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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 1) CAREER DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY 2) REVIEW BY FIELD CAREER BOARD 3) SAC RECOMMENDATION 4) APPROVED RELIEF SUPERVISOR SA SUPERVISORY AND EXECUTIVE CAREER PATH 1) DIVISION RECOMMENDATION . 2) SCREENING COMMITTEE 3) FBIHQ CAREER BOARD 4) SUPERVISORY MAP ASSESSMENT (IF APPLICABLE) 5) 40 HR SUPERVISORY TRAINING (IF APPLICABLE) 1) SAC RECOMMENDATION 2) AREA OF EXPERTISE 3) SUPERVISORY MAP ASSESSMENT (OPTIONAL) FBIHQ SUPV. 1) RATING OF POTENTIAL (ASAC) 2) ASAC MAP ASSESSMENT 3) SCREENING COMMITTEE (FBIHQ SUPERVISOR) FIELD SUPV. 1) SUPERVISORY MAP ASSESSMENT (MANDATORY) 2) 40 HR SUPERVISORY TRAINING GS 10 - 13 1 FIELD SUPV. FBIHQ SUPV. SA INSP. ? AIDE 1) DIVISION RECOMMENDATION 2) FBIHQ CAREER BOARD GS 14 ASAC INSP. SAC 4.4 UNIT CHIEF ASST. SECT. SECT. CHIEF CHIEF GS 15 GS 16 + SUPERVISORY MID-MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 *E NOI1DaS .1.1i3i1d013A2C1 Baasvp Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701.78000.6-8 (3-1 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS SPECIAL AGENT CAREER PATHS (1) Career development within the FBI targets both investigative ( and managerial components of the Special Agent career path. With regard to ( the investigative path, specialized training courses and on-the-job training ( assignments are utilized to develop.skills and knowledge necessary for ( successful investigative performance. For those Special Agents who desire to [ pursue a horizontal path as a career investigator, the FBI provides training [ opportunities designed to update and enhance their professional investigative [ skills. (Refer to Part II, Section 8, of this manual.) (2) This section on career development matters will deal f exclusively with Special Agent promotional opportunities and administrative [ advancement procedures within the FBI. One of the most critical f responsibilities of FBI managers, at all levels, is to provide for the [ continuation of sound management within the FBI. Each manager fn the Bureau ( must be personally involved in identifying those Special Agents who have [ expressed an interest in administrative advancement and have demonstrated some [level of potential. The preceding page contains a structured diagram of the [ Special Agent management career path. This diagram is intended to portray the [ normal progression of the Special Agent in the management career path. There [ will be occasions, however, when requirements of a particular expertise or the [ lack of fully qualified personnel necessitate exceptions to the regular [ management career path. The FBIHQ Career Board will have primary 4 responsibility for each exception. Such exceptions will be held to an ( absolute minimum and each exception will be fully justified and documented by the MHO Career Board. [ 3-1.1 Relief Supervisor (1) Management selection and development in the FBI begins with the appointment of relief supervisors. Special Agents who are interested in administrative advancement should be considered for the position of relief supervisor and night supervisor. In reviewing and recommending Agents for these positions, consideration should be given to the twelve individual qualifications (dimensions) set forth in 3-4.3. Candidates for the relief supervisor position should be reviewed by the field career board and a recommendation made to the SAC. (2) SACs are responsible for the recruitment of talented Special Agent personnel as relief supervisors. If a suitable number of relief supervisors cannot be enlisted, the SAC is authorized to employ temporary relief supervisors. The use of the temporary relief supervisory status should not be used unless an SAC deems it absolutely necessary. (3) As you are aware, FD-424 is used to advise FBIHQ, UACB, that a Special Agent is being designated a regular or temporary relief supervisory. (4) Each SAC is responsible for verification of the Agent's qualifications to assume relief supervisory status. If there is any question of an Agent's qualifications to become a relief supervisor, it should be resolved with FBIHQ prior to designating the Agent as a relief supervisor. As a rule of thumb, the qualifications for recommending a Special Agent for relief supervisor status are: 20 11/28/83 1'AO P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 ? Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (a) At least two years of investigative experience, with exceptions being on a case-by-case basis and only after PBEHO approval. (b) Not subject of a pending administrative acLion or recent severe administrative action (probation). (5) FD-424s are not reviewed by FBIHQ but sent directly to the Administrative Services Division solely to note relief supervisory status in PINS. FD-424 will then be placed in Agent's personnel file. (6) After submission of the FD-424, FBIHQ need only be advised when the relief supervisor, regular or temporary status, requests removal from relief supervisory status. (7) SAC must personally recommend each relief supervisor in the division. The SAC must make certain that every relief supervisory position is fully justified and that each relief supervisor is given sufficient - administrative assignments to meet managerial development needs. - Relief supervisors should he kept advised of current problems and pertinent matters on the supervisory desk. (8) Newly appointed relief supervisors should receive ten days of initial training. This should include on?the?job training with the regularly appointed supervisor and a thorough indoctrination in the various aspects of the service and support functions of the field division. Facts concerning the training of relief superVisors shall be included in a memorandum prepared for the field office training file. (9) It is the responsibility of all SACs to ensure that Agents approved for supervisory or relief supervisory assignments are fully aware of their responsibilities. It should be impressed upon them that when serving in such capacity they are acting for the SAC and the division. Any questions or doubts they may have regarding the proper course of action to take in connection with the performance of their duties should he resolved before action is taken. (10) An Agent approved for the position of relief supervisor will maintain relief supervisory status when transferred from one office to anOther provided the Agent is still interested in administrative advancement and continues to meet the criteria set forth above regarding the selection of supervisors. This is not true of a full?time supervisor transferred from one office to another. In these cases, specific FBIHQ approval is necessary for the retention of the supervisory position. (11) A principal relief supervisor should be designated for each supervisory desk. Criteria which should be reviewed in selecting a principal relief supervisor include past experience, length of time and performance as a relief supervisor and, if available, the Agent's MAP evaluation. A temporary relief supervisor is not eligible for selection as a principal relief supervisor. (12) Before being considered for further advancement in the management career path, an Agent should generally serve as a relief supervisor for at least two years during which time the Agent should receive as much administrative experience as possible[to assist in evaluation of potential candidates for administrative advancement.] The SAC will periodically rate each relief supervisor with the assistance of the field career hoard. Those rated below average should be thoroughly reevaluated as to whether they should continue as a relief supervisor. 21 10/28/85 MAOP npriassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (13) Principal relief supervisors may e granted cash awards (see Fart I, Section 5 of this manual). (14) (Upon receipt of the FD-424, Recommendation for Special Agent ( as Relief Supervisor, in the Administrative Services Division identifying a [ newly appointed relief supervisor, a preprinted Skills Survey Form, Form X422, [ will be computer generated and sent to the newly appointed relief supervisor. [ Each field office has at least one copy of the Skills Survey Instruction [ Booklet and Code Tables. The preprinted Skills Survey Form should be updated [ using the booklet. Special attention should be paid to Section C, Special [ Agent Assignment Areas (to include CDP participation). It is the ( responsibility of the relief supervisor to ensure the accuracy of the form.] (15) [The.updated Skills Survey Form will be forwarded to the [ Personnel Information Center (PIC), Room 6053, FBIHQ. Although Special Agents [ will update their Skills Survey Form, Form X422, at the time of their [ performance appraisal in March, it is important that each newly appointed [ relief supervisor has updated information in his/her record.] (16) [The Skills Survey Form, Form X422, will be used for initial [ data entry and for updating purposes. The SAC may request a preprinted Skills [ Survey Form each time a relief supervisor assignment changes or promotion [ occurs. The SAC may request a preprinted Skills Survey Form anytime an update [ is required for either a relief supervisor or a Supervisory Special Agent. [ The 'request may be made telephonically through the PIC.] [ 3-1.2 [Deleted] 3-1.3 Supervisory Special Agent The next step-in progression under the management career path is an assignment to FBIHQ as a Supervisory Special Agent or directly to a field supervisory position. 3-1.4 FBIHQ Supervisory Special Agent (1) [As a Supervisory Special Agent at FBIHQ, the Agent will participate in the formulation of Bureau policy and programs thereby gaining insight into the impact of policy on field operations. This assignment would allow the Agent to acquire a conceptual viewpoint of FBI operations and provide opportunities for administrative development for those Agents in the management career path. An Agent must serve in the Supervisory Special Agent position at FBIHQ a minimum of two years before consideration for further progression on the management career path.] (2) [There are currently two paths to becoming an FBIHQ Supervisor. One path entails becoming a field supervisor or SSRA and serving at least two years in a field division in this capacity.] 22 10/28/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 MAOP Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 J. PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (3) (The second path would be Ear a relief supervisor to become an FBIHQ Supervisor.] (4) [Accelerated promotion within Bureau guidelines will be available to those Special Agents transferred to FBIHQ under the Career Development Program.] 3-1.5 Field Supervisor and Supervisory Senior Resident Agent (SSRA) (1) A qualified relief supervisor may progress directly to the position of field supervisor or SSRA without having first served a minimum of two years in-a supervisory positionat FBIHQ. However, Agents who advanced directly from relief supervisor to field supervisor positions will be required to serve at FBIHQ as their next level of progression under the management career path. (2) The Career Board is of the opinion that the field supervisor/SSRA position is a critical first-line management position and, as such, the unique experience acquired in occupying this position will greatly enhance one's competitive qualifications for future executive-type, field management positions. 3-1.6 Inspector's Aide (1) The Career Board reviews the assignment as an Inspector's Aide as a promotional step within the Career Development Program. In making selections to the Inspection Staff as Inspector's Aides, the Career Board attempts to balance two career development concerns. (a) Former field supervisors who now are assigned to FBIHQ and who have served a minimum of two years- at FBIHQ and are recommended by the division head for Inspector's Aide assignment must serve as an Inspector's Aide if they are to be considered for attendance at MAP II and for future consideration as ASAC candidates. (b) FBIHQ supervisors who have not been field supervisors gain valuable experience from an assignment on the Inspection Staff to prepare them for future field supervisory positions. FBIHQ supervisors who have served a minimum of two years at FBIHQ and are recommended by the division are eligible to serve as Inspector's Aides. (2) Each FBIHQ division, on a semiannual basis, will provide the Career Board with a list of all Special Agents assigned to the division who qualify for consideration for position of Inspector's Aide. It is left to the discretion of the Assistant Director of the division whether list is rank ordered or chronological based on EOD at FBIHQ. (3) Assignment as an Inspector's Aide is dictated solely on needs of the Inspection Division. 23 1-0/28/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 .1A(-)P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS 3-1.7 Inspector's Aide-in-Place (1) The progression to the Inspection Staff is different for the FBIHQ supervisor who is. rotated to a field supervisory position prior to serving as an Inspector Aide. This field supervisor is eligible for consideration as_an Inspector's Aide-in-Place. : (2) Tobe eligible for consideration for Inspector's Aide-in-Place, one must have served two years at FBIHQ in a supervisory position and have a minimum of 18 months as a field supervisor. The Inspection Division, FBIHQ, administers the Inspector's Aide-in-Place program and determines when replacements and/or additions are needed. The FBIHQ Career Board's sole function in this matter is selecting the individuals who [ will serve as Inspector's Aides-in-Place. [Selection is based on personal [ recommendation of the SAC and specific needs of the Inspection Staff.] (3) A field supervisor who has not served at FBIHQ cannot be considered for the position of Inspect.or's Aide or Inspector's Aide-in-Place. (4) Normal tour of duty as an Inspector's Aide will be approximately one year. Minimal period of time needed to complete Inspector's Aide-in-Place certification is. 18 months. (5) Upon certification as an Inspector's Aide or successful completion of four of the required six Inspector's Aide-in-Place assignments, the supervisor is eligible for consideration for attendance at MAP II (Middle Management, ASAC Assessment). 3-1.8 FBIHQ Unit' Chief . Unit Chief positions at FBIHQ will be filled from the ranks of field and FBIHQ supervisors who have served' the minimum two years at FBIHQ and certification as an Inspector's Aide. Requirements for particular expertise will, from time to time, necessitate exceptions from the required inspection ([or FBIHQ]assignment when appointing Unit Chiefs. Such exceptions will be held to an absolute miniMum and will be fully justified and documented. 3-1.9 Assistant Section Chief This staff position will be filled by Unit Chiefs with Inspection Staff certification. In some instances wherein an area of expertise or specialty is mandatory, an FBIHQ or field supervisor may he recommended. Such a candidate should have Inspection Staff certification and a personal recommendation of the Assistant Director, or SAC, if field supervisor. 3-1.10 Assistant Special Agent in Charge . (1) Special Agents will be considered for advancement to the ASAC position from one of the following categories: (a) FBIHQ supervisors who are former field supervisors, have successfully completed ASAC MAP, and have been certified by the Office of Inspections. (b) Field supervisors who have served at FBIHQ, have been certified by the Office of Inspections as an Inspector's Aide-in-Place, and have successfully completed ASAC MAP. (c) Unit Chiefs and Assistant Section Chiefs who have been certified by the Office of Inspections and successfully completed ASAC NAP. 24 10/28/85 1.A0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90:00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT :1ATTERS (2) [The candidates for the ASAC position must be recommended by the Assistant Directors of their.Readcuarters divisions or the SACs or the candidates' offices of,assinment. Recommendations will be made by the FBIHO Career Board to the Director for approval.] 3-1.11 Inspectors-in-Place Selections for this position will be made by the FBIHQ Career Board. These candidates are selected from ASACs (on personal recommendation of the SAC), Deputy Assistant Directors, and Section Chiefs. There is no minimum requirement for the number of inspections an Inspector-in-Place will rake, but with rare exceptions they will not be called upon more than once a quarter. 3-1.12 Inspector (1) Recommendations to fill Inspector vacancies on the Inspection Staff will be made by the FBIHQ Career Board[to the Director for approval.] Candidates for this position will core from the following levels: (a) ASACs (b) Section Chiefs who have no prior Inspection Staff assignment. (2) There is a set requirement of two years for assignment as a full Inspector on the Inspection .Staff. Those candidates selected to serve as Inspectors have the option of transferring to. FBIHO or being placed in a temporary duty status for duration .of assignment. 3-1.13 Section Chief The FBIHQ Career Board will recommend[to the Director for approvallqualified candidates from the structured career management path from either Inspectors on the Inspection Staff or qualified ASACs: for vacancies as Section Chief at FBIHQ. An Assistant Section Chief or Unit Chief may receive consideration if he/she possesses the necessary area of expertise and the personal recommendation of the Assistant Director. 3-1.14 Special Agent in Charge (SAC) (1) Full Inspectors serving on the Inspection Staff or Section Chiefs who have served as ASAC or[ASACs who are Inspectors-in-Placelwill be the primary candidates for SAC vacancies. (2) Any exceptions to the method of progression to the positions of Inspector, Section Chief, or SAC must be fully justified and documented in the FBIHQ Career Board recommendations to the Director. [ 3-2 [DELETED] 25 10/28/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS 3-3 CAREER BOARDS Under the Career Development Program, career boards have been established at FBIHQ and in each field office with four or more desks (two full supervisors in addition to the SAC and ASAC). For those field offices with less than four desks, the use of a career board with membership of a Senior Resident Agent or senior program coordinator is strongly recommended. 3-3.1 Field Career Board (1) The purpose of the field career board is to assist the SAC in administering career programs and other personnel matters within the field division. Whenever possible, these hoards should be composed of five or seven members who are experienced field supervisors. The ASAC will function as the board chairman. In smaller offices, it may be necessary to utilize experienced relief supervisors and/or qualified Senior Resident Agents as board members. These boards will conduct reviews of pertinent background data, interview candidates for positions and make recommendations to the SAC in such matters as selection of potential relief supervisors and Agents for administrative advancement. The board must ensure the widest possible consideration in each matter and afford the SAC a broad basis on which to make a decision. The ultimate decision in .each instance will rest entirely with the SAC. (2) The SAC may also utilize his/her board to assist him/her in other personnel matters such as: selection of Resident Agents, Senior Resident Agents, intraoffice transfer, quality increases, new Agents' training matters, selection of Agents to attend specialized in-services, and selection of key supervisory service and support personnel'. Again, the board's action is restricted to examining-the matter presented to it and making a recommendation to the SAC, who has the prerogative to accept or reject the recommendation or return-the matter to the board for additional deliberation. 3-3.2 FBIHQ Career Boards A tiered board system was implemented to provide the Director, FBI, with the best information in selecting FBI managers. The Director personally approves each member of the Career Board. 3-3.2.1 Senior Executive Career Board This board, comprised of three Executive Assistant Directors and two Assistant Directors, recommends candidates for SAC, Deputy Assistant Director, and Assistant Director positions. 3-3.2.2 Executive Career Board (1) The Executive Career Board is comprised of an Executive Assistant Director, Chairperson; and an Assistant Director, alternate Chairperson; three Deputy Assistant Directors; and an SAC who recommends candidates for all other managerial positions. The Director of the FBI personally approves each member of the Career Board. This board recommends candidates for Section Chief, ASAC, Assistant Section Chief,(Inspectors, Inspectors-in-Place, Inspectors' Aides, Inspector's Aide-in-Place, Legal Attaches, Assistant Legal Attaches,Ifield and FBIHQ supervisor positions. 26 10/28/85 MAOP neclassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 1. CAREER DEVELOPMENT HATTERS (2) By persoaal delegation from the Director, the Chairperson of the Executive Career Board is authorized to make the final decision on all GM-14 supervisory positions and GM-15 Unit Chief and Assistant Section Chief actions. G5-16 Section Chief and GM-15 ASAC recommended actions are forwarded to the Director for his/her final decision. (3) A nonvoting executive secretary of the Career-Board will be an ex officio member ofthe board. Responsibilities of this position will focus on the compilation of performance and potential ratings, manpower forecasting, and policy formulation relative to career development. This position will also serve as ombudsman role with respect to questions and concerns regarding career movement within the FBI. [ 3-4 MANAGEMENT APTITUDE PROGRAM ASSESSMENT REPORTS (1) Included in the implementation of the Career Development [ Program, supervisory and executive personnel, is an assessment center. The [ Bureau's name for its assessment center is the Management Aptitude Program [ (MAP). (2) MAP exercises are designated to elicit observations of [ managerial aptitude necessary for successful performance in a supervisory [ position in the FBI. Specific dimensions, generated through fieldwide [ paTticIpation by supervisory and management Special Agents, have been [ incorporated in the various exercises. These dimensions are characteristic of [ the FBI supervisor who is entirely satisfactory in performance. While every [ dimension is not evaluated during each exercise, they are strategically [ located within the series of individual and group exercises which have been [ professionally designed and validated to ascertain the participant's aptitude [ for future advancement. [ 3-4.1 MAP Exercises (Supervisory) (1) Management Problems ? A leaderless group discussion with no [ assigned roles. Participants submit recommendations to assigned problems [ within a specified time. (2) National Executive Council ? A leaderless group discussion [ with assigned roles. Participants must allocate funds and make other [ judgments on a variety of conflicting proposals within a specified time. This [ exercise is videotaped. (3) Interview Simulation ? Participant takes on supervisory role [ in a planned interview of an employee. (4) Analysis Problem ? Participant, as a consultant, is requested [ to analyze data, make written recommendations, and support them in an oral . [ interview. (5) In?Basket ? Participant, as a state government executive, is [ asked to handle the accumulated letters, notes, requests, etc., found in a [ simulated in?basket. There is a time limit on this exercise. It is combined [ with an oral interview. [ 3-4.2 MAP Ratings (1) Within the body of the MAP report, each dimension is [ carefully evaluated by the assessors and a numerical rating is given using the [ following scale: 27 11/28/83 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART! SECTION 3. 'CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS A great amount of the dimension shown Quite a lot of the dimension shown A moderate amount of the dimension shown Only a small amount of the dimension shown Very Little of the dimension shown No opportunity to observe the dimension (2) Final narrative MAP ratings are as follows: Demonstrated High Management Aptitude Demonstrated Management Aptitude Demonstrated Management Aptitude Contingent Upon Development Did Not Demonstrate Management Aptitude 5 4 3 7 (3) A careful analysis of the MAP report by the participant and [ those responsible for participant's development can result in specific action [to improve aptitude as well as performance. [ 3-4.3 Dimensions Observed in MAP Exercises (Supervisory) ? The dimensions specifically observed in the MAP exercise have been [ developed fieldwide and are as follows: (1) Oral Communications Skill - Effectiveness of experience in [ individual or group situations (includes gestures and nonverbal ( communication). (2) Oral Presentation Skill - Ability to make a persuasive clear [ presentation of ideas or facts, given time for preparation. (3) Written Communication Skill - Ability to express ideas [ clearly in writing in good grammatical form. 1 (4) Leadership - Effectiveness in getting ideas accepted and in [ guiding a group or an individual to accomplish a task, appreciation of need [ for communications and ability to motivate others. (5) Sensitivity - Skill in perceiving and reacting to the needs [ of others, appreciation of what motivates others, objectivity in perceiving [ impact of self on others and capability to recognize one's own strengths and [ weaknesses. 1 (6) Initiative - Actively influencing events rather than [ passively accepting; self-starting. (7) Planning and Organizing - Effectiveness in planning and [ organizing own activities and those of a group. (8) Management Control - Appreciation of need for control over [ processes, subordinates, and tasks. (9) Use of Delegation - Ability to use subordinates effectively [ and to understand where a decision can best be made. (10) Problem Analysis - Effectiveness in seeking out pertinent [ data in determining the source of a problem. 28 11/28/83 tIAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (11) Judgment - Ability to reach logical conclusions based on the evidence at hand, establish priorities. (12) Decisiveness - Readiness to make decisions or 'co render [ judgments. ( 3-4i4 Maintenance of MAP Reports The following guidelines are provided for the use and maintenance of MAP reports by the SAC or Assistant Director: (1) Do not file MAP report in participant's personnel file. This report is to be maintained by the SAC in a separate Career Development file which the SAC must establish. (2) While a permanent copy is not to be given to supervisors, the participant's supervisor may read the report in his/her role as supervisor or career board member. The report is to be utilized by SAC or Assistant Director in connection with development discussions involving" the participant and the supervisor. The participant has read the report and signed the cover page. The supervisor must be aware of developmental areas so that he/she can materially contribute to the participant's developmental program. The MAP report is not a measure of current performance, but rather a demonstration of aptitude deemed necessary to be a successful supervisor. For this reason, once an individual has been advanced to the position of full-time field supervisor the copies of his/her report in the Career Board files are to be destroyed. (3) Avoid overemphasis of the numerical ratings of individual dimensions. The narrative rating in the report synopsis is the. overall profile of the participant with regard to supervisory aptitude. It is not an average of the dimensional ratings. When looking at dimensional ratings, try to group them into meaningful combinations. For example, to generate a general profile of problem-solving and decision-making aptitude look at the following dimensions: Problem analysis, judgment, and decisiveness. If each dimension covers a range of 3 to 4, you can conclude the participant is well qualified in this managerial area. If, however, you find decisiveness rated 5 and judgment rated 2, you have a poor combination in that the individual can be expected to make many quick decisions which are usually erroneous. (4) When a supervisory or management candidate is transferred from a division, it is the responsibility of the SAC or Assistant Director to ensure that the candidate's MAP report is removed from the division's Career Development file and forwarded to candidate's new assignment. When a candidate is promoted to the target position of the assessment report, the SAC or Assistant Director is authorized to destroy the report. If the candidate is promoted to FBIHQ, the FBIHQ copy will be maintained in file until rotation to a field supervisor position. This procedure is necessary in order to make certain that MAP evaluations are only utilized for the intended positions. It would be unacceptable to utilize a supervisory-level MAP report as part of the decision-making process when considering a candidate for an ASAC position. 3-4.5 Middle Management (ASAC) Assessment Center A three-day assessment process will be a component in the promotion system for the ASAC position. This assessment will be completed in three days by trained SAC-level assessors. Feedback will be furnished to pdrticipants and a written final report sent to the FBIHQ Career Board. 29 11/28/83 MAO P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS [ 3-4.6 - MAP Exercises (ASAC-Level) (1) :n-Basket - Participant assumes the role of a management official in a mythical Federal law enforcement agency. During a limited time period, participant must analyze material found in .the in-basket of the predecessor and make appropriate recommendations in a written form. (2) Problem Solving Exercise - Participant assumes the role of a management official in the same-agency. During a limited time period, participant must analyze material left by the superior and in written form establish priorities to handle a number of agency problems. At the conclusion of the time period, participant must defend recommendations in an oral interview. (3) Press Conference - At the conclusion of the Problem Solving Exercise, participant continues the role in a mythical agency. Participant must hold a press conference to answer questions from the news media about recent press releases concerning the agency's investigative priorities. (4) Employee Discussion - Participant assumes the role of a official in the same agency. Participant interviews a subordinate regarding apparent problems on supervisor's squad. Dimensions Observed in MAP Exercises (ASAC-level) The following dimensions and their definitions were developed from the job analysis of the .ASAC position: (1) Leadership - Ability to take charge - to direct and coordinate the activities of others; to maintain control of situations and others; to achieve results through delegation and follow-up. (2) Sensitivity - Ability to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others; to develop rapport and trust; to accept interpersonal difference; to deal effectively with others regardless of level or status. (3) Perception and Analytical - Ability to identify, assimilate and comprehend the critical elements of a situation; to extract and interpret implications of courses of action; to attend to details of a problem (includes both data and people related issues). (4) Decision Making - Ability in choosing a particular course of action; alternative courses of action (this refers quantity of decisions). (5) Decisiveness - Ability to take action when called upon to do so (quantity of decisions); and to defend decisions when challenged. (6) Organizing and Planning - Ability to systematically structure .tasks, plans and objectives; to establish priorities and set goals, to classify and categorize information. (7) Adaptability - Ability to alter normal posture with presentation of additional information; to appropriately change courses of action dictated by changes in the situation; to have the ability to behave in more than one way in a given situation; to adapt to stressful situations. management supervisor ( 3-4.7 to use logical and sound judgment to generate and evaluate to the quality as opposed to the 30 11/28/83 MAO P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I present and situations. information SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (3) Oral Communication - Ability to effectively and clearly express information orally, in both formal and informal (9) Written Communication - Ability to present and express effectively and clearly through written means. 3-4.8 Upgrading of MAP Evaluation Reports (1) Responsibility for developmental programs after assessment rests with the SAC, the Assistant Director, and the supervisor of the participant. Any developmental programs initiated on behalf of the MAP participant as well as any improvement shown in on-the-job performance should be made a matter of record in the field division Career Development file. In addition, the FBIHQ Career Board should always be advised of developmental activities and resulting improvement in order to ensure that its deliberations regarding promotions are based on all available information. (2) When a MAP participant received the final evaluation indicating, "demonstrated management aptitude contingent upon development" in specific managerial areas, every effort should be made to upgrade the MAP report prior to any consideration for administrative advancement. In most instances, field division management and the participant must initiate a developmental program to improve and strengthen the areas of managerial deficiency. In setting up such a developmental program, SACs and Assistant Directors must remind their supervisors that they are to act in a "coaching" role and provide the participant with an opportunity to learn and improve. Mere proofreading or mechanical initialing of communications as a relief supervisor will not provide supervisory experience for the management candidate. Performance by the candidate.must be properly documented. On-the-job performance, when properly documented, will supercede evaluations of performance in the MAP assessment simulation. Therefore, the key to the upgrading process is the accurate documentation of job behavior relating to the MAP dimensions. (3) If, upon receipt of a MAP report, the field division believes that the participant has clearly demonstrated strength through current job performance in dimensions which were found to be areas of deficiency in the MAP process, these specific illustrations should be forwarded to the FBIHQ Career Board immediately for review. This form of upgrading should only be utilized when the field office notes a wide disparity between current performance and the MAP evaluation. (4) The same upgrading methodology is applicable to the Middle Management (ASAC) assessment center. The SAC or Assistant Director of the candidate is responsible for the implementation of a development program and/or the documentation of specific job behavior describing high quality or improved performance. (5) When memoranda requesting upgrading of MAP evaluation reports are received by the FBIHQ Career Board, they are forwarded to the MAP staff at Quantico. The documentation of on-the-job performance is compared to MAP standards and an opinion regarding the upgrading is transmitted to the FBIHQ Career Board by means of addendum. If the FBIHQ Career Board agrees with the MAP staff recommendation regarding the upgrading of a MAP evaluation, the field division is notified of the official upgrading of the MAP report. In instances wherein the FBIHQ Career Board agrees with the MAP staff that sufficient documentation of performance was not yet available for upgrading, a letter requesting additional information is sent to the field division. 31 -11/28/83 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 FART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (6) All initial recommendations for upgrading are personally reviewed by the FBIHQ Career Board Chairperson. The Chairperson, based on recommendations of the MAP staff, may authorize an upgrading or issue -a request for additional documentation. Rhen an extreme difference of opinion exists regarding upgrading, the SAC may request a full review.of the available documentation by the FBIHQ Career Board. The FBIHQ Career Board has the authority to overrule any MAP staff-opinion. (7) . If a relief supervisor or an ASAC candidate receives contingencies in the MAP Program, the MAP staff will set up a 6-month tickler regarding developmental programs. The candidate and the division will have a period of 18 months froarthe date of MAP participation in which to upgrade any contingencies resulting from the MAP performance. If the upgrading has not occurred in this period of time, the individual is dropped as a potential candidate for either the supervisory or ASAC positions. In the case of a relief supervisor, he/she cannot be carried as a principal relief supervisor within the field division. Those candidates dropped from the program may voluntarily request reassessment when two years have elapsed since the date of their original assessment. When an immediate upgrading (within four weeks of the assessment itself) occurs in MAP II, the SAC assessors will be telephonically advised of the upgrading and provided an example of the documentation which supported the upgrading. This courtesy will be extended due to the intense involvement of the assessors in the overall evaluation process. 3-5 FBI SUPERVISORS MANAGEMENT SEMINARS A one-week, intensive program at the FBI Academy has been crafted for FBI field supervisors. With the use of active learning techniques, participants, nominated for attendance by their SAC, concentrate on the practical managerial skills needed to plan, direct, and control the work of FBI employees. The topical areas covered include field'office inspection preparation, problem analysis and decision ffiaking, coaching and counseling, time management, advanced leadership, the FBI budget, a marginal performer workshop, and organizational change. Opportunities are presented for, each seminar to meet and confer with senior Bureau executives. This seminar is to be afforded all field supervisors to introduce them to fundamental managerial skills. GENERAL POLICY STATEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE OPERATION OF THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM General Principles (1) Entry into the Career Development Program is voluntary and withdrawal from the program is also voluntary. (2) An Agent may remove himself/herself at any stage of career development and may re-enter the Career Development Program based on a recommendation of the SAC. (3) All vacancies for field supervisory, supervisory Senior Resident Agent, and entry-level positions at FBIHQ will be advertised Bureau wide. (4) The Career Board reviews the qualifications of not only volunteers but also of other qualified candidates and makes its recommendations on the basis of the best person for the position. The 32 11/28/83 Z1AOP * Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART L SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS candidate selected will he required to transfer. Under current policy there is no option where transfers are ordered other than to remove oneself from the Career Development Program. (5) Lateral GM-14 field supervisory transfer to GM-14 FBIHO supervisory positions are encouraged especially when a CM-14 field supervisor is interested in applying for a particular GM-14 supervisory position within FBIHQ. (6) Every effort will be made to effect a career development transfer through promotion. (7) Agents who do not fulfill performance expectations in a particular Career Development Program position will not necessarily be returned to the kind of position they held before entering the program. (8) Office of preference promotions are permissible for Career Development Program participants if organizational needs are served. [(9) The Career Board does not oppose married Agent couples in the CDP being assigned to the same office. Agents in the CDP should not have direct supervisory or rating responsibility for their spouse. For senior executives with husbands or wives in the CDP, some form of recusal may be appropriate. (10) Regarding Back-filling Procedures at FBIHQ: Once an individual has been selected for assignment outside of his/her FBIHQ division, such as to the War College, State. Department School, as an Inspector's Aide, Legal Attache, etc., their division will be required to take that individual back if the Career Board is unable tofind a suitable assignment for them ,upon completion of their assignment away from Headquarters.] 3-6.2 Voluntary Policy (1) Current Career Development Program policy requires that all entry-level FBIHQ supervisory positions be advertised Bureau wide, This procedure will ensure a Special Agent lawyer, firearms instructor, or any other Agent possessing a needed specialty and not seeking advancement through the structured Career Development Program, may advance within a specialized field. Persons selected for FBIHQ assignment will receive accelerated promotions to the GM-14 level, if applicable. An Agent interested in serving at FBIHQ and responding to an advertised vacancy notice should make his/her interest known by appropriate memorandum to the division head for forwarding to FBIHQ. (2) When a person promoted to FBIHQ is not in the structured career path leading to future field management assignment and has not yet served as a relief supervisor or has had limited (usually less than five years) field experience, the FBIHQ Career Board at the time of selection reserves the right to have a caveat placed on the Agent's transfer orders. This caveat places the Agent on notice as to what status the Agent is eligible to return to field operations in the future. 32.01 10/28/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 MAOP Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPIENT MATTERS (3) Regardless of prior field experience, all persons appointed to FBIHQ positions will have the opportunity to rise to higher levels of responsibility within the division or area of expertise according to their capabilities, work performance and division recommendations. However, in the event an FBIHQ supervisor, not having field supervisory experience, is prompted to Unit Chief, Assistant Section Chief, Section Chief, or above, and then seeks to return to .the structured field management career path, the Career Board, on a case?by?case-basis, reserves the right to require the Agent return to field operations as a field supervisor or other appropriate level. (4) While the advertising policy allows interested candidates to volunteer for a particular position, all qualified candidates are considered with final selections being made on the basis of the best person for the position. The individual selected will be required to transfer. Under current policy, there is no option where transfers are ordered other than to remove oneself from the Career Development Program. (5) The Career Development Program policy must call for a balanced interchange of personnel between field office assignments and FBIHQ assignments and more specifically to a balanced exchange. of field office supervisors to FBIHQ supervisory assignments. In the event the Career Board notices an imbalance occurring where very few field supervisors are volunteering for posted FBIHQ positions, the following[measure]would be enacted: (6) The FBIHQ Career Board reserves the right to include the name(s) of supervisors having served a minimum of three years as a field supervisor and who have not served at FBIHQ along with those individuals who apply for advertised FBIRQ vacancy notices. 3-6.3 ? Supervisory Advertising Policy (1) It is the responsibility of the division in which a vacancy occurs to advertise every GM-14 or GM-15 vacancy, ASAC not included, occurring within the division by means of a Bureau?wide, "personal attention" teletype entitled "Notice of Vacancy, Career Development Program." The teletype should be limited to two pages and will include the following: (a) A statement whether position is to be stationary or nonstationary; (b) A full description of its duties and any work?related conditions attached to it, such as extensive travel; (c) The nature of the work and the number of persons supervised; (d) Any specific qualifications, if applicable; (e) The geographical location of the position; (0 The name and phone number of a person familiar with the position who may be contacted by interested persons; (g) A statement that all interested persons should execute FD-638 (Supervisory Vacancy Request Form). 32.02 10/28/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 !1AOP Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (2) It is the responsibility of the divisions notified of vacancies to ensure "Notice of Vacancy" teletypes are promptly disseminated so as to ensure the maximum number of persons are notified. The division's method of advertising must include: (a) Posting the teletype announcing a vacancy in a prominent location specifically dedicated to this purpose (b) Copying the teletype in sufficient quantities to be immediately disseminated to all sections, units, squads and resident agencies. 3-6.4 Reporting Procedures for Advertised Vacancies (1) A standard, mandatory Form FD-638 has been developed for candidates to announce their interest in a particular supervisory vacancy either at FBIHQ or in a field office. Only Form FD-638 is to be utilized by an Agent requesting consideration for a supervisory vacancy. (2) It is imperative that the FD-638 be utilized in every instance when requesting consideration for a supervisory vacancy. FD-638 includes self-explanatory instructions of how form is to be completed. Instructions should be strictly followed to ensure proper filing at FBIHQ and information set forth should not exceed the allotted space. 3-6.4.1 Legat Use of FD-638 Agent personnel assigned to Legal Attaches who respond to an advertised vacancy should submit background data by teletype. Information set forth on teletype should follow format of FD-638. Legat should ensure his/her recommendation[is]included in any teletype being forwarded for consideration. 3-6.4.2 Details Regarding Use of FD-638 - (1) Should two or more Agents from a field office apply for the same FBIHO supervisory vacancy, it will be the responsibility of the SAC not only to recommend or not recommend (-10. Division Head Comments-) a candidate, but he/she should list all candidates applying for the position in rank order. Conversely, should two or more candidates from FBIHQ apply for the same field supervisory vacancy the FBIHQ division head should recommend or not recommend the candidates and list all candidates applying for the field position in rank order. When an SAC or division head receives more than one FD-638 from Agents responding to the same vacancy notice, he/she should ensure that all interested candidates have applied and should submit the forms all together and in rank order in a single package. (2) In addition, the applicant should send a copy of the FD-638 not only to his/her superior for recommendation, but also directly to the entity advertising the position. This would provide a back-up system to ensure all interested candidates are considered. Each Agent submitting a completed FD-638 to the SAC or division head for final approval 'should also place a notation on page one, bottom left corner (copy count) that information copies of the form have been sent directly to the division announcing the vacancy and the FBIHQ Career Board. 32.03 10128/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 AOP Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELCPMENT MATTERS (3) All completed Forms FD-638 signed out by the division head should be forwarded to FBIHQ, Attention: Chairperson, Career Board, Room 7142, by routing slip, or by enclosing FD-638s in a manila envelope. Forms should be forwarded to FBIHQ either at the close of business the date of the advertised deadline or by close of business the following workday to ensure forms are received at FBIHQ no later than four workdays after close of advertised deadline. (4) The 14-day submission deadline (beginning .as of the date shpwn on the advertising communication) will continue to apply and every ? effort should be made for prompt dissemination of advertised vacancies and prompt processing of the FD-638 to ensure FBIHQ is in possession of the names of all interested candidates no later than four workdays after close of deadline. (5) Summary of Steps to be Followed (a) Receiving offices promptly disseminate and post all incoming advertised vacancies. (b) Agent requesting consideration for the position will prepare FD-638 up to "10. Division Head Comments." (c) At this point Agent will photocopy two extra copies of the FD-638 and forward form directly, by routing slip or by placing FD-638 in a manila envelope, to ,the division head advertising the vacancy and FBIHO Career Board. . (d) Division head responsible for submission of FD-638 will complete Part 10, and by routing slip or by placing the FD-638s in a manila envelope, forward to FBIHQ, Attention: Chairperson, Career Board, Room 7142. Ensure forms are received at FBIHQ no latdr than four workdays after advertised deadline. (e) After close of deadline, but prior to FBIHQ deliberations, Secretary of Career Board will confer with division head advertising the vacancy to seek the results of his/her review. (6) The Career Board, FBIHQ, after consultation with the head of the division in which the vacancy is located, will select a candidate from among the applicants. (7) Each candidate will be notified by routing slip when the position has been filled and the name of the Special Agent selected. 3-6.4.3 Stationary Supervisors This program was implemented to provide supervisory continuity within a field office. (1) Each SAC has the option of designating up to 50 percent (rounded down) of the supervisory personnel in his/her division as stationary supervisors. "Supervisory personnel" in this context means those holding GM-14 squad and resident agency positions, but not the ASAC or SAC positions. The SAC may also designate any fraction of his/her stationary supervisors, or may choose not to exercise the option at all. He/She may exercise the option now by naming personnel already in place or he/she may exercise it in the future as vacancies occur. The SAC should 'secure the consent of an individual before recommending him/her as a stationary supervisor and is encouraged to consult with the field office career board. 32.04 10/28/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 "4.A0P Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART T SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPNENT HATTERS (2) Once a person is so designated, the stationary status attaches to the individual Cor a five-year period, not to the position he/she occupied when designed. Persons designated will remain in place for five years unless, in what is anticipated will be a rare exception, a change is - necessary for the. best interests of the -Bureau or required by the supervisor's inadequate performance. The stationary period begins upon designation and must include time already spent asa field supervisor. Thus, if a supervisor had served on one or more desks for 18 Months before _appointment as a stationary supervisor, his/her term could be expected to run for an additional 42 months.. At the conclusion of the term, the former "stationary supervisor" again becomes available for transfer, but his/her transfer is not automatic. (3) At the end of the five-year stationary period, FBIHO will request the SAC to determine if the stationary supervisor desires at this time to[resume]investigative duties or is interested in continuing in the Career Development Program, thus making himself/herself available for transfer. ' Again, the transfer is not automatic. (4) It is important to note, however, that any stationary supervisor having fulfilled the five-year commitment will continue to be charged against the office as a stationary supervisor until such time as he/she is transferred or is removed from supervisory duties. This is done to ensure no field office accrues more than its authorized stationary supervisory quota. (5) In situations where it is determined an office not only has its full share of stationary supervisors, but is also filled with nonstationary supervisors having in excess of three to five.years in place, the Board could elect to request a stationary supervisor who is eligible (has served five years) and is qualified to accept a transfer to FBIHQ to continue in the structured Career Development path. - If the supervisor declines, he/she would be asked to step down from the desk and return to investigative responsibilities. The Career Board could then deny the SAC authority to replace the removed stationary supervisor with another stationary supervisor. The SAC could be instructed to advertise the vacancy as a nonstationary position to afford qualified eligible candidates from FIIIHQ to apply. This would provide necessary flexibility for healthy interchange of supervisory personnel and is completely consistent with the original policy established for the stationary supervisor program. (6) Under unusually exceptional circumstances a stationary supervisor, with the concurrence of the SAC, may remove himself/herself from that status anytime within the five-year "protection" period. Inasmuch as the objective of the stationary supervisory program is to provide for continuity, stability and accountability at the critical field supervision level, such reauest will be carefully reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Career Board. (7) During stationary supervisor status, the supervisor is not considered for promotion. [A stationary supervisor can apply for position at FBIHO after he/she has served four years in this capacity and with SAC concurrence. For those stationary supervisors who have satisfied their FBIHO requirement, selection as an Inspector's Aide-In-Place, mid-level MAP or Executive Development Institute can be made between the fourth and fifth year. 32.05 10/28/85 neclassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 tIAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS 3-6.4.4 Nonstationary The FBIHO Career Board will honor the commitment made to Agents who entered the Career Development Program in past years and are now at FBIHO awaiting transfer to the field or promotion to higher managerial positions at FBIHQ. They will be given preference for any field supervisory opening where the supervisor is not to be designated a stationary supervisor. On the contrary, where the. SAC does wish to appoint someone who will be designated as stationary, his/her recommendation will be given preference, This nonstationary preference will be shown to FBIHQ supervisors only in the case of those who were on board or under orders to FBIHO on 4/30/81. FBIHQ supervisors arriving at FBIHQ subsequent to this date will be compared equally with other field volunteers applying for the same vacancy. 3-6.4.5 Return of Former Field Supervisor to Field Supervisory Assignments Former field supervisors will be considered for return to this position from FBIHQ on a voluntary basis when the .Career Board approves such a request from an SAC. The SAC must provide justification that unique conditions exist which clearly necessitate such an assignment. The FBIHQ Career Board will carefully examine the SAC's justification prior to making its decision. If the Career Board approves filling a field supervisor vacancy from FBIHQ with a former field supervisor it will serve as a substitute for a stationary supervisor position in that field office. An office already having its maximum number of stationary supervisors-will not be eligible for this opportunity. 3-6.4.6 Return of FBIHQ Supervisors Having Less Than Three Years' Street Experience to Field Office Investigative Duties A procedure established whereby Agents having less than three years' (investigative) experience submit a request to the Administrative Services Division; routed through the Career Board, to be reassigned from FBIHQ to the field as an investigator and a relief supervisor so they can become sufficiently experienced in an investigative capacity to become more competitive for promotion to a field supervisory position. The Agent must agree, in writing, to a voluntary reduction to a grade CM-13 if necessary. Such requests would have to receive the necessary approval from the Assistant Director to be released for an assignment in the field prior to the request coming to the Career Board and the Administrative Services Division. The requests would include the individual's three offices of preference among the top twelve offices, should the needs of the FBI require them to be transferred to one of these offices. 3-6.4.7 HAP Assessment ? (1) The purpose of MAP I is two-fold. Not only does MAP I assess supervisory potential, but it is designed to be used as a developmental device by identifying areas of needed supervisory improvement. As such, HAP assessment is one other consideration out of several to be taken into account at the time of selecting candidates for promotion. MAP I is not to he construed as a pass/fail exercise nor are there any "points" assigned to MAP I achievement other than the overall adjectives: Demonstrated Management Aptitude or Demonstrated eanagement Aptitude contingent upon development. 32.06 10/28/85 MAOP npriassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (2) Each division, on a semiannual basis, submits to FBIHO updates listing in rank order those relief supervisors believed to have the . best potential for administrative advancement and who should attend MAP at the earliest possible dace. These lists play the major role in Career Board deliberations concerning Special Agents selected from a particular office for MAP attendance. (3) With this in mind, each division head should ensure that the semiannual MAP attendance list submitted to FBIHQ takes into account, as much as possible, the projected managerial needs of the division. Candidates on the MAP lists, along with those relief supervisors already having attended MAP, should constitute your prime divisional candidates for future stationary and nonstationary supervisor vacancies occurring in your division. (4) Regularly scheduled MAP I classes remove any delay an office may experience in having a relief supervisor being considered for possible future supervisory consideration. As a matter of courtesy, when final selections are made for a scheduled MAP class and a division has been officially notified to instruct the attendee to report for MAP assessment, the division head can request a last?minute substitution from his/her office due to an unforeseen projected need of that particular office. (5) Any division advertising a stationary supervisor position should strive to ensure that the division's candidate being considered for stationary supervisor has attended MAP. If not, an explanation will be required as to reasons candidate did not attend. (6) A newly appointed GM-14 supervisor who has not been assessed under MAP will still benefit by attendance at MAP I by having supervisory dimensional weaknesses identified and improved upon. Any newly designated GM-14- supervisor who has not attended MAP I will be scheduled for attendance at the earliest opportunity after being so designated. f 3-6.4.8 [Deleted] 3-6.4.9 Hardship Transfer Policy for Special Agents in the Career Development Program (1) The Career Board, with the approval of the Director, has established a hardship transfer policy for supervisory personnel. Henceforth, hardship requests will be sent by the Career Board to Administrative Services Division for review by the same system that presently reviews hardship transfer requests before the grade 14 level. The Administrative Services Division, after determining if the individual is eligible for hardship consideration, based on standards applied to all other such requests, will furnish this information back to the Career Board. (2) If the Administrative Services Division advises that the situation qualifies for a hardship transfer, and an appropriate opening with the Career Development Program exists, it will then be necessary for that position to be advertised just as any such opening is required to be advertised. Thereafter, the FBIHQ Career Board will review the candidate with the hardship along with the other candidates and make the final determination. 32.07 10/28/85 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 ,4A0P Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (3) It is possible to envision a situation where the Administrative Services Division decides a hardship exists but the Career Board cannot identify a transfer to alleviate it. It will then be necessary for the Career Development Program participant to decide if he/she wants to remove himself/herself from the Career Development Program in order to accomplish the transfer to the desired location. [ 3-7 REMOVAL FROM CAREER .DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM [ 3-7.1 General (1) All Special Agents who accept transfer to FBIHQ will remain assigned to the greater Washington, D.C., area for a minimum period of two years regardless of their standing on an OP list, unless staffing needs dictate they be transferred elsewhere. (2) A supervisory Special Agent who has served two years at FBIHQ and/or has not received a cost transfer within the past two years, and requests removal, in writing, from the Career Development Program, will be afforded an OP transfer only if that Agent is number one net on the desired office's OP list and that office has a staffing need. (3) A supervisory Special Agent assigned to FBIHQ who requests removal, in writing, from the Career Development Program and does not net number one but requests prompt action to be returned to a field office. Administrative Services Division will take the decessary action to assign the Agent to Washington Field, Alexandria, or Baltimore, at no cost to the Government, and based on the needs of the Bureau. (4) A supervisory Special Agent assigned to FBIHQ who requests, in writing, removal from the Career Development Program but does not net number one on the desired OP list, and does not want to be returned to Washington Field, Alexandria or Baltimore, may, with concurrence of the division head, remain at FBIHQ and have the request to return to a field assignment "flagged" by Administrative Services Division. The Agent would then remain in his/her present assignment until the Agent does net number one on the desired OP list or the OP has a documented need of a speciality possessed by the participant (accounting, law, etc.). Any FBIHQ supervisor requesting this option will not be considered for further administrative advancement while he/she is 705?record as requesting transfer to an OP.] [[3-8] U3-8.1] HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE ? SURVEYS AND INVESTIGATIONS STAFF Introduction (1) Many of the programs handled by the House Appropriations Committee ? Surveys and Investigations Staff (hereinafter referred to as Staff), have national or worldwide significance and can include such studies as national energy problems, military readiness and deployment and worldwide intelligence activities. The responsibilities inherent in this highly visible, complex and important assignment require individuals who have strong potential to develop executive ability in order to accomplish the desired ends of the committee. Individuals considered for selection must exhibit personal responsibility; have initiative, resourcefulness and versatility; and possess outstanding qualities of logic, perception and organizational and literary ability. Special Agents assigned to the Staff will be dealing with persons representing the highest level of Government and, therefore, it is imperative that they be capable of representing the FBI in an outstanding manner. 32.08 11/28/83 :MAOP neclassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (2) The Surveys and Investigations Staff is directed by a Chief (former FBI employee), a Director (FBI employee) and two Assistant Directors (one FBI employee and one representative of the General Accounting Office (GAO)). ([3-8.2] Selection Process (1) Agents considered for a Staff assignment will be selected from the ranks of relief supervisors only and will be included in the Career Development Program, thereby enhancing their careers and bringing them into FBI management upon completion of their-assignment. Agents selected for this assignment will be retained on the rolls of the FBI and will continue to be eligible for Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime (AO) compensation. The decision to transfer an individual, in the event his/her office is not contiguous to Washington, D.C., will be a negotiable point between the Bureau, the Chief of the Staff and the individual involved through discussion with him/her. (2) Relief supervisory personnel interested in a Staff assignment should make their desires known to their Special Agent in Charge. The identities of interested relief supervisors must then he furnished to FBIHQ by letter, Attention: [Chairperson]of the Career Board, FBIHQ, with specific recommendations of the Special Agent in Charge. Requests for personnel by the Staff will be made known to the[Chairperson]of the Career Board, FBEHQ, who will then furnish the Staff the identities of FBI relief supervisors for interview and consideration. Representatives of the Staff will then advise the[Chairperson]of the Career Board, FBIHQ, of their preference of the individuals on the list. The[Chairperson]of the Career Board, FBEHQ, will then bring before the Career Board for consideration those individuals interested in and qualified for assignment to the Staff. A relief supervisor selected for assignment to the Staff, who has not attended the Management Aptitude Program (MAP), will continue to -be credited with relief supervisory experience. Upon assignment to the Staff, the evaluation process will continue and recommendations will be made to the[Chairperson]of the Career Board, FBIHQ, by the Staff whether or not the individual is to continue in the career development path. If the recommendations are positive, then specific recommendations will be made as to whether or not he/she should attend MAP. [[3-8.3] Promotion (1) Relief supervisors selected for assignment will be considered for promotion to grade GS-13 in accordance with overall promotional policy upon the recommendation made by an FBI supervisory employee of the Staff through the senior FBI Staff official to FBIHQ. (2) Relief supervisors selected may also be eligible for promotion to the position of Supervisory Team Leader (GS-14); however, it is to be clearly understood that only a limited number of these positions are available. Therefore, promotional opportunities are limited. Recommendations for promotion to the position of Supervisory Team Leader will be made by an FBI supervisory Staff employee through the senior FBI Staff official to the [(Chairperson]of the Career Board, FBIHQ. An FBI employee assigned to the Staff who advances to the position of Supervisory Team Leader (GS-14) upon his/her return to the Bureau will be assigned in a supervisory capacity, either in the field or at FBIHQ. (3) Individuals selected for assignment to the Executive Staff on the Surveys and Investigations Staff will be selected from the GS-15 position (Unit Chief or Assistant Special Agent in Charge). Individuals who attain the 32.09 11/28/83 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 MAOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10 : CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 PART I SECTION 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MATTERS position of Staff Director upon completion of their assignment will be returned to FBIHQ and assigned to the Inspection Division as an Inspector for the purpose of evaluation for promotion to the position of Special Agent in Charge or Section Chief. [(3-8.4j Length of Assignment All indivlduals, regardless of their position as Staff member or Supervisory Team Leader, will be subject to a maximum four-year assignment to the Staff, except under special circumstances, at which time an individual may continue his/her assignment for an additional six months. Exceptions to the four-year period with a six-month extension will be kept to an absolute minimum. 32.10 11/28/83 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/04/10: CIA-RDP90-00530R000701780006-8 MAOP