse in his anger. MIKHOD'KO took BABAYEV's case to a court. A short while later there was a party meeting. Those who spoke were indignant since BABAYNV violated the traditions of the squadron. Now aware of his error, BABAYEV told the Communists that he would not make a similar mistake again. BABAYEV kept his word. The same group later received Capt BABAYEV into party membership. The coordinated efforts and work of the group and each of its members independently, have resulted in the successful fulfillment of the combat train plan, and the attainment by all airmen of a level of training of pilot let class. PRIKBOD'KO was named squadron commander comparatively recently. Against Laadty and Simplification in Combat Training -- Col Gen Avn. A. I. PODOL'SKIY (pages 26-29) nar G`nvo1an Mesem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 I c.oniiuenziai/No Ford 50X1-HUM In a modern war, should the imperialists unleash it, the personnel of the PVO Strany Troops and all our Armed Forces are required to display. maximum moral, and combat qualities, exceptionally high physical endurance, and efficient coordination; teams and crews are to act rapidly and troops are to. be carefully controlled in a determined manner. In light of the growing requirements placed on troops, their combat training must be organized. Each drill, practical training class, and exercise must be conducted without laxity or simplification, and on a highly organs- Zed and methodical level. At the present time troops are executing new and more responsible missions. Primary among these are the study and further perfection of reliable methods of repelling surprise strikes of enemy aviation and pilotless weapons under conditions in which weapons of mass destruction and radio interference are employed, and the development of efficient coordination of the various arms of service. Commanders, political organs, and party and Komsomol organizations, in executing these missions, are engaged in the enormous work of perfecting the combat skill and increasing the combat readiness of personnel. Antiair defense troops -are persistently learning to employ modern combat equipment and wea- pons in,a skillful manner and to conquer the. enemy under any circumstances. A high level of combat skill, courage, and personnel organization, as is known, is formed and perfected through practical training and t*cti- qal exercises. During these exercises,. commanders acquire strong skills in organizing modern battle and controlling troops in combat. Soldiers. and sergeants are learning to overcome difficulties and to develop qualities needed in war. Practice shows that tactical drills and _47 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 Confldefltial/No.Fore1g em 50X1-HUM. exercises provide the necessary results and facilitate the raising of the level of troops combat training when an instructive air situation is created for them in which attention is given to problems of mastering new equipment and organizing the coordination and conduct of combat operations under conditions attending the employment of weapons of mass. destruction. Therefore, it is necessary that each practical exercise and drill, each training flight, and each firing be conducted most effectively in accordance with a specific situation, which could emerge' in the initial phase of war. Experience shows that where commanders,, political organs, staffs, and party organizations have well adjusted to the training process, a high level of organization in training has been attained; short- comings and weaknesses are being combatted; personnel are successfully mastering knowledge and acquiring needed practical skills and continu- ously perfecting their combat skill; and podrazdeleniya and chasti are, showing outstanding and good results in combat and political training. In realizing what is required in wartime, many commanders are not lax in teaching their subotdinates, and are nipping over simplification in training in the bud. Owing to this, a high level of combat training has been achieved in N-Skaya air chast". For 10 years, this unit has had no flight accidents while achieving the highly quality fulfillment of the combat training plan. Owing to the fine .training of flight and technical personnel in this unit, the annual total] flying time is constantly being increased; in the past year it exceeded the established norm by more than 50 percent. 48 ennfidential/Nu F'orei~u Di~sem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000250001-8 Ir 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO69000250001-8 Under the supervision of a demanding commander, officers are concerned with.the training and education of their subordinates in a purposeful manner. Pilots, engineers and junior air specialists are working with .every effort, and are displaying the required initiative. and high effi- ciency in everything. Combat training is being conducted according to plan in the unit, laxity and simplification in training are not per- mitted, and the requirements of military regulations and instructions are being observed carefully. All this favorably influences the enhance= ment of the skill of pilots. Thus for example, in the past serious grievances were laid against Sr Lts 1ffADZEL' and SHADRINA, Pilots. But, owing to the skillfully organized train and education of personnel, they became rated masters of air combat. The friendly work of commanders, political workers and the party organization is. the foundation-on which are based the successes in the execution of combat training missions and in increasing combat readiness. Combat firings are a responsible moment in the life and training of podrazdeleniya of surface-to-air rocket troops. They are the result of all the varied work of personnel during the period,preceeding the firings and are the most complete and objective means possible of judg- ing the efficiency of these podrazdeleniya and their readiness for executing combat missions. Officers LIPATENKOV and KODOLOV, commanders of podrazdelen.iya, well understand this and take it into consideration in practice. In these podrazdeleniya, combat training is well-organized, classes are conducted in an instructive and methodologically correct manner. 'Personnel have mastered combat equipment to perfection and are fulfilling their duties in an irreproachable manner. The precise per- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000250001-8 ;'