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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040014-2 -14 Deputy Director of Logistics Chief, Printing Services Division, OL Increase in Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Publications 29 Septenber 1967 1. For several years there have been numerous inquiries made regarding the possibility of very sizeable increases in the amount of breign Broadcast Information Service material ?printed in the six daily reports. There seems to be a strong feeling among some DDI officIsls that the amount of material produced in the FBIS daily reports should be substantially increased. Several plans have been investigated, including one to have the White Book or Voice printed by the Government Printing Office and sold by the Superintendent of Documents on a subscription basis. This fell through because of the excessive cost to the Agency as GPO insisted tbat we would have to pay prepress cbarges. These charges would run more than the cost of the entire production of the becks by the Agency. a. Other conversations have been held with Paul Wrel and . FBIS people about different plans to increase the amount of this. material printed by the Printing Services Division. Each of these ? discussions brought the same conclusions, i.e., PSD can no longer absorb additional FBIS workloads without more personnel or overtime. Mese discussions were always concluded with my taking the position that the next move is up to DDI -- tell us what you want and we will tell you-what we can do about it. 3. The only definite action to resat from all of these discussions was when the DDS telephoned me on 7 ',larch 1947 to tell ne that Proctor had complained about insufficient FBIS material.being produced and ordered me to accept up to 35 addi- tional pages per day and resort to overtime if required to do this. Fortunately, FBIS has not been able to reach this produc- tion very often and only 97 hours of overtime have been required for this work since last May. 4. The last feeler I had on this matter was several months ago when of FBIS called to say that Bore? was pushing hard for a substantial increase in FBIS material. Be said that Borel was tAlking about the possibility of issuing a White. Book , ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040014-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040014-2 SUBJBOTt Increase in Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Publications for each of the basic publications instead of the single White Book now issued. I told that we could handle this only SI-AT vith a substantial increase in personnel. said that his SI-AT call vas just to alert me and I have heard no more about this. 5. The attached tabulation showing the increases in FELS production over the past year clearly indicates that we long ago reached the saturation point. We just can't do anymore with the eight personnel assigned to this work. If there is to be an increase in this material we can print it, but only with addi- tional personnel. I cannot make any definite estimates of the number of personnel needed until I am given specific regairements. I have never received anything approaching this -- (ally feelers. 6. There are mechanical limitations which have to be consid- ered LiztplanniAg increases in PBMS work. The gathering 'machine used in this operation has a 96-page capacity. This limits FB1S books to 96 pages. Only complete books can be gathered on this machine as the books are gathered, stapled, and folded in a hiagla operation. If, therefore, there is an increase in the number of books (such as five White Books instead of one) we would have to lengthen the work time on this machine by stagger- ing shifts. This requires additional personnel. We have already increased the press capacity in this operation and with additional personnel (to make possible staggered shifts) we could handle any increase asked. Att Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - OL/PSD (Official) OL/PSD (29 Sep 67) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040014-2 STAT STAT' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040014-2 PITACEMENT SAINPUNG OF EMBERS OF PAGES AM COPIES OF FBIS DAILY REPORTS TO SIM INCREASE DURIPG PAST YEAR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040014-2 ?saes Copies #3. Voice 92 880 72 892 80 900 92 892 84 894 #2 Latin 24 622 36 627 32 635 32 6145 32 647 America #3 Far eo 857 92 865 40 873 36 93.6 4o 878 East Ii- Asia & Pacific Far East 1 40 0 0 0 60 873 60 888 72 8e1 Comm. China #4 USSR & 88 860 96 862 96 868 84 879 96 914 East Europe #5 Middle 64 731 68 723 75 723 68 748 68 708 East, Africa & West Darope TP1 3,950 3,j69 T3.5 4,877 372 4,968 392 4922 * Publication began bbarch 1967 NOTE: In addition to the above production, FELS requires an average of six special reports per month. These average 50 pages and 38,500 press tgaressions. This work is done by the same crew that produces the Daily Reports Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040014-2