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,41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 ALLEN WELSH DULLES DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE C.I.A. LIBRARY Washington, D.C. January 1962 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 etiEFACE This bibliography contains selected material by and about Mr. Allen Welsh Dulles. An attempt has been made to include all of his published writings. Books and articles about him are limited to those concerned, directly or indirectly, with his role in intelligence; those books and articles which have only unimportant or passing references have been omitted. Coverage of the U-2 incident in 1960 and the Cuban invasion of 1961 is very selective, since a high percentage of the material is repetitious. Mr. Dulles was born in Watertown, New York, 7 April 1893 and was graduated from Princeton University in 1914.. Following a year's teaching in Allahabad, India, he re- turned to Princeton, where he received a master's degree in 1916. He then joined the United States Diplomatic Service, serving in Vienna, Bern, Berlin, Constantinople, and Washington. He was with the American Commission to Negotiate Peace at the Paris Peace Conference in 1918- 1919 and also participated in international conferences in the Coolidge and Hoover administrations. In 19260 Mr. Dulles resigned from the Foreign Service and entered the practice of law in New York City with the firm or Sullivan & Cromwell. During World War II, he was chief of the Office of Strategic Services Mission in Switzer- land and later in Germany. After the war, in addition to his law practice, Mr. Dulles served as a government advisor, particularly in regard to foreign aid and German policy. He became presi- dent of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1946. In 1948-1949, he was the Chairman of a three-man committee to survey the United States intelligence system for the National Security Council. Mr. Dulles joined the Central Intelligence Agency late in 1950. He became Deputy. Direc- tor of Central Intelligence on 23 August 1951 and served as Director of Central Intelligence from 26 February 1953 to 29 November 1961. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 CONTENTS I. Books and Pamphlets by Allen Welsh Dulles PAGE ?????Tr II. Introductions by Allen Welsh Dulles 2 III. Public Speeches of Allen Welsh Dulles, 1936-1961 3-14 IV. Articles and Published Statements by Allen Welsh Dulles 15-17 V. Allen Welsh Dulles in Books 18-24 VI. Allen Welsh Dulles in Periodical Articles 25-32 VII. Allen Welsh Dulles in The New York Times 33-46 VIII. Allen Welsh Dulles in the Daily Press 47-84 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTIONI,. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS BY ALLEN WELSH DULLES L'Allemagne souterraine. Tr. de l'anglais par Habne Breuleux. Genkvel Paris, Editions des Trois Collines, 1947. 267p. Translation of: Germany's underground. The Boer war,' a history. 3d ed. Washington, D.C., 1902. 31p. "The author of this history is eight years old."--Preface. Can America stay neutral? by Allen Welsh Dulles and Hamilton Fish Arm- strong. New York, Harper, 1939. 277p. Can we be neutral? by Allen Welsh Dulles and Hamilton Fish Armstrong. New York, Pub. by Harper for Council on Foreign Relations, 1936. 191p. The Cost of peace. New York, Published by the Council on Foreign Rela- tions, 1934. 14p. "Reprinted from Foreign Affairs." Germany's underground. New York, Macmillan, 1947. 207p. Power of the president over foreign affairs. n.p.0 1916. Revising national intelligence estimates: the case of Soviet airpower. Cambridge, Defense Studies Program, Graduate School of Public Administration, Harvard University, 1957. 2p. (Harvard University. Defense Policy Seminar, 1957-58. Serial no.102C) A letter to Senator Stuart Symington (reproduced) Reprint of letter. In Congressional Record p.4611-4612, 4 April 1957. The United Nations, with a statement by Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. New York, Foreign Policy Association, 1946. 96p. (Headline series, no.59. September/October, 1946) Verschworung in Deutschland. Nit einem Geleitwort von Wolfgang von Eckardt. Kassel, Harriet Schleber Verlag, 1949. 256p. Translation of: Germany's underground. 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTION II INTRODUCTIONS BY ALLEN WELSH DULLES Introduction. In Gisevius, Hans Bernd. To the bitter end. Tr. from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1947. Translation of: Bis zum. Bittern Ende. This introduction also appears in the London edition of the book, published by Jonathan Cape in 1948. Introduction. In Guillain de Benouville, Pierre. The unknown warriors, a personal account of the French resistance. Tr. from the French by Lawrence G. Blockman. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1949. introduction. In Price, Hoyt, and Carl E. Schorske. The problem of Germany. New York, 1947. -Tdouncil on Foreign Relations. Studies in American foreign relations, no.5) Reprinted from Foreign Affairs, April 1947. 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTION III PUBLIC SkiaCHES OF ALLEN WELSH DULLES: 1936-1961 Listed chronologically. Address. In American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law. Neutrality and International sanctions; symposium discussion held May 6; 1936) Washington, D.C. Chicago, Office of the Association, 1936. 31p. Address) Brown University commencement. In New York Times 20:2, 17 June 1947. Address before New York State Bar Association, on human rights, New York, 20 June 1947, In New York Times 5:41 21 June 1947. Address before World Council of Churches, on Marshall Plan, New York, 19 November 1947. In New York Times 3:8, 19 November 1947. Address before New York Export Managers Club, New York, 7 January 1948. In New York Times 37:2, 7 January 1948. Address on NBC Radio Forum, What's on your mind, Greenwich, Connecticut, 17 May 1948. (Urges four measures for peace in radio speech) In New York Times 14:2, 18 Nay 1948. The responsibility of power; address delivered at the fourth commence- ment of the School of Advanced International studies. Washington, D.C., 29 May 1948. Address to Princeton alumni. In New York Times, 23 February 1951. illus. Finding the facts; the role of the Central Intelligence Agency; address at the New England Governor's Conference. Boston, 16 November 1951. Brain warfare; summary of remarks at the National Alumni Conference of the Graduate Council of Princeton University. Hot Springs, Va., 10 April 1953. 13p. Excerpts under title: Brain warfare, Russia's secret weapon. In U.S. News & World Report 34:54+, 8 May 1953. 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06 : CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Address at the one hundredth annual meeting of the Greater Providence YMCA. Providence, R.I., 14 May 1953. 12p. Remarks to the Women's Forum on National Security. Washington, D.C., 29 January 1954. 11p. Also issued in Congressional Record, Appendix v.99:1013-1015, 8 February 1954. Excerpts under title: Two billion a year reported spent on Red fronts. In St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 30 January 1954. . Address at the annual banquet, Thirtieth annual meeting, Virginia State Chamber of Commerce. Richmond, Va., 9 April 1954. 14p. Address to the American Legion Foreign Relations Committee. Washington, D.C., 12 April 1954. Address to Conference of Governors. Washington, D.C., 27 April 1954. Address to National War College. Washington, D.C., 30 April 1954. Progress of Freedom abroad; address delivered at the New York Herald. Tribune Forum. New York, 19 October 1954. Also issued in Vital Speeches 21:869-871, 1 December 1954. Text under title: Freedom's progress here and abroad. In New York Herald Tribune, 21 October 1954. illus. Address at the Alumni Dinner of the University of Chicago Law School. Chicago, 30 November 1954. Excerpts. In Cedar Rapids (Ia.) Gazette, 1 December 1954. Address before the graduating class, Mt. Vernon Seminary. Washington, D.C., 30 May 1955. Excerpts under title: Dulles tells class Soviets push schooling. In Washington Post and Times-Herald, 31 May 1955. Summary under title: Russia's women have equality overdose. In Washington Daily News, 11 June 1955. Remarks on education in the Soviet Union at the Fifty-third Annual Com- mencement Day luncheon, Columbia University. New York, 1 June 1955. 13p. Also in New York Times 1:40 2 June 1955; Congressional Record v.1011 pt.6:7691-76932 6 June 1955; Congressional Record, Appendix v.101: 3938-3940, 6 June 1955. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Text under title: Why Russian freedom is inevitable. In New Leader v.38, no.24:5-81 13 June 1955. illus. Condensed under title: Education may lift USSR's bonds. In Wash- ington Post and Times-Herald, 4 September 1955. Excerpts under title: Education held threat to Soviets. In New York Herald Tribune, 2 June 1955. illus. Excerpts under title: Education in RussiEvmay defeat Communists. In U.S. News & World Report 39:124+, 16 September 1955. Excerpts under title: The Soviets "scientist army": the facts. In London Daily Express, 9 January 1956. Excerpts under title: How the Kremlin policy might boomerang. In London Daily Express, 10 January 1956. Address to the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Philadelphia, 3 October 1955. 14p. Also in New York Times 24:1, 4 October 1955. Text under title: Free world defense against Communist subversion; address, October 3, 1955. In Department of State Bulletin 33:600- 6040 17 October 1955. Excerpts under title: CIA head cites Red spending for subversion. In Washington Star, 4 October 1955. Excerpts. In U.S. News & World Report 39:126+, 14 October 1955. Address at the annual Law Day of the Walter F. George School of Law, Mercer University. Macon, Ga., 28 October 1955. 16p. Excerpts under title: U.S. can't relax vigilance, Dulles says in speech here. In Macon (Ga.) News, 28 October 1955. The, economy and scientific manpower resources of the Soviet Union; ad.- dress to the Industrial Associates of the California Institute of Technology. New York, 31 January 1956. 14p. Address before the Council on World Affairs. Cleveland, 13 March 1956. Purge of Stalinism; address before Los Angeles World Affairs Council. Asilomar, Calif., 13 April 1956. 22p. Also issued in Department of State Bulletin 34:758-765, 7 Nay 1956; Congressional Record, Appendix v.102:3741-3743, 9 Nay 1956. Text under title: Soviet rulers in real trouble. In, U.S. News & World Report v.401 no.17:154-1590 27 April 1956. illus. 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Excerpts under title: CIA chief explains why Russ belittling Stalin. In Los Angeles Examiner, 13 April 1956. The industrial and technical challenge of the USSR; address, at the University of Cincinnati's 50th anniversary of cooperative educa- tion-Forum on education and industry at work for progress. Cincinnati, 20 April 1956. 17p. Excerpts under title: CIA boss tells U.S. how Reds take ideas. In Cincinnati Post, 21 April 1956. illus. Excerpts under title: Rusia's growing strength could be a weakness. In U.S. News & World Report 40:124-1271 11 May 1956. illus. Translation of extracts under title: L'Opinion des services secrets U.S. In L'Express (Paris) no.258:90 1 Jane 1956. The Communist attack on parliamentary government; address given at the University of Pennsylvania Law Review Dinner. Philaglelphia, 4 May 1956. 24p. Text under title: Reds plan "to use freedom" to destroy the free. In U.S. News & World Report 40:132-134+, 25 May 1956. illus. Excerpts under title: Allen Dulles says Reds seek to infil- trate. In St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6 May 1956. Address before the Society of the Cincinnati: Exeter, N.H. 20 May 1956. Excerpts under title: Exeter hears talk about CIA by Nr. Dulles. In Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader, 22 May 1956. Address to the Calvin Bullock Forum. New York 1 June 1956. Address on laying of cornerstone for Georgetown Presbyterian Church. Washington) D.C., 1 July 1956. Excerpts under title: Dulles speaks at laying of cornerstone of Georgetown Presbyterian church. In Washington Post and Times- Herald, 2 July 1956. illus. Address at naturalization proceedings at the U.S. Court House. Washing- ton, D.C.., 14 August 1956. The weaknesses of the Communist dictatorship; address before the American Association of Land Grant Colleges and State Universities. Washington, D.C., 14 November 1956. 17p. AlsoAstued in Proceedings of the American Association of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities (1956)1).40-47, 1957; New York Times 24:52'15 November 1956. illus.; Department of State Bulletin v.35, no.910:874-879, 3 December 1956. 6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Excerpts under title: Russians fear-rule toppling CIA head says. In Washington Star, 14 November 1956. Excerpts under title: Intelligence chief sees -- signs of weakness in Soviet dictatorship. In U.S. News et World Report v.41:132- 134, 23 November 1956. Woodrow Wilson: prophecy and perspective for the present; address at Yale University. New Haven, 27 November 1956. 21p. Also issued in New York Times 6:213, 28 November 1956; Vital Speeches 23:176-180, 1 January 1957. Excerpts under title: CIA chief sees ton Star, 28 November 1956. The challenge of Soviet industrial growth; ton Conference, Princeton University. 1956. 23p. Stalinism's end. In Washing- address before the Prince- Princeton, N.J., 12 December Also issued in Princeton University Conference, 1st0 1956. Prince- ton, N.J., 1951. 61-75pi New York Times 9:3050 13 December 1956. Excerpts under title: Chief of CIA says Russ restive. In San Francisco Examiner0 13 December 1956. Address at Carabao Club. Washington, D.C., 22 January 1957. Evolution in the Communist world; address at the Massachusetts Insti- tute-of TechnolOgy Mid-America Conference. Chicago, 16 February 1957, 19p. Also issued in Congressional Record, Appendix:v.1030 no.31:1438- 14400 25. February 1957; Technology Review v.590 no.6:295-298, 322-326, April 1957. Excerpts under title: Allen Dulles says Soviet unrest rises. In Washington Post and Times-Herald, 17 February 1957. Address before the Diplomatic and Consular Officers Retired at State Department auditorium. Washington, D.C., 7-Narch 1957. -Address before Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce. Fairfax, Va., 8 ? Nay 1957. Excerpts under title: Dulles pledges CIA will fit in. In Wash- - . ington Post and Times-Herald, 9 Nay 1957. Address before the third annual National Strategy Seminar, Carlisle Barracks. Carlisle, Pa., 12 June 1957. 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Address before the Foreign Service Association, Fort McNair. Washing- ton, D.C., 20 June 1957. ?The dommunists also have their problems; address before the Advertising Council, Inc. San Francisco, 19 September 1957. 23p. Also issued in New York Times 4:30 21 September 1957; Vital Speeches 24:3-8, 15 October 1957; Department of State Bulletin v.370 no. 956:639-646, 21 October 1957. Excerpts under title: Khrushchev faces army overthrow, CIA chief says, by Don Whitehead. In New York Herald Tribune, 21 September 1957. illus. SUmmary of Mr. Dulles! speech in San Francisco, by Ansell Mbwrer. In Philadelphia Inquirer, 26 September 1957. Russia's missile firepower; cold facts; summary of address [before Senate Preparedness subcommittee] In Newsweek 50:58-59, 9 December 1957. The Soviet challenge; address before the Conference on America's Human Resources to Meet the World Scientific Challenge, Yale University. New Haven, 3 February 1958. 14. Also issued in Department of State Bulletin v.381 no.975:338-343, 3 March 1958; the Texas Quarterly v.1, no.3:74-830 Summer/Autumn 1958; Dun's Review and Modern Industry 74:114-115+, November 1959. illus. The Soviet economic and trade offensive; address before the National Conference on the Foreign Aspects of U.S. National Security. (presi- dent's International Development Advisory Board) Washington, D.C., 25 February 1958. 12p. Summary. In Washington Post and Times-Herald 26 February 1958. illus. Excerpts. In New York Herald Tribune, 26 February 1958. illus. Khrushchev's challenge; address to'Gthe the Forty-sixth annual meeting, of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States.gbilhitgton-1.0 28 April 1958. 18p. Reprint by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Washington, D.C., April 1958. 8p. illus. Also issued in New York Times 8:3, 8:5-7, _illus.; 1:60 29 April 1958; Congressional Record v.1041 pt.6:7575-7578, 29 April 1958; Congressional Record v.1040 pt.6:7813-7814, 7820, I May 1958; Vital Speeches 24:453-456, 15 May 1958. 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Excerpts under title: Trade heads warned of Red growth, by Edward T. Folliard. In Washington Post and Times-Herald, 29 April 1958, Excerpts under title: Can Russia outstrip U.S.? In U.S. News & World Report 44:105, 9 May 1958. illus. Condensed under title: Economic war is Soviet aim. In Freedom and Union p.8-11, June 1958. Excerpts. In Congressional Record v.104, no.88:8965-89660 3 June 1958. Remarks at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Practising Law Institute, 25th annual reception at the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York, 15 October 1958. 11p. Excerpts under title: Problems of freedan in newly emerging states. In New York Times 7:1, 16 October 1958. Excerpts under title: CIA Director raps critics. In Hamilton (Ohio) Journal-News, 17 October 1958. Excerpts under title: CIA chief says Reds won't risk war in bid to dominate world. In The Stars and Stripes (Mediterranean Issue), 17 October 1958. Excerpts. In Department of State Bulletin v.39/ no.1013:827-8301 24 November 1958. The Communist challenge to free government; address to the Women's Foram on National Security. Washington, D.C.., 30 January 1959. 15p. Also issued in New York Times 3:6, 31 January 1959. Excerpts under title: CIA director warns on Soviet threat. In Washington Star, 30 January 1959. Excerpts under title: Security foruktold: Nan can survive weeks in space, by Eileen Summers, In Washington Post and Times-Herald, 31 January 1959. illus. The Challenge of Soviet power; address to the Edison. Electric Institute, New Orleans, La., 8 April 1959. Washington, 1959. 21p. Reprinted by U.S. Dept. of State: Washington, D.C., 27 April 1959. 15p. (U.S. Dept. of State Publication 6823. EUropean and British Commonwealth series, 55) 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Also issued in New York Times 8:1, 9 April 1959. illus.; Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 16 April 1959. illus.; Department of State Bulletin v.40, no.1035:583-589, 27 April 1959; Congressional Record, Appendix v.105, no.68:3635-36381 30 April 1959; Vital Speeches v.251 no.14:424-4281 1 May 1959. Excerpts. In Quincy (Mass.) Patriot-Leader, 14 April 1959. Excerpts under title: Why worry about Russia? In U.S. News & World Report v.46, no.16:1341 20 April 1959. illus.; Reprint. In Con- gressional Record, Appendix v.105, no.60:3254-32561 21 April 1959. Excerpts. Broadcast over WRCATV (New York), 19 July 1959. Alert to the Communist challenge; address before the Project Alert. Lubbock, Texas, 9 April 1959. - Excerpts under title: Allen Dulles warns of long period of tense maneuvering between East, West. In Lubbock Evening journal, 10 April 1959. illus. William J. Donovan and the national security; speech to the Erie County Bar Association. Buffalo, 4 May 1959. 20p. Also issued in Congressional Record v.1051 no.77:7265-7268, 14 May 1959. Address, (N.Y.) Governor's Special Task Force on Protection from Radio- Active Fallout. Albany, 6 July 1959. Excerpts under title: Says USSR intends to use nuclear blackmail , to help gain world Communist objective. In New York Times 1:8, 7 Ally 1959. illus.; 12:4, 5 August 1959. Remarks to the National Strategy Seminar, the Nationnl War College. Washington, D.C., 24 July 1959. 15p. Also issued in New York Times 5:1, 25 July 1959; Congressional Record, Appendix v.1051 no.126:6468-64701 27 July 1959. Same with title: Some implications of the Soviet threat. In Depart- ment of State Bulletin 41:274-278, 24 August 1959. Same with title: Analysis of the Soviet threat. In Vital Speeches v.250 no.22:687-6901 1 September 1959. Excerpts. In San Diego (Calif.) Union, 4 September 1959. Remarks at the cornerstone ceremony, Central Intelligence Agency head- quarters building. Tnngley, Va., 3 November 1959. 10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Reprint under title: The Director's remarks. In Cornerstone lay- ing of the Central Intelligence Agency building by-the President of the United States, 3 November 1959. Washington, D.C., Central Intelligence Agency, 1959. illus. Also in New York Times 30:3, 4 November 1959; Department of State Bulletin 41:743, 23 November 1959. Statement to the Subcommittee on Economic Statistics of the Joint Economic Committee of the Congress of the United States, 13 November 1959, in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., 1959. 25p. Same under title: Some implications of Soviet economic development; statement, November 13, 1959. In Department of State Bulletin v.41, no.1068:867-874, 14 December 1959. Also issued in U.S. Congress. joint Economic Committee. Subcom- committee on Economic Statistics. Comparisons of the United States and Soviet economies; hearings. Washington, 1960. p.1-27. Excerpts under title: Dulles calls Nikita boasts mostly myths, by William Moore. In Chicago Tribune, 14 November 1959. Excerpts under title: The Soviet challenge and what we can do, by J. A. Livingston. In Washington Post and Times-Herald, 20 November 1959. Excerpts under title: Inside look at the race between U.S. and Russia. In U.S. News & World Report v.470 no.21:97-990 23 November 1959. illus. Excerpts. In Congressional Record v.1061 no.131:1197, 26 January 1960; v.106:2104-21052 9 February 1960. Address before the National Association of Manufacturersi,64thCongressL; of American Industry. New York, 4 December 1959. 16p. Also issued in New York Times 4:3, 5 December 1959. illus. Condensed under title: The Soviet challenge! Based on address be- fore the National Association of ManufaCtuters. In Industrial Development and Manufacturer's Record 129:6-8+, February 1960. illus. Excerpts. In The Executive (Baker Library, Harvard University) p.23-251 March 1960. Remarks on receiving the Salvation Army Citation for 1959 at the Annual Luncheon Meeting of the Salvation Army. New York, 15 December 1959. 10p. Also issued in New York Times 8:3, 16 December 1959; New York Post, 16 December 1959. Address to the Honors Night Dinner, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, New York, 26 January 1960. 22p. 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 ? Excerpts. In Congressional Record v.1060 no.15:1395-1396, 28 January 1960. Excerpts under title: How the U.S. sized up Soviet military power. In U.S. News & World Report 48:102-103, 8 February 1960. illus. Excerpts under title: Dulles outlines CIA's intelligence role. In Aviation Week and Space Technology 72:87+, 15 February 1960. illus. Excerpts under title: Intelligence estimating and national security. In Department of State Bulletin 42:411-417, 14 March 1960. Excerpts under title: The role of Central Intelligence. In The Federalist p.2-40 Fall 1960. illus. Problems and threatof international communism; address to Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. Washington, D.C., 23 March 1960. Public order and the preservation of our freedoms; address to St. George Association, Inc. of the Police'Department of the City of New York. New York, 1 May 1960. 12p. Also issued in Congressional Record, Appendix v.106: 4874-4875, 8 June 1960. Address at claSs of '38 reunion, Princeton University. In New York Times 13:1, 11 Jane 1960. Address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Detroit, Mich., 22 August 1960. 16p. Also issued in New York Times 3:40 23 August 1960; Congressional Record, Appendix v.106, no.140:6252-62541 23 August 1960; Con,. gressional Record v.1061 no.144:16785-167871 27 August 1960. Digest under title: Communist menace; to meet it we must under- stand it. In Washington Star, 24 August 1960. Digest under title: Reds' blueprint for conquest. In Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, 28 August 1960. illus. Excerpts under title: Dulles talks of Soviets' blueprint for conquest. In Fargo (N.D.) Forum, 2 September 1960. Excerpts under title: "Let's not expect communists to change their spots"; CIA chief cites knowledge of Reds' tactics as best U.S. defense. In San Diego Union, 4? September 1960. illus. 12 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Excerpts under title: Mbre than a conspiracy. In Moline (Ill.) Dispatch, 5 September 1960. Excerpts under title: A new warning on Russia from a top U.S. official. In U.S. News & World Report 49:87-90, 5 September 1960. illus. ? Excerpts under title: Communist theory and practice; basic elements of Khrushchev's present policy. In Vital Speeches v.26, no.24:742- 745, 1 October 1960. Condensed under title: Studying coimnu?isni. In Emporia (Kan.) Emporia Gazette, 26 November 1960. Condensed under title: We can't lick compinnisza without understand- ing it. In Reader's Digest 77:237-240, December 1960. Excerpts under title: The sinister '60s; next ten years will decide if free world will remain free. In V.F.W. p.10+0 January 1961. illus. The Central Intelligence Agency; address before the meeting of the Sec- tion of Corporation Banking and Business Law, 'Washington, D.C., 29 August 1960. Also issued in The Business Lawyer v.160 no.1:48-530 November 1960. Summary of remarks to All-American Conference to coMbat communism and Kansas City Association for International Relations and Trade. Kansas City (Mb.), 11 November 1960. Excerpts under title: Dulles answers questions, but information is meager. In Kansas City Times, 12 November 1960. illus. The power of ideas; summary of remarks to the Printing Week-Dinner, New-York Employing Printers Association. New York, 16 January 1961. 10p, Text. Broadcast,over:WOR (New York) and Mutual Broadcasting Syttem Network, 16 January 1961. Also issued in New York Times 34:1, 17 January 1961. Summary of remarks to the Annual University of Presidents, Young Presi- dents' Organization. San Juan, P.R., 17 April 1961. Incentives in the Soviet Union; summary of remarks at Thirty-first Annual National Business Conference, Harvard Business School. Boston, 9 June 1961. 16p. Also issued in New York Times 2:4, 10 June 1961. 13 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Condensed under title: What drives the Soviet manager?- the Communists have effectively combined carrots and sticks. In Harvard Business School Bulletin 37:6-12, August 1961. Remarks at announcement of appointment of John McCone as the Direc- tor of C.I.A. at the U.S. Naval Base, Newport, R.I., 27 September 1961. Also issued in New York Times 20:1,20 28 September 1961. Remarks of the, President and Mr. Dulles at the ceremonies marking the presentation of the Natimial Security Medal to Mr.. Dulles. Langley, Va., 28 November 1961. 3.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTION IV ARTICLES AND PUBLISHED STATEMENTS BY ALLEN WELSH DULLES Alternatives for Germany. In Foreign Affairs 25:421-432, April 1947. The Communist attack upon parliamentary government. In U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities. Soviet total war: "Historic mission" of violence and deceit. Washington, GPO, 1956. v.2, p.423-430. Disarmament in the atomic age. In Foreign Affairs 25:204-216, January 1947 Exchange of letters between the President and. Mr. Dulles in connection 'with the latter's resignation as Director. Washington, D.C., 28- 29 November 1961. Foreign-language specialists; letter. In Congressional Record v.1014 pt..911312113131 22 July 1955. Germany: a formula. In New York Times Nhgazine p.8-9+0 6 June 1948. Goodby, Berlin! In Collier's 117:80-81, 11 May 1946. Interview by Rep. Harold C. Ostertag for TV, New York State, 17 June 1956. Excerpts under title; Soviet lead in missiles discounted. In Washington Post and Times-Herald, 18 June 1956: Interview by Rep. Kenneth B. Keating on program "Let's look at Con- gress" over Station WHAM-TV, Rochester, New York, and Station WHEN-TV, Buffalo, New York. .n.p.? 1955. 8p. Excerpts under title: Red's machinations unabated, Allen Dulles asserts, In Cincinnati Enquirer, 10 October 1955. Excerpts under title: Red's habits unchanged, CIA finds. In Washington Post rniii Times-Herald, 10 October 1955. Interview on program "Meet the Press" televised over Station WRC-NBC, 31 DeCeaer 1961. Excerpts under title: Dulles denies Cuba uprising was expected. In Washington Star, 1 January 1962. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Interview over WMAL-ABC Radio Stationl.Washington, 11 November 1955. (Pre-recorded) Text under title: Tension in Mid-East highly dangerous, by Richard Rendell. In Washington Star, 13 November 1955. illus. Let's look-at Russia honestly. In Parade Nhgazine.p.12-13, 3 ally 1955. illus. and cover photo. National scene: intelligence chief has his-problems. (Written by Mri Dulles as guest columnist-for Thomas L. Stokes) In Tarentum (Pa.) Daily News, 22 April 1958. New techniques of Communist disruption. In New Leader 38:19, 31 October 1955. Progress toward disarmament. In Foreign Affairs 11:54-65, October 1932. Review. Nbyzisch, L. C. Operation Cicero. In New York Herald Tribune Book Review p.5, 29 October 1950. Statement [at resignation] Washington, D.C., 28 November 1961. Trouble ahead from Russia's surplus guns. In U.S. News & World Report 39:126-128, 14 October 1955. We tell Russia too much; interview with Allen W. Dulles, Directorl-Cen- tral Intelligence Agency. Washington, l954. p.62-68. illus. Special reprint from. U.S. News & World Report, March 19, 1954. Photo on cover. What we know about Russia's strength. In Chicago Sunday Tribune Maga- zine pt.3:18-19, 17 ally 1960. illus.. U.S. CONGRESS. HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS. The supplemental appropriation bill, 1957. 'Hearings before subcommittees of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Eighty- fourth Congress, second session. Washington) GPO, 1956415. 2 pts. Nr. DulleOrtestimony on the new CIA building: p.238-306. U.S. CONGRESS. SENATE. CONNITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS. The supplemental appropriation bill, 1956. Hearings before the Committee on Appropri- ations, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on H.R. 7278, an act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, and for other purposes. Washing- ton, GPO, 1955. 1133p. Nr. Dulles' testimony on the new CIA building: p.239-316. 16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 U.S. CONGRESS, SENATE. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS. The supple- mental appropriation bill, 1957. Hearings before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, on H.R. 12138, an act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, and for other purposes. Washington, GPO, 1956. 789p. Mr. Dulles' testimony on the new CIA building: p.719-776. U.S. CONGRESS. SENATE. COMM.= ON ARMED SERVICES. Military public works construction. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Real Estate and Military Construction of the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on S. 1765, H.R. 6829, a bill to authorize certain construction at military, naval, and air force installattmmik'and fOrJother pan, poses ... Washington, GPO, 1955. 762p. Hearings held May 9 - Jane 27, 1955. Mr. Dulles supports request for authority to provide a headquarters installationfforither;Cen tral Intelligence Agency: p.536-549. - - - National defense establishment (unification of the armed services) Hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eightieth Congress, first session, on S. 758, a bill to promote the national security by providing for a National defense establishment which shall be administered by a secretary of national defense, and for a Department of the Army, a Depart- ment of the Navy, and a Department of the Air Force within the National defense establishment, and for the coordination of the activities of the National defense establishment with the other departments and agencies of the government concerned with the national security. Washington, GPO, 1947. 3:lots. Memorandum respecting Section 202 (Central Intelligence Agency) of the bill to provide for a National defense establishment, submitted by Allen W. Dulles, April 25, 1947: p.525 If. 17 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTION V ALLEN WELSH DULLES IN BOOKS ABOUT those who are against the peace. Moscow, State Publishing House for Political Literature, 1957. 421p. Partial contents: The dirty work of Allen Dulles, p.114-124. Translation of: 0 tekh kto protiv mira. ADAMS SHERMAN. Firsthand report; the story of the Eisenhower administration. New York, Harper, 1961. 481p. ALLEN Welsh Dulles [biography] In Current Biography, 1949. New York, H. W. Wilson, 1950. p.178-1770. ALSOP, STEWART, and THOMAS BRADEN. Sub rosa; the 0.S.S.and American espionage. .New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946. 237p. Also published in Sweden. AFTBEKER, HERBERT. The truth about Hungary. New York, Mainstream Publishers, 1957. 256p. ARMSTRONG, ANNE. Unconditional surrender; the impact of the Casablanca policy upon World War II. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers UniVersity Press, 1961. 304p. HEAL, JOHN ROBINSON. John Foster Dulles: a biography. New York, Harper, 1957. 331p. BLOCH-MORHANGE, JACQUES. Les fabricants de guerres; espions allemands, 1918-1950. Paris, Editions "Je Sere, 1950. 289p. BUCHNEIT, GERT. Soldatentumund Rebellion; die Tragodie der deutschen Wehrmacht. Rastatt/Baden, Grote, 1961. 509p. CARLI-BALLOLA, RENATO. "1953" [i.e. "Diciannove-eentoeinvente-tre] processo Parri. Milano, Editrice Ceschinal 1954. 205p. , - - - Storia della resistenza. Milano, Edizioni Avanti, 1957. 369p. (Biblioteca socialista, 4-5) CARTER, JOHN FRANKLIN. Republicans on the Potomac; the new Republicans in action, by Jay Franklin [pseud.] New York, McBride, 1953. 288p. CATALANO, FRANCO. Storia del C.L.N.A.I. Bari, Laterza, 1956. 456p. (Libri del tempo, no.31) 18 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 DELZELL, CHARLES F. Mussolini's enemies; the Italian anti-Fascist- resistance. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1961. 620p. DOLLNANN-, BUGEN: Call me coward. Introd. by Field-Marshal Kesselring. London, Kimber, 1956. 201p. ? - -. Rama nazista. Tr. dal tedesco di Italo Zingarelli. Milano, Longanesi, 1951. 440p. .DONOVAN, ROBERT J. Eisenhower; the inside story. Beti York,. Harper, 1956. '423p. DOWNES, DONALD. The scarlet thread; adventures in wartime espionage. New York, British Book Centre, 1953. 207p. DUILES, JOHN FOSTER. War or peace. New York, Naathillan, 1950. '274p. EDWARDS, BOB; and KENNETH DUNE. A study of a master spy (Allen Dulles). London, Housmans Publishers and Booksellers and the Chemical Workers' Union, 1961. 79p. 2d edition published in 1961 with an additional preface on Cuba. FALSIrihRS of history; an historical document on the origins of World War II. New York, Committee for Promotion of Peace, 1948? 63p. Originally published in "Soviet Russia Today," April 1948. FARAGO, LADISLAS. Burn after reading; the espionage history of World War II. New York, Walker, 1961. 319p. - - -. War of wits; the anatomy of espionage and intelligence. New York, Rink & Wagnalls, 1954. 379p. FITZGIBBON, CONSTANTINE. Officers plot to kill Hitler. Abridged. New York, Avon Publications, 1956. 222p. Original title: 20 July. - - The shirt of Nessus. London, Cassell, 1956. 288p. American ed. has title: 20 July. 20 July. New York, W. W. Norton 1956. 285p. English ed. has title: The shirt of Nessus. FOLEY, CHARLES. Commando extraordinary. Abridged. New York, Ballan- tine Books, 1954. 180p. 19 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 FORD, COREY, and ALASTAIR MACBAIN. Cloak and dagger; the secret story of OSS. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1945. 216p. GILLMOR, DANIEL. Fear, the accuser, New York, Abelard-Schuman, 1954. 308P. GISEVIUS, BANS BERND. Bis zum bittern Ende. ZUrich, Fretz & Wasmuth, 1946. 2v. - - - -. To the bitter end. Tr. from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1947. 632p. Also available in other languages. GORLITZ, WALTER.. Der zweite Weltkrieg, 1939-1945. Stuttgart, Steingruben Verlag, 1952. 624p. HTLSMAN, ROGER. Strategic intelligence and national decisions. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1956. 187p. HODIC, JOSEF. The continuation of the policy of Munich [i.e., of the Hitler regime] by the Western Powers in the Second World War. In Obermann, Karl, and Josef Politens*, eds. Die Bintergruende-des MUenchner Abkommens von 1938. Berlin, Mitten & Loening, 1959. p.125-130. (Schriftenreihe der Kbmmission der Historiker der DDR mid der CSR, Bd.2) Translation of chapter entitled: Die Fbrtsetzung der Politik von MUenchen durch die Westmaechte im Zweiten Weltkrieg. - ? -.. Die Fortsetzung der Pblitik von Maenchen durch die West- maechte im Zweiten Weltkrieg. In Obermann, Khrl, and Josef PolienskSr,_eds. Die Bintergruende des NUenchner Abkommens von 1938. Berlin, RUtten & Loening, 1959. p.125-130. (Schriftenreihe der 'Commission der Historiker der DDR und der CSR1.Bd.2) HOETTL, WILRELM. Die Geheime Front; Organisation, Personen und Aktionen des Deutschen Geheimdienstes, von Walter Hagen [pseud.] Linz, Nibelungen Verlag, 1950. 515p. - - - Hitler's paper weapon. Tr. from the German by Basil Creigh- ton. London, Hart-Davis, 1955. 187p. - - - -. The secret front; the story of Nazi political espionage. Tr. from the German by R. H. Stevens. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. 327p. 20 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 HOETTL, WILHELM. Unternahmen Bernhard; Ein historischer Tatsachenbericht Uber die grosste GeldfUlschungsaktion aller Zeiten [von] Walter Hagen [pseud.] Weis, WelsermUhl, 1955. 291p. HUNGARY. KULUGYMINISZTERIUM. Documents on the hostile activity, of the United States government against the Hungarian' People's Republic. Budapest, Hungarian State Publishing House, 1951. 323p. JESSUP, 2LtLLIP CARL. International security; the American rfte in collective action for peace'. New York, Council on Foreign Relations, 1935. 157p. Prepared under the direction of a committee appointed by the Coun- cil on foreign relations, A. W. Dulles, chairman, for submission to the eighth International" studiesconference to be held in London, June 3, 1935. cf. Foreword. JOESTEN, JOACHIM. C.I.A.; wie der amerikanische Geheimdipnst arbeitet. iithateni Isar Verlag, 1958, 190p. Chap. 8: Dulles and Dulles, p.70-77. Portrait facing p.65. KINSHE, JON. Spying for peace; General Guisan and Swiss neutrality. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1961. 168p." KEENER, JOHANN,VON. -Le livre noir de l'espionnage. Paris, Editions Fleuve Noir, 1955. 222p. Portrait facing page 32. LERNER, DANIEL. Sykewar; psychological warfare against Germany, D-Day to VE-Day. New York)Stewart? 1949. 463p. LIGHT, ROBERT E., and CARL MARZANI. Cuba versus CIA. New York, Marzani & Mansell, 1961. 72p. illus. MADER, JULIUS.- Aliens gangster in aktion. Berlin, /Congress Ver- lag, 1959. 160p. - Gangstery Allena Dallesa. Modkva, Voynizdat, 1960. 162p. Translation of: Aliens gangster in aktion. - - -. Die Graue Hand; eine Abrechnung mit dem Bonner Geheimdienst. Berlin, Kongress-Verlag, 1960, 238p. MARTIN, JAMES STEWART. All honorable men. Boston, Little, Brown, 1950., 326p. 21 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 MAXWELL, GEORGE, pseud. El C.I.A. Madrid, Editorial Dolar, (n.d.] 191p. Portrait on rear cover. MCCDEN, OTTO. Der Ruf des Gewissens; der osterreichische Freiheitskampf 1938-1945. Wien, Verlag Herold, 1958. 370p. 0 TEKH kto protiv mira; stat'il ocherki, pamflety. Pod obshchey red. 14.Moreva. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1957. 551p. Partial contents: Gryaznaya rabota Allena Dallesa, by V. Makhov (p.157-171)--Politsiya--prezhde vsego, by O. Prudkov (p.183-197) RANSOM, HARRY HOWE. Central intelligence and national security. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958. 287p. REITLINGER, GERALD ROBERTS. The SS, alibi of a nation, 1922-1945. New York) Viking Press, 1957. 502p. Also available in British and German editions. RITTER, GERHARD. Carl Goerdeler und die deutsche Widerstandsbewegnung. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags. Anstalt, 1954. 630p. - - - The German resistance; Carl Goerdeler's struggle against tyranny. London, Allen & Unwin, 1958. 330p. Translation of: Carl Goerdeler unci die deu.tocbe WiaerOandOewegnung. ROTBFEIS,'HANS. The German opposition to Hitler. Hinsdale, Regnery, 1948. 172p. RUSSIA. SOVETSKOYE INFORMATSIONNOYE BYURO. Caught in the act; facts about U.S. espionage and subversion against the U.S.S.R. Moscow, Soviet Information Bureau, 1960. 159p. Translation of original Russian: Pbymany s polichnym; sbornik fak- tov o shpionazhe i podryvnykh deystviyakh SShA protiv SSSR. Mbsk- Sovetskoye Informatsionnoys Byuro, 1960. 151p. Also issued under title: Con las manos en la masa. Montevideo, Ediciones Pueblos Unidos? 1961. 160p. Falsificators of history (an historical note) Text of a communique issued by the Soviet Information Bureau. Moscow, 1948. 61p. 22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SCHLABRENDORFF, FABIAN 'VON. They almost killed Hitler. Prepared and ed. by Gero v. S. Gaevernitz. New York, Macmillan, 1947. 150p. English ed. has title: Revolt against Hitler. Also available in other languages. SCHREYER, WOLFGANG. Die Piratenchronik; dramatische Szenen und Berichte aus der Geschichte der Luftspionage. Berlin, Kongress-Ver- lag, 1961. 200p. SECKBACHER, PETER.- Dollars dirnen Divisionen; eine Reportage aus unseren Tagen. Berlin, Kongressa7Verlag, 1955. 128p. Mbnopoiherren, Meinungsknufer, Militaristen, em n Tatsachen- bericht nit Dokumenten. Berlin, Kongress-Verlag, 1954. 143k. Portrait: p.13. SEDOV, V. The secrets of American espionage. Moscow, Krasnaya Zvezdal 1960. 6p. Complete translation of the original Russian: Tayny amerikanskogo shpionazha. Review of: Aliens gangster in aktion, by Julius Nader. SIEGER, KURT D. The men in the Trojan horse. Boston, Beacon Press, 1953. 258p. SOYUZ ZHURNALISTOV SSSR. NO return for U-2; truth about the pro-. vocative penetration of Soviet air space by an American plane. Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1960. 174p. Translation of original Russian: Samolet "U-2"; ne vernetsya na bazu. Also available in other languages. STEWART, GORDON. The cloak and dollar war. London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1953. 72p. STOLPER, GUSTAV. German realities. New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1948. 341p. TULLY, ANDREW. CIA, the inside story. New York, Morrow, 1962. 276p. U.S. COMMISSION ON ORGANIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE GOVERN- MENT (1953-1955) Intelligence activities; a report to the Con- gress. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955. 76p. 23 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 U.S. PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION ACTIVITIES ABROAD. [Con- clusions and recommendations of the Committee on Information Activities Abroad, Honorable Mansireld D. Sprague, Chairman] Washington, 1961. lv. VAVRA, IVAN. The master of futility. Translation. Original text. In Mlada Fronta (Prague), 15-17 Settemb0-1961. VENKATARAMAN, S. P. C.I.A. exposed; an account of the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America with special reference to Cuba. New Delhi, New Literature, 1961. 16p. WHEELER-BENNET, JOHN W. The nemesis of power; the German army in politics, 1918-1945. London, Macmillan; New York, St. Martin's I. Press, 1953. 829p. YAMADA, TAIJIRO. America no himitsu kikan. Tokyo, Satsuki Shobo, 1953. 207p. illus. YERENENKO, ANDREY IVANOVICH. Protiv fal'sifikatsii istorii vtoroy mirovoy voyny. 2. perer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Inogiz, 1959. 148p. zzLimil EBERHARD. Geist der Freiheit, der zwanzigste Juli. MUnchen, Rum, 1956. 462p. 24- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTION VI ALLEN WELSH DULLES' IN PERIODICAL ARTICLES', ALBRIGHT, ROBERT C. Bomb shelter work urged by Governors--- con- ference sees it as defense against attack or blackmail. In Con- gressional Record v.1050 no.151:15037, 31 August 1959. Reprinted from Washington Post and Times-Herald, 5 August 1959. ALLEN Dulles and [Povl] Bang-Jensen [failure of Dulles to investigate alleged Soviet infiltration of the Central Intelligence Agency] In National Review v.8, no.4:64, 30 January 1960. ALLEN Dulles; chef des services de renseignements Etats-Unis. illus. In L'Orient (Beirut) p.5, 2 June 1960. ALLEN Dulles: Der FernaufklUrer. In Der Spiegel (Hamburg) v.14 no.22: 20-33, 1960. ALLEN Welsh Dulles American master spy. In Vilna. Respublikinis radijas. Reports of the Soviet Occupied Vilna Broadcasting Station p.5-71 2 June 1960. ALSOP, STEWART. The lessOns of the Duban disaster. In The Saturday Evening Post v.2340 no.25:26-27+, 24 June 1961. illus. TBE ATIANTIC,report on Washington. In Atlantic Monthly 198:8-10, August 1956. The right to know, p.101 refers to Mr. Dulles' comtents on Soviet education. BAKER, RUSSELL.- Other Mr. Dulles, of the In New York Times Mhgazine p.17+1 16 March 1958. ,illus. ' BEHIND the U-2: CIA and the anxious congressmen. In Newsweek 55:30, 16 May 1960. illus. BENTON, WILLIAM. How strong is Russia? And how weak? In New York ? ? Timet Magazine p.9+, 10 June 1956. BETTER spies for U. S. needed? In U.S. News & World Report 39:34-35, 8 July 1955. 25 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 BEZYMENSMI, LEV, Allen Dulles, the no. 1 spy, In Ukraina no.15: 28-29, August 1960. (In Ukrainian) BLACK services for the-White House. In Zapisnik (Czech Army fort- nightly) v.600no.150 truly 1960. Pt.1: Operation Dulles-Wolf; pt.2: Secret wheels of espionage. BREATON, W. HAROLD. New fieldsof competition; the challenge of in- ternational communism. In Vital Speeches v.240 no.24:744-7471 1 October 1958. BROTHERS Dulles. In Nation 185:206, 5 October 1957. BROTHERS on Ike's team. 3=.4.1141.0 Magazine p.100 28 February 1954. 0 BUNIZAKOVI PETR TI ANS OVICH. Be vigilant: (From Bloknot Agitatora, March 1957)0 In Current Digest of the Soviet Press v.9, no.17: 30, 5 June 1957. THE CIA. In NationalLGuardian p.70 6 December 1954. CIA: HOW super the sleuths? In Newsweek v.57, no.19:29-380 8 May 1961. illus. and cover photo. CABELL, Gen CHARLES PEARRE. The nature of the Communist threat; ? the triple threat attack on the west. In Vital Speeches v..251 no. 24:7517541 1 October 1959. Delivered to the National Security Commission, Committee Meetings of the American Legion, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August a, 1959. CARTUOI, GEORGEI'lrL. 'Allen Dulle*master of U.S. spies. In:LTrue Detective v.74, no.1:34+0 November 1960. illus. CENTRAL Intelligence Agency: a guardian of our national security. In American Legion Firing Line v.101 no.9:37-400 September 1961. CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN. OBS. In Life p.118-1300 19 November 1945. CLOAK and dagger. In Newsweek 46:350 12 September 1955. Re Trudeau controversy. COOK, r1ED J. Allen Dulles' nether world; department for overthrow- ing governments and installing puppets, subversionists and provoca- teurs bought for dollars. In Izvestiya, 25 JUly 1961. English translation of the:Russian translation of The.,CIA, by V. Mhtveyev. 26 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 COOK, FRED J. The CIA. In Nation v.192, no.25:529-572, 24 Jane 1961. illus. Special issue entirely devoted to CIA, dealing in large part with the career of Allen W. Dulles, and with the invasion of Cuba, April 17, 1961. Issued also in Congressional Record, Appendix v.107, no.135:6154- 6176, 8 August 1961. - Kdo je Allen Dulles? Translation of The CIA. In Ve6erni Praha 7:6, 16 Zffi 1961. COSTA, GITRERT. The 11 Americans the Communists hate most. In Pageant v.13, no.11:72-750 May 1958. illus. DANGEROUS game of numbers; missile scoreboard; with account by John L. Steele. In Life 148:51-52+, 8 February 1960. DAVIS, FORREST. The secret history of a.surrender; German armies in northern Italy. In Saturday Evening Post 218:9-11+, 22 September; 17+, 29 September 1945. illus. DEFENSE and strategy: new accents in military thinking and spending. In Fortune 48:35-36+, July 1953. illus. Section entitled CIA: "no comment on anything" p.36, 38, 40. DEINDORFER, ROBERT. Our spies ... are they letting us down? /1:6:Parade Magazine p.8+, 30 October 1955. - - The shocking revelations of a top U.S. secret agent. In Argosy p.14-20, March 1955. DIAMMIDi EDWIN. C.I.A.; how it taps Russia's secrets. In Saga v.21, no.1:20+, October 1960. illus. DOCUNENTS on Allen Dulles's secret negotiations with the Nazis in 1943. In New Times (Moscow) 27:12-20) July 1960. illus. In Novoye Vremya 18 no.27:12-19, July 1960. 'DER DOLLAR- und Agentenkrieg. In Weg und Ziel 11:841-845, December 19,3. DULLES says Russian power outgrows ours. In Georgetown Record v.9, , .Apri11960;.?..111us. 27 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 ECKARDT, WOLFGANG VON. "Reviving German propaganda. In New Leader P443;-3,4i,17:Ijayll1954. Mention of Mr. Dulles in connection with Georg von Lilienfeld. THE ECONOMY; the hot Red breath. In Time v.17, no.19t181 12 May 1958. EDMUNDSON, CHARLES. Daggers against diplomacy: the Central In- telligence Agency [certain activities in foreign countries] In Progressive 23:21-24, February 1959. - - -. Dulles brothers in diplomania. In Nation 185:315-318, 9 November 1957. Reply with rejoinder. B. Reich. 185:inside cover, 7 December 1957. )WARDS, BOB, and KENNETH DUNNE. Allen Dulles "re dello spionaggio" americano. Comincib la carriera con un granchio colossale. In Paese Sera, 19 August 1961-1 September 1961. illus. EGAN, LEO C. Practical men around Thomas E. Dewey. In New York Times Magazine p.10-11+, 12 September 1948. THE EXPERTS compare US and Soviet growth. Lh Economic World, December 1959. illus. FAISCBE propheten-von gestern...und von heute; Die "neue Linie" des Allan Dulles. In Weg und Ziel 13:802-803, November 1955. GERVASI, FRANK. What's wrong with our spy system.? In Col1ier6p.13+, 6 November 1948. GINIGER, KENNETH S. Chief spy; the story of Allen Dulles. In Ameri- can Weekly p.4-5, 3 ally 1960. illus. GROSS, MARTIN L. Allen Dulles--America's master spy. In Cavalier p.23-25+1 April 1954. GUNTHER, JOHN. Inside CIA. In Look 16:25-29, 12 August 1952. illus. Same abr. In Reader's Digest 61:129-133, October 1952. HAGELBERG, G. VI: "Department of dirty tricks." In Jewish Life p.21-g7) March. 1953. HALLSTROM, E. Allen Dulles -- American military chief. In Ny Militar Tidskrift p.231, 10 November 1959. -BAREBESS, RICHARD, and GLADYS HARKNESS. Mysterious doings of CIA. In Saturday Evening Post 227:19-21+, 30 October; 34-35+, 6 November; 30+, 13 November 1954. illus. 28 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 HOBBING, ENNO BELMAR. CIA: hottest role in the cold war. In Esquire 48:31-34, September 1957. HOEXTL, WILHELM. I was Hitler's master spy. As told to Ladislas Farago. In Argosy p.18-19+, November 1953. illus. HOT-COLD war team. In U.S. News & World Report 34:42-451 6 February 1953. illus. ? HOT TIP. In Nation 190:462-4630 28 May 1960. HUXLEY-BLYTHE, itatR J. Insecure security. In Task Force v. no.4/5:1+1 August/September 1956. IKE ON the Moscow menace: it's worse than you think. In Newsweek p.21-22+0 2 March 1953. illus. INVESTIGATING the CIA. In Commonweal 60:382, 23 jay 1954. INVESTIGATIONS: another bad week. In Time 62:90 27 July 1953. IRININ, O. U.S. subversive activity against the people's democracies. (From Bloknot Agitatora, January 1957) In Current Digest of the Soviet Press v.9, no.5:18-191 13 March 1957. IVANOV, K. Methods of "secret warfare," etc. In International Affairs (Moscow) no.2:85-930 February 1957. JOESTEN, JOACHIM. CIA; wie der amerikanische Geheimdienst arbeitet. In Das Neue journal, 21 May-19 November 1958. - - -. Dulles & Dulles. Reprint of chapter 8 of C.I.A. In Politische Studien v.90 no.96:248-2530 April 1958. JORDAN, HENRY. CIA; our invisible sentinel. In Argosy p.24-25+0 August 1957. KNEBEL0 FLETCHER. Day of decision. In Look v.22, no.19:17-191 16 September 1958. KUDOS. In Time 70:52, 1 July 1957. Citation for Mr. Dulles upon receiving honorary degree at Princeton University. LABOR and the cold war. In Nation 181:506-510, 10 December 1955. Reference to Mr. Dulles obtaining information from Mr. Lovestone. 29 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 LEONIDOV, A. The Wall Street-Ruhr alliance. In New Times (Moscow) p.9-13, 11 December 1954. LEVESQUE, PAUL. "Silent Americans." In New Times (Moscow) 36:11-13, 6 September 1961. MALY Pentagon. In Od Nowa, 20 December 1959. illus. TEE MAN Khrushchev would really like to put on trial. In Today v.1, no.25:4-7, 13 August 1960. illus. MAN WITH the innocent air. In Time v.621 no.5:12-15, 3 August 1953. illus. Same abr. In Reader's Digest-63:39-42, October 1953. MAY, RONALD W. Allen Dulles. In Parade p.14-161 8 January 1961. illus. and cover photo by Khrsh. MIKHAYLOV, N. Dulles hunts for witches. -- Gross provocation by -American Intelligence; unlawful arrest of Soviet citizen, .a U.N. employee. In Current Digest of the Soviet Press 12, no.44:22-231 30 November 1960. Translated from Izvestiya:p.2, 30 Oct. 1960. NE. DULLES' testimony. In New Republic 141:5, 23 November 1959. MORGAN, EDWARD P. The spy the Nazis missed. In True p.21+1 July 1950. illus. ICEMEN, NORBERT. Allan W. Dulles -- Amerikas "Dritter Mann" In Weltwoche (ZUrich) v.26, no.1309:31 1958. MURRAY, J. L. The U. S. spy. In Maes Life p.12-15+1 July/August 1957. NATHAN; WILLIAM. Allen Dulles: AmeriCa's global Sherlock. In True v.40, no.268:18+, September 1959. illus. Excerpts under title: C.I.A. Chief Dulles defies spy traditions but confounds enemy. In Watertown (N.Y.) Times, 10 September 1959. - ? - El hombre que envia sus agentes hasta las puertas del Krem- lin. In Bohemia (Havana) no.50:10+0 13 December 1959. illus. Translation of: Allen Dulles: America's global Sherlock, NOZZOLI, GUIDO. Mr. Fiasco. In Vie Nuove no.418:18-211 May 1961. illus. NO. 1 spy. In Sovetskiy Voin 42, no.16:30-321 August 1960. 30 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 O'DONNELL, JOHN PARSONS. CIA: intelligence or ignorance? In American Mercury 85:118-120, ally 1957. ON THE Eisenhower team. In Newsweek 41:20, 2 February 1953. OTHER brother. In Time 61:13, 2 February 1953. illus. OTHER Mr. Dulles of CIA. In Congressional Record, Appendix v.1040 ,. no.43:2560-25621 18 March 1958. PEOPLE of the week. In U.S. News & World Report 34:42-45, 6 February 1953; 39:12, 8 July 1955. PHILLIPS, CABELL. Allen Dulles of the silent service. In New York Times Magazine p.12+, 29 March 1953. illus. - - - Super-cabinet for our security. In New York Times Magazine p.14-15+, 4 April 1954. illus. On members of the National Security Council. PRAESTO, OLAF LANNART. Allen Dulles U.S. Chief of Espionage. . Translation. Original text In Se,(StockhoIm) v.23, no.21:16-19, 25 May 1960. RAGHAVEN, A. What's behind Allen Dulles' mystery mission to India? In Blitz (Newsmagazine) p.3? 29 September 1956. illus, REMARKS in Senate relative to Allen W. Dulles, In Congressional Record *awl no.61:5269-52701 12 April 1961. REPAS, R. The curious capers of the CIA. In Progressive p.26-270 September 1953. REPORT to Washington. In Atlantic p.9-111 July 1958. SCHMIDT, JOHN C. Eyes and ears of the U.S. In Catholic Digest p.67+, November 1960. illus. Condensed from the Baltimore Sun, 12 June 1960. SCHURMACHER, EMILE C. Allen Dulles and the spy house at 2430 E Street, N.W. In Stag v.121 no.5:18+0 May 1961.r illus. SECRETS Congressmen can't get. In U.S. News & World Report 37:38-39, 16 July 1954. illus. 31 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SOVIET economic threat is showing mounting vigor: editorial. In Con- gressional Record, Appendix v.104, no.70:4043, 5 May 1958. Reprinted from Milwaukee Journal. SPIONAGE: Allen Dulles, der Fernaufklgrer (siehe Titelbild) In Der Spiegel Wien v.14, no.22:20+, 25 May 1960. illus. and cover photo. SPY BUSINESS keeps on booming. In U.S. News & World Report 40:51-54, 25 May 1956. illus. STANFORD, NEAL. The role of the CIA. In Foreign Policy Bulletin 39: 148, 15 June 1960. STORY of Allen Dulles and the CIA. In U.S. News & World Report 48:25, 23 May 1960. illus. TOP U. 5. cloak and dagger agency is again under fire.. In News Front p.34-351 February 1957. TRIBUTE [including article by Walter Winchell] In Congressional Record, Appendix v.1041 no.122:6519-6520, 21 July 1958. UNNA, WARREN. CIA: who watches the watchman? In Harper's 216:46-53, April 1958. THE WAR of dollars and agents. In Weg und Ziel v.111 no.12:841-845, December 1953. A WATCHDOG to watch the watchdog. In Senior Scholastic (Teacher ed.) t#.10-111 22 March 1956. WINTER, K. Allen Welsh Dulles, leader of the gild of "the Disgusting." - In Mezin4rodni Politika (Prague) 4, no.7:440-4441 July 1960. YOU CAN be a U. S. spy. In Bold p.29-301 February 1954. ZASLOVSKY, D. What they fear. In New Times (Moscow) p.20-221 December 1955. Comments on Mr. Dulles' remarks on education. zgulov, V. American intrigues against socialist countries., In Inter- national Affairs (Moscow) no.1:142-143, January 1957. 32 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTION VII ALLEN WELSH DULLES IN THE NEW YORK TIMES* SUBJECTDATE PAGE COLUMN . 1946 Alleged Mar. 5 role in German negotiated peace attempts 5 5 cited by E. Kaltenbrunner, attorney at trial of top German wareriMinalp,,NureMberg. Awarded Medal for Merit for war work with boss. Sept 19 35 5:, 7_948 USSR charges U.S. plotted in '43 and G. B. in Feb. 17 1 '14.1 to make Germany bulwark against communism; al- leged. roles of A. IL Dulles, Prince Hohenlohe and M. Aitken cited; Dulles and Aitken deny charges. H. W. Baldwin articles on weakness in intelligence. July 20 6 4 services and proposed reforms; A. W. Dulles 'sur- July 22 2 4 veY,cited. July 23 5 3 July 21i. 5.. 4 - July 25 - 15 1 1949 Bucharest Universul charges U. S. Information .Service veils spy activity; assails A. W. Dulles: . One of sponsors of National Committee for Free Europe. 0zedh Rude Pravo charges A. Dulles and Cardinal SpelIman head alleged "Organization X" held to be fomenting enti-coMmunism; Dulles notes he is ! officer of organization aiding refugees. HUngarian Government charges ex-Minister Rajk Sept.A1 14 2 and ex-Army' ommander Lt. Gen. Felffy plotted with Yugoslavia and. U. S.,OSS'to overthrow Government and assassinate ieadersi alleges A. W. Dillies and N. H. I Field aided plot. May 1 June - Aug. 3 29 13 *Material appearing in The New York Times Magazine is indexed with the periOdicals. All references to speeches are consolidated in section devoted to them. 33 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT 1949 DATE PAGE COLUMN ? Named to executive committee of HELP. Sept, 12 8 4 L. Brankov and Lt. Gen. Palffy confess; Bratkov Sept.18 19 1 links W. and R. Churchill, A. W. Dulles and other U. S. and British officials; Dulles denies link. Dr. T. Szoenyi charges U. S. plot to infiltrate Communist parties; links Dulles but fails to identify portrait. 1950 A. W. Dulles traces start of cold war to Stalin April 145 message to Truman protesting U. S. negotiations on surrender of German troops in Italy. Urges support of Crusade for Freedom. 1951 Appointed Deputy Director of CIA, illus. Sept. 20 7 3 Jan. 31 5 2 Sept. 2 16 3 Aug. 24 4 7 A. W. Dulles reports increasing USSR news blackout. Nov. 17 32 1 1952 R. Slansky, V. Clementis and 12 other Communists Nov. 21 1 6 purged in last 2 years go on trial, Prague, on charges of treason, espionage and subversion; Slansky pleads guilty; says he kept contact with U. S. spy service, murdered Communist J. Sverma, put Jewish "imperialist agents" in high posts and allowed ties with Israeli organizations; admits ties with British M. P., K. Zilliacus, and Yugo- slay theoretician, M. Pijade; all defendants but Clementis are Jews; charged with Trotskyism, Titoism, Zionism and bourgeois nationalism. Czech indictment charges that N. and H. Field, Nov. 22 1 4 Americans missing since 1949, were agents of A. W. Dulles. Leftist writer W. Kaji charges U. S. authori- Dec. 9 1 2 ties kidnapped, abused and held him for over year in attempt to make him U. S. spy, in state- ment read to Diet committee by his lawyer; U. S. Far East Command admits holding him 'briefly" in late 1951; stresses no Japanese held since end of occupation; Khji missing; Opposition attacks Yoshida government over case. 34 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT 1952 DATE PAGE COLUMN Kaji repeats charges in person, news conference; Dec. 10 10 names U. S. CIC as agency responsible. Kaji repeats charges to Diet committee; U. S. Cen- Dec. 11 4 2 tral Intelligence Agency reportedly was responsible; CIA Deputy Director Dulles and Secretary Acheson decline comment; speculation'. W. Kaji linked to international spy ring. Dec. 17 U. S. links Kaji to Communist spy ring; says he sought refuge with intelligence aides from Comminists; charges he lied by telling Diet that U. S. illegally detained him. 1953 U. S. experts, panel completes policy study on armaments control. Dec. 18 Jan. 10 2 1 Deputy Director A. W. Dulles slated to be Direc- Jan. 23 8 4 tor of CIA. illus. Appointed Director of CIA; Lt. Gen. Cabell to be Jan. 25 .55 1 Deputy. Directors Editorial lauds Dulles. How strong is Russia: intelligence agency under fire, by H. W. Baldwin. Dulles nominated as Director of CIA. Confirmed by Senate as Director of CIA. A. Krock discusses importance to policy of accurate assessment of developments in USSR after Stalin death; cites vital role of J. F. Dulles as State Secretary and of A. W. Dulles as CIA director.. Dulles comments on his Deputy Director. Dulles reported not to have any data on NIG-150 one of which was flown to West by Polish pilot. Dulles testifies before NeCarthy subcommittee. Dulles quoted by A. Krock on Communist "brain- washing" technique. Dulles' statement on Communist 'brain-washing" re- called, as Korean POW exchange progresses; A,; Krock comment. 35 Jan. 27 24 3 Jan. 29 3 6 Feb. 11 20 6 Feb. 24 '11 5 Mar. 6 22 5 Mar. 13 13 2 Mar. 15 34 3-5 Mar. 18 19 7 Apr. 16 28 5 Apr. 16 3 2,4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT DATE PAGE COLUMN 1953 J. C. Hagerty issues statement after seeing Apr. 26 1 5,6 Eisenhower, A. W. Dulles and C. D. Jackson; text. Eisenhower, aides brief governors. May 5 1 4 Dulles denies he directed East Berlin riots in June 25 6 3-5 person. Dulles refuses to allow aids to testify before Con- July 10 1 2 gressional committees; McCarthy demands Dulles be subpoenaed; wants to challenge Bundy's fitness for promotion; charges Dulles thwarts Senate authority. Dulles confers with Senators McCarthy, Windt and July: .11 7 1 Potter. McCarthy in the middle of a widening stream, by July 12 IV02 2 William S. White. Dulles and subcommittee agree to seek formula to July 15 16 3 query CIA aides without risk to security. CIA plays vital role in national security, by July 19 1V19 1 Anthony Leviero. illus. McCarthy publishes correspondence with Dulles on Aug. 5 18 6 Bundy, Dulles answering his charges On contribu- tion to Hiss defense and membership in United Public Workers in 1940. Flies to Zurich on vacation. Aug. 10 8 4 Admiral Fechteler assumes command of NATO Southern Aug. 21 6 6 European Command; conference with Dulles. To be member of OCB. Sept. 4 6 5 Freedam Crusade briefs civic aids. Oct. 21 19 4 1954 Ambassador Luce arrives in Washington to confer ..nart. 3 with A. W. Dulles, and others. 36 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT 1954 Dulles says USSR spends 2 billion dollars yearly Jan. 30 8 2 on "front" organizations that help conceal real Communist conspiracy. DATE PAGE COLUMN Dulles tells his staff he will oust anyone giving security data to unauthorized personnel. Dulles calls McCarthy infiltration charges false; says McCarthy offered no evidence despite request for it on October 22, 1953. illus. Princeton series lists CIA head. Dulles fears public hearings would wreck CIA. Nay 14 14 3 are 6 71 4 awe 7 1 6 C.I.A. DOW operating a far-flung network; its ame 20 immunity from investigation is now under Con- gressional pressure, by A. Levier?. illus. With the Dulles brothers in darkest Guatemala, ame 20 by J. Reston. illus. Study of CIA set by Hoover group. illus. Eisenhower states confidence in Dulles, news conference; comments on task force to investi- gate CIA. illus. Article on Dulles, on CIA task, on mystery sur- rounding its employees and budget. Doolittle heads inquiry into CIA. Dulles sees USSR afraid of freedom. contacts, Herald Tribune Forum. 1955 Hoover commission task force under Gen. Clark hails Director Dulles, but finds him overburdened; pro, poses appointment of an executive director. Dulles says world-wide subversion continues de- spite USSR leaders "smiling," in filmed interview with Rep. Keating; sees USSR intelligence network largest in world but deficient in analysis. Dulles Sees proposal to create joint committee to check operations causing problemj interviewlWadh- ington, Says U. S. was caught napping at Pearl Harbor because available intelligence did not get to right members of Government at the right time; backs free press despite handicaps it imposes on intelligence, activities. July 5 1 1 J44 8 9 5 . 8 21 1 Oct. 14 1 2 Oct. 20 24 3 June 29 1 1. June 29 12 3 Oct. 10 6 Oct. 10 19 7 37 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT ' 1955 Dulles reports rising evidence that USSR bloc offers arms to some countries. 1956 General Clark report, June 28, 1955, urging re- organization because of internal administrative deficiencies, other shortcomings noted; President says board will help assure Congress and public on CIA efficiency, in letter to Dulles; Dulles concurs. Dulles repeats determination to build CIA head, quarters at Langely, Vd., letter to Congress. Dulles opposed to Mansfield bill to set up joint Congressional "watchdog" committee. Senate Armed Services subcommittee on CIA hears Dulles in secret session. House 'committee demands that Dulles clarify dis- missal of aide J. J. Ryan, allegedly ousted be- cause of marriage to Irish immigrant. Khrushchev's statement that USSR will make guided missile with hydrogen warhead capable of striking any target in the world termed an exaggerated claim by Dulles. USSR informally invites USAF to send delegation to Aviation Day air show, }scow, June 24; Eisenhower confers with Radford, DUlles and Hoover; U. S. acceptance seen. Dulles, D. Anderson and A. J. Peaslee leave Wash- ington for Pacific test of hydrogen warhead for longd-range missile. Strauss, Dulles leave Hawaii. Dulles says he has no evidence USSR leads U. S. in intercontinental ballistic missiles development, filmed TV interview; says USSR has maid great pro- gress but bars comparisons. Dulles sees USSR leaders seeking through attacks on Stalin to persuade public that tyranny is ended. J. Reston article on the National Security Coun- cil; origin, importance, members discussed. Senator Jackson scores Dulles statement as politi- cal. DATE PAGE COLUMN Nov. 12 2 4 Jan. 14 1 4 Jan. 26 20 2 Jan. 26 20 2 Feb. 25 11 7 Mar. 17 38 8 Apr. 25 3 2 May 29 2 3 June 17 28 3 June 18 11 2 June 18 12 14. June 18 12 4 aline 22 14 2 June 26 14 38 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT DATE PAGE COLUMN 1956 Dulles warns USSR seeks conquest through Communist action in parliaments, statement to House Un- SeA: 2. .23 1,2 American Activities Committee. While on world tour, pays courtesy call to Nehru. Sept. lit 5 6 Dulles in Tokyo on last leg of two-month world tour. Oct. 7 18 6 Eisenhower confers with Dulles and others on ways Nov. 7 33 to halt fighting in Egypt. Dulles among those briefing Congressional leaders; Nov. 10 reportedly not alarmed. Dulles reportedly tells U. S. Senate Committee Nov. 13 that CIA knew about Hungarian uprising except for timing. Yale to hear Allen Dulles. Nov. 21 1 5 Dulles, J. E. Hoover, Radford, Lodge and others Nov. 22 164 attend series of high-level conferences with Eisenhower to map U. S. policy in the Suez crisis. Dulles sees Hungarian revolt as one of factors obviatingUSSR return to Stalinism; hails his- torical significance; says charges that CIA was caught "flat-footed" by revolt cannot be answered because agency's information cannot be published in advance. Moscow students hold restiveness among youth aimed at shortcomings in USSR system, not at Comunism itself, letter in Kbmsomolskaya Pravda replying to Dulles December 12 speech on situation. 1957 Stassen and State Secretary Dulles hold progress in U. N. subcommittee talks over nuclear weapons control merit serious effort for partial accord as first step, after conference with AEC Chair- man Strauss and CIA Director Dulles. Eisenhower resolves Administration debate in favor of positive effort at accord with USSR; acts in conference with State Secretary Dulles, Stassen, Strauss, Radford, and CIA Director Dulles. Nov. 28 Dec. 27 Apr. 21 Nay. 26 Gets honorary degree, Princeton. illus. June 19 31 39 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT DATE PAGE COLUMN 1957 1 IV,10 3 5 Military regime in Soviet foreseen by CIA head. Sept,21 illus. How to keep your mind off the facts, by James Nov. 3 Reston. (On Dulles remarks on Zhukov) CIA Director Dulles and Dr. Scoville report in Nov. 28 closed session on USSR progress. 1 1 Personality sketch; career, illus. Nov. 28 26 4 1958 CIA Director Dulles backs informational exchanges Feb. J4. between U.S. and allies to avoid waste of science resources. illus. 14 3 Director Dulles sees improved education among most Feb. 8 pressing needs, Senate committee; Senator Fulbright lauds Dulles, General TwiningeaCCOrdoiCiStae.iiilus. 4 4 Mr. Dulles participates in Conference on Foreign Feb. 26 1 8 Aspects of U.S. National Security. Why foreign aid? Eight leaders say. Mar. 2 1v15 4 Article on Director Dulles discusses CIA and his Mar. 16 role in formation. illus. VI117 USSR challenge to free world; editorial backs Dir- May 1 ector Dulles warning. 30 CIA Director, testifies on Nixon tour incidents. May 20 1 7 Macmillan holds White House conference with Eisen- Jima 10 hower; Dulles, Ambassador Caccia, other partici- pants noted. illus. 1 1 CIA Director Dulles agrees to appear before Senate July 29 6 5 Committee; Representative Hiestand moves that Con- gress oppose recognition of new Government until restitution is made for deaths of 3 Americans. Basra free of crime since revolt; CIA Director JUI$ 30 6 3,5,6 Dulles testifies, Senate Committee; admits CIA had no foreknowledge of coup. Director Dulles recent speech citing T. B. Macauley Dec. 8 predictions of 1800s noted. 1 8 Humphrey comments, news conference, Washington; sees Dec. 9 1 6 Acting-Secretary Herteri. Chairman McCone, Director Dulles. 40 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT DATE PAGE COLUMN 1959 CIA Director Dulles briefs Senate subcommittee on world trouble spots. =Director Dulles indicates a new crisis could break out at any time; US Senate Committee, [Middle East] Jan. 17 Jan. 27 11. Eisenhower policy backed by Senate leaders Johnson and Dirksen and House leaders Rayburn and HAlleck after meeting with him and chief Cabinet aides; all stress bipartisan unity. illus. Mar, 7 1 8 Council program outlined; Acting Secretary Herter, Mar. 30 1 6 Asst, Sec., Merhhant, CIA Director Dulles brief Secretary Dulles. President Eisenhower, CIA Dir. Dulles confer on situation. Apr. 12 79 1 Dulles views on US and USSR '58 outputs and esti- mated '65 goals. illus. Apr. 12 IV05 Editorial [on speech in New Orleans] Apt. 13 30 1 P.p. Levine letter on Dir. Dulles, April 9; speech. Apr. 21 34 5 W. Benton letter on Dulles, April 9 speech and Apr. 24 26 5 April 13; editorial. CIA Director Dulles tells U.S. Senate Committbe situation in Iraq is "most dangerous in world today";' sees Communists close to "complete take-over" but situation not hopeless; sees USSR planning tO use Apr. 29 1 2 Kurds to establish bridgehead for communism; Army seen controlling factor. Variance from. Khrushchev boast and CIA Director Aug. 1 2 1 Dulles estimate noted. 51st annual conference, San JUan,..P,R4 Rocke- feller accompanied by CIA Director Dulles and Aug. 2 1 4 Deputy Commander Root; illus. Eisenhower confers with top aides in preparation for Camp David talks. Sept. 23 1 7 Director Dulles in Canadian-US party touring DEW Oct. 4 16 7 (Distant Early Warning) Linei, Congressional Subcommittee Apens hearings on up- NOV. 14 1 2 USSR race; CIA Director Dulles warns US must take USSR claims and ambitions seriously; sees gap between economies dangerously narrowed by '70 if USSR growth rate persists at 8-970igyeat and US fails to raise rate; notes USSR stress on heavy inghlstry; puts growth of gross national product at aryearly through '65, illus. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT 1959 Editorial on CIA, Director Dulles warning about USSR gains on US. Pravda challenges some of Director Dulles data in .testimony to Congressional Subcommittee. Director Dulles, other Government officials at SAC headquarters for briefing on missile use. 3.960 CIA Director Dulles briefs Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Situation. Senator Symington queries Gates view,that U.S. has clear balance 'of power [under Dulles] , Senators Johnson, Jackson and Symington hold that briering of subcommittee by CIA Director Dulles backs their forecasts of wide USSR lead in next 2 years.' illus. Senator Johnson sees incongruity between Gates and Director Dulles estimates. Senate subcommittee to recall Dulles to clear up "confusion"; Johnson cites conflict between Dulles recent testimony and current testimony by Twining iddicating U.S: closes gap. Director Dulles publishes names of members of of Intelligence Board; he is chairman. $enate Subcommittee probe of U.S. planning: subcommittee hears CIA Director Dulles in closed session; Senator Jackson comments. Eisenhower names 9-man committee under M.D. Sprague to survey prograw,i,). Johnson reports subcommittee will recall Dulles; Senate committees release Wining?Yeb. 9 teatimony that he did not see intelligence estimates given committees by Dulles and that they were not used in drafting budget. Director Dulles again testifies, Johnson sub- committee, on intelligenge. 42 DATE PAGE COLUMN Nov. 16 Nov. 29 30 2 2 4 Dec. 10 47 1 Jan. 19 30 6 Jan. 24 1 7 Jan. 30 1 3 Feb. 2 1 6 Feb. 10 1 5 Feb. 17 U. 1 Feb. 18 1 8 Feb. 18 38 1 Feb. 24 13 1 Feb. 25 1 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 3UBjECT DATE PAGE COLUMN 1960 CIA, other government intelligence units probe Re- publican charges that Democrats leaked secret testi- mony by Director Dulles on USSR strength to columnist J. Alsop. Gates reports new intelligence data show US will narrow "missile gap" by end of '62; ... denies Symington charge that he or Twining failed to re- ceive vital data from Director Dulles; Sen. John- son quotes Twining statement that he had not seen some data Dulles gave subcommittee. History, operations secrecy, Dulles leadership reviewed. illus. Director Dulles dismisses suggestion of possible treachery in case, which was based on doubt that pilot and equipment could have survived high- altitude interception. Herter and Dulles brief Congress leaders; Dulles queries USSR claim that missile downed craft. illus. Director Dulles doubts it [Khrushchev indicates U-2 was downed by "homing" missile] Cannon ... hails CIA and Dulles. Khrushchev scores Eisenhower and Dulles. Herter confers with Lodge, Under Secretary Dillon, Director Dulles and other top aides on UN debate. [National :Security .Council] meet's; Eisenhower, Dulles attend. illus. Report that Eisenhower refused Dulles offer to take responsibility for incident noted. Senate committee members hope Dulles testimony will clarify U-2 details. Director Dulles testifies, Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee hearing on summit conference failure and U-2 incident; ... Dulles apparently confirmed reports he offered to take responsibility. Biography. illus. Izvestiya charges A.W. Dulles plotted with Nazi envoys to break Allied coalition. 43 Mar. 2 6 Mar. 17 1 1 May 9 9 2 May 10 May 10 1 5 May 10 16 4 May 11 1 7 May 12 1 8 May 22 1 8 May 25 14 3 May 27 1 7 May 29 15 3 Jima 1 1 8 Jima 1 10 3 June 1 10 6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT 1960 Director Dulles in London to confer with British intelligence heads. Dulles sets visit abroad. DATE PAGE COLUMN JUne 15 5 5 June 16 4 6 Moscow Weekly Za Rubezham includes excerpts from a June 27 biography of Allen W. Dulles, reprinted from the W. German weekly Der Spiegel and titled "The man who torpedoed the Summit". [Dulles] in Bonn; visits Cluineellor. Adenauer. awe 28 3 6 Kennedy names brother. Robert to make arrangements July 19 20 2,8 with CIA Director Dulles. Kennedy briefed by CIA Director Dulles, Hyannis JUly 24 1 4 Port. illus. Dulles at Johnson Texas home for briefing. JU]F 28 16 Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Johnson and Jiay 29 12 CIA Director Dulles agree both Democrats and Re- publicans Are determinedly opposed to communism. Director Dulles to get Baruch award. Aug. 7 34 C.L. Johnson, Director Dulles, Secretary Gates to Aug. 20 3 6 get awards. CIA Director Dulles holds communism. has perverted Aug. 23 3 5 Castro revolution. Committee Chairman Gammick says move was spurred by Aug. 24 7 1 CIA Director Dulles address. ,Renamed CIA Director by Pres.-elect Kennedy, press Nov. 11 1 conference; comments. Transcript. Nov. 11 20 2 Biography. illus. Nov. 11 23 Truman lauds move. Nov. 13 56 2 Kennedy briefed on situation by CIA Director Dulles, Nov. 19 1 5 Palm. Beach. illus. Kennedy, defending brother R.F. Kennedy's appoint- Dec. 17 14 4,6 ment as Atty. Gen., cites service of Dr. Eisenhower and Dulles brothers, press conference; transcript. Williams ... confers with Asst. Sec. Satterthwaite, Dec. 29 3 5 Rusk; Director Dulles. 11.11. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECT 1961 American Bar Association Governors' Board approves resolution proposing highschools and colleges teach communism aims and techniques; resolution grew out of committee headed by E.D. Beggs and including CIA Dir. Dulles. Rep. Walter asks HR Un-American Activities CCM- mittee to make preliMinarty inquiry; ... reports Society and its leader R.H.W. Welch verbal abuse of ,.. CIA Dir. Dulles. C.L. Sulzberger ... holds Kennedy will replace Dulles with Can. Taylor. Dulles, Atty. Gen. Kennedy confer with President on CIA. - Reston ... says President seeks to avoid charges of partisan bias against Dulles; notes he has ordered White House staff not to blame Dulles for CIA fail- ure in Cuba. A. Krock recalls success of old 3-member surpervi- sory committee; urges Dulles 6.. to revive it. Dulles reportedly has offered resignation. CIA Dir. Dulles denial [Algeria] Eisenhower and Dulles opposition to any Congres- sional control reviewed. illus. Some French officials seen not satisified with Dulles denial. [Algeria] Attends dedication of J.F. Dulles library, Inter- church Center, N.Y.C. illus. Rumors of Dulles resignation continue. Dir. Dulles, others named trustees. CIA Dir. Dulles briefs Congressional Atomic Energy Committee on general situation. illus. Kennedy met with Rusk, Dir. Dulles and M. Bundy. 45 DATE PAGE COLUMN Feb. 17 Mhr, 31 15 10 1 Apr. 22 24 Apr. 23 '1 2 Apr. 24 1 Apr. 25 34 11. Apr. 29 1 4 May 2 18 2 May 3 1 May 4 10 3 May 23 20 3 June 3 7 4 'Awe 13 14 1 Aug. 17 12 4 Aug. 31 1 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SUBJECTDATE PAGE COLUMN 1961, Sept. 28 Retires from CIA, praised by President.Kennedy. illus. Intelligence-gathering gains under Dulles. Sept. 28 20 1,4 Izvestiya calls Dulles scapegoat' . Sept. 29 5 5 Editorial hails service. Sept. 29 34 2 A.W. Dulles, G.H. Love and Dean Coburn installed as charter trustees. (Princeton University) Oct.- 28 18 5 In Bonn, Germany; visits Adenauer. Nov. 7 22 6 President Kennedy presents National Sectrity Medal. Nov. 29 33 4 illus. 46 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 SECTION VIII NEWSPAPER The Times (London) New'York Herald Tribune Boston Globe Washington Post Washington Times- Herald Watertown (N.Y.) Times Watertown (N.Y.) Times Christian Science Monitor Springfield (Mb.) News Washington Post New York Herald Tribune Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot Philadelphia Bulletin New York Mirror ALLEN WELSH DULLES IN THE DAILY PRESS* 1949 Mingarian charges against Mr. Dulles.' DATE: Sept.. 12 1951 War of words topic of panel at Princeton; Feb. 23 2 alumni speakers say U.S. is winning over Reds, others ask bigger efforts, by Bernard Peyton, jr. Allen Dulles may head CIA. June 24 Allen W. Dulles named CIA Deputy Aug. 24 Director. Allen W. Dulles named to U.S. Intelligence Aug. 24 . post. Editorial:, Allen W. Dulles and the CIA. Aug. 24 Dulles well qualified for intelligence post, Oct. 19 by Alan S. Emory. Soviet bar on information seen likely to Nov. 16 boomerang, by Everett M. Smith. Intelligence leader warns of Stalin's Nov. 17 state of mind today. Red controls on information stiffening, Nov, 17 CIA aide reports. 1952 New "new look". In Matter of Fact, by Joseph and Stewart Alsop. Editorial: Quietly to a task. Allen W. Dulles at Temple University urges fighting faith in democracy. Fields' role feared in Red trials. In Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Drew Pearson. 'Mew York Times articles are listed in the preceding section, pages 33-46. 47 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 May 21 Jima 6 June 12 Nov'. 29 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Christian Science Monitor Boston Globe Pontiac (Mich.) Press Washington Post Washington Star Washington Star Minneapolis Tribune New York Herald Tribune Washington Post Washington Star Washington Times- 'Herald Christian Science Mbnitor New York Herald Tribune The Times (London) Washington Post Wilmington Morning News Washington Star New York Herald Tribune Daily Worker (N.Y.) 1952 Czech trials laid to Soviet pressure. Editorial: Rent in the curtain. Allen Dulles visits Yoshida in Tokyo. 1953 Allen Dulles to be new head of CIA. Allen Dulles named to Gen. Smith's post as director of CIA, by James Y. Newton. Choice of Allen Dulles is wise, by Constantine Brown. lice's choice of Allen Dulles fits pattern by John M. Hightower. Allen Dulles to be named head of C.I.A., by Don Irwin, Allen Dulles named as director of CIA. illus. Eisenhower ... finishes off week by giving top CIA post to Allen Dulles, by James Y. Newton. illus. Dulles' brother appointed director of super- secret C.I.A.; named, by Ike to succeed Gen. Smith, by Robert young. Soviet intelligence job held easier than America's. illus. Editorial: New head for the CIA. Head of Central Intelligence Agency. The other Dulles. Editorial: Health report on the CIA. Editorial: the CIA and Allen Dulles, Allen Dulles greets son wounded in Korea. illus. Soviet author bares record of U.S. spies against USSR. DATE Dec. 1 Dec. 17 Dec. 26 Jan. 9 Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Feb. 13 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 9 48 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06 : CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Washington Star Savannah Press New York Herald Tribune New York Herald Tribune Wilmington Morning Nes Daily Worker (N.Y.) Washington Post Washington Star Washington Times- Herald San Diego (Calif.) Union Washington Star Daily Worker (N.Y.) New York Journal- American Richmond (Va.) News Leader Petersburg (Va.) Prog- ? ressliidex; Grand Rapids (Mich.) Herald Des Moines Register Charlotte (N.C.) Observer New Rochelle Standard Star 1953 Allen Dulles nominated formally as CIA chief. Editorial: Bigwigs as authors. Grim military view outlined for Congress. Senators back Allen Dulles, Editorial: How grim is our outlook? A new paymaster for International Murder, Inc., by Art Shields. Allen Dulles confirmed by Senate. Tigers with pin stripes. About CIA and Dulles. In Fair Enough, by Westbrook Pegler. Washington waits for internal break, by Frank Macomber. Eyes on intelligence, by CoastaatineLBrown. Inside "Project X" --- III, The inter-lock- ing spy directorate. The Ciano diaries. Editorial: watchdog? The CIA: who watches the Editorial: The first line seems weak. Editorial: Warfare for the brain. Believe some GI's duped by Red program. Committee likely to stall exchange of atom secrets. For first time in history, U.S. has A-1 secret service)by Ray Tucker. 49 DATE Feb, 10, Feb. 13 Feb, 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 Nlar:. 3 Mar. 20 July 17 jia1y 30 Mar. 15 Mar. .23 Mar. 25 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 - Apr. 20 Apr. 22 Apr.. 26 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER 1953 DATE New York Herald Tribune Baltimore Sun Washington Times- Herald Milwaukee Journal Washington Star Washington Times- - Herald Baltimoie Sun Washington Star . . Washington Times- Herald New York journal- American New York Herald Tribune Sunbury (Pa.) Daily Item Boston Herald Watertown (N.Y.) Times Washington Post Washington Post Washington Star The Times (London) New York Herald Tribune Madison (Wis.) Capital Times Folly of too secret intelligence; a screen that aids foe, by M. Higgins. Reds blame riot on Allen Dulles. Russians execute two more rioters Germany. Allen Dulles-- "cloak and dagger" H. Russel Austin. Bundy controversy. illus. illus. in East chief, by On CIA and. Dulles. In These Days, by George Sokolsky. CIA protected by law from McCarthy-type probes, by Mark S. Watson. McCartAy-administration rift widens in dis- pute over CIA. McCarthy and CIA reach agreement. illus. Allen Dulles' CIA and its passion for secrecy. In As Pegler Sees It, by West- brook Pegler. CIA and McCarthy. In Today and Tomorrow, by Walter Lippmann. Editorial: No sacred cows. The Dulles brothers. In The Great Game of Politics, by Frank R. Kent. Editorial: Allen Dulles and the CIA. June 7 June 25 June 25 June 30 July 10 July 12 July 14 July 15 July 15 July 17 July 21 July 21 July 26 July 30 General tells of CIA plan to "get" MacArthur. July 31 "Magazine Rack" by Paul Herron--discussing Aug. 2 Time article on Dulles. McCarthy Warns CIA head fight on Bundy Aug. 4 isn't over. Accusations by Senator McCarthy against Aug. 5 Mr. Dulles. Bundy getting passport in rebuff to McCarthy. Aug. 7 Two allies quit CIA "pool" after threat of Aug. 11 McCarthy probe. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Chattanooga News-Free Press Deutsche Soldaten Zeitling The Times (London) Washington Post South Bend (Ind.) Tribune Washington Star Washington Star Alameda (Calif.) Times-Star Dallas Times-Herald Yakima (Wash.) Herald Baltimore News-Post Christian Science Monitor St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times' Manchester Guardian Chicago Tribune Washington Post Latrobe (Pa.) Bulletin 1953 Editorial: "Wise and Otherwise", by Andrew M. Carothers--discusses Dulles book written at age of eight. Allen Welsh Dulles. Mr. Allen Dulles a member of Operations Coordinating Board. Allen Dulles cites Reds' skill in in- telligence and subversion. Editorial: Red menace. Unbespectacled Allen .Dulles "recalled" by Hungarian Red. Shah's brainy twin sister and three Americans are seen as key figures in Iranian coup. illus. U.S. counterspies doing good job ferreting Russ atom, other secrets, by Franklin John- son. Allen Dulles to address Dallas group. Dulles now main target of attacks in Soviet press. DATE Aug. 15 Aug. 27 Sept. Sept. 9 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 D.C.'s great super-sleuth, by George Dixon. Oct. 15 Espionage chief calls for patience. Oct. 26 Atomic energy. Oct. 27 Allegation by Vyshinsky that Mr. Allen Dec. 3 Dulles was "a friend of. ditler's%. Briefing by Mr. Dulles. Dec. 15 Mayors hear President stress importance Dec. 15 of civil defense. Brother teams important in national capi- Dec. 17 tal today, by Raymond Wilcove. 51 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Williamsport (Pa.) Grit New York journal- American New York Post San Diego (calif.) Uiaion New Orleans Item Washington Star Daily Worker (N.Y.) Richmbnd (Va.) News Leader Richmond (Va.) News Leader Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Daily News 1954 DATE Counter-spies find leaks in Russia's iron Jan. 3 curtain. Whom did the OSS kidnap? Jan. 27 How U.S. bagged Reds top spy, by Robert Feb. 16 S. Allen. Author urges death penalty for peacetime Feb'. 28 espionage: interview with Knit Singer. Editorial: How West fights back; our Mar. 12 espionage experts. illus. U.S. tells Russia too much, Director of Mar. 15 CIA believes. Senator charges CIA incites to war, by Mar. 22 *4.ernard BUliton, illus. U.S. giving away secrets, Intelligence Apr. 9 director says. Editorial: Full light of what publicity? Apr. 12 (Comment emi Dulles' speech) America blamed by Italy's extremists, by Apr. 13 Marquis Childs. (comment on charge made against Dulles putting Communists in im- portant offices) Allen Dulles heads our intelligence, world's largest. (Third in a series of five articles: The Nen in the Trojan Horse, by Kurt Singer) illus. 5 Lancaster (Pa.) New Era Dulles heads largest intelligence group. May 10 Christian Science Mbnitor CIA chief to fire security !ilea-a" cul- prits. illus. May 14 New York Herald Tribune Dulles vs. McCarthy. In From. the Washing- -- ton Bureau. May 23 Jeannette (Pa.) News- Dispatch Dulles' younger brother in key spot in cold war. May 26 New York Daily News "Joe's Reds in CIA false": Allen Dulles, June 3 by James Patterson and Jerry Greene. illus. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER, New York Herald Tribune Watertown (N.Y.) Times Boston Herald St. Louis Globe-Demo- crat Watertown (N.Y.) Times Pravda Jacksonville (Fla.) Journal Utica (N.Y.) Observer Dispatch Chicago Daily News New York Herald Tribune Washington Post. and Times-Herald Manchester Guardian Christian Science Monitor Palo Alto (Calif.) Times Green Bay (Wis.) Press-Gazette Daily Worker (N.Y.) Washington Daily News Washington Post and Times-Herald . 1954 Allen Dulles says "false" to 2 McCarthy charges; denies Reds pierce C.I.A., by James E. Warner. illus. Editorial: Taking on Allen Dulles. Editorial: Hands off CIA. Editorial: Good enough. (Dulles vs. McCarthy) Allen Dulles would not be any pushover McCarthy, by Jack Wilson. illus. DATE June 3 ? June 3 June 4 June 6 for -Atm 11 June 21 June 25 June 26 j114 3 July 5 Forced admission by Allen Dulles, by D. Zaslavsky. (Tr. in Current Digest of the Soviet Press v.6, no.25:19, I. August 1954) About CIA. In Facing the Facts, by James Marlow. Allen Dulles hunted spies in World War. CIA - key to nation's security. illus. Problems of a CIA investigation. In Wash- ington, by Roscoe Drummond. CIA study is scheduled by Hoover task force. JV1Y 5 New U.S. inquiry to forestall McCarthy? McCarthy vs. CIA. In State of the Nationi by Joseph C. Barsch. CIA ripe for study. Editorial: Cloaks without daggers. Soviets charge spies are sent by Dulles. Anything for a headline - Joe McCarthy's formula, by Frederick Woltman. illus. July 6 July 8 July 9 July 12 July 15 JULy 15 Time for a check up. In These Days, by July 19 George Sokolsky. 53 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER 1954 DATE Washington Star Baltimore Sun Athens (Ohio) Messen- ger Natchez Democrat Rocky Mount (N. C.) Telegram. Washington Post and Times-Herald Associated Press Wire Service Norwalk (Conn.) Hour Peoria (Ill.) Star Omaha World-Herald Daily Worker (N.Y.) Tampa Times Ta Kling Pao (Hong Kbng) Holyoke (Mass.) Transcript-Telegram The Times (London) Washington Daily News New York journal- American New York Herald Tribune Washington Star Key man in plot to kill Hitler dines here July 21 with Allen Dulles. Reds say John fled freely. July 24 Men behind U.S. spies. Aug. 8 Editorial: Role of Dulles and CIA in Aug. 8 background. CIA and security. Nation's "master spy" runs a shadowy show. illus. Between the lines, by Lee Ansvi. (On John and Dulles). Editorial: How good is U.S. spying? Editorial: The CIA probe. Editorial: Some questions are indicated. (Otto John and Dulles). Seduced by "Voice", says Czech, who returns home to tell of dirty spy jobs. Editorial: CIA blunders in case of Dr. John's defection. What is the task of the U.S. CIA? Editorial: Matching Moscow in the spy business. Nr. Dulles mentioned in Russian pamphlet and attacked by Bucharest radio. All intelligence is under Hoover study. French Reds call Allen Dulles "spy". Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 12 Aug. 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 16 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 25 Sept. 7 Sept. 21 Oct. 1 Oct, 10 President says Doolittle has ended CIA study. Oct. 17 Doolittle's report says CIA doing a credit- Oct. 19 able jo;_. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER New York Journal- American New York Journal- American Manchester (N.H.) Sunday News Des Moines Register Daily Worker (N.Y.) New York Herald Tribune New York journal,. American wkigi=Talem-,(Nta'.')) Daily Worker (N.Y.) San Diego Union New York Herald Tribune Pensacola Journal Washington Post and Times-Herald Daily Worker (N.Y.) Krasnaya Zvezda Columbia (S.C.) Record Baltimore News-Post .1954 Concerning Allen Dulles and CIA: In As Pegler Sees It, by Westbrook Pegler. Harriman's CIA role. In As Pegler Sees It, by Westbrook Pegler. Bonn probe of General Gehlen has U.S. in:. telligence agency worried. . Editorial: Dulles given pat on back. Homage to murder. (Protest against CIA articles appearing in Saturday Evening Post). Washington Weather Vane:- footnotes to his- tory on event in Mr. Dulles' life in 1923. Hush and cover 14:4 In As Pegler Sees It, by Westbrook Pegler. Soviet magazine hits U.S: 'spy diplomacy.. CIA - code name for murder. Editorial: Red spy network: Clark to see McCarthy on CIA-Reds charge. American intelligence second to none. In World and the Week, by Michael Leigh. 1955 CIA "Red file" given Clark by McCarthy. Germany was rearmed before. Subversive Activity.byLeAzilericenintelli- gence in people's democracies, by V. Popov. (Tr. in Current Digest of the Soviet Press v.7, nO.3:26-271 2 March 1955). ? U.S. spy network inside Germany speeds war-.: end (excerpt from Faragole War of Wits) Series of articles on CIA, by Robert G. Nixon. 55 DATE Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 26 Nov. 29 Dec. 17 Dec. 22 Dec. 26 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Mar. 20-25 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER 1955 DATE New York Herald Capehart charges critic of market lauded Mar. 21 Tribune Reds. (Mr. Dulls and Milton Eisenhower mentioned as supporting pamphlet by Na- tional Planning Assoc.) Fort Wayne News- Sentinel New York 'Herald Tribune Washington Star New York Herald Tribune Christian Science Nbnitor Flint (Mich.) journal St. Louis Post- Dispatch Washington Star Watertown (N.Y.) Times Newark News New York Herald Tribune ? Sioux City (Ia.) Journal-Tribune Williamsport (Pa.) Grit New Orleans Item New York Journal- American New York Journal- American Defector has major role in relentless cold Mar. 30 war, by Howard Handlman. (Quotes Allen Dulles) Reds act to halt flow of refugees to West, May 26 by Ansel Talbert. Taipei misses spooks, by James E. Roper. May 28 (About Mr. Dulles) Editorial: Paradoxes in the USSR. (On June 3 Columbia Uniirersity.speeob) Soviet thought centers. In The Washington ane 6 Scene, by William H. Stringer. Criticism of Mr. Dulles. In What Does It June 29 Mean, by James Marlow. Hoover Board criticizes CIA but praises June 29 Dulles, by Brig. Gen. Thomas' R. Phillips. Bolder CIA sleuthing in Red countries June 29 urged. Editorial: Quality of U.S. spying. June 29 Finds Russian likes freedom. The vital role of CIA. In Washington, by Roscoe Drummond. Editorial: After all, where did Dulles get his facts? Two Dulles brothers, sister long in govern- ment service. Editorial: The CIA can be improved. illus. Weird phase of foreign affairs, by West- brook Fegler. ILO news and the uses of publicity, by Westbrook Fegler. 56 juJI 3 July 4 jaY 9 July 17 July 19 Aug. 8 Aug. 16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Washington Post and Times-Herald Diario de Noticias (Lisbon) New York Daily News Chicago Tribune Philadelphia Bulletin Macon (Ga.) News Atlanta Constitution Watertown (N.Y.) Times Watertown (N.Y.) Tithes Washington Post and Times-Herald Corpus Christi (Tex.) Times United Press Wire Service Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot Watertown (N.Y.) Times Green Bay (Wis.) Press- Gazette Buffalo Evening News Louisville Courier-. Journal Former U.S. Commie boss is AFL espionage ace, by Edwin A. Lahey. Translation into Portuguese of Richard Harkness's articles on CIA. DATE Aug. 21 ug. 24-31 Ike fires G2 boss at bid of Allen Dulles, Sept. 2 by John O'Donnell. illus. Ike expected to act in CIA, Pentagon feud. Sept. 5 U.S. intelligence system today depends on scholarly research, not cloak and dagger spies. Law Day program to feature Dulles. Intelligence Chief Dulles Mercer Law Day speaker. Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Great knowledge in Russia may defeat power Sept. 16 of Reds (Reprinted from U.S. News & World Report) The CIA, U.S. espionage system, by Joseph Sept. 20-22 L. Myler. (A series of three articles) Shortage of scientists. Oct. 1 Dulles brothers cope with Reds from sunny, Oct. 6 dark sides of the street, by Edwin A. Lahey. Subversive activities of the USSR. John and Allen Dulles team seek to Reds' mask, by J. N. Roberts. CIA heads forecast Soviet weapons sale, by Peter Lisagor. Take the wraps off CIA. Reds may try to sell arms in Americas, CIA chief says. CIA may fight to keep free of Congress con- trol. illus. 57 Oct. 9 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Topeka (Kan.) Capital Danville (I11.) Commercial-News Muncie (Ind.) Star Wall Street journal Omaha World-Herald Washington Star Washington Star New York Herald Tribune St. Louis Post- Dispatch St. Louis Post- Dispatch Baltimore News-Post Cleveland Press Cleveland Plain Dealer Washington Post and Times-Herald San Diego Union Cincinnati Times-Star Detroit Free Press 1955 DATE U.S. spy network still ranks below Russian Nov. 25 machine. Education may demoralize Reds, by William Nov. 30 A. Garrett. Editorial: Who's making U.S. policy. Dec. 31 1956 The lone jUdge. (Criticism of Mr. Dulles Jan. 27 opposition to CIA watchdog committee) Editorial: a watch on the CIA. Feb. 2 Series of three articles on CIA and Dulles, Feb. 19721 by Richard Fryklund. Product: of expenses queried on Capital Hill, by Richard Fryklund. Senate group asks for new CIA watchdog committee. illus. Congress and the CIA. CIA watchdog committee, by Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Phillips. Satellites restless as Reds relax at home; U.S. official sees revolt, by Ruth Montgomery. illus. Feb. 21 Feb. 25 Feb. 28 Mar. 4 Mar. 'Central Intelligence head will speak here Mar. 13 tonight. Allen Dulles here; Red war potential Mar. 14 cited, by john G. Blair, illus. Dulles rebuked by Brother Allen. In Wash- Mar. 22 ington Merry-Go-Round, by Drew Pearson. Our super cabinet for security. Mar. 25 Allen Dulles to be University of Cincinnati Apr. 9 Alumni Association speaker. illus. It's almost impossible to get a secret out Apr. 12 of CIA, by William MbGaffin. 5E3, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER New York Herald Tribune Barre (Vt.) Times Newark News Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Star Washington Star Providence (R.I.) Journal Washington Star Baltimore Sun Washington Star Savannah (Ga.) Press Burlington (Vt.) News Buffalo (I.Y.) News New York Journal- American Washington Star Baltimore News-Post Catholic Standard Detroit Free Press 1956 Watchdog for CIA voted down in Senate. illus. DATE Apr. 12 Editorial: Super-security. Apr. 13 Editorial: The headline personality. Apr. 15 (Biographical sketch) illus. Allen Dulles sees deception in Red anti- Apr. 15 Stalin policy. Editorial: The final and real test. Apr. 16 Missile probers quiz CIA chief. Apr. 19 Central Intelligence Agency operates under Apr. 22 cover to bar another Pearl Harbor, by William McGaffin. illus. Dulles vs. Dulles, by Sidney Koretz. Apr. 23 Claims for Soviet missile doubted. Apr. 25 Russia shows "high competence" in build- Apr. 29 ing its industrial might, by Allen Dulles. Dulles brothers guide nation's foreign May policy, by James Marlow. Those Dulles(t) brothers. May 3 History pupils need loose-leaf books in May 9. Russia these days. Letter from Mr. Dulles congratulating two Hearst reporters who received Pulitzer prizes. May 13 CIA director proposes aid for the hard years, May 13 by David Koonce. CIA director on Matyas Rakosi of Hungary, May 16 by Huth Montgomery. New Soviet threat. In The Backdrop, by May 25 John C. O'Brien. Our impression. (Comment on Mr. Dulles) May 29 illus. 59, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER New York Herald Tribune San Francisco Chronicle Peoria (Ill.) Journal Memphis Commercial Appeal Baltimore News-Post New York Herald Tribune Anderson (s.c.) Independent Watertown (N.Y.) Times Atlantic City Press Houston Chronical Land og Folk (Copen- hagen) New York Herald Tribune New York Mirror ' Washington Star Washington Star Daily Worker (N.Y.) 1956 Allen Dulles reveals Reds' infiltration in parliaments. In Today in World Affairs, by David Lawrence. Reds blame CIA chief in Polish revolt. Editorial: Score one for espionage. Never-ending work of CIA guards America's very life. From War of Wits, by lials141148 FargigQ. DATE May 30 June 2 June 7 June 10 H-bomb security leak under probe, (Strauss June 18 and Dulles visit to Eniwetok) CIA chief sees no evidence of Red lead June 19 in missile race. Editorial: Matter of consistency should be June 28 noted by CIA. CIA's Dulles irks senators on missiles. June 29 Allen Dulles called revolt mastermind. (Poznan revolt) Diplomats predict Hungary uprising, by Ruth Montgomery. Averill Harriman's dictatorship or socialist democracy, by Kai Moltke. (Reference to Dulles and Poznan) Allen Dulles tells of New Red tactics; warns of gains in Parliaments, by James E. Warner. CIA's Dulles tells of New Red tactics, by Sam Fogg. CIA chief warns of Red "parliamentary con- quest", by Robert K. Walsh. (On report written for House Committee on Un-American Activities) Allen Dulles in India. The Rockefeller stake in the elections. illus. 60 July July 5 July 7 Sept. 2 Sept. 2 Sept.. 2 Sept. 13 Sept. 16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER New Orleans Item Cleveland Press Blitz (Bombay) Blitz (Bombay) Chicago Tribune Melbourne Age Christian Science Monitor Omaha World-Herald Washington Post and Times-Herald New York Post Washington Post and Times-Herald New York Post Pravda Washington Post and Times-Herald Christian Science Monitor Columbus Citizen New York Post Nashville Tennessean 1956 DATE: Is Nasser acting Hitlerish with diplomats? Sept. 19 In Washington Merry-Go=Round, by Drew Pear- son. (Mr. Dulles discussed) CIA head moves on. (On trip) Behind Allen Dulles' mission to India. Delhi spy scandal. Allen Dulles visits Aussie Premier. U.S. security chief here for talks. CIA chief arrives in Tokyo. Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Sept, 29 Oct. 6 Dulles urges strong guard in Seoul news Oct. conference. Dulles is upheld on Polish stand. In Oct, 26 Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Drew Pearson. CIA knew of Israeli attack. In Inside Wash- Nov. ington, by Robert S. Allen Bungling in the CIA. In Letters to the Edi- Nov. 9 tor. Dulles and Syria. In Inside Washington, by Nov. 14 Robert S. Allen. Nov. 14 Admission by head of U.S. intelligence. , (Tr. in Current Digest of the Soviet Press, v.81 no.45:171 19 December 1956) Education weakens Kremlin -- CIA chief, by Nov. 15 Jeanne Rogers. illus. CIA chief pictures Kremlin dilemma. Nov. 17 Dulles' brother is sociable fellow, by Nov. Andrew Tully, Battle on the Potomac. In Inside Washing- Nov.- 18 ton, by Robert S. Allen. Editorial: Both Dulleses didn't know. Nov. 19 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Utica (N.Y.) Press Des Moines Register Minneapolis Tribune San Francisco Chronicle New York Herald Tribune Toledo Blade Providence (R.I.) Journal Indianapolis News New Orleans Times Picayune Trud New York Daily News Kbmsomolskaya Pravda Washington Star Tulsa Tribune Sioux City (Ia.) Journal New York Herald Tribune 1956 Repeat CIA was on the job. CIA tip to Ike day before Suez attack. CIA warning of Mid-East attack bared, by Richard Wilson. Where was CIA in Israel, Hungary. In This World Today, by Royce Brier. How good is U.S. intelligence, by Roscoe Drummond. There's new talk of removing cloak licA from super-spy agency, by George Zielke. Editorial: A CIA watchdog night destroy its charge. Here are a few tales about (sh-h) CIA, by Lou Hiner, Jr. Dulles brother's both on spot, by Bascom Timmons. Breaking with the past, by D. Tikhonov. (Tr. in Current Digest of the Soviet Press, v.8, no.50:24-25, 23 January 1957) DATE Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 5 Dec. 7 Criticism of CIA in Middle East crisis. In Dec. 11 Capital Circus, by Michael O'Neill. Don't slander, Mr. Dulles.-Letter abroad from Y.C.L. students of Molotov Power Insti- tute in Moscow. (Tr. in Current Digest of the Soviet Press v.8, no.50:16-17, 23 January 1957.) Students Red as ever, Soviets tell CIA chief. Soviets admit anxieties of students. Editorial: CIA bullseye. (On Soviet un- rest) Restive Soviet students. 62 Dec. 26 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 31 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Dallas Mbrning News Washington Post and Times-Herald De Waarheid (Amster- dam) New York Post Bethlehem (Pe.) Globe- Times New York Herald Tribune Washington Daily News Washington Star Cincinnati Enquirer Columbus State Journal Philadelphia Inquirer RabothieheskoZelo (Sofia) New York Herald Tribune New York Mirror Cincinnati Enquirer Altoona (Pa.) Tribune Washington Daily News Washington Post and Times-Herald 1957 CIA knew the score. In Thinking Out Loud, by Lynn Landrum. illus. Arab unrest due to Soviet policy. Dulles and CIA) Talks between Dulles and Sjahrir of Indonesian Socialist Party. Speidel and Dulles. King Saud's visit held success, by Charles M. McCann. (Reference to visit with Nr. Dulles) Allen Dulles sees unrest in Russia; says Reds face a general crisis. Criticism of Mr. Dulles and CIA. In Capi- tol Stuff, by John O'Donnell. illus. Editorial: speech) An evolving Russia. (On M.I.T. "Nhschanskin and Allan Dulles. In General Crisis of Communism, by Forrest Davis. Poor return from huge CIA costs, by John O'Donnell. Will Russia reform? In Washington Back- ground, by John C. O'Brien. illus. The fruits of American espionage, by V. Cholakov. (Original and translation) Reds say Allen Dulles sent girls to tempt Olympic team. illus. He-man Allen Dulles. Corruption of Russian athletes. Feeling we've been tricked brings CIA under fire. In National Whirligig, by Ray Tucker. DATE Jan.; 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. .17 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Mar. 23 Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Apr. 5 Apr. 25 CIA is going concern now, by Peter Edson. May 2 CIA in on Arab split. In Washington Merry- May 10 Go-Round, by Drew Pearson. 63 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Baltimore News-Post Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot-News Washington Daily News Baltimore News-Post Alameda (Calif.) Times -Star Daily Worker (N.Y. Cleveland Plain Dealer Aurora (Ill.) Beacon- News Portland Oregonian Chicago American Baltimore News-Post New Orleans Item New York Daily News Philadelphia In- quirer Minneapolis Tribune Chicago News Washington Post and Times-Herald New York World- Telegram and Sun 1957 All cane in Cuba isn't sugar. (Reference , to Mr. Dulles advising Batista) Allen Dulles to address '57 seminar at Army War College. Mr. Dulles honored at Princeton University with degree. Russia condemns U.N. report on terrorism in Hungary; blames Dulles brothers. Dulles foresees fall of Commies, by Ruth Montgomery. Case of the missing gift of canned goods, by Mary Wolf ard. (On financing agents) illus. Even Congress can't pierce CIA curtain 4 by Phil'G. Goulding. Asks CIA dope on Red tactics, by Robert W. Richards. Senator asks for less secrecy, investiga- tion of spending by CIA. CIA switch--wants limelight. Bulganin's ouster for Mikoyan seen, by Ruth Montgomery. Editorial: The Dulles brothers. Dulles family headed for tough session. In Capitol Stuff, 15.5r johh O'Donnell. The other Dulles. In What Do You Know. U.S. officials missed final signs of Sput- nik, by Fletcher Knebel. illus. U.S. goofed on Zhukov. illus. CIA caught napping. In WashingtoniMerryL4o- Round, by Drew Pearson. Did the sputniks catch the CIA flatfooted? by Roger Stuart. 614. DATE May 12 June 11 June 18 June 21 July 3 July 7 Aug. 10 Aug. 13 Sept. 4 Sept. 6 Sept. 214 Sept. 26 Oct. 17 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 30 Nov. 4 Nov. 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER London Daily Express New York Mirror York (Pd.) Gazette and Daily New York Herald Tribune The Times (London) Christian Science Monitor Richmond Times Dis- patch CharlOtte Observer Kansas City (Mb.) Times New York Herald Tribune Atlanta journal Louisville Courier- Journal Boston Sunday Adver'. tiser Louisville Courier- Journal Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Star Los Angeles Times 1957 DATE Reds stagger America's spy octopus. Nov.14 Truth dollars for junkets? by Fulton Lewis4;, Nov. 14 jr. illus. With the Dulles brothers in diplomania - I. Nov. 19 Allen Dulles' testimony on Russia. illus. Nov. 27 Mr. A. Dulles gives evidence at inquiry in- Nov. 27-28 to guided missile programme. Soviet missile subs stir senators: CIA chief Nov. 29 testifies. U.S. spies may have warned years ahead Of Nov. 29 Soviet sputnik. Our cloak and dagger boys--more hits than Nov. 30 errors? by William McGaffin. CIA on the griddle again, but for others' Nov. 30 mistakes. Senators briefed by Allen Dulles. illus. Dec. 1 Allen Dulles is nation's leading spy. illus. Dec. 3 CIA head is experienced. Guards our security; man of the week, by David Sentner. illus. A spy with a Phi Beta Kappa key. 1958 Role of intelligence, by Chalmers M. Roberts. Feb. 5 Subversion, not arms, held chief Red weapon. Feb. 25 illus. The other Mr. Dulles. Mar. 25 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Star New York Herald Tribune Washington Star Washington Star Boston Globe New York Herald Tribune Washington Post and Times-Herald Guardian San Angelo (Tex.) Standard New York World-Tele- gram and Sun El Paso (Tex.) Herald , Post ' Fort Worth Press Washington Daily News Chicago Tribune Milwaukee (Wis.) Journal New York Herald Tribune 1958 Soviet consistency, by G. E. Sokolsky. Allen Dulles warns of Red industry gains. Allen Dulles doubts Red war move, but warns of economic drive, by Victor Wilson. (On speech before Chamber of Commerce) CIA chief's economic warning; Dulles sees national security factor in Red's industry- trade offensive, by Doris Fleeson. Editorial: The Red economic threat. Brother Allen speaks out, by Doris Fleeson. illus. The Pearl Harbor Complex. In Today and To- morrow,y'Whlter Lippmann. (On speech be- fore Chamber of Commerce) Editorial: Those Kremlin capitalists. (On speech before Chamber of Commerce) Socialism leading, US spy chief admits. What every Dulles knows; Allen sells flexi- bility to brother John Foster, by Holmes Alexander. illus. Allen Dulles underplays master spy role, by Andrew Tully. illus. - U.S. spy chief looks like college professor. illus. America's boss spy never target for bullet-- looks like professor, by Andrew Pulley. illus. Potomac patter--unapproachable, by Andrew Tully. DATE Apr. 16 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 Apr. 30 Apr. 30 May I May 1 May 4 May 8 May 8 June 4 June 5 June 5 June 7 Spy agency mum on how Cash is spent, by June 19 John Scali. illus. Jay 1 The C.I.A. story, by Don Whitehead. illus. July 13-17 Recession spreading to Europe. 66 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Das Neue Journal (Wiesbaden) New York Mirror Washington Post and Times-Herald Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal Virginian Pilot and Portsmouth Star Louisville (Ky.)Times Youngstown (Ohio) Vindicator Portland (Ore.) Oregonian Baltimore Sun New York Herald' Tribune St. Louis Post- Dispatch Savannah News Rocky. bunt (N. C.) Telegram Fort Wayne (Ind.) News Sentinel New York World Tele- gram and Sun Christian Science Monitor 1958 CIA, how the American espionage service operates. Mr. and Mrs. United States! by Walter Winchell. Senators to quiz Allen Dulles on Iraq today. C.I.A. spells mystery; Senate group nibbles at Allen Dulles's set-Up; most congressmen don't know how much it spends or even in which bill its appropriation occursi by R. L. Riggs. illus. DATE July 16 July 18 July 24 July 27 An hour with Allen Dulles; C.I.A. chief dis- Aug. 24 cusses the role of intelligence, by William Hillman. illus. Belated intelligence: letter to the Editor, by Montgomery Sims. Russia's economic challenge., CIA sees that nothing ever catches U.S. by surprise. illus. Russia held out to rule without war; intelli- gence chief says Reds try economic, political ways. Allen Dulles says Reds avoid war; use sub- version to attain ends, by J. G. Rogers. CIA chief says war is not Reds' main weapon. CIA head tells aims of Chinese; Reds are out to dominate entire world. illus. CIA doing a good job. Cloak-and-dagger bed not all roses. Wanted: cloak, dagger tradition at CIA, by R. G. Deindorfer. illus. How effective is central intelligence? a critique of CIA and how it works, by Harry Howe Ransom. Aug. 30 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 20 Oct. 25 Dec. 1 67 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Salt Lake City (Utah Deseret News and Telegram Washington Post and Times-Herald Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune New York News Chicago Tribune Baltimore Sun Los Angeles Times Chicago Tribune Los Angeles Times ? Providence (LI.) Journal Buffalo (N.Y.) News New Orleans States- Item Omaha (Neb.) World- Herald Atlanta (Ga.) Consti- tution Baton Rouge (La.) Advocate 1959 DATE Solons ask CIA for facts on Russian Missiles. Jan. 16 illus. CIA Director gives briefing to Senators. Jan. 17 East-West space race has its cast, its Jan. 18 characters and its confusion, by J. Wilson. illus. No Russian A-plane yet, CIA chief says. illus. Jan. 18 Report by CIA bares plan of Red conquest; Jan. 26 Allen Dulles deplores U.S. pessimism, by W. Edwards. illus. Jan. 27 Senate unit gets report on cold war; capti., vated with CIA Chief's analysis of situation, by Phi14 Pbtter. Berlin problem is all in the family, by Feb. 10 B. Henry. illus. Berlin crisis sets off new Senate probe; Johnson to recall defense chiefs, by W. Edwards. illus. Brass in truce with reporters, by B. Henry. illus. CIA chief ably tells of Soviet challenge, by Frederic W. Collins. We lead in ability to wage war, Intelligence chief says; Allen Dulles declares Russ are aware of risks in launching attack on U.S., by Nat S. Finney. illus. Doubts Reds superior or bent on war. illus. Concessions aid only "r; CIA boss: U.S. strong enough to stand firm. Red industry boast branded "nonsense"; Soviets won't beat U.S.. by 1970, CIA chief spy's. CIA Chief:sees no plan Changes by Communists. illus. 68 Mar. 7 Mar. 11 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 8 Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Des Moines (Iowa) Register Lubbock (Texas) Evening Journal Lubbock (Texas) Morning Avalanche Lubbock (Texas) Morning Avalanche Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune New York Daily News New York Herald Tribune St. Louis Post-Dis- patch San Antonio (Tex.) News New Orleans Times- Picayune - Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Star West Palm Beach (Fla. Post Alexandria Gazette Chicago Daily News 1959 CIA Chief: Reds' output to trail U.S., by Gene Smith. illus. CIA Chief Allen Dulles to launch city pro- gram; "Operation Alert" to swing into action at rally tonight. Dulles foresees no end to "Cold war", by Jim ,Holleman, ;illus.. Dulles to speak at rally; U.S. spy chief to visit here today, by C. W. Ratliff. CIA Chief says Russ economic boast is silly. illus. Intelligence boss says Red claim is stupid. illus. Allen Dulles says Reds fear U.S., don't .want war. CIA chief says Soviet can hike arms outlay 50 pct. in 7 years; Allen Dulles tells how Russians advance their cause on military, economic and subversive fronts, by Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Phillips.. Khrushchev sees victory without war. illus. . Allen Dulles says U.S. is stronger than Russia; feels Soviet won't risk surprise A-attack, by Pbdine .Schoenberger. illus. Russian industry rise nearly triples U.S. rate. CIA Chief warns against Soviet moves. ) CIA Chief Allen Dulles visits here, sees free world' gaining in strength, by Geoffrey Rift. illus. DATE Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Says Allen W. Dulles: war not likely right Apr. 11 now. West can lure Iraq back, CIA.!s Dulles says; Apr. 11 Reds in government subvert oil rich mideast nation, by Peter Lisagor. illus. 69. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Decatur (Ill.) Review Providence (R.I.) Journal Washington Post and Times-Herald Cincinnati Inquirer Rockford. (Ill.) Star Providence (R.I. Journal Binghamton (N.Y. Press Detroit (Mich.) Free Press Fargo (N.D.) Forum & Tribune Lynchburg (Va.) News Easton (Pa.) Express Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot-News St. Paul (Minn.) Dispatch New York Mirror Charleston (W.V.) Gazette American Observer 1959, Cold appraisal by CIA. CIA head analyzes Red armed potential, by Frederic W. Collins. The struggle we face. In the Central Intelligence Agency; chair- borne fact sifter newest in espionage, by J. Koehler. illus.' Economic race. Kreplin's economic pressure analyzed by Frederic M. Collins. Top "sleuthsr alert nation on Reds at home, abroad, by A. F. Hermann. illus. In racing Russia; our handicap is inflation. U.S. must be on the alert to Red economic challenge. Editorial: The Communist challenge. We have the resources; have we the will? (From an editorial in the Washington Post and Times-Herald) In The Easton Express Roundtable. DATE Apr. ll Apr. 11 Apr. ll Apr. 12 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 14 Apr. 14 Apr. 14 Apr. 16 Sketches of possible successors of Secretary Apr. 16 Dulles. illus. Allen Dulles analyzes the Soviet potential. Apr. 16 CIA warns of Red grab in Iraq. In Washing- Apr. 19 ton Merry-Go-Round, by Jack Anderson. Central Intelligence chief warns against Apr. 25 smugness and false U.S. "tranquillizers". Fateful economic race; United States leads Russia in farm and factory output, but Soviets are steadily. narrowing the gap. 70 Apr. 27 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Baltimore Sun Kansas City (Mb.) Times Christian Science Monitor Buffalo Courier Express Delhi (India) Link Harrisburg (Pa.) News Atlanta (Ga.) Consti- tution The Times (London) Albany (N.Y.) Knicker- bocker News Baltimore Sun Christian Science Monitor Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press New York World-Tele- gram and Sun Perth Amboy (N.Y.) News St. Louis Post-Dis- patch Trouw (The Nether- lands) Washington Star 1959 Iraq is no-.1 danger spot, CIA head tells Congress. Calls Iraq world fuse; Views are expressed to Senate Committee by Allen W. Dulles, Direc- tor of the Central Intelligence Agency, by John R. Cauley. Middle East looms through Berlin fog, by Neal Stanford. Donovan declared one of first to war on Reds. illus. The secret service war. illus. Allen W. Dulles speaks Tuesday at War College. illus. Red's attack threefold, says CIA chief Dulles. Behind America's policy-makers. In People to Watch. illus. Dulles' brother guest of Rocky; CIA director scheduled to 'address State defense council in Albany. illus. Dulles discounts Soviet strength. CIA chief derides Soviets' strength. Refutes Russ; CIA Chief denies Soviets superior in arms. CIA Chief reports big Red Missile push, by W. B. Dickinson, jr. U.S. is strongest, A. W. Dulles says'. Communist tide is slacking, Allen Dulles of CIA asserts; he says U.S. can "drop hold- ing operations and press the advantage?. DATE Apr. 28 Apr. 28 May 4 May 5 June 7 June 8 June 18 -July 2 July, 6 July 25 -July 25 Jhly 25 July 25 July 25 -Jay 25 Allen W. Dulles,,espionage chief no. J. of July 25 the United States. (Translation) Dulles holds U.S. stronger than Soviet. Ally 25 71 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Madison (Wisc.) State journal Philadelphia (Pa.) Inquirer Washington Star Miami (Fla.) Herald Christian Science Monitor Rochester (N.Y.) Democrat & Chronicle Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot-News New Brunswick (N.Y.) Home News Washington Star St. Louis Post- Dispatch Kansas City (14b.) Star New York Herald Tribune The Providence Journal of Fairfax County St. Louis Post- Dispatch Tulsa .(Okla.) Tribune 1959 Allen Dulles tells Of Russ defense moves -against bombers. U.S. Officials maintain Soviet is not invinci- ble. In Washington Background, by John C. O'Brien. Editorial: Reassuring, but --. (On address to National Strategy Seminar for Reserve Officers) Governors get warning; atomic blackmail by Russians seen, by John B. McDermott. U.S. ability to meet Soviet threat; an inti- mate message from. Washington, by Neal Stanford. '!Secrets" kidded; Dulles vs. Mr. K. illus. CIA chief doubts Reds broke code, by Marguerite Higgins. illus. People in the News. illus. CIA Director to testify on Red economy. DATE July 26 July 28 Aug. 2 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 17 Oct. Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Great expansion of secret CIA emphasized by Nov. 1 its new building, by Marquis W. Childs. Allen Dulles a gadfly to Soviet as effective Nov. 3 director of CIA, by John R. Cauley. illus. Eisenhower lauds peace role; helps lay Nov. 4 stone for huge new building, by James E. Warner. CIA dedicated. Nov. 6 Allen Dulles warns of Soviet economic gains; Nov. 13 Russian industrial output growing at twice U.S. rate, CIA chief says. Soviet industrial expansion threatens U.S. lead, says intelligence chief. 72 Nov. 13 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Washington Star Auburn (N.Y.) Citizen-Advertiser Baltimore Sun Bangor (Maine) News Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times Christian Science Mbnitor Dayton (Ohio) News Lincoln (Neb.) Journal New York Herald Tribune Providence (R.I..) Journal Washington Daily News ,Washington Daily News Washington Star Washington Est and Times-Herald Watertown (N.Y. 1959 Dulles warns on co-existence; Soviet wants to buy time, CIA head says; industry not near U.S., he de&lares, but military is, by J. A. O'Leary. A report on Russia. Red growth in industry is stressed; Soviet economy could be near that of U.S. by '70, Dulles says, by Rodney Crowther. Intelligence Chief says: Soviet economic drive Serious, by Jbspph A. Loftus. In search for solutions; Allen Welsh Dulles. illus. Soviet output statistics sifted,. by Richard L. Strout, Soviets narrowing gap, Dulles says; important' for U.S. to speed econotic growth, intelli- gence chief reports. America still has time. Russia seen near U.S. level by '70; htads cites economic gains, by Warren Rogers, jr. illus. It's not all cloak-and-dagger, by Frederic W. Collins. illus. Dulles explodes some laths; Hill gets "sober4 ing" picture of Soviets. Dulles: Get hot or Red output will crowd us, by Robert Thompson. illus. CIA head sees no sudden shift in Russia, by J. A. O'Leary. Dulles sees Soviet gains closing gap; CIA chief finds production lead of U.S. in dan- ger, by Carroll Kilpatrick. Times Allen Dulles testifies. 73 DATE Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Wilmington (Del.) Journal Woonsocket (R.I.) Call Detroit (Mich.) News New York Journal of Commerce Charlotte (N.C.) Observer Christian Science Monitor Portland (Maine) Press-Herald Tele- gram Riverside (Calif.) Enterprise Niagara Falls (N.Y.) Gazette Portland (Maine) Press-Herald Tele- gran San Diego (Calif.) Tribune Greenville (S.C.) News Sioux City (Iowa) ,YJ.Jburnal Youngstown (Ohio) Vindicator Shreveport (La.) Journal Washington Star Serskbye Khozysystvo (Moscow) 1959 Mr. Dulles on Russia. Dulles hopes on Russian evolution, by Joe Hall. Reds step up output in race to equal by Russell Barnes. Intelligence chief sees gap in US, Red economies closing. Dulles provides the facts on Soviet economic threat. The CIA and the U.S.S.R. In State of the Nations, by William H. Stringer. And. now it is Allen Dulles who warns on Red production. Allen Dulles' warning. CIA Chief refutes myths about Russia. Inside in Washington, by May Craig. CIA chief denies Russia will "Inherit the world". In World's Week. A sober assessment of Red strength. A challenge in the hope for Soviet change. Warning against complacency, Editorial: Growth rate too slow. CIA head challenged by Pravda on figures. No, Mr. Allen Dulles, your prophecies will not come true! 74 DATE Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Rochester (N.Y.) Times Union Waukegan (I11.) News- Sun New York journal American Christian Science Monitor Minneapolis (Ni Tribune New York Herald Tribune Newark (N.J.) News Waukegan (Ill.) News- Sun Washington Star Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot-News New Brunswick (N.J. Home News Union City (N.J.) Hudson Dispatch Owensboro (Ky.) Messenger-Inquirer New York Herald. Tribune Christian Science Monitor New York Daily News 1959 DATE Intangible factors cited in U.S.-Soviet Dec. race for economic growth, by A.F. Hermann. U.S. economic progress up to American Dec. 3 people. Says Russia!s Latin-America plot is gaining. Dec. 4 Dec. 5 U.S. industry told armed might urgent. to prevent Soviet? clash: American economic gain seen fading fast in race, by Harry C. Kenney. Reds penetrate Latin America, CIA chief says. Dec. 5 illus. Soviet stirs Cuba strife, Dulles says, and i- Dec. 5 in Panama, he tells N.A.M., by Joel Seldin. CIA chief says Moscow inspired Cuba, Panama Dec. 5 discord; plan told by Dulles, by Phillip S. Showell, Jr. U.S. economic progress up to American people Dec. 5 Basic Red aims are unchanged, CIA chief says. Dec. 5 What,:shodld5.we sacrifideto'guarantee:Survival? Dec. 8 "People in the News" column. illus. Reis stirring up Latin Americans. Allen Dulles advises. U.S. to take the claims of Soviets seriously. Dulles hints at discontent in satellites; "Hope for freedom vibrant", he asserts, by R. Chapman. Kremlin directive cited by CIA chief. Allen Dulles sees shift. illus. 75 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 13 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 16 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Washington Post and Times-Herald St. Louis Post- Dispatch Washington Star Chicago Daily News Miami (Fla.) News Washington Post and 'Times-Herald Buffalo (N.Y.) News Baltimore Sun New York Herald Tribune New York Journal American St. Louis Post- Dispatch Washington Star Buffalo (N.Y.) News Minneapolis Tribune 1959 Allen Dulles warns of Soviet goal. (On speech at luncheon meeting of Salvation Army) Co-existence talk false Dulles says. Dulles sees Red push in Africa Asia, Carib- bean. Space called top Story of fabulous '50s; thinking men'of-Chicago take interpretive look back, by N. Shuman. illus. 1960, -Dulles: gets summons. In Man in the News. illus.. Ike implies .better data on Russia; new "estimates" of power cited in defending Gates, by Chalmers M. Roberts. Allen Dulles - incredible spymaster for the West. illus. Dulles sees Soviet play on credulity; says Reds usa missiles to make impression on unsophisticated, by Albert Sehlstedt, Jr. . Reds not stronger, Pacific shots a bluff, ? Dulles says. CIA chief hits sweet talk; Reds' sincerity attacked, by George Carroll. "New formula" for estimating Soviet Union's missile strength is deeply disturbing to many; but both President, Allen Dulles assure that in considering Russia's intentions, its capabilities are not being overlooked by U.S., by Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Phillips. DATE Dec. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 28 Jan. 13 Jan. 17 Jan. 23 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. V Dulles denies "politics" in Red arms reports. Jan. 27 Red "superiority" a product of propaganda, Dulles says; Russians trying to capitalize on publicity gained from space successes, he declares. illus. Jan. 28 (Minn.) CIA chief enters debate on Russ power, by Jan. 28' Charles W. Bailey;. 76 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER New York Post Washington Post and Times-Herald National Review New York Daily News Aurora (Ill.) Beacon- News New York Herald Tribune New York Journal American Denver (Colo.) Post Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald-journal Washington Post and Times Herald New York Mirror St. Louis Post-Dis- patch Washington Post and Times-Herald Baltimore Sun Washington Star 1960 Soviet ICBM due off California? In Washing- ton Report, by Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott. Dulles to be quizzed on new data on Reds, by John G. Norris. illus. Allen Dulles and Bang-Jensen. Dulles paints defenses: color is unrosy, by Jerry Greene. illus. Bare CIA report on defense; backs Ike on U.S. position, by Robert W. Richards. Congress' demand for data seen "cold war" handicap, by David Lawrence. CIA chief under fire. In Washington Window, by David Sentner. U.S. cloak and dagger chief Allen W. Dulles-- likes his CIA job. In Personalities in the News, by Endre Marton. illus. Dulles is no.1 man in U.S. intelligence, by Endre Marton. The Dulles testimony, by Joseph Alsop. CIA chief says U.S. missile future not rosy. In Washington Merry-Go-Round, by Drew Pearson. illus. Allen Dulles's views anger Eisenhower; CIA chief demands to counter missile complacency, by Drew Pearson. Cold war seen as indefinite. illus. DATE Jan. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Dulles reportedly did not give Soviet missile Feb. 24 data to Twining due to their possible unrelieG, bility; Gaither panelist warns of "uninformed president"; CIA chief testifies on "soft" esti- mates before Senate unit. Our most secret agency; with the CIA intelli- Mar. 6 gence is a science, by J. F. Ter Horst. 77 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Elmira (N.Y.) Star- Gazette Okalhoma City (Okla.) Oklahoman Washington Daily News Washington Post and Times-Herald Berlingske Tidende Utica (N.Y.) Obser- ver-Dispatch Baltimore Sun Garden City (N.Y.) Newsday Dayton (Ohio) News New York Daily News New York Post Expressen Houston (Tex.) Chronicle Philadelphia Inquirer New York World-Tele- gram and Sun Toronto Globe and Mail London Observer Washington Post and Times-Herald 1960 DATE CIA free of politics; Robison convinced. He's our "master spy", by J. F. Ter Horst. illus. Khrushchev exaggerates, says Dulles, by John ChaMbers. Mar. 15 Mar. 20 Mar. 24 Dulles reveals orders Soviet gave Latin Reds. Mar. 24 Amerikas Mhsterspion, by Anders Georg. illus. Mar. 25 The Dulles nobody knows, by Curtis Mitchell. Mar. 27 illus. Knack led Dulles to CIA post; took spying job Mar. 31 in first world war, by J. F. Ter Horst. Cloak and dagger, by Leonard Baker. pt .2. Apr. 13 illus. Reds inciting, Latins", Dullht"ssys. May 2 Tells how Reds turn Latins against U.S. illus. May 2 The business of espionage--glamor is the May 10 least of it, by Joseph Wershba. illus. Iasterspionen Dulles -- har han 3000 eller May 11 30000 man? illus. What qualifies Dulles as Director of CIA. May 11 illus. "Master Spy" Dulles: how his CIA works, by May 12 McGuffin. illus. U.S. master spy is tweedy but tough ,,by Y. May 13 Michael Mk. illus. Research and analysis with a touch of cloak May 20 and dagger, by Philip Deane. illus. Director of U.S. intelligence. In The Obser- May 22 ver Profile. illus. How Allen Dulles tried to spare Ike, by May 27 Marquis Childs. 78 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Gary (Ind.) Post- Tribune New York Journal American Bismarck (N.D.) Tribune Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times Garden City (N.Y.) Newsday. New York Herald Tribune Philadelphia Inquirer Columbia (S.C.) Record Detroit ( News Dayton (Ohio) News WilMington (Del.), News Exclusivo de Washing 'ton (Puerto Rico) Washington Daily News Cincinnati (Ohio) Enquirer New York Mirror Pittsburgh (Pa.) Post Gazette 1960 DATE Allen Dulles looks like schoolmaster. May 31 Allen W. Dulles, master of espionage. In May 31 In the Spotlight Today. illus. Allen. Dulles not usual "spy type". illus. June 1 America's Master spy; Allen Welsh Dulles. June 1 illus. Professorial spymaster, by Leonard Baker. June 1 illus. Allen Dulles is cleared by Senate inU-2 'lime 1 case, by Rowland Evans, jr. illus. Chief of espionage. In Profile. June 1 Allen Dulles heads CIA, breathtakingly easy June 2 to identify. America's master spy; meet Allen W. Dulles, June 2 our intelligence chief. illus. Allen Dulles' armor: pipe, patience, politi- June 2 cal savvy. In Man in the News. illus. Neither cloak nor dagger. illus. IALlen W. Dulles. illus. Meet Allen Dulles; he's America's top cloak & dagger man, by Andrew Tulley. illus. Dulles ouster sought by Reds; Ike portrayed as ailing front man for war hungry CIA chief. Why Reds suspect Dulles. In Washington- Merry4c-Rou610 by Drew Pearson. illus. Allen Dulles keeps "master spy" title; position as head of CIA seeme more secure than ever. illus. June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 5 June 5 79 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER St. Louis Post- Dispatch Washington Post and Times-Herald Providence (R.I.) Journal York (Pa.) Dispatch Baltimore Sun Washington Post and Times-Herald The Times (London) Politika (Yugoslavia) Unita (Communist) Washington Star New York Herald Tribune San Diego (Calif.) Union Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Star Watertown (N.Y.) Times Northern Virginia Sun Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune Wichita (Kansas) Bea- con 1960 Allen Dulles strives to keep CIA non-politi- cal and objective. In Who's Who in the News. Allen Dulles: he made U.S. spying pro- fessional. illus. Dulles speaks to War College strategy session. illus. Spy stories fed Russians; Reds lable Allen Dulles craftier than FU Manchu. CIA -- eyes and ears of U.S.; the most secret government agency has extraordinary powers to do its job, by J.C. Schmidt. illus. CIA chief will visit W, Germany. Potrait gallery: Allen Dulles. illus. Secret talks between Allen Dulles and. the Germans in 1943. JUvelazioni sui contatti fra Allen Dulles e i nazisti, by Maurizio Ferrara. illus. Dulles keeps lid tight on Kennedy briefing. Kennedy gets top-secret briefing, by Don Irwin. illus. Kennedy briefed on foreign affairs. illus. Kennedy gets first briefing by CIA director, by Richard L. Lyons. illus. Johnson gets Dulles briefing. Briefings help to nominees, says Allen W. Dulles on visit. illus. War clouds from. over Far East. Allen--Paul Scott Report. Dulles ready to serve Nixon or Fletcher Knebel. illus VFW award to Allen Dulles. 80 DATE June 5 June 5 June 7 June 7 June 12 June 16 .June 19 June 30 July 4 July 23 July 24 July 24 July 24 July 28 July 30 In Robert S. Aug. 2 Kennedy, by Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER 1960 DATE .South Bend (Ind.) Allen Dulles recipient of Bernard Baruch Aug. 7 Tribune Award. Miami (Fla.) Herald CIA chief wins honor. Aug. 8 Watertown (N.Y.) Allen W. Dulles receives honor. Times Detroit (Mich.) Free Dulles warns of Soviet peril. ,illus. Press Detroit (Mich.) News Baltimore Sun Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer Dulles says Red .talk hides plot, by Herb Levitt. Dulles links Red secrecy to surprise-attack plan. Dulles warns Soviet piling up weapons. Detroit (Mich.) Times Cuba a step in Red plan, Dulles warns, by Don Ball. illus. Pittsburgh (Pa.) Aug. 8 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Press "Shut up" on secrets, U-2 builder tells U.S.; Aug. 23 VFW hears defense chiefs. illus. New York Post Elizabeth (N.J.) Journal': New York Herald Tribune Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Star Brooklyn Tablet (Catholic) Pueblo (Colo.) Star- Journal Kansas City (Mo.) Star New 'York Herald ?: Tribune The 7 ingredients, by James Marlow. Aug. 23 Cold war troubles awaited by Dulles, In In Aug. 23 the Nation Today, by James Marlow. Skimpy reporting of talk by Allen Dulles Aug. 24 deplored, by David Lawrence.' Peace lies in strength, Dulles says. Aug. 30 Teaching what communism is; Dulles' plan for Sept. 9 spreading realization of the nature of our enemy is lauded, by Ralph chief hits complacent U.S.; Dulles Warns Sept. 24 "wishful thinkers" refuse to see Red danger. Dulles says intelligence agency uses both Oct. 7 science, horse sense. Invitations to hear speech by Allen Dulles go Oct. 26 to 500. illus. Appointments by Kennedy, illus. Nov. 11 81 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Washington Star Miami Herald Cleveland. (Ohio) Plain Dealer The Worker Sztandar Naodych (Warsaw) Sztandar Modych (Warsaw) Indianapolis (Ind. Star Des Moines Tribune Minneapolis (Minn.) Star Miami News Danville (Ill.) Commercial-News Chicago Tribune Miami Herald New York Herald Tribune San Juan (P.R.) Star El Mundo (San Juan, P.R.) 1960 Dulles briefs Kennedy for nearly 2 hours; CIA chief fills in President-elect concern- ing troubled Caribbean area, by Garnett D. Horner. DATE Nov. 18 Allen W. Dulles: U.S. master spy of WorldWar Nov. 21 by William McGaf fin. illus. Editorial: Know your enemy. Nov. 28 Dulles' shadow hangs over Cuba and threatens Dec. 4 the world's peace, by Art Shields. illus. 1961 The brothers Dulles and "sidelines". (Trans- Jan. 21 lation) Industrial elite really govern America. Jan. 21/22 (Translation) Princeton grads to hear Dulles. Jan. 31 Allen Dulles and Nazi secrets. illus. Feb. 6 Kennedy's GI team; Allen 'Dulles' gamble Mar. 18 reaped Nazi secrets, by Fletcher Knebel. illus. 11. reasons why Russia is risking a war in Laos, Mar. 29 by Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott. illus. Intelligence agency chief discounts "missile Apr. 5 gap", cites new appraisal, by Paul Martin. "Shirt-mouth", that's chief of U.S. espionage; Apr. but Dulles finds secrets hard to keep. illus. 9 Even our spy boss gets the itch to talk, by Apr. 9 Saul Pett. illus. Allen Dulles has to find, keep secrets; his Apr. 9 agency keeps President briefed. illus. Dulles to keynote Y.P.O. meeting. illus. Apr. 14 Allen W. Dulles, Margaret Mead, Dr. Spook vienen a reuni6n de Presidentes gvenes, by Eddie Wipes. illus. Apr. 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER El_Mundo (San Juan, P.R.) San Juan (P.R.) Star El Mundo (San Juan, P.R.) New York Herald Tribune Junior Review L'Express (Paris) New York Herald Tribune Washington Star Boston (Mass.) Traveler Marion (Ind.) Leader- Tribune Expressen (Stockholm, Sweden) New York Herald Tribune Providence (R.I.) Bulletin Boston Herald Christian Science Monitor New York World-Tele- gram, and Sun Washington Daily News New York Herald Tribune 1961 DATE Allen' W. Dulles se rie de John Birch Society, Apr. 17 by Dario Carlo. illus. Young Presidents to hear Dulles in "off -Apr. 17 record" talk, by Harold J. Lidin. illus. Allen Dulles en San Juan; Sefrala Ptligro de Apr. 18 Castro para la America latina, by Luis M. Escribano. illus. Trouble comes to C.I.A., and. Dulles must talk, Apr. 30 by Warren Rogers, Jr. illus. Allen Dulles. illus. May 1 Services secrets; Challe et la C.I.A. :illus. May 4 5 The philosophical cloak and dagger man. illus. May Fate of Dulles believed undecided by Kennedy, May 5 by John N. Hightower. "Freedom award" for Allen Dulles. May 25 Dulles' book is key to CIA activities, by May 25 Robert Branson. Dulles has thankless job;:. US espionage chief may only acknowledge his mistakes, well paid, but no medals, by Arne Thoreh. Offbeat Washington. illus. Allen Dulles speaks at Naval War College. Allen Dulles reports Russians adopt capitalistic ways, by Robert B. Bassett. illus. CIA chief asks review of U.S. goals, by George B. Merry. Princeton chooses _,Diales as -:.truatee. May 28 June 4 June 5 June 10 June 10 June 13 It appears definite; Dulles will quit.,JCLA4; ally 18 successor hasn't been picked, by Marshall McNeil. Dulles to retire from C.I.A. by end of year. July 31 83 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8 NEWSPAPER Norfolk (Va.) Virginian-Pilot Kalamazoo (Mich.) Gazette Merrill (Wis.) Herald Brownsville (Tex.) Herald St. Louis Post- Dispatch Miami Herald New York Journal American Lincoln (Neb.) Star Miami Herald Washington Post and Times-Herald Washington Star New York Herald Tribune 1961 Editorial: Dulles and the CIA: August. Editorial: Service in silence. Exit Allen Dulles. Retiring CIA chief first served son era, by George Weeks. November v. during Wil- MbCone named CIA director by Kennedy to succeed Dulles. Allus, "He'd slaughter ang041" Reds sneered at Dulles. illus. 'Dulles rates a "well done". In On the Line, by Bob Considine. ,Editorial: Of hard facts. He matched wits with foes' best, by William NbGaffin. illus. Retiring Dulles gets unheralded send-off, by Edward T. Folliard. illus. Kennedy flies to CIA, oite.a:xetiring;, by Cecil Holland. From a devoted public servant: Farewell advice for a wiser America, by Robert J. Donovan. illus. 84 DATE Aug. 8 Aug. 11 Aug. 14 Aug. 29 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 30 Oct. 8 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Dec. 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/06: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100170002-8