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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 OPERATIONS/ ENGINEERING SUPPORT Logistical support to exhibits and special functions in Headquarters Building. project management for reroofing Cafeteria ($250,000). Replacement of galvanized water pipes in P&PD Building with new copper lines. Remodeled DCI Garage Reception Area to include new wallpaper, carpet, curtains, furniture, and trim. Upgraded all Headquarters Building elevators with micro-processor controls. Initiated contract with Ogden-Allied for computerized Operation and Maintenance Program with emphasis on preventive maintenance and New Building - Original Building integration. Initiated study with Syska - Hennessy to analyze Headquarters Facility utilities condition. Initiated study with Energy Systems Engineering on original Building HVAC system. Developed electrical schematic drawings of the original Headquarters Building and input these into the computerized aided drafting system. Surveyed the chilled water system in the original Headquarters Building, developed as-built drawings, and input these into the computerized aided drafting system. Surveyed, tested, and documented the rate-of-rise five alarm system. Oversaw the operation of the Central Power Plant systems upgrade. Monitored and directed as required the installation of the automatic controls for the emergency electric power generators. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 L.L)L 1JJJ.LLI. .. Directed DICON to produce drawings of 480V systems in the original Headquarters Building vaults. Formulated, with GSA, a plan to replace/upgrade any PCB filled electric transformers. Initiated a study on the impact of the introduction of large quantities of personnel computers into the, Headquarters facility. Architectural Design Branch has surveyed the DCI residence l in support the DCI Security Staff. A proposal for renovating 27,500 square feet for the DDI/OIR & LDA offices on the first and second floor of Headquarters building was received from DICON architect and engineers. The Design Branch completed design drawings and specifications for the DDO's conference room 6D49. A new ceiling, lighting system, grease board, television cabinet, carpet, wall covering, and furniture are incorporated into the design. Qhi ,- ,; major rupture occurred on the North side chill water lines which threatened the operational stability of the North side Computer Center. A decision was made to hook up portable chillers at the Northeast entrance in the event additional leaks occurred and the chilled water would be depleted. These chillers were on-line during repairs and permitted a complete drain-down and repressurization without disruption to service. _fhe Counterterrorist Center (CTC) construction was completed and a total of 21,426 square feet of floor space was affected by this renovation. Construction phasing was essential to minimize disruptions and was resolved by establishing six separate packages for the construction contractors. The renovation affected 272 workstations from 11 different offices and the project was accomplished under ten separate tasks at a cost of $415 ,000. ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 ORIGINAL HEADQUARTERS CONSOLIDATION FMD/HCS has defined a program for accomplishing the renovation and backfill of the original Headquarters Building. As presently constructed, the program calls for: upgrading the central electric and air conditioning facilities; renovation of 804,000 square feet of office and computer space; and a total reallocation of that space space to the directorates. The program is awaiting approval by the Agency's Executive Committee. Meanwhile, an A&E firm has been selected and an RFP is being prepared. CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 were added to the Space Allocation Document. A skills workshop lecture and exercise was conducted for 24 Logistics Officers. Allied Intergraph operators loaded architectural floor and ceiling plan information for [::]Agency buildings. The following buildings are now on the Intergraph: oL Printing and Photography, ueadauarters Compound Parking Deck, Headquarters Security Control Center a Entrance, Cooper-Lecky was selected as the A&E for Cafeteria expansion and Credit Union expansion; contract was awarded and surveys were begun. As part of facility study for new applicant processing center, C/CMS interviewed OMS, OS and OP officials to gather requirements. C/CMS participated in evaluation and selection of A&E firms to design OHB upgrades and backfill. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 EXHIBITS SUPPORTED DDS&T 25th Anniversary. Egg Decoration Display History a-ih Pewter FURNITURE ACQUISITION INTERIOR DESIGN The Fine Arts Commission reviewed the portfolios of two sculptors suggested by the DCI and selected Lawrence M. Ludtke of Houston, Texas to sculpt a statue of William Donovan. The statue which will be completed in late 1988 will be placed in a Headquarters public area. The Interior Design Consultant is investigating the Bretford Manufacturing Walltrack Shelving System as a possible FMD response to increasing requests for wall a+4ee*r44- storage for manuals, televisions and VCR's. A sample shelf and wall mounted track installed by Allied is being evaluated for practicality, strength and aesthetic appeal. FMD's Interior Design Staff, and Design, Maintenance, and Building Services Branches participated in the office Refurbishment and Relocation portion of the Component Logistics Support Program The subject matter Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 %-%." LI L 1 W L L. S S f 4_i ~Zx included furniture standards, design parameters, contract procedures, moving tips, and the degree of participation required from each staff. Participated in selection and award of the Headquarters Building Jogging Track Design. The Interior Design S`t'aff, FMD, prepared and forwarded a Report of Recommendation for design and refurnishing of ten executive and student buildings To date, Office of Training and Education funds have been committed for the implementation of specifications A complete carpool revalidation was accomplished in March 1986. The parking policy for the VIP Lot was redefined and reestablished in April 1986 per Headquarters Notice Establishment of the Parkin Coordinator officer per Headquarters Notice dated 4 November 1986. Reconstruction of the South and North Parking Lots began in April and was complete by the end of December 1986. The new M&CB x-ray machine was received in February 1987 and will be in service as soon as space becomes available on the South Loading Dock. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 25X1 7F,X1 25X1 25X1 The Mail and Courier Branch processed a record amount of both classified and unclassified mail. Postal material processed in FY86 increased by 97 percent over fY85 from 1.7 million to 3.4 million. Classified mail handling increased by 37 percent from 8 million to 11 million pieces. The Executive Dining Room served a total of 16,777 meals for both the DCI Dining area and the general membership. This was an increase of 12 percent over 1985. Courier service was increased by request of the Office of Current Production and Analytic Support, to include delivery of the Midday Intelligence Renort to three new recipients Increased service was begun to both the Office of Communications and to the office of Medical Service of those offices. upon the requests The North Loading Dock opened in January. Currently an average of 19 trucks an hour are being processed. Eight trucks containing a total of 168 skids of carpet tile for the new Headquarters Building were off-loaded and stored in the temporary building provided by NBPO in the West Parking Garage. An inventory of the existing emergency supplies was completed. The goal is to maintain an adequate stock level to support approximately 1,000 people. Requisitions have been processed to complete this task. The Dock Section received, processed paperwork for, and delivered 100,000 pieces of materiel during this period. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1 t.vlvr LVQLI I..riJJ 25X1 25X1 Z Transportation certified instructor. Four members of the Motor Pool Branch, FMD, received 40 hours of professional driving instruction from a contracted Department of New Aaencv facilities, which included were opened by lllV L C~ uv~. {(/\ are attached. With the opening of the New North Dock, the Somat System, temporarily located in the original Dock, was relocated and permanently installed in the New Dock Area. FY86 and were provided full services support in terms of mail service, shuttle bus, supply and moving support without additional...r.esources. SNOW ST - During and after the snowstorms of 22 3TM~ January,FMD and its contractor personnel provided emergency support to include snow removal, emergency supplies and transportation, and rations and bedding. Support during the crises was sufficient to avoid a shut down to any critical operation in the Headquarters area during the winter emergency. & u ,thy ` c? e,yo C TV MESSAGE CENTER - Facilities Management Division developed an employee message center for use in the Headquarters Building. The center provides employees with current information on events, emergencies and construction in the Headquarters area. Thirty-six Allied skilled craft personnel cleared to support renovation projects Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP90-00379R000100350006-1