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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ? 50X1-HUM INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATIO1 REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ERD-CESSM 'COPY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. ? S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM COUNTRY USSR REPORT SUBJECT Soviet Handbook on Airfields and Radio DANE DISTR. Service Along the Moscow-Vilnyus and Moscow-Riga Air Route DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACO. NO. PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES RD 19 September 1958 1 50X1-HUM' 50X1-HUM URCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT lb ItNIAllVt. 1. PhotrOp1.000 of two Russian-language publications apparently intended for use by commercial flights along the Moscow-Riga and Moscow-Vilnyus air routes Some of the headingc nna 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 2. These publications, entitled ,Sbornik Informatsionnykh Dannykh po Aerodromam i Radio SredStvam Vozdushnoy Trassy, Moskva-Vilnyus (Manual of Informaii, A on Airfields and Radio Service along the Air Route, Moscow-Vilnyus) and Sbornik Informatsionn kh Dannykh po Aerodromam i Radio Sredstvam Vozdushnoy Trasy, Moskva-Riga Manual of Information on Airfields and Radio Service Along ;he Air Route, Moselow-Riga4were published in Moscow in January 1958, by th.i. Publishing and Editorial Section of Aeroflot, and under the auspices of the Chief Directorate for the Civil Air Fleet, Council of Ministers, USSR. They contain information on approach and landing patterns, and radio navigation aids. sub-titles are also given in the English language. 3. The attachment may be treated as FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY when detached from the covering report. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM STATE X IARMY NAVY X AIR X FBI AEC (Not.: Washin3ton distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) ^INFORMATION REPORT IRFORMATION_REPORT 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 1- Avradb-,--zair'' t; rilABHOB YGPAH/IEHHE rPEKAMICK0firThOrlrYffiRCOr0 40.110TA DPH COBETE-ASHHHCIPOB CCCP - GENERAL DEPARTMENT OrCP/IL AIR FLEET UNDER THE COUNCIL OF "'MINISTERS OF THE USSR CBOPHI4 K 141-1100PMAUHOHHbIX .1),AHHblX no A3P011POMAM 14. PAL1.140CPELICTBAM B03,EtYWHOII TPACCbl MOCKBA?BH.AbHIOC AERODROMES AND RADIOINAVIGATION INFORMATION GUIDE the air-route: Moscow?Vilnius , - PEAAKUHOHHO-11-3.11:ATEAII.Cit HI( 07TAH,r1 3P D41401 A MOCKBA " - ? I958 -c-OFFIGIALU. 71-1741-4; ;4- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: .01A-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 1-0 06tume 2-0 110oopmatum o0 aumatiutece. itacn. II Cxemu nitammammn alum% ma I a)po,womamit. 1,7.poism ii onmataitm avpopouon. 3-0 Mapuipyruue asponopru 4-0 3anacmue a3ponci7m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 vilacet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/24 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ' 111:1215i=2:11"...esa. ? ".1:Vga,t4,4=klii..:-?. 4) ? 't17' v=r44117- sc? 444;1 4; 1 FealawkilaStair niiso31rie?11Tiaca? iilocnna?')Igonrisec (laxinana., ;WM. Ilpara)- 144 1 !pato awl g -1 Humane ' etpaiutit I 1-1 06nuic encoding Ilponeposituli amok I -2-I Kaprogna rera nponaneacuutix u3ic1Ien1111 H a0110aHe11111i I 3.1 Berri:mime Coxpaulding 1 5 1 YC.10111114C 311111(11 flepestartue ran-luau 1 6 I fiend:woman 135anna 1-6-2 ilepennonag Tad:lima osofixt4?xm1n46apu 1 6-3 Ilepcnoanag Ta5.mitta unoommerpu?xxoon6apu 1-6-1 llepenoonan Tafointa o1011141,1?XHOOH14C1101A 1-6.5 Ilepencionan TaGanna uc1pbt-41yna 1 ti-6 Clepenoolian Ta6aNna uopcnite mson?auraiincglic unaii It toloomerpu 1 7 1 Ta6anua !woman sagoaa coanua 1 It 1 T06:flow oin ollpeAC.1C21101 cocianagionten aerpa 2.0HII4JopMamIa or) nanarpacce 2 1 I NIx.,?.111.1?? tpacca /itocxna?Biutunoc 2 2-0 Cxema IIX041 H aux= c aapoonoutoa 2 2.1-6 C.xesia smog n 511X0Aa c a3pooposda I311)1(0130 2.2.24; Cada agooa H laccooa c aapoopoua Reongne nygis 2 2.3 Cada Imola augoaa c aspoopoma Bnownoc 2-2-5 CitHa HU= 11 nuxooa C a9p0,74r0lia 141111CIC 11 Cxem1_npo6ns3nng ammo nao aapoopouaxn. Kpogn It (meaning apoopolion 30 /tinpulpyrixac avonop-ru 3-1 1 Gaon npodinuuoin o6.nagos x aagooa Ha uncanny no onyx npunoonbog pawn:cranium& u KP/4 a/n Buyncso c MK.62' 3-1-2 Cxexa npagaanns ?Manna a saxona Ha nocaogy no onyx npunoosum PamocTanunnu x KITM a/n Bit)goso c bi1(..-24r 3-1.3 Cxema ripoOliaanng o6nagna n aagola us nocaoxy no onyx. npmao.aiibim pattnocranwigx a/n Bnygono c MK?=196? 3.1.4 Cgoia npoCitaangn olSnagos no paononenenriropy a/n Bnygoao 3.3-1 Cxesa npo6nnatinn ?daimon x moos ma noesiogy no ABYM npunoonus paanneramaxax a/n 13gowooc c MK..44T' 3-12 Gums irp6itaaman o6aagos x 301.0.2111 Ha nocaoxy no.onyx tipxboxibot pagmocranonax a/n %maim c MK=167* ? ,- 3-13 npotiniannx ofiaag?a no paononeocaratopnomy a/n 130.mi00c 4-0 ' 3anactime asponopna ? FOR OFFICIAL LISE,VILY, , , )eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 4-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap roved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 - %Mindel=. - " ' czesoainpobni,anna ?Cosmos s =au ma nocaxcy :iaym npnooatuao Ansarranunosi-a/A/Xytwaka c MK...225` Clews npo6nosunn cfouncos u asxma us nocwi no j& nponwolum , ? -paAlfocranw4nu a/Alty6ninut c Cum' ingdotonnin oaasucoo no ncoesoanoti paMIOCTalit11111 air; Itemoao.:Iyhn Cxema-npoOmunno o6aaxon no paAnoncioiralopy a'n 13C:11110c Iibt Cxema opo6nsanta ?daimon a saman us nocaauy no ?tit)o nionornmo paanocratnuunt et/a Mantic c MK 120' ,Cxena apo6linalunto6anKo5 it30.10;111 us " pUnocunnuing ttimisic s Cxema npodunainnt odamens no pauoncienraTopy a/n Munco 6-1-1 nupc000 6-1-2 Ny6nuon 6-1-3 BlUlblIPX 6-1-8 Bauxite -J1)-wat 6-1-9 Mon= 8-2-1 (1131e1M4110, Onaanza. 1fB1111013LKOC 6-243 Ornate? 6-2-6 Burc6,-.1t 71Hpb. Csulmul 6-2-7 Ilocem?Anti. 6-2-8 Pam?. dot epee? pa6onA it CMC1161 93CTOT )eclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/24 A-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Mini& Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ,f,- --: ? :_.....,-K A, r ..viit),rK-A--,.. . -----,,?' ofissekiNsiii('" ' - ,,t_ ._ Y*111 .418.0Passin.t. Is' Aseeseri - - - - \ f.,....-",;.,:i ? ,:e-1., (u_111,1?,.2! Trinc..411?41.rt#0-',',.--,::: ItaistsxPLant _tr:poeins. souvrtric."--, _ Ocioeisaa P. :111 seecesaa r' ---:--.... j -,? aolewirk - !anomie. Alit ? a *Kr - , Kiktral...:C0114111 9???? 11311111119??,,r4: ',...?..., .4 - 44. - , - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ueclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 - A ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24 MAY - Opramarauxn. Anponanarawtonnoll lautiopmawieA o 3ICIKaa1lap0.11tUX 110341:11116tX .11111NIX I BO. Apo/mama.% repparopax CCCP, automate* cneuxamotau cayaola nrannoto ma- n:a:MIA fpantaaucxoro noalyuntoro rips CoomMinatcrpon CCCP-amer0vaall gClY*60A a spounnarnunomoil 11114)3puattmo (CAI1). apec cayaaSta axponnaarawanamoil inalropantunc _ Hogroubal Moncna? Aspoclinor, yatran P3311H3, 9. Flo reaerpnIly. reaernArty u paatIOCIaIn1 -- AM CAH. Teaccipaa.B 3-96-43 1(0-12-10, .106. 4-32. ClyAtia avcnanaranuoinfoll lautcynunons (CA11) H3ADICC ace 1co6xoalowe ale1C11113 H i% nturnomm. 06ectirywatouate boonacaor cawe O*.Wflffi noOlekayturpoanusi sarapa? "um .11111113.1 rBI la Tema-roams CCCP, H cco6utner 9TH mamma coorbercraynausa ana? annannolnnim Opf3111133W1101. lahatC co6apaer aCi0 aapollaAliral1110111710 11114)0pHalin)0 0 lieKaynap0,1111L1 ?114% IMMIX CT IMOCTpaintlia assiatutoinibt% oprainualinn H odecnequaaer nron mi4iopma- ,01. it .teper turypannexpo C./Tpxby 33;10110pT3 Case-route H anocrinanme 3Kanaa4I, npoarnoas? hut 1thICIU tt7 34e11:4113p0111LIM aCCIVUHIlig .1H1111$114. 1-1yAfia nvouanarannounoil Had?opanuan (CAllte caoeA aeateaueo:ra pyxoDoaernyeren yriximucanon r.13/1111.1N1 )ttpaa.leimem rB4r apt Conere Mawr:rpm CCCP t1}6auxansa. Ben neo6nornstan anpoetanaranamana antnpaawla cao6uraercg 3antimPeco? ?,141,1%1 an11111111.:11111414 Op1=11130101311 C.1p11110c1 CAlt B c.,yorneM 110p3,111e: at .1)..x6a CAlt itraner anpounuarawtotnio-umpopmaaaonune ny0.119111WtH (c6opunx) ?1111. a lotopom coaepacurna Den accnIxo.auvaa anpoHaaaraumanan atalxvouna, apeastar- ...qctilinfl TAN 051..`alCtIC11114 eX3011M31010 Caw:ten:133)10,MM no simaynapo,allum 003.1373I111.141 ? rittlilliM 111:47CO1JUlltU no repparopun CCCP. (Alin. Hrraerca an pyCCHOU 1131,11ie H pacapo- ipnawerca na ozaboenamacent mcnaiy inlOciparniumir aallailifolutbont opramnaunainf, a Co- hn. T.'78t414 C INC10U1141111:11 ceriaulaninniN o noo.tyllOKOI C0061.111111311. Henpankm a 06me1n1ue 311CTIA no c6opauxy anponnaarawtcsanoli mattopunnun. namenuxaune ungropannax 11.111:MI ctiopinma. 113,1310TCSII1 pancuataorca no la-pe ine0610aamoctal e Itta1tw1n1a mia,nam 1-to x.iacca (Hamm 1), nocpeacntom ionoptix K pa1ieeony6.1111co- ..,... wa4c9matuot nepeamorca ItIOCHIC11011 05 usamemmx H Aorroaarnaux.unctutabtx neuel- ?????mi MN a onpeaeaeniani vp.x.ticannyexmolnall aaarearaoro nacwienvoro coo6utenna. 11 .,au 1 nepe.taxama no rwerpattiy, ie.ieraAn a paano Ii connanaorca an proori off uiiikt'u R3aXa X no .aoronopennocra C COOTBEICIB)10111.11MH anahananarauxa oprannaatalatia. a +miaow,' nmoram 11 Kaaren (Inman II). nocpernraou xoropua nepeAmores 4.11ant .1p1B1H111111L1b1101r0 Napnalepa fl113MC31C111111 X pant* man:0114m mamma-RH H ny6nHaa? utnu. taH,KC m3i-nen:x.1(451114 nolamots I, aeAcrnare.nbnux na npoaoanwreabutill crox. 111ramix II sucuaann:a no nowt.. Ilurautx : nagxnpanuaeil, OTHOZAUICACA x repanropaa CCCP. npoinanannannie _tut ? ,pa may 3311,11111C111112X opranarawa,o6O3nakinanca byabOA (A*ii a9o5nro. a .411Z.Trtle.le NOM* ?siykaiusaercR ovepeanon aoHep rexyurero roan, 11W/11113A C 00 V3C08 IauaapH. a a Malde- n:at..1c mc.reanne .ac antivu rexywero roaa (aanpumen. gA 1/56)). II 11.11443X I. liepaaaaatnalax no Te.lerpaill. Teaciafirry paano, nepea rexcrom mac- ,nvann ykasunnerca. alotam A I156. Hotamu 1 H II Haancavn 41 cooraerrnina pexosteulaaaama count:Huta nmacraaare.nea %npaNiviatil rpanuaaexoll atiadugn, CB:TesiBuicrocsi c 19 no 27 aexa6pa 1955 r. u Alocxne. llonoauenme c6opHaxa. Texyutee f10110.1HCHHC?avonasHratw03lmini4xspheaulsotatoroc6opaH- ita nonpileKaMit 34.111 II3U4.HC3SHRMIS 11p0113a0.111TCA nOtpa...V.InoM /10T3B1011 I a 11 Matta. ramex SC -.1.4.rovy nasetneauno Jipooextimercs C.7.61.71,111 Ha nameacattoo .13CM H crpanauy c6oFenixa, norapum nonpaaxa ?mourn. flo Heine tinacalocra 6YAYT /13,1Baarba11 xlicopanaH), a loaropux elan' npaneacura BCC 11C06B0UNMIC H011pahl411, lie anyna 113 patine maaHabie H013.3111. K no- ?ronaxam 6yayr npacoenauarben oamcname autru c Heamo namenum crapme, raIatue :wenn. limp:awn 6yarr Hymeposatuna no sopruxy, 113115411314 C Ha aCCI. cpox C60p- -. 1111K3. Knatabal odaaante:m c6oputara aoamea npoussoaurn nonpanxa a nameny BOCTOB anami- maw xrIonpauxamx. 0 HULT.11131161X non7auxax .1.e.raerea mamma a Knintxrxe rera npoanne- araaux anmeuenali H annonaeHai, c-lantxa. 11poaelma nonaorbr Aoxynannos npoannoaxaeu 113 01103335/111 cilpotepcomoro auracan c60l341nus. 06o laCtX 1131LICHHUX IICI00TSIX11.1 1011 74..11111,1X 83NIC1lC1l/111X ITHCb63 IICHCBACHHO CCOOHIHM no naPecr Mocana. A441 CAH. oCA U OW '-?,? ? - ? ..1t? a N. ;lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24 .???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 A proved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/24 . ?.... al,1 ? a)poapou t-,),C, r 4 . e ;n: AILC --. avpopounan r.satempotan ,c.ipk6a- v ? I tr , r ...... . a 14 ? amonliatan moan ..?-.4 ? - -, ,- '- air; ?aaponopr , ? BnPAt ?Mimosa npssoa.noll pfanorapxepnuri nyinc? 13 ?SOCTOK ,-,.., , ,? , ::-/:, A.. ' onn ? 83.1eItICHIOCIIA041011% noaoca ....4.,,,,..e.,..............? A ? ? rpumasvocEoe Ope1411 4 .cr,r rot ? tvaplOile?CX4304HIAC Ilareiniaau 7,4,,.._. , . /e,,,,'., .,?,,, ,. /I,. ?morpartorreacaa Aoanara i i aM ? Arabs d.:., ;-..,e, t 4 AnNt ? Ambigua nimsoanoli pa,InossapRepubdi optics- 3 ? MBA.f.x.....,.. , 3M1314 ? aarvaxtreautull mincepnufl paanonanx 9 4 , 4 3M! !Y ? 3aaannu11 lialllifTUUll nyreaoA yr0.7 ,. r . IfiT ? SICM111114 A.",,,,..' / V '';' X.14 ?unaorepu, xl:, ? i_? K/111 ? tcoupiLano,ancuermepontil nytoKr c.4,....., - xm ? loutomerp Km vac ? Ktoomerp a qac.? / z4.-c K1PM ? nypomoll N rAnccaanu0 paanouanx -_,,,-. ... . KY1, ? xypconon yroa paanocvunum, hpri ? xopo6o.nia re,- ...-:re . '1 re ?, .1 ? .11iTp 4-Z c .. ' X ? um) % ' . . *Al --- unammerp ,???, ? lit e. ' e -.? AI HI.. ? unnyra U 'ti ...... 24 ?pow si MR?114 .::_. 4....: .,-,.?-/ ( Alen: ? minp a animay ,)': - fr 4-???? .. CC. . :46 ?arnams6ap ,/)., ......:. --. % ...?,._. MCK ? UOCKOSCICOC? dipeXR 41.; i'V r..... ....,..f i MK ? Martilinibill KypC "/: ,-... ? / , ? /Cc,' .., . ocn.n ? toGopposainie cacnoa nocauor c fle?OXOSUIlli ornsum, ?nanuenosanne cncreuu nocaagn no npu6opau .4.4.../..!..4.., ?*..,..z_.. .7. , ". . ? a ? , i 4,- e,= onpc ?0TaCitUfail apneoznas paanocranuma nAtpm ?norinuarmbrit mapicennuit PAC /17.4 ?pationnan ancnericpcxan cayno5a pcn?-i ?palHoacicattnotmax cncieulocaun P,'ne.i. ?pasnoneacnrarcp 4.-t.elt 0 c:Kt.'4? / Pkr ??pa.pocrantorn k,...y:,,,z,?.....?" ,...;- C ___ cemp cKn ?cravro4comalcuain rpm 344w# CA"rt......r ./4 CCU ?conepo?cceepo-socrog AIN 0 (TIC. ---020C)alt 44....1.e......?...44. Cu-SO ?tCae.nan MMUS 50 r.)? H11113larattatille elfeTCX61 or:via:NH no nontlopom 41.....:..erZea.......4.?./ ? " Jr' --f- , tT? -- 41YT W. ? morpit+riecicali Paupers 9-4?47-E. -4-44-4-,A-r-E. 10 ?? 144-..d..." 10103 ? iono?oro.3ana.t .1?4?.,o? II ....... SMOOT* h.....,,?-ri. , - V ?tKOPOCTI. , 41-mer.4at,et ? ? Va. ?01090t7b 01111ACIMIX atx.....?..4,-,?,-,.C._ , , ? 'S.. ' :lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 proved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 4 FOR 05;yog. USE OILY It? *MIR ? ? ? Ha IIPtiot? YOIORKME 3MAKII WOrp1=MOPPW Bsacnurnocmcomis 370A0C11 Asponops BosAywass Tpaccs Ilmaynntan Aitsus nyni Pamonc.icuraTop Ouenbilas nprsomait pamocranum 6.111?C11141 npssomas pamocranwis c pamoraspicepom 14 ?.?': npitnonsas pannoc-ranmst c paxtosiapsepois ? /1"1-' 4,-44 Onts nocanositue (6cable, acenrue) ? (/. Onni orpausquTenutue (mantras) 1-r-v-tt c;e"tr??t-,t (-1" Orss axomue (se.iesue) ??? Pinu ontsc ONunPM flPM .0_ 14d Aisti A I A ? Wm. OrIIII masons (Kpacinie) Otifil norpauwinue (swim/sue) it,C..44 c 6 t nti npaillazicnnr. (specHwe) :E4111c.10?61 301161 osmium' ? ".../ /boots mumps camoneTa npit =came meroacss tOraluncontoro passoporas / /. JIIIIIKRMatienpa camonera npit nocanse mero.nom sUpsmoyro.unoro sia pupyra (exopo6concas) '1.L/.0 .4.A.. .0 ripeautnente ua yponsets 140pA .01.0)-4,1 ripens-mime c amend% 1361CO1U 91H0CII1C.11410 yponits aspoaposta ."-t. OCIICIUCIUI0C IlpellATCMHe C OTUCTICCIA swami ornociLresuo ,bt woe. a3P0aPoma Ilpenincrane II 3.111118C C 0134e711011 BIACOTEA ontoorreihno mecntocni . 5,1,60-0s4.4 n'Cr7 r4 rpm= PAC /1C. rpanitsa AJIC Kypcosue H raw:mime pastoralism /..42--?44 .1.1-1"?"?*41. .!. OR ?MOW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: 3IA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ? 00 ah.40e....4.4..i-cfrt ? Armoctpepu Ms.a.u6apst 0pm/es. mob. Kraorpammutes? cm? Cesramerpm pryrsoro eroa5a Opituies. A011111 Csenimerpta Amimm ,Dyrie Merpm Atirarticene mum Mormie mune AHrAallemie UUI Maassmerpie MCI'Pia APAW Mopme mamdeu Au=Acme wauulhase 0yriakee. Merpmhana. epynilices. Menneeet. Amrawitcese 11.4101011 nitro/ Aer.u5cese mama Ye.X3.11111t (WOW MaserSapu Armac.epm Kuorpammighce. cm. Oywrittem. Joalbem 0ymnehai. jhM CUTRIMPII 'pram eron6a MILeas6apm AP:a:MU /UAW Merpm Mopaute mums Affsaiciute sous Kmacotrrpu lutrullaute miuts MDRIdli J1huw Mitameerpu Alba" SilUtil Mem+ Auraskate 114111haC Mepane) maaahme Merpwham. eyrideec. Mergers Orbahtint. .TIsrpm Minsk:ft muesli Yearmsme mamma MustIncite rizumne 1013,2 _0,00099 0,0703 14,22 0,1933 5,18 33,05 0,0295 0,3937 2,54 0,3045 , 3,2909 0,9684 1,1515 1,60922 0,62138 0,0333 12.0 0,0254 39,37 25,4 0,03937 1,0935 0,9144 1.1515 0.8684 18,288 0,0547 0,00538 195,8 4,546 0,2205 1,205 0,830 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: ;IA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 00:P0.n n.-.0 cco ?:!??." ot,1^1q riaga gWg 9 ?n" ow Hal 77 Sg;gg n4XX 80.;:ga g7778 ?Esg? 2Viaa zgo?1 2112S .-,me40 ortoo... r-;..vemet Fit?as MEE 133H 2???g 'i?ng Mak 14M R7778 8g8gg ?-Pig igggg HRH' 0:te:-V1 0.(112.0.? *"*.?on '?.0:!*1". qoAVt saggy ggsr4 inEg gaggs ggagg nags gaggg nag gggig ggggg uggg ggsgg. ?.... 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: DIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 26.247 20.52S 32.809 8.1.617 131,231 161.013 1312.300 1610.400 1068,500 22003.000 2624,700 2%2. hon 3180,900 6561.700 9842,r00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: DIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 1.15 1.85 33 43.76 2.30 3.71 39 44.91 3.0 5,E6 40 46.06 4.61 7.41 41 47.21 5.76 9.27 42 48.36 6.91 11,12 43 49,51 8,06 12.97 44 50.67 9.21 14.83 ' 45 51.82 10.36 18.68 46 52.97 11.52 18.53 47 54,12 12.67 20,38 49 55.27 13.82 22.24 49 56,42 14,98 24,09 SO 57,88 0,09 16.13 GO 17.28 27,60 70 80.61 18.43 29.65 0 92,13 19.58 35,50 90 103,64 20,73 33,36 100 115,15 230.30 21.85 35,25 200 21.03 31,06 300 345.45 400 460.03 24.18 40,77 500 575.75 25.33 GOO 90 26.49 690. 41,47 700 806.05 27.64 46.33 600 921,20 28.79 900 1016.35 29.94 !COO 1151.GO 31.09 2000 2303,00 32,24 3000 3454,SO 34.29 4CCO ..atio00 34.55 148.26 166.79 185.82 370.64 555.96 25.70 51. 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'''' ?OPT,: .41 I P'" 40.'44 It.j.. On,re.t.? rf? yo. ''''' br. 11000.4 nve Acuternwee we 6nee?3-4 ast.?-?1. 11.4441.1 3 a if or-,.... ete..Aze ol-w-yz-.."1 -4?'-'12 ' t b ..rv ..... we .? ti,., .pots.a.Lorc? t paSp?Wilim? am .t. - ......4 a_...._,.. -P:i.x-t--.. ; ,143-4.."_,...... ww..........1 -:...t.t.0-.0.0._!? C ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 50-Yr 2013/12/24: W ft 2.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 ?1 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 (su,sK) fliosiotpitu ,V3 n.??0, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 tlacTb 11 :CXEMI31 IIPOBHBAHHSI OBJIAKOB HAA A3P0APOMMAH. KPOKH H OHHCAHHA A3P0APOMOB Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 LUNA UPOPISAMISOMIA10111 30011A SA SOctAilti:601*. OPlito;MAIS PARS9CYMOSIM;0%, ? &MI .111) 21.? and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 liecnipacs?a?aso?r. Aipaipme p.01000 0.144 ? 7.1 LW 11311?111113,3?KC um pa t Macaw 66666 0.1? A *was Imre, 3se 6clus?p.. NM.* DWI: Ai I palierparn 3000 ;,4 s ? ? ? apaucnag MK 742 ? Cr, M 2 ? 2000 co . MK 196 IC . p no-1.0.w a?Pe2P9,42,01p2mr?on? sprint C Ce ctepoilw- tiatotai 23 12 M 13 ??- C C3 ? --`"'? 12 .? C 103 ..*?. C Ct.cpilep,?t00.011?? 3 ??? swot.. *a ? MAUS s, 3 am ? 40 - . ?CcB 43 ^". ? ? 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OA Alp0J1)001 6croccpr- 'WSW 117171: AS 1 pal...males 3000 X 40 so ? Ka itpawwwwi w 242 Z- CM- 74- ? 2000 ?: 30 w ? saapasaiwww 74K w tr ? p _ rt . natmat. avows." orpastwoma eptionetaiwww. C CR, all110.31 sumo& 23w. 12 lc IS.. C.43.' ? . ? 12 so C CeKpa ua pstoosams 3 ww siwevoi Ow ? C liu34 ? S sae ? 40 w. 4$ C ? ? -- IllAw ? 237 ft ? Mum, n p.m IL C.: swoop, innewncur taro*. WI* w 11;wcwoke4icayaki. ortrinesacus asswwww. ,ii,3414, 144 7p1,.Sivaret.444. , ? , . 1.1010.141114. "14.14iVt- . Irfir> ?rrr r '44 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 .e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A proved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 NPOSNBANNO O5NAK011 N 34 WAA tIA 110C?A KV 11001t1,11 . 111.11?0,111W? 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap roved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 litlet?PAC?Oi? %);?01{.0., ^ Armi ? 25 is ONO A ***** ? air A.poup..? st Ike ? ??? ....yrs WM, .33 1 pa swepAsi? 3.331 ?? ? opaunms MK . 20 ? 41. rupaavesumMP.. 101. ? n AAAAA ? aproalc,??? aspo.spony farquorsew ?pr??1(111.???? C C.3 meow awe... C C3 ? ? al C3 ? ? 15 C Cf.S.3 03 033L00,12?1?-? 3 O. ow, ?? C lua.0 ? ? 3 . 1. . tB 1,3 .4 ? 2), (1.1???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap IA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 000m.r. _ A, - _ cuaA?nrocalaama ositakoki mom HA irciumijKPitive I 1 . ^ ' ??? Salkas.Ve ?0????? , MI400 01422 i .040,4 200 1312.3 020 ti 000 700 7 311. 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P4;4:00.018 a 5 aa. .1 mole.'llasparassrisi erserepatiars ps,rspsrs 41/ort0 ...anima 1200 X400 M. arstass rysporspossrsas ann pasileptst 1200 X **lc 11?As*Ass ? *..114sur3si s arsospssi CO itapaaat lataamt cWIY insponss 51ny - 147. plaeltalivot liii imirpa Orin, a.aulalurt 250 r sc. _ wr15sat 0.001.61, aptlanatias *Walla VA aaam", Mr/ 43,1 al if ypoi*,i intaaalarsa. ifisa&goas ucts eipsoprea * lerstratTipmeri &mem ? sperattssse war tad As 20:ar:FaMil Tana laraportil aptantlaaa 101 Derma Jr, ns, 331P kalioxiiereit 6100 si asps. 151 C.,24nY:r 3301 41 tn 54 00 _ 25 tea,,2122rit *eV( tpu? u ? ? . ay. 01 itefte.miiiiiit'ia;?????8 - mg. 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 s.;41:!..r - ? 31. ey, 4 CILEMA nrostisktipts,osnAkos_m,_,. a" 11111?u5 4-115 mc, 3A%011A IIA 1106,11,6ilti 11141i Itio?:11-;??? ? - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A proved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 -KPORII" .9.11q11Ca......t.1- - D? _ ? A. ;M.*, - . 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PatilOaea?ne ? 7 It% crorpo-oectegorr r. Beaorot /tyro y wpm& Marrirocrio. JC TI., bat. Mom *OM, laManyroll....1 0.1.1:04 c (nova or or 2000 sr so c raorlo or ?OCTON :SOO N. Inetti s.arry Arrore-oredeocorovo 3-.01 0434444 1200 X 90 sr otaspaammto MI( roe? g4r. Mos& *parser& iyearoroctso rpasorrior sorpolorw. bo cilatory ocrenownto ? iirearYararrso' oropertmor. haupirop)rre? Arpoo arefencouse Inn. ? t. MMMMM tetaildt. 103 rain c KYKOM IMP os yyaserno 3ow?oyeao1rroire ma caeca 40 N. C ?mamma 4309:111 moare.ur arryintrr. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 0 $7164 ) 7 t p $ 2 4444444 4 0 11 17 13 10 10 1310 111 2.7 t?t?. t.t 0,07 0,s4 t,it, 7)37 3.2 IA 4A 4.1. 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(CM. try, XPIAMIt :VOWSalleistM.41.0e? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130011-3 L hthflPOtII HH or?amme tiO PAAHOrICJItlIrATOPY ' -fiat-- 2i IV j 43,14Z ,0111g4 _ - 1111-120* *226 it 21* 1. WINCH 11109(1 .C.)1.111Kra? 11*24.??ae*,,i 110,14.10. Ig/06.1.2"0.4 ? weeee \ 2714Y If I I 1,6a ? 6,30 'cap,'" 501 34?. l5-1? ?*' avvegoo.../ I ? flz.? ? al '."'".."7"'.118711. r?a 'roe e?rr,???? it1,7 200 100 2 ? 7 S 221.1 1.1 LS 1.2 02 Ni! 11501 220,1 1,? vg 1/ r? II it 1 to eer e?e ? 2*0* 1' '1 tc. vt..31:7 *2 kr r.e 6110 8.4 10 .3 ze 2.1 ?Ai ? C`b4 " 1,2 ???114.." 14.?.0* .1t, ..*OCIb ; I t