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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 U. 0- r ) ) 50X1 -HUM INFORMATION-igItfORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 -HUM NOFORN 50X1-HUM COUNTRY SUBJECT USSR 1. 2. REPORT Leak Detector DATE DISTR. LATR-2A and Aut ot ran sformer NO. PAGES Manual on PTI-4A Helium Description of the LATR-QA Tab or at nrv 24 February 1959 2 50X1 -HUM DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REFERENCES SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1 -HUM a. b. Opisaniye laboratornykh avtotransformatorov LATR-2A i LATR-9A scrip:tion of Laboratory Autotransformers LATR-2A and LATR-9A). This is a one-page brochure outlining operating characteristics, technical specifications, ar_d a circuit schematic for the above-described equipment which appears to be manufactured at the Moscow Plant for Auditory Apparatus, under the Chief Directorate of Prosthetics Industry, Ministry for Social Security?RSFSR. This particular brochure appears to have accompanied a type LATR-9A autotransformer, serial 15351, operating at 220 v. .78 amps. Miscellaneous 50X1 -HUM 1 Certificate of Quality for universal lanD voltmeters t e BLU-2 (3) Certificate of Quality for a PTI-4A helium leak detector (4) Service Instructions for a 100Jomi diameter, vacuum gaug= manufactured by the Tomsk nanometer Plant S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN 50X1 -HUM STATE ARMY NAVY AIR FBI AEC (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) OST/PV ORR/EV x BFC INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN 50X1-HUM c. Geliyevyi Techeiskatel tipa PTI-4A, Vypuskno attestat, tekhnicheskoye opisanige i instruktsiya po ekepluatatsii Type PTI-4A Helium Leak Detector, Guarantee *gertificate, technical desription.and operating instructions). 50X1-HUM This 47-page Russian-language manuat contains an appendix listing component parts and circuit schematics. It is accompanied. by an English-language tr on .a .e 59 missing). This manual accompanied leak detector PTI-4 The detector is a special type of mass-spectrometer for on of microscopically small leaks in various armatures, whether of metallic or glass construction. a 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Distribution of Attachments: ORB: Retention OSI: Retention NOFORN 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM ? ElbinycNNoA arum; Teximetecioe onNcanie N inicirpyiuns no iicuryirramon Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM rEAHEBblil TVIEHCKATEAb ntii-4A Bunyacnol arrecrar, reanimate. onsicaluse I nicTryifuenU0 sacruryaranun BHINAHIIII Bradop )go vomit mooirovoint 1118000011 NO suceppepot x ?.-spRET 31111110111111111111111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ? 117', Ani:4 A 0r.11A.B.11EHME .. I. BbirlYCKHOPI ATTECTAT ? t t ..is ...,,. I, stutere.nberso o npmeidxe npn6opa ui aa!som 2: apatITH111 p160TOCII0C06HOCTH 3:- ompnermxa H. TEXHIVECKOE 01114CAHliE 1. 1-1a3NalleHite 2. Ilinnuom pa6orm 3. TtXHIPleCKHe xapaicrepocum 4. Oc, 14QIIH4C, 'WTI! TIPIAQPII 5. ApHappcniamoe ogimpm.nemee np16opa ? III. 01114CAH1E PABOTbl Y3.1108 rIPBBOPA A. Bamyymmaii alarm 1. Hacocka 2. Apoccenbabifi xpaa 3. Roayunca B. Kamepa macc-cnerrpomerpa 1. Kamepa 2. KaT011 3. Maniimmail 3aorrpopa3psuttibict manomerp B. 3aemrpmitecaas Yarn I. Iliineab ynpaaneints T-8A 24 2. CTa6H.TIH3aT0p 3/411CCHH K3TO)13 H nbanpootTenb maHomerpa 28 3. CTa611.71H3Hp0BaHlibie amnpamaremt 29 ' 4. YCHANTe.11b nepemeaxoro Two a) Ilepsmii 3.TletapomeTpmeacmii KacKaA yot.nwreas nepemetitioro ToKa 30 6) BTopoli H Tpermii KaCK1111131 yountrean nepemeintoro roma 31 5. 1311mo/wog (ahniocuoil) npm6op ? 33 6. resepaTop HH3KOR IIIKTOTI21 34 IV, PABOTA C IIPHBOPOM A. Iloararoaxa x pabore 36 B. Bmaiogemme npm6opa 36 B. Bkimmogemme npm6opa 37 F. lincipyxumx x nontoosammo renmim regemcmaTene 38 50X1 -HUM 5 5 5 7 7. 9 11 11 15 17 18 IS 21 21 SFERET MGVVRAII 2.4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM SETIFT Ncz-z V. 3KCI1JiYATAIA1B PEMOHT ITTHLIA, 1. YX0.3, It o6cAymothanne ITTH-4A ,2. OCH01311131e npasana pa6arbi c saKyymnoii cucTemou TetiencKaTeAa 3. Pek1OHT _ a) Cmena Katona 6) 141ICTHa HCTOHHHKB HOHOB B) tincrma manomerpa r) EIncrKa Kamepu A) HncrpyKuna no pa36opKe If npostunKe nagyymnoil CIICTeMbl TITH-4A VI. 11PH.110)1(EHHE I. lipimunnitanbnue cxembi IITH-4A a) rIpinnuinuanbnan cxema fITH-4A ? 6) ilpnnunnnaabnbie cxemm 6AoKon T-8A, 1-10, T-I2, T-14 Cxema sunocnoro npn6opa T-18A (:xema KpoccnponKn 2 1:neunOtKaultst ? t? 42 43 44 44 44, 45 45 ?21111. ' I. BblflYCKHOR ATTECIAT 1. Comaereabcrso o npmesike opm6opa OTK saw:ma Pe3YrIbTaTb1 nposepKii rennesoro TegencKarena FIT14-4 ' Mit! n/n 1. P36041111 TOK 3bIIICCH11 2. Paaronwoutee nanpascenne 3. Bo3.2yunmal nut( TC111111 Rosa 3 aieaa Tpe6omunte TY ctmarsgeCKII 3-5 ma 300 4- 400a tie swim 10 Awl. stanocnoro not6opa 2. rapanTmg pa6orocnoco6nocrm 3anoa rapanrupyer ncnpannyto pa6ory npn6opa FITH-4A 13 retie- ime eitasetistro2ta co Aim npitemot ero OTK 3aa0taa npn ycnosnn co6- mottennH norrte6wrenem ncex rpe6oBainiii' HOP111BabH0r1 3Hcanyarattiiii npn6opa. B rapairrnflnuil cpoK sxollur spew( xpanenns npn6opa na CKJIBIte HMI HaX0haeliHR ero n nyTn. 3aBOA 113rOTOBHTeJlb He neceT marepnannnort OTBeTCTBellHOCTit aa 13b1X0A 113 MOOR B nepno.t rapairnikoro cpoKa Aamn, 113t0T013.1e1111131X B COOTBeTCT131111 C FOCTom u BTY Apyrnmn 3aBOAHMH. 3. KoktnneKraltun 34/41 lianueuoaanne mut um 113ACAH2 HAM Aosymesra n/n K-so flpiwe- mIlk guise 1. re.nseabill TelleNC.XIITCAb ulna rIT11-4A c pa6otuna somnaucrom Awn: 5U4C ? 2 urr. Cr3C ? 2 wr. 6C4C ? 2 urr. 6116C ? 1 urr. 6)K8 ? 4 Bir. 6X6C ? 1 urr. ' Tr-0,1/0,3 ? 1 tut /4111-5 ? 4 .Wt. MH-15 6,3s 0,28a ? I MT. NOpoRNIT narlaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? SFr, 6)1(4 ? 1 nrr. 6H7C ? 2 wt. Bapperep 0,856- 5.5 ? 12 ? 1 in. 2U2C 1 WT. 6C-5 ? 1 wr. 6113C ? 1 :In. 6)K1)K ? 1 wr. 5 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 7,4ftilt5g ? ? A':.___?e; 2. 3anacuoiloprauleittombuil:soileV: acauPgi-Te.ziAgn.)?a07,.#0.50- JoreiecTuo? env's' ? payouir !mem KON- 3. 3anac.Holl xoirnrieict nputoxpann, tend: PH-WA 1 ?? 37 11K-1A 1?43" 11K-150ma. 1 13 4. BearoceioSi ofewedii r< Fe; 5. 061Iyaarellb c ma6opoir conex 0 0,2; 0,3; .04; 0,6, 6. /Lemur otelxjaymoirsoro Hacoca: emporium co company() ironno 7 MaHohlerp 8. Karon 9 Koloti-orseprna 10 Ornicaline H iincrpymuin Anclupy- 1HOHtioro Hacoca 11 011HCalilie u HIICTpraleifi aanyym- Horo nacoca 12 Ta6oinia ynnormireabHux Konen 13 14exoa 14 Ynanoaommail *IWO( npH6opa 15 BelnycHnoil arrecrar onHcanHe H inn-rpymuin no 3Kcemyataume re- ;wow? regent-Karr/Hi FITH-1A 1,, ILmenia 17 11111i8i8.8a t tg4tita8 18 111a116a 8 19 labia M8 Komyx ann mac 21 arviihtis K.110,1 i flAHTKC ringly innimoi o Hacoca . _S. a, ,?? . Kneen,. tg ? fiIM- ?game 1 3 .1 so 1 1 2 2 4 8 1 ' i tEXHIVIECKOE 011HCAHHE I. Ha3HagICHHe Tetteticsarenb Tnna IITH-4A (nepenatossoil Tettesocarenb) BB- miens cneusanbnbat Tanom macc-cnetcrpomerea, npenna3na9ennoro Ann naxotsnetuts maspocsonattecss ma.sbax Tetten a ps3.nattudi apma- Type xas merannssecsoro, Talc H CreKAAHH0f0 attoptineass Tettescsareab 1103BOJIgeT HaX0AHTb mecro Te411, ne3aancsmo .aaaneass B ncnbrrbtaaemofi aattyymmaori annaparype. nomount Tesescsarens Tame 1140)KHO onpertensrb o6utyto ae JIH4Hliy HaTeKaHHSI B Basyymnanc orcremax, rne ra300rneneatte CTCHOK B Tb101,111 pa 3 npeaocxontrr natesatute H3 sneuntefi armoccitepbt Cnenyer OTMeTI4Tb, 91.0 TetleHCKaTe.nb rpe6yer 09eHb BHIThlaTeJlbH0- To OTHOILIeHHR K nemy. HeBH11161aTeabHOCTb 0.110 nnoxoe o3sasomnetnteC npu6opom moryr nounesb 3a co6ofl B131X0a nps6opa Him ero ornenb- HbIX y3noa 113 cipos. floaromy nepen nycbom npu6opa rpe6yercst Tula- renbsoe o3nasomnetme c ontecansem npit6opa H npaannamn ero 3KC HJIyaTaLIHH 2. lipmaaan pa6orba Macc-cnesrpomerpsgecssfi regeticsarenb rITH-4A nacrpoes Ha 113 mepenne naputtanbitoro aaanerats MINH. Hcnbrrbutaemas Basyymnas annaparypa orsatantaercs c:-etuta.nb H61114 0TKat1H131/A4 arperarom. 0613CKT RU11317110101 npacoensitstercs K Basyymnoti cscreme retie scam-ens teepe3 npoccenbabill span ? K elmantty 3T0r0 Kpaiia Pa3 mersa BbIXOJIHOCO 4manua npoccenbaoro spana npitaenena ua pnc RpOCCUlbHbiii span npeana3nagen perynnpo.rat soanteecTaa raaa, nonanasnuero H3 ncnbabutaemoro oftema B macc-cnetrrpomerp fans naxonteints mecr retts npennonaraemble mecra Tetut o6a)- BatOrCJI TOIIKOri CTIVeri MINH 03 6aanotta, cna6ncensoro tunaurom t o6nyaarenem na swine. rejiufL 6naronaps ero manon asmsocrn. npo- uiIKaeT ttepe3 Te9b a ncnbrrusaemblik oftem 11 gam-wino arcacbanaercs aasyyktnyto cticremy macc-cnorrpomerpa. Macc-cnesrpomerp npencraanser codoft awuntapattecspo samepy. nometnettapo a martntruoe none, a soropoA c nomotabro orsatmort ma- in:Mat: TegeocKarealo nonntepnomaercs BbICOKHA Basyym. Macc-cnetrrpomerp sacrpoen TLIK, tiro ua scuutexrop 11011013. nome- 'mutual B samepe, moryr nonanarb TO.abK0 1101Ibt renns. npr.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? cirep7T 50X1-HUM 7 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM )117.17" - - *4?;i - 7:t , ? Konnekrop, mace-cperFOCOerpa.. cosaimek c ceixofivnepaoro (sneu- Tpomeipmeckoro) xamtio)d yciatmeng ,nepimeHHoro Tcw, co3Aasaeidbin'Itollam1Cre.riasc finoxo'nwr'itepe3 conporunnefule BO nximoh,Ueux nepnoro xaculina. Ilonytufemot Ha 31024 C011pOTHBae: HIM HanpnweHHe ycHnHsaii H norm/0er Ha 131:1X0AH011 npH6op H Ha 3ByKOBOR HHAIKaTOp ? cHpeHy. CHpena cHrHanH3Hpyer 0 noasneHHH "'WHIR 13 macc-Cnearpomerpe, a BeJ1W1HH13 OTKAOHCHHH crpeaku.nbmo.uHorp npH6opa 1I03nonaer cpaa- HliTelibt10 011eHHTb ? ROFOF FraPC7 trwil * .rallot PHC. 1 Ilpu nonallaimis realm; F macc-cnearpomerp 3w( CHpeubi Hatmlia- CT 110M-Dli13TbCA H. 20hAit AO cambuc 11113KI1X T011013, mower npeKpaluTb- ?concem flacrpoemibiu Tetieucuare.rtb pearHpyer TOJ113K0 Ha npo6Hbill a i renun. HecmorpH Ha npucyrcrune 13 macc-cnewrpomerpe, H n HC- 111.1Tbmaemoil annaparype npyrnx ra3on 'Bb16Up renH-51 1 kagecrne UpoOnoro neutecrna o6ycnoa.nen pu,aom ero CBOlicTB. Ma.niifl a101111114 nec H mann BH3EOCTb MINH oftervaxyr npoluilmonenue ero tjepe,a. Tetm. rennli nem oruatninaerca 113 cmc-re- Mbl, He sacopna ee. 110JICOKHTeAblIbIM -KalleCTBOIN4TCJIH51 HBAHeTCH Tame If CTO iinepl- 110db, OH' coneptueluto 6e3onacen n p6pautemni u He ncrynaer 11H n Kamm muturiectole peaugHH. OCHOBIIWAH we AOCTOIHICTBaM11 TC.I1H3i HEIJIRIOTCH orcyrcrnHe ero cneurpe ocrarogHbax ra3on H manoe coopwanue n armoccpepe (I : 200000, HAII 5 X 10-4%). aro no3aonner npn nponenemin Hcnbi- Taint11 Ha repmermocrb c nomoummo Tegelicuarena crrnenirrb Hareua- lute OT ra300ruenelllia. Ana Boanyxa Tegencuareab duel. OTCtleT 6.T1H3- Miff K Hyneaomy. tlyBCTBHTeabHOCrb TegeHmaTean K re,J1H10 nopanua 5 X 10?n mm T. CT. Ha 1 neneHHe B131X0AHO1'0 npH6opa. aro coorsercraYer 10 uenemium nbucomoro npu6opa npli Ha- crporme Ha 1303411111bla rnii ream; npH pa6ogem Am:Lamm B macc- crteurpomerpe, cooraeranylomem 20 ACJIC.111101no npH6opy ci3aKyyM, 0611111A nun Tevencuarena npencrannen Ha pncynae 2. 3. TeximecKne xapawreplacrtma I Texlintiecune nainibte i:popnauyymnoro Hacoca Tuna BH-494 cKopOnb OTKa4K11 ? 13 JI14Tp0B B AIRHyry, naayym ? 1 X 10-3 Mt pT. CT., TIM macna ? BM-4, Tim moropa ? Ali 31/4, nuramie rbtoTopa ? Tpexelm3Han cerb 220n. 50 repu. 2 Texinittecune naluibie A licjupyoitolillOr0 nacoca THria akui-2o CKopOCTb OTKatIKII ? 20 airrpon B Cegyitay, armyym ? AO 10-6 mm T. CT., Tim macna Harpesarenb ? aneurponnirrua 200 Barr, 220 Baur, mutant/mime Hacoca ? no3nyunioe npit nomotuil BeHrimgropa 3. Pa6otule TOKI1 MarilinTOTO 3negrpopa3p5uuloro manomeTpa (no npH6opy ?Baayym)); (DopaantymHoe nannemie ? menbule 75 Aenemirt, cpa6arbanaaftHe Bauyym-pene ? 30 neneHnii +5% ? 15%, pa6oyee naaneime ? 20 neneunil, mi1HiMaAbH0e naanemie (nron n0J1110c71310 3aupwrold npoccenb- Hom upaHe) ? 2 + 3 A enemig. 4. Pa6cmil TOK WIXOM ? 3 + 5 ma. 5. Pa3rolinumme Hanpuweime. 6. BO3.11y111116111 1111K TeJ11137. Aaturbie BUTIPH-1.14b1 nonytialorca npu Hacrporin npH6opa H nplino- =FORM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 9 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM OIL ?? MITCH a Oopxyaxpe (npx aanyyme, coornercuroutex,X) )VICH011M 00 npit6opy coaKyym,). 10 I 0.1atiett apock eabsloro Kpatta 2 Bbiltot miff npii6op MaXOBI1K apocce.nbitore Kpatta 4 5 1311114 bl 6 PrOCI1 aim nepeaameintsi PHC 2 TemeucKarenb 06nutit BHA. ' 7. -1(di4t4wOrdetrr ycjt.mettan .ycHnirrenst 1IIAenelin 111K . 8. Bxo/aHoe conporna.nettne anexrpoiderpnxecxoro 1;5 X 10u! dm. 9. ligianoe nptt6opa ? rpexcitamtatt cerb 220 nonbr 50 re 10. I1orpe6Jtsiemat( moumicrb ?Kano 1000 sa. 11. Bec npn6opa 200 Kr. 12. ra6apitrat: a) no ocnosnomy Kapmacy c pamKamtt 570 X 600 X 1190, 6) c oprattamH ynpauneitHtt H pymKamtt ampulla- foupacx Anepeu 620 X 660 X 1229. 4. Ocmostime macrm npo6opa lipit6op COCTOHT 113 ItHyx OCHOBHUX gaCTefl: 1. BaKyymnoil macrtt, Kpia BKOMIT BaKyyMIlail cficrema .cneKrpomerpa H cam macc-cnerrpotterp. 2. aneKrpittlecKon qacru,B xgroppo BX0.1:011* 6J10KH 1111TB111111 pamenns macc-cnexTpomerpa H ycnawreabnoe yerpolicrao. Ha plic 3 npe.tterannetta 6.noK-cxema npH6opa. KaCK8J13 Rt. macc- H ),I- PHC. 3. anotc-cxema FITH-4A. 5. KoHcrpyirntsHoe otttopmettme npo6opa IlpH6op co6patt Ha era/It:MOM csapHom KapKace. Cnepeott, caaott H C ?Alton 6oKoaoil croponbt npit6op Hamer JIM Y/1.045CTBa ?catalpa H pemottra orKpbmatouotecH Attepubt. 4c'sw-oFtiv SECT 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRF:T NOMIT6,11 BOKOBBA H 3B.11,118masechtbz, xpome Toro,: c.ny*AT, Anft,YMq*H?lr'l yc.noana ox.nawnenna- teimacKaTena no apeala , flpn pa6oTe 9TH Julepubl pexomekayeTca oTxpiatiaTbi,(cm.,pac: 4). AAA BoamownocTn nepenanxenna TegeHocaTeng npttipickee c wok npn6op cnaften neTp.pbmx p9.7iHK6411 H ABYMR pyq,Xatitx..-!rt IlepeAnan nalleab (nanenb Ynpaanenns) cRa6}xena' ,neznatm x AAR BO3M0)KHOCTH AocTyna K monTaacy moncer BOAHH MaTbCg.. yripasnetinsi 1-8. 2 N CHJIHTe.lb Clipella 1-10 1 Nieparop T 12 tI 1a61u1tua1op 3Milt t H KaTona H matioNierpa 1-I4 Pit( I Blia criepeait item-mon aueptia cnaTa. A - VCHOBilble y3J11:4 'anewrpopamogiam fipn6opa, KaK-TO: youncre.nb nepemexmoro Toga c capenoti wamnpamwre.nem, renepaTop HH3K0R qa- CTOMI C"aUnpfltdliTelleM H abinpaitxTe.ab s.nempopaapaaxoro matiomer- pa CO CTII6ieJIH3BiOpOM TOKa 3bIHCCHH KOHCTpyKTHB110 BEABOJIHCHbl 13 Bit- = Tpex OTAt:TigH131X B1411Blitaiiii-B1iii H3 xopnyca 6.30K0B. aneKTOttletKOe COBAHHeylk Aep)KaTb B OTKa4e11HOM BHAe. 2) 3aAnaaTb ACHAKHA a3OT B A0BylliKy TIT14-4A cmayeT TOAbKo nepeA HatiallOM Herl0CpeACTBeHHUX HCribiTaHHfi (nepea orKpbrtKem ApOCCeJibHOTO xpaHa). ACHAKHA a3OT 113 .110ByLIJKII 1.10.1)Keli oblib yjiaieii AO BKAIONeHHR noxxpetik AN44y3HOHHOr0 ilaCoCa OTCyTCTBHe *MAK?. ro a3oTa a nosymme cnoco6c7ayeT npm oTHatme yAa.neHmo nonasumx B aamyymnro cmcTemy HT14-4A TIOCTOpOHIIHX seutecTa H rps3H. rIPHME4AHHE. YAaAeHHe WHAKOro a3ora rip0H31noaliToi ablaysaimem CHCaTIAM BO3A),X014 Half norpyweunem npeameros C ClOablilOrt Te11.110e14KOCTb10 lipti abaAynamm co6.1110.aaTb OcT000)KHOCTb, TaK Has Kmalolii aioi. nonattaa ;la 10, wy, mower B1:13BaTb OW0111 3) lipH ocTalloaxe !1T14-4A c..neayer lie 3a6banarK it Tom 41T0 glop BaKyyMHbln aacoc MOMHO OCTah MitTb To.ribK0 nocze Toro. Kah .11tint" 31101111blii Hacoc no.rmocTbio ocrbmer flepea OCTalioukofi Hama 06513a TeJ16110 Hall() nepewarK pew BOMAR umaHr. B npOTHB110144 cnymae B saHyymHpo clicTem %towel npomumrb aTmocctepnbifi B0321.3'X Win 3aCocarbcH MaCJ10 113 ()0pB2K yr.1110ro acoca BasyymHas cHerema 11T14-4A .3.o.nmma 61.1Tb repmeTwma Ilim Ha.11141Ht B ClICTeMe Tetm c-rperma npH6opa caaity)m) ocTaHammHaei um, He Aoxotts Ao caoero Hopma.lbliOr0 nonoweitaK (1.5 2 .le.1 I .3a JIHBKa B Aosyumy )lcHAK0f0 a3ora opt( 3TOM notiTH tie H3Mett31eT noha 3aHliii nmi6opa caamyym, Ec.nn Aaanemte B cncreme tie npeabnuaei pa6omero (20 Awl inKa.1161 npH6opa coaKy?(v). rettb m(04010 060ap AHTb npft nomomn camoro TetieHCKareag o6ayaamiem nporiHnim la tom (remtem) noao3penaembsx B nareHamm steer ECA11 AaB.leithe 13 aasyymnofi cncTeme 6o.ibwe pa6onet.) sie T.. HareHamm Aymtue acero Orlpeacifirb meroaom noc.leionare.mnbi? cetleK orAe.11)1461X AeTaaeri B flux); npocinmaHTHRH peKoMeHAyeTcs t. IICTeMa TinleCkli [Tone pfrib Ha repmerwmorrb BaxyymHylo cucremy 11114-4A "idm-qemible retni 4(3.(twithi Hemeaaetmo ycrpaHsrrbcs Herepmeramaocrb Kakt)M11011 ClICTeMbi 11T14-4A CHIDKaeT ilyBcTBliTeablioCTb npH6opa Kpome irlIt xamm mepe3 Te1,111 OTCTCTBht a BahyyM11011 CliCTeMe pa(mpiero nah-NA ma MO)KeT 6b1Tb 06ye.t1oB.Itetio lielicHpanHocTmo oTKalmbi? cpe.lcro II. CiiibHbIM 3arpa3jletmcm ee leTaaeii EcAti noC.le nponepKH elk TemN 1161 He 6binu o6HappKenbi Tetm, czeayer y6eAHTb.s a Ilkripanhtu III chopsamyymnoro nacoca ii npon3aecrn toterK II lamen% mac.ra it (py3uotitiom itacoce OTcyTcTime pa6omero tiaxyma II LHLTeme otx-3, 11011141Tiisi Bbirnenepetilic.rielmbi? step momilitt ofebACHIIT6 ee tarpsi tlielill eM amiopHa II nth TKa Raw. \moil citcTembi 1111)he NOP? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET uom-ERN, 3. PEMOHT a) Catena karojfa flpH maHoaKe Kama cze,ayer codzio.aaib c.neitroulHe npaamna: 1) KaTOA yClaHaBJ1HBaeTCR Ila BbICOTe OK040 0,5 MM OT Kopo6Kif nomfaaropa. 2) H1lTb Acumlia HaX0241TbCA na,a cepeiuluofi nepxneil wean H01111- 3aropa. 3) HHTb Ao.rolola 15barb HarmHyra Tai, 41T06b1 npH nporpeae ojia He npoinicana 4 He nporm6a.nach a cropoHbf. Tpe6yemKtil Ham. o6ec- netmaaeTcH MaTHeM npymcfmbi AecoKareaefi nplimepHo Ha 0,5 him 17pH nepsom 8K.1110,1eHHH H0B0r0 Karaaa Ha61IaaaercH peaKoe yxy.aweinfe BaKyyma a rcamepe. Karozt craaHm 1103TOMy HOBblif HaTOA cze,iyeT no.aaeprityrb ?TpeHupoaKe), BK.rnotian ero Ha Henpoaarviol- reAbHoe Hpemsi Ha H113K011 LlyBeTB11TeabH0C111 I1T14-4A, noKa He 3aKolf- 41111c1i ra3ootaene11e 3amena KaToaa aecbma oraercraeffHasa ?Hepatitis. or Kagecrua npoHeaeinis Koropoii 3a1311cHT ,aaabliefunan pa6ora TettelicKaTeos 6) thICTKa 14(7011101Ka HOHOB 11. To'III Ilk Ho11013 SIBAReTCH necbma ornermeHnoff aeTaablo mace- .neKrposferpffifecKoii Kamepu Ero nopma.mHaH pa6ora o6ecnetomaer Bt. TBIlTeibilocTb 11TH 4A B nponceLe pa6oTht (oco6eHHo ripH npuHepKe Ha repMeTifillioL lb pH 01011 annapaTpu) moMeT 3alp$1.31111T6CR 3arpsi3iiefiff10 Halloo:lee tiaCTo no3,HepraeTcH BepXHAR 11.110CKocrb iviin)(1M1 1101111 taTopd 001 kaToaom) peace /110.1HrOphl 11 .anactiparma 1-111LT0T.), Bep \Hell 11.:mhooli kopoOkil HoHniaTopa L.3e.ayeT npoue- pHTb npli Kimuon odefie KaToaa Ce Lint ta npunmsoanrcH cocKa6J1H- isak111eM Harapit ti -whim npeamerom L noL.lealoutHm nporlipatolem 60 cia- i H pat ToopHre.le B) I1HCTKa MaHomeTpa MaHomeTp, yiTaIIoI3.1ellIIbIII ii Kasfepe 11T11-4A, npffmepflo tiepe3 KailUbJe 100 riacon pa6oTbi nyamo noaneprarb otmeTKe OT o6yr.nfra- wilxcH ocraTKon maL.3a. oceamoulnx Ha ero anyrpeimeil noaepxliocru la 3dTpA3lleillie maHomeTpa yKa3bluaeT apowaHHe crpemni HpH6opa caaKyysi, Matfomerp abliffisfaercH in astephi 11 nporpaanHaaercH L1a6osf pacraope lue.notuf 171314MELTAIIME ,E1/111Te./11,110e rpas.neffHe He .aonycKaercH, TaK KK 0110 flpHBOaliT K oc.1a611e111110 Haanaropa H 3atcnenKif Alfa Kopnyca Mule rpaa.neffifH np0113130AIITCH flp0MbiliKa H npoeywKa 3aTem anomerp ycTallaa.ruthaercH o(pamo 13 Kamepy K0.11b110 maHomerpa 44 110.11)4010 6131Tb pacno.nometio napa.3.3eabHo Kopnyca B ripoTHHHom c.nytiae n0Ka3anna HpH6opa oaaKyym, 6yar HenepHumn r) Haan amain' LineTKa macc-cnewrpomeTpmecsoil Kamepm HBASIeTCSI BeCbtala OT- BeTCTBe11110r1 onepattHerf H HP0H3BOAIITCH TO:IbK0 fl1I ee C11.1131.0H la- rpH3Heintii. RAH ocymecra.nemin 4111CTKH Kamepa BbHIIIMBCTCH 113 TIT14-4A 11 pacnonaraerof Ha crane. .II.a.nee H3 Hee 131211111MMTC6 Homerp, KM:4 1.11Ka 9Kpana. iamna 6)K1)K, BbICOK0OM110C conporHanenue. KaTOa H KanaeKrop. Buffya raKffsf o6pa3iisf 113 Kasfepla ace c'beMlibie aeramf, npHc-ry- naior K ee InfcrKe Zan aroro B Kamepy Haalfaafor iferapexmopncruif ymepan, Will 30113, Houle nero. no.m3yHcb I1e6oibUIOf oTnepTKoit, Hamoraintoil Ha ee KOHell Map.leii. npon3noaKT nponipKy acex HIRT peininx nosepxnocTeil Kopnyca, Kamepw H Hec-bemnbax aeTanefi (11CToil- Mika, 9Kpana, affacpparsfu) TIPHME4AHHE 1411CTHy KplAWKII KaMepb1 flp0113110.anT TO-lb KO noc.ne Toro. KK 113 ee KaHaBKH yaa.lena pe3H11013231 npoK.iaiKa Pe311110By10 ripomaatcy. yrtorpe6.1Hempo .1/151 BaKyymlioro )11:10T !WHIM F.pb1111K11 C Kopnycom KamepEr. raKace CJleayeT noaaeprarb npo 3161BKe np031161Bliy npo113B0aHT crinpTom, venapexx.lopncTum )T.lepo- ,10m Hall winfpom He aonycKaercH XIS! 31011 uerm npnmeHnTb (,enuin atteron tlifcrKy npoluia..-LKH npoH3HoRKT nporupaimem CC KYL KUM sfotielfiroff n pacraopfire.m BO 11360Kafilfe nopml npoKiaaK), lie cie,iyeT norpywaTb Ha ..1.111TelbliOe BpeM51 BpacTnopirre:ib 110L-oe tifferKif npomaaKa nporywHaaercH H wonuaercs 01 npff.-ilfnwtfs. K Reif B0pC11110K map.rm To-lbKo TIOC.le 3Toio npoi1a,3Ka %ma:m[1am 51 (Aloft na3 nOC.le H Kamepy ycrananounam Bbillyible Ill Ill. lerama U. no,1Coe.111111113 K 11TH-1A. oTKatilinalOT A) Hncrpyanan no pa36opice H npombiaKe aaayymnoil cmcrembi 11TH-4A Pa36opKa II npostbfaKa BaKyy\111011 il1CTeMbi 11111 4A npoii 4no-ou CH To.libK0 npff 1) C11.111)110M 3arpH3ffew111, 2) abixotie 113 crposi Otae:11313131X aeraneff, 3) OTCyTCTIIIIII 13 ClICTeMe npeaeobtforo Bakyyma 14acraa pa36opKa BaKyysftforf cm-resit,' npnaoaffr K uapweoiuo ee repmeTionlocTH II yxyawaeT ee naKylknibie caoiicraa EL-.3H onepa Top 06Hapy)1c11J1 lielfellpaBHOCTb Toabho 0.111011 ae713.111. t.It' 1 3tI irmuli rifposarb TanbKO ee nanima pa36opKa BaKy)W11011 cm-Testi,' .io.iioia npoufaolim,ca c.re.apoluerf n0cne/loaarezbI1OCTI1 1 CHATb marina, npe.anapirreabno ornycnin cTonopnbie siorri4 If 110:1HOCTW0 Bb113/111THB nplfacifsfaKnuffil Kpbnuffy Kasfepti Bina 2) Hanycrurb B ClICTeMy armoccpepHbni aota) oThplATIteM cenbiforo KpaHa. 4 50X1-HUM nprIaccified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET pr.!, ' 3. 0,14 1) 1,`? )11?,11 ilkY 1., )4 -1111%.3111?. X 311JUITOC `" 11 ,) 3r, ' . , dilA:MPIIII U K 1 . I , *Pot Ail i 0 W 1 O.. 6gitipaiiiiero iiiiiiiii 11.3 cmcrembi 11714:4A nocToppamax laws x ra3o,a, 6e3 mcisiRTFR,e4o- _1,. et_t_ ,,.,1 j, , ) t , 1 1 ' ? - 1 ilf X noaymae. y e.iumx..067.. ,141,wilax Aeramg XIKYVAX011 CHCTeldid MAC*" Ayer ' pint' 3iiiviam Tik nie, KIK X 'HICOCI AMH:20. ?maga ican Tern!. Taxa iinerxx Hi 1111)1ipeAHMX?noaepinocTax =Tana 6SrAyi sidiippsce- Iii1 C.AC/61 rpm HAN OKHCACHHX, TO He06X0IHNO npon3aecri ,I0X0INX- TeAbH)/10 4HCTKY MalpACii, CMOXCHHOR CMCCIDIO HaA(8811H041 nun C BA' KYYMHbIM qiiCTMIX MaCJICAM LINCTK), H moilxy Apocce.abHoro xpaHa cneAyer nponsomerb II pa- 3o6paHHom tame. IlpH 310M HrKHO yAanwrb pemanoablA KA811/14 Ilt CO- 6/110A8Tb OCTOPO)KHOCTb B o6pauleHHH c rH6Kme IIM18HTOM (C1A40- 110M). 170Cile MICTKH H npombisKH meTannwaecime XeTILAH XCAb3A OCT8BASITb Aonro Ha ao3Ayxe, Tax Kat( comi npeApacnononceHbi K OKHC- .riemuo. IIPH HaAH4HH Henona.nox Heo6xo.nicao. B nepsym ottepeab, y6e- IMMO( B TOM, 'ITO HX npHyonfori He ABAMOTCA HeincnpasHocTa 6.8.3KOB IHIT8HHA. Ana 31oro IIP0413BOAHTCA 3ahtep Ha ctiHIUKaX am narupoAH- MIX K xamepe 11811PAACC.HH1. ECAH 01111 oTaegaloT ,rpe6osammam, yxa- 3aHHIAM B ((HUM/KUHR, TO npncrynabar r: nposeptce xamepbt. ripenme Hem BCKpbiTb xamepy, czenyer c nomotabbo enpo6macaa nposepwrb MeliOCTb gem( xaTona H OTC}TCTBHe HPAMOCO 3IMMKIIIHHA Pa3J1W1HbIX liera.nefi Kaidepbt c xopnycom xamepbt H mencAy co6o4i. T(abK0 nocie -1Toro. B cariae lie0080/1.HMOCT14, npoH3sourr IICKPMTHe xamepb, OTcyrcTaHe HBIlbiX Henonattox a TevexcxaTe.ne mile He roao- pHT o Tom. tiro OH anoaHe Hcnpaseu Tax. Hanpmeep, OH lioaceT (Ana- ?garb 381111)KeilHOrl 4YBCTBHTC/IbliOCT6/0 CHHAieliHe tlyBCTBitTellbROCTH MOX(e' Hp0H3ORTH no cneAroutHm npHqHHam 1. IFInoxoff npeaenbilbth Baxyym (Hopma 1.5 7' 2 Aen. EIKSAM npH- (Sopa caaxyym)) ,... 2. He.norraToithoe pantenenne (pa3peinenite) HHKOB. 3. 38BbillleHllbill OCT8T0qHblii 4)0H, ypoaeHb nomex (Hopma 2 -- 3 Aen. 111Kallbi /361X08H0r0 nPH6opa) npH 11PCAP-AbHOM saxyymeB KiMCPC ITTN-4A 4. 3aHmaemiaa 3MHCCHA (HOPM8 3 -:- 5 ma) 5. HenpaaHabHoe nononceHHe a macc-cnexrpomerpimeckoil xabeepe AHafflparm IICTIMIHKEI H oco6eHHo xaroAa. 6. Pa6ora npx 38191X(eHHOM padotiem nail:Jamul (Nopm& 20 nem- Hiiii U1K8/Ibi npH6opa caaxyym,) 38 ctier HeIOCT8TORHO HOAR= 01.. KPMTHA ApoccenbHoro KPBH8. Ana Ic8vecTaeHHo0 Twin! annaparypu Ha repmermiHocrb He- ,..? al eiiirru amp. 13) "11/16"111111 6. CHati, C abanycKHoro naTpy6Ka ,I,X44y3X0H- Horo Hacoca. 1. CHArb BeHTXXXXX0XXX4 XIXTOK? 8. CHATb HACOC, OTBAIHTHB CTArHBaiOil;He ero Heu 9 CHATb Bepxtimo naiienb npit6opa, OTBHHTHB ee xpenexamie 10 CHATb .noayuncy, OTBHHTHB xpenexcHbie BHHTL?I. KOTOpbIMH 0Ha HpenwrcH K 11 CHATb ctiopaaxypthigil Hacoc c amopmaTopom. AAA ilero BHHTIITb raripai. KOT0p131/411 Kpensircsi ycrailoaoillibie yr0AbilHKH, Lime- cre c aboirb Hacoc C6opKa npollasolonts B o6partion HOCI1e80BareAbHOCTH. meHa mac.aa cPopaaicyymiioni Hacoce himitieT 661Tb npoH3seaeHa Ha we're (Liepea CJIHBH)710 H abinycioipo npo6HH) ..1.1H (menu Alacza B aitclicliy3iioHHom Hacoce RMH-20 c.rieAyer npo- ii n +twi' taeapouine onepainur 1 CHATb Hacoc 2 ' iiepe t..1HB11)I0 H1)06K) orpa6oraimoe mac.io 3 ilpombrrb Hacoc c.ilisHyto npo6H) tiepe3 imam ripomaaHy iaawn, caeAce mac.io ao.rumeeme 100 CPO t. flociaaHrb Hacoc Ha mecTo I IpombiBK.1 Hacoca aMI-1-20 npolusoo,Hrca B czytiasix ero 3arpa3- min laMellbi He?l MaCia Toro c.letlyeT 1 (mutt, MaL.Th Hepel causHyto ripo6ay 2 npom hi Tb BilyTpenHOCTb parraopHre.nem (tierbipexx.nopHcrum lepQm iu aaHautHommim 6eH3tutom) TIPHMEtIAHHE lipombisay um/Val' Bp0H3BOAHTb ,a0 IC'. Hop. noHa caHaaemblii H3 Hacoca pacraopirrenb He 6pier iiHCT (He menee 5 ? 6 pa3) 3 npmayrb 'incrust Hoipc aom (MOH010 Tella VI blM) LIO He3HOBBIIHA larfaXi pacTeopHTe.ria Baitay Hepaa6opHoii KoHerp)auun Hacoca 6wiee .rieraabliaa Ka ero allyrpeimHx tiacTeri tie 11p0113BU,1HTCH. EC/IH Houle tiliCTK1f, Him oripoGosailliii, Hacoc He y.lytiwae-r cuoero npea.e.nbHoro Battyyma. c.ne4y- e-r Bp0H3BCCTII Hacoca 41 J 41i ? 47 npriaccifiec-1 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECiitf odxoximo peryaipHo nposeporraolscrsureximocm TemmicHaTemi (He pence oHnoro p13aB He.Heav?).11posepxy vicTexTe4bsocTH Aruaesce- ro npoonsoArrb no Owe samyunioro remit npH pabogem mamma B MaCC-CneKTp0MeTpHileCKC A Kamepp (26 AimHEIR WKIJIM npH6Opi (Ba- KYYM)). aluiTeabHasi pa6oTa c TeveHcxaTezem B 3aKpbiTom noblememni ITHBOAHT K BOBbIllleHH/0 KOHIJ,BHTpall,HH realist B BoalyXe, WO TwoHe hto)KeT 3Ha4HTEJIbH0 CHH3HTb tlyBCTEIHTellblIOCTb npH6opa. Bo H36ma- Hue 3Toro c.rienyeT pery.napHo nposerpHBaTb nOMeltleHHe. 50X1 -HUM .4, - 1 fl,,?ep-, _7 ct H AtIVY Ham,ove,..e ? eXCe 1' 8 5 4 1 Odyyramewi e asE03 f4 63 53 4 3 ifpcmui4wAsr 3 25616-17 6 - P 11 dtatiepa -- - 4 25617-06 135 125 4 f irarre/acr - , ? -- - -- -- ---- - 5 25619 ,2 6c 55 4 f reav 6 25619 13 4 4 6,5 4 1 irpoh, VI II PH .111 0 )I( EHHE npriaccifien in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 : SECRET ArecciRN 0 t ? ? ? ? 50X1 -HUM CXVI rehvGar#1.0 nitakoc? r 11/1 lirOponly Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ? SECRET44"' ". tk.. ?0-= , ? ' ? CAmouillogamiss K npamiyamaabsoli mese 11T11-4A 1. Younrreab K cupexa. 2. feHepairop. 3. Bbinputereab maHomerpa H CTI16HAH3HTOp 9MHCCHH. 4. rhaeab ynpaBaemix. 5. Kamepa. 6. BLIHOCHOR npm6op. ? .'aiisse talk' T4A 50X1 -HUM lc roi , I ' .11ti Oesses. HOIHNIK, 11111/11111111 oonsi 9' 4.. 1. 21934,11 ; 2. TOCT 5013-49 3. MCI 2:10442 4. TOCT 660-50 5. 17I-3-109k. 6. 25643 7. 258666 8.? 25066 9. 25067 - I ISA 56 Kom 3 3 4 4 imusocome sumusomaremb, ? npeampasileoub 11H-10A=37 'Amos 1414-3 seomosas rapier. BC-1-1-54000-11 nom& stuusear. 6,3s 0.28A 3-sosoes. 111101110,111T. ISA clissyyme 1 ma Ilpis6op ePasrom. saw.. 500s Tlps6op e3miscauta 10 ma 450 10. TOCT 5,561-50 Kovno!. K3-1- om II 10 map 10 11. Y.171.7320 Pe.le 3-.111 cKp. 3aps. PKH 4000 om 12. 25641 Conpor. nep. npos. 2 sarr 5.6 so* 13. roc!" 656253 Cooperr. BC-2-1-5600-1I 5,6 KOX 14. 15. rocr 65(0-53 16. rocr 6562-53 Tiepesnomareab 211-4 Conpor. BC-0.25 -1 -51000- I Cooper BC-0.25-1-5100-11 51 ;co* 5.1 co* ned. KPN NA' CM:0041M 17. rocr 6562-53 Cooper BC-0.25-I-510-11 510 om 18. 20173 Coopor npos. 200 om II 200 ow 19. TOCT 5574-50 Conpor ;71-1-1a -470-5-13.71 470 sole 1 20. 25636 Mame c xo.ronsoll 450 21 rocr 5561-50 Kormen K3-1----- om II 10 micep 10 ner.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release SECIL7 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 cr-.C,k1 igE1113/FOPAV Komuung Mble 1,2, m 3. XapeinspEausa Maw 33?1111.14A KOHTamatt Haxweaosamme H TEl flapawelim uemi Ilpswevamse -1 -2 -3 -4 -6 7 -10 9 21 ) 2 2 1(21)-4)) 2-5120--I) 2 6(20-3) .3 HAL!) 3-2 3 II 2) - Can --3-tlfa3Hor0 rlitTaHife moropa cpopeax. Hacoca rlarrae? xe riatmcit TIeratute paaao6aomos TIeranee XaT0.1a K cra6e.m3aropy 314HcCHif K BunplatifTe2110 waeowerpa K emnpnweremo waeowerpa K aawepe paarommout. eanpvicee. t3em.nea Ileranee earoaa K cHpette TOga 1211.311y3. H1COC43 r %M? itt saioxa K Buripamiireato reliepaTopa K aunpnweremo yealnife1111 K haroxa t ? K nunpRmirremo teitepaTopa K ? erfepar orq rorramist peat* ???? 2510' - 22) 3 -220s ? 220 - 220 a - 260 a 22's - 220 e ?-? 220s - 220 a - 220 ti 'I- 200 a *1200 +1200 a + 400 - 8 a 4A -- 8s 4A - 200 e + 200 - 8 e 4A ? 200 13 + 400 - 260 Bxoa aawnm 6116C f?-rt?.), CriatioSessftem-K-apismosessabissii mew roar. BM', mopotaxi, meprexc Hamwesoaaaac B ran ,?? Ocieme. =lime. iso?nossa 1 256-24 2. 3. 4TY 02-701-52 4. rocT 5561-50 5. TOCT 6562-53 6. 477 01-415-52 7 rocT 6562-53 8. TY 1+6 404 9. 25629 rocr 5561-50 11 TOCT 6562-53 12 s 13. 14 15 TOT 5561 50 16 25632 17 18. 4TS. 01 411-52 19 LITY 01-405-52 20 rod r 6562-53 21 rOCT 5574-50 22 rocT 6118-52 23. TOCT 6118-52 24 MCI 6562-53 25. t1TY 10-406-52 26 27 14TY 01-401-52 28. TOCT 5574-50 29. rocr 6118-52 30. rocr 6562-50 32. 33. 34. rocr 6562-50 35. 25041 36. rocT 6562-53 37 1 38. 39. 40. TOCT 5010-49 41 rocr 6118-52 Tpatecilowacarrop TC-25 llama U.I4C Cra6maosoarr Cr3r. 460 Kamen. 1(3-1-10 ow 11 Conpor BC-05-1-2.2-11 nawna 6C4C(6134C) Conpor BC-0,25-1-100-11 CexemoemA cron6 BC-45-171 Apocceab 11-8 130 KORAN! 1(3 -- ow 200 Conpor BC-2-1-51000-11 Conpor BC-0.5-I-51000-11 Conperr BC-1 1-30000-11 Conpor BC-1 1-510-11 150 KOliaeli 1(3 - ow - 30 Tpatic4h0104aTop aux TB-46 rpObIKOTO3ope4re2lb I ram- I jia:na )K a 66n684 (6(s6y176) an ) Conpor BC 1 1-0.36-11 Conpor G9-1-2a-15A4 Konaee KBT-MH-600-2-II Kimmel( X61' -MI-400-0.05-11 Conpor BC-0.5-1-0.1-11 Teparpoe TT-1-0.1/0.3 (884 JIauna 6X6C (6X6) Jlauna 6)1(4 (6AC7) Conpor C11-1-2a 1500A4 Konaen Ksr mI-400-02 II KOH2teH Ksr MI-2400-0.5-11 Conpor BC-05-1-1000-11 Conpor BC 1 I-02-11 Conpor BC-0.5-1-1-11 Conpor npoe 0.5 100-200 Conpor BC-0,5-1-20000-11 Conpor Conpor BC-1-1-51000-11 ConpGr BC-1-1-2,2-11 npegtoxpratirrea. 11K-1- IA 1-43 Koimem. KB r -M2-400-0.2-11 10 blicep 2.2 wow 100 ow MO 104 51 sow 61 Row 30 sow 610 ow 30 Uscp 360 Km, 15 sow 2 map 0.05 ale, 100 Mow 1,5 wow 02 imp 0.5 warp 1 mu 200 sow 1 wow 100-200ou 20 ewe 62 MOB 51 SOU 2.2 wow 0,2 bilt. 3 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 '2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 (lapel "15 :es penr+ - Q ific1 C.nnV Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 8kiglet7'?.T SECT 4,4 :4?7404.1, .L11.4 ?41 fassa 1-12 ? 1 42. 25687' 1 43. TOCT 141/2:53" ' 44. 45. ; 46. 47. roc!' 6118-52 Mum c'issaoaxoti C4mrpor: " BC-1 -1:03-II Clown% BC-0,64-33000-11 Conpor. BC-0,5-1-0,82-11 Conpor. BC-1-1-0,1-II Kmiec KBT-M1-400-0,025-11 1 1 3380N - 1 820 mom IOC X011 1 0,025M8+ 1. KomoNut 4. XapakrepitentKa gene* 6soKa 1-10 ,c KOHTIKT11111 Komoma I Hammemosamme WW1 ilapamerpu men's 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4- 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 5-12 4/ 1 42-2 42-3 41-4 41-5 42-5 Pax cimmaxmee ganpsumemme Hanpmemme abinpiontremm K Brizarsoiry npm6opy K ssmonmomy npH6opy K cerm 3emmm K peryawropy rpomxocrs K per}awropy rpomsocrs K cerm Haxan namnm 6)KDK Ynpas. cema namnbr WOK Hanpszene pamss II Hanp. asp. cents namnm 6)10)1( Hanp. aBona naming 6)K1)K 3emmm + 400 u -r 200a - 210 ? 220 s -r 3.5 B 400 B 25 - 7" ?. &w.f.; i inpismak. Imiremf I. TOM-5010-e 2. MX 3. 4. WY 01-416-52 .5. TOM' 856;1-53 6. a 7. a. 9. LITY 02-701-52 10. rocT 5661-50 11. rocr 6662-53 12. 13. 14TY 01-406-52 14. rocr 654243 15. a 16. FOCI 5574-50 17. 1' OCT 6562-53 18. FOCI 6118-52 19. TOCT 6662-53 20. 21 WY 02-707-62 22. TOCT 651E-53 23. TOCT 6118-52 24. rocr 6662-53 25. FOCI 5574-50 26. TOCT 6562-53 27.25526 28. FOCI 5010-49 29. TOCT 6118-52 30. 25041 31. TOCT 6118-52 Hmisioasesmume riptaaapaurreas. nic-i I-A 1...43 IjminoOspnarop. moo. TC-26 Amiina?SLI4C Jima' 8C4C Connor. BC-0,5-1-100-11 Connor. BC-I-1-2,2-11 Gnaw. BC-14-0,2-11 Canpor. 3C-5-3-27000-11 Rama cr3C 450 Komsescarop 1(3 I-ow 10 Caspar. BC-0.5-1-20000-11 Caspar. BC-1-1-51000-11 /hum 6)K8 Conpor. BC-0.5-l.51000-II Compor. BC-1-1-0,36-1I Conpor. 01-1-2a-15A-4 Caspar. BC-0.5-I-82000-11 Kommencarop KBT-MH-600-2-11 Comm. BC-0,5-I-10000-11 anions 6H7C /Iowa 6aperrop 0,85-65-5-12 Conpor. BC-0,25-1-2000-4000-11 Kommmcarop KBT-M2-400-0.1-11 Conpor. BC-0.25-1-0,27-11 Conpor. cn-1-2a-1500A4 Copper. BC-0,5-1-2700-11 Tp-p suxo.anoll TB-23 TIptioxpammr. nK-I 150 ma 1.43 Kommencarop K5T-M2-400-0.2-I1 Coapor. npon. 0,5-100-200 Kounetwarop KBr-m2-400-0.1-11 SEC -71" Oman. MINIM 1100111111i 2 1000 on 2 2.2 NM 20080w 1 3180w 1 10 MK. 20 mom 51 KOM 51 mom 360 mom 15 mom 62 mom 2 NB* 10 KOM 2 2-4 BOld 0.1 mop 2 270808 2 1,580w 2.7 mom 1 1 0.288$ 1 100-20Dom 0.1 ano0 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ??, ? - , '4?" 1.46......"11...! ? ? ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ETEC7LET ? ? 111,1*,sz ? 1 K.aeilta . 1 lc ornornagnise - i -, . r j? 1 ? ' ilmmiesonsuf-ouseli , neRiliftiPii. r 1 woo l flporeoomme i, ?? m?- 5-1 ? (Beaux* 5-4 Bruton resepar.. + pasrorn. manp. ' 31.20-400 a 5-3 Haspooremme smnposimr. -I 206. 5-6 Cerr - ? ' ? 230 s 5-fly Swoon i ernepar.. + pa3Torn. rnanp. ' 300-400 a 5-8 Hanpomenne omnptnamr. ,. ? 220 a 1-12 Cert. P ? 220. 50X1-HUM irldiliemapia apmemesampall cieiealima T-14 rocT, BTYr wopMuI.illepirest HiNMCNOIMINK N ron Clemente NONNlit, NOWINiti 2 1. TOCT 5010-49 2. rocT 5229-51 3. 25636A 4. 25636 5. 25626 6. 7. TY 24-52 ? 8. rocT 6662-53 9. IITY 01-402-52 10. TOCT 6662-53 11. 12. TOCT 5574-50 13. 25827 14. 25634 15. 'STY 01-110-54 16. rocT a62-53 17 18. 25641 ? 19. rocT 6662-52 20. 'STY 01-406-52 21 TY 24-52 22. rocT 6562-53 flpernoxpasseresb nx la 1-43 Knornemeolop KB r-n2-3a-1-11 AT-3 Tpa AT-4 rop TC-27 RIMS 1taeaks Cooper. BC-0.5- I -0.27-11 /lagoon 6C5 Conpor BC-0.5-1-0.1-11 Compon BC-0,25-1-12000-11 Compor CII- 1 -2a 15A4 Tpanaloopmarop TC-26 Tpamapopmarop TC-31 Astons 6113C Conpor BC-0.5-1-0.51-11 Coopor 9C-2-1-20000-11 Conpor nepem. npos 2000 ()it 2 UT? Conpor BC-0.Z-1-330-11 /lama 6)K8 (6SJ7) Ktiornca 5K Conpor BC 2 1-5000-11 r-E7rIzT t'oft:op,47 narlaccifii=r1 in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release mti45 270 Kom WO NOM 12 xote 15 KOM 510 KOIS 20 scow 200 ON 330 OM 5 Koss 2 2 1 3 1 '2 3 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 L-L0008000Z?001?1701-0-1-8dC1I-V10 I-Z/170/171-0Z -1A-09 ? eseeiej .101. panaiddv /Woo pazwues - 'Jed pawssepaa L-L0008000Z?001?1701-0-1-8dC1I-V10 1-Z/170/171-0Z -1A-09 ? eseeiej -104 panaiddv Ado paz!l!ueS u! PeWsseloaCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM 0??? 5.er --------- ? sow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECT ,Aeruir44 , ? 50X1 -HUM 0 e 3 5 7 S S10 Z3451 HIE345l?S3 re npumonuismomm creme nevem' sopekteplotTIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEC.7.:''PPF?RN Ilpumiomommar come Imo "OMANI' mon* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ?50X1-HUM Nue: ET: t 0.1 Cor-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEGO #410*-20R4 17,010.4unuenbsoo c repro leatpumuln momeatempo U crnoefunuJomepo amuceuv rig/ ??? c7.1? a t -4ALNp- - oizty?f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 / CSIPIE roweiraliair? firM-42 NC)P ore'k Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 t frailligaila UM 11) 'Mau 1cm...woe: 3011-5=-9 OX1-HUM 1011101111111 XI Xe II wpm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECIL.4 50X1 -HUM ftssNisseasiges 41 42 ? 174 Y40 17-4I 7i4 1Y-iP 1742 Y-38 7.1 Yfor/ Y-8 Y-41 71-3 Y42 7142 7/14 Y6-3. Y114 x tissam Yu-2 now x swim it ammo, wider Cm- 11 - Com: VA I Ism laiummait rasperept COO VA s Itinowerion ramporripa Cies IAD Bean 230 230 it pildys; Cirrb 230 74 arm Cori, 210 ...m...?11????? SECRET ava7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Noftiviv SEW: 10111111411111111 roar, 1iffi'i asSum, oTp.58 ?tip 53 07p53 eTp :53 oTp.53 oTp.53 oTp.;53 orp.55 orp.55 oTp 55 eTp 55 4 10 -40Ik 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 114:11i63114; was amps sc masrpatan 11111111 1, ? roar 6562.153 CoopX-404.14100041 No: =La linoti10144 011,1 3 NOT 6562-53 ConpalC1241.19100-11 Poo? 656243 kozia0,25.1. !Taw-0,254 5,1 C sap JIC-0 ,254-460.1 Irosora051-111 II IComosM4 # OK I 5 Poor 655243 Coap411C-0,544,3-1 7 POOT 6562-53 compx.o1254400-a 15 16 17 21 IlooT 6562-53 Poor 6562-53 P00? 56S1-50 4 Poor 5561-93 10 Poo: 5561.-5D NOKOIK?la 18) SK 200 510 on 10 la* 10 mop atAmoo 100 at Mast py-0 aninnse root 7113.454 1 TicilleiWoot 1 Mao 711346 roa: 7113-56 1 Ilorr 7Lt3.54 1 raw 7/12-54 7 I 3 4 loot 001 7113.56 7113-5i NopoRti in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 Anar ilompow 50X1-HUM 4 limonomosno K? K iheimailkita Ocuar- kap - WIMP- Marstw is 1111111111111111 CSIVAVN1141000414 prer-6.1.541000... ellicantr4;541.004i COVAIN0.1.6104a-a 10.11$81arr4111-15 K 11010,91149. MAK K C111110M00.544.44 CoariaL5NOT6-1904104 KonamagY-Ata Lig: 300 SECEET, 56z 1..0 not 5,6 IOW 51. non 5;lain 510 on 10.4 map 3,2onn 100 on 300 nit CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 4 1 1. 1 1 a 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Cfp3511 eirti erp 56 erp 5a on 55 evil) 55 On 56 on 55 oTp 55 eTp 55 op 55 cTp 55 on) 55 OTT) 55 en 56 (nip 56 OTT) 56 It rosir 1111a43 12 root 606243 13 Ner 41163.53 14 Nee 6362-33 lb aft 5/61-10 24 Poor 6562-443 24 No? 666248 31 roar 6552-50 32 Noe 6562-50 34 rocs 656240 36 Poop 6N53 37 38 39 43 44 45 _ roar 6562.53 roar 6562-58 Pool 6562-58 Tam 656243 roar 6132-69 Noir 6662-53 SECRET 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 CagalgAmtaaS0041 1111111 .04111011454411.00041 St NM Cempalrp4,411000041 311 in Compallre4.4.1104 ite all ani1114 104 SI 30 CenP4-44"405-11 Noon ConpAC..0,64441-11! 100zia ConpaCt0,544QC0.3 1 au Conp:13C-444,241 300aat ConpX-0,54,141 1 NM Conp=4,544000041 SOicat Conp.M.0,54.-4300041 Oast Conp.3C.4.4.-61.000.41 Kam Coop sa14.- 2.21m Cow .110-1.1441.11 100= Capj1111-0,114.411110004 88 INN Csap.31.0,644,32.1 820amt Cnnifi7or1 r.r)pv Approved for Release 50X1-HO-KA raw 71.1344 2 rar 7114411 a rift 711346 rese 7/13-16 3 11,1064=1 Pair 711344 I neer 7113-5t I Peer '7113-44 3 raft 711344 1 rosr-71.13.75t Posy 711346 1 Peas 7113-61 lore 711344 1 Ton 711344 1 roor 7113414 1 raw 7113-it 1 ran iniz-at bort - Calpj1V-441.000.111 CtelIT-0.!-ACCO- Cag911111.44011644 3Dame Cirepautr-i-310-aN411, 61.0 30oarp Kam 61am ir?004. 817-144 CiaNar-4740.6-1,4 ConPAIIT-0?6441-41-A 36Draa 100soN 2 ConpjitftWerk.1 1 nor 1 ConpArr4.0,2414 200scat CoapjUN.441.4.-5,11 .1 wan 1 ellenT44-2????:. abox CottpAff0,541004-11A- lbw 1 iCeepAIN.1-61.0C0-11/. SU= 1 CanNIUT-1-2,241 arbear 1 100Eset 1 Capar-0,3-31000.110 33orst callouff-43,54.82041. no 1 2CHT /04.;bszsiv 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized_Copy,Approved,for, Release @50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SENETr404.--vv, 50X1-HUM *dr t? ? t5 07 SF 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 41 re91.01814111 ni? 10111411 ANNI T rove 06011411 10 Nee 55614i 11 Nee 68112-5a 12 Poet 0562-68 14 l'oesk 15 roar 658248 656248 /9 Ivor 6562.58 22 24 26 Poe? 6932-58 Poore 62-psa- Poe: 6562.58 ? . . eimpii1444414_ argOis4: ? '04404 itimi0444;*** genosisa: rX*45;01.11?i?41Ni0 Sirjr743.!5.41..14000 Cow X-144 ?Mil ParJr.-0,!5.1.41e0 Claer 30-0,1.61.10000 Igt4:42r.)4843?? par JC-0,.. 2144,27 Dor X.41,54..27000 2-4seet 270seei 2;Ticou ? ? ??? 441.611114.4044/4 4111444410140, grame.44-ota sumiramitirit Calpar41460 4110**00a* cOlOar"461ii00"114 1 711375$ Ce,467170.0111-114- rarr 71134 Ca01112.0,54K100-16. 1 rese 7/13-14 Caiii=t4,5.:410000414. 1 Poor TWI.14 1.110tEr.:1390001.400$ 1 roe 7118-6ite:.&-6,27;111- 1 rose 711344 CoopjLti4,14=L-ft SECRET iktOS.500 100mue 1000ek 2,,boe 100aeN 10r) 20amt 2, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 1 1 1 J. 1 1 .1 1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 -- ?---v .4c.. f-i,i , 1 - . - . '.7.4.'"%"" r- , rairf 615249 COSOC.001404014 Mal 1#1?1111r:714,05 . CapY3M,Oilk:001.1-111 =Oust 3 rt, 656P,49- C.seijC.-)*1...p.,1-a : 100s*, 2*-E113*CsiS111,p140,4111.f 1001.^ a Peer 6552-53 Vritin-.0:. , _ . .13ais Prii. , 113X!Ifl..171113.4,1 12 PIK l roes 655243 Colv*-441.1.414.51.4 aisii. 4*.. ?.L.?_. * .1.0441 . ,apJur-4,44,11-at MINK a Foot 6562-53 CompX-114.41500:41. Mai a- Pawl 711144. cogratmat-iuGto 20 pm 1. 23561 Coriporipiavair;apes: : 21.1110- ' CaR,161/"Pillialitvi;' . . 2000osow 2 Nem 200 mit 1 - - - ' 11)0 ast-b Lnarr 200 aut 1 Poo? 6562-52 ConpAC-0,254.3204T 333 OK 1 ro,- nua.st Conp;101T-..135-330-111 33D OK 1 Poor 6562-411 CoripX-2-1-5000.11 5 MK 1 root 711345 ConpjUff-24000-Alk I MOK i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECET 'ZIPP0111111111111110all 1 ? 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 011HCAHHE 11ASOPATOPNYX ASTOTPANCOOPMATOPOS AATP4A JIATNIA 50X1 -HUM 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET INICIFIORpf Ilsrppicy sumo 3413101141161 4-5. 101,11 asarprsay. Bpaustaiiete prioatmo XaCtit? TOMS 113111100C It3OWNiellNie XX? npaatemes sa marpme I npue- ..tax or 0 ao 20 110.114T. Aonycluiens Tasuae use alnorpascolopturropa a cm c itanomeasorio 127 pout. 13 toi cayitae cru. 'Taco- catmactts K monism 1-2. a aatprma. XXX X I apeasupurhe carsae. masiaau 4 ?S. lips XX.110110MX a crtt 127 6041.1. Toot Itarppra se Acta. *ett apcaucuaTs. imaaqua. yaa? max= I ratiaaue I. HA3KAIIEMNE .136opatopmwe aaTotpaiecitoporatopu pety.ampoactimme. Txna .1.?173-2A N ??71ATP npaaasaattenta .x.14 naaoloaora wy.upo- maims aanpaaceama nepencalsory TONzt npolimutaestooli Ma(-Tofu SO repot, aaroipaIrct opualropbt 'dory!' apaucnon?al tipit parlatax laralpotaleigleca .1360panspNiu. uep nwriaac noasatua101ual tpaacitcpwzuppoe tipa Natalliaama a wtsauxonntax xazrpaa.loa, apt Hal IA TN N n.latuellX Slpr_loaps? .,?Te Tra. npu peryaup0n4uun PCW.aatouaroik Orpaltallwre:refi - Lxa np rpalsmpoltalina %.'tertpowsurputr.11404% ttpa6opoo - r a Ta &Nit, AM. 1470111110.1CINeillit4t tte.11tA apt peryaspoa3. ? -rwnep.an-pla $4)44e..mmut rsen31. N wocr4f a I. N fl apy- pC00: it I per),Inpao.21i1N 'map:Hanna. 11 TIA1111,4ECKAil XAPAKTFPIICTHICA v- s?.xaNar, la Ttnpanotioriwatupauis utOpusiUnra ltarlfrd ? t? 11 40 250 trial.% upps sianpotaurnuu a trot * 1.? )111.4.11..tt, t P ?-? an.n.- !I 4 oe? 0,st:we .t,prre (It aelece 01291-Hate (mut noita uar py ? npu - ? ler qffeew th...ozneinen Ur _WAY/4110 npenUitta Ne.INNtNn. ? .1 Aw,r, ti ft 1.26.1Ntle, 1. T2621'1112 I ? 7 sire lognit ArrOcHt (lye *Lau reTTAtione4oksili 0 Z.I) 223.22.1 7.31?Tr$0 24,12.1, .1ATP 9A 9% lATP ? ? 1.44 .11.14nc.luesoat 14/..txraeltilid AoayCnottia TOK CallAtarKX XY/4? M. IIPAINJIA 110/1163011ANNO aqua laitaltraeleCest movrpossc+oputropa Iorts.uorsiicusuiro Nosepirno oxro. owe yrommuz aosnesnoolok. It cars, iiOssapp ' sosoulos socamout, env &lion opt flip II ' - MISOMITS.:Int flasistel. ncialgamicem C osSomrse; Ts6.1?a Tax Tpaacicimstago ilpeat-us 0 It) swat It) ???.- ? 1 211 i ; 1,:??% i flATP4IA AA ...l. nATT+.7.1 IV. rAPAISITMI 3aso.1 rapasnopyer seassuz.ussyso paeficny npadopa la Trgentse 6 ~sum room co ANN 1014.24.01 CO CXXXXX 341a0.13. apse )vosous upsseasussoll mccayaraitioss. . V. XPAIIENNE II SKOIJIYATA11110 /1660wopsuast ,aolovpinscjoisousitorsu AO:MU xpa wows st yarisessiesmrsookitipoirptiriut? ? Routustessiur C wouseisirrypoil OT - *10 ;+U?*a ix niusau.0 somas ,NIOCTUOTHO- '01,449-10.:****IbtattlilkOrsrliPetejleT*210sCo coatcp- 161.1tWegMeirreilig14000.007.,10,1001111eiOn01,? itc+cc? -111.010 NIA:m14?010.0.0,0Pli, ' Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 R 50X1 -HUM Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release NOIck- ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM 14.10f.t.' 1.1,-,nvar: th1, 41;e34% :(Str-* ? #11.114:1,11 11 , , WS, sidAiiiiis,Mis trammat She pops W. Pair tar warning waft %lb* elweetiell lamesentioas. 3 ? IMO Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 iretst, ,? ? NOFORN SECRET INSTRUOTIM for unpacking of the 11TH-4A instrument 1. Inspeet the peeking boxes. Tehe the instrument eat of the ***den box. 3. Renews the soldered tape from the perimeter of the metal eentaimes. 4. Wki out the instrument from the eontainer by means of the elevating Ow. 9, Venom the peeking materials from the panel and shawls of the instrument. 6..111nowe the fly lesds shorting the instruments. Denswe wooden mousting from the memo erste*. 8, is the string fastening the ointSh.. 1. Papers the foredwasuma and the diffusion maps tea operation gamma:tag to the instrustions. 104. Seam the labrieetien brae the metal pests of the bigamist with a elms sett rag. - igoVORIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM ;1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Table or Contents SECRET I. TECHAICAL DFSCRIPTION 50X1-HUM 1. Application 2. Principle of operation 3. technical characteristics 4. List of components and accessories 5. Main component parts of the instrument ? ? ? ? 6. Construction II. OPERATION OF ASSEMBLIES AID UNITS A. Vacuum section 1. Pumps 2. Throttlilyg valve 3. Trap 3 3 8 10 11 14 17 17 3. Pass Spectrometer Chamber, 1. Chamber 19 2. Cathode ? 23 3. Magnetic discharge pressure gauge. 23 C. llectric section 1. Control panel T-8A 2. Cathode maission stabiliser and pressure Slug. rectifier 32 3. Stabilised rectifiers 35 4. A.G. amplifier: a/ First /electrometrici stage 36 bi Second and third stages 38 5. Removable output meter 40 6. Low-frequency oscillator 41 28 040e0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORM 50X1 -HUM A. III. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Preparation 43 B. Switching on ? 44 C. Switching off 45 D. Instruction for use of helium in the leak detector 46 IV. SiRVICING AID REPAIR OF TVP1 ATK-4A LEAK DETEOTOR 1. Ealatemanoe sad servicimg 50 2. Rai* operating rules referring to the vs- saw system of the leek detector ? ? ? ? 51 J. 1410111110 al Ciathede replaoameat 53 Ian sources cleamimg 54 ai Prosser. gauge cleaning 54 di Chamber eleamiag Si il Instruction for dismaatling sad wash- ing of tie 111111-4A leak deteetor vacuum system 56 V. APPEEDIX 11 Client* diagrams of the 12111-46 lash detector a at Circuit diagram at the 11!N-4A leak detector Circuit diagrams of units 2=SA, 240, 1-12 sad 2-14. ? Sleek diagram of type T-18/. output meter. Wiring diagram. 2. Schedule of components. MUT '1140FORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 -3 NOV)" I. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1. Application Leak detector type 11TH,441 /movable leek detectomf - is a special version of a manes spectrometer designed for detecting extremely small leaks in metal and glass vessels. The leak detector makes it possible to locate the leak re- gardless of pressure in vacuum equipment under test. Ay means of the leak detector itis also possible to determine the general amount of leakage in vacuum grstems niers eutgassing from walls is thoussad times as great as lbe leakage from the outer atmosphere. It should be noted that the leek detector nut be very ipretully maintained mnd cared for. Leek of attention or lipat knowledge of the instrument may result in damaging the instrument as a *hole orsome of its umits. Therefore 'Wig essential to make a careful study of the instalment Ammniption and of the operating instructions prior to its iesttimg into Derides. 2. yrinelple of Operation 4114r?. The mass spectrometer leak detector-type OTN-4A - is ? *1igned for measUring the partial premature of helium. !be vacuum equipment umder test is pumped out by *leas of a special pumping device. -t! The object under test is connected to the vacuum Almni of the leak detector through a throttling valve, namely, to the flange of this valve. The dimensioning of the out- tot flenge of the throttling valve is mho= in fig. 1. The throttling valve is designed for controlling the i npniassified in Part - Sanitized COPY Approved for Release 50X1 -HUM 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 NOFORN SEMI 4 quantity of gas penetrating into the mass spectrometer from tho volume under test. To locate leaks, the supoosed leek spots are blasted with a fine stream of heliun from a gylinder provided with * hose having a probe on its end. Due to its low moisture eemtent, helipm penetrates through the leak into the volume Under test and is partly sucked into the vacuun system oi the sass spectrometer. The mass spectrometer is a wlindrical chamber placed La a magmetic field. sigh vacuum is maintained in the chasm ber mess of a pump assembly of the leek detector. Ihe as spectrometer is prefocused in such a way that on. tr4 helium ions can penetrate into the ion collector placed La the ehanber. Xrom t The eollector of the nese spectrometer is connected to Amid of the first /electrometrid stage of the A.10. am- !!!!. Current created by helium ions passes through a resistor the input circuit of the first stage. Voltage obtained Mims this resistor is amplified and is applied to the out- meter and to the audible elem./siren/. ? the auiible alarm indicates presence of helium in the spectrometer, and the magnitude of the pointer deflec- tion in the output meter makes it possible to carry out a ,,.eimparative evaluation of the leak magnitude. When helium penetrates into the mass spectroneter, the ,slarn shunt begins to lower and can completely cease upon ream 50X1-HUM Skiing the lowest tones. The adjusted leek detector responds Pr"?nnri? rr:1 .fiESIZA Flit 1. 41111.7r-v v-% Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R0037onnA1)nn7_7 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ainik SECT - NOFOP f1/41 only to helium - the probe gas - in spite of other gases present in the mess spectrometer and in the equipment un- der test. Helium has been chosen as a probe substance awing to its properties. Low atomic weight and low discosity of he- lls' facilitate its penetration through the leaks. Helium is easily pumped out of the ystem without polluting it. Menus possesses good qualities - namely, it has iner- tial properties, it is fully safe in handling and does not enter into amy ehemical reactions. Isis advantages of helium' are its absence in the speo- tram of residual gases and its low contest in atmosphere di:200000 or 51104%/. this permits to separate the leakage ties the eutgassing when carrying oCit air-tightness test by of a leak detector. In referenoe to air, the lenk de- 40.11Per provides am approximately sero readies. Helium sensitivity of the leak detector is of the order zl&'1sn Hg per 1 division of the output meter. this corresponds to 10 divisions of the output net?r VIM the leek detector is adjusted for helium peak at work - pressure in the mass spectrometer corresponding to 20 Wisps. of the "vacuum" indicator scale. 3. teehnical Characteristics 1. technical data pertaining to fore-vacuum pump type BH.s9s: pumping speed - 13 1/ sin. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Voti. NOF'nRN 50X1-HUM 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORM Vacuum - up to 1 x 105mm Ng, type of oil Type of motor - All 31/4, power source for notor-..three-phase A.C.mains, 220y, 50 cps., 2. Technical data pertaining to diffusion pump - typealli-20, pumping 'speed - 20 1/secc., vacuum mp to 10-6im 114., type of oil - BAP-4,er 811-2 heater - electric ramge 200 W, 220 v, puap cooling - airh-000led by means of a fan. 3. Operating current of the magnetic discharge icn gauge /on the "vacuum" indloatozioe: fore-vacuum pressure - less than 75 division., operation of vacuum relq - 30 divisions * 50 to 1,1k working pressure - 20 divisions, "- minimum pressure /with fully closed throttling .? valve/ - 2 to 3 divisions. 4. Operating emission current - 3 to 5 ma. 5. Accelerating voltage. 6. Melium peak. These magnitudes are obtained when the instrument is being adjusted and they are given in the test certificate /Moder vacuum corresponding to 20 divisions on the "vacuum" isdicatord Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release S"Cr "11 otegyt,, 50-Yr 2014/04/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECT as mai 1111,1 50X1 -HUM 1. Flange of the throttling valve 2. Output meter ,A.LIDFUM1.1 at the threttlingvelve 4.1 ? ksibeASs 6. MOPONOW /14,.. 2. lOpe MAL Leek Detester hattaite 7. Amplifier gun 'toter - 100 scale divisisms 8. Input resistenee of the elsetremeeris stags 4. ??? 1.5 1010ohms. 9. Power $ource - three - phase A.C.meins,220 V. 50 Spa 10. Power consumption : about 1000 w. F77.1 tIOINVIO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECET 0:7R NOFYIR" 11. Weight of instrusen 12. Overall dimensions: a/ Main rack with frames : 570 x 600 x 1190 b/ Main rack with frames including controls and door handles 620 x 660 1229. 4. List of Components and Accessories N a a ? Gisantity Vacant unit "A" amplifier lex for spare parts and aocesories, in- eluding positions 3-16 Operating set of 504C ttibes 1 2 Voltage stabiliser Cr,C 2 6040 2 6060 1 0110 4 6160 1 gbyrstrom f11-0.1/0.3 1 614 1 6170 2 0490.5 - 12 1 1 605 1 6830 1 Acorn tube 6XIM 1 4. Sot of spare tubes WIC Voltage stabiliser MC Fri%37,71 604C HOPOirstri 2 2 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 EMI 4=1, SET FORM Nos 111 lane 4uantity 6, X 8 61(60 ft:matron ?II - 0.1/0.3 614 606C 6870 0.8585.5-12 auc 606 Gay; 2c, Aso= tube 6XIX _ 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1. 1 1 1 ?O. Set of spars fuses : rx-10,1-37 aa 3 22 UK-lit, 1 0 43 ma 6 241.. Set of /11,150 mit 1 43 mu 1 Sat of spare pilot lamps : 25. loon Laval - 3 4 iSlmeent lamp 11-15 6.3Y 0.28 A 1 7. Detachable output meter 1 S. Blast device with a set of missies: Nossle dia: 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 sin sot Components of diffusion pump: Ceramic parts with spiral 1 Ring 5 W. Pressure gouge 1 - 11. Cathode rt rr,:r 12. Screwdriver 1 isovov414 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEC Nos NOFORI4 -10- Name Quantity 13, Description and operation instruc- tion to diffusion pump 14. Description and operation instruc- tion to vacuum pump 15. Table of rubber packing rings 16. Canvas cover 17. Packing came for the instrument 18. Yastory certificate 19. Description and operating instruction to holism leak detector type 11,11C4A 20. Strap 21. Cemplimg pin 22. Usher 8 25. Int Me 2%. Sever for trap tr, Spanner to diffusion pump plate M. Casing for relwy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 8 I. 1 1 5. pia Cawaolieal parts of the Instrument Tb. instrument consiats of two main component parts: 1. Vacuum section comprising the vacuum system of itis mass spectrometer mad the mass spestrometer 2. Metrical section comprising poser supply units and controls of the mass spectrometer as well as an amplifier. The block diagram of the instrument is shovn in itig.3. C71:7-1 0FORtil 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 talc. grg t4of1:4114 U4.3. F11,1 6? Mae instrunent is mounted on a waded steel reek. ?hero mre doors an the fvont end rear sidsm St Om , mi. !hese door' pimiliftts imaPeOloa limml SAW** trAtIke, lateral and the roar doors serve also for isippevitss Itcopolingoondttions of the leak detector in operation? roc..At is advisable to open thee, doors when the iostrspe , %An. Aperatica /See 7ig.4/. 411471,2o assure the possibility of moving Ike leek 60.0G10r in operation, the instrunent is provided with !cur rolls sad two handles. The front panel /i.e. the control panel/ is provided . with hinges and can be lifted to 's'!"to wiring. tviOratit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SMT 140FORN I - 12- 50X1 -HUM 1. Control panel T-8 2. Amplifier, sidible alarm 3. Oscillator 2-12 4. Cathode adagio& stabiliser and pressure gouge 2-14 rectifier Nig. 4. pros* Tlrs, Fent door removed. The main assemblios. ths electric-radio section of the instrument, namely, the A.S. amplifier with the audible alarm and the rectifier, 40 low-frequsacy oscillator with the rectifier and the discharge pressure gauge rectifier with the emission current stabiliser - all these elements are de- signed as three separate units extrectible from the units body. These units are electrically connected with the whole circuit by means of separate contact blocks. The mass spectrometer chmnber is also a separate unit. The vacuum connection of the chamber with the whole leak NOFORN 5nrforts Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 tioc6c?4 sEcr 50X1 -HUM 13 detector is carried out by means of flanges, Ind the elec- tric connect Lon - by menns of two plugs. The diffusion pump with the fan blower as well as the magnet and the throttling valve are mounted on the rear side of the leak detector. /See Fig.5 rear view of the leek detector /. The output meter is conf.ected with the leek detector by means of a cable tith a plug. Pig. 5. Leak detector lzrpe ITTP-A Rear view. Sheathing removed. '01 11:1- ticcomoVA, Vs1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORNI 1. Throttling valve 2. Trap / r t . 3. Diffusion pump 4. Plug for connecting the output meter 5. Mass spectrometer chamber T-16 6. Fore-vacuum pump motor 7. Fore-vacuum pump 8. Connecting hose between the diffusion pump, and the fore-vacuum pump 9. Yan flower 10. Magnetic system. II. OPERATION OF ASSEMBLIES AND UNITS A. Vacuum Section The vacuum section of the instrument comprises pumps, mass spectrometer chamber, throttling valve and pipelines. 1. Pumps Two vacuum pumps are used in the leak detector - the or-vacuum /mechanical / pump and the diffusion /steam jet/ pulp. The fore-vacuum pump - type BE-494 -is designed for obtaining initial i.e. low vacuum. The Initial pressure, i.e. the pressure in the //stem, iiihra the mechanical pump can be put into operation for eva- cuation, is equal to atmospheric pressure. The pump (moue ates the system in the range from atmospheric pressure to 10 mmHg. The principle of operation of the fore-vacuum pump can be clearly seen from Fig.6. /the cut is perpendicular to the piston skis/. SECRF.T NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 -15 SECE,FOR FK 6 1ig.6. Pore-vacuum /mechanical/ pump 1. Evacuation space 2. Piston drum 3. Pump &ember 4. Plates 5. Valve 6. Pump body 7. gjection piece 8. Suction piece Pump chamber 3 is immersed in a rectangular iron body 6, filled with oil. The suction piece passes through the pump cover into the chamber the so-called evacuation spade 1 Where the piston rotates /as shovel by the arrow/. The rotating piston comprises drum 2 and two plates 4, the latter being placed in the slits of the drum. Stoll rt springs aro placed between the plates and these springs con- Siantky press the plates on to the wlindrical wall of the pump ihaaber limiting the evacuation space. The axis of piston rotation coincides with its gamet- e/cal axis but is shifted upwards with regard to the chmsiber axis. Thus a constant contact between the rotating drum and the chamber wall is obtained, and when the pump operates, the plates allows elide along the elitist times approadhing to one another or withdrawing from one anopiTricp- NOF.0 R N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 EMT 50X1 -HUM - 16 t4OVORINI There are two holes on the latevill sides of the body - a hole for setting the oil level in the tank /upner hole with an observation port / and another one for discharging the oil /lower holeA When the pump is in operation, oil ihould be at a cer- tain level above valve 5 and for this reason the oil level required for normal work is marked on the observation port. The valve is designed for passing the gss ejected from the pus* and to prevent it from penetrating back into the pump. Oil above the valve prevents the latter from being in direct contact with atmonheric air. The diffusion /oil vapour/ pump - type Alet-20 - is designed for obtaining high vacuum- The pump provides for azi vacuum /with freezing out of steam/ up .6 to 10 ma lig. The operation scheme of this pump is seen from fig.?. The/MIK - 20 pump body is air-cooled. Oil is warmed up by means of an electric heater / a range/ and evaporates. The vapour passes into the nossle sad is ejected from the nozzles downwards with great speed, and then enters the cooler where condensation takes place. Gas molecules approaching from region A, are entrained by a stun jet and transferred to the lower part of the pump where from they are removed by means of a mew chanical pump. F:Tr:"T NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 -17- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORN 7. Diffusion /steam-jet/ pump a/ 1. Oil rejectors 2. Pump body 3. Nossle 4. Oil vapour Sot 5. Steen supply line h/. Sossle operation schwas 6. Steen 7. Bvaporator 8. Oil 9. Heater 10. Outlet piece 11. Tater cooling 2. Throttling Valve The valve is an inportant metallic component of the leak detector conduit. The valve construction is &own Lang. 8. The aylphon is a corrugated metallic tube which, due to its corrugation, is easily bent and extended being vary convenient for ensuring the valve notion inside the va- cuum system. Sylphons are used as special packing when r Va T NOFORNI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORN -18- transferring the motion through the vacuum chamber walls. 50X1-HUM PHAVoital F158 WINN Fig. 8. Throttling valve 3- n12 IL trap is placed on the evacuation path, bet:wipes the diffusion pump and the as spectrometer chestier. The Ws. Is cooled with liquid nitrogen which is poured into the trap flask. The trap is a special Dewar vessel and pro- vests the oil vapour from penetrating into the system from the diffusion pump. Then passing by the cooled walls of the flask, the oil vapour condenses. In general, if tkere is a cooled surface in the installation, this surface acts as a tmap for all vapour whose pressure corresponds to the pressure of the saturated vapour at temperature exceeding that of the cooled surface. Therafole, When initial rare- faction takes place, and considerable portion of gas removed from the volume isiossentially water vapour the presence of the trap apprecially accelerates the initial rare- faction. ElriN0FoR No liquid nitrogen should be poured into the trap St the beginning of the evacuation process. If the trap Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R0037ormnnn7_7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECM t4OFORO is cooled at the very beginning of the evacuation operation, not only watt)." vapour will condense on the trap surface, but so will the gases which fora part of the air. Owing to this fact, when the gas pressure in the vacuum system is produced as a result of evacuation, and becomes lower than the saturation pressure for condensed gases /which cor- responds to the trap temperature /, then out gassing wilt begin from the trap walls and this will delay the pumping. The trap boly is directly connected with evacuation loran& pipe of the mass spectrometer chamber. Vacuum system lines are thoroughly soldered in joints. Vacuum tightness of joints between different components t??.. - the trap, the diffusion pump, the valise - is ensured by MAORIS of groove flanges, the rubber pecking rings bang in al placed in the grooves. Flanges are tightened with bolts. tic . Men the throttling valve is closed and the trapis 6 soiled, vacuum up to 5 x 102- am lig is obtained in the va- oumm grates of the mass spectrometer. the Working pressure in the mass spectrometer chamber is wit. .a of the order of 2.5 - 10 am Ng and is maintiimed at this level owing to control or gas leakage from the object me- test. The control is perforaed by means of a tbrottl- tbe ins valve. 3 B. Mass Spectrometer Chamber 1. Cha*er The outer view and the inner construction of the mass spectrometer chamber are Shown in Fig.9. NOFORV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 IMP 20 SEMICIOFORN The disposition of the chamber in the leak detector is shown in Fig.. The mass spectrometer chamber /unit T-16/ consists of a brass body, inside which the following components are placed: a cathode, an ion source, a diaphragm and a high - resistance tea/AP. The chamber is placed in the gap between the poles of the magnetic circuit which produces magnetic field intensi- ty of 1300-1400 oersteds. The magnetic circuit comprises two magnetics cast from "Magnico-627" alloy and fittings made of "ARMCO" iron. An A.C. heated eathode which snits electron beau is msumted in the chamber, Shove the ism source box. To di- rect the electron been tessels the Lam source-box, +200 v Sr. applied to the ion owes relative to the cathode, and, in addition, the electron Num is asselerated by the maiss. tic field. The ion source box has two rectangular holes. Zlectrons emitted by the cathode enter the box through 141 upper hole, and ions forsed upon collision of electrons with gas soleoules pass through the lateral hole. Ions flow out of the ion source box and are accelerated by the electric field applied between the ion source and the input diaphragm. The magnitude of the accelerating voltage is of the order of 300-400 v. The diaphragm is welded on to the chamber boi, and accelerating voltage is applied so that negative paten- the tial is applied to the chanber body, and positive vol g.- to the ion source box. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Str7 - 21 AsafAVed ions penetrating into the chamber through the slit of the input diaphragm, are deflected by the mag- netic field and move in circular paths. If the electric end the magnetic fields are constant, ions of different masses acme in paths with different radii. 1ig.9. Mass Spectrometer T-16 ChaSber /dismantled/ 1. ftscuation branch pipe 2. Chamber supply inlet 3. Supply inlet of the electrosetric tUbs 4. Diaphragm 5. Pressure gauss 6. Helium ion collector 7. Cathode and ion source r.1171. 8. High-resistance resistor WoACI 9. ()Au. tube Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SICEI -22- NOFORN In this mass spectrometer constant magnetic field and accelerating electric field are chosen no that from all forsed ions only those of the helium can pass through the slits of a number of diaphragm on to the ion collector. The path radius for helium ion in this mass spectro- ' meter is equal to 4 cm. Three grids are placed in front of the ion collector, and these grids serve for suppressing the noise from fo- reign ions whieh can reach the ion collector. Constant voltage /300-400 v/ is applied to the center reit /so called suppressor grid/, two other grids being esamested.with the chamber bo'ly. Ion current from the selleeter is mapplied to the input of the A.C. simplifier first stage. TO ensure the neoessary air-iightness, all mechasis seenections of the vacuum grates are thoroughly soldered. Wets are inserted with rubber spasms and are tight- ened with nuts, The,larios lietwesm06U'ehember cover end the be. lease sealed', with a"ribher-rihg inserted into ,L the grows: The islets to the haWber are insulated from one smo- ther mad from the ?bather body by means at rubber bushings. Th. collector /together with the Wei-resistance resistor am,the grid of the electrometric tube / is insulated from the chamber body by means of a type "PCI-i, 4-600" insulator. The collector* the pressure gauge, the electrometric Ube, the high-resistance resistor and the6athode are placed is the chamber and all these components are detachable. NOFORN S,751,1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 - 23 - SEres,g2150T1 CAUTION: Men chamber compononts are installed or removed, the two plugs pertaining to the chamber supply should be discon- nected, because even if the instrument is switched off, there may be a potential of about 1500 r on the pressure gouge electrode. ileotrodes and wire connections of the chamber are se- cured by means of welding and soldering. The 61111( tube and the high-resistance resistor are fastened by means of jeottootaots. The ion source box is made of Mosel metal. The cathode /lig.10/ is inserted into the spring ter- misalstastened along the sides of the box. rilasent volt- s". is eupplied to the as teruinals. Zi A v? Pig.10. Components of 1. Pressure gauge body 2. Pressure gauge lid 3. Pressure gauge inlet 4. Pressure gauge ring 5. Cathode nage spectrometer T.16 Closter. NoV'OPM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R00320nnRnnn7_; 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET =, 2 MID b:F711 : ? HR: ince redistor 7. 6;tt1;,% tube 2. Cathode The cathode is a 20 mm long tungsten filament welded on to two angles inserted into the ion source terminals. Filament current is about 4A, filament voltage is 1.5 v. Operating emission current at full sensitivity is 5 wk. Cathode life expectancy at 5 mit emission current is about luO hours. The burned-out cathode is easily replaced. 3. Magnetic discharge pressure gauge. A magnetic discharge pressure gouge /ion gauge / is designed for measuring pressure in the Chamber. The gauge is placed inside the *batboy end it serves simultaneously ace transducer for the control circuit which matcmatioally switches off the use spectrometer cathode supply when the pressure in the Chamber exceeds the admissible limit. The gauge consists of a boll, /aluminium casing/ co- vered with a lid, and a ring fastened on the insulator in- pito the boly. To this ring 41200 v are supplied relative to the chamber body Afig.10/. The pressure gauge inside the chamber is placed in At magnetic field. The gauge current obtained as a re- sult Wpm molecules ionisation depends upon the pressure ii the chamber. The geometrical dimensions of the pressure gouge and the voltage supplied to the gauge are chosen so that the discharging current of the gouge depends directly upon the pressure. VI:Prrni The mass spectrometer chamber with all supplying wires NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 - 25 - SE1 is shown in the black dtaigsam NKYFURti 50X1-HUM OMLIELEZMiasu'agsaima. fie ft Fig.11. Block Diagraa. We following voltage should be applied to the chamber: Filament voltage - electronically stabilised A.C. voltage, 1.5 /4A/. 2/. Voltage between the cathode and the ion source - electronically stabilised d.c. voltage, 200 v. 3/. Modulated accelerating voltage applied between the chamber body and the ion source - electronically sta- bilised d.c. voltage, about 300 - 400 v. 4/. Pressure gauge supply d.c. voltage applied between NOIFO- the chamber body and tne pressure gauge ring, regulated Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cosy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ECT MOFOR against mains voltage variations by means of a fwPv'n-vmb nominee transformer 1200 V. 50X1-HUM The above mentioned voltages are obtained from power units which also perform measuring and monitoring functions. Voltages are supplied through the control panel to the Cham- ber by means of a cable. The supply inlet to the chamber is terminated with a 5-pin block. The base diagram of the 5-pin inlet in the chamber is shown in Fig.12. In addition to the 5-pin inlet, there is also a 6-pin inlet in the chamber for supplying the 61IIIK tube of the electrometric stage, the tube being placed inside the cham- ber body. 5/. The 6I1X plate supply - electronically stabilised d.c. voltage, + 5 to 8 v. 6/. Screen grid supply - electronically stabilised d.c. voltage, + 25 v. 7( Filament supply - unstibilised d.c. voltage, 3.5 v. 8. Suppressor grid supply - electronically stabilised d.c. voltage, + 300 to 400 v. The above mentioned voltages are obtained from unit "amplifier", audible alarm" and are supplied to the dhasiber by moans of a cable terminating with a block having six fe- male contacts. Base diagram of the 5-pin inlet to the chamber is shown in Fig.12. SFPET NoFoRt4 The mass spectrometer is provided with controls and - 2 - 1 rlarlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 v Qrr"r" -27- monMgpwielements, namely, accelerating voltage cont- rol, stepped sensitivity control, audible alarm volume cont- rol, relay for automatic switching off the cathode under poor vacuum conditions and toggle switches for switching the seine. Control and monitoring elements are located on the control panel. Ps.. 4441.y Ut. IOWA WWWICigaiet, inlets to the mass spectrometer chamber NOFORM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap ? roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R00320omonn7_7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECT - 23 - NOF?114 B. Llectric Section 1. The ?-8A /Fig.13/ Control Panel. The following meters are placed& the control panel: 1. "Emission" indicator - milliammeter for 10 ma, con- nected into emission current circuit. 2. "Vacuum" indicator - milliammeter for I ma, con- nected into pressure gauge circuit. Readings of the order of 70 divisions correspond4o the fore-vacuum pressure, and the diffusion pump can be switched on at such pressure. Readings of the order of 20 divisions correspond to the working pressure in the chamber. Under good vacuum/ conditions and with closed throttling valve, the Nvacuumr indicator should read 2 divisions. 3. "Accelerating voltage" indicator - a voltmeter for 500 v. To ensure indications of the meter, it is necessary to press on the push-button bearing inscription "starting pm-button" after having switched on the leak detector and having obtained pressure below 30 divisions. Upon automatic switching off the cathode, the aster 'eases to indicate the accelerating voltage. 4. "Sensitivity" knob which permits to carry out stepped variittion of the leak detector sensitivity by chant- ing the emission current of the cathode. The sensitivity switch is connected in to the input circuit of the emission stabilizer. SE77.1 In position "1", helium sensitivity of the lealkottenkti. or is maximum and the emission current should be 3-5 ma. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM c- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORN - 29 - In positions "10" and "100" the sensitivity decrease* approximately ten and hundred times. In "Off" position the cathode filament is fully switched off. 5. "Accelerating voltage" control sakes it possible to vary this voltage from 300 to 400 v, i.e. by 100 v. This is essential for accurate adjustment of the leak detector for helium peak. This adjustment may slightly vary when replacing the chamber as a result of magnet ageing and some other causes. The required accelerating voltage of about 300-400 v is supplied from two electronically regulated power supplies which are mounted on units "amplifier, audible alarm" and weseillatorw. The supplies are connected in series. The magnitude of the accelerating voltage obtained tmrimg factorvadjustment of the leak detector is shown in the tesikertificate of the instrument. 6. Relay push-button *Starting push-button". Upon obtaining vacuum corresponding to 30 sr less di- visions on the "vacuum indioator", the accelerating voltage and the cathode supply are fed into the mass spectrometer ehaviber by pressing on the push-button. Simultaneously heavy current passes through the relay winding, the relay armature is attracted and the relay con- tacts close the accelermting voltage circuit as well as the winding circuit of the relay itself. 'Upon deterioration of vacuum /over 30 diviWifte-bh the IFICrtifttki Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Mr: woofz" "vacuum" Indicator scale/ the rela armature automatically released and then the circuits which were closed by the re- lay contacts break and the chamber cathode filament voltage sharply drops. Winding circuit of the relay is interrupted by con- tacts as a result of relay operation, and therefore the re- lay cannot be switched on by itself. Twitch on the relay again when vacuum becomes suf- ficieetly good, it is necessary to press upon the "starting push-butt on" . The above described circuit automatically and reliably prevents the cathode from burning out in case of a sudden deterioration of vacuum /for example, when a suidea turning of the throttling valve occurs/. After this it suffices to close the valve and to press on the starting pushr4utton after 1-2 mils*s interwe1..2han the operation may oontinued. 7. *Volume control*. Volume is controlled by means of a 470 kilo-ehm poten, tioneter connected into the fins' stage grid eircuit of the audible alarm relaxation oscillator. The relaxation oscillator is mounted in the *amplifier% audible alarm" unit, and the potentiometer is placed an the Control panel. 8. In addition to the above mentioned controls, there are four switches on the panel. The extreme right-hand switdb serves for switching on tho fore-vacuum pump motor. qttnreax 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @_50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-n1n4nPnng9nnnsznnn7 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NoroRM -32- E. Starting push-button 7. Sensitivity switch 2. Cathode emission stabilizer and pressure gauge Dower suroply unit T-14 /1ie.14/. At pressure 10-4 - 2.5 x 10-4 mm Hg the operation of the tungsten cathode is very unstable. Without any visible causes, the emission of such a cathode can vary by several times. In addition, the emission varies depending upon variation vacuum. The supply of ca- thode f*.om the ferro -resonance stabilizer or even from the storage battery does not eliminate this instability result- ing from phenomena taking place on the cathode surface. To eliminate instability of cathode emission, a spe- cial emission stabilizer is6sed. This stabilizer is a fi- lament regulator controlled by emission current. The lat- ter passes through resistors connected to the input of the emission stabilizer amplifier /tube 610/. Amplified oscil- lations of the emission current are supplied to the grid of the 6113C tube. The 6n3c tube is connected in parallel with the pri- mary of the controlling transformer TB-23 whose secondary is connected in series with the chamber cathode. Resist- ance variation of the primary circuit of the controlling transformier changes the resiatance introduced into the secondary and varies the filament current so that the emission current should remain constant. The emission stability is maintained within 44. AlOPORW In addition, there is a variable resistor in the stm- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 NOVORN The next switch is designed or switching on the preheating of the diffusion pump. The third switch serves for switching on the radio units whereas the extreme left-hand switch is designed for switching on the cathode supply transformer. The extreme right-hand switch is the common switch of the supply mains. Signal lamps placed above the common switch indicate the mains voltage supply. The fifth lamp - the extreme left-hand one-illuminated in red, lights when the cathode has burned out or whet there is a break in the cathode circuit. 50X1 -HUM Pig.13. Coatrol Panel 1. "Baission" indicator 2. 'Vacuum" indicator 3. "Accelerating voltage indicator 4. Volume control 5. "Accelerating voltage" control Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEMI woottim - 32 - . Starting push-button 7. Sensitivity switch 2. Cathode emission stabilizer and pressure gauge ower su 2.14 /F151.1.i4/. At pressure 10-4 - 2.5 x 10-4 an Kg the operation of the tungsten cathode is very unstable. without any visible causes, the mission of such a cathode can vary by several times. In additio4, the emission varies depending upon variation vacuum. The supply of aa- thode from the ferro-resonance stabiliser or even from the storage battery does not eliminate this instability result- ing from phenomena taking place on the cathode susfase. To eliminate instability of cathode emission, a spe- cial emission stabiliser isfised. This stabiliser .is a fi- lament regulator controlled by emission current. The lat- ter passes through resistors connected to the input of the eaission stabilizer amplifier /tube cas/. Amplified email- lations of the emission current are supplied to the grid of the 6113C tube. The 6n3c tube is connected in parallel with the pri- mary of the controlling trautsfonaer r1-23 shoos secondary is connected in series with the chamber cathode. Restat- e:ice variation of the primary circuit of the controlling transfomer changes the resistance introduced into the secondary and varies the filament current so that the emission current should remain constant. The emission stability is uaintained within 4N0FoRN In addition, there is a variable resistor in the step- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @_50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-n1r4npnng9nnnw-mr17 7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Steltr-iNOFOR74. " biliser unit var3se slotted axle is brought out to the front wall of the chassis /with inscription "emission setting"/. The resistor can be used for setting the emission cur- rent to3 ?5 ma, this being essential when replacing the cathode. In addition to the emission stabilizer, the T-14 unit comprises a pressure gauge power supply. The voltage for supplying the pressure gauge /1200 v/ is obtained from the high-voltagefectifier employing the 2U2C tube. The following elements are connected into the d.c.cir- suit of the pressure gauge: a ballast resistor of about 800 kilo-ohms, a "vacuum" indicator /milliammeter for 1 ms/ lo- cated on the control panel, and two rasistors - fixed and variable, 15 kilo-ohms each. Voltage supplied to the E,C5 grid is taken from these latter resistors and it serves for automatic switching off the cathode when vacuum' becomes poor. The automation circuit emprises a 605 Ube and an electromagnetic relic/ eonnected into the plate circuit of the tube. The relay is placed on the control panel. Limits of relay operation can be adjusted by means of a variable resistor in the 6C5 grid circuit. This slotted resistor is brought out to the chassis of the pressure gauge power supply. While factory adjust- ment the relay is adjusted for operfttion at vacuum equal NOFIORNI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 gePiEl - 34 NOFORM to 26-32 divIsioal .)f the "vacuum" i,idicator scale. Re4.ulatiol of relay operation currelt is necessary when the bC5 tube is replaced. The T-14 unit has also a blocking push-button and a push-buttoa for discharging the capacitor connected into the circuit of the pressure gauge power supply. The blocking push-button automatically switches off the mains wire which supplies the power transformer of the pressure gauge when opening the front door of the in- strument. CAUTION: Before removing the S-14 unit from the frame of the leak detector for inspection or repair, it is necessary to discharge the high-voltage capacitor of the pressure gauge power supply by pressing the push-button placed on the left-hand side of the chassis. Fig. 14. Block T-14. Cathode emission sits- biliser and pressure gauge poser supply. General view. NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEGE"; NOFORM -35- 50X1-HUM 1. 2U2C/879 tube 2. 605 tube 3. 6A8 tube 4. 6113C tube 5. Fuses 6. "Capacitor discharge" push-button 7. Blocking push-button 3. Regulated Power Supplies Regulated power supplies are mounted in units Rampli- 2ier, audible alarm" and "oscillator". The ionising voltage /200 v/ is obtained from the rec- tifier placed in the "oscillator" unit. Sismitaneously the same rectifier supplies the tubes of thelow-frequenv oscillator and the 411E8 tubs of the emis- sion stabiliser. The power supply is provided with electronic voltage stabilisation. The accelerating voltage is Obtained from the oscillator power supply and from the power supply source mounted inside the unit "amplifier, audible alarm" provide 200 v. Both power supplies ere connected in series so !bit it is possible to adjust the accelerating voltage from 400 T to 300 v by means of a 5.6 kilo-ohm potentiometer shoes slotted axle is brought out to the control psnel. The stability of the rectified voltage is t 10 with mains voltage variation of * 150. The output voltage of the power suppliosts set *hen adjusting them at the facto w by means of potentiometer NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECR7 NOF ORM 56? whose slotted axles are brcught out to the front walls of the chassis pertaining to units "amplifier, audible slam" and "oscillator". They should be used only when replacing the tubes for setting voltage equal to 200 v. 4. A.C. Anplifier s/ lirst / electronetiric/ stage. /Figures 9 and 15/. When detecting looks the helium ions reaching the col- lector of the mass spectrometer produce ion currents of the order 10-14 - 10-11A. To ensure detection and quantitative evaluation of these currents, there is an ampligying device in the leak detector as well as a low-frequency oscillator previdifit , 5.7 cps. at 10-16 v. The oscillator carries out sa maxillary fInetiorby modulating the ion current flowing to the dealber,eellmeimr. The aaplifying device comprises an s.c. amplifier, ma audible alarm /siren/ and am output aster and it posterns the nein function - amplification and indication of nods- lated ion current. The 611X t4be of the maplifier first stage, together with the high-resistance resistor is placed in th; thembel of the mass spectrometer /714.10i. other conponents of the first stage are mounted in' ' unit T-10. Ouch a construction does noteequire special high-resistance outlet and additional shielding because the ohms- ber is a sufficiently reliable shield. SEE5: NcFoRit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R00320onsonn7_7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 .SECCIE - 37 - rIgcARA4 Ialt?current of the mass spectrometer is passed through a resistor of very high resistance - 1.5 x 1010 ohas /i.e. 15000 uegohms/ and the alternating voltage Obtaised across .this resistor is supplied to the grid of the first stage. This4esistor is simultaneously a grid leak 'Resistor of the first stage and is called "input resistor of the am- plifier". As the input resistance is very high, the. insulation resiptance of the insulators securing the high-resistance resistor should be very high /about 10-12... 10'11 ohms /. A fixed 15000 uegohn resist or is used as ma input re- sistor of the amplifier. A small-sise tube of 611(1I type iodised as an auplifying tube of the first stage. This tube operation in a stromg external magnetic field and at lowered supply voltages. The plate voltage is in the range of 5-8 v, and the screen grid -voltage is 25 v. The filament voltage equal to 3.5 v is Obtained from the selenium rectifier mounted in unit 1=10. The bias is due to the leakage current of the .grid. The first stage is fully supplied from the rectifier mounted inside unit 2=10. Voltage gain factor of the stage is of the order of 5 to 7. Switching on the stage is carried out by means of the toggle switch "radio unit" Which is common for thikriltdpV ?N`OnlloRRI assembly and is placed on the control panel. The first stage is connected with unit T-10 by mesas Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 ? CIA-RDP81 01 OLVIRnnq9nnnS2nrIn7 7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 1?????.????????,-,, SECREINOFORN of a Shielded csblo whose plug is inserted into a 6-pin black nounted on the chatber. The base diagran of the plug is shown in Pig.12. Fig.15. Unit T-10. Amplifier and madiblo Alarm. General View. 1. 68 tdbe 6. 6C4C ftbe 2. 64 tube 7. CI-3C tube 3. 6X6C tub? a. 5U4C tube 4. 6D?C tUbe 9. Supply cable of the 5. TU-0.1/0.3 tube electrometbie stage b/. Second and third stews /Pig.15/. From the output of the first stage the signal is plied to the second stage of the amplifier placed in umit 26.10. The main feature of the amplifier is the applifisatima of low frequency /5-7 ops/ whereas the remaining frequessies /higher than the main frequency/ are suppressed with filter, eapacitors of 0.2 mid connected in parallel with the Ube. of the first and the second stages. SEM NEC43-60 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Cnr:11 NOFORN -39- frequencies lower than 5-7 cps caused by various noises are suppressed by moans of block capacitors. The amplifier, being of the B.0.-coupled typo uti- limos tubes types4kg sad 414, with an output supplied to the diode detector 6X6C. There aro two 30 kilo-ohm resistors at the detector output. An output meter for 300 ma. being performed as a separate unit is connected in series with sae of those ref stators. Voltage fromthe socoad resisLor is supplied to the audible alarm /sired notated insideftie same unit the overman voltage gels of the amplifier /icaludimea3. the eleetrometric stage / is about WO. Ta, potentiometers are plased on the amplilfior and their slotted axles are brought to the freatImall.ev4; ly mesas of the right-hand poteatiameter,ometigp qua, smooth/7 adjust the applificatima. hipt)ler - The left-hand poteatiometer is Moises& forspd the voltage which is supplied to the omplitier1m.44, sk0i.v?.1 serves for adjusting the aseeleratingtvoltoge,ra. , ,ratT_18.4' A4j4stmeat by moons of p poteutioneter eamAmparr aut. only whoa replacing the tidies. Au audible leakage indicator /siren/ asdisa eleptromir eally stabilised power supply are also mounted La ? /leo regulated power supplies/. Th. audible alarm /sires/ is a thwratroa oscillator of the 211-0-1/0.3 type. SECT The tone of the generated oscillations varies spat hUDFORNI Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release _@ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 I,SENET NICYFORI% changing of the bias on the thyratron grid. The bias to the thyrstron grid is supplied from the output of the *uplifter T-10 detector, i.e. the pitch of the siren sound changes when the signal appears at the detector. Upon switthing on the thyratroa ?spinster the ampli- fying stage utilising the 61160 tube is switched on and this *stage supplies amplified audible oscillations to the loud- speaker. The loudspeaker requires 1.5*. ? Volume of the audible alarm is controlled by simian of allolume coatrol" potentiometer placed on the central penal. The pitch of the audible alarm sound begins to lower von entering of helium into the mass spectremster, and upon approaching the 'overt tones, it can entirely cease. The sound reappears as a result of decrease in helium gum- La the sass spectrometer. The sound becomes higher when the quantity of helium continues to decrease. 50X1-HUM 5. Resovable Output lister ina.16/. The output meter is constructed as a separate un1t2-18 I wad is connected to the amplifier output by means of a shield-4 ed cable terminated with a plug. The output meter has two neasureneut ranges full seal* deflection current being 300 an /sensitivity bmiteih in position XI /and 3 ma/ x 10 I. The hose is laid in a special compartment closed on the rear panel df the meter. INCIFORAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECT NOPORY, -41 - Pig.16. fait T-18. clutipt:Meter 6. ilowfireememar CiaelllMtaringal7/ The osollIater is plaeatia41404104t and is de- signed for periodic variation of the Igeliiiag voltage magnitude, that is, of the lei eurimmii.nolOtade in the celv =NJ lector circuit. Oscillation frequency of the oscillator is in the range from 5 to 7 cps. Maximum output voltage of the oscillator is 14-16 v. The oscillator circuit comprises two 6H7C tObes.One tube operates as a "RC" oscillator and provides voltage /about/3 vi at the output of the stage. The other tube servies for amplifying the voltage aad it operates according to the push-pull circuit. Voltage about 14-16 ? is obtained at the output of the second stage. ? ballast tube of the 0:85-B-5.5-12 typo is connect- ed into the filament ciruit of the first tuba /oscillates/ to stabilise the output voltage. SD7.-3 NOFORN 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEE' - 42 NOFORNI The oscillator is power supplied froa the rectifier /see "Regulated power supplies"/ mounted inside the same unit. This rectifier supplies also voltage for ionisation as well as accelerating voltage and voltage for the emis- sion stabiliser tube 618. Rig.17. Unit 2=12. Low-Nrequesoy Oscillator Geaerel View 1. 6170 tube 2. 0.85-1-5.5-12 tab. 3. 6040 tabs 4. iie *Abe 5. CX-10 ties 6. 914e Ube Two potentiometers ars located on the oscillator sibles= ii and their slotted axles are brought oat to the front-eall By using the "amplitude adjustment" potentiometer it is possible to adjust smoothly the voltage magaituas if the oecillator from 0 to 14-16 v. By means of the "voltage adjustment" potentiometer it is possible to adjust smoothly and in narrow limits the segl- situde of the rectified voltage of the rectifier.77,7 vicdF'ORNi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 -NOFORN -43- ? ? Amplitude and voltage can be adjusted only when replac- ing the tubes. III. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. Preparation 1. After receiving the instrunent from the factory and prior to its setting into operation, remove first the wooden straps which secure magnetic system in transportation. Then proceed as follows on the control panel before cm- 'meting the instrument to the stains: A/ Set the switches tn the "off* position; b/ Set the "sensitivity" knob in the "off* position; Cl Turn the wvolune control* knob to the extreme right hand position. 2. Sonnect the three-phase 220 v mains to the terminal board on the left-hand side of the look detector. 3. Connect the leak detector rack to theearth" moils a special terminal placed on the sane board. 4. Insert the plug of the output meter into the saki* em the loft-hand side of the leak detector and tit em it to the end of the thread. 5. Check if the rotation direction of the fore-vasuma pump motor is correct. To obtain this, remove the driiiag bolt from the pump and switch on the power supply of tie motor. The aotor pelley ehould rotate clockwise provided ems stands in front of it. To change the direction of motor rotation, change the location of the two phases in the three-phase mains of the motor supply. SECL. "77 NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 .SEr. NOFORN B. Bwitcning o n. 1. Switch on the "fore-vacuu* pump" switch on the con - 61001 panel. As a result, the neon lamp should light and the fan blower should begin to operate. 2. Remove the clutch fron the rubber hose of the fore- ?MMUS pump. 11. Switch on the "radio unit" switch on the control 4. 5-10 minutes after appearance of the the "vacuum" indicator, switch on the "diffusion pine'gritlh %tie "vacuum" meter may indicate 60-75 scale divisions/. 5. In 20-30 minute' the pointer of the "mourns" Judi- octor begins to move to the left and this'iridioatisiii14- Was/Ling of the diffusion pump operation. When evacuation operation takes pliroe,'iheialiiirlet VA 1 a lii.eitpat looter pointer is subjected to rem sound appeams and disappears. Switch 411AI 4114,17,!:?.1_. ? r__;LIM gvpi-em Clay When pressure has lowered below 10 divisems.' le 46-. 2u tan this : i/ oath. "cathode" switeh;L- &b. ue-tr set lite "sentitivity"4 eferitek,ia piisitiencrretzero,;.. Poottilk press upon the pustten-afterAm1i44elat/i- tIthe d/ the pointer of the "eulaiiion'm viate from the sere position. r The nagnitude of the emission current should be the 'renis of 3-5 as. If the emission current is less than 3 as, est as follows: SEFL1 a/ remove the front door of the instrument samwstane. NOIFOIRMI onsly operate. the Mocking system and tide pointer or Ike Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 NRYFCMR1s$ instrument deflect to the left/; b/ turn to the right the axle of the "emission ad- justment" potentiometer on the lower unit "pressure gauge rectifier, mission stabiliser"; 0/ close the front door of the instrument; d/ press uppn the starting push-button. If the emission indicator does not indicate and the rod signal lamp lights, this means that the cathode has h off burned out or that there has been some break in the method* eircuit /for example, the supply plug of the chadber has keen removed/. melt - 6. Fill the trap with liquid nitrogen. uzLmg 7. To fully adjust the mass spectrometer for helium,. set as follows: -v Jr ahOrt 411 without making any connections to the throttling 1.4.wgz valve, slowly turn its handle obtaining such an indication ? - I. *vapour. the "vacuum" indicator scale which corresponds to tile ,Iad the back -45 rking pressure of the mass spectrometer vacuum system mpertion 1.24 divisions on the meter scale/. -1- V/ by turning the Raoceleration voltage* control,/ ob- . , _ -. . , _ ? 'lain suck a deflection of the indicator pointer from save P.-., - 7 to ahSncsevi :position which corresponds to henna air peak. The maga- to this ? ,. kept wider .,_:tmde of the accelerating voltage for this instrument is gi-. Algt -VOR in the test certificate. not bA _, or Gloss the throttling valve. The pointer alike . iT:ek. ditL t meter should deflect to the left. B. Switching off on ,,.1-To switch off the instrument, sot as follows: SEcp:T close the theottling valve; NOP'ORV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ECR rj.t4OFORN b/ switch off the cathode by setting the "sensitivity" knob in the "off" position; Cl set the "cathode" and "radio unit" switches in the "off" position; d/ switch off the diffusion pump and wait during 15-20 minutes until the diffusion pump has cooled; a/ press the rubber hoee which connects the diffasisa and the fore-vacuum pumps by using clutches, and switeh off the "fore-vacuum pump". In such position the instrument can remain until the next switching on. AOTES:l. If it is necessary to check the vacuum daring evacuation the radio unit should be switWhed ea by means of the "radio unit" switch for a Mime time. this prevents the pressure gauge of the leak detector from contamination with oil vapour. 2. It is advisable to open the lateral and the bask doors of the leak detector during the operation for better cooling. D. Instruction for helium use in the leak detector. Pure helium /i.e. not mixed with air/ usually is Shipped to the factories in metallic cylinders where it is kept under high pressure. It is natural that in such a state helium elm- not be used for operation in the leak detector. In leek de- tectors helium should be used under low pressure, and, in ad- dition, it should be used being nixed witbiir for the sake of economy. Helium used for operation with the leak detector is generally kept in special reservoirs, the so called gee- SEW NOFOR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Molders. Helium should be transferred from thel?s cylinder ?ts the gas-holder uy means of a gas pressure reduchtfk de- mVise. This device /Fig.18/ has two outlets with two trikgs gauges and one cock. An outlet with a prewar* jis is connected to the gas cylinder, and a low-pressure ...4i0let is connected to the gas-holder. All cocks should V?e closed. Then the gas-holder is filled to the brim with /through a funnel/ and all cocks open, including the floAer cock. Pressure not exceeding 2 atmospheres is liilmtained at the gas-holder inlet by means of a pressure 'A*A4maimg device cock. As a result of helium pressurei, war- 50X1 -HUM from the gas holler will pour over the top of the iambs'? toter in the gas holder will occupy not more than ome of its volume, iilling with helium Should be stopped. KU:7 lig.18. Gas-holder, pressure reducing device and helium cylinder connected to thet410POR14 transfer helium from gas cylinder to the gas?holder. rlarlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release p 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 :SECRET .48- WYFORTIJ A gas-holier may be used for operation with the leak detector but it is more advisable to use a glass flask. Usually this flank has a circular cross sectioa, with two small necks, each of them being provided with a cock. Fig. 19 show* how helium fills the glass flask. This flask Should be filled with water - as much as 'me third of volume - and connected to the gas-holder, both cocks being initially closed. Then the cock of the gas- holder and both flask cocks should be open. All cocks sloes and the flask is disconnected from the gas-holder after all water had been removed from the flask due to laalima pressure. As helium mixes with air which is in the flask elm the latter is being filled, the helium concentration will be ap- proximately 25-30 ti after the filling has been accomplished. If, during the leak detector operation, water in the glass flask with helium, occupies almost the whole volume, this indicates that there is very little helium in the fleet and fresh quantities of helium sbouild be added. Both cocks of theflask with helium should be closed af- ter operation. A small tank with water and a flask with helium immerse 4 in it as well as a small pipe with a blast device are *how inns. 20. It is not adttsed to use oxygen cushions for helium sto- rage due to a high helium leakage. SEC.73 NOFORM narlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized CODY Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEC moroFFN ? 49 ? PIC IS -1,01.114 crl?SCItti Pig. 19. Gasholder oonnectild to toa e glass flask. ri4 the 3tnillng use - 14f.i Nig. 20. Umall tank with water and a glass flask with helium Immersed ta it. The flask is provided with, pipe having a blast device. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET 50 NOFtHR141 IV. SERVICING AND REPAIR OF THE MI ..eA LEAK DETECTOR; Good maintenance and proper servicing ensure reliabi- lity in operation of the leak detector 1/4and preserve its working qualities. Therefore, it is essential to handle carefully the instrument and to observe principal rules re- ferring to naintenance and servicing. 1. Maintenance and Servicing The instrument should be kept absolutely clean. When not use, it Should be covered with canvas cover /supplied with the instrument/. Strict vacuum-preserving rules should be observed when opening the chamber or any other compcmegts of the leak detector vacuum system. It is not advisable to touch with hands parts and their surfaces placed indite tiS vacuum system unless it is urgently needed. Shea installing detachable parts into the chalber, it is advisable to use clean tools /pliers, tongs, etc./. Dust, dirt, orgenic mat- ter /oil, masout, gaus4 fluffs, cotton, ete. trotting into the vacuum system of the leak detector mmy maks it impossible to obtain working vactuun in the leek ditmeter. If the vacuum system is highly contaminated, all parts should be subjected to cleaning. Such cleaning operation takes '- takes considerable tine - about 8 hours - amd it is carried out in case of necessity/ se. for instruction referring to the dismantling of the vacuum wfstem and Italians pf its parts/. To maintain working vacuun in the gys Ct72 it is necessary / in addition to observance of strict NopoRt4 ronv Aooroved for Release @50-Yr 2014/04/21 CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEcrr -51- NOFORM vacuum-preserving rules/ to maintain in good repair all pubs and to observe a number of rules when operating the instrument. It should be noted that there are some special features in the maintenance of the AM-20 pump mounted in the ung -4A instrument. To ensure normal operation of the diffusion pump, its heater should be switched on only upon sufficient ilitial rarefaction /60-75 scale division on the "vacuum" indicator/ sad with the presence of the cooling air jet of the fen blowesk. No pump operation is permitted without additioaal waling. As a result of prolonged operation, the working liquid / i.e. oil / of the pump can partly lose its working qualities. Sharp deterioration of wow& qualities at oil /i.e. oxidation / may occur as a result oZ air pene- tration into hot pump under atmospheric pressure. Ube* eases the pump should be removed, washed refilled with !reek oil. 2. lain operating rules referring to the vacuum magi slit. leak detector. 1/. Vacuum system as a whole sad all Its oompements Mould be kept in evacuated state. 2/. Pour liquid nitrogen into the trap of the leak de- testor only just before the tests /i.e. before opening the throttling valve/. Liquid nitrogen should be removed before switching on the heater of the diffusion pump. Absence of li4uia1itrogen in the trap facilitates the removal Itror ? reign natters and dirt which could penetrate into the vacuum Witten of the !ITN -4A instrument during evacuation pperation. WW0101 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 - 52 0!J Liquid nitrogen is removed by the blasting it out by means of compressed air or by the 'nib- merging in the trap of objects with high heat capacities. Care should be taken *hen carry- ing out blast operation, taking into account that liquid nitrogen may cause burns on huasin skin. 3/. It should be kept in mind /when stopping the It1-4A that the fore-vacuum pump can be stopped only af- ter the diffusion pump had been entirely cooled. Before stepping the pump, it is essential to tighten the connect- iv* rubber hose by using the clutch. If this is not rul- rp...4, filled, atmospheric air may penetrate into the vacuum Aye- , 4,t15- Ms or oil may be sucked in from the forwormsuum pump. 'he vacuum system of the UT11-41 leak detector should be air tight. If there is a leak in the system, the pointer if the "vacuum" indicator stops without reazhimg its mensal JOeition /1.5 - 2 divisions/. By !Jilin* the trap with li: old nitrogen one practically does not affect the indioatiess if the "vacumeindicator. If pressure in the srstem does, net exseed the working pressure /20 scale divisions of the liva- emms" indientor/1 the leak can be detected by means of the leak detector itself blasting with probe gas /heliva eu. the spots where leaks are suspected. If pressure in the vacuum system exceeds the workiag pressure, it is advisable to detect leakage spots by scans if successive inspection of individual components. 50X1-HUM in Part Sanitized COON/ Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 I Er' ? -53- WYFCART4 kor preventative reasons it aysteaatic checking of the vacuum system' of the nTm-4A in. strument foiair-tightness. Ail observed leaks should be eliminated at once. Lack of air-tightness in the vacuum system decreases the sensitivity of the instrument. Absolute of working vacuum in the vacuum system say be caused mot only by leakages but also by faults in the pumping devices or by high contamination of the components. If leaks have not been detected as a result of checking, be sure that the fore-vacuum pump is in good repair and carry out cleaning and oil replacesent in the diffusion pump. If in spite of the above aentioned measures, there is still no working pressure in the system, it means that the system ismomignima- ted. Dismantling and cleaning of the vacuum system are dee- cribed later. thc,dei 3- LA-2.-1A-t-1 a/ Cathode replacement When installing the cathode observe the followimurules: 1/ The cathode should be installed about 0.5 mm Shim the ion source box. 2/ The filament should be located above the mididle;part of the upper slit of the ion source. 3/ The filsment should be so tightened am4o elinimate its sagging and deflections in any direction has being heated. Required tension is ensured by pressing the spring of the holders by 0.5 an. Then the cathode is switched on for the first tine, sharp deterioration of vacuum is observed in the ohalher. r r N OF 0 n ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 ,Gr.? SBM .54 NOFORN The cathode begins to evolve gases and, therefore, it should be subjected to "ageing" by switching it on for a short time at low sensitiviiv of the 11T11-4A instrument - untili the gassing has ended. The replacement of the cathode is a very important ope- ration and the service of the leak detector depends on the quality of this operation. b/ Ion Source Cleaning Ion source is a very important component of the sass spectrometer chamber. Its normal operation ensures good sensitivity of the IIT)!-41 instrument. The ion source may become contaminated when in opera- tion /especially when contaminated equipment is tested for air-tightnesni. The upper plane of the ion source box /under the ea is especially subjected to contaainatioa whsreas glass iimai;e: lators and the diaphragm are not collimated so often. Cleanliness of the upper plane of the ion source bon should be checked each time the cathode is being replaced. It should be cleaned by scraping off the carbon deposit utak some sharp tool and subsequent rubbing with gauze dliehtly moistened in a solvent. c/ Pressure mute (amnia& Pressure gauge installed in the sass spectrometer shame ber should be cleaned approximately after 100-hour operation. Carbonized oil residue deposited on the inner surface of the gauss should be removed. Vibration of the "vacuum" indicator pointer indicates contamination of the pressure gauge. The NOFORN ail I. 4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEC:7 NOFORN pressure gauge should be removed from the chabmblor and etched in a weak alkaline solution. gni: Prolonged etching is not permitted because it weak- ens the insulator and the rivet of the body bottom. Washing and drying should take place after the etching. Then the pressure gauge is reinstalled into the chamber. 'he pressure gauge ring ahould be located parallel to the bottom of the body, otherwise the indications of the "vacuum's indi- cator will not be correct. d/ Chamber Cleaning Cleaning of the mass spectrometer chamber is a very important operation and it should be carried out oaliy Wham the chamber is highly contaminated. The GUNN'r should be removed from the instrument and *Mad befslased a table: Then it is necessary to remove from it the pressure iimMOO, the shield cover, the 6114 tube, the high-resistanu reelabi. or as well as the cathode and the collector. ????????.e..." -55- Upon removal of all detachable components the *bomb*, should be cleaned. To do this, some carbon tetrachloride or other should be poured into the chamber, and then it is ne- cessary to rub all inner surfaces of the body, the cher and the non-detachable components /ion source, swoon, aphragm/. This should be done by means of a small ecrudri- veAhose tip is wrapped with 'sus*. gm: The chamber cover should be cleaned only after the removal of the rubber space from the cover groove. lubber spacer used for vs um sealing of the cover. NopoRN EFP- narlaccifiinri in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 .SECFT - and the billitaltody should al Alcohol, carbon tetrachloride or ether should be used for this purpose. neither petrol nor acetone should be applied. The spacer should be cleaned by rubbing it with a piece of gauze moistened in a solvent. To avoid deterioration, the spacer should not be kept submerged into the solvent for a long time. After cleaning the spacer is subjected to dry- stuck to its surface. Only then the spacer should be laid into its groove. After this all removed components should be re-installed into the chaaber. Then the dhalber should be connected to the UTR -4A instrument and should be pumped out. a/ Instruction for dismantling, am, washiaa of the UTI-4A leak detector vassals erste. The INN -4A leak detector vacuum system should be dis- mantled and washed only under the following coaditioaa: 1/. high contamination; 2/. failure of individual components; 3/. lack of critical vacuum in the system. Frequent dismantling of the vacuum system results in less of its air-tightness and deteriorates its vacuum pre- 0?, perties. If the operator observes sone fault in any single compnent, only this component should be dismantled. Complete dismantling of the vacuus system should be carried out in the following sequence: 1. Remove the magnet after loosening the stop saran and complete unscrewing of the screw pressing the sheenier cover. SP"' T NOFORN nprlaccifiPci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 .SECP1.7 NOFORN 2. Admit atmospheric air in o em penin the throttling valve. NOTE: When atmospheric air is admitted, the chamber co- ver should be held with hand. -57 3. Remove the chamber cover. 4. Remove the chamber by loosening the flange from coupling bolts. 5. Remove the throttling valve in this sequence: a. Remove the flyWheel; b. resove the stirrup; c. unscrew the coupling bolts. 6. Remove the rubber hose from the outlet piece of the diffusion pump. 7. Remove the ventilation shield. - 8. Remove the diffusion pump by unscrewing the bolts coupling itsflange. -,,ro le- 9. Remove the upper panel of the instrument by un- oul2p screwing its fastening screws. 'fLung, 10. Buoy, the trap by unscrewing the fastening serene which secure the trap to the plate. nctor 11. Remove the fore-vacuum pump and the shook absorber im- by loosening the nuts which serve for securing thiTixing angles the latter being removed with the pap. - - to 12. To assemble the vacuum systlm, proemed in reverse e the sequence. Oil in the fore-vacuum pump can be replaced on the spot by using the drain and the discharge plugs. To replace oil in the .00-20 diffusion pump, est, as follows: 1. Remove the punp. cror-r7 NOFORPil 50X1 -HUM fi nprlaccifipn in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 .SECT -58- NOFORNI 2. Drain off the used oil using the dmmin plug. 3. Wash the puap. 4. Use a new spacer forsoaling the drain plug. 5. Pour 100 ca3 of fresh oil. b. Put the pump in its place. The liMR-20 pump should be washed in case it is contami- nated or if Oil is being replaced. To do this, act as folowst 1. Drain off the oil by using the drain plug. 2. Wash the pump from inside by using a solvent /Garbo& tetrachloride or aviation petrol/. NOM Washing should be carried out until the solveat drained off from the pump has become pure /net less than 54 times/. v 3. Blast the pump with pure air until the solvent odour has disappeared /wars air can be used/. As the pump is not subjected to dismantling, no moss Sow& -% tailed cleaning of its inner parts is necessary. If the pump under test does not imparove critical vacuum after it should be replaced. son: Gas is eliminated from the pump and the oil eller cleaning, and, therefore, the Grit/nalis- - proves gradually and reaehee its 111141411 vane proximately after 8-10 hours, It* is *Mesas Is subject the pump to "ageing" with the view et the most rapid removal oStoreign vapours and geese -2 from the 1111-4A leak detector vacuum system /Without having liquid nitrogen taAhe tread. . Individual components of the WWW-4A Vacuum anima . . should be washed in the sant way as the components of the SEPf wopow 50X1-HUM Ti neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 - 60 SECIFT 3. Extreakrarresidual noise level /normally it equals to 2-3 scale divisions on the output meter/. 4. Lowered emission /normally it equals to 3-5 ma/. 5. Incorrect position of the source diaphragm and especially of the cathode in the mass spectroseter chsaber. 6. Operation under lowered working pressure /normal pressure is 20 divisions on the "vacuum" indicator scale/. To ensure qualitative checking of equipment for air- tightness it is essential to check regularly the seasitivity of the leak detector /not less than once a week/. Sensiti- vity of the leak detector /not less than once a week/. Mew. sitivity should be checked judetag fres the noise level of ale helium in the mass spectrometer chamber /20 scale divides* on the "vacuum" indicator/. Prolonged operation of the leek detester in clewed pre- mises results in increase of helium conceatratioa in the air, and this nay also lower the instrument sensitivit7 to a considerable degree. To avoid this, the pruaisee Sheol& be regularly ventilated. =Alb Item No. Drawing No. D ????????111.111MIMMINIONIMOi d I ar galla Deststi 1 20002-11 8 5 4 1 Blast devise 2 25603-14 63 53 4 3 Valve aad trap 3 25616-17 6 - 7 11 Obaiber 4 25617-06 135 125 4 1 Ohaiber 5 25649-12 65 55 4 1 Valve 6 25619-13 44 6.5 4 1 Valve ????????...????????????????????????1????????????????????????????????????? Table of ribber sealing rings. Stt reIrPrt7 NOFORN1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 IMDP LAW3FIOSR4 lxplanation to circuit diagram UT-4A 1. Amplifier and audible alarm. ,te 2. Oscillator, 3. Pressure gauge rectifier and emission stabiliser 4. Control panel. 5. Chaiber, 6. Output meter. Fig.21. Circuit diagram . of the T-18 A removable output metelv , NOFoRNt 50X1-HUM t, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 .62 or seghtifir of components to oirouit diagram of T-8 A twit Qum- 50X1 -HUM tion Awe and Type Rated date tity lote 1 2-pole ewitsh, 15 A 3 2 Pose DR -10A, 1 37 am 3 3 Rem leap MR-3 4 4 Resistor IT I.56000-a 56 biloeboe 4 5 81gaa1 Lap, 6.3 ? 0.28A 1 6 3-pole switch, 15 A 1 "Vaeuna" indisator, 1 am 1 8 "Aeeelerating voltage* 1 2-pole ewitsh, 15 A 2 Pose DR -10A, 1 37 am 3 Rem leap MR-3 4 Resistor IT I.56000-a 5 81gaa1 Lap, 6.3 ? 0.28A 6 3-pole switch, 15 A "Vaeuna" indisator, 1 am 8 "Aeeelerating voltage* 3 3 4 56 biloeboe 4 1 1 1 indleator, 500 v 9 ?Bsissisa? indleater 10 um 1 ? 10 Oapaeltor MK* 10 EU 1 to 950 21 0?Paoitor 3114-1a is k SE: 950 21 0?Paoitor 3114-1a is NOFORN SE: NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECt--7 Blocks Nos. 1, 2 aria 144?127'011N4Jnit T-18 A Circuit Characteristics Contact Circuit Circuit block C parameters o t ? 1-1 -,- 3-phase mains ---,220 ? 1-2 m? so " OM on I/ '.%- 220 v 1-3 -"- ??? as " ,-;220 v 1-4 Suppix to fore-vacuua pump motor --220 v 1-5 ??? SD " 4WD ow n 99 MO SO -220 v 1-6 so an " OS oni le W OM ..m? -220 v 1-7 Supply to diffusion pump plate -250 v 1-7 ?sio Os " oft 91... W SD OM ,---220 v 1.9 Supply to radio units -220 v 1-10m - -. - - - 220 v Supply to cathode - 220 ? 2-1 ....m -"... ... ^' 220 ? 2-2 To emission stabilizer +200 v 2.3 To pressure gauge rectifier -1200 v 2.4/20-6/10 .. .... , ? OS NED +1200 ? 2-5/20-4/ To chamber/accelerating v voltage/ *400 lr 2-6/20-3/ "karth" 3-1/20-1/ Supply to cathode --8 v, 4A 3-2 To audible alarm 61116? tibro 3-3 OW AM IIED 3-4/20-1/ Supply to cathode 3-5 To oscillator rectifier 3-6 To amplifier rectifier ? a v, 41 -.200 ? +200 v SEC, - NOPoRN 50X1-HUM rlarlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Contact block SECIA:7- ttOporm - 63a- Circuit circuit 111 0 t ? 2!Faseters 3-7 Supply to cathode -8v, 4A 3-8 To oscillator rectifier +200 v 3-9 To oscillator +400 ? 5-10 Relay supply circuit +260 v 4 :*) N ?PORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORN Schedule of oomponente to *Inuit ampler of mit 16D2 - 64 - 50X1 -HUM -"PM- tum Awe and type bin data rated Ii tity 314. 1 2 Tressformer 20-25 !Ube 5q4C 3 Voltage stabiliser 0130 4 ampacitor ? .9.1 1 add I 5 Resistor 2.2 arida, 3 AIM 0,54,24 6 Tabs 6040 41110/ 7 beim*" XV o,10041 100 ebro 3 Salasiare reetifier 20.45-171 9 Choke 4.13 _ 10 Capasitor 811(4414 318 200 dile 4 11 Sasiates Si Igiashats'i a MIT 24410004 12 Desisiber MIT 0,5i.6100041 SI knoiria 13 ibutaeor MIT 0,5.0004I 50 Mod= ; 3 14 ilosiator II? 14104 5111 kneeler: 19 Ompasiter 81*.la II X isied? 16 angst trairfourr 111.46 17 TaNaseofiker 1$ Tau agea /6?6/ 19 Tau so min/ 20 Ileffigter WiT 14064 360 =IAMB 21 Resistor (114-2?45A4 5 22 ICI3r4114100-2-II 2 itge SECT NOFoRpe Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 .SECT:rtwerakr 2 3 4 5 as 24 25 26 27 as 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 C co Mt laPasit" ltesitotor Thoatraa %be 6350 %be sk Issistor Oa posit ow Oapaeltar Basiwtor Ilmaiatsr lbsistor WIT 0,5-0,1-11 Tx-I-NI /WNW /6rd (alt) (114-244500h4 laT 0,5400041 MIT 0,5-0,241 0,5441 Iiireawawnt reelefort 0.5 w 100.200 elles 36 Ilesistcw 'or? 0,54000041 17 amolx"r KIT 0,5-62000.11 B?sister 1-5100041 39 bail*" iaT 1-2,241 40 lam ac..i IA, I ar 4E3 OmPfs?itior 10311412400.0.2-II 42 001. with bleak 43 issigtor 1-0,141 44 Usistor Ma 0,5-3300041 45 losistet MIT 044,8241 46 iiewieter WIT I-0,I41 47 OsPolitor K8114U-400-0.025-11 1 100 kilookas 2 1 rain I 100.200 Amp 1 20 kneeing 1 62 kileakaa 51 kneehole 202 swasimis Oa ad% 100 kneeing i $00 kileshos 33 kneehole 1 1120 kneeing I 100 kileekuo 0.0t5 ate I SE07- npr.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEMI wommem Block No.4. ? 66 ? Unit T-10 Circuit Characteristios Contact Circuit o t ? block Circuits parameters 4-1 Accelerating voltage 4-2 Rectiffer voltage 4-3 To output meter 4-4 To output neter 4-5 4-6 To mains 4-7 Barth 4-8 4-9 'NI volume control 4-10 To volume control 4-11 5-12 To mains 42-1 MIL tube filmiest 42-2 611III tube control grid 42-3 Prams II voltage 42-4 611III tUbe screen grid voltage 42-5 42-6 Berth +400 v 200v ---220 v '220v + 3.5 +400..v - a SECI]i Noor 50X1 -HUM ner.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEC ZT 1"4'1** Sohedule of components to circuit diagram of Unit 2-12 Pbsi- tien 1i. as and type QuautS- da*a ty rated 1 Fuse IE-.i 1A, 1 ge 45 ma 2 Poser transformer T0-26 3 Tube 544C 4 Tube 6040 5 Resister WIT 0,5400041 6 Resister WIT 1-2,24I 7 Resistor WIT 1-0,2-fl 8 Resistor /0-5.4-27000-11 9 Mho crac 10 Oapiaritor 8111-Isi i000 elma 2.2 supgabmo 200 kiladems 27 kneeing 10 stds 11 &mister WIT 143400041 20 kileekas 12 Isaisto IT 1-6100041 51 kneeing 13 iNibe 6103 14 Resistor WIT 0,5-6100041 51 kilseins 15 Resistor WIT 1-0,3041 560 kilesion 16 Resister CII-1-2a-15A4 15 kibosh's, 17 Resistor WIT 0,5-62000-11 62 kiloslos 18 OoPaoitor 10-0.5-1-110000-11 2 Is 19 Resistor 10-0.5-1-10000-ii 10 kilodos 20 Tube 6R70 21 Berretter 0. 85B5.5vI2 22 Resistor WIT 0,25-2000-400041 2-4 kileelass NOpoRN 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 50X1-HUM neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET - 68 - NOFOR Posi- tion li!ime and type in data rated Cues- tity 23 Capacitor KBP41'-400-0.I-II 0.1 mfd 2 24 Resistor LAT 0,25-0,114 270 kiloohms 2 25 Resistor (11-1-2a-15C0A4 1.5 kiloohmm 1 26 Reastor WIT 0,5410041 2.7 kiloohms 1 27 Output transformer n-23 1 28 Pass IIK-&150 me, 1 m 43 1 29 Capaoitor KW-1112-400-0.2-la 0.2 mfd 1 30 wire-woand resistor - 0.5-100- -20'3 ohms 100-200 ohms 1 31 0aPsoitor KEINH2-400-0.II-11 0.1 mfd 1 NOFORAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Contact block SEMI. 14orom - 69 - Block No.. Unit T-12 Circuit Characterim es Circuits Circuit parameters I 5 - 1 "Earth" 5 4 Oscillator output, + acceleration voltage 300-400 v 5 - 3 Rectifier voltage + 200 v 5 - 6 Mains ?220 v 5 ?10 Oscillator output, +acceleration voltage 300-400 v 5-8 Rectifier voltage ? 200 v 5-12 Mains r-220 v Srimp-r NOFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SEOP7_ NOFORN Schedule of components to circuit diagram of 'Unit T-14 50X1 -HUM Posi- tie* 11_ Nuts_ and tyro& *In data rated Qum- tity Tote 1 less IK,1a, 1 - 45 mm 2 2 onumitor immn24-n 1 mid 2 3 Transformer AT 1 -5 4 Transformer At-4 1 5 Transformer T0-27 1 6 Tube 21.12C 1 T Arsh-battea 5 1 aulatft WIT 0,5-0,2741 270 kneeing 3 9 tabs 605 1 10 Resistor WIT 0 ,5.0 ,141 100 wieder 2 11 Resistor NIT 0,5-L200041 12 kneehole 1 12 Resistor ca-1-211r45-A4 15 kneehole 1 13 Transformer 20-0 1 14 Transformer TO-31 1 15 Tube 6113C 1 16 Demister WIT 0,5-0,5141 510 kneeing 3 17 Demister WIT 2-2000041 20 kibosh= 1 18 Ifirs-wesumd variable resister, 200 Amiga w 200 ohms 1 19 Resistor WIT 0,25-33041 550 ohms 1 20 Tubs go /68177/ 1 21 Dash-button 51 1 22 Resistor ma 2400041 5 kiloobas 1 gtettp:Ciam Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 SECRET NOFORI4 - 71 Block No. (..). Unit T-14 Contact block Circuit Characteristics Circuit - Note Circuit parameters 6-1 EA8 anode /to relay/ 4* 100 v 6-2 Cathode supply circuit ,---8 ?fr 4A 6-3 WS tube supply circuit - 200 v 6-4 Pressure gauge circuit + 1200 T 6-5 Pressure gauge circuit - 1200 v 6-6 Mains 220 T 6-7 Earth 6-8 Cathode supply circuit ---- 8 ?? 4 ? 6-9 68 tube supply circuit + 200 1r 6-10 Relay supply circuit 4* 260 ? 6-11 Mains /.?.- 220 v 6-12 Mains ,I. 220 ? List of component parts to T-181. output aster Position No. Component parts 1 Shunt for 3 ma; to aatdh according to meter 2 Versatile shunt for 300 ma 3 Microammeter for 100 as 4 Two-pole switch 5 Three-contact plug cr,(1q7:7T LP...J.,' 3 NOFORNi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7 6 *Se 50X1 -H0v9X1 -HUM 4t 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003200080007-7