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STAT - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/14: CIA-RDP74-00297RO01100670060-4 NEWS-SENTINEL Care.: e. 75,970 Front Edit Other 1,r BY' WEST ROOK PEGLER NEW YORK-.President L-:,eln?;: bower's surprise _wn,''e'n-Israel, France and Britain" started iheiir! aggression makes `it, cleat., that the Central Intelligence Agency' and; D a v i d Dubinsky's Lovestone Brown, political and espionage` ap- paratus overseas are no good. and ought to be,. wiped ou t. " The CIA is administered by Allen; Dulles, a brother of John Foster. It does not even begin to tell Con-,! gress how much money it ,receives' or how much it squanders on what.'. ifs However, verified' informtcti,onl was received in Washington that,; .,in one. case, agents of the CIA:1. ..- with$50,000 in currency to make m iuding_"'a.`roster;of depar artment;: handed over S10 million in un-i politics in areas liberated from the bosses.?One of. these is Matt Baird, I marked ten-dollar bills to the secnci Nazis. This certainly is no ligit- a rancher-:near Tucsotiwiio sere-ed service, of the Communist govern-' imate concern of a labor, uilior a .`.terns as headmaster of a prep! ment of Poland in the belief that' with powers of .taxation over work- school. for boys and, during the t; they were dealing with some!, ers and industry, both. . war,' was a colonel of intelligence "under,-6und" organization.which Bedell Smith Was Head in the Air Force in the Pacific! was opposing that government, For , a 'while, General' Bedell i Theatre. His backgirourd includes;) In another instance; the CIA;i Smith was chief of the CIA. Edpo police work except possibly our-` brought to Washington. Dr. O'tto Tje t't'v a war correspondent of the ing the war. John, a German, supposed to be ,. , .:.:.:ess..:.... ,..... - Create Myth an adherent of the Bonn anti-Com- Uited._Pr, went into Wash-1 The CIA now is banding,, an!' munist government, and took him ingtini for some time and may still enormous edifice for itself across into its confidence after which be there...ln Phoenix, Ariz., a .few the .river from Washington. Dubin news dispatches, reported that he years ago, a handsome young sky operates his machine out of t had "defected" to East Germany. woman from Kansas begged me the New York headquarters of the Still later he .was reported to be Garment' Workers' Union: 'Gullible..] back in Bonn; under arrest. with tears in her eyes not to journalists. have created a myth Remnant Of OSS crfticize the CIA because it was a that Jay Lovestone and'''Irving This silly thing is a remnant of wonderful concern doing great Brown are great Red-batters, but the OSS which ' General Bill Don- work. A young lawyer from In- 'these 'tiro are ' Reds themselves: ovan, the Medal of Honor man of diana, living in Phoenix, also was The Stalin 'Communists threw them the old New York 69th Regiment an agent.' The lady never had had out in an ideological quibble, but; of Foot, organized. for military es- any experience as an investiga- they never have proved apostasy pionaga early in the war. We were tor, and ? moreover, . Phoenix and from Marxian Communism.' not allowed to know how well the San Francisco, where she lived Last spring, the French govern OSS did its work and secrecy prob- some of the time, are domestic ment in Morocco accused Brow=n" ably is excusable for the safety points whereas the CIA . is sup- of meddling in the turmoil there.; of "contacts" who might be use- posed to operate in foreign coun- Whatever he did, the fact is not' ful again. However, we did learn tries, leaving the' United States to denied that he went there,and his; incidentally that agents of the OSS the Federal Bureau of Investiga- propaganda against>''c?lanialism": were given bundles of American tion. The FBI has had some fail- is consistent with that of,oPresidcnt.' current to ` y pay for information ures, as every human organiza- \Tasser' of Egypt, r,;:o is' now ac-1 and, of course, such persons are tion must, but its record justifies i cused 'of fomenting tr~ ?Aigeriar;; not expected to bring in certified confidence. All we know about the I war against France.., receipts. CIA is failure, which in the Dubinsky had the gall to an- crisis of the Middle East amounts j.. nominee during the war that he had to disaster. . used money out of the treasury With a few exceptions, then of the Garment Workers' Union for FBI is a silent service, but I have" "espionage," presumably be';ind received information of the"CLY'I' } the German lines. He did no say by . mail_from.anonymous sourcest how much money. was spent nor whose, identity : ongly suspect, (, [who got it for what. Just after which obviausly cane right out- ot" , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/14: CIA-RDP74-00297RO01100670060-4