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.9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ?? ,?", ? c - ? 71.7,77 Auk youtH , Fro:it IL S. , TCr- ? ?The Derartmetit of State. WASHINGUNI 0, ? ??0, ? ... u);c1.AssitiaD ..STAT Thar; 'Despatch 529 May 16, 1958 Sulijeet: poygy ZOIE: or GENTIAN!: RefamcerCopies of Basic Law and Major Ordinance's Providing fttr a Reorgiemliatian of the Govipment of ' ? the Gelman Democratic Republic , .FOr the 'convenience of the Dipartaent and of other U. 8, official agencies ? -intersejited in develop:eats in the Soviet Zone of Germany, there are .eaclosed (reProducible mat) a translation of the basic law of January 23, 1958, prom viding..for',a, comprehensive reorganization of the East German Government, and three. copies,' each (fotofax) of a translation of the 6 aajor-ordinances, dated February. leU 1958, implementing the basic law. A detailed identification list of the Jriel.osures, for convenient reference, appears below. A full set . of em anclosuris'has been forwarded to Embassy Bonn. The original German. ? language texts appeared in the East German Gesetsblat Part I of Februaly ).9opy (not. 1.1)'? and February 27 (no. 13), 1958. pROCESSINu ? 11h0.0 sures: FOR THE A,SSISTANT CHIEF OF mIsacch 0?????-0-0-. I Chief ? Eastern Affairs Section '1. Law Concerning the perection and Simplification of the Work of' the State Orgarp in the German Democratic Republic, 2. Ordinance Coate:ming the Tasks of the (G)R) Stater, 3. Ordinance Concerning the Management and Distribution of Material Supplies. 4, Ordinance Concerning the Tasks of the Mini.strf of Pinging.. 5. Ordinance Concerning the Tasks of the District and County Eizr-triomAe CcubdAs, 6, Ordinance Conciirning the Organization of the Building Industry, 174p Ordinance Concerning the Unions of State Owned Enterprises, ? UNOlAssialsr0 ? ?. ? STAT ?: STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 UNCWSIFIED Page lot Enclosure I to Despatch 529 From: USHER LAW CONCERNING THE PERFECTION AND SIMPLIFICATION OF THE WORK OF THE STATE ORGANS IN THE GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC In the German Democratic Republic, the first German workers' and farmers' state, considerable success hab been achieved in all fields of social and economic life. This success is due to the deprivation of the monopolists and agricultural magnates of their power in the political and economic domains, it is the result of the far-reaching revolutionary transformation of the society carried out under the leadership of the workers' class. In the German Democratic Republic, the workers' class, in alliance with the working farmers and in close cooperation with all other spheres of the working people, has eradicated German Imperialism and militarism and, by establishing the system of the people's democracy, created the. basis for a peaceful and democratic development in all Germany. By taking the govern- mental power into their own hands and turning it into an instrument for the socialist build-up the workers and farmers have consciously formed their own lives. This has brought to light the creative talents of the workingIeople and awakened and promoted their initiative and activity. In the daily hard struggle for the solution of the complicated tasks facing them in the transformation of the society, the workers and farmers have learned and continue to learn how to direct the state. and economy, bow to form their new socialist consciousness and adopted a new attitude toward their state as well as a new socialist concept of work. ' In the development process of the new social order there has arisen the fundamental task of establishing and firmly entrench- lug the rule of the Workers' class in cooperation with the working farmers and other spheres of the working people. For the first ?' '?? ' t ? " ? ? .474 ? 't ? s ? ? ? ',u1,16,LittttiPlib? v..' ? ;. -? t? . ' ? 4 ? f t4 ? ?1. sn'tc5.?ti? :4 ?1.???? y ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 , . ? . "Mel UNCLASSIFIED ? 2 Page 2 of ". Enclosure I to Despatch 529' From: USBER time in the history of Oermany the conscious guilance of social developments is assured by the rule of the workers' class. The gonsolidation Of the workers' ana farmers' state makes it ? neeeeeary that still closer relations be established between :the governmental organs and the population, that the new social democracy be developed further, and that its efficiency in the fight against its kleerialist enemies and for the protection of the socialist achievements be increased. The working people in the German Democratic Republic look at the people's power as at their state by which the build-up of socialism is being realized and their own prosperity developed. 2he ,-,rowing socialist ?consoiousness of the workers' clasp enables the masses to =VG forward on the road toward socialist achievements and to carry 'into effect the planful development of the political economy? The great'economic and cultural progress achieved in the German ' Democratic Republic demonstrates the superiority of the socialist ? soeial,order over the capitalist one, as well as its tremendous power and firmness which are based on the increase in socialized property and on the consolielation of theNzialiet economic system as tae economic basis of the state., In the German Democratic Republic 88,8 percent of the indut..prial gross preduction are produced by socialist enterprises and 927' percent of the .trapsnort achievements of the traffic system are accounted for by ,stateowned enterprises, Tath the socialized sector of the agriculture already amounting to 33,7 percent of all farmland, the 'superiority of socialist production methods becomes more and More evident also in the agriculturafield, as is shown by the ;onsolidation of the existing and the formation of new agricultural ?reduction cooperatives. ?ile continued socialist transformation of the society confronts the organs of the workers' and farmers' state with still greater tasks and calls for a continuous development and perfection of the state organs, their organization and working methods. Therefore, ., the present stage reached in the political and economic development'. in the German Democratic Republic and the tasLs of the continued ?sOciaIist build-up demand a thorough and comprehensive improvement an4 simplification of the work of the state orGans0 The increasing demands facing the state organs reeuiro a hir-11 degree of 0Onsciousness and improved perking methods on the part of all their members as well as the creation of socialist methods in the . Guidance of the people and their political and ideological education by the state? Tho organs of the workers' and farmers' state led ? by the workers' ?lass and cooperating with the social organizations, are faced with the treat task of carrying on the struggle for the abolition of the old bourgeois-capitalist relations and the UNCLASSIFIED ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 i?fw*=?? UNCLASSIF/ED Page of Enclosure I to Despatch .529 From: USBE,R development of the new socialist relations between men. BTperfecting and simplifying the work of the state organs the unity of a rigidly centralized system of planning and directing ,the state and economy and of the participation on the largest possible scale of the working people in directing the state and economy will have to be carried into effect with even greater consistency. The quality of planning mist be Improved decisively and the strict implementation of the uniform state plan insured. The trade unions, mass organizations and the committees of the National Front of the Democratic Germany must be accorded more elbow roam in order that they may be able to cooperate to an even greater extent in the preparation and implementation of the plans. They are incited to seize this opportunity. The trade unions, as the organizations of the workers' class, are requested to organize the participation of the working 'people in the steering of production. Better prerequisites will have to be created for having the local representative bodies and their councils measure up in full to the great responsibility., entrusted to them by the law concerning the'loeal state organs, in the build-up of socialimm within their local scope of competence. It has become necessary in all state organs to apply the teachings of Larxism-Leninism in accordance with the existing conditions of the social build- up; The members of these organs will have to acquire a superior pplitical education and a thorough technical knowledge in their reepactive fields of work. The scientific team work of the research workers, scientists and production activists is to be advanced further. At the institutes of higher 1Jarning and teehnical schools the uniform political and scientific direction is to be enforced. In all state organs the methods of mare administrative activities and their confinement to the respective fields or duty will have to be eliminated, as the work of the state organs must be based on firm connections with the working people at the places of production. The perfection and simplification of the work of the state organs will result in a continuous increase in production and the strengthening of the workers* and farmers' power in the German Democratic Republic. This is in line with the interests of the entire socialist camp and will help to meet the great obli3ations assumsd by the German Democratic Republic as a member of the community of the socialist countries. The consolidation of the system of the people's democracy on Carman soil, the growing superiority of the workers' and farmers* state over the imperialist regime in West Germany will increase the certainty.of,the victory in all Germany of the great ideas of peace, democracy and socialism already realized in the German Democratic Republic, ? UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 UNCLASSIFIED - 4 - Page 4 of Enclosure I to ? Despatch 529 From: USBER To this end the People's Chamber has decided as follows: I. Article 1 The proposals concerning the perfection and simplification of the work of the state organs submitted by the Central Committee or the. $ocialist Unity Party of .learmany and by the Council of Ainisters of,the German Jemocratic Republic are approved. Article 2 (1) To. insure the fulfilment of the increasing tasks arising from the build-up of, socialism, the work of the leading organs of the .entire administration shall be improved as follows: 1. The principle of democratic centralism shall be applied to the . activities Of all state organs, especially in the field of the planning and direction of the political economy, The planning within the individual branches and spheres of the political economy shall be effected as a whole and on a local basis. ?. The right of every working individual to conscious and creative cooperation in the production. and direction of the economy shall be. guaranteed. The 'planning organs and managing boards in the econOmy shall bring about a close cooperation with the trade unio'n organs. 3 tn their activities the organs of the state administration shall concentrate on the decision of basic questions and insure the control of their implementation. 4, Pursuant to the law of January 17, 1957, concerning the local state organs (Official Gazette I, p. 65), these Organs shall 'be fully responsible for the administrative and economic functions within their range of competence. 5. The operative manageMent of the industrial, building, and agricultural enterprises shall be effected on a more basic level. The operative and economic independence of the enterprises within the state planning system shall be strengthened and the responsibility of the factory executives increased, 6, In the fields of research and teaching a closer connection shall be established between scientific work anci.the practice or spcialibt build-up. The scientific and technical experience gained shall be applied more quickly to the efforts aimed at IncreasinG work productivity. UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 UNCLASSIFIED -5- Page 5 of!. ? Eneloburel I to Despatch /529 From: upEER ? (2) The perfection of the work of the state organs shall be combined with the simplification of the structure and working methods of all organs of the state administration. The simplification of the work of the state organs and the change in the working -methods are supposed to result in the saving of financial moans and manpower. Article 3 (1) The State Planning Commission is the central organ of the Council of ?.:inisters for the planning and direction of the political economy as well as for the control of the implementation of the plans. (2) Tho State Planning Coamission shall prepare the drafts of the prospective and annual plans concerning the development of the political economy, It shall be responsible also for the proportionaL development of the political economy and for the coordination, as a whole and on a regional basis, of the more important tasks of the political economy. It shall insure the strict implaneaation of the economy plans. (3) With thQ assistance of the economic councils of the districts, the State Planning Commission shall insure the carrying out of the centrally administered economic tasks by the enterprises supervised by the local state prgans, ,(4) The sections of the :tate Planning Commission shall be responsible for the planning, direction and control of the economic activities of the a.7sociations of state-owned enter- prises, They shall decide on the fundamental questions of the implementation of the plans, as far as these questions cannot be solved by the associations of state-owned ent_irorises them- selVes, t)) The State Planning Commission shall be responsible for the planning of scientific and technical -developments. In drafting its plans and applying the research and development results to the production it shall enlist the permanent cooperation of the Advisory Council for RoseareA and Jevelopments in the Field of Natural Science (Research Council of the G)R). (6) As an organ of the Council of Ministers, the State Planning Commission shall organize international cooperation in the fields of technical science and economy. Article 4 The deputy ehairman of the .State Planning Commission and the chiefs of sections of thev3tate Planning Commission may be at"-ninted as ministers , x Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 UNCLASSIFIED Page 11 of Enclosure I to Despatch 529 From: USEiER To this end the People's Chamber has decided as follows: I. Article 1 The proposals concerning the perfection and simplification of the work of the state organs submitted by the Central Committee of the. Socialist Unity Party of L;ermany and by the Council of Ainisters of,the German Jamocratic Republic are approved. Article 2 (1) To. insure the fulfilment of the increasing tasks arising from the build.-up of socialism, the work of the leading organs of the entire administration shall be improved as follows: l. The principl of democratic centralism shall be applied to the aptivities of all state organs, especially in the field of the planning and direction of the political economy. The planning within the individual branches and spheres of the political economy shall be effected as a whole and on a local basis. 2. The right of every working individual to conscious and creative cooperation in the production and direction of the economy shall be' guaranteed. The planning organs and managing boards in the econbmy shall bring about a close cooperation with the trade union. organs. 3. In their activities the organs of the state aaministration shall concentrate on the decision of basic questions and insure the control of their implementation. Pursuant to the law of January 17, 1957, concerning the lOcal state organs (Official Gazette I, p. 65), these organs shall be fully responsible for the administrative and economic functions within their range of competence. 5,'The operative management of the industrials building. and 'agricultural entarprises shall be effected on a more basic level, The operative and ecenomic independence of the enterprises within the state planning system shall be strengthened and the responsibility ef the factory executives increased. 6. In the fields of research and teaching a closer connection shall be established between scientific work and. the practice of spoXalist build-up. The scientific and technical experience gained shall. be applied more quickly to the efforts aimed at increasing work productivity. 4-ft UNCIASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 UNCLASSIFIED _5_ Page 5 of'` - Enaltisure;I to Despatch ;29 From: UpEER (2) The perfection of the work of the state organs shall be combined with the simplification of the structure and working methods of all organs of the state administration. The simplification of the work of the state ()roans and the change in the working methois are SUDPOsed to result in the saving of financial means and mnnpower. Article 3 (1) The State Planning Commission is the central organ of the Council of .linisters for the planning and direction of the political economy as well as for the control of the implementation of the Piens. (2) The 3tate Planning Commission shall prepare the drafts of the prospective and annual plans concerning the development of the political economy, It shall be responsible also for the proportional development of the political economy and for the coordination; as a whole and on a regional basis, of the more important tasks of the political economy. It shall insure the strict implementation, or the economy plans. (3) With the assistange or the economic councils of the districts, the State Planning Commission shall insure the carrying out of the centrally administered economic tasks by the enterprises supervised by the local state ,organs. (4) The sections of the State Planning Commission shall be responsible for the planning, direction and control of the economio activities of the aasociations of state-owned enter- prises, They shall decide on the fundamental questions of the implementation of the plans, as far as these questions cannot be solved by the associations of state-owned enterprises them- selVes, (5) The State Planning Comaission shall be responsible for the planninn or soientific and technical develop.rents. In drafting its plans and applying the research and development results to the production it shall enlist the permanent cooperation of tha Advisory Council for Rosearc'a and Developments in the Field of Natural Science (iiesearch Council of the GDR). (6) As an organ of the Council of Ministers, the state Planning Commission shall or,]anize international cooperation in the fields of technical science and econaq7, The deputy chairman of the chiefs of sections or the', a,Tr'Anted as mlnietersq Article 4 ,..tate Planning Commission and the :tate Planning Commission may be 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 UNCLASSIFIED -6. Page 6 of Enclosure I to Despatch 529 From: USBER Article 5 The Economic Council with the Council of Ministers shall be dis- solved, Article 6 ()) AT;sociations of state-owned enterprises (VVB) shall be establish- ed in the various branches of the economy to serve as the leading economic organs for the centrally alministered state-owned enter- prises, (Z) The associations of state-owned enterprises shall, as a rule, be under the supervision of the section of the State Planning Commission comOtent for the branch of economy concerned. (3) The associations of state-owned enterprises shall be responsible F for the independent operative management of the enterprises and institutions 'under their eupervision. Tho own responsibility or -the.factory managers is to be maintained. (4) The Ste Planning Coramission.may entrust the associations of state-owned enterprises with certain coordinating functions concerning the entire branch of industry concerned, especially as regards/the supply of material, (5) Thi) functions exercized so far by the ministries referred to in article 79 paragraph 1, in the fields of research and engineering ghe:a be conferred upon to the associations of state-owned enter- . ?Tidos or the councils of the districts, respectively, The associations of state-owned enterprises are, as a rule, , Illpplemented by supervisory institutes for research and development verk, The supervisory institute furnishes the research and elevelopment livisions of the, enterprises affiliated with the associations of state-owned enterprises with directives concerning the planning and carrying out of the research and development Pork and the application of its results to the production. The /supervisory institute shall be responsible for the establishment 'of oonnections with research and development agencies outside the "associations of state-owned enterprises which solve research and development problems for the branch of industry directed by the association of state-awned enter. rises or are consulted for their advice. */ Article 7 (1) The Ministry' for Mining andletallurgy, . The Unistry for the Chemical Industry, The Lanistry for Coal and !:,nergy? The Ministry for Heavy aachine Construction,. vsvissIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? ? ???., UNCLASSIFIED Page 7 of Enclosure I to Despatch 529 From: USW , The Ministry for General Machine Construction, TheMinistry for the Light Industry, The Ministry for the Food Industry, The Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, The State Secretariat for the Local Economy and The Advisory Board for the Building Industry with the Council of Ministers shall be abolished. (2), The functions of these organs which are not conferred upon the associations of state-owned enterprises, the economic councils of the districts or other state organs shall become the responsibility of the State Planning Commission, unless they concern fundamental problems to be solved on a central basis, Article 8 (1) The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry shall concentrate its-efforts on the fundamental problems of the planning and direction of the agriculture and forestry, more particularly on the further socialist transformation of the agriculture and the . ?increase in the a6ricultura1 gross and market production, (2) The operative direction of the agriculture by the local state organs shell be insured. Article 9 (1) The Ministry for Reconstruction shall be converted into a Ministry for the Building Industry which shall be responsible for the fundamental teaks concerning that industry. '(2) The Chief Administrations Shall be abolished. As regards the construction material enterprises, there shall be establish- ed associations of state-owned enterprises to be supervised by the Ministry for the Building Industry. (3) The local state ergans shall be responsible for the carrying out of their own building projects. To insure the fulfilment of these tasks, construction boards shall be established with the. couneils of the counties, districts and larger cities, Article 10 (1) There shall be established with the Council of Ministers a Committee on Labor and Wages which shall be responsible for ,the fundamental questions concerning work productivity, manpower, the Protection of labor, wage policy and labor laws, tnicrAssiFIED . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 f41-- 1' +A. ? UNCLASSIFIED - 8 - Page 8 of ? 'Enclosure I to Despatch JSR (2) The Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Wages shall 'be a member of the Council of Ministers. (3) The associations of state-owned enterprises, the councils of the counties and distriets shall deal with questions relating to 'work productivity, manpower, vocational training and the pro- tection of labor, (4) The control of the protection of labor at the factories shall be the responsibility of the trade unions. Article 11 Al? state-operated enterprises and institutions whose management by the central state organs is not required shall become the responsibility of the local state organs. Article 12 (1) Vor,the uniform direction of the political economy, economic ?couneils shall be established with the district councils. The edonomip-councils are organs both ,of the districts/ coundils and, of the State Planning Commission serving the planning and control of: the tasks relating to the political economy in the district concerned. (2) The edonomic councils shall prepare the drafts of the prospective and annual plans concerning the development of the political economy within the range of competence or the state organs of the districts. They shall insure the strict Implementation of the plans by all economic organs of the district, They shall be responsible also for the management of the associations of state.-owned enterprises, individual enterprises and institutions under their supervision. (3) The economic councils shall direct and control the work of Os planning commissions of the county councils. (4) The economic councils shall coordinate the development of the centrally administered economy with the development of the economy administered by the district and local organs. They may be entrusted with certain rights of decision and'control regarding the centrally administered economic organs and enterprises in their district, .(3) The chairman of the economic council shall be the deputy chair man of the district council. The appointment and dismissal of the chairmen of the economic council and of his deputy must be cenfirmed by the .State Planning Commission. UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 UNCLAiS S.. - 9 - Article 13 Page 9 of,, Enclosure to Despatch 529 Fr* USHER tli The tasks of the planning commissions established at the county ()pumas shall be extended. To be able tocerry out their tasks the planning eommissions shall be given more qualified personnel. L*.) AS organs of the county councils the planning commissions shall be responsible for the entire development planning within the county and for the control and implementation of the plans. They shall be responsible especially for the planning and direction of the Coda-bp-administered industry, transportation, the municipal ?eeenomy as well as for the planning of manpower distribution and PY Arceationel training in all fields of the locally administered .economy? They shall be charged also with the planning of the -supply of material and the allocation of the Quotas to all enter- prises and other institutions requiring material within the area under their jurisdiction. (21 The planning commissions of the counties are under the super- vision also of the economic councils of the districts, (3) The ehaiman of the county planning commission shall be the d6pUty chairman of the county council. Article 14 (1) Fr the enterprises in the same branch of economy managed by the district councils there may be established associations of state-owned enterprises or supervisory agencies which shall be under the supervision of the economic council or the competent technical organ of the district council. (2) To promote the operating capacity of the enterprises in the same bramih of the local economy there may be established in the ooenties supervisory agencies which are to be supervised by the eompotent technical organ of the county council. Article 15 v. To improve the work at the places of production and at the local etate and economic organs through the work simplification measures,' additional personnel shall be made available to the enterprises ' while the staff of the local state and economic supervisory offices shall be increased by experienced :washers. piCLASSrFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? s ? UNCLASSIFIED Page 10. of Eciolocure Ito? ? Despatch '529 From: USHER .The Council of rinisters shall be charged with taking all 'measures reauired for the implementation of this law and, in accordance with article 3 of the Lew. of November 17,49549 concerning the Council of lAnisters of the German Democratic Republic, with deciding on the structural dhanges in the organs of the state aaministration having become necessary. ;aiticle 17 This law ahall became effective on rebruary 15, 1958., :eporting official: Representative Professor Jr. Polak 13er1in$, Xanuary 23, 1958 /s/ Jallmann Chairman of the .1.a1 Comwittee /s/ Jr. Tharmer ...A3cond Deputy Chairmen of the ,iconomic Committee UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ETAN \! CS boboerning the (..rganizator. of the P:nnning of the Political 1.conomy Dated February 13, 1958 STAT In carrying out the law of February 11, 19581 concerning the perfection ard simplification of the work of the state organs in the rna_n Democratic Republic (Official Gazette I1 p. 117) by which the Pe,ple's Chamber approved the proposals presented to it by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and the Councils of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic, the' following is decreed pursuant to article 16 of said law: Tasks of the State Planning Commission The State Plarning Commissior is the central: organ of the Council 4- t of Ministers of, the German Demorrati. Republic for the planning and direction.of the political economy as well as for the control of the ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 the exploitation of all possibilities for the starting, ? increase in or change of the additional production of consumer goods; the assistance to unprofitable enterprises; the preparation of opinions to be rendered by the district council on project plans and the approval of the sites; the preparation of the opinions to be rendered by the district state-owned council on the changes in the centrally administered/enterprises and institutions which have an influence on the economic develop- ment of the district (as, for instance, the closing down and combination of centrally administered enterprises etc.); the determination of. measures aimed at fhe carrying oat of investments of nation-wide significance, 10. The direction and control of the planning commissions at the county _councils- The composition and structure of the economic councils at the district councils . The economic council shall consist of: the chairmn of the economic council (deputy chairman of ,thS district council); Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ta(- deputy chairman of the economic council (chief of the planning division); the chiefs of the most importint technical organs of the economic council, upon decision by the district 'council; the chief of the finance aiv ision; the chief of the diutric- Construction Office; .N( the deputy chairman of the district council competent for agricultural and forestry affairs or the chief of the agri- cultural and forestry division; tne deputy chairman of the district council competent for trade and supply or the chief of the trade and supply division; the chairman of the district executive board of the Federation of Free German Trade Unions; specialists in accordance with the economic structure of the district, upon decision by the district council. The chief of the district office for statistics shall path- ? cipate in the meetings of the economic council in an .advisory capacity. The chief of the State Contract Court in the 'district and the . . district coMmissioner of the Central -Commission on State Controls are authorized to participate in the deliberation-of the economic Council. - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 1.0 - The chiefs of other in:.'tAtutions may be invited to attend the meetings of the economic council. The economic council shall not consist of more than 17 members. .he chairman and tne memfiers of the economic council are a ,pointed and dism;th;ed ly the d:strict council. The appointment and dismissal of the chairman and deputy cnairman ef the e':cro- council mue,t be approved by the State Planning Commission. Cne member of the econc.,Lic council shall be responsible for export affairs. 2. The rights and duties of the cnalrman of the economic council: The ahairman of the economit council shall supervise he work of the economic council and insure the assistance to be rendered by the representative body and its permanent commissions as - well as the cooperation with the social organizations and the population in the solution Of the tasks. The chairman of the economic council ?shall be bound by the 'decisions of the dis trict representative body and the district 'council as well as by the directions furnished by the State - Planning Commission. The chairman of the economic council : shall be responsible and liable to render accOunts to the nprlacsifiPci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 z "I? - 11 - district council an d the State ?lanning Commission for the Aork of the technical organs, the unions of state-owned enterprises, enterprises and institutions covered by the economic council . The chairman of the economic council shall be authorized to give directives to the chiefs of the technical organs forming part of the economic council, the .chiefs of the unions of state-owned enterprises, enti.rprit,es and institutions and the cLairman of the planning commissions at the county councils. The proposals made by tne economic council and subject to confirmation or decision by the district council shall be submitted to the district council by the chairman of the economic council. ;. The scope of activities of the economic council comprises the following technical organs: Planning; Supply of materials; Labor; Food industry; 1. Electric energy supply, inclusive cf the fillectric energy commissioner; Transportation; Water economy; handicrafts, private industry and local eoonomy. a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 42 - In accordan:e witi. thc economic structure of the district concerned the district councils may, upon decision by the district council, _esx,.blish further technical organs coming ? - under the jurisdiction of the economic council, as, for instance, for machine construotio. Isencineering); tlight '-nduJtryi the textile industry. In the case of a larh:er numb6r of district-administered enter- prises of a branch of industry, unions of state-owned enters rises may be e3tab11-4ed in the pie of technical organs. Upon decision by the distrxct 'council there may be established a section of the district-administered industry, if the small number of enterprises makes it unsuitable to establish a special technical organ or a union of state-owned enterprises for their supervision. The wervision of the enterprises by the technical organs may be carried out with the assistante of the leading enterprises. The tc^hnicel rsv-genA ,e1A enienc of state-owned enterprises under the jurisdiction cf the .economic council shall be Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 13 - re7onsib1e for the control or the branch of the industry entrusted them. They shall discuss import an measures with the working people on a wile basiss :7,1.1te considerat tor to their proposals and suggestions a'1 mhbil 1 ze the working people for tne fulfilment and overfulfilment -f the plans. :v-,py shall base their pertif.ent activities especially on the trade union and the committees of the National Front of the Democratic Germany. The principal tasks of the planning section I ne planning section shall .1-ave the following principal tasks: 1. TI-1e elaboration of the development programs on the basis of connmi c analyses 2. re elaboration and coordinpt Ion of .he directives proposals' and drafts of the long-term and economy plans Rendering of opinion on the iraft budget plan of the district. 3. Tne determination of the principal key figures and of the detailed - plan tasks in all fields coming under the jurisdiction of the economic council. L. The determination of the prncipal key figures for the plans 40, relating to agriculture and forestry, trade and supply- and . - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 -14- - the building economy in 'lose cooperation with the pertinent technical organs. the determination of the principal key figures and detailed plan tasks in the fields of poplar education, cultural, - public health and social affairs, youth affairs and sports in close cooperation with the pertinent technical organs. 6. the determination and compilation of the principal key figures for the long-term and annual draft plans of the counties) the coordination of plan proposals submitted by the county councils. 7. The planning of the export of the district-adqinistered industry and local economy. 8. The elaboration of opinions to be rendered on the plans of the centrally administered economy. ? In questions relating to the methods of plAnning, the chief of the planning division shall be Authorized to give instructions to the chiefs of all technical organs, unions of state-owned enterprises and institutions of the district. B. The planning commissions at the county aouncile I. The sta?ius and the tasks of the planning coMmissions at the county councils The planning commissions are organs of . the 'county councils. They shall carry out their acti'vities On the .basis of,and in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? '47 - carrying out, the laws and decisions of the People's Chamber, the ordinances and deci3ions of Council of Ministers and the decisions of the district and county representative bodies and their councils. They shall be resi:ons1Lle to the county councils for the et.tire planning of th... Je4v.e 1 opmen t of the county. The planning commissions and the finance divisions at the county councils shc.11 jointly elaborate the economy plan and the budget plan of the county on the basis of the decisions of the county councils and of the directions received from the economic councils at the district councils or of tne finance divisions of the district councils, respectively. Both. plans shall be submitted simulta- neously to the county councils for confirmation. ' The elaborationf implementation and control of the plans must be effected with the large-scale cooperatiOn of the working people, especially in close cooperation with the trade unions, the other .masa organizations and the committees of the National Front of the Democratic Germany. The planning commissions at the county Councils shall have the following tasks: 1. the elaboration of development programs on*the basis of economic analyses. A Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 16 2 the elabo rat ion and coordination of the directives and proposals relating to the long-term and economy plans and the draft of the county plan. The county plan shall comprise the principal tasks of the economy plan, the budget plan as well as the tasks of the National heconstrwct.,,on ;;:rk. 3. the ela.b ;ration of tr. dtiiied tasks of the economy plan in close cooperation with the technical organs in all fields, with the exception of af:riculture and forestry, trade and supply and the buil di ne economy. In the fields of agrl:ulture and forestry, trade and supply and the building economy, the key figures shall be fixed by the planning commissions. The detailed plans shall be elaborated by the competent technical organs on this basis. 4.. the planning of manpower distribution and wages as well as of vocational training; close cooperation with the trade unions, ,Tcpeoially the district executive board of the Federation of Free Germbn Trade Unions, in all questions relating to working conditions, the distribution of dinpower, the 'planning of wages, the observance of the industrial safety regulations, the con- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? ? clusion and implemen tt Inn of thu collective factory agreements, the transportation of workers to and from work, etc. ? 5. the assistance to be rendered to the towns and communities in the elaboration and implementation of the town and village plans. the operatIve control nf tne pan fulfilment in cooperation witn the tecnnical organs of the county councils, the regular appraisal of the stage reached in the plan fulfilment, the preparation of analyses on the plan fulfilment status. 7. the planning of the supply of materials and the allocation of the quotas to all enterprises and agencies requiring , material within their field of activities; dispositions regarding the most appropriate utilization of the material and the introduction of progressive methods of engineering; the most appropriate utilization of the existing capacities, the exploitation of local sources of raw material and other local reserves. 8. the advancement of ,the trade union-sponeored contests system. 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DLipos,tions rETardinv Crie/centradly and district-administered economy, especially by: the carrying out of the council decisions regarding the aid and control of the, fulfilment of the plans concerning mass the additional production of/consumer goods; the registration and distribution of waste material. suitable for f,tirtner use and of other local reserves; the carrying out of investments for social, cultural and sanitary ihstallat-ons ar.d for further measures resulting from the development of the centrally and distrlct- administered economy for their respective scope of activities; the assistance in. tne -carrying out of central investment projects; measures aimed at insuring the distribution of manpower in accordance with the requirements of the political economy .arid vocational training; the control of the implementation of. the manpower and vocational training plans. - 10.. Ahe integration of the private economy into thesocialist build-up; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 a a a 'a IMP 'a - 19 - the promotion of the establishment of production cooperatives of the handicrafts and of state partnership in capitalist private enterprises. The composition and structure of the planning commissions at the county councils 1. The planning commission shall be composed of: ? the chairman of the planning commission (deputy chairman of the county council); the deputy chairman of the planning commission; the chief of the material supply section; the chief of the finance section; the chief of the agriculture and forestry section or the deputy chairman of the council for this special organ; the chief of the local industry and handicraft section; the chief of the county Construction Office; the chief of the trade and supply section; ' the chief of the food industry section; the chief of the obligatory deliveries and purchase section and a representative of the trade unions. In accordance with the economic structure of the county, the chiefs of further technical organs as well as specialists, as, for instance, MTS-directors, may be appointed as members of the planning comwtssi.on by the county 00111-tang"-, ?z? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 2 - The chief of the county office for statistics shall parti- cipate in the meeting of the planning commission in an advisory capacity. The county commissioners of the Central Commission on State Control shall be authorized to participa'e in the meetings of the planning commission . The planning commission shall not consist of more than 15 members. The members of the planning commission shall be appointed ani dismissed by tne county councils upon proposal by the chairman of the planning commission.. One member of the plannin commission shall be responsible for export affairs. 2. The planning commissions shall be responsil;le for the planning, - direction and control of the district-administered industry, transportation ana the communal economy. Upon decision by tne 3 ouncil, the deputy chairman of the council and the chairman of the planning commissi9n ilay be entrusted with the supervision of further techniOal orgams. The assignment of the various fields of activities to the deputies of the chairman of the council shall be cleoided?by the councils on their own responsibility. According to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ?? - 21 - article 40 of the law conrning the local organs of the state ariministration, they are authorized to give orders to the chiefs- nf these technical organs and to the chiefs of the enterprises and in-,titutions under their supervision. 1 The planning commission is divided up into The long-term planning group the operative annual planning group .the coordination group the material supply group. 4. The pr:Tosals elaborated by the planning commission which are subject to confirmation or decision by the county council shall be submitted to the county council by the chairman of the planning commission. The chairman of the planning commission Shall direct the wnrk nf that.commission. He shall be responsible and liable to render aceounts on the work of the plannipg commission to the county council. Pi ? The direction of the district-administered and local State-owned-industry and handicrafts The following principles shall be observed for the direction of the ? district-administered and local state-owned industry, of handicraft `OF enterprises with a state partnership and of the private capitalist industry: ? 6. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 The district-administerq(! aud loca; .itate-owned industa 1. ."P orincipa) aim of the :istrict-administered and locally directed r4tate-rwned tndustry shall he thP fulfilment of their tasks set by th., plan; with special consi4eration to be given to the rapid increase in he production of nigh-quality and new mass consumer goods to meet the increasing demands of the population and the most suitable expinitation of all prod-tion capacit4es and material reserves. 2. The district-administerec in-4ustry shall be established from among the enerprises previously manage on a local basis and the enterprises released by the ministries, above all those of the light and food industries, and be placed under the supervision of the district councils. The operative management of the, ,enterprises shall be effected by the tochnical organs of the disfrict councils with the assistance of the leading enterprises -)r the unions of state-owned enterprises. 3. Upon decision by the district representative body, unions of state- owned enterprises of the district-administered industry may be established with the consent of the State Planning Commission) provided that a larger number of enterprises of one or more ?industrial branches of a similar type of production is controlled iqk the district councils. ^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? ? e - ??e t1.4 .4 r : P irpSeS above al - to (If the term :f I ieorf-u.r. izati on of :he . .1 ? ...ation ? - .r s ? ered and . 4, A ? ne onterprises wits a the district counc 1 e .r.dustrial branch ..1....ini.:tered union of y .C113 May determine .eadine. er46 -n- - state-owned ..ndus!..:-:-t rpri:es, if a arc-: .o:=r of the same :at,,q7-ory Isjocte enterpr. ze the exchange of experience. By mca..8 economic conferences and inter- factory cempar..sons t Lest rest its and methods of improving ?-ne technoloe,y and v. org.anizat iori etc,. shall be made Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 24 - able to all enterprises, especially t those lagging behind in profitableness. The leading enterprise shall nave no right to interfere with the management of the enterprises of the industrial branch in the form of ihtructions. oevral smaller enterir,see of tne same branch of production or :iupple:Lenting iaL oer which are administered on a local baS1S by the councils of the counties, towns, city boroughs and communities may be combiped, if this would result in increased profitableness, tne perfection of the management and the reduction of costs. The combine ion of enterprises must be approved by the district council. 6. The transfer of the centrally administered state-owned industry to the district-administered or local state-owned industry shall be effected with the consent of tne distric.t representative body, unless a pertinent decision has been taken by the Council ,of Ministers. District-administered or local state-owned industrial enter- prises shall be placed under the supervision of a centrally _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 A tlministered union of state-owned enterprises only in exceptionsl cases and if require i for political or economic reasons. The approval oi the dlatrict representative body enall be required, unless a pertinent decision has been taken by the Council of Ministers. 7. As a rule, the local state-owned industrial enterprises shal be under the supervision of, and administered by, the counoils councils of of the town and rural cot.r.t Les or of the,/ larger towns located in the county, and community councils. Smaller state-owned industrial enterprises may be placed under the supervision of the community councils or the councils of tne city boroughs. changes in the status of enterprises within the district-aiminitered and local state-owned industry people's shall be decided upon by the/ representative body of the district people's or county, respectively, after- consultation of the lower/re- presentative bodies concerned. 4 Enterprises with a state partnership' 1. The enterprises with a state partnership shall be included in the planning System in accordance with the same methodical principles as are applied to the state-owned induitry. They Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? z'o:,c,ir r production cies Le a::c.c.*Pd ae.r 'ter.a.. quotas by the . t,:.t itered. 1 the of cooperative .1:1s w,%h ent,crpr.:,eJ tl.ti ?tate-owned industry, the of mi.'erial [Lay . tht, A'at-owned ?-,t- basis o: co- arreeme; tu. pllcat!ons concer1.1-4, .1.e acceptance of state partner- supervision shall be decided upon by t:4e i.stric:, councils up,n r.onsultation with the county councils. 2ne administrative status of tr.e c,?%trally-administered unions ,)f state-owned enterrlses shall cc deciced upon by the State ilu.:ining Commission, 5 To insure :he qualification of the economic functionaries of the entrprises with a state partnership, regular consultations and the exchange of opinion on political and economic questions shall be organized by the district councils on a voluntary . basis. Handicrafts 1. The handicrafts shall be directed and furthered by the local councils in a way promoting the manufacturing of high-quality Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 and maintenance.. work ??,,, ? ? 4 07-) '? ,- 4te The economic activitieB of the handicraft enterprisea shall be directed above all by the supply of material ::from state ? .t.4014111 -i1irrrItriter,44tittf, 4- -.4 0 g_k?)t ? +A_ _ ? ? t ? '4;.. ) d I? : r enterpriaea and the handicraft purchase and deliv,ezr,coopersitives * t .. L. ,.?S ?,-: ,1 4 t: c.0'.1 , 4 , . - . ? .. The local. coupe ilei, ahall furnish .the handioraft - .:ir ,* - r.'... , , ; , -?-?; '-'?:".* ; ',.., ?- . , 4 2.. x ? . tiVeS with directiV'es- concerning'-the :developmen , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 4, ? , ? 1.1%, . are ? S .Ddes. :.). erat:ves snail nanc. Inn ; " . snail oe ebtac:isbel tion cooperL.tives --onsolidation and as well as in tne of craftsmen still .1..cnase and aelivery ring offers to the local : ,ounty councils. oas,s of the Lanufao-rino:- offers they will be allocated tae mater. I. .le .111,-.!at:or may, however, be made contingent upon tr.e var.f..c.turInw ol certain products. The county councils sne.:1 ,:o:.tro. the .:omi..i,ation of manufact4ring offers by t.,e parcn,:. ard deliver: -o2peratives. Members of the purchase arld ccoperailves may also receive their material allocation J.Lota:z a.rec'ly from the planning commission at the county council or the technical organs. .5. The principal task of tne ilstrict chambers of handicrafts politically and their county branch offlram ,0 that of/influencing thg. craftsmen 'and qualifying Vaasa for a:: intensifled integration Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 29 - into the socialist build-up. The distr,ict chambers of handi- crafts shall be under the supervision of the distriot councils, ? ? while the county branch offices shall be supervised by the district chamber of handicrafts anethe county 'councils. They will operate in .accordance with the directives,received from the councils. IV. Capitalist Private Industry. 1. On the basis of the responsibility for the. 'capitalist private enterprises entrusted to the local representative: bodies and councils by the law concerning the local organs of the state administration (article 6) , the local councils shall direct ? ? ? the economic activities of these enterprises- in:.'ab000rds;nos with ? . ? , the key figures of the economy by the al),Opation of material,, the registration of the marketing oonra;cts as well , ?;,? as by the License, procedure and 'other me urea. 2. The Production agreements and the supply otterial Shall be effected on .a contractual -basis. Contracts, bit!sen partners in the pri.vate. economy 'must be confirmed hy-,the ,technical organs of the c9unty oounbile and are' subject ?-t the pdyment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 30 of fees. The material will be allocated from government stocks on the basis of the regdstered contracts. In this the largest possible consideration shall be given to the exploitation of the factory's own and of local reserves. In the case of cooperative relations with state-owned enterprises, the material may be allocated also by these enterprises. 3. The principal task of the district directorates of the Chamber. of Commerce and Industry and of their county branch offices shall be to bring to bear a political and ideological influence on the owners of private capitalist enterprises with a view to advancing their integration into the socialist build-up. The district directorates of the Chamber of CoMmerce and Industry are supervised by the uistrict councils. The existing county branch offices are supervised by the district directorates'and the county councils. They shall receive their initractions from the councils. 4. The Presidium of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry"d' its orgatts will be abolished. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 1) Date This ordinance shall beco:Ie effective on February 15, 1958. Berlin, February 13, 1958 The Council of Ministers of the German- Democrat1z Republic -Stoph De pity Chairman of the Council of Ministers J smite t zky State Sedre tetry for Local Colincil Affairs ..? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R0022on1Innn_4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 rr. Lorenz ? r.ssner concerning the orgdr:a zuLior. 0: _ne building industry eu rebruary 13, 1958 In carrying out the law of re, ruary lio l''58, concerning the :perfection and simplification of the work of the state organs of , the ,;,.rman Democratic epublic (0ificial jazette I, p. 117) by which the People's Chamber arproved the proposals concerning the r gan i :at ion nr the building in iustry presented to it by the Central CrImittee of the Socialist Unity Party of asnmany and the Council of ? Ministers of the German LAmocratic depublico the following is decreed pursuant to article 16 of said law: A, Central organs and institutions of the building industry and their tasks I. The Ministry of Const-ruction Affairs 1, The Ministry of Reconstruction shall be. converted into a Ministry of Clnstruction Affairs which shall be responsible.for.the uniform direction and supervision of the building industry and the con- sllidation and further development of the socialist es et or of - this industry. It itall carry out all the planning ,of 4Japortanos 4 - to the economic and technical development of the b044inc industry. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ; STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 The Ministry of Conatruction Affairs anall be responsible fors a) the legislation for and the supervieion of the beiiding industry, control of the-p/Sns for the . , , . ; ? ? plan for housini,tionatruction ? and the application of the reeults of reeear4h., '7. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 -3 the union of state-owned enterprises of the building elements and building expansion industry with its seat in Leipzig. l'he establishment of the unions of state-owned enterprises shall be regulated by the Minister of Construction Affairs by means of decrees. The Minister of Construction Affairs shall issue statutes for the uni-ms of state-owned enterprises under the -supervision of the Ministry of Construction Affairs on the basis of the. ordinance concerning the statutes of the unions of state-owned enterprises ? within the scope of the otate Planning Commission. 4. To improve the direction of the building industry, the transfer and take-over of state-owned enterprises of the building and building material industry shall be effected on the basis of annex 1. Deviations from this procedure are subject to approval by'the central operations staff establIghed by. the Council of Ministers. 5. rhe colleges and vocational schools listed in annex 2 shall, be placed under the supervision of the State Secretariat for college and vocational school affairs. The technical management of the colleges and voCational-schools ' supervised by the State Secretariat for colleges and *ational Schools shall be exeiscized by the' Gert. Building,,t of the Ministry of Construction.:Affairsi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A proved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 4 ??? 11. Advisory Boar. tor Construction Affairs 1. he Advisory Board for construction affairs at the Council of Ministers the 4erman 'Amocratic Aepublic will be dissolved and replated by the Advisory Board for consLruction affairs at the Ministry of Cc,nstruction Affairs, .he Advisory Board for construction affairs shall assure the c-ordination of buillirg projects and the continuous contact of the Ministry of Construction Affairs with the construction offices of the local organs of the state -administration aid promote the collective cooperation of all organs of the building industry. 2. rhe Advisory Board for construction affairs shall be composed of representatives of the district councils and other local organs of the state administration, representatives of the building enterprises and of the trade unions, representatives of central state organs and of the German Building Academy. Its chairman shall'be a representative of the Ministry of Construction Affairs. 1+; permanent secretariat of the Advisory Board for construction affairs shall be established at the Ministry of Construction Affairs. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 ? CIA-RDP81 0104:11Rnn99nni ,w-Inna A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 -5 3. The Advisory Board for construction affairs is an advisory- organ. - Its special tasks are as follows: a) the discussion of the plan proposals of the economic and technical development in the field of building, inclusive of the, legal regulations and directives on the investment policy in .thi building industry, b) the rendering of opinions on the research, developAnt and standard? ization project plans as well as the promotion .of ths application -)f research, development and st andaniii et ion project 'risilts in practice, c) the discussion of measures aimed at assuring the- overall building projects, especially places requiring a special building effort and in large cities, ? d) the discussion of the planning of important towns' ind. installations. III. 9 The German..uildin Acade kto. 1. The German Building Academy shall be converted into e:,:conrain- stitution for the research and development in all'fielda-ortheC.. building industry. It shall be the head organiiatiOn..of th'Opet ! important institutions in the field of building.;:::14040.01Mg lOta - the economic plans the German?Building Acidamy-s _ 1.4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ?.? -6 scientific and technological prerequisites for the development of - ihe building industry, in the German Democratic RepWino, It shall , . be responsible for the coordination of Scientific and technological , , activities in the field of building. ' ? .1 2. The Gelman Building Academy shall be supervised. by.1.441: of. . J. Construction Affairs. To assure a close cooperation ,between the. Ministry of Construction Affairs and the German Building Acc4,4, a representative of the presidium of the German Building Academy shall be appoittted as' a member of the Board of. therMinistry of ? , Cmstruction Affairs, while, a leading meiber of the Ministrp-of ? ' ?^ ? Construction Affairs shall become a member of the iresidites of ' ? 644, the German Building Academy. 3. The following instituted controlled by the Ministry Optieophitruction shall be placed under the supervision of the German;7114 .3441#8 .? Institute for t.he?Builcling ,IndustFy inLet 4:3 Institute for- Balding Material." in Vielisei). .,; . - ?.:t . Institute..?for:Ztendardization id' -,'Berlin' ,? . t ,.. .,? ... :. , .:,,,,, .:_-:',4i ...,,,-?...:,?-;,./: ,t..;..i,..t-:-.3-..--,..., ,....-...,';',.. in Halberetedt:And.DrAiiden;:'-'fk - ,...?.,.., :7 ? - The German,Building Exhibition'in -?A ? _ .7, -775TAR ,efAw? of Terilifi. - building i'n hall ?be Leipzig plad under:. ? ? . *.? ? ? ' Gerriv,i-tialdiiig -A ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 re estab1ish7nt of' c.1%.6,-xt.lor c tfe6 in oistrictS, counties ass_ swr ?'ons'rucCon ofr!cec 1. ;Is%rict;,) court-ies and towns . he existing rec %tructi in divisions a.n1 ,he head or chief arcritects: t& loca, organs of tne state administration hall De Inf,rf;e1 and c. it-rted into Lnatorm Jistrict, county and towns :lot under county administration,, .f required, cons, ruction .sffices may be established in county? iiministered towns. .,sne district council will decide upon their establishment. 1. .'istrict construction office ? ;'he district construction office shall be responsible for a uniform the control of building activities in the district and be under the supervision of the district. council. It shall be responsible _ for building projects in the district oh the basis of key figures of the economic council at the district council. The district construction office shall be responsible for the guidance of the district enterprises and institutions under its 'supervidiOn, as well as for the technical direction of the district and, town construction offices. Moreover, it shall be responsible for Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 4 he technical and designing problems of the regional planning, as well as for the overall planning, building projects, preparation and carrying out of large-scale building projects in the district. The district construction office shall be supervised br-the have dist,rict director of construction affairs who will iisodrititbuttlx. a deputy. In technical questions, the district construction office will be advised by the Ministry of Construction Affairs. The. district director of construction affairs is a member of the economic council with the district council. 2. County construction office The county construction office shall be responsible for a uniform the guidance and. control of .building activities in the county. It shall carry out the planning and the control of the building industry in . the county on the basis of key figures of tt2e planning ccend.ssion with, the county council. The county construction off ioa shall be ? responsible for the direction of enterprises and institutions under its supervision, as well as of the town construction 'OffioSis? of,the - county. The 'county construction office shall be also respotis'. ;,ibis ? for the overall planning, projects, the preparation- tuid carrying Out , ? '.44et of the blinding projects in the county. The county conOViU4i*,=OifiOs shall be supervised by the county director of construction .affairs - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 a -9 - who will have a deputy. The county director of construction affairs will be under the supervision of the county council and ?be .advised in technical questions by the district construction office.. The . . ? county director of construction affairs is a member of -.the 'planning commission at the county council. The county building adthini, .stration offices shall take care of the planning and the investment: building cnntrolfoi all building measures taken by the county with the except- ion nf large-scale compounds to be decided upon by the district cnnstruction office. Smaller project groups shall be ettsblished for designing purposes at the county building administration offices. In counties Wnd towns in which there exist the prerequisites for the establishment of designing offices of their owns the iatteie shill be . established and incorporated into the county building:adiSinistration offices. The establishment of these offices -is iiibaisc;t; to, ci,Ireision by the district construction office. 3. Construction Office in towns not under county administration The tasks and the structure of the construction offices. in towns. ?? ? - not under county administration shall be established sii1ar to county construction offices. The town constr4otion.offitoss.'shii.13. , . be controlled by a director of town construction:iff04*.:Who;Will*:, , %.= be under:thoHiupervision of the city council and ?????????.????????11 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 10 - technical questions by the district construction offico. Re 'is a -meMber Of the planning commission at the town council and ?has a deputy. . ? , . In counties of particular importance, as for instance-In.large , - district towns, the structure of the construction OffiaOhal.l-bs . adapted to that of the district construction office: ". In largp cities with 'city boroughs, borough conitrUction offices ? shall be established. The tasks of the borough conebrUOtiop.ciffices are similar to those of the construction ?Moss 1.6-ifi:adadilistered 'f towns. 4. Town Construction Office in count -ackinistered ; Construction offices can be established in count. ? bCa towns, The town construction office 8111 be - of construction affairs under thh supervision of t6ig _ and advised in technical questions by the 'Ounty1c*:'4 The county oouricil shall decide c4;the establiih*On - ? constrUO4Onsoffia . , ???.? ? ??? ????iK?4141,41.4 ?? 4.?.? * Ver?a?11.1.14 Ir.'eA.,FA0';'' ? A , err 7.44 il*"' Fox...the jolution, ,of ; . talkti ? . ? , . , Cal ik econamiC.counail s advisOvPr 11.????????:. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 C. The State Supervision of Construction In the interest of a strict construction control by the state ?? supervision authorities, the designing offices and construction enterprises shall be relieved of their duty ofcontrolling the quality of Construction. The state supervispn of conetrpction ? ? shall constitute the exclusive task of the organs of the,;stats administration. The Ministry of Construction Affairs shall guarantee - a uniform supervision of constriction activities in the.Cierman_. Democratic Republic. Da ? 1 The teaks of planning and material supplying tithe fieltt of building and construction I. Plarinityf 1. The Ministry of Construction AiTaire shall.woik 'mkt directive for the annual plan proposals on the basis of the r+, basic economic conception. This directive shalt' - economic most important/key figures of all parts of the submitted to the State Planning Calmission-fOspp . ? . 2. The Ministry of-ConitruatIon Affairs shall ;r?464 ?,. State Planning Commission the...key Tiguris ?dote . ? , _ z -? approve.? -a -diisci _ % 7- s!, for the unions Ot'steto ow* ?;w:. .under, its superviion, as wellc-?asii;Or ???"' ti+,4,0W+ f+ ? , Xr-N4t4g t-'4: 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 rhe district construction offices will receive from the,Stlite . ? s" 111 4?';?7. _Planning Commission ? through the district council -? the; posit:t.' ? : f ? ? ? " Important key figures for the local building industry: ? ?. . , , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? 13 - 4. The State Planning Commission will turn over to the Miniift.?17.0 Construction. Affairs, as state tasks, the approved kierfigures e , for the unions of state-owned enterprises under its iupsrviiioti, a? tI ? r as well as for the industrial construction.and-bidatii djvision SiMultaneously, the Ministry Of Construi446d4ifsi*s ? will be informed of the state tasks assigned to the. district qpuncils,. The State Planning Commission will forward the state tisks to? p, the district councils. : 5. The county councils shall receive the approved planninglakake. f:com ths district 4 6. The Ministry of Construction Affairs shall itOrk in, . 50. ? with the district construction oftices on all quesO.Cok 0 the plan implementation and control.. The scope .of competence of the ginieter of Construetica'- , in carrying out building industry plans ia detirstine, .? Sf January 17, 1957 concerning _the:104.1 ;organs ot,t administration (off*-4.naz4t,...4f page 65 7. In elaborating district, plans,- the, t , - - ? ? J It ? a shall require the 'el*UpPc'it' of. the is riots ' . of the Gerinan Building?; - , , ? ? 4?4?????????????3 4.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 14 LT ply of Material 1. The planning and supplying of material shall be carried out in accordance with the building volume and on the basis of directions from the State Planning Commission with regard to the details of _planning and distribution of material for the individual.eara. 2. The 'Ministry of Construction Affairs Shall be directly responsible for the planning and the supply of material to the union- s of state- owned enterprises under its supervision and to the industria.l. construction-and-designing division. 3. The Ministry of Construction Affairs shall submit to the State ^ Planning Commission the material requirements' plan elaborated . in cooperation with the district construction officeiii% the**. -of state-owned enterprises and the industrial construction-and- designing division. 4. The planning 'and supplying of material shall be carried:0W for all basic and auxiliary mateilkals, for equipmenti;inclUsiie of steel constructions, and. for imports. 5..The Ministry of Construction Affairs shall balance materials whiCh have not been balanced- 4, the ? 2 oa....r..????????.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ;,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 211'5 ? with regard to quantities and assortments, shall determine their listribution and guarantee %he realization of the production. 6. -en the basis of this accounting, the Ministry of Construction Affairs will forward the plan concerning the supply of building materials to the district councils in accordance. with their building vnlume and guarantee the inter2distriot SUPply-tif building materials. 7. The district councils shall decide, on their own responsibility, upon the purpose of use and the distribution of building materials to the county councils. 8. The district councils shall see to it that the export business and the supply- of districts be given priority. 9. Building materials which have been produced in local enterprises in excess of state tasks, as well as those obtained by making ? * ? - local reserves accessible, will be made available to -tbe district council to a 'full extent. .? 10. The quantities of building material determined for.usCOt,the : ? ,. ? . population shall be distributed by the district orcounty councils to the consimities with consideration being given.. to the':cooperation ? of .acti/iiitsi groups of Permanent Commissions at 'tbiAoseiple s representatives' body. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 U. Acenrding to the directions by local:organs, the state-owned enterprises "Building material supply", being under the super- vision of the district councils, shall be responsible for the overall operative supply of the territorial building activities with building materials. 12. As a rule, the building materials shall be supplied by direct relations between the production enterprises and the customers. . . 13. Tr, guarantee the supply of building materials for Wilding projects of particular importance, a dispatcher service Shall be established Effective Date This ordinance shall be.come effective as of Februart 15,_1958. Stoph Deputy Chairman pf the Council ,of Ministers The Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic tljnkler Minister of Reconstruction Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ORDINANCE concerning the statutes of the unions of state-owned enterprises operating under the State Planning Commission Dated February 13, 1958 Ti'. Lorenz In carrying out the law of February 11? 1958, concerning the perfect- ion and simplification of the work of the state organs in theGerm= Democratic Republic (Official Gazette I. p. 117) by whish the Peoples Chamber approved the proposals concerning the statute of the unions of state-owned enterprises operating under the State Punning ammission presented to it by the Central Committee of the Soeiabiet,Unity Party of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the German Diliotratiork , Republic, the following is decreed pursuant to artiele16-ii,said I. The State Planning Commission shall issue a statute?for?tech.Of the unions of state-owned enterprises under its jurisdiction, in accordance with the following principles. 11. To simplify and perfect the direction of the stater -state-owned enierpriies and for the furthers. anf6Sa' , enterprises havabeen,astablished. Ille unity-of'thi ... Aaqiil: . : ? . ,.--, STAT ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R00220013onns-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ; - 2 - iirection and of the coc4-]lat lemocracy0 the management of the industry at, tne p-,duction basis and the viol, nd =bureaucratic evaluation of the experie.ce) ' will renp-,sall hnd criticism by the workers and the technical intelligentsiVenabls t_he uri-rs of state-owned enterprises to raise tre relations between thn Pc -Lc-rgans and the wcr-ine people a-i their organizations to a higher le-el cnrresponding to prodiction conditions in the Ger.' lee-,cretic depublic, Tte ,Inions of the state-oweei e....terp-ises are organs of the workers-and- flrmr-power which, in ancordance with the principle of individual managelzent and the collectivity of labor insure the operative direction of the entire ennnomic activities of the enterprises under their supervision in close cooperation with the local organs or the State. Legal Status and Seat of the Unions of State-Owned Enterprises Article 1 (1) The union of state-0-.:ned enterprises is the leading economic orgain for the ? enterprises and institutions under its jurisdiction. (2) It shall be responsible for the economic and political developmeni, of the enterprises and institutions under its jurisdiction. _ (3) The enterprises are juridically independent and operate under their own responsibility. (1) In the fulfilment of its tasks, the union of state-ollned ente'rprises shall cnn-perate with the social organizations, especially with the.trads unions as the rianizations of the workers, employees and technical intelligentsia. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Amiclo 2 (1) The union of state-owned enterprises is a juristic person under division the jurisdiction of the competent =Mt= of the State Planning Orsmmission. (2) The union of state-owned enterprises shall establish its plan of receipts and expenditures wtioh has to be confirmed by the Ministry of Finance. (3) The seat of the union of state-owned enterprises Shall be dater mined by the State 131anning Commission. The Tasks of the Unions of State-Owned Enterprises Article 3 (1) The union of state-owned enterprises shall supervise the enter- prises and institutions under its jurisdiction. (2) The union of state-owned enterprises may be Charged by the State Planning Commission with certain accurately defined functions and tasks on behalf of the locally administered enterprises, if required for economic reasons and for the simplification of work. If charged with tasks of this kind, the union of state-bwned enterprises shall carry them out in agreement with the local state organs and, with their con- sent, with the locally administered enterprises. promotion - (3) The union of state-owned enterprises shall'insir-1 ?thit tabbing* of the economic laws of socialism and the carrying- out?Of ?the? tasks set Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 4 - f-'r the sodalist build-up within the field of activities. (4) The union of state-owned enterprises shall, on the basis of the state plans, elaborate the plans fo:. the development of the enterprises arid institutions under its jurisdiction and insure their fulfilment. (5) The union of state-owned enterprises shall coordinate the cooperation ni the enterprises and institutions under its jurisdiction, while furnishing them with comprehensive operative assistance. Article 4 (1) The union of state-owned enterprises shall supervise the planning of the enterprises, the comprisal of the plans of the enterprises and the elaboration of the plan of the union of state-owned enterprites. The'planning of the union of state-owned enterprises shall comprise the erConomic develop- -ments, above all the plans relating to production, material, capital invest- ment, manpower and finance as well as the research and developaient planning nf the enterprises under its jurisdiction. It shall carry out this task on the basis of the independent planning of the enterprises and after a thorough discussion with the factory staffs. The plans elaborated by the ? union of state-owned enterprises shall be submitted to the State Planning Commission for decision. The interests of the workers shall 1170 safeguarded by discussions with the central el.cecutive board of the v4mpetent industrial trade union. ???????????"..m.....1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 _ 5 - (2% The union of state-owned enttrprises shall elaborate the long- term plans for the economic and technical development of the enterprises under its jurisdiction, based on the economic directives by the State Planning Commission, as well as the economies of the industrial branch. concerned. (3) The union of state-owned enterprises shall carry out operative plan controls) assist the enterprises in the elimination of .difficulties, make available satisfactory experiences and methods to other enterprises, erganize socialist aid and cause comparisons to be made between the enterprises with the aim of fulfilling and overfulfilling the plane and. of insuring the increase in the work productivity and profitableness of the enterprises. (4) To fulfill the plans and to increase the work productiiity? the union of state-owned enterprises shall promote the contest and activists movement and control the carrying out of the technical and organization- al plans of the enterprises. Article 5 (1) The union of state-owned enterprises shall allocate the material quotas to the enterprises and institutions. It shall be responsible also for the cqnfirmation and control of the observanci Of the material consumption and 'supply norms, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 The union of state-owned enterprises may determine the procure- ment and storage of certain paterial and equipment within its field of activities. It shall organize the most rational form of utilization of the material stocks and equipment in the enterprises under its Juries,. diction. (3) The cooperation with other unions of state-owned enterprise shall be insured by means of contracts, global agreements or global cnntracts. (4) The union of state-owned enterprises shall assist the enterprises in the conclusion of contracts concerning the procurement of the raw and aubstitute materials to be processed by them. It may conclude global agreements and global contracts concerning the procurement of materials and finished products. (5) The union of state-awned enterprises shall assist the enterprises under its juriddittion in the marketing of their products. If required - fer economic reasons or for the simplification of work, the union 'of state- owned enterprises may be charged by the State Planning Commission with marketing certain products itself or forming independent marketing orga- nizitions for this purpose. Article-6 (1) The union of state-owned enterprises shall insure the introduction Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 416 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ?,?IP -f new methods of engineeri:g, th5 conttuoas perfection of technology, re prnmotion of the rationalizationg invention and suggestion systems as well as the application and enforcemant of new working methods and the further improvement of the work organization at the enterprise, (21 For the solution of technical and scientific tasks, especially in the field of basic researcn, the anion of state?owned enterprises may cnnllude service contracts (contract research) with other insti? tLtions, as, for instance, with university institutes. (3) To improve the technology and work organization, the union of atate?owned enterprises may organize the formation of collective work groups from among the socialist enterprises and, for the advancement of the rationalization system, enlist the aid of technical collective -1.nrk groups, especially of rationalization experts and innovators* Article 7 (1) The union of state?owned enterprises shall be responsible for vocational the special and technical development of the colleges 'and mexpoittima schools of its branch of activities. It shall see to it that the vocational training is carried out in accordance with the highest Standards of sctence and engineering, insure the-close.dOcTeration vocational 'between the colleges andiepobocioea. schools on the one hand and the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 .a.Lurlig Pr+ he- d i?8:3 Ln :he practical tra'--- .4ents at the en?-rpr-s, ail c?-zh e cooperation of t )11es aid vo-atio-al ::1, evel pTent of the oranoh , r ?1.i-tor concerned ahJ ,5-5. -* z.7f..ttE, of the universities. dnd vocatio-al ,o1- :reacqisit..oh of up-to-date machinery e ..13;me-11 samples and object models e union stat.e erterpr!ses srall oe responsible for the -t so:entific and technical ,-r3 rs, it. sha 1 1 es ro,q tmert and ihvelopment plans fcr clentific and -,ectr.ical r tne en:erprises of its field of tiv1ties. It shall organtzA 1:14cLng ): graduates, the assignment of ercireers, economisr ard --heir further professional -1 ,atio in : he brahch of pre, oncerned. -he union of stat.s-ownee e7te-pr.:..se8 shall be responsible for tne, g..1t-lance of the enterprise, i- 'lest iors rele,irg to the vocational training of apprentices in accorddlce wit- economic and technical require- ments. It shall exercize its influence or the compilation of the technical cf-nfents of the curricula jr 7 lie vocational training of apprentices and the echnical qualification of the workers. 0?????????-".."..3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 4 -.9 Article 8 The further tasks of the union of state-owned enterprises include in particular: 1. the elaboration of the long-term plan of the bransh of production under its jurisdiction; 2, the control of the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by the factory managements in the collective factory agreements in cooperation with the competent industrial trade union; 3. the assistainee to be rendered to the industrial trade union in the organization of inter-factory contests and of contests in- volving tasks of special importance as well as in the exchange of experience; . 4. the guidance of the enterprises in the appliotioci laws the contra. of the enforcement of the genera contract ? system as well as the control of the application and observaboe of legal norms; 5. the decision in cases of differences of opinion ridialting from contracts concluded between t1 enterprises under'.its jurisdict- ion; 6. the guidance and control of the enterprises in the carrying ottt of measures relating to the patent and trade marks liar; - 7. the protection of socialist property at the enterpriSes; - 8. the promotion of the export and assurance of.the'fUlfilment-of the export obligations entered into9 the cooperatu.t'Oxiwith the foreign trade organs; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 4 0.0 10 9, he decision on measures aimed at increasing technical standards and the quality of production; 10. the decision measures for the protection of labor; 11. the control of the observance of the legal wage principles, of the wage and salary schedules agreed upon in the collective skeleton agreement and the correct application of the efficiency wage principle on the basis of the technically motivated work norms and time wags premium systems; 12. the simplification and uniformity of the accounting system of the enterprises, the improvement of office organization and technique; 13. the assurance, and control of the observance of the directives re? lating to the price policy and the cooperation in the field of price formation; 14. the assurance of the elaboration and application of technical and , economic key figures; 15. the development, assignment and promotion of cadres. Management of the unions of state?owned enterprises Article 9 (1) The management of the unions of state?Owned enterp;$10 ,shall be 3 , . effected in steady cooperation with the working people and their organi? zations and in following the prindiple of individual responsibility. _ ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 11- (2) The union of state-owned enterprises is headed by the chief director who is appointed anc lismissed by he State Planning Commission? (3) The chief director shall De responsible, and liable to render accounts, to the State Planning Commission for th.t political,.economic and -.)rganizational activities of tte union of state-owned enterprises and of '.he enterprises and instit...tions ander its jurisdiction? (4) The chief director is authorized to give directions to the enter,- prises controlled by the union of state-owned enterprises. (5) The chief director shall rJe responsible for the appointment and dismissal of the directors of the enterprises, of their deputies and of the chief accountants, unless the State Planning has reserved the right of appointing the direotors to itself. (6) The chiefs of the other institutions controlled by the union of stater_owned enterprises shall be appointed and dismissed by the State Planning Commission. The State Planning Commission may allow exceptions to this rule. ( ) In his decisions the chief director shall be bound by the laws and plans in effect and by the instructions received from the State Planning Commission. ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 32 Art4cle 10 (I) If prevented from carrying out his duties, the chief director shall be represented by the division Chiefs of the union of state? owned enterprises. The order of consecution shall bp determihed by the chief director. (2) The division chiefs shall be appointed and dismissed by the .State Planning Commission after consultation with the chief director. Article 11 The chief of the industrial maagement and finance contrpl division shall also discharge the functions Of a chief accouCtant_. Article 12 (1) To insure tha collective discussion of the bacii,questions of the development and direction of the branch of produCtiOni a coun on technical. and economic affairs shall be established at oich union of stateowned enterprises. The council on technical and economic affairs shall be composed of factory managers, scientists "and production orkanitation exPerci represents* industrial trade widom as well as Of reprepettliti heleibil state organs (above a..11 of tbe 0. concede 'counibt at the- di-160k ? and not Consist of'mOre than.15'45embers4' 17.104.4k vkA?Ata,?-4.,?ari...? 4????,.? ?????-? ? -1?? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 13 (2) The members of the council on technical and economic affairs shall be appointed by the chief director of the union of state-owned enterprises. The representatives of the competent industrial trade union shall be proposed by the central executive board of that?union. (3) The council on technical and economic affairs shall establish its own working procedure within the framework of the principles determined by the State Planning Commission; operate on the basis. of plans established for each quarter of the year and convene at least once a month. The chief director shall also be the chairman of the council on technical and economic affairs. Article 13 The structure of the union of state-owned enterprises, The structure of the union of state-owned enterprise Shall be sUbject the structural plan approlied by the State Planning *Mission. The working methods of the ugass or stats;owned ontetpkiies ArtiOls 14 managemes ' (1) To realize the principles of socialistAdiANISiiiii4 the unipn ? of state-owned enterprises shall further primarUy thelA4SirS,40000erstion of the working people and of the trade unions In the *igen* of the branch of industry and of the enterprises under -its iiirii4i..4404be principal Methods of this way of working are: 4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A proved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 14 a) the annual conclusion of the collective factory'agreements'aad the control of the fulfilment of the obligations Contained in these agreements; b) the promotion of all forms of socialist competition mad the application of the innovator methods in close 000peration with the competent industrial trade union; c) the furthering of such forms of the participation of the working people in the direction of the ecohomy as, for instanee, product- ion,consultations? activist planning groups, oommiesions of activists and other activists, groups or commissions on special tasks; d) the preparation and organization of technical and edonomic conferences at the enterprises and industrial branches in Olhie OooporttiOn with the competent industrial trade..union and with the treads Union organizations at the enterpriiee. The union of statisowned enterprises shipi,11 see to ittisiWthit dedisions taken during the production' consultations and economic OOOSOfenies'are carried out and the collective factory agreements coneludeein time: ' (2) The responsible economic -functionaries shall reociei:i0ountito the working people in meetings and trade union conferm40.**Oi 41iilment ? ? collective of the/faitory agreements and of the deoittiOas tab!" imemignat"ic"04?Imaicelm"--141-21*-1111 oE? A?,. (3) To maintain...steal:4r relations between the of statWowned entorpriees and thesOnte dalmelas, ? i::.1.4?%-41:.4e;T'Aiintxtt asi: and r - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 CIA R P 1_ nn onnnr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 119 rrA. 4 - 15 - cratic elimination of obstacles in the carrying out of the plans, regular factory consultations, discussions with the workers and the active participation in meetings and conferences shall be arranged? The economic functionaries shall exhaust every possibility of explain- ing to the workers the economic conditions as relating to the individual tasks of the enterprises. Article 15 The union of state-owned enterprises shall see to it that the rights bestowed on the factory managers by law snail become fully effective and that the factory managers are enabled to assume further rights. Article 16 The chief director may entrust the fulfilment of certain tasks of - the union of state-owned enterprises to an enterprise having the status of a leading enterprise. In this case the director of the leading enter prise shall be authorized to give instruction to the other enterprises. Article 17 (1) The appointment of the staff, the work distribution and the work- ing methods of the vnion of state-owned enterprises shall be regulated by the job classification plan, the work distribution plan and work procedure of the state-owned enterprises. s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 - 0 ?16? (2) The work procedure shall be established by the union of state- owned enterprises within the framework of the principles determined by the State Planning Commission. Article 18 The union of state-owned enterprises shall insure a close cooperation with the local organs in all cases in which the development of the centrally administered enterprises requires that consideration be given to territorial points of view. This applies in particular to the planning and carrying out of capital investments, the cooperation with the local industry, the distribution of manpower; the sonial and cultural care extended to the working people, the organization Of traffic to and from work eto. .Article 19 Representation in legal businesis (1) In legal business the union of state-owned enterpriees.shall be represented by its chief director. If the chief director is prevented from carryingout this function, the representation will be,regulated pursuant to article 100 section 1. , (2) The division chiefs are authorized to represent the unitn of state-owned enterprises within their scope of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 0 '-e ?.? -1 t-tA-pr"see and c..%nolr . 'te writtor. *.".em t, ? :le: .1"e ? acn icjlv cua. ase, a.. -fect.Lie o 15, 1958c 1" A -et ruary _ LL,) ? p r.,i y ealrman ? , e ?eferred to in Part, I., -,- 3 ap ?i,y to all 'anions of 'le State Planal...g . ti." '..F..%ers of the .:-!--na? 72; 1,1 ut a_ mar. nft m! I '.3ommassi on Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 "t1 ? ORDINANCE lr. Lorenz concerning .the balan,ing and distribution. of production media i Dated February 13, 1958 In carrying out the law of February 11, 1958, conoerning the perfection and simplification of the work of the state organs in the German Dmmocratic Republic (Official Gazette I, p.117) by which the People's Chamber approved the proposals presented to it by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic, the following is decreed pursuant to article 16 of said law: ? I. Basic tasks The State Planning Commission shall be responsiblei"foF,the fixing of the methodical principles of the planning, balancing and distribution of the supply of material, the organization of sales, the activities involving the technical and economic key figures and norms-in the ? material econmy as well as for the organization and Centrally controlled f, enforcement of the utmost economy in the consumpti.on stocks-keeping and appropriate utilization ormaterial. U. Balancing of Material The State Planning Comission shall effect the balancing of the - _ ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 1 Si material procured from all sources and its distribution to the various branches of the economy and fields of application so insure a correct proportional Allocation of the raw materiali material and equipment important to the economy. To thie end it must have a direct influence on the amount of the total resoUrces (production and foreign trade) in accordance with the overall requirements of the economy and insure the coordination of the balances of material. rhe balances shall be made up within the scope.of4,he state plan nomenclature. The balances shall show the total-receitorts'of the economy from the domestic production and imports as well as the changes in stocks. The otisTes in stocks must be accorded greate,r,attentiCn --in order to neutralize any tendency towards the acoilMulation and - , retention of material which will not be required for the produotion effort of the enterprises within a rePsonable futuriTo this end the stocks of material must be included in any general'or-spacified new _ balance. The supplies available 4 the enterprise shall be.given - consideration in the establishment of the supply,plaz*V., Ay available -stocks of material exceeding requirements for th?l.ssned production shall, as a rule, be removed and. 'either be allOelate 1 ?. othst enterprisee ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 3 with a short supply of these mai erials or be stored in central ware- houses , The making ui of the state material balances may be entrusted to . ? - the central organs (bureaus or central control organs for the supply -f the economy with production media) or to the unions of state-owned enterprises, economic councils at the district councils or to the 0,.nterprises. Planning of the supply of material The State Planning Commission shall be responsible for the planning of the supply of the various branches of the economy with the material shr,wn to be available in the balances, with the planning to be effected at the same time on the basis of spheres of competence., as, for instance, ? ? Ministries, district councils and unions of state-owned enterprises. Tasks Concerning, the praCtieal implement ation of the supply of material 1. The material supply plans shall, as a rulej be realized by the enterprises or the union a of, state-owned enterprises,direAly: The - - of dire6tde2aiiiieF from one enterprise to relations between one union of state-.owned enterprisesand another is to be followed to the largest possible extent,. This requires the - , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A proved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? 4. - 4 - PnTprehensive application of the General Contract System of the socialisi. - economy and its supervision and continuous control by the organs charged with the direction of the enterprises. The Balancing and Production ? , Media Distribution Division of the State Planning Commission shall in particular be charged wit the operative decision concerning the special problems resulting from the material balances during the implementation process and with all other questions relating to the distribution of material reserves as far as they are of importance to the fulfilment of the economy plan, In this connection the ,Balancing and Production Media Distribution Division shall have'the right to issue directives to the economic councils at the district - councils, tn the unions of state-owned enterprises and to the offi0e or trade organs handling production media. 2. In carrying ,out these operative functions, the Balancing and ProdUction Media Distribution Division shall base its activities,. on the-folbowing marketing and supply organs Which are tote reamed Iton t4a: marketing _ nrgans bf the ministries ataxemakkir to be dissolved:Or_fidm.the.central _ . .aanagements of the existing marketing and supply ei.gin COAL BUREAU ? (except the state?owiied Coal trade enterprise su distriCt:counCils) METALLURGY 'BUREAU,,. CASTINGS-ANDTORGINGS, FFICE- . ; Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 ? CIA-RDP81 0104:11Rnn99nni ,w-Inna A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 -5 CHEYISTRY BUREAU (responsible also for the supply of the economy with rubber and asbestns) MACMERY BUREAU ihe existing exchange bureau for machinery and metal made a part of the Machine Bureau.. fertilizers, reserves shall The Machine Bureau shall also exercize coordinating functions in the exp,,rt nf complete industrial installations, INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES SUPPLY BnEAU LEATHER SUPPLY BUREAU (responsible also for raw hides and skins) (.;ELLUIOSE AND PAPER SUPPLY BUREAU- TIMBER BUREAU 3. These bureaus or central distribution organs for the supply of the economy with production media as well as the Central Energy-Control ,NPam Cffice, the Chief Load Dispatcher, the Central Heat Edoncimy Office, , the State:-Owned Minol Enterprise and the State Trade Center for scrap material are under the supervision of the Balancing and Production Media Distribution Division of the State Planning Commission . responsible for the planning, direction and conttol of the activities of these bureaus or,central distribution organs.' central 'distribution orgails operate under the :principle , r. may be budgtaxjF41stions or - ? Aits'or of bupiness accountid Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 The dispateher system shall be introduced at the Balancing and Production Media Distribution Division and at the bprea4 or central distribution offices for the supply of the economy wit:h,productioq. media. The dispatching ayAtem must be closely oonnectiCto the . A dispatching services df the unions of state-owned enterprises and the economic councils at the district councile.;. V. The tasks of the bureaus or central distribution or p21L_IwmyitF_LpLdia rforthesuoftheecor'oductionsie 1. The making up of the state material balances and the independent fulfilment of all pertinent operative t'asks relatinito the- unions Of etateowned enterprises, the economicbcdit** the district councils and the economic organs -in ther,OitTi6te with the aim of enabling the enterprises to maintairOt..continUous production, as far as these tasks cannot be solved bytheie, organs themdelves:, 2. The making up of specified balances to insure the supply.df4he .) economy with special and prePirli'assoried4materia .as fer-as this cannot be aChieved by the CintraI-organe,Ci: administration.thelihiOns of-st:atikowned enterip Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 ? 'r -7 technical and uconomic requirements. 4, The discovery of matPrinl reslrves to improve th6 supply of the entPrprises with material an to inr..reAoe t'le state stochdile. The fmmishin, of directives to the supervised wholesale enter,- prises. 6. The organization of sales in fhe various branches of the economy 4 (for instance, by determining general delivery and service conditions), . In the machine construction branch, the following tasks will have tn be solved: a) Assistance in the delivery of complete industrial installations; b) the operative steering of allocations of tif;) 4;i1;71ani ? Items t, the machine construction industry with a'yiew to eliminating any exiating bottlenecks; e) th+ez.allocation of material within the machine-Construcion industry fox' the purpose of insuring a continuous.produgtione VI. The district-administered and local economy within the system of the material economy The State Planning Commission shall furnish the,counal Of a district , with its supply plan concerning the production mediwto be-made available, to it from the utate material reeerve,for,the-444 f the - district-administered and local economy. Ilr?maam???.rm???=5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02: CIA-RDP81-01043Roo22nn1 fInnnq_A ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4 4151 - A - Jr"."10111111111"..P. ? The districts not orlvdeliv.-r but also purchase goods subject to the nomenclature of the state plan and, hence, to the central iiqtribution system. As regards the material reserves subject to the central distribution system in accordance with state plan nomenclature, it has tc be considered on principle that only the surplu- quotas of centrally administered goods concerned are subject to the central distribution regulations. The district shall make itc actual or assorted production surplus available to the central distribution system. In this any unnecessary transports from one district to another -shall be avoided. Phis applies in particular to the agricultural ' pr-duction media and to building material and timber. The private .industry and handicrafts shall be sup lied production media and material by the councils of the districts or counties, respectively. Lffective date ; - , This ordinance shall become effective on -FebruarY]51 Berlin, Fobruary-13, 1958 . ., _? .-- - , The Council-of Ministers ' - of the G.irman'L'emoiiiatib Reialic , . Stoph, Deputy ChairMan . - - biOners-Chaiiman . of-the Council of Ministers of theltitClaihnink Commission ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200130005-4