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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 STAT tA4-c., . STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 *U.S. GPO: 1988-222-148/89343 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 NUMBER, 23-6'2' '5 9 NJE' 23=62 ... r 25 July 1942 0' JU9? Submitted by the DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Concurred in by-the, UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE' BOAR, As :indicated overleaf 25 JULY 1962' Pikrw(re'h' ~spI1 ## ~.1M-. `i !k'e1M1 1: l U p `~:-4 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 i SECRET NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE . ESTIMATE NUMBER 23-62 The Outlook For West Germany SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 THE OUTLOOK FOR WEST GERMANY THE PROBLEM To estimate the outlook for West Germany over the next few years, with primary emphasis on foreign policy and West Germany's role in the Western Alliance. CONCLUSIONS A. Developments both within and outside West Germany in the postwar years have worked to create forces favorable to internal stability and a firm western orientation. Ade- nauer's probable departure during the period of this esti- mate is not likely to occasion political instability or lead to any basic recasting of West German policies. (Paras. 3-11, 13, 17) B. As its economic and military strength waxes, West Germany's relationships within the Alliance are likely to be marked by greater assertiveness, particularly in matters which affect West German security. The desire for full equality will also affect the Germans' attitude toward con- trol of nuclear weapons. They would prefer a NATO-wide system of joint control, but failing this would wish to par- ticipate in any joint European system which might develop as European unity advances. Only as a last resort would the West Germans eventually seek to acquire nuclear weap- ons under their own control. (Paras. 23-26) C. West Germany will continue to promote European inte- gration, as well as close Bonn-Paris ties. West Germany's interest in a "Large European" solution, embracing more than the European Common Market states is also likely SECRET 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 to grow, particularly when Adenauer departs. But what- ever form the European unity movement may take the West Germans will not wish it to carry any implication of separation from the US in matters of defense and security. (Paras. 27-29) D. West German policy is likely to remain firm against any settlement on Berlin which in effect would shut the door to reunification or affect the essential viability of Berlin, including the Western military presence there. A settle- ment overstepping these limits would seriously damage West Germany's relations with its allies. We do not believe, how- ever, that even a settlement of which the Germans disap- proved would lead them to abandon their basic western orientation. The nature of the West German reaction would depend to considerable degree upon the specific terms of the settlement and the conditions existing at the time, par- ticularly the risks of a major military action. (Paras. 18-22) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 DISCUSSION 1. INTRODUCTION 1. The "Adenauer era" is clearly entering. its final stage. Since his party's setback in last fall's election, evidences of weakening in the Chancellor's authority, prestige, and popu- larity have multiplied. It is apparent that the 86-year-old Adenauer is no longer able to dominate policy as completely as he has in the past. As the Chancellor's departure from the scene approaches, competitors for the leadership of public opinion and for political power are becoming more active. 2. This first important change in the politi- cal guard in West Germany since 1949 is oc- curring at a time when "reconstruction" has become history, and when the West Germans are beginning to feel that their growing mili- tary and economic power entitles them to a more active role in the Western Alliance. It also coincides with a time of shifting external conditions directly affecting West Germany. The extended Berlin crisis, the acceleration of West European integration, and the com- plicated new problems emerging in NATO military policy have made West Germans more conscious of their exposed position on the periphery of the Bloc. These developments have highlighted once again the fundamental difficulties involved in reconciling West Ger- many's basic security interests and western orientation with the national objective of re- unification. Political Trends 3. Despite these auguries of change, the postwar development of West Germany has produced strong factors of stability which will continue to have a steadying influence on Ger- man policy and politics in the years ahead. With continued prosperity and the related trend toward political moderation, there are today no serious internal conflicts over basic domestic policies. Extremist elements have now either disappeared from political life or have taken refuge in the ranks of the moder- ate parties, in line with a trend toward a two- party system. There is the same basic con- sensus in matters of foreign policy. Diver- gencies between the major political forces and groups have tended to diminish in recent years and the policy of close integration with the West pursued by Adenauer for more than a decade now has widespread support. Such issues as the degree of West German involve- ment in NATO, commitments to emerging European groupings, the defense buildup, and the futility of bilateral talks with Moscow, have largely disappeared from the serious political dialogue between the major parties. 4. The cumulative effects of West Ger- many's policies under Adenauer, accompanied by a general rise in personal well-being and by progress toward broader European goals, have resulted in strong psychological as well as practical ties to the West, particularly the US. These bonds now have a political im- portance of their own. They have not en- tirely replaced narrower national concerns, but they will tend to work against sharp swings in policy, or opportunistic political ac- tions damaging to the West. 5. This intimate relationship with the West has also helped to encourage political and so- cial changes in West German society which should make for stability and moderation. For example, the subordination of the military forces to civilian authority and their associa- tion with NATO have operated to limit sharply the involvement of the military in internal politics. In the economic field, postwar liberal SECRET $ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 policies, wider distribution of wealth, and growing economic integration with the West have strengthened the western orientation of major economic groupings. In many ways West German society has come to resemble more closely that of other democratic Euro- pean countries. These changes, coupled with the full cooperation of West Germany in NATO and in the development of European integra- tion, have also impressed other nations. As a result, the psychological gulf between West Germany and its allies has been narrowed and the chances of serious misunderstanding with- in the Alliance reduced. Security and Broader National Considerations 6. The West Germans also recognize that their broader security interests are such that they must remain closely tied to the West, especially the US, for the foreseeable future. West German fear and distrust of the USSR are deep-seated and not likely to change markedly. The West Germans are now also overwhelmingly of the opinion that the USSR will not alter its hard positions on matters affecting reunification and recovery of lost territories. Hence they are not disposed to limit their cooperation with the West in hope of obtaining Soviet concessions to German interests. 7. Further, the West Germans recognize that they are unable to develop a military posi- tion strong enough to permit a foreign policy independent of their major allies. By 1965, West Germany will probably have about 500,000 men in uniform. While impressive in European terms, such a force will not alter the basic fact that relative to the US and the USSR West Germany will continue to be a "second level" military power. In military terms, West Germany's national territory is hardly adequate to constitute a combat zone, and the Bundeswehr's zone of communications lies almost entirely outside the country on the territory of NATO allies. West Germany has chosen to accentuate the dependent state of its armed forces by extensive integration of its logistical support system with that of US forces in Europe. Furthermore, the West Germans could not independently develop an effective nuclear weapons capability during the next few years, and will remain totally dependent upon their allies for nuclear weap- ons support." Thus, their military strength is significant only in the context of NATO arrangements. Economic Considerations 8. The basic economic conditions contribut- ing to West German stability and western orientation are likely to persist for some years. Although the West German boom has tapered off, present indications are that the gross national product (GNP) will continue to in- crease three to four percent annually over the next several years, despite a labor shortage and some weakening of West Germany's com- petitive trade position. This rate of growth is adequate to support both a continued rise in general living standards and increased mili- tary and foreign aid expenditures without heavy deficit spending. Further, with re- serves that appear to be holding steady at about $6-$7 billion, the foreign exchange posi- tion will continue strong. 9. The nature of West German trade will continue to strengthen West German ties with the West. Foreign trade accounts for 30 per- cent of West Germany's GNP, a figure more than double that of the prewar period. Nearly 95 percent of this trade is non-Bloc ' On West German capabilities for nuclear weap- ons development, see NIE 4-3-61, "Nuclear Weapons and Delivery Capabilities of Free World Countries Other Than the US and UK," dated 21 September 1961, paragraphs 39-43. 4 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 trade.2 With the Common Market now creat- ing a great free trade area in Western Europe, West Germany's trade links with its Western partners will grow even stronger. 10. Even in the unlikely event that the present trend toward European economic in- tegration should be checked, the basic strength of the West German economy, its diversified trade, and its large reserves, would make any critical economic setback improbable. West German interest in trade with the East would probably increase, but in view of the limited capabilities of the Soviet Bloc to provide de- sired commodities, it is unlikely that the es- sentially western orientation of West Ger- many's trade would be dramatically changed. Summary 11. Thus, developments both within and outside West Germany have worked strongly in the postwar years to create forces favorable to internal stability and a firm western orien- tation. In general, the West Germans are now strongly disposed to believe that the na- tion's security and prosperity can only be maintained within the context of close ties with the US and its allies. There is little on the West German scene which appears now to give any ground for alarm. Nevertheless, it is also true that the last decade has been extraordinarily favorable for the development of democratic stability and pro-Western orien- tation. There are, moreover, a number of problems in view, both domestic and external, which could test West Germany's stability and its ties with the West in the years ahead. ' In 1961, the breakdown of West German export trade by general areas was as follows: Western Europe, 65 percent; US and Canada, 8 percent; Sino-Soviet Bloc, 6 percent, of which one-third was with East Germany; and the rest of the world, about 20 percent. III. THE PROBLEM OF SUCCESSION 12. The withdrawal of Adenauer will test West Germany's ability to conduct its affairs without the help of a dominating figure in the office of Chancellor. There will be some dif- fusion of political. power as Adenauer's au- thority declines, and perhaps even more so when he retires. This will mean that policy will be exposed to the pressures of personal and party politics to a greater degree than hitherto. In the last few months some of Adenauer's colleagues have already made bold to challenge his conduct of affairs, and an in- crease in such incidents is likely as political figures jockey for power. 13. However, we believe that the problem of succession-of itself-is unlikely to occa- sion serious political instability. Given the degree of consensus within West Germany in matters of both domestic and foreign policy, and the basic military and economic trends, it seems highly unlikely that the ascendancy of moderate and pro-Western forces will be in any real danger over the next several years. Moreover, many of the basic political adjust- ments required by Adenauer's departure are already taking place. 14. The approaching succession problem will, however, bring lively struggles inside the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). It seems likely that the party will be able to agree on a successor to Adenauer and prevail on the latter to give over the reins of power, prob- ably in the next year or so. Vice Chancellor Ludwig Erhard is today clearly the front runner for the succession. Provided that the economic situation does not suffer a sharp unexpected setback which would tarnish Er- hard's public image, the CDU and its sister party in Bavaria, the Christian Social Union (CSU), are likely to select him simply be- cause he is considered the best vote-getter the party has. Erhard's candidacy is further strengthened by the fact that the strong men in the party, such as Foreign Minister Ger- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 hard Schroeder, Defense Minister Franz- Josef Strauss, and the new CDU Executive Secretary Josef Dufhues, view Erhard as a "transition" Chancellor. Since each as yet lacks sufficient power to decide the outcome, all will probably. be primarily concerned to keep the party in power while strengthening their personal influence in preparation for the next round. There is an outside possi- bility, especially if the changeover should be delayed, that one of these men could build. sufficient power to succeed Adenauer directly. 15. The other parties will also play a sig- nificant role in. determining the character of future governments. We expect that Social Democratic Party (SPD) electoral strength will continue to increase during the period of this estimate. The party's decision to jet- tison Marxist dogma has won widespread pop- ular acceptance without causing serious dis- affection among old-guard socialists. The number of voters disposed to reject the SPD simply on ideological grounds is declining. However, we do not believe that the SPD is likely soon to enter the government except in the event of a national emergency. The Free Democratic Party (FDP) now holds the bal- ance between the CDU/CSU and the SPD and will probably play a significant role for some time in forming governments. How- ever, because it has been a fractious and un- satisfactory partner,.it may become the target of an effort to eliminate it altogether, prob- ably through changes in the electoral law. 16. Thus the basic political alignments in West Germany will probably not undergo any significant change over the next few years. While the style of West German policy after Adenauer will certainly be different, it is un- likely that there will be any basic recasting of West German policies. This is so mainly because no issues are in sight which seem likely to cause a radical shift in party loyal- ties or to provide a focus for any major new party formation. 17. If there were a serious economic set- back or if the freedom of West Berlin were lost, the political repercussions in West Ger- many would obviously be significant. In either of these contingencies the CDU, which covers a fairly wide spectrum of views on eco- nomic doctrine and also bears the whole re- sponsibility for the foreign policy line fol- lowed since 1949, would probably lose a sub- stantial part of its strength. Barring develop- ments which would impose such extreme pres- sures, perhaps the main questions about West German political life have to do with per- sonalities. The role which West Germany will play in Western councils obviously depends greatly on whether it finds leadership of stat- ure or falls prey to the quarrels of politicians. At present the future leadership seems likely to be drawn from a group of men who are essentially moderate, pro-Western, and ca- pable. IV. PROBABLE ATTITUDES ON MAIN ISSUES OF FOREIGN POLICY Berlin and Reunification 18. The confidence of West Germans in the efficacy of the Western Alliance is sensitive to unsettling influences arising out of the Ber- lin situation and the closely, related reunifica- tion problem. Especially since the erection of the wall in Berlin, there is the possibility that a single dramatic incident could raise feelings sharply and bring about emotional demands for direct action. In such circumstances, the policy dilemma for the West German leaders, as well as their allies, would be obvious. Even short of dramatic incidents, a continuation of the crisis atmosphere in Berlin tends to focus the West Germans' attention on their unre- solved national problems. In general, the West Germans are likely to continue to view the Berlin problem as a touchstone of the West's ability and concern to protect West German interests. 6 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 19. West German leadership is convinced that under present circumstances changes in the Berlin situation resulting from negotia- tions with the Soviets would involve conces- sions which would weaken West Berlin and chances for reunification. West German pol- icy will continue to aim at maintaining the status quo. Thus the West Germans will seek to prevent incidents (e.g., violence and mass actions resulting from the wall, or up- risings in East Germany) which might bring the issue to a head in negotiation or cause a major threat of war. Likewise, they will be extremely wary of broad East-West discus- sions on Berlin and will favor procrastination in the hope that delay may somehow bring a more favorable outlook for German interests later on. Currently, the West German leaders seem to feel that the East-West power bal- ance does not require concessions, and are therefore reluctant to consent to them. 20. More specifically, West German policy on Berlin will probably remain firm on two points : there should be no settlement which closes out the prospects for German reunifica- tion (e.g., de jure recognition of East Ger- many), or which reduces the prospects for a viable West Berlin. The latter point is con- strued to include the presence of Western troops in Berlin and the continuation of West German-Berlin ties. These minimum posi- tions will probably be maintained, regardless of the persons or parties in power. 21. A settlement in Berlin which failed to uphold the minimum requirements of the West German Government would seriously damage West Germany's relations with its allies. National self-assertiveness would prob- ably rise, criticism of allies would increase, and West German support for NATO would decline. In particular, there would be a loss of confidence in the US, and the West Ger- mans would be disposed to move, over a period of time, toward increasing reliance on West- ern European groupings for their defense. It is possible that important political forces which would be willing to explore a policy of accommodation with the USSR would gain in strength and influence. In any case, the corrosive effects on West German political life and on relations with the Western allies would be deep and long lasting. 22. It is unlikely, however, that during the period of this estimate the West Germans would, as a consequence of such develop- ments, abandon their basic western orienta- tion. They recognize that Soviet policies leave West Germany no acceptable alternative to its fundamental dependence on the West. Moreover, to the extent that the settlement could be defended as necessary, for example as the only way to avoid war, the West Ger- man disappointment would probably be miti- gated. West German dissatisfaction and po- litical embarrassment would also probably be reduced if the settlement included demon- strable Soviet concessions, or gave promise of improving the lot of the East Germans. Thus, the nature of the West German reaction would depend to a considerable degree upon the specific terms of the settlement and the conditions existing at the time, particularly the risks of a major military action. Relations within the Alliance 23. Barring actions by its allies which do violence to its interests, West Germany will continue to have an overriding concern to pre- serve the solidarity of the Atlantic Alliance. There are, nevertheless, certain developments in prospect which will tend to change the character of West Germany's alliance rela- tionships. At a minimum, and as a conse- quence of its growing economic and military strength, West German leaders will press for a larger voice in the affairs of the Alliance. This tendency toward greater assertiveness will also probably be accompanied by a sharp- ened sensitivity to any indications that West Germany does not have complete SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 equality, particularly in matters which affect West German security. Such a tendency may also be strengthened by the fact that a new generation of West Germans, somewhat less self-conscious about past national transgres- sions, will be rising to positions of power. 24. Relations with the US. West Ger- many's interest in maintaining close and cor- dial relations with the US is likely to remain the central tenet of its policy, regardless of the party or persons in power. However, on the broad political level, West Germans see a continuing and basic conflict between West German interests and US policy requirements stemming from the US's role as a superpower faced with broader world responsibilities. Like some other Europeans, West Germans are somewhat uncertain as to the longer term credibility of US support for European se- curity. The West Germans will continue to be hypersensitive and quick to read into US- sponsored changes in the Alliance's political or military policy a US inclination to with- draw from its commitments or to deal with the Soviets at German expense. Thus West German relations with the US are likely to be marked by periodic "crises of confidence." 25. Security and Nuclear Weapons. The West Germans will probably increase their efforts to influence NATO strategy in a way which. they consider best suited to protect West Germany in its exposed geographic posi- tion. In the German view, this means a NATO posture and strategy which places first priority on maximizing the deterrent effect of NATO power. The West Germans see clearly that for them war is a disaster whatever its final outcome. While generally supporting a conventional buildup, West Germany will con- tinue to uphold a strategic policy which postu- lates quick nuclear retaliation in the event of a major Soviet military action against NATO. 26. The West Germans recognize that the political, economic, and even technical obsta- cles to their acquisition of nuclear weapons under national control will remain insuper- able for the next few years. Nor do we be- lieve that they have decided that even even- tually they will wish to have an independent capability. However, with the French move to develop a national nuclear force and the possibility that other nations of no greater stature than West Germany may do so, the Germans are very much concerned that West Germany not fall into a second-class posi- tion. In particular, they wish on political grounds to avoid the implication that special disabilities are placed on West Germany or that it is not a fully equal participant in NATO. (They see such an implication in political agreements setting up denuclearized zones or prohibiting the dissemination of nu- clear weapons.) They are disposed therefore to support whatever arrangements can be made for a multilateral NATO nuclear force. They probably hope that the British and French can be persuaded to subordinate their nuclear forces to such an alliance system, or if necessary to a European system, in which the Germans would also have weapons and an equal share of control. Failing this, it seems likely that the West Germans will eventually decide, perhaps reluctantly, that they must seek to acquire nuclear capabilities of their own. 27. Relations with Europe. West German relationships within the Alliance will also be strongly influenced by European moves toward integration. Like other Europeans, the West Germans would like to be part of a strong political and economic grouping which could deal with the US on more equal terms, and which could reduce, to some extent, Eu- rope's present overwhelming dependence on US military support. This is, however, a long-term objective. Meanwhile, provided that NATO's efficacy as a deterrent to Soviet aggression against Western Europe remains, it is highly unlikely that West Germany will support the creation of a European "third" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 force to stand between the US and the USSR, or will make commitments to any European country or grouping which could cause seri- ous complications between itself and the US. In general, West Germany will endeavor to influence West European developments in the direction of providing a useful supplement to NATO. 28. A high priority will continue to be given the Bonn-Paris link; most West Germans rec- ognize this link as critical to the creation of any viable larger European grouping. In ad- dition, the Bonn-Paris tie may also continue to be strengthened by French support on Ber- lin. However, Bonn will avoid making com- mitments to Paris which could hinder Euro- pean integration or damage West Germany's relations with Washington. 29. West Germany will continue to be strongly attracted to a "Large European" solu- tion, that is, a structure of unity embracing more that the six European Common Mar- ket states. There is a strong West Ger- man disposition, stemming both from eco- nomic and political considerations, to include the UK and other Western European coun- tries in European groupings. This type of thinking will probably be strengthened when Adenauer departs, particularly if Erhard fol- lows or if the SPD gains a stronger voice in government. The departure of both de Gaulle and Adenauer, on whose personal relations the Bonn-Paris link has been forged, would tend to strengthen the forces advocating a "Large European" solution. Relations with the Bloc 30. East Germany. Basic West German policy toward East Germany will be governed by a determination to avoid steps which could suggest any change in the present nonrecogni- tion policy. At the same time, moved partly by feelings of kinship for the East German population, and partly by a desire to retain economic leverage, the West Germans will favor trade with the GDR and maintain the "technical" level contacts deemed necessary to keep these economic relations going. They will not, however, be willing to enlarge these contacts or raise their level, in part because they do not wish to give other states a pre- text for moving toward recognition of the GDR. 31. The replacement of Ulbricht in East Germany would be an encouraging sign to West Germans. However, it is unlikely that such a change, of itself, would be interpreted by West Germans as a shift in Soviet policy sufficiently significant to warrant modifica- tion of present West German policies. An up- rising in the GDR, forcibly repressed by the Soviets, would engender a strong emotional response in West Germany. Nevertheless, the West Germans would probably limit their ac- tions to nonmilitary activities, while simul- taneously pressing the West to take strong diplomatic and economic countermeasures. 32. East European Satellites. The tradi- tional German concern with Eastern Europe will probably continue to stimulate West Ger- man interest in a more flexible and pragmatic policy toward the other Satellites, particularly Poland. This interest will probably be ex- pressed primarily in terms of enlarged cul- tural-technical contacts whenever opportun- ities arise. Further, the West Germans are likely to urge that the Common Market re- spond to East European efforts to preserve trade ties with the West. The West Germans probably feel that a more active Eastern policy, while not of great immediate benefit, could be helpful in the longer term. If this policy showed some promise, the West Germans might become increasingly disposed to relax the Hallstein doctrine-no recognition of any country, except the USSR, which recognizes East Germany-or even to recognize the Oder-Neisse line. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 33. The USSR. Increasing West German interest in normalizing its relations with East- ern Europe could provide the USSR with some opportunities for influencing West German policies, and sowing disruption in the West- ern camp. But this is likely to be of marginal significance so long as the West Germans con- tinue to be persuaded that they are on a sound footing with their Western partners and that the latter are fully committed to the security of the Federal Republic. The Germans know, of course, that their hopes for a restoration of national unity are held hos- tage by Moscow. But the belief which was once held in some quarters in Germany that there was some price which could be paid the Soviets for conceding reunification is now vir- tually extinguished. The Germans recognize that the Soviets, out of concern for the secu- rity of Communist power in all of Eastern Europe, are not really free to dismantle the East German regime. They also know that the Soviets will not cease what amounts to a policy of calumny toward the Federal Repub- lic in the hope of breaking down European unity and the Western military alliance. Thus the subjects of discourse between Bonn and Moscow are likely to remain extremely limited for a long time to come. 10 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 29MAR1960 :.209 NIE 2.3-60 22 March -1960 SECRET NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE- ESTIMATE. NUMBER 23-60 ?r OUTLOOK IN WEST GERMANY Submitted by the 1MRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE The following intelligence organizations participated it the preparation of this estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and The Joint Staff Concurred in by the UNIT STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD on 22 March X960. Concurring were the Director of Intelli- gence and, Department of State; the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army: the Assist- ant Chief of Naval Operations for Intelligence, Department of the Navy; the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, USAF. the Director for intelligence, The Joint Stag; the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Special Operations: and the Di- rector of the National Security Agency. The Atomic Dnergp Commission Representative to the USIB, and the Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the sub- ject being, outside of their jurisdiction. SECRET N? 373 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 To estimate the outlook for West Germany, with special reference to political developments and the foreign and defense policies of its government, over the next few years. THE OUTLOOK IN WEST GERMANY THE PROBLEM major world recession or a serious set- back in the Berlin situation. While the West Germans appear to have rejected extremism of the right or left, the emer- gence of such tendencies cannot be ruled out. 3. West German policy will probably con- tinue to be based on the principle that the country's security can be maintained against the Soviet Bloc and its interna- tional stature re-established only within the context of close ties with the US and its other Western allies. Soviet inflexi- bility has eroded hopes that acceptable reunification could be negotiated with the USSR and has strengthened Adenauer's belief in the need for a strong Western military and diplomatic posture vis-a-vis the Bloc. Barring real progress toward effective international disarmament, West Germany will proceed with the buildup of its own military establishment, which by late 1961 or early 1962 will constitute the largest continental contribution to NATO Shield forces. 4. West German policy is likely to be marked by greater assertiveness and ini- tiative in seeking to satisfy the country's Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET CONCLUSIONS 1. The domestic factors which over the past few years have produced economic prosperity and political moderation in West Germany persist. However, inter- national problems, especially those relat- ing to Berlin and the security situation, pose serious dangers. Barring an inter- national recession seriously affecting the West German export market, prosperity will probably continue, though labor shortages and other factors will slow the rate of economic growth. The Christian Democratic Union/Christian Socialist Union (CDU/CSU) will almost certainly be returned to power in the 1961 Bundes- tag elections if Adenauer carries out his present plans to head the ticket again and will probably win even if the Chancellor, evidently still fit at 84, does not run. Al- though the opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD) has moved toward the cen- ter on both domestic and foreign policy issues, it is unlikely to unseat the present government. 2. Nevertheless, the present West Ger- man political system and Adenauer's policies have yet to undergo the test of major adverse developments such as a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 2 national desires. With the growth of West German economic and military strength, the West German Government and people are becoming more sensitive to implications that they have a second class status in NATO. Mutual suspicions between West Germany and its allies have arisen over such questions as anti-Semi- tism and the West German base discus- sions with Spain. These tendencies could lead to serious strains between West Ger- many and its allies but we believe that the West Germans, particularly Ade- nauer, will try to avoid real dissension at least so long as they depend on the alli- ance for security! 5. Doubts have begun to grow in the minds of Adenauer and other leaders as to whether US nuclear capabilities will continue to be as much a deterrent to Soviet aggressive action in Europe as heretofore. These doubts are reinforced by what Adenauer and others regard as signs of weakening US determination to maintain a strong military position in Europe. The West Germans will con- tinue to emphasize the maintenance of a strong NATO to which the US is firmly bound. At the same time the Federal Republic will develop its own military capabilities and military production fa- cilities and assist in developing those of 'The Director of Intelligence and Research, De- partment of State, would add the following to this paragraph: . Nevertheless, a growing lack of confidence both in government circles and in public opinion con- cerning the ability of the West to protect the political and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic, exploited by continued Soviet pressure, could stimulate a trend toward nationalistic in- dependence in action on the part of the West Germans. This could lead ultimately (but not within the period of this estimate) to the isola- tion of the Federal Republic, thus creating a situation in which accommodation with the USSR might result. other European NATO members. It may seek an increase in US missiles stationed in Europe and a voice in their employ- ment. It may also explore further the subject of a continental military system with its own nuclear capability. These tendencies would probably be intensified if West German misgivings about US and NATO determination were to grow. Should the West Germans become con- vinced that the US was abandoning its European commitments some moves towards neutralism or accommodation with the USSR would probably ensue. 6. West German leaders, regardless of party, are convinced that Allied rights in Berlin and Berlin's economic and political ties with the Federal Republic cannot be reduced or changed in any essential particular without serious damage to West German interests. Any serious im- pairment of Western rights in Berlin would be a severe blow, and the West Germans would demand additional guar- antees and concrete manifestations of support from the West. 7. Any major unilateral withdrawal of US forces from West Germany would be a severe shock to the government and people. After West Germany's own mili- tary strength has become substantial, the West Germans would probably pose no serious objection to some reduction of US forces if it were justified in the con- text of NATO military planning and if international conditions were not unpro- pitious. Even so, the West Germans would almost certainly press for the re- tention of sufficient US forces to make it clear that the US was still committed to the NATO effort. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 3 8. Barring the replacement of de Gaulle by a markedly less friendly regime in France, close ties with the French will probably remain an important element in West German economic, political, and perhaps military policy-although not to the extent of weakening the overall NATO military effort or subordinating Bonn to Paris. However a successor to Adenauer (especially Erhard) would probably have a less cordial relationship with de Gaulle, and be less inclined to subordinate rela- tions with the UK and other members of the Outer Seven to the development of close ties with France and the other mem- bers of the Common Market. DISCUSSION 1. THE DOMESTIC SCENE A. General . 9. The West German domestic scene continues to be dominated by Adenauer. Nourished by growing prosperity, the political and social institutions developed since the war appear to have taken root and won broad popular acceptance. Basically conservative and West- ern in outlook, the mass of the West German people show little disposition to question Ade- nauer's leadership in either foreign or domes- tic matters. Traditional religious, class, and ideological disputes have been largely muted and some of them may have been permanently altered. Extremism-neo-Nazi, Communist or other-has been unable to develop momen- tum. 10. Some doubts and uncertainties have de- veloped among political leaders and influential groups as a result of the increases in Soviet military power and Khrushchev's aggressive- ness in reopening the Berlin problem. These leaders are beginning to question the willing- ness and even ability of NATO and particu- larly the US to continue to protect West Ger- many and its interests. There has been little evidence that these uncertainties have affected the general public. However, they could spread if the situation appeared to the West Germans to have deteriorated seriously, and would almost certainly spread rapidly if gov- ernment leaders were to articulate their worries openly and continuously. B. The Economic Factor 11. A fundamental element in the present scene is the continuing vigor of the West Ger- man economy. The government has pro- moted economic growth through well designed and carefully administered monetary, fiscal, and trade policies. Although the growth of Gross National Product (GNP) slowed down to about 3 percent in 1958, it is now back to 6 percent a year in real terms. Gross invest- ment continues to exceed 20 percent of GNP. The Federal Republic's 1959 GNP amounted to some $56 billion, as compared to $66 billion for the UK and $51 billion for France. On a per capita basis, this puts the Federal Re- public on a par with France and nearly up to the UK's level. West German gold and foreign exchange reserves total $5-6 billion (as against $3.5 billion for UK and nearly $2 billion for France) despite considerable in- vestments abroad and sizable government pre- payments during 1959 on West Germany's postwar external debt. 12. The strong world demand for West Ger- man capital equipment and other goods re- mains a key ingredient in West German pros- perity. The volume of new export orders in 1959 was 25 percent over 1958. Foreign trade turnover currently equals about 30 percent of GNP, with sizable export surpluses. In addition, the domestic market continues to grow and inflation has been largely avoided. With the notable exception of coal mining, vir- tually all sectors of the economy have shared Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 in the general- prosperity. Spurred by the steady increase in real wages and a consider- able growth in social welfare benefits to the population as a whole, both consumer ex- penditures and savings are rising. West Germany's economic position is strengthened by high labor productivity and an industrial work week which, while beginning to dip be- low the Western European mean, still averages about 45 hours. 13. During the recent years of rapid economic growth and increasing prosperity, West Ger- many has enjoyed a number of special advan- tages. There has been a competent, hard working, and relatively undemanding labor force, whose natural growth has been aug- mented by refugees from East Germany, many of them young and active. The industrial plant is modern, having been rebuilt and greatly expanded since the war. Relatively few resources of manpower and production have been devoted to defense purposes, allow- ing concentration on the civilian economy and production for export. Neither industry nor government has had to carry large funded debts. 14. Some of these advantages are diminishing and West Germany is beginning to encounter difficulties in maintaining the present rate of economic momentum without risking infla- tion. The labor market has become extremely tight, despite the movement of surplus labor from coal mining to new jobs. Natural incre- ments to the labor force are beginning to fall off sharply as a result of losses and the low birthrate during the war. The net refugee inflow will probably continue to decline. The number of men in the military establishment is increasing. Thus difficulties in meeting labor requirements will probably become even more serious. Pressures from labor for higher wages and shorter hours are also likely to in- crease. 15. Although general prosperity and several revisions in the structure of business taxes have kept the government in a strong financial position, it may resort to some deficit financ- ing to cover increased social benefits and mili- tary expenditures, thus creating inflationary pressure. With the burden of taxes and as- sessments already heavy, and with federal elections next year, substantial tax increases are unlikely in the near future. In order to avoid serious inflation, West German author- ities will probably feel compelled to apply in- creasingly stringent fiscal and monetary brakes, even at the expense of some decline in investment and in overall rates of growth. 16. Although there will be some price in- creases, inflationary pressures are not likely to get out of hand. Labor will obtain a greater share of national income, but the vigor with which it will press its demands will probably continue to be restrained by awareness that the lot of the workers is reasonably good and steadily improving, and by union fear of con- tributing to, or being held responsible for, an inflationary spiral. The government, for its part, will continue active in promoting prompt and reasonable wage settlements. Moreover, the continuance of the present high rate of personal savings would mitigate the inflation- ary pressure of higher wages while also pro- viding investment capital. West Germany's competitive position is such that world de- mand for West German products is also likely to remain strong. 17. Barring an international recession affect- ing major portions of the West German ex- port market, the prospects for economic growth over the next few years are generally favorable, though the growth rate will prob- ably decline. Trends will depend to some ex- tent on future developments with respect to the European Economic Community (EEC), and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA or Outer Seven). Owing to the effi- ciency of its industry, West Germany stands to benefit more than its partners from the common market provided by the EEC. It has, however, extensive trade relations with the Outer Seven which would suffer if the two trade areas develop into rivals. Nevertheless, given the broad range of West German export markets and the strength of its internal economy, the success or failure of efforts to achieve an accommodation between the EEC and the Outer Seven is unlikely to have a critical effect on the West German economy as a whole. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 C. The Political Outlook 18. After more than a decade of control of West Germany's destinies, Chancellor Ade- nauer at 84 is still the dominant political figure and appears determined to remain so at least through the 1961 parliamentary elections. Al- though the Chancellor's maneuverings over the presidential succession in 1959 aroused re- sentment among the leaders within the ruling Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social- ist Union (CDU/CSU) there has been little ad- verse effect on Adenauer's standing with the party rank-and-file or with the general pub- lic. He will almost certainly dominate the party so long as he is physically and mentally able to do so. So far there have been no signs of significant decline in his health, energy, or mental vigor. 19. The minor parties have been declining in importance, and the 1961 elections will turn on the contest between the government parties and opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD):2 The latter has generally held its own 2 See table below for West German postwar po- litical trends. in the various state elections since the last parliamentary vote in 1957 and is now making a vigorous effort to appeal to the middle-of- the-road voter. In its new party program, the SPD explicitly holds traditional Marxist dogma to be obsolete and frankly acknowl- edges the need for a conservatively paced re- form within the framework of existing insti- tutions. The SPD has also moderated its op- position to the government's foreign and mili- tary policies. The party's recognition of the need to broaden its popular support by a more moderate approach to the voter is further demonstrated by a growing belief within the party leadership that Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt should head the ticket, although he is a relative newcomer to the inner SPD circle. 20. Nevertheless, the SPD has handicaps other than having to contend with the imposing figure of Adenauer, who has demonstrated phenomenal vote-getting appeal. The SPD will probably be unable effectively to challenge the government on foreign and military issues unless there is a sudden and sharp setback to German interests for which the government could be readily blamed. In domestic matters 1949 1953 1957 Percent Parliamen- Percent Parliamen- Percent Parliamen- of Popu- tary Seats of Popu- tart' Seats of Popu- Lary Seats tar Vote (Total 402) tar Vote (Total 487) tar Vote (Total 497) MAJOR PARTIES Christian Democratic Party/Christian Socialist Party (CDU/CSU) ...................... 31.0 139' 45.2 244' 50.2 270' Social Democratic Party (SPD) ....... 29.2 131 28.8 151 31.8 169 TOTAL........................ 60.2 270 (67 %v) 74.0 395 (80 %v) 82.0 439 (88%) MINOR PARTIES Free Democratic Party (FDP) ........ 11.9 521 9.5 48' 7.7 41 German Party (DP) ................. 4.0 171 3.3 15' 3.4 17' a . Refugee Party (BHE) ................ - - 5.9 27 1 4.6 -' Communist Party (KPD) ............ 5.7 15 2.2 - - - 2 German Reich Party (DRP) (or radical right predecessors) ................. 1.8 5 1.1 - 1.0 - Others ............................. 15.4 43 4.0 2 1.3 - ' Government parties. z KPD banned in 1956. a Now down to 15 seats, the minimum necessary to maintain an independent faction in parliament and party repre- sentation on Bundestaj committees. ' Failed to qualify since obtained neither 5 percent of popular vote nor 3 directly elected representatives. Prior to 1953, only 1 directly elected representative, or 5 percent of vote, was needed to qualify. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 6 the CDU/CSU continues in a strong position to exploit the prosperity issue. While the CDU/CSU probably lacks the high degree of organizational discipline of the SPD, it ap- pears to have a somewhat larger body of regu- lar, reliable supporters. 21. As matters now stand, there appears to be little chance that the SPD can upset a ticket headed by Adenauer. The most it can accomplish will probably be to demonstrate that its popular support was increasing and that it is a force to be reckoned with in the 1965 elections. It will probably be able to retain the ability to block constitutional changes which its present control of slightly over a third of the Bundestag membership provides. 22. Should Adenauer die or become incapaci- tated before the elections, the leadership of the CDU/CSU would probably fall to Deputy Chancellor and Economics Minister Ludwig Erhard, who remains the party's most popular figure next to Adenauer. If Adenauer were to withdraw from office but remain in a posi- tion to influence the result, the party would probably have to choose between Erhard and some Adenauer-backed candidate. Party Deputy Chairmen Heinrich Krone and Uwe von Hassel appear to be likely alternatives to Erhard, with Minister of Interior Gerhard Schroeder, Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss, Finance Minister Franz Etzel and Minister President Franz Meyers of North Rhine-Westphalia among the dark horses. Despite the divergency of views within the party over the succession, a decision could probably be reached without undue delay and without serious damage to party unity. 23. The contest between the two parties would be far more equal if Adenauer were not run- ning. Particularly if the SPD's candidate were a popular figure like Brandt, it could at- tract many independent voters. With Ade- nauer no longer the authoritative voice of West German foreign policy, the SPD might also be in a better position to criticize the government's handling of the Berlin ques- tion and other foreign policy issues. Even so it is unlikely that the SPD, which won 32 percent of the vote in 1957, could improve its turnout sufficiently to unseat the present government. The CDU/CSU would still have the great advantage of the prosperity issue, would almost certainly do its best to rally support around the reputation of Adenauer, and thus would probably receive at least a plurality. Even if it lacked a majority in its own right it would probably be able to secure the support of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), the only other party likely to have sufficient strength and independence to in- fluence the outcome.3 Under these circum- stances, a "grand coalition" between the CDU/ CSU and the SPD appears highly unlikely. 24. The present outlook is for continued mod- eration and stability in West German political life over the next few years, with popular sup- port divided between the right-centrist CDU/ CSU and a left of center SPD with most of its Marxist trappings removed. The trend toward progressive elimination of the smaller parties, both at the national and Land levels, will probably continue. 25. Nevertheless, there are elements which might threaten stability and moderation in West Germany. The end of the Adenauer era will test the ability of the Germans to conduct their affairs without a paternal figure deter- mining major lines of policy and generally setting the tone of West German government The FDP received 7.7 percent of the popular vote in 1957 and will probably be able to meet the minimum requirements for representation in the parliament (i.e., either 5 percent of the total popular vote or the direct election of three dele- gates). Barring a basic shift in Bonn policy on the Oder-Neisse line or the Eastern territories, the All German Bloc, or Refugee Party (BHE) which received 4.6 percent of the popular vote in 1957, will probably fail once again to qualify for representation in the parliament. The German Party (DP) with 3.4 percent of the vote in 1957, and which only qualified through sufferance of the CDU/CSU which permitted it a number of uncontested direct mandates, may actually have to merge with the CDU. The German Reich Party (DRP) and other parties of the right are unlikely to obtain more than 1-2 percent of the total vote. The outlawed Communist Party, which would probably not receive more than 1-2 percent of the vote even if it were permitted to participate, will probably not exercise any sig- nificant influence in the campaign. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 7 and politics. At a minimum, Adenauer's de- parture from the political scene is likely to lead to more open competition among the various political, economic, and other interests in West German society. Moreover, West Germany's heavy economic dependence on foreign trade and the deep involvement of its security inter- ests in the diplomatic and military problems now confronting the NATO countries will con- tinue to make it vulnerable to external shock. The West German people appear to have re- jected radicalism of either the right or the left and to have turned their backs on old-style militarism despite their acceptance of rearma- ment. However, the possibility that West Germany might eventually revert to extrem- ism if confronted with a severe threat to its economic well-being or national security cannot be ruled out. Given the progressive absorption of extremist and other elements by the two major parties, tendencies in this di- rection might develop within these parties without being signaled by the emergence of separate extremist parties. A. General 26. The foreign policy of West Germany has been built on the principle that the country's security against the Soviet Bloc can be main- tained and its stature and influence re-estab- lished only within the context of close ties. with the US and its other Western allies. It is unlikely that there will be any drastic alter- ation in the next few years in West Germany's special sense of dependence on the US. Nor is it likely that its participation in Western Eu- ropean movements for closer association will undergo major change. However, in the last year or so there have arisen factors which will affect West German policy and actions. 27. Doubts have begun to grow in the minds of Adenauer and other German leaders as to whether US nuclear capabilities will continue to be as much a deterrent to Soviet aggressive action in Europe as heretofore. These doubts have been reinforced by what Adenauer and others regard as signs of a weakening of US determination to maintain a strong military position in Europe. Adenauer sees in devel- opments since Khrushchev reopened the Ber- lin issue signs that the UK and perhaps the US may be willing to compromise with the USSR at West German expense. 28. The inflexible determination of the USSR to maintain control over East Germany and its increased efforts to obtain international ac- ceptance of the GDR have eroded the hopes of those in West Germany who believed that a policy of accommodation with the Bloc could lead to reunification on acceptable terms. These factors have strengthened Adenauer's belief that the USSR must be faced with an equally inflexible determination on the part of the West. Hence, he is deeply disturbed by anything which he interprets as a decrease in the relative power position of the US or a softening of its will to defend the West Ger- man position in Western Europe. 29. Moreover, West Germany has already be- come a major factor in the continent's eco- nomic strength and will soon become an im- portant military factor. Under these condi- tions, West Germany will seek to play a more important role in the economic, diplomatic, and military affairs of Western Europe. The desire to enhance its role comes at a period of readjustment in Europe arising from such de- velopments as the strains caused by the ri- valry of the EEC and the EFTA, the advent of de Gaulle, and French progress towards the acquisition of a nuclear capability. 30. Hence we believe that there will be grow- ing assertiveness on the part of West German leaders. While we believe the West Germans will not, at least in the near future, undertake actions which they consider as inconsistent with commitments to their allies, they will be increasingly sensitive to any indications that they are considered to have a second-class status and less careful than heretofore to avoid an appearance of going ahead on their own. For example, while the recent initia- tives toward obtaining facilities in Spain were almost certainly not considered by the West Germans as inconsistent with NATO, they ei- ther miscalculated the strength of Western Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 8 European objection or decided to proceed de- spite such objections. Similarly, the West German interest in the possibility of develop- ing a continental military system with its own nuclear capability is considered as supple- mentary to and not in conflict with NATO. In any event an effort to play a role commen- surate with its views of its own power and strength is almost certain to characterize West German policy. While the pace and scope of these developments will depend in large measure on Adenauer's personal deci- sions so long as he remains in effective power, his views are shared by many West German leaders, and the trends described above are likely to emerge and grow under any probable successor. 31. The possibility of a gradual deterioration of relations between West Germany and its Western allies, particularly after Adenauer, cannot be wholly dismissed. West German public opinion has already shown great sensi- tivity to the criticism and suspicion voiced in the UK and other NATO countries over the recent anti-Semitic incidents and the military talks with Spain. There is developing among West Germans a feeling that they are not being accorded the confidence and acceptance that their policies and behavior have earned. The more assertive and independent-minded policies West Germany is likely to pursue will probably cause further difficulties. We be- lieve, however, that the West Germans will attempt to avoid the development of serious dissension in the alliance so long as they con- tinue to depend on the alliance for security.4 The Director of Intelligence and Research, De- partment of State, would substitute the following for paragraph 31: The growing lack of confidence in the ability and will of the West to protect the political and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic, now manifest in the elite groups of West Germany, has been accompanied by a general feeling of irritation on the part of the population in re- sponse to what has been considered unfair and unreasonable reaction in the West to West Ger- man developments such as the anti-Semitic inci- dents and the military talks with Spain. The development of further disenchantment with B. Berlin and Reunification 32. West German leaders, regardless of party, are convinced that Allied rights in Berlin and Berlin's economic and political ties with the Federal Republic cannot be reduced or changed in any essential particular without serious damage to West German interests. They are particularly insistent that nothing be done to prejudice the Allied position that the Western presence in Berlin is based on the right of conquest. Any serious impair- ment of Western rights in Berlin would be regarded by many West Germans as the be- ginning of a series of events leading toward the eventual loss of the city to the GDR and as making even more remote the possibility of reunification on terms acceptable to West Germany. 33. For the present, the West Germans will probably continue to employ delaying tactics and try to ward off major decisions as long as possible. They will attempt to exercise a veto over Western concessions and encourage France to stiffen the Western position. They will continue to seek to link Berlin with the reunification question, insisting that any guarantees on Berlin continue until the latter is achieved. 34. However, the West Germans are pessimis- tic about their ability to hold their partners in line. They also doubt Western readiness to act with determination if the Communists harassed Berlin and its access routes. Al- though Adenauer will stand firm as long as possible, he would probably feel compelled to go along with some concessions if his allies insisted that he do so since he has no alterna- and distrust of the alliance, exploited by con- tinued pressure from the Soviet Union, could lead in time to a situation which would find widespread popular support for a greater degree of independence in action on all fronts-military, political, and economic. Such nationalistic in- alienate West Germany's allies and lead ulti- mately (but not within the period of this esti- mate) to the Federal Republic becoming isolated these circumstances, we believe the Federal Re- public might be led to adopt a policy of ac- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 tive. At the same time, he would ask for ad- ditional guarantees or concrete manifesta- tions of support. 35. Even if the present position in West Ber- lin is maintained without significant Western concessions, West Germany's opposition to the GDR's claims to equal status and West Ger- man hopes regarding reunification are likely to suffer a further weakening in the next few years. The division of Germany remains an underlying source of discontent in the Federal Republic, and reunification a national goal which no politician can openly abandon. However, the West Germans have become in- creasingly resigned to the belief that the Com- munists can neither be compelled nor per- suaded to release their hold over the eastern territories. There is also recognition of the fact that the Federal Republic will have to live with the GDR for a long time to come. 36. West Germany will have to cope with the practical problems involved in the steady growth of economic and other contacts with the GDR. During the course of international negotiations it may also face increasing pres- sures from its allies to demonstrate its reason- ableness by falling in with a general pattern of East-West adjustments. Under these cir- cumstances, it is likely that West Germany would progressively move in the direction of tacit acceptance of the "two Germanies" thesis. A successor would probably be some- what less rigid than Adenauer in this respect but not to the extent of favoring a basic change in West German policy toward re- unification. C. The Satellites 37. West Germany's limited economic and semiofficial contacts 5 with other Eastern Eu- ropean satellites will probably increase over One-sixth of the Sino-Soviet Bloc's trade with the non-Communist world is with West Germany, and demand for West German technological and industrial items will probably grow. However, this trade is negligible from the West German viewpoint. Bloc trade, about a third of it with the GDR, now constitutes less than five percent of West Germany's total. the next few years despite Adenauer's present opposition to move in this direction. There is considerable feeling, within the CDU/CSU as well as in the SPD, that diplomatic recognition of Poland and Czechoslovakia might provide opportunities to mitigate anti-German feeling and develop West German influence and pres- tige in Eastern Europe. Barring a sharp de- terioration of East-West relations, pressures to move in this direction will probably grow. However, the scope and impact of any increase in contacts between West Germany and East- ern Europe will probably be limited, at least within the period of this estimate. There will probably continue to be little West German demand for the goods available in Eastern Europe. The establishment of federal diplo- matic relations with Eastern Europe will be hampered by the problems of the boundaries between Germany, and those of Poland and Czechoslovakia. D. NATO, the US, and West German Military Policy 38. West Germany continues to regard the US strategic nuclear capability combined with a strong forward echelon force as necessary for the security of the Federal Republic. This Sword and Shield concept, as embodied in NATO planning, is considered essential to contain Soviet pressures and maintain popu- lar confidence within West Germany itself. Therefore the Bonn Government strongly op- poses any reduction in the strength of West- ern forces in West Germany, and strongly op- poses the concept of disengagement limited to Central Europe. 39. In line with these views the Federal Re- public has committed itself to provide sub- stantial contributions toward the achievement of planned NATO force goals. Progress was initially slow, owing to the difficulties of re- constituting a military establishment from scratch. Military procurement has lagged be- cause the West Germans have sought to post- pone purchase of weapons whenever possible so that they would be sure of having the newest and most advanced equipment. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 MIS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 aircraft and the availability of the required base structure. 41. The West German public has generally ac- cepted the need for a substantial contribution to NATO. Even the SPD and its sympa- thizers have become less critical of NATO military concepts and less favorable to the idea of disengagement. Despite continuing reservations about conscription and the equip- ping of West German forces with nuclear weapons, the SPD now recognizes the need for at least a moderate military buildup and goes along with the stationing of US nuclear- capable forces in West Germany. Since West Germany is presently scheduled to spend only about 5 percent of GNP on defense in the next few years, defense expenditures do not con- stitute a heavy burden on the economy and could probably be substantially increased without serious economic strain. 42. Although West Germany will probably continue to procure much of its military hard- ware from the US, it will lay increasing stress on further development of its own military production base. About 60 percent of West German military procurement is currently being placed in West Germany, but there has thus far been little production of heavy arma- ments. In addition, the Defense Ministry is developing joint procurement and financing arrangements with other European NATO members under which both West German and other European production facilities would be strengthened. West German industry shows increasing interest in the investment oppor- tunities involved. To these ends, West Ger- many will probably continue to seek progres- sive elimination of the remaining WEU. re- strictions on its armament production.? 'The Western European Union, which came into being in 1955, joined the two former Axis powers, West Germany and Italy, to the then already existing Brussels Pact group of France, the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Under this agreement, the Federal Republic of Germany obligated itself not to manufacture in West Ger- man territory, atomic, biological, and chemical (ABC) weapons, and also certain other listed weapons, including guided missiles, warships above 3,000 tons, submarines above 350 tons, and (Footnote continued on next page) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 10 40. The West German military establish- ment G now numbers about 240,000 and is scheduled to grow to about 350,000 by late 1961, or early 1962. a. The ground forces now total 150,000 men and include 11 understrength divisions of lim- ited combat capabilities, 7 and 1/3 of which are already committed to NATO. Present plans call for an increase in the ground forces by the end of 1961 to 220,000, including 12 combat divisions all of which will be com- mitted to NATO. The planned buildup will probably be completed as scheduled. b. The modest naval force, which is com- mitted to NATO, is primarily designed to perform escort and antisubmarine duties and minewarfare and will include a small naval air arm. Considerable construction of smaller vessels is under way but construction of larger ships (e.g., guided missile destroyers) awaits the lifting of WEU restrictions. (See footnote 7 below.) c. The air force is primarily designed to be a tactical force, committed to NATO. Al- though the West German Air Force (GAF) has a considerable number of modern aircraft, its present effectiveness is limited by the relatively small number-600-of trained jet pilots and a comparatively low state of combat readi- ness. Plans call for a considerable increase by the end of 1961 in the quantity of aircraft and activated squadrons. However, there are limitations imposed by the inadequacy of the training establishment and of the base struc- ture. We estimate that 10 fighter-bomber squadrons, 6 tactical reconnaissance squad- rons, 8 interceptor squadrons, and 5 transport squadrons will be combat-ready by 1961. In addition 4 NIKE and 2 HAWK missile battal- ions are planned to be activated by the end of 1961. Of these, we estimate that 3 NIKE and 1 HAWK battalions will be combat-ready by the end of the period. In their present form GAF plans envisage a 1964 force of 60 squad- rons. Execution of the planned post-1961 buildup will be contingent in large part upon future decisions regarding the roles and rela- tive priorities assigned missiles and manned Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 11 45. Future West German military policy will depend to a considerable extent on the poli- cies of the US. Despite its interest in re- ducing the Anglo-American "domination" of NATO, West Germany continues to base its security policies on the concept of strong and integrated NATO forces in which US power and leadership play the central role. West Germany will almost certainly continue to ad- here to this concept even if it were to involve some friction with its continental allies. 46. However, West Germany will remain ex- tremely sensitive to any signs of weakening US will or ability to support NATO. At least over the next year or two, while the West Ger- man military buildup is incomplete, the Fed- eral Republic is likely to be extremely con- cerned to assure the continued presence in Europe of substantial US forces, which has a special psychological value to the West Ger- man people. The West Germans would prob- ably accept minor US force reductions which they did not consider as presaging a large- scale withdrawal from Europe or as weaken- ing the Western bargaining position vis-a-vis the Bloc. However, any major withdrawal of US forces, especially ground combat units, would be a severe shock to the West German Government and people. As West German military strength grows, the West Germans would probably pose no serious objection to reductions of US forces, if they were justified in the context of NATO military planning and if international conditions were not unpropi- tious. Even so the West Germans would almost certainly press for the retention of sufficient US forces to make it clear that the US was still committed to the NATO effort. 47. In view of the reliance of West Germany on NATO, particularly the US, for its security against the Bloc, West Germans will remain highly sensitive to any development which could be interpreted as constituting or threat- ening a serious weakening of the US commit- ment to West Germany. This interpretation might be placed on such developments as a major unilateral withdrawal of US forces from West Germany or a Berlin settlement on terms which the West Germans considered a serious setback. In this case, many Germans would Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 43. Already involved in production of various short-range tactical missiles, West Germany is interested in entering the field of longer range missiles. It is currently seeking greater leeway with respect to the production of naval vessels and equipment. The UK and perhaps others will probably continue reluctant to ap- prove a wholesale elimination of WEU curbs. 44. In view of West German fears that the deterrent effect of US nuclear capabilities may have decreased so far as the chance of Soviet aggressive action against Europe is con- cerned, the Federal Republic is casting about for additional means of inhibiting Soviet at- tack in Western Europe. Although the West Germans have not as yet reached any firm conclusions on this problem, it is likely that they will show increasing interest in having more US IRBMs stationed on the continent and perhaps in securing for themselves and other continental NATO members a greater voice in their employment. Furthermore, they will probably lend political support and possibly technical assistance to French devel- opment of nuclear armaments and there have been explorations of a continental power bloc based on the French nuclear program. At least within the period of this estimate it is unlikely that West Germany would attempt to develop a nuclear capability of its own, ei- ther alone or in cooperation with the French. West Germany has the scientific, technical, and material resources to undertake such a program. However, it would require not only a heavy investment but either the revision or violation of the WEU treaty. Furthermore, it would probably be considered by the West Germans as a dangerous provocation of the USSR, and to involve the risk of serious politi- cal dissension within West Germany. (Footnote continued from preceding page) strategic bombers. Whereas the ban on West German production of ABC weapons is absolute, and could presumably be lifted only by a new agreement acceptable to all parties, provision is made for lifting the other restrictions by two- thirds majority of the WEU members if a Ger- man request is supported by SACEUR. Some of these restrictions have been lifted including air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles, antitank rockets, and a naval training ship. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 12 believe that basic German policy should be re- examined. The West Germans might explore the potentialities of a European "Third Force," particularly if other countries shared the view that the US was retiring from Europe. The West German military buildup would continue and might be accelerated, but there would almost certainly be a general recogni- tion that West Germany could not insure its security by building up its own military forces. If there were to emerge a widespread belief that the US was abandoning its European com- mitments, a polarization of West German po- litical opinion towards more extreme posi- tions of both left and right would probably occur. Both left and right would probably tend towards trying to devise some modus vivendi acceptable to the USSR. The left, represented by a reoriented SPD, would prob- ably advocate a position of neutralism, while the right might seek to make an accommoda- tion with the USSR, offering economic, politi- cal, or military concessions in return for So- viet nonintervention. E. Relations with Western Europe 48. Although the Federal Republic has quietly sought to develop economic ties and regain political acceptance throughout Western Europe and the Free World, it has placed par- ticular emphasis on the development of close ties with its immediate Western neighbors, especially France. Adenauer is imbued with the idea that traditional French-German hos- tility must not re-emerge and that the eco- nomic and political life of the continent must be increasingly integrated if Western Europe is to retain its historic position as a center of political, economic, and cultural strength in the world. Franco-German rapprochement was strengthened after the advent of de Gaulle, whom Adenauer regards as a vigorous exponent of continental interests, as a strong supporter on the Berlin issue, and as the only Frenchman capable of lifting the limitations which the Algerian problem has placed on French ability to contribute to Western mill tary and economic strength. Adenauer ap- pears to regard de Gaulle as one of the few Western leaders of real stature and determina- tion. 49. Barring the replacement of de Gaulle by a chauvinistic rigntist or a leftist regime in France, close ties with the French will prob- ably remain a central element in West German policy. Although the relationship in its pres- ent form owes much to the personal con- fidence developed between de Gaulle and Ade- nauer, most West Germans accept the basic concept of the close association of Western European countries. Even without Adenauer the West Germans would probably continue to see political and military advantages in working closely with France in Western Euro- pean affairs. Over time, the integration measures developing under the EEC should progressively strengthen the links between France and West Germany. 50. Nevertheless, there are important limita- tions on how far even Adenauer will go in his efforts to strengthen ties with France. Despite his willingness to follow de Gaulle's lead in some matters, he has no desire to subordinate West German foreign policy to that of France. He will also continue to strive for closer ties with the other members of the EEC, Spain, and the Scandinavian countries, while at the same time avoiding seriously prejudicing rela- tions with the UK. In addition, Adenauer may have to give some heed to the growing feeling among many elements in West Ger- many that he is pushing the French connec- tion too hard and too fast. 51. Some critics of Adenauer's French policy feel that he is soft-pedaling reunification and other national goals to woo a country of doubt- ful stability and trustworthiness. The differ- ences between Adenauer and his critics emerge most sharply over the problem of how to recon- cile West Germany's commitments to France and the other members of the EEC with the fact that West Germany has substantial eco- nomic ties with the UK and the other members of the Outer Seven. There would almost cer- tainly be a weakening of Franco-German co- operation in the event of Adenauer's depar- ture from power, especially if Erhard, who is not so dedicated to cooperation with the French, were to succeed him. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 i'm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 13 52. West Germany's relations with the UK will probably continue to be marked by some strain, despite continuing efforts on both sides to patch over their differences. Over and above the differences of approach which have emerged over such issues as Berlin and disen- gagement, strong elements in both major British parties have continuing reservations about West German reliability and respectabil- ity as an ally. The strong British reactions to the recent wave of anti-Semitic incidents in West Germany and the military talks between Spain and West Germany reflect this attitude. There is also concern in the UK over growing West German economic compe- tition. For their part, the West Germans- and particularly Adenauer-feel that the UK has never accepted them as equals and that, playing its traditional balance of power game, it is deliberately trying to hold them in check. 53. Both Adenauer and his critics feel that EEC external trade policies should be liberal and hope that the Outer Seven can be dis- couraged from developing into a rival trading area in which West Germany would operate at a disadvantage. However, Adenauer is not disposed to take any steps which would slow down the process of intra-EEC economic inte- gration or offend France, which remains op- posed to a broadening of the EEC. In con- trast, the point of view represented by Erhard seeks to avoid being tied down to a relatively narrow continental trading bloc and places principal emphasis on broadening the base of European economic cooperation. These views are strongly backed by business interests heav- ily dependent upon export trade with Scandi- navia and the UK and by others who fear the controls involved in economic integration. Most of those who hold these views also feel that West Germany and Western Europe as a whole cannot afford to have the UK eco- nomically and politically estranged from the continent. F. Relations with Non-European Areas 54. West Germany has made vigorous and largely successful efforts to develop diplomatic and economic ties in Latin America, in Asia, and more recently in Africa. While in Latin America this trend reflects primarily the energy with which West German industry has pressed the search for markets, in Asia and Africa the motivation has been mainly politi- cal. It has illustrated the desire of the Fed- eral Republic to develop a strong international position and to undercut similar efforts by the GDR. Particularly with regard to the Middle East and Africa, the pace of West German ac- tivity has reflected a growing conviction that the economic and cultural penetration drive of the Bloc represents a serious threat to the West, and that West Germany, as a country free of the colonialist tag, can play an impor- tant role in checking it. 55. West German public expenditures for un- derdeveloped countries, including grant aid, technical assistance programs, government-to- government loans and various United Nation projects, have been relatively small: $127.1 million in 1958 and $188 million in 1959. However, West German Government commit- ments (as opposed to actual disbursements) for assistance to underdeveloped countries, in- cluding commitments made under the pro- gram for guaranteeing private credits, are cur- rently running about $250 million annually. Government commitments now total more than $1 billion of which the biggest single item is the largely untouched $200 million commitment to the EEC development fund. Direct private investment of German capital in the less developed countries, growing at an accelerated pace in recent years, has totaled about $250 million over the last eight years. 56. In carrying out its assistance programs, the Federal Republic has for the most part avoided direct governmental operations which might create fears of political domination on the part of the recipients or complicate rela- tions with West Germany's European allies. Principal emphasis has been placed on the encouragement of commercial transactions through establishment of an export credit guarantee program and an investment guar- antee fund, and use of aid programs in which the IBRD or other international institutions arrange for and administer a loan on the basis SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 14 of funds specifically provided by West Ger- many. 57. In order to increase its activities and in- fluence with minimal political complication, West Germany will probably favor the devel- opment of multilateral Western aid programs. However, some friction will probably arise es- pecially in relation to the evolving states of the French community, where West German participation must be reconciled with the French desire to retain a dominant economic role for themselves. Moreover, West German leaders will also probably remain essentially cautious in increasing their economic aid pro- grams, emphasizing the limits of their eco- nomic resources and the threat of inflationary pressures. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 APPENDIX A WEST GERMAN MILITARY STRENGTH AND PROBABLE BUILDUP BY SERVICES 1. GROUND FORCES 1. West Germany is now in process of develop- ing a field army of three corps and 12 divisions, all of which, together with necessary support troops, will be committed to NATO. The West German Army now has approximately 150,000 men, or about two-thirds of the 220,000-man total planned for the end of 1961. The presently activated 11 divisions, includ- ing 7 and lea divisions already committed to NATO, are under strength and have only limited combat effectiveness. However, the West German Army has an excellent combat potential and the planned buildup probably will be completed as scheduled. 2. The buildup was deliberately slowed during 1959 to permit reorganization of combat forces into smaller self-contained units more suitable for atomic battlefield operations. Under this reorganization, the brigade be- comes the basic unit of combined arms opera- tions, and will be made capable of independent and sustained combat. Each division will be assigned two or more of these strengthened brigades, dependent on the combat mission. All army weapons with an atomic delivery capability will be attached to the division or higher echelons. 3. The reorganization process is now com- plete, and during 1960 the army should pro- gressively improve its combat potential. How- ever, the development and maintenance of high combat effectiveness will continue to be handicapped, at least for another year or two, by the army's heavy reliance on conscripts who must serve only 12 months and by the system of charging the tactical units them- selves with training the quarterly increments of draftees. At present about 40 percent of the army is made up of conscripts. 4. The Federal Republic is also developing a Territorial Defense Force which currently comprises personnel assigned from the three major combat services (mostly army person- nel), but which can recruit directly from the civilian population. This force will ultimately provide the housekeeping services, training, logistics, rear area communication, and secu- rity (static defense) support for the field army. It will also provide some support of the above types for Allied forces in Germany but as a force it will remain under national con- trol and outside the NATO command and force structure. In its present formative state, the Territorial Defense Force has a strength of only 12,000 (of which somewhat over 6,000 are army personnel). The ultimate size of this force has not been determined, but indications are that it will probably consist of a profes- sional cadre of 20,000-30,000 men, plus as- signed reserves providing a mobilization strength of 200,000. 5. The Federal Republic also has militarized police units consisting of a Border Police of 14,500 and a State Alert Police of 11,000. II. NAVAL FORCES 6. The West German Navy (FGN) is still in a training stage. Under present WEU regula- tions, West Germany is prohibited from pro- ducing warships in excess of 3,000 tons, sub- marines above 350 tons, or any nuclear- powered ships. The present FGN consists of SECRET 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET 16 approximately 20,000 personnel and the fol- lowing ships. Destroyers (DD) ........................... 6 Submarines (SS) .......................... 2 Patrol Escorts (PF) ........................ 12 Submarine Chaser (PC) .................... 1 Motor Torpedo Boats (PT) ................. 28 Fleet Minesweepers (MSF) ................. 6 Coastal Minesweepers (MSC) ............... 17 Inshore Minesweepers (MSI) ............... 19 Amphibious Craft .......................... 6 Auxiliary and Service Units ................ 74 7. The FGN plans to reach its planned top per- sonnel strength of 28,000 in 1962. It is also currently pursuing an active construction pro- gram, and by the end of 1963 the FGN will probably have operational a force of 12 new destroyers built in Germany (8 of which could be missile-carrying types providing present WEU restrictions are lifted), 6 Fletcher class destroyers on loan from the US, 6 German- built escort vessels, 7 former British patrol escorts, 12 small (350 ton) German-built sub- marines, 6 fleet minesweepers, 24 coastal mine- sweepers, and 30 inshore minesweepers. A fleet of 40 to 50 motor torpedo boats is to be based in the Baltic. Twelve amphibious craft, 10 harbor defense vessels, and an adequate auxiliary force capable of supporting the fight- ing ships in their operational areas are to be constructed. Training and operational profi- ciency are likely to keep pace with the overall expansion. 8. Overall effectiveness of the FGN is difficult to evaluate until the shipbuilding program progresses further; however, the morale, or- ganization, and leadership of the fledgling navy are good, and the program appears to be leading toward a small but highly efficient navy, designed to perform escort duties, and anti-submarine and minewarfare. As West German shipyards catch up with merchant ship orders and as new weapons are made available to the FGN, the shipbuilding pro- gram is likely to gain momentum. West Ger- man naval forces will probably continue to be divided between the Baltic and the North Sea, with roughly two-thirds in the Baltic. 9. The West German Naval Air Arm (GNAA) is in the early stages of activation and is cur- rently developing an operational capability to support its assigned mission. The GNAA has a current aircraft inventory of about 95 air- craft, of which about 55 are assigned to two jet multipurpose squadrons, one turboprop ASW squadron, and one sea-rescue and service squadron. The present personnel strength of some 1,260 (140 officers, 1,120 enlisted) in- cludes approximately 65 trained pilots and 50 trainees undergoing instruction. This strength is to be increased to 2,000 officers and men in 1960. 10. Current plans call for an operating force of 7 squadrons (100 operational aircraft) in 1960 as follows: 2 jet reconnaissance squad- rons (Sea Hawks), 2 multipurpose squad- rons (Sea Hawks), 1 ASW squadron (Gannet), 1 search and rescue squadron (Albatross SA-16, Bristol 171), and 1 general purpose squadron (Pembroke C-1). The GNAA is scheduled to receive 24 Breguet maritime pa- trol aircraft during the 1962-1963 period. Thirty F-104's are also planned for procure- ment by the GNAA during the 1963 period from West German production of the aircraft under license. III. AIR FORCES 11. The West German Air Force (GAF) is primarily des. gned to be a tactical force, com- mitted to NATO. Under present WEU re- striction, West Germany is prohibited from producing weapons which would give it a strategic capability, and West Germany pres- ently has no plans for such weapons from outside sources. However, West Ger- many favors a common European IRBM de- velopment program, and is cooperating with the UK in the long range research and de- velopment of a British IRBM. 12. Although the size of the GAF is impres- sive, its effectiveness and capability are limited by a comparatively low state of combat readi- ness. Of a total of about 2,000 aircraft, only about 500 are in operational units. Present activated strength is 10 fighter-bomber squad- rons, 6 interceptor squadrons, 4 reconnais- sance squadrons and 4 transport squadrons. Of these only 6 fighter-bomber and 2 trans- port squadrons approximate full combat readi- ness. While current personnel strength is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1 SECRET about 56,000, there are only about 600 trained jet pilots. Furthermore, although West Ger- many's extensive airfield system meets present GAF and Allied requirements, it will not ade- quately accommodate both the units pro- grammed for the GAF and the Allied units now in West Germany unless planned con- struction is speeded up and programmed turn- over of Allied air bases to the GAF is expedited. 13. GAF activation plans now being carried out call for an increase to 28 squadrons at the end of 1960 and to a strength of 38 squadrons by the end of 1961. This 1961 force would include: 10 fighter-bomber squadrons (250 aircraft), 8 tactical reconnaissance squadrons (144 aircraft), 8 transport squadrons (128 air- craft), and 12 interceptor squadrons (216 air- craft). In addition, one Matador surface-to- surface missile group (24 missiles) is planned. Equipment for this force is expected to include 65 G-91 Italian subsonic ground support air- craft and 50 F-104 supersonic jet fighters, with substantial numbers of both F-104s and G-91s available from West Germany probably beginning in 1962. Activation schedules prob- ably will be met. However, there are limita- tions imposed by the inadequacy of the tran- ing establishment and of the base structure. We estimate that 10 fighter-bomber squadrons, 6 tactical reconnaissance squadrons, 8 inter- ceptor squadrons, and 5 transport squadrons will be combat-ready by 1961. Four NIKE and 2 HAWK missile battalions are also planned to be activated by the end of 1961. Of these, we estimate that 3 NIKE and 1 HAWK battalions will be combat ready by the end of the period. 14. In their present form GAF plans envisage a 1964 force of 60 squadrons. Execution of the planned post-1961 buildup will be con- tingent in large part upon future decisions regarding the roles and relative priorities ass'gned missiles and manned aircraft and the availability of the required base structure. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050004-1