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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 _ CEav.,^.N !C` KEHIPLIC AND LLECIMOWICS 1i4.141ING ORGANIZATIONS (Organizations pertinent to net:trout:So Communloations, Physics, and Geophysics science planning.) WARNING This docqmeut cont.:1111e information affecting the national dtferwi c,f the Unitad States, within the meant:1g of TZtle 1A, Sections 797!? and 794, of tha U.S., Coda, as amended- Its transmission or reve/ation of its contentv In any manner to or receipt tty an unauthorized pereon if prohibited by law. TIAL Document No. 00 . NO CHANGE in Class. 0 E] DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDAG. 77/1763 IE Date: yz II 24413 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , , , , , : - -.?. ? 50X1 , nylp_pr CON112 SWZCT IATI A - 1.11TULUlTION:. rignre A-1:-Genera1 Outline f t.h1s ?tudy. ???????????????? Pi- P.'07,TIAL t.A.-GAIIICATION OF '.1'1*MATI 1.0-'.0CFATIC R.1.74-17,PLIC 14-1.: Partial Organization of ODR,qovernment - - Unita of interept to Electronicsf CommunicationS,. Physics, and Geophytics - STATE PLAWING COMMISSION Fip..are C-17 Organization of State Planning Commispion Figure 0-2 Fire C-1: F7.-.7.-ire 0-4= Fig'Are ngurc Figure Units AsPOCiated-with State iAlailainz CommissionlIn addition -to Zentralamt fuer Forschung und Technilej Math Denartbents of State Planning i7.11m4ap.sion Central Office for Repenrch and TPennologY Derartments of ZAFT (lentral'Offico for Re'..?earch and TechnO1o4y,) Technin1 p(?velorment, Mir Derartment, Research nnd Development AAFT Central.Offiefr Repeartth. and Teo.hnOlogya Scientific-Technical Committees k ? Organizati,ous under Chief of.ZAFT MINISTRY OF MACEINF CONSTRWITION Figure . - 1)-1: Ministry- of Mantline Construction ? ? Fi,nre VPPs'lftider-the 6 Administrations of the: Ministry for Maollirm ConstruotIon . F1(7.1re D-17. Organization of RawAverwaItung tiektiT- ? techaik D-6.: Offices of the Houptverwaltung Elektro- ? technik * T hie D-1: Units Conoeinedwith ElectrOnics E1e?Arotpc4nology ^ PAGL A-1 C...1 , ' ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 PAGE PART E - PARTIAL ORGANIZATION OP MINISTRY OF IETTRIOR E-1 Figure E4: Partial Organisation of Minietry of Interior Figure E-2:' Maritime Hydrograchic ServiCe Figure F-1: Meteorological Service E-4 PANT F - PARTIAL ORGANIZATION OP MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT F-1 Figirs 1-2: Research Institute for Navigation, Hyorology, and Soil Science F-2 PART 0 - PARTIAL ORGANIZATION OF LOS' AND TEI7COMMUNICtTIONS MINISTRY :?. iART 11- ACALEMY OF SCMCE$ PA1-iT I - DATA ON EVOCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Fi,.,ure I-I: Stnte Secretariat for Vocational Training Figure I-2: Organization of State Secretariat for Advanced EdUcation Figure 1.1: List of Universities end Sohoole ITRT J - MISCELLANEOUS rNITS Figire J4: Chamber of Technology 1-3 J-1 J-2 Figure J-2: Partial data .on Organization of Eaet? Zone Radio Network J-6 PART K PARTIAL ORGANIZAmION q?ArIFT OCCPPATION UNITS' ? Figure X-1: Partial Organisation of'Sdiviet Occupation Units -it - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 INTRODr`CTI :The most-vit.:II info&intion necessnry to petimate fltm f.rPign tschnological nile scientific dP7elopmen* is tat Nortainifv!: to icientifie plane nO0 This *74,1" is tiin?. to nstiAt inteIligpnoe perl,onne1, in deielOtAng inforuntiou on foreigmedientific pinns. It contains detniled infIrmintion on'tbeorinnizatiOnal stropture Of thOoe porti ns Of the GermAn Ilemoorntio Republic Mitch nre pPrtinent to Plectront.os, commaniOn- tions, physics, and geophsios., (For the sake of cormlotenmws, certain units not direptly pertinent to theAe fipldA are _ortetimpA Inc:Wed.) SYCRM.' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? - rman lie ocvrtc Rep:Alio ? : (Deqt pel-ten Dertok rat cr:brIn Bipuh'Ik) 2Rit, fe trod psi GDR or DD1S : -4( .f.,%1' I A L 0i4lANIZATION f. GLIt : z MI1:1TRT or Pk:14111t Cow:rut )CirlON 4.11.ART 1,1/ I 0-?; GP NI ,',AT I ON I OF Irrrru1Ott 11.1. OilGA14 I hAT ION : OF MI NT.7:11'10/ OF 'PRANG1ORT? ; kAR.11' T.e./ - I 11 070.;ANIZATION : ' ? ' 1.,i:COMMUN I tl kr IONS MI/11.2" ii'A?-14 ? ? :fi y?:,(3ENC,Es : AI,T t- DATA.0, z OflGJATIONi ,jFAT 4 MI !if',P !UN FM TS tIN ITS OF GDR .111411, GDR ;tta 1)3 arm I ttg 4'.1..o91111.10i011 jrAirr 4 sovIn OCCIll'AT ION CRGANI ZAT ION OF OCCI1IIAT ION 1/N ITS ? Figure A.1 Ch.t4 ine of this Study - A-1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 PARTIAL 0.14431...A._:AT ON GERt4AX DEMOCRATIC RI3MBLIC . Pert B consists of a chart shoving major p,overnmental units 'conoerned with Electronics, Commanications, Physics, and Geophysiow...?/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013709/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? I , 50X1 : President : Minister : President (Premier) : 5 man Coordinat- : : ing Committee : directly responsi-2 : ble to Minister : : preaitent : 6 Deputy : Minister : Presidents Position of units shown at Tiept does NOT indicate their relative importance in the CDR government. : : 1 :State : ? . : : :Centralgt : : : commission : : Planning 1 : for State : : Commission : ,: Control .. : : : : : : : : : : (1) Ministry of Machine Construction (2) Ministry of Trans- port iThese Ministries : NW and certain other ..,r___: Ministries and State Secretariats coordinat- : ed by Deputy Minister : : President Heinrich MAU/ : : : : : : : s :ommwegrow ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (5) German Academy of Sciences Ministry for Public Education State Setretariat for Public Educa- tion State Secretariat for To:sestinas' Training State Secretary for Advanced Edleation (BnchsChulmesen) (6) Office for Literature and Pablishing:Affairs 'These unite plus others coordinated by Minister Paul . !ANDEL, Coordination office for Art, Selmer, and Literatured Ministry of Interior Posts and Telecommunications Pigure 'Partial Organisation of GDR Government . Units of interest to Electronics, Communications, PhYsics. and Oesphysiei 11-2?? SEM? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1, PART 0 1.415,..1???????????? L The State Fier:mine Commission is cancerned with all phases of nver-ell scientific, teOhnical, and economic planningyithin the German Democratic Republic. Pr o0 a scientific and technical-stand 'point, the most important part of the Flannik ,Commission is the CentralOffice .for Research and IechnalcgY (see Pleuras C-4 ihroue,h whosc Chief also directs tht Patent OfficC-the Office for Reiefits and Measurte, etc.?/- SrORET 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 InApe et I on Dept. : (i) Dept. for Personnel and School- ing Vrao. Lotto) JPNDRFTZKI DOA.. for Classified Documents kanagga f_AszjInightne MALItahaiL(qe1-11ER Office foriltesearkh aa4t Technolorv) See Figure through C-8) iThe -Zentralamt Is taws. most important of the Associated ereanisations. Other unit* of interest in connection with electronics. commumica. tions. physic e and geo, physics ITS shorn Pig ire C-2 j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Si Planning CommiSilon :- State Commission forology: : /Successor to Geologisehen LandesanstaW Berlin N 41 Invalislenstr. 44 - : Geological ServiCe : (Geologischer Dienst) : Berlin N 4, InWalidetiktr. 44 : A GeotectoniC Institute, same addres6 is ander:.Academy of Scienced Geophysics Service (Geologisther PhysikalisaherJlienst) : LeiT.41,g C 11: Martin Luther ,Ring 13 :- Geological Commission lamdtg :- Institute for'Applied MinPrologY (Inst."-fuer Angewandte Mineralogie) Dresden'': , ? - : /An Institute for Enerimental Mineralogy is reported to be at Dresden A 20,=Earletallee 17 / Geophysical Institute (GeophysikaliSches'Institat) Potsdam,. lelegrafenberg . :J A Geodetical Institute (Geodeetisches Inetitlt)f : Potsdam. 1/1fgEnalkolna is under the Academy of Science?/ :- Station for Ilyelopment of Geophysical Instruments Brieselang;YOritWer 1 VEB Geological 'Drilling (Geologische Bohrungen), klutz LVEBsVolkseigenerBetrieb. : (People-owned Enterpriss)J VEB Shaft Constriction and Reinforcement : (Sehnetbau und Verfestigung) Pining, Pam, and Pike Constractionj Irp Equipment (Ausruestung) Institute for,Magnetit Material : Jena,. Helmholtsweg 5 Institute for Coal Improvement leinZigrPaunisdqr% Permoserttr. Figure C-2 Unite Associated with State Planning Commission /In addition to Zentralamt fuer Forschang und Technik - C-3 - SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? Main Departments :-- Main Dept. for Coordination of Planning (Walter UWE) :-- Group for Prospective Planning (long range and operative plans) - Group for Accounting Lill azierungj (Accounting for Nationa: Economy golkswirtschaftliche Bilanzierungl) Group for Material Accounting (MateriaIbilansen) . Total Accounts; Individual Accounting; Consumption Norm :7- Group for Organization and Planning'Methods Organization and methods; operation plans(Betriebspla ne 7 Grout for V1onal Planning Territorial plann ? location matters ?ianokrtfragen7, Graphical surveys LDarsteUung :-- Group for Financial Planning State Budget; Finances of the Natinnalized Economy; Planniag of currency circulation, prices, taxes, and credits 1 :-- Main Dept. for Planning of Investments jfnu) METEE7 :-- Group for Indqtry Investments Heavy & Light industry; machine building : Group for Investments for other economy Traffic, Post, and Communications; Culture and public health; Agriculture, forestry, and water ecnnomy;.Communal economcv and construction Of living quarters :-- Croup for investments for DDR Laender Croups for Licensed General Repairs Main Dept. for Circulation of Goods (Hermann BAULFUSS) :-- Main 1..ept. for Manpower Planning (Frits LEIGER) :-- Main Dept. for Industrial Planning (Ilse SCBROETER) :-- Main Dept. for Agricultural Planning (Also called "Land and Forest Eccaomy") :-- Main Dept. for Traffic Planning (Also called: "Post & Telephone to iacIude : traffic") :-- Main Dept. for Water Economy Planning- . :-- Main Dept. for Culture and.Ptbli0 Health Planning (fnu) WiNTFR7 Schools; General Advanced Education (Allgemeine Fortbildung); Culture & Arts; Public health, public health institutesq.Bealth matters in factories; Recuperation :-- Main Dept. for Scientific Technological CooperatiOn with other countries . (May be same as Hauptabteilung WissensChaftlieh Zusammenarbeit, see linder Figure 0-3 Main *Departments of State-Planning Commission - C-4 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy 'Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RbP78-01617005760010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 44-te. Tec?i-tritk (C.lertit.r;l1 for )4, tic-r: nnti T-r:}11*Dlof',,y) Re oo t hp? f ow s.? 1;i: tte 11_ 1 .1 lirtur.,tv?rwrd wIt:a ft:J.5r Toolikilk? ys: I r : Uff Dr, rfir?r LAIME t.2.1 r r? (f CA/ I SH11:1?YiPt"..t (Erloifn t;9!I4EF1 !, rfq.,?,rt?,;) to Cfn,:) At UV .111 br-c-1). *.pn.)1 nted hPnt3 ZAPT; tv,1) Y r ? ? ? -t Li nil ? y.tx CiLEJ " ? tt, -341,1 r * , ? 7' n i? 1 'LAFT, tlt It? ynrent.tyNt? 1)1/ t .!??? t ? , 0. ? C-6-S; Zentcr1rt 1711.4--r izat ..1 c ri:;.4. TPrttnik ra ? tlottr.cii. for He? Eir7,11; tl?f-t nnd .?; N--,y ? 1,14ny c1n r F:tit ? r rte.; Off r Eva,r 1'orr,.trj.14; tcjtti Off Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? ? Department* ? Main r Acient414' Cal Organissiidn (Ahnitabieilung Wissenschaftlich "TechnischeirOnlastion)' Dr. (fnu) DAUMBACH amid Questions (Grundsatsfragen) :-- planning of Investment, fez' Research end:Development (Planung d. Investitionen f. Forschung,u. pntwicklUng) Planning of Personnel Research and Development Capacity : (Planung d. Personmellen Forschung u. Hntwialungskapizitaet) :-- Scientific Technical Literature (Wissensebeftlich TeChnische Literatur) :-- Main Dept. of Scientific Cooperation (Hauptabteilung ? ? Wissenschaftlich 7usammenarbeit) ? Eric DODD ? ? ? Liaison with USSR and Satellites, :-- Main Dept. Scientific-Technical CoAcil : (Hauptabteilung Wissenschaftlich-Techniacher Rat) : H. STEGMARN :-- Main Dept. Research and Development (BauptatotWamiglorschung.and Entwicklung) Dr. Hans WITTDRODT ......???????11.10.1????? ? Work Review (Referat Arbeitorganisation) Research (Gruppe Forschung) ? ? Dr, (fnu),KAUTZCH Pechgebiet Physik ? ^ Dr. HAUT= (also given ? ? as MERL; also given as WITTDRODT) ? ftelagebiet Meade : Dr. KAUTZ= (also given : AS LICHTENSTEIN) Fachgebiet Dialogic : Dr. HAERDTL? Fachaebiet Nedisin : Dr. DURGRARDT Research has liaison with: DOR Government Chancellory, especially the German Academy of Sciences ? Technical Development (fn) Roma (see ri6.1.2* c-6) . Tigare G-5 Department, of 2AIT (Central Office for,Reeeacoh and Technology) - 0-6 - SECRET . , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A'005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , - :-- Dept. of Plan Summarizing (Abtellung Eusamasatasseade Planung (Reported to be incorpOrated into Abteilung ftrschung und Entvicklung) Perspectivisobe ? : Operative Plesuag (Also given as Adtrsgsbea'beibung Planbearbeitung InvestionsabteilaNiftnanzen) :-- Dept. of Technical Planning (AbteillingTechniscber Planting) listed : as Eauptabteilung3 Chief: SAUER. Another report says this department is . ? dissolved. Chief, Fritz GAXELER, to take Over Wissonsebaftlich Tecbnische : Zusaimeenarbeit.j : : :-- Standardisation and DwelitY (Norman; u. goetesiebervue Erwin GOSPEL :-- Introduction df Completed Research Al Designin.4 (Sluruilibrueg,d.abgescbl.ForschangliMatvicklaagAuftraege) Dr. Ernst ROW Standardization and 'Can (Abteilung *orating.iu4 Gnetesicberung Standards (General) : Eng. (fun) TSIAKL ? Technical Work $tandaida (iglu) RACKOW :-- Technical .Terez .of Delivery kCitiality, ? (Teel:attache Litiferbediva*n und Giteteilieher . , ? Ettore C-5 (continued) Department of ZAP? (Central Office for Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 _ Departments of ZAFT (continued) DM State Planning Commission DER Ministry of the Interior ? DDR Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry DDR Ministry of Public Health DDR State Secretariat for Higher Education : Technical University, Dreedsn Bergakademic, lrelberg DDR Geological Commission Dept. of Plan Summarizing (Abteilung Zusammenfassende Planung (Reported to be incorporated into Abteilung Eorschang and Rntwicklung) :-- Perspective planning (Perspektivisch Planung) :-- Operational planning (Operativ Planung) Dept. of Technical Planning (Abteilung Technischer Planung) /Also listed as Hauptabteilong; Chief: BAUER. Another report says this department is dissolved. Chief, Fritz GARBLIR, to take over WIssens- chaftlich Technische Zusammenarbeit.../ t-- Standardisation and quality (Hornung a. Gaetesicherang) Erwin GORPEI 1,-- Introduction of Completed Research & Designing) (Einfaehrung d. Abgtschl. Forschung & Entwicklung Aaftraege) Dr. Ernst RUBO g-- Standardization and quality (Abteilung Hornung and Gaetesicherung) Standards (General) Eng. (rim) Isom :-- Technical Work Standards' (fnu) RACKOW Technical Terms of Delivery & Quality (Technische Lieferbedingungen and Gaetesicherung) Figure C-5 (continued) Departments of KATT (Central Office for Research and Technology - C-8 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78'201617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 db, * Technical Develotment (fnu) MERL Includes (among other%) the folloVing offices: :--.Technical Field' Construction of'seneral and heavy machinery : (Fachgebiet Allgpmeiner un* Schvermaschinenbau gg); _Chief, ROIRL. Liaison: 4=14%17 for Machine Constru.otion : :-- Technical Field, Klectrotechnice (Facbgebiet Electroteclurik etj); Chief, ROBRL. Liai..on: Ministry for Mach Construction Ministry, for Post and Telecommunications; SAG's gain Aim. of Soviet State Corp. ivrivrMane liaison with: ISTUMOV, (Thu) MINN (MIR?), (fnu)IICRYOMIL TRormmov. :-- Technical Field, Traffic - Power vehicles - Ship Construction (Fechgebiet Verkehr-Fahrseug-und Schiffbau LV!/); Chief, Dr. KETTMER. Liaison: Ministry for *whine Construction; Ministry for Traffic. :-- Technical Field, Precision Mechanics and Optics (Fachgehiet Feinmechanik und Cptik fig); Chief, Dr. SCHROARTER. : (Also given as Dr. Berman LEUSCENNR : Liaison: Ministry for *whine Construction. ? Technical Field, Light Indust/1 (Fachgebiet Leichtindustrie (47); Chief, Dr. Puma. Liaison: Ministry of Light Industry. - :-- Technical Field, Metallurgy : (Fachgabiet Netallurgie Me7); Chief, Dr. )EISSL. : Liaison: Ministry of Smelting and Ore Mining. . Fiore C-6 Technical Development, Main DOA., Research and Development ZAIFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 Wowlegja MOWN*Waft (Sdent- Vie Teehnieel Connitteee) 7.11 s. Conelete of repealoartativel of State ,Flanning Oeindision Mbsieteriee, PerfiaA'a teeeellty, ,agpodd loodeikge.? etatteenne se organisation ehown taller Tedideal Dirielopsent of flung Tereeivels end Intwiddeng, noire G4j Reported to &AN* Sim otheri et: Baird Wertoteehinen (idiehine ?ode) 1? Poiret and Ilberdera ?tuft ?estniquse And Conveying Baird ilionoiner Maeoldnanbe'n (ilenasel *ebb* Conetritetion) Deirat Satifilsok (ldP ConetralMee) ? I? Poirat_ Itnergiaterseteniag tad Irertellang einera. Rotabootannengetedmik, (yam prod:sties_ and distribution, inoluding bighavoltege teeleltuno) ? Simi, Saint Pernaddetoohnik (3amatateation Teohniqueir) Soirat Opt* (Optima) Deirat reinsootianik ? (Predation Itoebenies) Seiret etas mid itereatk Oleos and Corantoo) name 0-7 Control Striae for Reesesth and Toolbagea ?Sitiestate l'astmical Coirdtt??? ? - C-10 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? , ? Organizations under Chief of zArr German Office for Weights and Measures (Deutsche. Ant fuer.Messe und Gewichte) - Berlin Niedervallstrasse 18J20 gibe former Pbysikalisch-Teehnische Reichanstolt PTR, become the PTR, BraUnschveig in the West Zones and the Deutachea Amt fuer Masse und Gewicite in T. East zone .7 (Part of this office is said to be at Oberwasserstr. 1.) Laboratories include (Possibly among others : Beustaedteretr. (in building or leather works) : Pyrommtry : Photometry Thermometry (thermo-technik) : Optics Manometry Viscosity :?.Batiortenstresse ? ? ? : Dept. for measuring tools :-- Sub-offices 1-- Brandenburg Office (EstAiNsLINE's_Mhin A11ee_101) : (fnu) TSCHENTSCHER :-- Saxony Anhalt Office (ImpAsK, FUerstenwallstr.) (mu) BREMER Mecklenburg ?In" 4.1!!!!!!!EAA91.12/2111FAII.T.1-3E) (fnu)1CLL1ER :- Thuringia Office (IlmensukUhterpoerlitzerstr. 2) (rim) aumarr "--- : samaY Office (OESAIVIA:AULIEft411E1-12) (flso) onemer German Office for Material and Product Testing Peursehes Amt fuer Material und Warenprnefung(DAMW27 ffnu) RUEFrLE Berlin Behrenstrasse 64/65 About 200 Offices under jurisdiction of DAMW. Among these are the following: Pruefdienetstelle 411 : Balle/Saale, C 2, Mittelvache 3 Pruefdienststelle 312 Zvichau/Sacisen, Seb!rtYWOU'lle,1 Pruefdienststelle 512 hZAp Pruefdienstetelle 33.8: cheinitIli_ftxtsmodosAio.4x Pruefdienststelle 317 4.09.1.P.F.14 Z.; Figure ?Toole tione ander .Chief of ZOO* LNote: A Testing Station for Nautical and Oceanographic Instruments (Srprobungastelle fuer nautische und ozeanographic instrumento) at. Stralsund was Planned as of 5 sept 522 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved ,for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 *, ? * ? szeRET V. ? Orgenizations under Chief .f ZAFT (continued) Patent Office (Amt fuer Erfindungs- und Patentwesen) Acting Pree: Heins MEANER Berlin, EeseLvhestr. 12. (Also given as Kronenstr. 38. Also given as Mohrenstr. 37-S) ? :-- Patent Division :-- Offices for the inspection of patent applications : and the issuing of patents . :-- Administration Offices for all matters concerning patents issued except for items below :-.- Adjustment Offices for patent adjustments Adjustment Offices for annulments and cancellations of patents ;-- Adjustment Offices for complaints : gdjustment Offices consist Of 3 members, 2 Of which must be : technically competent and the other versed inlaw.7 . :-- SENATE (President, Director of Oatea Division, 1 member versed in law and 4 teChnical meWhers) 2 ecisions made regarding differences on basic questions. between complaint adjustment officeil :-- Industrial ,-Division :-- Branch for organization and activation of inventiomi ead : for advising inventors and factories :-- Branch for Utilisation examination .- 1. e., exaMination of inventions for their usefulness, direction, introduction, and control of use. ? Branch for arbitration of remuneration controversiecgranting of permits for general patents and cans:fellation of patents Central Office for Research Requirements'? (Zentraletelle fuer Forschungbedarf) Berlin, Doter den Linden 03/70, FigAre C-B (centinqed) Organizations under Chief of lAYT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005706610004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , - , ctretisse 11 PART D MINISTRT Or MACHINr CONSTRUCTION The Ministry of Machine Construction contains two Main Departments which direct the activities of the majority of? those units in the GDR which are concerned with electronics, eleotrotechnologY. CPtice4 (including peodetic instruments). and precision mechanics. kart D inciadei a detailed list of labiiratories and factories in these fields. NJ,te; According to the German radio of 21 December 521 ttAe one Ministry can no longer cope with the systematic development.and supervision of the mechanical engineer- ing industry in creating ,the banes of Socielism, the Council of Ministers decided to dissolve the Ministry Machine Construction. It will be replaced by the MiniStry for Heavy Mechanical Engineering (Ministeriam fuer Schwormaschinenbau), the Ministry for:Constructicin of Transport and Agricultural Machinery (MinisteriuM fuer Trensportmitten und Landmaschinenbaa), Ministry for General Engineering (Ministorlum fuer Allgemeinen Me!4chinenbeU)." If this unconfirmed reportis truec.the Ministry will be split along the general lines of the Main Administrs- Vous (Ilauptverwaltung) shown in this Pert of the study. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 mistomilnit (Ministry fir: Lla- oddities to so is responei,ble for- eorritipm101011.. seduiete teaohing telemsoillatniOatioa tiohnology4./ Ammo des Niaisters :office of the Nisietert) tellralieriOrkint *-7 Milisteri Gerhard SIMS Pleeponsible for planning, prodeetion, research 1)440t, and pereonaolij A BPS'APCE AND tzvimormrst MICE IS ender the Minister. ?????11????????????????^??????????????????????????111111 ? WISSENSCPAPPLICH-TIP.CFNISCHTS NAT' (Scientific-Tvehnical AlWilery-Boara) 3:12 members: To advise Minister- on all Omestions of development And' ? prodiaction. Board can establish Commtselons with member of Board heading eaohj 2ND STARE STC/FTARY i? / HAUPTIERwALMIG (Adninist ration Constrmetioa) *.?????11101.0011111011?0111.111111111.00... MUG= tStOte Secretaries and Chiefs of Carless illiodnietratioos plaspiverwaltuogean NAUPTVERWAISUNG (Adninistration 101117BAU for Ship. *1 SCHMENMASCNINEMBAU for Beirey Machine ?3RD VAT! SBONETAPT 1....4111APTIFRNALTUNG diAGEMEINIRW.:=INEICBAU (tiministration General *whim. Constriction :-.NAUPTIERwALTUNG PANRZEUGBAU (AdmIslitration for ? Colmtresetion. of Power- propelled Tehioles) s.....RAPPTVESWALTUNG FBI*. . MUM= USD GPM , (Administration for ; Precision Mechanise and Optiati) :...NAPPITERWALTUNG ELFITRO- Min= (Administration for llootro- teohnigees) Unger the 6 Hasptverwaltlr* shown above there are 21 JAW These are Adninistrations of People-owned Enterprises (lbsiptverwaltlag Volkseigemorlietrielle)., each ooneerned with , ? seinent of the tasks assigned the Ministry. /Note: Until early 1952 thee* 1.41r, known as Assoelatione of People.ctsed Enterprises (Tereinitaria Tolkeeigenei Betriebe)4 See divas 1)4 Under, the VIM are individlal YrBs. ?heti letriebe), People-owned listerprises (Volkseigener Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005706010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CiA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 . . , ? "Wan 4612410:21q11101141 Ramptnerwalimpg Schmellaoshlienbam (Administration Heavy hmshine-Coaitmetion) a s--Yeivaltmagsa 1141keeleaFT (Administrations Of People.iowned Enterprises ? lemerele- end Kraftiasehingnhatt (!nergrand Machine Ownsimntiom)4 Palle ISsale), MOrkeelgmaochtnet nod Werkneoge NW, efool-mak106 Machines and TooleLlOtg011is Power Asermeetmag nen Smistas sod Sahmeritdmottie (MS), (Et:1*mi for Miniag and Ileasy,Indastry), Merselms. Omes- mid Schmiedesmemgaime, (OW. (ftednetioa of _ Castings and ?oriisss) Leinafr, 3-- Memptverualtmag Allgemainer Maschinentam : (Administration Oenesal Machina ConstMetioa) 4 Administrationsof POopla-onned Enterprise:: s-MattalsamaindIstrio (MEW, Distal Vara tedpetry) Smashes., 8--MaeObinen der lentil- mai'. Deklmidiangsindmstris (TErfINA), (Maschinsi for the fertile and Clothing Industry) Champlin,. ;--Land-, /amr. sad Holshearbeitshealmishissa (DC a (Agri:Wily:di %tiding, and Mood-Perking Machines), "missig. ; ii--PolyeraWhieshe Masehliten (POLYGRAPH) (Polygraphic Machines), . . ? s Radeteml, Sanitaere linriehiansen Ind Armatmren-(SANAR), (Sanitary &pip- : moat and Pittingil), HOU (13**14- :--Nasehinenbame flier 'Ishmael:- and 04:mismittillp Emelt4:- and Chemieshe indmstris (MAGMA), (liaehine ComatMation for Food s and lawny 'tams, Sefrigeratiom and Chasicakindmetry),Ilmedes., 44,chnitablir Flopnwitreilf2MA), Pfeahnical Ironware) : OBERIA114 3--Wa5kseoge and Instrumento (*WIC (Tools And Inetrmaents), Ootha. ?tsars p6.2 his MOOT the 6 AdninistratiOsi of the hiniatry for 140140 Oonetrmotion Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 -- ? .0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , . BUM= in Smaint rtastavitias (tioatimmed) ? 4 3 Raaptsvrvaltift Tahtseqtamm (Administration for Construction of Pover-peopoiled Voltivlso) Administratioas of People-v.4M lbsterprliMos a s-. vahrsongsnbeboer (IPA). Acoessories (or apparatel;. Obematte I ;-- lokomotiv--nol "Mob= (L0m). (locomotive and Railroad I?Oar Conetrietion). Wilds* (Zr. %M.) ? a 1.... Raaptvervaltiat Schiftbau s Administration for Shipbailding) 8 . a . . 8 .-- Administrations of People-owned Naterprime ; 8 S s s :-- Merriam (VV44), (Ohippord)* bent s s s 1 i Seseohiffloaa WO. (Constrnction of Maritime Vessels) 1 : VaroammoblaportimUto havo hoes dissolved approximately IMost 52 : s-- Mitaptvervaitamig leinmeohaaik sod Opt* a (Administration for Provision Meahanios and Optics) : a 4 .4 s t-- Administrations of Poople-evneld Entorprios 8 1 S : . 8-- Foinmealsenisoben Indnstria (MTORAMIE), (Pm:Islas Mechanism : s ladastry), Widow : 8 : L . 1.... Poinmeohanische nod Optisohe &mete (NTII), (Prneivinn 8 Mechanics sod Optical 24%ipment). : s-- RamptvorValtuag 110Mtrottlehmik (Administration for Meotre-tesbniqesis) AdministratiOns of-Peoplo-owaed rnterpri100.' s--(See Vivre ) D4 (oontianoR) Vile Under the 6 Administration* of the Ministry for Machine . Constriction SIRUP , a r ? ? - npr.iassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-61617A005700010004-4 50X1 44.." 4!"t? 4!?;1*,,.:L ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A00 ei66616064 -4 ? ? . . , . szner' 4 : NAOPTVLIWAIMPS nnIntommin t (Adalnletration,Flootroteihnies) v .Managenent % Offlots of the Administration. lleatroteohnies (See vi D) nall???????????????11. 110???????????? VTIMINIOrlya : VOLESEIOPITS !MIMI! (,101)-IIA (AdminivarAtion of Poona'', Pureed o !Mantises for ? Cable and Anparatvis )Iaterial. ) v .LairOgAL:4, ? ilainetr i6 VMS,' (Administratien of ; People,. Owned s Itnternrises Pop s Radio, Telephoto., 3 and 'Telegraph natters ) a VOLIMIOIMIR BETRIEDX (People's ?weed Enterprises) Adatalatered by BaciPtvsrual- ton glektroteohnik, ? IMILMEM 1 fAdminlistrati.:m of People's Owned latoeprive of tba Itlaetr/oa: Machias Intinstry) ka2LA, 8 Jihmult4._521.01 in??????4.=MOMb... Flear? D-3 Organisation nt, itaoativerml tun riettro"Ohldk Dia5 sante ? 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? * UMW Hamptvervaltung SlektroteOhnik 5-- BY Director s-- Seoretariat 5 4-- Personnel Division I-- Vocational Training and Seheoling 4 4 11-* Work Vora* ; - Planning % t-. finances 4-- Material Supp*r ;-- teaks:icon Direetor Development' and Construction ResearCh and development plan Norms and types (Mormung u, Typeng) 4 1 Patenttand Lioness 4 4 4-4. Inventions and Proposals: )1) V Construction ?Moe % 1-` "ohnoloilY nod quality Control . (Outekontrolle) 4-- Investments (lovestitionen) s-- Produotion Director 4 4-- Ileetromashines Radio and Communications TeChnigies (Visnk. tad Vormeldetechnib) 4 VIO440 Techniques 4-- Cables and Transmission Liles Vigtre D-4 Offices of the Rauptmervaltung llektroteohnik ?D-6 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 glinRIPP TABLE D-1 UNITS CONCERNED WITH ELECTRONICS AND ELECTROTECHNOLOGY The four columns on each page contain the following data: Column 1 - Name. English Translation, Address, Alternative names, Typical Production i,No attImmt, was made to include all types of Production carried out Column 2 - VI) under which unit falls. jpoe Figure D63.4 "HT" indicates plants administered directly by Haaptverwaltung Elektrotechnik. Many small units appear to still be in private hands. Column 3 - Plants falling under a TV) are assigned numbers. Where known, all numbers reported to have been assigned to a plant are given. COLUMN 4 - Number assigned to a plant by CIA's Industrial Register. D - 7 SECRET , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 ',P Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? 41 * .12t kilatlal Madan Salm ken& au nu& sas at MU Ulla. -A- AW4 1L. 4allij,14LALtaba7siLIATals,294 /inetallations for light aid power production (enworPnellI Mor-emPAV uaits)t Oommataters,../ nova ?ABM PVER BLUM AppARAT2 Unknown BVIJOL7 SCHLENKRICII MIR Factory for Ele4$triea1 Apparatus Rudolf S0B1INKRI04./ Dresden A 45, Beisstr 9 plectriesi remote-esmitrol cad remote. working Intite.j APO . (se, AIKUNMATORIMPANIIII, ?,ertiO-013119091,114PICIAMI AUTB4ULATORINBAB /Storage Battery Cdastructios/ kAnuLok_wataulli.% Unknown itir...........????????????^?????? AlUOINUIATORIDIFABBIZ BERLIN ABot the factory at Berlia-Oleraoheemeweidai Z See .V.MitILATORENWERB BERLIN) ABICUMULATOBEN7ABBIA Askaowit )6/966/000). 9056648 /Storage Battery Faetorld (formai welgoL wil)iilAnophotOr._ SAOSabo1) 9 Said to be former YANA). jAluo known as A70, AXIMNDLATORIN- PABRIA-OBERSCBrafidillf AKKUKULATOMENVABRIK OSKAR NURLUR Unknown Oskar **oiler Storage Batt* ry ?Rom' ktra AXICTINULATOBINFAARIT (Sao AKTUMIA,OBENWERK WE1801) A10041LATO14TIGPABBIlt, fr?YeLtkia1141. LATORVIMIX MOM' ) ? _ Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-IRDP78-01617A005700010004-4 1.1.??????????????????????0=???^?????????????????1......................' AKIMPLATORENFAIRIX CATO KAM% (See ItATTERY 'Amory thews& AMMULATORMAIRIX ArrOLF WOW. . . gamma iRldo'If Waif Storage Better, ?eaten/ agattaitt, 1$A6241;1)tIlal AIXITMULATORENFORM MEI& 00,,, KO Unksowa /Stoha & Co,. Storage Better, teeter, Limited Fardmershil/ ? D1404111; 14.; z91/ ALIGIMULSTOREMBRII 701St, 1/11 )6/)70,00004 GIMBAL(' & co snotA _ k. 171ash1ights/ ANLAGENBAUs (See list at end of this table,) AIKUMULATOILVIVERS BERLIN Perlis Storage Battery Factor2/ Berlin X a Chaasseettt lfi (Said to be former AKIMIMULATOREX FABRIK SYSTEM PFALZORAF. FRIEMANN & WOLF (mm) /sosietsmps called 11.4:401LATOBEN- BABBLE BERLIN; Sovietises called laltLIKER ELEMINTIrABRIS WrPK IL/ VLA )6/971/1101 9057662 ander PPALWRAI ..AIIMIATORINWRX LITSIMS 11A )6!)61/100, 2054812 _Freedom A 20.. lakhaserptr,7-3 (Said to be former A. mem) liometimes nailed AKOMOLATOREm- FABRIX ERFSEEMJ AKKTIMIATORPRIGIUE ERIVRT ISA , )6/255/4020 ZLThJ &motivate called AKEI1NBLATOREB- 'ABM/ . /Storage bat te ri el/ APPARAIDIFAlitli TRIPTOW (See L ISKTROAPPARATEWERS TOMO - D-50 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 ? t '1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013./09/12 : CIA:RDP78-01617A005700610004-4 SEORLT 2 4 -A- mum =ART- MID SABRUTIOCE (See KAPEINERK ADLUSROP) ARMAIVItyMPAIRti seatuttum IKAT 9067747 idetc?ot thauermature Yokota*/ ? . %lams /Liiite Ild (formerly ' SCHWIT- , ? part of U0 HAMM/ _ AUTONATil Steinbach. Ttfor, 15000114:.,0 M? 50r4211.1;g4)4V/ (Reported to be eader ILEST110 AISIATURMIRE RaILIE) AUOTISTIN latthwiLijai jagagututiandkae Pligh,Toltage Apparatuji AUTORMO PAUL10E, R_Itti4henagjOber1aasits g 2111;14145V iStorage Datterieli AMOLPLEXTRIE RISIENACR (Reit AUTO USD TARRIADSLEXTR/K tlIONACII/ AUTOSLEKTRIIL jilebaits Aateelectripj So Sachem Raseastr.6 /5043AN; irf frobab4 atm knout ae Karl-Marr-Strj Sot IL 10:1102002 MID APPARATS, Ignm_sAmisrar) Oover-paok transformers, misosllanoous electrical deviate/ ISA unkilown /IA 72603 222)0,37 AUTO- USD IPAHISAIELEKTRUE EISTRAGE- ILA . 16/208/1002 90g71i5 Eisenach. Oppeabtleeretr.. 29'11 - (Other numbers; Alst? called AUTOELEKTRIZ Eisrucl/ 726o4) - pleotrioal equipment for automobiles and blew/Aso/ SIOSZT , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? 1 2 1 - BATSer R. OTBR? Unknown 1).21 1 illtalWatrnott_11 51 11; 11319V /Electrical Moiswtring Apparatus and Instrimentll BARTELS, MOTU liginidagiThir24 1.5(L5611;2201.11 /Bigh-Yoltage Switch 'Goad ? Unknown 50X1 FATmFRY FACTORY Unknown 9103P55 jnaeh Formerly known at AXIMIIMATOPEll- FAPPIX OTTO KAUTZ / BATTERY FACTORY .9mtianabiLattmhall Unknown oo67477 BArrniEFABRIK WOBBIS IAA 72703 0087109 biorbis Battery Factorz/ .YALILLinsairatilLaterAIL...16 /31%25/1i 10t22Ej BAUERSCHMILT, wALTEB, itelpsic 15, Clio-84;11164.1-Stra0 Poi tags- Ree,littion/ Unknown BAUER & SCPTISPYR Unknown LeiTsix C L. Eermard-Ostrina-Str. 61, /Electric motor/ ?0, P, BrCKFR & Berliniyoevniek. Seeloall,n4erpts. 29/3 /Reported to be combined with ovRArimpx Berlin/Friedrichehattek) r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved -for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SEORrf .1????????... OadY11.111?M?041?14.10.11,???????????????????????=0111/ PEHLE, EPICH ....1-101*140112tkitAlla_2( A vt-Peboo-St /50L59Ni14.40.. LE1P?trie Motors. Polyphase indiction motor* (Drehstrom- motoreell PELEFTPVINGSKOTPPTP tFrESUR LDrPftden Lighting Fixtirill/ .....tLrIlta-M.?..-22ttlitzeritti- 16 (Said to be former KUNSTGEWTRDE ? POTEMT & HEM% ? BELEPCHIVEGSROERPER 40 Lelachteaba% LengefelAj BERGER, WALTER Mech Werkstaetten. billerkAllijsm /50 514B ;11? 171/ /pima and sockets, telephono plugs and sockets' NEWMANN ALBRECET. Grossbroljemash_Siner/0.34N,11:O2EJ /01%ehlamnen flier Kleinbelelchtang (Nleinlampen) --Light b%lbs for small lighting units (small lamps). Apparent- ly thfse are smolt %/be for amtomobileso bicrAes, radios, flashlights, etc. See Section 211714 of Wer Liefert Walt?, an addroPs book of the German economy p%bliehod on 19 Sept 51 in Hambuirgd Unknown IKA Unknown Unknown BERL/Nn PATTERIE- CND ILTMENTEFABRIN IRA BerIlnAtedersehoepeuvide, Sodapety. 51a 2Also called BERL/Nr2 /MEMENTEPAPRIN WEEK I, Also called PERM,/ /Batteries/ BERLINER ELEMENTEFABRIK wrm I (See BERLINER BATTUIE- TIED EIMENTE- FABRIO BERLINER ELEMTEFABRIX WERE II Berlin N h, Cheasseeett /See AKKUMULATORENNERN BERLIN 0 -- D-12 - SECRET 50X1 '361,01/1302 (other ammbers 72202) 36/985/1101 9037708 ilisted as PEPTRII/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2018/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 .? 111.1M111110.11?11......M1?1?????????? maw 1 50X1 WEB RFT TIERT,INrit GLITE11LAMPTNI4TRE RE 6/97510501 9057665 porlin Incandescent lenp !actors/ Berlin w81124,447 Plats 9/10 formerly ?SRAM/ Sometimes called BERLINER GLUM- LAMPENFAARIK/ Reported to have section of plant att Bad Lisben4t441L Thaeyinceo /Light bulbs, tofra-rtd radiators/ ' BERLINER MOTORERWERK /Berlin Motor Factory./ Bev We Indasttlet a (Said to be former ZIERL-AREGG ELEKTRIZITAETS Owl* MAY FITTKAU) (Said to be former BERLINER ELEKTRONOTOREIV'ERK BALEISSFISV) BERNSTEIN, HFABERT ULHALS-212.?ALIEn Potw4 "YEWS BRAUER & GRIMM are at same addressj /Switch gear and switch contacts/ BITTORF WILLY, DIM.. ING,, IT12.4212.1i62.HEZIRRIE1W-LAMENA.12 .4;:Tube testing apparatus (Roehrenpeusf7. geraetel/ BOCRIBT,HERMANN ilmonau., Thur.. ./Light bulbs. See explanatory note under BERGMANN, ALBRECHT/ ? BRAND? & CO., ELEKTROTECHNISCRE ISOLIER-UNL METALLWAREN-FEBRIK /Electrotechnical Insulation and Metal We've Vactorzi Ruhla/Thuor. /Plan/ rNsai.4uivAILRELM Nemstadt-Glowe/Me04151t2441;11151/ /Voltage Teeter!, Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown $6/98P91102 713.-JvN BOVERI & CIE QM W115/0754 Leitsiaerstr: 100 /Electrical units (ElektroanlageW 4 11 =RV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , - ? -- ? " ?-? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET EOCH, ERNST, ELEKTRO-MOTORENFARRIK kbikL52._sinensz...A2 Oleetrie Rotors/ "CICERMIS, II., 408 Poordinetee toknown /Switch Ge./ RUERO-ELEKTRICRE-MAgORINEN (See SACRSEVERIC ELEKTRONASCHINETAU) ? 111111:110%41 Unknown "WE, PAUL, ZUNSTRAREPRESSMI TORN, Unknown GEZIREHA hiditAA J6,...kak1tar.?.5 - SleCRIET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 DAIMMIPIC A St 1302. 501 i; 10 57? (Said to be former EV'CTROTECHN TABRIZ SCHMIDT & Co.) Light babe See explanatory note under BERGMANN, ALBRECHT./ LAIMON-TRKE onaa &BUIL?Via- /Light bans, See explanatory note ander BERGMANN, ALBRECHT/ LEA Unknown DrUTSCW FFRNBPRrCHFR GsbH Unknown anats_timhanexitr_15.(50r5ON;121552/ iTernsprechanlagen say be translated as: "Telephone installation, telephone egaipment. exchange*/ ? DEUTSCHE GLIMMLAMPEN-GESELLSCHKFT PRESSLER Unknown battle Cl_ BerlIntr Rtlisso 69 Photo cells, voltage -testers, haoh bulbs, glimmlanpen (Mr be translated asa "glow lamp, glow-discharge tabs, flowiescont lamp, neon tabe or lanp4 semi -incandescent lanp)i . DIETRICH. KURT, valdealftrig 011021. Fret eltsclats 1P4P ,/50s5)14 1201g/ jSmall transforl1Prs/ Unknown EOMNITZ & CO., Unknown Ijrgj Ss, Kochetrasee 21s. iSwitch Gess/ DORS? & FIEDLER. Unknown kiamigALSsIttLiguLL. t s 6 /Electric Rotors/ DRALOWIL-W!EK TELTON TBo 1_snay_r_Lk_haLgBirzatjazi_u2_ (Said to be former STEMS-MAGNESIA AX,,) (See INDUSTRIEFUNNanatang) /Resistors/ EN D-15 SWIM 16/267/0500 !Other _wanbersa )6/25)/0300; 71707 A062901 50X1' )6/196P001 1097502 (Other almbers (See 71903;5140)1 also 9057669 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRrr -V- LIMOINNIMMIMarAMMIRMINOIN?....10.L.IMOMO.O...? WROPLATTINWERKE 1/Fil , 25/196/4002 jxongbere_ kr* ? ',now pperenberip 32; 0911:11% 211/ .01astie plates (ganststoffplatteAl/ - SECREr 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SMUT 2 3 4 50X1 V EHRL, JOS!? kaggalpsjja.A./50A4S;121101/ /Small Transformers/ ? EISENSTOOL, PAT1L, GmbH 14imaks.sa_utakhzint4.1us /Switching ifitairginti rakaolat %damn ELBTALWER1L HEILEKAU TEM 360940102 0089499 He ?it S. (Other nimberst 3g191490$0 ' 70,0 /Also known as ELUTRONOTORTIVERKJIEIDENAV /)lote. A SAMS ETWANOWYERSTENTAMIC HTIVENAU (Mocha l'isnamo Brads Factory REILERAU) is reported to be at wiat- tocheldstr, 2R- It is maid to be WERE III of EITALwERK HEIEENAIU (See also, "SREZIAVERE ZOOLISUPRSTEN. HALTER Me xorrAmIll) LC machines, generators, small electric 'rotors, etcj nEXTRA Unknown ' 2144400 Sahalkaw. Tbmerinpia /50k241;11s021/ - 20apacitorli ELTETRIX poellingen. Thmerincen (So. ELEKTROHOTORMEW 110ELLINO2E) EL. APPARATEBAO /21eotrical Apparatms Constraction, /leering Saohecti 13001141212W (Reported to be ender 11,1120H-GERAETEMU, VellaLERTROSCHALTOERAILTE MEFRAME, Probably the same) ELEKTRO-APPARATEBAU KOEPPELSDORIP (See LUX TROAPPARATEFABRUC Sonnebc )COWDbeijdorf) ELEKTRO.APPARATEBAU TREPTOW (See ELYK1'ROAPPARATEm2RE TREPTOW) E-17 Sitart Declassified in Part - Sanitized dopy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 .741 47:4i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? irreitsive ELEKTFOFFINWECHANISCNI WERKSTAETTEN DAIMORF IS.. ItINKNERK MAMENDORI/ ELEKTRO-GFRAFTE BLAME? 1s/S.lsiIfj1reariI1f 1/2 IwWOBLA" motor oondensors, condeneors, volts& testers, electrical test lamps/ ELEKTROTERAETEvIERK SIM fElsetro-Apparatus Factorzi We Se (Alec given as lobereVasse) Former KOBERWERKEY /Once known as SAG PRINK/ Branch plant at ZAIRAMILI !Electric motors! NLEKTROGYRAETEWEEK SCHOENENEOK . unknown Owboonebeck Etc:Aro-Apparatus Pactorz! (Formerly Schoembeck, Elba 1.520ilkiliASSJ SAG label) ? WITROGERAETWERK NONDZESEAUVAI / Sondershanten Eleotre-Apparatms Factory./ See FILEKTROBAD SONVERSNAUSEE) ILEKTROINSTALLATION MADERO Onnaberg Elfttro4astallatias/ ; ;11100IN:11t02Er abera Trsasb.: Gorge). Sobigeshanse,r, Said to be former AEO ? Peeestories for telephones, plum wall sockets, small part,/ IKA )6/284b019 9098015 )6/370/0101 9064044 (Other (Lists as . nmaberak AEG Appii 72201) ) INA 16485/l000 il(m11,41f4 nIP tro-Inatnilt4 ion/ (Other numbers: Ymni(tifFid,' Enhnhofstr. IRj!!0:51N;11:12E4 72210) (Sal to tr f)r77trVr..:1rER & CO;) ELI 3 ,. , IKA )6/19$/1.102 I4ckenvaldeJKTROINSTALLATION LVOKENVALDi gleatric lastaliAtioa (Elektrolastaila- tioa) matetiaii ELEKTROINSTALLATION OBEELIND LOberlind Electro-inetallatioll nnobera-Oberlina.. Ormbeako.,14 1;4) :2121-111;10Ef , Slid ... Said to be' former SIENENS-SCHUCKERT) /Fate boxes, fuse*, switches,, plugsa.*tqd IKA - D-18 - .)6/282/003 9059592 (Other rembere: 220) SEM? '''Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? .1 50X1 ELTETROAPP.ARATEFAHRIK Unknown 90$8645 (Electra-Apparatus 'factory) (Yornerly 501211411412' -SAO Babel) Sometimes caned ELFITRO-APPARATEBAU ROEFFELSEOR") (Said to be former AEG MK KOEppELMEIP iftperbet radio./ ILITPROAPPAPATVITITREPTOW SAO label Preptow Eleistro-kpparatus 'actor!' Berlin SO1*.s... j.s....4ftleannstr:Itai lAleo coaled APPAP A TT: TANTA TIMPIOV; also called AVG TREPTOW4 also called ELERTRO-APPARATEBAU) Entwicklung and ."abrikation Elektrischer Kessinstluments Development and manufacture of electrical measuring instrument/also knows as Solent*. fie Technical Bureau Ho. 4 is located at this address. The Russian initials t.):4 this Bureau are IffB-4,. Data on MN are aeatalned , in IR 9064705 ELIETRO.ARHATURENWERX HUHLA Muer, Xcehiersir 68-74 (Sometimes called ELEKTROIMSTALLATION BUM WIRK It) (Bald to be former STORM & rligNAMO ELFir,ROBAU /Electrical Construn%log/ Radtlbeal. ramose.* (51t0C11?1),?4917 Illoportedio ite under ELEKTROWAERNE SOERMITZ) =MOM SONLERSRAUSEN iminsMin&araMintai_21 A 4. i i (said to be former BRUNPIQUELL & co.) /Also reported as ELEKTROINSTALLATION SONDERSHAUSEN ifERX II/ /Radio receivers. oecil1ograp41/ ELEKTRO)EINMECHANIMBR hsta.lag4 Schwelserwal4 v59N; 12419E/ Said to be former C, LOPENZ.A.0,, Branch "actor, HITTwEIDA.) /Listed among units concerned with ' electra-signal construction Ctuktro- Signalbayl/ $6/10510001 IR 9064.703 (See Rote under neldowerk Berlin- . ?reptuw) IRA $6/268/0008 (Other numbers* 905937 72209) IRA MT 73402 ' OAT *2841107 90)9)47 72207 - D-19 - 16'394'1101 0085)04 (Other nimbers: 71E01; 53)02) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 1 SWIRVM 2 Is 50X1 -E- -L-k."hOINSTALLPIltr OBFRWFD:A; /Oberweimar Eleatro-Installatod Oberweimar. SteinbriteckenweL1-7 /50:5711;11:1n/ (Said ta be fcrmer J. CARL) E LiKmoINsTAL:4ATIo UNID RADICZUIEHOER DOMAIN . (See ELEKTRO- r, RADIMBEHOER DOIFRAIN) ELEENIOINSTALLATION PMELA LEAhla Electro-Inetallatioa/ Thu:4aro1inepetr. ;2-140 (Be t':,orted to be !tuder 1.71MTRO-ARMATIIEN- ERk. RCAA,) (S11Id to te fIrmer TALL & SCRUCHART) EtTROIN3TALLATION !DELA WERK II (Se ELEK7RO-Al.NAVACNTRIC RURLA) 17.:LY.i.TROINSTALLATION SONDERSEATTs7N /SolflershaAsen Eler,tro-Inetellation/ SordershaymglItgr... Frankenhketleerstr. LL7.-KTROBSTALLAI)N S0ND7RSRAUSEN ARK It (Eee ELU.TROBAU t:OND7RSHAUSEN) J.:41ROINSTALLATIO7 SON::ZIERG ISooneberg Electrts-InAtallation/ Scr.rebesits Loore1liorfe22 .Reorted to be 4:,der ELEKTRO- ARMATRUIWERK,TarLA.) 77:1i..TROISOLIERLRis ../.:!aectrical InellMor Factor/ Ober1lm-Arls/BAL?.:1menauerstr. 14 (Said to be former ELEXTRO-ISOLIER- ISMIE; said to be former ROPEET, originally )f wahn) l'Opotric motors./ IKA IIA IKA IKA IKA -D-20- SECRET 10'202/1003 (Other nlmbere: 72205) 36/268/1104 9359372 (Other :lambert: 72204) 36/2P1/1002 ,72208 9059591 72105 00P9111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? , r 4 .14 A r.0 ? ??? , ? A, '"? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : 6IA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 STORM 2 77.LF7TOKL-77.1WCT(InWERR GROSSENHAIN 1(.3ro!;senha1n Motor Factory/ Crogeol.Ttp,....Saemn/51:17N;17401Si (1-1,..ported to be '4FIDS IV of ET,PALV:RX ErIDENA) "!/...EK.:4=IN:=1"NOTOTrINFRX HAPTHA (F,4+e "fiEEMVOTOREr%TRA HARTRA) VM E.K.T, ELIKTRO-KLEnTs7CENIK GmbH. "nriknowo Lreden A Hoboelstr..2, Cottaer Finthq2", electric motors/ 171T17i11-7.1.4 LI fill/n:1P ERG /Dichti.nberg Elf.ctricol Corbon Factoryj 7.;erlin-Lir+tenterq HPraPergfretr. 12g1129 /Formerly coiled SaMFM-11ANIA ELCTRO- TTMISCHE P Sometinep calid S15711iS- ILA:JA 1:1,-:CraCTECHNIC.J SECRET SAG Eabel 50X1 i 36/9R7/0001. 905756Z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/69/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIAIRDP78-01617A605700010004-4 ? SICRIT 2 4 ELERTROMASCRINEWARRIX IIEDERSEDLITZ . (See SAORSEXWERK ZIUTRONASCRIMENEAU) liZETIKKEORANU TOD'S& 0 1., ristalonataucla /Starters (of a machine). Resistor/ Unknown EL, MEWL OERAETEBAU IRA illectrical-Mechanioai Apparatus Constriction) BeehheLLSachsegf304)411;12c58E/ (See EL,. APPARATERWMgggggatAseaga) !MOO* ItLECTROMEORAIIIVORD OFRAETEBAO' Unknowa OUTITHER & co. . jLiMI? b: Ohemmits. 1.50L541412481/: /Power amplifiers for loudspeaker units, electrodynamic loudspeakers, seaming bridgPs? dynamic microphones, %whet regeivem,Vernsprechanlagen (My be translated as "Telephone installation, telephone equipment, eachang0), somnd pickup units, large reeeiving units, witchgear? AC-E0 electric Ulla/ ELERTROMES9GERAFTrWERK "SITMENS ROMs ReIgk fuer iturrptscar menisrmtnerow ELEKTROMOTORTNBAU RAW M. EIRCRWFORO Hplle/SppIes /Electric Motor Construction/ i'nknovn FIFEmROMOTORENBAU OLBERSDORF - YEN /01beredorf Electric Motor Construction/ Olbersdorqueb Zittau 2 /Electric Motors, Polyphape indAction motors (Drehstmmmotoren) to 2 Rig ILEKTROMOTOfiER- UI4L KOMPRESSORMERX, AIM (See EViNTROMOTORENUTRX msAu) ELEKTROMOTORINME VEM )6/281/1100 /Electric Motor Vactorgj Goellingtn. Thierineeq (Reported to be tinder R2PARATURWERI karngsaLli_Li_t_m_heien) (Said to be former FUKTRIK GOYLLINGFN) - D-22 - SECRET Declassified in PalLt- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 snowy 50X1 YLIKTRONOTOPENJNI /Electric Motor Factor/I gagaj4ioj.424OLN25015Ni12:491./ ' FLEKTRONOTOBEWINK YE /Electric Motes Factoryj /52i02N,1105Ei (Said to be former ELFKTROMAECHINTN UND APPAPATFBAU OSCHERSLENYN) FLIATRONMPFNIaRK Plectric Motor Factorz/ ou-ftswoomanetr. 22 15145011;10Alri Reported to be under EiLLICTRONOr'OPTNWTAK BARMEN) (Said to be former EZUTNONOTOMMRIPARAWN-? MK nit* ILIKTROMOTOREN /Electric Water Factorg/ if/order/Havel. )rag-, t 11 52421N:12157Z/ Reported to be WINK I of BFRLIN NOTORENWERK Be1 Az.j.g_is (Said to be former REINHOLD SCHUSTER) TIN ELEKTRONOTOUENwEME BAHMEN(RERARTURTN'ERN) ItYp 1Barleben Electric Motor Factory(Repalr Factory) Borlt)ea, Barisbeg-Npadeburt. lighpheptr,26-27 152112N; (Repnrted *n be ander ANLMENBAU NAM:MIRO 51101 36/371/1002 (Other *tabors: 51101) 0008)02 )6/111/1100 9067159 (Other cambers: 0085 PO VES YEN ELUTRONOTORMERI DESSAU 12/3284001 9066682 /Dessau Elektromotor ?actor/ Dessau_ Fyietcagtr,(Also given as Postfach 110 ) (Located solth of RR line to IFIPZW. West of Dessau) /Often called ELEXTROMOTORM UND !COMPRESSOR- (Said to be former BERLIN ANHALTLISCRE NAVVIMPATY AG '91AMAC) !MK III and kli High-voltage motor!' ELFR1'ROMCrORFNI0FRIC !RFENSCHLAG Unknown 0081068 (trfenschlag Electric Motor Factory) Erfenschlac. Saxony sEcRrt ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 rf Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 2 4 7T- ILEKTROMOTORENWERX GERA /Gera Electric Motor Factory./ (Said to be former WELLER-NOVO- moTomi)- /NoTrs A former "nnTROMOTORENWERK MA" Oepa, Ebelincetr, f, is reported to be 'tnder ARUCENBALI ERFURT' /Also rerorted'as TWERINGEN EIANTROMMORTN- 2RIC ow! nM ELEXTROMOTOPPIMMX HARM partha Electrical Motor Factory.] Martha.. Sen Sonnenetr, 29.bliO6N412511 (Also known as ELITICTROKIMINSINOTORMTRIC BMW (Said to be former WIED OSMIG CO,) Pore emnI1 elesAric motors,/ IMETROMOTORPNLTRi PLOTS /pinups% Electric Motor Factord Ucheelv Am iand:tr Cr" 29 (Al.. given as M ri;;011 21,120012/ (Reported to be lnder ELEKTROMOTORZINEPX HAPTHA) YEN _,ELPITROMOTOPEWIRE MEM ITharm Electric Motor Factorgi Thurs, Sagimen 450146M120V VB VIM ELEKTROMOVILEN' ERIC. MUM= IMernigerode Electric Motor Pactorz/ Werniefrods, Ham 4,-AnbALtieserwca 10 /Address also given as "Postfach 90"/ Said to be former RAMIABACIIVERK der SCHORCH MOTOREWIRICI in KETTSTEDU . FLEKTROMOTOPYNWERi MENTZ Is.. animm-yrur, !Amin/ ELEKTRO- Ur RALIMPTHOT1 DOMAIN (Al.', reported as ELEKTROINSTALLATION uNr RAZUSEHOER LORPHAIN) plectrical and radio accessoriel/ EIFITROSOHALTOEPAFTE BORSTOR7 ,Oleetro-Switching Ai poretme Sorsdorfi Borpdort b Leips1g Sahnhofetr?.8 ,L5L 21 ;12:.121/ TSait to be former PARATE7APRII) 'IA BMW 16/25640001 00A3070 (Other mobers: 71012 51104) 36!177/-100 1050607 (Other nembera. 71009:51101i 461)64/1001 )6/181/1004 (Other nimbers, 51106) 161510/1000 9066784 36/37P/100i 0052)46 (Other nlmbers. ? 51405) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 -7,74%ff Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? ????????????????112 -E- TUKTPOSCHALTGIRAETT /Electra-Switching Apparatue Dmildfle . LeAta.,326-EnatdebIRMSAL-3 IRerorted to be %ndernTIMRO-ARIUMTVET-TRIC MLA/ (Said to be former MS! a CO,) IRA ? 6/36111406 1093202 (Other timbers: 72301 EtTETROSCIIALTOTRAVIT !MENACE IKA 36/2,44000 retro-Switching Apparatus lisenacbj (Other :limber,: 1WWWICASIZA-h2J-50.595;IOME/ 72306) Said to be former MITTTILVITSCHE SCRALTAPPAEA"E-OESELLSCHATT) ELEKTROSCHALTOERAETT 00FRLITZ IRA )6/362/A004 Electro- Switching A, pnristias Ceeelisji ' /1004j 1 ireAlts, Sac en, Reikhlpbapherstr. 53-55 TOther timbers. i2503; Reported to be undo,. EInTRO-ARNATPRENvirtik, NOLO (Said to be former ELEOROSCRALTOIRAITEWIRR) ELEKTROScELLTURAME GRIMM IRA . 36/382/100) 2001604 :Electra-Switching Apparatus OrImms/ - . (Other numbem ILleted 0 S else X Mars-St 6-' 51:1411;k2:41E/ 72504 ' ' as "IKA Said to be former SIRALTAiPAPATITABRIR FALTRYR- tlektro, wrium ' Oersobteui Paso called "RABFL-APIARP"2-rInTROCrROTE OR! A/ /switch gear. protective reactor:3/ SIEKTROSCRALTCTRATTT MITRAN! Meorane Se r et-S etc at 50:5111:1212,04 pee EL APPARA^TRAIL, RFERANE iLovavoltarr switch gen/ IRA 16i1PI/10o, ELERTROSCEJILTOrRAET2 OPPAIR IRA 36/387/400) /Plectra-Switching Apparatus ?prick/ (Other umber:it Ormaoh ((TherlausittL Saehoeau 72505) Stress* der Preundechaft BI:01141412r/ (Reported to be under ELEKTRO-ARMATTYRFNMERR, LUNA) (Said to be former SrtlfralC SCHUMER? SCRALTI?ERK II) ELEKTROSCRALTURAITE ROCRLITZ IRA 36/30444006 .12.0111.1116- /Switch cAno - D-43 - SECRET neclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005706610004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 411??????????????????????????????????? STCR1FT 50X1 TLEKTROSCHALTOTRAFTE SAALFELD Snalfelg/Sfthic Florianr-Oever-St Vav-voltage smitoh'easi ELEKTROTECENISCHE FABRIK SOWNEBTRO Nonneberg Electrotechnical Factory/ tgrA, (Said to be former //FLAG FRAIi2 MONO "Small storage batterieli IKA IKA 3r1278/:If.4 56/2P2/405 0052312 (Other nambers: 72702) ELEKTROWAERNI IKA 7A/)77/1002 'Electrical Neat,/ Igeld.L.-:=1.141A.151A7Ni1);07X/ .9xl1atzdza9 ELPKTROVAENNI ALTENBURG ? IKA $6/266/1102 IAltenbmrg Electrical Nea/i A1%nbi.rg, Ther, K.Ljpbk,ht Str: 004,614;Otn(E/ _ EISKTROWAFRME S0TRNENITZ IKA '46/189/1002 90)9589 iSoernewits Electrical Remt./ (Other/rue/pm .potrnewits Kr. Meissen 72101) Koehleretr 2? b1:2214411057/ (Said to be former SIEMENS-SC/MIER? FLEKTROvAERME SOERNEvITZ) (See ELEKTROBAU, RADELBM.SACPSEN Oectifiers/ F.LEKTROWAERMEGrRAETEPAU IKA 4/)70/1002 /Electrical heating Leyte* Construction/ Soblettar- Er eb. Sachs a /50:141412,75W Reported to be under ELIKTROVIAERNE SOTRNENITZ) Vle:1:6ALT, 1Light bulbs, Sec explanntory note under BERWANN, ALPRECRT/ ELT/4A 0 he s h.* t (See FIYKTROMOTO1?EffrEi4i; OSCHERSLTBAN) Unknown ELTRO 111LA IKA 16/269/0450 atigga_l_Efhtas_ /50046,1,12041/ (Said to be listed sometimes thromgh error as ACCUMFT, wr/tA iRectifiers/ -D-26- SIECUP, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 WM" -E- EIGAIA-Werke PLAUER Unknown ziastaihia1._Amatuit.45.0:107,12014.11/ ? /Miscellaneous electrical aPparottmmE electro-installationgi 115 !MA ba1lt&A#1,1-Anhalt R7? EL: WERKZETTE UNE APPAPPrE sruitz IKA iSebnits Electrical TooIs end Apperetmli 150:4RN;744;1 (RorortPd 'to be mnder ArPOTLEKTRII. SITNITZ lIffYICKIPNG tin VAPRIKATIOR ELEKTRIW'RER MESSINSTRUMTNTE (See ELEM0APPAPA1'TY7RX TRIFIOW) ENTuICKLUNGS- TIND KONSTRUTIONS-ANFILIONG /Development and Conetrection'Departmeng R7611 kiiiaLaWAWL wendesechloolltv 1,4 /Mares, I, foRmso as VMUNTRK EMIR Nee IR 9057550 Reported to have teen trans- forred on i Jaly 54. to newlr-firakt I3POJEXTIERUNGSBUEPO of ABTEILVNG FORSCHIING UNI ITCHNIK efAtiniatry for Machine COW.. *traction,/ HiThICKIIINGS TINt KONSTRTIKTIONSHIERO IZIPZIG ( Sete FERIKELDLIIERK LEIPZIG) ,EXCELSIOR-%7RI Rum, KIESEVETTER Unknown /Electric meaelring apparatme and inetrInentli. )6/19411% 7.10140 ETTRAER MAnHINETABRIZ VIM ? 0078)6:1, iprtra Machine ennetrmetiod tre b. LetDsiK Zwe e et (Alf? called ELEFTROWERK (RePorted to be WERK Il of SPEZIALFAD F. GALvANO1'TTRNIK4 LEIPZIG.) ? slow 'Lb Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIALRDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET ????????? ELEKTR,- STEUERKETARATE RUDOLF.EVOTE Unknown LeASAU:k..34k .4tXASse_4ujonmpme1?k21 /Switch gear/ PARR 1K FUT'R TPANSTOPNATOREN UHL HOCHFPAIINUNGSSCHALTER (See TAPRIKEN FUER TRANSFORNATOREPTRI KARL LEIBKRECHT) 3 NEB YEN FARRIKEN FrrI tRANcTOPMATOREN nrsm "KARL HZ 16/)61/01CL. 906845? LIEBENTCHT" (Other numbers; 'Jeri Liebkneeht Yaotory For Transformers/ 710/5) Be V t R5 (Former AFG (Also known as TRANSvOlUMGRENWERX KAPL LIEBKNECHT) HOCHSPANNWRINGSINSTITUT KAPL LtEBKNECHT (Earl Liebkfteeht Nigh-Voltage Institute) New building* to be constructed near KAVErTRK FAHRZEMELIKTPIK CHTNNITZ ?!i.i'tittti 52 1Pettricai ecmipmeat for paltered vehicles/ INA 12/)60/1021 GERAETEWERK LEIPZIG RPt 36/)61/1009 Lripsim 14, StrAl Kamm" 155 /Fire timing units/ FAHRZEUGLICHT CHEMNITZ Oehiols Lights! Chasnitz lrzti?slagEsgelsstr,. RI /Reported to be mnder PRESTO, aCennils) (Said to be formorAy HUN. RITMO) ILL ADOLF MAKE APPARATEBAU, ELEKTRISCHZ NESS- Unknown umr PRUETGERAFTZ !Adolf Flack* Apparatus Construction) Measur- ing and Testing Levicss/ Borlip/TrePtow,, Ilsenstr. 9Zrt6 (According to 1950 Berlin Telephone Director, this fire maintains Ube:A- U:0M At lifiliadZIWISWILIOALK-2 (ftillsb_Lectoy),Tannenberm 4jse 214 "FERO" LEIPZIGER4AUTSPRECHER- UND METALLWARENPABRIK PISCHFR * HARTNA'a Leipzig S 3 plemtro-dynamte loadepeakere, beam antennas (Riehtstrahlerl/ FEINMTCHANISCHE lTRKSTAFTTEN LAREVEORY (see PUNKVERK TABENDORP) ? D-28 ? ; MOW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 )6/160/1004 (Other numbers 72602) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 121,01011141 TELITN-OVILLEPURE-CARLSMIK AO, TRIVRANLET,P , NESSAPPARATEPAIM Sa4athelm,Erhuer, t51;191;10i603/ seaeuring devices, galvanometers_ mons &ring bridges. measuring and test condeneors, Rice-voltage indicators, refiistors, etc../ 11UNKAPFL Wit PYNTEPBAU Ades-distaacii cable and /coal Eve:hang* Nonsttoatio0 Reported Lo be Goablaed with YEREMELDEWEVE, ,3!21111/TREPTOW,) Pee also PERNNILUCKAPLZ UND APPARATE- PAULI, So. LINCHTENBAU. NERLIN4 TERIIKARFL UNI? APPARATEEAU FAME (Ste LEUCRIT)IRAU. mta. FERNICABEL Wit AINTERBAU. IMBIALO VEINNULNAPPARATEPAPRIN. Podinaktricii**Aewei4k (Ses FERNMELLEKAPIL USD APPARATEPAPRIK) Bgrlilich,)eneweide. 172 NnitpafttkaAee (Airto fieTRNMELDEAPPAATSFABRIK, formFrly AYq-FA6) (See YE.: LD Eax, 7-1.0ERX (rRNMELDIvERIT WINKVERK?) N. 1 42.151frItult1. /52111,41)1427 PritliMILLEvERE iCommunications ?scum/ EOPIrlieWitil,,, 11111011 (514 22111101140511j (Said to be former WINCE'S & CO.) VTR EP? PrigetUZEWEIRE. ARSSTALT Likrnstadt Communisations Factors./ ? Ajnstnd..-MUMMIX.50001:1057.I1 Said to be former. SUPERS & HALM. K.G,) Section of Plant reported to be at .Orose- buih Behronerstr.. Unknown RFT RE iyarts for telephone industry; aseembles auto- matic telephone exchanges and switahboarde4radi010 D-k9 SWIM ?Vol 7130? 36/171/1001 50X1 36p67/toolo 90$77/4 (Other LLssts as haabers4 "0Y1 83)0) phone and Electric Vt Pt , " and as "Siemens & Wake A .4,!/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005706010004-4 ? ? 9 STeRre - TERNMELD2WERK BAD aulartavRO jRad Blankenburg Commute:attars Factori/ hAng field telephones.. table telephones, transformer*, parts for radio taboo, radio ',towel./ ? RAIITZEN lyartsen Communications Factors/ Sachs Also given as Bol (Said to be former AEGJA0 RFT RFT L5IvilM;14I2651 L'hiclikam tube voltmeters. C-1 osel/loseoPent. P/A systems amplifiers, radio parts, etej FFrillitrILEVER. K rAIrr11z0R7 ImNplIpx rATTNtqr) VFB RFT FYRNUTLLINTRK LFIPZIG HE Leirste. ??7. Helcherstrasse 7 im, one time timing Soviet octrilvition this plant was known ai STERN RADIO. It was previously known as 20,FRT/NG and as ?1'TA.- ,d111( The plant JP reported to. have a branch factor, at EICIISTArIZTR, , a prolonga- tion of MELCKTRETRASSE,. It is reported also to have a eretion of the plant at WHELP/MEM. iSome dosbt has existed as to whether or not the -FERNMELLEVERK .t.EIPZIG and the,1111112WFRK LEIPZIG are the -moo. ' However, the latest list of GDR plants shows them to be separate united IFERNMELZIVERK LEIPZIG includes an ENTWICKLUNGS- Iin KONSTIOJETIONSBURRO LICIPZIG (Development and ConstrrAi/n Office, LEIPZIG), 121a1L2M, Molcherstraj Ilielephones and accessories, relays for communica- tion rurposee, condensor microphones, feted FERNMELDEWERK NORLEAUsEll iNordhavioon Communications Factor:" ha ep Le ? 510000:U8E /Formerly Ho et -Wessel-Alleelformerly called Grimmel All,' (Also reported as THIMRINGER TELETORBAU) /Telephones, field telephones, telephone cvi trhboards/ - D-10 - SEM, RFT 36/277/0004 (Other numbersz 5)102) )607110110 (Other, numbeTI.. 71-102'? 511109 - 16/161/010;i (Other ? nAmbersi 7,101) 50X1 90576)) /Listed as lOgest Radio Parte. 906070 just' as "FAG Gene. 2qt, Pty.." and as NET Commo?TO j 9058819 16/276/1002 90891412 (Other numbers. 71105: 51101) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-04617A605700010004-4 AVMS* ? 2 AINVIMININIfts 11??????????????111011111?11,1111?01.13?11=01?????????????????????tt....w.kninals. TED RIFT TUMELLIVERI TREPTOM Ht '04905,1002 9064705 HeEttaitmloy rt wait r , 90/96 (Other number, iCombin- MO) ed at /This 'plant IS the former GRAET2 RAD:0 *resent PAOTORT- IR 0091497 repotts it as with mita a? GRAFT& One report states the llYKTRO- following plants have been amaignmeted APPARATE. sleep 1940: BIttERMANN 4 CZARN/KOV, MK, ?UMW a mall assembly pant of-RAE10-BLAUFOUT; BTRIC0-0FIKE CSJAST &?EICHTAT, ,Sorl irsitegaggyja"gn 1,0 oonsisting of the former APO High- frequonaf Omni in 0221001=12# last located in the Nelepa ett(iosa 90566361e memo SCINMPIIARLT TELE- PHONE FACTORY, !1ILILIAL16 veal* (See OERAETDIRK, L OHO ThipIEXTRALLABOPATORION PERNMELLETPORMIX, IT?ranajjimgratia22 is reported to be combined with the PPRIMILEZWERI, This central laboratory ohould not be oonfued with the UNTRALLABORATORION FUER SIONALM SONLBRANLAORML 1PRLIN,KOKREHA0t. 1.12MMASO- 21211.513- The raTRALLABORATORIUM FUER PERWELMTECNNIK, AMPITAV IS reported to be mombinod with0q1 TERNMELEMWM A ZEBTRALT THOMISM STILL! forms part of the FERNMYLLBWAL PERNMLEARK ZITTAU hittan CommnioationeYeetorzi, Rs Said to be former ?RITZ XVIE /Listed among units concerned with . Comennication Tofqiniqmeg, FERRARI, ALBERT . Leipsim 26..Stabeeiner Str, 9 tneotrioat sound pickups (Tonabaehmerli RI? Unknown . TIEDLER & NUMMI GmbH, TRITETANDYTHWALTUNG Unknown Staelurt /51023:1141V-/ /Variable condone**, "6/3974001 (other nlmbers 7110403104) Declassified in 'Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A605700010064-4 SICRE? 2 1P- TINAG ELEXTROWOTOREVEIUC Fingterwaldsj_N.I., (See VINSTERVALDER NASCRINII WV) ' ? FINJ, IfiALTZB Thue.T. /Light bulbs. Bee srplanatory note under IEROMANN: ALBRECHT; ? PINVIRWALEER NASCRUEN OmbH -FINAO YEN Ylastfrwalde. N.L Nasoemor leadstr..211 peas reported to have been shamed to FINAO ELEXTROMOTO1ENW121/ man, REINHOLD 4 192106114A5I631141"182/ P?tight bulbs.. See orplamatory mote under BERGMANN, ALBRECHT/ FRANK U LEIHERGELD Joh10(T/say, ) nana-gthaped plugs/ PRIMO! & ROEMER Berlin/Babelftsg /Radio sets,/ Unknown Unknown Unknown ?UWE, MAX UlknOmm f.idaThliat.,...tuntraise 40 /50.461;1,41.041/ . ? ftabe-teetlwapparatus, 'electrical msamuring-devicsc sad instrmments. multiple.menourimg instruments CVloltach- . Nossinstrumentol/ . FUNIWERN BERLIN ? (Bee 7010WERK?FAPENICE) A/185/0501 ? 9058428 (Other winters ? ?1002) 906r46 50X1 JUNIWERN DABENEORP Ministry ?-f Posts 36/196/0501 009471) amd ;abeadorf Pushkinstrassi (former Tel ly - "44"."1"- (Other numbers: fum AlePatES) %leas 73)06,51E10 ..i? ?korner LORENZ) patio known as FUNNILD2WERN HA3ENDOR11 .* also known as PEINNECRANIBCHE WERISTANTEN ? ? DABENDOR?, Also known as ELWROTEINNECHANISCHE t ;APENDORIP) ? 1 Litadio receivers and transmitters/ ?' Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 .111111?01.1?????14. SWAIM* FUNIVERA URISLIX R7T 36/361/0101 .9058055 D (Other num'bers a .14secbwits?tr.) 51204i71202) iAddrese also given as "Messwitsstrassei Said to be former R, MEM & CO.) (see nurritoxtRrS ...IIDEBEUL CHSv ) /Listed among Ilan* concerned with radio techniques, clibetro-acoucties, RP Genoratorg ITTNEWFRIC .17.17VRT . RE 16/255/100? eas.L.Thasisgssitati ? MT 71602 9058689 (Said to be former TELEFUNICEN OmbR)Plant includes /Sae also t:rm.:Irmutrw:mr PITER IMPIPATN072- 2050702, WW2 (Central Laboratory for 7.4tiver Tubes) pOTX I is reported at Rudoestrkete Pen WERK II, at W weruStaathit (See alp,, PHILIPS, TUNE FACTORY 1017T1RT) ./701,1uum tubes, electrical -measuring instrumenteA amplifierli 7UNINERE WELLED& toelissits?!51$11N;11,.142/ 16/377/11o0 (Other numberst 006421 (Said to be former NEUTROWERK GmbH) illettresacoustical Equipmenli 7105;53206; . /UNEVEN& XOEVENICK Ministry of 73205 90)7648 AWIALERtRENARL-XiMUNghla&JUL_IW15/,, Posts and. sot. Combined with ZENTRALLABORATORIUM ? Teiecommuni- /UM SIGNAL MID SONtr2ANtAGEN, same address, cations., 9057550 lyireqmontly called PUNEWERI KUM tityported to have Production Division WERE II, Beslin/0)euchoenewelOs:Bynsckenstr Report@d to have Measurement Physics Division WRIE reaRldlat%2181413A210- pommunieptions equipment, directional apparatus, radio transmitters/ FUNKWERE LEIPZ/0 RFT $6/1634007 9066886 . Leinsit 0 27- pohsleadett6 9//l (Other numberc (Said to be former KOERTING RAEIOWERKE. 7)104:53205) Before that it was known as DtETZ & RITTER Radio AO.) /R?ported to have a branch at Geithhale. Poststr- A late list of KFT plants stated at MINTRX Jaw absorbed RADIOTECRNIE NAGWRII? lies...bun and STOACETR & 00.411LaIM/ /Some doubt has exists'd as to whether or .not the FUNEWERIC LEIPZIG and the l'ERNMELUSWERE ? jEljnig are the same. However, the latest list of ODR plants shows them to be LilLt4 units,/ /Electrical installationst/ - D-3) - MEW Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? Chireinrii JtIIMIPMMMOMII.M.M=.11M?Mlli.???IR?d?a:110??? ? FUNKAW Z1TTAU ?1tt-OWridorLZchetr 2$ Said to be former DB. A,. SUN" :111rPetioe-fiadiag roaalvers. poeoivore for tiehicas *oats, bomb eights, aiming devisee for aircraft,/ - MOM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 -7-77,7777.771%19w Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/1 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? ? SECRET ? GALWANOTICHN/K LFIPZIG AlsttaiiiiiirErgeL"161:411UER GAISANOTECHNIK) (Said to be former LANGBEIN-VYANN)1AlUSER WERKE) (Galvanic =its, low-voltage motors and generators, electric MOW OTRAER EUKTROWERESTAETTEN GmbIl MOLD CO, gualthafia_INUMUmuumL22122 ilhagestiag treneformord 02PAETEBAU OBERSPRVE jOberspree Apparatus Coastrectiol/ B.rlidO Retorted to be combined withITEANSVORMA, TORUN/RN OB2RSPRE2, Bullgiatudgagysigg inow knows as TRANSFORNATORMWERE EARL LIEBINECRT/) (Said to be former AEG) 2- 50X1 Unknown Unknown GERAETWERA Verlispaamsohulenwerio Bohrlailtr, 50/i4 (Said to be former KRONE & CO,) Reported to have Branches at; ABM. WOENLERSTRASSE, Ilerlip I 4- woehltil2=1.1 (Said to be formerly WINGER & CO, SPERRSIGNALGESELLSCHAVT) /See SIGNALRAU BERLIN/ ABM. SCHUCHAPLT (Said to be formerly rrim SCHGCRARET? VERNSPR., tie TELMGRAFENwERK AAA iSeeTERNNELDEWIRK. BlilLIN/TRE3TOW/ (Listed Among units concerned with electro- signal constriction (Elektro-SIgnalbata/ GITRAFTEWERK Be 1 ii Pied 1 en Aho1. All 40 Said to be former N, GRAU) (see sTrn RADIO, ATRLIII/VEISFENSEE) SECRET )6/)614008 207836. (Other ammbersg :10104130) 73309 16/985/1003 RFT No. 51,04 )6/971410:* 16/971/1002 7,107 '6/906/1001 16/986?/1001 .R7? 51208 91364%57 209304,0 9067:4) /This is IR Number of STERN RADIO, MLLE :1 Welosenteli Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/69/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010604-4 ? ? SWEET 50X1 -0- OUrfilLAMPTEtTRE Pecandvoloent Lamp Factory/ ? )6/267/i006 0 7,706 .101102:-.1.:30?011:1120 RP? No54102 (Said to be former OPPA OWES-. LAMPfAIK) PPP /Listed among units concerned with woes= technique,/ .11111ILIMPENvERE LIncandescent Lamp Factory ? kiskis.4....2101im, Lr sixisiariacio Said to be formerly ?SRAM, eshNil OR1E21 MPENFAERMENIOU0, tt 1. possible the two plants are the samoj rgIDEIILAMPESWESE 3111110 BASINI(01 & CO. 15o0511411:07/1 /*albs for flashlights, astomobiles, bicycles? radio lighting, etctj Rn Unknown )6/)65/0502 7002 m MP OLDERLAMPTOTRI WIDEN . we )6/161/10ol 108917 Prestla 1 -glo-0rtenalatattiliti-,-22 ? ? (Other auisbersi (Said to be formerty FLEISORRACKERLAMPER) 7,701) !Incandescent lamps (Oluehlampeml/ OLUFDLAMPERWM ElSFEACII REV $6/254/1001 .072904 /Eisenach InGandeseent Lamp Easton/ ? (Other numbers: 2 se. ? Thseitm'en,t ?Per& llackenstr. 26i24 73704; 54101) 5065911?0191/ Said to be former HASA? ourniumprorm) LA NOLT110040 31? has been lieted as located at rIrEACR. OLVEHLAMPENWERIE OBERWEISSEACH . RP? . ? $6/277/1002 LOberweissbach Incandescent Lamp Factory/ (Other ntnebers: 0 7Y705:54103) libahstalL 43015141109V. .71!nVMROMPAMPINIMERII LighttPst'in. 'ham. V13 RFT GUIEHLAMPEEWEBE FLAME iPlation InPandeseent Lamp Factory/ 1 i50.1011412,.ORE Said to be former OSRAM, Oman) RFT atm )6/160/000/ 0061194 (Other numbers- 7370)) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-14DP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? ? SECRET ? ? VED RFT GERAETWERE CH2MIITZ DI 36/360/000/ phennits Apparatus Pactory,/ (Other numbers W. 73106) See WFRK VUTR 31EKTRISCRE mrssusimummt) GERAETEWnX RADEBEUL RP? intitt-AlausiajlajkzabankjaiiddLikll. iEleotrloal equIpneat/ ORAETE..WRICT =UNITE (ThI* name is often given to a plant called SUMS & HALM ENOTNITE. See OSZILLOGRAPRENOMETEMERE) GUS AND HEIDER budajtjainakug251s2111;121181/ Pondensor microphone"' GLZICHRICHTER- ORD TRANSTORNATORERBAU RIICHENBACR illeichenbach Rectifier and Transformer Coast non/ Unlmown GLEICHRICRTERNERK GROSSRAESONFA Proerraesohen Rectifier Factory./ Antontenhenttenstr, 1-1-5101Ni14E/ OLIMMERYFRK GCNLOTHEIN Sakb_littT1*1.5Ni1.0:40E/ PleotrIoal InealatIng material/ OLUEFLAMPENFABRIN PRIEDRICII LADM Sehwaregtal, Thnpt, 04ght bulbs, Bee erplanatory note ander BERGMANN, ALBRECHT./ GLUERLAMPENVABRU DAIIIOCCE & CO, Heenan (Muer) /50441NglOt54E1 iLlght tonne. See esplanntorr note under DERGMAhh, ALBRECDTI -D-37- SEUM IKA Unknown Unknown )6/37814025 361,93P1001 (Other nuabem 5/200 36/186/001 (Other washers.. 73501;5)4010 36/273/4090 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 .50x1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? ? SUMP 50X1 -0- OLUEEMA (See OLUTHLAMPENWERK, ZISTIACHI OLUBSOI?SRK 2 !IA 00TRLER, MAX Unknown l2 ,Note thatiXAR has woe addresej jamall transformers/ ORM: HERBERT, rLIKTIOAPPARATZBAO, gliewaill 9 0141.&14do1f4tmene 11, .008501.,12:551/ "Switchgoor, automatic control/ GROSS, )RITZ Mete) Meustadte 01281;124201/ DUO,. Prsnenedenwes_4. f11021,14422j/ .51 a911;144Z1/ /21ectrio motor and Apparatus construction, mechanical workshops/ Unknowu Unknown OR1BE24LAMPIN7A3RIK Unknown /*nor's Lnmp Factory./ (Formerly Miami'. Sachsen /50s441:12:101/ SAO Kabel) Plant reported to consist of three separate works. itta_I is at MIELIL-121gbinkmattidra-22, Work /II. Ivilleastr, (Werke 46 have also been reported as in %teat bp the Swimming bath..) Plant also known as FARM FUER BERGSWERKSAUSWESTUNO; Also known as ORUBENLAMPEN UID AKKUMULATORMABRIK ZWICKAU, Often referred to as FRITHAIRI & WOLF, the pre-Soviet name of the Plank./ (See OLUTHIAMPEUBRK zwiew, It is possible the two plants are the same.) 'Batteries. safety lamps, etc,/ GRUBER ARTHUR Irosden A 16. Blemenstrasse 45 /Storage latteries/ Unknown 9:0)160 1)-16 newt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? SKOV HAMMEL, tr, Lindentha4 (Kr Lein:1g) 1.51.24Ni12201/ /Detector crystals, indoor antennae HEGELMANN, RICH, 141311, Postschliossfach 321 iSeall transforneni Unknown Unknown HEIDER, WILLY rnknown ISIDELL21-1.1&21123-211P.INKAIL.12122 ?ijond4in so rat craphonsja HEINE. OSKAR, HAMM Unknown /Rote that COMER, MAX has same Maven/ /Resistors - Sp.eiaI design for laboratorro photo work, notion ricturks/ HEIRLEIN,,ALFRED ? Unknown Lk12.11L-a.-Nlimidinimils D.S/L-41-nlaiDL.ML /Measuring bridges/ HELIOGEN AtilUsabitim_Thadagles (See TERINELDEVERK? BABIARINAttre HELLER, GE)R,,, Chennits, Dorfstrasse 474,50r.50N41255// ;Switch yes/ HILLYELD, ALFRED, KO LeicsiaI 22- Oeore-Sohnmanw-Str,6 Storage batteriee Unknown. Unknown HENKEL. REINHARD Unknown MitteS-4111-SAT-M2101110151:1111L2n/ /Light bmlbs, See erplanatory note ander BFYOMANN, ALPFECHril SECRE2 1$ 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 "Tir,74prm,. 3r5- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SEGRZT Y:fJtHEPANINGS:KETITUT. Kt PT, FMK f'w ISAtiST:40A'OPIENNTRY XftThT.,TYNEOHT) .arYr91,k. HrTettNN, ' ;0 (1 ? 11A. , :0 ; : 1?1 . 2F1 .L4ULtov ;?,o --: ? 3.7.102WNV, 1,111PFCFT/ BOLLANL EWEN ,Iloehlen This r 451 12N; 211.1 LLight babe, See ezplanntory not under BEFGMANN ALBRECliTi HORN, JOHANNES Leipzig 1?Eluttummi /yigh-voltage switch gear/ O-140 linknown Unknown Unknown V.LIRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , ; --,),?70T--;47FPN " v ? ,?."1 - ? 7'; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 1.???????1111??????????????????..- STORM" --J- I toe tiAtiFR OLAS-INSTRUNENTEN-PAPRIX ALBERT 7MCKSCIPIPDT4, /50 ; 41N ;10454r/ Perez/7 sod tarot/ NWSTR IMMO) ImainkAn /32.25N:12.31Ei (Said to be part of DRALOWILWERK) 2 Unknown INLUSTRIELROCK BABLLSMO 'um 16f1934wL it2pigna-Babiejam,, Patio dials (Badioekalen)f ISOLATVERK N tte. S ika' (1.414;;10:24E .IKA ISOLPRSTOFF-UND KONLENSATORMERK KA )6/980/U00, WEIScFRSEE /High-4,01Am., oondensorg/ ISOLIER TRK ZEHLERICK 1Zehdeniek Insulator Factory/ 22bIsni.ek, Ma )r_L_AgLcer? 152;59N11.211/ (Said to be formerly branch factory,: JAROSLAV,, Krie7V & SCII`52) JUNGHANKS & KOLOSCRI jiiL 0 iEleotrio motors, transformers (Deformed/ - SMUT !KA Unknown 36/172/1005 - (Other numberro 72100 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET 2 KAPEL-APPARATE-EL:XT ')OGrItArrir. 31i1WA (See ELTITROSCIIAI:"ar)AFTE GB! MA) KAPELARK AtInShot IKA )6/985/.1102 B1.-.:hatru4ea Aikotv_ VIktorimpf.r,) ?/Former ANA1SE 101.14EWFW: /Insulator tutei; ?*:.sAlorrohrt KABELVERK K'AFTWk unknown )6/91610002 9057637 koepenick Care ienotore; !Formerly B e 1 K e nirk. Friedri,7hs1A.pnorif-?r, SAG Knbel) Also known AP C.J. VOGEL LHAHT-VNI: KAPELFERKE AG! 1CABELEBK 10115.94 !KA At-0:40101. 1089507 .fMeissen Cnb10 Vni7,-,:orvi . (Other numbers:. F41.14PnfNP*Tflinstr- la../5-)9N11 29F: 72102) -eSnid to bp former rextworr Williall.? ' Vie KAPEL'..THKE A,(:,,:. !Hish-Voitage and telephone cmbleA, brond- - 'band entoes. et./ ? KABELI.TRIC OBYBglifFE Vnknown 16/9R640002 9064748 ,Oberspree Cnbie Faonorrj (Formerly BerlinfObersolieneweidt SAG Knbe-i; Wilhelminephofstrneso_2 KABILWEBK SCHOENOW sefteM0w-W. B?rdn!BOAL- H-He ns-S4.r Said to be former SOM.= & LCHNEILLIO /Cables ant transmission KABELWEBK VACHA IVanha Cab.e raztorli ligiNLAbgep, )50.50/1;100W gastschlteeffaan 41,Amilaaljeo KAHN' & RULE era. Eypst-ThaelmnALALEJ /Measuring bridges, ohmmeters, ampoiemeters, voltmeters, etej KALB. JVLITIS, 8- CO NACHB, 1.51i2111,;1.1] Poltnge Begalatoroi * 1KA !IA Unknown . Unknown 34173r1002 ? (Other numbers: i2103 36/265/1.002 906472, (Other numbers 72506 SE4'227 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 MOT -X- ZAZr ii.? KO. mthejAWL_fiashia /50.59N; k2; 59V trrameformere of all kinds/ ? URANIXYAPRIX SIFNENS-SCHTICKENT? WERKE ?MR ELFXTROTTCHNISCNN ICERANIX XS.fir PORZELLANTABRIX. PitfRAIIS) Unknown KICRAMISCHESwERK HISCIC-XAHLA Unknown BeiTeldszt-. Timer. Igussilite!mtraset ( Toro rly !RAG Istbei) persists* for radios etu.: import- meats with diaele?tristif LYELLRO rintRotu vim MASCHINEN GmbH. N. L Roported to be %A:tabloid with TIMAO (Also reported a* lumina FLIatlfRODEN TIE SCHITISSNASCRINTN) /*tiling electrode*, welding machine/ 90S826 YEN )6/iA5/0502 9056805 LTILLBERO rLEKTRorn UNL SCINEISSMASCIIINr.N KJELLBENG ELMTROLEN 11ND MASCNINEN,Ombit./ KLINGER & SCHNILT ' Unknowa ilmenns, J50:41$410ii5lt /More try switches, r*lan/ XOCH-LEUCHTROTHREN GmbH ? Unknown timenan.., ?hr. Boigaseloyqj Plow lamps (Glimmroehron)/ KONLENSATORINFAVRIA HENRICH & CO- Etattlataitz. /5:1011;12;1PV Pondeneore ? XONLENFATOPEWITZ Pondensor hotorz,/ SAemr_rda., Stalin.._41121M (Yormprly Stadtring 20) 15109RilL061/ (Said to be former "MI KIM') /Reported to be part of KONLENSATOR.,- WERK GERA/ tInknossi 36/2n6filol -71902 - SKOV 005z)55 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP76-01617A005700010004-4 ?K? TONTENSATOFFNuM FREIVERC iTrelberi Condensor ractorif 50v. 591;114 221/ . Said to be former PLEKTROINVISTRTEWERR TRIEBERG) FER/TRIFIP KONL'ENSAmOREWPRE GERA /Gera ccadensor Taotorz/ teni.JAL .riamajjer,t ? (Said to be former UNTIE & RALSKE,A,G.,) WERNER-WM) (See Kona SATOTSINIM S01001/RDA . ,agnienbL jistrumms,? .?_tiljajjamiL,t0) TOTER,-MULE See M.EXTROGERATTEVERR, SUM) TREUZIGER:GEBR 9ltabaMint..../.501$7*;12;43V iRelays, protective transformers Schats-traneformatoredi KRONE, GPORG Oransal (Tribes) /101 Mai irt? et ric motori/ 1 Rig Rfl Unknown Unknown ? D?We SECRET ? )6/180/1001 0064716 (Other "Amber's 7/902453402 36/25611015 9099662 (Other mimberwi . 7,904;51401) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A666006.16064-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? itIVINVOIO 50X11 LAIrJRATOR27g ramo-mnsmana unknovs MAAR: SUMM, Sz....nmst.Ltzs :r_itor).2.34:441.13;021J ifsplephones and ameeneories, table- telephone apparatmsj ?LAMED, CARL Preliminary XIS OasotteerGermany lists (1) Cursdorf, 501141;11,4081, (2)Curedorf (1uredorf) 512511;12:1W /Light bullw See explanatorp nota ander NERORAVN;i mum/ LAMM WALTER .1,011,14 c-1 711.400-1)prt-Strasee 100/10t /Rowing machine lepton/ .LANGLOTZ U? CO,, Ruhlio flamer. /Toggle switches 1Kippeohaltorli LAUSITZEPIABELNERld ? /Aameitser Cable Taotersi R.lehsptr0 702 LEIPZIG RIVAL- U EL,GTRAETEWER1 Metal and Eleotriaai Apparatus Factorzi (Reported to be mnder =IPA, LTIPZIG) LEITUNGSWERX PLAITS names-. Rreitsoheidstro 122 1500141210R1/ (Said to be former mmils,somennit LEITUNGSWERK MUM) ? /emblem and transmission lines/ MITA japilg ? Thsksoms I1A /IA IZA 111 - D-45 - SECRIT 36/397,4003 36/364/1002 (Other mumbersg 72101) 906613RO 1089506 Oee,alsu IR 9059553 for 2947-48 data on. Siemens- . Salmi:bort Pitmen Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for 'Release 2013/69/1 : CIX-RDP78-01617A065700010004-4 SIEOBIT LVI(NTTNBAU /Lighting Canetrsaticksj Re lin 0 122 lo, ne tr, 78 Said to be former Tiro U eon mays & NALSRIE SORILDTWENTIOUNO) /Reported to hale formerly been sailed 117011APFL tINt APPARATFBAU PABNII, Insux-ompscsommy INA 36/975/0552 90i7661 LLUONTENBAU ARNSDONt IRA )8/37R/1006 Str. t6 Spelling of street name may be erroneous) 'Lighting firtareg/ LIUMITENBAU LEIPZIG INA . 36,)63/1010 LMiLLbanI71'PinL-$tr 1& (Lighting fistAree) LEUONTINBAU UAW= !IA 36035/1001 MPRIIELD/Sp, ?Chensiteerstr. 117 /30 Alit (Also known as BELSOCNTUNOSKOWERmsarp) lLighting fivtlreli IMUCHTSTOrreERX BAD LIENNMIN Bad Lisboneteln. Muer., draelTATIN-736: 0,1i1W-o4nzi Plo%ressent material (Demehtstoffli ? WILPTIN, qinsehas. Smahe Sehlesestr, i0 5911 12 pleetyle motor/ LINUFR?REINHARDT, Salle (Smile), Ernst-Toller-Strakse ) Itleotrie motors, switch gear, eentriflge motors (SuhleudPruotorenli LORTZSW GDRHAPD Nesse (*ads), Aoost-Nebel-Sty, L50i;51N;12;35E/ Omit transformere Rrr Unknown Unknown Unknown SUM? h8/274/1165 (Other trinbers,4 54201) ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010604-4 _ - 4 'k efo ? ? ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Matt 11116?11111110.11?04.01111i. ? 50X1 VEB YEN LOKONOTIVBAU-ELEKTROVECHNISONI HE WERKE "BANS MINDEN" pans Beinler'L000notive Oonstraction Eleatra4eohnica1 ?Word 52s)81I;13.12 Said to be foggier AVO-BORSIG) IzElectrio vehicles (Elektrofahrseagejj 90685)5 /Listed as *AM Bors4 Loco PL", and as 011entro- techalcaI Wk j WRENN, C.,AO NE? 73108 1052)85 Leimat 1., Svinneroistr. 7 PVT? ipscl11.4ranns, maintenance of radio transmitter*/ LUDWIG. VTOL?, hl be ? j52Ut2t0E ? , ?Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/69/12 : CIA-RDP78-0161A605700010004-4 jIleatrieaI soand plekaps1Vonabnehmsslj Unknown fo-47 = slum , Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 44- 'ARKRAISTAIDTER EIMPRCNOTORENgut ETNAMOTABRIK ARTHUR METREITER MAZgESKI122.01,11.81412.1411 LEINtrie Motored MARWARMT, PAUL obeb.wijuosio.50:351141109,4/ Light bulbs. See explaaatory note under BERGMANN, mum/ MAYA, HANS ? 1101MISAME1500,11410g5431/. /Light bulbar Soo orOlasatory Dote ? under BERGMANN, mum/ MCCANN'S= . S 1f.1 (ta village former MINE ELEC. PAOT iResistorli ? MZVIZINISCRI LAMM:PORTZ BERLIN perils Medical lamp Yaotord (Said to be oisubiasd-vith BERLIN OWEHLAMPENWHK) Valusova Vakaowa Unknown MUER, KM: 1NG? Zetica,..Lace!le? Max-Poch ete in -Sir, 31 /50i WI; 12 1101/ iDry transformers (Trooken-transformatorea)l ? NESSORAITE WI= ilkbasuriag Apparatus Factor/I JDIiIL!* ? ' (Said to be rosier DR. TR. ROM ? MITALLBAR flIBIONR, MAMMAS= & CO, KG Unknown ?Radebsul 1. Dreamer Str 28, Birkeastrasito45120611:13091/ /Small traneformerd METALLARENVABRII /Metal Ware factotzi &sits. Sa,,Anhal?, /51:03N:1209.E/ - D-48. SECRET 1 16/9741104 50X1 90676/15 , 36/)61/1009 -90588*1 73401 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 METALLIERK /Metal ?Reim/ A s...0.1.21 izsikoeume 59v mrrALLWERK /Metal Peotoezi now Brandenburg 132 5011: 131844/ NFTZKER ENRIXO .12331WIL1W4t) 251% .L61312344/ pleating current transformers k'Hels- ? truteformatores)) IXA Unknown BEM MITTELDNITSCIE'S ELEICTROMMOREVARAL Unknown GlibB ? /Middle German Bloc:trio Motor 'Factory./ Stalfsidik $eale /.50:3911;1V 24/ nuaiRER 1 WA JiecZ10410/4,,,.4, 'beer 1,50s 1611106v /Electrical aeaelriag deviate and instrunentg/ raknown 4 9058969 MONOPOUELEITRI5CRE-7A1RIE Unknown 1058273 RDA& (address mammon) Pell and signalling Imatm210010M1/ NOTOREN-HETIC (TREURANLVERWALTUNG) bellgig C 1. Mepdelssohnstraiss 9 sitleotrio notate MBOWIRTZ, THEO= ktigki 1_1AgglaLkkkareitml bison-transfornatoren) liPon-tmassfornersj MUELLER & 0011.. Ooldsc, Thuer? Plats der Eenokratis 1.51011414,00.11 /*clue batterisg/ MUERZTB B A, %amens. Dresdnfr Strasse 96 .bog5OIit2.52/ /Series traneformers (Yorschalt- transformatorea)i Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown? - D-49 - SWAN Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RbPi8-01617A005700010004-4 MOM 1ommr???????1111111???0111111101Mik 41110010141101:OIMINIM2 ..laillial???????????11, 4 RACHRICIPMI-TECRNISCRE ENTWICKLUNGS CID FABRIKATION (See tIEBE FUER nanaunzszi NT) ITUMAIDI, GEORG., & 00., LPLEKTRO- LABOPATORIUM, Weil/YEW Muehlberr /50z26141i454/ Plectroaceuttical apparatus/ WHAM, GUSTAV 15:031100u1S/ ftraneformerli NITRANN? WAXER, & CO " ifisperhet receiver,/ Unknown thiknown Ikknown ? NORtaxITSCRE SMIAIELWERIOI AG(STTROIPLEF-ADT) lu 58/)98/4001 lhorth German Sea Calle Feetory (Styroflem Divisionl/ kaimulas- NT11 1 (see SACRUM:ERN ELEKTROMASCHIMEMBAU) MTB 2 (Soviet Scientific Technical %ream) Dresdea,Deberits. lreiteehalditrasee 70/?1, This buream le commonly known to Germans as "Technisches Duero Kabel' (label /SAG Zabel/ Technical %.r). Activitiee include work on electric motors, relays and vacuum pumps,. This technical bureau was attached administra- tively to the SACRSIMERK RAMER?. After the latter factory was turned over to the-GIL WTI) II (under the direction of the Soviet engineer TICHANOW) became an independent factory.. 'TB 4 (See ELEXTROAPPARATEWERK TREFTOW) NTB 5 ( see WEEK WEE FERNWELDIXT8211 RF) u-50 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECREf led.????......-.10111?1101111111MI??????....0s.,-,ILV.0.0.1??????????Plin?????1111, -0- 0MISPREE TeFliK (See WAX IRTER IrnanirLDE'SSEN HIP) ? GSW (See AIX ATER P11.11. NNELrt?T'SEN BIP) OSZILLOGRAPUNGT.BASTE'TIM HS? ktoxials (PormerJ.y Considorable conflAsion exists as to SAG XABEL the correct name of this plant It is often referred to as SIENVIS & )iAME ZWOESITZ An Emit Zone .trado directory 4al11e it "SAG 'kabel Zwoenits6 whiie other reports call the plant the Geraete-Werk, The name above is that given in a very recent :sport,/ Reported to be concerned with te:te- vision *eta (withotzt taboo and screen), oscillographs. telephone amplifiers.: PM transmitters amplifiers, Photo- electric instruments electro-cardic graphs, etej 50X1 90;i7487 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? -P- PELLEGRINETTI, CH,, ING., 2.12122BREEMUll9k.191;a1414041, /Amperhet reoeivere PERTH:EL LR. -iNG.. & CO. Bannawitsjumb Dresden A 24, Aogust-Bebe17-Streissel trensformerli PERTRIX mit 3 (See BERLINER RATTMIIE UND PLEKENTEPABRIE) PHILIPS TUBE FACTORY ??????????/../?????? A report whose dete of information was Joutmery 1952 said that the old Philips plant at Erfart VAS WIN reactivated to produce smbminiature hearing-aid tubes. Tho FUNKWERK ERFURT (formerly TelefInken) prodoces votes= talon,/ Unknown Unknown Unknown 2054702 FEB TEM PHOENIX-ROENTGENROERRFNVERK RE 36/277/1001 906854 ktgdolitadti. Thmaringen,?Roentgcnstr4 /Former SIEMENS-MINIM-MKS/ IX-ray label/ PRONETIKA RADIO We See STERN RALIO, BERLIN WEISSENSEE PHYSIXALISCHE GLAS- UND quirtmcm WiRKSTAETTE A, GRAENTZEL, Jena, Nnoterstosse /Voltage tester!/ PNTSIKAL, - TECHN, ING..-BCFMUIED WERKSTAETTEN ING. KARL WEISS, grels/Thoer,. RichtnIstakgr Straus, 59/61 /50091412s12// /Eloctrical measlring apparmtms and instromental KARL PICKING, GmbR Dresdep A 1s5. Reisstr, 1 )61988/0750 Unknown Unknown INA 16/)61/4038 - MIXT 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP3-01617A006700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : 6IA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 3 50X1 PORZULANFARRIK MAI Potheas Porcelain Factord KARIN Former SUMS SCH00XIBT/ - Also known as PORIMLAIWZBK IPARA0S9 Also reportedas KIPAAMIKFANSIK *SIMMS- SCHUMER?" WERK2 FUIR 212KTFOTECHNI5C1lE MAMIE/ 1 PORMLANFAMBIK ADMA IKA Pam Portugal& Factory./ 4ama.: They/mince, trintiserstr, _22 2,5011.214111.54/ PORZELLANFABRIK RUM %knows Lflesoho Porcelain Factorz/ (Former4 SAG Zabel) 72401 PORMLANTABRIK ICOMILIMORP DIA . 7240, iKoeppelsdorf Poroelaia Footerz/ voelsderf. Qtto-Serener-Str, 4 j5Os2i1.kll2!/ . (Said to be former TIRTINIOTE 10EPPUSLORTES PORZELLAINEEXT PB. MARSEILLE) PORZELLANTABR tic norm-a ustoar IRA 72402 jpooter-Velledort Po elelain Factord tollsdorf. Wens /50i2431; OAR/ (Said to be former PORMLARIPABRVE V? KLOSTER.VEILSDORF) PORMLAW IRK MHOS 4See PORZELLAIITABRII =Loft 9066720 PRISMS RUDOLF 111906kien Cur.dortThee Preliminary NIS Gasetteer Germany lists (1) OArsdorf. 5004141108:N (2)Cnredorf (Imrsdorf), 5s251412404/ /Glow lamps (Glimnroehrep), venom taboos, (Geissler, Crooke:, Brew' Scentgee spectral tubes) glow lamps (011mmroehrea)/ PRESSWERK . /Reported to be lader ELERISO-ARKATURENIMIL .42bAkif (Rey be the same as ELEKTEGINSTALLATION plYFRLINO SEMI? ILA . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A00.5700010004-4 '7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SEORLIT 2 PRESTO ATIREISSTO-WRILE AO, bicycle plaat,le reported la 12 905n6ej (See SIGNAL CHEMNITZ and YABRZBUOLICNT CHEMNITZ" ? IRA PROESCROLLT, OTTO ? %knows ishilisatt 15Ota3di11f201,/ itight talbe, See sylaaatorY sot* liader BERGMANN, ALBRECHE - SECRET 3 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613/09/12 : CIA-RDF78-01617A605700610004-4 50X1 RADIOROFERnlidatt Itedio Tabs ?aotory/ Notaii This pleat was ander. SAO label, but plaat were itivea.../ -It- jsoaskii?141 rrporied to be as data on the . VIE MIT RA11010/011121111:21 "AllIA.STOMIS" Daum Seegers, 'Radio Tabs Pastore (formerly Z (Also called ROR1EIVO:11 AMA MOORS) /Posner TELETOIRCEN O&M/ RADIOMEN& /Radio Teohalose N:21141204/ See 71101MELDVIRK Wpm/ . RUTRON (Reported to be made, ZIYKTRO- ARNATURENWERI, Aust.4) (laid to be foivmer Mtn* 001) REICHARD? P.i.k4rted to be wider =KM- ARMAIITRZINCIK, Ma) RENA tiabli, Sto b.LiziLftft. 150i 411 ; 12 481/ /*eyeshot reosivery/ RTPARATURwERE DORMS! rftrrite.Tr.epr Sboy/ prudorf Ithm Alto_Chowtiteer Fab, L51110:. Sasetimee called REPARATURIVERISTAr? DORIDORP). (Said to be former A/0) Soto); A REPARATURVER/L LOUDON' is reported to be ander AIILAWNRUI ERFURT) RWARATURVIRILSTATf DORM'S!' (See REPARAIUMR1 DORNDOR7) LEA LICA %Move ri.55 _ SURE? . 36/282/1004 (Ut!.tr r ambers 7)601) 16/975/0753 36/265/0400 (Other aamberaa 71021) 9057121 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201 3/b9/1 : CIA-RDP78-01617A065700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized CoPy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 STOP? . 4 50X1 NNSOSTAT-MAMEOZ 1.0FRgFp 7. Unknown RUSSY yresden I 23 Grossenhalnercp, 110/112 Owitohear; resistors electrical rosotc. control and remote working units (Yerastour- a. Pernwirkanlagen, elektrisehe). starters !for a nachlnel/ RICHTER, HTINZ illmAftp A 29. Alteotta /Transformer*/ NISSLAND. PAUL Li hte al /51:51N.LL2?! /Plow lamps (011malonpeni/ 1:erifl.111111111 "ANNA SWIMS" (see RADIOROTIER-111vSPI "ANNA STGIaltS") Unknown Unknown 1112 Nit 20110121W1IX Unknown 900759 .410 (Probably /See gismo litt) IN 2147701 for sane /Yeoman tab, nfg , section of ST2R1 plant/ BALI? :Ay":11k-itiagmfdie (also known as PHONETIRA. See IN 90671b3) reported to have been transferred hero and incorporated with newly established PVT Noehrenwerk/ In baldings of former C. Lorens,A.C.6/ NOERRENLIBIL RFT 73601 905945". ?enftenbern. IlL.. BOnhstrityaste 10a15101N;14:011/ 52/106/1005 /Although this plant is sometimes listed ander NM the only report which has been fomnd concerning it states that the plant IMP traneterred to the oat- skirts of MUM In /948/112/ NOENHILI.-0. Unknown luswagraltianshe,50g15N;iis021,/ Pdght bmlbs, See eXplanatory note mnder BTRONANN, ALBRECHT/. NOENNILL, HT100 gjuigh,,...Larb../50:111:11:021/ /Light balm. See explanatory note mnder FROMANN, ALBRITNI/ fini.C130141 - D-56 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 s SFCF7T "VB 1.,CETGERK GERA ? rhelerinszen, Franz-Mehring!-Str. X-ray eneinf5.ring nnO nrTerntas) "RSSLEF, LORST, K.G. !Arngse der 111. %eltfeet.- .1::,t(!rfv,e battAriF1.1/ CL rICPrER S-chs,Pn. Sofi-nr1t2 5-6 /51C-1N;12:48E/ /L1,=ted mong n N)ncerned with . ? . oorr,onPntej Unknown ENT? 1:YrNK(.!ThAF'''FRK DELTIA" VEB Unknown Snhopn,beck (Flbe) An Rnndel. /52:0:M1145E/ 17.1Ptroynamic loldepeek0re. Sqnee:et ,7peeiverni SFORET 50X1 16,256/1105 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 1 SECRET 2 50X1 ??? -S- CFS- ..1.7 NE C 1, Nikolaistratee 20/2( 1Tape rPcordere (Schallbandgeraetel/ Unknown SACHSENYERK TtLEfr:HeMASCEIVENBAU aq iSachtenwerk Electro-Machihe Constructiol/ Kabel NiedertedIAIL151:00N;13:49E/ (Also e,iven as "Dr?.tden-Niedersedlite. . iyarioutly reorted WELEKTROMACHINEN- YABRIK HIELEi,.,2EDLITZ," "SACHSMERE. MCTUitE,h and 'S/CH EY ERR, LICHT MID KRAFT.'/ Soviet N713 -(T1(Sc1entif1c Technical Bureen) Buero-Dlektriche-Maschinen (Electrical MocP1neBurea,4) is located At this rlant. ,./"APrhet receivers, electric motorei transformerl,, 'witch gelai SACHS2r.'7A. LICHT !'ND KEAFT (See StCPS7L' ,7RK ELEKTROMArCHINENBAIT }'SJ RXrc-onr. (See SP.CHFN'YEX ELEKT1OVASC7IENFAU) Sr.C111Rk RALEYFrG Had...berg, Sachsen lyormerly C Lorenz/ (See ALPO teTB-2) 1Te1evieion trantmittere and receivert, polyThate indiction motors (Drehetrom- motorenll SAIUS 1::!,ANIOWERSTENFAPRIKIEEIDENAT) (See E:FiTAT,-7RK HEIDENAU) SCL,ALTAIRA-.T.BIK /Switch Gear Factor/ Pirna-Coitz Sachlten /51:5PN;19:56E/ (I.,orted to be Inder ELUTRO-AHMATUEM7RK, ISWit ChbOtltd . retivtorl/ S01-iAlT7P- MID 'ADETF;lAilLSIi/T BerlinNchanniethat FrieOrirhstr. 315 (Reorted to be anderOFRAEWYRK, Berlinliriedrichehagla) (Said to be former KARL PI.17RVfiNN ErrP.OnCFANISCHE -FRKSTA7T1rEN) Pwitches and retistorl/ Ministry of Potts And - Telecommunica- tions IKA EFT - D-58 - l(Pg/1101 (Other nlmbert: 59406) 905905 90.:::9210 1095203 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SMUT ? ' ? 4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy 'Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005 700010004-4 firitTIV'T 2 4 50X1 -S- SCBROT-FR,.Y.ING, Dredetilj). lets _e_a_g_le.el.en-e /5witehes for radio Purvoste FERDINPNL S CFiP, FERNSPRECH- U. ? TELEGRAEN-FRK A.G.. LFerdinand Schunhardt, Telephone and Telegraph Factory/ Berlin SO 1( Koepenickerstr. 55 . (1.1eprted to be part of GERAETEYERK, Berlin-Bnamschulenwed1; reported to be part of FERNMELDEWERK, BullkersenIew) SCHWACBSTROMLAMYENFABRIK LichtensteiR? T139.11111Lren _Ojglt?tsatraos L507,4514;1239Eti iSfee GLUTTLEIV'ERK OPERWEISSBACV SC! TIESTEIFNIK "AGIL" .1.'e1dinc, Technique "AGII."/ BerlinlIbersnhoeneweide, Tnbbertstr. 14 (Said to be former.AGILSMTISSVFPPEN DR. VASS & CO., AGIL-CHEIIIE, DR. VP,SS GmbH) 1-eldiz.g electrode*/ SCIENTIFIC TFOBNICAL PIREAU NO2 (See ELFKTROAPPARATEYFRK TBFPTOW) Unknown RYT VEM SLTMENS & BALM . Chemnitz/Snehsen, waisLiAltuyar_151,172.13 (See 'JAC FUFR ELFETRISCHE rESSINSTRTJMENTE). SF JS FADSKE ZWOENIT2 (See GERAFTE-WERKE. ZWOENITZ) SIYMENS-PLANIA ELFCTROTYCHNIC . (See ELEKTROKOBLEN'MRK LICHTENBERG) SIF'INS-PLANIA ELECTROTTCHNISCBE AG ELFETROKOHLEN,ERK TICI-TF;:;ICERG) SI AL Cli74NITZ ChP7174.1_,_init41144Ehaa11111....19.17..191 (Reorted to be under PRESTO CFFMNITZ) (Said .to be former GEBR. BAEOFEL) ipectrical eolipment for powered vehicles/ - D-60 - SECRET IKA 1q9q6/1101 9'357664 (Other number 51401) 36/360/1005 (Other numbers: 72601) ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? ? STCRFT -s- 5141CIZAL HRLIN '10-oeh1ertstr. 12-13 (See G:141.ETE'EX, Berlin/Baumschulenweg. Note addresses,) 2 BY /Railroad sina1 constrAction (Bahnsiengaballi SINN, ERNST L:.1.,,,204LAILItainstrasse 206 /5mnli transfor/ersi Unknown ELFP-PISi 7,4,,SC171N7N, VORM, Un'rcnown AT;SvRT IZT KG Dreseen-N?Staidtttralat_5 DIsgulatnble elsctric motorli SPEZIALYRK GALV0v0r7CRNIK (see :2;),v077.N.,:$ LEUZIG) 71.7R X.OLEBUIWSTENHALTER MI ITEM KONTAKTEILE LD-acial Factor For Carbon Brush Nolders and Contact Parts' Heidenau, Muenlenstr. 212.1f3:19N;9;111E1 (Reported to be WEEK It nf EFIDENAU) :ND i'NYSSGIESSEREI /Injection nnd Folndrx/ Heidenau.? Sachsen 151:19N940E1. (Nate is soti les reversed, i e, SIL/TZ6IESs7EFTI) /Transferred from NAPE'', to GDR, 29 Apr 5.2.j. STABY, HANS Rathenow. Gruensuerstr. 119 /Spare -nrts nnd accessories far radio stntionof DTSI7YS-741, RICH!..n 4%rnsta(It, Thaer.?150;51N;10:7Ei ---------------- /Electrical temrerature-measuring devices Sr.:34AG j'ANKO Pe r in/ n 1:ouL? Flornstr. Zrnie r ST''''A"'IT-MAG77'SIA AG/ SCT7ET Unknown Unkno Int IIA 36/97.112oo4 51/9R 1001 900741:] , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 :'CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 -3- SECRET RAL 10 . RFT Berl int.:eissensee,? Franz Joserhstro 112- (Also known as FITON'TTIRA RADIO) . ? (See 13b7;F.IR7.1-.T,. ?RE, mrri..Eprr-71,1 in 9067759. IR 23.477n1i LGERAETF.'.-FRIC, Er'RLIN/FRIFDRICIISHAGEN is reported to bp combined with SI'F.T),N RANO/ 50X1 It 3(19 q / 079 906714 3 , ? ST?.:R/1 RADIO ? ? RFT 36/394/1002 0089L*6 ROchltti?.....Sachsen? Sternstre A) 73102;53202) (Other numbers: (Said to be former GRAF.TZ, AG 73102;53202) Iliad to s s?rtare . , STERN 1111,10 RFT . 36/32g10:0 90667:7 Stnetfart, SA,Anhalt Loederbar er- (Other n =berg: landstr 132 it:It f,471.?. 11:15r. . 73101;532(Y3) (Snid to' be frmer STASS1'1,RTER RIMDFUNK,ftwo 1P,Adio A ri.,7,17-:-.t.12P) ?RALIO Lt7IPZIG . (See- FERNMELDE'TRE LEIPZIG) STOACEER CO, ? 111.,:zjz (SeeFE'llk?..:10.25.":Fli1C STrE'..ART Apolda, 'Phut. rirketn 151: 1111; 11:10E t (-Listed amone install ntions under RFT. no other data available.) RFT & "Ina TMknown h"lz !:Lrichson 150 :14N; 12; 5RE/ 1Sw1 tch 1.nitjtof - D-62 - SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Tiv? TiT. A.,ET 1/1.:11.5N41 ? I :)ecip 1 'Trpri!f ormar TCi IS P'70 Ft :-.S1 NACI,p/ChTrIrS?TA (see w7-1,x Fr -p, Yr, NVELIZ.;FS'M-fir)* TEC'JiLS'liLa BUSRO UB (seP1+;T-2) TUL4TRON r6en-RAdebelLIfiehgen (See FUNViTRY, DSIJEN) " LTA 11LZ1 p*-1.4P 1 1 s. 1,50:5910: 394/ .1?Small trans fornst TiArFilit,;'11711 LT-wrlirimoto:F.,EK GlitA Flpi-Tac,,i4ryooliTternx Grith):. VP6TIES-SERI ftnia & - Tin MV Serilf old (Slole) Ifiotten#tretvIze 1_51: 394;11: 21r./ 1:17.1Pctrio motor! T1!Th.R iINr ns, Tinra. unktiont FAj:1111( GmbH. R?Lqolet,cit Upimart eche St.r. /50 :4:3N ; 11: 2CSJ TMER11,;1-Eit %R,LT;T'OPPALI ((7te rnmeldewerk NC+ in. Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 2 , NEB UM TRANSF01410''OREN?,UND ROFNTGENWERX DRFSLEN D Pee; r (Said to be formerly KOCH & VFERZEL TRAWIYOPVATORERVERK) RE 16/361 0101 90580FA3 iyigh -voltage test units, trnneforrePrs of /In kinds, high-voltaes rectifiers, mensu.r- ing trantfornPre? X-ray apparntulti TRA1,CliTl.f!' on EN' !RK KARL LIEBKNEdiT (See FATf.-7N ETTER TRAWFORMATOREN "KARL LIYBENECRT") TUli8ONIT-1.,ERK nj W'11 IKA 3q989110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201 3/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A60500010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 ULRICH, MAX, DR. PHIL., Leiozig C 1. Hohi 8trasla9/11 Neasaring bridgesi condenSOrs, measaring resistors, etg/ INC. ULRICH RADIO FACTORY ..1.0ABlUOLLJW.MLIAltak jAadio receivers for POST UNI1 FERNIILATEMPIELLM_MPAi ULTRAiLANG, CLAUS latiwit KG. DrP.p.den A 16 Sghamannstrisse 21 1Electroacoastionl Avparntasi UN I ON BD I T ZS C FUT ZOE SBLLSC HATT, A G /IIMF I STIR r e CO. fUninn Liehtning Protecter Aaancintinn, A. Gillmeister &CO3J - Harlin W R Chariltteastr, 36/971/4045. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SHOPvgr 2 50X1 VAR.TA Grotetnedtein neox Dejrzig ? IStortge braterie40. Prodaction reported to have stopped in 1945g Unknow 't "VILMAG". BRArER &GWENEt. Unknown Lelmale_112.1_11unttlangsalls_13- 'Note! "Bernstein. Herbert" is at sarw ed6ressj /Electrical rnenFtaring devices And lnptriments./ _VENTE WUXI Groestaedtein nenrjeiPzi4 (See VARTA V7RKE). . iStornce batteriet, Production reported Unknown 9103159 to hpve stopped in Febratry 1942J VISOMAT GmbH. -Unknown Leiuztg Cl, Berliner?Strasse .69 ? IPLotoelectric crernting mechanisme (Lichtelektrischr Steaergetaetal/ ? C.J. V03-EL DRAB'!'- UND KARELVENKE AO- (See RABLLERK XONPENIOK) 7OLKEPT, RIMS rchfeld (Werra) /50:41N;10t21/J 2Antenna twitches. plur,l/ VOLKSEWERGIE Leipzig (Reported to be ander ANLAGENBAU LEIEIL) VOLT pNTAKBAU Werder, Have1. Hitenbahnstr. 71 7752721N;12:571/ (ReLorted to be 'ARK II of BERLINER HOTORHN- WER4 ./tit may be ELLKTRO.,VOLT. IR No.2072202/ Unluzown - D-66 - SicRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A665700010004-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 It is Possible- that both units Ara the same .-- the SDZALA-1.114001010....9.1141 13urem_t, NTB-1 or 11E1P,'(Eactirichttinochnische Entwicklangs tind ribrikatich) asorgfaliall4i, was often reported aa:nowctedTWIth om. hp n the Wel* fuer ,Pernmeid ewe B? was turned over to . the GDR, silOnk. with l hit.. seven of the units antler Lb1, 14TI:a.5wa itted by Itabel ? wLELICH & ?;;ACHSWITS tk:211.12Lejtenbach...., ?hiker. j.501 j5E; 11 ; 02X/ 1Ligh t bulbs. See explanatory note under BERGMAN 11 ALP RECJIV WIEGAnt WICAART, Oberwei s ebrtch Thaer 214 ght bLlbs See SIT anatoz7 note BERGMANN, AURECII'll 'vaLMER, TanTROMOTORMFABRIK KG Merkendorquebi Awns 'Th149:12N;10:4 lElectric m ot41/ "IiILMOs MOTOREN- u. mArii7Jax0 Chemnit,? wilheim-Raab,Stir lo i5o0m02:-.5551 electricsotort, switch geal/ WINCla & CO., SPERRSIGMAIGEtELLWIT Berlin 14 4, Woehle rstr. 12-11. tSee GERAETEARK, WtLIN.BAUMSCHULENMO /RA FUNKTECIIIIISCHE WE-RESUMES Chemni t z 29, 2Se-hopper -Strsese iConoensorif Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECKFT ANLAUYNBAUs apd TYCHNISCHE MEAN The following listed bolo* (tor pity or tirdfi) are AlOost interchangeably referred to as AnlagenbauS (Constriction Units) or lechtiache Duero, (Technical Bureaus). Thair principal task -appears to be the installation an maintenance of apparatus or equipment troduced TEM or RI01. 1 2 AIMAGENBAU PERLIN Berlin 0_12.,,0 The fcllowinn unit is retorted to be subordinate to iRFT/ANLAGEbRAU BERLIN: ER.IKSTATT TIOHNWRFS Brm0 BERLIN ABTLO. EATEPASTR?, Naltpagtr. 17; (See F7RTWELLTVERK TRERTOW, BERLIN/TBPT0) 2Erection (r,ontagenli Al1LPGFNBAU nPLIN al_izzlitr, .12/22._ ? (Said to be former AEG punto The followine units have been reported as subordinate tc PTEM/ANLCENBAU BERLIN: ATISEISTEW'' 2. kotedath Charlottenstry 23 AU5'SENS1ELLE 11, ? hopcienkti.l_a_Sleig43 (Said to have formerly been ANLAGENBAU BROLENICRO - Note. that ANLAGENBAU BRANLENWRG is reported to be At - IEloctrical installations (Elektroinla&n1 -FERWELLS-KABEL-ANLAGENBAU nJR Mauerstr. 45 rection (Montagen) of comnunication cblej ANLAGENBAU Br,ANDENBTTBG Brandenburg/Havel., Brdbet.Bauptstr. iilso given The followinr Unit is reported to be ? subordinate to /RWANLAGINBAE IWANDENRIIRG: . - rNTFEBT.r7B0 POT SDAM . Potsdam, Babeleberk. Unernikusitr. 1? ArLAG-ENPATI BR! TIDERPTIM ? 2t7andenbttre,, Havel. Bai..mutr.?, RFT VM4 RFT RTT E4-6P - SECRTT 4 3e/975/1O3 Do57625 (Other numbers:does not 73008;51502) apply to thig barekli 36/971/0501 .36/971/1004 36/191/1601 (Other numbers: 73006;51508) 71038 ? -L.., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET LTER, , Unknow Nieenach, Paulinenstr. 13 150,09ft10119E/ iliight bine.' See explanatory note under BERGMANN. ALBUM/ UTUMAR, EMIL . Grove-Sehwabhausen/Thaer. i571411t29.1i ./Rith-voltage switch gen/ wELLER, PAUL Icohstrasse 28 .LE)ectrical fne=19Ltring device' instrntentsi Unknown UnknoWn 4 50X1 VIM FUER EtZYTRISCHE MESSINSTRUMreTTE . RIFT?, 9057764 tractory for Electrical Measaring pasts as Instramente "RFT Geraste-, Chemnitz..LJnehl'en-AASSkiI4E-Attull werk.7 and 0:50R;12:5511/ "Siemens & ' Often renorted As SIMMS & HALM. Halske.1/ CVNNITZ. A GernetewerkiCHEMNITZ has been reported at Same addrealf ERE FUER FERNWEIDEKAREL ksmutk, /52:39N;13:12E7i /52:07N 12:02Ell (Reported to be under?KARELWERK4 SCROENCW) EB.1( FUER FERNMELDEWESE0 ?Vector! for Pigh-Frequency Communication: ? Method1/ Berlin-Oberechoer_mejlea_P tei_m_4042_14a ?/Fomerly known as OBFB.SPREPARK or 05W, Ministry Of Posts .and TelecommOtica-. tions. ' Two other organizations have been aseociated with psw. Considerable data, are available concerning therd,but time was not available While nreparing this paper to determine the "Tact-relationship among the three. These units Aret.: RACHRICHTEM..TECHNISCHM 7MTWICKRUNGS CND FABRIXATION (Communication Development and Manufacture). t TECHMICRES BUSE? FUER'MACRRICRTENFAFSEN:- (Technical Duero foTCommuniCation Methods Berlin 0 112L.Netie Bahnhofstr. 9/)i The address giVen is that Occupied :at one time by the officeeof the SAG. A.441E4i. It hag ?also been reported that the Burro is now located in the offices of the former KN0RR4R1MSrYlant. The SAG RABEL ie also said to have moVed there. A Soviet Technieches Kommitsion:Faer Fernaeldevesen (Technical Commiesionfor ComMunicatiOns) was reported in 1946 as being located at the NI4a. Bahphof address. 9056634 Declassified in Part- Sanitized CopyApprovedforRelease2013/09/12 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SE 50X1 ZAIIILLE.- UNE APPAP.P7T.,14AU TELTPOW Teltow bei DeTl1n Oderetr. iMe tPre (Zaehle xi/ INA 36/196/1101 ZE:3:111%, ,k).1.rePinjS /51:04N; 111_,:i Plesiste.)rif UninoWp. 7.711" PAILA130 rt./0'0,R ItT14 Trr7R EMPFAENGIMPOEHREN Erfu.rt. ThuerinEert (See ZE:IFALLARCr.f.r1(aITYM.FTIrl:t 7TRITtklr'Lr1-Trit/NIK BP ri niTre pt o,. El 'eve:tr. 106/107 P,I,"e7EINZPEPT0';:) Not to he conf .3.1?ed with ZENTRAILA140PATOPI"M ETTR ZENLLAPCRA`. ()MUM 7:117-R Slf.7AL 'ND 50!,1,77-ANLA4EN (See Pr-TRX. KriLIN) - D-70 - 'SCR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? 7, At4Lhanowr (lawOz 1606. 0 Qhemnitz, Snchs n t tr . Other 'number (Also called ,ANTAOMBAn Sin). AO5.1451502) (Said to he former smass-sdromi & AEG.) _ The following unite have been reported as eubordinnte to'ANLAGENBAtt dEE4NITZ:4': AUSSINSTZWit' AUSSENSTELLE II ;If Asysi,..Aficillen. toter. 8chneebr.jix_ Al.ISSENSTIMLN III Erf_.:Ls_Isplau,L. Sachsen., An 11/21onhof. ANIA,JENBAU COTTNIS 3/1002 Satbt_alla..3 ,bta.0_41,121.1,att. Other numbers: 1.51:4611;14:20V 453505) ANIAGENBAU COTTR1S /181/1001 ttb144-kig.:111 BreitocAtj4ttri79 (Other rilliehere: 1:4611;14:231i ' , , 7100451507) Said to be former S eme , : .1_..mzulstawillt2401) jEleictrieal installations Weistroanl , AfiLLGEltBAU I;LEN pinitLtia?..11,Lluittattlogs_12 The following un i t have been reporterlas subordinate to /RFT/A/74AGENBATJ?rerSM: UNTLSVE.Ii0 CHEMNITZ ? " .Chemnit Plaj2 T.7lir IMO GetIlLI'PZ G e ii D. an IIIITERBUTTRO ZITTAU Zitta Snob* aSt /Erection (4ontage:11i ANLAGENPAU Dprsva /, tither our:beret (Sometimes called AIII4OEVAU SUERSOT4 71030 01507) (Said to be former SIEMENS-SCHMER EZTVER AEG.) The following units have been reported as subordinate to ALLAGENRAU AUSSENSTELLE I Dresden A 28. ebt rst 6 (Said? to be former ELTVAMA AUSSENSTFLI.v II G? Bre' t scheidst AUSSENSTELLE III Sittelt_La hs.,,m4 Am 1.,_.10.3d Daeotrient intallations (21ektre Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET 2 ANLAG.ENBAU ELFURT RFT Erfarli. Thuer. 2 /Erect on ( Montagen)./ 3 36/255/1020 (C4her numbers: 7-3003;53504) i:NL:,C.E1,Ettt.1 ERFURT 36/255/1006 Erf trt? Eroemper ir_r_ je,...Z2 (Other munbe re! (*Sometimes c11.1ed ANLAGT:NBAU '!FST) 71053) The follvwine, unite hsrre been. reported as subordinate to ANLAGENBAU wain ? ti 7 33ENS9EI.I.E I No rdheu p pail. njas.,,xtr,..?_j_c,A ATIS!3ENSTELLE II GPM TIPAer43.1211.1E1111.2-6 (Said to be fortnev,ELEETROMOTORERWERE GERA) ATISSENSTELLELIZ (Said to he fanner REPARATURWERE DORNLORF) LAlso reported aft independent Ludt. See REPARJ:fr.JE.'ERK DORNDORF) LEleotrinal inetallntions (Elektroanlagen HALLE V4 ,71033 .11 ?BAIL? ttaetrtn (Also reported to ,be iinder AN.140710.P.13. ? 1.111-aq) ( Said to be former S &A0) BAliBAU LALLE VD!, 71054. ilialle Railroad Construction.1/ 112..1jr_t1 Seale. Delitss 1 ...._aie..L.stro 66 ( S ome t i me a ca i / ed BARNBAUBUT.'RO }ALL) . ( Reoorted to be Ander ANLAGENBAU LEIPZIG) (Said to be former AEG 13,AnTRAUTITIM HALLE1 BROVN rOrTI A C.O., 'qr.--,To PALLE 1142 S.'4 sfl.n le ELn.TROBAU Halle, S. Az...heit (Reporied to be under ANLAGFITRAU IIALLF; Rel)orted to be Ander AllIAGENBAU 4).X.44/a V5S It, HALLE pormerly ANL.A0.t.NBAt1 RALLE ). VEP. VEY, :,:.1.,4.3'TI11W1 "R0.7.11TGETITECENIE UNI5 1..F.1,74TROKEDI1IN" JA Jen.rinn Pechnical se rhspi ? D- -? SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 :CIA-RDP78-01617A0bg700016004-4 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SIECRET 2 ALLAGENBAU LEI:ZIG, ? Leipztg C 1, GelleTtstr. 2;9 The following units have been reported 99 sibordinpte to ANI BATT mum: UNTERW HALLE, 1 UNTFT-*BUtRO PLATT N Vogt1d., We_ststr, 56 P'rection (Montneenli AULAOEBAU L7IPZIG Leizig C 1, Schuetzenitr. 4-6 (Sometilep called ANLAGENBAU mmr) (Said to be former SIEMENS-SC1ITCEPT- 5RKE & ATG.) The following units have been reported as sqbordin9te to ANIAGFIPAU LEIP41: AnS!:FJ.STELLE I ,LeipLiAL Plemmlmstri 41/41 (Said to be former VOLKSFNERGIE LEIPZIG) TEM AUSSENSTELLE II Halle Seale niversitpettrilig 29 See ANLAGEMBAU HALLE above.;. (Saie.addresSIJ (Said to be made up of former ANLAGENBAU HALLE; ELEKTROBAU, HALLE; BAHNPAU, HALLE.) Electrical installations (E1ektroan1agen1/ 36/361/0103 (Other numbers: 73001;51501) 36/363/0102 (Other nimbere: 71012;51503) AYLAGENBAU MAGDEPZIRG HET 36/311/1000 5P/7(1 (Other number*: The following units have been repotted as 113005;51506) 9 a bordinate to 1,1IFT/A1LACENBAU MAGDEBTqlG: UNT7.Rp1.yfto DESSAU DPesam. EdmnrAftti-ILELIAhlighthILI UliTERBU7R0 NORDHAUSEN Nordh!taseni Lenin Alice2a blote: A6dree* is same as PERNMELDE7BK,. NOPDHAUSEW ANLAGENBAU MAGDEBURG V4 36/311/1001 .....m....JAYideR416.21Ailikero'res_____A...e....W. 5R/79 (Other numbers: . (Sometimes called ANLAGENBAO 1i0HPOST4 71014;51504) (Said to be former SIEMIxs6-ntaluusIXT*Itutts ASG,) The following Irate have been reported as subordinate to LVEM/ANLAGENBAU maws: D-73 - SEOHET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A605700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET 2 AliSaldi':ELIE I j'rhleben t2aid to be fnmerly ELFKTR .0TORTN- RX P.A.IL:12n) PSS2NSTELLE rx Deft$11.4? Mn Schlnchthof ? (Saki to be former ELEKTROMOTOPEN- M KOMITTSSORYN'7.RX ussAtio) '/Electrical installations (ElektrosaIngen)? repairti 7,53,7.11* Vc;PDFAUSEN 140rAhalr,Pn.(liktELItIlial1Itf 2a ?LLEVERX. NORM/1175EN has same aiicress,/ iiIiliA)10STOCK RostocktMecklba.. St.Goore-Str. 2r4 /Administration at St GeomatI28; Workshops (4erkstaette) at , Sedagogienstr. 17aj (Said to be former SIFMENS-RALSKE WORKS) ? /Erfction (Montagenli .01e? reported to be concerned with fnt.nmeters (Echolote). maenetophones, telephone e7chAnge switchboards. aSeembly- of telorlones, voltmetei./ W-70CX Roetork?..Alcast-Bebelstr. 19/22 . (Someti? es called ANL1G71MIV NnRD.) (;ria to be former SM-17.NS-SODUCK7RT1;ERKE .5 Al-G.) Th 4= follovine; wiits hnve been reported' as- ? vlbordinpte to ANLAGYBAU ROSTOCKi t . RFT RFT A7SSEKSTELLK 1 Schwerin, !eckl..'Strasse d. Nat. Einheit . AUSSENSTELLE II StrRiiind Mecki Tribsee att. AUSSERSTELLE III Neabrandenbari... Meckl", Breitecheidstr. 4 /13ectr1cal installntions (Elektroanlageni/ it44 -,SECRET ? . sii&....:,aik..,-.2:lar,,. :Al!:',',..,,,:.,,,,..&.,94.,...,,I,V,iuti7 ,,.. s.g?, --2.4" r,....1.1g,,,Aliiiia.,A.,,:a .,u,; .,:?,? ?o, , .e , ,.. : ' . , , ;": Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 36/222/1004 910101 (OthernambersiSee also 73007; 109116/ 51507) ' 36/n2f i001 ' (Othlior AlMbOrSs 710,600$06) 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? TECHN. F:TROSGrATV$T AO - . Very. der *,'113 1:11Tv bdix and Geneatechnical :Bateau, Administer:Aloft ofV1 .Bfrlin 0 1.7 1). B C. Wattljtatulttiti.L7 e. HalleiSaale. 1orstetstr..29 f.Emietur4.0AMtjwk-Gt..4.: g. Dresden N 6 Bliallpiatie 8 h. ItylAckatk. J. Goerlitt Plauen 1. Annalta EtthILS i, 'Iloeeplatos Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A665701e40004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 13-.2 ? Itr CkItiCylLI; "11.11 A !II; 4 v 13.111e.:401. (1t.rt1Cf, rap cire The thr e)lt. 15, cti. fernj4. nth t tre'llSh Tr;OP .1" 1 Proez (74.-;2 1k sttc?t. t!te .16 acindeIttytvei t-totlunti,?44- cAri ' yviv A.1,11.df.*, wh uti 1 t tp.:11,5%. 4 lint:Crit V e ?WI) ttir4,7, )!`'n,?Ie..tils,'It-ir, -, - . , _ nu 4 1?11V(Ifti9 ' 1'41 et Lel tilnittv ( (' , tiy ttie 11Pil 1 pt yfit.v141.,...ti , k)lants fall Ilk; -0./ n ifirii' 41:14tPrik., ' 'WI* r e k1.1.%w:1,'' -T1tIrltP:reT .-.., 3 , iCrtAte b*rt.ti tts4s 1 i.,r1*. a. to ii pi illt,- f?- . , 'Vela. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 smarm 2 AltrISSA-KANERA-WE1tILZ.ZRES12101 .Optili 47/361/002 pmdaka li 16, Blasswitierstr! 17 IMO? cameras OrotokaseraAll .ASKANIA ET/i0 y096/1001 00,tstro /Regulating devices (Ragleranlagekl/ BELEA.WERK actilm Wilischetzuj. /photographic camera* Outoapparateli PEINMESS-DRESIBM Dresden4 Ileiststr._10 /Dividing machine* geodetic apparatus Vreilmasohlasmo 0eodaetische Oernetelf 7ZINO/115CW WIRIC GOTRL1TZ 00erlitz/Sachs., Fichteetr, 2- /Allot? objectives,.pbotogrophic cameras (Potoobjektive, Toto &pp:irate)] FIIIMOSTO-FROAKTIOR 1.2m512BA i. LUItgalatc-11 /Projection and enlarging devices (Projektions- u, Vergroesserunge- . geraetc.1/ FREIBERGER PRAIZISIORSM/CRAM ? IrlaNtrzilesimw,-MALtella-r?hin,t, Peodetic apparatus (Osodaetische Gessetelj KAMERAWERKSTAETTEN Dresden, Riederseillits/SechsTA Edear-Andre-Str, 56 ' OhotogrAphic camerae (rotoapparatall Opt!.k 37/361/1001 Optik 37/363/1o21 Optik 37/34/1002 Optik 37/361/4009 Optik 37/380/1)01 O)tik 37/361/1001 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 iractory control de/Vices ($etrlehekontrollgerietelt. ? RATRENOWER OPTISCHZ wzgx4 PO 7/100/1061 . thb.euyjj_g_a_,4rdb -., Stf144/ailde lk /xy, pieces (AugeeoPtik)1. *YeElflesee (AugengWeseek. spectacles, optical devieAA/ RUSKE, PARRIZ FUER on* UNE OVIP5 9 TEINRECHANIA :IN VERWALTURO*SVEB, RATREROWER 01011SCHE WERKE (Ruhnke, Factory for OptiOe sind Precision Mechanics in the mdmlikletta-- ? tion of the itEli 1Peo.P1el-amned Enter/41AV ? Rethenower Optical imeteer)-. BatheneiLMMEIAALOAWAJOUML ..PAye pieces (AagenoptiXi/. pliehnical eppoial &lava** (Techn.Spesial-glaeserli TEOR1I.-Y111. WERESTAETTEUT . Optik l':ci5 1 TheiheimplachtuallTheltu.?. /Measuring equipment (Messgeraete CARL ZEISS JENA ? RV PO 1PPtical instruments asmilipparatus (Optieche tostrumente'und as-010W Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/69/12 : 6IA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 vcRrt PART -E kARTIAL 0:4;1NIatiTIA.41 UF MTh 'T Cr flHLOIi / TVA 5 cpntains thc Mf rl tiRydrcgrApht: .114.rvIr!t, And the MiArioroiogical Servict, of thv GDR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : 61A-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 , sEcar?r MINISTRY OF INTERIOR Main Adminietration for German Maritime Police. (tTSP) e drogra!'ih i c he r - Dienst (SRL). (See Figare E-2) ?????41.....100. Mf.teorologioni and Hydrological Service of GDR A 1 flt.LYPAIII. R1.11* Be 'lb %Aim, administrative center of Potadalgt, Centrei Ob,ev.rVator7) : Meteorological ; Rydrological Servipe : Service, Specialized (See Divieion ? See Fizare Figare.E-1 Partial OrgalizettiOn of Ministry o E-2 SECRET E-4) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET ?AaRYDROGRAPRISCHERDIENSTLNDE7 (Maritime Ifydrographic Service) Director: Dr. (fnu) BRUNS Deputy Director: (fnu) scanTs Terrestial Magnetism Sectron-: : established during summer of : : 1951 at Stralsund ? ? ......* ????????:??????????? : In March .1952, three new hydrographic offices were established in iarnemuende, Stralsund:, and lol.wt to. distribute sea charts, survey harbors, and check sea marks ../1=0,1/17????-???????????,..... ??????????????????????? ABTEILUNG NAUTIK (Nautical DepartMent) Preparation of navigational publicationg ADTEILUNG ASTRONOMISCHE NAUTIK. . (Celestial Navigation DepartMent) ? ? .?Preparation of nautical almanacs, tables ? ? ? or sunrise andminset, and azimuth diagrams) 1 ABTEILUNG FUNK lyadio Devartnent) Matters relating to transmission of navigational and iaformation by radig :-- ADMIXING mwsmume : (Department of Oceanography0 ABTEILUNG DAUTISCRE CERAM : : (Nautical Instruments Department) ADTEILUNG FUTTE : (Fleet Department) .gnspection of veesels'assigned'to SE27 ABTEILUNG PLANUNd . : (Planning Department) git addition to :plumping functions bead of department is directly over RUEGEN-RADIP ? and the meteorological stations along the coast2j ADTEILUNG FCRSCHUNG::. (Research Department) , :-- Translation Section :-- Evaluation Section Figure E-2 . Maritime Hydrographic Service SECRET Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-61617A005706010004-4 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 7 kotoorolo,eic0 Servkce : sECRET Readqaarters of Meteorological Service President'! Dept. 4 ,-- Administration Dect ;-- Budget and Treasarr Personne4. ; t-- Materiel ' t-- Fired Assets . 4. Administration ofthe Observatories,: Institutes 4 and Research Stations Administration of the Blometeorological Service ;-- Administration of the Climate Service and the 0, A Meteoro2ogical Network t-- Administration of the Weather Service Administration of the Radiosonde Service , t-- Library. Pablications and Specialised Training Main Off to, of Metsorctogy Climate Service and Meteorological Network ? Climatography Ann uai of Meteorology Parts I - IN ;-- Climate Service Brandenburg-Berlin ? -t4. RO taMroLogica.4, Serviv. ,-- Radiosonde Service' Calibrations and SupPly 3-- Evaluation's ;_- Radiosonde Station Lindenberg Figtxre Mpteorciaogiefta Settle* smart, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? SECRET NeSeorolmelas; Servic, (oontinmod) Observatories and Research Stations (1st including Oraphysical Institute) 4 Nein Observatorr POW= 1 4 4 2.... Atmospheric Elsotricill t ? : Radiation Rsoleareit 4 2 Experimental NotoorolOgY 4 Thooretioal Netoorolair ; sw- Weather and Climate Rosoareh 4 Observatory Lindenberg, Erpsrimostal Aoroliodr 4 4 Araralimatolosy 4 4 4 4 40.*,' nubility Reseersh Workehop, . 4 ?..". Atmospherical Electricity (,) 4i Observatory nom* Mu X; 12A2E) t-- Terrratial Nepotism Research. Observatory Weimar (in 2950 Vas at Naha) Radiation Research s-- Observatory Warnerarada 4 4 1i. Radiation Bosun& t-- Ionosphere Research y-- Observatory arlifewRid ? s. marine Yeteorology 1-- Experimental Research 4 4-- Agroratoorologleal Research Station, Halle Avoratootologioal Research Station, Orsifsvald 4 Bloclamatio Research Stetioi, Berlin-Bach. -116are Metoorological Service (continaod) E-5 - snag, 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 3 4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET NA122LOwicel Servill (contimed) Large WeeTher Service Stations Central Weather Service Station, Potsdam - t ,-- Mein **ether Service Station LelPzig t-- Hetoorolo6, Offices Mrateofolov Offices &zhes:111 ?- Group Climate Serv.1 weather Service, Stiiwerin RadiosOnds.Station erelfsweld Mratt-ott#LOgy Office treeden Group Climate Service Weather ServV* Station, Eresden Radiosonde Station Wahnsdorf mete4iro:.cgr Office Halle Group Climate Servic;o :-- Radiosonde Station Wernigerods Off tot' Weleff7 Gmup Climate Servi.*6 Weether Service Station Weimep Metercl*gical Stations ;--- zir Stratton Potedam Sympttc Stations (Alto meteoro *gloat stations of the first class) Lindenberg Webasdorf (alto biceilmatological Statioft) Rraoken ; ? .,.. SynoptiC Stations (also bioclimatologioal?Statiofte) g cf tnv second class) .. : ;? .-- Wernigerode (Also bioilimetologieal Station' : t --- Ucketynarande L ; Hieok ; Arkona . t : ; . ; . z-- Remstrelits 1 Warnemurands 50X1 Wismar Ftegm. E-3 (continlied) Metearotegical Service E-6 SEcRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part -'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RbP78-01617A605760010004-4 ? Meteorological Serwille (continaed) ? . ; ? , . ; ..? .-- Schmerin Bat semborg * - * ? z : 4-- Wittenberg g ; ; . ; 4----? Angeraneade ? V ? V ??- Frankfort e.A., Oder 4 latebbea 4 ; -- Goerlits thasatts Irizbtelberg ; , = . - --- P.ustuan ; . , c ot : .: ? Leipzig b V ., : ? " "" Sakell.d 1 t 2 ? O ? t - ?? Torgau t 4 ; Wittenberg t . h b ? E - ??? Magdeborg s : .--? Gardulegen : . ; -- SalswedeL i . v Passendorf ; t i.-- Sonnenberg ????? AK tenaordhela Inselberg ????? weimear. lialteem.uer Figitre E-3 Nete4rololicai Serricu (continued) E-7 - MOM' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1: Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Meteorological Sorsi(:e (continued; )4etooro.ltgioal Main Stations ot ths Poci Clasi 10..ddlonsee (also PittlimatolvicaI station) Oreitswald Perth -- Woven Goadberg 7-- Otlestraw Mats:its Mesacheberg 4111.? agr4mieteor?logica2 statiot) Wits PrandenSarg Nsistisgk - :aeterlmg NPrlit-Adlfarshof wail Zehodentok k/rchhair. uottbue -gad Kisser (Al$0 bi4sIlaatoiogical, station) Iloyerswerda 14esiegberg Asonersiabon agrometcor4vgiciai station) =-- quedlintursCs1, agronete.;rJlogical statio) L-- Ur.roseesPrits (also agrometaQrologioal station) Maumburg (aIso,agromtteerologioal station) ,-- Bad Hoesen (^lea Dioclimateiogloal atatiom) Yriedriohsrede (also biocliaatologioil station) .-- Erfurt (Iasi; agrometeorologioal? station) Jcle Altenburg Metcro1,14:' Ssrvi.r.,e (continued) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 77M774774177ff77 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 I. SECRET Hydrological Service, . Specialised Division Princip4 'Office for Hydrology Berlin NW74, Gegmenstr. 34-16 ? 2 /Until 1 January 1952, . : this off ice was part : of the Forschungsan- : stalt fuer Schiffahrt? : Gevaesser- und Boden- kude. Berlin- : : Baum schul e flyer; , : Bodelbe rgveg 6 : It was called : ."Abteilung I?, Gevaeseerkunde" z (Department : Hydrology), : Earlier .it was named : the "lendesanstalt : fuer .Geweesserkunde und Sauptnivellents."/ FlOod Warning and : Information Service :-- Water gauging stAtions, drainage stations, . stations for measuring underground water. Figure E. Hydrological Service, Specialized Division SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/1.2 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 tiSiIRET PART Y ?f!.YIAL ?I1UMi.1074 M:NITg 7.41.11 / A Fte,,,rr...h 1nt I tutc I NlvleptIon, 4n3 '.;':).1) 3cit.nce fAlIs under this Minl'stry Icpnrc:h in oat:,nn c.:)11xwmAcmtions C,riP:ivntPS . rti ? 4EORET ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 SECRET MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT Berlin NW 7 Schumannstrasso 18 General Directorate of Shipping -------. PORSCHUNGSANSTALT FUER SCHIFFAHRT, MANSUR- [IND BODENKUNIM (Research Institute for Navigation, Hydrology, and Soil Science) 1rli ?11etb12114EULEMVULatIlliCUOILECEOL-? :- Department I: Hydroloc, pransferred to Ministry of : Interior, 1 January 52-1 :- Department II: Masserham und Schiffahrt : (Hydraulics and Navigation) POtedam-Mar9uardt /Formerly named "Preussiche Versucheanstalt fuer Masser-. Erd-, und Schiffsbau"../ Aussenstelle Larlshorst (Barlshorst Branch) :- Department III Grundbmu : (Foundation Engineering) BerlIn-Bumschulenre, Rodelbermwes 6 /Formerly named "Erdbauabteilung : der Proussischen Versuchsanstalt fuer Masser-, Erd-, und Schiffsham%/ :- Department IV: Schiffsseichen (Ship's Signals jar warking0 Friedrichshapen. Mueggelspedams 336 : 2FOrmerly named "Seeieichen,- Versuchefele/ :- Department V: Schiffsvermessung (Ship's Measurements) Rodelberemex 6 /Formerly named iNsicheshiffsvermess- ungsamt%/ Department VI: Maschinen- Und technik (Machine and Heat Techniques) Atzliatftualtaktang. delbergweic 6 Founded in 1951_/ - 1-2 -510141D Naerm- 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? SECRVT Research Inetitute for Navigation, Hydrology, and Soil Science (continued) 1- Department VII: Verkersforschung : (Traffic Research) Berlin-4aumagba1lagg, 6 ? : rounded in 1951_/ :- Department VIII: Administration - 7-3 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 erI.41;ORGA1ZJ'r1ON 4?41. tQST- AND' IrCOMITNICATION4' MI144171.r. A numbor of r''or 4t thr4t. thc Hint rtr;V' Neo rg.,)rift?orti sect rottieti,.9.e during ',Ate 19c)2, ,Dektra n thi .reiargaxii.,zaticarA axe nat yet aval1nh1e4 At!' ct three ? electranlits 1:1ATttlt furmerlytut4rStivi,pt ?ArinilaistriFiti on We ? D:Ln c.f4. Ministry. (See Tarle,0? Prtrit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700610664-4- ? ? , ? ANt mr79ompilt1NicprioNs mritivritt Fritz BITRKRISITR, Minister Dr, Wilhelm SCHROI:DleR, State Se6retar7 Berlin.MitteiLMauerst7atee 69175 Responsible for - ? Correspondence Schools ? teaching postal operations and telecommunication con- struction. ;- Administrative Department, Chief lrma'TOMAT ? Oeneral Instructor :- Office : 'Library : At ineoplos : :- House Administration. Issuance of Office :- Travel Office' :- Health Office, Health Section :- Translation Section Mies Clerk :--Main Department Postal Service : Chief: Dr. Rudolf LANG Legal Department,. Postal Cheques 2- Legal. Affairs :- Postal Regulations, Hates, :- Postal Cheques and Savings Departmi?nt: ?Mail Service, Passenger Traffic, Connection with Foreign Countries and Motor Transport. Chief s BAITTia Postal ?Operations *And Statistics :- Postal Service. Fragmentary date on organist of Post''and..Teledationtuticatiods. ? Ministiri before: recent,,reorganize,tiOn's., , ? - 4-g ." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 50X1 Poet and .70 Ninietry- 'Montintie ." _Postal: Connectioite 'vith,:Toreign.,dountries , - : Clearance of Attounteirith Foreign inetn1441m nit ions :- Department: Postal MeMel*Per Service (14 : Chief: Rudolf' JAIPUR: . costal they've!** Seivice (IZA) :--gadia Department (II Fii) :- Broadcasting Station! (II t Broadcasting* ntercereact 2,1110ination 2) Department: Telecommunication (II Ft) Chief: 'goo, ziazov : Planning of Telephone and Telegraph?lides (11 rt 1) Local Telephone and Teliegraph Offices (I/ Ft ,g) Signal luipsient Cu Ft 3) :- Department: Teleaapenateationa (II Yb) Chief: HP rnman ANVIL :- Telecommunication! Operation* (It Pb 2) Telecomeanications Sates (11 RD' 3) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010004-4 ? ? Site/111,1* Post and Telecommunication* M try continued . ? . . : 2- Main Department: Personnel, (III) . Chief: Anton FISCHEACH I- Main Depnrtient: YinahanCI Cbief: Heinrich KAMM'S tanning, COnstruetion. MAchinery (IV) Finance Department (Iv Fin) : I Irinantes and Accounting (IV .7in'l) Didge't and Etidget Contro (IT Pin 2) Central (ZAE) Planning Department UT PLL : . calculation of delta and EffictenW