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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD ORGANIZATION, MISSION AND FUNCTIONS FOREWORD Purpose: The purpose of this document is to compile, in a ready reference, the organization, mission and functional aspects of the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB). Authority: This document is issued under the authority of DOD Directive 5100.35, 6 May 1985. Amendments and Review: This document will be reviewed by the Military Secretary, Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB), on an annual basis and amendments will be issued when appropriate. FOR THE CHAIRMAN: c7.2,1L2 RICHARD A. LACQUEME Colonel, U. S. Army Military Secretary 1 30 January 1988 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS?ELECTRONICS BOARD ORGANIZATION, MISSION AND FUNCTIONS RECORD OF CHANGES AND CORRECTIONS Enter Change(s) or Correction(s) in Appropriate Column Identification of Date Signature Change/Correction Entered and Date 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD ORGANIZATION, MISSION AND FUNCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE NUMBER Foreword Record of Changes and Corrections Table of Contents Background Organization Chart MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD 1 2 3 4-6 7 1. Authority 8 2. Principals 8 3. Coordinators 8 4. Secretariat 9-11 5. Panels 11-12 6. Working Groups 12 7. Working Group Members 12 PANEL CHARTERS Aids to Navigation Panel (AN) 13-14 Call Signs Panel (CS) 15 Communications Publications Panel (CP) 16-17 Communications Security Panel (SC) 18-19 Data Systems Interoperability Panel (DP) 20 Electronic Warfare Panel (EW) 21 Equipment and Standardization Panel (ES) 22-23 Frequency Panel (FP) 24-26 J-208a Permanent Working Group 27 J-208b Permanent Working Group 28 J-208f Permanent Working Group 29 J-2081 Permanent Working Group 30 J-208j Permanent Working Group 31 J-208w Permanent Working Group 32 J-12 Permanent Working Group 33-34 Methods and Procedures Panel (MP) 35-36 ACP 117 Permanent Working Group 37 Plans and Policy Panel (PP) 38 Warning and Target Information Panel (WI) 39-40 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD ORGANIZATON, MISSION AND FUNCTIONS BACKGROUND 1. The US Joint Chiefs of Staff chartered the United States Joint Communications Board (JCB) on 14 July 1942. The JCB was charged with the cognizance of communications-electronics pertaining to matters for which the JCS was responsible. The membership of this Board consisted of four members, two each from the US Army and US Navy. (JCB 1/D, 17 July 1942) 2. The JCB continued to function throughout World War II and until 1948 when it was reconstituted as the Joint Communications-Electronics Committee (JCEC). The new charter at this point (JCS 21 May 1949), stated its structural organizational responsibility regarding electronic matters and provided for membership from the recently formed US Air Force. The membership of the JCEC consisted of: a. The Chief Signal Officer of the US Army b. The Chief of Naval Communications c. The Chief of Air Communications 3. On 9 August 1949, the Secretary of Defense approved a revised charter for the JCEC to provide for membership by the Director of Communications-Electronics, JCS. (JCS 9 August 1949) 4. In 1958, two major events occurred concurrently which effected the communications-electronics community: a. The reorganization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff organization. b. The abolishment of Department of Defense committees. Therefore, on 7 June 1958, the JCEC was disestablished. Its pending actions were assumed by the Joint Communications- Electronics Group (JCEG) of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (JCS 29 May 1958) 5. The JCEG utilized the JCEC Panel structure until the establishment of the JCS Joint Staff and the formulation of the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB). The primary purpose of the MCEB would be to utilize a reservoir of technical talent and experience available in the staffs of the Military Departments, not only to work on inter-service matters, but also to assist the Director of Communications-Electronics (Joint Staff), and thus minimize the number of personnel which would otherwise be required for assignment to communicatios-electronics duties on the Joint Staff. (DJSM 211-58, 19 July 1958 to the Administrative Assistant of the Secretary of Defense) 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 6. On 13 October 1958 the Acting Secretary of Defense, by a memorandum to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, approved the formal establishment of the MCEB as an adjunct to the Joint Staff. The Board functioned under the Chairmanship of the Director for Communications-Electronics (J-6). (JCS 18 August 1955) (JCS 15 October 1958) 7. On 22 October 1958, by memorandum from the Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Military Services and Director, Communications-Electronics (J-6), Joint Staff, the MCEB was formally established. (SM 793-58, 22 October 1958) 8. On 10 November 1962, by memorandum, the Secretary of Defense acknowledged the Director, Defense Communications Agency as the Chief Communications-Electronics Officer in the Department of Defense and appointed the Director as the Chairman of the MCEB. This same memorandum forwarded a draft version of DOD Directive 5100.35 which expanded the scope of the MCEB. 9. On 19 December 1962, the Secretary of Defense by DOD Directive 5100.35, subject: "Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB)" established the MCEB as a Department of Defense component to function under the authority, policies and direction of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff. The composition of the MCEB was increased by adding the Defense Communications Agency and the National Security Agency. Additionally, the new directive assigned the responsibility for the Chairmanship of the MCEB to the Director of the Defense Communications Agency, and raised the level of the Board to that of an advisory body serving the Secretary of Defense, thereby making its expertise available to the entire Defense Establishment. 10. The Chairman MCEB, by memorandum, assumed the US membership on the NATO C-E Board. (MCEB CM 2-63, 12 February 1963) 11. The Director, Communications-Electronics (J-6), Joint Staff, by memorandum, was designated as the Alternate Chairman, MCEB in the absence of the Chairman. (MCEB CM 8-65, 13 August 1965) (MCEB CM 4-68, 24 April 1968) 12. Recognizing the need for active cooperation and coordination between the National Communications System (NCS) Manager and the USMCEB in areas of mutual interest, the Chairman, MCEB, who is also the Manager, NCS, provided for such action by a Joint/NCS Memorandum. (MCEB-CM 7-66, 21 December 1966) 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 13. The Director, TRI-TAC was invited to actively participate in the deliberations of the MCEB. On 10 June 1976, a Joint MCEB/TRI-TAC Memorandum, was issued providing for TRI-TAC Representation to the MCEB. (MCEB-CM 9-76) 14. On 1 July 1976, the Director for Communications-Electronics (J-6), Joint Staff was reorganized and redesignated as the Deputy Director for Operations (WWMCCS and Telecommunications). The reorganization established a provision for an OJCS Principal and Coordinator. Further participation from within the Joint Staff was limited to that necessary to appropriately support the interests of the Joint Staff concerning actions pending in the MCEB. The Deputy Director for Operations (WWMCCS and Telecommunications) was designated by MCEB-CM 24-76, dated 27 August 1976, to preside at meetings of the MCEB in the absence of the Chairman. 15. In June 1979, the Command, Control and Communications element in the JCS was reorganized into the Command, Control, and Communications Systems Directorate (C3S). There then followed a period of review of C3 Management with an eye toward centralization. A number of actions resulted from this review. In July 1982, the Deputy Secretary of Defense created the C3 Executive Committee. This committee finalized the relationship between Director C3S and Director DCA which established the Director C3S as the senior military communicator. In June 1983, at the request of the JCS (JCSM-29-83), the Deputy Secretary of Defense established the C3 Review Council to support the oversight responsibility of the C3 Executive Committee. The C3 Review Council recommended the creation of the Joint Tactical Command, Control and Communications Agency (JTC3A) to replace TRI-TAC and they also recommended a review of the USMCEB Charter. The Deputy Secretary of Defense established the JTC3A on 5 July 1984 (DOD Directive 5154.28) and on 6 May 1985, issued a revised Charter for the MCEB (DOD Directive 5100.35). Under the new Charter, Chairmanship of the Board was transferred from Director DCA to Director C3S, JCS. 6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS?ELECTRONICS BOARD DIRECTOR FOR COMMAND, CONTROL,AND COMMUNICATIONS, OJCS CHAIRMAN PRINCIPAL MEMBERS ?DIRECTOR, DEFENSE COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY ?DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS, AND COMPUTERS, U.S. ARMY ?DIRECTOR, SPACE, COMMAND AND CONTROL, U.S. NAVY ?ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF,SYSTEMS FOR COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTERS, U.S. AIR FORCE ?DEPUTY DIRECTOR, COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS, INTELLIGENCE, AND INTEROPERABILITY, U.S. MARINE CORPS ?CHIEF OF OFFICE OF COMMAND, CONTROL, AND COMMUNICATIONS, U.S. COAST GUARD ?DEPUTY DIRECTOR, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY ?DIRECTOR, JOINT TACTICAL COMMAND, CONTROL, AND COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY ?DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR UNIFIED AND SPECIFIED COMMAND C3 SUPPORT, OJCS 411...???????? MCEB SECRETARIAT* IMCEB COORDINATORS** PANELS*** AIDS TO NAVIGATION COMMUNICATION SECURITY EQUIPMENT AND STANDARDIZATION PLANS AND POLICY CALLS SIGNS DATA SYSTEMS INTEROPERABILITY FREQUENCY WARNING AND TARGET INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS PUBLICATIONS ELECTRONIC WARFARE METHODS AND PROCEDURES I ? COLONEL, US AMRY ? MILITARY SECRETARY AND CHAIRMAN OF COORDINATORS 3 ? LT COLONELS ? ONE EACH FROM THE US ARMY, US NAVY, AND US AIR FORCE 3 ? SECRETARIES 1 ? MILITARY CLERK ** 0-6 LEVEL MILITARY AND CIVILIAN REPRESENTATIVES MCEB PRINCIPAL MEMBERS. *** EXPERT LEVEL MEMBERS OR REPRESENTATIVES APPOINTED BY THE COORDINATORS. 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD 1. Authority. DOD Directive 5100.35, 6 May 1985, prescribes the mission, composition, functions, and responsibilities of the MCEB. The mission of the MCEB is to: a. Obtain coordination on military communications-electronics matters among DOD components, between the DOD and other governmental departments and agencies, and between the DOD and representatives of foreign nations. b. Provide DOD guidance and direction in those functional areas of military communications-electronics for which the MCEB is assigned responsibility. c. Furnish advice and assistance, as requested, on military communications-electronics matters to the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the military departments, and other DOD components. 2. The MCEB Principals The composition of the MCEB is shown in the chart on Page 7. 3. The MCEB Coordinators a. The MCEB Coordinators are established to act for and in the name of the Board on matters not requiring the collective attention of the principal members of the Board. b. The MCEB Coordinators include one primary member and alternate members from the US Army, the US Navy, the US Air Force, the US Marine Corps, the OJCS, the Defense Communications Agency (DCA), the National Security Agency (NSA) the Joint Tactical Command, Control and Communications Agency (JTC3A) and the US Coast Guard. The National Communications System (NCS), Electromagnetic Compatability Analysis Center (ECAC), and the C-E Planner in the office of the USDELMC at NATO HQ provide representation at the Coordinators level. Other DOD components and, US Government agencies may participate when approved by the Chairman, MCEB. c. The MCEB Coordinators, as representatives of their respective Service/Agency, normally provide the Service/Agency point of contact for the staffing of MCEB actions. 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 d. The Military Secretary of the MCEB is designated as Chairman of the Coordinators. 4. The MCEB Secretariat a. Composition. The MCEB Secretariat consists of military and civilian personnel as indicated by the current Joint Table of Distribution (JTD). b. Military Secretary, MCEB. The Senior officer assigned to the MCEB Secretariat serves as the Military Secretary, MCEB. He is responsible to the Chairman, MCEB for: (1) Assuring expeditious handling of Board actions. (2) Proper functioning of the MCEB Secretariat. (3) Servicing as the US Coordinator to the Combined Communications-Electronics Board (CCEB). (4) Providing a liaison point for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, other US Government Agencies, and the CCEB on MCEB matters. (6) Preparing agenda for, and minutes of, meetings of the MCEB Coordinators and Principals. (7) Developing and coordinating the administrative procedures of the MCEB. (8) Assuring that the activities of the Panels and Working Groups are continously monitored. (9) Determining and initiating action on matters referred to the MCEB. The Military Secretary is authorized to act in the name of the MCEB when: (a) A previous MCEB action provides a suitable basis for a response, or (b) The substance of the action is such that the attention of the MCEB, as a corporate body, is not warranted. This authority serves to limit the number of matters addressed collectively, as well as the number of levels at which matters must be addressed in the interest of maximizing the effectiveness of the MCEB. On matters within the competence and capability of the Secretariat, the response will be prepared therein and coordinated, as appropriate, before release by the Military Secretary. 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 On matters outside the competence or the capability of the Secretariat, will be referred to the appropriate authority (a Coordinator, Panel Member, etc.) for preparation and coordination, as necessary, prior to release by the Military Secretary. c. Assistant Military Secretaries (AMS), MCEB. The incumbents of these positions serve as Assistant Military Secretaries to the MCEB (with one position being designated "Assistant Military Secretary for Allied Affairs"), and monitor the functioning of the Panels and Working Groups. They are responsible for: (1) Assisting the Military Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities. (2) Attending meetings of the MCEB, as appropriate. (3) Advising and assisting the Panels in conforming to their charters. (4) Furnishing the Panels and Working Groups with appropriate information and assistance. (5) Being familiar with the structure and procedures of the Panels and Working Groups. (6) Assuring the accomplishment of general administrative coordination, procedural supervision, and document authentication with respect to activities of their Panels. (7) Developing or contributing to the development of MCEB positions/recommendations for approval by the Military Secretary of the MCEB. (8) In addition to the above responsibilities, the Assistant Military Secretary for Allied Affairs: (a) Supervises and coordinates, as appropriate, the processing of information between the communications-electronics office of US Military Delegations to Allied Treaty Organizations and the MCEB. (b) Maintains in the Secretarit a current repository in the Secretariat, of all Allied Treaty Organization actions and documentation, as appropirate, for use and reference purposes by the MCEB. d. Secretrial Aides to the Panels. The incumbents of these positions are from the clerical staff of the MCEB Secretariat. They are responsible for: (1) Assisting the Assistant Military Secretaries on administrative and procedural matters. 10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 (2) Preparing the publishing agenda and making arrangements for Panel meetings. (3) Recording minutes and proceedings of Panel meetings and ad hoc groups as needed, Working Group meetings. (4) Taking the required administrative action, as directed to implement the decisions of the Panels. (5) Assuring that all papers presented for consideration are in proper format. (6) Making necessary distribution of all papers for the MCEB. (7) Assisting Panel Chairman prior to and during meetings. (8) Advising Panel Members on administrative policies and procedures of the MCEB. 5. Panels a. The membership of each Panel consists of duly accredited personnel from the Military Services and Defense Agencies which comprise the MCEB who have an interest in the activites of the Panels, and personnel from such other DOD Components as the Chairman, MCEB, may designate. Other Government Agencies may be authorized to have representatives or observers. b. An Assistant Military Secretary and a Panel Secretrial Aide are assigned to each Panel from the MCEB Secretariat. c. Charters for established MCEB Panels and Permanent Working Groups appear on Pages 13 through 40. d. The relationship of personnel associated with Panels are defined as follows: (1) Panel Chairmanship. The chairmanship of each Panel will be rotated on a fiscal year basis among the designated Primary Panel Members. The Chairman shall be nominated from the Service or Agency whose turn it is to chair the Panel and will be confirmed by majority vote of the members present. Rank or component will not be a deterrent to holding the chairmanship of a Panel. In those instances when the Panel Membership believes that the best interests of the MCEB will be served by departure from the foregoing policy and reach such a conclusion by unanimous vote; a request, with substantiating rationale, will be addressed to the Military Secretary for approval. 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 (2) Panel Vice Chairmanship. The Vice Chairman will be nominated and confirmed in the same manner as that prescribed for the selection of the Chairman. The Service or Agency responsible for the nomination of the Vice Chairman will be the Service or Agency next in the rotation to chair the Panel. The Vice Chairman will assume temporary chairmanship in the absence of the Panel Chairman. (a) Primary Panel Member. An individual designated by the US Army, the US Navy, the US Air Force, the US Marine Corps, the US Coast Guard, Defense Communication Agency, the Joint Tactical Command, Control and Communications Agency, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Agency to represent his Service or Agency in the functions of a Panel. (b) Panel Representative. An individual, without voting rights, assigned by ECAC, NCS, other DOD component having an interest in the work of a Panel as authorized by the Military Secretary. As appropriate, OJCS may choose representation in lieu of membership on an individual Panel. (c) Alternate. An individual designated to act for and in the name of Primary Panel Member or Panel representative. (d) Observer. A representative, without voting rights, of a DOD component or a government agency having a particular interest in an item being considered by the Panel. Agencies not represented on the MCEB may be authorized by the MCEB to nominate observers. (e) Visitor. A person of a DOD component, a government agency (without voting rights), or a DOD Contractor who attends a Panel meeting and who is sponsored by a Panel member or a representative. 6. Working Groups. Panels may establish working groups for the conduct of business assigned to the Panels. These working groups may be of the following types. (a) Ad Hoc. To address a specific item under consideration by the Panel, or; (b) Permanent. Terms of Reference for Permanent Working Groups shall be maintained by the Military Secretary and will be included in this publication. A copy of any Panel-agreed Terms of Reference for permanent Working Groups will be submitted to the MCEB Coordinators for their approval within thirty days after the establishment of the Permanent Working Group and reviewed annually. 7. Working Group Member. An individual designated by a Panel member or representative to assist in the conduct of Panel business. The Working Group Member is generally designated for special qualifications or expertise and need not be drawn from within the Panel membership. 12 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD AIDS TO NAVIGATION PANEL (AN) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Aids to Navigation Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for consideration by the MCEB in the area of electronic aids to navigation. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and an alternate from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national, and allied matters: a. Develop, review and recommend plans, policies, methods and procedures. b. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate technical panels, and working groups. c. Prepare guidance for US members of appropriate technical Panels, working groups, and allied bodies. d. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. e. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications- Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. f. Develop operational and technical characteristics to obtain compatibility of systems and equipments. g. Review and recommend principles and procedures to ensure the interoperability of systems and equipments. h. Review and recommend criteria for the operational evaluation of systems and of equipments. Review the results of such evaluation and recommend appropriate follow-on action. i. Recommend research and development projects for systems and equipment to meet requirements. j. Prepare recommendations to insure the coordination of research and development efforts with a view to eliminating duplication or deficiencies in programming. k. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to noncrytographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. 13 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 1. Establish permanent working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. m. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 14 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD CALL SIGNS PANEL (CS) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Calls Signs Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for consideration by the MCEB in the area of address designators (less routing indicators). 2. Organization, The Panel shall consist of one member and an alternate from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB, plus one representative and one alternate from the OJCS. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national, and allied matters: a. Develop, review and recommend plans, policies, methods and procedures. b. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate technical panels and working groups. c. Prepare guidance for US members of appropriate technical panels, working groups, and allied bodies. d. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. e. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications- Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. f. Formulate and coordinate address designator systems, including provisions concerning their composition, allocation and distribution. g. Monitor existing call sign and address group systems. h. Prepare and promulgate, on behalf of the MCEB, changes and revisions to Call Sign and address group publications where no change in policy is involved. i. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to noncryptographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. j. Establish permanet working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. k. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD COMMUNCIATIONS PUBLICATIONS PANEL (CP) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Communications Publications Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for consideration by the MCEB in the area on noncryptographic communications-electronics publications. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and an alternate from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national, and allied matters: a. Develop, review and recommend policies, guidance and procedures. b. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate technical panels and working groups. c. Prepare guidance for US members of appropriate technical panels, working groups, and allied bodies. d. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. e. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications- Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. f. Develop, review and recommend policy concerning manuscript preparation, reproduction, format control, distribution, release, loss, and compromise of joint and allied non-cryptographic communications-electronics publications. g. Recommend Service printing responsibilities for noncryptographic communications publications when such printing is to be undertaken by the US Military Services. h. Keep under constant review losses and compromises of classified non-cryptographic communications publications under the cognizance of the MCEB, and make necessary recommendations concerning the application of appropriate security measures. Collaborate on all directives issued to other cognizant panels concerning the suspected compromise ?or loss of joint and allied non-cryptographic communications-electronics publications. 16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 i. In conjunction with the staff of the Combined Communications-Electronics Board, develop, review and recommend policy concerning the "Policy for Release Authorization of Non-Cryptographic Allied Communications Publications (ACPs) to Current and Potential Allied Nations", and be responsible for maintenance of accurate and current information in the "Record of Release and Issue of ACP". j. Prepare and promulgate, on behalf of the MCEB, changes and revisions to non-cryptographic communications publications, where no change in policy is involved. k. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to noncryptographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. 1. Establish permanent working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. m. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 17 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD COMMUNCIATIONS SECURITY PANEL (SC) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Communications Security Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD and national positions for consideration by the MCEB in the areas of communications and computer security. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and one or more alternate(s) from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national and allied matters: a. Develop review and recommend plans, policies, methods and procedures. b. Prepare guidance and US military positions for US members of appropriate technical panels, working groups and allied bodies. c. Recommend operational characteristics for communications security systems and equipments. d. When operational characteristics are not involved, prepare recommendations concerning the area and degree of common interest in systems and equipments under joint, national and/or allied development. e. Review and recommend principles and procedures to ensure the interoperability of systems and equipments. f. Recommend research and development projects for systems and equipment to meet requirements. g. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate technical panels and working groups. h. Review and recommend criteria for the operational evaluation of systems and of equipments. Review the results of such evaluations and recommend appropriate follow-on action. i. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. j. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications- Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. k. Establish permanent working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. 18 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 1. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-cryptographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. m. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 19 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD DATA SYSTEMS INTEROPERABILITY PANEL (DP) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Data Systems Interoperability Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DoD position for consideration by the MCEB in the area of data systems interoperability. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and one or more alternate(s) from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. (OJCS will provide the chair) 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national and allied matters: a. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate national and international technical panels and working groups. b. Prepare guidance for US members of appropriate technical panels, working groups and allied bodies. c. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. d. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications- Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. e. Establish permanent working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. f. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-crytographic publications which come under Panel cognizance. g. Review and prepare recommended DOD positions on the development of plans, policies and standards relating to the interoperability of data systems. h. Review and monitor, as required, aspects of formal agreements to insure conformance with established plans, policies and standards. i. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 20 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD ELECTRONIC WARFARE PANEL (EW) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Electronic Warfare Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for consideration by the MCEB in the areas of electronic warfare and counter measures. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and an alternate from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national, and allied matters: a. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. b. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-crytographic communication Publications which come under Panel cognizance. c. Establish permanent working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. d. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate technical panels and Working Groups. e. Keep the MCEB advised with regard to NATO Electronic Warfare Advisory Committee (NEWAC) agenda items which come under the purview of the MCEB as provided for under the terms of JCS MOP 106. f. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications-Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. g. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 21 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD EQUIPMENT AND STANDARDIZATION PANEL (ES) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Equipment and Standardization Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for consideration by the MCEB in the areas of compatibility, interoperability, interchangeability and standardization of communications-electronics systems, equipment and terminology, (but excluding the development of standards under the cognizance of other standardization agencies.) 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and one or more alternate(s) from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national, and allied matters: a. Develop, review and recommend plans, policies, methods and procedures. b. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate panels and working groups. c. Prepare guidance for US members of appropriate panels, Working Groups, and allied bodies. technical technical d. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. e. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications-Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. f. Develop, review and recommend operational characteristics for communications-electronics systems and equipments. g. Establish joint and coordinate allied principles and procedures (including NATO STANAGs) for obtaining compatibility, interoperability, interchangeability, and standardization of communications-electronics systems and equipments. h. Manage the U.S. ratification of all communications- electronics STANAGs. i. Recommend standardization of terminology and revisions, as necessary, and maintain glossaries of communications- electronics terms. 22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 j. Prepare recommendations to ensure the coordination of research and development efforts for adherence to established standards, to correct deficiencies and to prevent duplication. k. Establish permanent working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. 1. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-crypttographic communicatin publications which come under Panel cognizance. m. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 23 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26 CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Frequency Panel is to review, develop, and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for consideration by the MCEB in the areas of radio frequency engineering and management, radio wave propagation, and electromagnetic compatibility. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and one or more alternate(s) from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national, and allied matters: ? a. Develop, review and recommend plans, policies, methods and procedures. b. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate technical panels and working groups. c. Prepare guidance for US members of appropriate technical panels, working groups, and allied bodies. d. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications-Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. e. Recommend operational and technical characteristics for systems and equipments. f. Review and recommend principles and procedures to ensure the interoperability of, systems and equipments. g. Review and recommQnd criteria for the operational evaluation of systems and equipments. Review the results of such evaluations and recommend appropriate follow-on action. h. Recommend necessary research and development projects for systems and equipment. i. Prepare recommendations to insure the coordination of research and development efforts with a view to reducing or eliminating duplication or deficiencies in spectrum usage. j. Review and recommend procedures for meeting the provisions of applicable DOD Directives concerning management and use of the radio frequency spectrum. 24 npriaccified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26 CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 k. Establish permanent working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. 1. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-cryptographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. m. Prepare recommendations on actions for collection, analysis, evaluation, dissemination and utilization of electromagnetic wave propagation information. n. Prepare radio frequency guidance to DOD Components concerning the procurement and/or development of communications-electronics equipment designed purposely to radiate or receive electromagnetic energy. o. Provide advice and assistance, as requested by the Chairman, MCEB, in carrying out the functions and responsibilities assigned him as the designee of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, for Electromagnetic Compatibility Program matters. p. Coordinate and assign frequencies to meet military requirements other than those of an individual Service nature. q. Coordinate radio frequency allocations to meet military requirements. ^. Coordinate arrangement for the prevention or elimination of radio interference. S. Maintain liaison with appropriate agencies on all Joint or Inter-Service frequency matters. t. Within approved policies, disseminate Panel decisions on routine frequency actions. Routine frequency actions include seeking allocation guidance, the coordinating, assigning, registering, and recording of frequencies, and resolving interference. In carrying out this function: (1) The Panel is authorized to communicate directly with US and Allied Military Agencies and Commands concerned. (2) Panel Member's Service/Agency is authorized to release messages in the name of the FP after appropriate coordination with Army, Navy, Air Force and DCA, and additionally, when necessary, with other Panel Members and representatives having an interest in the subject matter. 25 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 u. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. v. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 26 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) j-208a Permanent Working Group ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) Terms of Reference I. The J-208a Permament Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Frequency Panel to provide guidance and procedures on EMC issues. 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of members from each of the Services/Agencies represented on the Frequency Panel. The Steering Member shall be designated on an annual basis as determined by the Working Group and approved by the Frequency Panel. Meetings will scheduled as required to successfully complete the assigned work load by the established target dates. 3. The Permanent Working Group will accomplish its tasks in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB and shall: a. Provide guidance for the MCEB Member of the Allied Radio Frequency Agency (ARFA) EMC Advisory Group. b. Provide coordination among EMC and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) control programs of the Services. C. Monitor and recommend modifications, as necessary, to DOD and Joint directives and instructions pertaining to EMC and EMI Control. d. Perform other EMC tasks as assigned by the Frequency Panel. 4. The need for continuation of this Permanent Working Group and these Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by the Frequency Panel in September of each year. The Chairman of the Panel will advise the Military Secretary ofthe decision of the Panel and any changes will be forwarded to the Coordinators for approval. 27 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS - ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) J - 208b Permanent Working Group FREQUENCY RESOURCE RECORD SYSTEM (FRRS) Terms of Reference 1. The J-208b Permanent Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Frequency Panel to provide guidance and procedures on Data Records issues. 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of members from each of the interested Services/Agencies represented on the Frequency Panel. The Steering Member shall be designated on an annual basis as determined by the Working Group and approved by the Frequency Panel. Meetings will be scheduled as required to successfully complete the assigned work load by the established target dates. 3. The Permanent Working Group will accomplish its tasks in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB and shall: a. thru e. -- as listed in draft renumbered page 28 4. The need for continuation of this Permanent Working Group and these Terms of Reference shll be reviewed by the Frequency Panel in September of each year. The Chairman of the Panel will advise the Military Secretary of the decision of the Panel and any changes will be forwarded to the Coordinators for approval. 28 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) J-208f PERMANENT WORKING GROUP FREQUENCY RECORD RESOURCE SYSTEM (FRRS) AUTOMATION 1. The J-208f Permanent Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Frequency Panel to exercise management oversight and coordination during the development, installation, and enhancement phases of the FRRS automation. 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of members, with one designated voting member, from each of the interested Services/AGencies represented on the Frequency Panel and those support personnel best qualified to resolve the issues under consideration. The Steering Member will be the Deputy Military Secretary. Meetings will be scheudled as required to successfully complete the assigned work load by the established target dates. 3. The Permanent Working Group will accomplish its tasks in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB and shall: a. Fill the role of Steering Group as requested by the Frequency Panel providing guidance and procedures to ensure the effective and expeditious automation of the FRRs. b. Develop the criteria and establish milestones to ensure that the procurement of hardware and software, installations, and initial operatins are accomplished in an efficient manner. c. Be cognizant of installation and operational requirements as stated in site MOUs and ensure that technical and procedural aspects are coordinated in a timely manner. d. Make reports of progress, issues, and recommendations to the Panel, as required. 4. The need for continuation of this Permanent Working Group and these Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by the Frequency Panel in September of each year. The Chairman of the Panel will advise the Military Secretary of the decision of the Panel and my changes will be forwarded to the Coordinators for approval. 29 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS - ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) J - 208i Permanent Working Group SPACE FREQUENCY MATTERS Terms of Reference 1. The J-208i Permanent Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Frequency Panel to provide guidance and procedures on Space Frequency Matters. 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of members, with one designated voting member, from each of the interested Services/Agencies represented on the Frequency Panel. The Steering Member shall be desingated on an annual basis as determined by the Working Group and approved by the Frequency Panel. Meetings will be scheduled as required to successfully complete the assigned work load by the established target dates. 3. The Permanent Working Group in accomplishing its mission shall: a. Develop recommended policy on space frequency matters for FP approval. b. Insure that proper and timely actions are taken with respect to the international Radio Regulations procedure for the advance publication, coordination, and notification of frequency assignments for satellite networks to support DOD space systems. Witn unanimous agreement of the PWG members, submit advance publication/coordination/notification information and routine technical and administrative comments directly to DOD/MOD organizations and/or to the Space Systems Group of the IRAC. Issues of a policy nature will be approved by the FP. 4. The need for continuation of this Permanent Working Group and these Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by the Frequency Panel in September of each year. The Chairman of the Panel will advise the Military Secretary of the decision of the Panel and any changes will be forwarded to the Coordinators for approval. 30 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) J-208' Permanent Working Group JTIDS Frequency Coordination Terms of Reference 1. The J-208j Permanent Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Frequency Panel to provide the DOD focal point for the coordination of JTIDS and JTIDS related Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) frequency requirements with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of members, with one designated voting member, from each of the interested Services/Agencies represented on the Frequency Panbel and those technical support personnel from the JTIDS Joint Program Office and other DOD Components best qualified to resolve the issues under consideration. The Steering Member will be provided by the Department of the Air Force. Meetings will be scheduled as required to successfully complete the assigned work load by the established target dates. 3. The Permanent Working Group will accomplish its tasks in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB and shall: a. Act as the single point of contact for coordinating JTIDS frequency use matters with the FAA. b. Consolidate JTIDS assignment and JTIDS related EMC requests received from the military department frequency management offices and submit them to the FAA for coordination. c. Request technical support, when necessary, from the submitting frequency management office. d. Provide the coordination results to the requesting frequency management office. e. Make periodic reports of actions, issues, and recommendations for enhancing JTIDS operational frequency support to the Panel. 4. The need for continuation of this Permanent Working Group and these Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by the Frequency Panel in September of each year. The Chairman of the Panel will advise the Military Secretary of the decision of the Panel and any changes will be forwarded to the Coordinators for approval. 31 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) J-208w Permanent Working Group (WARC) Preparation Terms of Reference I. The J-208w Permanent Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Frequency Panel to exchange/provide information and to recommend military positions on issues related to United States national preparations for WARCs. 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of members, with one designated voting member, from each of the interested Services/Agencies represented on the Frequency Panel and those support personnel from military or non-military telecommunications offices best qualified to resolve the issues under consideration. Steering Members for each issue will be determined by the WARC subject, usually from the Service/Agency with primary conference interest, and designated by the Panel. Meetings will be scheduled as required to successfully complete the assigned work load by the established target dates. 3. The permanent Working Group will accomplish its tasks in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB and shall: a. Review and comment on issues as they apply to DOD, national, and international matters relevant to preparation for the ITU WARCs. b. Exchange information and viewpoints on items under consideration in national and international bodies, i.e., IRAC, ARFA, CCEB, and others. c. Identify and address WARC agenda items of US military importance and develop recommended positions for national consideration. d. Act as the military focal point for the examination of national and international WARC proposals for any adverse impact upon present or planned US military needs. 4. The need for continuation of this Permanent Working Group and these Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by the Frequency Panel in September of each year. The Chairman of the Panel will advise the Military Secretary of the decision of the Panel and any changes will be forwarded to the Coordinators for approval. 32 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS - ELECTRONICS BOARD PLANS AND POLICY PANEL (PP) Permanent Working Group ITU PREPARATORY Terms of Reference 1. Mission. The purpose of the ITU Preparatory Group is to exchange/provide information and to recommend military positions on issues related to United States national preparations for ITU Conference(s). 2. Organization a. The ITU Preparatory Group is a permanent working group of the Plans and Policy Panel. b. The Group shall consist of one primary member from each interested Service/Agency. Alternate member(s) may be designated. Ad Hoc representatives of military and/or non-military telecommunications offices may be invited to appropriate meetings. c. Steering Members for each issue will be determined by subject and designated by the Panel. Steering Members will usually be from the Service/Agency with primary conference interest. 3. Functions. The ITU Preparatory Group shall perform the following functions as they apply to DOD, national and international matters relevant to preparation for the ITU Conferences to include World Administrative Radio Conference (WARCs) Plenipotentiary Conferences, and World Administrative Telephone and Telegraph Conferences (WATTCs). a. Exchange of information and viewpoints on events in national and international bodies, i.e., IRAC, ARFA, ALLA, CCEB, and others. b. Identify and address agenda items of U.S. military importance for national consideration and develop recommended positions. c. Act as the military focal point for the examination of national and international ITU proposals for any adverse impact upon present or planned U.S. military needs. 4. TOR. The Terms of Reference will be reviewed in September of each year; and a recommendation will be made to the Chairman, Frequency Panel. 33 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS - ELECTRONICS BOARD FREQUENCY PANEL (FP) J-12 Permanent Working Group Terms of Reference on FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENTS AND SYSTEMS 1. The J-12 Permanent Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Frequency Panel to provide coordinated MCEB frequency guidance to DOD components on telecommunications systems/equipments prior to each stage of development IAW DOD Directive 4650.1. 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of members, with one designated voting member, from each of the interested Services/Agencies represented on the Frequency Panel and those support personnel from other DOD activities best qualified to resolve the issues under consideration. The Steering Member shall be designated on an annual basis and will be from the same organization as the Chairman of the Panel. Meetings will be scheduled as required to successfully complete the assigned work load by the established target dates. 3. The Permanent Working Group will accomplish its tasks in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB and shall: a. thru j. as modified on draft re-numbered pages 33 and 34. 4. The need for continuation of this Permanent Working Group and these Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by the Frequency Panel in September of each year. The Chairman of the Panel will advise the Military Secretary of the decision of the Panel and any changes will be forwarded to the Coordinators for approval. 34 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD METHODS AND PROCEDURES PANEL (MP) CHARTER I. Mission. The mission of the Methods and Procedures Panel is to review, develop, recommend and coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for consideration by the MCEB in the area of communications-electronics methodology and procedures. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and one or more alternate(s) from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national and allied matters: a. Develop, review and recommend plans, policies, methods and procedures. b. Provide MCEB/DOD representatives to appropriate technical panels and working groups. c. Prepare guidance for U.S. members of appropriate technical panels, working groups and allied bodies. d. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. e. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications-Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. f. Review and recommend principles and procedures to ensure the interoperability of systems and equipments. g. Establish permament working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. h. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-cryptographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. i. Recommend communications-electronics operating methods and procedures for reliable and secure communications- electronics systems, including the following: (1) Radiotelegraph procedures. (2) Radiotelephone procedures. (3) Manual teletypewriter procedures. (4) Tape relay procedures, to include "on-line" cryptographic operations. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 (5) Automatic Digital Network procedures (6) Other data communications procedures (7) Facsimile procedures. (8) Visual communications procedures. (9) Telephone switchboard procedures. (10) Automatic Voice Network procedures. (11) Direction-finding procedures. (12) Emergency rescue communication procedures. (13) Wartime Instructions for merchant ships. (14) Communication instructions for the reporting of military intelligence sightings. i. Prepare DOD recommendations for procedural policy on the employment of assigned call signs, address groups, routing indicators and operating signals. j. Within approved policies, prepare and promulgate assignments and changes of routing indicators and operating signals. k. Assist in the development of procedures to eliminate or minimize the effects of electromagnetic interference and jamming. 1. Advise communications-electronics research and development activities regarding communications-electronics methods and procedures considerations. m. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD METHODS AND PROCEDURES PANEL (MP) ACP 117 Permanent Working Group Terms of Reference 1. The ACP 117 Permanent Working Group is established under the cognizance of the Methods and Procedures Panel to maintain and prepare updates and corrections for the ACP 117 (Message Routing Indicator) series publications. 2. The Permanent Working Group shall consist of one member and an alternate from the US Army, the US Navy, the US Air Force, and the Defense Communications Agency. The Steering Member will be desingated by the Service having printing responsibility for the ACP 117 publications. Meetings will normally be scheduled on a weekly basis. Additional meetings may be held at the call 9f the Steering Member, as required. Procedures for the promulgation of emergency message corrections during other than normal duty hours will be developed by the Permanent Working Group and implemented by direction of the Military Secretary, MCEB. 3. The Permanent Working Group will accomplish its tasks in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB and shall: a. Ensure that the ACP 117 publications are accurate and current in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Panel. b. Review and coordinate all inputs received to assure accuracy, validity, and proper format. c. Consolidate all inputs and prepare routine and/or emergency JAFPUB messages. d. Present JAFPUB messages to the Military Secretary, MCEB for signature and release. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD PLANS AND POLICY PANEL (PP) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Plans and Policy Panel is to review, develop, recommend and/or coordinate studies, reports, and DOD positions for the MCEB in the area of communications-electronics plans and policies. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and one or more alternate(s) from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national and allied matters: a. Provide MCEB/DOD members for appropriate technical panels and working groups. b. Prepare guidance for US members of appropriate technical panels, working groups and allied bodies. c. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. d. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications-Electroncis Board on matters of mutual interest. e. Establish permament working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. f. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-cryptographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. g. Review and prepare DOD/US positions on matters of communications-electronics plans and policies. h. Review and monitor, as required, the communications-electronics aspects of formal agreements to ensure conformance with established plans and policies. i. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 38 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS BOARD WARNING AND TARGET INFORMATION PANEL (WI) CHARTER 1. Mission. The mission of the Warning and Target Information Panel is to review, develop and/or coordinate studies, reports, DOD positions, and recommendations for consideration by the MCEB in the areas of recognition and identification by electronic means, electronic data transmission and processing equipment, and surveillance by electronic means for purposes of recognition, identification, and providing target information for weapons systems employment. 2. Organization. The Panel shall consist of one member and one or more alternate(s) from each interested Service/Agency represented on the MCEB. 3. Functions. The Panel shall perform the following functions within its stated mission and as they apply to joint, national and allied matters: a. Develop, review and recommend plans, policies, methods and procedures. b. Provide MCEB/DOD members for appropriate technical panels and working groups. c. Prepare guidance for U.S. members of appropriate technical panels, working groups and allied bodies. d. Coordinate or collaborate with other MCEB Panels on matters of mutual interest. e. Meet with counterparts of the Combined Communications-Electronics Board on matters of mutual interest. f. Recommend operational and technical characteristics to obtain compatibility of systems and equipments. g. Review and recommend principles and procedures to ensure the interoperability of systems and equipment. h. When operational characteristics are not involved, prepare recommendations concerning the area and degree of common interest in systems and equipment under joint, national or allied development. , i. Review and recommend criteria for the operational evaluation of systems and of equipment. Review the results of such evaluation and recommend appropriate follow-on action. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6 j. Recommend research and development projects for systems and equipments to meet requirements. k. Prepare recommendations to insure the coordination of research and development efforts with a view to eliminating duplication or deficiencies. 1. Establish permament working groups, as required, and develop their Terms of Reference. m. Prepare recommendations for changes and revisions to non-cryptographic communications publications which come under Panel cognizance. n. Perform other functions as directed by the MCEB. 4. Procedures. The Panel shall function in accordance with instructions promulgated by the MCEB. 40 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/26: CIA-RDP96-00990R000100030052-6