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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ENFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM ' 50X1 -HUM o e p onage Laws, Title person is prohibited by law. 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY Bulgaria CT Tank Tank A 4.; DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Regiment in Yambol; Units in the Sofia Area PAGES de56 k/j--) Aet: - 112 ) REFERENCES 6 1,0t-7.- Che-7:-A144-IL, Lj j -40 clops cr-n-e_4 5 vd- tt-C745? . I REPORT DATE DISTR. 18 March 1964 1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APpReiciii nv rAkITFIJT IC wcsaw?vssze a. 501 -HM Tank Regiment in Yambol - 11 pages withX U ct.nd legend. b. Tank unit, tank repair shop, and school near Sukhodol village, west of Sofia - 16 pages with sketch and legend. c. Military unit and tank repair shop east of Sukhodol village, west of Sofia - 3 pages with sketch and legend. d. Specifications of T/34 type tanks - 2 pages. e. Tank units in Bulgaria - 5 pages. Distribution of attachment: Department of the Army: Retention C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE X I DIA ARMY X I NAVY X I AIR X I NSA X I AID 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 5 50X1 -HUM 4 3 2 GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 1 50X1-HUM (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) NFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT 50X1-HUN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ? , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001--T 1-HUM CONFIDENTiALINOF 1EN DIEM Subject Tank Regiment Yambol(4229N 2630E). A tank regiment is located in Yambol. The tank regiment reinforced by as f-propelled guns, anti-aircraft, engineering, and signalling corps was disbanded in 1961e the units except the tanks were left on this area in Yambol after 1961, and these were probably reinforced by the anti-aircraft units dispatched from other parts( from Yambol the tanks of this regiment were sent to Zvezderts(42411 2725E) and Aytos(4242N 2715E) and senior sergeant Vasil Yordanov was dispatched to Zvezdets along with the tanks. Moreover, the tanks were dispatched to Grudovo, too. some of It was allegeed that this tank regiment was going to be disbanded in Sept. 1960. tt2.ewas of no use to have the tanks stationed in Yambol when tank units were located in Sliven and Elkh.ovo. 3 tank units were situated on one line. On the other hand, the tankswere scarce on the area at the east of this line. Therefore, CONEDE7711/110 FEEN ESEtd 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFENTitt j D1SSEM 2 - a small number of tanks subjected to this tank regiment were joined into the anti-aircraft unit in Yambol thus moving the main strenght of the regiment to the east. In addition to this, during a man.eouver held before the representatives of the communist countries by the 3rd Bulgarian Army in April 1960, none of the Yambol regiment tanks were able to reach the target, neither to perform the assigned duties due to the defects which occured in the engines. Only two tanks could reach the maneouvering area in the vicinity of Kotel. This failure has made a great effect, and partly has been a rdon to disband the regiment. - 1iocation: The regiment is located north western section of Yambol and just on the east of Tunca River. over Yambol to The bridge/which the highway from/Sliven erbeasis the Tunca River is about 30-40 m. south west of this regiment. A park is found between the barracks-area and the highway leading to Silvan, and west of the bridge. The road joining Sliven highway from the western section of the park leads to the barracks-area. There is also another road frog the town square leading to the barracks- area. A new road passes through the western part of the barracks-area. The barracks-area is surrounded by Tunca River from the west, gypsy district from the north, and by a tile, road leading to the private residencies from the east, and by a street with the private residencies and a park at the south. A stone wall rises on the eastern front of the area, and gates are placed at two places. The southern and northern sections are surrounded with barbed-wire, and the main gate is situated on the southern front. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM CONFE.17,7,IL F-27.79 .7721 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDEREALA rom DEEM 3 The lenght of the area from north to south is 1000 mp The northern front is 400 in. , and the southern front is 600 in. long. Some differences appear due to the curves made by Tunca River. The northern and western fronts of the area have a gradual downwards incline as compared with the center. Thus, the area represents a view of two soparate A cavalry regiment was stationed in this barracks-area before 1944. Note: The sketch showing the barracks-area and the installations inside the barracks-area is attached. 2. Format ion : this tank regiment is subjected to the Division Hdq? in Yambol. The CO of this Division is Cbl. Grincharov and he is usually found in Sliven. the CO is Capt. Stan- Chev. The/Vroftteit technical works in the regiment is Vlaj ? Yordanov, and assistant CO of regulations is Maj. Kostov, and the assistant political CO is Maj. Ivanov. The Hdq. chief of this regiment was Lieut. Col. Popov. Units subordinated to this regiment: I) Tank Companies: There are five tank companies in this regiment. Each tank company is divided into 2 platoons, and each platoon is divided into 2 squads. Each squad has 2 tanks of T/54-85 type. There are 54 tanks in the regiment in all, and they are all of T/34-85 type. There is no battalion formation constituted by the tanks in the regiment. The tank company 00 is a captain, and the platoon 006 are First Lieaut enant s CONFIDET::: /::=0 LL_Afidi 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 v Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFREAL VE6EiGH MUM ? 4 ? 2) Self?propelled artillery atn_alLeas There is a company formed by the self-propelled guns of 84/100 type of the regiment. This company is divided into two platoons, and each platoon is divided into two squads. Refugee does not know how many guns are stationed in one squad. 5) Anti-aircraft artillery battery: The CO is Capt. Kolev. There are 5-6 anti-aircraft guns of 37 ni?ra? 14 1939 model drivenby the trucks in this artillery battery. battery. no further information about this anti-aircraft 4) Engineering Platoon: no information about this platoon. The privates of this platoon were usually keeping duty within the barraSks- area. These were constituting a company along with the privates of the signalling corps. 5) signalling platoon: The CO is Lieaut. Boshkov. The privates of this platoon were forming a company along with the privates of the engineering plat Don. 6) Tank Repair House: It was in the form of a company, and the CO wag Capt. Traykov. The Repair house was under the command of theAggilieglIt Technical Manager, Maj. Yordanov. 7) Drivers platoon - Transportation unit: 00 is First Libeatzt ? EHRISTOV. CONED:7;1am ETTA DES 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDEEALIW FMEiGH DEEM IMO 8) 'Supply squad: 00 is Oapt. Markov. 9) P.22.11.212aLlasi_s_21.1 CO is Capt. Cunakov. IO) Division Auto Repair House: This auto repair house is directly subordinated to the DViIO4 Hdq. in Yambol. The officers of the tank re im nt not interfer with this repair house. his auto repair house was subjected to the upon being located in the same area. tank regiment 5. Manpower: Manpower in separate units: 1) Tank Companies: There are 30-35 privates in each tank company. Since there are 5 tank companies subordinated to the regiment, there are about 180 privates in all. The officers of the tank company : Company 00 is usually a captain. Technical manager and assistant Cbmpany 00 is First Lieaut. or Captain. The platoon CO s are Lieaut. or Second Lieaut. The number of the non-commissioned officers in the tank company is not fixed There Is a senior sergeant in every company. 2) :Self-propelled Company: There are 30-35 privates and 4 officers and non-commissioned officers in this company. 3) Anti-aircraft artillery battery: 50X1-H UM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -H UW 50X1-H OUKI -hUIV there are two officers(captain and lieautenant) 50X1-HU two non-commissioned officers, 60-70 privates in this battery. =mit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIAL IRO Fe1EN DISSEM - 6 - 4) Ely ineering platoon: This platoon has a 00 ( lieautenant) and 8-10 privates. It is considered as a platoon although it has the strenght of a squad* This unit forms a company along with the signalmen. The CO is a captain, and is responsible of A.B.0._ war protection in the regiment. There is no non-commissioned officer in the engineering unit. 5) Signalling Platoon: There are 8-10 privates and a lieautenant named Boshkov in the signalling platoon. It was very difficult to distinguish the signalmenfrom the engineering privates in the regiment. 6) Tank Repair House: There were two officers( both were captains.) and a non- commissioned officer, and I6 sergeants. Sergeants were undergone special trainings, and were skilled as radio repairman, motorist, welder, blacksmith, and turner. There were 4 drivers subjected to this company which mould be called a company'. Besides, a civilian blacksmith, an auto repairman, a welder and an electrician were employeed at this repair shop. 7) Drivers Platoon: There were 15-20 privates, and two officers( captain and 1 ie aut mint ) at this platoon. 8) Supply squad: The duties of a courier, librarian , storehouse keeper, cart driver were assigned to 10 privates,, ad a captain named Markov and other non-commissioned officers( number is unknown) were serving withtttis squad. civilian 2/tailors , a shoemaker, and accountants were employeed at this squad. " CEINFIDENT" 17"Etli btd , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFMTIALINO FOREIGN DISSEM 9) Division A uto Repair House: There is no officer in this repair house directed by non-commissioned officers, and where privates and civilian repairmen were working. It was allegeed that the number of soldiers at this unit was 280. there were more than 300 privates, 40 officers, and several non-commissioned officers( number is unknown) and 10 civilian workers in the regiment. 4 . Weapons, transpbrtation and signalling equipments: I) Tanks.: There were 54 tanks of T/34 type at this regiment. Most of them were not in proper condition, and defects were frenquerrtly occuring. According to the instruction given to the tank crew, everyday every tank crew would dismantle the tank, and then install it, and would repeat it patiently in order to learn it well. While the privates were obeying this instruction, they were usually installing the parts of the tanks incorrectly, thus causing the defects ? 2) Self-propelled runs: These were of SU-I00 type 3) Anti-aircraft there wer a about 10 of them. these were guns of 37 mail. M 1939 model, and were approximately 5-6 in number ? They were sometimes driven by the privates with the purpose of training. 4) Infantry rifles: These were carabines of SKS type. Engineering, signalling, repair house, drivers, and supply privates were armed by these rifles. This type of carabines were given to Verne of the repair house personnel, too. CONFIDENTIALra C:2:24 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIALINO F6,3 DIEM 8 5) Pistols: These were of 7.62 m.m. M 1933 type, and the privates of tank,unit,self-propelled unit, and some personnel of the tank repair house were armed with these. 6) 'Automatic infantry rifles of Kalashnikov, and Pali type:, Privates of the anti-aircraft artillery unit were armed with these rifles. 7) Trucks: a) At service: Opel Elite 3 Ziz-I30 I Zil-151 I Fenomen Gar ant These belbng to the Driver's flit oon. There are also trucks" Moltrtovka, Ziz and Zil, belonging to the anti- aircraft, battery. Molotovkaii were sold in 1960, and Z1Ls replaced them. Refugee does not know their number. b) Reserve: 4 Ziz-I50, and 2 Zi1-15I trucks were reserved in the garage for the driver's platoon. These trucks were never used in daily works. There were also 5 more trucks belonging to the airhouse: 2 were GAZ-ZA model, and were loaded with/Mita:hags, and spare parts of the ttnks. During mobilization, they were to serve as mobile repair shop. 4 were of ZIL-I51 model, and were put into a mobile repairiahop Ike of them ware used as electrical and radio repair shop, two were used for turning and welding, the third for crane and as depot of the tank spare parts, and the fourth is for the repairing of armaments, and they are all in constant combat readiness. CONFIDENTiAL/NO FOPOCA INSSELlt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIAL I UNara uintrq 8) Jeeps: There is a jeep at the disposal of the Regiment Co. A radio and a wireless is established in the jeep. 9) Motor-cycle with a basket: There is one in the regiment. IO) Double harnessed cart: There is a cart and two horses. One of the horses were shot accidentally, and when the next one died because it was not looked after well, the cart could no more be used. II) Vehicle similar to a tank used for dredging tanks ( they are without a tower and gun.) There is one in the regiment, and this is used for dragging the defected tanks from one place to another, or saving tanks which have fallen or sunk down. It has no crane. Since there is no steel stisiadtliagiz the needed resistance to be fastened to the defected tank to pull it forward, this vehicle is never being used. Though the railroad line was also used to drag the tanks over, but it was soon noticed that the railway between the two tanks was crooked. Therefore, whenever a tank of the regiment got defected, it was left at the same place, and the repairing was done there, or it was loaded on the transporta- tion vehicles coming from Sofia. 12) Signalling devices: There are portable radio-wireless set of Russian make ORS and IORT-26 type in the regiment. Most of the tanks have 9R5 wireless sets. The wireless set in the 001S jeep is of 10n-26 type. Telephone set is used in communicating in the regiment. the telephone lines are directly connected to the Division inthe vicinity of Yambol, and from there to the Arw Hdq. in Silveri. 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUM LjQ rLami Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDELTA1IE0 FLEA D1SSEM laid underground. 5 . Officers: 01, 115.0tzbiEVS-tanchev : He is the Regiment 00. Maj. Yordanov: He is the Assistant Techtical Manager. ,Maj. Kostov : He is the Assistant 00 of Regulations. ..M.si..Kondolov: He is the Assistant Political CO. Maj. Ivanov: He is the Communist Party Secretary. Lie. Col. Popov: He is the Hdq. CO. Captain Kolev: He is the Anti-aircraft battery CO. VAIRISEMIALittO MEM Vail 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONMETIAlik-U MSS Captain Nikolov: He is the CO of the engineering and signalling compar*.He is the officer responsible of A.B.C. war .pr ot action, Captain Markov: He is the chief of the supply works. Captain Ounakov: He is the chief of provisions and supplies. Captain Traykov:- He is the chief of the tank repair house. First Lieut. Boshkovz, He is the chief of the signalmen. Captain Plarinov: He is the Tank Company CO. First Lieaut ? Ehr st ov: He is the chief of the drivers. 6. Firing and drilling range of the regiment: the tanks of the regiment were carrying out firing drills in the area between Simenovo village(4223N 2638E) south east of Yambol, and Alexandrovo villages. This area was isolated as the firing range, and the firings were held towards a hill wiitich was not inhabited. CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DIM& 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/2 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIAL /a r-T;i1JGN DISSEM Lefend of the Sketch showing the barracks-area in Yambols I - Single -floored building 60x10 m. large, the eastern part is an infirmary, the northern part is division auto repair house. 2 Single-floored building 40x10 large. wireless station of the tank regiment north eastern sect ion of the building, is situated on the south western part of onary radio- is on the and the library the building. 3 - Two-storeyed building 60x20 m. large which was built in 1960. This was being used as the dining room. 4 - Building 20x10 lar used as the repair house of the tank regiment 5 - Single-floored building 300x10 large. The canteen is at the south of the building, the tanks gargge is north of the canteen, the turning work-shop or the weapons repair shop is on the north, the training tanks garage is down at the north, and the battery charge department is on the far north section. 6 - Single-floored water 'motor-pump section 5x5 large, and the room for the officer on duty. The motor-pump operates with electricity. 7 - Gasoline, and crude-oil depot. 8 Three-storeyed building 100zI5 large. The first floor Dining room, store room, bathing room tailor's and shoemaking shops are placed. Second floor - 2 offices and privates dormitories. The room,of the Assistant Technical Manager of the Regiment. Third floor - Regiment flag, secret documentrooms, Regiment CO's room, Communist Party Secretary's room, Political 00's room, and rooms belonging to the Hdq. 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM GROUP I Excluded from automatiC downgrading and declassification , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDE-N*11EO FN DISSEM *WO 9 ? Truck garage approximately 40xI0 large. 10 - Two-storeyed building approximately 60x20 large. The clothing apparel depot is situated on the first floor, and the dormitories of the drivers and anti-aircraft unit are on the second floor. II -Three-storeyed building approximately 100xI5 in. large. Private's dormitory and dining rooms are situated in this building. 12 - Entrance controlling point. 13 - L shaped single-floored building, 40 m. long, and 5 in. wide. Teaching devices, and study halls of the signalling and engineering units are placed in this building. 14 - Garages belonging to the unit 15 - Dormitory for the sentries. 16 - Point of the officer on duty. CONFIDENTIAL b,ria FERFIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM /3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 11 #flit tAr."-c,c, (I I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ? ? ( 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL/NO NEM MEM 50X1 -HUN ? Subject Tank nit called TANKOVA BAZA (Tank Base), tank repairshop and tank repairing school near Sukhodol viDage (4242N-2313E) in the west of Sofia 1. In the west of Sofia, about 1 klm east of Sukhodol village, in the south of the highway from Sofia to Sukhodol village, in the north and northwest of the railroad between Sofia and Pernik, there is a barracks area. In the southern and southwestern sections of this barracks area is an isolated part surrounded with barbed wire, comprising the Tank Base called(Tankova Baza) in Bulgarian, a tank repairshop and a tank repairing school. there is a large military force consisting 50X1 -HUM of units of variaasbranc es in the barracks area occupied by the tank base. but he has very little information concerning these units. 50X1 -HUM 2. Formation of the Tank Base: The.Tank`Base.was?directly.subordinate to the LArmy Headquarters. Lgenerals from the Ministry of Defense came to ins ct the Tank Base. 50X1 -HUM each time the inspections took place the priVates who attended the school had to clean up the base/ this'tank base'is subordinate to-the I.Army Hqs. 50X1 -HUM But the inspecting genetalSlbelonging to the iliaistry of Defense Makes it likely for the base to be under the centrol of the iligher Command. CONEDENTIALINO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM GROUP 1 Excluded from autOMINO downgrading and declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 COMMENTIALINO FOREIGN B1SSEM - 2 - 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUM The commander of the tank base is lieut.col.RASHEV, assistant political commander major RASHEV, assistant tcohnical commander major RUZHEV. lhe tank base has a hdq., its chief is major IVANOV. There are three sections attached to this headc,uarters :- 1) Tank repair shop: he commander is major EFTIEOV The tanks of all the tank units in Bulgaria are brought here for a complete overhaul and repair. The rcpairshop has various sections:- a: Woodwork section b. Turning section c. Oxygen welding section d. Tinning section e. Radiator section f. Carburetor " g. :Electric engine windings h. Dynamo repairs i. Battery charging . '61ectrical repairs k. gadio repairs 1. Fitting section m. Planing n. Cylinder surface smoothening section 2 Combat and transportation unit: This unit is called the chauffeurs' platoon commander is first lieut.BOYCHEV Platoon. Thcs, drivers' The drivers' platoon is divided into 3 squads. ? let squad: transportation trucks and vehicles carrying platforms on which tanks are loaded. 2nd squad: trucks turned into portable repairshops, ready for use in case of war. 3rd squad: tanks prepared for combat, to protect the material and vehicles of he tank-base during war. 3) School for training tank repairers: The commander of this school is capt.NIKOLOV It 50X1-HUM consists of recruits forming a company. This company is divided into three platoons and each platoon is subdivided into three squads. Tne privates of each platoon are trained as repairers of separate tanks. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM COAFIDENTRINO FORM MEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ' CONFIDENTIALINO FONISN ES - 3 - 1.platoon commander lieut.PETROV was being instructed on the repairs of T/54 type tanks. 2.platoon commander lieut.STOYKOV was being instructed on the repairs of T/34 type tanks. 3.platcon commander lieut.KEBEDZHIEV was being instructed on itgxxxxagx electrical radio wireless installations. The squad commanders of the school are corporals having completed the same school one year ago. 3. Officers andmanpower at the tank repair base:. Lieut.Gol.RASHEV (Bae commander) 50X1 -HUM Major IVANOV (Headcfuarters chief) 50X1 -HUM Captain NIKOLOV (Commander of the tank repairet6'training school). First lieut. BOYCHEY-(Commander of the chauffeurs, platoon) (Continued on Page 4) CONFIDENTIAL/NO FORM DISSEM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 COETENTIALINU FOradril DISSEM - 14 - Ma&or RUJEV ( Assistant Repponsible Technical Commander at the Base.) ,Major ETTIMOV _( Chief of the Tank repair-shop.) Major RASHEY ( Assistant Political Commander of the Base.) Captain NIKOLOV ( Assistant, Commander of Technical affairs Captain DINEV ( Teacher at the school.) Lieautenart PETROV ( Ith platoon 00 at the School. ) CONFIDENEALIKO MEM DEEM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in .Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONEDEMIALINO DISSEM Lieautenant STOYKOV - IInd platoon 00 at the school.) ?Lieautenant KEBECIEV IIIrd platoon 00.) Captain VASILEV( Chief of the SecTet Service.) About 80-85 privates were attending the school subjected to this tank base. They were being trained by 6 officers, a non-commissioned supply officer , sergeants and corporals who had finished the school a year ago, and after a period of I year education, they are assigned to the tank units located at 12 separate parts in Bulgaria as tank repairmen. The non-commissioned officer, and the privates are made to work in the tank repair-shop outside of the maneouvres. Officers, non-commissioned officers, privates, and civilians are assigned to work at the tank repair-shop. They work in a single shift. About 150 -200 work in the repair-shop. More than 100 of above-mentioned number consist of civilians, and there are even women among the civilians. Women are employeed as turners, welders, or officials. CONMEEKI SEM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/95/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CUMILILNIIAL/IIU According to to the regulations, the civilians should not work in this unit. But since being unable to obtain qualified non-commissioned officers for the repair-shopr it has become necessary to hire civilian workers . Every one of the workmen employeed here, signs a special contract and promises in advance to obey every sort of order during mobilisation. Word is sent to the homes of the civilian workers by the privates during an alarm for a mane ouvr e . A group of privates transported to Sofia, go to the homes of civilians one by one. The private takes the worker to the truck, or leaves word for him to come later( if he is not at home then), and departs, and the truck returns immediately. 4. Armaments at the Tank Base: I) Infantry rifles: c r bines long, and orobiablv the old Austrian type resembles Russian made 7.62 m.m. MI891/30 model. ere is no o her infantry rifle at the units subordi- nated to the base. 2) Tanks equipped with T/34 type 85 m/m. guns: The school has one given to the base with the purpose for maneouvering. The driver's platoon possesses IO tanks held in constant combat readiness. These are held responsible to protect the supplies and equipments belonging to the base during the battle. They are parked for mobilization. Tank equiped with 3.) T/34 type 85 m/m gun: I is given to the school subordinated to the base with the purpose of maneouvering. 4)_ Self-propelled gun ?of SU-I00 type: I is given to the school for maneouvering? There is no other gun at this base. Only the officers own pistols. 5) Transportation vehtcles at the tank repairing bases These vehicles belong to the driver's platoon which is subjected to the base. CONFIDENEALM FORM DISSEM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 IANTEINALI VISSEM I. GAZ- 5/ trucks: There are two or three used in the transportation of food supplies, and other necessities. 2. ZIL7-I5I trucks: Thane are 3 , and they are brouaht to the PaiihtIntapk repair-shop. One of them 1,8in type, aliu uLie neAu Of T/54.211XICKNIE The third one is capable to repair the electrical sets of the tank. 5,? The back part of these trucks are covered with sheet iron, and put into a form of a room. Light is provided with electricity as well as a window is opened. The truck which is capable to repair thaploRkpapiEsT44 type, has I lathe, a drilling* machine,hrartous implements, I tank engine, and counters. Every part of T/34 tank can be repaired at this truck. There ars even 4 portable bedsteads for the personnel in the truck ? The truck which repairs the tanks of T/54 type contains every kind of implement necessary for repairment. The truck repairing the electrical sets of the tanks posse a battery,sect ions radio transmitter and receiver of 9 RS type, counter utilized for repairing, dial plate, reseived_electrical cables, tools for welding, etc, spare meters measuring volts and amperes, lanterns and other various spare parts. ,ZIZ-I50 trucks:- There are 6 of them. These are used for every kind of transportation. Three of them run for everyday affairs, and the rest three are kept in the garage as reserved for a combat. One of ths trucks kept in the garage has spare parts of the electrical sets of T/34 type tanks, the other of T/54 type tanks, and the third of the other tanks. These are loaded and are held in constant combat readiness 4. TATRA - ?tech made- trucks: There are three, and are used for the transportation of the supplies currently. CONFIDENTIPIINO FOREIN DISSEI'g Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 1 tia I jimam 5. MAs - 200 type truckst: There are 4-5, and they drag along the platform equiped with rubber tires upon which tanks are loaded. They have no cranes. These platforms have bridges. If the tank which is to be transported has no defection, it is pulled to the platform with its own power. If the tank is defected then it is pulled by a rope connected to a tank. Some of the platforms are avaiable for single tanks, and some can carry three tanks. These are used in carrying the defected tanks from all parts of Sofia to be subjected to a thorough maintenance and repair. These platforms are in constant movement in transporting the tanks from one place to another since the caterpillars ruin the asphalt roads. It is imPossible to see them at the base always. 6. Jeep- Russian made-(GAS -69) There is one stationed at the base, and it belongs to the 00. This jeep does not contain a wireless set. 7. A motor-cycle with a basketSAVOSPOSRT model): The base has one,,. and it is used in carrying the cars when the jeeps are busy. 8. Bus made ffom ZIZ-150 truck: This bus is avaiable for 22 people, and it carries the off ie workers from Sofia to the repair-shop. 9. Bus made from GAS-5I truck: This bus is avaiable for 16 people, and carries the workers residing in Sofia to the repair-shop. IO. Bus-Skoda: It can carry 75-80 people. It is recently bought. It is used in the transportation of workers from Sofia to the repair-shop. The transporfation vehicles belonging to this base are green. in color, only the Skoda bus is blue or white. Every one of them has military licence plates' The rinurinnITIA1 I 1IFilangN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 talittElitliajhil..irlA.11111 -9- Bulgar tan plates have a white background on which/letter I V I and 4 numbers are written, and a hyphen is put after the first two numbers. Refugeecan not recall any of the licence plate numbers of the transpbrtat ion vehicles stationed at this base. 6) Tank repair-shop: This tank repair-shop is the only one in the whole Bulgaria. The tanks are subjected to a thorough check-,up, and every part is repaired or they are replaced by the spare parts. It is necessary to take a tank of T/34 type to be repaired after letting its engine work for 50 hours. The defection of the tank which occurs before 50 hours is maintained at the repair-shop situated at the Tank Units. The repair- shops at the Tank Units are small, and are capable to repair any kind of defection at the tank except its engine. The period of the engine of the tanks which have undergone vepairing at the Tank Unit is prolonged. Assistant 00 of Technical Affairs at the Unit is responsible for - sending the tanks for the , thorough check-up. The tanks are checked orderly. It is planned beforehand that a certain tank from a certain unit, will be checked within a certap month, and thus, the atrenght of a Tank Unitwillnehr lowered with the purpose of a general check-up._ Usually, 1-2 tanks is taken for the thorough check-up from one unit, and the other tanks-follow-the line as soon as the repaired tanks join their units. Unless the tank has no defection, it comes to the repair- ing base from the districts near to Sofia. If the tanks are far from Sofia, then they are transported by rail wagons. The tanks are placed on mobile platforms in Sofia, and then are sent to the repairing base. The tanks which have undergone a thorough check-up at the repairing base do not use their own engine within the trip back to their units, but they are always. transported by means of mobile platforms or rail wagons. The tanks which have returned from a thorough check-up join the Tank group which is held in constant combat readiness. They are set to work when necessary. The whole tank is dismantled at the repairing base, and the worn out parts are changed, and an entire lubrica- ting is done. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM F:0171 TRT,1111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 MUMI O FOREIGN DISSEM 2-3 people are occupied in checking a tank, and the process continues for 20 days. But when the various defections established at the tank are necessary to be repaired, then experts are invited from the other sections, and the period of the check-up is prolonged. It usually happens that the engines of the tanks are renewed The engines dismantled from the tanks are repaired separately. Hence the repaired engines are fit into the tanks which come to the check-up to shorten the period of the check-up. The number of tanks at the repairing base is alway above 20 in summer time, and a constant work is performed on 10- 15 tanks in winter time since it is impossible to work outside. Defections observed on T/34 and T/54 tanks: I) pofeetion occurs usually in the differential boxes.- Tagefireesed disk plates made of a material similar to cartoon is not properly fixed in between the gears, they usually burn or fall into pieces due to friction. Thus, the gears can not interlock, and the tank is un- able to Fifteen. This sort of defection is especially caused by the mistake of the foremen in fixing the plates in between the gears during the repairing Often the plates were pressed hardly, and they were fallen into pieces or burned at the first contact. 2) Defection occurs at the diesel pumps in the engines. The break down of the pumps is daused when the impurities in the crude-oil OttgE the pumps. When all of the crude- oil in the depot of the tank is spent, the impurities which are collected at the bottom of the depot ping the depot. 3) Another defection which is observed in the tanks is the dislocation of the pivots connecting the caterpillars to one another. The pivots are dislocated by the shaking during the operation of the tank, and the caterpillar turns as though it were broken. The pivots have heads at one end, therefore, they are dislocated always on one aide. Stince the heads of the pivots tirr, on the ppposite direction to the body of the tank, the pivots are disjointed towards exterior of the tank. CONFIDENTiAL IIA FOREIGN, DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in .Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTRIKO FOREIGN DISSEM The tank is stopped after a distance of 1-2 km., and a member of the tank personnel pulls these pivots into their grooves and the tank goes forward. The same process goes on after every 1-2 kis. In order to prevent this, the heads of the pivots are turned towards the body of the tank, and thus, the disjointed pivot touches the body of the tank, instead of being entirely dislocated. But when these pivots cause damage on the mud-guard and other parts of the tank, then it ToegaelaSsary to make a change. consequently, they have started to attach the pivots to the caterpillar by welding, but this did not work , either, because the changing-, of the pivots caused great difficulty. 4) Defection is frenquently observed in the raetdre measuring the water temperature, and amount of gaboline? The pointer showing the amount of gasoline is connected to one of the oil channels. A slight ?legging causes the pointer to go down. The pointer showing the water temperatuke is connected to a thermometer placed into the radiator. This thermometer is fastened to the bottom part of a cork fixed to the valve of the radiator. Sometimes, the thermometers touch the radiator because of shaking, and if the part to which they touch is near to the engine, then they show a high temperature. a. Tank Brigade in the vicinity of Gorna Banya village, Sofia. b. Unit in the vicinity of Suhodol village, Sofia. c. Tank Company in Dimitrovo. d. Tank Unit located at a district in the vicinity of Kostendil. 8. Tank Unit in Haskova. f. Tank Brigade in Kazanlik. g. Tank Brigade in Sliven. h. Tank Unit in Chirpan. i. Tank Regiment in Yambol. j. Tank Comp. in Kolarovgrat. k. rt 1Aytos. I Zvezdets. CONFIDENTIALIIIO FORM D1SSEM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIAL INO FEREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM Then tanks which arrived from MANLIK Mere in T/54 Type and from the other places T/34 Type self-propelled guns were tabbng ) Tank Soldiers Training School: I. Every-year this schoold starts itts teaching on October 30t50X1-HUM and ends on October 3oth. The attandents 'of this school trained for the tanks T/34 And T/54 Types and also as the repairman of electrical-and communication devices of these tanks. The graduates of this school promoted As sergeants. After they are discharged from the Army they arcrgranted with master-sergeant rank. It was also possible to meet soldiers who maintained master-sergeant rank during their service. 50X1-HUM 2. The attendants of the school considered as one company. This company mas divided into three platoons. The first platoon consisted of the soldiers responsible of Vii..}..repairments T/54 Type tanks, the second platoon T/34 Type tanks and the third platoon electrical and communication devices. Each platoon divided into two squads. The soldiers who will be accepted to this school, mme sent to this school without having recruits training directly from the Office they were enlisted. Young individuals who gained the confidence of the Communist Party and acknowledged machinery and had some experience on them are accepted this School. The yound people who will be regiatered in this school were chooaen by recruiting offices. The attendants of this school usually either tractor drIvers of cutting or harvesting machine employees. '14' 50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL/NO FORM DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/05/27 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 COEDENTIALINO FEIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM young men dressed up in military uniforms lined up in one row and separated into three section without considering apy distintions. Thus three platoons were formed.. Each platoon located in differect places and announced the subjects taught in each platoon and student had the privilage of choosing their platoon depending on the subiect they were interested to Inam 50X1 -HUM 144" Classrooms and dormitories of each platoon housed in the same building. The Second story of the building alloted to the classrooms and dormito- ries were in the third story. The soldiers attending to this school had their practice in the repair shop of the tank and in the garage where T/34 and T/54 tanks and SU-Ioo Type self-propelled guns stationed. For the protection of the tank repair shop and this garage soldiers attending to this school were assigned.' dedects : 5.. The lessons taught in the School and the Daily Schedula: a) How to make Tanks T/34 Type, utilization, and Repair of their In this &lass the stddents were taught from a special book, concerning T/34 Tanks, from what compounds they were made of, when and by whom it was invented and use of it. In this class all the parts of the tanks svre demAtrated practically and theoretically. Then they learned how each part of the tank used and how they were operated. The third phase of the caass related with how each part repaired, how to find out the defect their Defects : o' This lesson taught by platoon commanders. b) Hew to make Tanks T/34 Type, Utilization, and Repair of The information given in relation with T/34 Type Tanks. Tecbnology : Steel alloys, metals and kinds of iron taught theorectica4r. They also learned where and when the Various kinds of steel invented, how they were used, and at the present where they are applied. This lesson given by Captain NIKOLOF to all the platoons. CONEETIALIM ren DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 14. - ? CONFIDEMLIKO FOREIGN DISH This lesson consists of various works (AI iron and steel such as turnery, fitting, electrogen and oxygen welding, and blackstithing and also how to use the related machinery. d) Political Training, They read from a special book physical and economIcal geography of Communist Countries and Arranging general meetings to discuss world events. This lesson taught by the officers in the base to which the school subordinated.. e) Close Order Drill : As a practice the platoons exercising marching and presenting arms. Platoon commanders giving this lesson, f) Electrical Installations and Devices and Their Rapairments After furnishing information concerning to obtain power, vartous electric currents, different types of electrical engines and their opera- tions then they vim* on T/34 3 T/54 and SU-Ioo electrical installations and devices. This lesson taught by Cantain g) Radio Installations and Instruments, their Repairments : It was taught by the same teacher both practically and theoretically depending the similiar basis. 14) Preparation of Chemical liar t Information utilieation of gas masks, the effects of poisihnous gases. I) Fire Extinguishing s In this lesson how to extinguish the fire and tha fire on a special tank was taught. Above-mentioned subjects were the ones taught in the school, however the Platoon I learned %/54 Type in more details. The Platoon II learned T/34 Type more detailed, whereas the Platoon III learned, various Mee- trical and radio installations widely. At the end of the year each student took CONFIDENTIALINO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ... ? CONFIMAILIEO FOREIGN DISSEM an emomination from every lesson except technology, chemical war, preparation of fire extinguish. The ones succeeded in the examinations granted with master sergeant title and either appointed to the tank units scattered in various places of Bulgaria as a repairman or assigned in the repair shop of the base as repairman. The ones who couldn't pass the examinations were transferred to other units as soldiers during the year. Ths graduates of the school granted with specilization certificate. Although thezassured tit* this certificate will be valid in the civilian lifelAVaPai6H4 omeatrue. /2. /eoir fT.2 cer/ .rekc:// Daily Programme ; o5oo a.m. To wake up and start physical exercise. o1 a.m. Ie end of the physicalemercise, bathing, cleaning dormitories o53o a.m. Arranging the dormitories and going to breakfast o600 a.m. End of the breakfast, morning roll-call o600 a.m. 07ooa.n. Since tbey:wgreoAdtirtiveltosehtitige3$qin roll4oall it takes a long time. 0700 a.m. Going to the class I3oo p.m. End of the lesson,. lunch 133o p.m. Ihoop.m. End of the lunch, to go to the class to study I7oop.m. End of studying individually, free to make any sports or playing with ball 183oplm. End of free time, dinner 190op.m. End of the dinner, 'starting to study individuall7 2Ioop.m. End of studying individually, evening roll-call 2115p.m. ' End of the roll-call, time to go bed. The daily programme except the class time wasn't actually ? applied. Etpecia fe 'period between I9oop.n.-21oop.m. nobody studying lesson, 1 CONFIDENTIALICO FOREIGN MEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 -14 - COMBENTAL I O FM MEM 6) The attendatts payed 15 Leva.( old money) monthly.. Even though the food cah,be.accepted excellent, it was quite satisfactory.. However usually in the winter they only serve pork. The students provided with a. summer and winter suit, military cloak, a pair of heavy argy shoes, 0 inStead of a. pair of socks, two pieces of material and one hankerchief. 7) Communication Devices of the Tanks : T/34 Type tanks equipped with 9 RS Type Russian-made receiver- transmitter wireless/telephone/telegram equipments. without any enceptionai .They are only used as radip/tehphone. They are operated in 24 volt current.. 50X1-HUM At 541.4. distance the communication with the tanks provided. There is a teIapbone,liason between the Tank Commander and tank drier. Some of the T/5.4 Type tanks equipped with to RT 26.Type 1 Czechoua slovakiAnadel receiver and, transmitter radio devices. They are also noe&as wireless telephones. They operated on 24 volt. The lenght of the wave provided by crystals. Such tanks miaation between 411 the personnel and tank commander.' had telephone commu- CONFENTIALINO FORM DISSEM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIALIM FORM MEM The explaination of the sketch showing the internal division of Tank flpair Base in the vicinity of Village SUHODOL supplied by Mehmet DIIYAVEROF HUSEYINOF: Basement 1 I. Entrance' - Hall 2. Section used as fuel depot 3. Section where the cook kept his suits and objects 4. Dining-Hall S. kitchen 6. The pi-2,de -there vegetable cleaned First Story : I. Entrance - Hall 2. Physical Examination Room it Ii U. Foremen Room S. 14.C. Thr uomen 6.11 men 7. Stairs running per story 8. Corridor 9. P.O. Center 23.. The rooms ) the purpose of utilization is unknown. Second Story: Is Stairs running from the bottom. 24, Corridor 3.5 Rooms where civilian officials work 6. Room where the coming documents kept GROUP 1 Excluded from automec downgrading, and efikirinnimi Imo cnorrem niceram ecciassItication Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIALINO NUN DiSSEM 7-8,. Sekretna ( Secret Room) 9 W.C. for women men CONFIDENTiAlin FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 COMFIENTIAL DIM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUN Subject : Military unit and tank repairshop in the east oi Sukhodol village (4242N-2313E) west of Sofia. 1. In the west of Sofia, about 1 klm to the east of Sukhodol villAge, in the South of the Sofia-Sukhodol highway, to the north and northwest of the railroad from Sofia to Pernik, immediately east of a small tributary of Sukhodol Stream, there is a barracks area occupied by a large military unit which refugee cannot designate, a tank school and a tank repairshop. 2. This barracks area ha a an apPtoX. length of l'klm from north to south,' tapering down to abOUt700'meters in the east. From east to west the barracks area is' 1-2 kIm long. The grounds of the barracks area are level with a part rising in a slope in the sadthwest. The barracks area is surrounded with fields suitable for plowing. Within these boundaries the barracks area is surrounded with barbed wire on all sides. The garages for transportation vehicles and the tank repairshop within the area are likewise surrounded with barbed wire. The Sketch and its legend, showing the barracks area and buildings therein is attached herewith. 50X1 -HUM 3. the Units stationed in this barracks area are several units of different designations, cdtmanders and headquatterS. Thol are probably subordinate taa joint. .command in the higher 'ranks., But there is no joint command or commander of the armed forces in the barracks area, and therefore there are frequent arguments among the units of different branches. 50X1-HUM following:- 1) Infantry The units are the there are mostly infantry soldiers in this barracks area. He has no definite knowledge concerning the unit formed by 50X1 -HUM the infantry privates. CONFINE AL I Eg ran 1NSSEM 50X1 -HUM GROUP 1 Excluded tram automatic downgrading. and declassificatiOn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CO"FlOTTRIM FORMA DiSSE LAi - 2 - 50X1-HUM artillery and infantry privates in a large building 50X1-HUM in this barracks area it is called the great regiment by the soldiers), but there were likewise infantry privates in the buildings of tke signalling and engineering corps, as well as in the buildings of the anti-aircraft troops. 2) Artillery UnitL there are infantry privates in the largest building of the barracks area. the number of artillery and infantry privates in this large building (great regiment) alone exceeds 1500. 3) Signalling corps: no information concerning this unit. Engineering corps: no information on this unit 50) Anti-aircraft unit:, it consisted of a battery. 6) Tank unit: There is a tank unit consisting of a company, probably, in this barracks area. This tank unit has no relation with the tank base (Tankova Baza) located in the same barracks area. The tank unit called(Tankova Baza)has a separate headquarters, a tank repairshop, a tank privates' school, lt consists of a tank unit heald in combat readiness. 4. 'Arma and transportation vehicles refugee has seen in this barracks area are the following:- 7.62 mm automatic firearms, PPSh M1941 type 7.62 ram automatic firearms, PPS N1943 type 3) 7.62 mm automatic infantry rifles; Kalashnikov (AK) type 4) 7.62 mm automatic infantry rifles, Simonov (SKS) type 5) 122 mm howitzers, 281938 type 6) 122 mm field guns, D-74 type 7) 130 mm field gun CONFIDENTIAL /0 FORTIN DEO gnyi A-41 IRA 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIAL MO FOREIGN DISSEM - 3 - 8) 76 mm anti-aircraft gun, 1fl938 type 9) 85 mm " .?I1 " M1939 type 10) 100 nib. t!: . st n KS-19 type - 11) 'gfocrost :Tanks equipped with 85 nun guns, T/34 type 12) Caterpillar tractor,_GAZ-47 model 13) II II Mr.2 type - 14) II It AT-L" 15) ii ri AT-S " 16) u .0 AT-T " 17) Piekupsi GAZ-19 type 18) Trucks, GAZ-51 " 19) li GAZ-63 II 20) Jeep, GAZ-67B " 21) tl GAZ-69. It 22) Truck, ZIL-150 " 21 II ZI1-151 " 24 II MAZ-200 " 25) ri MAZ-210 " 26) Portable tank repairshop, ZIS-5 27) Crane-, ZIL-151 28) Trucks, TATRA-III 29) Buldozer truck, MA2-528 CLIFIDENTIALIL3 FE LN DIEM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 50X1-HUM ? CONFIDERTIALINO MEM DISSEM Ekplaination of the sketch showing Barrack Zone in vicinity of Sofia, Village SUHODOL which is provided by NEHHEr DILYAVEROF HUSEYINOF : Highway running to Sofia El. Highway running to Village SUHODOL " D. Highway running to Village GORNABANYA U F. Railway running-to Sofia G. Railway running to kRNIK. I. Guards Building located on the entrance of Barrack Zone. It is one storied. and it's dimensions are as follows; 140x1Dra. 2. Building used as food supply depot, one storied and hoxIon large. 3.'Iodging alloted to the assigned officers in the barrack zone. This building contains three stories. It is ca. 4ox2om. in size. It has two entrance doors. 4. Residence of the officers. It has two stories. 2oxIo in size. 5. Byilding where tank repair school and anti-aircraft unit housed* This blinding is Ioox2om* large, contains three stories. In the first story blacksmith and welding workshops situated. In the second story classrooms and in the third floor dormi- tories occupied. 6. Garage where trucks and guns of anti-aircraft artillery kept. This building has single story* It is ca. 8oxIom. large. 7. Dining-room and kitchen of tank repair school and anti-atrcraft unit. This building is about SoxIom. large. 8. The building where soldiers of communication and engineering unit housed. This building is approximately 6ox2om. in size, and contains three stories Estimated that Soo soldiers housed in* CONFIBENTIALINO FAIN DIEM GROUP Excluded Iron automatic; downgrading and declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ei Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 -2 - CONFIDENT/ALM FORM DISSEM 9. -Bidding -two storied, goxIom. large used as dining room and. storage, The first floor .is occupied as dining room. Io . Garage where transportation vehicles and guns housed which belgnged to the unit called as a great regiment in the barrack area. The section which extends to the East is 15oxIon. large whereas the part extending to the South is IooxIom. large. II. The largest building in the barrack area. he unit called as greatest occupys this building. It contains four stories and Iooxhom. large. Approximately ISoo soldiers housed in this building. 12 Garage where training tanks available. Circa hoxIom. large. 13 .:Guard Tower 14. Building where the personnel of tractor-drawn artillery belonging to the great regiment housed. Approximately 4oxIon. large. IS. Joiner shop al-tank repair base and garage whore tanks ready for war kept. It is about 6ox Iam0 large and one storied. 16. Garage where trucks used a. s mobilized tank repair shop kept and depot where spare parts of trucks stored. It is one storied and 6oxIom. large. 17. Two storied building which is under construction 0 and 6ox3om. large and presumably used as a depot. 18. Headquarters building of tank repair base. Including basement it is three-storied. There is a separate sketch pointing out it Is internal division. 19. Building utilized as tank repair shop. Roof and sides of the building oovered with glass. Iooxliom. large and in the middle of this building tanks repaired. On tha sides there are repair section in different rooms. 20.. Guards building on the entrance of repair base. 21.. Garage where tanks come for repair taken. Approximately OoxIom. . large. CONFIDEKTIALINO FOnEgGil DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ? ? 3 - I, ? ' CONFIDENTIAL INO BREA DISH 22,,. Single story having three .rooms in _where the 'guards from the unit itrIGORNA PANYA come to take' undities in antn.uniation depot.. 23,. Ammuniation Depot Done belonging to the unit in GORNA, PANYA CONFIDENTIAL! EO F E1BISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ; n CONFIDENTIAINO 'FORM DISSEM Subject : Specifications of 34 37Pa antes 50X1 -HUM The length of T/34 type tanks is 4 meters. I dont remember their height. The body of the tank is 40 cm above the ground and it caryover a 85 cm high wall. r.ss Similar to other types these tanks are divided into 4 parts:- 1) Front or commanding part 2) Part equipped with guns 3) Movable, i.e. engine part 4) Rear, i.e. transmission part These t'anks have two systems: 1) Eiling system 2) Cooling system The turrets of these tanks revolve by two means: manually and electrically. When the batteries are full the turret revolves once par minute. When the batteries are weak the revolving movement slows down. Ti-e machine-guns on these tanks also operate twowise: They are fired manually or electrically. 50X1 -HUN The radio equipments of the tanks are of 9 R S, RS 24, 10 RT-26 types and operate with a 24-volt current. Neither of these equipments can operate more than an hour. The Unformer, part which transmits the electric curraat to the equipment, immediately gets heated. Therefore the equipments are frequently damaged. The damaged radios cannot be repaired everywhere and their repair takes a long time. There is a telephone connection between the tank personnel. Every crewman has an earphone and a microphone. A snail knob operates the communications. The engines of the tanks are "V"-shaped and there are 6 cylinders on each side of the tank, i.e. the engine has 12 cylinders. The radiators are on both sides and at the rear of the engine. The batteries are beside the engine. The batteries are paralleOconnetted with eachother in doubles, so that 4 batteries follow one aeter the other. That is, when 4 batteries of 12 volts are connected an electric currant of 24 volts is obtained, but the amperage is high* CONFIDENTIAL /NO RELICIN DISSEM GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassifIcafien Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIENTIALINO FCREVI DIEM -2 - The electrical starter engine is on the right side of the tank between the batteries and the engine: There is a panel in front of the tank driver on which there is a knob. When the knob is switched the electrical engine startes tb operate and puts the tank engine into action. If the tank cannot be operated by means of the electrical engine it is operated with compressed air, but it is forbidden to operate the tanks with compressed air in peace time, this is only done in times of war. .In front of the tank driver there is a panel called Armaturno Tablo, on which there are several dials indicating the water temperature, the amount of oil, the condition of tae battery charges, the speed of Option. If the dial indicating the amount of oil is out of order the driver has ' to notify the tank commander. According to regulation's, when the dial showing the agree of oil is defected tanks are not allowed to operate. On the panel there is also ae fuse from which electric current is conveyed to all parts of the tank There is a separate fuse for each part. These fuses are very sensitive, if there is the slightest bit of damage in the electric cables there is immediately a short circuit and the fuse breaks the current. One of the novelties is to cover the lights of a tank.vith cloth. In this way the lights of the tank cannot be seen from afar. There are two kinds of lights on the tanks, those emitting long rays and others emitting short rays. The lightswith long rays are white and the others are green, the latter is not observed at night. The lights emitting short rays are camouflaged with a tin as a precaution against being noticed from afar. The tin serves as a shelter to the light. It is enough. to throw a hand grenade to the rear part, transmission(?) part of the tank to disable it and put it ciUt of action, because the rear part is the most sensitive part of the tank. No other'part of the tank can be disabled with a hand grenade or siebilar weapon. It is possible to approach the tank from its side without being seen. The sides of the tank cannot be seen from the interior. Law targets which are close to the ground cannot be destroyed with the arms of the tank. CONFIDENTIAL INO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-R6F380Y6-02-46;072400150001-1 rwr11,7a1B 12E4 11?14.$ Lrdal Subject Tank Units in Bulgaria Formation of tank units: 1) Sofia - Sukhodol village (4242N-2313E) There is a tank unit +probably a tank repair base subordinate to the Gen.Hdq.of the Armed Forces, in the east of Sukhodol village near here, 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM - 50X1 -HUM 2) Sofia - Gorna Banya village (4241N-23311E) there is a tank brigade (Brigada in Bulgarian) no information concern:?_ng this brigade. 50X1 -HUM 3) gambol (4229N-2630E) 50X1 -HUM Tank regiment was stationed in gambol until 1961. That year the regiment was disbanded. he tanks of this regiment were transferred to atezdets (4207N-2725E) and Aytos (4242N-2715E). The tank companies in these two locations prior to 1961 became regiments after being reinforced with tho tanks from Yambol, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CrA-R131B80f665-46A-072400150001-1 50X1-HUM ;,,.7? ? gmn Ctimg i%11 r ObSEM Subject : Tank Units in Bulgaria 1 - Formation of tank units: 1) Sofia - Sukhodol village (4242N-2313E) There is a tank unit 4-probably a tank repair base subordinate to the Gen.Hdq.of the Armed Forces, in the east of Sukhodol village near here. 50X1-HUM Snfin_ 50X1-HUM 2) Sofia - Gorna Banya viUage (4241N-231)1E) there is a tank brigade (Brigada in Bulgarian) no information concerning this brigade. 50X1-HUM 3) Yambol (4229N-2630E) Tank regiment was stationed in Yambol until 1961. ThatYea50X1 -HUM the regiment was disbanded. The tanks of this regiment were transferred to Zvezdets (4207N-2725E) and Aytos (4242N-2715E). The tank companies in these two locations prior to 1961 became regiments after being reinforced with the tanks from Yambol. 4) Sliven (42 ON-2619E) a tank unit corresponding to a brigade or a regiment is stationed here. It is more probably a brigade. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM ) Elkhovo (4211N-2634E) There is a tank company in Elkhovo 6) Aytos (4242N-2715E) There was a tank unit stationed in Aytos until 1961. When the tank regiment in Yinbol was disbanded in 1961 part of the tanks in Ianbol were sent to this tank company which then became a tank regiment. CTEMIT !,1751, EiSSEM 50X1-HUM GROUP Exclude6 from &Mom II dangrAdIng ADO dectassIfIcatieff Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIAL/ in FOREIGN DISSEM - 2 - 7) Burgas - KaMeno village (4234N-2718E) In 1963 a barracks area occupied by a tank unit on the route of the highway from Burgas to Xameno village. this is a small tank unit, possibly a company. 8) Kazanluk (4237N-2524E) There is a tank unit corresponding to a brigade or a regiment in Kazahluk. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 9) Chirpan (4212N-2520E) a tank unit being stationed in Chirpan . 10) Khaskovo (4156N-2534E) there is a tank unit in Khaskovo 11) Pernik (4236N-2302E) There is a tank company in Pernik . 12) Kolarovgrad (431(N-2654E) The -tank unit which *as a company. until 1960 in KOlarovgrad became a regiment on that date.. no further information. 13) Zvezdets (4207N-2725E) There was a tank company in Zvezdets until 1961 When the tank regiment inYambol was in 1961 the tank company. in Zvezdets was reinforced With the of the regiment in Yambol and became a tank regiment. no further information concerning salts. 14) lio.stendil (4217N-2741E) disbanded tanks there is a tank unit in Kostendil 15) Grudovo (4221N-2711E) at the end of 1961 that there is a tank unit in Grudovo. CONFIDENTIAL I NO FJPITIN 'DEEM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ? CONFIDENTIAL IRO FLEISA D1SSEM - 3 - 50X1 -HUM After completing their training as tank repairers at the tank base near Sukhodol vil1gc in 30 0ct.1959, soldiers were told that they would be sent to work s repairers at the tank units in 12 locations of Bulgaria, including their own base. The locations were the f ollowing: - 1) Sofia - Lorna liariya village, tank brigade '2) Sofia - Sukhodol village, tank repair base 3) Pernik, tank company 4) Kos t endi 1? tank unit 5) Khaskovo, tank unit 6) Kazanluk, tank brigade 7) Sliven,. tank bri ga de -8) Chirpan, tank unit 9) Yambol, tank regiment 10) Kolar ov gra d, tank c orroa ny Aytos, tank comc)any 12) Zve zdets, tank company 3 - Formation of the. tank units: Successive grades of formation in the tank units Djvjsj on Brigade Regime nt Battalion Company Platoon Squad A squad was provided with two tanks. To or three squads formed a platoon and 2 or 3 platoons formed a c map any . CONFIDENTIAL/NO FON DISSEM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 CONFIDENTIAL I O FOREISH DISSEM - 4 - There were no battalions in the tank regiments. Tank units larger than companies and smaller than regiments were given the name of Batalyon (battalion) The formation of the regimtnt located in Yambol until 1961 50X1-HUM will be stated in the information received from refugee concerning this regiment. 2) The tank units are not ,indepen dent. They are always connected with other branches of the Army forces. Tank units smaller than companies and regiments are assigned to an infantry unit larger than a regiment, brigade or tank unit at their location. Their function is to COD pc rate with the inf an try unit to which they are joined and to obtain results by increasing the firing force of thm unit. With regiments and larger tank units the situation is different. In this case; privates of the infantry, engineering, signalling, antiaircraft branches in smaller units as cempared to the tank unit, are assigned to the teak unit. (sic) There are also self-propelled guns, Note: See the formation of the tank regiment refugee. 4 - Types of tanks the Bulgarian tank units: in Yambol as stated by 50X1-HUM 1) Until 1961 there were tanks manufactured according to the Russian p atent-in. the Soviet Union or Czechoslovakia, equipped with T/34 model 85 mm guns. The Russian made T/34 type tanks differ from the ones manufactured in Czechoslovakia only in the turrets. The Russian tanks have a sharp line on the side of the turrets, whilst in the Czech makes this line has been ab6lished with a smooth incline. That is, the turrets of Czech T/34 tanks are curved levelly. ( si c) The Bulgari an tank units are mostly equipped with T/34 type tanks. Refugee maintains that until 1961 only the unit in Kazanluk was not equipped with T/34 type tanks. CONENTIALINO D1SSEM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 .? ULLIMULIIIIALLEU Maid iiii6St - 5 - 2) Until 1961 other tanks of the Bulgarian Army- were the tanks of Russianmake and manufacture, T/54 tripe, equipped with 100 mm guns. the tanks 1 of T/54 type were given 50X1 -HUM to Bulgaria after 1955 or 19564hen refugee was subjected to a training at the tank repair base in Sofia-Sukhodol in 1958 50X1 -HUM The T/54 tanks brought 50X1 -HUM there to be repaired were always sant by the unit in Kazanluk. The T/54 type tanks at the repair base and probably everywhere were kept secret, and the (Type T/54) was never mentioned in the writings connected with the repairs of same or in conversations dealing with the same subject. The secret name of T/54 type tanks in Bulgaria was Obekt - 137. among the Bulgarian talk Unita only the unit in KazanlUk was equippedentitely*with T/54 type tanks. Nowhere else were there tanks of similar type. CONFIDENTIAL INOFE1 DiSSEM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 5 vi-, Y/9 ,r4ivr,06, .5e4"7/000z... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 oy Cf VA?i/cY,9,-, Ar,,re,9 tiolGe,r/ 7 i/t/ /V//c/C4,9-.1J/.t." .'"(J/ 0e/,.494" F/.e/eA74r CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM //2-ac AV /0 N.1 /6 / "Tc..,?k N dos- 77,9 ,e7 /ite CONFEENTIALINCFPEN DiSSEM 6 N AM), cJNT C.- 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Jo /0 /y5: ? /0 /9J9 es(4/v G Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 _ .?J fioup Excluded tram auttitnalle daveradlut declaseilicallte .L GROUp i i Entailed from automat, deweVIEME Ind declassification . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 ?H00,04 ko.ye.z Cis//9R/ND/9 7.9/10( 74/$21,Q. tARAR$5,911 8/4/4j/ vas (?D& OF 71)-k.* Rapii p eL$re tt Lk. Hopp L. AREA /1/2 I if t(9S41lX 800Rt//s/ r7- ? fV G. N 50X1-HUMi- ? I 50X1 -HUM z`pag/16, :30/0 /..951- ?low 4R4-0 I 50X1-HUM Oil ?. CONRD At/NO FOREIGN DISSEM allim?INOT 7- Ii7C/' irr9 7" esT 6 3 43 ?k /., ?ii // 17C; 1r/97- .-ZAi CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM 0/ AXPG OA) S_P-AA?4.62 Si< acV /Y0 Bovi9/Y/4' yet/ /9Yri /Vox/4)e cols7e4,zfrp/i7/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A072400150001-1 I r