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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 N? 62 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1947-60 CIA/RR 104 16 September 1957 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1947-60 CIA/RR 104 (ORB Project 47.1774) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T CONTENTS Page Summary 1 I. Position in the Economy 3 II. Organization 5 A. Government Control 6 B. Division of Responsibility 7 III. Postwar Construction 9 IV. Construction in Major Economic Sectors 15 A. Industry 15 B. Electric Power 19 C. Transportation 22 D. Housing. 23 V. Major Inputs A. Manpower B. Materials VI. Equipment and Technology VII. Conclusions Appendixes 28 28 31 33 36 Appendix A. Construction Enterprises Subordinate to the Czechoslovak Ministry of Construction and to the Slovak Commissariat of Construction . . . 39 Appendix B. Methodology 43 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Tables 1. Socialized and Private Enterprises and Employees in Construction in Czechoslovakia, 1949 Page 5 2. Distribution of Construction Output in Czechoslovakia During the Two Year Plan, 1947-48 11 3. Distribution of Construction Output in Czechoslovakia During the First Five Year Plan, 1949-53 12 4. Volume and Growth of Construction in Czechoslovakia) 1938 and 1947-56 13 5. Average Utilization Time of Machinery and Equipment in Construction Work. in Czechoslovakia, 1953-55 6. Volume of Housing Construction in Czechoslovakia, 1948-56 15 24 7. Number and Average Size of Dwelling Units and Total Area of Housing Constructed by the State in Czecho- slovakia, 1948-55 26 8. Manpower in the Construction Industry of Czechoslovakia, 1947-56 29 9. Production of Cement and Bricks in Czechoslovakia, 1937 and 1948-56 32 10. Consumption of Materials and Period of Construction in Standard and Prefabricated Construction in Czecho- slovakia - iv - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 36 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 CIA/RR 104 (ORB Project 47.1774) S-E-C-R-E-T THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA* 1947-60 Summary Construction in Czechoslovakia was sharply curtailed during the German occupation in World War II. The Germans concentrated on the repair of war damage, the conversion of plants to war production, the Shifting of plants to reduce their vulnerability to air attack) and a limited amount of industrial construction. Construction of housing virtually ceased. As a result of the reduced volume of con- struction, large numbers of construction Workers left the construc- tion industry for other employment, leaving the industry in the early postwar years with a labor force less than half as large as that in prewar years. With the beginning of economic planning in 1947, the industry was nationalized and rapidly expanded, and employment in construction rose from 161,000 in 1947 to 364,000 in 1953, where it has since been stabilized. The construction industry has played a significant role in the economic development of Czechoslovakia since 1947. During 1947-53, construction accounted for more than 60 percent of total fixed capital investment, and its relative share of the national income rose from 4.7 percent in 1948 to 8.1 percent in 1953. During the Two Year Plan (1947-48), housing and public works received the largest share of con- struction resources. Industrial construction was limited largely to the rehabilitation of basic industries which suffered war damage or capital depletion during the occupation and did not significantly al- ter the existing balance between light and heavy industry. Indus- trial expansion proceeded rapidly with the beginning of the First Five Year Plan (1949-53), with the major emphasis on development of heavy industry as opposed to light and consumer goods industry. Expansion and new construction of facilities for heavy industry since 1948 have fundamentally altered the structure of industry in Czechoslovakia. Within heavy industry, however, serious disproportions had developed by the end of 1953. The machine building industry was expanded dis- proportionately faster than the fuels, power, and raw materials bases, * The estimates and conclusions contained in this report represent the best judgment of ORB as of 1 July 1957. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T and production bottlenecks resulted. In 1954 and 1955 the rate of expansion of the machine building industry was slowed as greater attention was given to expanding the production base in the basic industries, and this policy is continued in the Second Five Year Plan (1956-60). The most glaring failure in construction since 1948 has been in the field of housing construction, which has suf- fered from the higher priority accorded to industry in the alloca- tion of construction resources. The backlog of demand resulting from the curtailment of construction of housing during the war and the growing urbanization accompanying industrial expansion combined to create a serious housing shortage in urban areas) and this short- age has prevailed throughout the postwar period. Because of adverse effects on labor efficiency and stability, the shortage of housing continues to be one of the most serious economic problems facing the regime. In response to the demands of reconstruction and development, the volume of construction increased significantly after 1947. Out- put in 1948 was 60 percent above the level of 1947, output in 1953 was 130 percent above the level of 1948, and output in 1956 was 18 percent above the level of 1953. Despite this significant growth, however, the volume of construction has consistently failed to meet the goals outlined in the economic plans. The major limitation to further expansion of construction output has been a continuing short- age of construction labor, particularly skilled labor. This shortage has been particularly evident since 1953, when a peak was reached in the size of the labor force. As a consequence, greater efficiency and increased labor productivity have been the keys to continued ex- pansion of construction output since 1953. The construction industry, however, has failed to take full advantage of improved technology as a means of increasing its output. Primarily because of poor organiza- tion and management of construction work) machinery and equipment (Which has been added in significant amounts) is inefficiently utilized, poorly maintained, and in repair for excessive lengths of time. As a result, the expected increases in labor productivity from increased mechanization of construction work have not materialized. The development of industrialized methods of construction (that is, the use of prefabricated elements) has been a goal of the con- struction industry since 1951. By 1955, however, only minor progress had been made in applying the use of prefabricated elements in con- struction, chiefly because of bureaucratic mismanagement. The ex- perience gained since 1951 in the production and assembly of prefabri- cated elements nevertheless affords the basis for a rapid expansion in - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E7T the use of industrialized methods during the Second Five Year Plan. Experiments have demonstrated that significant increases in labor productivity as well as savings in materials and a reduction in con- struction time can be achieved through the use of prefabricated ele- ments. The Second Five Year Plan envisages a rapid increase in the application of prefabricated elements in construction. The goal of a 60-percent increase in construction output by 1960 compared with 1955 will depend to a large extent on the success of the construc- tion industry in adapting its operations to industrialized methods of construction. I. Position in the Economy. During World War II, construction in Czechoslovakia, except for military purposes, was sharply curtailed. Building activity during the war consisted mainly of conversion of plants to war production, some industrial construction, repair of wai damage, and shifting of plants to reduce their vulnerability to air attack. As a result of this reduced volume of construction, large numbers of construction workers were shifted to other types of employment. In 1947 the num- ber of construction workers totaled only about 161,000 compared with 318,000 in 1930. The demands of reconstruction and industrial development required a rapid expansion of the construction industry, which assumed a vital role in the postwar economic development of Czechoslovakia. After 1947 the Communist regime rapidly proceeded to nationalize the con- struction industry, and by the middle of 1949 about 93 percent of all construction workers had been organized into large, integrated con- struction enterprises. Construction manpower rose to 228,000 in 1948 and reached a postwar peak of 365,000 in 1956. The 228,000 workers employed in construction in 1948 represented about 5.8 percent of the nonagricultural labor force. 1/* Because of the demands placed on the construction industry by the First Five Year Plan (1949-53), the number of workers in construction was?increased faster than in nonagricultural employment as a whole, until in 1953 - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T construction workers accounted for about 7.7 percent of the nonagri- cultural labor force. Employment in construction has remained rela- tively stable since 1953, however, and in 1955 the construction sec- tor employed about 7 percent of all nonagricultural labor. 2/ The requirements of postwar reconstruction, the program of in- dustrialization, and the pressing need for housing combined to give the construction industry an important investment role in postwar economic development. Of total planned investment in the Two Year Plan (1947-48)) about 55 percent was to be allocated for construction- assembly work. Construction-assembly* work, however, actually ac- counted for about 64 percent of investment over this 2-year period. 1/ During the period of the First Five Year Plan the share of construc- tion in total investment declined to about 60 percent,II/ a figure still considered excessive by the regime and high in relation to com- parable figures in Western European countries. The principal causes of this high ratio of construction to investment were (1) the tendency to concentrate on large industrial projects which matured slowly; (2) the tendency to have too many projects under way simultaneously, with consequent delays at construction sites and failures to commis- sion projects when planned; and (3) higher actual costs of construc- tion than were envisaged in the economic plans. The share of invest- ment devoted to construction probably declined in 1954 and 1955 as more emphasis was placed on completion of projects under way and less emphasis on starting new projects. According to the Second Five Year Plan, investment is to increase faster than construction. Thus a fur- ther drop in the share of construction in investment is to be expected, provided the deficiencies noted above are corrected. The relative contribution of the construction industry to national income increased steadily from the end of World War II through 1953. In 1953 the proportion of total national income contributed by the construction industry was 72 percent greater than in 1948 and nearly three times as great as in 1937. Net output of the construction industry as a percent of national income is as follows 1937 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 3.0 4.7 5.5 6.4 6.9 6.9 8.1 * In the USSR and the European Satellites the cost of cOnstruction- assembly includes the cost of installing production equipment (but not the cost of the equipment) in construction costs. - 4 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T II. Organization. The prewar construction industry in Czechoslovakia was composed of a large number of small- and medium-sized private enterprises and relatively few large private concerns. Of about 25,861 private enter- prises in the construction industry in 1933, 520 were large corpora- tions, 10,191 were partnerships, and the remainder were small per- sonal types of organizations. Y Nationalization of the industry proceeded rapidly after the Com- munists came to power in 1948, with the emphasis on formation of large, centrally directed enterprises. The nuMber of socialized and private enterprises and employees in construction in Czechoslovakia in 1949 is shown in Table 1. By the middle of 1949, about 93 percent of total construction manpower in Czechoslovakia had been organized Into 269 socialist enterprises. 7/ Table 1 Socialized and Private Enterprises and Employees in Construction in Czechoslovakia 1949 Sector Number of Enterprises Nutber of Employees Employment (Percent of Total) Socialized National 193 2145171 79.2 Communal 55 6,042 2.2 Cooperative 21 2,653 1.0 State and public adminis- tration 27,993 10.3 Subtotal 250,859 92.7 Private 2,859 19,792 7.3 Total 3,128 270,651 100.0 - 5 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Of the 2,859 private firms still in existence on 30 June 1949, about three-fourths employed fewer than 11 persons, and about one-third had only 1 or 2 employees.kii?E/ In 1953 the socialized sector of the in- dustry accounted for 99.7 percent of total construction output in Czechoslovakia. By the end of 1955 there were 210 large, national construction enterprises and 350 local enterprises. In 1955, national enterprises accounted for 81.2 percent of all construction by the socialized sec- tor, local enterprises for 16.6 percent, and cooperatives for 2.2 percent. In addition to these enterprises, there were about 3,500 private builders operative during 1955. 12/ A. Government Control. Under the Communist regime, control over all phases of the planning and execution of construction in Czechoslovakia was cen- tered at the ministerial level, a condition which resulted in serious errors in planning and in reduced operational efficiency. Responsi- bility for the planning and execution of investment construction was widely dispersed among the various economic and defense ministries and the kraj* national committees. Before October 1955, proposals for investment projects in the various economic sectors apparently were prepared in the responsible ministries and submitted to the State Planning Commission for approval. Control of actual construc- tion is similarly divided -- each ministry having responsibility for investment projects maintains construction enterprises under its di- rect control. In an apparent move to insure better coordination of invest- ment plans, a State Committee for Construction, with ministry rank, was formed in October 1955. This committee was given authority to coordinate investment plans and to exercise control over all major aspects of construction for the national economy. 11/ In its work of coordinating investment plans the State Committee for Construc- tion is to cooperate closely with the State Planning Commission. As in the USSR the creation of a supraministerial agency with cen- tralized authority to coordinate and control all major construction activity was apparently considered essential to the success of plans for the development of heavy industry in the Second Five Year Plan. 12/ In addition to a chief and three deputy chiefs, the State Committee * An administrative subdivision. - 6 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T for Construction has the following five departments, or administra- tions: (1) mines) foundries, and power station construction; (2) in- dustrial construction; (3) road construction; (4) residential and city construction; and (5) legislative and organizational divisions. 22/ Simultaneously with the creation of the State Committee for Construc- tion, control of construction activity was further centralized with the formation of a Central Administration for Apartment and Public Building to supervise the work of the building departments of the National Committees and the local building enterprises. 12.1 Centralization of control over the planning and execution of construction in Czechoslovakia, as well as in other European Satel- lites, has generally resulted in the formulation of unrealistic plans for investment in construction and has contributed to delays and rising costs of construction. Planners in the economic ministries have tended to be overly optimistic in formulating plans. The plans have consistently underestimated the amount of resources required for construction of investment projects, with the result that actual costs exceeded planned costs. Thus building plans tended to be extravagant, and more projects were started simultaneously than could be adequately supplied with labor and materials. The resulting delays pushed con- struction costs even further above Plan figures, so that the planned physical volume of construction was often not achieved with allocated investment funds. Beginning in 1956, considerable attention was given to measures to decentralize control over economic activity in order to give enter- prise managers a greater voice in planning and management. Utiliza- tion of enterprise managers' technical ability and knowledge of local conditions should result in the more realistic formulation of construc- tion plans. There is not yet, however, any concrete information on the nature, extent, or effects of decentralization measures on the con- struction industry in Czechoslovakia. B. Division of Responsibility. There is little definitive information on the division of re- sponsibility in construction among economic ministries in Czechoslovakia having jurisdiction over construction enterprises. In 1955, enter- prises subordinate to the Czechoslovak Ministry of Construction and to the semiautonomous Slovak Commissariat of Construction accounted for about 50 percent of total construction output in Czechoslovakia. 12/ - 7 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T The Czechoslovak Ministry of Construction is organized into eight Main Administrations of National Enterprises with responsibili- ties in the following fields: (1) construction of large industrial combines, (2) other industrial constructions, (3) special construc- tions (not identified), (4) residential and other public construction, (5) engineering and hydraulic construction, (6) production and distri- bution of construction materials, (7) terrain research, and (8) com- mercial matters. lg The Slovak Commissariat of Construction is com- posed of the following four Main Administrations of National Enter- prises: (1) industrial construction, (2) engineering construction, (3) residential and other construction, and (4) the manufacture of construction materials. 1.7./ Each of these 12 main administrations has under its jurisdic- tion a number of enterprises which perform construction work in the administration's sphere of responsibility. Of the 210 national enter- prises in Czechoslovakia in 1955, 51 were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction and the Slovak Commissariat of Construc- tion.* 1L3/ Four special enterprises at Ostrava, Trinec, Kosice, and Svaty Kriz engage in construction of large industrial coMbines. In addition, 10 other enterprises -- 6 in the Czech Lands (Bohemia and Moravia) and 4 in Slovakia -- engage in other industrial construction. A special enterprise with headquarters at Usti nad Labem engages in construction of chemical plants. Two enterprises in the Czech Lands and one in Slovakia operate in the mining, foundry, and electric power fields. Other enterprises subordinate to the Ministry and the Com- missariat engage in construction of apartment houses and workers' settlements, transportation facilities, and engineering and hydraulic Installations. 157 There are numerous scattered references to operations of na- tional construction enterprises subordinate to other economic minis- tries. Available data do not permit, however, any tabulation of the number of enterprises subordinate to each ministry or their specific functions. The 350 local construction enterprises probably engage for the most part in construction of housing and of communal and municipal facilities for their particular districts. It is also likely that, as in certain other Satellite countries, the local enterprises are available to the Czechoslovak Ministry of Construction and Minis- try of Defense for work on projects of national significance within their districts. * For a detailed list of national construction enterprises subordinate to the Czechoslovak Ministry of Construction and the Slovak Commissariat of Construction, with their functions and locations, see Appendix A. - 8 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T The Ministry of Defense controls the planning and execution of military construction and the construction of civil defense in- stallations for the military. Construction plans for military in- stallations are prepared by the Institute for Military Projects of the Ministry of Defense.1510./ Actual construction is directed by the Directorate General of Military Construction, which collaborates closely with headquarters of the technical battalions supplying man- power for military projects. The Ministry of Defense also has the following national construction enterprises at its disposal 21/: 1. Konstruktiva, a combined military-civilian enter- prise with headquarters at Prague and a number of branches through- out the country. 2. Posista, at Plzen, a special enterprise for the construction of airfields. 3. Armabeton, at Prague and Olomouc, engages in con- struction of border fortifications and military warehouses. 4. Armaprojekt, at Bratislava and Kosice, engages in airfield and other military construction. 5. Armastav, at Plzen. 6. Severostav, at Hradec Kralove and Liberec. 7. Marastav, at Pterov. 8. Stavoindustria, at Bratislava. III. Postwar Construction. By the end of World War II the construction industry of Czecho- slovakia had been reduced to only a small fraction of its prewar strength, and construction activity in 1945 and 1946 was at a virtual standstill. With the advent of organized economic planning under the Two Year Plan, construction manpower was expanded rapidly and the volume of construction increased sharply. The Two Year Plan called for construction output of 51.7 billion koruny (in Plan prices of 1 January 1947).* Z2/ In 1948 it was * Figures in koruny can be converted to US dollar equivalents at the rate of 50 koruny to US $1. On 1 June 1953 the koruna was revalued -9- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T planned that construction would total 29.2 billion koruny,/ about 22 percent above the estimated value of construction in 1938. ForFor the 2-year period, however, the Plan was fulfilled by only 77.4 per- cent. The planned and actual volumes of construction during the Two Year Plan in prices of 1 January 1947 are as follows 61: Value (Billion 1947 Koruny) Year Planned Construction Actual Construction Percent of Fulfillment 1947 22.54 15.41 68.4 1948 29.20 24.66 84.5 Total 51.74 40.07 77.4 Construction in 19Y7-48 was directed mainly toward housing and public works rather than toward industrial expansion. Industrial construction was largely limited to rehabilitation of such basic in- dustries as coal, power, iron and steel, and the manufacturing in- dustries which suffered capital depletion during the German occupa- tion. Industrial construction accounted for only 18.9 percent of total construction output in 1947-48, with slightly over half of all industrial construction for the light and consumer goods industry. 2.2/ The greatest single effort was directed to relieving a shortage in housing caused by wartime destruction and a backlog of demand result- ing from the sharp curtailment of housing construction during World War II. Housing construction accounted for slightly more than one- third of total construction in 1947-48. g?./ The distribution of con- struction output among major economic sectors during the Two Year Plan is shown in Table 2.* The First Five Year Plan provided for capital investment of 336.2 billion koruny, of which construction was to account for 176.9 billion koruny, or 52.6 percent. 2// As was true during the Two Year Plan, and the official rate was set up at 7.20 koruny to US $1. These are not market-determined rates but are official rates set by the govern- ment and may not reflect the true dollar value of the currency. * Table 2 follows on p. 11. -10- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 2 Distribution of Construction Output in Czechoslovakia During the Two Year Plan 2/ 1947-48 Percent Sector 1947 1948 Planned Industry 14.5 21.6 18.9 Agriculture 3.2 3.2 3.2 Transportation 20.3 15.5 17.2 Housing 33.3 34.4 34.0 Public works 28.7 25.3 26.7 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 and largely for the same reasons, this planned ratio of construction to investment was exceeded, with construction accounting for about 60 percent of capital investment. During the First Five Year Plan, emphasis was shifted from develop- ment of light industry, which had supported a relatively high living standard and provided the principal exports to the West, to develop- ment of heavy industry. According to the original version of the First Five Year Plan published in 1948, industrial construction was to account for 25.2 percent of total construction output as compared with 18.9 percent during the Two Year Plan. The share of total construction going to agriculture was increased to 6.7 percent as compared with 3.2 percent during the Two Year Plan, whereas the proportion of total con- struction going to housing and transportation was to decline. The planned distribution of construction output during the First Five Year Plan is given in Table 3.* The.originAl goals of the First Five Year Plan were revised upward sharply in 1951 after the outbreak of the Korean War. The original goal for capital investment was increased to 558 billion koruny, and * Table 3 follows on P. 12. -11- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 3 Distribution of Construction Output in Czechoslovakia During the First Five Year Plan 2/ 1949-53 Sector Value (Billion Koruny) Percent Industry 44.6 25.2 Public works 41.1 23.2 Housing 39.3 22.2 Transportation 23.1 13.1 Institutional public buildings 14.4 8.1 Agriculture 11.8 6.7 Trade and other services 1.9 1.1 Building industry 0.7 o.4 Total 176.9 100.0 the structure of investment was altered to increase the emphasis on development of heavy industry, particularly engineering. 30/ In the economic Plans for 1954 and 1955, under the impetus of the new course," the growth rate of heavy industry was reduced, and a larger share of investment funds was applied to housing, agriculture, and other measures to improve living standards. The new Five Year Plan beginning in 1956, however, restores the pri- ority position of heavy industry in the development of the economy. Data on the actual value of construction output achieved in the various sectors since 1948 are not available. The relatively low degree of Plan fulfillment in housing and agricultural construction in comparison with over-all Plan fulfillment indicates, however, that scarce construction resources were probably diverted from these areas to targets in industry having higher priority. Thus it is likely that industry received a larger share of construction output than was en- visaged in the economic Plans. - 12 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T The construction industry in Czechoslovakia has achieved a sig- nificant growth in volume of construction output since 1947. Con- struction output increased by 60 percent from 1947 to 1948. An increase in output of 130 percent was achieved during the First Five Year Plan, and in 1956 a further increase of 18 percent above the level of 1953 was achieved. The volume and growth of construction in Czecho- slovakia, 1938 and 1947-56, is shown in Table 4. Table 4 Volume and Growth of Construction in Czechoslovnkia 1938 and 1947-56 Year Index 2/ (1955 = 100) Value, (Billion Koruny) 12/ Percent of Increase over Previous Year 1938 42 2/ 7.7 ii/ 1947 25 2/ 4.6 :4/ 1948 4o 7.3 6o 1949 51 9.4 28 1950 61 11.2 20 1951 67 12.4 10 1952 80 14:6 19 1953 92 16.8 15 1954 96 17.6 5 1955 100 18.3 4 1956 109 2/ 20.0 1/ 9 si 50X1 b. Believed to be in terms of 1953 prices, because the in- crease in 1953 above the level of 1948 in the preceding source is identical to that given in the 1949-53 Plan ful- fillment report, which was given in 1953 prices. (See Methodology, Appendix B.) On 1 June 1953 the koruna was revalued, and the official rate was set at 7.20 koruny to US $1. d. See Methodology, Appendix B. e. 3121 f. - 13 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Despite the continued growth in construction output, the construc- tion industry persistently failed to fulfill its Plan goals. Only in 1952 and 1953 is there any evidence that the construction plan was fulfilled. Plan fulfillment reports for these years indicate fulfill- ment by enterprises subordinate to other ministries. The degree of fulfillment of the plan for construction output in 1950-51 and 1954-55 is as follows: 1950 1951 1954 1955 1956 95.0 E./ 92.5 .3a/ 94.5 12& 93.0 112/ 92.0* Failure by the construction industry to fulfill Plan goals is to some extent a reflection of the unrealistic goals assigned it by the economic planners. The practice of having simultaneously more projects under construction than could be adequately supplied with the necessary resources resulted in numerous delays in construction. Probably more significant, however, were poor organizational work in the industry, a high rate of labor turnover, and excessive absenteeism, along with shortages of materials. The industry failed to make the most efficient utilization of resources and thus failed to achieve the desired levels of productivity. This failure is clearly illustrated by figures in Table 5** which show the average utilization time of machinery and equip- ment on construction in Czechoslovakia, 1953-55. Perhaps more significant than the low rate of utilization of ma- chinery shown above is the failure to achieve any significant improve- ment for most types of machinery from 1953 to 1955. This failure to utilize efficiently available machinery can be attributed to poor or- ganization of construction work, inadequate maintenance, and the ex- cessive time required for repairs. 12./ The Second Five Year Plan calls for an increase in the over-all volume of construction of 60 percent by 1960. The construction enterprises of the Ministry of Construction are apparently to assume a greater role in the industry because the planned increase in out- put for these enterprises is 85 percent.11.3/ About four-fifths of the increase in total output is to be achieved by increased labor Co uted from the planned increase of 18 percent in 1956 and the actual increase of 9 percent shown in Table 4 13, above . Table 5 follows on p. 15. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 5 Average Utilization Time of Machinery and Equipment in Construction Work in Czechoslovakia a/ 1953-55 Percent Type of Machinery 1953 1954 1955 Shovel excavators 46.7 43.9 49.9 Scrapers 43.2 35.2 34.6 Bulldozers 50.0 46.2 53.9 Dumpers 42.3 32.2 33.6 Cement mixers (over 500 liters) 37.7 33.2 35.3 Loaders 35.3 44.7 49.5 Unloaders 24.9 29.8 33.6 Cranes 51.8 52.9 51.9 a. S productivity, which must rise by 54 percent according to the Plan. It is planned to increase the number of workers in construction by only 20 percent by 1960. LW IV. Construction in Major Economic Sectors. A. Industry. Certain branches of heavy industry in Czechoslovakia, particu- larly machine building, were expanded by the Germans during World War II to produce war materials. Production of consumer goods, on the other hand, was restricted, so capital depletion in consumer goods industries was not large. These developments, together with the exodus of the Sudeten Germans, left Czechoslovakia at the end of the war with a rela- tively high per capita stock of capital. Thus the need was not felt for an extensive program to develop industry in the earlier years of economic planning, and a greater portion of new investment was di- rected to housing, public works, and light industry than in the other European Satellites. -15- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T The program of industrial expansion initiated by the First Five Year Plan required a construction effort of considerable magni- tude, with the major emphasis on construction of facilities for heavy industry. Expansion and new construction of production facilities in heavy industry have fundamentally altered the structure of Czechoslovak industry. By 1953, production in the machine building industry had increased 3.3 times above 1948 production, compared with an increase In gross industrial production of 102 percent.11(SI/ In addition to the reconstruction and expansion of existing plants, 24 new machine building plants were constructed during the First Five Year Plan alone. 119/ Production capacity in the metallurgical industry was expanded significantly during the First Five Year Plan. Partly through improved production technique, but for the most part through the construction of new capacity, production of major products in ferrous metallurgy was increased during the First Five Year Plan as follows: pig iron, 69 per- cent; raw steel, 67 percent; rolled materials, 73 percent; steel tubing, 74 percent; and ferroalloys, 380 percent. 22/ In 1949-53, 6 blast fur- naces, 9 open hearth furnaces, 8 electric furnaces, 6 roll trains) 2 pipe rolling stands, and other equipment were constructed and put into operation. 21/ The most important construction project in the field of ferrous metallurgy was the Nove Hate Klementa Gottwald Iron and Steel Works at Kuncice, near what is presently the largest such works in the country at Vitkovice. This project is to be expanded during the Second Five Year Plan (1954-58) to become the largest iron and steel works in Czechoslovakia. 22/ Construction of another large metallurgical combine at Kosice, in Eastern Slovakia, was started dur- ing the First Five Year Plan. Economically this projected combine was poorly located in an area having only soft coal and no large de- posit of iron ore. Furthermore, difficulties in construction resulted from the fact that the soil was unsuitable for the heavy structures re- quired for the project. 2.3/ Construction activity was curtailed in 1953, and early in 1954 technicians at the project were assigned to other projects,211/ indicating that construction may have been perma- nently abandoned. Significant achievements in the development of nonferrous metallurgy since 1948 include the construction of an alumi- num factory at Svaty Kriz nad Hronom, the first in Czechoslovakia, 22/ and a large magnesium plant in the Gemer region of central Slovakia. 2g A significant portion of industrial construction since 1949 has been that for the chemical industry, which by the end of the First Five Year Plan had increased its production 138 percent above the 1948 level. 21/ S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 A plastics plant at Bratislava, a cellophane and paper factory at Ruzomberok, and an oxygen plant at Podbrezova were constructed dur- ing the First Five Year Plan, and a plant at Novaky producing poison gas, plastics, and caustic soda was expanded. In 1952, construction was started at Podunajske Biskupice, near Bratislava, on what is to be the largest refinery in Czechoslovakia. 2?/ Two new factories for the production of synthetic fibers were constructed, and a number of others were rebuilt or expanded. 22/ In 1955 a large cellulose plant to produce cellulose from beechwood was put into operation in Hencovce. ?.2/ In addition, new facilities were provided for the production of peni- cillin and other drugs, sulfuric acid, and phosphate and nitrogenous fertilizers. A serious shortcoming in the industrial buildup of Czecho- slovakia during the First Five Year Plan was the failure to increase production in the basic materials and power industries sufficiently to meet the needs of an expanding industrial economy. This failure reflects both deficiencies in planning and construction work and the higher priority assigned to machine building and metallurgy in the allocation of construction resources. In the mining of coal and iron ore the primary emphasis was given to mechanization and to improving the efficiency of utilization of existing facilities. Planned construction in the coal mining industry, although relatively small, was only 70 percent fulfilled during the First Five Year Plan. The regime has attributed the low fulfillment of the construction plan largely to a lack of proper geological research and to poor performance by the construction industry. It is probable, however, that an unwillingness to divert construction resources from the pri- ority sectors of machine building and metallurgy was a significant factor contributing to the underfulfillment of the plan. Increases in capacity in coal mining were accomplished mainly by reconstruction and expansion of existing facilities. Only 2 brown coal mines and 1 lignite mine were constructed and put into operation during the First Five Year Plan. ?.3./ Beginning in 1954, measures were taken to overcome the serious production lags which had developed in basic industries as a result of the priority given to the development of the machine building in- dustry. In 1954 and 1955 the rate of development in machine building was reduced, and. greater attention was directed to building up the fuels, power, and raw materials base. gl./ -17- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Although a large number of new installations have been con- structed for light industry, this sector has consumed a minor portion of construction resources since 1948. A significant portion of con- struction activity in this sector has been devoted to mechanization and installation of new equipment in existing plants rather than to construction of new facilities. Among the more important new instal- lations constructed for light industry were 5 flax-breaking plants and 2 flax-retting plants) among others, for the textile industry. For the woodworking industry, eight sawmills and a number of facili- ties for the manufacture of furniture were constructed. The construc- tion of 10 large freezing plants, 46 operational refrigeration plants, 30 dairies, 5 milk-drying plants) 9 large slaughterhouses, 7 large bakeries, and 1 sugar factory helped to promote an increase in pro- duction by the food industry of 83 percent during the First Five Year Plan. The Second Five Year Plan continues the emphasis on expanding production in heavy industry as the basis for the rapid development of the national economy. The previous pattern of investment in heavy Industry is altered, however, to favor the buildup of basic industries. Planned increases in production by the machine building industry are to be accomplished mainly by increased mechanization and specializa- tion of production rather than by construction of new capacity. Dur- ing the Second Five Year Plan the basic task of investment construc- tion is to provide new productive facilities for the fuel, power, chemical, iron and steel, and building materials industries. Planned investment in these basic industries is more than 80 percent above actual investment in the period 1951-55, compared with an in- crease in total planned investment of 61.5 percent. .1./ The Second Five Year Plan calls for a volume of investment In the solid fuels industry 115 percent greater than in the period 1951-55.pi Planned construction includes 6 new mines for coking coal and coal washing plants in the Ostrava-Karvina region. Ten new mines are to be constructed in the Most area. In the Sokolovo district, 3 coal mines, 1 sorting plant, and 2 briquette plants are to be built. In addition, 9 lignite mines are to be constructed in southern Moravia and 4 in Slovakia. In the metallurgical industry, 6 rolling mills with a capacity of 1.3 million tons,* a pipe mill with a 70,000-ton capacity, 2 blast * Tonnages are given in metric tons throughout this report unless otherwise indicated. -18- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T furnaces) 5 open-hearth furnaces, and 2 coke batteries are to be constructed during the Second Five Year Plan. In addition, con- struction will begin on a continuous sheet rolling mill and a plant for production of cold rolled strips. 22/ Of the above installations, the 2 blast furnaces, the 5 open-hearth furnaces, the 2 coke bat- teries) and 4 rolling mills will be constructed at the Rove Hute Klementa Gottwald Plant at Kuncice. /1/ Construction of the refinery at Podunajske Biskupice, which was started in 1952, will continue to be a priority project of the chemical industry during the Second Five Year Plan. Present plans can for the first section of the refinery to begin operations in January 1958, but the entire combine will not be completed until 1962. 2E/ Another priority objective is the completion of the Slovak National Uprising Plant for the production of alumina at Ziar nad Hronom, near the new aluminum plant at Svaty Kriz nad Hronom. 2.3./ Production of synthetic fertilizers will be substantially increased by the construction of new plants to produce ammonia and phosphate and nitrogenous fertilizers. 2i+/ Among other important construction projects planned for the chemical industry are a plant for production of polyamide fibers for the textile industry, a cord silk plant at Lovosice, a plant for the production of synthetic rubber, and a ben- zol and tar-processing plant. B. Electric Power. The rapid industrial expansion in Czechoslovakia since World War II has required an extensive construction program to increase the capacity for production of electric power. Primarily through the construction of new powerplants, the production of electric power was increased roughly two and one-half times between 1945 and 1955.* In 1948, the last year of the Two Year Plan, production reached 7.7 billion kilowatt-hours (kwh), about 74 percent more than in 1945. I.6./ By 1955, production of electric power had reached 15.0 billion kwh, about 95 percent more than in 1948. 12/ Although capacity for generating electric power has been in- creased substantially, production throughout the postwar period has * Figures for the increase in installed capacity, if available, would be a better measure of the extent of construction activity, because production figures reflect changes in utilization time of equipment. It is believed, however, that annual utilization time did not change significantly, and that production figures reflect reasonably accurately the relative increase in installed capacity. - 19 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T failed to meet the requirements of the economy and the population. This failure has most often been attributed by the authorities to weaknesses in the construction industry. A common complaint has been that construction time is too long and that new plants are not put into operation when planned. Such basic weaknesses in the con- struction industry as poor organization of work, absenteeism, labor turnover, and inefficient use of equipment have been limiting factors in electric power construction as in all other types of construction. The electric power sector, however, offers a particularly good example of the harmful effects of overplanning. Relatively large amounts of manpower and materiala are required for construction of electric powerplants, particularly hydroelectric powerplants. Supplies of construction manpower and materials were not sufficient to assure continuous operation on the numerous plants under construction simul- taneously. The results were delays in construction, higher costs than anticipated, and failure to commission projects Wen planned. Furthermore, completion of projects was sometimes delayed by the in- ability of the machine building industry to deliver the necessary equipment. During the Second Five Year Plan, measures are to be taken to overcome the bottleneck in production of electric power. A greater proportionate share of construction effort and resources than in pre- vious years is to be devoted to construction of power facilities, and the production of power-generating equipment is to be increased to supply the new facilities. /IN The Plan calls for the construction of 2,300 megawatts (mw) of new capacity in the period 1956-60, there- by enabling an increase in production of electric power of 68.5 per- cent to more than 25 billion kwh in 1960. 12V Thermal electric powerplants constitute the bulk of the new electric power capacity constructed and put into operation through 1955. Thermal electric plants have provided nearly nine-tenths of total production of electric power throughout the postwar period. Pcii In addition to numerous small plants to supply individual industrial enterprises, six large thermal electric powerplants were constructed before the beginning of the Second Five Year Plan. Among these the most important were at Porici (Pond i I), Hodonin (Hodonin I), Novaky (Novaky I), and Bron. 81/ 50X1 The largest thermal electric powerplant in Czechoslovakia, with a capac- ity of 300 megawatts, is to be constructed at Opatovice. The first 50-mw turbo-aggregate is scheduled to go into operation at this plant In 1959. gl/ -20- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T During the First Five Year Plan, Czechoslovakia initiated a long-range program for development of its unharnessed potential for production of hydroelectric power. Between 1949 and 1955, construc- tion of a number of major hydroelectric projects was started, mainly on the Vltava and Vah Rivers. Of 6 hydroelectric powerplants con- structed before 1956, the 2 most important were a plant at the Slapy Dam on the Vltava and another on the Orava River, a tributary of the Vah. /92/ The Slapy plant, with a capacity of from 120 to 140 mw, is the first hydroelectric plant in Czechoslovakia with a capacity of more than 100 mw. 132/ On the Vltava, major hydroelectric powerplants are presently under construction at the Lipno and Orlik dams. The Lipno plant, to be completed during the Second Five Year Plan, is to have a capacity of 120 mw. 1im?/ Initial operations at the Orlik plant, which will be the largest in Czechoslovakia, are scheduled to begin in 1961. Extensive development of hydroelectric power has been under way on the Vah River to improve the power supply in Slovakia. Under construction at the beginning of 1956 and scheduled for completion during the Second Five Year Plan were plants at Nosice, Skalka, Krpelany, and Sucany, with a combined capacity of 140 mw. E11/ Major powerplants are to be constructed and put into operation on the Vah at Lipovec and Madunice during the Second Five Year Plan. In addi- tion, the Hricov, Miksova, and Povazska Brystrica cascades on the Vah and the accompanying Ruzin hydroelectric powerplant are to be developed during the Second Five Year Plan. i3_2/ The program of hydroelectric power construction, although Impressive, will not significantly alter the proportions of total power supplied respectively by hydroelectric and thermal electric powerplants by 1960. New plants planned for completion during the Second Five Year Plan will increase the installed capacity of hydro- electric powerplants by only about 400 mw, 22/ or about 17 percent of the total planned increase in electric power capacity of 2,300 mw. Considerable advantage could have accrued from a more rapid development of production of hydroelectric power in the form of lower production costs per kilowatt-hour and, more significantly perhaps, reduced pressure on overburdened coal supplies. As a matter of economic necessity, however, the development of hydroelectric power has had to be pursued as a long-range project. The rate of expansion of hydroelectric power facilities has probably been controlled largely by the following two considerations: (1) hydroelectric plants require - 21- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T more manpower and materials for constructed units of installed capac- ity, a longer period of construction, and higher initial costs than do thermal electric plants; and (2) with the shorter period required for construction, thermal electric plants could more quickly meet the pressing demand for electric power. C. Transportation. Increases in the volume of rail traffic in Czechoslovakia since the end of World War II have been accomplished mainly through improved efficiency of operations and greater utilization of exist- ing facilities. In Czechoslovakia, as in the other European Satel- lites, the practice has been to achieve the maximum degree of utili- zation with the least possible capital outlay. From the end of the war until 1955, there was no appreciable expansion of the railroad network in Czechoslovakia. 21/ Construction activity in rail trans- port has been directed primarily to strengthening, modernizing, and double tracking existing lines rather than to construction of new routes. Economically, the most important achievement was the double tracking of the "Friendship Line" from Zilina in western Slovakia to Cierna on the Soviet border. 2?./ Before World War II the only direct rail connection between eastern and western Czechoslovakia was the single-track, low-capacity line between Zilina and Kosice. Construction of the second track of the "Friendship Line" was com- pleted in 1955 23/ and provided a first-class east-west link between Prague and Cierna. In view of the industrialization of Slovakia and the reorientation of Czechoslovak foreign trade toward the USSR, the "Friendship Line" is of major economic importance. During the First Five Year Plan a program for electrification of railroads was begun, but no great progress had been made by 1955. The only major section electrified was the 165-kilometer (km) section of the "Friendship Line" between Zilina and Spisska Nova yes. This project was started in June 1949 and commissioned in February 1956. 211./ Electrification of the 165-km Prague - Ceska Trebova line (a part of the Prague-Cierna line) was started in 1951 and was sdheduled for completion in 1954. 22/ Numerous difficulties were encountered in construction, however, and electrification of this line is now scheduled for completion in 1958. 2?/ Construction in the field of rail transportation during the Second Five Year Plan will be concentrated on electrification and continued improvement of existing lines. The Plan calls for - 22 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T the electrification of 750 km of railroad lines in the period 1956- 6o. 21/ Effort will be directed mainly to the electrification of the entire Prague-Cierna line, which is to be completed by 1960. 2?/ Other lines to be electrified include the following: Hranice-Bohumin, Prague - Usti nad Labem, Usti nad Labem - Nymburk - Kolin, and Nymburk-Poricany. 22/ During the Second Five Year Plan) new rails capable of withstanding axle loads of from 18 to 20 tons are to be Installed on 3,860 km of line, 122/ and automatic block signaling is to be installed on 282 km of line.Th 11/ e yearly volume of genera].i repair of lines is to increase from 00 to 900 km during the Second Five Year Plan. 102/ Construction of new highways in Czechoslovakia since the end of the war has been of only minor significance. Activity has been confined almost entirely to modernization, improvement, and main- tenance of the existing road net, a pattern which is to continue dur- ing the Second Five Year Plan. Principal measures planned for improve- ment of the highway net in the period 1956-60 are the paving of 15)000 km of roads, improvement of 50 percent of the existing gravel roads, and increasing the percentage of dust-free roads from 24 percent to 26 per- cent of the road network. 103/ D. Housing. Czechoslovakia faced a serious housing shortage at the end of World War II. War damage to housing was comparatively light, amount- ing to only about 3 to 4 percent of existing housing stocks. The major cause of the shortage was the almost complete halt of renova- tion and new construction during the war years. As a result of the rapid industrialization of Czechoslovakia in the postwar years, the shortage of housing became particularly acute in urban areas, as workers migrated from the countryside to the growing industrial centers. The continuing shortage of housing, because of its adverse effects on labor efficiency and stability, is a major economic problem confronting the regime in Czechoslovakia. The most significant failure of the construction industry in Czechoslovakia since the war, in terms of Plan fulfillment, has been In the field of housing construction. New housing constructed since 1947 has fallen far below the needs of the country as estimated in the economic plans. Not until 1952 did the dwelling units constructed -23- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T reach the level of the immediate prewar years.* Available statistics Indicate that the number of dwelling units made available in the en- tire postwar period has kept pace only with the needs created by population growth. Moreover, the major indexes of quality of housing size of apartments, residents per apartment, residents per room, and average area per resident -- declined between 1950 and 1955. 121114/ The bulk of all housing constructed in the postwar period has consisted of workers' housing (apartments or dwelling units) con- structed by the socialized sector, primarily in industrial areas. Failures in the state housing construction program led, however, to increased emphasis on private construction by individuals beginning in 1954. The total volume of housing constructed in Czechoslovakia, 1948-56, is Shown in Table 6. Table 6 Volume of Housing Construction in Czechoslovakia 2/ 1948-56 Thousand Dwelling Units Year State Sector Private Sector Total 1948 11.9 9.8 21.7 1949 19.6 9.5 29.1 1950 29.1 9.1 38.2 1951 22.3 8.6 30.9 1952 30.3 8.9 39.2 1953 29.7 9.3 39.0 1954 27.8 10.4 38.2 1955 35.2 15.4 50.6 1956 32.0 12/ 17.0 49.0 h/ a. 102/. These data do not represent net additions to housing stock, because no account is taken of with- drawals. Czechoslovak figures reveal, for instance, that in 1950-55, 1 dwelling unit was wrecked for every 5.7 which were built. 106/ b. 107/ * The number of dwelling units constructed in 1950 actually reached the prewar level, but declined sharply in 1951. Only since 1952 has the number of units constructed equalled or surpassed the prewar level on a sustained basis. -24- S-E-C-R-E-E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Plan goals for construction of workers' housing by the social- ized sector have been underfulfilled by substantial margins since 1950. The original version of the First Five Year Plan called for construction of state housing at the average rate of 26,000 dwelling units per year, 12L3/ a goal which assessed fairly realistically the capabilities of the construction industry. As indicated in Table 6,* new construction by the state in the years 1949 and 1950 averaged 24,350 dwelling units annually, about 94 percent of the planned annual average for the 5 years of the Plan. The Plan was revised sharply upward in 1951, however, assigning the following goals, in number of dwelling units for the years 1951-53 109/: Number Year of Dwellings 1951 37,000 1952 44)000 1953 52,000 Total 133,000 This upward revision of housing goals reflected the need for new workers' housing which would result from the accelerated industrial development provided for in the 1951 Plan revision. Actual construc- tion by the state during the period 1951-53, however, amounted to only 82,300 dwelling units (see Table 6*), or about 62 percent of the Plan goal of 133,000 dwelling units. Apparently under the impetus of the "new course" policy origi- nated'in the Soviet Bloc in 1953, the regime announced that in 1954 housing construction by the state would total 40,000 dwelling units, no/ an increase of Slightly more than one-third above actual achievement in 1953. The Plan was fulfilled by only about 70 percent, however, and fewer dwelling units were constructed than in 1953. It appears that an original Plan for construction of 48,000 dwelling units in 1955 was revised downward to 40,000 Ill/ as a result of the poor per- formance in 1954. Even this reduced Plan goal, however, was fulfilled by only 88 percent. The regime has been able to provide even this inadequate num- ber of new apartments only by progressively building smaller units. * P. 24, above. -25- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T The number of total square meters (sq m) of dwelling units constructed affords a better measure of the physical volume of state housing construction than does the number of dwelling units. The average size of state-constructed apartments, measured in terms of inhabitable space, was reduced from 57.1 sq in in 1948 to 35.4 sq in in 1955. The total area of inhabitable space in dwelling units constructed by the state in Czechoslovakia, 1948-55, is shown in Table 7. Table 7 Number and Average Size of Dwelling Units and Total Area of Housing Constructed by the State in Czechoslovakia 2/ 1948-55 Year Number of Dwellings (Thousand Units) Average Inhabitable Space b/ (Square Meters) Total Inhabitable Space s/ (Thousand Square Meters) 1948 11.9 57.1 di 679.5 1949 19.6 N.A. N.A. 1950 29.1 53.0 1,542.3 1951 22.3 48.0 1,070.4 1952 30.3 39.5 1,196.9 1953 29.7 37.7 1,119.7 1954 27.8 35.9 998.0 1955 35.2 35.4 1,246.1 50X1 b. Rooms measuring 4 sq in or more in area-and kitchens measuring 12 sq m or more in area are included as inhabitable space in this table. The usage is somewhat ambiguous because, for example, a 3- room apartment may include 3 rooms with no kitchen, 3 rooms and a kitchen less than 12 sq m in area, or 2 rooms with a kitchen 12 or more sq m in area. c. Obtained by multiplying columns 1 and 2. d. 113/ The poor performance in the field of state housing construc- tion reflects the low priority assigned to this sector in the alloca- tion of construction resources, particularly manpower. The Plan goals -26- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T for housing construction were apparently predicated on a rapid ad- vance in construction technology -- the use of assembly-line methods, panel construction using prefabricated sections, and increased mech- anization -- as a means of raising productivity and overcoming the labor shortage. The proposed advances were not achieved, however, either in the development of technology or in the production of pre- fabricated elements. In addition, the standard deficiencies such as labor turnover, excessive absenteeism, and inefficient utilization of resources contributed to the low incidence of Plan fulfillment in state housing construction. In an attempt to offset to some extent the deficiencies in state housing construction, the regime in recent years provided in- creased incentive to individuals to build their own homes, as indi- cated by the sharp rise in the number of private houses constructed since 1954. Such incentives take the form of bank loans at low in- terest rates, materials supplied by the state at wholesale prices, and technical assistance. 11L41 This policy is intended as a measure to secure needed housing without putting an additional strain on short supplies of construction manpower, because the individual must supply his own labor and cannot employ workers from the socialized construc- tion sector. 115/ There appears to be little possibility of improvement in the basic indexes of quality of housing in Czechoslovakia by 1960. Al- though the Second Five Year Plan calls for the construction of roughly 50 percent more dwelling units than were constructed in the period 1951-55, achievement of this goal will do no more than maintain the indexes at the unsatisfactory levels prevailing in 1955. It has been estimated that a minimum yearly average of 62,000 dwelling units must be constructed in the period 1956-60 to meet the needs created by the estimated growth in the number of households. 116/ The Second Five Year Plan calls for construction of 300,000 dwelling units (250)000 by the state and 50,000 by individuals), 11// a yearly average of 60,000 dwelling units. The 1956 Plan provided for construction of 42,000 dwelling units by the state, an increase of nearly 20 percent above achievement in 1955.* It appears that the Plan was revised downward to 35,600 dwelling units in March 1956, 112/ probably as a result of poor Plan fulfillment during the first quarter. Even this * Estimated from the announced Plan for construction of 1.5 million sq in of dwelling space as reported in source 118/, on the assumption that the average size of dwelling units remained the same as in 1955 (35.4 sq m). - 27 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T revised goal was fulfilled by only about 90 percent) however) as only 32,000 dwelling units were constructed in 1956. V. Major Inputs. A. Manpower. The program of reconstruction and industrial expansion in Czechoslovakia beginning in 1947 required a rapid growth in the size of the construction labor force, which had been badly depleted dur- ing World War II. Average yearly employment in construction increased sharply in 1947 and 1948 and then grew at a declining rate through 1953. Over-all employment in construction increased by about 60 per- cent from 1948 to 1953. The number of workers engaging in actual pro- duction work increased by only a little more than 50 percent, however, and employment in planning, design, and administration more than doubled. In 1955, average yearly employment in construction had dropped to about 3 percent below the 1953 level, with the entire de- cline being absorbed by the production sector. Manpower in the con- struction industry in Czechoslovakia, 1947-56, is shown in Table 8.* The increase of approximately 50 percent in construction man- power since 1948 has been far from sufficient to meet construction requirements as outlined in the economic plans. A persistent short- age of labor, and particularly skilled labor, is officially recognized as the major limitation to a more rapid growth in the volume of con- struction output in the postwar period. The inability of the con- struction industry to retain adequate numbers of skilled workers or to increase significantly the proportion of skilled workers in the total has seriously impeded efforts to develop a stable and efficient construction labor force. At the beginning of 1955, skilled workers constituted only about one-third of total construction workers, com- pared with percentages ranging from 50 to 80 percent in other sectors of industry. 122/ The stagnation in the growth of employment in construction In recent years has resulted not so much from the lack of new re- cruits as from the inability of the construction industry to retain workers in industry once they are recruited. A major shortcoming of the construction industry is an excessive rate of labor turnover, with its disrupting effects on the prOduction process. For example, * Table 8 follows on p. 29. -28- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 8 Manpower in the Construction Industry of Czechoslovakia 1947-56 Thousand Workers Year Production Workers Other hi Workers Total 1947 N.A. N.A. 161 2i 1948 194 34 228 1949 237 2/ N.A. N.A. 1950 258 di N.A. N.A. 1951 277 di N.A. N.A. 1952 291 di N.A. N.A. 1953 294 70 364 1954 288 75 363 1955 277 76 353 1956 287 78 365 1st quarter 265 76 341 2d quarter 287 76 363 3d quarter 299 78 377 4th quarter 298 79 377 b. Probably refers to employees in planning, design, and administration. c. 122/ it was reported that in 1954 90,000 workers were recruited by the con- struction industry, but 100,000 workers left the industry for other employment. In the period January - October 1955, 64,000 workers were recruited, but 74,000 left the industry. 124/ - 29 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T A number of factors contribute to the high rate of labor turnover in construction, the foremost of which is probably concerned with wages. Available information indicates that as a rule average wages in construction compare unfavorably with those in certain other branches of industry. Workers are thus lured from construction by the prospect of higher wages in other types of employment. As an example, it is reported that in the Ostrava industrial region, aver- age wages in construction of from 1,400 to 1,500 koruny per month com- pare with rates of from 2,000 to 2,100 koruny per month for steel workers and from 2,500 to 3,000 koruny per month for coal miners. 125/ Within the industry itself a further disrupting factor is the wide variation in wage rates for similar types of work between different construction projects. 12?/ Apparently it has been the practice to offer above-average wages for workers on high-priority projects, thus giving rise to disrupting labor movements within the industry itself. Furthermore, a wage system which was inequitable with regard to rela- tive payments for skilled and unskilled labor has created discontent, particularly among skilled workers. For example, it is reported that in 1955 a mason earned 23 percent more than a temporary worker and only 3.5 percent more than a digger (not further identified, but pre- sumably common labor). Before World War II a mason earned 30 percent more than a temporary worker and 20 percent more than a digger. 127/ During 1956 the regime took steps to correct the inequities in the wage structure in the construction industry. Early in 1956 the Minister of Construction conceded that existing work norms were unrealistic, because they were based on the assumptions and experience of 1952. A new wages and norms system, purporting to provide quali- tatively better work norms, was put into effect on 1 June 1956. 12W The new program provided for increases in both work norms and wages. The announced purpose of the new system was to remove inequities in the wage structure by providing qualified workers with the opportunity to earn higher wages. There is evidence, however, that the new pro- gram was not accepted with enthusiasm by construction workers. There have even been reports that protest strikes were called by workers in various locations in the belief that the new system might in fact ? result in lower wages. 129/ The seasonal nature of construction is another major factor contributing to instability in the construction labor force. Large numbers of construction workers are released during the first quarter of the year, when construction activity is seasonally low, and are difficult to bring back after finding other employment. Other possible - 30- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T factors contributing to the high rate of labor turnover are poor housing and cultural facilities for construction workers, the necessity of moving from project to project, and dissatisfaction over excessive idle time resulting from poor organization and management at construction sites. In view of the limited possibilities for increasing employ- ment in construction, increased productivity of labor has been of vital importance as .a means of expanding construction output. The fact that the volume of construction increased by 130 percent dur- ing the First Five Year Plan, and construction manpower was in- creased by only a little over 50 percent, indicates the significant contribution of increased labor productivity to the growth in con- struction output. Worker productivity increased by 52 percent during the First Five Year Plan. 130/ Further increases of 6.8 percent, 8.8 percent, and 8.4 percent were reported in 1954, 1955, and 1956, respectively. 131J Increases in labor productivity since 1948 have been accounted for primarily by greater mechanization And improved technology in construction. The rapid movement of skilled workers in and out of the construction industry seems to Indicate that improvements in the technical levels of workers have not contributed significantly to the increase in labor productivity. Growing mechanization, the greater use of assembly-line methods, and the increased use of prefabricated elements are the basis for projected increases in productivity during the Second Five Year Plan. In addition, increased attention is to be given to securing more efficient use of machinery and equipment by im- proving organizational work. The Second Five Year Plan envisages an increase in labor productivity by 1960 of 54 percent above the level of 1955, 132/ or an average annual increase of about 9 per- cent. Increased productivity is expected to account for four-fifths of the growth in construction output during the Second Five Year Plan. 111/ B. Materials. Production of construction materials in Czechoslovakia has been expanded significantly since 1948 to meet the needs of ex- panding construction output. In 1955, production of cement and bricks, the two major construction materials, was 74.4 percent and 59.6 percent, respectively, greater than in 1948. The increases in production, however, have persistently failed to meet planned - 31 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T goals. The original version of the First Five Year Plan called for a 62.5-percent increase in production of cement, from 1.7 million tons in 1948 to 2.6 million tons in 1953. In the 1951 Plan revision the 1953 goal for production of cement was raised to 3.4 million tons, an increase of 112.5 percent above the level of 1948. 134/ Actual production in 1953, however, reached only 2.3 million tons, 40 per- cent greater than in 1948 and only 68 percent of the revised Plan goal. Further increases in production of 10.4 percent, 12.9 per- cent, and 8.9 percent were achieved in 1954, 1955, and 1956, respec- tively, but the increase in each year failed to meet the production goal established in the economic Plan. 135/ Production of bricks by 1953 had reached the volume envisaged in the original version of the First Five Year Plan (there is no information on a revised goal for brick production), but production plans were not fulfilled in 1954 and 1955. 136/ Production of cement and bricks in Czechoslovakia, 1937 and 1948-56, is shown in Table 9. Table 9 Production of Cement and Bricks in Czechoslovakia 1937 and 1948-56 Year Cement (Thousand Metric Tons) Brick (Million Units) 1937 1,273 2/ 836 2/ 1948 1,658 2/ 924 2/ 1949 1,761 hi 889 2/ 1950 1,991 b/ 1,015 2/ 1951 2,112 la/ 1,108 2/ 1952 2,288 2/ 1,278 2/ 1953 2,320 21 1,212 2/ 1954 2,562!! 1,320 2/ 1955 2,892 2/ 1,475 2/ 1956 3,148 2/ 1,592 21 a. 137/ b. 138/ - 32 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T The degree to which production of building materials, par- ticularly cement, fulfills domestic requirements is difficult to assess. Production in 1953 of only 68 percent of envisaged require- ments for planned construction would appear to indicate that cement production has constituted a major bottleneck in the construction Industry. As previously noted, however, construction plans have been overly optimistic, exceeding the capabilities of the economy not only with respect to materials production, but also with respect to the availability of manpower. It seems significant that official state- ments concerning over-all performance by the construction industry seldom refer to materials shortages as a major deficiency inhibiting fulfillment of construction plans. Although there are numerous refer- ences to cement shortages at individual construction sites, it is possible that such shortages result largely from maldistribution and/or excessive waste of cement at the site. Available evidence indicates that cement production has been adequate to meet the require- ments of investment construction in the socialized sector but has not met the demand from prospective builders of private housing and farm buildings in the private sector of agriculture. It should be noted, however, that "requirements of investment construction," as used in this connection, refer to the quantity of cement that the construc- tion industry was able to consume rather than to the quantity that would have been required to fulfill investment construction plans. The Second Five Year Plan calls for continued expansion of production of building materials. Production of cement is planned to reach 4.5 million tons in 1960, 56 percent above, the level of 1955, and production of bricks is to increase by 63 percent. 129/ Fulfill- ment of these plans for increased production of cement and bricks will be assured if the average annual rate of increase can be main- tained at the level achieved in 1956. To support the planned increase In production of cement, production of installations for cement plants Is to be increased by 197 percent by 1960, to 22,000 tons. 140/ VI. Equipment and Technology. As the rate of growth in construction manpower in Czechoslovakia declined after 1950, mechanization of construction and improved tech- nology became increasingly important in assuring the continued growth In construction output. Only by these means can Czechoslovakia attain the increases in productivity necessary to offset the lack of available manpower. The quantity of machinery and equipment supplied to the con- struction industry increased significantly by 1953. In that year, -33- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T compared with 1948, enterprises of the Ministry of Construction had twice as many dredges, 4 times as many scrapers, 2-1/2 times as many bulldozers, and 37 times as many cranes. 1.1,./ The extent of mechani- zation achieved in certain basic operations in construction by 1955 is shown in the following tabulation IS: Operation Percent Earthwork 79.5 Plank and board work 22.4 Interior work 38.0 Assembly of prefabricated parts 73.7 Masonry work 37.0 Plastering 20.2 Concrete mixing 90.0 143/ Stocks of machinery and equipment in the construction industry will continue to increase during the Second Five Year Plan, but the main effort in this area will be to assure more efficient utilization by construction enterprises. Performance in this request has been exceedingly poor. Excessive idle time of available machinery and equipment has resulted from poor organization and management, as indicated in Table 5.* Improper maintenance and the excessive time required for repairs further contributed to the low rate of utiliza- tion of existing equipment. 144/ Thus despite significant additions to the equipment park, labor productivity increased at a rate slower than planned, and envisaged reductions in construction costs were not realized. 145/ The industrialization of construction has been a primary goal of the Czechoslovak construction industry since 1951. The large-scale applica- tion of prefabricated elements in construction affords the best possi- bility for increased labor productivity which, because of the scarcity of construction manpower, is vital to the continued expansion of con- struction output. A basic requisite of large-scale industrialization of construction is standardization, both of building plans and of specifications for prefabricated construction elements. Institutes of the Ministry of Construction began intensive research in 1951 looking to the development of standardization, particularly in the field of housing construction. 146/ Achievements in this field have been limited, however, by bureaucratic mismanagement. By the end of * P. 15, above. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T 1955, standardization had not developed sufficiently to support a large-scale program of production and assembly of prefabricated elements, and the program remained largely in the experimental stage. The regime claims the construction with prefabricated wall panels of only 255 apartment units in 1955, and only 905 were planned for 1956. 11E/ Experience gained in this field since 1951, however, should provide the basis for a large-scale development of industrial- ized construction during the Second Five Year Plan. Successful application of industrialized methods of construction on a large scale is perhaps the primary task of the construction in- dustry during the Second Five Year Plan. Czechoslovak experience has demonstrated that construction with prefabricated elements requires fewer workers and significantly increases labor productivity, a con- dition which is counted on strongly to compensate for the shortage of manpower. In addition, this method of construction affords other sig- nificant advantages in the form of reduced consumption of materials and shorter construction time. Table 10,* based on Czechoslovak ex- perience, compares consumption of materials and construction time on similar projects constructed by standard and by industrialized methods. Further, prefabrication, by eliminating the wet-concrete process, will allow a greater volume of construction during the severe winter months of the first quarter of the year. By thus moderating the seasonal nature of construction, the use of prefabricated elements should con- tribute materially to greater stability and efficiency in the construc- tion labor force. Increased labor productivity and shorter periods of construction, however, were not accompanied by the expected reduction in construc- tion costs where prefabricated elements were applied. In 1956 the cost of producing and transporting construction elements remained so high as to offset gains from greater productivity. 1.1.;_@/ The Second Five Year Plan envisages a rapid expansion in the ap- plication of industrialized methods of construction. It is planned that 21,000 apartment units (multiple unit buildings) will be built in 1960 with prefabricated sections and large wall panels, of which 7,000 will be completely prefabricated. 11.19/ Although construction with prefabricated elements has to date been oriented mainly toward housing construction, it is planned to apply this method on a broader scale to industrial construction as the Second Five Year Plan progresses. * Table 10 follows on p. 36. -35- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Table 10 Consumption of Materials and Period of Construction In Standard and Prefabricated Construction in Czechoslovakia 2/ Kilograms per Cubic Meter Specifications Standard Construction Prefabricated Construction 11-Story House 11-Story House (Assembled (Brick) with Wall Panels) Weight 600.0 380.0 Consumption of steel 6.4 3.0 Consumption of cement 30.0 35.0 Consumption of bricks 60.0 Period of construction (months) 18.o 5.0 Production of prefabricated blocks and panels is to increase signifi- cantly to support the planned program of industrialization of construc- tion. The principal emphasis will be on the expansion of construction with large wall panels. 151/ Large, complete wall panels are less costly to produce and can be assembled more cheaply and in less time. With the development of large-scale production and assembly of large wall panels, costs of construction with these elements may be expected to decline. Press statements by construction officials indicate that the problem of transporting large wall panels will be solved by develop- ing production in plants near construction sites, particularly in the major industrial areas having a large and long-range demand for new construction. The success of the construction industry in achieving the construction goals of the Second Five Year Plan will depend to a very large extent on the degree of success in adapting its operations to industrialized methods. VII. Conclusions. - Throughout the postwar period the investment construction program of Czechoslovakia has been characterized by faulty planning, a condi- tion attributable largely to the centralization of authority over all - 36 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T investment construction plans in the government ministries. The cen- tral planners in Czechoslovakia, as in most other Satellite countries, have tended to be overly optimistic concerning the capabilities of the economy in the field of investment construction. Central authorities were inclined to give more weight in economic plans to construction of large, new industrial enterprises than to modernization and expansion of existing facilities, and throughout the postwar period too many new projects were put under construction simultaneously. Thus not only were construction resources excessively dispersed, with the con- sequent delays in construction and higher costs, but also large amounts of resources were tied up in projects which could only mature over a long period of time. The contribution of the construction industry to the growth of the national economy in Czechoslovakia, although sig- nificant, would have been greater had the industry been able to con- centrate its resources on a smaller number of projects which could more quickly be brought into production. Faulty planning, however) has been only partly responsible for the persistent underfulfillment of construction plans. The growth in construction output since 1951 would have been greater had the construction industry taken full advantage of opportunities to in- crease its operational efficiency. Little was done, however, to im- prove the organization and management of construction or to more fully utilize machinery and equipment ahd improved methods of construction. The deficiencies in management largely accounted for the failure to achieve reductions in construction costs. The apparent lethargy of many enterprise managers in adopting technical advances and in assur- ing more efficient use of equipment cannot be adequately explained. A possible explanation, however, may be that the high degree of cen- tralization of authority over most aspects of construction work is not conducive to initiative on the part of managers and foremen. The directives of the Second Five Year Plan indicate a more realis- tic approach to the problems of investment construction than has pre- vailed in the past. Considerably more attention is to be given to the possibilities of increasing production by modernization, mechanization, and expansion of existing facilities. In the sphere of new construc- tion, work will be concentrated on fewer projects and will thus make a more timely contribution to production. Such a program, if carried out, will result in a better allocation of resources and improved ef- ficiency in the operations of the construction industry. -37- S-E-C-R-E-T I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T The goal of a 60-percent increase in construction output during the Second Five Year Plan does not appear excessive. Construction output in 1956, although it failed to fulfill the annual Plan, never- theless increased to a greater extent (9 percent above the level of 1955) than in any year since 1953. An average annual increase of 10 percent in the years 1957-60 will assure the over-all 60-percent increase envisaged for the Second Five Year Plan. The decentraliza- tion program begun in 1956 should lead to improved planning, organiza- tion, and management of construction. With the improved technology now available, it appears probable that the construction industry will fulfill its assigned tasks by the end of the Second Five Year Plan. -38- S-E-C-R-E-T , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : 'CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C -R-E-T APPENDIX A CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES SUBORDINATE TO THE CZECHOSLOVAK MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION AND TO 12th SLOVAK COMMISSARIAT OF CONSTRUCTION* Enterprise Ministry of Construction Mein Administration for Industrial Construction Vystavba rudnych dolu a huti Vystavba dulniho a energetickeho zarizani Vystavba chemickeho prunomlu Pruostav Prumstav Prumstav Proostav Prumstav Teplotechna Main Administration for Construction of Combines Vitkovicke stavby Trinicke stateby Eukostav Erca. Main Administration for Special Industrial Construction Stredoslovanske stavby Prumstav Armabeton Pn.zistav Stavobet Location Prague Ostrava Usti sad Labem Plzen Most Pardubice Brno Prostejov Prague Ostrava Trinec Kosice Svaty Kriz Zvolen Pure Svaty Martin Prague Vsetin Semtin Function Construction of ore mines and foundries Construction of mining and power installations Construction of chemical plants Industrial construction Industrial construction Industrial construction Industrial construction Industrial construction Construction of central heating installations Construction of large industrial complexes Construction of large industrial complexes Construction of large industrial complexes Construction of large industrial complexes fThese enterprises construct special industrial Installations such as police installations, atomic installations, and plants with secret production plans. * This list of 51 enterprises is based on information obtained in 1951. It is possible that enter- prise names have been changed and that organizational.Zhifts have occurred. Reports in 1955, however, still referred to the 51 enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction and the Com- missariat of Construction. Thus it is believed that the above list reflects reasonably accurately the number and functions of construction enterprises subordinate to these agencies. The indication of the function of the subordinate enterprises gives an approximate translation of the Czech and Slovak designations of these enterprises. -39- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Enterprise Ministry of Construction (Continued) Main Administration for Residential and Other Construction Location Function Bystove stavby Most Residential construction Stavby sidliat Ostrava Residential construction Pozemni stavby Prague f Pozemni stavby Ceske Budejovice Pozemni stavby Teplice Above-ground construction, probably including Pozemni stavby Havlickuv Brod j housing, public works, and possibly certain Pozemni stavby Brno I industrial structures Pozemni stavby Cottvaldov Pozemni stavby Opava Instalacni zavody Plzen Installation works, possibly finishing work such as plumbing and wiring Main Administration for Engineer- ing Construction Vodni stavby Tabor Hydraulic construction Dopravni stavby Prague Transportation construction Dopravni stavby Ravlickuv Brod Transportation construction Ingstav Prague Engineering construction Ingstav Brno Engineering construction Main Administration for Manufacture of Construction Materials Prefa Prague Manufacture of construction materials, types unloaown Prefa Brno Manufacture of construction materials, types unknown S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Enterprise Ministry of Construction (Continued) Math Administration of Supplies Staviva Staviva Slovak Commissariat of Construction Main Administration for Industrial Construction Vyntavba rudnyeb bani Prierastav Pricmmtav Priemstav Main Administration for Residential and Other Construction Pozemni stavby Pamernal stavby Pozethi stavby Paternal stavby Pomemni stavby Bratislavake instalacni zavody Main Administration for Engineer- ing Construction Hydrostav 'fret druzby Ingstav Location Prague Bratislava Pt? Bratislava Mina )(bathe Bratislava (Titre Bartsth Bystrica Zilina Proem Bratislava Bratislava Kosice Bratislava Enaction rossibly responsible for distribution of con- struction materials Construction of ore mines Industrial construction Industrial construction Industrial construction [Above-ground construction, Probably public works and possibly certain industrial Latructures Installation worth, possibly finishing work such as plumbing and wiring Hydroconatruction Railroad construction Engineering construction - 41 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Enterprise Slovak Commissariat of Construction (Continued) Main Administration for Manufacture of Construction Materials Prefa Location Function Bratislava Manufacture of construction materials, type unknown - 42 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 S-E-C-R-E-T APPENDIX B METHODOLOGY An index of construction in Czechoslovakia for the period 1948-55, with 1948 as the base year (1948 = 100) is ap- 50X1 parently based on data for the value of construction output in con- stant prices of 1953. in 1948-55 total 50X1 construction and assembly work amounted to 107.5 billion koruny. The given index was first converted to a 1955 base (1955 = 100). Index numbers for the 8 years, 1948-55) were then totaled) and the Index number for each year was computed as a percentage of the total. This percentage was then applied to the figure 107.5 billion koruny to determine the value of construction output for each year at 1953 prices. onstruction output in 1948, at constant prices of 1947, was 6o percent greater than in 1947. This ratio was used to link values for 1947 to the index. The figure for the value of construction output in 1938 was determined from the relationship of the index numbers for 1938 and 1947. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 .40 Next 8 Page(s) In Document Denied e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-RDP79R01141A000900060002-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : CIA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3 SECRET SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 : b IA-R DP79 R01141A000900060002-3