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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 R Next 16 Page(s) In Document Denied 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ? A NASA CAPABILITIES EVALUATION DOCUMENT dune 24, 1983 Vtiz? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 , ? SIG DOCUMENT Table of Contents 1.0 2.6 INTRODUCTION METHODDIAGY 2.1 Mission Model ?age 1-1 2-1 2-1 2.1.1 Mission Model Develcprent 2-1 2.1.2 Mission Categories 2-2 Astrophysics 2-2 Earth Science And 2-2 Applications Solar System Exploration 2-2 Life Sciences 2-2 Communication Satellites 2-2 Materials Processing 2-2 Satellite Servicing 2-2 Technology Development 2-2 2.2 Cost Estimating 2-3 2.2.1 DIOT&E Costs 2-3 3.0 SCENARIOS 3-1 3.1 Scenario I 3-3 3.1.1 Description 3-3 3.1.2 Capabilities 3-3 3.1.3 Cost 3-4 3.2 Scenario Ia 3-5 3.2.1 Description 3-5 3.2.2 Capabilities 3-5 3.2.3 Cost 3-5 3.3 Scenario 11 3-6 3.3.1 Description 3-6 3.3.2 Capabilities 3-6 3.3.3 Cost 3-7 3.4 Scenario ha 3-8 3.4.1 Description 3-8 3.4.2 Capabilities 3-8 3.4.3 Cost 3-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 3.5 Scenario 'lb 3.5.1 Description 3.5.2 Capabilities 3.5.3 Cost 3.6 Scenario IIIa 3:6.1 Description 3.6.2 Capabilities 3.6.3 Cost 3.7 Scenario Illb 3.7.1 Description 3.7.2 Capabilities 3.7.3 Cost 3.8 Scenario Inc 3.8.1 Description 3.8.2 Capabilities 3.8.3 Cost 3.9 Scenario IV ? 3.9.1 Description 3.9:2 Capabilities 3.9.3 Cost 4.0 SUMMARY APPENDIX A: MISSION KYDEL APPMDIX B: CPPABILITTF.S OF SUPPORITNG ELEIAENTS 11 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-10 3-10 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-13 3-13 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-15 3-15 - 3-15 - 4-1 A-1 B-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 1 " 4 % 1.0 INFRODUCTION This document has been prepared by NASA to provide a set of scenarios that bound the options available to fulfill the nations civil space goals for the time period 1991-2000. The document is a result of one year of developing mission requirements, two months of evaluating architectural options to fulfill those mission requirements, and one month of developing the cost data for a Space Station concept and its operations. This assessment process required a set of missions which represent the civil space requirements, a group of scenarios of capabilities to fulfill those options, and the developmental cost of each of the scenarios. The approach used is to increase capabilities incrementally from one scenario to the next. The scenarios begin with the "baseline" of today's STS capabil- ity augmented by a Teleoperated Maneuvering System CMS) and progress through options of varying capabilities to a manned Space Station scenario. The scenarios are shown in Table 3.1 and a description of each element of the scenarios is presented in Appendix B. It is necessary to point out that the scenarios' capabilities and/or their limitations do not lend themselves to a classical capture analysis where a value, CT figure of nerit, can be placed on the increased capabilities. In a classical capture analysis, the added capabilities, their development costs and their life cycle cost would be used to determine the benefit of the added capability. TO determine the value CT benefit of each capability, a nor- malization of scenario to scenario of long duration missions (years) would require an exorbitant number STS launches. The cost ofthese additional launches (at $122 M average for Eastern Test Range or We-stern Test Range launch) causes the life cycle costs of the scenarios without long duration mission capability to be very unrealistic. Therefore, a qualitative evaluation of the capabilityof each scenario is presented in Section 3.0 and the conclusions drawn from this evaluation are presented in the Summary Section 4.0. The mission model is the result of a one year NASA effort of planning nission sets that represent the Agency's plans for the period 1991-2000 and are within the Agency's forecast budget. The study was conducted within the frame work of exploiting the capabilities of a long term on-orbit facility with the added capability of manned interaction. The coupling of these two unique aspects, the long duration in space and the permanent presence of man, is the key element of these missions sets. Upon examination, many mission requirements can be at least partially net with existing facilities, e.g., a free flying satellite allows long mission duration and STS sortie missions allow manned interaction, but only the Space Station provides both long duration missions and manned interaction. F011owing the mission analysis study and the architectural options survey, the costs data for the Design, Development, Test, and Evaluation (DIME) were developed for the scenario elements that were incrementally added to the present STS baseline. Although the establishment of a figure of merit was not possible, the DOTtE cost offers additional understanding to evaluate the added capabilities. 1-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 . ? Finally, Section 3.0 develops an evaluation of each scenario to determine if the scenario accommodates the mission set and provides the cost for added capability. This document is based on a first iteration of a set of space missions and a Space Station concept that will continue to be refined in the next few months. 1-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 vassum MODEL 2.1.1 Mission Nbdel Development The mission model was developed by merging the "STS Mission M6-del 1983-2000 -- Nominal Version" (Advanced Planning Division, NASA Headquarters, December 20; 1982) and the results of the Space Station Mission Requirements Workshop which was the culmination of one year of NASA and private industry study of missions for the Space Station era. The study and the Workshop were neces- sary because previous mission planning had generally considered only STS, Spacelab, and Free Flyers and did not include the availability of a Space Station System. The Mission Requirements Workshop utilized advocacy groups in three major areas: Science and Applications, Commercial, and Technology as a means to merge the results of the industry Mission Analysis Study results of the past year with NASA's space mission plans. This activity can be perceived as one of refocusing NASA mission plans to include a capability in excess of the present STS in terms of orbit stay time. This need has been recognized for any years, but mission planning has been constrained by the lack of long-term, manned on-orbit capability. The term "mission" is used very broadly in this model. In some cases, the term refers to (1) a single instrument (e.g., a telescope), or (2) a single launch of a spacecraft, CT (3) a series of experiments. 2-3. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 k 2.1.2 Mission Categories The model includes missions in the following categories: Astrophysics. The astrophysics missions use telescopes or other detectors that are flown as missions requiring one to ten years on-orbit to complete their mission objectives. The long duration is required because the observation of just one object can require integration of photons over a period of hours CT days and many objects must be surveyed and compared; simultaneous observations at several different wavelengths are often required for each object; and detection of changes over periods of years are often important. In addition, several missions desire ready manned intervention for adjustment and servicing of instruments. Earth Science And Applications. Earth Science and Applications missions are generally flown in high inclination orbits. Long duration missions are essential for the observations of the slowly varying changes on the earth's surface. Solar System Exploration. The Solar System Exploration missions utilize either expendable upper stages or Orbital Transfer Vehicles (0TV's) for insertion into the proper trajectory. Life Sciences. The life sciences missions require extended, unin- terrupted time on-orbit with extensive crew involvement. The major objective of these missions is to understand, and develop countermeasures? for, the effects of lack of gravity on humans. Communication Satellites. The communications tatellites require launch capability to geosynchronous orbit. Materials Processing. Effective development of Naterja).s Processing in Space (MPS) requires a research and development facility that affords long duration, uninterrupted time on orbit with extensive manned interaction. This facility would allow realization of the potential of MPS research to yield new commercial enterprises and technology advances. Satellite Servicing. On-orbit satellite servicing in low earth orbit is expected to become a routine procedure in the 1990s. Satellite servicing includes routine and contingency maintenance of free flyers and platforms, resupply of propellants, adjustment or change-out of scientific instruments, and, in same cases, on-orbit asseMbly and deployment of satel- lites. Servicing satellites at geosynchronous orbit is also proposed. Technology Development. The Technology Development missions that are listed in this model were designed specifically to take advantage of long duration in space with interaction by man. Most of? these missions are designed to provide verification of Space Station technology for the enhance- ment of Space Station evolution. Some of the missions provide significant technology development for areas such as large antenna development for commercial communication. 2-2 im Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 2.2 COST ESTIMATING The cost estimates used for the Space Station System were derived fram a cost model developed by NASA. This godel is based on a historical manned space- craft (Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Spacelab, STS orbiter) and unmanned spacecraft (Landsat, HEAO, ATS, and others) data base. This model uses cost estimating relationships (CER's) to determine the subsystem and system level costs. The CER's in the cost model were developed from a normalized historical data base by parametric costing and similarity between present and past programs. The cost estimates are for Design, Development, Test, and Evaluation (DDT&E) and are based on 1984 dollars. 2.2.1 DDT&E Costs When new elements (i.e., PEP, Platform, Space Station, see Appendix B for details) are required to support a scenario, a DDT&E cost for the element is factored into the total cost. The cost includes design and development of such items as structures, thermal control, electrical power, comunications, data handling, attitude control, and environmental control and life support subsystems. It also includes the systems test hardware, integration, assembly, checkout, ground support equipment, and program management cost estimates. The initial NOM cost includes the cost of the first unit. If additional elements (second buy's) are required, these elements are procured at a significantly lower price since the initial units include the design and development cost. Examples of second unit cost can be seen by reviewing DDT&E cost for Scenario II. The cost of the 28.5? Space Platform is $650 M. TheCost for the 90? Space Platform (a second unit) is $305 NL Another example of reduction in cost for like elements can be_seen in Scen- ario Inc. The cost for the first 28.5' Spa-6e Platform is $550 NIL less than in Scenario II since same development cost is covered by the Space Station development. The second Space Platform (90?1 for this Scenario is also less ($260 MEL). The cost for instruments or mission/payload equipment are not included in any scenario cost. Operations/Life Cycle Costs An operations/life cycle cost was developed for the element within each scenario from 1991 through 2000. The life cycle cost utilized for the STS was based on STS historical data which includes the ground processing and flight operations costs for each flight. However, as stated in the introdu:- tion, this operational life cycle cost was not used. 2-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 3.0 SCENARIOS The elements of each scenario are outlined in Table 3.1. The further detail description of the elements is contained in Appendix B. An extended orbitor capability, in the form of a power extension package, has been added to same of the scenarios to evaluate its ability to fulfill the mission model requirements 3-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 TABLE 3.1 Ta IIa lib IIIa IIrb Inc TV STS STS STS STS STS. STS STS STS STS Sit S/L Sit S/L S/L S/L Sit Sit Sit U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S F/F F/F F/F F/F F/F r/F F/F . F/F F/F 'IMS TMS TMS TMS Tms TMS TMS TMS TMS PEP SP28.5? PEP. SP900 SS28.50 SS28.50 SS28.5? SS28.5? SP90? SBOTV SP28.5? PEP SP90? SP90? SP90? PEP OTV/SS SBOTV cnv @SS SP 28.5? OTV/SS SP 28.5? SS90? CfIV @ SS LEGEND: STS - SPACE TRANSPORTATION VS SYSTIN PEP - S/L SPACELAB - SORTIES SP - U/S - UPPER STAGES OTV/SS FF FREE FLYERS SS PERATOR , NG 'SYSTEM SBOVT - PU4ER SION PACKAGE (PEP) MPS - UNMANNED SPACE KATFORM L/S - OTV SPACE. STATION OTV @ SS - SPACE STATION DI De SPACE BASED ORBITER TRANSFER VEHICLE MATERIALS PROCESSING IN SPACE LIFE sm.= CTV CAPABILITY ADDED TO EXISTING SPACE STATICN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90601013R000400010004-9 ? Fclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 3.1 SCENARIO I 3.1.1 Description Scenario I utilizes the present STS system augmented with_an STS-based Teleoperator Maneuvering System (DE) to enhance capabilities for deployment, retravial, service, and on-orbit maintenance of free flying satellites. Other elements in the scenario are free flying satellites, and expendable upper stages (PAM-A, PAM-40, IUS, and Centaur) that are used to lift payloads from the shuttle orbit to geosynchronous and other high energy orbits. 3.1.2 Capabilities The Materials -Processing missions preferred mode -of accommodation is the Space Station. These missions require long duration, uninterrupted time on-orbit with extensive 'Tanned interaction. These missions cannot be accam- =collated by the capabilities of this scenario. A limited amount of research can be accomplished by STS sortie flights. These limited R&D missions could provide early precurser equipnent development 3eading to the eventual product ? capability, but the potential of materials processing in space cannot be fully developed with intermittent missions that cause much lost time and require the expense of re-integrating and relaunching the instruments for only a week's experimentation. The astrophysics missions require long time on-orbit (one to ten years) and many of these missions also desire nanned involvement for servicing and adjustment of instruments. The total mission set cannot be acconmodated within the capabilities of Scenario I. Some of the missions will be flown as free-flying satellites. The remaining missions will be placed on STS sortie flights, where they do receive the benefit of manned involVement; but in this case, the attainment of mission objectives is severely limited because of the short duration of the STS flights. For example, experiments such _as Starlab and Solar Optical Telescope that need three tofour years of on-orbit obser- vation time are limited to one CT more STS missions of approximately seven days each. Since several days of outgassing time are required before good observations can be performed with these instruments, the amount of good quality data obtained is questionable. Life science missions require extended, uninterrupted time on-orbit with extensive crew involvement. These missions cannot be fulfilled in this scenario. Only precursor experiments can be accomplished in this scenario (flying these experiments as sortie missions on the STS). The long term objectives of these missions can only be accurplished with a permanent manned orbiting faciilty. The earth science and application missions in general require high in- clination orbits and a few missions require man involvement. The high inclination missions will be flown on free flyers in this scenario. Those missions requiring man intervention because of the complexity of the experi- ments, will be flown as STS sortie missions, but again the Short duration on orbit severely limits the attainment of mission goals. Satellite servicing missions preferred acconmodation nodes are, satellite return to the on-orbit servicing facility, or remote servicing at the 3-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90B01013R0ounnn1nna4_a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 satellite location. These missions can be accomplished with the STS, TMS, and expendable launch vehicles. However, the servicing equipment must be brought to orbit on planned STS flights for each mission. Communications satellites which require geosynchronous orbit w-ilrbe launched via the STS with an expendable upper stage (PAM-A, PAM-D, IUS, or Since the technology development missions in this model were designed specifically as Space Station missions, most of the objectives cannot be accomplished in this scenario. However, different versions of many of these missions could be done on the STS. Additionally, the STS can be used to enhance the technology required to build the initial Space Station. The STS can be utilized for the development of some techniques and equipment for eventual use by the Space Station in fulfilling same of its mission objectives (e.g., satellite servicing). In Scenario I, the solar system exploration missions will be accomplished with expendable upper stages MS CT Centaur) launched fram the STS. 3.1.3 Cost The following are the cost associated with Scenario I: DDT&E Cost STS Spacelab . Upper Stages TMS *Free Flyers (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (26 FF x $200) Total Cost - Cost 0 $ 232 NEL $5200 NEL $ 54-3-2 MIL * The Free Flyers cost is for the bus only, not instruments. 3-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 .3.2 SCENARIO IA 3.2.1 Description This scenario utilizes the present STS system augmented wittr (1) a power extension package mal which extends the shuttle on-orbit stay time from a maximum of 7 to 20 days and (2) a STS-based teleoperator maneuvering system (TMS) to -enhance capabilities for deployment, retrieval, service, and on-orbit maintenance of free flying satellites. Other elements in the scenario are free flying satellites and expendable upper stages (PAM-A, PAM-D, IUS, and Centaur) that are used to lift payloads fram the shuttle orbit to geosynchronous and other high energy orbits. 3.2.2 Capabilities The major change in capabilities to this scenario from Scenario I, is the addition of the PEP (Power EXtension Package). This addition has a small impact on the fulfilling of the mission model. The significant impact is in the increased orbiter stay time for the Spacelab/sortie missions. Most sortie missions benefit is an increase in the on-orbit staytime, but still fail to accomplish a significant fraction of the mission objectives. 3.2.3 Cost DDT&E STS Spacelab. Upper Stages TMS -*Free Flyers - PEP (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (27 x $200 To Support The Scenario) Total Cost Cost 0 0 $232 mu, 5400 MIL 150 MIL $ 25 MIL $ 5807 MIL .1, * The free flyers cost is for the bus only, not instruments. 3-5 im Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 .3.3 SCENARIO II 3.3.1 Description Scenario II utilizes the present STS system augmented with a power ext nsion package (PEP) which extends the Shuttle on-orbit stay time Iran 7 to a maximum of 20 days and a STS-based Teleoperator Maneuvering System (T IS) to enhance capabilities for deployment, retrieval, service, and on-orbit riinten- ance of free flying satellites. Other elements in the scenario arc free flying satellites and expendable upper stages (PAM-A, PAM-D, IUS, an- Cen- taur) that are used to lift payloads from the shuttle orbit to geosynch.:onous and other high energy orbits. ---The major elements added to this scenario over previous scenarios are platforms located at 28.50 and 900 inclinations. 3.3.2 Capabilities In Scenario II, the long duration astrophysics missions are accommodated on the platforms. They provide indefinite on-orbit stay time; however, there is a small percentage of time that manned interaction is available. Fan is present only during periodic STS servicing/supply missions -- probably twice a year. The addition of PEP to the STS in this scenario does not increase the mission accommodation capability, but does provide longer servicing periods. Another consideration for the astrophysics missions in this scen- ario is that the platforms are cost-effective because the instrirrents are placed on a common bus, thus saving design, development, and production costs. space The long duration earth science and applications rdssions.arieracccmmodated on .the- platforms .withthe same ?advantages and restrictionsas for the astro- physics missions. The solar system exploration and geosynchronous satellite missions are launched fram the STS with expendable upper stages as in the previous scen- arios. The same limitations identified in Scenario Ia apply to life science missions in this scenario. The accommodation of Materials Processing Research is also inhibited as in Scenario Ia, because of the short duration orbit time of the Shuttle. Satellite servicing in this scenario will be performed fram the STS as in the Scenario Ia. The servicing of instruments grouped or mounted on the plat- forms will be more efficient because servicing can be done in tandem with the platform resupply missions. The accommodation of Technology Development missions in this scenario is similar to that of Scenarios I and Ia. 3-6 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 The nee Flyers that are included in this scenario are those that were on-orbit before the Space Platform, those that require unusual orbits or have other unusual characteristics incompatible with the Space Station orbit, and those that have been launched beyond low earth orbit for solar system explor- ation or geosynchronous missions. 3.3.3 Cost The following are costs associated with this scenario: DCTSE Cost STS Spacelab - Upper Stages TMS *Free Flyers Platforms PEP RMS (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (20 x $$200) 28.50 90? Total Cost 0 0 0 $ 232 ICL 4000 Nal, 650 MIL 305 NIL 150 rim 25 NIL $5362 mi., * The Free Flyprs cost is for the bus only, not instruments. 3-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ? -3.4 SCENARIO IIa 3.4.1 Description Scenario ha utilizes the present space transportation system um augmented with a power extension package (PEP) which extends the Shuttle on-orbitstay time. Other elements required in the scenario are (1) free flying satel- lites for 1p91, (2) expendable upper stages for 1991, and (3) an STS-based Teleoperator Maneuvering System (TMS). This scenario contains a space-based DIV capability in 1992. The OTV is launched from a named OTV servicing station. The TMS will also be space- based at that time. 3.4.2 Capabilities Scenarios ha adds to the capabilities of scenario Ia the capability to service and launch space-based OTV's and to nate payloads to OTV's on-orbit. The on-orbit OTV payload rating capability allows greater flexibility in STS payload manifesting, thus potentially increasing the STS load factor. Greater flexibility in satellite design is allowed because the payload can be assembled on-orbit prior to noting to the DIV. The nuMber of STS flights will also be reduced because flights to bring the expendable launch vehicles to orbit are no longer required. Geosynchronous satellite servicing is included in this scenario because the space-based DIV provides round-trip transportation to geosynchronous orbit for the TMS or other servicing equip- rent. This station has no capability to provide for attached payloads or laboratory nodules. The accommodation of missions that do not use the OTV are the same as in Scenario Ia. The advantages of the PEP in this scenario aie the same as in ?Cenario Ia. 3.4.3 Cost DDT&E STS Spacelab Upper Stages TMS *Free Flyers (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (27 FF x $200 To Support this Scenario) HMS PEP OW Servicing Station cav Total Cost Cost 0 0. $ 232 MIL 5400 MIL 25 MIL 150 MIL 6808 MIL 1600 MIL $14215 MIL * The Free Flyers cost is for the bus only, not instrumnts. 3-8 no Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 3.5 SCENANIO lib 3.5.1 Description Scenario Ilb utilizes the present space transportation systomJSTS). Other elements required in the scenario are (1) free flying satellite, (2) expend- able upper stages (phased out in 1992), and (3) an shuttle-based Ttleoperator Maneuvering System (TMS). This scenario adds two unmanned space platform with operational capability beginning in 1991 and a space-based OTV capability in 1992. The OTV is launched Iran a manned OTV servicing station. The TMS will also be space-based at that time. 3.5.2 Capabilities The capabilities of Scenario IIB are the sum of the capabilities of Scenarios II and ha. As in Scenario II the long duration missions are accommodated on platforms. As in Scenario ha the OTV servicing station provides capability for servicing and launching of OTV's, on-orbit gating of payloads to OTV's, assembly of payloads on-orbit, and servicing of satellites at geosynchronous orbit. 3.5.3 Cost DDT&E STS ? Spacelab Upper Stages *Free Flyers Manned ON OTV Platforms (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (22 FF x $200) Servicing Station 28.5c _90? Total Cost Cost 0 0 0 $ 232 MIL 4400 MIL -6808 MIL 1600 MIL 550 NIL 260 NIL $13850 NIL * The free flyers cost is for the bus only, not instruments. 3-9 mil Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 SOMAMO IIIa 3.6.1 Description Scenario IIIa utilizes the space transportation system (STS). Other elements in the scenario are (1) free flying satellites, and (2) expendable upper stages (PAM-A, PM-D, IUS, and Centaur) that are used to launch payloads from the STS orbit to geosynchronous and other high energy orbits. This scenario adds a manned Space Station that is operational in 1991 and grows to support mission requirements. When the station is activated the TMS will be moved from shuttle-based to space-based. 3.6.2 Capabilities In Scenario III rost astrophysics missions are accommodated on the Space Station at 28.50; in this mode they receive the benefits of both long on-orbit stay-time and ready manned intervention. The missions that are free-flyers in this scenario are those that were on-orbit before the Space Station became operational or those that have unique requirements such as orbits that are not compatible with the Space Station. Most of the earth science and applications missions rust be accormcdated on high inclination orbiting free-flyers in this scenario. The Space Station defined in this scenario has no reusable OW capability, therefore, the geosynchronous satellites and planetary miSsions will utilize expendable upper stages as in Scenarios I, Ia, and II. This scenario accommodates life sciences research. It provides laboratory research facilities and 'Teets the requirements for extended time on orbit with manned interaction. This scenario also fully enables Materials Processing in Space (MPS) respArch and development. A man-tended laboratory on the Station will be utilized to develop these MPS capabilities which have the potential to produce both commercial enterprises and technology advances. Free flying near 28.5? inclination will be serviced from the Space Station. In this scenario the servicing facility is an integral part of the Space Station, therefore, additional STS launches to bring up servicing equipment are not required for servicing of satellites near the station's orbit. The Space Station will be used to develop technology that will enhance capa- bilities for space Station growth, science mission execution, ccumunications, and other areas. One of the major areas to be developed, is the capability to construct large structures on orbit. This technology is required for large antennas, telescopes, and oarmunications satellites. Technology will also be developed for science missions including optics assertibly techniques and earth observation instrument develqpment. The high energy missions are accomplished by a space-based (IN as described in Scenario ha. 3-10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 The addition of PEP to the SI'S in this scenario does not increase the mission Capability since the long duration missions are accorrucdated by the Space Station and space based TMS. The Free Flyers that are included in this scenario are those that were on-orbit before the Space Station, those that require unusual orbits or have unusual characteristics incompatible with the Space Station orbit, and those that have been launched beyond law earth orbit for solar system exploration or geosynchronous missions. 3.6.3 Cost DDT&E STS Spacelab Upper Stages TMS *Free Flyers Manned Space PEP RMS (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (27 FF x $200) Station at 26.50 Total Cost Cost 0 0 0 $ 232 VAIL 5400 MIL Initial 7520 MIL Growth 4745 MIL 150 MIL $ 25 MIL $18072 MIL * The free flyers cost is for the bus only, not instrumen 3-11 L),, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ? 3.7 SCENARIO IlIb 3.7.1 Description Scenario II/b utilizes the present Space Transportation System -(S). Other elements in the scenario are (1) free-flying satellites and (2) expendable upper stages (PAM Aq PAM El, IUS, and Centaur) that are used to lift payloads from shuttle orbit to geosynchronoos and other high energy orbits. This scenario adds a manned space station beginning in 1991 with growth to support mission requirements, and a space platform at 90?. When the station is activated the TMS will be moved fram orbiter based to space-based. 3.7.2 Capabilities With the capability of the Space Station at 28.5? and the space platform at 90? the mission requirements of astrophysics, material processing, and life sciences are all fulfilled. With the-basic capabilities of the STS and the expendable launch vehicles for satellite servicing, the mission requirements for solar system exploration, and commercial ccruunication are accorplished. 3.7.3 Cost DDT&E STS Spacelab Upper Stages TMS *Free Flyers Manned Space Platform (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (22 FF x $200 To Station at 28.5? Initial Growth 90? Cost 0 0 $ 232 ma, 4400 MIL 7520 Ma, 4745 MIL 550 MTh Total Cost $17447 kat * The free flyers cost is for the bus only, not instructions. 3-12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 3.8 SCENARIO IIIc 3.8.1 Description Scenario IIIc uses the present Space Transportation System(STS). Other elements in the scenario are (1) free flying satellites and (2) expendable upper stages (PMA, PAM D, IUS, and Centaur) until 1995. This scenario contains a panned Space Station beginning in 1991 with growth to support mission requirements. When the station is activated, the TMS will benoved from shuttle-based to space-based. DIV space-based operations will commence in 1994. In addition,-two space platforms, one at 28.50 and one at 900, are added to this scenario. . 3.8.2 Capabilities Scenario IIIc adds a 28.5? platform and space-based DIV to the capabilities of Scenarios Dia and II/b. The DIV capability of this scenario is function- ally the same as that of scenarios Ha and lib, but physically it is differ- ent because this facility is attached to an existing station rather than being a unique facility. The astrophysics instruments that are on-orbit at 26.5' will be the same as those in Scenario Ilia, but telescopes and other instruments that do not require frequent manned interaction will be placed on the Space Platform at 28.5?. The orbit of the Platform will be compatible withgthat of the Space Station. In addition to allowing the total required mission duration, this scenario offers the astrophysics missions a choice between a manned station (for the benefits of readilyr available manned intervention) and an unmanned platform (for the benefits of very low distuxbance levels_cat.Ined with the periodic availability of manned interventionvia servicing from the station). In this scenario the OTV capability is fully operational in 1995. Prior to this time the geosynchronous satellites and planetary exploration missions will be launched with expendable upper stages. After 1995, these missions will be accomplished with the OTV, and include satellite servicing at both low earth and geosynchronous orbit. The life sciences and Materials Processing in Space accornrdations in for this Scenario are the same as described in Scenarios IIIa and nib. The technology development missions accomodate in this scenario will be the same as those of Ilia and Mb. 3-13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ? 3.8.3 Cost DDT&E STS Spacelab Upper Stages. TMS *Free Flyers Manned Space OW Platforms (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (20 FF x $200 Nap Station at 28.5? Initial Growth OTV Ser. 28.5? 90? TOtal Cost Cost 0 0 0 $232 MIL 4000 MIL 7520 4745 1400 1600 550 260 * The free flyers cost is for bus only, not instructions. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 3.9 SCENARIO IV 3.9.1 Description Scenario IV utilizes the present Space Transportation System- (Sm). Other elements in the scenario are (1) free flying satellites and (2) expendable upper stages (PAMA, PAM D, ius, and Centaur) until 1995. This scenario contains a manned Space Station beginning in 1991 with growth to support mission requirements. When the station is activated, the TMS will move from orbiter-based to space-based. OTV space-based operations will commence in 1994 and phase out the use of expendable uFper stages. There Will be two platforms (one at 28.5? and one at 90?. In addition a manned polar station has been included beginning in 1998. 3.9.2 Capabilities Scenario IV adds a manned Space Station at polar orbit to the capabilities of Scenario IIIc. The mission model used in support this exercise does not presently include any missions that require a manned station at polar orbit. 3.9.3 Cost DDT&E STS Spacelab. Upper Stages TMS *Free Flyers Manned Space Ow Platforms Manned Space (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (20 FF x $200) Station at 28,5? Initial Growth OTV Ser. 28.5? 90? Station at 90? Total Cost Cost $232 MIL 4000 MIL -7520 NIL 4745 MIL 1400 MIL 1600 MIL - 550 NIL 260 MIL $5000 MIL $25307 MIL *The free flyers cost is for bus only, not instruments. 3-15 2, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 4.0 SIVPIARY The ability to accomplish the nation's civil space goals have been evaluated by comparing the capabilities of a number of scenarios beginning with the present STS capability and progressing to a manned Space Station. A qualita- tive survey of the scenario yields several conclusions: 1) A manned Space Station offers the unique coupling of long mission duYation in space with continuous yenned interaction. 2) This coupling of long duration and manned interaction is required for materials processing in space research and development, as well as life sciences research and many missions in other areas. 3) The extended orbiter capability provided by the Power Extension Package offers longer on-orbit stay time that benefits satellite servicing missions and sortie science and applications missions; however, it cannot provide the mission duration required to neet all of the objectives of naterials processing, life sciences, and the majority of astrophysics missions. 4) The Space Platform scenarios neat the long duration requirements, but extensive manned interaction required for specific missions is not provided. 5) Both the Space Station and Space Platform offer an cost avoidance through the grouping of payloads on a common bus. 6) Both the Space Station and Space Platform provide a unique capabil- ity for ready access to multiple payloads for servicing and/or payload change-out. 7) The Space Station enables a reusable space-based OW that has the potential of increase in the STS load factor. This is acomplished by manifesting more individual payloads per launch, since the expenaable stages are not required. As such, the Space Station as a transportation node can offer some cost avoidance. 8) The Space Station as a satellite servicing facility can offer ef- ficient, readily available service to satellites and platforms near the Space Station orbital inclination. 9) The Space Station program could provide a unique capability for technology advancement due to the development of technology for the initial and evolutionary stations as well as the technology result- ing from the use of the station as a space oriented technology development laboratory. 4-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 APPENDIX A vassim MODEL Table A-1 is a listing of the various missions and the flight-duration. " A-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 TABLE A-1 MISSION MODEL Mission Name Mission Duration Missions FYlopt Langley Model o Astrophysics Spectra of Conic Ray Nuclei ('91-1 Yr) Starlab ('92-'95) Solar Optical Telescope ('91-195) Pinhole Occulter Facility ('97-'98) Advanced Solar Observatory ('99-2000) Shuttle IR Telescope Facility ('93-1 Yr) Transition Radiation & Ion Calorimeter ('94-'95) High Throughput Mission ('96-'99) High Energy Isotope ('97-2000) Space Telescope ('91-2000) Gamma Ray Observatory ('91-'93) X-Ray Timing Experiment ('91-'92) Far UV Spectroscopy Eacp. ('93-'94) Solar Corona Diagnostic Exp. ("99-2000) Solar Max Mission ('91-'93) Adv. X-Ray Astrophysics Facility ('93-2000) Very Long Baseline Interferometer ('95-'97) Large Deployable Reflector ('98-'2000) Shuttle IR Telescope Facility/Sunsynch C98-2004 Solar Dynamics Observatory ('91 Launch) c) Earth Science & Applications ? LIDAR Facility C92-1 Yr) Earth Science Research ('91-2000) (Includes SAR, IS, LAMMR other) Ocean Topography Eacperiment ('91-'94) Geopotential Research Mission ('91-1 Yr) Space Plasma Physics ('92-'93) Origin of Plasma in Earth's Neighborhood (92 '-95) o Solar System Exploration Mars Geochem/Climatol Orbiter ('91 Launch) Lunar Geochem Orbiter ('91 Launch) Comet Rendezvous ('91 Launch) Venus Atnosphere Probe ('94 Launch) Titan Probe ("93 launch) A-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 Table A-1 (Continued) Mission Name Saturn PrObe Main Belt Asteroid Rendezvous Saturn Orbiter Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mars Sample Return c) Life Sciences Health Maintenance Clinical Research Animal/Plant Vivarium and Iba Human Research Lab Closed Environmental Life Support Exp. Sys. Closed Environmental Life Support Exp. Pallet Dedicated Closed Env. Life Support l?blule o Pilot MPS Processes Pilot Biological Processes Pilot Containerless Processing Pilot Furnace Processes o Cammanications* Experimental Geo. Platform Communications Test Lab PAM-D Class Satellite Deployment PAM-A Class Satellite Deployment IUS Class Satellite Deployment Centaur Class Satellites PAM-D Class Satellite Servicing at GED PAR-A Class Satellite Servicing at GD) IUS Class Satellite Servicing at GEO Centaur Class Satellite Sexy, at GEO EXchange Reconfigured Satellite Spares On-orbit Flight Dates ('94 Launch) (2-'97 Launches) ('93 Launch) ('97 Launch) ('99 Launch) ('91-2000) ('91-2000) ('91-2000) ('92-2000) (13-'98) ('99-2000) ('93-'95) ('94-'96) ('94-t96) ('94 Launch) ('93-2000) C96(3), . 18(4), '99(4), 2000(4)) ('96(3), '97(3). '98(3), '99(2), 2000(2)) ('96(6), '97(6), '98(6), '99(7), '2000(7)) ('96(1), '97(1), '98(2), '99(2), 2000(2)) ('99(1)) (18(1), '99(1) 2000(2)) V96(1), 197(1), '98(1), '99(2), 2000(3)) ('95(1), '96(1), '97(1), '98(1), '99(1), 2000(2)) (15(2), '96(2), '97(3), '98(3), '99(3), 2000(3)) * Geosynchronous launches from 1991-1995 are listed in the STS model section. A - 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 *. ? Table A-1 (Continued) Missicaliarce Flight Dates o Materials Processing (Commercial Development) Materials Processing in Space Lab 41 ('91-2000) Materials Processing in Space Lab #2 ('94-2000) Electrophoretic Separation Production ('91-2000) Galium Arsenide Production Unit ('91-2000) Isoelectric Focusing Production ('94-2000) HgCdTe Crystal Production (.96-2000) Optical Fiber Production ('93-2000) Solution Crystal Growth Production ('97-2000) Iridium Crucible Production ('93-2000) .Bioltgical Processes " ('94-2000) ? Merged Technology/Catalyst Prod. o Earth and Ocean Observations (Commercial) ('93-2000) Remote Sensing Test/Develop. Facility ('97-6m0.) Stereo Multi-Linear Array ('91-2000) Stereo SAR/MLA/CZCS Instnrrents ('99-2000) o Technology Development Missions Materials Performance Technology ? ('91-200,0.) Materials Processing Technology ('91-'94) - -? -Deployment/Assembly/Construction ('92'94) Structural Dynamics ('92-'94) Design Verification Technology ('92-18mo.) Waste Heat Rejection Technology ('95-'96) Large Solar Concentrator Technology ('96-'97) Laser Power Transmission/Conversion ('97-'98) Attitude Control 2"chnology ('92-'93) Figure Control Technology ('92-'93) Teleprese_nce and EVA Technology ('93-'94) Interactive Human Factors (' 93- ' 94) Advanced Control Device Technology ('94-1yr & '99-lyr) Satellite Servicing.. Technology ('91-`92) OTV Servicing Technology ('91-'93) Habitation Technology ('91-'94) Environmental Effects Technology ('91-18mo, '96-18mo) Medical Technology (.91-'94) Power System Technology Experiments (' 96-1yr) On-Board Operations Technology ('92-"97) A-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400flinnn4_a - . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 a. Table A-1 (Continued) Mission Mare Planetary Autareted Orbit Ops. Large Space Antenna Technology Earth Observation Instrument Tech. Teleccrnrnunications System Tech. Space Interferaneter System Tech. Fluid Management Technology Iciw Thrust Propulsion Fluid Dynamics Experiments Cryogenic Physics Experiments Space Polymer Chemistry EXperirnents General Relativity Experiments ? Missions from STS MDdel ? Materials Experiment Asse-nbly EURECA (auwean free flyer) Materials Processing in Space Processes Tethered Satellite System OST A Materials Experiments Radar Research Mission Intelsat Telesat Satool Tropical Earth Resources Satellite Geosynchronous Earth Obs. Sys. NOM TIROS Advanced Earth Resources Satellite Satccrn Galaxy Satellite Direct Broadcast Satellite A-5 Flight Dates ('98-'99) ('93-'94) ('92-'96) ('96-1yr) ('95-1yr) ('91-'92) ('94-1yr, '97-1yr) ('94-'95) (195-'96) ('95-'96) ('99-1yr) (Sortie missions in '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97 & '2000) ('91, '93, '96, 199) (Sortie missions in '92, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99,'!,2000) (Sortie missions in 192, /94, .?95, '97, ? '98 2000) .." (Sortie missions in '91, '92, 193, '95) (Sortie in '9]) ('91(3), '94(3), '94(3), '95(2) Launches) (Canadian - '91 Launch) (Columbian - '91 Launch) (Indonesia - '91, '93 Launches) ('92, '95 Launches) ('92, '93, '94, '96, '98, '99 Launches) ('92, '94, '96, '98, '99, Launches) (RoDoh - '92 (2) , '93 (2) , 694(3) Launches) (Hughes - '92, '93, '95 Launches) V92(2), '93(3), '95(3) Launches) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 APPENDIX B CAPABILITIES OF SUPPORTING ELEMENTS .The SIC scenarios involve the incorporation of various specific hardware elements to accomplish mission goals. This appendix describes each of these elements and presents general performance capabilities of the elements. The supporting elements discussed herein are: 1. Space Transportation Systems (STS) .2. Power EXtension Package (PEP) 3. Teleoperator Neneuvering System CMS) 4. Free-Flying Spacecraft 5. Unmanned Space Platforms 6. Spacelab 7. Orbital Transfer Vehicles (Ground and Space-Based, Reusable and EXpendab)e). 8. OTV Servicing Facility 9. Space Station 1. SPACE TRANSPORIATICN SYSTEM (STS) STS is used as an integral part of each scenario and will be used to place all elements in low-earth orbit (1)0). The Orbiter on-orbit stay time is limited by the. aunt of consumables and their rate of consumption. Power is one of several . consumables that -limit ,-the.---STS-sthy-,tine.? A, naminal-power- level of18-20 kW, limits the on-orbit stay time to 7710 days depending, on the nuMber o. cryogenic tank sets installed. POWER EXTENSION PACKAGE (PEP) ? The PEP is a? 2000-pound solar array kit which provides most of the required Orbiter/payload electrical power during light-side orbit periods. This relieves the baseline Orbiter cryogenic oxygen and hydrogen storage limitations on mission duration and increases power available to payloads. Note that to increase the stay time of the STS, systems other than just the power systaninast be modified. The PEP solar array is held in the desired attitude and location by the RMS with the PEP providing two-axis sun tracking. More than one MS position can be used for any Orbiter orientation. This flexibility allows minimal interference with payload viewing. PEP operates with the regulated solar power in parallel with the Orbiter fuel cells. When in sunlight, the Orbiter fuel cells are off-loaded to conserve fuel cell reactants (and may, indeed, actually be enhanced by electrolysis). B-1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004q ? Decla' ssified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 3. ITELEOPERATOR MANEUVERING SYSTEM (TMS) There will be two distinctly different TMS systems. -TMS-1 will be available for all scenarios and will be limited to the capability of deploy- ing and/or retrieving free-flying spacecraft to/from the proximity of the ?Orbiter ow-to/from the Space Station. TMS1 will not have the capability of performing payload servicing remotely fram the Orbiter or Space Station. TMS-2 will be available for all scenarios. TMS2 will be a general-pur- pose, remotely-controlled, free-flying vehicle capable of performing a wide range of payload service remotely from the STS CT Space Station. The system - iill provide spacecraft placement -services, planned CT contingency payload retrieval functions, asseMbly/servicing support for large space systems, dextrous manipulator operation for planned CT contingency satellite ser- vicing, satellite viewing and science support as a free-flying sUbsatellite operating in the vicinity of the STS or Space Station, resupply, change-out, etc. For Scenarios ha, lib, IIIc and IV, TMS can be space-based. The TMS will receive routine service and repair in orbit. For major repairs or major refurbishnent the TMS will be retrieved and returned to earth by the Orbiter. tirnen the TMS is Orbiter-based, it will be returned to earth in the Orbiter payload bay at the carpletion of each servicing mission. The TMS for Scenar- ios IIIa, IIIb, IIIc and Ind will be space-based at the Space Station where it will be harbored, serviced, and maintained. 4. FREE-FLYING SPACECRAFT *- Fre-lying -spececraft -include -all-dedicated-mission satellites that cannot be accommodated in Space Platforms or attached ...to AL Space Station because of unique orbit location or unique instrument environmental re- quirements, For Scenarios I, IA, and IIA this class of satellites includes all missions that are not acccruodated in the Orbiter crew area CT in the Spacelab. 5. UNMANNED SPACE PiAaTCWIMS The unmanned space platform is a spacecraft bus that provides the key resources of power, thermal control, data transmission, and attitude control. Multiple payloads are attached to this bus-and operated simultaneously. The payloads may all be of the same discipline, e.g., astronomy, CT a platform may accommodate a set of multi-disciplinary payloads. The platform design allows payloads to be removed and replaced with new ones on-orbit when the mission is complete CT improved instruments are available. Significant savings in the design and development costs for multiple platforms will be realized by utilizing a common design for all platforms (high or low inclination). The design will be rcdular to allow for appro- priate scaling and on-orbit expansion of the electrical, thermal and other capabilities of the platforms. Initially each platform will provide approxi- B-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 mately 12 kW of electrical power and heat rejection capability. The nodular design will allow on-orbit "growth" (e.g., by the addition of yore solar array panels) if additional resources are required in the future. 6. SMCELAB/SORTIE Under international agreement, the European community has provided to the U.S. Space Program a system of Orbiter cargo bay experiment mounting facilities. The system includes two types of yenned laboratories, i.e., short and long nodules. Also included are several three-meter length pallets and environmentally controlled sUbsystems in an "igloo" unit. All integre- -? tion-and reconfiguration tosts-of-the?above tkardare are the responsibility of the U.S. Space Program. Sortie missions are those flying in the Spacelab nodule CT on a Spacelab pallet. 7. ORBITAL TRANSYEK vEmacLEs (cYw's) a. Ground-based Upper Stages (STS-Compatible) The initial STS will make use of a family of upper stages to transport payloads beyond LEO. Included is .a class of expendable solid rockets, the largest being the IUS, capable of transporting 5,000 pounds from LEO to GED. Another ground-based OW currently under develop-rent is the ground-based, Shuttle-deployed, Centaur vehicle. The Centaur's performance permits trans- fer to CEO for payloads of up to 13,500 pounds. They are all expenaAhle vehicles, adaptable to meting either on the ground CT in space, and not optimized for space-based use. b.'Reusable,-Space-:BaSed OTV's Scenarios ha, Iib, IIIc and IV assume the development of a reusable, space-based CITV for transporting payloads from LEO to their final earth-or- bital destination. These vehicles will be transported to the LEO Space Station CT cnv servicing facility by the STS and will be maintained and serviced at the Space Station. The reusable space-based OTV has been assumed to be a cryogenic, aero- braked stage with geosynchronous orbit capability equal at least to that of the Shuttle-based Centaur, i.e., 13,500 pounds. The capability to service GE?)-based-payloads -with an CTV/TMS .combination would be available at the inception of Space Station/OW service facility operation. The OW would be of nodular space-based design to allow maintenance, servicing and mission modifications on-orbit. 8. OW SERVICING FACILITY ? The permanent CTV servicing facility will consist of the following elements: a. An unpressurized enclosure with the necessary equiprrent to service, maintain and protect the cav from neteoroids and space debris during servic- B-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP90601013R000400010004-q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ing and storage. A high level of automation will be erployed to perform servicing and checkout functions. The crew will repair, maintain and provide backup for the automated equipment through EVA. b. A similar unpressurized protective enclosure for service, mainte- nance and -checkout, will be utilized for OTV payloads. A common remote manipulator system (RMS) on tracks will provide a means of receipt, deploy- ment, mate/demate and transfer for both the OTV and the OTV payloads. C. ApTessurized nodule to provide accommodations to support a crew of approximately four for up to 30 days, plus contingency time, will be -provided:- ' d. An unpressurized utility element to provide electrical power (30 kW avg) for all facility elements (including propellant reliquefaction). The attitude control and reboost system will be contained in this module. e. A central core element -with external viewing ports will house the ? OTV and RMS control stations. Air locks and berthing ports will provide ingress/egress and allow Orbiter docking. f. A logistics module of sufficient volume to house consumables for the crew for the allotted stay time, the waste management system, and for OTV spares. 9. SPACE STATION The permanent facility in space which is manned is termed the "Space -Station:" "'However, the capabilities of the Space Station vary with the different scenarios. These ._characteristics and capabilities are delineated into two general types of Space Stations: (a) initial and (b) growth. a. Initial This manned Space Station will support technological, commercial, and scientific research and development laboratories. It will also support a satellite servicing capability. The capabilities of this Space Station are described as follows: o Provide laboratory facilities (including power, environment con- trol, data management, etc.) as well as permanent-manned-presence in order to conduct research and development in technological, commercial, and scientific disciplines. o Acommodate attached, unpressurized payload pellets with accurate pointing and environmental control in addition to pressurized laboratory nodules for research and development pursuits. o Retrieve free-flying satellites to the Space Station by means of the Teleoperator Maneuvering System (MS) for servicing by EVA and/or place free-flying satellites into their operational orbits with the TMS. B-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 t 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 o Service, refuel, replenish consumables, change experiments and/or payloads, and repair failed subsystems of free-flying satellites at the Space Station. o Store propellants for the TMS, satellite refueling, and _ Station.orbit maintenance at the Space Station. - - Space b. Growth The growth station includes (1) a phased increase of laboratory capabil- ity and (2) support for a space-based reuseable orbital transfer vehicle CDTV). The space-based, reuseable Orbital Transfer Vehicle onn will provide access to geosynchronous orbit and beyond. The manned Space Station at which the OW is based will become a transportation mode to serve all user cceralu- nities. This station will have the capability to: o Provide structure for OTV docking, servicing, refueling, and payload mating. o Coordinate OW servicing, launch, and retrieval. o Provide facilities for ow propellant storage and handling. B - 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP90B01013R000400010004-9 ?