NCPC NO. 2 16 DEC. 1955 - 16 JULY 1956

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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ," r 4,4e, 44..4 / ? 4!" API te, 1013 NO. FOLDER NO. TOTAL DOCS HEREIN _I_ , , ( (4 fie41 C., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 e 6 Dec 3,955 Ltr to Clarke & Rapuano from L. K. White, re: report of NCRPC and asking for additional information they could supply. 7.Dec 1955 Ltr to Mr. Bartholomew from L. K. White stating receipt of unsolicited letter from four members-elect of Board honoring commitments previously made. Ltr to Mr. Massey from L. K. White acknowledging receipt of letter from four members-elect. 9 Dec 3555 Ltr to Mr. Clarke requesting comments on enclosed copies of ltr from L. K.. White to Gen. Lane; ltr from K. White to Mr. Bartholomew and three letters regarding maintenance of Fair- pc) fax County Master Planning. Also copies of Primary Factors affecting decision to locate at Langley. 9 Dec 1955 Ltr to Mr. Bartholomew transmitting copies of- General Laness letter with Origin of Automobiles by Zone and Map. 14 Dec 1955 Letter to Mr. Bartholomew from L. K. White forwarding 'copies of correspondence with Clarke and Rapuano, 16 Dec 1955 Letter. to Director from Mr. Bartholomew Advising adverse action by Commission (6 to 5) ba:acinA... EnclostRi Commission Subcommittee report (2 to Liappg,44;) NCRPC favorable recommendations (5 to 3) Tab F is the transcript of NCPC meeting 23 Jan 1956 Letter to Mr. Harland Bartholomew from DCI asking reconsidera- tion of approval for Langley site. 27 Jan 1956 Letter to Mr. Dulles from Mr. Bartholomew acknowledging receipt of 23 Jan letter. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 (:) 6 Feb 3956 Letter to Mr. Dulles from Mr. Bartholomew advising of reconsideration and approval of the Langley site. 2 Feb 19,6 Letter to Mr. Bartholomew from DCI, acknowledging receipt of February 6 letter. 2 Mar 1956 Letter from Mr. Bartholomew to DCI enclosing final report prepared by the NCPC Committee. 5 Mar 1956 Letter from DCI to Mr. Bartholomew acknowledging receipt of 2 March letter. 21 Mar 1956 Memorandum for the record - meeting with Mr. Nolen regard- ing use of CIA appropriation for survey and acquisition of right- of-way for the Parkway. 15 June 1956 Memorandum for the Record - NCPC 14 June meeting regarding release for CIA use of National Park Service access road from Route 123. A copy of the NCRPC Committee report, dated May 29, as presented to the Planning Commission, is attached. 16 July 1956 NCPC July 16 Report to Senator Chavez re sites in the District of Columbia. Undated - Received BPS 15 Ssptember 1956 Letter from Mr. Bartholomew requesting transfer of funds for acquisition of lands - within GWM Parkway between Spout Run and Leiter Estate. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 P11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ,4N DE:y, c-; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 44, C' ? 0 Mr. Direc centa Ite1igere WaShington 25 D. C. Dear Mr. Dullest Th accordance with visions Congress, approved duly 19 taA the Motional Commission has considered rnr proposal to locate Intelligente Aginoy headquarters a LeAlley# Virginia approved for transmittal to rou the encloted report and moms,- mendation which luncheon prepared-11Y acommittee of the Commis talon. ts he it Capitol Regio wised sind consulted, local planning agencies. iven. of te t the Coomissionla recommendation rse to the proosi f the Central Intelligence Agency, the provides that if you do rGt concur, the agency '10211 advise the Commission, with its reasons there& and the Commission shoal tothmit a final report." I went to take this oppo as elates on the Cdamission end lobo have been working with w appreciation of the cordial coopera during the various studies that have o n behalf' of sly Causission very sincere Enact. fn 1- n extended eloceo r&O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 C 0 P Y quarte at Langley, 0 ON 0 ON TIM 0 mots kr uneasr,VIGiEA 0 1955, at which meeting they oan the nCtre1 Intelligence Agency Need" Your Committee has also ?reviewed the reports of the Council' at*iT and representatives of its members jurisdictional the reit of the consultants to the Central Intelli- gence Agency, and a voluminout amount of correspondence from interested parties both for end against the LengleY location. Council in ite report approved the Langley sit by- a vote of Pollowing the Council's action favoring the selection ,of the it1 itunanimously adopted a resolution requesting the CIA, in the event t1atit doeo locate at Lengl Y# to obtain authorisation and oils free the Congress for certain specified improvements opinion or the Council ulll be needed at the time the CIA Is awnea tLanaey? as foams t the Council re:t tut the 14.00fi-no P-OeetOrtiti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ?1 taehe the a 0 g Avv Ile vitt t V: the roads? does Int made Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ?. -4 - tr, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? crn#1.7t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 . -? I\ gOSO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release_2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 - tba 04X.A. vm141 not 1* otititacAvi 0 r' otA1,2k pleedt the people ?a tale Dittriet tittgolA ? .! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 0 doted 7, 1955S recennethation was es follow,: "That the CIA application to we the site near Langley Virginia, be somata with the understanding the, this development would require Federal assumption a eauterol toots to sake the installation operable end.tat a radicle buckle of land use in the area U. be entailed:4 a aide, the Outer J tion uses the 'word requfmt becomes in tbe site? 5 - ion has received no advice whatever from ort hes been or will be stows The ii oieU,.7:15reirt012 terred to, th Meet thirt encovel with a aeek n? from the Goverment es mum% in* the 7? ifl Viti the condltion precedent to approval or b. oceko IA) that ea into the atztzeturee at Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? the nerar water amayintake This plant gannet to won ii ososol for. 7,300 ene. befor4a over. ? Or co 1.ta,Gi., "Waer' - Ca 0 f .h money artist be. o IA 0 .I.A. swearing ties of Fairfax Co of five be added, Mr as to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? tierT eiTort is* el strtottap. Eseettaim savage through inadequate taciUtteGcannot, help but add to pollution. Atter imam given 4ry careful consideration to ail involved* mit having oxen itAle veirdIt. t4) the evidence and? aliments presented at the various hearings before Um otvmission* 4 is 4the recomendation of the majority of this Cormittee that the National Capital Planning Commission do not *move the location of tbecentra intelligence Agency Headquarters at Langlegrp (siva December 3,6, 1955 (13 i? g SI 0 9 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 NATIONAL CAPITAL NIG10101. MANNINO cam= Nstablishellby the NatVsnal Capital Planning Act of 1952 7013 Interior Building Washington 25, D.C. December 9, 1955 Kra Darling Bartholomew Cbairman 317 Ibrth llth Street St. Louis 1, Missouri Dear kfr. Berthaicons Thank yvu for your letter of November 8, 1955, referring to the Council the proposed plane the Central Intelligence Agency, to select *portion of the land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of PUblic Roads for the location of its headquarters office building. After considering ell of the facts and recommendations availible? the Council recommealed the selection of the Langley site for the use proposed by avote of 5 to 3 with 2 refraintmg from exercising their voting prerogatives. TO afford an opportunity to comply with the statu- tory requirement %hot in the case of an action involving more than one jurisdict4on, the negative votes of a minority of the Council shall be made *matter of record and shown on all plans adopted," those voting in the negative Imre Mr. Outhein of Upper Montomsery County and Messrs. Walls and Neichalt, both from Prince Georges Coity, the former sitting frost the Maryland National Capital Park and Planing Commission and the latter from the board of County Supervisors of Prince Georges County. Voting in the affirmative wares Colonel Bunter, representing the Nagineer Commissioner of the District, Mr. Brookfield. from Fairfax County, Mr. tbx fro* *Mon 'Cbmit*, Mr. Gingery from Montipmery County and NM. Graben from falls Chureh sitting as an alternate in the vacancy fru Alexandria,. The comments neds at the meeting of the Council by the various members are being extracted Iron** transeript of record and stibaittet to make clear any reservations or qualifications expressed and be **milted as 0,2ft as gvailable. Volleying the Council's action favoring the selection of the site, it adopted *resolution requesting the CIA, in the event that it does locate at Langley, to obtain authorisation ani appropriations from the Congress for certain specific improvements which, in the opinion of the Council, will be needed at the tine the CIA headquarters is opened at Langley as follovss flogel0 r 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 .111110019, Mort the Council request that the tral telligenoe Airer..y, in moo.junctios vita% its request for eppropristices, ask for euthanasia"e m4 eppropriations ter the Improvements mot yet emeeltte4 which are related to tikia development as described in the report of its Directors Chain lirldie videalag eloag vit.% Cowl bowl mad Weaver Plage inprovemeeti Virginia bout* 1.23 Perkeey to Awls Dridge; Melee lima Leelighesy to Chain 14.40; Pertee7 te Cala aelle arida*. including Min bn14141.6; George Washington Memerial Parkiey - Mar*mil slain Outer belt - lima* 7 la Virginia to 0. 11. 00 in Morning." In ea effort to give the fullest ama meet oescprehenalve considaree- Use to the problems involved in the CU proposal, the lizeevtive Committee of the email instructet me to request reports giving feet, sad romementatlens frem sash of the local plarming egesclee or gevernieg bodies represented on the Cousin and to seek advise from the Nstriet Retteembrip limatthirkia Distritti Carpi of liagineers, U. 11. Army, ceeeerning problems eacfrenting him on the totems Diver. Aseerdingly, censistent with the statutory duty of the Common to "promote oallairoretion end cooperation between the Ommeission red the Planning agencies of the environs", I media a request on behalf of the Council te each of the 160110 ream' to bodies as is set forth in as attachment hereto? As requested, the Staff Director presented a report to the Coemll in *lett he saelysed in detail the contents of the various doom*s received from the local peva together vith other data zalevast to the priblilli? its report, with those of the 1064 eieseise attaehed thereto as eepemitiees, is submitted herevith. At the request e.4` the Ormeell, the Director also admitted his ecoolusione sad reommeadatims ',wain the feasibility of the euh4eet site, heeel AP** his malyels. Them aro costaimet is the record of the Cowell' a ;procmaings. Zn troneeitting the entice of the Omen 'SO the Ocanieeies for its consideration, I as talking the liberty at adding certain obeerva- time mat comeente Web should be oemaiAered woe* eni not imecoeserily these of the Council. I halter* it Is partieularly legortest for the elcometesioa to study carefully the oemmente aide by the several needoers of the Cowell prier to the action take* in *moving the Limiler site as that vem3a appear in ewers). eases to qualify to * oelbelikerehia tedree thegpsiasat uncemaittemel approval indicated by the allilwaleia. vols. aocetotoo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 p. - 3 ? I would aiso like to point out that certain assumptions which appear to have hemmed* in the Clarke report with relation to the adequasies of the access en& certain facilities are open to serious question. I refer to the reeommendation of the Clarke report for a 44ene section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway extending from Chain !ridge to the site whereas plans have never called iter mars than four. Further, the sewage treatment plant authorised for Construction by Fairfax County in the Plamat Run Telleyprior to the advent of the CIA Ms provision for a maxima cepacity of 7,500 persona in the first stale of construction. This was presumably designed antivalyfor residential connections. It would appear to me that a justifiable question cant* raised, regarding the adequacy of this initial installation to accommodate an office establishment of 10,000 or more persons without assurance that the plant will be enlarged to accommodate this unanticipated overload. Inc. aisuqo Sincerely yours, Mat 11. Web2034, Chairmen a 0 gek0 t 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Novaiber 1.7, 1955 Nr. Nett Prise Chairmen Tat, ss deuaty Pleasies 041111111111/011 Poleax County Courthewee IraWan, Wriest& Neer Ns. Prices On Nevieher 4, 1955, the Chairmen at the Animal Capital Planning Cernissios termite& Is the Nations). Capital Regional Plannieg Connell is aceerdeamme with P.L. Mit, a report en the proposed location for. zlew headaperters at lieglay for the Central latelligenes Agency wa which the Ceescil's advice enl reeneneelatiens were reapested. Is order to imelsaent the funeties sat the Plesaing Oeunsil is stidslag ea the atrve nesitlened report, the ihmicutive Committee at the Smell veiled lie molest that ell. if the eemetituett jerifilletions represented ea the Omusell who nay he attested by the learetien of the CIA establishment be given the opportunity of reviewing the above nentleasil report in %eras at the strut Its ressumeniations nay have upon sash jeristietlea in greestion. As the Lanyasy site is within the loweadaries at Pale= Ceeety, the ibeseative Cosaittee is arms that Paint= tensity saw be ears directly snorted La sway of the elemente levelved than will other Jur/Mistime represented on the Conseil. The Beemative densities teals that way is this why can the Conseil Mivaluste *leanly the effect it the installation fres the Point of view it the mrtiopelitan area ea a Assertingly, it is regseeted that yew body, in ireejusition with the eevereing betty of your iwrietiettea, :alley the repeat in sane Wail, giving particular attention to the acouricce or state- wide it fait as they saw affect yew juriedietien, relstive to 01) DOCetiOr00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 - 2 - War traffic arteries, the availability and adequacy of water supply, problem or sewage disposal, as& tieing of end responsibility fOr proposed. projects ant related fasters treatedin the report, Under P. L. 592, the Planning 0014i11111014 is required to report within 60 days following the presentation of any proposal sulk as that referred to shove. As arrerequisite the Omission, Mgt obtain the Council's reoomeemtations and theta` the local planaing bodies involved? In order for the Cowell to fulfill this requirements, it will be necessary to have your comments not later then Aleadsx, Nareiber 28, as that this MI be imoomnieMmi into *report te be presented to the Cannella* special meeting to be held Pliedels Decalber 5, VhIle it is resretted that this time is nseesearily short, it is our hope that you till be able to give us, in writing, as eaglet* * 'Wawa on this matter as possible. All members of the Pleasing Couseil have been furnished copies of the CIA report ant as the quantity is limited, your Council representative has been east to share his copy with you. If there are any further Inestions relating to this letter or the report on the CIA, it is suggested that you get La touch immediataly with Mr. Paul C. Watt, Director of the National CAPitel Regional "leaning Council. cot board of Supervisors Fairfax County Courthouse Sincerely yours, S. Vehr/7 emairmen POMO r 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 IMMIX" CI GIOXAL COMM MON MAWS ID Ita IAllaihrt ?IOU& tenni" ma itself into tee sates:Knew aura/ both incal ant nationals vi the those be sede gsbl V, determined their reasons are Intl% or tics of a pereacest site for CIA, from itself. 'their realms for selection, both is et a seatidential satire not able to choice of this particular *it* 'whether not debatable This olismor rblirosento the heart et our nationsl sinntrit$ system ead its requiraseists# *stover they air be, _t top consideratiox. Under present sorld sonditiens meat valOrd to short done sa Amoy sencorosi with adequate swore; of natIonal security. CIA established perticular requirements for e sits. Among the faivmatoges of the Zaat107 sit* aide plibile by the VIA are the tolloving lbe site is within a ten ails radius of and withia O ainutos by auto tram the sew milertene in ilashinitce Avis acreage is available" both for "romped buildings end for 0:01.111/110 parking speak of sato. for seigloyees. The Imposed sits already toloosi to the Mora Ocrirmarato Ala eliminates the coat of tro3ring private lied tor public use* thereby taking ouch land out of taxation The preposeit location ',MUM. extensive WNW (09 um) mans Vert only a *too? pert (AO sane) need ta be used by ClAs paraittiag the actual pre3st area to to osatered within sat veil shelters". It is a site not too reamed try* the izeemeat living of IWO than hilt et the esipleyeis. It is in a more or t subject to reedy diatveliingeo It is a sous which toads to contribute to the health anti isonle of the t is the preferred site tram over tarty other sites a. AM the builllag project trio the erthitoliturat mrigle *en be given a eallaginte stsyers eiventagesua to the area as claimed by the distiniptished architect* Se/risen. 612040-0 rik otft inn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 g Is oddities to the abovo simenteges, ve were told in orgsfidsmos of other advsgrteges losering on national Wet., and seewity Web sakes this sits preforgele to gill others onseined, It is not possible to oppose these advmotsges hers but ths imaurs Of tba Coati% mill the infsiestion iThe mosoni estsiew of this subject eseserms plumingIM 1es therms:My exam of its inportgatee. I as ocessious of the erguesets bras** up Ow% the Upset ea presort livimg in this is by implentiagg the ark leeetien. Neversr the mart of Clarke eat Itropumno isitisstes that the requirements of seastrestiag siopiate moss roads it %ridges se well as providing asiggeogey mass sewer, sleeting and telephoto elm be satisfied. As far ma the Upset on living in the area of the proposed site Is esererred, this era lie views& as es atjustinnt Ostler to these atjustments new oesurring is nuairove gmligurtgin *roes under development igraust Vashisibee whore sizable prejoste invelviag thousomds of limos with shoppieg motor* ere mew urger senetrattios ant others pro4eatsi for the neer fluter,, nix proposal if CIA is a natter lisviting gaol pluming Mini thin a situation or crisis seriting opposition. In evalveting the toe salogeries of this trdijoett 1) the CIA,. preferusso for the Lign?Ler sit* ant g) the prealses of Amnia& we avast I fool, give tint acesideration to the faitor at national safety end security. This mesas approving CIA's pierforemes for this site. diem tlis establishment in a aeightertreed of a federal egemar of CVOs also era inprotases free a military point of view, does *eke onesptissible disomis so the neighbortirat It is only Keit end fair that the foterel lonvaisisst apply tirgossiel assistemer, if sleeted, tor the osestrustise of adequate seises roads snit bridals. ?his Ow of ;NONt whish directly Involves istiomel asfotor end security is setually mot different free the iseastrustigni if a vital salter/ instellatima respiring the Igivielasat of federal funds if neasalieriv Statement of COLOSE. MIAS a. WM* Altoraato far Iliriglgitir Genera now A. lam, dossed nee Chaining, Natioral goad *44160111, Vs Iwo jetted diva hire otos of the potato that vs Vitas eassulA aionsiLerni in onnasetiout with this sits agt ?trot, vs weiGA Ilho to petht out that It violates prior planning for leer density in this *res. etzi#Oo hosetotoo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 itaiher 2, itantioisates tbafitturs and other devaloymeigt Aids wax veil faley ecestrection rZThettvs use of the facility KWH? 3, It emotes wow traffic requirements above Key Bridge Whisk will. modify Urns, requirements in that area sod Mord Awl* shmall, be provided to mut the need. Washer k, It will require approximately 19 portent of the esoloyees no living in Prince deorges County old Mestere Washington to reloeate their hones pronambly in the Langley area is order to maintain acceptable emoting reguiromests. Other employees is northern parts of ifeeldaitaa aM ? Spring 0100be roquirat to ways, PoSsiblY Illirating to the LengLey CMOs Bodin. 5. levever, elthough there are other mere suitable sites shieh smear te be oullable for the prejest, the omaideraiitos outlined de not require prebnitien an this project lout rather a warning to the Agony (CIA) of the difficulties to be anticipated is its development. The Moral Government mutt be prepared to supply all 1******17 future teciirommats which sr* not is fact ampliagt b the several laaal jurisdictions owaserned as proeieed here. V. is the Distriet of Columbis do sot feel thet the setup of the Distzict of Gambia should be required to supply these other Muir** mints *Lich nay be later found to be seonssery. pu_k_..emeort.c tram . bk. Clarasski Mt have a report from the Pale= mtv Planning Cemeission on file whirl I mould U. tOr vott to comaider on a part, of my report, as Ime a member of that Flowing Omission, end signed vey sew to it. 1bvever, do have aa additional etatament shith I mould like to oft at this tiiite. Tim represeaUtives of the Central Istelligenes Agency and the report of the consulting 46140,091211 have set forth. in =3 aocertain terms the 211114 for a GIA lisedquertars end the unusual suitability of the Lengley sits ter each an establieheint. Atter *mng Mr. Dales expanin the MINI end need* and enevineat I me convinced that this La a case shore patatetime sbould be plots& vp stove profit. It is the conoessus of opinion an a Varga asjority of Mims or Tarr= Casatfirkith shot I have iteC111111414 the abject, that the Unities is Langley will. be of benefit to the sooty espeelally the area enrrouniing Llegloy liall121 02(.:01-1fis! fotet0 f 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 The Pleasing 0011011131111i011 approved the site. The Board of County espervilers oleo* arid preaised to furnish the necessery sewage* lines and disposal facilities. The City of rails fahereh will provide water. The Oovernersof Virginia ant the Iligiror Deportment have prudes& to build nesessary excess roads and to *tart extension of other Mau. Congress has emproved and appropriated the funds it the Langley site is chosen. It is ay considered *pillion that the legation of the CIA at L000-oy will best Snows* value to Mein County mut surrounding areas. Illteasion of the George Washington Memorial Parking viii give lope that it viii eventually be eacleted. I unhesitatingly reecasend approval at the Langley site. Statism% otVE11LIAN 4. OM,. reprogentips Wade= *minty,/ Virikinin think we need to keep in oat I So net believe it has been kept in Kind the separation of the problem hero. There has been a good deal of talk of low density here. It asses to as to be a rather distinct problem froa the problem or *tether the CIA locates La Langley or elsewhere. The CIA's ootion does not of itself neeessitate any increase in the population at the area surrounding laagley. It viii give pressure to the inereatie of the density of the populs- ties is that Oren in proportion to the nikaas of access in the langley site which are inedeituota. Peverthelesej the final eontrel if the population density rests with the Saari at ikkpervisors of Meat County. First" there is the prongs of locating the hoes for the CIA* and seeonitlyi the problem of preserving the low tensity of that area witiels is your slap I think, and a proper end desirtible sin or the Planning Council, I had salt elready that the pressure for an increase in the density will be in direst proportion to the leek if sultahle acmes to the site. It access is aide suittele it would also to as that should the supervisors or Pairfax County, edvieed by the Pliessing Camisilim of lairfax County, desire to retain the present character or that areas there is no perticular difficulty in doing it. Oget01 12;*41040?) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 - 5 - lbe numbs* of people rho moult be forced by oireimestanees at *ems to wove into that igrea woad eppereetly be quite iron. iirwerer, I do feel that acme as provided by present planning is net *dogmata and if the lasiley site is adopted I feel pretty safe *11 merkies the sevittetlee that before very leeds been it bibs bola in use very lees, the penes* responsible tar its satietattery ojperatien wiLL use km, to owed, that the existing souks at epees* irolotine these that are fieriaitely proposed is be in existasse by the time the Ireilling is sespleted est putt le eperatieep are apt adievialm. Aar report that this Commissien Woe in. respect to the Lamle,' site Vila% should eaphiette that feet booms* as I retell the *Atonal proposal fir the leemitioo at the lamteley site the Moral deverisent proposed delag very little to give mosso. IMF kiwi lame been reelletie enough to reeogaise the George Weshiniten Perkwy weld hiaxe to be built to eels the provost? ties teasible it ell. I think they and* rase/psis*" toe, that to exeiA as mime distintesee or 44 least Is *wilt Which stela be as iasurnouatehla premium for liriise einditiose, they have pet to add embetantially to the sem or stern that the Federal iloversoest hes as far ifteartai a reepensibility ter. With Vost preamble, I think that the moons that have bees propose& by the CU as leedise then to the eanalselea that the longley site is the as they prefer to any ether site are eentre3,liag Meow Oed I es is fever at Vs nee of the loo4107 sit*. Stotesent of pea) I. #3/11Cirf) iluelisf, tree kleatoaeup aptakty Aill.onal,144triet disireens I, hi* sone of the other samiesioaers, believe that this site is inedeoste treat the tratiasortation steadpeint. Ylovirme,I else believe that other sites that have bees premed are also imedelnale. Iwould doubt that my sit* or very rev sites *mad be seleeted %otter* as inetellatiea at this type will be a Utopia. I ses stress preperant for a site is itnotpusery or Irises emerges Coentys ereembalt in Prince Georges, and a site the Cabin IMO' Valley in liontasmory NNW fee they, with *lett% facilities, la at opinion* would hisio ins* taategmate es isseler is toodosPolois *14310 oft NI such, but still liwereri I Walk that the leesties of the CU site in lommiley or OW ether similar leeetien mould have put the leeal slate ad federal officials en very erhetaketial netts* eat wad imust reseed the builtlag at septted, iaprerastate that visa have relayed to *erre the portiesler site uberevir it lielPimereg loft tportet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 I ", \????..." Nov, at no tit* vas I aver &Mous about Langley as a site, but that it Imbed certain facilittes, but that lack can be corrected by the enyeati- ? tura of noney. low if larmasy Is to be tits site far the CIA it win nrotehly do lore then any other we thing to cuss the accelerated building of the Inter- county belt. It, la yrit qpinice, vill do now than any other an thing to wit the Virginia folks to lay art and adept a riett-ofideer Van for the inter- =tray belt *Lich last, of necessity, hock up vIth the pesently authorised aces Point UMW. It viii zednbly accolerste the inclusion of /leder@ fonds for thit building or ide Cabin Mut Mar 'Lich viii be of peat relief to Prince Osamu and Iketipmery County, traralling to and from Virginia, as toll as air two eounides. I balm that the forcing of the building of the Cabin John bridge Ea the Wilding of the luter-couniy belt will Dot mar* law of the CIA argloyeee to kelaate. As a matter at fact, I think the distribution of the ?atployeee of the CIA rill be erniuted over a it area in all the counties end there vat% be the dialscation that you Attest Smagine. I berestly believe that in eating cut for lanaey end this weld to the first tine I ham Mr dame It awl I battled tor ihrykutt to the bitter end but I harestly believe that the *mica facilities necessary to be the CU locate at iounrley a cargetent ru2117 vita tetaa171, aces* The poseur* win be there end It is the yam* vs need I* pt these facilities built. I thick it viii facilitate the huildies of the venters lag of route 240. I think that the building or irla Cable Zahn arida will tee a groat lea off the existing Patellae Diver bridge*, end the building of the Cal)in iTetru *ridge *kith vill relieve the District of Coli a of building and ovading sew?snit= at dollars to twat* tht nresently inedequate Chain nal I adoetet even go ea tar as to ssy that they night not have to wed so much inney for the incrovannt of re/ bridge. Day the ewer sal later facilities end other of that ins I think can be handled by loofa jurisdiction the moo as itey other Immo to nogalatien 'mid be sal I don't think that the CIA viii give Una too nonk trochle to that regard. Pren overell *Mare I think that the larigLey Site viii do sure to got to grew plannIng dew VillOtt and liorilani zed ort the roads built, tad therefore an radng to be in favor ef Langley and en ping to stay In Inver of ianglay nu= +2*re is saw other reason thew to nut it same Vase else. et3ooto pOteieted I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 / Statuitut at MEI A. EXICIF, alternate ter I. Mirlast Bertha leave X an in a peculiar position. While X ssa repreesating lle. Derthalemew X in else a ember of the statcomeittee et the Plannieg Cearissiaa thick will moire the Camillo report eel Wedueedsor this week. X really teal it weld be elite improso, tar se to be aro, statement at this pertidular tie*. X hoe you vitt all metre that in the spirit is leach it is givens but it does seem to se it wall be quite Isprizars sittieg is a aeiher et the edbeeevaittees ibich co Itethaseayi6Ltget the reeaseendations. X Wee ay ova tans* however. Statement etja_131 t Vice ckairsto, ticIicspfta1 IRMarMiaag Cdssiai Lilo everyone else X hoe in cgdzies &nut this horse races teas ands like all of you tares X ,Isas several different chereetera. It as to nethat basic gaieties that X at molder as a easber of this regional Council is the overall sitgional prdblea that liavely I tleink la we of dateraluing the rale of the Potomac *bar sig at this; stretch the rile? Sa particular above Clain Bridge in our overall plaseleg. Ant ea that easlois it soots% seen to se that* facility like the CIA balmy thIllk? it the facility itself is starilieed by,Proper lagrovvaents of the type that W. Cox and W. Merry hare euggretesi so tbat la itself its isgest is reduced smik made may Iseseticents thee I Utak tee aust go at to a casild estimate of Alit the acesegesnees at this woad be in tem at mama derelegeassrt. X wet sar tint I tint it difficult to believes as Pr? Gingery does, that then the essrgtes of the State at Virginia ani other development sgeacige weld to poured into a more mid coapletion of elements at the easter plan. It sews to es they tattlA be diverted tato a Whole series et ill. await vatetinvo efforts to make the ,adjuatemets neeesum as a malt of difficulties created by the lamet of the CIA. X *leo feel 3: disagree vitt W. Can in thotritivog that eye faille* to providle - X as sows pertsge.I *bon state it sure aceuretely that to the extant that aeons facilities are pravited the legact would he lessemad. Ogeb0 r 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 It swum to as arra likely that is atom fsellities en prewital the tapas% will he laerasseS bosun the awsilsibility of the arm ter leaser types of Atrtelayeaat alias the reverse flay sr the traffic fsellities pro+ wide& wad* peaswate yawn* assisst whieh the planisig setheritles is this area will bars to stoma.* rather that to errata a *nestles that weal ash* it velatkrely esolor tor them to savvy out their asietial plaaalsg jprepealls. It is inesese it the taller tbst We development will la itself sat beelaise ot the relate& preseere teal to easawssin tb* mairmal Plaa for Ibis area On I on" oppose the use of the laisigey sits ler the CIA. Statamsat of MEM V. IOWA* Swim fres istaso es.rsCraft Ilegleas1 Mr. Cessivaas, I watt lihs to tales sea abatis at ay five Wanes to tfirreat iet ail* Wens ths wrests laysamitea bsale attealias Ibis meting with rstevans ire pressers of ealls 'that bows beta asia, at least I. as, aM peosilay by ether tree attleitlo of the CIA the* alatiallai La row eyealag statimatt. wentlA lihs to snore all presoak teat whoa Iwss ealtedi by these affielals with veterans to it, it IMO lel* taa ttllnt esoperatise with referees, Is the Quite ark layause mart. I vas aware( that there wore ewe diserepeatises Vat there were new *steal reverse stateaewbe thst were *to La the mitt eat aiskt be oesfittag to ss me Parhass to ethers who might rest it sarafally, eat that they away estlet with the time% la *lad thItt if there was say question is ay Mal that I worldt 3.ilto to /awe eeplaiati awe sespletely or ea mower Ws* to it, to foal tree to sell wipes OM *Mae tor sash as sliplataties. Sere was me preemie that I eta mall la say assaer or methyl main. It is away see it esepowatiea eat I Wok the reeer4 should show that as far as I was 11040019101 at IOW SI a restyles* at a telapheao eall that it was sae at seoperettat. I au mot sal* aMae *aliasjab was sale ea the Leasley sits partiewlarly. 'hey base eat I /mew that that was the eatter to be tionasoed tatty. , I MOM beta is this *Mai slate the beglaaing oat l bon serval is costal essaitsses as Mae oast of ma with roterease to it. tit a repreesatatiwe at the Ca or btr. Selln eat snore that booms of sesority ~awl that it is easeatie& eat latiallefer iallat this site to lassie* at laaglay, I in patriot,* say* le put it there vsser4less at what Matt heopea. agfi.131$30 AinEelor60 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 It, oa the other haat, tto do outsider aozaralse I %Mak at WA of tho 30 sited tivesested tor *ask a 101101.3111r Wig* IS is VW low* baits !am ir no ausatiott aka% it fret iha simutooltst it othoasaioo. trot ato*poiat atsawing, I otegatvt ass hut it weld be *eta ta Palest Overby it sea a futility WM 3,4004114 Mem X Imo HMI h thillititiO0 ill oilier liriodietiaas is ompoutitios IBM loathe WOW, I 4(44 *la tiny Woo hart the tooloarity.M sitter at tut* theP via be 111101* 3161.10 Ala vLtt like it, aal of that I m roftsaaohly MO* olso think that rosoidloso at 'taw* the CIA is looatais iihrtiker it to at losialiky or wk.t i*$.tr V113. afro 3; Wolk that tho estate .estise shish is Albin myna set ca-balt Wool it thSeapital at tiro Vaitod Otters* same* rousiasi MiNtts mortions I Wok oar ;micio Win t iiiisittr, ittt have tio be La Wait 41411101rillkb Oatattbk Iiii01411^1 etteitt hue his tit* or tm cilimair *eras that clout to the of the zatialt. Poosio Nast vas those loads to a greater ortert 01101 Is nor rood is lassloy. As tar a* Iat soosionoit, U ltr. *its 'who ft skroseat bora *is atterasukt or Xr. gig* tell toe that tar Oraktrity P1140041111 Mist alto mutt ba loftatai at Laastayi *ea I rill 'rota tor it. It *toy otratot sarvor idut oteatioa, *Oft I ea sang to vote that tisetilV be tasi Woe. ? V....12,4ftaz jeftriesiftest Matinsors this, at outroo, bar stria so IL great dial of autessa as it MO to the other wookoirs or the goomollb foal that is the boigiostifts a *Atari* too established by shish I. dallosaiso tit sit*. Via lossloy alto so sow rebooted dose not mot it evitaria, th Wm tiro oossideraties at transtortatioa *ad aeoutoability. Aoseolias to the rayon that has born subritiollb7iisislow *SO Oat. Mali that thy brio beta rary aketoby, is letaradaias OW" ruftecolag tor the lassloy tag vim the attst tootle ottpftrided to as* the lesslat. *it* ara was available so rill may Van be tfos first shags ot theaodedsokility Of Us posold sho wad be lairs %to CIA, mei hero 4010** as ocoorbliaatioa to the toast of isestatot posulactioa that salloaralky wet Salmi * Ursa lashillitiort. 82 01.1 40get(Or00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 t is impossible to it. AM with this site being at asseeeity lint ip theft Ima natural ?Durso of events. urea* that increased population residly then it wadhe th the Z. se also oeneerned shout the Mtttierm3. *est in order t make this alto .aoseptsble? We ors dealing in theoretic fisuresir but it is rather detorained that it mad take to increased emovnt is swam of 12 million. to Nalco this site accessible. X peresamilliy tool that SI the security of IN natio* is not at stake and it is just ? natter of aoguiringa Isolates that iso suitable end tossible that vs do set nes& to 'sleet the most exposeive sits that *mew possibly eould undertake I tool from a plamiting stardpoint it Amos not in assordsato with the estibliehod roles that vs haw been, trying to follev. X ea opposed Se the site se seleetad. Bell, Alternate from Alonamdria vote X am in a pseullar position. X eaemst *it ow vote today booms, of the mausual situation in Virginia, hut X he listmeed to this viola thing and X hove studied it cossiderehly in the That leo or three seethe, butt ant forgetting any local eonsiteratioal I movld like te osassmtulato Pavl bait cm a v5t7 fins report. X think be mods * tine analysis of tbs situation oat X agree is wird vith his rescemendatiens One thing via hrought vp this etterneea at the very owl *lab X believe the harylmet mesibfutinpartieular shaeld. roolise. X Utak the latter road from Mrs. Wilkins gare sew arridsmos that the rairtma County &era nay not so along with this proposal after the first of the you. Ose at the oentral beards' policies is that they ors refuel* to grant permission tar eonstructian of sewage disposal units 'unless the Coady Saari in a particular area agrees with the plan. If, for e?as MOM. the Omen sheirld pc ahead with this today and reetnared the Loyaisy site sad then se the first of sleauary, or ehortly theroaftar, the Mess ifousty burl says they are opposed to the Langley site smi will not go alma vitt the necessary *sae for the extension of the Pisrait las die3pesal pleat, the Water ihntral Dowd is not wing to ge Oleos with that plea titters Oat therefore the Govosilts *Wm Wig any be litany over. ridden by the astien of the amity laird Ustuti of) Afleetnian Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? 4 t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Ve- CONOMION RUTIN CHAIRMAN BARTROLONSW: I believe we have a quorum The OemmUnricettrIll please come to order. We are a little behind on our program of yesterday and I think me will just observe our Friday morning program hers and then pick up these other item; as we go Slang. I mould like verytraoh to see if we cannot got the awning program in time to pick up these other items se that then we won't have too long a mooting this afternoon as I understand some of the member, have to leave. Unity scheduled for this morning, the reports on the CIA location, are first on our program, and I believe we are ready to hear those reports. Is there anything you wish to say in advanoe of this Mr. Nolen? Have you got any announcements? I believe you mentioned that you did. NR. NOUN* Tis, I have here an announomment from the National Association of Rousing and, Redevelopment Officials who are having an important lendhoon, meeting. I might say that the previous meeting of the same group of mhich the Chair.spoke and this is somewhat at a follow-up of that meeting. The speaker is Martie D. **rem He is Executive Director ea citdsen group called f)--aoet,oloo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 OF, T_P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ire genZntb omega and ovnault va have done since does sot we with the Conde* Ionia recomendatioei swap= the toardasionmak- ea a Iit give ea takato b oat on behalf ot tut ittannou? 104 EMT: M. d X will maks tg9.:(5 ? ???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 If rya haw _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 said Jul 4 or ntervaMtatiod VI t sss SIS * C und?tand d Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 N d - bit; 'Meat *4 the a*OrgeV n OM %Id" tonneetion with the outer' loop and taut Chain ttrAlfts with it* awn* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A0003000200011 ? I think we have en opportunity here to do reel job and get, these realities which are needed riitht as or ? tadriv X. *Mit baliOSS that the general dialltater et that area le vim to be destroyed* It is filling up vary iem taloa plaze elided raeintiee for people who live there and WM get ton their planes in iiitehlington* Another thing that I &nit witrew with on thiu I think the report is a bit biased* I only had en eNetortunity to read it this morning but M. Owen end I had two ***tinge togetbsry Mr* Owen end Mri,. Horton and I had one meet together* The Clarke report is not quoted in any way be it shoadnot be but X think it is **atter a giving the pros and on in arriving yet a oonolosion or this kind* hols1 no brief tor the Clarke report* I got the ?impftssion aXterI had reed it several tines that loBrutus rroteertoth too muidun think it is sosentait ? warped* ite far set quotations fraa? the differAmt experts are concerted* I considered 41 of the reed then very *are- fully and vase to my own oonolusions* Just to illustrate what is happening in that areas -? one of the everts who made study for ritietrz County, I *int it vasi, Jack* Kre iloytit se a result of his belief' in 04 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? going -to growi he pUrchaSati - ap Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 I hair* Seely ? le* OU.()t 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Art Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 lib or. its qunstion that Is mat diff Ms impact of tits institution upon bent th* *portant* of obtaining a good 2. type of agency* I have Owl a g ? thing ran sae why Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 :_CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 IS sr/ in Ulla d, that a lot of AO a tti. 20.'24 fi6 d VeanrPlate t see 0 P. fi f flU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001--5 I John Bridge of th road improveaento that boon part of the general plan ot ad mprevostonts have examiratd of the viateriai ie that as far ioutd 1145 4 I fool *ruble to this ons. at I don't think thla Use, Nye *e 4 it oxcept tha record Senate vomit tee:, for hie noir hao boon breogirt here. And old like to iv that as to the o-- _ ? . ? P._16 Li it Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 an ? think that xp poopis, X just Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 -N Rind of plane x an just a campus on piece of ground but T mini a whole covounity in this pert or the metropolitan district at high cest, or aro they going to pick some other cite where you have already in the ground some punt and some tinnspertation be'ing# some schools in .being and the the other facilities. Mfg* Gags gr. Chairman* T would liko to speak that subject ti. I made no refemace in the report to another Uostiori because th=ght it lime not a pert of our futiction# flc*r I tr.t to say most o ticall:r Iwould ?not have been a party to an adverse report on 'the Lengley site =fleas T felt there ime another site that was a good or better. ? The CIA narrowed its prefe Langley ad the Winkler site* I vent very' carefully over tho Winkler nada considerable investigation. abut it and X we to the conclusion Idtether correct one or not that the Milkier site ?would be just as good and in smne respects better than the Langley Sites It has road facilities 114* in there right 414 trj ff 9," : ?It has A er running right across the properizt, There is another sewer under construction, ?X,t, has, the Shirley ilietvey adjacent itA)I vitt t 0 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 to too I iTho' They eh? out of -the The question has ty Ctthe Pa? plan there by 'Ai ins rood sits radiate fro our vo/7 tsed teUregt 4i1 JorM? Potrt 4g 11 be o* os into vlaahingtou* Ow Winner site is? with n et 'V-) look up 0. site tin * Able ? Or 13L be That preViOme not have ? tite nRcIassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 g31, (). ..d I thought b in** everyone here is tin djfl thctw did not f4 that those bade to prooltde. the cI do not have the briAto that mt. b- gos in ou that s Maar *mid Isay r00 Poeition that be Djp: teutim proven and we nRclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020061-5 A 0 - , A 3,04 Se k aroul4 vork It attnidn take four ho ad d *it 4 $411M0 of t still one ef the otnteds rain tho ughftres in good planning. 8t Th h t ref 4 ek and in anot 25 feetj th.era just about ideal. ?eel? places Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 should get into a if we sant Into the Winkler site, Le siteo I think I u'oed find solve sorio think the question botore us is y Site an ateeptable si. tor the M. thinit nest kr pass on toda-fs to fl ho ti*t 1110, to point out that it ts Ctata 0444414 the proSsura to expand that area ovar pr 0 - Plea*ix *ZonLng upriver of to ZIA* amen or ranethL MR. MIM S% a greet deal ot oPPositions ZACat If the i? Stzd p -Ogek0r00 t been tied to> thiS ish Declassified in Part :Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 AllvaPfs fir. Cboirtion. I vo44 Ma to WOW bri*. Sopromootto halo IS the Lau lay silo io nifir oro lag Program& ootsoolat of ooldirmisot, ths anorsod eirounotwoo *War to Clit or moo othera. olopout stoiold owe out that vow vs tor bo somy may 2ooro ooldorring tiro u3Aglookte, aumscalobrout of our rogixaa plan' ogO110 vta opoorytbine Qat lir* Spawn.Fb. Remo ta tam* mem& jas, MIMI MO I Mil* it boo some bearing Thorp So so to, the lowebty site that it ioso.14 bum loos ilroW PorPlo mt a Uzi: prom* bow in Qv: .c;, V 0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Watidagbcoa thin alsoopt ogr sight pm mad pick that In lifaohiteket Moats Moro to thio fortis, adantaaot toe, that it Wm oat of dental* Woodtizetaa and Vat trefla of oat of doiabowo Waohloctou to nab boar be st scether atm* 4L tTflth *.mad I just oassmob oft AN Wars* plat that then mama oro pert of Gar plata but the". port ot oar plow. no othor port at Ma plan la ono, I think V* you offerlookai and that fa 04 this oreath oor p2aa las to be a lot dewily or median *ma* reoldirstits). areas afoot hero otat mo aro doing St go wept your %Mak Mr* BOMA Mao this wry dam fa afloat oat of part of our plaa tor what I tall a think that if at got Who agliontunt at higtoror piano probablr horn difforont ottnoopt of that part of 00 ara Willie to do hero It io 00100Write0 MEMO DAITHOWint Aro thaw foram aaatordal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Wt. WS I*mu Ito to ask ow quosti snot the ammem. talr be hitter thou rdzs? of Or. Sertenta worn* at ler Bona toots ma it that Camel awAy sooranaithiaaof ewe iwo thot r it osol. going to sok the votoubtedly @vas kiro Zweehea Ate* on lawegur the 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 le* a ?t ed** oat the oneeditoo. one and they each reoalation ittieh stated at that t Fadewal, ilyvent. neat should pay ter all the wale it ate 103Aane in, Asirtia Canstr? They did nedt apooitioallo at that tint Ioneaer. 30 al Yr Wan pointed oat Oben thwr dew to tZWtheir antharination. at*1 boom et tido mot In the pietwo at that tiro in providingalL the*, with:brae the ieneargt otter and wood. en Octionelt Mites lotto: stolid. that * oak ter the Ow. **IWO'S leistetaa time Idihout whieh, the Lexeloy Serbs IV ht wad add to state. It loth nt the* new* to be ti U* landlary vtdah was wee pet tattoo the Candaelas 0421,41 to report thlkt l ran 1111PI * 10 1113011, Mad the SIONM*S2 had at the Adieu Lid IS they did Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release_2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 de" gok tist Essiksta WIWI both to CU ad lie ainea. tin oitatesiert amid nom tre Sacus Sist euted latekw *eft UM torts* it 41200% mil the efts** ? , e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 alibilor? I dein man to Ant off Mr. Nam bat I nowial Ws to bring tbo eideber to a vote so *ow so pooethleos pa oomething to soli en What of the staff. iikart Innor that we lave a stair report Oa be eery eked to Woe WI* aetedloamat Ta Serf Arno sod nototol. it be to with the eirmitIme ? thoullt*, son of and In tbo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 1thta SA tab th WS. z a4. in ft* ? 9 0 Lox nit as IA, so sonaint act tray Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 to hove AG ClatterMOS, oat blookire oft 100000, 12,000 about. 3think it 114 ? t of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? brJ. be MIL Ornt CCO cHi V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 * the de/ of the temilesiou to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 X vo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ' a0f;(410 r On Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ticularljr tnterissitotd becalm to hi* diarist*?But on moaned not Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 - 7 be Mao CUM* en in noway sews 'to be p 4 0: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 tot.? old thiti 110,.? Chal*outo* th 10_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 s if I thou bs ? o ei1low.4 to do that/ ttp *moth" ttid have east that Hr. ficItinan thfara itig.iwbd herel T7d bo failad tvoto etCat? 0 0 C ere had h to ? vote is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 40 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 t put t Who tad t";1 ba 4.41, ave., I d going to 1. put A G ;1141.113,10,9RTUOL cthoirmara of th he ballot tho44 be have the vote fromtM ciw Of th ite emigrate C01..101411, RtMaitt: agres, . ciumno 11M11110 l. this* the. ,o; Lid insertin t: the peaulter ct tnce: of thie efinfiaN BiaTifeWeill We4.1v. Oak -dooldo e1/4:eh timeit t do this toe NH NOT wiehea earlier a towhothe_ 3.4:7;.E3 - to ace of the did tee or =Oh Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 A Ifttaft . 0 Tas, of trio Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 - y others CRAI ea$ure etatit Ur. lieforrunl ?eV wht. te btu* too, if ye are V* the differeeee ti. oft,184 evetriesiee and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 4` ? anti Ira* our pmarzau. dtg viet# 0 ItS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 0 vb4t X AR a by ratting yttir hand 431.dered I wad v b u:t ear* the attie bawl evaltutt jflzt appropria 4.4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ibie forzr.4? to ? head seleattoo of t oortaiosion talse desire ito bamt Ltd eat* ralsing rIghtht isitta bear30.) vote tLU or oar program. irleeftattry Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 .4?10=re o ? TAIL 'watt itettoo fl OAT on tow Vat tho.t the IMF Taft* It S;VS-i3f '441t Mitt rmt dolet*t oeccA- soy ttOtov1 tam 10,14. ? 01 46 it o Dales the -Idaho to =Ike et reetits. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 27 December 1955 Clarke and Rapuano 145 East 32nd Street New York 160 New York Dear Mr. Rapuato: laas advised. me of your telephone conversation, this date, regarding the NatiOral Capital Planning Commission's recent action on the proposal to locaU the Central 'Intelligence Agency headquarters at Langley, Virginia. Copies of Mr. Bartholomew's December 160 1955 letter -be Mr. Dulles transmitting the repOrt an& recotmendations of the National Capital Plannl_ng CoMmission Committee are enclosed. As inaicated in the third. paragraph of Mr. Bartholomew's letter, if the Agency does not concur in the Commission's retanmendati014 Ve shall advise the COMMiSSiOu with our reasons therefore, and. the Caltair3Bibb, shall =trait a forMal report. A transcript of the December 16 salon meeting has been re. quested And we forward Copies to you immediately upon receiving them. As we are anxious to furnish clarifying or additional informa- tion 'which might aid. the Commission in arriving at a more faroratte conclusion, we would be most grateful for your comments which might be of assistance either to us or to the Commission. Enclosed you will also find three copies of the 'location Report" including the Addenda, as requested by Mt. Ralph MacDonald's letter of December 21 1955. Distribution: 0 & 1 - Addressee 1 - BPS Chrono - BPS Project 1 - D/L 1 - DD/S Enclosures ' Sincerely, Chief, Building Planning Staff STAT STAT ,Jr.nneC STAT VnPPKA hh Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 MIINDRAMDMI FOR MOW 28 Deesiber 1955 RODMACT: Telepbone Call fret Mr. R. M. %emend Regarding tile 16 December 1955 liktional Cagsital Plaza aig Conaission comeittat Report. 3.. Mr. Tovasand (Fairfax Cowart, Member or Core) celled today to maim ingpla as to steps that the Civic Association and other groups in Fairfax County might tele to obtain RCM recon. sideration of our proposed use at the laegley site. 2. Mr. ittivasend indicated his con:ern and dislike of the subject report as follow: a. The inferred solicitude at the KW Committee re- garding time ability or Tiillinguess of the county to imaciee its reeponnibility where* adequate met desirable saving 'woad be established and maintained. b. The inference that adequate severs and. eater would not be available as promised. c. The inclusion of stew votes from the S. IS. resew Deport. Mr. Townsend believes Vat quotes to be saything other than objective and factual. (At his request a camplete cogf of the reaper Report is being forranted. to Mr. Toemeeni.) 3. Kr. Townsend indicated that be had be referred to me in the ehssame at Colonel Write end wished to state that he vas available La era' way that we might request. I asmzred him that Colszel Mite VOU.18. call his in the near Attlee to discuss any sett= desired. on their pert. rietribution: 0-11,/s 1 - Ne Chum 1 - 116 Project tolaco;=11 ;-. OL files ESC file Clrle;$ Zuilding Pluming itert "4.1.a. - OL 5 7239 STAT :nee (28 December 1955) STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 C 29 December 1955 Clarke end lahpueno ?145 rest 32nd Street New 'fork 16, Bev York Bear L. CLarket Inclosed you will find a Copy of the trszscript of the National Capital Plaredng Contagion Decoder 16 meet:bag. As indicate in our llecember 27, 1955 letter transmitting the National Capital Plan- ning Cormittee report te you, vie are anziote to finerish clarMing or additional infamortion leach migta aid the Commission in arriving at a more favorable conclualon. or I will call you early next veek to discuss Ally item Included in the thew:ripe vith vbich we nay not be in full agreewant. ire wild be at grateful. for ytur comments vidch might be of assistance either to us or to the Omission. Miaow= 1- BPS chrono 3. - BPS project 1 - 1 - 11D/S cp_ use me e ai)g.q .:mec Siiscerelys is/ ruliaing Pluming Sten aoceko 1 00 STAT STAT ? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20_:_CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 tzteps a72.00. f?. -6) STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR JAN 23 1956 Mr. Harland Bartholomew Chairman National Capital Planning Commission Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr._ Bartholomew: Thank you for your letter of 16 December 1955 with which you transmitted (1) the report and recommendation prepared by a Com- mittee of the National Capital Planning Commission, and (2) a re- port and recommendations of the National Capital Regional Planning Council, together with statements of certain local planning agencies. I am, of course, disappointed in the adverse action taken by the National Capital Planning Commission in a vote of 6 to 5 against our proposal to locate the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency at Langley, particularly in view of the earlier action of the National Capital Regional Planning Council to approve of the Langley site by a vote of 5 to 3. Members of my staff and our consultants have carefully re- viewed the reports you have submitted, together with the accompany- ing recommendations, and it is requested that your Commission re- view further our proposal to establish a new headquarters for the Central Intelligence Agency at Langley, the most suitable site that we have found and the one which will best enable us to carry out the important mission that the Congress of the United States has en- trusted to us. Our authorization and appropriation were obtained with the clear understanding that while we were exempted from "dispersal" we would at the same time definitely not locate in the District of Columbia but, rather, on the fringe of the metropolitan area of greater Washington. It is important to us to have the Agency head- quarters situated on the west side of the Potomac in order to con- form with emergency measures that already have been taken. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Other major factors that were taken into consideration in our report to you included the accessibility of the site to several key points, generally in the Northwest District of Columbia and adjacent Virginia areas as well as accessibility or convenience to the homes of the majority of the Agency personnel. We recognize the high residential value of the area surround- ing the Government-owned reservation of 749.5 acres at Langley. We would wish to keep this surrounding area as it is, for to do so would better suit our own requirements for a semi-rural setting for the CIA headquarters. For reasons heretofore given, we believe that the character of the surrounding lands may be preserved for residential use as "a community of low density, single family houses." There is no mate- rial evidence that our development "would eventually disrupt the entire community and require residential densities of land use and commercial development of a nature not dreamed of when the long range plans for the development of Fairfax County were drawn up." In our representations to the Commission we indicated clearly that approximately 75 per cent of the automobiles (3,000 cars) going to and from the Langley site would use the proposed George Washington Memorial Parkway; approximately 25 per cent of the automobiles (1, 000 cars) of residents of Virginia would use the west entrance to the Reservation from Route 123. This means that the large majority of the CIA employees would enter and leave the site on the Potomac River or Parkway side of the Reservation and there- by have little or no contact with the surrounding community. We shall provide attractive cafeterias in the development for our em- ployees so that there will be no need for them to leave the Reserva- tion during the luncheon recess; in other words, there will be no need for shops and for other commercial development on the peri- phery of the Reservation to serve our employees; in fact, we would * prefer none. As we see it, this proposed development of ours at Langley is not an ordinary type that planners may place in a category which fits the pattern of other concentrations of people brought together for eight hours a day. The proponents and the objectors to the use of the Langley site for the CIA headquarters have expressed their views with respect to the nature of the impact of this development upon the surrounding areas. We believe that this is a very special problem and, as such it is our considered judgment that the CIA can use lands already owned by the Government in the manner we have described so that the presence of this Agency at Langley will become an asset rather than a liability to the surrounding community. -2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 We shall lend every possible aid to this end, and, in these circum- stances, we believe that the result will be acceptable to the large majority of persons who, for one reason or another, have expressed an interest in this matter. The fact that the officials of the County and a substantial majority of the people of the County desire to have us located at the Langley site seems, in a large measure, to prove our point. I am sure that you are aware of the results of the poll taken by Congressman Broyhill which indicate that 73. 3 per cent of the voters of Fairfax County favor locating CIA at Langley with only 17. 9 per cent opposing it, and 8.8 per cent having no opinion. It is also significant that each of the seven magisterial districts heavily favor locating CIA at Langley and in the Dranesville District, which includes Langley, voters favor this site by a 1789 to 517 margin. The prognostications with respect to the result of "impact" are largely conjectural. I believe that our argument is predicated upon realistic observations that fit into the very special situation which involves the proposed move of the CIA to Langley. We see no reason, for example, why the present zoning is necessarily "susceptible to successful downgrading by determined speculative interests," or that the location of CIA at Langley will necessarily "stimulate urban developments with explosive and detrimental force in violent conflict with the Master Plan." The area surrounding the Government Reserva- tion at Langley will develop more houses, whether or not the CIA is situated there. I say this because the area is not distant from the City of Washington and with the arterial improvements and the installation of the approved sewer lines in the Pimmit Run water shed, growth is inevitable. Both of these improvements were planned long before CIA contemplated going to Langley. Any "impact" resulting in a rise in land values when forcing "zoning and regulatory changes, to permit high cost improvements, residential and commercial, in order that the tax increases would be sufficient to carry the burden of improve- ments, " will be because of the normal development of the area which was already preparing for an increased population long before the CIA project at Langley was considered. The CIA contemplates pay- ing the prevailing rates charged by the local municipalities and by the private utility corporations for services provided. Is it not true that the five year old Master Plan (Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital and its Environs) is a guide, and as such must be reviewed periodically to adjust its sights to new times, conditions and the needs of the Community? No doubt there will be changes, for no Master Plan can remain static in the light of the changes that are taking place now and that will take place even without CIA at Langley. -3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 It interested me to note that the 1950 Comprehensive Plan shows a "decentralized government center" at the Langley site, and in view of the minimum relocation of Agency personnel residence which we anticipate, it would seem to us to be an eminently appropriate site for the use we propose. Our consultant's report, dated 25 October 1955, together with their supplemental letter dated 12 December 1955, which I have en- dorsed, clearly sets forth the problem with respect to the means of access to and from the Langley site. We have continued our studies and we do not concede that "large sums of money are necessary to provide access to the site;" on the contrary, we are convinced that the Parkway, which must be constructed from its present terminus to the Langley site, the improvements of that section of Route 123 between the Parkway and the junction with Route 193 at Langley, and the planned improvements to the Key Bridge already under contract are the only arterial improvements necessary to place access to this site on relatively the same level as at other sites suitable for the operation of the Agency's proposed headquarters. Even with these improvements I am convinced that no other location that we know of will provide as satisfactory a means of access as does the Langley site. These three improvements, together with a number of other proposed arterial developments, ultimately will be required whether the CIA goes to Langley or not; most, if not all, of them were en- visioned long before Langley was considered as a site for CIA. As you already know, the State of Virginia has indicated that it will improve the section of Route 123 between Langley and the George Washington Memorial Parkway interchange, and the National Park Service, through the Bureau of Public Roads, will plan and construct the Parkway from its present terminus to the Langley site with funds to be made available by the CIA from its appropriation, as specified in the legislation. Our consultant's supplemental letter, dated 12 December 1955, states, "It would be helpful to have certain other existing roads im- proved and to have Chain Bridge widened, as stated in our original report, but these will not be required until they come within the time scheduled for development either by the District of Columbia or by Fairfax County. " Your Committee report includes the improvements to Chain Bridge, Canal Road and Weaver Place as necessary. Prior to submitting their report, our consultants, had discussed the prac- tical capacities of Chain Bridge and its approaches, as well as the capacities of other Potomac River bridges, with representatives of the District of Columbia Engineer Commissioner. You will recall that the results of a "point of origin and destination" study, as re- quested by the Engineer Commissioner for the District of Columbia, was forwarded to you on 9 December 1955. This study had particular reference to those employees living in the District of Columbia and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Maryland who might use Chain Bridge as the most direct route to the Langley site. It clearly shows that the anticipated traffic of our employees, who might use this bridge, plus the present traffic would not exceed the rated capacity of Chain Bridge. Since the improvements to Key Bridge are already under contract and the construction of the Constitution Avenue Bridge is assured, we still believe that as far as the impact of CIA traffic alone is concerned we can effectively use the Langley site with only those bridge and road improvements as outlined by our consultants. The position taken by the Commission seems to have been based on two primary factors: the potential impact on the area and the extensive construction and improvements of access highways and bridges. I believe this position to be basically inconsistent, since the Commission apparently believes, on the one hand, that there will be a major relocation of our personnel resulting in a tremendous impact upon the area surrounding the Langley site, while, on the other hand, it declares a necessity for extensive im- provements to highways and bridges predicated upon the assumption that the great majority of our people will remain where they pres- ently reside, thereby forcing a vast highway construction program. Even if the highway construction and improvements your Commission has specified as minimum to provide access to the Langley site were necessary, we could not at the same time accept the premise that the area would be subjected to the impact which you visualize. Your Committee raised questions concerning the availability of water supply and sewage disposal. I have assurances from the City of Falls Church that they will deliver an adequate supply of water to the Langley site. Our consultant's report, dated 25 Octo- ber 1955, and their supplementary letter, dated 12 December 1955, set forth clearly the whole question related to sewage disposal. Fairfax County has agreed to provide an adequate plant to take care of their own needs and those of the CIA, and, as I have already indicated, it is anticipated that the Agency will pay the customary charges set forth in the County's rate schedule, together with the customary quarterly service charges. In my judgment and that of our consultants, the Langley site is the best available one that will serve our purposes adequately. A site in the Northwest quadrant of the greater Washington area would be most convenient to the homes of the majority of the members of our staff. Therefore, the location of the CIA at Langley would elim- inate the necessity of having our employees go through downtown Washington and other congested areas during the morning and even- ing rush hours. The Langley site is strategically situated in that it will be at one of the important crossroads on the proposed Outer Loop. I must consider the site selection problem from a long Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 0 range point of view with due consideration of the interest and re- quirements of CIA as well as the interest of the Washington Metro- politan Area Comprehensive Plan. As you know, we have considered this matter with you since February of 1955, and I am appreciative of the time and considera- tion which the Commission has given to it. However, unless I can make a final decision at a very early date as to the location of the building so that preliminary plans and cost estimates can be pres- ented to the Congress during this session, I am fearful that the entire project may be delayed for at least another year. Accordingly, may I request that the Commission reconsider this matter at its February meeting and make its final report as soon thereafter as possible. We and our consultants, Messrs. Clarke and Rapti/31LO, stand ready at any time to assist in. any possible way. While no additional formal presentation seems to be necessary, I believe that it would'be beneficial to have Messrs. Clarke and Rapuano, and representatives of this Agency, present at your meeting in order to try to answer any questions which the Commission may wish to ask. I, of course, leave this entirely to your judgment. Director Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 4.< ? r - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 COPY COPY COPY COPY NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMIS$ION Washington 25, D.C. January 27, 1956 Mk. Allen W. Dulles,- Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: I have received and thank you for your letter of January 23, stating that you do not concur in the report and recommendations of the Commission on the proposal to utilize the Langley site for the CIA headquarters, and advising the Commission of the reasons therefor. Through the courtesy of your offices copies of this report were immediately made available to all members of the Planning Commi.ssion. In accordance with your request, the Commission will be glad to reconsider this matter at its February meeting and make its final report as soon thereafter as possible. Before the Commission convenes next week, I will consult with the members about your offer to have your consultants, Messrs. Clarke and Rapuano, stand ready to assist in any possible way and also to be present, with your representatives, at our meeting in order tooanswer , questions. I will telephone you the day before the meeting the results of my inquiry. I agree with you that no additional formal3presenta- tion is necessary. Sincerely, yours, Harland Bartholomew Chairman Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ?.. l'tr? c-? Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 COPY COPY NATIONAL COITAL Mr. AUen W. Dulles, Director Cevtral lretelligence Agency Washington 25 D. c. Dear Mr. Dales: COPY C 0 accordAnce with your r quest, the 71anning C=1601021 at its meeting on February' 2, 1956, econtered the adverse recommendation submitted to you in its preliminary report o LVoember 16, 1955, oontenling your proposal to locate the head- slarters building of the Central Intelligence Agency at langley, I an *writing to confirm afteially hat you bave alree.dy eerd, that the Canniest= has um voted to approve of your Proposal and win as soon as possible submit the nfital report' pr4rfided for in the Ibtional Capital Planning Act of 1952. To this end, I have appointed a committee of five, representing the varied viewpoints prevailing on our Commission ilk connection with your proposal. v)s 0 Sincerely yours r00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 At. bruary 9, 1956 Mr.Batland Bartholomew Chairman Hatiorel Capital Planning Comidina011 /16,Ethingtm. 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Bartholomew: Thank you for your letter of 6 February 1956 advising us that the Platnink Consission has 'toted to approve of my pro- posal to locate the nest headvarters building for the Central Intelligence Agency at Langley, Virginia. I deeply appreciate the Comaission's approval of the Truigley site and the consid- eration Which has been gtven tothis important matter. We want, of course, to give full conSideration to arZt points raised in the timl report vhich I tuiderstand the CCIIIThield011 la preparing. We are, however, extremely hard- Taessed for time as am, action required after final determine- tion, particularly action in any way involving Congress, must be undertaken very soon lest we Suffer a serious delay not only to Important problems confronting us but also to the ultimate removal of the temporary buildings Which 'we will vacate., therefore, appreciate very much anything the Commission =ad. do to rake its final report available to us at the earliest opportunity. Sincerely Allen W. runes Director ?get() r 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 () C NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANIZING COMISSION Washington 259 D. C. Mardh 29 1956 Mr. Allen W. Dulles Central Intelligence Agency Waahington 259 D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: As i ndicated in letter of February 6 and pursuant to your re vasty the National Capital Planning Commission reviewed further your proposal to establish a now headquarters for the Central Intelligence Aapngy at langleyy Virginiay and approved this proposal. In its new findings the Cw salon has accorded over inwomtance to the ettipba,is placed upon your state- ments contained in your lettor of January 239 19569 that you are not free to select a location within the District and that by virtue of rgency measures already taken it is important for you to locate on the west ;ide of the PrOtomac River and that you desire that the location be at LanglAY. ic Commission has approved the enclosed final report prepared by a Comittee or the Commission. The Committee bas set forth in this report the obstacles which it feels must be overcome by the federal and local wenente to solve prdblems connected with this site. SUM Sincerely yoursi, . (Signed) Harland B%rthoiLmnew aerlandBartbaCatelf Cktairman ' Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 NATIONAL CAPNAL FLAMING COMISSION March 2$4 1956 FINAL REPORT ON THE PROPOSAL TO LOCATE TEE CENTRAL INTMLIGENCE AGENCY LTEADQUA11TERS EI.JILDING AT Wan, VIRGINIA At the request of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Capital Planning Commission at its meeting on February 30 1956, reconsidered the action taken at its December meeting on the pro- posal to establish a new ha alp r be= for the Agency at langley, Virginia, ani voted to approve the location considered by the Agency to be the most suitable site for its purposes* The undersigned committee was appointed by the Chain= to draft atti sulmit the final report on this proposal, as required by the tbtional Capital Planning Act of 1952. Membership of the committee includes those who have been for and against the langley site. As the Commission had. been very evenly divided in both its initial opposition and subsequent approval of the langley location, the omumittee has chosen to present the differing points of view on the basic planning issues involved. Concern of Commiseion and. Council in Decision ? Under the Flaming Act of 1952, the Planning Commission and Regional Planning Council have collaborative responsibiliier to prepare and maintain a coaprehensive plan for the development of the National Capital and. its environs. As the central planning agency for the, Federal and Dilate Orb Govenzments, the Commission has the prime duty of reviewing Federal agency development programs in order to advise as to their consistency .149tifikiiT comprehensive r o 6 e 0 p It is now widely recognized that the most important single factor Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 -2- Waahingtan region has been the erowth and spread of Federal establishments. ' Cons quentlye the Commiasimes 1930 C rehensive Plan laid great emphasis on the size and location of government aeencies. In order to produce an orderly and uniform expansion of the regions new Federal establishments which could be appropriately located outside the Central Area were to be distributed on. the peripbary of existing development or beyond: at such locations as to encourage local derclopsent that would be bezmonious with other requirements of the Plan. Ehoept in Bethesda and-Suitiand'o where .m tosents had aireaAy been made, single instaLlati larger than 5:000 emploeees was recommamled. Furthermore: new,installatiome were lo- cated?at least five miles from each other or from other large established agenCies. The Compethensive Plane while serving as a general wide and directive for deei ions on Federal establishments: also sets forth a general philosee phy on land use and population distribution throughout the area. These basic policies provide the foundation or reason for a Regional Thoroughfare Plan and policies for the provision of communkke facilities: such as eater supply. and sewage disposel. %be development of such plans is the joint and. collaborative responsibility of the National Capital Flaming C 0,1,11 a Jen and the Regional Planning Council under the provisions of the 1952 Planning Act.? yhensivP1an ? The Cemeission's proposals for the location of fUture Federal establidhe mamas in the environs of Washington did not contemplate a large Federal es- tabliahment in the Langley area. On the contrary: its Plan for the location of Federal Eepleyees limited the nweber of those ultimatelg necessary to complete Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 3.o the Neale Roads Re eh Laboratory development, then estimated in round figures nu% to exceed 1,000. The principal reasons far this were that the location lay within iee area traditionally developed and developing with small estates and siegle-family homes of low density, vhidhitwee generally agreed as desirable to enoourage and protect. Furthermore, there vaa already located. or committed in the eorthwest sector outside of downtown Washington a disproportionately large diatr:ibution of Federal emelcenonte tending in the long reu to enceuragea ?ad and tensive growth i that direction. To afoot this tendency? the Conprehensive Man proposed in the Virginia oector cameral/4u at end southwest of the center? fourlcoae tions for PedeTal establisalz2enta of approxinate.V 50 * emeamees each. These would have the effect of stimulatias intensive sabudOen gowth of, a satellite character in localities vbere there is. already established anueleue for an web= enviroemeat end to public facilities already projected or needed. ? Whereas the location of 109000 empleyeee? more or less, at Langley does not accord wit the 1930 plan a, majority the Omission 'believe that a revioion'ef the plan accommodate CIA can be appropriately made. The einority does not agree to this revision and believes that a. location in. Virginia vest or southwest of the center of Washteettelleemid. premote growth of?territary better adapted:for intensive atimulation. The position of the majowity of the C .t5iL is that there will be no adverselong-rauge effect the qm installetion upon the estab- lished land use the mamma territory. They believethat in the immediate ft:tura employees will continue to live weeemuch where they now ? lifeetarltWt traffic to and fran the installation can be kmneUed over g uo bridges, highweys amd.parkweye fares*, planned thoegh not necesear4e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-6 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Zrwe penal Oman that implawamats at Steemitar 16 to be date Me traffic Imam= ;r:t ????:?, tor both tbe Omission =I the 4iiKralf,:. PA, image'reriat eserlier. date emeata isestallafrima. Tin attar point aC mefeisolstad tairterity, is that will tire a vciv pnef eat the aursamtaus ti5 that lemr1 there will be area a Sintessa no demalagantst trimutizir territory lizatallatiam of this sire., Sim then hes lagoatefams eatitiEtaalpto Iftigt fest that wig' dwelt oire-eigkth et the wiecxt.gima *tar 'gm of tko seinori that a irastritsebLe. 551os ' `jqtlerf, lends the viewpoint laud the rianglow area /raft will wan it difficulto erst tt11e, f.ea Vase= etranitor autbeettles to elatstedn the laud =a pe5,13.eiste ming 10:1 subdirialaat eon- taut that turil2 heretoitae ea oast de- r, arable flOr leis area. This fealim SA very atm* ECM* !My preptIrtr =era in the Lansimr WM, is widely supported 'by essioral Amens ands itign0 by the =meat waves of land speculation.? In this mosecillan, Vee rritneettor ex.gv attention to the &maw that taken place te Arlinston Worker alum construction of the Rurtagua. De 100 3,y tlave-fourths of the dwelling waits in ttra county were cif the eingle-fastily twe. TOW, more than a ell it are apartmete which have inereased eight-fold wirlat may a, &raging s sizgle- fesiV VIKto ? The Iseariley site wets the gamm? a regtimeents set forth in the Comeission's April resolutione that it be in close pecallaittr .the OutterkVitOtterkszattai 1:12?)trt %Too; ire location confect= with Vac Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Commissien's Proposed. Regional Thoroughfare Plan, now generaW accepted by the highwey authorities. However, the pelority,fte construction of major features of that:plane= have to be advanced, as herein cussed, if it is proved that the traffic circelation facilities which the installation will require are inadequate. ei Facilities The Regional Planning Council, in mewing the Langley location last December, voted also to reqaest that the Central Intelligence Ageney request appropriations for certain improvements which it considered woutd. be weft& at the time the CIA headquarters is opened at Langley. 4:) The purpoee of this action was, of course, to implement plamatee recom- mendations to latch the local or state authorities were not financially committed. It would seem that the first atop tarda patting into effect the Counoil's recomanmhrbleniwould. be the development and., mama program setting forth the specific community facilities required, and the estimates of cost and methods of financing. The latter is particular- ly tgpsettuat because of the different Jurisdictions inwolved and. the necessity for coordination in the programming of improvesents. Flawing is a. list and, brief discussion of the leporUerb inecovenenta 'which the studies of the Commission and. the Council awing the last "leer have re- vealed as being necessary to program definitely if the Langley site were chows. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 GeAgaj2MgDAVELISEtta2112aMM The construction of the GeorgeMashington Memorial karkway from Spout Run to Langley is universally accepted as having top prierity. The Clarke-Rapuano report also recommended that the parkway be extended to the Cabin John Bridge.along with useful segments of the Outer Loop, in which recommendatien this Committee'concurs. Nhile the legislation authorizing the use of the Langley location anticipated the construction of the parkway to Langley and provided for the allocation of necessary funds, the land acquisition program cannot be completed without additional contributions from Virginia to match Federa1":1Unds already available or to be made available for this purpose. Surveys and appraisals are required before precise costs can be ascer- tained. In all probability, several hundred thousand dollars will be - needed 'from state and county authorities. Other Recommended Pre acts The. Regional Planning Council has recommended the following improve- ments be financed .at Federal expense concurrent with construction by the Agency unless state or local finanding is or can be secured:. (a) Eallalia. - The widening to four lanes of Relate 123 from Langley Corners to Chain Bridge ($1,1000000). The 'State of Virginia has agreed to widen that portion of Route 123 from Langley Corners to the. Parkway ($350,000). (b) Glebe Road.. - The widening of Glebe Road to .four lanes from Lee nidhway to Chain Bridge, estimated to cost 40300,000. aestigityl ogello 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 -7- (c) Ma_ 9313 District Highway Department has est ted the widening of this etnzeture to a capacity or four lanes to cost 4l,35O,COO The studies by Clarke and Rapufun and others indicate the need additional capacity at an early datea especially if present CIA employees are to .be encouraged to maintain their present residences. Otherwise, additional traffic will be brought into and cnrt of the central district. oeer central area bridgesa especially Key- Pcidge. (d) Canal Road and Weaver Place. - Required in connection with the widening of Main Bridge will be imprefeaments to approach roads on the District aide,, estimated at a cost of $900,,000o (e) Cabin John and SeW1tnt of Outer Cabin John Paseidge and the adjoining ? segments of the Outer Circumfer- ential have been indorsed. by the Righway Departmoato of Maryland and ? Virginia, and. the Bureau of Public Roads, no program for their financing and construction has been agreed upon.. 'Without this facility* trans' pta.tion to and. freei the Langley pita will be inadequate* causing serious congestion on existing highways. If the CIA de ires to locate at Langley,, based in part upon the proximity to the Outer Leon, .the Agemy should take the initiative in advancinothe rierity of this ? *Important improvement by endorsing FederP-1 aid to this end., (f) ilLASLEY and. Di PYchlems. - So far as the Agency is concerneda it would seam to have solved its own immealiate vater and sewage problems through commitments already made by Federal and local ell ;10e9m too Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 -8- authorities. left unsaved, however, are services to any areas that may develop ahead of scheduled improvements due to the CIA installation. (g) Reseravtions for Park and Recreational needs. - Regardless of arar stimulus to local dovelowent from CIA, it has been astimatai that. based on present standardsand ultimate development of this section of Fairfax County at low density that at least four times the present park and recreational area will be reqpired to meet future needs. Should the growth of the area be accelerated, as some anticipate? program for financing advance acquisition of suitable open lands according to the plan should be initiated by the county anth4wities. Recommended Planning Controls All those ..Ito have favored the lanaley site have expressed great confidence in the ability of the county authorities? in cooperation with the interested agenciaa of the Federal Goverment, to control the charac- ter and =tent of development which may either be required or which will take place as the result of the CIA installation. A clear understand- ing of mutual responsibilities shcad be formally establi ed. To this end, it is suggested that the Central Intelligence Agency enter into a fora of agreement or memorandum of understanding as to the policies of mutual concern that will be foliaged and financial responsibilities undertaken. More than a year Aso consultants for the Fairfaa Cowry Planning Commission completed a comprehensive plan for the county, including a land use plan, setting up 0111resenneirEtprT designed to maintain the eg:Ig,low densitrs open type of deveoyment for the Langley - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 and adjoining areas. This plan has not yet been adopted. It becomes imperative, therefore: in the interest of CIA as wdall as that of the home owners in the area who have become concerned a,bout the effects of the Ixtstallationi, that the CIA impress upon the county a,uthoritiee its desire and expectation of maintaining the low density character of the Langley area, through Immediate adoption of the emu-Ws comprehen- sive land use plan. Conclusio ? 51.e committee has endeavored to point up the planning problems connected with the development of the Langley site as a location for CIA headwaiters, in the hope that their inclusion in this report will serve a useful puntose in effectizJg their iiltimate solution. The znajority of the comadttee in arriving at its recommendations ? has accorded overriding importance to the Emphasis placed. upon the statoneents contained in Ite. Dulles letter f January 23, 4560 that he is not free to select a location within the District and. that by virtue of emergency measures already taken it is important to him to locate on the west side of the Potewac River. L. L. Hunter C. McKim IZorton Claude W. Owen David H. Talley John A. Remo% Chairman L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION March 2, 1956 Ceciet of Reference Data Re1atin to CIA Need Location Rationql_2Epital Planning Calmmission Rest Resolution dated April 8/ 1955 (general criteria) Committee report April 70 1953 Joint Commission-COuncil report on alternate Elites Committee report Decedber 161 1955 .tionix3Notalana1PCouncil . staff summary report - March 11, 1955 Staff report March 31, 1955 Committee report April 7, 1955 Staff report and recommendation roomdbor 5 1955 Member statements approving tNnalay Fairfax Countr Resolutions inviting CIA to County Central Intelligence Aima Report or Clarke and Rapuano - October 25, 1955 Other consultant rmor.L_ts Consultant - Draper report Consultant - Upham report Miscellaneous reports, documents and lettere Committee of 100 Virginia Department of Highvays Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Fairfax Chamber of Commerce Ihshington Board of Trade Citizen organizations Letters fron many interested citizens Ok#04:1" _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 _ * A riv litenbership of the e Lu the 7g Site. committee has chosen -tOXXt planning issues -invo he location of With the I I Hunter; Langley does not believe that a revision of the Compreh be Seel stely made. The minority 4 not tt loeati ? more? or pity th Commission ace ? -t in Th: Is vest or :southwest of woulit promote growth * temeive timUlatiOn. ti be no lisbed land immediate future live and that traffic to and from the bridges, itighways and parkways tar programed.* "Hai:ever; tbeze Reg terri ry better adapted by both the rew.1.11 estab- the and the Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 5.* tt . S 80C40100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 COPY COPY Marth 5, 1956 Mr. Harland Bartholomew Chairman National Capital Planning Commission %Ching:ton 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Bartholomew: Tiro* you very uniclt for your letter of 2 March 1956 with which you enclosed the final report of the National Capital Planning Oonaission concerning my proposal to establish a new headquarters for the Central Intelligence Agency at Langley, Virginia. appreciate very truth the recognition given the special situation confronting this Agency in the selection of a proper site and your thoughtful final report. We shall give most seri- ous consideration to all aspects of this report as we Vowed with our planning and the establishment of our new headquarters at Langley. in particular, we believe that it nee& not have an adverse long-range effect on the established land use of the surrouding territory, and it twill be the policy of the Agency to do everything in its power, in cooperation with the local authorities, to maintain the present nature of the area. I an confident that we can develop a headquarters at this site of which weea:4n he proud. t f.11).1) ? Sincerely, Allen W. Dulles Director 1, 'oceor 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 ? I INT I tRE ONLY 21 March 1956 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Building - Use of C/A Appropriation for Survey and Acqusition of Right-of-Way for Parkway. 1. Mr. Nolen has advised that the NCPC now holds $200,000 for the acquisition of right-of-way from the Arlington-Fairfax line to Route 123. He also advised us, off the record, that the NCPC is holding $150,000 for matching by the State and County governments which will provide a total of $300,000 for acquisition of the right-of-way north of 123 to the Leiter Estate. He bad indicated, however, that he did not believe that this will be enough, in view of present property values, for acquiring all the necessary right-of-way in either of the two sections. Although vi do not Inlay 'what other Federal fmndeAsialit_be_available as contributions toward this acquisition, requested that T investigate the possibility of utilizing moneys appropria- ted to us if that beecines necessary. 2. Mr. Nolen also indicated that reappraisal of the land to be acquired requires first a survey, and Mr. Cheatham earlier indicated that this survey had been delayed due to a lack of funds. The estimated cost of the surrey is $25,000 to $30,000. In our most recent meeting Mr. Nolen indicated that the survey was under low. It is possible, however, that it might be further delayed duo to lack of funds, in Which case we might wish to consider furnishings funds fraz our appropriations. 3. I have exwzined the language of Pt LI 161, 84th Congress, which authorized the construction of a =building, and of P. L. 2190 84th Congress, which appropriated00500,000 Mr this purpose. Section 401 of P.L. 161 authorizes appropriations not to exceed V34,5000000 to eonstruct a =building "Of which not more than 000,000 shall be available for transfer to the National Capital Planning Commission and the Department of the Interior for acquisitio of lanq for and construction to extend the George Washington 56Th Parkway to the present site of the research station of the /tree of Public Roads at LangleY, Fairfax County, Virginia." 'fis C k 0 1,:,? 110 SE ONLY STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 -c CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY -( SUBJECT: Building - Use of CIA Appropriation for Survey and Acquisition of Right-of-Way for Parkway The Act of 29 May 1930 authorizing the George Washington Memorial Parkway provides "That no money shall be expended by the United States for lands for any unit of this project until the National Capital Park and Planning Commission shall have received definite commitments from the state of Maryland or Virginia, or political subdivisions thereof or from other responsible sources for one-half the cost of acquiring the lands in its judgement necessary for such unit of said project now belonging to the United States or donated to the United States; Provided further, That no money shall be expended by the United States for the construction of said highway on the Maryland side of the Potomac, except as part of the Federal-aid highway program: Provided,. That in the discretion of the National Capital Park and Planning . Commission* upon agreement duly entered into by.the State of Maryland or Virginia or any political subdivision thereof to reimburse the United States as hereinafter provided, it may advance the full amount of the funds necessary for the acquisition of the lands and the construction of said roads in any such unit referred to in this paragraph, etch agreement providing for reimbursement to the United States to the ex- tent of one-half of the cost thereof without interest within not more than eight years from the date of any such expenditure. The appropria- tionct the amount necessary for such advance, in addition to the contri- bution by the United States, is hereby authorized from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated." 4. From a reading of the abovel.there seems to be no question that funds appropriated to us,within the $8,500,000 Parionty limitation maybe used for the Federal share of the cost of acquiring right-of- way. It is questionable if any portion could be used for acquiring right-of-way unless matched by State-County contributions. It would seeirpertiasable however, to advance the total cost of acquisition provided that there were e State-County undertaking for repayment as specified in the Statute. 5. Perhaps the easiest way of justifying the expenditure of our funds for a survey is to consider it as an expense of acquisition. Mr. Nolen indicated in conversation that he tight take the survey cost from the acquisition money which the NCPC now holds. The only difficulty with this approach is that it involves State-County contri- bution to the surveys, reduces the joint funds available, and could result in appreciable delay in the acquisition of the necessary. right- of-way. 2 OPM-19,0\ ag) ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/20 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 CUk INTFP"'81._ 11SE ONLY SUBJECT: Building . Use of CIA Appropriation for Survey and Acquisition of Right-of-Way for Parkway 6. Surveys are specifically mentioned in P.L. 161, but they are there indicated to be one of the costs of acquisition. Section 501 provides that the authority granted by the Act "includes (where) ... the acquisition of right-of-way is specified ... authority to make surveys ...." 7. The only way in which I can see a basis for providing the NCPC with acquisition funds greater than maybe matched by State-County contributions would be to read Section 401 as providing for the acquisition of right-of-way independently of the provisions of the Act of 29 May 1930, and I do not see how one could reasonably give it such a reading. 8. Conclusion: There is no legal objection to transferring of any portion of the 0,500,000 that will be appropriated to uslto the ECPC for the cost of right.of-way acquisition, including survey, pro- vided that it is matched by State-County contribution. If it is decided to meet these costs or any of them without matching State-County contri- bution, the matter should first be submitted to the Comptroller General for a ruling. cc: vozoistoe Assistant General Counsel 4 0 t I . uo: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 tt-4. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 NATIONAL UArITAL. nr...vAymmaJ REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY FACILITIES NEEDED IN THE VICINITY OF LANGLEY.1 VIRGINIA IN RELATION TO THE NEW HEADQUARTERS BUILDING FOR THE C.I.A. The Regional Council directed this Committee to carefully analyze all of the community facilities that have been proposed to service the head- quarters building for the Central Intelligence Agency in the vicinity of Langley, Virginia and submit requirements with estimated cost as well as the jurisdiction which should be responsible for their programming. This report will have the purpose of alerting the responsible Federal, State and local governmental agencies as to their part in programming this pro- ject on a coordinated basis. The Committee after reviewing the problem was of the opinion that the report should be in three parts.. The first having to do with Highway and Bridge needs which are the primary facilities to be programmed and repre- sent 3 large portion of the costs. The second part has to do with the need for a special program during the construction period to be sure that .present traffic needs can be served with minimum disruption. The third part will be to reiterate, in line with the stated desires of the County and Agency, those phases of the local planning process which must be accomplished to insure the orderly development of the Langley area according to plan. 4:) I. Highways and Bridzs .The following projects are recommended by the Committee as needs that should be provided concurrent with construction of the headquarters building. A map has been prepared (Plate 1) to facilitate your study of this report. The recommended projects are shown on the map with the corresponding numbers. (1) Route 123 (Virginia) from Langley corner (Route 193) to the George Washington Memorial Parkway. This highway is to be widened from the existing narrow, two-lane road to a four- lane divided highway. This highway at the present time is the only route giving access to the Langley property and will in the future be an integral part of the approach net- work both north and south, carrying commercial as well as passenger vehicles. This. project is estimated at $350,000 and is committed by the Virginia Department of Highways to be constructed con- currently with the Parkway. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/20: CIA-RDP78-04506A000300020001-5 * F 11--IIGHWAY