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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE ITI Publications Ltd PO Boxl Chichester West Sussex P020 6X8 UK ? Tel (0243) 683915 Telex 869314 (Tecpub G) Fax (0243)684168 World Telecommunications Expenditure and Development 1987 to 1995 Executive Summary Insight into the world's telecommunications mazkets Responding quickly to the needs of changing world telecommunications markets is essential to strategic planning. Market information and intelligence correctly used, can give companies a competitive advantage. Since its first publication in 1986 ITI's world study "World Telecommunications Expenditure and Development" has become the major research reference work for the industry. In terms of sales it has become the telecommunications industry's "best seller". The new study, which forecasts telecommunications spending in more than 50 countries up to 1995, is ready now. In addition to the already successful features of last year's study, the 1987 edition carries many more. The study identifies the top 50 markets for telecommunications equipment by value and breakdowns by product area. D classified and A roved For Release 2013/04 CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 c?"?d? ---- pp - - - - _ . _ . s,~" ~: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 Each of the markets has a full narrative detailing developments and PTT changes, including de- regulation and privatisation. A_majorsection is devoted to market acce~ Greater analysis is given to world telephone density. There is a complete new section on demographics in more than 120 telecommunications markets - it is necessary to know the psychology of a market as well as its size in order to market to it successfully. The network data section has been expanded with, in most cases, comparative data over four yeazs. World aid is covered in greater detail with spending projections up to 1990. A major directory of PTTs and telecommunications ministries is included in the study. The study clearly identifies the growth mazkets and enables manufacturers to position their own products critically within the markets. xvor~ateiecoms spenamg ]986 & :forecast 1987.; & ;19.88' ~ so ~ (US$ bthons) , World. telecommunications equipment- spending in 1986 was US$100.2 billion which is forecast to increase to US$108.6 billion in 1987 and US$121.6 billion in 1988. World equipment spending in 1990 is expected to reach US$156.8 billion with further growth to US$243.3 billion in 1995. By the year 2000 the study forecasts world telecommunications equipment spending will reach US$360.8 billion. Speriding patterns will change over the next 15 years with developing countries taking a larger share of the spending as their networks expand. .The 50 top spending countries reviewed in the study, mostly developed countries, are forecast to spend 79 per cent of the world's total telecommunications equipment expenditure in 1987 with the remaining 100-plus countries spending 21 per cent. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 ?. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 By the year 2000 the developing countries are forecast to have 57 per cent of the market within the remaining 43 per cent. ussia, w~iicli ieplaced Japan as tie -secondlargest telecommunications equipment spending market in 1985 is expected to increase spending dramatically: Russia -total estimated telecommunications equipment spending 1987 1988 1990 1995 US$9.6 billion US$10.9 billion US$13.4 billion US$23.6 billion. . By the turn of the century Russia is expected to equal the spending of the United States which was US$24 billion in 1986 and is forecast to grow to US$27 billion in 1990. The study includes a complete section on forecast spending by Product Sectors. The top 50 markets for cable are expected to increase spending from US$6.4 billion in 1986 to US$13.8 billion iri 1995. Transmission equipment accounted for US$6.4 billion spending in the top 50 countries in 1986 and this is forecast to rise to US$13.8 billion in 1995. Total spending by the world's top 50 markets on local and toll switching was US$19.3 billion in 1986 and this is forecast to grow to US$31.2 billion in 1995. Other product areas covered by the study are microwave transmission, satellite earth stations, data communications, customer premises equipment, and mobile, cellular and paging equipment. The study has a major section which shows Japan's share dropped from 27.1 per cent in 1985 to 25.6 per cent in 1986. 'Total spending by world`s top SO markets on switching 1986 & forecast>1995 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 _.... _ _ . -- Swederi's~~share also dropped from 12.7 per cent in 1985 to 12.2 per cent in 1986. .The United States, however, increased its share from 11.8 ~_~per?cent-irr-i-98~5-tti~ 12:5~n~'Y98~ "World Telecommunications Expenditure and Development 1987 to 1995" is published by International Telecommunications Intelligence (Publications) Ltd. Price ?495 (UK and Europe) US$895 AIRMAIL -. (USA and the Rest of the World). Published 1st November, 1987 Format: A4 Pages 550 -plus. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 ~( r~IC~ncQ cnQnn 1- , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 11 ~ ~ II To: ITI Publications Ltd PO Box 1 .Chichester West Sussex, PO20 6X8 United Kingdom Please supply copy/copies of World Telecommunications Expenditure and Development 1987 to 1995 Price: ?495 (UK and Europe) US$795 (USA and the Rest of the World) Name .............................................................:............................................................................... Position .......................................................................................................................................... Company ....................................................................................................................................... Address .......................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... . Telephone ...............................................................Telex ............................................................ Date ..:.......................................................................Signature ............:...............:........................ Cheque enclosed Please invoice my company NOTES ON PAYMENT Makes cheques payable to ITI Publications Ltd Customers in Europe may pay the equivalent to the UK and Europe sterling price in local currency. Customers in the USA and the rest of the world can pay the equivalent of the US dollar price in local currency. You may telephone, telex or telefax your order Telephone (0243) 683915 Telex 869314 TECPUB G Telefax (0243) 684168 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 o Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 CONTENTS All information contained in this issue has been obtained from numerous sources we believe to be reliable, but which we cannot guarantee. Opinions expressed are based on our interpretation of available information, which is subject to change. The ONLY weekly service analysing world telecommunications expenditure and development Continued on Page Two `- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 WORLD REPORT Russia will dominate the world telecommunications sales market by 1990 becoming the country that every company wants to break into. The sales potential is huge. Revised forecasts forthe year 1990 predict that Western companies will be selling US$350 million `,worth of equipment to the Russians. In 1985 Russia displaced Japan as the second largest spending market. Projections for the next three years show a sharp upsurge in expenditure. In 1984 Russia did not even figure in the top ten spending countries in the world. In 1985 it was spending US$7.2 billion a year on telecommunications equipment. Last yearthe figure rose to US$8.4 billion and this year Russia is budgeted to spend US$9.8 billion. By 1990 the expenditure is forecast to be running at US$13.4 billion. However, while the Russian market will grow rapidly, the United States sales market will remain at a virtual standstill. Although still the world's biggest spending country, expenditure will rise to US$27.19 billion - a fairly small increase compared to the 1986 figure of US$24 billion and this year's budget of US$24.31 billion. .. - ., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 WORLD REPORT Russla,=: telec'ommunacatlonsi equipment market (U$$ billions Marketing managers would be well advised to start looking at the Russian market immediately. Russian imports of telecommunications equipment are expected to reach US$5 billion in 1990 with the West accounting for US$350 million. This compares with imports of 1984 of only US$924 million of which the West supplied a mere US$37 million. The COCOM agreement bans certain telecommunications exports to Russia and other Eastern bloc countries. However, this is likely to be amended in September 1988, amove - which could literally open the floodgates. The Russian network is typified by old, outdated equipment, corded rotary telephones and poor reliability. The West's expertise and technical know-how would be welcomed in a country which has made telecommunications apriority area. Afghanistan's infant telecommunications sector is planning further expansion. ': Afghanistan telephone growth in'Kabul The country has just announced its 1986-1990 Five Year Plan although full details of the expansion programme are not known. Since 1978, Afghanistan's government has increased the number of telephones installed in Kabul, the capital, from 13,200 to 22,000. However, communications facilities in rural areas are far sparser. The number of telephone sets currently -number 6,600 compared with about 4,500 in 1978. Although full details of the plan are not revealed, a report issued by the country's official news agency Bakhtar said ,that before 1978, automatic telecommunications facilities were only installed in Kabul, Balkh, Herat and Kandahar provinces. Since then the government has extended automatic facilities to Parwan, Jowzjan, Konduz and Nangarhar provinces as well as Pol-e_~ ""FCffis~'Sri City :............._._.. ~_.~____~--_ Plans call for automatic telephone equipment to be installed in Ghazni province shortly. Telecommunications growth has so far been slow. The numberof main lines only increased from 22,200 in 1976 to 25,800 in 1980, the last year for which figures are available. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 ~e~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 ..4 ?~ iS.L Y V V ~~J~1~-~ 1V1~~1~.L 1 ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ Europe ~ North America t F E ? ? ? ? ar as ? Russia r.......,.. Africa ^ ~ ^ .Middle East ~- - __ ~~ _~~ ? Ate' ~~~h Source: International Telecommunications Intelligence 4.1 . W.QRLD OVERVIEW Market growth According to International Telecommunications Intelligence, a United Kingdom based research organisation, world spending on telecommunications equipment reached a record $US90 OOOm in 1985. In the next five years, the fast growth is expected to continue. reaching a world market of $US156 800m in real terms in 1990 and a forecast $US202 700m in 1995. World expenditure is broken down as follows. development, is forecast to grow from $US2400m in 1985 to ?--$US11 400m in.loo~nd.S.LiS.1~ ~nOm.,ia1995...~,,_?_ The USSR's huge telecommunications expansion plan to install another 10 million telephones by 1990 will mean a projected in- crease in expenditure from $US7200m in 1985 to $US18 600m in -1990 and $US21 ~OOm iri 1995. Slower growth is forecast in Middle East markets which accoun- ted for $US4200m expenditure in 1985. This is expected to rise to only $US6700m in 1990 and $US8900m in 1995. (Figure 6). Many of the world markets will level off after 1995 as much of the major change to digital switching and fibre optic transmis- sion will be completed. The developing countries are then ex- pected to come into their own as major world markets with Africa, Asia and South and Central America showing significant growth. Product shares in world sales of telecommunications equipment ^ In 19S~, North America's spending was $US28 200m out of a world market of $US90 OOOm and this is forecast to grow to $US34 600m in 1990 out of a world market of $US156 800m. Further growth is expected to 1995 when the share will be $US38 700m out of a world market of $US202 700m. ^ Europe will grow from a 198 total of $US27 300m to $US38 300m in 1990 and $US43 SOOm in 199. ^ The Far East, including Japan and China, is expected to grow from $US13 SOOm in 1985 to $US21 400m in 1990 and $US30 400m in 199. This growth is fuelled by China's $US30 OOOm telecommunications development program. ^ Africa, for long lasging behind in telecommunications in 198 were (Figure 8): ^ switching 31.E per cent; ^ transmission 30.9 per cent; ^ terminal equipment 14 per cent; ^ mobile radios 9.6 per cent; ^ private systems 8.4 per cent; and ^ other equipment 5.6 per cent. WORLD SPENDING ON COMMUN,ICATIONSEQUlPMENT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 ` ~"-`~TUP?20~VOA'LU"T'EZECZ)1171IVIUNICATION5~IiAR1 ti 4t~. S '1rr ~ p t : $ r r, ?fa l .y 1 : ! ? rr y' {? . ~ rb~ rh li ' t~t~'~' ty .1,'' , - ,... ~ M}~ r~6 4 4ir,'lt.,ti.R... ~1a. n ~ ~ t. 4..r~r _dr .. ihs.. '-!'~ yyy C~ t ~? Y.. 4:. Y_ ~. L T6 c #".t- `:Un... far'_Y .97%i`:. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP92B00181 8000300270040-5 Urtited Kingdom r.74 r,~;i::::,~~ n~ hnr: w;tihnxir3lcuroA78: t , ' ?, :Graph -Total mark for telecommunications equipment ir,aa},t st(f ; "" '" 1985 andforec t 1986?1987, 1990,nc,.nisi,,,?,a~.7,~;~+stc~t -,iry;:,D 78, `~,OperatingSwctttre 02;1 ,CBPt ,dhQt t;rzno?'^n, i:ppf 79: ' f; Market Competition ~r rssw? gn itstsyc 79 ~~ Breakdown of ezpenditu byproduct sector forecast 1986 and 1990,;xin,~,7 ;.;;,;,,1, 81? f,Graph-Growth ofezpen, iwreby,selectedproduct;sector. forecast.~,ir.slonv.nhJr.;,?' 1986 and 1990,? -~ r ,,.a nt,t>.;tq i ;!'~ ~ ur, n r .c?, b; r, 81 China ~ ,...,.,.; r. ~ 1'"'' ? ?? ~ ?' 1985 and forecast 1986, 1987, 1990 t` ~ ~% is ?i 141 , PTTStrucwre _ t,;3~:?~,up?: 'o',ir,~u;Tin?lye :,;! tr?,',::c !,-: c i - d-;r.rJ 142 'MarketCompeuuorf?.`" .x!=01 .Cr~.~ ?sg,,,: t::-~,;o: ham,, %?,~f 142 ni-Breakdown of expendittue by product sector forecast 1986 and 1990'~t''~Z !;e^ ~r~'!`143 YrGraph -Growth of expendiwre by selected product sector forecasCsirs~gm:?7 ?sf:c'd r'"~ ' 1986 and 1990' 4nc dBPI s.r~:ro! m;-_.~ taa'_.,:1 ; ? 3 , ~ylxyl~ r,rs5!s~::143 - ..7;ri11r,Le? +JUGJ(' G,;: ?' 7. !I, 9j,` ;J'~ '^.:J !!Sra t7' ~w , ~ ' ~... - ;~. r .;~ , i r - ti,- r~ ti'T'.l'-"r"y7's '~kfrt-"~r'?;}g r~ ._~ri ,?~,.,a577t F: ' r-' r !l~I;~j! f~,~:^ ?i's j ~~ d'~~-`,~_,; ti~? 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