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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A?proved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 , ......... ............... EDITED BY THE. CAM BEP COMMERCE..? F THE R RFPUBLIC ? ? ? . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A?proved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Rumanian Economic \ews Edited by the Chamber of Commerce of the Rumanian People's Republic Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 4.50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ()he policy of active and peaceful coexistence carried on by the Rumanian P.R. in its foreign relations is also reflected in the constantly widening participation of Rumanian foreign trade state companies in international fairs and exhibitions. Among the means by which our country supports multilateral cooperation among peoples is also intensive participation in international fairs and exhibitions which contributes to better acquaintance between Rumanians and other peoples and reveals new possibilities of economic exchanges. It is worth noting that whereas in 1950 the Rumanian P.R. participated in only 5 international fairs and exhibitions, in 1957 it took part in 21 such. events and moreover organized a permanent industrial exhibition in Cairo. Each year the Rumanian pavilions and stands show the progress made by our people and the latest achievements in technique and manufacture. An ever, wider range of exhibits is displayed at fairs and the country's participation in economic events is being extended to more and more countries. Indeed this year Rumania is organizing ? for the first time ? two exhibitions in the Chinese P.R. and is participating, also for the first time, in the international fairs of New York, Osaka and Cairo. At the same time her participation in international fairs and exhibitions in Europe _ and Asia has been substantially increased. Intensive participation in international fairs and exhibitions and extension of commercial relations reflect the Rumanian people's desire to strengthen peaceful cooperation with other nations and to do their bit in consolidating world peace. The Rumanian Pavilion: at the 1957 Paris Fair (above) at the 1957 Damaskus Fair (middle) and at the 1957 Salonica Fair (below) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 4.50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ()he policy of active and peaceful coexistence carried on by the Rumanian P.R. in its foreign relations is also reflected in the constantly widening participation of Rumanian foreign trade state companies in international fairs and exhibitions. Among the means by which our country supports multilateral cooperation among peoples is also intensive participation in international fairs and exhibitions which contributes to better acquaintance between Rumanians and other peoples and reveals new possibilities of economic exchanges. It is worth noting that whereas in 1950 the Rumanian P.R. participated in only 5 international fairs and exhibitions, in 1957 it took part in 21 such. events and moreover organized a permanent industrial exhibition in Cairo. Each year the Rumanian pavilions and stands show the progress made by our people and the latest achievements in technique and manufacture. An ever, wider range of exhibits is displayed at fairs and the country's participation in economic events is being extended to more and more countries. Indeed this year Rumania is organizing ? for the first time ? two exhibitions in the Chinese P.R. and is participating, also for the first time, in the international fairs of New York, Osaka and Cairo. At the same time her participation in international fairs and exhibitions in Europe _ and Asia has been substantially increased. Intensive participation in international fairs and exhibitions and extension of commercial relations reflect the Rumanian people's desire to strengthen peaceful cooperation with other nations and to do their bit in consolidating world peace. The Rumanian Pavilion: at the 1957 Paris Fair (above) at the 1957 Damaskus Fair (middle) and at the 1957 Salonica Fair (below) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release2 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 such as the roduction of oil-field and mining equipment, tractors, electro-technical goods, chemicals etc. During the past ten years, the production of means of prod- uction has increased more than fivefold with an eightfold rise in machine-building. The entire production of electric power in 1948 is now achieved in a single quarter, oil,in four and a half months, coal in less than 5 months, methane gas in a single quarter, tractors in one and a half months. These years the whole country has become an immense build- ing-site. During the first five-year plan alone (1951-1955), upwards of 200 heavy industry enterprise's were built or rebuilt. The light and food industries have assumed vast proportions. In 1957, 3.5 times more cotton rrn was turned out than in 1947, three times more vigogne yarn and tissues, four times more cotton fabrics, 2.5 times more woollen fabrics, twice as many silk fabrics. At the same time the footwear output increased 206.5%, glass- ware 179%, chinaware 293%, etc. Fifty-six new enterprises have been set up in the food industry: milk-powder factories, canneries, factories for dairy products, fruit juices, sugar, edible oils, meat packing. By 1957 the country's overall output had increased 8.5% over the previous year. The increase in the means of production industry was 11% and in the consumer goods industry 5.;%. Parallel with the development of industry, conditions have been created for the mechanisation of agriculture and for increasing farm yields. Today Rumanian agriculture has at its disposal more than 110 thousand main agricultural machines and implements. As against 1938, the wheat output had gone up 339,540 tons by 1957 and the maize output 2,323;165 tons. On the other hand four times more sugar beet was produced as well as more than double the quantity .of potatoes. Important successes were also achieved in animal husbandry, in increasing the live-stock, improving breeds and ensuring rigorous sanitary and veterinary assistance. Such radical transformations in the economy of the Rumanian People's Republic have considerably influenced the structure of its foreign trade. The list of products nowadays exported by Ru- mania includes alongside traditional products (cereals, oil, timber, The slender, modern silhouette of the new great depth (3500 m) drilling mast made by the Rutrani_n works Mai" in P1o.e4ti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 The structure of Rumanian foreign frade according to the degree of the processing of goods (in percentage) The structure of Rumanian foreign trade according to the groups of commodities (in percentage) 63.1 52.4 68.2 4.8 2.7 6.9 Raw m ateri a s, half finishe goods, ' materials fuels Foodstuffs, raw matria1s,-livestock 70.8 62.6 4`) The difference of 2. 1% results from the export of labour, according to the agreements for processing. etc.) complete drilling outfits and oil-field equipment, mining equipment, complete cement mills, brickyards, ice plants, equip- ment for power-stations, machines, motors, transformers, electro- technical equipment, electrical household appliances, tractors and agricultural machines, machine-tools, rolling stock, railway carria- ges and engines, tank-cars, motor-lorries and buses, machines for the foodstuff industry, building materials, glassware, windowglass, chemical-pharmaceutical products etc. Today products ? Made in the R.P.R.? are to be found in almost 70 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America with which Rumania keeps up trade relations. With 36 of these countries exchanges are effected under trade and payments agreements. Parallel with the increase in exports a continuous expansion is also marked by Rumanian imports. A This clearly shows that Rumania's economic situation and her economic potential recommend her as an important partner in international trade relations. The foreign trade policy carried on by the Rumanian state, which consistently pursues the development of relations with as many countries as possible on the basis of the principle of equality in rights and mutual advantages, finds a wide response among an increasing number of foreign countries and concerns desirous of cooperation. Rumania's presence at international fairs and the contracts concluded on the occasion of the visits paid by Rumanian govern- ment or trade delegations abroad, contribute year by year to inten- sifying exchanges and forging closer relations of friendship with the peoples of the world. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ? wwintoevr...ifign!7, L. The new cement factory at Bicaz fitted out with Rumanian made machinery alLTHOUGH pre-war Rumania possessed all the natural riches requisite for a flourishing industry, she was up to the close of the second world war an agrarian country with a backward industry including very few branches. After the difficult period of rehabilitating the national economy which greatly suffered during the war, a vast industrialization drive was engaged in especially bent on creating a complex heavy industry. From 1950 to 1956 alone 42.1 to 50.6 per cent of capital investments in Rumanian economy went to the heavy industry and the entire country was turned into a huge building site. NEW RUMANIAN "r11?41-'11.;?-ti:el ? SlAanfr ? S- The new textile integrated works ,,Moldova" includes modern great capacity spinning and weaving sections A 700 cubic metre blast furnace ? Rumania's biggest ? has been built and put into service at Hunedoara, which contributes substantially towards increasing the pig iron output of these iron and steel .works. The pig iron produced by this blast furnace exceeds 1.5 times Rumania's overall pig iron production in 1938. In 1955 the first big cokery was commissioned. The 44 conveyor belts which the coal has to traverse before being turned into coke are 2,200 metre long, which gives an adequate idea of the proportions of the works. Gradually the new cokery will he GNP to cope with the demands of Rumania's entire iron and steel industry. FACTORIES Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 , ? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release e 50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Highly important for the advance of Rumania's iron and steel industry is also the factory for the agg. lut- ination of ores, one of the big achievements of Ruma- nia's first five-year plan, and part of the big Hunedoara iron and steel works. A single agglutination section can supply the entire quantity of agglutinated ore needed by the 700 cubic metre furnace. Towards the close of last year the big Roman rolling mill produced the first pipes. When working at full capacity this huge rolling mill can yearly produce the necessary material for thirty pipes of 150 km length each, able to convey 2,000,000 cubic metres of natural gas per day, or 45 oil pipes of 100 km each, for the conveyance of 180,000 tons of oil per day. Reorganisation, extension and modernization of old plants has laid the engineering industry on new founda- tions; what was formerly the IAR plant, has been turning out the famous Rumanian UTOS tractors for nearly ten years. In Ploesti the ?1 Mai" plant is producing the necessary equipment for oil drilling and extraction, and so are the ?Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej" plant of Tirgoviste and the ?Mao-tse-Tung" and ?23 August" plants of Bucharest, the latter producing heavy motor-lorries besides. The metal plant in Cugir is manufacturing sewing machines of the ?Supercasnica" and ?Electrocasnica" types. The ?Iosif Rang her" plant of Arad which has so far prod- uced rolling stock has now also embarked upon the building of lathes. The town of Craiova now boasts the up-to-date ?Electroputere" plant where modern, tram- cars as weil as electric motors and transformers, are being built. Rumania's chemical industry has likewise greatly developed. After the few existing chemical factories had been rebuilt and equipped with modern machinery, new plants were built and put into operation such as the big chemical works of Victoria ?a new town which has emerged on the map of Rumania ?, the antibiotics factory of Jassy, the ?Carbochim" plant of Cluj produc- Modern oil refineries and new plants for the petro-chemical industry in the Ploesti district , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ; ? 47 AY a' 7. As.- AVIC ' )66`- ,';'01u4EAZ.... 71.74024- 7171VrliCCAlkl ? P, L.; ta, 1 _Trfe , The transformer assembly section at the ?Electro- putere" works in Craiova has made huge strides both as concerns the strengthening of her economic independence and the steady impro- vement of the people's iiving standard. The country's industrialization has moreover given a. new impetus to the formerly backward Rumanian agriculture. In 1938 25,000 wooden ploughs were still working in Rumania's fields, and the yearly amount of mineral fertilizers of Rumanian or foreign manufac- ture used in the country was hardly 1.5 kg per hectare. Several plants have been reorganized to ensure mass- production of agricultural machines and tractors and consequently complex mechanization of farming work. Besides the UTOS tractor, several other tractor driven machines and implements substantially contribute to the carrying out in due time of much of the field work, for which the peasants had to put in exhaustive work ing abrasives, the ?Argesul" tanning factory, the ?N. Teclu" carbon black factory, and the sulphuric acid works in Copsa Mica. The huge ?Colorom" chemical plant has made of the small town Codlea a dyestuff centre. Besides the big oil refineries in Ploesti region, Rumcinia's biggest oil-refinery and concurrently the biggest of South-East Europe has started work in Bor- zesti ?Moldavia. Priority development of the heavy industry has been a main factor in turning Rumania from a backward agrarian country into a steadily developing industrial- agrarian country. Judiciously turning to account all her natural resour- ces, in the last ten .years Rumania with wide possibil- ities of planned development of her national economy In the ?1 Mai" oil-field equipment works ? the ?Triplex" slush pumps assembly section Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 1?..4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 T!).(.? l\iq strides achieved in the mechanize- reore shown by the more than 110,000 nkichines and implements including scal tractors available last year. This year c.,ultore is to be eLioipped with another sica t?racIors and laroe nt;mbers of other and ii?pk,ments. Concurrently with of (10.riC'tcre reat stress has been deVeiOrMent t he industry producing eH :ers ar:d :'secticides. The ?Petre Poni" The ..Gh. Dimitrov" rolling stock works at Arid ? the passenger car assembly shop By equipping the light and foodstuff industries with the necessary machines and tools, the Rumanian heavy industry has greatly contributed to their development 32 new textile factories and 4 new spinning mills ? in Botosani, Jassy, Arad and Lugoj have been added to the textile industry alone during Rumania's first five-year plan. New textile factories have been Commis- sioned: the ?Moldova" in Botosani, the ?Textile Grivita" in Bucharest, etc. The number of footwear and rubber factories has been increased. Turda has become the At the ?23 August" works in Bucharest, this section turns out rotary kilns for cement mills plant for the production of chemical fertilizers has been newly reequipped and other factories have been reorganized and mass production of mineral fertilizers and fungicides has been embarked upon. Last year Rumanian agriculture was supplied with 130,000 tons of different fertilizers made in Rumania and an increased production is envisaged in 1958-1960. ?Glass city", the glassware and tiles produced here being highly appreciated also abroad. The foodstuff industry too, has greatly developed during the last ten years. From 1948 to 1956 alone 56 new foodstuff industries were built and provided with up-to-date equipment of a high technical level. Among them we will cite the canned goods factories of Tecuci, Tulcea, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Riureni, etc., the ?Ylul'er milk powder factory and the dairies at Vatra Dornei, as well as other factories producing fruit juice, bread, etc. The development of the light and food industries has greatly increased the consumption of food, clothes and footwear. As compared with 1948 the average consumption of meat had gone up 2.2 times in 1957, that of fat three times, sugar 2.6 times and textile fabrics and footwear -more than twofold. The successes achieved in the development of the light and heavy industries have stepped up Rumania's import and export possibilities in recent years. Ever larger quantities of goods are available for export, includ- ing a great many industrial goods in great demand on foreign markets. Besides the traditional Rumanian export goods such as oil and oil products, timber and farming and food prod- ucts, Rumania has now been exporting for several Chloro-sodium products factory in Transylvania ' ? 1.714 _ A shop of the Vaduri years oil field and mining equipment, tractors, machines and agricultural inplements eqipment for thermo- and hydro-power stations, cement mills, electric and Diesel motors, chemical dyestuffs, iron and steel works equipment, hoisting machines, road building -machines, machine-tools for metal processing, sea and river vessels, rolling stock, machines for the foodstuffs industry, etc. The building of new plants and the re-equipment of the old ones is going on at a swift tempo. In 1957 the Rumanian atomic reactor started work and in January this year the Rumanian cyclotron was commis- sioned, both engaged in the mass production of radio- active isotopes. In 1958 and in the years to come new industrial units are to be put into service: a new steel work, a blooming mill and yet another big rolling mill in Hunedoara, which will increase steel production by more than 400,000 tons per year and that of rolled goods by more than 500,000 tons; two synthetic rubber plants, two plants producing synthetic yarn and fibres, a cellulose plant using reeds as raw material, a factory producing phosphate fertilizers, two new plants for nitrate fertilizers and many others. These plants will play an important part in the complex advance of Ruma- nia's national industry while greatly increasing the coun- try's export possibilities. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @,50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 1-1 MAIN NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL RICHES dI1111110i fIFICIERCROIWN,MSIIMITIVInsuins.mars-rrwrft. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release /-33sprig4,;, y- !,,,, i, Fu-Tge..#441 ? :F.,,..., ?':?!.-.q:$12ti. ,'.., 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ?Sk _ 1,* f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RbP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @,..50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 4562 fr:IL 3259 1) Evolution of oil-field equipment export between 1950 ? 1956 100 INCREASE IN EXPORT OF RUMANIAN MADE MACHINERY AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INCREASE IN RUMANIA'S OUTPUT OF DRAWN WINDOWGLASS ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 AGROEXPORT Bucharest, Str. Doamnei No. 12, P.O.B. 141 cables: ?Agroexport" ? Bucharest; phone: 6.10.81; tele- printer: 258 One of the many silos along the Danube river Ru-Laanian made tractor and harvesting combine at work EXPORTS grain, rice clover and lucern seeds, white harricot beans, peas, chick peas, coriander and fennel seeds, mustard (brown and yellow), industrial mustard, paprika, sorghum straw, grain straw, reed, soya beans, pumpkin seeds, oil seeds, millet, mohar seeds, maize and beat pulp, malt culms, oil cakes and meals, sorghum seeds, couch grass, tobacco, cigarettes, medicinal herbs. IMPORTS all kind of seeds for growing purposes; sets, stolons, saplings. Methodical growing of medicinal herbs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 CARTIMEX Bucharest, Str. Aristide 13riancl No. 14 ? 18; P.O B. 134/135; cables: ?Cartimex" Bucharest; phone: 5.96.49 EXPORTS: newspapers, illustrated magazines, various periodicak in all fields; books of literature, technique and science; mono- graphs, geographic atlases and art albums in Rumanian and various iureign languages (English, French, German, Russian, Hungarian, Serbian, Spanish). Music scores: Rumanian music; symphonic, chamber folk and light music. Gramophone records; 78 R/M and 33 1/2 R/M, Rumanian symphonic, folk and dance music. Philately: non-obliterated stamps, new and old issues, first day covers. Handicraft articles: Rumanian and Oriental carpets, cotton and silk blouses with Rumanian embroidery; ready made garments; table cloths and napkins of gauze-like tissue with Rumanian embroidery; ladies' handbags of woollen material with Rumanian embroidery; belts; leather goods adorned with Rumanian designs, ceramics, carved and polished wooden objects; basket-work of osier, maize leaves, wheat straw and sedge; alabaster and zragonite objects. IMPORTS: all kind of books, newspapers and publications; music scores; new stamps as quoted in the 1956 Zumstein and Yvert catalogues, philately accessories. Rumanian hand made carpet from the the Oltenian region Blouses and fabrics embroidered with Rumanian folk-art motifs Elegant and useful wicker work articles Rumanian ceramic with folk-art designs - Rumanian stamps npr.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 CHIMIMPORT Bucharest, 8tr. Doan:mei No. 12;"P.O.B. 525, cables: ?Chimimport" ? Bucharest: 6.06.36; teleprinter: 207 EXPORTS: industrial chemicals, carbon black, dyestuffs for the textile and leather industries, organic solvents, vegetable oils, soda products, anodic mass and electrode paste (for Soderberg kilns), pharmaceutical substances, serums and vaccines, animal and vegetable extracts, catgut, cosmetics. In the Iassy antibiotics factory In the sodium products factory IMPORTS: organic and inorganic chemicals, chemical fertilizers, natural and synthetic rubber, vulcanizing accelerators and anti-oxidizing agents, insecticides and fungicides, technical, vegetable and animal oils, inorganic oxides and pigments, synthetic and natural resins, plastics, pharmaceutical substances and specialities, reagents and laboratory chemicals, essential oils, synthetic aromas, cosmetics, dyestuffs and intermediate substances for the manufacturing of dyestuffs, auxiliary textile products, china and other types of ink. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release a 50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 EXPORTLEMNBucharest,xporti em B rt s tat ir No. co. . 4 ; phone:P . O .6B .2 98.0623 ; cables: C e Plywood, vz:neer, block-boards, bentwood furniture and modern furniture made by the Rumanian industry EXPORTS: Sawn softwood (fir and spruce) and hardwood (oak, beech, steamed and unsteamed, lime, ash, etc.) friezes and floor blocks of beech and oak; fuel wood, poles and round beams; railway sleepers of beech, hewn timber; pile and? kiln charcoal; sounding board; wood wire; beech plywood, beech blockboards; beech cases for fruit and other packagings; plywood cases; raw barrel staves and complete sets for barrels, lime wood boards for the manufacture of pencils; joinery tools; school requisites and musical instruments; sports and household articles; boot-trees and lasts, shuttles, spools, etc. for the textile industry; prefabricated houses; furniture and bentwood chairs; matchec. Newsprint (in sheets or reels), woodfree and half woodfree paper, various kinds of cardboard (duplex, triplex, etc.) and mill- board, roofing board, paper bags. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 INDUSTRIALEXPORT Bucharest, Str. Gabriel Peri No. 2; cables; ?Indexport" ? Bucharest; Trunk calls : 116; P.O.B. 101; teleprinter: 265 - ? - , t ? ,i0:7$.?'. , r-- z--lr ..k. :,,r? 9.1 ? ;? t.: T, i..,:lot,.' ::.-69k, t !? 4,40 ? ' . 0,--.?.- ? ik ,',..t.,?4"'"?1,.,???_-...-: 'ir Lathe shop in the ,Josif Ranghet" works EXPORTS AND IMPORTS Equipment and outfits for the oil industry, machine tools, internal combustion engines, pumps, compressors, tractors and farming machines, electric motors, power transformers, electric household appliances, electric insulating materials, boilers and radiators for central heating. The Rumanian made, S-4" lathe The Rumanian tractor ,,UTOS-45" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ' 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Mine locomotive Rumanian made metallic self-discharging trucks Meat cutter ? one of the wide range of machines manufactured by the Ru- manian industry for foodstuff factories MASINIMPORT Bucharest, Str. Eminescu No. 10; cables: - ?Masinimport" ? Bucharest; phone: 2. 65. 20; P.O.B. 3008 EXPORTS: 3250/4500 tdw cargo-boats; 550 and 1100 tdw coasters; sea and river tugboats with motor or steam engine; steel and wooden fishing craft; river barges and tank barges; special purpose boats and any other type of sea or river c.-aft; rolling stock for narrow and standard gauge; steam, Diesel or electric locomotives, passenger, freight and tank cars, motor coaches; complete outfits for cement plants; brick yards and other building material factories; machines for the food and milling industry ; complete thermic power plants, blast furnaces, refrigerating machines. IMPORTS: machines and equipment for the following industrial sectors: metallurgy of it-on; building materials industry, timber, paper and cellulose industries, foodstuff and refrigeration industries, leather and footwear industries, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, rubber, plastics and allied industries, textile industry; sea and river craft; naval aggregates and equipment; rolling stock and railway accessories; thermo- and hydro-power plants. METALIMPORT Bucharest, Bd.6 Martie No.42; cables: "Metalimport" Bucharest; phone: 4.88.91; teleprinter: 256 EXPORTS: pig-iron, steel tubes, lead, zinc, grinding stones. IMPORTS: pig-iron, ferro-alloys, ordinary metallurgical prod- ucts (half finished goods, rolled goods, railway material and accessories, thick and thin sheeting), tin ware, galvanized sheeting, fine and special steel, magnetic sheeting, cold rolled band iron, drawn-steel wire, steel pipes. non-ferrous rlital in blocks and rolled, electric cables and conductors, refractory and abrasive products. ?-? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @_50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ""*111016, 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ?C y PETROLEXPORT Bucharest, Bd. 6 Martie No. 42; cables: ?Petrol- export ' ? Bucharest; phone: 5.70.17 Oil products loading station in the Rumanian Black Sea port of Constantza EXPORTS: Special boiling point spirit, aviation gasoline, motor gasoline (leaded and non- leaded), white spirit, tractor fuel, kerosene, jet fuel, gas-oil, fuel oil, industrial and road building petroleum bitumen, natural bitumen, lubricating oils, consistent greases, paraffin wax, petroleum coke, naphthenic acids and ceresin wax, etc., manganese ore, ground mica, bauxite, chalk, bentonite. IMPORTS: silicon oils, lubricating oils and additives, furnace coke, foundry coke, barytes, iron ore, chromium ores. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 4' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 PRODEXPORT Bucharest, Str. Gabriel Peri No. 5-7 ; cables: ?Prodexport" ? Bucharest; phone: 6.30.57; Teleprin- ter: 270; P.O.B. 122 EXPORTS: live animals; meat and meat preserves, animal by-products, poultry, feathers, foie-gras, eggs, game, fish and canned fish, caviar, cheese, fruit and vegetables (fresh, frozen and preserved), walnuts, shelled and unshelled, mushrooms, frogs, crayfish and canned crayfish, snails, wine and alcoholic beverages, farinaceous pastes, confectionery, flowers, bee honey, etc. IMPORTS: colonial products and spices, citrus fruits, olives, exotic fruits, edible oil, hops, ground nuts, fish, raw material for the food industry, animals for breed- ing, etc. if Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 , 4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 . "" . .. . ROMANOEXPORT Bucharest, 13;ata Rosetti No. 4; cables: ?Ro- manoexport"?Bucharest; phone: 4.35.96; 5.11.85 EXPORTS: Portland cement as per BSS 12/1947, marble, felspar, gypsum, plaster of Paris, travertine, dolomite, mechanically drawn windowglass, ornamental glass, kaolin, ground silex, diatomite, blown and pressed household glassware, glassware for lighting purposes, glass containers (bottles, jars, etc.), half-persian lamb, wild skin, ready made fur articles, leather gloves, hog skin ra suit cases, brief-cases, footwear, racket strings, technical cords of guts, woollen carpets, hemp, flax and linters, flax and hemp tow, cot hats, woollen crowns for hats, washed wool for otton rags, Rumanian grown raw cotton, on textiles, trimmings, salt, hurri- cane lanterns, cooking stoves, brushe dressmakers' and shoe- makers' tapes, needles, lifters and discs for th knitware industry, rubber waste, leather scraps, sole leather scraps and c leather shavings, pumice stone, thermos flasks, tooth br scrubbing brushes, combs. hrome tanned ushes IMPORTS: greasy wool, tops, laps, woollen rags, noils, staple fibre, wool yarns for weaving and machine knitting, raw cotton, cotton yarns, raw hides, goat skins, natural and synthetic tanning material, sisal binder twine, Manilla ropes, raw jute, flax and hemp, raffia natural teasels, seagrass, Corozo nuts, technical fabrics, textiles, synthetic yarns and fibres, elastic and metal yarns, cord netting and cable, artificial silk yarns, leather and rubber footwear, bands for carding machines, hemp hose, linen thread. ' Household glass articles Fine leather goods Building materials ? marble Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Rif Bucharest, Bd. N. Balcescu No. 22; cables: ,,OCEME" ? ??C"I? Bucharest; phone: 5.66.92; 6.00.09; P.O.B. 67; Teleprinter 240 Delegates of the Goods Control Office (0.C.M.) check the cargo of a vessel in the port of Cons- tantza Carries out upon request the following oper- ations for export, import and transit goods: quality control of commodities, quantity, dimen- sions and specification control; control of perish- ables; sampling, laboratory analyses, expert reports; packing control; sorting and equalizing; supervising of adequate preparing of transport means; superintending of loading, stowing and storing; applying of control seals. Controls effected are covered by control certificates. 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ROMTRANS Bucharest, Calea Rahovei No. 196; cables :, , Rom- trans" Bucharest; phone: 6.21.10; P.O.B. 6022 Oficiul Lenin; Teleprinter 257 State company for international transport and forwarding; carries out all operations in connection with international forwarding, transit and custom formalities (chartering and ship agency), etc. Eva Cristian the young Rumanian movie star in the film ,,The Eruption" The Rumanian passenger ship ?Transylvania" DIFILM The Centre of Film Distribution, Bucha- rest Str. Julius Fucic No. 25; cables: ,,Difilm" Bucharest, phone: 1.13.08 EXPORTS: full and short length, films, feature films, documentaries and cartoons produced by the Rumanian studios. IMPORTS: full and short length films; feature films, documentaries and cartoons produced by foreign studios. im,,,ineeifiari in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 O.N.T. ?CARPATI" cBaubclhesarneta,r1133adttiriRste, _ p,ub_licii No. 10, P . 0 . B . 40; Bucharest; phone: 4.51.69 Organizes individual and group tours for foreign visitors in Rumania; also organizes excursions, rest and health cures in Rumanian health resorts and makes arrangements to provide hotel rooms, meals and touring programs for foreign tourists. Organizes travels abroad for Rumanian tourists. Rumanian wooden church in Maramureq, in the northern part of the country The watering place ?Herculane" ? , ? .11:4 Bucharest, the ?Nicolae Balcescu" boulevard with in front the building of the Chamber of Corn- merce of the Rumanian People's Republic The Bucegi massif in the Carpathian mountains &3) .71{, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 The ?Casino" restaurant in the Black Sea port of Constant:a " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 .". BUKAREST, Rumari LA I LA Dr% Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 MEINE HERREN, Hank der Bentithungen und Friolge der ehenlischen 1 ndust.,4e unseres Landes ist unsere Farbstof johtelfring hi der ',age, eine betrachtliehe Erweiterung ihrer Ansfuhr- sortintente uttizuweisen. 0," ir sind aberzeugt, class unsere Produkte, infolge ihrer hochwertigen Qualitat und ntannigjaltigen Verwen- dungsmoglichkeiten un Kreise Ihrer Konsurnenten beste Aujnahnte finder?, werden. Aus der Reihe der gegenwartig jar die Attsfuhr verlag- Wren Produkte, erwahnen wir nachstehende: a us Tolgenden Gruppeti : a. ? Grund fur Zan] oselacke Grund fur Lacke aus sy athetischen Kuns harzen b. ? Leinolfarben c. aus modifiziertem Kolophonium d. ? Ftnaii1e aus syntletischen Kuns tharzen. e. ? Nitrolacke f. Rostschutzlack u nd Un terwasserfarbe Elektroisolierende Lacke h. Verdiinner f?r Nitrolacke Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Direkte Farbstoffe Direktgelb G S tilbengelb Chrysophenin 250 Direktorange Direktrot C Direktrot 4A Direktrot M Direktbordeaux A (vormals Direk tbordeaux B) Direktbordeaux AN Direktviolett Direktblau A Direktblau FF Direktgain A (vormals Direktgriin B) Direktgrtin 2A Direktgriin G Direktdunkelgriin A Direktbraun 3G Direktc ate chin R Direktbraun M arektli az oschwarz Direktdiazoschwarz N Direktschwarz A Direktschwarz R Direktlichtschwarz L 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Saurefarbstoffe Tar trazin Lanacidorange II Lanacidbrilkntorange G Lanacidrot AV Saure Ponceaurot R Kristall Ponceau 6R Saureb ordeaux G Saurebordeaux A Lanacidbrillantrot 3A Lariacidviolett 2R Lanacidrot 2A (vormals Lanacidrot 2 B) Sulfonbl au B Lanacidblauschwarz G GR Saureschwarz ATT Chromfarbstoffe Saurechromgelb Saurechromorange Saurechromblau Saurechromschwarz Basische Farbstoffe Methylviolett Mal achitgriin Vesuvin Chrysoidin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release HIf aus folgendeu Gruppen: a. ? Natiirliche Erdfarben (Ocker, Terra di Sienna, usw.) b. ? Erdfarben mit anorganisehen Pigmenten c. ? Erdfarben mit organisehen Pigmenten d. ? Erdfarben mit organisehen Farbstoffen ?BIZON" Lederdeckfarben Bizon weiss Bizon gelb Bizon orange Bizon rot Bizon bordeaux Bizon blau Bizon bellbraun Bizon braun Bizon sehwarz Bizon top Declassified in Part - Sanifized Copy Approved d 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ? ANORGANISCEEE PIGMENTE Chromgelb Chromgran Ultramarinblau Pariserblail Zinkweiss Lithopon Bleimennige Gasruss 3: CIA-RDP81-01043Ron49nnn1nnnR_A Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 * .4* 4. 14, Si4 * ? 44, ? ?44.4 4047 0 ? 444, fr'. 144, ?.01 0 ? 40 4* 4 #64 PAr?v 4 P t4,4 EXPOAZIERT : Chemikalien fur Industriezwecke, Russ, Talk, geiehlene Kreide; Farhstoffe fiir die Textil- und Lederindttiltrie, organische Losungsmittel, technische Pflan- zenole, 1\11ttkron-Produkte, Anoden- und Elektrodenmas- sen (Soderlorg-Elektroden), pharmazeutische Pro dukte, Sera und Ibitlpfstoffe, Tier- und Pflanzenextrakte, Catgut, kosmetisches,rtikel. IMPORTIEn: organische und anorganische Chemi- kalien, Kautschuk, (natiirlicher und kiinst- licher) Vulk*sationsbeschleuniger und Antioxyda- tionsmittel, Pflpzenschutzmittel, technische, pflanzliche und tierische 0/6, anorgani?sche Sauren und Pigmente, kiinstliche und 04ttir1iche Harze, Kunststoffe, pharma- zeutische Produtt und Praparate, Reagenzien und Laborchemikalien,Natherische Ole, synthetische Riech- stoffe, kosmetische*Arzeugnisse, Farbstoffe und Zwischen- produkte fur die arbstofferzeugung, Textilhilfsmittel, Tuschen und TintX ? ? ? ? 414.1"?WitoliP?IF?*????P?v?.'?'.?v4ive?V * 4,44???????????????????.??????? ???? ?41:00, ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? _41;.?w*IP. ? ?- 4tr?-?' ?V?1P? ? ? ? ? ? 11 11 11 41 41 4) 40 *4 40 11 11,40 # * * * ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 420 sr ? ? 40 ? 4. ? 4, e 4, ? # ? 0 0 0 0-0 * * 0400 -VV." _ ? * ? ? - ? 04) o * ? 0 ? A * v V ? *** ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 9 43. 40 0 40 40 40 &40 40 ? 0,0040 44 40 ? 4, *, 4. ? 41, - *A0s0.**.s.&41447...., 40*,40t4)41:401:04, . 44 Co. .66 4* * * * 40 ? 0 0 0 * * ? * ? ? # * * * * 020_4 4410444,b40,6.0210,41,00,40,,04#4,94&40.:0,40.0,;?7 _104t0.0.4140404:: BUKAREST str. Ion Ghica Nr. 2 Drahtanschrift: ? Chimimport ?-Bukarest Fernruf: 6.06.36 Dnri - qnniti7Pri rAlpv Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/13 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release g 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 BUCAREST, REPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE ROUMAINE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 ENTRE adresse L egraphique: < W..10 * C TERIEUR 0 ort ? Bucar 9Th ph 6.10.81; 7P.141 AIRE II MA NE E X P0 Rt4. S N. ceriaies, riz, luzernes, reties, haricots ecs, soya, pois chiches, graines de citrouille, gra nes oleagineuses, millet, mohair, reche de mais, drech de ves4 germe ne it, dechets de trie rra -7' es, grai. de sorgho, son, kt7.4t1.ue 4orlandre, cumen, pav t brune), fen moutarde paille de taba bro de sorgho, iendent, es shrotte et NS: toutes - utures, stolo EDITE PAR LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DE LA REPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE ROUMAINE T ICA R EST. Rd N. BA T.CFSCn N" 77 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 AUSLANDISCHE KORESPO.NDENTEN DES TOURISTENAMTES CARPATI ? A I. BAN lEN - - A I ht t trist a Place Skanderbe g irana. A ELI Y 131 ? EN - M. I. S. R. >> Travel A? Shipping S.A.E. '1 Solinian Paella S. Cairo. Is hL(ILN - ? Voyages Joseph Dunioulin ?, 13oul. Adolphe Max 77, Bruxelles ? 0 Bureau de Voyages de la Banque de Bruxelles >> 2 rue de in Regence, Bruxelles. BULGA.RIEN ? > Molotov 4, Sofia DANEMARK ? < Danish State Railways >> Solvgade 40, Kopenhagen --> Universitatsstrasse 2- 3 A., "Berlin N.W7. F/NNLAND ?0Finnlands Reisebtiro>> A. G. Union- inkatu 28, Helsinki. FRANKREICH ? 0 Le tourisme frangais >> 96, rue de la Victoire, Paris 9-e. ? > 4, Boule- vard de la Madeleine, Paris 8-e. - e Transtours >> 49, Avenue de l'Opera, Paris 2-e, GROSS -BRITA NIEN ? ? The Workers' Travel As- sociation >> Eccleston Court, Gillingham St. London SW!. ? > 4/10 Regency St, London SWI --< Politechnic Touring Association >>, 73-77 Oxford St. London SW1 HOLLAND ---- ? Lissone Lindeman >> Platterijkade 50. Im Haag 1NDIEN ? 0 Mercury Travels (India) Ltd. >> Imperial Hotel, New Delhi. ISRAEL ? >, Nachlath Benjamin St. 73 Tel Aviv. LIBA_NON ? 0 The Near-East Tourist Centre )> rue de Phenicie, Beiruth. I:5STERREICH ? , Friedrichsstrs. 7 Wien. POLEN ? >, ul. Bracka 16, Warschau. SC.HWEDEN ? 0 Scandinavian Travel Bureau >>Va- sagatan 3, Stockolm. SCHWEIZ ? i Reiseburo Kuoni Bahnnofpiatz 7, Zurich. TSCHECHOSLOVAKEI ? > Pricopy 18. Prag. Ud.S.S.R. ? > VI Lenin Korut 67 Budapest. VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA ? ? Cosmos Travel Bureau Inc. >> 45 West 45th St. New York. 36 N. Y. ? 0 Highland Park Travel & Exchange Bureau>> 14130 Woodward Avenue, Suite 220, Highland Park 3, Michigan YUGOSLAVIEN ? < Putnik>> Dragoslava Jovano- ViC9. 1, Belgrad, MN.). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 LIMIAMS11..111CallOilloalar HERAUSGEGEBEN VON TOUR1STENAMT ?CARPAT1" BUKAREST CALEA VICTORIE1 112 ? RUMA.NIEN BADE UND 117FTKITROR Ti-? TOURISTENAMT ? CARPATI ? organisiert : Touristisehe Gruppenrcisen im ganzen Land. Studien- und Kunstreisen in die bedeutend- sten Mittelpunkte fur rumiinische Volkskunde und Volkskunst. ? Erholungsaufenthalte und Badekuren in den Luftkurorten und Thermalbadern der Karpathen und dcs Schwarzen Mecrcs. ? Alle Wintersporte in den Karpathen, in Sinaia, Predeal, Poiana Stalin, Sibiu und Bora. C? Spezielle : Jagd auf Grosswild in den Karpathen (Baren, Hirsche, Wildschweine, Lynx, usw.) in 20, i n alien Regionen des Landes reservierten, Jagd- gebieten ? und Parks. Jagd und Fischen im Donaudelta. L's Rundschiffahrt auf der Donau, im Delta und auf dem Schwarzen Meer, mit modernen Schiffen. Besuch der wichtigsten Scadte, der geschichtlichen Denkmaler, der uralten SchlOsser und Burgcn, der Kloster in der.. Moldau. bietet : O Erstrangige Hotels und Restaurants des Unterneh- mens , mit voller Vern flegu ng in Bukarest und den wichtigsten Stadten und touristischen Mittelpunkten. O Standiger Dienst der Kraftwagen und modernen Autocars, spezielle Wagons und D- ate auf den innern Hauptlinien. O SPezieller Dienst der Reiseleiter und Dolmetscher. O Platzreservierungen auf alien inlandischen und internati onalen Verkehrsmitteln wie Eisenbahn, Flugzeug, Schiff. O Platzreservierung zu Theaterauffuhrungen und jedweden kiinstlerisc he n Darbietungen. Touristenamt Travel A? Shipping S.A.E. '1 Solinian Paella S. Cairo. Is hL(ILN - ? Voyages Joseph Dunioulin ?, 13oul. Adolphe Max 77, Bruxelles ? 0 Bureau de Voyages de la Banque de Bruxelles >> 2 rue de in Regence, Bruxelles. BULGA.RIEN ? > Molotov 4, Sofia DANEMARK ? < Danish State Railways >> Solvgade 40, Kopenhagen --> Universitatsstrasse 2- 3 A., "Berlin N.W7. F/NNLAND ?0Finnlands Reisebtiro>> A. G. Union- inkatu 28, Helsinki. FRANKREICH ? 0 Le tourisme frangais >> 96, rue de la Victoire, Paris 9-e. ? > 4, Boule- vard de la Madeleine, Paris 8-e. - e Transtours >> 49, Avenue de l'Opera, Paris 2-e, GROSS -BRITA NIEN ? ? The Workers' Travel As- sociation >> Eccleston Court, Gillingham St. London SW!. ? > 4/10 Regency St, London SWI --< Politechnic Touring Association >>, 73-77 Oxford St. London SW1 HOLLAND ---- ? Lissone Lindeman >> Platterijkade 50. Im Haag 1NDIEN ? 0 Mercury Travels (India) Ltd. >> Imperial Hotel, New Delhi. ISRAEL ? >, Nachlath Benjamin St. 73 Tel Aviv. LIBA_NON ? 0 The Near-East Tourist Centre )> rue de Phenicie, Beiruth. I:5STERREICH ? , Friedrichsstrs. 7 Wien. POLEN ? >, ul. Bracka 16, Warschau. SC.HWEDEN ? 0 Scandinavian Travel Bureau >>Va- sagatan 3, Stockolm. SCHWEIZ ? i Reiseburo Kuoni Bahnnofpiatz 7, Zurich. TSCHECHOSLOVAKEI ? > Pricopy 18. Prag. Ud.S.S.R. ? > VI Lenin Korut 67 Budapest. VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA ? ? Cosmos Travel Bureau Inc. >> 45 West 45th St. New York. 36 N. Y. ? 0 Highland Park Travel & Exchange Bureau>> 14130 Woodward Avenue, Suite 220, Highland Park 3, Michigan YUGOSLAVIEN ? < Putnik>> Dragoslava Jovano- ViC9. 1, Belgrad, MN.). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/13: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200010006-4 LIMIAMS11..111CallOilloalar HERAUSGEGEBEN VON TOUR1STENAMT ?CARPAT1" BUKAREST CALEA VICTORIE1 112 ? RUMA.NIEN BADE UND 117FTKITROR Ti-? TOURISTENAMT ? CARPATI ? organisiert : Touristisehe Gruppenrcisen im ganzen Land. Studien- und Kunstreisen in die bedeutend- sten Mittelpunkte fur rumiinische Volkskunde und Volkskunst. ? Erholungsaufenthalte und Badekuren in den Luftkurorten und Thermalbadern der Karpathen und dcs Schwarzen Mecrcs. ? Alle Wintersporte in den Karpathen, in Sinaia, Predeal, Poiana Stalin, Sibiu und Bora. C? Spezielle : Jagd auf Grosswild in den Karpathen (Baren, Hirsche, Wildschweine, Lynx, usw.) in 20, i n alien Regionen des Landes reservierten, Jagd- gebieten ? und Parks. Jagd und Fischen im Donaudelta. L's Rundschiffahrt auf der Donau, im Delta und auf dem Schwarzen Meer, mit modernen Schiffen. Besuch der wichtigsten Scadte, der geschichtlichen Denkmaler, der uralten SchlOsser und Burgcn, der Kloster in der.. Moldau. bietet : O Erstrangige Hotels und Restaurants des Unterneh- mens , mit voller Vern flegu ng in Bukarest und den wichtigsten Stadten und touristischen Mittelpunkten. O Standiger Dienst der Kraftwagen und modernen Autocars, spezielle Wagons und D- ate auf den innern Hauptlinien. O SPezieller Dienst der Reiseleiter und Dolmetscher. O Platzreservierungen auf alien inlandischen und internati onalen Verkehrsmitteln wie Eisenbahn, Flugzeug, Schiff. O Platzreservierung zu Theaterauffuhrungen und jedweden kiinstlerisc he n Darbietungen. Touristenamt