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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 f t CYTOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND CYTOECOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF HEAT RESISTANCE OF PLANT CELLS TOWARD THE ACTION OF HIGH AND LOW TEMPERATURE. V. Ya. Alexandrov (Review of the works of the laboratory of cytophysiology and cytoecology of V. L. :omarov Botanical Institute, Akademia Nauk SSSR). ABSTRACT Thermostability of plant cells is due to the resistance of their proteins to denatration, resistance to injurious metabolic changes, reparatory ca-aacity, and capacity to harden. Hardiness includes the stability of several :actions and increases the resistance to several injdriouL. - It yaries with the tissue and stage ofr 7rowth. The thermostability. of the proteins is constant in cr? -,plants but changes with temperature in algae. 21,oLt hardning increases resistance to several ? injurious factors including heat. The denaturation theory of injury satisfactorily explains some of the data. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rereaase 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 ink CYTOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND CYTOECOLOGICAL INVESTIGAT/ONS OF RESISTANCE,OF PLANT CELLS TOWARDS THE ACTION OF HIGH AND L(WTEMPERATURE4. V. Ya. Alexandrov (Review of the works of the laboratory of cytophysiology and cytoecology of V. L. Komarov, Botanical Institute, Akademia NAUK SSSR.) I. IICRODUCTION The principal purpose of the laboratory of cytophysiology and cytoecology is the study of the mechanisms which determine the resistance of plant cells towards the action of various agents and also the elucidation of the ro10 of Call IresistandeTinzddaptation of plant organisms to various external factors. Up to the present time we had directed our attention to the reaction of the cell on -the-P-ffectzbf high and low temper- atures. The general program of this laboratory represents the continuation of the Leningrad Cytophysiological School which had been headed by D. N. Nasonov, corresponding member of the AN SSSR. A e041-1> (As Alreedy-ipegiuning-with the 30' a, several research workers ka.A, s d ,.71. cc: ?( of this school have accumulated a-l-arge--factual-material on the reaction of the cells - mainly animal - towards the action of various injurious and stimulating agents. This material had per- mitted Nasonov and me to advance a& theory of denaturi injuries _ and stimulation of cells which was presented in two monographs LEX 41St (Nasonov and Alexandrov 1940; Nasonov 1955;A Alexandrov 1960). --- On the basis of cytological and biochemical data we came to the conclu on_that tbe stimulants of entirely different nature 11; takswohn some,definite doses ?roduce in the proteins of protoplasm COMMAI: narlQcifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -2- . ovt_ similarchangesofdenaturing type. The first stages of denaturing which are connected With the., chemical activation of different groups in a protein molecule can increase the metabolism in the a..?..A4zAxeolt, cell and -shorten.the-bitee-of the processes. They can serve a's .s 0.c.pcc c etrtr.,i/c Ct. activators of this-or=that:tactiwity---typi-ea-l--tbr the given type of !Cr" ci0oh, cells. Very strong actions during which the denaturW changes 4 are considerable and include the whole protoplasm may create in ? a_ the cell4conditiom which is not congenial with its normal function. In such cases the result will be. not a stimulation but an injury to the cell. When the injury has not gone too far, it usually is rever- sible and after removal of the acting agent the proteins of the protoplasm return to their primary conditions. With the further increase of the dose, an irreversible injury takes place, the denaturation of the cell proteins becomes final and the cell dies. The denaturation theory easily explains such non-specific characters and injury, like lowering the dispersion of protoplasmic colloids, increase of 'viscosity, increase of affinity towards dyes, etc. The non-specific character of injury depends first of all upon the similarity of the signs of denaturing of protein after the action of various denaturing agents. The second source of great similarity in the behaviOr'of the cells after different injuries is the wholeness of the cell as a system. Due to the interaction of its parts the final result 'of reaction may be very similar regardless of different parts where the various agents are applied. However the different types of denaturation are not identical and a wholeness of the cell system is not absolute. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 This vi].]. will agents sometimes `'th-at explain/the reaction of the cells towards various have paracular specific features which are com- bined with general non-specific signs of injury (Alexandrov, 1948). The principal points of our conception are as follows: 1. The reaction of the protoplasm of different cells towards the action of injurious agents, which are different in their Vt SRA tr-61:0C d P-Cpre physical and chemical nature, is)ofi=ap-ecific. 2. Together with the non-specific characters of injury there exist specific pecu3erities which are characteristic of the injurious action of each given agent. 3. The stimulation and the injury are consecutive phases of 0 vf; the response of the cell towards the injurinI agents. 4. At the bases of both the injury and the stimulation are denaturing changes of the protein molecules of different protoplasmic components. During the cell injury it is necessary to distinguish the primary Cl,ttovt denaturkag which is caused by direct application of the acting 01.40Nt agent itctthe proteins of the protoplasm and the secondary denaturing when the agent causes metabblit. changes and these changes in turn lead tO..the-denaturing of cell proteins. Such a secondary denatur- o-tiox a -lug takes place for example during decrease of cell respiration after the action of certain inhibitors of metabOliim... These data together with some others have led us to presume that the natural state of the proteins of protoplasm is maintained actively by the normal course of cell metabolism. After studying the physiology of animal cells we arrived at att4vt the conclusion/ that the denaturing theory helps us to understand 1 the series of phenomena which takes place in the plant cells ? 1See Gunar (1953) about the similarity in irritability of plant and animal celW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 ?4? II. CTTOPHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE REACTION OF PLANT CELLS TCWARDS THE ACTION OF HIGH 'TEMPERATURE Materials and Methods The principal ,o'bectis-? ,disour investigations were living cells from the epidermis of leavas of several plant species. We have avoided usually the sectioning, or the:pulling-off of the epidermal layer. The occurrence of various changes in the proto- plasm of the cells which are connected with a mechanical injury are often mentioned in the literature. Fefdman (1960) hald showh that certain plants-had respond to a cutting or puIling-'off of the epidermal layer by increased resistance of the cell to various actions including heat. Even in the/Lipper epidermis of the scale tc411 leaf of onion 141Tidh4t A asily remove fthe cells are very often injured although the injury may be reversible (Alexandrov and Gruzova 1960). Taking this into consideration we have studied -4-4e cfate /co-(' in living conditions the epidermal cells of the pieces of-Ieamas ? 1 A without separating them from the mesoph11. For microscopic study of small pieces of leaves it is necessary to have very good illu- mination according to Keller, water or oil immersion objective with co/ correction screw and infiltration of the tissues with the medium in which the material was mounted. The infiltration was done by means of a simplified method, using a syringe (Alexandrov 1954). The medium as a rule was -the tpp water. In some of the, plants the epidermal cells are covered with a complex sculptured cuticle. Folds and furrows and the deposits of various substances on the cuticle may prevent microscopic study; Cf 16 and quite oftenl,through this cuticle. impossible) see the c- structure of the protoplast. To overcome this obstacle a method Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 ?5? CONF1 was developed which in many cases gave very good results (Alexandrov exony.( th.czo 1962B). Before the-studyunder the miCroscope)a piece of leaf which sucit 41t_ Liciitc.A. Am it!, contains thethidk-cuticle is removed from the Water and driedby a. filter paper. Then the piece is put on a slide in the drop of cx.:. t 4-r c, Nvc liquid With tbe4index of-refraction whinha near V) that of the cuticle, and a cover glass -re.-Cr-a.cttvr t of the indexcotrefraction the help of, phase contrast is applied. The preliminary measurements of cuticlein a number of plants,)made with microscope according to Orossmants method (1949),showed that the index usually .varies between 1.500 to 1.540. tv,dice.s is itder-of-refradtionmare some of the organiclicoils of- s-14>s-1: vokt s CiiliconU(for example PPOY.?4PPINZ.011icc1)... T,n217. are not toxic and the - _ . ? Aj , 4 pieces of immerged leafN,remain alive dinseveral weeks. The A sculptured structure of the cuticle becomes invisible when the oil is selected correctly (fig. la and b), and the contents of the cell is clearly seen. The application of ordinary vemeline oil (020 1.481) ;ray' in many cases gives good results. The substitution of water m; ?-re...-rract..../e. (ND20 1.333) by-the media with he-index-of-reflectibn--whictr-ir? near u!. t* that of the cuticle has permitted to-include-es=objects epidermis cedis from leaves of many species of plants which were absolutely unusabreit for microscopic 0 examination in water. 2. A Comparison of Different Criteria of Cell Resistance to Heat In order to evaluate the iwat resistance tomard-the-actionl...of highrIEEpibrature, it was necessary first of all to select ,a criterion by which it would be possible to judge the degree of injury of the cells after a certain dose of heat (Alexandrov, 1955). Such criteria aA; respiration, photosynthesis, exit of substances into the medium, represent gmleval categories which characterize the tissue as a whole. Only after application of different microscopicp. methods CONFIDENTIAE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -6- r4 tt /'r of f of investigation, itLqpossible'to judge -ilf-mt'r-he---44--ssalive. A. She Suppression of plasmolysis and deplasmolysist.the exit of ? . 0 /0 s.s pigments from the vacules, tbtohange of vital staining, luminescence A of thesChloroplasts, and also of the fluorochromes introduced into StreaTh the cell, the, depression of tbe.protoplasmic motion, changes in er,4 4.1?:1 a-e" the cytoplasm and the nucleus duringthe phase :contrast atidatua- dark field microscopy, change in viscosity which is measured by the ;:shap'el.of-pla7smoly-sior brodiafr-iffigaitorr- all these are used as criteria of injury. Before selecting from this list the most PL?t. suitable criterion, it was necessary to compare their indicati-orts- during the different degrees of heat injury. The experiments were conducted as follows. -E-ither whole leaves or pieces of leaves were put inti water heated to a desirable temperature,for-r-experiments -\ av4=Zhemplaced in a thermostat_for_five_minutes. Only the heat - temperature was varied. After this=prelbniiiiry treatment,-;obserita- c. .4: re pnr-Ope?Y'r I OS at,' e'r,". z., . Its-i-osertnattez-witaL?thisttrat---1.-ndloot. The; was measured i/NAarburgq-apparatus. Thi.Ohotosynthesis was measured by the radiometric method (Zalenskii, Semikhatova and Vosnesenskii, V 1955). Thevital staining was done with neutral red. As a fluoro- chrome, acridin orange was used. The changes of luminescence of the fluorochrome and the chlorophyll were observed in a luminescence I., -re-f-lecc4J, sS:tre ilv1)4 ' microscope indirect light. The,matielef-----Vehe,protoplasnytaas judged by the motion of the spherosomes. The exit of electrolytes was determined by means of electroconductivity of the medium. Ttte V Ifiscosity was measured by the displacement of the nuclei after centrifugation. To;.obtainr.the-plasmolysisr-the.7solution-of KNO3 phis 7 was use. For vital staining and study of luminescence the material was infiltrated with the solutions of the dye and the fluorochrome. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -7- s The rotette leaves; of Campanula persicifolia L. and the leaves of Tradescantia fluminensis Vell, were the main objects in ? these experiments.. Results obtained are illustrated in figures 2 and 3. The numbers indicate the temperature o' the minute* of heating. . A The behavior of each indicator of injury is shown by the corresponding ,z et-r-tet: striping. The beginning of the stripe for each indicator corresponds to the the temperature of-heating-after which first deviation from the 41,5 t? norm is observed. The end of-the-striping indicates the temperature A which shows the maximum injury. For example, for ttralmotion; the photosynthesis and the respiration)the beginning of the stripe would correspond to elowVing of the process and the end of-the=stripe to ? ctsw:io., ? its final stopping. During the vital stainingof normal cells, the dye is accumulated in the vacule and the nucleus and cytoplasm remains colorless. In the injured cee11811 a reverse process takes place. The dye colors the cytoplasm and the nucleus and there is no concen- tration of the dye in the vact4es. 1 After heating for 5 minutes the injury to the epidermal cells of Campanula persicifolia begins to show at the=temperature 560C, ? with, death at 60?C. This is judged by plasmolysis and staining with neutral red (fig. 2). If=z,Vo ,judge by luminescence of acridine 4 orange, or by respiration of the tissue, it is possible to conAlude Aitiz that the injury takes place at a lower temperature. 4gintirely different QYC/110, 'Y Q' CC ,"JS I C 511-CCCOI conclusion could be -ma, 1E-the7motion,of cytoplasm ie-T!!!!rled- /f as-an-indicator: After heating to 39oC t7ae-protnplasmic=motionslows Cv, oster 'let? heat,- istunce,of the protoplasmic proteins. The above considerations have to be kept in mind when the sensitivity of different functions is compared within the limits of the same cell. Fig. 2 shows that in thercells c.i"! ..7(paryilaYM c sscct-40-A ? oc.v, -Liman Campanula persicifolia complete secession of taTa-Lo.,Ion after 0- A /A 5 minute heating ocours_!!_i!4?._To_l!presqcompletely, eaa fil;Zo7S7y-enthesis heating to 46? is required. Judging by this indicator, im,,,Inecifiori in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 E6T-or.yArkp it is possible to conclude that ttftlittii-an-omotiam is less heat resistant than tiletwOr014141.?, photosynthesis. However, the 0 v ewke.,X parench cell is gtaable to restore the metica even after of heating, whereas time photosynthesis is irreversibly suppressed A after heating to 48? (Liutova, 1962). If we were to judge, there- c fore, gtOut the sensitivityof these two functions several days after? the action of high temperature, we would lave come to the Str-ta wo+13 . conclusion that the-m i otion s more heat resistant a,scompared withr,tthe photosynthesis.. . When plant4 and animal cells are compared some interesting differences: occurin their abilit, to restore the protoplasmic - .wovirm after the injurious action of heat. Table II shows corre- zerl?le plants. Here we see that the temperature temperature which stops elle protoplasmic spending data for certain varies 4 ?- 9%1, between the Sty cv?oki 4wtiOn aTterLIminute?a heating, and the maximal temperature cv.tv.,/ cdez after which the4motivn could still be restore? : The abilityito restore . which haili been stopped by heating in-animal .celts-is considerably smaller. After 5 minutes' heating of the ciliated epithelium of frog, the zone of the reversible suppression of motion was only 1.2? higher o than the temperature which stops the .t,Ae motion of ttzt cilia (41.7o). InAmollusk Unio pictorum and in es s Paramecium caudatum this zone was smaller than 10 (Alexandrov, 1955). The cause of such a difference apparently is as follows: Experiments illustrated in fig. 2 and 3, show that in the plant cells the dose of heating required to stop the motion is lower than that necessary for disturbing the selective permeability of the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80?00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -17_ pratoplast and to increase the affinity towards dyes by the cytoplasm and the nucleus. We have shown that the increase in absorbing capacity of the protoplasm towards the dyes after tilt cctiolq action of various injurious agents is the result of the deraturtag changes af? the pro,plasMic proteins (Alexandrov and Nasonov 1939, 1943; Nasonov and Alexandrov 1940; Brown 1948 a and b, etc.). Therefore, the proteins of plant cells which are connected with 0 the function of motion of the protplasm are far more sensitive towards the denaturing action of heating as compared with the main Pri mass A0 of proteins of: the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The pre- p liminary investigations carried with the animal cells show that the temperatures which depress the motion, and those which increase the affinity oT the pro,Olasm towards the dyes are much closer. This indicates that in ti a animal cells there is no sub- stantial rigt between the heat resistance of the contractile -mar of proteins andhthe main mass of of the protoplasmic proteins. Con- .?, c.e.sal?0)1 sequently, the secession of the protplasmic motion (or the ability A of cells to contract) occurs in this animal cells with eu4h doses tk that injure the whole cell system more as.-7compared.with the c-a2ca,ttw.t. proTorf*Shk1C,' secession ofYinotioriarmrotopleam in tala plant cells. Under such A c), ? t ? conditions the.-...repa,ratiorr-of,the cell becomes handicapped because A it apparently Is, an expression of the living activity of the cell. Therefore, in certain cases the renaturing of the denatured protein may take place immediately after the removal of the denaturing agent -- homodromict(-7-.---) reversibility, for example, denaturi4 of tripsin and chimotripsin by heat (unitz and Northrop, 1935). In other cases, the removal of the denaturing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -18- agent is not sufficient, and more or less complete restoration of the original native condition could be achieved only after the additional treatment of the proteins--heterodromic reversibility 17 (see Neurath, Greenstein, *tnam, Erickson, 1944; Putnam 1956). The restoration of the protoplasmic motion after heating requires considerable time. In accordance with the dose used, the period of recuperation may last up to 18 days. In connection with this it is logical to assume that the restoration of the motion takes place either by means of a heterodromic reversibility or by sub- stitution of the denatured protein molecules by newly synthesized ones. In both cases it is necessary to assume the necessary participation of the active met4bolism of the cells. Therefore, 'Lk it is logical to expect that the success of r,,,,a::ation of a certain function delinds upon the degree of disturbance of the whole cell 4 system; oft 5. Th?!. Jeat hardening, or the increase cf resistance of e...xrast plant cells after ecndt-ng to high temperatures. The heat resistance of cells is determined not only by the eth arm-acre' h 'op heat-xemistance of the cell proteins and by the ability of cells to regenerate after the action of high temperatures but also by the increase of resistance in response to tae IQI;i:4ngizby high temperaturesias our investigations have shown. The information tO1 in the literature aboutelcapacity of plants to increase their heat 0 resistance after heat treatment is contradictory and based pritily on Utoi& cytophysiological methods of investigation (Sapper, 1953; Biebl. 1950; Laude and ChaAgule, 1953; Coffman 1957). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -19- An increase ot..-he heat resistance of cells in response to 4IttetoottaitionidtbynteTpoDatuP9v:v?--heat hardening--had been 3 established in our laboratory for, more than AO species of plants belonging to different families. The following problems were investigated: on Q. (1) Dependency of he-bs of heat hardening from a) the length of time of heat hardening b) the temperature of heat hardening c) the initial heat resistance of the cells being hardened (2) Reversibility of heat hardening (3) Relationship of the hardened cells towards other injurious agents. Fig. 8 shows the dependenc:? of the effects of heat hardening 011 of the cells of Tradescantia fluminensis flicm. the duration of _ hardening at two temperatures, 36.3 and 33.00. In these experiments IN,?0-02rsQk every leaf was cut in two. One half of the leaf was placed in0 water at one of the indicated temperatures, the other, control, immo remained in water at room temperature. After different periods, cisstz indicated on the horizontal-line, the temperature which stops ?th..4* protplasmic motion after 5 minutes was determined in both A halves of the leaf. As seen from,,tbz fig. 8, a definite increase ix _ _ . _ . ,of heat resistance t given temperaturears obtained after 30-60 min,/, The greatest heat resistance was achieved after 36 hours of hardening. 'V;C 1.. t 41,4Z.c-fQ,, occ y- A,deorepee-wee-A4bserued_along-the-curve, and with still longer periods Of hardening, the cells had perished. In the control leaves a certain Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201-3/62/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -111111116Sal limo Increase of resistance is also observed after they are removed from the plant. This has been observed by us in a number of plants. v.. five The dependency* ofAheat resistance of cells on the temperature to which the cells had been subjected during a constant period of heating (16-18 hr) is shown in fig. 9. The heat resist- ance of leaves kept at 18? served as controls. Within the limits of 1? to 26? a preliminary treatment with heat does not affect the 01. elvt heat resistance of cells. The cells respond with tha increase of heat resistance only after the action of hither temperatures. The ? vv?aer maximum effect of heat hardening (increase of 2.1o) occurs im these A conditions at 37.50. Still higher temperatures 0 kill the cells. 4 . iect- CL-A, COcx, ci 10 Bukharin (1958) obtained increase in the breaking point in thetpurves Proz cf 0--f----Ptratrei.n=coagulaa.,1-ion_ixtA the protoplasm in Lutescens wheat after A keeping the plants at 300; however, the breaking point hard-dropped considerably if plants were kept at 35?. After tbe-heat hardening)the resistance of the cells increases not only towards the 5 min heating, but the whole curve of the heat resistance of cells is displaced. In some plants after stope hardening the Incline of the curve (Q10) changes (fig. 10), whereas in others it remains the same (fig. 11). he,C The fact that the cells do not change their,/(resistance witItilt tovslartigraleaturing.the wide range of temperatures but begin to tr ZS respond by increasing the resistance when the temperature $z reach.iat . 4 7 e vs -Co Q a k the injurious zone mzdek.us,presume that the heat hardening is tales ,Tx,41-,, reaction of the cells execOly towards the injurious action of the heating. To verify this supposition a series of experiments was set up. COMM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -21- In Fig. 12 Me curve (1) shows the influence of temperature of- ardenin (duration of hardening is 18 hr) upon the intensity 1-11_ ;,e,o of photosynthesis et-the leaf of Tradescantia f1uminensis.4 Other 1-KAtc.,re ------------ e on curves represemrt the dependenc: Et-cm the hare:aning temperature (2) cnd.of_photosynthesis (3). of heat resistance of protoplasmic motiori' When these curiles are tfr= compared, it becomes evident that with th,1 increase a hardening t c t lay call tm temperaturelparalleled wbmthe increase of.:7=trh...catert=srf hardenin4 A there is a definite suppression of photosynthesis. xf The depressive action of hardening temperature has been A notice in in the experiments of Kisliuk on young plants of cereal grains. increase After 18 hr of hardening at of heat resistance of plant 0C al..ggelowth GiWal-to 13-25%, as compared with the controls. Addi- tional proof that the heat hardening is the reaction of the cells towards the injurious action of heating can be obtained from -ner. experiments which determine the connection between the hardening 36.6o together with the 1- s, there was definite6inhibition ? temperature and the general effect of hardening fn plants" which ?Yt. differ by,utkeir heat resistance. These experiments were carried ()kit tea with the epidermal cells of ,sheathes of grasses. From fig. 13 01-64_ r we see that 1attesz=1404-ert-rrerat:,-.11, to increase the cell resistance per 1 , the hardening temperature required is: for A Dactylis omerata L. --300;'Phragmites communes Trin.--36?; Fanicum miliacaeum L. and Eleusina indica (L) Gaerth. ?40-41?. The results, obtained agree completely with the differences in the heat resistance of these grasses: thus, the temperature which Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA'-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -;22- stops protoplasmic motion after 5 min heating in unhardened cells of Dactylis glomerata is 44.0?; in Phra.smites communis is 46.00; in Panicum miliacaeum is 48.5?, and 'in Eleusine indica is 49.00. Therefore, the cells which are more heat resistant a. in the original state require higher temperature., to obtain the a. effect,of&rdeniT4for the given period of time,. If ;4) consider that during the heat hardening the increase ? 1-4 ef resistance is a result of adaptation, then not only the temperature, but also the duration of hardening is essential. t2, However, if to consider this process as a reaction towards the intensity of the heat injury, in such cases the main significance should be attributed tow c--: the doe of the heating, but not. the duration. Lomagin (1961) has studied the possibility of decreasing the time of hardening with the increase Of the Aemperature ofrdenin. He has received hardening of theq-pdat ? , cells fror lea/ epilievivis of Tradescantia fluminensis. Campanula persicifolia and Chlorophytum elatum R. Br. after4 1 second ? action of high temperature. One of his experiments is shown in Table III. During the short time of hardening, the rise -ef OCCAPIr V Cvl "ki-41 loqd y resistance is?taiclaee---vepy-fersti, It can be detected already afiter..5-10 seconds after secezaitif the 10 seconds of hardening. A The facts abovementione4 led us to conclude that the ?A" resistance of cells during the heat hardening / increase of heat 4- Ls the response to the injurious action of heating. In the abovementioned experiments the effect of hardening t-n ,...------,,, was determined by the increase affresistance tuaarcls'heati, as p,oltop440e. C...fro,,,,,,01----_ `..?......?, measured by the rftet-i-ork-of,--the_protoplasm. Howev er _the decrease ... . . . ...... . ?....---------Sbs,q lay- -r-e,soltS 1,,,Z1 re. 0 - olvii= .,- Loa 1-* A 1 C -0'1/c.: 0 T C4vt., joartvi-411 1,4 t ( pt?elt et 4^0/01 ....Da cYptis 9/4, eora 1'4 1 ?9.. , d Le ...c ck --., .tA. t...,Yky$h y if i , :,...._ ...' __,.... ------- (Z cof ds 0,1 I c43), Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -23- sensitivity towards heating after heat hardening can be deter- mined akva using other indicators. As compared with the control, the hardened cells require higher injurious temperature to suppress A bite plasmolysis (Alexandrov and Feledman 1958), for liberation of -co anthocyanin from the vacuoles (Lomagin 1961), exit of electolytes ? A into the medium (Derteva), for the suppression of photosynthesis tosit (Liutova 1958) and respiration (Liutova 1962), for the distapbance -tite of Alink between chlorophyll and chloroplasts with extrusion of the former and its absorption by the oil globules (Kiknadze 1960). Thus, tNe heat hardening ? affectittg entirely different components \ of the cell in regard to the action of high temperatures. An interesting problem is raised in this connection: does the heat hardening increase the cell resistance_towards_the heat atso or does-iit become more resistant towards other injurious agents? .A We did not find n the lit eratureXany indicatioD, whether or not the increase in heat resistance in plant cells is specific. In the a, animal cells it was indicated in a number of papers that adppta- tion of cells to a certain agent can produce an increase in their resistance towards other stimuli, which can be entirely different, both physically and chemically (Daniel, 1909; Neuschloz, 1920; Haffner and Wind, 1926; Orlova, 1941; Paribok, 1948; Trifonova, 1952; Barbashova and Ginetsinskii, 1956; Polianskii, 1957; Shliakhter, 1959 and others). The response of cells from the leaf epidermis of Tradescantia fluminensis hardened for 18 hr at different temperatures, towards heating, ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, and ammonia, is shown in -r-1 fig. 14. With the increase of-tNe,temperatureof hardening; the cell resistance increases not only towards eie heat but also /c, y // a In 4 t-ke: 10.0 P?rott.,1,n. cow?rit.)(CLivIenvo. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -24- towards -Mae alcohol and acetic acid. In regard to ammonia the 114,e,resuits cells did not show any definite increase of resistance. In 4 a vt LYt Table IV - ti WOMB sho, whtdh increased' triz. resistance Alt of the cells towards tfte- hydrostatic pressure. Ilte increase of nt resistance towards alcohol after heat hardening was found in the cells from the leaf epidermis of Zostera marina (exper. Fel'dman and Liutova), in the cells of parenchyma of Campanula persicifolia /?6? (Kiknadze, 1960), and in Podophyllum peltatum Cprper. Liutov9.c Our further investigations 1341" -T? it61:-to determine the time-duration of the effect of hardening. We have found that this condition is labile, and during the first 24 hr-, a definite decrease in resistance of cells towards heat takes place Y as well as to some other factors. (fig. 15), Thus, we have found, that the plant cells may react to a pyt large extent by nonspecific reversible increase of resistance A towards the action of a high injurious temperature. 1-f---t-e?eet-ts-liter-tiris--eaot from the point of view of the at=0-4. denaturitg theory of injury, the results obtained are not un- 1 "It expected. In order to explain the increase of resistance of the cell not only towards tte-heat-Cg, but also towards other injurious agents, often quite different in t4zir nature, it is sufficient to realize that at the base of the adaptive increase of heat is resistance during the heat hardening is a certain stabilization ,/ -factly skp,v4d n%A flc-yQose of the native state of the protoplasmic proteinsJ,(Aie-x-a, 111_ stst e 1.? y r C e'll-c 6' ..S? d , c 4 /(CAAC/ Q.1 CcitC/z. 0; 1-1-cal- Acsy-4eneit npr.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -25- 6. The protective reaction of cells at the moment of heating. As had been indicated above, the right the curves of cell heat resistance (fig. 5-7) 3r VL. of tr/i19 motion:ofiProtoplasm Inz:vin the speed of Straightrsections.of express the dependenci heat denaturrag of certain proteins wh-ich are connected with the-Eunotion--fef motion. e FQ`r In most of the objects this dependenck remains only up to-the temperatures will-eh stop motion during 20-80 min. At some lower temperatures this dependencv is q. t-et .--a--ged-TtEmTmmtad-s. On the left side of the break erf the curve,' the protoplasmic mmtion is preserved for a lon,srer period as,eom- --the-higher temperatures. In fig. 16 is given a curve of heat resistance of the grass Eleusine indica. If the period of preservation of the-met-ioR in this grass were to depend Apon the speed of 'the: heat denaturation of proteins in the zone cs .Q-%-(yapoi,cte.t of lower temperatures, then coninuir.g. the line-vid-ehe?left (dotted A section) we would expect*Iithat at a temperature of 45.00 for example, example, the .rnotion of the protoplasm would keve stoppA0,after StN'Ca 47 min. In reality, the met-ixwycontinues for about 3000 min. at the same temperature. 2. What are the causes which Affect the break gf. the curve in the region of 0' moderate heating? To elucidate this problem, I have studied the condition of the cells at different periods xvo after the beginning of the heattactlen and at a temperature some- what lower than that which corresponds to tinet-"oint-o-f break uct t-11 the curve. The experiments were conducted in a special heat chamber which was installed on the -------- - ?- e- cv j be- tage microscopi. A EA, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -26- piec eE lea from Campanula persicifolia was placed in the chamber, and the same cells were observed continuously. The result of one of these experiments is given here. The motion of the spherosomes became quite slow after 40 min. of heating on the mi9Goscope stage, a and the temperature of the object had reached 41.0. 411'11 further 1-y1 -Por rise .af temperature halken stopped and d,*-7.-,--ng the duration of the cx,7sriment it was maintained at 41.0-41.5?. (The break -of the curve of heat resistance in this object is at 42.00, see fig. 6). the After 90 min. from the beginning of experiment, the motion had A stopped completely. Regard-le-5:8 of continuin-g heatingefter 200 min.hor,seral spherosomes began to move again, some ex- hibiting a forward motion. The motion continued to be more lively, tke, and het] approached normal condition after 6 hr. When the heating was continued further, a second defate-..9s-ipon- of motion took place, and, finally the cell krad perished. Exactly similar observations were made in the cells of Phragmites communis (Alexandrov 1956). These experiments demonstrate the capacity of the cells to overcome the injury caused by the high temperature, not only after c Q. S S ekti Yt. eeeeevien of heating but also during the heating, provided the Mat- , C temperature was not too high. The changes in cell metabolism must occur te?aehieve a repair during the still conti:nuing action of an injurious agent. These changes Must either compensate or neutralize the destructions which are caused by the agent. There are several investigations which deal,-withC.thistkroblem'(Petinov and Molotkovskii, 1956, 1957, 1960; Molotkovskii 1957), but the essential cause still remains obscure. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 VW= spolas NI ma At the the temperatures which are indicated to the right of the breaking point of the curve of heat resistance, the cells do not show active resistance tcriards the injurious action. Thus, the breaking point of the curve should he reggrded as a limit, on one ect 0 la side of which the cell resists heat denaturin23 and on the other.side? it behaves as if it were just be. passive protein system. The resistance, apparently, consists not only in the regeneration of the denatured protein but also in the increase of its resistence during the process of heat hardening of the cell. When the en',Ase of the cell death is compared in the two regions on both sides of the breaking point, a substantial differ- ence can be detected in some cases. In the cells killed at bi-#mer temperature,?-whizh:-ave higher than the point of resistance, neithar tho.-haodlike plasmolysis nor other signs of sizelling of the cyto- Oh plasm are noticeable. TA) the contrary, at th2 temperatures 141441' ,.=e-lower than the limit of resistance, 4-4 swelling of the cyto- plasm ?ccurs freque_nt13). These facts indicate that the caus4'?of cell death from heat in different\zones temperaturf:; coatd be quite different. In the zone of higher temperatures 04?10-,t the leading cause remains the heat denaturitlg of the protoplasmic proteins. During the continuous moderate heating, the death of the cell occurs, presumably, as a result of a disruption of metabolism )t which leads to4mmds4 accumulation of toxic products (letergot 1936, 1937, 1960) and to the depletion of materials essential to life (Lundeggr4 1930). CONFIRM ? 1-i;(4;ccifipr1 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -28- Similar disturbances of metabolism can lead tovazds the Atinn denaturims of the cell proteins (Nasonov and Alexandrov, 1940), but this:secondary reaction is rather chemical in nature and /E 4-awisa not reperit heat denaturing. 7. The factors arlih_-.c:?.?,rrine heat resistance of cells toury=caus,7_L-by The cytoph iological analysis of the reaction of the cells fo-ttye. ki.1!5111,E:1!y heatishows that the result of this action by which we judge the heat resistance of cells is determined by -(;k6 several factors: (1) by resistance of protoplasmic proteins towax4IU denaturing resistpnce (2) 11,- the only after during the action of heat'2 ori',atlower temperatures, br the of metabbIi6:' procesaes tat4z-zs a shift in temperature; reparatory ability of the cell wit=ich dycur not cessa..nox alto the saeeetzion- of heating, butat lower temperatures heating; (3) Wthe capacity of cells to increase heat resistance/4n response to the injurious action of heattbry'Oeat 'hardenin .1 The participation of single factors in establishing the heat resigtence depends-uponthe'teiprature,Ith dura'tioftof hgating,' and the time paeeeid after the action. Further investigations should be directed towards: (a) the study of the physico-chemical and the biochemical mechanisms i51-4;01.11. basis -those. -rt ave at the gWandat1o.a-of &iagle factors which determine the heat resistance of the cells, and (b) the study of the ecological signifi- cance of these factors; i. e., to determine the role which they play in adaptation of plant organism to the surrounding temperature. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024. 200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -29- In rega70 to the first point, our information is very limited. We have some Idea about the character of ttv, injurious action of heating, but we hardly know anything about the processes which are connected with the reparatory action of cells and with the increlOse vrt ef their resistance. The task of our laboratory work is directed at present to study the nature of these cell reactions. As far, as the second point is concerned, the cytoecological phase of these investigations is the subject of the following chapters. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -30- III. CYTOECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF HEAT RESISTANCE OF PLANT CELLS. ? 1. Problems of Cytoecology. A continuous and manilold adaptation of organisms to the surrounding medium takes place during the process of evolution. The adaptive response towards the action of the medium occurs at different levels of(the organization of the living matter: molecular, cellular, organiic and superorgani=ie?X coenotic. For example, the plant may secure the protection against the high temperature of the medium by ??'Te selection of a proper coenosis, (such as growth under protection of trees), by the seasonal periods of develop- ment, by ,the increased transpiration, by the reactive increase cif heat resistance of the cells during overheating, by tEZ. increased stability of the cell proteins, etc. The purpose of cytoecology consists in the study of molecular and cellular adaptations properly; 1. e. of the peculiarities of the S,Ive molecules and the cells which secure the appearance of the adaptive cuk,aetz-rs? ? results already at these lower levels of the organization of nt livins matter. -Without a profound investigation in the field of cytoecology adaptation (4 organisms towards wako Vt- it- ? gimilartympossible the a complete solution of the problem.of the surrounding medium is impossible. solution of practical/ important problems of acclimatization and A resistance against frost, heat, drought and salinity of both plans and animals. The cytoecological investigations are directly connectma A with the cytophysiological studies of the effects of the surrounding medium upon the cells. One of the main forms of cellular adaptation (not the only ct, one) is the establishment of4relatiOnship between the level of cell resistance to a certain factor and the degree:4-Df intensity of this factor in the medium. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved foTii-ein7.112013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 warns -31- 2. Heat resistance of cells and the temperature conditions at which tile animals exist. As has been pointed out above, one of the postulates of the anon asso,sit,01: denaturihg theory of injury and excitation is the admittance that the native state of the protoplasmic proteins is unstable at the temperatures compatible with the active life of the organism and is maintained in a dynamic state by the energy of cell metabolism. This postulate suggested, the existence of a relationship between the Ike surrounding temperature of an organism andAheat resistance of its our- proteins. Preliminary investigations carried by me with the cells of the ciliated epithelium of a number of animals living at different temperatures, (Alexandrov, 1952 b), and also by some other investi- gators, (Battle, 1926; RunnstrOm, 1927, 1930, 19363 Patzl, 1933; Adensamer, 1934), showed the existence of a relationship between the heat resistance of the cells and the temperature conditions under which the animals live. Later this postulate was confirmed tvia t VAN," of by Ushakov and his collaborators on a*vaat;zoolPgical material, (Ushakov, 1955, 1956 a,1956 b, 1960 a, 1960 b; Svinkin, 1959; Dzhamusova, 1960 a, 1960 b; Zhirmunskii, 1960; Zhirmunskii and Pisareva, 1960; Zhirmunskii and Tsu Li-Tsun, 1960, and others). (*) wt refC (*) These cytoecological investigations on animals are carried Am- in the laboratory of evolutionary cytology (Docent B. P. Ushakov in charge), and in the laboratory of cytology of protista (Prof. Yu. I. Polyanskii in charge), both-am:at the Institute of Cytology, Akademii Nauk, in Leningrad. ' CONFIDEEK Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -32- ? The above-mentioned regularity appears clearly when the heat resistance of similar cells is compared in closely related species which are living at different temperatures. For example, in the frog Rana Ridibunda which lives in the south the cells tLa-v, of different tissues are more heat resistant as?eompere&mith wt-re those from Rana temporaria (the cells compared are those from ? cilated epithelium, spinal cord ganglia, epithelium of cornea, A , cartilage, muscle fibers, and spermatozoids). Special studies 6 cL i d' Chad shown that at the foundation of the difference in heat resis- ance of cells observed was the difference in stability of the protoplasmic proteins towards denaturing action of heat.S. (Alexandrov and Arronet, 1956; Panteleeva and Ushakov, 1956; Brown, Nesvetaeva and Fizhenkol 1959; Kusakina, 1961). Another important fact was established for a large number of species of animals (sea urchins, certain worms, mollusks, fishes, amphibia and reptiles), namely, that the heat resistance of the cells of the specimen of the same species is very constant and-t.0 .:trst 4 el-oe-i-qper]--uptrthern or southern areas-of-origin (Alexandrov, 1952; Alexandrov, Ouchakov et Poljansky, 1961; Ushakov, 1955, 1956, 1958, 1960a; Ushakov and Zander, 1961; Zhirmunskii and Pisareva, 1960'; Dzhamusova, 1960 c; Kusakina, 1960). ? V, There is also no difference in heat resistance of cells in poikillothentio animals collected both during the summer and the winter. This 1,441ca.tes ,s4644-fies also the stability of this characteristic within the limit of the species (Alexandrov, 1952; Arronet, 1959; Shlyakhter, T. A., 1959). (*) (*) Contrary to these data N. A. Shlyakhter (1961) reports? the ? heat resistance of muscles of,froLVRann temooraria)is somewhat higher in tIas. summer ae,,-comparedwith77the winter. cki Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Cr. -17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -33- A remarkable stability of temperature limits during the early stages of development of a series of marine invertebrates was observed by Runnstr;m (1929, 1930, 1936). He considersAthe limits ftemperature development as a constant physiological characteristic of the species. This concerns also the heat resistance of cell proteins (Ushakov, 1959 a, b; Ushakov and Kusakina, 1 1960), which apparently determines the range of temperatures necessary for the normal embryogenesis. 10 In thm=spe-e4man of a cert=in spec1es,th3?sadaptation towsedia ? _ 4Rteltemperaturel is achieved, as a rule, not through Zbe changes in the heat resistance of protoplasmic proteins /but through some mechanisms connected with the higher levels of organization, mainly through behavior of the animal during seasonal and life cycles. In the phylogenesis, however, the adaptation towards the changed temperature conditions is achieved by establishment of physiological races, or new species, with diferent resistance of proteins towards the temperature factor. Therefore, the cell'S -fay. heat resistance, and the limits 6E'temperature $ ef development, can serve the purposes of taxonomy, phylogenesis, and the genesis 10 of the whole fauna (Runnstrom 1930, 1936; Ushakov, 1959 a, b; Zhirmunskii, 1960; Dzhamusova and Shapiro, 1960). ?resultsit? Ii The materIalon?the animal cells shall be referred to further when a comparison with similar data on the plant cells will be made. This will give an opportunity to establish both the general biological regularities:7114=WS-14- the differences between the plant and animal cells. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 . -34- 3. Heat resistance of cells and the temperature conditions of the life of plants. ,he ecologies _.agnificance of the amount of heat resistance A. trtAt plant be cort71Ta7;44petween more or less closely- related plants,/1 ist which live in entirely different temperature- ck; condition 4 ,end.7.1L7m..*T4 the same plants during different seasons of the year. airing similar investigations two questions arise. nrs,. immediately: (1) 141-v.141(.1- resistance remaill0 the same in different tissues and organs:7 (2) wL't?her it change/ with the development oE the plant and with the growth and differentiation of the tissuesE C a) The ?ieat resistance of cells from differentitissues. The following two examples een illustrate the first ct..;,-(A?troyt yCTh question: tho..-seeession of protoplasmic mot-ion after 5 min. of heating occurs at the temperature of about 46? in the cells from the leaf epidermis of cotton (var. 108f) -TBeress in the $ V f Acells of thei ctE capsulesr/oat *50,0k (Alexandrov, 1956). This difference apparently has some ecological significance. AisensAtadt (1952) showed that during summer daysTlundethe sunlight the temperature of the leaf tissues of cotton plants (usually 1-5? lower than that of the air. This cooling is achieved by high transpiration. At the same timelin the tissues af- of the capsule the temperature is 5-7 degrees higher thanli-dfr--- on the lighted side, and only 2-3 degrees on the shady side. The second example is taken from four varieties of Cess4t-:01,, barley. 4D* secession of protoplasmic motion after 5 min. _e4? Gic,.k. 4AI heating took place at 45.5? in the.cells of epide: from the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -35- e.c sheath leaves whereas in the cells of the Spinules from the A awns, it occurred at 42.5 (Alexandrov, 1956). It is quite possible that the different temperature regimof the tissues a-re is responsible for the difference. Burgerstein (1920) had de- scribed in the awns of barley highly developed stomata and a high rate of transpiration. Th data presented show that the cells from different tissues of the same plant may differ considerably in their heat Because theanlmalrcells from different tissues ct$ /71 show alsoidifferenpA heat resistance (Ushakov, 1960 a; resistance. a. Rumyantsev, 1960), it is concluded that tile-comparison of4 heat ? resistance in different organisms must be carried or in'quite similar cells. b) A connection between the heat resistance of Dlant cells and the growth. Special studies on the relationship between the heat Aev.o u resistance of cells and growth had been carried ,an in our laboratory ,q43 by Gorbani (1961, 1963). In the epidermis from Zebrine pendula A Schnizl.: Tradescantia fluminensis, Echeveria secunda Booth, and a Dactylis glomerata she had founddigreater sensitivity tozrida heatItt /t in the cells of the young growing leaves aA-rompaped,fwith the cells of the leaves which had ceased to grow. in sensitivity of the adult leaves taken the same plant. For example, in Zebrine There was no difference 1e_v from differentlayer4s- of pendula the curve, heat resistance of the cells from the tip of the leaf of the 1st internode (counting from the loweitemperatures almost by 14 top) are-moved--iir-the--d-irection-of two degrees, as?compared-with the curve cc' similar cells taken from the leaves of the 3d and 4th inter- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -36- nodes (fig. 17). The cells of the leaf from the 3d internode which had ceased to grow did not differ in their resistance from the cells of the leaves taken from the lower internodes, such as C.4.SSCA:tiol.1 the sixth. During the winter, after general seeeaslon of growth, the difference in heat resistance of the cells taken from the 4 ct-r tips of the leaves Erom-different internodes disappears. The -eke rise ob-the heat resistance of the cells from the leaves ofAupper internodes accounts for this. In the growing leaves during the summer months, the cells at the base of the leaf are less heat . th ,t a-C resistant as=compared=with those Lx*m the tip. This difference fagained be explained by the higher rate of growth of the cells Lo: at the base as-empared-with that at LlIc tip of the leaf. In the leaves of the lower internodes which had ceased growth, there is no difference in heat resistance between the cells of the tip and those from the base. In tile winter, after growth ceases in the upper leaves, the heat resistance of the cells at the base increases but it does not reach the level of that of the cells ,em the tip. The relationship betean heat resistance and the oxt growth?'hre still more clearly illustrated in the experiments shown in Fig. 18 where there is a difference in heat resistancebeZwecx Lseyr? in the,Icei s Erom-epidemi of leaves of K9slanchoe blossfeldiana taken from different internodes. Thus, the growing cells showed a greater sensitivity toad t heating. The plant was treated with hyd-k-Aavele a:514,-reiit41=f maleic The growth had ceased and, at the same time, the difference in heat resistance of the cells from the upper and the lower leaves had disappeared. The leveling off CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 - -37- vi.et At,e. to a h "t40. Oc ? of resistance took-pl&ee-by.,the increase t?Iresistance in the (v_vo,i/ it cet(4tyt c,t) upper leaves r6a-ohiti&fEelevel of the lower leaves. A Therefore, the growth cell cell elongation is .a.5setc,,x-s":eti Ceet a4eq.s.r) aannecterd with the inereoed sensitivity of the cells towsTrft heat" In L plants taken at different developmental stages there is no difference in resistance of the cells which had ceased to grow (see for example fig. 19). The facts discussed above show that for the comparison of htz-twe0 `v% C ZIIS 0 ;? ,11.resistance /hea' it different plant., it is necessary to take similar tissues which Liau ceaseu to grow. The dif-Zerence in the developmental phases of the plant is less important. c) The-neat resistance of nrotopla,-mic proteins and the temperature conditions of life of plants. The temperature conditions necessary for the existence of the plants are dete=ined by the E-:*2:1C-!?,0f,e c*:: habitat, by 4 the selected microclimatic ov-lin,, and by the seasonal periods of growth. However, the temperature of the surrounding medium oc does not always correspond to the temperature ab,which the plant tissues Biebl (1950) is not quite correct** in stating that the plants are helpless in regard to the temperature factor. Thus, Lange (1959) has shown that in the desert of Njritania certain plants (e. g.; Citrullus colocynthis) are capable of maintaining the leaf temperature almost 129 lower than that of the air because A of increased transpiration. Similar data of Aisengiftadt (1952) have been given above. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A024200230001-7 -38- tke The problem oftirelationship between the resistance of tf4e plants totta=d.s 4action of high temperature and the temperature of the habitat has not been extensively investigated (we do not consider here the work on . thermophilic microorganisms). Sapper (1935) h154 studied the heat resistance of entire plants belonging to different families and had cmc to the conclusion that in spite of certain exceptions there is a distinct connection between the I