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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 e- 16-1.1 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES HOUSING (FBIHQ) Housing Register A housing register of rooms and apartment developments is maintained in the Personnel Section of the Administrative Services Division for the use of clerical and Agent personnel at FBIHQ and Washington Field Office. 16-1.2 Housing Circular The housing circular, FD-273, briefly outlines the housing conditions in Washington, D. C., quotes rentals, and furnishes information as to whom to contact for assistance in securing housing. This circular is used as an enclosure to all Washington clerical appointment letters and is also used, together with the pamphlet "FBI Career Opportunities," for information purposes in connection with field office applicant interviews A notification of acceptance of appointment and request for temporary housing accommodations form is also enclosed with the appointment letter, which should be executed by the new appointee and returned to the Bureau. The purpose of this form is to notify the Bureau of the appointee's acceptance of the appointment and, if desired, to request a temporary housing reservation. 16-1.3 Housing Reservations Upon receipt of the notification of acceptance of appointment and request for temporary housing accommodations form from a new appointee or a written request from an employee for housing, temporary housing reserv- ations are arranged by the Personnel Section. After their arrival in the city, permanent quarters are located by this section upon further request; however, in any case, the permanent housing for new employees is handled on a group basis during the clerical indoctrination class. 16-1.4 Housing for Employees' Families, Relatives, or Friends The Personnel Section also makes reservations at hotels for employees' families, relatives, or friends arriving on a visit, if such assistance is desired and the request is made known to this section. 16-1.5 Housing - Transfers All Bureau employees under transfer to a field office or FBIHQ receive a housing form with their transfer letter. Those employees who desire assistance in locating living quarters may then complete this form and forward it to FBIHQ (for headquarters transfers) or to the SAC of the office to which they are being transferred. Upon its receipt, all possible assistance will be rendered the employee desiring housing. Each SAC or Division Head at FBIHQ, where necessary, is to permit a newly arrived employee who has been permanently transferred five days of absence, not charged to leave, to locate suitable housing. Under no circumstances is the employee to be granted these five days of absence, without charge to leave, when the employee, notwithstanding any trip by the spouse, has had a house= hunting trip as provided by Federal Travel Regulations. All permanently transferred employees will be entitled to an additional two days of absence, :)not charged to leave, to handle general matters which arise as the result of relocation. This absence may be utilized in full or in part at either end of the transfer, provided thL total absence does not exceed a perlcd of two 181 2/28/78 LAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. -SERVICES-AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES days in connection with the overall transfer. Employees transferred at personal expense are not included. Under no circumstances is a Bureau vehicle to be used in this endeavor. Information regarding housing and living conditions in Anchorage, Honolulu, and San Juan is also available in the Personnel Section. 16-1.6 Letters to Apartment Developments Letters over the Director's signature on behalf of Bureau support or Agent personnel regarding their desire to secure housing are directed to apartment developments but must be predicated on a written request setting forth the reason for desiring such a letter and sufficient information upon which to base the letter. [ 16-1.7 [Deleted] 16-1.8 Memoranda Regarding Housing Matters Memoranda regarding housing matters should be captioned in such a manner that the fact that a housing matter is involved is readily apparent. The name of the landlord or landlady, as well as the address, is to be set out in the caption. The words "Housing Matter" are also to appear in the caption. Names of all employees involved, if memoranda refers to an incident, are to be listed and carbon copies designated for the personnel file of each, if it is desired that a copy be placed in the employee's file. 16-2 HOUSING (FIELD) Housing registers in field offices need not be maintained except in those areas where housing facilities are so scarce that a register or guide is necessary to assist employees coming to that office in finding suitable housing. The necessity of maintaining such a register is left to the SAC. If the register is maintained, set a tickler to review the situation at least once each year. Each SAC should endeavor to ensure that employees are not living in disreputable or questionable quarters. If the register is maintained, following instructions apply: (1) The register should contain a list of those apartment devel- opments where furnished and unfurnished apartments are available. Liaison should be maintained with the management of larger apartment projects for the purpose of assisting Bureau personnel, particularly Agents on transfer to field offices, to obtain suitable living accommodations. (2) This register should contain a list of private homes where suitable furnished rooms may be obtained for both male and female personnel. In those cities where business residences for female employees are in 182 5/30/85 MAO? Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES existence, female employees arriving on transfer or entering on duty from other areas of the country may have the opportunity to secure suitable accommodations. It shall be the responsibility of the SAC to arrange for inspection of places recommended to personnel for housing, and the names of individuals operating rooTing houses or residences should be checked through office indices. (3) This register should contain a list of hotels in the field office territory so that accommodations may be secured for Bureau personnel desiring hotel rooms. (4) In lager field offices, it may be helpful to have available a mimeographed list of apartment developments to provide employees on transfer so that it may be used as a guide in seeking suitable living quarters. 16-3 BUREAU-APPROVED RECREATIONAL ASSOCIATION 16-3.1 General (1) The name of the association shall be the Federal Bureau of Investigation Recreation Association (FBIRA). (2) The purpose of the association shall be to promote-and encourage athletic, ocial and welfare activity among all members thereof, to the end that there may exist betwe6n the employees of the FBI a realization of their common interests and goals as well as a feeling of good fellowship and a spirit of camaraderie. That these objectives may be achieved, this association shall sponsor and encourage athletic, recreational and welfare activities, shall sponsor a monthly publication to be known as "The Investigator,"[and shall operate the FBIRA store.] (3) This association shall not knowingly operate in violation of the regulations and/or policies of the FBI. Employees are not to participate in recreational-type activities, i.e., athletic, social, etc., during their official working hours. [The association shall look to the FBI for guidance to ensure that the activities of the association do not violate the regulations and/or policies of the FBI. This shall be accomplished by reference to established written codifications and sources of FBI regulations and policies such as the FBI's manuals of regulation and memoranda and through seeking the advice of FBIHQ whenever such written codifications are not available or applicable.] 16-3.2 FBIRA Membership (1) All members of the FBI shall be eligible to become members of this association upon payment of the membership dues. [The annual membership dues for FBIHQ shall be established by the Board of Directors. The annual membership dues for each field office shall be established by the field office's FBIRA committee. (2) FBIRA membership drives for the new calendar year should be initiated during the first week of January. Membership dues which are collected by each field office are to be retained in the field office for local use.] Any emplo.yee who joins the FBIRA after July 1 of each calendar year may do so for a fee which is one-half that of the regular annual fee. A continuing responsibility exists to try to have each field office membership meet the desirable goal of one hundred percent and to arrange to contact.each new and reinstated employee. 4.,A8jRn ,Aop Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES 16-3.3 FBIRA Funds FBIRA funds are to be used to promote office recreational and social activities. If an office maintains a flower fund, it is to be incorporated into the FBIRA fund and may be used to provide for flowers or gifts in the event of illness, hospitalization or death of employees or immediate relatives. Gifts in lieu of flowers may include items like books, fruit, or bed jacket in the case of illness and, in case of death, Mass cards or contributions to church or favorite charity. Gifts from FBIRA funds or flower funds are not to be provided in connection with resignations, retire- ments, transfers, departures on military leave or absences for maternity reasons, weddings, birthdays, baby gifts (other than gifts in lieu of flowers during confinement of mother), anniversaries and the like. 16-3.4 Formal Bylaws (1) Bylaws are to be maintained locally regarding the operation of each local FBIRA fund and amendments to the local bylaws are to include at a minimum: (a) Provisions for the selection of an FBIRA committee (b) Clear definition of items or purposes for which expenditures are authorized and, where possible, amounts to be expended. In connection with expenditures from FBIRA fund for flowers or gifts in lieu of flowers, set forth circumstances under which such items will be provided, definition of immediate relatives to be included, and maximum amounts authorized ? (c) Manner of sustaining fund (d) Provisions for approval of each expenditure (e) Provisions for annual audit of each office (0 Provision for maintenance of records showing the expenditures and authority therefor [(2) Any bylaws established by FBIHQ or a field office relating to the activities of the FBIRA shall conform with the FBI's regulations and policies.] [(3)] Good business practices are to be followed, including maintenance of a checking account. A petty cash fund may be maintained in the SAC's safe as part of the fund. Complete records must be maintained by office showing source of income and authorization for expenditures and they will be audited and reviewed for compliance with FBIRA policy, Bylaws and Constitution,[during regularly scheduled audits and inspections by the Planning and Inspection Division.] [(4)] Classified statement of receipts and expenditures and complete statement'of assets and liabilities are to be furnished to the FBIRA Treasurer at FBIHQ by February 1 each year for filing of income tax returns. 16-4 . LITERATURE 13L.- t-3/6/30 AOF Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 ? PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES 16-4.1 School Literature The Personnel Section receives and distributes literature, announcements, and related information concerning schools, colleges, universities, and various educational programs in the District of Columbia and these in turn are furnished to the Assistant Director's offices of the various divisions in the Bureau. This service is maintained for the benefit of Bureau employees and such information is .available at all times. Any inquiries received in the various divisions relative to such educational problems which cannot readily be handled in the respective division should be referred to the Personnel Section. Form FD-241 provides information regarding the educational facilities available in the Washington area. 16-4.2 Recreational Literature The Personnel Section receives and distributes literature and announcements on various non-Bureau social functions being held in the Washington area to the various divisions. It is the responsibility of the various division heads to insure that material is properly posted and that the bulletin boards are maintained in a current condition. 16-4.3 Distribution of Literature All floaters and announcements of FBIRA activities are distributed to FBIHQ division heads and field offices for information of employees by the FBIRA activity promoter. 16-5 FBI HEALTH SERVICES: HEADQUARTERS AND 7 FIELD OFFICES 16-5.1 Headquarters 16-5.1.1 Organization (1) The Health Service at FBIHQ is located in Room 6344, JEH Building. This facility also takes care of employees of the Washington Field Office. The Health Services at FBIHQ and in the field offices are staffed with registered nurses who are required to have a minimum of approximately two year dispensary experience before entering on duty with the FBI. (2) FBIHQ Health Service is staffed to provide services to both day and night shift employees. The Field Offices Health Services provide services only during the working day. Emergency recommendations are given by a nurse, at FBIHQ and in the field office, telephonically during nonduty hours by contacting the switchboard. 16-5.1.2 Functions of the Health Services (1) The principal functions of the Health Service are: to provide dispensary treatment, counseling,, recommendations, referrals to physicians, interviews regarding health problems and/or omissions on EOD physical exam- ination reports, follow-up service when indicated regarding health problems, home visits to employees in emergency cases only, contacting employees' physicians, and promotion of better health, awareness and safety habits through health education and preventive health programs. (2) The Health Service should be notified on the fourth day an employee is on sick leave or immediately if the employee is hospitalized, and for any illness requiring immediate health recommendations. All memoranda regarding employee's health, including those involving hospitalization, prolonged illness, etc., are prepared `)y the employee's division. MAi Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES (3) Hypodermic injections are given when an employee's physician orders such treatment. In accordance with Bureau policy the employee should contact the Health Service to ascertain specific instructions which must be met in order to receive desired injections. In Health Services staffed with only one nurse, injections are given only when a physician is in close proximity. (4) All physical examination reports on clerical and Agent applicants, transfers, annual clerical physical examinations of Legat personnel, military reinstatements, and all clerical physical examinations for special assignments are reviewed in the Health Services. In some Field Office Health Services the nurse is responsible for scheduling annual physical examinations for Special Agent personnel at nearby Government facilities. (5) The supervising nurse and her assistants at FBIHQ alternate in giving lectures in clerical indoctrination classes regarding good health habits and concerning the health services and preventive health programs available to all employees. (6) Employees injured on duty may be sent to a Government facility for examination and/or treatment, or may select a duly qualified physician or hospital in the nearby area. The Health Service provides the injured employee with Form CA-16 (Request for Examination and/or Treatment), Form CA-17 (Duty Status Report), and Form CA-1 (Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation), with attached Privacy Act of 1974 Notice. 16-5.1.3 Liaison The Health Services have telephonic liaison with the U.S. Public Health Service, local government clinics, and also with physicians and hospitals. 16-5.2 Field Health Services The New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Quantico offices are equipped with Health Services which, as noted above, function along the same lines as the FB1HQ Health Service. 16-6 VOLUNTEER BLOOD DONORS 16-6.1 American Red Cross Through arrangements with the American Red Cross Blood Center, the Personnel Section of the Administrative Services Division schedules and operates bloodmobiles in the JEH Building for employees desiring to donate blood at the American Red Cross. 16-6.1.1 Benefits ? Since the Bureau is an active participating member of the Red Cross blood donor program, blood is furnished free of charge when needed to Bureau employees and relatives defined as spouse, parent, minor child of a - donor or a participant, or any other relative living in the same household and economically dependent upon the employee. Employees may secure blood replacements when needed, by contacting their supervisors or the central blood donor representative. The person hospitalized must advise the hospital that the Red Cross should be notified if blood is needed. 186 6/1 /8C ZIAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES 16-6.1.2 Requirements An employee may donate every eight weeks, but only five times in any I2-month period. A donor is accepted from ages 18 through 65; however, from 18 to 21 years, a parent's permission is required unless the donor is married or living away from parental household and self-supporting. A permit must be presented at the center for each time a minor donates. This permit, as well as additional information as to the medical history requirements, may be obtained from the blood don-or representative in either the Administrative Services Division or the Identification Division. 16-6.1.3 Field Offices Field offices should ensure that employees are made aware of and encouraged to participate in the blood donor program. In the offices in which no blood donor program is available, periodic contact should be made with the American Red Cross .or similar facility to determine if a program is being established. FBIHQ should be advised of any change. ( 16-6.2 [Deleted] 16-6.3 Leave No leave is to be charged for the time necessary for purpose of donating blood. 16-7 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' GROUP LIFE INSURANCE (FEGLI) 16-7.1 General Information (1) Group life insurance first became available to Federal employees by law effective 8-29-54. Effective 2-14-68 all eligible employees, including those who previously waived coverage, were permitted to acquire minimum Regular Insurance of $10,000 for those earning less than $8,000 a year. Employees earning over $8,000 a year were permitted to elect Regular Insurance coverage in an amount equivalent to their annual salary rounded out to the next highest thousand plus $2,000 additional coverage. Employees were also permitted to elect Optional Insurance of $10,000 if they were enrolled in the Regular Insurance. Effective 4-1-81, all previous enrollments, waivers and declinations of enrollments were cancelled and all eligible employees were permitted to acquire the Basic Life (formerly Regular Insurance), Option A - Standard (formerly Optional Insurance), Option B - Additional and Option C - Family. (2) The life insurance coverage under Basic Life is equal to annual basic salary (rounded to next highest thousand) plus $2,000. Special Agents should add the Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime to their basic salary. The Basic Life has Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage which 187 11/28/83 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES is discontinued at retirement. An extra benefit is given to employees under age 45 at no cost. This extra benefit doubles the amount of the Basic Life insurance payable for employees under age 36. Beginning on the 36th birthday the extra benefit decreases 10 percent each year until, at age 45, there is no extra benefit. There is no Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage under the extra benefit. Employees who enroll under the Basic Life are eligible to also take Options A, B and C. Option A .7 Standard provides $10,000 life insurance coverage. Option A - Standard has Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage which is discontinued at retirement. Under Option B - Additional, employees may elect an amount equal to one, two, three, four or five times the annual basic pay (after rounding to next $1,000). Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage is not included in Option B - Additional. Option C - Family provides $5,000 for spouse and $2,500 for each eligible dependent child under age 22. Children incapable of self-support are eligible for coverage after age 22. Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage is not included in Option C - Family. 16-7.2 Cost of Insurance (1) The cost of Basic Life insurance to employees is(18 1/20per $1,000 of coverage each two-week pay period and the Government pays the balance (1/3) of the premium cost. (2) The cost of Option A - Standard insurance varies by age as follows: Age Group Withholding for $10,000 Insurance Biweekly Under age 35 $[.40] 35 through 39 [.50] 40 through 44 [.80] 45 through 49 [1.30] 50 through 54 [2.20] 55 through 59 [4.50] 60 and over [7.00] (3) The cost of Option B - Additional insurance varies by age as follows: Age Group Withholding Per $1,000 Insurance Biweekly Under age 35 $ .04 35 through 39 .05 40 through 44 .08 ( 45 through 49 [.13] ( 50 through 54 [.22] ( 55 through 59 [.45] ( 60 and over [.851 188 8/14/86 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 follows: PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES (4) The cost of Option C - Family insurance varies by age as Withholding Age of Employee Biweekly Under age 35 $ .30 35 through 39 .31 40 through 44 .52 45 through 49 [.70] 50 through 54 1.10 55 through 59 [1.75] 60 and over [2.80] 16-7.3 Election of Insurance Coverage To acquire such insurance, new employees must execute SF-2817 (Life Insurance Election) form upon entry-on-duty indicating their desire to elect the Basic Life only or Basic Life and any or all of the three options, or waive all coverage. A copy of the SF-2817 is filed in the personnel file of employees at FBIHQ.. This form, upon execution, must be promptly forwarded with entry-on-duty forms to the Administrative Services Division for processing. 16-7.4 Effective Dates of Coverages (1) Coverage under Basic Life is effective on the first day in pay and duty status. Coverage under Options A, B and C is effective on first day in pay and duty status on or after date SF-2817 is received at FBIHQ. (2) A waiver of coverage is effective on the day of receipt for new employees if received in the first pay period. If received after the first pay period, waiver is effective on the last day of pay period in which it is received. 16-7.5 Conditions for Changing Elections (1) Employees who waive coverage and later decide to request the Basic Life and Option A and/or Option B insurance must meet the following requirements in order to qualify for coverage. [An employee may request cancellation of a waiver at any age if at least one year has elapsed since the effective date of the waiver and the employee provides satisfactory evidence of insurability (at employee's expense).] A written request for employees desiring insurance after a previous waiver should be submitted to the Administrative Services Division so that SF-2822 (Request for Insurance) may be issued. (2) Employees may waive the Basic Life and/or the options at any time by executing the Life Insurance Election form (SF-2817). (3) Upon marriage, or the birth, adoption, or other acquisition of an eligible child, employees enrolled for Basic Life may enroll under Option B - Additional if under age 36. The number of multiples employees may elect is limited to the number of eligible members that the employees acquire. If employees are under age 50 and already have coverage of at least one multiple under Option B, employees may increase the number of multiples by the number of eligible family member(s) acquired as a result of marriage or acquisition of an eligible child. These changes must be made within 60 days after the date of the event. 189 'cl14/86 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I - SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES (4) Employees enrolled for ?Basic Life Insurance are eligible to enroll under Option C - Family within 60 days after marriage or acquisition of a child. [(5) Cancellations of Waivers - The waiver of life insurance coverages under FEGLI of a former Federal employee who returns to Federal service after a break in service of at least 180 days is automatically cancelled. If no new waiver is filed, the employee is automatically covered under the Basic Life and is eligible to apply for coverage under the Options A, B, and C. Even though the employee is automatically covered under the Basic Life, he/she must execute the Life Insurance Election Form (SF-2817) applying for the coverage. If the employee does not desire the Basic or any of the options, he/she must execute the SF-2317 waiving all coverages.] 16-7.6 Beneficiary Designation It is necessary to name a beneficiary if employees wish to have the death benefits paid in the order of preference listed below. Employees may designate or change a prior designation of beneficiary by filing SF-2323 (Designation of Beneficiary). Employees may name a trust account as beneficiary. The designation of a trust must indicate that the death benefit is payable to the trustee or successor trustee, give the name of the trust if any, the date the trust document was signed and the name(s) of the person(s) who signed it. If there is no designated beneficiary surviving or employees did not designate a beneficiary, the benefits will be paid in the following order of precedence. (1) Your-widow or widower. (2) Your child or children in equal shares, with the share of any deceased child 'distributed among the descendants of that child. (3) Your parents in equal shares or the entire amount to the surviving parent. (4) The duly appointed executor or administrator of your estate. (5) Your next of kin under the laws of your domicile at the time of your death. A designation of beneficiary is automatically cancelled on the day employees transfer to another agency and they should execute SF-2823 and file with other agency. A witness to SF-2823 (Designation of Beneficiary) may not receive payment as -a beneficiary. 190 3/30/84 MAO Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES 16-7.7 Continuation of Coverage After Retirement (1) Employees may continue the Basic Life insurance (excluding the Accidental Death and Dismemberment (overage) into retirement if they retire on an immediate annuity, have been insured for the Basic Life or Regular Insurance coverage. for the entire period(s) during which coverage was available to the employees or for the last five years of service immediately before their retirement, and they do not convert it to an individual policy. Upon retirement, employees must choose one of three options (75 percent reduction, 50 percent reduction or no reduction in their Basic Life coverage) concerning the amount of Basic Life insurance coverage desired. For employees electing 75 percent reduction, there is no cost after retirement (provided employees retire prior to 12-31-89) and coverage does not begin to reduce until the end of the month in which employees reach Age 65. Employees who retire after 12-31-89-will continue paying for the Basic Life insurance at the same rate of withholding as that of active employees if they elect the 75 percent reduction. The amount of insurance reduces 2 percent per month after age 65 to a minimum of 25 percent of the Basic Life insurance amount at retirement. For employees electing the 50 percent reduction, they must pay for life $.65 monthly per $1,000 of full Basic Life insurance amount at retirement. The coverage reduces 1 percent a month after age 65 to A minimum of 50 percent of the Basic Life insurance amount at retirement. For employees electing no reduction, they must pay for life $1.75 per month per $1,000 of the Basic Life insurance amount at retirement. The full amount of your Basic Life insurance is retained after age 65. In order to continue Options A, B or C into retirement, employees must continue their Basic Life insurance. 190.01 3/30/84 - MAO P neclassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES (2) Employees may continue the Option A - Standard insurance into retirement if Option A - Standard or the "Optional Insurance" has been in force for the five years of service immediately preceding retirement, or for full period(s) of service during which this coverage was available to them if less than five years. Employees continue paying for this coverage until age 65 or retire (if later), and at age 65 coverage is free and reduces two percent a month until 25 percent reduction is made. (3) Employees may continue the Option B - Additional insurance into retirement if they have been insured for the entire period(s) of service during which the coverage was available or the last five years of service immediately before retirement and they do not convert to an individual poLicy. The amount of coverage under Option B - Additional employees may continue will be at the lowest multiple of insurance coverage that was in effect for the five years of service immediately preceding retirement or the entire period(s) of service during which this coverage was available if covered less than five years. Effective at the end of the month following the month in which employees become age 65 or retire (if later), this amount will reduce by two percent per month for 50 months, at which time coverage will end. No further withholdings are required after employees are age 65 and retired. (4) Employees may continue coverage under Option C - Family into retirement if they have had this coverage for the entire period(s) of service during which it was available or for the last five years of service immediately before retirement. Effective at the end of the month following the month in which employees become- age 65 or retire (if later), the Option C - Family insurance will be reduced by two percent per month for 50 months at which time coverage will end. No further withholdings are required after employees are age 65 and retired. [ 16-7.8 Effect of Leave Without Pay on Insurance Employees in a leave-without-pay status will retain insurance coverage without cost to employee, including absence for maternity reasons and extended sick leave, but not to exceed 12 months from the last day of pay unless the leave without pay is due to a work-related injury or disease. In latter case, insurance coverage continues indefinitely until employee is physically able to return to an active pay and duty status. The cost is withheld from compensation check. [ 16-7.9 Termination of Insurance [ 16-7.9.1 Basic Life, Option A - Standard, Option B - Additional and Option C - Family Basic Life, Option A - Standard, Option B - Additional and Option C - Family terminate when an employee files a waiver; is separated from the service; has been 12 months in a leave-without-pay status; enters on active duty in one of the uniformed services; or transfers to a job where employee is excluded from insurance coverage by law or regulation. When insurance terminates, except by waiver, employees have the right to convert coverage(s) to an individual policy at a private rate- without being required to undergo a physical examination. When insurance terminates, an employee continues to have Basic Life and the options (excluding Accidental Death and Dismemberment) for 31 days after end of day on which employee is separated for any reason. 191 10/29/81 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP9-0--00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES ( 16-7.9.2 Conversion Upon resignation or retirement, employees may convert their coverages to individual direct-pay life insurance policies. To convert, FBIHQ should be notified and request that form SF-2821 (Agency Certification of Insurance Status) be sent tn the separated employee and this form reveals how conversion may be effected. A retiring employee has the same conversion privilege if employee retires on an immediate annuity or retires for disability. 16-7.9.3 Death Following death of an employee, claim form FE-6 (Claim for Death Benefits) must be executed by claimant and is processed upon receipt by the Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI), 4 East 24th Strr New York, New York 10010. When a Bureau employee dies, this form must be sent following execution to FBIHQ. Upon receipt, FBIHQ transmits it to the aforementioned processing office. Following death of a dependent, claim form FE6-DEP (Statement of Claim) must be executed by employee. The executed form is transmitted by FBIHQ to OFEGLI. If employee dies in a retired status, it is up to the claimant to execute and forward form directly to the Retirement and Insurance Division, Office of Personnel Management, Washington, D.C. 20415. 16-7.10 Workers' Compensation Employees entitled to 6enefits from the Office of Workers' Compensation Program (OWCP) for a job-related illness or injury, may continue FEGLI coverage as a "compensationer." The Basic Life insurance is continued without cost during the first 12 continuous months of LWOP and the cost for any of the three options will be withheld from the compensation payments. At the. end of 12 months, FEGLI coverage may be continued (Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage is cancelled) if employees are in receipt of benefits from OWCP and have been insured for the five years of service immediately preceding entitlement from OWCP or the full period(s) of service during which employees were eligible for coverage if less than five years. ( 16-7.11 Reemployed Annuitants Reemployed annuitants are permitted to retain all coverages (based on the last SF-2821) and deductions are withheld from salary. The coverage as a retiree is suspended. The annuitants may continue the reemployment insurance, if eligible, for a supplemental annuity (must work one year) upon separation. A waiver or declination of coverage submitted by a reemployed annuitant applies not only to the insurance as an employee but also to the insurance as a retiree.] 16-8 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Unemployment compensation benefits are available to eligible separated Federal employees after terminal leave expires. Tax-free basic benefits extend generally for 26 weeks in a benefit year, but vary in amount per week depending upon the state. Some states augment benefits with addi- tional allowances made for dependents. Eligibility determination rests solely with state unemployment insurance offices. Generally, claimants must register with those offices, must be unemployed, and must be able and avail- 192 10/29/81 :4A0P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified andApproved-F-orRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 J. PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES able to work when work is offered, or must be in a leave-without-pay status for seven days or more. (See Part I, Section 9, of this manual, re distribu- tion of SF-8 in connection with leave without pay.) Employees should be furnished an SF-8 at the time of the exit interview notifying them of their rights to claim such benefits. 16-9 FEDERAL SAFETY COUNCILS The Federal Safety Council and its field affiliates, Regional Federal Safety Councils, are administered by the Secretary of Labor. The Council and its regional affiliates periodically hold meetings for the purpose of assisting Government agencies in preventing and reducing accidents, and developing and maintaining safety organizations to eliminate work hazards and health risks. The President and the Secretary of Labor have in the past requested the cooperation of all Government agencies in this endeavor, and Federal regulations require that agencies should participate in such councils. Accordingly, FBIHQ desires that the SAC or SAC's designated representative participate in such councils in your area in an "observer" status when a local council requests your attendance or when information to be provided would be of benefit to employees or office operations. Only extreme operational requirements should be allowed to justify any given instance of nonparticipation. 16-10 CHARITY CAMPAIGNS Since 1956 the guidelines for charity campaigns in the FBI have .been governed by the White House policy and program overseeing charitable fundraising within the Federal establishment. See the administrative file for details regarding the policies and procedures. A copy of Executive Order 10927 regarding fundraising within the Federal service is also maintained in the administrative file. 16-0 PAYROLL MATTER - VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS (1) Regulations provide that[employees can have a maximum of two deductions made from their salary for savings allotment(s) purposes and sent to a financial organization(s); the entire amount of net pay (after all other deductions) sent to a financial organization for credit to a checking account; separate voluntary allotments for SATI and/or SAMBA life insurance premiums; and a voluntary allotment for child support and/or alimony payments. (a) Employees desiring to enroll in the Savings Allotment Program and/or net pay checking must execute SF-1199A (Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form) bearing revision date of July, 1984. This form should also be used to increase or decrease the savings allotment(s). The Government agency copy of the completed SF-1199A should be forwarded to FBIHQ, Attention: Voucher and Payroll Section. The financial organization and the employee should retain the other completed copies of SF-1199A. 192.01 1/23/86 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP9-6-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES (b) Cancellations of savings and net pay allotments to financial organizations may be accomplished by executing FD-434 (Request for Cancellation of Savings and/or Checking Account Allotments). The completed form should be forwarded to FBIHQ, Attention: Voucher and Payroll Section. The request for cancellation should be processed by the Payroll Office prior to the account being cancelled at the financial organization. (2) Amounts withheld for SATI and SAMBA life insurance premiums are deducted as separate voluntary allotments and will not affect the two savings allotments. (3) Optional Form 299 (Request by Employee for Action on Allotment of Pay) must be used to authorize a voluntary allotment for child support and/or alimony payments. A new form should be submitted to increase or decrease the amount of the allotment or to cancel the allotment. The original copy of the Completed form should be forwarded to FBIHQ, Attention: Voucher and Payroll Section. One copy each of the form should be retained by the recipient of the allotment and by the employee. Extreme care must be exercised when completing Optional Form 299; particularly item eight must show the correct name and mailing address of the recipient of the allotment since the biweekly payments will be forwarded to the recipient by the Department of the Treasury rather than by the FBI. The amount of the allotment will be deducted each pay period and forwarded to the recipient. No deduction will be made when an employee is on leave without pay for a part of the pay period in which the pay is insufficient to cover the entire allotment. An amount will not be withheld for a voluntary allotment from the final salary payment upon separation from the FBI. (4) A supply of Forms SF-1199A, FD-434 and Optional Form 299 may be ordered by requisition from Bureau supply.] 192.02 1/23/86 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified andApproved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90a530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES 16-12 THE SPECIAL AGENTS INSURANCE FUND (1) The Special Agents Insurance Fund (SAIF) was organized on January 29, 1935, for the purpose of providing a sum of money for the families of Agents killed in the line of duty. The policy at that time was to pay to the beneficiary the entire sum collected at the time of death; thus the initial payment was $4,136.17. _Because of the disparity in death benefits paid as a result of this policy, the membership voted during September, 1939, to thereafter pay the sum of $5,000 to each beneficiary. During November, 1940, the membership voted to extend payments to the beneficiaries of Agents who died from any cause, rather than requiring that the Agent's death be caused by violence. During 1943, the Agent membership voted to increase member contributions to $10 and to increase the survivor benefits to $10,000. Assessments and benefits remained constant until April 12, 1967, when the membership voted to increase the assessment to $20 and to increase the survivor benefits to $20,000. Effective January 1, 1980, the Board of Governors increased the benefits payable to $30,000 with no increase in the $20 assessment. The purpose of the fund is to merely supplement, not replace, the Agent's insurance coverage and to provide funds which are immediately available to the surviving spouse. (2) Historically, an assessment of the membership has been called after six successive deaths or when the assets of the fund fall below a predetermined amount, presently $500,000. This fund is reinsured with Life Insurance Company of North America (INA) so that in the event of five or more deaths in any one incident (24-hour period) the fund will pay the beneficiary of the first five and INA will then pay the next 90 beneficiaries. (3) Membership is limited to Special Agents, Inspectors, Assistant Directors, Assistants to the Director, the Associate Director, Executive Assistant Directors and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who are on active duty. To apply for membership in the SAIF prospective members should execute Form FD-253, Application/Renewal of Membership and Designation of Beneficiary. (4) Because the purpose of SAIF is to provide immediate funds to the beneficiaries of deceased Special Agents, only, individuals may be designated as primary beneficiaries. Estates and trust funds may be designated as contingent or secondary beneficiaries. If a minor child is listed as the beneficiary, a delay of payment of the fund may be incurred until a guardian is appointed. 16-12.1 Bylaws of the Special Agents Insurance Fund "BYLAWS OF THE SPECIAL AGENTS INSURANCE FUND "ARTICLE I "Name "Section 1. The name of this beneficial association shall be the Special Agents Insurance Fund, hereinafter referred to as SAIF or the Fund. "ARTICLE II "Object. "Section 1. The object of SAIF is to provide a sum of money by voluntary contributions from members for payment to the designated beneficiary or beneficiaries of a deceased Fund member, or the Fund member's estate if no beneficiary has been designated, upon the death of a member. 192.03 1/23/86 MAOP npHassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES "ARTICLE III "Membership "Section 1. The membership of SAIF shall be limited to the Special Agents, Inspectors, Assistant Directors, Executive Assistant Directors, Assistants to the Director, the Associate Director, and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) who are on active duty. "Section 2. Membership of a person eligible under Section 1 of this Article shall commence with the 'acceptance of an application and initial assessment by an authorized representative and continues until terminated by any of the following events, except as otherwise provided in Sections 3, 4 and 5 of this Article: (a) Death of the member. (b) Separation from the rolls of the FBI by the member's retirement, resignation, dismissal, or transfer to another Federal agency. Membership shall terminate as of the date and time active duty in the FBI ceases. (c) Commencement of leave without pay (LWOP) for active service in the United States Armed Forces. Membership shall terminate as of the date and time active duty in the FBI ceases. (d) Failure to pay an assessment within thirty (30) calendar days from the date upon which the SAIF Board of Governors has declared an assessment is due and payable. Membership shall terminate as of close of business of -the thirtieth day. "Section 3. For each newly appointed Special Agent of the FBI, membership in SAIF shall commence immediately upon the administration of the Oath of Office. Membership shall continue only if formal application is made and initial assessment paid by the newly appointed Agent within thirty, calendar days of entering on duty as an Agent. Should the new Agent die within the thirty?day period, and before making formal application for membership and payment of the initial assessment, the initial assessment will be withheld from the death benefit. Failure of the new Agent to make formal application for membership and to pay the initial assessment within thirty days of entering on duty will result in an immediate termination of membership. "Section 4. Any member of the Fund who' is carried on the rolls of the FBI in the status of Leave Without Pay (LWOP) due to illness, any member on LWOP due to a special assignment, and any member on detail to another Federal agency or Congressional Committee, shall continue as a member of SAIF provided that all assessments are paid. "Section 5. A retired member who has returned to active duty in the FBI is eligible for membership. "Section 6. Persons on active duty and eligible for membership, but who have not previously been members of the Fund, may become members upon the acceptance of an application and payment of an initial assessment and all prior assessments since the date they first became eligible for membership in the Fund. 192.04 1/23/86 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP9O-R530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES "Section 7. Former members of the Fund who are on active duty and continue to be eligible for membership under Section 1 of this Article, may become members upon the acceptance of an application and payment of all prior assessments occurring after the termination of their membership and while they were on active duty and eligible for membership. - "ARTICLE IV "Member's Voting Privileges "Section 1. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote, by ballot, on all matters submitted to the membership for vote. The Assistant Director of the Administrative Services Division (ASD) shall furnish written proposals and ballots to the membership for voting on any occasion required by the Board of Governors or any occasion covered elsewhere in these Bylaws. The Assistant Director, ASD, shall supervise the election process, tally all votes cast and submit a written report of the results to the Chairman of the Board of Governors. "Section 2. A majority vote cast by the members shall govern in all matters properly submitted to the membership for vote, except as provided in Section 3 of this Article. "Section 3. In elections held for the purpose of selecting a new Board of Governors, the five (5) nominees with the greatest individual accumulations of votes cast shall constitute the newly elected Board: "ARTICLE .V "Board of Governors "Section 1. The Board of Governors of the Fund shall consist of five (5) members elected by the members of SAIF. The Board of Governors shall serve for a term of three (3) years. Governors may serve no more than two consecutive terms. A newly elected Board of Governors shall take office on December 1, 1985, and each third year thereafter. "Section 2. Governors will automatically cease to hold office upon termination of their membership in the Fund. "Section 3. Except as provided in Section 2 of this Article, unless a Governor resigns, the Board shall hold office until a new Board is elected. Completion of term of office shall not be considered disqualifying for the purpose of this Section. "Section 4. Any vacancy on the Board of Governors shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by appointment of a Fund member by the Chairman of the Board of Governors. "Section 5. The Board of Governors shall act as a nominating committee to submit to the membership a list of ten (10) nominees for election of a new Board before the expiration of its term of office. "Section 6. The Board of Governors shall act as advisors to the Director of the FBI, in his capacity as Trustee of the Charles S. Ross Fund, on matters regarding investment of Ross funds and payment of benefits. 192.05 1/23/86_ MAOP neclassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES "ARTICLE VI "Organization and Meetings of The Board of Governors "Section 1. The Board of Governors shall elect from the Governors, a Chairman who shall hold such office for the remainder of the Board's term or until the Board's successors are elected. The.Chairman shall be the presiding officer of the Board, and shall perform-all of the duties usually incident to such office. "Section 2. The Board of Governors shall appoint a Fund member as Recording Secretary to maintain a record of the Governing Board's deliberations. The Recording Secretary serves at the pleasure of the Board of Governors. "Section 3.- There shall be no stated meetings of the Board of Governors, except that the Board must meet at least once annually. The Chairman shall convene meetings of the Board from time to time as required by pending business. "Section 4. Three members of the Board of Governors shall constitute a quorum capable of transacting any business that may come before the Board, except as provided in Section 1 of Article IX. "Section 5. The following shall be the order of business at meetings: 1. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting 2. Reports of Recording Secretary 3. Unfinished Business 4. New Business 5. Adjournment "ARTICLE VII "Powers and Duties of the Board of Governors in addition to those covered elsewhere in these Bylaws "Section 1. The business management and affairs of SAIF shall be under the direction and control of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors shall have authority to levy assessments on the membership, authorize contracts, incur liabilities, expend and invest funds, and such other matters and things connected with the conduct of the Fund as they may determine. The Board of Governors shall act with due care and diligence and exercise ordinary skill with respect to the management and administration of the affairs of the Fund and in the use or preservation of its property and assets. "Section 2. The Board of Governors may grant special or general authority to others, and may likewise withdraw such authority, all upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Governors may determine, except that the Assistant Director in charge of the Administrative Services Division (ASD) of the FBI will receive and account for all monies of the Fund. The Assistant Director, ASD, shall take necessary steps to announce assessments as required by the Board of Governors and to collect same, and shall disburse benefit payments in appropriate instances. The Assistant Director, ASD, shall prepare and submit in writing to the Board of Governors, an annual report on the financial condition of the Fund. All financial, administrative and other records of the Fund shall be placed in the care, custody, and control of the Assistant Director, ASD, and be made available to the Board of Governors upon request. ? 192.06 1/23/86 MAO P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified andApproved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES "Section 3. The funds of SAIF shall be deposited only in regular (interest-bearing) savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or money market funds, in such banks and financial institutions as the Board of Governors may determine, to be withdrawn only as may be determined by the Board of Directors, except as otherwise provided in Section 4 of this Article. "Section 4. All transactions concerning investments of SAIF funds shall be approved by the Chairman of the Board of Governors. This approval shall be recorded in memoranda format from the Recording Secretary to the Chairman. In the event time is of the essence, the Chairman may orally authorize the investment of SAIF funds to be confirmed by follow-up memorandum. In the Chairman's absence, another Governor shall be designated by the Chairman to act in his stead. "Section 5. The Board of Governors shall consider all matters pertinent to the operation of the Fund and all suggestions submitted by members of the Fund and shall submit to the membership of the Fund for vote only those matters deemed appropriate by the Board. When a matter is submitted to the membership of the Fund for vote, the submission shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a ballot. "Section 6. The Board of Governors shall cause the financial statements of the Fund to be audited annually by Special Agent Accountants of the FBI and advise the membership of the results of all audits conducted. "ARTICLE VIII "Assessments, Benefits and Disbursements "Section 1. The initial assessment for each new member shall be twenty dollars ($20) and subsequent assessments in the amount of twenty dollars ($20) may be levied on the entire membership from time to time by the Board of Governors, as the state of the Fund may require, except as provided in Section 2 of this Article. "Section 2. A newly appointed Special Agent shall be required to pay an initial assessment of twenty dollars ($20) to become a Fund member but shall not be required to pay any assessments payable before the completion of New Agents' Training at the FBI Academy. "Section 3. Members failing to pay an assessment within thirty (30) calendar days from the date upon which the assessment is due shall forfeit all rights under the Fund until they shall have paid the assessment missed and any subsequent assessments. Should a member die within the thirty-day grace period provided for payment of the assessment, the assessment amount will be withheld from the death benefit payable. "Section 4. The primary beneficiary designated by a member shall be a person or persons. Estate and trust funds shall not be designated by a member as the primary beneficiary, but may be designated as the contingent beneficiary. 192.07 1/23/86 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6 PART I SECTION 16. SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES "Section 5. The 'Application for Membership, Designation of Beneficiary Form' (FD-253) shall be executed by all eligible persons to apply for SAIF memberships and to designate Fund beneficiaries. Form FD-253 must again be executed in its entirety on the occasion of payment of each assessment. ? "Section 6. The liability of the Fund shall not under any circumstances exceed the amount of monies in the Fund at the time any liability shall occur. "Section 7. Except as provided in Sections 6 and 8 of this Article, payment shall be made on the death of a member of the Fund in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). Payment shall be made to the designated beneficiary or beneficiaries, or the estate of the decedent if no beneficiary has been designated. "Section 8. In the event death of a member is by suicide, no payment shall be made unless the member has been a member of the Fund for a continuous period of at least two years at the time of death. "Section 9. One signature from each of two groups of signatories shall be required for any and all disbursements of monies from the Fund. One group of signatories shall be composed of all members of the Board of Governors; the second group of signatories shall be composed of the Assistant Director, Administrative Services Division, the FBI Personnel Officer and the Recording Secretary. "ARTICLE IX "Changes in Bylaws "Section .1. These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or changed only by a majority vote of the Board of Governors. "Section 2. The membership must be notified in writing of any changes to these Bylaws approved by the Board of Governors." 16-13 CHARLES S. ROSS FUND (1) The Charles S. Ross Fund was established on December 15, 1944, by Mrs. May C. Ross, widow of Charles S. Ross, with the Director of the FBI as trustee. This charitable trust was established to provide a payment of $1,500 to the beneficiary of any Special Agent killed in the line of duty. There is no cost for membership in this fund. (2) In 1980, the U.S. District Court was petitioned to relieve the Director from the $1,500 limitation on the amount which may be paid to the beneficiary of Agents killed in the line of duty. The Court ruled to allow the Director to pay a sum which is approximately equivalent to the purchasing power of $1,500 in 1944 dollars. Annually, the amount paid is reevaluated and increased accordingly to the purchasing power of the 1944 dollar. (3) The Board of Governors for the SAIF serves in an advisory capacity to the Director of the FBI' for the Charles S. Ross Fund. Form FD-253, Application/Renewal of Membership and Designation of Beneficiary, is also used for Special Agents to designate a beneficiary for the Charles S. Ross Fund. 192.08 1/23/86 MAO P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780017-6