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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 CHAPTER 6: TRAVEL UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES PART A: INVITATION TO TRAVEL When and To Whom Applicable .................................... C6000 = Restrictions .................................. ....... _ .. C6001 Allowance Expense ............................................ C6002 Invitational Travel Order ......................................... C6003 VOLUME 2: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CIVILIAN PERSONNEL PART B: DEATH CASES, ALLOWABLE EXPENSES General .................................................... C6050 Responsibility ................................................ C6051 Death Related to Performance of Official Duty .......................... C6052 Death During Period of Absence from Duty ............................ C6053 Preparation of Employee Remains .................................. C6054 Preparation of the Remains of a Dependent of an Employee ................. C6055 Transportation of Employee Remains ................................ C6056 Transportation of the Remains of a Dependent of an Employee ............... C6057 Allowable Costs for Transportation of Employee or Dependent Remains ......... C6058 Transportation of Dependents and Household Goods ...................... C6059 Transportation. of Baggage ........................................ C6060 Transportation of a Privately Owned Motor Vehicle ....................... C6061 Termination of Per Diem ........................................ C6062 Escort for Remains ............................................ C6063 Method of Payment ............................................. C6064 Prohibition of Payment When Other Laws Apply. ...................... C6065 PART C: TRANSPORTATION, MISSING PERSONS CASES General .................................................... C6100 Conditions .................................................. C6101 Responsibility ................................................ C6102 PART D: CIVILIAN ESCORTS AND ATTENDANTS Escorts for Military Dependents .................................... C6150 Attendants for Military Dependents ......................... C6151 Attendants for Members on Temporary Disability Retired'List Required to Submit to Periodic Physical Examination ............................ C6152 Attendants for Active Duty Members of the Uniformed Services (Patients)........ C6153 PART E: INTERVIEW TRAVEL AND ALLOWANCES Interview Travel ............................................... C6200 Ch. 272 6/1/88 6-i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 PART F: TRAVEL AT NO EXPENSE TO THE GOVERNMENT -- - --- .............................................................. %..UZJV PART G: REPATRIATION TRANSPORTATION For Other Than Army Civilian Marine Personnel ......................... C6300 For Army Civilian Marine Personnel .................................... C6301 PART- H: TRAVEL OF AUXILIARY CHAPLAINS _ General .............................................................. C6350 PART I: PAYMENT OF SUBSISTENCE AND TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES FOR THREATENED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS PART J: General .............................................................. C0400 Eligible Individuals .................................................... C6401 Policy ................................................................ C6402 Delegation of Authority ................................................ C6403 Procedures for Evaluating Risk to Threatened Individuals .................. C6404 Eligibility Conditions and Limitations .................................... C6405 Allowable Subsistence Payments ......................................... C6406 Transportation to and from a Location Away from the Employee's Designated Post of Duty ............................................. C6407 Authorizations and Payments of Claims .................................. C6408 Advance of Funds ..................................................... C6409 EMERGENCY TRAVEL OF EMPLOYEE DUE TO ILLNESS OR INJURY OR A PERSONAL EMERGENCY SITUATION WITHIN OR OUTSIDE CONUS General .............................................................. C6450 Responsibility of DOD Component/Delegation of Authority ................ C6451 Employee Responsibility and Documentation ............................. C6452 Definitions ........................................................... C6453 Incapacitating Illness or Injury of Employee .............................. C6454 Personal Emergency Situation ........................................... C6455 Procurement of Transportation ......................................... C6456 PART K: REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES WHEN ACCOMPANYING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AND CONGRES- SIONAL STAFF General .............................................................. C6500 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 CHAPTER 6 TRAVEL UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES ..J PART A: Effective 1 July 1988 C6000 WHEN AND TO WHOM . APPLICABLE INVITATION TO TRAVEL:.-.. - * Invitational travel is the term applied to travel which _may be authorized (under 5 U.S.C.-5703)-for in- dividuals employed intermittently in the Govern- ment service as consultants or experts and paid on a daily when-actually-employed basis and for in- dividuals serving without pay or at $1 a year when they are acting in a capacity that is directly related to, or in connection with, official activities of the Department of Defense. Travel allowances author- ized for such persons are limited to those normally authorized for employees in connection with tem- porary duty. Invitational travel may be authorized in cases such as when: C. 1. it is considered in the interest of a depart- ment to invite a college or university of- ficial or a representative of industry to visit an activity to observe the work performed or the operations of the activity; 2. an individual is requested to lecture, in- struct, or give a demonstration at an activ- ity in connectiop with a Department of Defense operation or program; 3. an individual, singly or as part of a group, confers on an official Department of De- fense matter with Department of Defense officials and thereby performs a direct service to the Department of Defense, such as providing advice or guidance. (Invita- tional Travel Orders are not authorized for individuals merely to attend a meeting or conference, even if hosted by the Depart- ment of Defense component concerned on a matter related to the component's official business (see 55 Comp. Gen. 750)); 4. attendance of an individual at an incentive award ceremony is related to an award presentation (32 Comp. Gen. 134)(see par. C6001, item 4, concerning restrictions on travel and transportation for dependents and relatives of award recipients); 5. an individual is an attendant for a handi- capped employee or member of the Uniformed Services who is to be given an Office of Personnel Management award, a major department or agency award, or a non-Federally sponsored honor award _ -and who -would be unable to attend the award ceremony if no attendant accom- panied him (55 Comp. Gen. 800); 6. - -attendance -of-an individual is for the pur- pose of serving as a sponsor or in a similar official ceremony which is directly related to Department of Defense interests; 7. an individual has been selected as a mem- ber of the Executive Reserve under govern- ing regulations relating to Executive Reserve training; 8. an individual is authorized preemployment interview travel under par. C6200; 9. travel is by individuals serving without compensation on Boards of Visitors as pro- vided for in governing regulations of the separate departments consistent with statutory authority; 10. it is determined by the appropriate Depart- ment of Defense component to be in the best interest of the Department of Defense, travel of representatives and employees of contractors under contracts with the Department of Defense, including contrac- tor technicians and field service represen- tatives, with orders containing appropriate accounting classification and approval of the administrative contracting officer pro- vided that the travel involved is not the financial responsibility of the contractor; 11. a witness is called to testify in adminis- trative proceedings directed against a civilian employee or member of the Uni- formed Services in adverse action type cases, whether on behalf of the Govern- ment or on behalf of the civilian employee or member of the Uniformed Services con- cerned, provided that the presiding hear- ing officer determines that the employee or member reasonably can show that the testi- mony of the witness is substantial, mate- rial, and necessary for a proper disposition of the case and that an affidavit from the desired witness will not adequately ac- complish the same objective; - ., .~ .i'~s'~:.trs:~w~F.= ,x~FtiT.~-.c ~ .-..r Y~y,~'- ., y'Z/ "'~S..r..s'^+'+y.: +^;~.i^F. c rt;1[.;'.?"'*..?4.rr...?.~. C ', - _' i''3r--~a,~':~~'~' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 C6001 DOD Civilian Personnel 13. attendance as a complainant at an ad- ministrative hearing when the complaint related to the Federal employment of the complainant, the hearing is provided for by applicable Federal employment regula- tions, and it would be unreasonable to re- quire the complainant to appear at his own expense (MS Comp. Gen. B-180469, 28 Feb 1974); 14. when an individual is an attendant for a handicapped employee on an official travel asignment and it has been determined that the handicapped employee is incapable of traveling alone (56 Comp. Gen. 661). Justice; 10 U.S.C. 832; 12. an individual is called to testify as a witness at a pretrial investigation conducted under Article 32, Uniform Code of Military C6001 RESTRICTIONS Invitational travel at Government expense will not be authorized for: 1 nonappropriated fund officials or em- ployees traveling on nonappropriated fund business; 2. contractor employees (except as provided in par. C6000, item 10); 3. dependents and/or movement of house- hold goods or other property of individuals for whom invitational travel orders are issued; 4. dependents and relatives of award recip- ients to attend awards ceremonies except attendants for handicapped employees or handicapped members of the Uniformed Services as authorized in par. C6000, item 5 (54 Comp. Gen. 1054 and 55 Comp. Gen. 1332); 5. Federal Government employees or members of the Uniformed Services (these individuals are given regular temporary duty orders). 1. GENERAL. Invitational travel orders will provide for travel and transportation of an in- dividual from place of business or home to place where services are required and returned to point of origin. 2. MODES OF TRANSPORTATION. Author- ization of modes of transportation routing and accommodations will be consistent with the provi- sions in Chapter 2-as appropriate to- mission, requirements. *3. PER DIEM, ACTUAL EXPENSE, AND MILEAGE ALLOWANCES. Per diem, actual expense, and mileage allowances while traveling and at the place services or interview is required will be in accordance with the applicable provisions in par. C4552-4 and Chapter 4, Part N. This paragraph does not apply to a nonemployee civilian traveling under invitational travel orders as an attendant to a member of the Uniformed Services, members' dependents, or members on the temporary disability retired list (see JFTR, Volume 1, pars. U7251-D4, U7252-B4, and U7553). 4. SHIP SPONSORS. Travel expenses incurred by ship sponsors wil be included as expenses of launching ceremonies which will be borne by the building shipyard as part of the construction costs as provided in the instructions contained in the Navy Comptroller Manual, par. 035384. 5. PERSONS NOT IN GOVERNMENT EMPLOY TRAVELING INCIDENT TO BEING CALLED AS A WITNESS AT A MILITARY COURT-MARTIAL. A person not in the Govern- ment employ, when called as a witness before a military court-martial (except those called to testify as a witness at a pretrial investigation conducted under Article 32, Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 832; see par. C6000, item 12), will be en- titled to travel and transportation allowances in ac- cordance with administrative regulations of Services concerned. 6. PARTICIPANTS IN THE ANNUAL NA- TIONAL MATCHES SPONSORED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD FOR THE PROMOTION Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Travel Under Special Circumstances OF RIFLE PRACTICE UNDER TITLE 10 U.S; CODE 4312. Title 10 U.S. Code Section 4313 authorizes payment of a mileage allowance to civilian competitors while traveling to and from the national matches. The mileage allowance for the return trip may be paid in advance. Provisions for payment of the travel allowances are prescribed by AR,920-30. The invitational travel orders also may authorize a subsistence allowance for the duration of the competition. The rate of the allowances will be set by the director for civilian marksmanship and stated in the invitational travel orders issued to each competitor. C6003 INVITATIONAL TRAVEL ORDER The sample format contained herein may be used as a guide in the preparation of an invitational travel order in all Services except the Department of the Navy, where Invitational Travel Order (NAVSO Form 4650/10) is used. The use of the sample format is not mandatory. When travel involves reimbursement on an actual expense basis or travel outside-- continental United States, the wording of the same format should be changed accord- ingly. Ch. 252 10/1/86 6-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 " ^i?'~;%N ~ .r ... .... a M'~ ' ?.Nc. .~ ? ~l . r ,[~ t ~;s!. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 c6m SAMPLE FORMAT OF AN INVITATIONAL TRAVEL,ORDER NAME TRAVEL ORDER NUMBER ADDRESS DATE APPROVED - in sufficient time .to arrive at by for the purpose of for approximately days. Upon completion of the mission you will return to the point of origin. Travel by rail, commercial or military aircraft, bus, and privately owned automobile is authorized. You are advised that the Department of Defense policy requires that in using regularly scheduled air transpor- tation, accommodations selected will be the least costly service which will permit satisfactory accomplish- ment of the mission of the traveler. If practicable, you will be provided a Government transportation request to exchange for carrier tickets. If a transportation request is not used and travel is performed by common carrier at personal expense, reimbursement for the cost of transportation will be limited to: a. the least costly regularly scheduled air service between the points involved, or the lowest cost class of accommodations available at the time reservations were made; b. the cost of the rail fare and a lower berth, or the lowest first-class rail accommodation available at the time reservations were made; c. actual cost of commercial bus fare. If you travel by privately owned automobile, reimbursement will be authorized at the rate of 20.5 cents per mile, plus the cost of necessary parking fees, bridge, ferry, and other highway tolls incurred while in travel status under this travel order. The total reimbursement will be limited to the cost of travel by the usual mode of common carrier, including per diem. Receipts and ticket stubs will be required to substan- tiate your claim for cost of transportation and subsistence for items in excess of $25. Normally, you will be entitled to a per diem allowance to cover your expenses for lodging, meals, and ..incidentals. While traveling and performing the mission within the continental United States, you will be authorized a per diem equal to the daily amount you pay for lodging, plus a fixed amount for meals and incidental expenses, not to exceed the maximum amount prescribed in the JTR, Vol. 2, Appendix E for the locality concerned. If the resulting amount is more than the maximum per diem rate prescribed in Appendix E, then only the maximum per diem rate will be authorized. Receipts are required for lodg- ing. The per diem allowance for travel overseas is based on rates established by the Department of State or by the Department of Defense. Accordingly, you will be authorized the amount specified for the par- ticular overseas area involved. An actual expense allowance may be authorized or approved by the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee when, because of the unusual nature of the conditions encountered on the Ch. 268 2/1/88 6-5 ''=' ~` Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 assignment, the actual and necessary meal and lodging costs exceeithe ma~ftturH~per dim'allowance by 10% or more, or when you have no alternative but to incur lodging costs which absorb all or nearly all of the maximum per diem allowance. The allowance covers the same type of expenses-normally covered by the per diem allowance. You will be reimbursed for the actual expenses incurred, but not to exceed the maximum amount prescribed for the locality concerned. The expenses may include lodgings; meals; fees and tips to waiters, bellboys, maids, porters, personal laundry, pressing, and drycleaning; local transpor- tation (including usual tips) between places of lodging, duty, and place meals are taken; and other necessary expenses. For travel within the continental United States, the maximum actual expense allowance payable under unusual circumstances is 15Q percent of the applicable maximum per diem rate (rounded to,the next higher dollar) prescribed in the JTR, Vol. 2, Appendix E for the locality concerned. For travel out- side the continental United States, the actual expense allowance is 150 percent of the applicable per diem rate prescribed in the JTR, Vol. 2, Appendix A for the area involved or the applicable per diem plus" $50, whichever is greater. Itemization of your expenses and receipts for lodging are required. Address any inquiries regarding this travel order to The travel authorized herein has been determined to be in the public interest, and is chargeable to Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Travel Under Special circumstances 06053 PART B: DEATH CASES, ALLOWABLE EXPENSES y: side the 50 states and the District of Col- umbia; and 3. providing necessary assistance for the return of the decedent's dependents and household goods to the actual place of residence when the decedent's official sta- tion was outside the continental United States. The regulations of the separate departments apply with regard to care and disposition of remains of deceased persons, reporting and notification pro- cedure, and disposition of personal property. C6052 DEATH RELATED TO PERFORM- ANCE OF OFFICIAL DUTY When an employee's death results from injuries sus- tained while the employee was actually performing official duty, the expenses for preparation and transportation of the remains are properly payable under the provisions of regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor under authority contained in 5 U.S. Code 8134. Authority is provided under this Part for payment of expenses incurred for: 1. the preparation and transportation of the remains of an employee who dies (a) while traveling on official business or on a tem- porary duty assignment within-or outside the continental United States, (b) while assigned at a permanent duty station out- side the 50 states and the District of Co- lumbia or traveling to or from such station (for employees stationed in Alaska or Hawaii see par. C6059-2); 2. transportation of the remains of a depend- ent who dieswhile residing atan employee's permanent duty station outside the con- tinental United States or while traveling to or from such station; 3. transportation of the surviving dependents and household goods of a deceased employee assigned to a duty station outside the 50 states and District of Columbia (for employees stationed in Alaska and Hawaii see par. C6059-2). Effective 10 July 1985 The provisions of this Part apply to employees serv- ing under a transportation agreement as well as employees serving without a transportation agree- ment, including locally hired employees at an overseas duty station. The commander, or his designated representative, having jurisdiction over the activity where a dece- dent was employed or the area in which death oc- curs, will be responsible for: 1 informing the decedent's next of kin or legal representative of the provisions of this Part; 2. rendering every reasonable assistance in ar- ranging for preparation and transportation of the remains of the decedent when death occurs during travel status, temporary duty assignment, or at an official station out- C6053 DEATH DURING PERIOD OF ABSENCE FROM DUTY The provisions of this Part also apply when an employee dies while temporarily away from his tem- porary duty station or official station outside the 50 states and the District of Columbia (during a period of travel within or outside the 50 states and the District of Columbia or while stationed outside the 50 states and the District of Columbia). If the temporary absence from a temporary duty station occurs during nonwork days or is for the purpose of taking leave, the allowable cost for the transporta- tion of remains will not exceed the amount which would have been allowed if death had occurred at the temporary duty station. If the temporary absence from an official duty station outside the 50 states and the District of Columbia occurs during nonwork days or is for the purpose of taking leave, the allowable cost for the transportation of remains will not exceed the amount which would have been allowed if death had occurred at the official station. If the employee was on reemployment leave at the time of his death, his dependents may return to the 'T"~ -' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 When a dependent of an employee dies while residing with an employee stationed outside the con- tinental United States or while in transit thereto or therefrom, the activity concerned may furnish mor- tuary services and supplies on a reimbursable basis when: 1. local commercial mortuary facilities and supplies are not available; or 2. in the opinion of the commander con- cerned, the cost of available mortuary facil- ities and supplies is prohibitive. collected and credited to current appropriations available for the payment of these costs. C6056 TRANSPORTATION OF EMPLOYEE REMAINS 1. DEATH DURING TRAVEL STATUS OR TEMPORARY DUTY WITHIN THE 50 STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Trans- portation of remains is authorized to the decedent's place of actual residence, official station, or place of interment. The cost of transportation may not exceed the cost to the place of actual residence or official station, whichever is more distant. 2. DEATH DURING TRAVEL STATUS, OR WHILE ON TEMPORARY DUTY OR STA- TIONED OUTSIDE THE 50 STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Transportation of the remains is authorized to the decedent's actual place of residence, official station, or place of in- terment in the 50 states and the District of Colum- bia. The cost of transportation may not exceed the cost to the official station or place of residence, whichever is more distant. C6057 TRANSPORTATION OF THE RE- MAINS OF A DEPENDENT OF AN EMPLOYEE When a dependent of an employee dies while residing with the employee stationed outside the continental United States or while in transit thereto or therefrom, transportation of the dependent's re- mains is authorized to the employee's place of ac- tual residence, official station, or to a place of interment in the 50 states and the District of Co- lumbia. The cost of transportation may not exceed the cost to the official station or place of actual residence, whichever is more distant. C6058 ALLOWABLE COSTS FOR TRANS- PORTATION OF EMPLOYEE OR DEPENDENT REMAINS 1. BY COMMON CARRIER. The allowable costs for transportation of remains by common car- rier include the costs of: Reimbursement for the cost of mortuary services 1. movement from place of death to mortuary, and supplies furnished under this paragraph will be 2. shipping permits, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 a:oyaa DOD Civilln Penoand overseas duty station under the employee's original renewal agreement travel orders to settle personal affairs before returning under the authority of this Part to the actual place of residence specified in the employee's transportation agreement (34 Comp. Gen. 538). C6054 PREPARATION OF EMPLOYEE REMAINS The amount allowed for preparing the remains of an employee who dies while traveling on official business or during a temporary duty assignment within the continental United States is limited to $250. When death occurs while an employee is traveling on official business or during a temporary duty assignment outside the continental United States, or while at his official station outside the 50 states and the District of Columbia, actual costs for preparation of the remains of the employee will be allowed. The allowable costs for preparation of employee's remains are as follows: 1. costs of embalming or cremation, 2. necessary clothing, _ 3. casket or container suitable for shipment to place of interment, and 4. expenses necessarily incurred in complying with local laws at the port of entry in the 50 States and the District of Columbia ap- plicable to the preparation of remains for transportation and burial. C6055 PREPARATION OF THE REMAINS OF A DEPENDENT OO AN EMPLOYEE Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 0 :.,~..-~r~:p.~ac-{.s+Kf?'^V.-rwrTM'r~a s.K-w1-e~+f.~rw.r - n\TM-T'h-rt~:?,. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Trn-d Undei90iltd'CGc mat :T C6060 3. outside case for shipment of remains (in- for dependents under the authority of this Part will cluding the sealing of the shipping case be provided to the same extent as prescribed in when necessary), Chapter 4, Part E, for dependents of employees 4. removal`to`c`omiinon carrier; eligible for separation travel and transportation 5. transportation of the remains by common from overseas duty. carrier, and one removal from the common carrier. d. Transportation of Household Goods. Ex- cept for-the limitation imposed in subpar. b, trans- 2. BY HEARSE OR MEANS OTHER THAN portation for household goods under the authority COMMON CARRIER. Charges for transportation of this Part will be provided to the same extent as of remains overland by hearse or means other than prescribed in Chapter 4, Part E, for the household common carrier will not exceed the cost of common goods of an employee eligible for separation travel carrier transportation. Reimbursable costs include the cost of hearse or means other than common car- rier plus ferry fares, bridge tolls, and similar charges. An allowance for an outside shipping case is not authorized for this conveyance. C6059 TRANSPORTATION OF DEPEND- ENTS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1. WHILE STATIONED OUTSIDE THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES a. General. The cost of return transportation of the dependents, baggage, and household goods of the decedent and his dependents will be allowed when an employee dies while he is stationed at a post outside the continental United States or while he-is in transit to or from such post. Such cost will be allowed even though the remains of the decedent are not shipped from the overseas area. Allowable transportation costs shall not exceed the costs of returning the dependents, baggage, and household goods from the post of duty by the most direct route to the decedent's place of actual residence or to any other place in the 50 states and the District of Columbia not more distant than the actual place of residence, as the commander concerned-or his designated representative may specify. - b. Time Limitation. Travel of the dependents and shipment of household goods must be under- taken within 1 year from the date of death of the employee, except that an extension of the time for shipment of household goods may be granted by the commander concerned or his designated representative of requested prior to the expiration of the I-year limit. c. Transportation of Dependents. Except for the limitation imposed in subpar. b, transportation and transportation from overseas duty. 2. WHILE STATIONED IN ALASKA OR HAWAII. When an employee stationed in Alaska or Hawaii dies, his dependents and household goods may be returned to his actual place of residence in the continental United States (40 Comp. Gen. 196). There is no authority for paying the costs of prepar- ing and transporting the remains of a deceased employee who dies while stationed in Alaska or Hawaii (who was not in a travel status at time of death) to his place of actual residence or place of interment in the continental United States: 3. WHILE STATIONED IN THE CON- TINENTAL UNITED STATES. When an em- ployee stationed in the continental United States dies while on temporary duty, transportation ex- penses may not be authorized for his dependents or household goods. The deceased employee's bag- gage at the temporary duty point will be transported at Government expense to his official station or place of actual residence. The allowable cost for transportation of personal baggage other than household goods will include the expenses actually and necessarily incurred in transporting personal baggage as prescribed in Chapter 2. Expenses in connection with the transportation of baggage by a privately owned con- veyance which would not have been incurred if the baggage had been transported by common carrier will not be allowed. Reimbursement for loss or damage to baggage during transit will not be allowed, nor will charges for marine and other in- surance be allowed. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 0.6061 DOD Civilian Personnel C6061 TRANSPORTATION OF A PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR VEHICLE Transportation of a privately owned motor vehi- cle, as provided herein, will be authorized when an employee dies while stationed at a permanent duty station outside the continental United States_ or while he is in transit to or from such permanent duty station. Transportation may be authorized at Government expense, not to exceed.the cost, in- cluding overland transportation, from the perma- nent duty station of the employee outside the con- tinental United States to the actual place of residence. In any case when transportation is authorized, a determination must be made that it was in the interest of the Government for the employee to have a privately owned vehicle at the overseas permanent duty station. Authorized per diem allowance terminates at the end of the calendar day that an employee dies. Any travel expense advance in excess of earned entitle- ment is subject to collection. Travel expenses of an escort for the decedent's re- mains are not allowable. Payment of allowable expenses may be made di- rectly to the person performing the services or by reimbursement to any person making the original payment. Claims for reimbursement will be sup- -ported by receipts. When the remains are transported by common carrier via express service through the use of U.S. Government Bill of Lading (Standard Form 1103), or through the use of the U.S. Government Transportation Request (Stand- ard Form 1169), payment will be made on the ap- propriate voucher forms. C6065 PROHIBITION OF PAYMENT WHEN OTHER LAWS APPLY Payment of allowances provided by this Part will not be made if payment is authorized by any other law of the United States. However, the allowances provided by this Part will not be denied because the deceased employee is eligible for burial benefits as a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States. Approved For Release 2012/10/26 : CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-00530R000501130005-2 Travel Under Special Circtrrnstances PART C: TRANSPORTATION, MISSING PERSONS CASES mined to be dependent by the head of the depart- ment concerned, or subordinate designated by him_ Transportation at Government expense is authorized for dependents, household goods, and personal ef- fects of an 'employee who is officially reported as dead, injured, or missing for a period of 30 days or more, interned in a foreign country, or captured by a hostile force, provided such employee:-- 1. is a citizen or national of the United States or an alien who has been admitted to the United States for permanent residence therein, 2. is not part-time or intermittently employed or in a category of native labor casually hired on an hourly or per diem basis, 3. has residence at or in the vicinity of his place of employment in the United States or in a foreign country and is not living there solely as a result of his employment (5 U.S. Code 5564). I. DEPENDENT DEFINED. For the purpose of this paragraph, the term "dependent" includes a lawful wife and unmarried child under 21 years of age. It includes also a dependent mother, father, or unmarried dependent stepchild or adopted child under 21 years of age, or such dependent as has been designated in official records, or an individual deter- 2. SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS. Household .goods and per- sonal effects, within the allowable weight limits prescribed in Chapter 8, may be shipped at Govern- ment expense. In addition, one privately owned motor vehicle may be shipped if such vehicle is located outside continental United States. 3. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION AL- LOWED. Travel and transportation is allowed to an employee's place of actual residence or such other place as provided therein. 4. EMPLOYEE IN INJURED STATUS. When an employee is in an `Injured" status, the movement of dependents and household goods and personal effects may be authorized only in those cases where the anticipated period of hospitalization or treatment will be of long duration. The commander of an activity having jurisdiction over the employee concerned will be responsible for taking necessary action, including making administra- tive determinations, obtaining approvals as prescribed in applicable regulations of the separate departments, and issuing travel orders. 9/1/76 6-29 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 1. dies, 2. is missing, or 3. is otherwise unable to accompany his/her dependents. Travel as an escort will be authorized only when a determination is made by the activity commanding officer or his/her designee that travel by the dependents is necessary and that dependents are in- capable of traveling alone because of age, physical, or mental incapacity, or other extraordinary cir- cumstances which require that-dependents be ac- companied by an escort. When the need for escort has been established, orders authorizing escorts to perform necessary travel will cite this paragraph as authority. Employees will be under temporary duty travel orders. The mode and routing of travel will be in accordance with Chapter 2. Other civilians will be under invitational travel orders. * C6151 ATTENDANTS FOR MILITARY DEPENDENTS Civilian employees who perform authorized travel under competent orders as attendants for dependents of members of the Uniformed Services who are authorized transportation to or from a C6153 which require that dependents be accompanied by an attendant. When the need for an attendant has been established, orders authorizing attendants to perform necessary travel will cite this paragraph as authority. Other civilians will.be under invitational travel orders. The travel and transportation allow- ances authorized by this paragraph may be paid in advance. C6152 ATTENDANTS FOR MEMBERS ON TEMPORARY DISABILITY RE- TIRED LIST REQUIRED TO SUB- MIT TO PERIODIC PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Civilian employees of the Department of Defense who perform authorized travel under competent orders as attendants for members of the Uniformed Services on the temporary disability retired list re- quired to submit to periodic physical examinations (see par. M5200) will be entitled to round trip transportation and travel allowances. Employees will be under temporary duty orders. The mode and routing of travel will be in accordance with Chapter 2. The travel directing organization will fund for travel of DOD employees. Non-Department of Defense employees of the United States Govern- ment assigned to temporary duty as an attendant will be entitled to the allowances prescribed in regulations issued by his agency or department for temporary duty. Other civilians will travel under in- vitational travel orders on an actual expense basis (see par. M52034). Payment of per diem to a civilian attendant who is not a Government employee is not authorized. - MEMBERS OF-THE U WIF ORMFJL SERVICES (PATIENTS) --medical facility under authority of pad.-M7108-Will- _.._ be entitled to round trip transportation and travel allowances. Employees will be under temporary duty orders. The mode and routing of travel will be in accordance with Chapter 2. Travel as an at- tendant will be authorized only when a determina- tion is made by the activity commanding officer or his/her designee that travel by the dependents is necessary and that dependents are incapable of traveling alone because of age, physical, or mental incapacity, or other extraordinary circumstances Civilian employees of the Department of Defense who perform authorized travel under competent orders as attendants for active duty members of the Uniformed Services (patients) who are not physically capable of traveling with- out attendants (see par. M6150) will be en- titled to round trip transportation and travel allowances. Employees will be under tempo- rary duty orders. Non-Department of Defense Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Travel Under Special Circumstances PART D: CIVILIAN ESCORTS AND ATTENDANTS C6150 ESCORTS FOR MILITARY DEPENDENTS Civilian employees who perform authorized travel under competent orders as escorts for dependents of members of the Uniformed Services who are authorized transportation under authority of par. _ _ __ __ ~_M7153 will be entitled to round trip transportation and travel allowances provided that the travel-is per- formed not later than 1 year after the member: Ueclassitiea ana Approvea ror Kelease LU1L/1U/LEA :CIA-KUH)U-UUb6UK000bU"I16UUUb-L 06153 DOD Civilian Personnel employees of the United States Government assigned civilians will travel under invitational travel orders on to temporary duty as an attendant will be entitled to an actual expense basis (see par. M61514). Payment the allowances prescribed in regulations issued by his of per diem to a civilian attendant who is not a agency or department for temporary duty. Other Government employee is not authorized. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Travel Under Special Circumstances C6200 positions in the competitive service that the Office of Personnel Management has ruled are of such high level or have such peculiar characteristics that they could only be properly filled after the applicants have had a preemployment interview with the em- ploying agency (54 Comp. Gen. 554); 4. interviewing candidates for career or career-conditional appointments in the following shortage situations: (a) the position is one for which the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has author- ized special salary rates under 5 U.S. Code 5303; or (b) the position is one for which OPM or the agency concerned has determined that a manpower shortage exists for purposes of paying travel expenses to the first post of duty under 5 U.S. Code 5723. (Agencies may make a shortage determination under 5 CFR 572.101 or by delegation agreement with OPM); or (c) the position is covered by a direct hire authority issued or approved by OPM for shortage--occupations -(see FPMhapta - 332, Appendixes D and E); or (d) the position is one for which the agency concerned maintains a special examining unit or has been delegated examining authority under 5 U.S. Code 1104, and a recruiting problem exists but shortages have not been established under item (a), (b) or (c); (in such situations, OPM may determine a shortage exists on a case basis or may delegate the shortage determination authority to agencies. A shortage may be found to exist when, despite extensive recruitment efforts by the agency: (1) there are insufficient eligibles to issue a cer- tificate, and the examination is currently open to receipt of applications; or (2) there is an extensive pattern of declinations or failure to respond by eligibles on a register, and the examination is currently open to receipt of applications); or (e) OPM otherwise has determined that ap- plications are in short supply (MS Comp. Gen. B-198553 of 3 February 1981). 2. INVITATIONAL TRAVEL. Invitational travel for the purpose of interview will be in ac- cordance with Part A. 3. ALLOWANCES. Per diem is not payable in- cident to preemployment interview travel. Indi- viduals who perform preemployment interview travel are entitled to reimbursement on an actual expense basis not to exceed the amount prescribed for such travel in par. C4603 (40 Comp. Gen. 221). Mileage for interview travel is payable in accord- ance with the applicable provisions in Chapter 4, Part N. Ch. 257 3/1/87 6-51 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 PART E: INTERVIEW TRAVEL AND ALLOWANCES 1. PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYMENT. Trans- portation of a person who is not a Federal Govern- ment employee will not be authorized for the pur- pose of interview related to prospective employment by the Government or to determine qualifications for appointment as a Government employee except for: 1 interviewing prospective appointees for the purpose of determining qualifications to positions established by the Secretary of Defense to carry out research and develop- ment relating to national defense, military medicine, and other activities of the Department of Defense that require the services of specially qualified scientists or professional personnel (10 U.S. Code 1581, 41 Comp. Gen. 482); -2. interviewing for the purpose of determin- ing qualifications of prospective appointees to established positions excepted from the competitive service (conditions and limita- tions are prescribed-in Federal Personnel Manual, Chapter 571-A); 3. interviewing prospective employees for Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Travel Under Special Circumstances pay nis own expenses ii tram at vu,cliu,i Ii -%FVj& W is not authorized, for attendance at a meeting of a technical, professional, scientific, or other similar organization. It is a matter of administrative determi- nation as to whether the employee in such circum- stances is to be carried in a duty or leave status. If it is determined that the employee will be in a duty status, a temporary duty travel order will be issued. The travel order. will include appropriate statements indicating that attendance is in the interest of the Department of Defense but that the travel is at no expense to_ the Government an-d- hat no per diem oi' other reimbursement is authorized. The travel order also will indicate that the travel is at the employee's request and no accounting citation is involved. Ch. 131 9/1/76 6.61 PART F: TRAVEL AT NO EXPENSE TO THE GOVERNMENT While the policy in par. C1050-2 applies with regard to expenses incurred in connection with travel in the interest of the Department of Defense, there may be individual situations when exceptions are permitted. Such a situation may be when an employee agrees to Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/26: CIA-RDP90-0053OR000501130005-2 Travel Under Special Circumstance: PART 0: REPATRIATION TRANSPORTATION'- C6300 FOR OTHER THAN ARMY CIVILIAN MARINE PERSONNEL 1. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH FURNISHED. An employee assigned at an overseas duty station who loses eligibility for transportation at Government expense through violation of an agreement may be ---authorized transportation by Government facility for himself and members of family if all of the following conditions exist: 1. he was transported to the overseas duty station at Government expense, 2. his place of actual residence is in the United States, 3. the travel begins at the overseas duty station where eligibility is lost for transportation at Government expense and destination is in the United States, 4. not in excess of 90 days has elapsed since loss of transportation eligibility, 5. commercial transportation facilities are not available from the overseas duty station within 30 days after loss of transportation eligibility, 6. Government transportation facilities (Mili- tary Airlift Command or Military Sealift Command) are available to the United States, 7. repatriation is considered necessary to pre- vent the employee from becoming a charge of the host country or it is otherwise determined to be in the interests of the United States. 2. REIMBURSEMENT REQUIREMENT. The employee concerned will be required to pay the prescribed transportation charges from personal funds at the time of booking passage. The cost of this transportation will be the International Rate Book Tariff rate for travel by airlift service (MAC) or the revenue tariff rate in the MSC tariff manual when travel is by MSC. C6301 FOR ARMY CIVILIAN MARINE ' PERSONNEL 1. COVERAGE. This paragraph applies to the repatriation of United States citizen civilian marine personnel of the Department of the Army who have been left ashore in an outport in the course of their employment with no advance arrangements for their return to the ship or home port. Repatriation includes all actions taken to aid a civilian marine employee, or former marine employee, who is left in an outpgrt. Repatriation does not cover normal temporary duty, permanent change of station, or other travel conditions under an agreement. These provisions do not apply to local marine personnel in overseas areas employed under labor contracts or civilian marine personnel paid under native wage scales. The overseas command concerned will repatri- ate such employees in accordance with local law and local prevailing maritime practice. a. General. Repatriates will be designated class I or II by the repatriating authority (normally the Army Port Commander) in accordance with the definitions contained in subpars. b and c. b. Class I Repatriate. A Class I repatriate is a civilian marine employee who has been left in an outport as a result of employer action not based on the employee's -misconduct or negligence, such as employees left ashore as a result of a sudden, unannounced change in the ship's schedule, employ- ees hospitalized or put ashore for outpatient treat- ment as a result of disability incurred in the service of the ship, and employees put ashore as a result of shipwreck. c. Class II Repatriate. A Class II repatriate is a civilian marine employee or former employee who has been left in an outport because of his own negligence, misconduct, or desire to leave employ- ment, such as employees hospitalized as a result of misconduct disability, employees who have deserted the ship, and employees detained by police authori- ties. a. General. Civilian marine personnel desig- nated as class I or II repatriates may be furnished assistance as provided in subpars. b and c to rejoin their ship or another Army civil service manned ship, Ch. 131 9/ 1 /76 ?~ :'~:R: -.~tif *~ _~,.-~?.:iSa.Jr?'t?~.~.~~ee~?~.'t^"~:.,p,~~.~~uc. ~.,~i.i,w '-~ --:"_.z~ - ~.: i~~ .7_?