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.oy.....wbo ..own, flue 18. IIB.C. Be". 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited 50X1-HUM C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM SUBJECT English Translation of Herald of Antiaircraft Defense, Issue No. 2 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE AC REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCESI 1. An English translation of Issue No. 2, February 1963, of the Soviet publication Vestnik Protivovozdushnoy Oborony /Herald 50X1-HUM of Antiaircraft Defense , JSu is e by the MITI Mns ,rnw Ministry -nre House of the 2. In some cases, the articles were translated in their entirety: in other cases the were summari ed Distribution of Attachments for Retention: 0O/FDD: OSI: ORR: CC-I: FTD: 'J-~SAC- i Arm, Army/FSTC: DIA: Navy: Navy/STIC: C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L N0 FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM GROUP , dwp,.dhp .M dMnd,.,k. NSA ocq OG ' I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 1 copy. 2 copies 2 copies 2 copy 3 copies 2 copies 2 copies 3 copies 3 copies 3 copies 2 copies 1 copy 3 cnni PS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 Vestnik Protivovozdushnoy Oborony, No 2.. February 1963 Editorial I. G. PUNTUS. Guarding the Peaceful Labor of the Soviet People The Historical Victory on the Volga According to the laws of Life We Train Soldiers in Combat Traditions Here Is An Example To Be Followed Combat Training -- Absolute Fulfillment of the Combat Training Plan -- Tactical Training of Officers of Radiotechnical Troops. A. A..D'YACHEIlICO -- The Oscillation of an Airplane and Ways of Preventing It -- Combat Employment of Air-to-Air Missiles Equipment and Its Use A Rating Is an Indication of an Officer's Combat Maturity G.N. SKORODUMOV D. P. OGLOBLIN --. Maintenance of Antenna Mast Equipment Under Conditions of the Far North -- The Effect of Usage Factors on Hydraulic Booster Operation 29 Yu. V. ANOSOV Negative Feedback and Its Use in Electron Amplifiers 29 a -C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 tvo roreign v ssem N. P. KHARITONOV -- Relay Regulator Adjustment I. X. KRASNYY -- This Is How We Teach Radar Set Tuning to, Officer Candidates Innovations and Inventions Ye. I. RUMYANTSEV and G. I. VASIL'YEV -- Loudspeaker Adapter V. *T. ZAVIDrCEV -- Crossover Box K. I. KONONENKO 50X1-HUM 51. 55 and V. S.ZABEI -- The Employment of Plasma for Detection 55 Reviews and Bibliography V. N. MATAKOV Concerning Fearless and Brave People 62 b C-O-NF-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 S Q rvreigu uJ.setem In Chasti and Podrazdeleniye of Our Troops Transferable Banner Award -- by V. M. Alekseyev (Page 2) Abstract: This brief article reports on the awarding of an oblast Komsomol Abstract: This brief article reports outstanding achievements of a radar chast', Innovators' Conference -- by V. N. FROLAV (Page 2) Abstract: This brief article reports on a conference of innovatc-s and inven- Officer PSBENICBNYY. The Sum Total of Fine Initiative -- by V. A. VIKTOROV (Page 2) tors, which was held at the Minsk Higher Radiotechnical Engineering School. An Example for All -- by N. Ya. KOMAROV (Page 2) Abstract: This brief article reports that the podrazdeleniye, commanded by CaptA. ZUURBIIAV, has been designated "outstanding" for the fourth year in a. row and has been awarded a transferable pennant for successes in training. r captioned photograph by I. SAVIIJ, which showed Capt ZHOIt$IIAV discussing a line diagram with a. subordinate, accompanied the article Guarding the Peaceful Labor of the Soviet People -- Editorial (Pages 3-6) Abstract: This. editorial, which for the most part is historical in content, states the need for combat readiness and combat capability to be maintained. No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem The Historical Victory on the' Volga -- by Lt Gen Avn I. O. P012US (Pages 7 - 11) Abstract: This.historicil article relates events and battles of the Defense of Stalingrad in World War ii. The article is accompanied by a captioned photograph of Col P. SHAVtRIN by V. RAYKOV on page 8, and on page U by a captioned photograph of Lt. V. GOLOVATYY, which is dated 1942- Party Political Work and Military Training According to the Laws of Life -- by Col I. V. KUZNETSOV (Pages 12 - 15) Abstract: This article relates and discusses ingiovements in aircraft main. tenance initiated by Engr-Capt,MARCHENKO in a technical operations chest''. t captioned photograph by photo correspondent V. TALAflTh on page 15 shows military personnel of a podrazdeleniye meeting with two factory workers, who took part in the November CPSU Plen j Ti. Train Soldiers in Combat Traditio --'b Ca t V M TUMALARYAN ns y p . . . Abstract:. This article states the necessity for training soldiers in the his- tory of their country and in the revolutionary and combat traditions of the Communist Party; and discusses methods of carrying out this training. LA captioned photograph by I. SEREGIN on page 17 shows Officer Ye. PERFILOV talking to young soldiers about World War II. A captioned photograph by K. FEDULOV on page 20, shows Lt V.PETRENKO, secretary of a podrazdeleniye party organization, talking with Pfcs A. SKUBAS and N. BOCHARNIKOV, both candidate-members of the CPSUj 2 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 a.v r,u-ca.ua M&00y. Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem Chronicle of Komsomol Life (Page 19) 50X1 -H U M Abstract: This series of five brief items presents examples of Komsomol train- ing achievements and pledges. One item identifies Sr It NOZDRIN as the head of a Komsomol organization in the Moscow PVO District. Here Is An Ex=)le To Be Followed -- by Lt Col A. B. SOLOV'YEV (Pages 21 - 24) Abstract: This article relates how a shortage in personnel vas overcome in the radar company commanded by Capt SEYRANYAN when the personnel of the com- 1A captioned photograph by S. ZAKHAROV on page 22 shows Sr It S. DWOCIMA and Sr Sgt V. TISHCF UCO, operator first class, checking an antenna and a wavegaide_] circles, lectures, technical evening meetings, and a technical newspaper. pany trained for job interchangeability. The personnel trained in con- tiguous specialities by initiating a planned training Program, study Combat Training Absolute Fulfillment of the Combat Training Plan -- by Army' Gen P. F. BATI'1'SXIY (pages 25 - 29) Abstract: This article emphasizes the importance of combat and political train- ing, its planning, preparation, execution, and evaluation. LA captioned photograph by K. KONSTAN INOV on page 299 shows Capt N. KALIlV, radar company commander, and Lt A. KODflOV, who is KALm's deputy for political affairs, working out a training schedule 3 C_O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L I. j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem Tactical Training of Officers of Radiotechnical Troops -- by Engr-Co, 50X1-HUM Ye. I. GORBACH (Pages 30 - 33) .Abstract: This article attacks the idea that it is sufficient for radiotech- nical officers to know only how to service equipment., and discusses the needs and methods for tactical training of radiotechnical officers. ? Searchers -- by Mai Ye. K. STEPANOV (Pages 32 - 33) Abstract: This brief article describes equipment innovations which were developed by personnel in a radar company commanded by Capt MALAKUOV. LThe article is accompanied on page 33 by a photograph which shows Lt I. LE MEV working out an.innovation suggestion The Oscillation of an Airplane and Ways of Preventing It -- by Engr-Lt Col A. A. D'YACHENICO, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Pages 34 - 37) The oscillation 5aska h1 7 of an airplane is its involuntary osci- nation in.respect to its angle of pitch (longitudinal oscillation) and its angles of roll and yaw (lateral oscillation) in the process of pre- cision, piloting. Longitudinal and lateral oscillation of an airplane may appear jointly or separately. Their simultaneous appearance is possible during flights at high altitudes. During flights at low and medium alti- .tudes lateral oscillation does not usually appear, but longitudinal oscil- lation may occur during the execution of precision maneuvers at flying speeds approaching the speed of sound. It should be noted that the probability of the appearance of longi- tudinal oscillation at low and medium altitudes is especially great in fighter planes with non-reversible booster controls and in those, which C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for_Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1-HUM are not equipped with devices for the automatic regulation of stick force. in these airplanes stick force is produced. a artificially with the aid of a simple spring mechanism and therefore changes only in relation to the travel of the stick. At speeds below Mach 1 an increase in flying speed facilitates the manual control of the plane, which lovers the piloting accuracy, one of the factors needed for the appearance of longitudinal and lateral oscillation of an airplane. Flying theory and practice show that the oscillation of an airplane during inaccurate piloting occurs only in those flight conditions (maneu- vers) during.which the angles of attack, yaw, and roll, in the initial moment following a deviation of the controls, fluctuates according to the law of fluctuation 5D kolebatel'nomu zakong, so that their period of fluctuation T is between 1-2 seconds. If that period is less than 1 second or greater than two seconds, piloting inaccuracy does not usually result in the oscillation of the airplane. The question arises: why does piloting inaccuracy result in oscilla- tion only when the period. of a plane's fluctuation is between 1-2 seconds? In order to answer this question it is necessary to examine schematically the process of controlling an airplane. While flying, a pilot controls the accuracy of his maneuvers by means of, variations in the linear and angular dimensions characteristic of a plane's motion. Thus, during high altitude flights, pilotage, etc., the movement of the plane is con- trolled mainly by variations of the angles of pitch, roll, and yaw. The disparity between the regrired and actual variations of these angular dimensions is eliminated by manipulating the controls. Let us ewe C- -N- -i-D-k-BT-T- X-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 iwv rvrea.?u uiebem . how this process occurs with respect to control of the angle of pit&h- 50X1-HUM Suppose that in reference flight conditions a plane is flying with an angle of pitch '9 ;(figures 1 and 2). Flying conditions require that the plane transfer to a different angle of pitchc"9rer . Before doing this the pilot visually determines the difference between j" vs He then ascertains the amount of elevator deflection needed to transfer the plane to a new angle of pitch in a given period of time. The pilot next makes the necessary elevator adjustment and the plane begins to change its angle of pitch as shown in the curve ABCD in Figures 1 and 2. It can be seen that following the deflection of the eievator.. the plane's angle of pitchJU.^changes according to the law of fluctuation with periods of fluctuation T1 1 second (see figure 1) and T2 n 2.5 seconds (see figure 2). Following the deflection of the elevator in the process of elevator (T 1 sec.). s a'.. o -- J.-reouired ,YCI t t 0 0,5 to rt 2,0 23 3.0 t,cem Figure 2. Change in. an airplane' s. angle of pitch following deflection of elevator (t 2.5 sec.) 6 C-C-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 .[ n n n - o %T m A J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 1 acv rvacibaa y~.oocua of precision piloting, the pilot carefully watches the chantte in the 50X1-HUM angle of pitch (in-Me case being considered) and notes not only the, difference between the actual and required values of the angle of pitch Or= lya ;4 , but also the speed of its change (in figures 1 and 2 the speed of change in the actual angle of pitch may be represented by the slope of curve ABC). Therefore, when a certain period of time t1 has passed since the beginning of the. change in the actual angle of pitch, the pilot again notices the necessity of correcting the elevator deflec- tion in order to check the increase in the actual angle of pitch. &C4 .9 and proceeds to make the necessary correction. in view of the fact that there is a certain delay in the reactions of the plane and pilot from the moment the pilot notices the necessity of correcting the original elevator deflection (point B in figures 1 and 2) until the moment the change in the angle of pitch begins under the influence of that correction (point C in figures 1 and 2), there elapses a certain period of time which is called the total time lag do the reactions of the pilot and plane. Let us assume that length of time is 0.4 seconds. .In this case the pilot's correction of the elevator deflection results in a disproportionate effect. In the case of a change in the angle of pitch according to the law of fluctuation with the period T1 n 1 sec., this correction is accom- panied by an increase in the amplitude of fluctuation of the angle of, pitch.(curve CE in figure 1), i. e. the oscillation of the plane. ' If the * The size of a- in a given situation may characterize the piloting accuracy in respect to the angle of pitch. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 .e Nn Tinwninn Tliaeew Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem inherent characteristics of the plane are such that the period of 50X1-HUM fluctuation of the angle of pitch is equal to or greater than 2.5 seconds, correction of the original elevator deflection when '--C 0.4 seconds results in a decrease in the amplitude of fluctuation and, consequently, an increase in the piloting accuracy (curve CE in figure 2 From figure 1 it may be seen that the intensity of longitudinal oscillation of an airplane depends on the length total time lag in the reactions of the pilot and plane on the period (T) of the fluctuation of the angle of pitch, and also on the ability of the pilot to execute a, given precision maneuver. In figure 1, the pilot's skill may be characterized by the amount of time tl and the degree of variation.in the angle of pitch cYC - In the moment of time tl. An insufficiently trained pilot will notice the necessity of correcting the original elevator deflection later than an experienced pilot. This means that, is the case of a plane piloted by an inexperienced pilot, point B.on the curve ABCD will be located to the right of that for a plane piloted .by an experienced pilot in figure 1.. The total time lag of the pilot and airplane t= a [ depends in turn on the pilot's training, his physiological make-up, the flying conditions, and also on the aerodynamic characteristics of the plane and its control system. Frot^figares 1 and 2 it can be seen that in order to raise the piloting accuracy of a plane it is desirable to reduce the total time lag of pilot and plane. Pilots better trained in the execution of a given precision manuever have a smaller time lag in reaction to a variation than pilots who are not as well trained. On the average, the 8 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign pissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 CIA-RDP80TOO246AO69000240001-9 period varies in length from 0.4-0.8 seconds; therefor- **~ ^=^i1- 5OX1-HUM+ lation of a plane in flight appears during a period of rapid fluctuation of 1-2 seconds. The size of this period of rapid fluctuation depends on the aerody- namic composition of the airplane and on the flying conditions. Mathema- tically this may be expressed as follows: K -- coefficient of proportionality (Its size depends on the com- position of the plane and the Mach number of flight, and for a specific plane, only on the mach number); where -- coordinate of longitudinal focal point of an airplane in units of a mean aerodynamic chord. (It changes during the transition from subsonic to supersonic speeds); xj - U -- coordinate of plane's center of gravity in units of a mean aerodynamic chord. -- dynamic head 1-? From the formula it can be seen that a pilot can change the period of fluctuation of a plane's angle of pitch by changing the amount of dynamic head, i.e. by changing the instrument flying speed. This means that if the pilot finds his plane in a state of oscillation, he can eliminate longitudinal oscillation by changing his instrument flying speed. The formula may also be used for determining, on the ground, fly- ing conditions. under which longitudinal oscillation is possible. 9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem Calculations show that certain fighter planes which have smalkX1 -HUM gins of overload stability at subsonic flying speeds have a period of rapid, fluctuation in the angle of pitch T = 1-2 seconds at :Low and medium altitudes when the Mach numbers 0.7-0.85.. A further increase in the Mach number of flight. while flying at a constant altitude decreases T to less than 1 second because, it increases the dynamic head and the overload sta- bility, which is characterized by '~-r . With low values of T (less. than 1 second) a pilot is not in a position to react to each fluctuation in the angle of pitch. He visually estimates the angle of pitch by averaging the fluctuations and then flys the plane as he would under normal conditions. These planes can also have a T value of 1-2 seconds during high altitude flights at supersonic speeds. The distinguishing characteris- tic in the oscillation of an airplane during high-altitude flights is the large amplitude of the plane's oscillation. Let us point out that during high-altitude flights planes which are not equipped with semi- automatic (or automatic) devices have low damping and, consequently, a small decrement of dewing. Therefore, following a deviation in the controls, these planes experience a prolonged period of fluctuation. Figure 3 shows the effect of the size of decrement of damping on the change in a plane's actual angle of pitch following deflection of the elevator. It can be seen that a decrease in t substantially, impairs the plane's re action to the deflection of the elevator: This reaction at high altitudes (with a small. ).increases its tendency toward oscillation. From the drawing it can be seen that for 1 the No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem angle of pitch varies according to an aerodynamic law,.i.A fi+I&t++Ations 50X1-HUM disappear and the plane's tendency toward oscillation also disappears. Figure 3. Effect of the size of the damping decrement on the change in. a plane's angle of pitch following deflection of the elevator. The preceding statement would be completely accurate if the pilot could accurately determine and execute the required control adjustments during the transition from to with a limited time. In flying, mistakes in controlling a plane always occur. As shown in figure 1, it is possible to graphically and analytically show that mistakes in mani- pulating the controls increase a plane's tendency to oscillate, even with relatively good damping ( V 0.7) of its angular movement. The size of the error in manipulating the controls depends on both the pilot and the plane. In planes with excessively light and sensitive controls requiring small changes for piloting and little force on the stick and pedals as well as small balancing deviations of the latter (i. e. with a small margin of static stability, high control effective- ness and a small gradient of force in stick travel and pedal control), the relative error in 'measuring out" the required deviation of the con- trols is much greater than in planes with normal control characteristics. An increase in friction and play in the control system Also increases the 3.1 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem relative error in "measuring out" the required deviation of the controls owing to deterioration in the centering. ability of the stick and pedals and the appearance of."free movement" in them called the zone of insensi- tivity: From what has been said., it is possible to make the observation that at the basis of a plane's oscillation lies a short period of characteristic rapid fluctuation and a relatively large time lag in the reactions of the pilot and plane. A decrease in the decrement of damping the angular move- ment of a plane (a decrease in its damping properties) and an increase in the relative error in `measuring out" the required deviation of the controls strengthens the plane's tendency toward oscillation. Let us examine the work of a pilot while flying in the state of fluctuation or near it. If for some reason the plane enters the state of fluctuation it is necessary to counter each individual fluctuation of the airplane for this only makes the piloting worse. It is necessary to fix the organs of control in a position which will facilitate the trans- ition of the plane to another instrument flying speed. If the pilot discovers that at speeds approaching that of sound and at low altitudes the controls become excessively free even though the plane is still controllable, it is necessary to slow down to a safe speed, smoothly taking the plane into a climb, but, in no case permitting air braking. In doing this the pilot must avoid abrupt deceleration or a sudden movement of the controls, I. e. any movement which would result in a disturbance of the plane's balance. While flying at high altitudes and speeds at which the period of a plane's rapid movement is greater than 12 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 { No Foreign Dissem in the state of oscillation, it is possible to damp the fluctuation of the 50X1-HUM angles of pitch, roll, and yaw by vigorous movements of the controls (see figure 2). This means, in part, that to ensure more or less accurate piloting of a plane at high altitudes the pilot must work harder (i. e. more frequently adjust the controls), which is desireable. and raise the level of combat training. A good understanding by flight crews of the causes and nature of oscillation of a fighter plane, and also the means. of preventing it, will promote the further improvement in the mastery of aviation equipment jA photograph of Capt. S. CHERNEGA, a CCI controller, and Capt. A. ZAIKO, a navigator, appears on page 337. Bravery and Skill -- Capt. M.A. YSFIMOV (Page 38) Abstract: This brief article describes how Capt Yu. KOLESOV, pilot first class and flight commander, was able to safely land his jet fighter aircraft by restarting the engine of the air craft several times after a malfunction had caused engine temperatures to increase to a critical level. 1A photo- graph of KOIESOV by A. KOZOBROD accompanied the article] Programmed Teaching with Special Machines -- by Ma. Gen Arty T.I. ROSTUNOV (Pages 39-43) Text: The Communist Party is greatly concerned with the training of highly qualified officers. This concern is explained best when it is considered that to conduct contemporary combat operations, which require complex com- bat equipment and weapons, demands a great amount of knowledge, skill, and experience. This was pointed out by N. S. KHRUSHCSEP at the Kremlin 13 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L A T ? Tl _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem reception for military academy graduates on 5 July 1962. At this meeting, 50X1-HUM the head of the Soviet government presented an assignment to the workers of higher military educational institutions - to perfect training methods and to employ the latest technical advances in this matter. The rapid progress of science and military technology has aggravated h in olume ]mo le the e i h 6wont uve w ick exists between of g , on bile coot odic which is necessary to a military specialist, and the possibility of master- ing this required knowledge within an. established amount of training time. The present system of training by means of lectures cannot resolve this .contradiction. Therefore, an acute necessity has arisen to change over to essentially new trainer methods, which include the best of what has been learned through training experience and yet would make possible far- reaching advances in the training of military specialists, allow considera- tion of the latest scientific achievements, and conform to, or even shorten, the amount of time presently required for training. The principal shortcoming of the present training method is that it is basically active in respect to the lecturer, but passive in respect to the student. In other words, there is no full measure of responsive communication in the training process. Also, after he has delivered the lecture material, the instructor does not immediately receive any knowledge concerning how much of the material has been mastered by the students. As a rule, the instructor obtains this information over large spans of time - by questioning 2 or 3 students during a lecture period, during laboratory sessions, and from semester examinations when final, evaluations concerning subject mastery are made. 14 (a) C-C-N F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem This sort of information does not allow any judgements to be .?a? ?~^^+ 50X1-HUM the level of subject knowledge of any one student during the training cycle, nor does it allow for corrective interference with the training process. Fi nally, as a consequence of all this, the instructor proceeds 'blindly" through the training process and required training results are not achieved. A serious shortcoming of present training methods is the absence of individual training aids. It is well known that lectures and other similsr methods of training are not differentiated, either in content or in form, in conformance with the knowledge and perceptive ability of different groups of learners. Also,, one student group may range from the outstanding. to the. weak.: Again, present training methods do not allow for the organiza- tion of differentiated training. As a consequence of this, the most capable students do not work at full capacity throughout their courses of study in a higher military educational institution and less capable students fall behind. Also, technical training aicl; which are currently employed, offer no possibility for systematic and objective checking of student progress, nor do they allow the student to check his progress during independent work periods. In the absence of any self-checking process, the student frequently goes to testsand examination without being sure of the strength of his knowledge in any single subject. Another problem appears when the work of individual students is con- sidered. Of course, command and professorial staffs, and Komsomol and party organizations pay much attention to this problem, but we cannot say with any validity how well an individual student independently masters 14 (b) C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem his assigned. material. A reason for this is that some students study 50X1-HUM listlessly during the semester and then attempt to make up for lost time by cramming for examinations. As a result, many of them enter examinations with only a superficial knowledge of subject matter. A major shortcoming of current training methods is that conducting examinations, quizzing students on laboratory work, and correcting home-. work require a great deal of unproductive time. Is it not possible to automate this process? Of course, it is. However, up to now, a logical mathem atical-teaching theory and optimal methods of checking training have not been worked out. Statistical data, based on systematic and objective investigations and on evaluation of student progress are necessary for such a study. Some shortcomings of teaching literature should also be pointed out. Contemporary text books, manuals, and monographs are too voluminous and contain much information, which, although it is applicable, is superfluous for students. In order to help students to gain understanding of subject matter, instructors spend a large amount of time composing and delivering lectures on themes which are already in the textbook. Also, it is impossible to remain silent concerning the fact that teach- ing plans for course study and for the conducting of separate activities in higher military educational institutions, until now, have been built on insufficient scientific bases. As a result, individual questions are scattered about in different course, which creates parallelism in the 15 C-C-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L- No Foreign Discern Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem A finding of an analysis of teaching processes and their results at the Kiev 50X1-HUM Higher Engineering Radiotechnical School [KVIRTU) was that it is necessary to change over to a programmed method of teaching with maximum use of teaching machines for successful resolution of the crucial tasks which are presently before higher military educational institutions. It is understood that this given method evinces no change in the subject content of any course, but of the actual program of the teaching process. Thus. the most rational sequence of course study and of checking questions and assignments is determined; the teaching process is enlivened; and simultaneous checking of mastery of material by instruc- tors (external responsive communication) and by the students, themselves (internal responsive communication), is allowed. In the opinion of the professorial staffs of many higher military educational instutions, such a method of teaching will largely eliminate the shortcomings of present teaching methods, increase productivity of learning activity, and shorten the time required for learning'. The essence and content of programmed teaching, using teaching machines, are as follows: The subject matter: of a course is presented in parts in order that each student.can have his progress evaluated in an individual. manner after he has completed each part. This segmented presentation should be done by meant of an algorithm, which, according to subject matter, should indicate a firm, scientif- ically founded order for a logical,~sequential presentation of theme and, then, of the course. This sequence separates subject matter for its most expedient mastery. The teaching sequence must also indicate the relation between courses. Much has, already been done in our school toward changing over to programmed teaching. Teaching algorithms have been composed for individual courses. In 16 there is C-O-N-P-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ,I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem a need for a general. algorithm to teach students of a single profile. It 50X1-HUM seems to us that such a general algorithm can be programed and checked by electronic ccn U.,,Uout 32 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 50X1-HUM A skelton amplifier circuit with negative feedback is shown in figure 2a. Here K is the coeffiecient of amplification of an amplifier without negative feedback; Uin is input voltage; Uout is voltage at the output; U is negative feedback voltage; and B is the feedback coefficient oc U oc Uout ,it is apparent that the voltage Uk = Uin - co will be supplied directly to the amplifier input. In its turn Uout Uin - oc , or U o u t = k.: II n - k . Uoc- Substituting, in place of Uoc a value, equal. to B . Uout, we derive that U t=k. Uin - k.B. Ufor k oc=1+Bk , (3) vc feedback. This foramila results from the earlier introduced general formula (1). If it is accepted that x(t) = Uin, an y(t) . Uout, and this expression is Uout placed in formulat (1); replacing U by.koc, we derive formula'(3):. 33 C-C-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem i I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 no roreign J lssem It is completely evident that with kB greater than 1, formula (3) +Alesn 50X1-HUM the aspect 1 k00 n. B . (4F) It is evident from formula (4) that amplification by an amplifier with negative feedback (when kB is greater than 1) does not depend on the properties of the amplifier itself and, consequently, a change in the amplification coefficient k does not evoke a change in koc (within definite limits, of course). Thus amplification by an amplifier with negative feed- back depends only on the feedback circuit. Since there are no tubes, feed sources, or other elements for elimination of resistance in this circuit, such an amplification with negative feedback is completely stable. The physical influence of negative feedback might be explained as follows: with reduction of amplifier amplification, voltage at the out- put is decreased and, consequently, there is a reduction in voltage oc. As a consequence of this,voltage 1k at the amplifier input begins to increase, evoking an increase of output voltage which compensates for the drop in amplification. Negative feedback is correspondingly self control- ling with an increase in amplification. But it mnst.not be forgotten . that it is self controlling in a.similar manner only when Bk is greater than 1. Practically, this condition is not difficult to fulfill, since the coefficient of a cascade amplification of contemporary tubes lies within the limits of several hundred or even thousand. Consequently,. the intensity of B might lie within limits of 0.05 to 0.2. Since k00 is 1 . approximately equal t6'-B, then it is evident that a large value for B is disadvantageously taken from a reduction in amplification. 34 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 .a n n I . u m n n i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 LIV i?VL J,bM V400 M Negative feedback also improves other characteristics of an amplifier 5OX1-HUM and is used: for increasing amplifier stability; for achieving a required amplifier input or output resistance when necessary; for decreasing extraneous amplification due to source feed pulsation, temperature change, magnetic field influence, etc. The shortcomings of a circuit with negative feedback are: the amplifier amplification is decreased by 1 + Bk times as is seen from formula (3); the amplification circuit and its adjustment are complicated; and there is a possibility in some cases of parasitic generations being formed, especially with an incorrect choice of a circuit and its elements. When a negative feedback circuit is connected with a part of an amplifier circuit, a closed circuit is formed, which is called a feedback loop. The intensity of Bk is called the loop gain (sometimes, it is U U called the feedback factor). Since B = oc , and k = out , then U Uk out Uoc , whereupon Uk conforms to voltage at the Uk loop.input, and Uk out oc and as combined or composite when Uoc is proportional to U and I out . out A negative feedback circuit is shown in figure 2a according to voltage,' 35 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Uoc to its output. Finally, the intensity A = 1 + Bk is called negative feedback depth indicates the, amount of reduction in amplification of an amplifier with feedback. Classification of negative feedback, methods of obtaining It, and standard circuits. According to the method of achieving negative feedback, it is subdivided: according to voltage when the intensity of U is pro- oc protional to U ; according to current when U is proportional to 1.,4.; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 110 xvrelgu Ulssem F and in figure 2b according to current. 50X1-HUM Negative feedback, according to the method of input supply, is in series when Uin and Uoc are introduced to the circuit in series (figure 2a), in parallel when these voltages are supplied in parallel (figure 2b), or composite (sometimes bridge according to input) when the voltage connection is combined in series and in parallel. In some comparatively complex circuits, it is not east to determine the aspect of negative feedback. In order to determine the method of obtaining feedback, it is necessary to first mentally short-circuit the load, and then to break this circuit. To determine the means of supplying negative feedback to the input, it is necessary to first mentally short-circuit the input of the alternating electromotive source,. and then to out it off. According to the presence or the absence of Uoc, the circuit is visualized by. using the following table. Determination of Negative Feedback by Derivation of Uoc by Supplying Uoc.to Input Negative Feedback Short- circuit Cut Of Short- circuit ,by Voltage by Current Composite No Uoc Uoc We Uoc No Uoc Uoc Series' Parallel Composite Uoc To Uoc hoc No We Uoc UOC . 36 C-C-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign, Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 .1 i ea r A .I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 INC .LUrcibLa L18DCJU . An amplifier might have one or several negative feedback loops. 50X1-HUM .l' if there is one loop, the connection is called single loop; it were are several, it is called multiloop. Depending upon whether one loop includes another or not, they are called dependent or independent. Finally, loops, which encompass individual amplifier steps., are called individual or local negative feedback loops. A few circuits for the derivation and supply of negative feedback in. amplifier cascades are shown in figure 3.. For simplicity in the illustration, some circuit elements, which have no part in the operation, are omitted. Figure 3a is a circuit for derivation of negative feedback according to voltage with a potentiometer (divider) Fl 2. Voltage Uoc is precipitated to resistance R2 and supplied in series to the input. This feedback is called in series according to voltage.. Capacitor C is a separating capacitor. Its magnitude must be sufficiently large. Feed- back in series according to voltage is also shown in,figure 3b. Here, Uoc is removed from the auxiliary winding of the output transformer. Negative feedback according to voltabe is also shown in figure 3b. Here, Doc is removed from the auxiliary winding of the output transformer. Negative feedback according to voltage is shown in figure 3c, but in this circuit it is supplied in parallel. The separating capacitor C must not generate a frequency dependence, therefore its capacity must be compara- tively large. The magnitude of Uoc depends. on the magnitude of R. 37 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 Figure 3. The feedback circuit can supply fleedbackJ to the first tube anode or to the second tube control grid. With this, it is necessary to remember that the tube changes the phase of supplied voltage by 180 degrees. There- fore, negative feedback is shown in figure 3c. If this communication dis. seminates to two cascades, a phase shift of 360 degrees is obtained and an example of positive feedback will be observed. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to change the phase, which is achieved by transferring the feedback circuit from the anode (or grid) circuit to the cathode circuit as is done for the iterated network R,C in figure 3d. Here, the (.local) negative'feedback is in series according to current, due to resis- tance r; and it is in series and interstage according to, voltage, due to circuit R.C. 38 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem Figure 4. The three-.cascade amplifier circuit with resistance coupling, shown in figure If, is a little more comples. In the first step, the local negative feedback is in series according to current, due to R1; in the third,. it is local composite, in series according to the input, due to divider R 3 R 4 ; and, finally, all three ateps are enveloped by series feedback. according to voltage, which is generated by the third trans- former winding and the dividers RR 2 and R3 4? The basic value of this circuit is namely its feedback. Negative feedback is also used in cathode follower circuits. Here B is equal to 1 and k00 is close to the value of 1. A cathode follower circuit gives very little distortion, a.large input resistance, and a small output resistance. With this, the input and output voltages coincide in phase. Because of these qualities, the cathode follower circuit has found wide usage. If a negative feedback circuit is composed of resistances, its magnitude does not depend on frequency. Such feedback is called frequency- independent. Sometimes, it is desireable to obtain frequency-dependency feedback, for example, in order to compensate for frequency distortion and inserted lines with an amplifier or by other means. Then, the circuit is 39 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 composed of a combination of resistances and reactances.which are seleeted 50X1-HUM according to a frequency characteristic. Non-linear elements may also be introduced into negative feedback . circuits. This is done in those cases when, for example, it is necessary to preserve voltage stability at the output while voltage magnitude is being changed at the input. Especially well related to these are multiple automatic gain control circuits (age) which are widely, used in radio receiving equipment. If, in the circuit, there is no bridging capacitance forlresistance bias in the cathode circuit, we receive an additional feedback in respect to current, which reduces amplification. Finally, if the bridging capacitance has insufficient magnitude, there is feedback for low frequencies and amplification at these frequencieswill be reduced. That, which was mentioned earlier, is also related to the capacitance in the screen grid circuit. It is necessary to select a bridging capacitance, so that the resistance capacitance for the lowest frequency ranges is 5 to 30 times less than the resistance value. Analogous negative feedback circuits are used in push-pull amplifiers, but the feedback is usually employed symmetrically to each tube. Sometimes, feedback is. used for amplification control. Variable resistance is introduced into its circuit for this (for example, replace amplifier R1R2 with a potentiometer in the circuit shown in figure A. However, it is not possible to recommend such a method of gain control, since with alteration of negative feedback,,iuput and output resistances will be changed;.and with small feedback values, the stability and the distortion compensation capability of the amplifier will be decreased. 40 C-C-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP86T00246AO69000240001-9 The influence of: negative feedback on amplifier characteristics. ? 50X1-H U M- This influence is essentially manifested on all basic parameters of an amplifier. Therefore, by selecting any feedback circuit, we can find an. amplifier with the characteristics which we are interested in. Let us examine this in more detail. Input amplifier resistance dependes on the method of supplying feed- back voltage to the cascade input and does not depend on the method that .is used to remove it from the circuit output. It is increased with nega- tive feedback in series and decreased with negative feedback in parallel. This is explained by the decrease of the voltage, which is supplied directly to the amplifier cascade (Uk = Uin - Uoc) and, consequently, by the decrease of input circuit current, which equivalently increases input resistance. In a majority of cases, it is desireable to have a high input resistance. Therefore, negative feedback in series is often used. It is found in parallel only in intermediate amplifier steps and in a few special types of equipment.. Thus, for example, several voltages are supplied simultaneously to a computer circuit; so a circuit with a negative feedback in parallel is, for this situation, more suitable. Amplifier output resistance. depends on the method of taking feed- back voltage from the output and does not depend on the method used to supply it to the input. With feedback according to voltage, the output resistance is decreased; and with feedback according to current, it is increased. This is explained by the output voltage being decreased in the first cases and by the current being decreased in the second case. 41 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem In. terminal cascades used for improvement of amplifier load aA A,a+anPnt 50X1-HUM it is desireable to have a sma71 output resistance.. Therefore, feedback according to voltage is usually used in these cascades, but feedback accord- ing to current is used more often with initial cascades. Figure 5. In order that feedback voltage does not depend on load and its osciallations, and consequently, in order that. load does not affect the amplification coefficient and the output resistance, the bridge circuit, which is shown in figure 5a, is used. Here, feedback is removed according to voltage from the divider R1R2, and according to current from resistance B. By placing the tube with an equivalent generator, which has the voltage mUIn and internal resistance Ri, where m is the coefficient of tube amplification, we obtain a circuit in the shape of a bridge which is shown in figure 5b. During conditions of equality, contrasting arms are formed, i.e., when RI . R2 m R . R , this bridge is in equilibrium. 1 3 Having chosen the conforming resistances Rl, R2, and R3, in order that this condition would be fulfilled, it can be expected that the operation. of the circuit does not depend on the magnitude of load R , which is n connected to the bridge diagmlal: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-I ~ No Foreign Dissem 50X1-HUM Various types of distortion are common in amplifiers. Non-linear dis- tortion usually is formed in terminal cascades, and frequency and phase distortion in all other cascades. Negative feedback, in all parts of the circuit which is encompasses, greatly improves the relationship between the effective signal levell, and the level of harmful components. This is especially important for terminal cascades, where one and the same coefficient of non- linear distortion can significantly increase the voltage, which is supplied to the input, and consequently, can increase output power. Until this time, we have assumed that phase shifts in a feedback loop were equal to zero since it is only under this condition that Uin and Uoc will be in antiphase. However, due to reactive elements, which enter into the circuit in the negative feedback loop, voltage can achieve a phase shift,' especially at low and high frequencies, which, in its turn, evokes a decrease in feedback and an increase of interference and distortion. Therefore, from' amplifier circuits, which are encompassed by negative feedback, as well as in the feedback itself; it is desirable to exclude reactive elements, espec- ially transformers which have sharp expressions of amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics. With this point of view, it is more.expe- dient to select an amplifier circuit with resistance coupling. It was said earlier that, due to reactive elements (capacitors, choke coils, transformers), phase shifts for individual frequencies can appear in the loop, which, in certain conditions, might lead to amplifier stability disturbance, which is formed by positive feedbac4 I.e.,, is generated. With this, distortion and interference are increased for fre- quencies where phase shifts are significant. The most dangerous frequencies are the cut-on frequencies of a band. 43 r!-hN F-T-TLF N..T..T-A-T. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem in practice~it is difficult to achieve identical phase shifts for input 50X1-HUM voltage and feedback voltage at all frequencies. Therefore, it is always necessary to. consider the possibility of generation formation. The greater its probability is, the greater is the feedback encompassment and the more significant its depth. Special frequency-phase correction circuits are usua31y connected into multistage negative feedback amplifiers, where the phase shift along the loop reaches 180 degrees. Such a circuit is shown in figure 6. Here, the circuit R1 Cl decreases amplification and shift at low frequencies and Rg C2 decreases amplification and shift at high frequencies. The approximate values'of the circuit elements are: Rl = from 2 .to 5 megohms; R2 = from 1,000,to 5,000 ohms; Cl = from 0.1 to 0.5 microfarads; and C2 Q from 200 to 2,000 picofarads. Figure 6. .It is always necessary to consider the possibility of the emergence of feedback due to spurious capacitance, inductive coupling, or . resistance coupling. Ea case it arises, it is necessary to attempt to nu111fy its influence on the general properties of the amplifier and especially an. its stability. The construction of a circuit with negative feedback in amplifiers, achieved by semiconductor triodes, is not essentially different from anwli- 4 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N:T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 ! . No Foreign Dissem fiers on electron tubes; however, there are a few differenc50X1-H U M caused by the peculiarities of the semiconductor devices. One of them is the significant instability of the semiconductor parameters, which is dependent upon temperature changes and the spread of characteristics, even for one quality, which leads to amplification change. Therefore, the employment of feedback is considered an important method for bringing about amplifier stability. The simplest negative feedback can be used in circuits where voltage at the output is shifted 180 degrees in phase in relation to the voltage Figure 7.__._. at the input. This condition of a circuit is fulfilled by a master fobshebif emitter, which is available for this and for other qualities. A standard circuit, which connects feedback in amplifiers at semiconductor triodes with a master emitter, is shown in figure 7. A given circuit with negative feedback in series (according to current) is shown in figure 7a. In order to increase the stability of the given circuit, it is necessary to increase the magnitude of B. However, it cost not be forgotten that an excessive increase of this resistance, finally, leads to a restriction of the circuit' operation according to voltage. Inclusion of resistance B2 allows the same stabilization coefficient to be achieved with small resistance valves of El. 4+5 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 -' No Foreign Dissem A circuit with negative feedback is parallel (according to voltage) 50X1-HUM is shown in figure 7b. Here, stability is improved with an increase of r~n the ratio '., although too at a value of this ratio leads to a decrease of amplification. And, finally, a circuit with combined feed back, where stability is achieved by matching resistances Rl and R3, is. shown in figure 7c. All of these circuits are almost equivalent in respect to their qualities. The most convenient elements of the circuits can be achieved by the use of negative feedback in series in primary cascades, and by the use of negative feedback in parallel in terminal cascades. In the most .responsible cases, as well as ordinarily, interstage feedback can be used, but, in this case, it is necessary to consider the comparitively small input resistance in order not to allow shunting of the output circuit. Also, in tube circuits., feedback voltage with the use of semi-conductors in amplifiers can be achieved fran the.auxiliary winding of an output transformer. Consideration of what has been said here, can produce the conclusion that the use of negative feedback in electron amplifiers improves all of their characteristics significantly. Distortion is decreased in all of their, aspects and stability is increased. A conforming choice of a'feed- back circuit allows the amount of input and output resistance of an '. t amplifier to be changed within necessary limits, which also has an important significance. The use of negative feedback is especially effective in terminal cascades where delivered amplifier power is' significantly increased' and amplifier efficiency is improved by use of negative feedback. 46 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 Decrease of amplification in an amplifier with negati-- k is 50X1-HUM canzparatively easily compensated for by increasing amplification in primary cascades or by increasing the number of primary cascades. Of course, the additional complication of the circuit is a drawback, but the virtues of negative feedback are so significant that it has found wide usage. - o Relay Regulator Adjustment -- by Engr-Lt Col N. P. IaARITON&V (Pages 67-(9) As is well known, the EM-75 diesel-electric station uses the 6-731 generator charger, which operates in conjunction with the MU-21f relay regulator. The RET-21f relay regulator differs from, automobile regulators in that it has five parts instead of three: two voltage regulators, two current limiters, and one reverse current relay. The generator oscillator winging is divided into two parallel circuits. An individual voltage regu- lator and current limiter which have special coapensation windings for simultaneous operation are connected in each of them. However, a short- coming here is that the contacts of the regulators and limiters operate under identical conditions. If one of the regulators has a large spring tension, its contacts will be broken by a large current, which will quickly bring on burning of the points and lead to their going out of order pre- maturely. Identical currents in parallel arms of the generator oscillator windings can be achieved by correctly adjusting the voltage regulators,and current litftiters. Adjustment of the HET is usually done on a special stand, but it can be done Immediately at the power plant. For this, it is necessary 47 i C-O-ITF-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 iuo r+orei- liassem to prepare a frame rack to place the relay regulator in a vertical position 50X1-HUM and to prepare connections to connect it to the generator, the storage battery, and the framework. Irk Figure 1. For adjustment, the MU-24 is removed from its shock absorbers and placed in a vertical position without its covers. Then the leads from the terminals +Ya, Sb1 and Sh2 of the generator are disconnected, and the lead,,which goes from the terminal +B of the relay regulator, is disconnected from the FO-57 filter. Then the relay regulator is connected to the gener- ator according to the circuit which is shown in figure 1. The size of the leads, which are intended to connect the relay terminal +Ya and the relay re,R,ulator and the Fc-57 filter, must not be less than 10 square millimeters. The size of the remaining leads are 2.5 square millimeters. The following direct current measurement instruments are used in the circuit: multi- range ammeters with measuring limits of up to 2 amperes, a voltmeter with a measuring limit of up to 30 volts, and the multirange ammeter from the diesel control panel. , 17zz Figure 2. 1. - plates; 2. - arranum _stop screw; 4. - cam 48 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Nn Fhrei?n nissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 At the beginning of the adjustment, gaps are checked. The aan between 50X1-HUM the armature and the core, with open reverse current relay contacts (figure 2), must be within the limits of 1.7 to 2.2 millimeters; and with closed voltage regulator and current limiter contacts. (fiaure3)..within 1.8 to 2 mtlllmeters. Figure 3. 1.- contact adjustment screw I{; 2.-lock nut; 3.- cam E; 4.- .axis; and 5.- stop screw. The reverse current relay gap is adjusted by changing the position of the arresting device U (see figure 2). The voltage regulator and current limiter gap is adjusted by tightening screw K. after loosening the lock mrt. The allowable size for the gap between the open reverse current relay contacts is from 0.6 to 1 millimeters for each pair of contacts. This of the relay is determined (connected voltage fU vklj = 24.5 to 26.5 volts). gap is adjusted by adjusting the insulation plate P (see figure 2), after the lock nuts have been loosened. The engine is started in order to check and adjust the reverse current relay. While its revolutions are smoothly increased, the voltage connection Then,-as the number of diesel revolutions is decreased, reverse current is determined by the multirange ammeter on the control panel while the relay is disconnected (i revolution = 2 to 8 amperes).. Adjustment of the connection voltage can also be accomplished by changing the spring tension with cam, E, after loosening lock nut V. To 49 - 'C-O-N-I-D-E-N I-A~-L No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 ww T A Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 ?Y0 rV&Ci6ia 1/LCDCUI increase the tension of the spring, and, consequently to increase connec- 50X1-HUM tion voltage, the cam is turned in a counter clockwise direction; and for decrease, vice versa. Change of intensity of reverse current is done by moving the insu- lation plate P which has. fixed contacts. In order to decrease intensity, the plate is moved upward; and for increase, it is moved downward. After the arresting device is adjusted, the gap between the open con- tarts is within o.6. to 1.0 millimeters, and all fixed details are fastened with stop screws; everything is checked again in the manner recommended above. If the electric parameters of the reverse current are within the norm, adjustment of the voltage regulator can be carried out. For this, the voltmeter is connected from terminal +Ya to terminal +B, and diesel revo- lutionsare.set equal to 1,500 RPM. Then, the voltage, which is sustained by the voltage regulators, and the current in the oscillator winding cir- cuits OShl and OSh2 are determined. The voltage must be within the limits of from 26.6 to 28.5 volts$ with a load current no greater than 43 amperes and the currents in the oscillator winding circuits equal (it - i2). Voltage regulators and current regulators can operate with unequal currents in the oscillator viuding circuits, but the contacts, which break the large current, will be overloaded and will go out of order prematurely'. Therefore, parity of currents in the oscillator winding circuits is determined during regulator operation by the accuracy of. voltage. regulator and current limiter adjustment. if the voltage, which is sustained by the regulators, is laves than .the norm, it is necessary to increase the spring tension of that regulator 50 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 CIA-RDP80TOO246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign nasem which has the lower oscillation current in its circuit. 5X1 HUM currents, it is necessary to do this for either of them until generator voltage reaches .a specified intensity. Then, the current in the oscillation winding circuits is determined with' the nuiltirange ammeters Al and A2. If it is smaller than i2, the smaller oscillation current intensity is subtracted from the larger and divided by ( _ il) Then, the tension of the spring is increased on the 2 voltage regulator, where the oscillator current in the circuit is lower, i2 - it ) until that current is increased to the intensity ( 2 ) and the stop screw is tightened. Then, the spring tension of the second voltage regulator is decreased for parity of currents in the oscillator winding circuits and that stop screw is also tightened. If the voltage, which is sustained by the.regulators, exceeds the norm; it is necessary to decrease the spring tension of the regulators. A 50 ampere rheostat with a meadmum resistance of 0.7 ohms is necessary for checking and adjusting current limiters. Th order to use the nwltirauge meter of the control panel, the rheostat is connected with a storage battery in the circuit while the diesel is in operation (when the lead is disconnected from the plus terminal of the storage battery, the starter will not operate). When the diesel is operating at 1,500 RPM end rheostat resistance has been decreased, the current, where the limiters begin to operate (1 limiter [off] 43 to 53 amperes), is determined by the multi- range ammeter on the control panel.-.The currents in the oscillator winding circuits must be equal, as during operation of the voltage regulators. n n Ti ni T T n x. m YAr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 ?V rv+WL~L4 u16DGU. If the limiters begin to operate at too low a current level, they 50X1-HUM are adjusted by an increase in spring tension; and if the current is too large, spring tension is decreased. The method of adjustment here is the same as for adjustment of the voltage regulators. Figure 4. Adjustment of voltage regulators and current limiters by the methods, which are described above, can be done with two voltmeters or even with r,r_ rr1 = For clarification of this, let us examine the circuit which is shown in figure 5. If a voltmeter is connected to the terminals Shl and Sh2 of the relay regulator, which is operating in common with the generator; it will indicate the difference between the decrease of voltage at section OShl and the decrease of voltage at section OSh2 (i.R1 - i2R2). Since individual oscillator windings of the generator tared to operate with identi- cal revolutions it can be considered that their resistances are equal. In this case, if the currents in the oscillator winding circuits are also equal, the voltmeter, which is connected to the terminals Shl and Sh2, will indicate zero. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 ivo roaeign iassem Consequently, when one voltmeter is connected to the 50X1-HUM +B and '}Hass", and the second voltmeter is connected to the terminals Sh1 and Sh2, the intensity of the voltage, which is sustained by the regu-. lators, can be determined; and the current in the oscillator winding cir- cuits can be adjusted in the same way. They must be adjusted whenever it is necessary. If the voltage., which is sustained by the regulators, does not correspond to the norm, it is necessary to achieve the desired voltage by changing the spring tension on either regulator. Then, the voltage must be measured at the terminals Shl and Sh2, the voltmeter reading must be divided by half, and, by changing the spring tension of the same regulator, the voltmeter arrow must be guided to half of the previous reading. Then, the stop screw is tightened. The spring tension of the second voltage regu- lator must be changed so that the voltmeter indicates zero. Then, the stop screw is tightened again. Adjustment of the current limiters is accomplished in the same way. The degree. of misalignment of the voltage regulators and of the current limiters, and the condition of their contacts can also be determined without removing the relay regulator covers by measuring the voltage at the terminals Shl and Sh2, which is especially important while the relay regulator is in use. If the currents in the oscillator winding circuits differ by 20%, voltage.at the terminals Shl and Sh2 will ideally be I. volt. It must also be noted that there can be different currents in the oscillator winding circuits also as a result of burning or of significant fouling of the contacts. Therefore, it is recommended that they be cleaned 53 C-0-N-F-X-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 LIW Xv =-6u LSDDGW I before adjustment is attci ted. It is necessary to check the voltage at 50X1-HUM the terminals Sh1 and % after every 100 hours of power plant operation. This is How We Teach Radar Set Tuning to Officer Candidates -- by Engr- Lt Col I. M. M ASNYr (Pages 70 - 71) Abstract: This article explains the mechanics of teaching radar set tuning as done by ICRASEfl's school. After careful classroom preparation, the officer candidates complete a sequence of practical activity, which is followed by checking and reviewing sessions. Innovations and Inventions Loudspeaker Adapter -- by Plc Ye. I. RUZfM TSEV and Pvt G. I. VASIL'YEV (Pages 72 -.73) Abstract: Ml 43P B3 Aurc S ar Z ' 1 1 as 33- inn 6M II W,4, 0 MPN -- .f3 Taw 5k C-O-N-P-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 r ?45'4 L r? E5 55 r IZZZIM This article describes the uses and construction of a remotely controlled 50X1-HUM loudspeaker adapter. A schematic diagram of the adapter is given. Two illustrations show the physical construction of the box. Crossover Box -- by E~4-Maj.V. T. ZAV]DEYEV (Page 74) Abstract: This brief article describes the operation of a crossover box, used for different kinds. of current. The box measures 70 by 25 by 3 centimeters. JThe caption to a photograph on page 74 of Capt M. POLYAKOV by Z. SORKIN praised Capt POLYAKOV for his innovation achievements In the Field of Science and Technology The Employment of Plasma for Detection -- by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences K. I. KONONENKO and V. S. ZABELB A (Pages 75 - 77) Text: The detector is a basic element of almost every radiotechnical apparatus. The history of radio began fundamentally with the development of a electro- magnetic wave detector. With the development of electron tubes, the electron tube detector proved itself to be most effective for long naves and it assumed a domineering position in radiotechnology. In the course of its development, L.. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 1YU LUZBlgn U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem when decimetric and microwave ranges were adopted, electron tube detectors 50X1-HUM were no longer suitable since their sensitivity dropped sharply with raised frequencies. Because of this, the employment of crystal detectors was begun in decimetric and microwave ranges. They were more suitable because of their small size, their sufficiently fine sensitivity, and. their. independence from power supply sources. But it was soon discovered that these detectors had serious shortcomings. Therefore, study was subsequently begun of what are called plasmic detectors. First experiences already have shown that these detectors successfully execute their functions in a range of from 50 cycles per. .second up to 6,000 megacycles.per second without a loss of sensitivity. Their operation is almost completely independent from frequency. There- fore, they are called wide range. There are. two possible detection mechanisms and, in conformance with this, there are two types of detectors. What is a plasmic detector? It is a gas-discharge tube of special construction, in which a gas-discharge plasma is formed and maintained in a stationary condition due to the energy of an external, source. Operation of the detector is based on the use of the non-linear properties of the plasma, which is a highly ionized gas containing a, small quantity of neutral molecules and an identical number of positive ions and electrons. In, this manner, this system is, on the whole, electrically neutral. It would be a mistake to consider that plasma is a rare phenomenum, which is studied only by scientists in their laboratories. We meet with it in neon advertisement tubes, in electric arc welding, in the aurora borealis. Our Earth is encircled by a plasmic b1niket at an altitude of 56 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 a few hundred kilometers, which is called the ionosphere. Scientists, 50X1-HUM who are occupied with studying outer space, have come to the conclusion that only one 1,000th part of the mass of our Galaxy is firm matter. Al]. the other matter is gas, of which a large part is in a plasmic condition. Currently, the properties of plasma are widely used both in--science and in technology. Of special interest is the development of plasmatrons. With their employment, thermal energy has been successfully transformed directly into electric current energy. The employment of plasma for detection is based upon the usage of one of its multitudes. of qualities - non-linearity. The condition of the plasma is determined by its parameters which are primarily related to the electron temperature, which reaches a level. of several tens of thousands of degrees in ordinary gas-discharge tubes; to electron density, i. e., their quantitative value in a single cubic centimeter; tg plasmic potential; to potential gradient; etc. The two types of plasmic detectors, which were mentioned earlier, differ from each other in their mechanisms for interaction of the electro- magnetic wave field with the. plasma and also in their construction. The first detection mechanism is used in a detector with probes.. If a probe, which represents a metallic electrode (flat, cylindrical, or spherical), is located in the plasma; it is negatively charged. As a consequence of this, the electrons in the plasma will be, repelled from which is devoid of electrons and which is called the TAngyiir JEark space, is formed in the vicinity of the prob e. 57 I.. 1 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201_3/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem If voltage, which is alternating in respect to the cathode, is 5OX1 -HUM to the probe during a certain constant potential at the probe; electrons being to be attracted to the probe from the realm of undisturbed plasma during a positive half-period, and positive ions are repelled. This results in an'electron current being supplied to the probe. During a negative half-period,, the process will come about inversely: electrons will be repelled,. ions attracted, and an ionic current will be supplied to the probe. However, since the ionic mobility is significantly less than that of the electrons, this current will be extremely small in com- parison to the electron current and, consequently, is usually disregarded (figure 1). The resulting current at the probe will have a direct com- ponent with an intensity dependent upon the intensity of a supplied high frequency voltage. Pac: I. The construction of this type of detector is shown in figure 2. It is a glass bulb with an internally located small cylindrical anode. A tungsten filament, which serves as a cathode, travels along the axis of the anode. The tube is filled with an inert gas and discharge is maintained by a constant voltage between the cathode and the anode. this way, the plasma is concentrated in the anode internal cavity. In Disks,, j. symmetrically located at the ends of. the anode, serve as detecting probes. They are fastened to the wires of a two-wire line, which is soldered into No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem the tube bulb. A signal is supplied along the line, which can be extended 50X1-HUM into an antenna for reception in free space or else terminated as a loop Figure 2.: The second type of detector differs in its simplicity. Its operation is based on the direct interaction of the high frequency field of a travel- ing wave with plasmic volume. Electrons are the most sensitive plasmic elements. Under the influence of a'nigh frequency field, which penetrates, the plasma, the speed of the electrola is increased, the plasmic tempera- ture is raised, and this, in its turty alters the discharge current which is flowing througa the detector. Between the power intensity of the applied high frequency field and the ntensity of current change, there is a determined quantitative relationship which makes possible an evaluation of field power according to the chan&,of the discharge current. ~+xc 3.,, Figure 3. Constructively, a detector of thel;econd type is a small diameter glass tube Vaich is sealed at both eni~, Two rod-electrodes are soldered to its ends and are separated from eacillIother by a few millimeters. The tube is evacuated and filled with an in'rt gas to a pressure equal to a of the. gas in the tube, which is suitsha for each tube in respect to its na:rcnr diapason of detected wave lhes, is selected by experimental 5:1 few tens of millimeters of a column of 4!rcury. The optimal pressure C-O-N-F-I-D-) c-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem .means. The plasma is "ignited" by constant voltage which is supplirn, 50X1-H U M to the electrodes. The tube is exposed to the current of ultra-high frequency power in a free space or else'is inserted into a circular aperture which is made in the wide walls of the waveguide. A low fre- quency signal can be removed from the electrodes and observed by the level of conforming detector noise with an oscillograph. The change in discharge current is also an indication. Its strength can be verified by any measuring circuit. Such detector operation is observed when the power of high frequency oscillations does not exceed a certain critical value. An increase of the power above the critical level evokes a supplementary ionization of the gas in the discharge tube. Then, the stationary condition of the plasma is disturbed and the relationship between the applied power and the detector current becomes unstable. Thus, for exaarple, if neon tubes are exposed to an impulse power with a gas pressure of from 0.5 to 2 millimeters of.mercury and a discharge current of from 7 to 50 mii]Sem- peres, the critical power. will be found within the limits of 17 to 250 watts. There has been much interest in the sensitivity of plasmic detec- tors. The sensitivity depends on many faciD rs, in particular: the accuracy of evacuation and preaging of the tube, the gas composition, the operation regime, the peculiarity of the construction of the tube,, stability of operation of the detector itself, gas pressure in the tube, etc. One of the conditions, which are necessary for the achievement of, high sensitivity and of a low noise level of a plasmic detector is the stability of discharge. Here, especially rigid demands are made of the c-Gql F-I-D E-N-T-I -A-'L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 TT, aY ml IM AAPm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 no iore3.ga Dw.ssem 1 . detector. High stability of discharge is achieved by accurate evacuation 50X1-HUM andpreaging of the tube, by selecting conforming discharge regimes, by replacement of a constant feed voltage with a highfrequency alternating voltage, and by theraddition of a certain number of impurities, in par- ticular mercury, to the basic gas. The resonance qualities of plasma can be used for a sharp increase in sensitivity. Different levels of resonance can be observed in plasma: electronic, ionic, and cyclotronic. Cyclotronic resonance requires the use of a magnetic field. The employment of resonance phenomena can increase detector sensitivity two or three times. The shortcoming of resonance detection is its narrow-band property. The frequency of elec- tronic and ionic resonances can be regulated within certain limits by. change of the density of the plasma. The frequency of cyclotronic resonance can be regulated by changing the magnetic field. The sensiti- vity limits of plasmic detectors according to power are presently from 0.001 to 0.1 amperes per watts in conditions where the resonance qualities of the plasma re not utilized. In using plasmic detectors for the detection of impulse power, the inertness of the detectors is of great significance, i. e., it is a.-plasmic property that it is extremely slow in regaining an original .undisturbed condition. Inertness of plasma is determined by the ultimate time necessary for establishing an eq,uilibrial distribution of electron speed and density. The time necessary for reestablishment of a concentra- tion is significantly greater than the time necessary for reestablishment of speed distribution. The time for reestablishment of electro n speed 61 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L No Foreign Dissem . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20.13/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 No Foreign Dissem distribution has a basic role for small subcritical powers. This am'50X1-H U M of time depends upon the duration of the induced impulse and the pressure and type of utilized gas and iuprities. This amount of time can be shortened by using a gas which has a large electron trapping profile. An infinite reduction in detector inertness cannot be anticipated, but a limiting value of impulse frequency succession and duration, which, makes plasma detection possible, has not yet been established. We have discussed two types of plasmic detectors. Which of them is the best? Both are suitable for use. The first type of detector possesses fine sensitivity, operates on any frequency, and detects both constant and pulse oscillations equally well. The second type of detector is dis- tinguished by its simplicity and is small in size, which makes it especially suitable for use in waveguides. Its sensitivity is as fine as that of the first type. In conclusion, it should be noted that plasmic detectors are not repetitions of other detectors, for instance of crystal detectors. They possess new qualities and peculiarities, which are inherent only in them. Chief among these are: a wide diapason, an operation independence from external atmospheric temperature, the ability to. use resonance detection, and the ability to endure large power loads. Plasmic detectors with their new qualities might also be used in checking equipment used for measuring voltage and power, at high and ultra-high frequencies. Reviews and Bibliographly Concerning Fearless and Brave People -ii. by Col (Res) V. N. MATARCV, U. 62 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L . TTn L'a,.m{ rm T{ coon, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9 taran) by F., A. VAZBZ(, Voyenizdat 1962, 94 pp., 10 kopeks; and Defenders of the Capital's Skies (Zashchitnilci. neba stolitsy) by N. N. mVSICY, This article review two historical brochures: Aerial Ramaing (Vozdusbnyy Abstract: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000240001-9