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This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Taws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 50X1-HUM SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY East Germany/USSR/Poland/ REPOR71 SUBJECT Czechoslovakia Summary Transportation Report DATE D ISTR. 6 1963 NO. PAGES REFERENCES 1 RD DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. (summary report for May 1963 on transportation in East Germany, the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia. 50X1-HUM j SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP I EXCLUDED PROM AUTOMATIC DECLAssIPICAnoND STATE I XI ARMY #f*NAVY A IR X NS A X OCR X I DIA Air: Retention Copy #2 Army: Retention Copy #3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 ;7 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000010001-4 SECRET NO EOI?EIGti OISSE1' T R A N S.P 0 R T A T I 0 N SUMP"IARI "CID O hom eammatl arrlesslBrefloEY SEC 1 DIEU SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T - 1 - Transportation Summary for May 1963 I. International Transport Relations Main test carried out for the first time with Soviet automatic gauge- chan,,,ing wheel, sets (see Annex 1). Joint designs bureau (USSR/Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany) planned for gauge-changing wheel sets and automatic'central buffer couplings see Annex 1). Appr. 1,000 gauge-changing wheel sets Type DR III and appr. 100 gauge- changing wheel sets of Soviet Type TG VI used on three oil and five ore trains at present ( see Annex 1). VIIIth Meeting of traffic ministers of Soviet Bloc countries held. Beginning with 26 May 1963, Reichsbahn Ferry Boat Warnemuende in regular service between Warnemuende and Gedser. II.USSR _ Railroad performances in 1962 and plan for 1963. Daily running performances of locomotives in five railroad divisions. Difficulties in suburban service on alternating current stretches; auxiliary measures. Train tonnage 2,005 tons on dieselized Carpathian Chop-Lvov-Zdclbunov'line. Installation of automatic block and interlocking plants on various RR stretches. For USSR railroad network, see Annex 2. Enlagement and modernization of Wilna(Vilnius) RR station. ,Large-scale modernization of rolling stock of narrow-gauge railroads. Construction of a shiplift at Krasnoyarsk Reservoir on Yenisey River. Beginning with summer timetable (1 April 1963), aircraft Types IL-18, TU 104.and TU 114 predominantly employed on international routes of Aeroflot airline. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T - 2 - III. Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany Seasonal interzonal trains in 1963 summer timetable, including a train pair employed beyond Berlin to and from Frankfurt/Ader for the first time, and a train pair in direct traffic between West Germany and Soviet Zone, re-employed for the first time since 1961. Eight relief trains employed between Berlin and "?est Germany at " hitsunday. Increase in inland shipping between West Berlin and Hamburg; decrease in traffic between Soviet Zone inland ports and Hamburg. Reichsbahn efforts to keep railroaders residing in West Berlin from entering the Soviet Zone unofficially. Subordination of presviously independent railroad stations to a joint office. Survey of presently passable crossing points on West Berlin and East Berlin sector borders (see Annex 3). Further gradual easing of operational and coal situation of Reichsbahn, in May 1963. Intensified military requirement of Reichsbahn facilities as a result of training exercise shipments. Forwarding of crude oil imports from Rostock to Ruhland. New connecting lines Spreewitz-Graustein and Bluno-Bahnsdorf/Lieske. Better exploitation of Reichsbahn line capacity through establishment of belt-line traffic. Renovation of Line 162 from Koenigswusterhausen to Luebben with double- tracking of some stretches. Second track possibly to be laid between Koenigswusterhausen and Senftenberg by 1964. New connecting line Uhyst-Boxberg. Connecting line between Schleife and Nochten possibly planned. New railroad station and waterway connection built for Tube Rolling Mill III at Zeithain. Reconstruction of Barth-Zingst line. Electric traction on Altenburg-Zwickau line and on Leipzig Westring (western RR belt-line). Electrification of 146 more track kilometers in 1963. Delivery of 15 more diesel locomotives of Type V-180 to the Reichsbahn in 1963. Delivery of 206 more 60-ton container cars for bulk material from Yugoslavia to Reichsbahn, in 1963. - Plants and workshops for production, repair and maintenance of rolling stock in Soviet Zone ( see Annex 4). SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-E.C-R-E-T - 3 - New motor vehicle repair shops in Gera and Schwerin., Reduction of Soviet Zone air routes and flights of Deutsche'Lufthansa (East) in 1963 summer timetable. New air route of Interfiug airline between "Zentralflughafen Berlin= Schoenefeld" and Vienna. Charter traffic by Deutsche Lufthansa (East) for Soviet Zone leave personnel to Constanza. IV. Czechoslovakia Reduction of.previous six RR divisions of the Czechoslovak railroads to four. Transloading performances at Cierna n.T. RR station through employment of soldiers. RR construction in North Bohemian coal mine area. Renovation of Reichenberg-Harrachsdorf line completed. Long-term electrification projects of Czechoslovak State Railroads and their military significance (see Annex 5). Renovation of 800 track kilometers planned in 1963. -Resumption of temporarily interrupted delivery of electric locomotives to USSR. Opening of new Prague-Zagreb air route. Poland Utilization of rolling stock in 1962 and planned utilization in 1963. Construction stage of the second track of Skiernievice-Lukov line. In late 1962, purchase of old German steam locomotives from USSR because of shortage of locomotives. In 1963, modernization of some hundreds of steam locomotives. Motive power to be supplied in 1963. About 40,700 kilometers of highways with solid and improved surface available in the spring of 1963. Road and bridge construction in 1962 and planned for 1963. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 OW rrOR n IM 9F I. S-E-C-R-E-T - 4 - International Transport Relations 1. Railroad'Techniques (Gauge Changing i"heel Sets) 2. For overall survey of present employment of integrated trains with gauge-changing wheel sets, see Annex 1 of this report. Transport Associations, Agreempnts From 20 to 24 May 1963, the VIIIth Meeting of the Conference of Ministers of the OSShD (Organization for the Cooperation of Soviet Bloc Railroads) was held in Warsaw chaired by Jozef Popielas; Transport Minister of Poland. The meeting was attended by railroad and road experts of the transport ministries of the following OSShD member countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Communist China, . ,Czechoslovakia, North Korea, People's Republic of Mongolia; Poland; Rumania, Hungary,USSR and East Germany, and by representatives of the Standing Transport Committee of COIlaECON. The most essential topic of the agenda was again the improvement of transport connections by rail and road within the OSShD area. The discussions included the a) Establishment of the common freight car pool of the Soviet Bloc. b) Furthering of scientific-technical cooperation,including the electrification of railroads. c) Freight car clearance limitations. d) Road construction. e) Utilization of electronic installations in railroad and road traffic. 3. Railroad Ferry Traffic between-the Soviet Zone and Denmark and/or Sweden The new Reichsbahn ferry boat "11arnemuende"' was put in regular service on the Warnemuende-Gedser route, at 1305 hrs on 26 May 1963 (see Transportation Summary for March 1963), Passenger traffic between Berlin and Copenhagen is served by the Reichsbahn with the rapid railcar train "Neptun" and with the "Ostsee-Express" (Baltic Sea Express Train) through one day and one night run respectively. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET 1. Rail road Transportation a) Performances in 1962 and planned 1963 Performances (Supplement to Transportation Summary for March 1963) 1961 1962 1962 1963 Fulfill- Plan Fulfill- Plan ment ment Average transport distance in freight traffic per _ t/km (792) 800 796 Passenger transportation (in million passengers) '(appr. 2,000) 2,000 2,033 2,100 Nov lines (in kilometers) put in operation (1,000) 940 1,200 425 Capital repair of lines appr. (in kilometers) 7,000 6',500 7,,000 Laying of new (heavy) rails,(km) (appr. 10,000) 9,300 more than Ballasting on broken stone (km) (appr. 7,000) 7,200 Laying of reinforces appr. concrete ties (1cm) 90o 930 Laying of seamless ties more than (km) 800 12,500 Equipment of lines with installations (km) 10,000)10,000 11,370 10,000 Average weight of a freight train (tons) (2,141) 2,190 2,198 2,200 Average turn-around time , SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-E-b-R-L-T -6- b) Operations (11) The daily running performances of locomotives of five railroad divisions have been quoted as follows: Railroad Division Type of Traction Planned Actual (in kilometers) (a) -,test Sibiria a Elektric 653 682 (Novosibirsk b Diesel 520 536 c Steam 265 291 (b) East Sibiria a Electric 61o 637 (Irkutsk) b Diesel 360 424 c Steam 314 314 (c) Dnyepr a Electric 490 538 (Dnyepropetrovsk)b Diesel 459 511 c Steam 300 323 (d) South-West a Electric 680 688 (Kiev) b c Diesel Steam 295 312 (e) Far East (Chabarovsk) a b c Electric Diesel Steam (2) The suburban line Gorki--Zavolsh'e was electrified with alter- nating current in 1960. However,, the, required a.c.railcar trains were not delivcred by the Riga Car Construction Plant. Since there was also a shortage of light electric locomotives, the suburban line has been converted temporarily to direct current so that passenger trains are hauled by electric locomotives; freight traffic continues to be served by steam locomotives. A similar case occured at the Vladimir-Gorki and Gorki-Shakhun'ya stretches, electrified with alternating current in 1961/62, where also no electric suburban trains are available. However, due to the strong roadbed of the stretches, heavy electric locomotives (VL 60) haul the auburban trains which partly consist of completely obsolete cars using candle lighting. (3) The standard weight of a freight train is 1,930 tons on the Carpathian Chop-Lvov-Zdolbunov line. However, the diesel locomotives (from the West Lvov Depot) employed on this line at present haul trains of a tonnage of 2,005: SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T -7- c,) Protection of Train Running and Telecommunications The following RR stretches have been equipped with automatic block eugipment and signal centers: - Zarepta - Kotel'nikovo - Zal'sk - Tikhoreckaya (on Volgograd Tikhorockaya line). - Urbakh - Ershov - Otsinki - heck - Kandagach (on Saratov- Kandagach line). - Sharyk - Mointy - Chu - Alma=Ata (on Karaganda-Chu-Alma=Ata line). (2) The post at Kilometer Marker 130 of the Orel-Bryrnsk, stretch was named "Railroad Station Bryansk-East". f) 'Rolling Stock (Barrow Gnu e Viithin the framework of the modernization measures to increase the capacity of RR transportation, the rolling stock of narrow- gauge railroads is also being renewed and improved. In addition to the development, testing and production of rail buses and of new 225,300 and 350 PS diesel locomotives, the following 'types of narrow-gauge railroad cars are presently being developed: Boxcars for 20 tons Flatcars for 20 tons Tank cars for 20 tons Dump cars for 20 and 35 tons Self-discharging cars for 10 tons Timber care for 10 tons All metal passenger cars. During the last few years, Piilna (Vilnius) RR station was enlarged several times to increase its clearance and switching capacity. New tracks were laid and tracks for the processing of trains were modified. Part of the steam switching locomotives were replaced by diesel switching locomotives, and all locomotives were equipped with a radio set. At present, a signaling device with trackage projection screen is being installed at the station. With the completion of the plant, scheduled for September 1963, the setting up of a train's route will only require some seconds as against the previous at least 10 minutes. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T - 8 - In 1963, the narrow-gauge railroads are to receive: 200 Diesel locomotives ( 225 PS 780 Motor locomotives ( 54 PS3 8,650 Freight, and/or passenger cars.. The 1965 production program provides for the delivery of 400 diesel locomotives and appr. 12,000 freight and/or passenger cars.' 2.' Inland Shipping A presently under construction for shipping on the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir (Length about 400km) on the River Yenisey. ' The ship lifting chamber which is filled with water allegedly weighs 6,500 tons and is moved by motors with a total capacity of about 30,000 167. The plant is to be put in operation by 1966. 3. Civilian Air Transport On 1 April 1963 the summer timetable of Aeroflot airlines became effective on international air routes. As of that date, these routes are almost exclusively served by aircraft types IL-18,TU-104. and TU-114 as follows: -TU-104s on routes to Berlin,London,Paris,Prague,Pyongyang and Vienna. -IL-18s on routes to Accra, Khartoum,Conakry,Djakarta,Kabul,Cairo, Rabat and Rangoon. -TU-114s on routes Moscow-Ravanna and Moscow-New Delhi ( once per week without intermediate stop). Interzonal Traffic and Berlin Traffic Situation a) Interzonal Traffic (1) The following additional seasonal trains, included in the, summer timetable, are again running in interzonal traffic: (a) In traffic between Berlin and West Germany: - D 1009/1010 Paris North-Aachen-Ilelmstedt/Marienborn- Berlin Stadtbahn, with through coaches to and from Warsaw, from 26 May to 28 September 1963. - D 10651066 Hamburg=Altona-Biichen/Schwanheide-Berlin Stadtbahn, from 29 June to 1 September 1963. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET -,D 1005/1006 Hannover-Helmstedt/Marienborn-Berlin Ostbahnhof- Frankfurt/Oder from 5 July to 4 September 1963. This train pair will be running beyond Berlin for the first time. (b) In traffic between West Germany and the Soviet Zone (for the first time since 1961): - D 1035/1036 Hannover-Magdeburg, from 29 June to 8 September 1963. (2) The Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Federal Railroads) and the Reichs- bahn had agreed upon employing?three relief trains from Berlin to West Germany and five relief trains from West Germany to Berlin during Whitsuntide. (3) Interzonal Inland Shipping (a) Between 1960 and 1962, the volume of freight transport (in tons) 19.60 1961 1962 ~"c.s aoc 1,"', rcen_ 1962( a e~ ag to Hamburg 123,200 124,900 1.4 to West Berlin 694,800 747,000 7.5 Total 837,000 818,000 871,900 . 6.6 (b) In connection with the improved construction of the Soviet Zone Baltic harbors the volume of transport (in tons) between the Soviet Zone inland harbors and Hamburg decreased as follows: 1960 1961 1962 Dincrease 1961/62 to Hamburg 210,500 52,700 74.9 to Soviet Zone 432,100 110,800 74.3 b) Berlin Traffic Situation (1) The P.eichsbahn attempts to bind by signature railroaders, residing in West Berlin and detailed for duty on interzonal trains, not to enter East Berlin unofficially any longer. Most of these railroaders have allegedly rejected this demand. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET (2) In line with its economy measures in West Berlin,, the Reichsbahn subordinated the previously independent RR stations Berlin Anhalter Bahnhof, Berlin=Tempelhof, and Berlin='Tempelhof switchyard to a joint managing office at Berlin=Tempelhof RR station. (3) The presently valid regulations for the sector crossing points between West and East Berlin have been compiled in Annex 3 of this report. The survey replaces Part B of Annex 2 to Transportation Summary for January 1963. The map on "Verkehrslage Berlin-Autobahnen, Fernverkehrsstrassen,Schiffahrtswege and offene Eisenbahnstrecken nach Berlin(West)" (Berlin Traffic Situation-superhighways,trunk roads,waterways and open RR lines to West Berlin), appertaining to this Annex, is still valid. 2. Railroad Transportation a) Operations and Traffic (1) The gradual recovery of the operational and coal situation of the Reichsbahn continued in May 1963. (2) With the continuation of the training exercises in the Letzlinger Heide-Altengrabo area, military requirements of the Reichsbahn were continuously intense up to about 20 May, because of the shuttle movement of troops between the two training grounds. No special features were observed in military border crossing traffic throughout biay 1963. (3) In early May 1963, one tank: car train, carrying crude oil imported via Rostock Sea Harbor, moved to Ruhland daily. b) RR Line Improvement (1) (a) A new appr.,. nine kilometer long connecting line has been put in service between Spreewitz (on the Knappenrode- Schwarze Pumpe stretch of Coal Line 162 v) and Graustein (on the Weisswasser-Spremberg stretch of Line 162). (b) Some time ago, a connecting line was completed between Bluno (on Schwarze Pumpe-Hoyerswerda stretch of Coal Line 162v) and Bahnsdorf/Lieske (on Senftenberg-Neu Petershain stretch of Line 162 a). (c) The new lines serve for transportation of coal between the coal mine area at'Schwarze Pumpe and the Berlin area. In belt-line traffic, loaded trains are hauled to Berlin via Cottbus, LUbbenau-Kcenigswusterhausen and empty trains are returned via Frankfurt/Odor-Grunow-Cottbus. Other belt-line routes to be established are to provide maximum utilization of some low capacity stretches of the Reichsbahn network. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET (a) Beginning.with the summer timetable,. regular electric traffic was opened on the following railroad' stretches Altenburg-Werdau-7wickau (of a length of 45 kilometers) (on Lines 173/171 a). Leipzig=Wahren - Leipzig=Leutzsch - Gaschwitz of a length of 17 kilometers (on Leipzig 'lest Ring from Line 184 to Line 173): A new transformer station has been completed near Goesswitz (on Line 173). SECRET (2) In connection with the stress on increase of the capacity of the above coal transport lines, Line 162 is being renovated between Koenigswusterhausen and Luebben. A new track was opened for tiro=way traffic between Lubolz'and Schoenwalde(Spreewald). However, the old track between Halleand Teupi6z=Grosskoeris is still being used for two-way traffic together with the new track on that stretch. It is allegedly intended to put into practice the double- tracking, planned for a long time, of the Koenigswusterhausen- Luebbenau(Line 162)-Calau-Senftenberg(Line 159 e) connection by 1964. (3) t1?other new single-track'line branches off from the Knappenrode- Niesky stretch of Line 162 r at Uhyst in a northeasterly direction to the neighborhood of Boxberg (VS 705 955). An EGA loading installation with several ramps is located between Boxberg and Nochten (VS 722 981).. 1 It is allegedly intended to build a branch line between Nochten and Schleife on the Weisswasser Spremberg stretch of Lino'162. (4) On Line 163 a between '?eithain (east of Riesa) and Elsterwerda a new'railroad station "with branched trackage" (mit verzweigten Gleisanlagen) is being enlarged for Tube Rolling Mill III under construction near 7eithain, between Groeditz (on Line 163 a) and the Elbe River near Riess. The plant has also been connected with the Elbe River by a two-kilometer long canal. The single-track standard gauge line, closed down since the end of \VW II and extending from Barth (on Line 123 b,d,elto 7ingst (UA 500 345), is under reconstruction. The reconstruction includes the repair of a bridge located 500 meters northwest of Bresewitz (center of the bridge=UA 488 315), and of a bridge one kilometer north of Pruchten (center of the bridge= UA 491 299). The bridge at Bresewitz which formerly also served road traffic, will be reconstructed solely as a railroad bridge and will be usable as such already in 1963. A separate road bridge is-to be built on Highway 195,100 meters east of the railroad bridge. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET (b) Another 146 track kilometers are to be electrified in 1963, including the. following stretches': Leipzig - Grosskorbetha (op Line 180 a) Halle/Saale - Muldenstein (on Line 180) Werdau-Reichenbach (Vogtland) (on Line 173). Preparations are also under way for the electrification of the 7wickau-Karl Marx Stadt (Chemnitz) stretch. c) Rolling Stock (1) The first serially produced main line diesel locomotive of Construction Series V 180 (No-005 "Sixth Party Meeting") has proved satisfactory on test runs and is at present used in regular service on the Berlin Outer Ring. VEB Lokbau (car construction plant) "Karl Marx", Babelsberg (Potsdam) is to deliver another 15 diesel locomotives of this series to the Rcichsbahn, in 1963. Of the prototypes of this diesel locomotive, only Nos. V-180 003 and 004 are still available; they are also operated on the Berlin Outer Ring. (2) By late 1963, the is to receive 208 60-ton four- axle freight cars, each with three containers for the transportation of bulk material. Thirty-one of this type car *ere already imported from Yugoslavia in 1961/62. (3) Annex 4 of this report contains three surveys with layout- sketches on the (a) Soviet Zone production and repair plants for rolling stock, including important supply fc;ctories. (b) Rcichsbahn maintenance shops. (c) Rcichsbahn maintenance shops for railroad cars. Road Transportation Motor Vehicle Repair a) In order to meet the continuously rising volume of motor vehicle repair and to.reduce the long waiting periods caused by the high repair quota, a new motor vehicle repair plant is under construction at Gera, scheduled to be completed by '1966. In addition to the repair of passenger cars Types Volga,Skoda,Wartburg and Trabant, this new major repair plant is to generally overhaul 13 trucks daily. The already existing VEB Repair Plant Gera carries out minor repairs only. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T - 13 - b) Another motor vehicle repair plant is presently being established at Schwerin. It is to be completed in the autumn of 1963 and is to carry out the repair and general overhaul of trucks. c) Contrary to reference made in Para 111,3 b) of Transportation Summary for April 1963, Annex 7 of that summary, concerning road and bridge building in District Suhl, is submitted with .this report. 4. Civilian Air Traffic a) During the 1963 summer timetable period, the Deutsche Lufthansa (East) serves the following intrazonal routes: "7entralflughafen Berlin=Schoenefeld" - Barth of . It " - Leipzig It It Erfurt Dresden-Klotzsche - Barth " " - Erfurt Compared with previous years, the number of air routes and daily flights has been considerably reduced; however, for the first time, the timetable provides for an intrazonal connection at night. Air traffic between "7entralflughafen Berlin-Schoenefeld" and Karl Liarx Stadt (Chemnitz), discontined since 1 November 1962, has not been resumed. b) As from 15 June 1963, Interflug, the subsidiary company of the Deutsche Lufthansa (East), employed for occasional flights between the Soviet lone and neutral and/or Western countries, will serve the 7entralflughafen Berlin=Schoenefeld - Vienna route with IL-18 aircraft, once per week, in each direction. A bus connection to West Berlin is allegedly guaranteed. c) During the summer of 1963, every two weeks, the Deutsche Luft- hansa (East) will provide charter flights to people on leave to Constanza on the Rumanian coast of the Black Sea. IV. Czechoslovakia 1. Railroad Transportation a) Organization By order of the Czechoslovak Transport Ministry,on 1 May 1963 the reorganization of the Czechoslovak State Railroads (CSD) on the Soviet pattern was to begin. The previous six railroad SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-li_C_R-E-T - 14 - divisions (RR administrations) were to be disbanded and to be replaced by four railroads (drahy) with a total of 12 operating departments (provozni oddil). Through this measure, the RR management is to be tightened and centralized, and train transportation is to be better coordinated on individual lines. Consequently, it is hoped, to improve the turnaround time of cars and to better. exploit the tonnage available. The new organization was to become effective with the 1963/64 timetable, on 26 May 1963. Up to now, the following now offices have become known: A. Railroads 1. East Railroad (draha vychodni) located at Pressburg (Bratislava) 2. Central Railroad (draha stredni) located at Olmuetz (Olomouc) 3. Northwest Railroad (draha severozapadni) located at Prague (Praha) 4. Southwest Railroad (draha jihozapadni) located at Pilsen (Plzen). B. Operating Departments (provozni oddil = PO) Kaschau (Kosice) Prague (Praha) Aussig/Elbe (Usti n.L.)Pressburg (Bratislava) Maehr. Ostrau (Ostrava) Boehm. Truebau (Ceska Trebova) Koeniggraetz (Hradec Kralove) Pilsen (Plzen) Bruenn (Brno) Prerau (Prerov) b) Operations Duffing the operational difficulties in the winter, the trans- loading volume achieved through the employment of soldiers was as follows at Cierna n.T. border crossing station within the period of two months: 70,000 tons of iron ore 7,000 tons of grain 2,000 tons meat 11,000 tons of other bulk goods. - S-E-U-R-E-T SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET The still existing shortage of cars is to be removed by increasing repairs to be carried out at all car depots on specific days and by the temporary discontinuation of the periodic car inspections, c) Line Construction (1) Within the framework of the rerouting of RR lines for the tapping of new open-pit mines in the North Bohemian coal area, the 35 kilometer Obernitz (Obrnice)- Bilin (Bilina) - Tuermitz (Trmice) line is being double-tracked'. The first 12 kilometer stretch between Obernitz and Bilin is already under construction, while work on the second stretch between Bilin and Tuermitz (23km) is to start before long'. The double-tracking involves the building of about 200 structures (bridges,intersections,overpasses etc) since grade crossings are to be eliminated. After the completion of the improvement project the line capacity is to be increased 2 1/2 timea. (2) The renovation of the last stretch of the Reichenberg (Liberec) -Harrachsdorf (Harrachov) line has been completed to the extent that the first freight train ran to Harrachsdorf on 26 May 1963 (beginning of the new timetable). Passenger train traffic, which is still carried out by buses, will be introduced within the next five years( see Transportation Summary for January 1963). (3) In 1963, the renovation of a total of 800 track kilometers is planned. d) Electrification For long-term electrification projects of the CSD and their military significance, see Annex 5 with sketch. e) Rolling Stock Czechoslovak/Soviet discussions on the temporary exports cessation of electric locomotives in favor of the urgent Czechoslovak home requirements were apparently successful; no electric locomotives were delivered to the USSR between January and March 1963. In April 1963, the regular delivery was resumed ( see Transportation Summary for April 1963). 2. Civilian Air Transport In mid-January 1963, the Czechoslovak Air Lines (CSA) opened a second air connection to Yugoslavia on the Prague (Praha)-Zagreb route, served by IL-14s ( see Transportation Summary for December 1962). SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET 1. Railroad Transportation a) Operations Utilization of Rollin Stock in 1962 and 1963 Program 1962 1963 Average Data Plan Fulfilment Plan Turnaround time of a. freight car (days) 4.63 Load of a freight car (tons) 20 Gross weight of a freight train (tons) 1059 Commercial speed of a freight train (km/h) 19 Commercial speed of a passenger train (km/h) (appr.)40 Daily distance covered (km) of a Freight steam locomotive 4.72 4.6 19.7 20.3 1060 1064 (appr.) 18 19 (appr.) 38 40 train 202 (appr.) 200(appr.) 200 Freight train electric locomotive (appr..) 370 Passenger train electric locomotive (appr.) 525 370 380 (appr.) 525 550 b) Line Construction Skierniewice - Lukow (No 604) Line Double-tracking of the Skiernievice - l4szczonow (27 km) and Cora Kalvaria - Osieck (16 km) stretches has apparently been completed. The laying of the second track of this important 160 kilometer long \Varsav+ bypass has been under way since 1958 with several interruptions. The 1975 date of completion was set in 1958? SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET Rolling Stock (1) The production of steam locomotives for home requirements, discontinued since 1957, together with the continuously rising commercial transport requirements, the unsatisfactory delivery of electric and particularly of diesel railcars, and with the poor rate of locomotive repair works out more and more unfavorably. Therefore, in late 1962, a major number of old German steam locomotives of Type Ty-2 had to be purchased from the USSR (officially designated emergency purchases). According to another version, there are about 700 overhauled locomotives in good state of repair concerned which have cost one million zloty each. In the event of confirmation of this quantity, the stock of Polish steam locomotives, estimated at about 5.500 units in early 1963, would have increased by 10 per cent. (2) In 1963,as in preceding years; some hundreds of steam locomotives are to be modernized mainly with respect to reducing the coal consumption. (3) According to recent statements, the PKP is to reucive the following motive power in 1963: 54 Electric locomotives ET-21 1 Electric locomotive of Prototype Universal Locomotive EU 07 (built under licence after the British EU-06 48 Electric railcar trains 35 Diesel locomotives (150 PS) ) 51 Diesel locomotives (300/350 PS) domestic production 2 Diesel locomotives (800 PS, Prototype)) 20 Diesel locomotives (600 PS) from Hungary (100 units ordered) 2 Diesel locomotives (2,000 PS) from Runania 11 Diesel rail car trains (350 PS) from domestic production 60 Diescl rail car trains (500 PS) from Hungary 4 Rail buses with trailers ) 110 Rail car trailers domestic production 2. Road Transportation Road Net In consideration of the building activities in 1962, the Polish road net in the spring of 1963 is assessed as follows: Total roads appr. 290,000 km SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET Including: Roads with solid surface (gravel, pavement) appr. 107,000 km Roads with solid,limproved surface (asphalt,bitumcn etc) appr. 40,700 km State roads with, solid surface appr. 62,840 km (Including appr. 38,700 km of roads with solid,improved surface). b) Road and Bridge Construction (1) The following work was accomplished in 1962: State Roads: Construction 133 km Reconstruction and/or com.lete modernization 110 km Repair, renovation of road surface (general overhaul) 6,270 km (Of these, a total of 3,264 road kilometers received a solid,improved surface) Bridge construction 340 running meters Bridge modernization 2,768 running meters Community Roads: Construction and/or reconstruction with solid surface 1,700 km Repair,renovation of road surface 1,800 km Bridge construction and/or modernization 4,125 running meters (2),The following projects are to be carried out in 1963: State Roads Construction 126 km Reconstruction and/or,complete modernization 116 km Repair,?renovation of road surface (general overhaul) 6,000 km SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET (Of these, 2,500 road kilometers are to receive a solid,improved surface) Bridge modernization, including construction of new bridges Repair, renovation of road surface (general overhaul) Bridge modernization, including construction of new bridges SECRET 6,800 running meters 187 km 1 , 850 km 1,471 running meters Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000010001-4 SECRET - Employ_ment_ of Integrated. Trains with. Automatic Gauze-Chan in& Wheel Sets 1..The first Soviet train equipped with automatic gauge-changing wheel sets Type TG-VI arrived in Frankfurt/Oder on 28 April 1963. Dispatched from Krivoi Rog to Eisenhuttenstadt (formerly Fizrstenberg, located between Frankfurt/Oder and Guben), this train consisted of approximately 20 Soviet standard four-axle gondola cars of 23 tons tara and 60.tons gross weight each.. Having an overall weight of 1,800 tons, the train was 300 meters long and carried more than 1,000 tons of ore to the Eisenhuttenkombinat Ost (ore processing combine). The gauge adjusting operation took five to ten minutes, as compared to a normal transloading time of approximately 30 hours. Reportedly, no difficulties were experienced with the broad gauge cars with Soviet vehicle gauge while passing either through the area of the Polish State Railroads (PKP), that is, the Terespol - Frankfurt/Oder stretch, or through Soviet Zone Reichsbahn territory, that is, the stretch from Frankfurt/ Oder to Eisenhuttenstadt. The known Soviet automatic gauge-changing wheel sets TG VI TG-X differ from the operational East German DR-III set with. regard to the interlocking mechanism. DR-III automatic auge-changing wheel sets operate with fixed couplings feststehende Verriegelung) with control pin, while the Soviet sets operate with revolving couplings (umlaufende Verriegelung). Soviet efforts to develop and test gauge-changing wheel sets are presumably motivated by - The desire to speed up the 15--year-long development work, which has resulted in the construction of the workable DR-LII Soviet Zone model which has not yet reached the mass production stage and - Soviet intentions to produce their own design prior to a fully-developed Soviet Zone model, so as to get their share in the mass production and sale throughout the East Bloc without having to go into major development expenditures of their own. .The first output target for a fully developed gauge-changing wheel set in the area of the Soviet Bloc railroads is the production of 40,000 units to equip approximately 10,000 cars. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000010001-4 SECRET - S E C R E T - Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 2. In connection with the arrival in the Soviet Zone of Occup- ation of Germany of the first Soviet train equipped with gauge-changing wheel sets, announcement was made of the planned estqblishment, in 1963, of a joint Soviet - Soviet Zone design bureau for gauge-changing wheel sets and central buffer couplings. To date,,development work on gauge-changing wheel sets was performed within the framework of the VIth Commission of the Organization for Cooperation of Railroads (OSShD), which is headed by a Soviet Zone (East German) group. At the VIth Commission's meetings, the Soviets have hitherto limited themselves to posing the problems to be solved and checking the progress made. The newly announced joint bureau is believed to be designed to further Soviet interests in the final solution of the problem. 3. In connection with the reported employment of Soviet gauge- changing wheel sets, the following trains are reportedly using the DR-III wheel sets in non-regular large-scale test runs: - The integrated, oil trains, consisting of 44 four-axle tank cars each, operating between the Kuibyshev-Zaporoshye- Klavelino area and Halle/Leuna; - Three integrated ore trains, consisting of 36 gondola cars each, operating between Krivoi Rog and EisenhUttenstadt; and - One integrated _train, consisting of 35 gondola cars, operating between Krivoi Rog via Cierna n.T. to Ostrava, Czechoslovakia. This tends to indicate that, at present, not more than approximately 1,000 DR-III and some 100 Soviet gauge- changing wheel sets are employed in non=regular large scale test runs. The objectives of these test runs are the following: - To subject each individual axle to a total of approximately 300 gauge-changing operations; - To subject the gauge-changing wheel sets to endurance tests over at least 50,000 kilometers and subsequent' examination; - To subject the tire systems (Radreifenbereich) to sharp braking tests developing temperatures of 300 to 400 degrees Centigrade; and - To run peak speeds of up to 100 km/h and mean speeds of 50-to 60 km/h. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET - S E C R E T - Annex 1 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 DR III gauge-changing wheel sets are manufactured by the Zwickau Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk (Raw) "7.0ktober" (major railroad repair shop). The Soviet wheel sets are produced by the Bryansk machine plant. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET - S E C R E T - Annex 3 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 - 1 - Crossing Points on West Berlin -East Berlin Sector Borders I. The following crossing points are at present available for traffic between West and East Berlin: West Berlin East Berlin Crossing Points (Bezirksamt - (Bezirksamt) For: 1. Bornholmer Strasse Bornholmer Strasse West German (Weddin , French (Pankow) citizens (motor Sector) vehicles, pedestrians) 2. MUllerstrasse Chausseestrasse West Berliners 1 (Weddin , French (Berlin-Mitte) (motor vehicles, Sector) pedestrians) 3.. Invalidenstrasse Invalidenstrasse West Berliners 1 (Tiergarten, 'Sandkr.ugbrucke" (motor vehicles, British Sector) (Berlin-Mitte) pedestrians) See also Comments 2 and 3) 4. Friedrichstrasse Friedrichstrasse/ Foreigners, "Checkpoint Charley" Zimmerstrasse members of the (Kreuzberg,, American (Berlin-Mitte) Diplomatic Corps, Sector) Western Allies officials and other foreigneiis, West Berliners (motor vehicles, pedestrians) 5..Prinzenstrasse Heinrich-Heine West German citi- (ICreuzberg, American Strasse zens (motor veh., Sector) (Berlin-Mitte) pedestrians), goods in confor- mity with inter- zonal trade agree- ment; mail. See also Comment 2. 6. OberbaumbrUcke OberbaumbrUcke West Berliners1 (Kreuzberg, American (Friedrichshain) (pedestrians Sector) only; bridge closed for - vehicles) SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S E C R E T - Annex 3 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 7. Sonnenallee Baumschulenstrasse West Berliners 1 (Neukolln, (Treptow) (motor vehicles, American Sector) pedestrians) Friedrichstrasse' For West German RR Station citizens using S-Bahn from the direction of Lehrter Bf and subway from the directions of Reinickendorfer and Kochstrasse stations, otherwise unofficial crossing point only for persons with temporary special permits. Comments: 1. "Flest Berliners" in this case are West Berlin residents with jobs approved by the Soviet Zone government, at hospitals, theaters, etc, in East Berlin. In some specially authorized cases, individual West Berliners may use crossing points, other than mentioned above, if these are more convenient to reach their place of work. No daily permits to enter East Berlin are at present issued to West Berliners. 2. Resettlers from the Soviet Zone and East Berlin with resettler permits for West Berlin usually pass through the Heinrich-Heine crossing point. Sick and disabled persons are taken by ambulance to Invalidenstrasse/Sandkrugbrucke Crossing Point. 3. Invalidenstrasse/Sandkrugbrucke Crossing Point is furthermore ,used by - Soviet guards for the Red Army Memorial in West Berlin; - West German residents and foreigners with special permits. 4. West German citizens and West Berliners are permitted to use interzonal trains from and to Pest Germany to and from Frie- drichstrasse RR Station. The ("neutral") arrival and departure platform is located outside the control area. Likewise, West Berliners may use international trains stopping at Berlin Ost- bahnhof. However, West Berliners in the exceptional session of a residence permit for the Soviet Zone are forced to travel via `lest Germany. II. Transfer point for inland shipping between .lest and East Berlin is Muhlendamm on the Spree River. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T - 1 - Annex 4 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 Plants and Shops for the Production,R air and.In'aintenance of- Soviet Zone Rolling Stock Production and repair plants for rolling stock, and important supply plants for the construction of locomotives and railroad cars. Parts: a) Production plants b) Important supply plants c) Reichsbahn repair shops (Rams) Survey 2 (with Sketch 2) Maintenance shops of the Soviet Zone Reichsbahn for locomotives (and railcars) i.e. "Bahnbetricbsworke" (V?) Survey 3 (with Sketch 3) Maintenance shops of the Soviet lone Reichsbahn for railroad cars, i. e'. "Balinbetriebswagcnwerke'I (Bwws . SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Survey 1 Soviet Zone Production and Repair Plants for Rolling Stock, and Important Supply for the Construction of Locomotives and Railroad Cars. a) Production Plants (VEB= "Volkseigene Betriebe"). Serial Fame and Location Main Production a) Rated Annual Capacity No Items b) De facto Annual Output 1 2 3 4 1 VEB ?laggonbau Long-distance a) 900 Ammendorf passenger cars b) 1962/63: 900 qC 076 023 2 VEB Lokomotivbau Diesel locomotives a) 350 I"" "Karl t;arx" for line and b) 1962/270 W Babelsberg(Potsdam) switching service w uu 719 053 VEB Waggonbau Bautzen VS 590 690 Freight cars (special ) refrigerator and tank ) a) 360 cars,baggage cars) ) Elektrotechn.Werke "Hans Beimler" Hennigsdorf near Berlin W 790 327 VEB Waggonbau Dessau VT 102 483 four axle (dining, ) a) 240 baggage and mail cars) Light diesel railcars a) 1961-1965: 180 twin units (rail buses) planned Electric locomotive for) East Bloc railroads and) b) 1961: 360 cars"); Ferry boat cars Refrigerator cars and ) trains(including so ) a) 1,200 called "wine refrigerator Number of Notes Workforce 5 6 3,000 Production of S-Bann cars planned capacity for temporary W production of tank cars LU (and containers) , 600 units annually. W Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T W W N Serial Name and Location Main Production a) Rated Annual Capacity No Items b) De facto Annual Output 1 2 3 . 4 Freight cars(self-dis- ) .charging and depressed ) center flatcars) ) a) } b):1,000 Street cars; Heavy duty vehicles (road) a) 120 7 VE:'. Vlaggonbau Diesel railcars Goerlitz (Diesel fast railcar VS 978 678 and double-deck railcar; light railcar(rail buses)) a) 250 units Double-deck, four unit, ) trains -Doubled-deck articulated a) 600 units trains ; Long-distance passenger train cars (sleepers and j dining cars) 8 VEB Waggonbau Niesky Heavy duty flatcars with VS 876 836 iron sideracks; Four axle box-and gondola cars; Hinged roof boxcars; a) 2,400 Motor vehicle transporter car; coal dust container car; narrow-gauge dump cars Number of Notes Workf of ce - ..5 ? 6 Production of subway cars planned . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T a) Important Supply Plants (VEB - Nationalized Enterprises) Serial Name and Location No 1 1 2 UJ 3 Cg U W 4 N ' 2 Main Production Items 3 a) Rated Annual Capacity Number of b) Be facto Annual Output Workforce 4 5 ?VEB Berliner Bremsen- Brakes and accessories work Berlin=Lichtenberg IT 965 185 VEB Achslagerwerk Stassfurt VEB Radsatzfabrik Ilsenburg (Harz) Journal-bearings and roller-bearings including casing Wheel sets for steam, diezel,and electric locomotives, and for RP, cars and street cars VEB Federnwerk Zittau VS ----- Springs for RR cars and road vehicles of all kinds . Annex $, Page 4. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T c) Reichsbahn Repair Shops (RAWs) Repair and Periodical a)Rated Annual Capacity Number of NO 1 Inspection of 3 b)Do facto Annual.Output 4.= ...-._ Workforce .._, 5----'-' -- 1 Ravi Berlin Flatcars(wooden sideracks); a) 12,000 1,800 Warschauer Strasse Refrigerator cars b) 1961: 10,500 1111 951 187 2 Raw Berlin=Crunewald Freight cars getting Considerably reduced 250 1111 827 176 damaged in West Berlin; since August 1961 W 3 Raw Berlin=Schoene- occasionally S-Bahr cars Trailers for diesel railcars, a) 10,000 3,000 ii ,wide S=Bahn-,subway-,street cars U PJ 003 118 W N Raw Berlin=Tempelhof Locomotives stationed in a) 273 Lii 891 147 West Berlin Considerably reduced since Au,,ust 1961 300 (?) 5 Raw Potsdam (":bd Ber- Passen-ar train cars; a) 3,200 lin ) passenger baggage cars; b) 3,000 W 687 065 RR service cars; RR mail cars; Battery railcars 6 Raw irandenburga West (riirchmoeser) Boxcars and gondola cars; Derrick cars and b) 9,000 2,500 J11 241 079 derr. icl: crash cars b) 375 Notes 6 In 1962,reconstruction of Soviet rank cars for Reichsbahn "Office 1st Class" only (with subordinate Railcar Yard Hunde- kehle).Since 1 Jan 1962, subordinated to Rbd Berlin W Production of mai ance workers motor trart event of transportation crisis S-Bann cars to sulr cars; repair of U) freight cars in the "Office 1st Class" only.Subordinated to Rbd Berlin since 1st Jan 1962 Production of side :gods and driving rods f-r locomotivos;const action and maintenance . roadbed Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Repair and Periodical Inspection of , S-3-C-R J. Annex 4, Page 6 a)Rated Annual Capacity b) De facto Annual Output Number of ? Votes Workforce 5 6 b) 500 2,500 b) 800 2,500 Serial Name and Location No ~-- 2 7 Raw Cottbus VT 527 340 8 Raw Delitzsch UT 158 127 9 Ravi Dessau UT 093 430 Steam locomotives;snow ploughs; depressed center flat cars RR service freight cars Passenger train cars,four- ) a) 3,000 axle and foreign make; - ) b) 2,400 Passenger baggage cars, ) RR service and ambulance cars Electric locomotives and a) 300 electric railcars overhead line b) 240 Imn 10 Raw Dresden Freight cars(gondola and a)17,000 W VS 090 568 hinged roof boxcars) W11 Raw "8.Y'.ai" bersrialde Freight cars,four-axle, a)15,000 U VU 194 545 (Boxcars,gondola and heavy W 12 Raw Halberstadt duty flatcars) Locomotive boilers; heating a) 200 1,500 PC 422 522 cars; locomotive tender 13 Raw "?rnst Thaelmann" Standard-gauge and narrow- a) 600 Halle(Saale) i;C 079 069 gauge steam locomotives 14 Raw Jena Tank cars 1,000 PB 827 466 RR service freight cars 1,500 IN= LU Old U M1 Reconstruction -of^ cars (700 annually); Construction of locomotive boilers (100 annually) In 1963,delivery planned of u/i number of "special cars for pressure gas and wine to Reichsbahn,and re- conditioning. of 300 tank cars from USSR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Annex 4, Page 7 No Repair and Periodical Inspection of a)Rated Annual Capacity b)De facto Annual Output Number of Notes Workforce 1 4 1 5----- 6 -- - 15 Raw !'Wi.lhelm Pieck" Steam locomotives; a) 400 b) 360 3,000 Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz) standard diesel and light diesel locomotives; a) ' 360 b) 300 4,000 Us 549 360 narrow-gauge passenger, freight and RR:service cars 16 Raw"Einheit" Leipzig- Steam locomotives; a) 640 b) 600 ingalsdorf Passenger,baggage, b) 2,400 US 235 910 RR service cars b) 120 16 a "Kuehl transit" Tank cars; Special freight cars 9 Contract plant of the Reichsbahn.Presumably does not exist since I- 1960/61 FM LU 17 Ra-,:. AMIeburg- Freight cars (predominantly a) 4,500 2,500 Home Raw of all W ii Salbke boxcars); b) 16,500 Reichsbahn convwe ed U PC 825 736 Service freight cars; a)12,000 (1962) U W Converted box cars w H18 lchin M Ra Frei ondola and ht cars( 400 w a g g UV 532 573 work cars) 18 a Plant Department Friedland of Raw Malchin VV 037 482 19 Raw i .ieiningen PB 005 046 Narrow-gauge passenger and freight cars Steam locomotives; Snow ploughs and rotary snow ploughs 2,500 Reconstruction of 3,000 locomotives 20 Raw Niedersachs- Warfen PC 206 128 21 `!aggonfabrik" Quedlinburg under Reichsbahn management Tank and container cars for POL,acids,"wine!',cement and coal dust 250 Used as Raw 300 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T a)Rated Annual Capacity, b)De facto Annual Output 22 Raw "Deutsch-sowj. Freundschaft" Goerlitz-Schlauroth a) 230 b) 200 vs 961 668 d l Steam locomotives; a) 890 b) 920 23 a Raw Sten PD 944 318 Snow ploughs (1961) 24 Raw ,littenberge Diesel railcars and trailers; PD 856 766 Passenger cars (double-deck); RR service cars; snow ploughs a) 1,200 gx24 a 7rerkabt~eilung Perleberg Narrow-gauge passenger of Raw 'Wlittenberge and baggage cars U PD 909 843 LU25 Ravi "7.Oktober" Ztvickau US 200 211 26 Mitropa-clerk Gotha PB 198 445 Freight cars,four-axle (gondola hinged roof box and flat cars); Tank cars, f our-axle Steam locomotives Sleeping,dining and buffet- cars of (Reichsbahn-owned) t_itropa; Mail cars b) 3,000 a) 500 b) 400 Annex 4, Page 8 Y?umber of Notes Workforce Renovation of chassis 2,000 of old passenger'cars 2,500 for Peko-Programm (reconstruction - program) (Prep atory work for Ravi H,413 rs tad W U 4,500 Production of ,ae changing wheelfAts DR III Interior equipment of new special passenger cars, i.e. of "Tourex" (tourist express train) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET Annex 4 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 Survey 2: Soviet Zone Reichsbahn Maintenance Shous forLocomotives(and Railcars) (Bahnbetriebswerke (Bws)) (Arranged according to Railroad Divisions, but numbered serially; see also Sketch 2 attached). Definition: ahnbetriebswerke (B ) _LRailroad iaintenance Shols~.: The Bws serve the current technical maintenance of motive power (locomotives and rail motor cars) and control the employment of these. They also carry out light repairs (casual repairs). Major casual repairs, periodical inspections and overhauls are carried out by Reichsbahnausbesserungswerke (RA17s). Lokomotivbahnhoefe_(.Lokbfe Locomotive Yards Locomotive yards are subordinate to Bws and make.available locomotives parked during major pauses of employment. They include sheds and coal, water and diesel oil supply points, but no repair installations. . Of the approximately 200 locomotive yards of the Reichsbahn, only five, downgraded from maintenance shops after 1956, have been listed in this survey. . SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T Serial No Name 1 Frankfurt/Odor Passenger Station 2 Frankfurt/Odor Switch Yard 1. Railroad Division Berlin Coordinates Pool of Locomotives VT 691983 3 railcars, 50 steam locomotives for passenger trains VT 666009 35 steam locomotives for freight and switching service; 3 diesel switch locomotives T 829177 24 steam locomotives for passenger fill 972185 inu 941188 I-= LN 6 Bin- Pankow; UJ 938268 W 6a Basdorf S-Bahr-Bvr UU 942418 LU W17 Bln-Schoenav:;eide UU 995120 8 Xarlshorst UU 998158 9 Jueterbog UT 675638 10 Seddin UT 620949 11 ilriezen VU 418407 12 ':iustarmark UU 644239 Switch Yard Notes and freight trains 65 steam locomotives for passenger Planned to become diesel trains and switching service locomotive maintenance shop 35 steam locomotives for passenger trains 70 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 10 steam locomotives for passenger Locomotive yard since 1958 trains subordinate to Bw Pankow W 50 steam locomotives for freight trains and switching Diesel railcars (VTs) 25 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 40 steam locomotives for passenger trains and switching 25 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 25 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T Serial No Name 13 7rlmer vii 153096 14 Friedrichsfelde W 988194 Pool of S-Bahr cars for Soviet 15 Bln-Gruenau VU 039072 Zone lines between Berlin and 16 Bln-Nordbahnhof UU 906818 (?) the zonal border area 17 Oranienburg W 823458 18 Papestrasse UU 892159 (?) Pool of S-Bahr cars for lines 19 Bln-Wannsee U9 763097 in'-lest Berlin 2.Railroad Division Cottbus 60 steam locomotives for passenger 20 Bautzen vs 604687 and freight trains 21 Cottbus VT 524337 65 steam locomotives for passenger I- vT 526338 and freight trains, and for switching; 3 diesel switch locomotives I- W 22 Elsterwerda UT 969023 30 steam locomotives for passenger W 1W and freight trains and for switching 1W V 23 Goorlitz VS 991661 38 steam locomotives for passenger V LU and freight trains and for switching W 4/y 24 ?t.-P.-Stadt Guben 'T 797571 20 steam locomotives for passenger and frei ht trains V! g 25 Hoyerswerda VS 460987 75 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 26 Kamenz (Sachsen) VS 368813 35 steam locomotives for passenger 27 Luckau VT 116463 16 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 28 Luebbonau (Spreevald) VT 286462 35 steam locomotives for freight trains and switching 29 Senftenberg TIT 325103 35 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 30 Straupitz VT 401524 Steam locomotives fo:: narrow-gauge railroads 31 Zittau 'IS 860393 St.?&m l.ccomot:ivCs f ;)azscngc:?? and freight t; rinr; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T Serial No Fame 32 Adorf (Erzgebirge) UR 048796 US 584049 US 368078 34a Schwarzenberg Us 423019 35 (Erzgebirge) Drosden-Altstadt VS 097550 W 36 Dresden-Fricdrichstadt VS 097567 U 37 VS 109597 w 38 US 669656 U) 39 Falkenstein (Vogtl.) TSR 126954 40 Freiberg (Sachsen) Us 839409 41 Gera TS 945418 41 a Greiz us 42 Glauchau (Sachsen) US 277340 43 .Karl-i?arx-Stadt Hbf (Chemnitz) us 548365 16 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 20 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 46 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 17 steam locomotives for passenger Locomotive yard since 1 Jan and freight trains 1956 subordinate to Bw Aue(Saale) 66 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 120 steam locomotives for freight trains and switching 25 steam locomotives for passenger and frei.cht trains 14 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 29 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 90 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching W U W N Locomotive yard since 1 Nov 1962, subordinate to Be Cera 35 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for electric and freight trains and switching locomotives 55 steam locomotives for passenger Conversion to home maintenance trains shop for 10 electric locomotives to b- completed by 764 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Sorial No Name 44 ?earl-Marx-Stadt- Hilbersdorf (Chemnitz) Muegeln (near Oschatz) 46 Nossen 47 Pirna 48. Pockau-Longefeld X49 :aichonbach (`?iogtl.) W 50 V Riesa 1.1.1 51 U, Rochlitz (Sachsen) 52 Bad Schandau 53 Thum 54 'ctordau 55 Wdilsdruff 56 Zi.ickau 57 Arnstadt S-E-C-R-B-T Coordinates Pool of Locomotives US 569367 80 steam locomotives trains and d switching US 649781 US 802581 VS 241460 US 752187 US 079121 US 801856 US 456588 VS 388417 US 551152 US 141227 US 978556 US 214213 for freight Steam locomotives for narrow-gauge railroads 25 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 37 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 16 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 50 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 50 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 13 steam locomotives for passenger trains 14 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 5 steam locomotives for narrow-gauge railroads 30 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 37 diesel light locomotives Also scheduled for electric and diesel locomotives W W 80 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 4 _Railroad Division Erfurt PB 367351 41 steam locomotives for passenger and freight train:: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E=C-R-E-T 59 Erfurt Passenger station PB 442492 60 Erfurt Freight station PB 458497 61 Gotha PB 211445 62 beiningen PB 007036 63 Naumburg PB 953716 64 Nordhausen PC 237064 65 Probstzella PB 690002 66 Saalfeld (Saale) PB 680141 67 Sangerhausen PC 588057 68 Suhl PB 184069 69 Vacha EB 726313 70 Weimar PB 646519 71 Weissenfels QB 080773 35 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 60 steam locomotives for passenger trains and switching 55 steam locomotives for freight trains and switching 31 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 40 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 29 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 40 steam locomotives for passenger and ?reilht trains and for switching 22 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 75 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 30 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 19 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 20 steam locomotives for passenger and freight'trains 49 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 50 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 S-E-C-R-E-T 5. Railroad Division Greifswald 73 Barth UA 525259 74 Eberswalde VU 191546 75 Seebad Heringsdorf w 456784 ? ~ 76 Neubrandenburg UV 848363 V 77 Neustrelitz UV 722147 78 Pacevralk VV 331306 79 Prenzlau VV 245091 ? VA 013242 81 Sassnitz VA 119420 82 Stralsund UA 755187 83 Templin Till 992860 84 Garen (i'ueritz) UV 460336 Steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching Steam locomotive for passenger trains, narrow-gauge steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 26 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains, 3 steam locomotives for switching service Steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains Steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 41 steam locomotives for passenger .and freight trains and for switching 40 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching Steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains Steam locomotive for passenger trains, narrow-gauge steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains Steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 50 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 12 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains, 3 diesel railcars Steam locomotives for passenger and frei?tt trains Serial No Name - Coordinates UT 363030 UT 800163 4". W V 89 TS 923841 W 90 Halle QC 075087 91 Passenger station Halle QC 080089 92 Freight station Leipzig Bay Bf US 180887 93 Leipzig-Engelsdorf US 228912 94 Leipzig-Plagwitz US 135895 95 Leipzig Hbf Sued US 195921 Pool of Locomotives Notes and freight trains locomotives and freight trains and for switching, locomotives 6 electric locomotives for freight trains Steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 45 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching, 3 diesel locomotives for switching service 20 steam locomotives for passenger trains 60 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel trains, 25 electric locomotives locomotives for passenger trains 70 steam locomotives for freight Also scheduled for diesel trains and switching,15.diesel locomotives switch locomotives, electric locomotives for freight trains Steam -locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains locomotives Steam locomotives for freight Also scheduled for diesel trains and switching locomotives 40 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains and for switching locomotives 50 steam locomotives for passenger. Also scheduled for diesel trains - locomotives IN= W 9x U W In S-E--C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Serial No 96 Leipzig-7ahren isersebur;; Roeblingen am See 100 Lutherstadt Viittenberg W 101 Zeitz LU tn 102 Aschersleben 103 Bernburg 104 Blankenburg (Harz) 105 Brandenburg 106 Dessau 107 Eilslebon near idagdeburg US 125967 US 183925 QB 085926 Pool of Locomotives 22 steam locomotives for freight Also scheduled for diesel trains and switching, 12 electric locomotives locomotives for freight trains 50 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel trains, 36 electric locomotives locomotives for passenger trains 30 steam locomotives for passenger, Also scheduled for diesel freight trains and for switching locomotives PC 852049 24 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains locomotives UT 394496 30 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching TS 997604 25 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains ~. Railroad Division Magdeburg PC 703369 40 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching PC 899422 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains PC 353409 30 steam locomotives for passenger and freight service UU 343084 35 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching UT 097474 25 steam locomotives for passenger trains, 4 electric locomotives for passenger trains PC 534800 20 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains H W OC Also scheduled for diesel U locomotives LLB S--E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000010001-4 108 Guesten PC 794406 109 Halberstadt PC 434517 109 a Oschersleben (Bode) PC 529669 ? Haldensleben PC 635960 I- Jerichow PU 983213 W 111 a Burg (near Magdeburg) PC 938956 ? V W 112 Ketzin L?^u 539171 113 Koethen QC 067363 114 Magdeburg Hbf PC 797781 PD 348119 50 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 70 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching Steam locomotives for passenger Locomotive yard since 1 Jan and freight trains 1963,subordinate to Bw Hal- berstadt 20 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 15 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains Narrow-gauge steam locomotives for Locomotive yard sind 1 Jan W Passenger and freight trains 1958, subordinate to Bw Je- gx Steam locomotives for passenger W trains 20 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for electric and freight trains and for switching ,locomotives 55 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching, 22 electric locomotives for passenger trains Steam and electric locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching ,60 steam locomotives for freight trains and svritc':ing 45 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 118 3osslau (Elbe) UT 102532 119 Salzwedel PD 462588 120 Stassfurt PC 785462 121 Stendal PD 930312 122 .ernigerode PC 220447 IN= W V UJ 123 Guestrow Uri 137655 CA 124 Hagenow Land PD 476208 125 Neuruppin UU 518667 PE 879239 128 Ro&tock Uebersee- hafen 25 steam locomotives for freight trains and switching 22 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains Steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains and for switching 45 steam locomotives for passenger and freight traifis and for switching 14 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains narrow-gauge steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains 50 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains-and for switching locomotives 50 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel trains and for switching locomotives 20 steam locomotives for passenger and freight trains, 5 diesel switch locomotives Steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains locomotives 60 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains and for switching, locomotives 7 narrow-gauge locomotives for passenger and freight trains Steam and diesel locomotives for freight trains and switching Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000010001-4 Survey 2, Page 12 129 Schwerin (Meckl) PE 591461 130 Wismar PE 621751 131 Wittenberge PD 856759 132 Wittstock (Dosse) W 317932 40 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains and for switching locomotives 20 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains and for switching locomotives 80 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and freight trains and for switching locomotives 25 steam locomotives for passenger Also scheduled for diesel and frei;.ht trains locomotives Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET - S E C R E T Annex 4 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 Page 1 of Survey 3 Survey-3.: Soviet Zone Reichsbahn Maintenance Shops for Railroad Cars (Bahnbetriebswagenworke (Arranged according to railroad divisions, but numbered serially; see also Sketch 3 attached) Preliminary Note: Bwws are the home stations for passenger train-cars due for technical maintenance. They-(and WASs*)) also carry out light repairs (Bedarfsaus- besserungen - casual repairs) of freight cars. Major casual repairs, periodical inspections, and overhauls are carried out by Raws. Definition: "Wagenausbesserungsstellen" (WASs) (Car Repair Points) are located in the local district of former "mixed" Bwwe, However, organizationally, economically, and with regard to their personnel they are subordinate to Bwws. They must not be confused with "Wagenmeistereien" ('arms). The latter. are independent angenciee with no repair installations available to them; together with their subordinate "Wagenmeisterposten" (Wps) (car inspector posts) they are in charge of RR car control of the Reichsbahn. They are therefore not listed in this survey. (1)_Rbd,(Railroad Division Berlin Appertaining AT t 1 Bln=Lichtenberg Bln=Pankow la Basdorf. Downgraded to branch shop of Bww Bln= Lichtenberg, on 1 July Bln=Ostbahnhof Bln=Schonewoide Bln="".'uhlheide 1960. Switchyard for inter- zonal-trains, etc. 3 Seddin Dahme.(Mark) Klbf JUterbog Station for local RR Wustermark switchyard 4 Frankfurt/Oder Frankfurt/0 Kietz Wriezen SECRET SECRET - S E C R E T - Annex 4 to Transportation Summary for May 1963. Page 2 of Survey 3 T u Serial Bww Appertaining Number WAS 5 Cottbus Forst (Lausitz) W.=P,.Stadt Guben Luckau Straupitz 6 Finsterwalde Elsterwerda Senftenberg 7 Hoyerswerda 8 Lobau (Sa) Gbrlitz Zittau (3) Rb_d Dresden 9 Dresden=Altstadt Freital=Potschapel Radebeul=Ost 10 Dresden=Friedrich- Dresden=Neustadt stadt Oschatz Pirna Riesa Bad Schandau 11 Karl=Marx=Stadt (Chemnitz) Annaberg=Buchholz Dobeln Freiberg (Sachsen) ?G1auchau Thum 12 Zwickau Adorf (Erzgebirge) Aue (Sachsen) Gera Gera=Pforten Greiz Plauen (Vogtland) Reichenbach (Vgtl) Werdau Wilkau=Hasslau (4) Rbd Erfurt. 13 Eisenach Meiningen Bad Salzungen Suhi Vacha SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET SEC R E T - Annex 4 to Transportation Summary for May 1963 Page 3 of Survey '3 (4) Rbd Erfurt Serial Appertaining Number Bww WAS Notes 14 Erfurt, Arnstadt Gotha Nordhausen Sangerhausen Weimar 15 Saalfeld (Saale Goschwitz River) Jena Naumburg (Saale River) Probstzella Sonneberg (Thuringia) Weissenfels (5) Rbd Greifswald 16 Angermiinde - 17 Neustrelitz Neubrandenburg Templin Waren (Miirito River) 18 Prenzlau Eberswalde Seebad Heringsdorf Pasewalk 19 Stralsund Barth PUttbus Sassnitz (6) Rbd Halle 20 Falkenberg Eilenburg Torgau Lu-Wittenberg 21 Halle (S) Bitterfeld Grosskorbetha Halle=Diemitz Halle=Klaustor Merseburg Roblingen am See 22 Leipzig Hbf Altenburg Leipzig Bayr.Bf Leipzig=Plagwitz Leipzig=West Meuselwitz Zeitz SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET - S E C R E T- Annex to Transportation Summary for May 1963 Page 4 of Survey 3 (6) Rbd Halle Serial Bww Appertaining Number "IAS 22a Leipzig=e?ahren On 1 July 1962 down-- graded to branch shop of. Bww Leipzig Hbf (7.) lid Na~deburg 23 Aschersleben Belzig Bernburg Calbe (Saale River) Dessau Glisten ICoth'en Rosslau Stassfurt 24 Halberstadt _ Blankenburg (Harz. Mts). Oschersleben (Bode River) Wernigerode 25 Magdeburg Hbf Brandenburg Burg near Magdeburg Haldensleben Magdeburg=Buckau Magdeburg=Rothensee 26 Stendal Obisfelde Rathenow Salzwedel (8) Rbd Schwerin 27 Rostock GUstrow Warnemunde -is mar 28 Schwerin Hagenow Land Parchim 29 Wittenberge Neuruppin Neustadt Dosse Wittstock SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 IWW 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - St d COPY Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET - S E C R E T- Annex,5 to Tpt Summary for May 1963 Long-Term Electrification Projects of the CSD .AND THEIR MILITARY SIGNIFICANCE (For lay-out sketch, see attached map) 1. Of the prsent approximately 13,130 kilometer OSD (Czecho- slovak State Railroads) standard-gauge network, approximately 1,200 track kilometers are electrified. 2. The current Five Year Plan provides for the electrification of another 650 track kilometers by 1965. Plans for. 1965 - 1980 envisage the electrification of appr. 2,040 kilometers so that the electrified network will total appr. 3,900 kilometers, which is about 30 per cent of the total CSD network. While the present electrified network is chiefly operated by direct current (3,000 V), 25 kV - 50 kc alternate current is to be employed south of the Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) - Prague line and south of the "Friendship Line" as far as Cierna n.T. Even in consideration of the growing industrial efficiency in Czechoslovakia, the fulfillment of this electrification program appears doubtful. According to experience so far, changes and deadline alterations are to be expected. 3. After 1968, it is planned gradually to discontinue steam traction in favor of electric and diesel operations. The share of the different train traction systems (Average freight/passenger transportation) is planned to develop as follows: 1961 1965 1980 ___(In_percentae) ._,__.._. Steam 65.1 25.0 - Electric 30.7 51.4 Appr. 70 Diesel 4.2 23.6 .30 4.' In order to reach the planned tctal by 1980, the electrificat- ion of the inland and transit lines with the heaviest freight traffic has been and still is being focused'on the following lines: a) From the Ostrava coal and industry area around Ostrava and Karvina to the southwest and southeast and to the Polish border; b) From the Bohemian coal mines around Teplitz, BrUx and Falkenau to the south, southeast and north'to the Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany-. c) Short-distance lines around Prague. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246A069000010001-4 SECRET' d) The sectional improvment of the Eger (Cheb) - Budweis (C?.Budejovice) - Brunn (Brno) - Pressburg (Bratislava) - Aitsohl (Zvolen) - Rosenau (Roznava) - Kaschau (Kosice) line as alternative connection to the "Friendship Line" from Prague to the USSR via Cierna n.T. o) The northsouth transit line from Poland to Hungary via Sillein (Zilina) - Hronska Dubrava - Novo Zamky - Sturovo, and f),The northwest transit line from the Soviet Zone to Hungary via Tetschen (Decin) - Kolin - Brunn (Brno) - Pressburg (Bratislava) Sturovo. For routing of the lines, see attached sketch. 5. MLij.itarv Assessment The electrification projects are exclusively governed by economic considerations. However, the improvement of the train control, signal, and telecommunications installations on lines and RR stations, carried out within the framework of the electrification projects, is of military significance. The capacity, particularly of the second eastwest transport route, essential for concentrations and supply movements, increases through these improvements, especially ,as the so-called "Sudstrang" (southern line) will be double- tracked gradually, Considerable disturbances in electric train traction must be taken into account in the event of a war. However, the present modernization of the HR installations contribute to increased steam and diesel train traction. . SECRET w 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- St d COPY Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET S B C R E T- Annex 7 to Transportation Sumnaryy for April 1963 - In the District Suhl "Kreise" located along the demarcation line, the following road and bridge building has been observed since 1961: (See also Tpt Summary for February 1963). Kreis Neuhaus a.R. (PA .5298) (a.R. - am Rennsteig) - L,I 0 98 (Primary Road) The 2.4 kilomete-,'long Lippelsdorf (PA 5999) - Taubenbach (PB 5800) stretch of this road was closed in October 1961 because of road repair. - L I 0 Lauscha (PA 5394.). - Neuhaus The six metes wide road received a hard top surface. Kreis Hildburghausen.(PA. 23871 - Highways. P. _4,_./.. F .247 The Eisfeld (PA 3588) - BrUnn (PA 3290) - Brattendorf (PA 3292) stretch which is jointly used by Highways F-4 and F-247 and which partly used to run along the railroad line has received a new 7.5. meter wide course. A road bridge was built on the new course at BrUnn, and the dangerous level-crossings were eliminated. - Highway_ F-89 The Kloster=Veilsdorf (PA 2886) - Hessberg (PA 2687) stretch of this highway was widened to eight meters and asphalted, whilst the Veilsdorf - Hildburghausen stretch had been closed temporarily. - L I 0 _Hildburghausen.-, Leimrieth (PA.1986). The road was widened considerably by the inclusion of the roadbed of the Hildburghausen -.Lindenau RR line dismantled some years ago. Dirt _Road _ Connection Sachsendorf (PA .3890) - Hirschendorf (PA 3691) - Crock (PA 3490) - Burden (PA 2889) - Weitersroda (PA 2688) - Hildburghausen, and - L II 0 (Secondary Road) and/or Dirt Road Connection Brattendorf (PA 3192) - Wi'edersbach (PA 2793) - Gerhardts- gereuth (PA 2493) were widened to seven meters and part of their curves' straightened. The latter road is no longer running through Hirschendorf, but by-passes this location in the south. - SEC R E T - SECRET SECRET - S E C R E T- Annex 7 to Transportation Summary for April 1963 - L II 0 Th emar (PA 1496.), ..-. ' achenbrunn ( PA 1295 ). In 1961, EGA soldiers conducted surveying for the construction of a.bridge over the Werra River near PA 145-959. In early 1962, the construction of an about 25-30 meter long and about 10-12 meter wide road bridge (Elisabeth Bridge) was begun. In August 1962, about half of the bridge was completed. (PA 1669). Hellinuen-(PA-2068) and - L II 0 R i e t h - L II 0 Rieth - Gompertshausen (PA 1673) were widened to about four meters and asphalted. The old bridge at PA 176 693 over the Helling River was dis- mantled and replaced by a new 18 meter. long and about six meter wide bridge. - .Z I_ 0 Melkers (PT; P. -. Walldorf, (IdB,_9803). In 1961,^a 34 meter long and 7.5 meter wide prestressed concrete bridge was built over the Herpe River near NB 9765 0690. The bridge has a capacity of 60 tons and replaces the L II._Q-Romh?ild (PA 0984,). -_ Mendhausen (PA 0582) In April 1962, construction work was begun on this road. The road received a new, about 0.3 meter base, a 0.5 meter gravel cover with a 0.07 meter bituminous surface, and was widened to about six meters. - L 1I.0 Berkach_(NA _99.88) ehrun~en (PA.0185~ The road running partly closely along the demarcation line was closed to traffic. A new road connection was established ..between the two locations by furnishing available dirt roads with a gravel base and an asphalt surface. These works were completed in the summer of 1962. - L_I _0 Aschenhausen(NB8506.) -.Kaltensundheim(NB8207) - L II 0 Brbenhausen (NB 8103) Reichenhausen Nr3 8004 - L II 0 Schafhausen (NB 8203) - Erbenhausen and - The SaltwBrie.(Salzbrucke) near_Juchsen (PA 069~~ It was planned in 1961, to widen the three above roads to six meters and to furnish them with a hard top surface. The Salz Brucke was to be improved to a length of 64 meters, a width of 7.5 meters and to a capacity of 60 tons. No information was obtained on the realization of these plans. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/15: CIA-RDP80T00246AO69000010001-4 SECRET - S E C RE T - Annex 7 to Transportation Summary for April 1963 P-84 In late 1961, the former auxiliary bridge over the Ulster River at NB 671 231 in Buttlar (NB 6723! was replaced by a 52 meter long and a 7.5 meter wide bridge with a capacity of 60 tons. - L I 0 Geisa (NB 6719), ,-. Bremen ,(NB__7120).. -..Dermbach_(NB 7919 - L II O. Bermbach^(NB. 7023 - Buttlar The two roads were widened to about five meters and. asphalted, in the summer of 1962. The Geisa - Dermbach road received a new about 0.2 meter base with an about 0.05 meter fine tar gravel surface. - Bridge in Geisa over theGeisa River near NB 671 190 In the spring of 1961, the old bridge was dismantled and replaced by an about 12 meter long and about 7.5 meter wide bridge. Dridpe over the Ulster River near ,NB-_679., 208._at_ Borsch The about 30 meter long, about 7.5 meter wide bridge with pebble pavement surface was built in 1961. Bride ..over the Felde River near NB .800. 187 south-east., of D .. _, ermbach In the fall of 1961, the road surface of the bridge was improved. -SF, ~RkET