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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 STAT TO: EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SUP ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDCI X . 3 EXDIR X 4 D/ICS X 5 'I DDA bil X 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC X 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA ......, 14 /PAO 0 .iC elf ro r 1'; K-I-E) 5 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 18 19 20 21 22 3637 (1061) Date , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000966160001-0 \DectifinEt 87-2943X Commission on thE litEntEnnial ihE tufa Stalcs itanshinhon Warren E. Burger Chairman Frederick K. Biebel Lindy Boggs Herbert Brownell Lynne V. Cheney Philip M. Crane Dennis DeConcini William J. Green Edward Victor Hill Cornelia G. Kennedy Edward M. Kennedy Harry McKinley Lightsey, Jr. William Lucas Betty Southard Murphy Thomas H. O'Connor Phyllis Schlafly Bernard H. Siegan Ted Stevens Obert C. Tanner Strom Thurmond Ronald H. Walker Charles E. Wiggins Charles Alan Wright Mark W. Cannon Staff Director Ronald M. Mann Deputy Staff Director 734 Jackson Place, N.W. ? Washington, D.C. 20503 202/USA-1787 July 23, 1987 Mr. William Webster Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Dear Mr. Webster: Thank you for your important contributions to the Bicentennial celebration. You are promoting significant understanding of the history and values of our Constitution, and we appreciate these effective initiatives from your agency. During this five-year celebration, we would like to extend invitations to department and agency heads on a continuing basis for special events which the Speakers Bureau might arrange. This leadership is a frequent request as a principle source of influence and inspiration. We have enclosed speeches and Bicentennial information which could be of assistance in preparation of remarks on the Constitution. We encourage disseminating materials throughout your department, with particular focus on the September 16 celebration. Please feel free to contact us if we can provide you with any additional information. We will be calling you soon to discuss future ways in which the Speakers Bureau might work with you during these Bicentennial years. JGM:hep Enclosures Sincerely, CAOLtly.Q-(1.-D1(\r01-Q-C9-JrGa,t4 acklyn Giles MacInnis Director Speakers Bureau Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 The Constitution and the Bureaucracy by MARTIN SHAPIRO Americans think of their Consti- tution as doing a number of basic things. One is to protect the rights of individuals. A second is to set out the basic blueprint of the structure of government. Article I establishes a Congress to wield legislative power. Article II estab- lishes a presidency to wield execu- tive power. Article III creates a Su- preme Court which, along with such other courts as Congress shall create, wields the judicial power. The Constitution appears to set out quite a simple, logical and complete plan for a national government. Yet the Constitution fails to provide for one of the largest and most impor- tant institutions of every national government, the bureaucracy. With- out a bureaucracy the executive power would be meaningless, for the one man or woman who is president cannot personally "take care that" all the myriad laws of a modern nation "be faithfully exe- cuted." This glaring constitutional omis- sion was in part accidental. The very idea of bureaucracy becomes prevalent only with the writings of Max Weber, over a hundred years after the Constitution was written. The framers knew that the execu- tive could not operate without a body comparable to the servants of the crown in England. Indeed. the Constitution does make one explic- it reference to what we would call a bureaucracy: "The President ... may require the Opinion in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, ...." It has nothing more to say, however, largely because people had not yet come to think of the executive's servants as a body of persons with a distinct set of rules, roles, proce- dures and values that set them apart from the person who inhabit- ed the presidency or kingship. Yet the omission of bureaucracy this Constitution was in part deliberate. The Consti- tution could easily have said more about the bureaucracy. It does specify how government officers are appointed?some by the presi- dent alone and others by the presi- dent after an opportunity for the Senate to advise and consent. The Constitution also provides that members of Congress may not hold offices in the executive branch, thus preventing the sort of cabinet government that was emerging in England. The Constitution empow- ers Congress to establish a post office, an army and a navy. It could have gone on to specify what exec- utive departments, such as treasury and state, should exist and, like many state constitutions, to provide a detailed organization chart for the whole executive branch. The fram- ers did not undertake this task in part because they felt that the de- tails of government organization should change from time to time in response to changes in the rest of the world. In part, however, they said little in the Constitution be- cause they anticipated that the first president would be George Wash- ington who would surely set the first administration on the right path. Thus the framers deliberately left the evolution of the personnel and organization of the executive branch to be worked out by Con- gress and the president in the fu- ture. Because the Constitution con- tains this large hole and because bureaucracies touch the lives of so many Americans, the courts have had to create the constitutional law of bureaucracies. It is not that the courts are ever asked directly what a bureaucracy is or what its role is in our constitutional system. In- stead these questions arise in cases that look like they are primarily about the legal or constitutional rights of individuals. From a 'Spoils System' to the Career Service Some constitutional litigation in- volves the intersection of bureau- cracies and another institution about which the Constitution is even more silent, the political party. The Jacksonian Democrats devel- oped a theory of bureaucracy in the 1820s, although they did not call it by that name. They argued that if government agencies were staffed by career employees, these gover- nors would become an elite sepa- rated in spirit and outlook from the people they governed. The cure was "rotation in office." Each time one political party ousted the other from the control of the presidency or other elected executive post such as governor or mayor, all those appointed by the previous executive should be removed from office and replaced by appointees of the new executive. Thus, every- day citizens would move in and out of government as political fortunes changed. We would not need to worry about keeping the governing bureaucracy under control of the people because the people would be the bureaucracy. This theory of bureaucracy was also a theory of party finance. As they evolved. European political parties supported themselves in a number of ways. Many, such as the British Labor or French Socialist party, became dues-paying. closed membership clubs. In return for paying dues, a member got a card and a right to vote in party elec- tions. Others, like the British Con- servative party, long supported themselves on private wealth. Wealthy families sent one of their sons into politics and provided him an annual income while he pursued his political career. Others yet, like the Communist and Monarchist parties, depended largely on ideo- 11 ! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 RPE AL OF erVILMII VEL. XX.?No. - NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 22. 171;. nt Art ,t1 tenrrtatay in On Year I. lc Hare, A Prather, In the OM, ra Ow I Ittrartar' ? ------- - - - I wrru A SCPTLTMENT PRICE TEN CENTS tartar., at Rapt atrtta. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM IF VOL' \ANI Guou WAIL H D(c, MUST pAy A GOoD PRICE FOR 'I liLm KEEP THEM WELL YE 01 \ \ I0 A HUNGRY. DOG WILL STEAL. IF YOU FIND ANY HONEST, CAPABLE, AND FAITHFUL To YOUR INTERESTS, DON'T TURN THEM Ou'r TO STARVE WHEN THEY ARE TOO OLD TO WORK. THE PRESENT SYSTEM WILL ONLY PA'(l1)("CE CURS. Cartoon by Thomas Nast on civil service reform showing "Mr. Statesman" culling the tail (salaries) off a mangy dog (civil service "spoils system") as Uncle Sam says. "You am as usual, at the wrong end." He leans against a poster with civil service reform guidelines, which recommend better salaries and working conditions. Harper's Weekly, April 22, 1876. Library of Congress. 12 npriacsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 logical fervor of their partisans to yield many, voluntary, unpaid hours of party work. American parties have rarely had dues-paying memberships. Neither family support nor ideological com- mitment has been sufficient to bring out enough party workers to staff election campaigns or to keep the parties alive between elections. In the nineteenth century, Ameri- can parties instead relied on "rota- tion in office," or, as it is known less grandly, the "spoils system." With this system, the party simply prom- ises that, while it can pay its work- ers nothing now, faithful workers will he given government jobs if the party wins the election. These jobs do pay and will continue to pay as long as the party keeps getting elected. Thus, the party is financed partly by the government. The Jacksonian theory of bureau- cracy and party held that govern- ment administration really was sim- ple stuff. Any citizen rotated into office to enjoy the spoils that go to election victors could do the job for a while until replaced by a new set of winners. From the earliest days of the Republic, this premise was challenged by those who believed that the business of governing was a highly technical one requiring great experience, impartiality and expertise. First announced by the Federalists, this theory of bureau- cracy as neutral expertise, and thus of the separation of government administration from the hurly hur- ley of democratic politics, reached its high point in the Progressive movement around the turn of the century. The Progressives wanted to replace "rotation in office" with a professional career civil service, ap- pointed on the basis of competitive examinations and shielded by law from political influence. Their greatest victory was the Pendleton Act of 1883 which established such this Constitution Me Constitution fails to provide .l1 010 of the larycst and 100.4 important institutions l/. rvvry national government, the bureau- cracy. a federal civil service. The Progressive theory of bu- reaucracy sought to undermine tra- ditional party supports. The Pro- gressives saw the traditional party machines as the principal enemies of good public administration. The machines were the source of the graft, corruption and simple incom- petence that marred American gov- ernment. If "rotation in office" were ended, and with it the promise of jobs, the machines could not enlist the precinct captains and ward healers who were their front line troops. As a result the machines would run down and eventually dis- appear. The Supreme Court entered the fray not in the form of direct deci- sions about whether the Constitu- tion had approved one theory or the other, but indirectly. One of the statutes amending and improving the Pendleton Act was the Hatch Act of 1 439 which forbade federal employees from contributing to or participating in party election cam- paigns. Its basic intent was to pro- tect civil servants from political pressure. If they were forbidden by law from engaging in political activ- ity on behalf of any party, they could not be pressured by the presi- dent or those he appointed as sec- retaries and assistant secretaries of the various government depart- ments to be active on the side of the president's party. A number of civil servants saw things differently, however, and challenged the Hatch Act as a viola- tion of their constitutional, First Amendment, right to participate in politics. The Supreme Court usually holds that First Amendment rights Federal postal workers. Washington, D.C.. 1890s. 8rady-Handy collection. Library of Congress. 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 George Hunt Pendleton, Brady-Handy collection. Library of Congress. are not absolute. If the government is limiting speech for a sufficiently compelling reason, it may do so constitutionally. In the course of explaining the compelling govern- ment interest that was to be bal- anced against the individual civil servants' First Amendment rights, the Supreme Court provided a ring- ing endorsement of the Progressive theory of bureaucracy. The Court held that the government's interest in an expert, neutral, career civil service clearly separated from poli- tics outweighed First Amendment considerations. In upholding the Hatch Act, the Supreme Court read "rotation in office" out of the Con- stitution. Some years later, the Court used the Constitution to abolish the rem- nants of the "spoils system" that had survived the Progressive era. A number of attorneys employed by Cook ('ounty, the county in which Chicago is located, had been ap- pointed to their jobs as prosecutors when one party won a county elec- ti(m. The next time around, the oth- er party won, and in 19T1 it sought to replace these prosecutors with its own party faithful. The old pros- ecutors argued that their First Amendment rights were being abridged?they were being fired from their jobs solely because of their political beliefs. The Supreme Court did not exactly ignore the time-honored place of the "spoils system" in American political life, but it did treat it as irrelevant. Fo- cusing on the First Amendment claim, a majority of the Court con- firmed that firing government workers just because of their politi- cal views was a violation of their rights to free speech and associa- tion. In order to encourage the accep- tance of the civil service concept. new civil service statutes often con- tained clauses providing for "blan- keting in" present employees. Whenever more federal, state and or local government jobs were brought under civil service designa- tion, workers already on those jobs were allowed to keep them rather than having to compete for them in new examinations. "Blanketing in" was politically essential to the pas- sage of most civil servant legisla- tion. It meant that existing govern- ment workers appointed under the "spoils system" would not only cease to oppose civil service laws but would vigorously support them because the new laws would secure their jobs even if the other party won an election. In its Cook County decision, the Supreme Court in ef- fect "blanketed in" every one of the remaining spoils appointees in the United States. The Progressive the- ory of a bureaucracy of neutral "experts," free from political parry control, had become part of the Constitution not as separate clauses but as an interpretation of the First Amendment. Whose Bureaucracy? Today, the most important dis- pute about the constitutional posi- tion of the federal bureaucracy is being fought out in cases that ap- pear not to relate to the Constitu- tion at all. In these cases, the par- ties are not claiming that a particular government action is un- constitutional but only that it is unlawful; not that it violates the Carl A. Hatch. Library of Congress. Constitution, but only that it vio- lates some statute enacted by Con- gess. These cases raise the most difficult constitutional question of all about the bureaucracy?to which branch of government does it belong'? The simple schema of the first three articles of the Constitution? Article I which describes Congress. Article II which establishes the presidency, and Article III which provides for the judiciary?would seem to place the executive depart- ments, such as treasury and interi- or. and the bureaucrats who work in them, squarely under the control of the president who holds not a part of but all of "the executive Power of the United States." Partic- ularly from the time of the New Deal onward, constitutional and po- litical commentators have urged more and more centralized control by the president over an executive branch that was constantly growing in size and complexity. The Nixon presidency. however, brought de- nunciations of the "imperial presi- dency" from the same people who had espoused the strong presidency earlier. And the Reagan presidency, with its campaign to cut hack on big government, including the big executive branch, has led those who favor more rather than less government activity to re-examine the actual legal status of the execu- tive departments. When they do so they encounter a very curious phenomenon of 14 this Constitution Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Jo spite of who, ?could seem to be the (Icor structure of the.rirst three or- ticle.z; of the Coustitutiou, the jederal deport meoLs urf not (Jo serronts the president but I/Oe creatures of ronqrcss. American law. In spite of what would seem to be the clear struc- ture of the first three articles of the Constitution, the federal depart- ments are not the servants of the president but the creatures of Con- gress. Precisely because Article II does not authorize any specific ex- ecutive departments or provide an organization chart of the executive branch, each federal executive de- partment and agency must be creat- ed by a statute enacted by Con- gress. The agencies not only exist by virtue of such statutes but each and every one of their powers and programs must be authorized by statute and each and every dollar they spend must be appropriated by statute. It is not that Americans suddenly discovered this legal arrangement. In some sense they knew it all along. In the middle and later 1970s, however, with the presidency in the hands of one party and Congress in that of the other, more observers came to recognize the contradic- tion between the legal basis of the executive departments as congres- sional creations and the position of the president as chief executive. This contradiction is now being discussed in the federal courts. The Reagan administration has inherit- ed hundreds of executive branch programs and regulations that it would like to eliminate, cut hack or redirect. In some cases, the admin- istration believes that a regulation imposes impossible tasks on the companies being regulated, and or creates costs that far outweigh any possible benefits and or is based on factual data that is wrong or incom- plete and/or misreads the intent of the statute that the regulation is designed to implement. Wielding the powers of the chief executive, administration officials have re- scinded some regulations, refused to go forward with others that were this Constitution in the bureaucratic pipe line when Mr. Reagan took office. and re- duced the tempo of enforcement of yet others. The Reagan administra- tion has argued that many of these regulations and styles of enforce- ment had been adopted by the de- partments in pursuit of the policy ideas of President Carter and his appointees. That course, Reagan's aides say, was perfectly legitimate, but it is equally legitimate for a newly elected president with differ- ent ideas to modify the practices of his executive branch to conform to his ideas. Those who oppose Presi- dent Reagan's policies have re- sponded that the regulations and programs that existed when he took office were mandated by Con- gress and to stop or change them now violates those statutes. Typi- cally, the issue has reached the courts when those who favor reten- tion and extension of the old regu- lations ask the court to require the agency to enforce the statute. These cases involve the huge body of statutory and case law about the procedures that agencies must use in making, unmaking and enforcing their own regulations that lawyers call "administrative law." Because these are complex ad- ministrative law cases. few people become aware of the underlying constitutional debate. The debate arises because many congressional statutes not only authorize or em- power executive agencies to do things hut, at least according to some interpretations, order them to do things. Not just President Rea- gan, but all presidents, have argued that the president has the authority under Article II to decide just how the laws shall be "faithfully execut- ed" and thus the discretion to de- cide when, against whom, and un- der what circumstances the law should be carried out. Agencies live between the duties imposed upon them by statute and the executive discretion wielded by the president as head of the execu- tive branch. In a common sort of law suit in this area, an environ- mental group might insist that a particular statute, say the Clean Air Act. imposes a duty on the Ln \ iron mental Protection Agency (EPA) to achieve clean air now. The agency thus has a duty to formulate the best possible air pollution regula- tions based on available data and enforce them immediately. The EPA will reply that no statute can ever be read as commanding an agency to make regulations and punish people for violating them before the agency is sure that it knows enough to make a good reg- ulation. Thus the EPA must have discretion to decide when it will make a regulation. Furthermore, the EPA has only so much time, staff and money to enforce its regu- lations and never enough to enforce all of them on everybody. Thus it must have discretion to pick and choose its enforcement actions to get the most -bang" for its enforce- ment "buck-. And precisely be- cause these judgments are discre- tionary, they must be exercised in accord with the policies of the only person who has constitutional au- thority to control the discretion of the executive branch?the presi- dent. When a court decides whether. in a particular instance, an agency has a statutory duty or, alternatively a measure of discretion, the court is deciding whether the agency be- longs to Congress or the president. Depending on the circumstances, the statutory language and the un- derlying constitutional theory of the judge. individual decisions go one way or the other. Over the years, however, the collective im- pact of these decisions will move the federal bureaucracy more to- 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R0009nn1Rnnn1_n mai Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Although the Constitution does not specitically pirolithjor mi crulicra- cies, courts decide bureaucracy cases under a wide array of constitu- tional and non-constitutional provisions that do not even use the words. In doing so, the courts shape not only the constitutional law of bureau- cracy, hut the relationship between Congwss and the president. ward Article I (c.ongressi( inal au- thority) or more toward Article II (presidential control) and thus de- termine a fundamental aspect of our constitutional law even though these cases do not overtly raise constitutional questions. This issue, like many constitutional issues, is never totally resolved. but the courts are currently deeply engaged in determining the extent of presi- dential control of the actions of the executive departments. Legislative Veto The Supreme Court has spoken specifically about the constitution- ality of congressional control of the bureaucracy in one recent case in- volving the "legislative veto.- In a number of statutes, Congress has delegated to executive agencies the power to make rules and other kinds of decisions, but it retained for itself the right to veto these rules within a specified time. Only after Congress approved the agency action, or refused to disapprove it, did the agency's action become le- gally binding. These provisions al- lowed Congress to grant a great deal of discretion to the agencies while at the same time maintaining control over the final decision. In Immigration and Naturaliza- tion Service v. Chadha (1983), the Supreme Court held one such veto provision unconstitutional and did so in broad enough language to suggest that most such provisions were invalid. The Court focused not on the constitutional problems of bureaucracy and administration but on the president's veto power. The details of legislative veto clauses varied, but all provided that the congressional veto be exercised by votes and resolutions not subject to presidential veto. The Court held that Congress' action of disapprov- ing an agency decision was itself a Jagdish Rai Chadha, photograph by Terrence McCarthy NYT PICTURES. legislative action like the passage of a new law. Thus, it was unconstitu- tional for Congress to take such actions in ways that denied the president his constitutional author- ity to veto new legislation. Chadha generally has been inter- preted as a pro-president, anti-Con- gress decision. It does reduce the power of Congress to limit the dis- cretion exercised by the federal bu- reaucracy. It does not, however, increase presidential control over that bureaucracy. Indeed. it tends simply to grant more autonomy to the bureaucracy. Recent presidents have sought to increase their au- thority over agency rule-making by executive orders requiring that pro- posed agency rules be cleared through the Office of Management and Budget, which is part of the president's own staff. These execu- tive orders, and particularly any at- tempt by the president to prevent a ? proposed rule from coming into le- gal effect, raise their own serious constitutional problems. Conclusion Although the Constitution does not provide specifically for bureau- cracies, courts decide bureaucracy cases under a wide array of consti- tutional and non-constitutional pro- visions that do not even use the words. In doing so, the courts shape not only the bureaucracy, but the relationship between Congress and the president. We are used to think- ing of that dynamic relationship as a direct struggle between Congress and president over such questions as whether the president has the power to withhold documents from Congress or to send troops into combat without a congressional declaration of war. But there is also a struggle between Congress and president about just how much power each should have over the work of the federal bureaucracy, work that constitutes almost all of the activity of government that ac- tually touches the daily lives of the citizenry. As the courts referee this rivalry, we can expect different con- stitutional balances to he struck at different times depending on chang- ing political circumstances and changing political theories of Con- gress and the presidency. The de- veloping constitutional law of the bureaucracy shows that the Consti- tution can be made to resp mil to circumstances unforeseen, indeed even to institutions unmentioned. in the original document. Martin Shapiro received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Har- vard and has taught there and at a num- ber of campuses of the University of California. He is now a l'rofessor of La% at Berkeley and has written several books and articles about the Supreme Court. lb this Constitution Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PROPOSED REGIONAL CONFERENCE SITES AND DATES May 9 June 3 June 23 June 25 July 14 July 28 Denver, CO CO, KS, NE, UT, WY Harrisburg, PA Albuquerque, NM Frankfort, KY Madison, WI Boise, ID PA, DE, MD, WV NM, AZ, TX, UT KY, WV, TN WI, IL, MN, IA ID, ND, SD, MT, WY, WA September (date to be determined) Oklahoma City, OK OK, AR, KS, UT, TX September 16 September 23 September 23 Atlanta, GA Toledo, OH Worcester, MA October (date to be determined) Mahwah, Ni October 7 October 14 October 21 October 20 October 22 October 27 Raleigh, NC Jackson, MS Kansas City, MO San Francisco, CA Juneau, AK Bismarck, ND GA, AL, FL, VI, PR OH, MI, PA, NY MA, CT, ME, NH, RI, VT NJ, NY, PA, CT NC, SC, VA MS, LA, AR MO, KS, IA, NE CA, NV, OR, HI AK ND, SD, MN 4/27/88 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 COMMISSION ON THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION Information Services 736 Jackson Place, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20503 202 USA-1787 BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC An Alphabetical Listing of Bicentennial Resources April 1988 * Contact organization for catalogue price listing. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 1 04710/9S VEYWORDS Album Annouceoents - Public SFFVOZE Audio-Visual Audio-Visual A;Idio.Visual Audio-Visual Audio-Visual Audio-Visual Audio-Visnal Audio-Visual Audio Visual Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION Our Constitutional Heritage Third Century. (4 Cassette albums). Public Service Bicentennial annoucements. A Design for. Liberty: The American Constitution (1986), 29-minutes. A Little Rebellion Now and Then: Prologue to the Constitution (1985), 30-minutes, discussion guide, for ages 16-adult. American Revolution The Postwar Period (1975). From "The American Revolution" Series. Branches of Government: The Executive Branch, The Judicial Branch, The Legislative Branch (1983), three 23-minute films for ages 16-20. Constitution of the U.S. (1982) 19 minutes, for ages 13-17. Government As It Is: The Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches (1900), three 26 minutefilms, for ages 13-18. Inventing a Nation (1972). 20 minutes. From "America: A Personal History of the U.S." Cu. Supreme Court Decisions That Change the Nation (1986), six filmstrips (each 11-15 minutes), for ages 15-18. Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education. The Constitution at 200 Why Does It Still Work (1906), four-part sound filmstrip or video, 40-minutes. INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL. ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Nancy Lancaster. Our- Constitution Heritage, Bc) Dayton, OH 45461 Jack Taylor The Al Council 1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW Washington, DC 20215 Modern Talking Pictures 5000 Park Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33709 Churchill Films 662 North Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90069 Coronet Instructional Films 65 East South Water Street Chicago, IL 60601 National Geographical Society 17th & M Streets, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Encyclopedia Brit. Educ. Corp. 425 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 Pyramid Film and Video Box 1048 Santa Monica, CA 90406 Time Life Films 100 Eisenhower Drive Paramus, NJ 07652 Guidance Associates Inc. Communications Park, Box 3000 Mount Kisco, NY 10549 424 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER 202 221 3153 202 391-9152 013 541-5763 800 334-7030 in CA. 213 657-5110 800 621-.2131 202 857-7000 312 321-6800 213 020-7577 201 843-4545 800 431-1242 Prentice Hall Media & Assoc. Press 914 666-4100 Box 1050 Mount Kisco, NY 10549 PRICE $30.00 Ii * Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04/18/00 KEYWORDS Audio-Visual Audio-Visual Audio-Visual Audio-Visual Audio-Visual Belt Buckle Belt Buckle Books Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION The Constitution. A Living Document (1702). Six 15-minute filmstrips. (107769-020), Fm ages 13-17. The Constitution. Foundation of Our Government (1777). Three 15-minute filmstrips (006140-820), for ages 16-adult. The Constitution. That Delicate Balance (1785). Thirteen 56-minute programs, discussion guide, for ages 16 to adult. (No. 13 is "Federalism: The National Government v. the States.) Media and Society. Seminars The US Constitution in Action 1786 Two sets: -Creating a Federal Union- (four 15-minute filmstrips). and "The Living Document" (Four 15-minute filmstrips), teacher's guides for ages 13-18. To Form A More Perfect Union (1974)Decades of?Decision, The American Revolution Series, 30-minutes, for ages 10-16. Commemorative Item Belt Buckle in solid brass features twin American eagles and the Shield of Liberty bearing the 13 stars and Stripes of the original 13 colonies in red, white & blue. Commemorative Item -In Defense of Freedom" buckle depicting Old Ironside in bronze and silver. -A More Perfect Union:The Creation"In narrative form, this booklet chronicles the exciting events in Philadelphia in 1787 that led up to the Constitution of the United States. Contains full text and photos of original documents. INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Guidance Associates Inc. Communications Park, Box 3000 Mount Kisco, NY 10547 Guidance Associates Inc. Communications Park, Box 3000 Mount Kisco, NY 10547 Barbara Eddings 204 Journalism, Columbia Univer. New YorK, NY 10027 Random House Inc. Dept. 9261, 400 Hahn Road Westminster, MD 21157 National Geographic Society 17th & M Streets, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 American Commemoratives Ltd. 1865 Miner Street Des Plaines, IL 60057 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER PRICE 000 421-1242 800 431-1242 212 280-3666 800 638-6460 in Md., 800 492-0782. 202 857-7000 The Providence Mint Dept. M AML-2 1-800 872-8787. 222 Harrison Street, Box 8 Providence, RI 02901 National Archives Record Service Washington, DC 20408 202 523-5384 0216, #52-5531 $18.95 $19.95 2.50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No, 3 04710/SS INFORMATION SERVICTf BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC KEYWORDS NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS STATUS/PHOOF NUMCER PRICE Hooks "Abraham Baldwin: Patriot, May Day Taylor . Yandamere Press Illustration,,, 6X9, 304 $20.00 [di'..." This definitive biography Box 5243 p4gcs. of one of the highly significant, Arlington, VA 22205 but less remembered Americans who helped assemble framework or American democracy. By Dr. E. Merton Coulter, available in hardback Books Books Cooks Books Books Books "An Introduction of Law in Georgia"Classroom tested text designed to give young people accurate yet readable information about the law, useful in Georgia and nationally. Grades 6-12. Part 3 focus on Constitutional Protections. Carl Vinson Institute of Govt. University of Georgia Athens, GA 30605 "Anchor of Liberty", by C. Fred Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Kleinknecht with foreward by Warren 1733 16th Street NW E. Burger. An introduction to the Washington, DC 20009 men who chartered the freedoms of our nation. Available from The Supreme Council. "Bicentennial Coloring Books for lower elementary grades, 0 pages. (prices includes postage). "Bicentennial Essays on the American Historical Association 202 544-2422. Const."Pamplets designed for 400 A Street SE advanced placement students and Washington, DC 20003 teachers by noted scholars on historical aspects of the Constitution from the founding period to the present. Grades 8-12. "Constitutional Govt.in America" The Taft Inst. for Two Party Govt. 212 602 1530. Description of the American 420 Lexington Avenue constitutional system and its Ww York, NY 10170 philosophical background, includes pullout Constitution and time-line. Grades 5-12. 404 542-2736 $14.95 Nat'l Amer. & Child. & Youth Div. Stock 11 75201 $10.00 Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 "Equal Justice Under Law:..." Supreme Court Historical Society 202 543-0400. Grades 8-12 * The Supreme Court Historical 1511 K Street, NW R612 Book by IGidore Starr. Society with the Cooperation of the Washington, DC 20005 National Geographic Society. A soft-cover student book for junior and senior high school students, amply illust. guide instruct. etc. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04/18/88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC FEYWORDS NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS STATUS/PHONE NUMBER PRICE Books -Federalist- Global Affairs. Publishing Company Shipping F, handling will be $14.95 This unique Bicentennial edition by Box 2363 billed sevrately. In Michael Loyd Chadwick on famous comments on the Federalist is easy to read and has the complete text of the U. S. Constitution. Springfield, VA 22152 P aperback. Rooks -Lessons on the Constitution:..." Social Science Educ. Consortium 303 492-.8154. Grades 8-12 $19.50 Soft-cover, spiral bound teacher's resource, 302 pages, with 60 lessons for students. Lessons are designed as supplemental to HS courses in Civics, American 855 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 History, and American Government. Books -National Archives of the O. S." National Archives 11303901 Hardcover only. $49.50 From countless primary sources documents, artifacts, photographs, films, and sound recordings a magnificant mosaic of America has been carefully created. 7th 8 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20011 Rooks "Sketch Book 76" Visitors Center Bookstore $3.95 10th Century period men's clothing by Robert L. Klinger & Richard A. & Craft House Williamsburg, VA 23187 Wilder Books "Sketch Book" Visitor Center Bookstore $3.95 Womens clothes for 18th Century by & Crafts Nouse Robert L. Klinger. Williamsburg, VA 23187 Rooks "Speaking & Writing Truth:...- ABA Order Fulfillment 312 988-5738 $1.00 postage $4.95 Guidebook for planning forums in 750 North Lake Shore Drive & handling order II the community, can be adapted for Chicago, IL 60611 high school students. Includes six scripts on First amendment topics, legal memo. on the case law and the history behind each issue. PCH468-00044. Rooks -Speaking and Writing Truths:.." ABA 312 980-5555 $4.95 Forums on the First Amendment. 750 North Shore Drive Product code 468-0011 Chicago, IL 60611 Rooks "Story of the Constitution" National Archives ISBN 0-911333-45-2 $8.95 A new introduction by Daniel 7th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Paperback only. Elazar, the book in historical context and explains why it is a classic in constitutional studies. Washington, DC 20011 Books -The Blessings of Liberty" American Bar Association 312 988-5726 $1.00 postage $4.95 Bicentennial Lectures at the 750 North Lake Shore Drive & handling. Order N PC 468 National Archives. Features articles by prominent constitutional scholars. Chicago, IL 60611 0005. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page NO. 04/10/R9 PEYWORDS Books Books Rook Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS -The Constitution & ThE Early Rep."Teacher's Guide and Resource Handbook for a fifth grade unit. Students focus on the years from 1703-1815 in American history. Grade 5 $15. Write for order form. Fairfax County Public Schools 3705 Crest Drive Annadale, VA 22003 "The Constitution." Hope Lochridge Supplemental teaching units for Box 12487 secondary social studies utilizing Austin, TX 78711 Law in a Changing Society materials. Units focus on the Constitution, Power. (Federalism and the Separation of Powers 8 Supreme Court "The Constitution: Evol. of Govt.- SIRS, Inc. A supplemental teaching unit: Box 2507 Reproductions of 34 documents from Boca Rouge, FL 33427 the Archives reflecting historical, political, economic, and social aspects of the Constitution, paper-bound 20 classroom exercises. "The First Amendment: Free Speech" Thomas School of Communication Soft-cover curriculum pide for Temple University high school teachers with related Philadelphia, PA 19122 court cases and resource listings included. Grades 8-12. Books "The Formation of the Union:..." National Archives This booklet relates the story of Record Services the period when the original 13 Washington, DC 20400 colonies joined together to form an independent nation: 1774-1771. Focus is on major events from the first CC thru the Bill of Rights Books -The Jefferson Mtg. on the Const." The Jefferson Foundation 202 234-3608 Grades 8-12 * Three part teacher's guide to using 1529 18th Street, NW the Jefferson meeting as an Washington, DC 20036 educational tool. Utilizes studsoL 1$1,61VCOEfa, first in small groups dealing with specific issues, and then in general session. 3TATU/PHONE NUMBER 312 441-0022. .PRICE $13.00 305 994-0079. Add 1.50 for $20.00 handling:0 M066 215 787-8421 202 523-5304 U260. $2.50 f)ookc "The US Constitution Bicentennial" A We the People Resource Book, includes 3 posters and over 50 commemorative and educational activities for adults and students. American Bar AssociPAion 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 312 908-5726 $2.50 postage $8.50 & handling. Order It PC 460 0010. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 rage No. 6 04/18/89 PEYWORDS O ooks nooks F) ooks Books nooks Books Gooks Govt. rrinting Office Books Tn5tructional Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION "The US Constitution Bicentennial:"A We the People Pesource Book. Product code 468-0010. "We The People:...- A Handbook on Community Forums on the Constitution. "We the People: A Handbook... Community forums on the Constitution-, contains 23 booklets For community forum productions, comprised of scripts discussion questions and legal memoranda. 18th Century Clothing -18th Century Clothing at Williamsburg by Linda Baumgarten. Booklet:-Know Your America-. Suggested study course in Americanism. Includes questions and answers on the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. 64 pages, seventy-five cents per copy. Thomas Jefferson, "A Strange Case of Mistaken Identity- by Alf J. Mapp, Jr. tt 31-4067 Club. "Our Const. & American Heritage" The Government Printing Office is now housing in the superintendent of documents publication division several books on the Constitution.Write in for free catalog booklet. "We The People" Instructional programs for high schools "We The People" Congressional districts each receive 10 free sets. $150.00 per classroom set. Books U er's Guide Project 87' User Guide An accompanying User's Guide featuresii essay describing the events, ideas and leaders pictured in the posters. Individual lessons For students in grades 4-6, and 10-12, other lit, avail, for adults INFOPHATION sERVICE7, BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDPESS American Bar Association 750 N Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 American Bar Association 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 American Bar Association 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 Visitors Center Bookstore & Craft House Williamsburg, VA 23187 The American Legion Bo:: 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Book of the Month Club Camp Hill, PA 17012 Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Washington, DC 20402 Center for Civic Education 5146 Douglas Fir Road Calabasas, CA 91302 Project 87' 1027 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 STATUS/rHONF NUMBER 312 1110 -5555 PRICE 312 900-5555 (PC-468-0004) $10.00 312 988--5726 $2.50 postage $10.00 & handling. Order U rc 468 5000. Stock It 75205 17.95 $65.00 Price includes shipping and $19.50 handling. 202 783-3230 818 340-9320 Free 4150.00 202 483-2512 3.00 each $4.00 for 25 or more copies. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04718/C0 KEYWORDS Calendars Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION Bicentennial Calendar of Events MO Pictorial and fact listing of events which occurred in the year. 1700. Cassette Tapes See logo-licensees Clothes See logo-licensees Coins Commemorative Coins Silver Dollar, Five dollar Gold coin, four coin set and prestige set available. The coins will be minted thru July 30, 1988. Prices begin at $5.00. Coins Commemorative Item New United States Constitution Silver Dollar - One Pound silver proofs are available at $259.00. Limit 5. Coloring Book H0265 Celebrate: It's Your Constitution A coloring book, containing facts about the writing of the Constitution. It is directed to a very young audience. Constitution Chinese Translation Constitution translated into Chinese. INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC Constitution - Constitution on Floppy Disc Floppy Disc Constitution and 15 other. historical documents including the Magna Carta are available MS-DOS compatible. Constitution Series *Mini Page Authorized by Betty Debman, a monthly newspaper series about the Constitution for youth. Reprints available $3.00 per set. Checks payable to Andrew, Michael & Parker. write: Constitutions - Braille Braille Constitution 210 1/2 x 11 1/22 Free Braille copies of the Constitution can be ordered now. COMPANY/ADDRESS Commission Headquarters 736 Jackson Place, N.W. Washington, DC 20503 U.S. Constitution Coins Box 0140 Philadelphia, FA 19162 The Federal Coin Fund 3 North New St. Dover, DE 19901 Gladys Scesney 11 Edgemoor Road Timonium, MD 21903 California Bicent. Foundation 700 North Brand, Ste. 550 Glendale, CA 91203 Randall Jones Bringham Young University Provo, UT 84602 Mini Page Constitution Series Box 419150 KRTISRS City, MO 64141 National Braille Association 00 St. Stephen Street Boston, MA 02115 STATOS/PHONE NUMBER 202 us()-1707 Bulk orders of 100 or more $2.00 each PRICE $3.00 The coin was designed by 1.5.00 Marcel Jovine, 65, Closter, NJ. 000-USA-5050 301 252-4440. 010 500-1707 001-370-3513 or 3511 (copyrighted). 016 932-6600. 617 266-6160. $259.00 $.50 $3.00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Ege No. 04/18/0S VEYWORM Constitutions - Canvas Constitutions Foreign Constitutions - For Constitutions Parchment Constitutions- Pocket-Size Cook Book Cook Book Costumes Costumes Costumes Dancers Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION Canvas Constitution Measured at 54 inches wide and Feet long, the Canvas has the Const. on it plus space for captions. Foreign Language Translation Distribution of constitution in all significant languages. Spanish Translation 12 1/2x19" Parchment Constitution Can be obtained from Commission Headquarters. $.25 each: maximum, which may be purchased 100. Over 100 must be referred to Historical Documents Co. We The People Commissions and Bicentennial Communities may purchase constitutions for the price of $.10 per booklet plus shipping cost. General public can purchase the booklet or $.15 per copy. 18th Century Foods Recipes in honor of the Bicentennial. Colonial Cooking Cook book in honor of the Bicentennial. DAR Cook Book Library Colonial Costumes for 18th Century Full array of 18th Century garments and individual costumes. Colonial Costumes for 18th Full array of 18th Century and individual costumes. Colonial Costumes for 18th Full array of 18th Century and individual costumes. Century garments Century garments The Patowmack Valley Dancers The Living History Foundation (PVD). The foundation's dance group focuses on dances of the latter 18th Century. Plans and produces balls of 18th century dancing for the general public. INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Emily Harris & Assoc. Western Springs, IL Frederick Guinn United States Information Agency 301 4th St. SW, DC 20547 We The People" Post Office Box 4195 West New York, NJ 07093 Historical Documents 8 North Preston Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Commission Headquarters 736 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20503 Nancy Crump Williamsburg Library Williamsburg, VA 23185 Judy Massaby National Grange 0 Street NW Washington, DC 20205 James Townsend & Sons Box 677 Winos. Lake, IN 46590 Buffalo Enterprises of PA 300 E. King Street, Box 103 East Berlin, PA 17316 G. Gedney Godwin Box 100 Valley Forge, PA Peter M. Ryan Box 2962 Leesburg, VA 22075 19481 STATUS/N.10PC NUMBER PRICE 312-246-5788. Plus 10.00 t55.00 handling charge 202 366 0130 Phone: (201-869-6916) Pub. Dr. Carlos P. Vega 215 387-0076 202 USA-1787 First 50 free. $.25 804 229-1000 or 220-3495 202 628-1776 or 628-3507 4 219 839-5203. 717 259-9081. 215 783-0670. 703 955-3454. Membership includes a variety of muscians,atc. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04/19/99 --rwrwry-; Delegatc - Picentennial Descendents of the Signers Descendents or the Signers Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME ? DESCRIPTION Delegates Biography Cards in the form of baseball cards or as a poster., all fifty-five of the. Conventions delegates arc described in detail. Life portraits are shown for 50 of the delegates with bibliographies. Locating Descendents Patricia Sullivan of NYC has provided a list of organizations which can help you find decendents of the signers of the Const. and the Declar. of Indep. DAR also gives descendents membership info. Locating Descendents of the. Locating Signers Descendents of the Locating Signers Descendents of the Locating Signers Descendents of the Locating Signers Descendents of the Locating Signers Design Chart Constitution Educational Descendents Descendents Descendents Descendents Descendents Descendents of the of the of the of the of the of the Signers Signers Signers Signers Signers Signers Constitution Reference Chart This Chart is available on parchment paper "22 x 14". "A Bicentennial Resource [Nide" A series of lessons on the Constitution developed from two summer institutes for Secondary Social Studies Teachers. INFORMATION SERVICES PTCFNIFPNIM... ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Eastern National Planning Fleoc. 313 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Historical Society/Desc. of Sign 1300 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 -..;Tivrm/ruorr- NOMPER 202 291 1400. School ? Library rice. 20% discount over 5. 215-732-6200. Colonial Lords of Manor in America 212 755 .7092 282 North Street Roxbury, CT 06902 National Soc. of Colonial Dames NY 212 744-3572. 219 East 71 Street New York, NY 10022 Genealogical and Bio. Soc. of NY 212 755-9532. 122 East 58th Street New York, NY 10022 Descendents of Colonial Wars in NY 212 755-7002 122 West 58th Street New York, NY 10022 Daughters of the Cincinnati 212 680-3553 122 East 58th Street New York, NY 10022 Newport Reading 401 846-0490 29 Bellevue Avenue Newport, RI Navy Lancaster Our Const. Heritage 1-000 527 1771 Box 424 Dayton, OH 45469 State Bar of Texas, Public Service 512 463-1399 flo;< 12487 Austin, TX 78711 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 VAge No. 10 04/18/80 VEYWORDS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS STATUS/PHONE NUMBER PRICE Educational "A Salute to Our Constitution... Newspapers in Education Two volumes for grades 1-7; and 4-6 The Indianapolis Star, Pox 145 with model lessons on how to use IndianapolL, IN 46205 the newspaper to teach about ideas in the Constitution. Educational "About the Constitution:..." National Education Assoc. A packet of learning materials and 237 Saw Mill Road lesson plans for elementary West Haven, CT 06516 schools, created by the NEA and the National Council for the Social Studies. Educational "Are We to be a Nation?" American Library Association, PIO A traveling Bicentennial exhibit 50 East Huron Street and outreach packet, developed by Chicago, IL 80302 the ALA and the New York Public Library. Educational -Celebrate the Constitution" Federation of State Humanities A guide for public programs in the C15.1012 14th Street, NW, #207 humanities during the Bicentennial Washington, DC 20005 period. Educational "Forgotten Freedoms" Texas Young Lawyers Association A 20 minute video on freedom of Box 12487 expression and freedom from Austin, TX 78711 unreasonable search and seizures. Available on a free loan basis or may be purchased. Educational "Instructional Modules on National Conference of Christians Const. .."Five useful teaching units 71 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100 for elementary and secondary New York, NY 10003 students. 512 463-1388 Educational "Law and the Bicentennial" American Lawyers Auxiliary A primer- for third graders on the 750 North Lake Shore Drive Constitution and how it affects Chicago, IL 60611 their daily lives. Educational "Law in a Changing Society" State Bar of Texas 512 463-1380 * Supplemental units for K-12 social Box 12487 studies classes on the Constitution Austin, TX 78711 and Bill of Rights. Education7i1 "Lessons on the Constitution" Social Studies Educ. Consortium A set of over. 60 lesson plans 855 Broadway developed by the Copernicus Society Boulder, CO 80302 for use in high school social studies classes. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 11 0471n/cn FEYWORDS Educational Educational Educational Educational Educational Educational Educational Educational Educational Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION "Lessons on the Constitution" High school level workbook on the Constitution. "National Bicentennial Competition-A six week curriculum For grade 11. Competition at the classroom, congressional district, state and national level. Available through congressional offices or CCE. "Readings in the Constitutional Era-A plan for an adult reading and discussion, for adaptation in elementary and secondary school. "Teaching Today's Constitution" 10 lessons, 100 pages with quiz. "The Constitution and the Early.." A teachers guide and resource handbook for fifth grade. "The Constitution" A supplemental teaching unit Inc secondary social studies utilizing Law in a Changing Society materials. "The Constitution: Evol. of Govt." A supplemental teaching unit for secondary schools developed by National Archives, containing 34 facsimiles of the Archives documents. "The Elementary Catechism on the. ."A series of question and answers for people living under a free government, designed for home or school. "The First Amendment: Free Speech" A curriculum guide for high school teachers with related court cases and resource listings included, for grades 0-12. INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Rro.iect '87 152/ New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Center for Civic Education 5146 Douglas Fir Road Calavasas, CA 91302 Vermont Council on the Humanities Box 58 Hyde Park, VT 05655 Social Studies School Service 10200 Jefferson Blvd. Box 802, CA 90232 Fairfax County Public Schools 3705 Crest Drive Annadale, VA 22003 Hope Lochridge Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711 City Services Department 51 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019 American Heritage Institute 1093 Beechwood Strert Camarillo, CA Thomas School of Communication Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 ,,,T(JuGrrHoor. NUMBER 010 240-9320 800 421-4246 or 213 839-2436 PRICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 12 04/18/BR gEYWORDS Educational Educational Events Exhibits Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME g DESCRIPTION "We Light the Way or Freedom" Educational program for glades g-8. Teaching Materials NCSS provides information for teachers on resources and materials for teaching about the Constitution. "National Bicent Events List g WDC"Local events list available to the general public. Black Culture Blacks and the US Constitution will be organized into seven sections, including slavery, freedom in the 18th century, free blacks and the struggle for full citizenship rights. Christy Reproduction Fainting Exhibits can be reserved for general public use. Must incur $150 DHL cost for return shipment. Contact Information Services Film "Government As It Is" The Legislative Branch, focuses on the role Congress plays in governing our nation, how a bill becomes a law, how Senate and House INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMFANY/ADDRESS Neelcy Scholarshop Foundation 183 N. Madison Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016 National Council Inc thc 55 3501 Newark Street, NW Washington, DC 20016 Commission Headquarters 736 Jackson Street NW Washington, DC 20503 The New York Public Library's Schomburg Center for Research New York, NY 10029 Commission Headquarters 736 Jackson Plai N.W. Washington, DC 20503 Polaroid Film Box 1048 Santa Monica, CA 90406 STATUWHONE NUMBER 010 357-3402 202 USA-1787 212 862-4000 202 USA ?1787 1-800 527-1771 functions. 26-minutes, ages 13-18. Film "Shays' Rebellion" Churchill Films 213 657-5110 Film on Shays' Rebellion. 662 N. Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90069 Film "The Constitution at 200" Prentice Hall - Media Association 914 666-4100 The Signing of the Constitution recreated while focusing on the enduring issues. Filmstrip or video. Box 1050 Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 Film "The U.S. Constitution in Action" Random House 800 472-0782 Two sets of four filmstrips each, creating a Federal Union (set Dept. 9261 400 Hahn Road Westminister, MD 21157 1-537-81190-7) and "The Living Document" (set 2-537-61173-1), eight 15-minute filmstrips, ages 13-16 PRICE: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 13 04710/GR KEYWORDS Film Film Flags Games Games - Computer U0727 Games 00056/Edu1:5tional Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIRTION "The U.S. Constitution" Weathering 200 Years, examines the opportunties and risks inherent in calling a new convention. 17 rminute filmstrip, teachers guide, ages 13-10. "The US Const: A Design for Democ."Film strip and video from Society for. Visual Education. See Logo-Licensees The Constitution A question and answer game using approximately 200 bronze, silver, gold and black coded cards for 5th and 6th grade levels. Bicentennial Clearinghouse A question-answer game for 2 to 4 players. Questions come from four categories: Political Patter, Constitutional confusion, Jury prudent Jargon and Which, What, Who. 250 Questions. On disk. Constitution: The Game. A board game with dice to move players about the board while answering questions regarding issues debated during the framing of the Constitution. INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC Games - You Can Do It 00065/Baseball Question and answer contest modeled on the game of baseball. Economic education for middle schools. Gain understanding of free enterprise. Grants (Tcl'.ic ional Educational Awards and Grants Awards for conferences, institution, circulum development and other projects. Gun Commemorative Item 44 Magnum revolver with 24 carat gold accounts on the deluxe Museum edition from $995 up. COMRANY/ADDRESS Random House (ELM) 400 Hahn Road Wcstminister, MD 21157 Society for Visual Education 1342 W Diversey Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 The Game School Corporation Box 412 Neenah, WT 54956 Free Spirit Software, Inc. 530 South Edgewood LaGrange, IL 60525 Charles L. Kennedy 1031 Edgecomb Avenue York, PA 17403 Cal Mattis Broad Street, Box 217 Houston, TX 19954 Dr. Herbert Atherton Commission Headquarters Washington, DC 20503 The American Historical 1142 W. Grace St., Dept Richmond, VA 23220 SIATUG/RHONE NUMBER 000 472 071)2 or 800 63G-6460 312 525-1500 and 800 62 1-1900 414 730-0041 312 352-7323 717 771-4323, 302 422-0155. 202 653-5109. Foundation 804 353-1812 or 800 C-115 368 0000. PRICE $17.95 $995.00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 rage No. 04718/GO 14 KEYWORDS Jewelry KIDSNET Educational Media Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME A DESCRIPTION Sec logo licensees Jewelry and accessories. KIDSNET Clearinghouse This compendium of educational media resources related to the INFOPMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS PBS Elementary/Secondary Service 1320 Braddock Place Alexandria, VA 22314 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER PRICE 202 271-1400.KIDS1IET, 6856 $.74 Eastern Ave., NW DC, for info. Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensecs Logo-1 icensees history, development & effects of the US Const. was designed to help teachers 8 parents, children adults take advantage of prgms S vail. Bicentennial Logo Embroidered emblems, key chain, baseball caps, all bearing the official Bicentennial logo. Bookmark A uniquely shaped brass bookmark bearing the official Bicentennial logo. Books A book titled -The Constitution of the U. S. of America", the Bicentennial logo. Lion Brothers Company 10033 Carrigan Drive Ellicott City, MD 21043 Catania Et AL 980 North Michigan Avenue, 01400 Chicago, IL 60611 Bryon Priess Visual rub., Inc 24 West 25th Street New York, NY 10010 301 363-1000 312 266-2202 212 645-9870 r C)C)IJ crosses Box Candy Speciality House Candies 609 783-6151 One pound of traditional salt wate r taffy packaged in a commemorative box, logo ornament. 121 Holly Street Lindenwold, NJ 08021 Logo-Licensees Buttons TIM Industries Inc. 408 356-3470 Campaign-style buttons bearing the Design Center, 513 Monterey Ave. Official Bicentennial logo. Los Gatos, CA 95031 Logo-Licensees Buttons Button Works, Inc. 916 265-2457 Round Metal Buttons, 1 1/4", 1 Box 400, 300 Broad Street 3/4", 2 1/4". Nevada City, CA 95959 Logo-Licensees Cards and Prints Historic Cards and Prints 703 547-1016 Christmas cards, note cards and prints of historic buildings related to the Constitution. 1129 Powahatan Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Logo-Liecnsees Christmas Ornament Susan Bixby - Orion Marketing 703 368-7955 24 carat gold plated Christmas ornament with the preamble etched into a wreath surrounding a 3 dimensional design of Independence 8715 Bonnet Street Manasas, VA 22110 Hall. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 15 04/18/00 !TYWORDS Logo-L Logo' Lr n Logo-Licrnsces Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensees ogo i riser Logo-Li cc r)sc.a.e,.,.., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS STATUS/PMONE NUMBER PRICE Commemorative Items Theme Merchandise Inc. 6'1/ 22A 1,717 A selection of commemorative items Box 97651, South Main Street bearing the logo including pewter Attleboro, MA 02703. spoon, stowaway jar, round white tile "3 1/2",tankard, snack t bucket, ceramic tile rivet & coffee mogs,and pencil caddy. Commemorative Items Seven Star 313 308-127? Various commemorative items bearing 3985 Fort Street the offical Bicentennial logo Lincoln Park, MI 48146 including flags, coins, mugs, glasses, lapel pens, stickers, T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, pins, pencils, license plates and ha lions. Commemorative Items Charles Goldberg Sales LTD. 412 963-6688 * A collection of wearing apparel 1370 Old Freeport Road 112A bearing the logo including: Pittsburgh, PA 15238 T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweater, baseball hat, golf hat, golf shirt, jacket, glass paper weight, glass mug, glass plate, and logo patch. Commemorative Items CHARLES GOLDBERG SALES, LTD. 412 963-6680. * T-Shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, 1370 Old Freeport Road baseball hat, golf hat, golf shirt, Pittsburg, PA 15238 jacket, glass paperweight, glass mug, glass plate and logo patch. Commemorative Items Wo-Di Manufacturing Inc. 615 680-7430. A cultured marble coaster set and a Knoxville, TN cultured marble wall plague, with logos. Available in various sizes. Commemorative Items Knowledge Products 615 807-6223 An audio cassette on the 2005 Elm Hill Pike, Box 100340 Constitution narrated by Walter Nashville, TN 37214 Cronkite. Two classic volumes (8 tapes) and a reference book, in a deluxe edition. Available in single edition as well. Commemorative Items Texoma Leather and Brass 214 7116-6131 * Large western style belt buckle 4101 E. Warehouse Road available in solid brass, pewter, Denision, TX 75020 and 24K gold finish. Key chain and leather coasters all bearing the official logo. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Rage No. 16 047 10/00; VEYWORDS Logo-Licensers Logo-Licen Logo-Licensees Logo-Lic 1SEES Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensees Logo-Li c,nsoes Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME 1.!< DESCRIPTION Commemorative Items T-shirts, sweatshirts, handbags, prints, and posters with portraits oF the signers of the Constitution. Commemorative Items Bookmark, Christmas ornament, key chain, lapel pin, tie tack, pendant with chain and money clip. Commemoratives Plague A limited edition, "9 1/4" collector's plate by Pickard China and "24" x 36" poster, each with painting titled "From High Above" artist Adriano Manacchia. Constitution Delaware Becomes the First State celebrating the ratification of the Constitution by Delaware. Constitution US Constitution with illustration. Constitution Poster. Poster four color graphic print. Constitutional Board Game A Constitional board game, titled "Hail to the Chief". Creative Imprints Assorted commemoratives including tie tack, tie bar, key fob, pin, pendant, key ring, money clip and belt buckle. Crystal Faceted crystal form saluting the Bicentennial of the Constitution, engraved on the backk in calligraphy with the Preamble and the dates 1767-1987. On the four Front facets, as a frame. Design Ads Postage meter ads in four Bicentennial commemorative designs. INFORMATION SERVICES RTCEPTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ApppEs9 Heroes Are Forever 9427 Pagewood Lane Houston, TX 77063 Design Masters Assoc. Inc. P. 0. Box 212, 119 Wilderness Lane Williamsburg, VA 23185 Watercrest China, Inc. 157 New Holland Village Nanuet, NY 10954 Delaware Heritage Commission Carvel State Office Bldg, 3rd Fl. Wilmington, DE 19801 Const. Educ. Assoc. 28 E Jackson Blvd.' Chicago, IL 60600 Paul Nocas Document House Box 858 Solvang, CA 93463 Aristoplay, Ltd. Ann Arbor, MI Creative Imprints Inc. New Bedford, MA Steuben Glass New York, NY Pitney Bowes Walter. H. Wheeler, Jr. Drive Standford, CT 69260 STATUS/RHO[ NUMBER 713 956- 9, 12 804 220-4301 914 623- 1777 302 6526662 313 995-4353 617 995-6045. 212 753-1441. 203 351-7004 rRICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 17 4/12/22 XEY II (IF? 55 Lrigo-Li(nec Logo-L FIGR, I...o Li r: F' Logo--I.. i c n S Lugo-Lir nsees Logo--Li censers Logo-L i cc. s Logo-Li rewires Logo-Li censccs Logo-Li C iv; era ugu-I icenr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC NAME & DESCRIPTION UT'A A reproduction of (fru "Declaration Desk". Desk Ornament Pemble desk ornament attractively displaying the Preamble in icicite mounted on walnut base. Net price /26.50. Eagle Sculptures An eagle sculpture available in Either bronze or pewter, entitled 'Articles of Freedom' designed by wildlife artist, 0.0 Edwards. Flag Indoor/outdoor and desk, available in various sizes. Flags Indoor/outdoor and desk, bearing logo. Flays Flags in various sizes bearing the Bicentennial logo. Flags Banners, desk flags, indoor/outdoor Flags, and accessories. Flags Hand made reproductions of historical flags. Available framed and unframed. Flags Bicentiennial flags available in various sizes. Flags and Apparel Flags, T-shirts and sweatshirts with Bicentennial logo design. George Washington Painting A painting of George Washington and the Constitution framed and unframed. COMPANY/ADDRESS Stickley Manilius New York, NY Wcener Jennings & Inc. 223 10th Street S.E. Washington, DC 20003 Silver tip Studios Route One, Box 4019 Twin Falls, ID 83301 Dettra Flag Company, Inc. Oaks, PA 19416 Annin Flag Company One Annin Drive Roseland, NJ 07068 Valley Forge Flag Company One Rockerfeller Plaza New York, NY 10029 Collegeville Flag Company 4th Avenue and Walnut Street Collegeville, PA 19426 Gallery of the Republic 2104 Nueces Austin, TX 78767 5TAT12/EHONT NUMBER 315 622-5100. 202 543 5125 202 734.3440 211 666-5050 201 220.9400 Inc. 212 586-1776 800-523-5630 512 472-7701 Eder Manufacturing Corp. 8939 North 55th Street, Box 23955 Milwaukee, WI 53223 Metro Flag, Inc. 47 Bassett Highway Dover, NJ 07424 Anderson Lamb Inc. Oakdale, NY 414 351-2010 201 366-1776 5.16 333 4677. PR III /26.50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 12 04718/08 KEYWORDS Logo-Liiences Logo- i CJ: Cr4 C , logo-Licensecs Logo-Li censces Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensees Logo -Licensees Logo-Licensees Logo-Licensees Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION Glassware A selected line of glassware including a candy jar, tankard, beverage glasses, and ceramic. Glassware A collection of 28 high quality glassware items including crystal and blown glass, all with logo etching. Available in corporate gift sets. Oats An commemorating item for the Bicentennial. Jewelry Costume made of the USS jewelry for men and women wood and copper taken from Constitution ship. Jewelry A 1 1/2" sterling silver Constitution feather pendant/pin and earrings, available in a set or sold separately, designed and sold by Navahoe Indian, Ray Tracey. Lapel Pins Custom Pin and Design One inch lapel pins in a round and P. o. Box 1232 "cut-out" design of the logo. Lake Placid, NY 12946 INFORMATION SERVICES' BICENTENNIAL. ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Allen Company 712 East Main Street Planchester, OH 45107 Touch of Glass 907 Second Street Moundsville, WV 26041 Theaters House Inc. Box 2090 Covington, KY 41012 Spouting Whale 638 Ouequechan Street Falls River, MA 02721 Tracey-Knife Wing Inc. Box 443 Callup, NM 87301 Medals A series of Bicentennial medals in bronze, silver, gold, available in various sizes: prices $8.00 to $575.00. Medals Series of bicentennial medals in bronze, silver, and gold, available in various sizes. Medals or gold, silver, copper, and bronze displaying the logo and reversing to the great seal. Music Mr. Brunner had available a song for which he wrote the music entitled 'So Many Voices Sing America's Song'. US Capitol Historical Society 200 Maryland Avenue NE Washingtion, DC 20002 US Capitol Historical Society 200 Maryland Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 Charleston Mint P. O. Box 31143 Charleston, SC 29417 Brunner Publishing Company 169 N. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER 513 783 2471 304 845-0090 606431-2414. 617 672-1913 800 458-2500 518 523-2010 Phone: 202-543-8919 202 543-8919 803 577-2982 PRICE $8.00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 17 18/P0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICU5 1. mITENN I AL AI 1301400 'REYWORDS 30130 ? DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS STAT057PH(IPF NUMBER PRICE logo -1. i ten Oil Painting Printing Industry of the Carolinas 704 527 7422 "We the people... 1707" limitAd 4651 Charlotte Park Drivc K120 edition reproduction of am original Charlotte, NC 20220 oil painting by Mort Runstler. Available framed 'Jr unframed. Logo-Lic Painting Country SIde Studio, Inc. 615 995 6045. The "American Eagles Series" of Gallatin, TN five original paintings and lim ted edition printings. Togo-ticcn Paperweight Heritage Collections Ltd. 703 522-0009 * Lucite paperweight and pen holder 6647 Kerns Road encasing the official U.S. Falls Church, VA 22042 Bicentennial postage stamps. Logo-Liccn rs Patriotic Song Folk Era Productions, Inc. 312 961-3559. 3owj, honoring 200 years of Naperville, IL freedom, sung by Johnny Cash and other top-name artists. Available in cassette and compact disc. 1 ngr)-1 i fn I,r.'(IJi Philatelic Products UNICOVER 207 624-5911 A select line of products designed One Unicover Center especially for the Bicentennial Cheyenne, WY 82008 with original artwork. L.ogD- Li n 1.7,7.:? Plague Massillon Plague Company 216 022-8541 * Polished stainless steel plagues 630 Erie Street North, Box 643 etched with one of the following: Massillon, OH 44648 the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights, mount on a walnut base. Desk accessory etc. [. ego--Li. cc ns ec Plate Fr-stoma Pottery, Inc. 918 224-5511. * AD 8.5 ear thware plate depicting Sapulpa, OK the official commemoration logo on bas-relief. Logo-tiNivsees Plate Constitutional Society 804 745-.0357 4" pewter plate depicting the P. O. Box 1232 signing of the Constitution. Midlothian, VA 23105 Logo 1_i ceuuacca Porcelain Bowl BOEHM-Edward Marshall Boehm 609 392-2207 II An 8" Porcelain decorated bowl. 25 fairfacts Street Trenton, NJ 08630 logo-I. Poster Marathon Marketing Corporation 203 852-7001 Poster 25" x 38", entitled 'Lest We Union Park Plaza Bldg, 7 Mott Ave. Forget'. Norwalk, CT 06850 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 rage No. 20 04/ 18/00 KEYWORDS Logo-Li crAiscr.7,3 logo--I.. Togo-Licensees Logo-Licen Logo-Licensees Logo-licensees Logo-Licens( Logo-Licensees logo- -Li Logo-Licensees Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION roster An original painting by Thomas McKnight available in limited edition print and in poster form. roster A colorful poster entitled 'Freedom Light' by artist Tim Hildrenbrandt available only through a purchase program by American Express. Posters U.S.A. Patriotic Theme, depicts numerous political candidates and issues in the 19th and 20th century Posters A poster with the text of Constitution printed over an impression of the USS Constitution. The paper on which it is printed is made from wood from the ship. Posters and Printing Original painting by Thomas McKnight available in a limited edition print and in poster form. rresidents of the US. Recording Tape of a choral reading of the Constitution. Recording Tape of a choral reading of the Constitution available in cassette or album. Recording An audio cassette on the Constitution narrated by Walter Cronkite to classic volumes (9 tapes) and reference book, in a. deluxe edition. Available in single edition as well. Sheet Music Piano and choral arrangement for a song written solely for the Bicentennial of the Constitution. INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Chalk and Vermillion Pew York, NY Stonyfield Display Inc. One North Broadway White Plains, NY 10601 0.T. Dime, Inc. 4828 Albemarle Street, NW Washington, DC 20016 Constitutional Commemoratives Fall River, MA Chalk and Vermillion 145 Worchester Street New York, NY 10012 Brown and Bigelow Box 3007 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Project Constitution P. O. Box 302 Little Falls, NJ 07424 Project Constitution Box 302 Little Falls, NJ 07424 Knowledge Products 2005 Elm Hill Pike, Box 100340 Nashville, TN 37210 Brunner Music Publishing Co. 169 North Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90040 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER 212 245-1765. 914 993-0700 301 652-2677 617 672.-1913. 212 245- 1765 212 695-2440. 212 605-2440 615 809-6223. 213--4725639 PRICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 21 ovla/no KEYWORDS OgO?Liff'fIc+P,'", Ii.':'' ii Logo-Licco r Balloons Logo 1..11cfl? BOOk Logo -Li ( nsc nooks ns usa Cards ilusugazine Naps Bicentennial Miracle At Philadelphia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION Stamps Philatelic products. Ties Mcn's traditional silk ties, fastefully designed with the logo. Watches Line of commemorative watches with In Bicentennial Balloons Assorted balloons with Bicentennial Logo. Bicentennial - Books Biography on Abraham Baldwin, a signer of the Constitution. Bicentennial - Books The Constitution of the U.S. American Bicentennial keepsake edition. I ngo Bicentennial - Cards & Prints Historic Cards and Prints Weekly Reader Education project titled 'Learning Basic Skills with the U.S.' "A Miracle at Philadelphia in 1707"Brightly illustrated and annotated map catches all the vitality, energy, complexity & activity of the 18th Century Metropolis-This map spotlights the delegates activities in the summer oF 1787. "Intellectual Heritage of Const." Based on library holdings available to the delegates to use in the Library company of Phila. Professor Greene traces the dominant intellectual ideas of the- founders.(by Pro. Jack Green, 1906) INFORMATION SERVICES SICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Panda Cachets Box 319 Clifton, VA 22024 T. Foley Design Ltd. 315 East 70th Street New York, NY 10021 Bienne Time Corp. New York, NY Seven Star 3985 Fort Street Lincoln Park, MI 40146 District of Columbia DAR 300 Tilden Street NW Washington, DC 20000 Bryon Preiss Visual 24 West 25th Street . New York, NY Historic Cards and Prints 1129 Powahatan Street Alexandria, VA 22314 WEEKLY READER 245 Long Hill Road Middletown, CT 06457 Eastern National Planning Assoc. 313 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Miracle Educational Materials 313 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER 703 235-9299 212 517.-9044 212 944.1170. 311 308 1279 202 362-1973 212 645 ?9970. No listing. 203 638-2400. PRICE $9.95 In 800 021-2903. 20% discount $150.00 on school & library orders over 5 BOO 821-2903. 20% discount $3.95 on school & library ordeis over 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 p4 e Nu. 22 10/S0 KEYWORDS Miracle At Philadelphia Miracle At Philadelphia Music Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME A DESCRIPTION -The Bicent. Bookshelf: History" To provide an e:Jenaive bibliography of readings on this informative Constitutional period, Professor Greene provides an overview of major past A present historians work. -The Confederation Chronicle" This newspaper, in modern format, is written to reflect the perspective of the nationalist leadership on priority concerns which impelled these men to come to the Convention in Philadelphia. "A More Perfect Union" Mr. Robinson has written two songs for the celebration of the Bicentennial of the Constitution entitled -We The People". These two songs have been used by schools thru out FLa. in their celebration. Music -A Plan For Us All" Mr. Richter has composed a song entitled 'A Plan For Us All' which is being used as Westchester County's official song in honor of the Constitution. Music -Abilgail Adams" Judge Owen has composed an opera entitled 'Abilgail Adams', for soprano, tenor, baritone and treble. It is scheduled for performances on March 18, 19 and 20 in New York. -America I Love You" Mr. LeVines has composed a song entitled 'America, I Love You'. INFORMATION sErvIcrs BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Eastern National Planning Assoc. 313 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Miracle Educational Material 313 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Mr. Chuck Robinson Fla. State Univ. School of Music Tallahassee, FL 32306 Mr. Joseph Richter 37 Stonewall Circle White Plains, NY 10607 The Honorable Richard Owen US District Judge-Court House New York, NY 10007, Mr. Richard D. LeVines 321 N. Division Street Salisbury, MD 21001 Music -America's Her Name- Mr. Howard Fenton Mr. Fenton has composed a patriotic 401 East 74th Street musical entitled 'America's Her New York, NY 10021 Name'. He is trying to have it produced in New York and Washington. STATUS/PHONE NUMBER 000 021-2903. 20% discount on school A library orders over 5 800 021-2703. Includes:Tempest over states-US Can't Pay Debt PRICE $2.50 $.30 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 rage No. (v,/lotnp, rEmoRK Music Music Music Music Music MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION -America, Let Freedom Reign" Ms. Godwin has composed a song entitled 'America, Let Freedom Reign' suitable for performance by band and chorus. "America, the Best Place- 115, Fiore has composed a song 'America, the Best Place in the World. "An American Anthem" tic. Shafer has composed a song entitled "An American Anthem-, based on the Pledge of Allegiance. INTOMATION SERVICES PICENTENNIAT. ALMANAE COMPANY/ADPRES5 Ms. Joy A. Godwin 506 Lakeshore On Daphne, AL. 36526 Na. Hercia Fiore 2119 78th Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60635 Or. Elmer H. Shafer #226 1706 Rel lair Forest Drive Bellair, FL 33516 "An American Vision- Ms, Jeanne Singer Its. Singer has composed an original 64 Stuart Place song cycle, "An American Vision", Manhasset, NY 10030 which she has performed many times as the accompanist, with Florence Mechtel, the soprano. -Birth of the Constitution" Mr. Albertus Warmerdam Mr. Warmerdam has composed a song 1412 Coodbridge Road copyright 1987, entitled 'Birth of Lodi, CA 95240 the Constitution'. -Choral" Ms. Joyce R. Girardet Mrs. Girardet has composed a 320 Lake Seminary Circle setting of the Pledge of Allegiance Maitland, FL 32751 For chorus and accompaniment. -Constitution" Mr. Polk has composed a song for voicc and accompaniment simply entitled "Constitution". -Declaration of Independence" Or. Herman has composed a song based on the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Prentice H. Polk, Jr. 1487 Millcreek Road Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Mr. Pinky Herman Manor Musci Co. 4705 NW 35th Street Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319 "E Pluribus Unum" Mr. Russell Peck Mr. Peck has been commissioned by 2731 Stratford Drive the Charlotte symphony to compose a Greensboro, NC 27409 piece entitled 'E Pluribus Unum'. -Freedom" HI. Vargo has composed a song for baritone soloist and chorus entitled 'Freedom'. It is appropriate for either a large or small chorus. Mr. Larry Vargo, Director. 410 Blackstone Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 ":;TriTUfl:EUONE NUMBER PRICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04/18/CC KEYWORDS Music Music Music Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION -Freedoms Star" Mr. Booker has a rerm-ding and the sheet music of the song 'Freedoms Star' -Gettysburg Address" Mr. Peckjian has composed a song which is a setting of the Gettysburg Address. "Hail to The Constitution" Ms. Standefer's 5 & 6th grade class wrote the lyrics to the song. The words are available from either Ms. Standefer or the Commission. Music -Happy Birthday America!" Ms. Robbins has composed two patriotic songs entitled "Happy Birthday America!" and "Our Great America'. Music Music Music Music Music Music -Hats Off to Miss Liberty" Dr. Bertram has written and published a song entitled 'Hats Off To Miss Liberty:. The song can be obtained by writing to: "Historical Musical" A historical musical developed by Jean Lutterman, under a grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities. "Let America Speak" Published by Sampo Music, Nora Hunt has composed a song entitled 'Let America Speak'. "Let Freedom Ring" Ms. Nelson has written a musical entitled 'Let Freedom Ring'. -Light Up the Sky" Ms. Winokur has composed a musical Light Up the Sky about the famous pre Civil Ear Scott Case. "Lord We Praise Thee" The Astronette Publishers have released a song by Ann Medley entiled "Lord We Praise Thee'. INFORMATION SERVICE BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Mr. Roderick Todd Booker Westmoreland County RD 6, Box 77 Greensburg, PA 15601 Mr. A. J. Peckjian 7 Rodney Road Rosemont, PA 19010 Ms. Joan Standefer 1044 Cook Avenue Billings, MT 59102 Ms. Marilyn H. Robbins 515 Debolt Street Trenton, MO 64683 Congressional Music Publishing Co. 462 Pearson Road Paradise, CA 95969 A Musical Skit for Children 8821 River Road Bethesda, MD 20617 Sampo Music 1259 El Camino Real 4233 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Ms. Louisa Nelson Box 293 Bayside, CA 95524 Ms. Roselyn Winokur BOX 163, 35 Gregory Lane Millwood, NY 10546 Astronette Publishing Co. 2037 Alvarado Drive, NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 STATUS/PHONF NUMBER rum= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page 0a. 04710/00 PEYWORPS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION Music -My Country Has been Good To Me - Mt. Krasny has available a soil entitled 'My Country Has Been Good to Me,' which was per by Robert Merrill in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.. Music -Noah's Word" Hi. Barnes has composed a musical entitled 'Noah's Words' based on the life of Noah Webster- who was a strong Federalist during the Constitutional era. Music -Our Glorious Constitution" Mr. Hart has set a poem entitled 'That's Us in the USA'. It is taken From the soundtrack of a film made Car the Department of Independence. Music -Our Love and Lady Liberty" Fir. Wallace has composed a song For solo voice and accompaniment entitled 'Our Love and Lady Liberty'. Music "Patriotic Music" Mr. Shephard and Ms. Pesso perform patriotic music, some of which they themselves have composed. Music "Patriotic Songs" Mr. Kovac has composed five patriotic songs, one suitable for marching bands and other for smaller groups. Demo tapes of these songs are being sent to radio ,3tations. Music -Patriotic Songs" Ms. Thompson's company has available five patriotic songs in choral arrangment form. Music -Pray, America, Pray- Mr. Gunter has composed a song entitled 'Pray, America Pray.' Music "Song of Freedom" Mr. Whitney composed a piece, which was premiered in early 1096, entitled 'Song of Freedom' for chorms amd orchestra. INFORMATION SERVICES PTCFNUMNIAL At COMPANY/ADDRESS Mr. Norman D. Krasny 575 Fifth Avenue NFW York, NY 10017 Mr. Wade Barnes 20 Beekman Place New York, NY 10022 Mr. Mickey Hart 1153 Simpson Avenue Burbank, CA 91505 Mr. Victor Wallace 2623 SE 17th Avenue Cape Coral, FL 33904 Mr. David Shepard 179 East Bow Street Franklin, NH 03235 Mr. Michael Kovac 7 Williamsburg, Est. Lauderdales Lakes, FL 33319 Ms. Patricia Ann Thompson Box 33067 rhiladelphia, re% 19142 Mr. Edward C. Gunter 3200 SW 76th Avenue Miami, FL 33155 Mr. John C. Whitney University of Central Florida Orlando, FL 32816 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER PRICE Ms. resso, 426 Central a Street, Franklin, NH 03235. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04718/03 KEYWORDS Music Nsa i. MUSiC MUSiC Music Music Music Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION "Bongs of Praise- Ms. Adams has composed four songs all praising the Constitution. -Songs Alive" Ms. Baker has composed a song entitled Red White and Blue--Wear'em Proud, Fly 'em High,' arranged for chorus and band accompaniment. "Songs" The Fairfax Choral Society has commissioned a piece for chorus and small orchestra. "Star Spangled Banner" Mr. Hyde has an original arrangement for orchester of the Star Spangled Banner. "Take Your Hat Off When The Flag. ."l'1. Rankin is a Brite music Independent Distributor who handles music educational material. She is marketing a piece entitled "Take Your Hat Off When The Flag Goes By!" Good introduction to Const. "That's Our America" Mr. Coppersmith has composed a song entitled 'That's Our America.' -That's Us in the USA" Mr. Hendricks has collaborated in composing a song entitled 'That's Us in the USA.' Its is taken from the soundtack of a film made for the Department of Defense. Music "The American Way" Mr. Thompson is a member of the HITS Band which performs a song entitled 'The American Way'. They also have quite a few other songs. Music "The Bell of Freedom" his. Shiffer has composed a song for soloist and chorus entitled -The Bell of Freedom". INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Ms. Kay J. Adams 747 1/2 Virginia Street tt5 WV 25302 MS. Diane Baker 4385 Joanne Ann Arbor, MI 48103 The Fairfax Choral Society Box 368 McLean, VA 22101 Mr. George Winslow Hyde 2835 Cumberland Road San Marina, CA 71108 Ms. Kathleen Rankin 876 Sedley Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Mr. Hyman Coopersmith 25 Abbey Lane 11306 Delray Beach, FL 33446 Mr. William L. Hendricks 4415 Jacaranda Avenue Burbank, CA 91505 Mr. Tommy Thompson 2910 Bayview Drive Alameda, CA 94501 Ms. Kate U. Shiffer 306 Tompkins Lane Waldorf, MD 20601 STATUS" I'! NUMBER PRICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page Mn y?,-.1n/cn FFYWORDS Music Xusic Xusic Music Music Music Music Music Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES RICFOTENNTAt ALMANAC NAME 1 0E5CRI21ION COMFANY/ADDRESS "The Dill of Rights" Mr. Boles had available a four rart choral composition entitled 'The- rm] of Rights', based on the First 10 amendments to the Constitution. "The Constitution of the U. S." Mr. Sonneborn is marketing a piece of Americana entitled "The Constitution of the US". It was first aired on July 2, 1938 and is a reading of the entire Constitution set to music. "The Constitution" Mr. Lopez has written a song entitled 'The Constitution'. It is arranged for a soloist with a muIti-piece accompaniment. "The Constitution" Mr. McLaughlin has written a ballad entitled The Constitution". It is scored for piano and voice. "The Constitution" Written by Erwin Chandler, 'The Constitution' is scored for narrator, chorus, orchestra and band. The piece combines 18 and 19th century harmonies. "The Constitution" Mattland, Inc. a publishing company in Utah, has a 4 part arrangement of a song entitled 'The Constitution'. The words are by Joseph Smith, Jr., music by Margaret Matthia, & arrangement by CD Jordan "Thr Eaule Takes Winos". Mr."Pitraway, a professional composer and recording or has composed six patriotic songs which were used in the US Army film 'The Eagle Takes Wings'. "The Land That I Love the Best" Mr. DeMartino wrote the lyrics to the song 'The Land I Love The Best' Just prior to going into the army during World War II. Mu. Lester Doles Freddy Bienstock Enter -pm i see 1619 Broadway, NY 10019 Mr. Jon Sonneborn Box C Sandy Hook, CT 06402 In Box San Paul E. Lovinger 345 Francisco, CA 94101 Mr. Dennis McLaughlin 52-40 39th Drive (12-A) Woodside, NY 11377 Mr. Lewis Norcott Box C750 Shellington, PA 19607 Mattland, Inc. Box 553 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 q600475gReghaaVAXd 01219 McClean, VA 22102 Mr. Anthony DeMartino 820 Ketch Drive It5 Naples, Fl 33940 TIAINS/PHONF NUMBER SPICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 20 04/18/88 INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC KEYWORDS NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS STATUSZPNOOF NUMBER PRICE Music -The Miracle of America- N. Jack lyn T. Milne Jacklyn Milne composed a patriotic Pm: 185 song entitled The Miracle of Washington, UT 84780 America. It has been published. Music -The US Constitution Suite- Mr. Robert Moffa Mr. Mix has composed a song 804-D Bahai Del Sol entitled We the People. He is Ruskin, FL 33570 available for performances and is willing to share the song with others for their performace. Music -They Made A Constitution" The Commission on the Bicentennial * Dr. Myers has written a musical 736 Jackson Place NW entitled 'They Made A Washington, DC 20503 Constitution'. This is written in four parts and includes speaking parts. It can be obtained by writing to: Music "This Proud Land" Mr. Norman Whaler * Mr. Whaler has composed a song for P. O. Box 392 soloist and piano entitled "This Brentwood, TN 37027 Proud Land". Music -This is the Flag of My County" Mr. Paul Candide * Mr. Candide has composed three 708 West 192nd Street, 115F patriotic songs entitled 'This is New York, NY 10040 the Flag of My Country,' PA, birthplace of the Constitution of the US, and This is a Great County. Recorded on studio tapes. Mimic -We The People" Mr. Buddy Mix * Mr. Mix has composed a song 7443 Gloria Avenue entitled 'We The People'. He is Van Nuy, CA 91406 available for performance and is willing to share the song with others for their performance. Music -We The People" Mr. Steven Otfinoski Mr. Otfiknoski, a professional 34 Warwick Avenue composer and playwright who has had Stratford, CT 06497 quite a few of his compositions produced, has composed a musical dedicated to the Bicentennial entitled We the People. Music "We The People" Pat Mazzello * Ms. Mazzello has composed a song 736 Jackson Place, NW entitled 'We The People. Washington, DC 20503 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04/16/C0 INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALmanr: FFYWORPS (JAt1[ P DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS Music "We The People- Mr. Earl Oyler Mr. Oyler has composed a song Bri 453, 6d.0 Paul inc Street entitled 'We The People'. it is Taylorvill, IL 62569 available in a. arrangement and in full concert band arrangement. He also has available piano vocal arrangements of his songs. Music -We The People- Mr. Harvey Glassman Or. Glassman has written a song 21730 Park lawn entitled 'We The People' scored for Oak Park, MI 48237 vocal solo and either piano or guitar accompaniment. He also composed two other songs entitled 'Lady Liberty & Lady Liberty March'. Music "We The People" Mrs. Mondale has composed a song entitled We the People, for voice and accompaniment. Music "We The People- . Ms. Weiss has composed a song entitled "We the People,. She has composed many other songs for which she has received awards. STATUSIPHONF NUMBER PRICE Ms. Ruth Bringgold Mondale * Do:: 336, 411 2nd Avenue SE Pine Island, MN 55963 Ms. Donna Weiss a. 2210 Oakdale Avenue Glenside, PA 17030 Music "We The People- Daniel J. Lawler, Esq. Hr. Lawler was available a song 1216 Duck Road composed by a memeber of his Feasterville, PA 19047 community entitled 'We The People'. Music "Wide World Music" l?1,/,- liorld Music, Inc. * Talkin bout America is available Bin< B from the above company. It is a Delaware Water Gap, PA 19327 piece for 2-part speech choir." Give Thanks America", is a musical which traces America's growth from a small nation. Musical Musical "Cour Little Pages," Eastern National 1-000 821-2903. The price A 25-minute musical will be 313 Walnut Street is yet to be determined. available in a video format. A Philadelphia, PA 19106 teacher packet is also being prepared to accompany the video tape. It can be rented, free of cost or purchased. 0005R -We The People" John L. Roeder 609 452-2942 * A musical based on the writing and 104 Washington Road ratification of the United States Princeton, NJ 00540 Constitution. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 P4ue No. 2() 04/10/CS REYWORDS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION Musical 90763 "Frankly Franklin Musical" A musical for young people based on the life of Benjamin Franklin. Music by Hugh Livingston and words by Martha Eddins Burgess. Constitution For Reprints Constitution negatives can be ordered through the Government Printing Office. The Commission acts as approver of the order only. Forms for obtaining negatives available from Information Services. Negatives Negative Chlisty Posters Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Reprints - Christy Posters Negatives can be obtained from the National Graphic Center. Negative number 34630. "Passport to Legal Understanding" Program, material and other opportunities to increase citizens participation are highlighted in this biannual newsletter. "We The People" Bi-monthly publication. Free of charge. Salute to the Constitution 1985-07 Newsletter, published three times a year, with current information for educators and project leaders on bicentennial activities and resources for young people. Free upon request. Grades K-12. The Bill of Rights in Action Newsletter published four times a year, addresses issues relating to the Bill of Rights. R ource for leaders and students. Grades 0-12. Write for A free subscription. "Signing of the Constitution" The Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware State societies of the DAR have commissioned artist Louis S. Glanzman to execute a large (4' N 6') based on the most up to date research. INFORMATION SEPVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAE: COMPANY/ADDRESS Heritage Press 501 East Third Street, Box 802 Dayton, OH 45401 US Government Printing Office North Capitol Street R.W. Washington, DC 20011 Not Graphic Center 205 West Jefferson Street Falls Church, VA 22046 American Bar Association 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 shyrtr/rHoor NUMBER 511 220-6118. PRICE 202 566-2000. Checks made $125.00 payable to Public Printer. Phone: 703-533-0700 Contact: Jerry Ponder. 312 988-5726 Commission Headquarters USA 072-1787 736 Jackson Place, N. W. Washington, DC 20503 ABA Spec. Comm. on Youth Educ. 312 980-5738. 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 Constitutional Rights Foundation 213 407'5570 601 Kingsley Drive Los Angeles, CA 90005 Eastern National Park g Monu. Assn. 600 021-2903 or 215 797-3511 Free Free Free Free Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 ramphlet Canphlets 31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION iprormATIoN SERVICES BICENTENNIAL rd...111(103 COMPANY/ADDRESS -Signing of the Constitution- Eastern Nat'nal Park 3 Monument The DAR has commission,A artist 313 Walnut Street Louis S. Glan7man to cxecote a Philadelphia, PA 12104 large 4-x6" painting also available in 0 x 10 black & white glossy, 35mm color slide, 4 x 5 color transparency. "History & Contents of the Const." Bureau of Governmental Aff-airs A social studies resource for 11th University of North Dakota and 12th graders which includes Grand Forks, ND 58202 historical background, analysis of the Constitution, copies of basic documents, and a glossary of Const. terms. -Soldier Statesmen of the Const." The US Army Center- for- military History has put the 23 soldier statesmen pamphlets into a hard bound volume to commemorate the STATUS'CUgUr NUMRFR PRICE 215 7;27 151 1. 202 523 .3220. Plus postage 11.75 and handling charge. US Army Center of Military History 202 272-0273. GPO will 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW offer 10,000 for sale to Washington, DC 20314 the public. -aolphlets Constitution, emphasizes the role of the 23 vets of the Amer. Revolution. -Sources of Our Liberties" ABA Order Fulfillment Single volume containing English A 750 North Lake Shore Drive American documents constitu-ing the Chicago, IL 60611 major legal sources of our individual liberties. Starting with the Magna Carta and ending with the Bill of Rights. 312 90B-5755 $2.50 postage & handling order P PC 765 0035 01 $7.50 IMAphlets "The Building of the Constitution" Jeneane Grossman Rromotion Div. 314 622-7237. $2.00 By Irving Dillard: A serics of St. Louis Dispatch, 900 M. Tucker semi-weekly newsletters such as the St. Louis, MO 63101 gazette readers of 1787 might have read constituting an objective report of the sessions of the Convention. ramphlets "Update on Law-Related Education.- ABA Order Fulfillment Magazine, published three times a 750 North Lake Shore Drive year, a 9 issue constitution packet Chicago, IL 60611 is available. Current issues focus on ideas and teaching strategics on the Constitution. Grades 5-12. 312 900-5730 Postage & handling order 4 PC P730 0100 $10.50 farchmen1 -Bill of Rights" Historical Documents Co. 215 307-0076. Parchment replica of the Bill of' 0 N. Preston Street Rights. Philadelphia, PA 12104 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 32 04710/CD KEYWORDS Patches Pattern.; Patterns ratterns Patterns Patterns Pins Clays Plays Plays rlays Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NME & DESCRIPTION - Bicentennial Patches (See logo-licensees). Colonial Patterns for 10th Century Patterns for 10th Century period cIn thing. Colonial Patterns for 18th Century Patterns for 18th century period clothing. Colonial Patterns for 10th Century Patterns for. the 18th Century period clothing. Colonial Patterns for 18th Century Patterns for 18th century period clothing. Colonial Patterns for 18th Century Patterns for 18th Century period CS lothing. See Logo-licensees A skit written especially for teenages about the Constitution and the rights, privileges and responsibilities with in the document. "A More Perfect Union" A play taking place at the time of the Annapolis Convention in Sept. 1786, depicting the actions of historical characters outside the confines of the Convention itself. "After the Revolution" A play sponsored by the New Hampshire Commission about the ratification debates in New Hamsphire. "Alexander Hamilton" A tragedy in 3 acts about the life long political rivalry between Hamilton and Aaron Burr leading to the duel which destroys both men. INFORMATION SERVICES DICENTENNIa ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS rub. Ser. Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queen's Park Toranto, Ontario Tippecanoe County Historical Assn. 317 742 0411. 707 South Street Lafayette, IN 47901 Kathie Reynolds Creative Clothes 330 N. Church St. Thurmant, MD 21700 STATUS/PHOOC NUMBER M562C6. 416 978- 3641. Past Patterns 2017 Eastern SE Brand Rapids, MI 49507 State Historical Society of WI 816 State Street Madison, WI 53706 National 4-H Center 7100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20015 Maryland State Archives Box 828 Annapolis, MD 21404 David J. Magidson Middletown Road Wolfeboro, NH 03094 Daniel Fernandez 601 West 176th Street, 055 New York, NY 10033 No listing. PRICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 33 04/1o/on PEYWORDS Plays ^lays Plays Plays Plays Plays Plays Plays Play Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 unnr& DESCRIPTION "Decision At Richmond" A play about the Ratification convention in Virginia. The author uses actual recorded dialogue and includes a prologue and epilogue of this own. "Father Anonymous" A three-act play, bRsed in Massachusetts, beginning at the time of the Boston Massacre, and continuing until the ratification of Massachusetts. -Founding Fathers" Original full length three act play. "Four Little Pages" A musical play about the founders for all ages. Tours the national parks. Produced by Franklin S. Roberts Associates. "Framers and Founders of Freedom" A dramatic presentation by Carolyn G. Ennis, written for readings and discusions. "Noah's Webster's Words with Music"A one hour musical play about Noah Webster and the ratification. "Patrick Henry" One man show by Michael J. Bennett, 90 minutestage show, 45-minute costumed performance, 30-minute lecture. "Patriots and Thieves:..." By Ken Stone and Jan Powell for ages 12 and up. "The Constitution of the US" Sclipt, props and activities for elementary school children written and illustrated by Janice Howes. 35 page storybook also available. "The Constitution:? One act drama for high schools (30-40 minutes). INFORMATION suvIcul nIcrurconIAL ALMedW COMPANY/ADDRESS Robert 0. Byrd 34 Oxford Street Richmond Hill Robert Blecker 15 Bayberry Ridge Roslyn, NY 115,6 William Tucker 357 Sixth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Recreation and Visitors Services 1100 Ohio Drive, SW Washington, DC 20242 Johnston County Schools Box 1336 Smithfield, NC 27577 Wade Barnes 3A-20 Beekman Plave New York, NY 10022 Results Inc. 4534 Holladay Blvd. Salt Lake City, UT 04117 KCV) Stone 513 South Pacific Avenue R2 Glendale, CA 91204 Teachers Publishing House Box 1055 Canton, OH 44711 The American Legion Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 STATUS/PH0NE NUMBER Ontari , Canada. L4C415 710 965-3560 212 040-1234 001 270-9048 010 956-5105 PRICE ii 4f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 34 04/10/0: KEYWORDS Plays Plays Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & mTrIrTTort "The Constitutional Dialogues" A dramatic interpretation of the constitutional contest, historically authentic in both content and form, but using fictitious situations. "The Contrast" INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS F. A. Hilenski 417 Kimpel Hall Fayetteville, AR 72701 Herbert Carson STATUS/FUONC NUMBER PRICE Plays Plays A play by Royal] Tyler, an author 023 Cherry Avenue who wrote at the time of the Rig Rapids, MI 49307 revolution and the Philadelphia Convention, about historic characters and their actions. "The Next Amendment-Charles Pascoe, Sill An original play. Southwest Texas University San Marcos, TX 70666 "The Sun is Rising-The Eagle John A. Wiegand Soars "The multi-media docu-drama 3455 Doris Road for the Exper. theatre taking the Cleveland, OH 44111 audience on a journey back to 1787 to hear and see the founders as they struggled to formulate the 512 245-2152 in Constitution of the United States. Plays "The US Constitution..." Walter Mead 415 549-1306 52-minute radio scripts telling the 1279 Grizzly Peak Blvd. story of the Constitutional Berkeley, CA 94708 Convention. Plays -They Made A Constitution..." Dr. Gordon Myers in A drama that includes 31 speaking New Jersey parts, written with community participation in mind. Plays "We Are All a Part of It--USA.." Norwood School 301 365-2595 A musical skit for children by Jean 8821 River Road Lntterman. Bethesda, MD 20817 Plays "We The People" Steven Otfinoski in Original musical play (80 minutes) 34 Warwich Avenue Stratford, CT 06497 Mays "We The People-Theatreworks USA 212 595-7500 A musical by John Allen. 131 W. 86th Street New York, NY 10024 Plays Drama:"ThE Cont: Little Short The American Legion rub No. 30-002 in (hr. "30-minute, one-act play. Free Box 1055 from the Americanism and Children & Indianapolis, IN 46206 Youth Division. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 P:e No. ?',; 8/03 KEYWORDS rocket 11;,101 Poetry Poster roG I. 5 Posters Posters Posters Posters Posters P.):; ters Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION "Genuine. Edition 200th Year" US Constitution watch in brilliant heavy antique gold layered case. "The Document of Destiny:.." The American Constitution, offered in two formats a 40-minute presentation with 0 8 A's or a single dramatic recitation. Available on parchment. Commemorative Item 17 x 22 depicts American literary figures, civil activities and Freedom fighters. Three full color posters plus a two color schematic who's who key. -10 Headline Decision on the Const-30 x 22 Red, white, and blue. Ten dramatic examples of the US Supreme Court's ability to interpret the Constitution and thereby shape the world in which we live September 8, 1986. "The Constitution" ABA Learn it. Live It. Celebrate its 750 N Lake Shore Drive Bicentennial. Product code Chicago, IL 60611 468-0009, INFORMATION SERVICES ITICEMTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Commemorative Guild Dept. 454, 115 Grand Roll Salem, VA 4156 Illumination Enterprises 302 Cranbrook Court Bloomfield Hills, MT 40013 Children's Book Council 67 Irving Place New York, NY 10003 Scholastics, Incorporated Box 2700, 351 Carver Road Monroe, OH 45050 -The Constitution. Learn It. Live it. Celebrate Its Bicentennial." A 17"x22- full color poster. "The Real Fireworks Are in the Document Itself". A 17"x22" full color poster. "The US Constitution" Read it. Read About It. Keep It Alive. "The US Constitution. Read It... Read About It. Keep It Alive. 17"x22" full color poster. "Tis Done! We Have Become a. Nation-Series of posters which chronicle the creation of the Constitution. American 750 Lake Chicago, Bar Association Shore Drive IL 60611 American Bar Association 750 North Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 ABA 750 N Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 American Bar Association 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 National Archives Trust F'rod Dept. 595, Room 6-1 Washington, DC 20408 11.r-;(rlipor NUMBER 313 540-'3606 212 254-2666 513 539-9267. 312 908-5555 312 900-5726. $1.00 postage & handling Oder ft PC 468 0009. 312 900-5726. $1.00 postage & handling. Order N rc 460 0000. 312 980-5553 PRICE /3.00 $4.95 $4.95 $2.50 42.50 312 908-5726. $1.00 postage $2.50 & handling. Order N PC 468 0007. 202 537-9267. Include $3.00 $50.00 for shipping and handling. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 rage No. 04/18/08 EFYWORDS rosters roters Posters Posters Pasters ro:Aers Pu sters rosters rosterS roSterS :16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES - BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC NAME & DESCRIPTION Bill of Rights 31 x 33 inches H6303 Charters of Freedom Booklet on the documents listed above. H202 Christy rosters Limited supply currently available from Information Services. Commemorative Item A poster with the text of the Constitution printed over an impression of the ship, the USS Constitution. The paper on which it is printed is made from wood for the ship. Common Defense The Department of Defense has produced and distributed a four color poster emphasizing the role of the military in -Providing for the Common Defence" under the Declaration of Independence 34 x 43 inches H 6302 Famous American Authors Const. Full color, set of three. In Defense of the Constitution The Disabled American Veterans has made a limited supply of its Bicentennial posters available to the public. James Madison 16 x 24 Bright blue with inspirational quotes in white and red. Philadelphia in 1787 Brighlty illustrated and annotated map of Philadelphia in 1787. COMPANY/ADDRESS National Archives Records Services Washington, DC 20408 National Archives Record Services Washington, DC 20408 Bicentennial Comm. Headquarters 736 Jackson Washington, DC 20503 Constitutional 638 Quequechan Fall River, MA Commemoratives Street 00272 DOD - Bicent. Office Pentagon, Room 3E524 Washington, DC 20310 National Archives Record Services Washington, DC 20408 The Children's Book Council 67 Irving Place New York, NY 10003 The National Headquarters Box 14301 Cincinnati, OH 45214 James Madison University Harrisburg, VA 22807 STATUS/PHONE NUMBER 202 523-5304. 202 523-5304. 202 USA 1707 617 672-1713 202 6R7 4652. 202 523-5304, 212 254-2666. 606 441-7300 703 560.-6211. E. National Parks & Monu. A5SOC. 1-000 021-2903. 313 Walnuts Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 PRICE $2.00 $1.00 17.00 $1.25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page Mo. 37 04/10/P0 INFORMATION SERVICES PTCFNTENNIAL ALMANAC FFYWORDS NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS STATUS/PHONE NUMBER PRICE Posters Stars and Stripe-6 ? 24 x 32 E. National Park & Monument Assoc. 000 021-2903. Include $2.00 $6.00 Unusual black and and white poste' 313 Walnut Street For postage and handling. Philadelphia, PA 17106 Post i Energizer Constitution Collection Box 0004 Westport, CT 06088 The Constitution Collection Authentic reproductions of the Constitution, The Bill of Right, and the Pennsylvania Packet. rosters lire Signers of the Constitution The Signers Posters 910 Include 1.75 for $2.50 22 x 20 illustrated with Box 41,150 postage and handling. reproductions of the portraits and Kansas City, KS 64141 signatures of the Founders. rosters We Hold These Truths Plymouth Rock Foundation 14 X 22 Red, white, and blue with a Marlborough, NH 03455 church steeple super imposed upon a background of the United States Constitution. Posters his The People - 24 x 32 E. National Park & Monu. Assoc. Include 17.00 for postage $0.00 Beautiful multi-colored palatte 313 Walnut Street and handling. splash on ivory. Philadelphia, PA 19106 Posters We The People - 34 x 24 The Maryland Offices of Bicent. 301 224-1776. The U. S. Constitution is Box 028 reproduced in red on a white Annapolis, VA 21404 background. rosters 110537 Celebrating the Bicentennial Learning '87 Magazine 215 646-0700 Nancy Holmes. A two-sided poster and accompanying 1111 Bethlehem Pike teaching guide. Sp nghouse, PA 19477 Posters Exhibits Project 87'- Blessings of Liberty Project 07' 202 480-2512. Unmouted $70.00 This exciting poster exhibit 1527 New Hampshire Avenwr NW $70, Mounted $110 attracts the attention of viewers Washington, DC 20036 and conveys information through the use of vivid graphics accentuated by brief, carefully crafted texts. Sculpture Also see logo-licensees * Sculpture Commemorative Item Dennis Smith 801 756-5460 * Bronze sculpture of the signing. 11055 Gambel Oak Circle ? Highland, UT 04000 Shoes 19th and 19th Century Shoes J. R. Myers Co. 6507 Horsepen Road Richmond, VA 23226 804 270-9180. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 22 04718/20 KEYWORDS Shoes Souvenir Cald Speaker Kit Speakers Kit Stamps Stamps Stamps Issues Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME e, DESCRIPTION Colonial Period Shoes INFORMATION SERVICES BICENTENNIAt.. ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS STATUS/PHONE NUMBER Anello & David, Ltd. 116/134 Boyham St., Camden Town London NWI ODA Soldier-Statemen of the Const. DOD Constitution Bicent Office Thu souvenir card resembles an The Pentagon, Room 3E5122 oversized postcard and is used ;As a Washington, DC 20310 commemorative presentation item for distribution to the public and teaching aid, "14 x 6" depicting the Christy reproduction. The Speakers Kit contains organizing tips, sample speeches, delegate biographies and constitutional chronology. Speakers Kit on Bicent. Commission The Speakers Kit provides all the elements needed to establish a community or statewide Speakers Bureau. American Bar Association 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 American Bar Association - PUAL 750 N Lake Shore Drive 10th Fl. Chicago, IL 60611 01 267-6972. 202 697.-4423. PRICE 212 9013-5726 $4.00 Please allow 3 weeks for $4.00 delivery. Commemorative Item Unicover 307 634 5911 * Philatelic products designed One Unicover Center especially for the Bicentennial Cheyenne, WY 82008 with original artwork. US Postal Stamps US Postal Service 202 268-2000. Rel. Mar. The Postal Service will commemorate 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW 1987 - 1991. the 200th anniversary of the 13 Washington, DC 20011 original states with special stamps and stationary items. Other stamps will mark the Federalist Papers, The First Congress. First Day Day of Stateshood Information Branch, US Postal 202 260-2000 Stamp cancellations occur on day of Headquarter statehood. List of 1980 Washington, DC 20262 cancellations currently being developed. TV, Children li Const. Bicent. Action for Children's Television 617 876-6620. Resources: $10.00 Edited material from a symposium on 20 University Road programming opportu 02138 nities for the Cambridge, MA Books and films 1987 Constitutional Bicentennial which includes information taken from speeches and discussions. In addition to a progam listing. Television Children Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PAge No. 29 "12/08 !1EYWORDS Video Video Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICE5 BICENTENNIa. ALMANAC 1J611E & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS Nine 20-minute films, on capital punishment, de facto segregation, due process of the law, equal opportunity and diselimination, freedom of the press, religious freedoms, freedom of speech. One hundred and two 60 -second scripts about the Constitution, a 100 question quiz that can be distributed through radio/TV stations to their sponsors is part of the package. Video "A More Perfect Union" A 22 week series of two-minute vignettes produced by Cable News Network, examining specific sections of the Constitution, Pill of Rights and landmark Supreme Court decisions. ,3-rtin-rilt1N1 HUMBER PRICE Broadcasting Department, arrIilm 212 621-61472 7470 East Foothill Plvd. Pasadena, CA 90811 Radio Dept., NAB 1771 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Britannica Film 425 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 Video "A Republic If You Can Keep It:.. American Studies Center "The Making of the Constitution.- 499 S. Capitol Street, S.W. 0404 Film on the Constitution. Available Washington, DC 20003 to the public. Video "America-A Personal History of US" Time Life Films A 20-minute video on the formation 100 Eisenhower Drive of the American nation. Available Paramus, NJ 07652 for educational use and to organizations, not for rebroadcast. Format VHS. Video -American Forum:..." World News Institute Three half hour programs on video Box 404 produced by World New Institute. Great Falls, VA 22066 Video "American Viewpoint" American TV and Communication A series of sixty-second video 160 Inverness Drive West commentaries designed to review the Englewood, CO 80112 importance of the First Amendment. Features PBS newsman Jim Hartz. Series available for $50.00 includes 'The First Freedom'. Video "Bicentennial Minutes" A packet of 110 one-minute public service scripts on the Constitution, developed by the 1lational Assoc. of Broadcasters for. radio. Radio Dept., NBA 1771 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20026 202 427 5420 800 544.-9062 202 400-7122 201 842-4545. 703 759-5000. 303 799-1200 x 3311 $50.00 202 429 5420 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. ()win/an KEYWORDS Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Video 'i deo Video 40 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME g DESCRIPTION -Bill of Rights Radio Ethic. Proj.- Thirteen half hour radio documentaries on contemporary Constitutional issues, available audio cassette. "Blessing of Liberty" A National Park Service video discussing the US Constiutional history and principles. -Branches of Government..." Three 23-minutes films on the three branches of government. Available to the public. Format: VHS, 3/4". "Childrens Guide to Constitution - Audio program on the Constitution. Available to the public. Format: cassette. "Constitution Law in Action" Four film strips dramatizing actual cases involving rights granted by the Constitution. TO212MATION SERVIC57 BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Neifj.ea Radio Archives 5316 Venice Boyd. Los Angeles, CA 70019 Eastern National Parks 313 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Mary Lou Crummitt, NGS 17th and M Sts., NW Washington, DC 20036 American Studies Center 499 S. Capitol Stret, SW 14404 Washington, DC 20003 Social Studies School Service 10200 Jefferson Blvd. PR-2 Culver City, CA 90212 "Constitution Minutes- Lou Reda, Inc. Twenty-six 60 second video spots on Box 68, 4 N Street the Constitution, the Easton, PA 18042 Constitutional Convention, and related history. Hosted by noted personalities. "Dateline 1787" Thirteen half hour weekly programs, free to the public radio stations. -Echoes of Freedom- A 30-second public service annoucement on the signers of the Constitution were soldiers. Available to all TV stations. sTAI05/DHONF NUMBER 71 1 117'' 215 597-7127 or 800 021-2902 (VHS, 3/4, 16 mm) 000 360-2720 202 429-5445 1' RICE if if if 215 258-2957 (VHS, 3/4" and * I" master) National Radio Theatre of Chicago 312 751-1625 600 N McClurg Court 11502-A Chicago, IL 60611 DAAR-PA 703 225-8480 2461 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22331 -Equal Justice Under the Law- Social Studies School Service Six half hour dramas that cover the 10200 Jefferson Blvd. career of Chief Justice John Culver City, CA 90232 Marshall, through his most important decisions. "Is the Constitution Democratic?" American Forum Three 30-minute programs. Available Box 404 to TV stations across the country. Great Falls, VA 22066 Format: VHS, 3/4" I master. 703 759-5000 mc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. o4iloron VEYWORDS Video Vdeo Video Video Video Video 41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 INFORMATION SERVICES BICTATCNNTAL ALMANAC NAME & DESCRIPTION COMPANY/ADDRESS "John Dickinson' A one-hour film vioduced by the 1),711,174rp Heritage Commission. "Moyer: Report From Philadelphia- A series of 90 three-minute historical perspective commentaries by Bill Moyer on the Constitutional Convention, which aired May to September. 1987. -News Reports." Eighty eight three-minute programs for radio. Our Living Constitution- Two sound filmstrips for grades 5-12, 17 minutes each. "The Constitution and the Bill of Rights," and Amendments 11 through -Portrait of a Daughter" A 30-minute visual production on the development of Constitutional government through examination of historic documents. Available to the public. "Presidential Messages" For information regarding how to obtain the video messages by President Reagan call Chuck Timanus. Carve] State Office Building 020 N. French Street Wilmington, DF 19001 WHET New York 356 West 58th Street New York, NY 10012 American Studies Center 426 C Street, NE Washington, DC 20003 National Geo. Soc. Educ. Services Dept. 87 Washington, DC 20036 June Saylor Committee Ofc., DAR 1776 D Street, NW Washington, DC 20011 Commission Headquarters 736 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20503 Video "Rules Laws & the US Constitution" D.E.A.F. Media Inc. A half hour program for deaf 2600 Tenth Street children, 8-12 years of age. For Berkeley, CA 94710 public television. - Video "Signers of the Constitution" Capt. David Boggs, US Army Command Thirty-nine 60 seconds spots on the Ruilding 160/2, 2nd M Sts, SE iigners of the Constitution and one Washington, DC 20315 six minute spot on George Washington, with an introduction by the Sec. of the Army. Available to the public. Format: VHS 3/4". Video "The Blessings of Liberty" Mike Schum, ABC An ABC News Special on the 1330 Avenue of the AmErfc,As Philadelphia Convention, with Peter New York, NY 10019 Jennings, David Brinkley and Ted Koppel. Aired Sept.16, 1907 8-11 p.m. Available Al3 a 16 minute program. 511115/PH11NE PHM0FR 213 657-5110 PRICE 212 560 2000 202 547-9409 800 369-2720 202 079-3272 202 653-2432 Chuck Timanus. * 415 841-0165 202 433-2404 212 007 7777 (VHS, 3/4", 16 mm and dissolved slide show/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 1.EYWORDS Video Video Video Video Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME a. DESCRIPTION The Constitution and the Courts" Educational films produced by the 1eague of Women Voters Education Fund and Project '07. -The Constitution of the US" A 1?-minute look at the Constitutional Convention as seen through the eyEs James Madison, Format VHS. -The Constitution: We Live It.." An hour long program hosted by David Hartmen on ABC. Aired Sept. 1787 10 p.m. four stories about personal freedom. "The Constitution:...." A 28-minute video of high school students questioning Washington law professor Edward Bruce about the importance of the Constitution in the 1980's. INFORMATION SERVICES PTCFNTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS League of Women Voters 1720 M Street, NW Washington, DC 2003/, STATUS/PHOOF NUMBER 202 427 1961 Yvonne Dye, Enc. Brit. Educ. Corp. 212 321-6800 425 N Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 Mike Schum, ABC 1330 Avenue of the Americas S New York, NY 10019 Video "The Constitution:..." Twenty-seven minute films dipicting struggle to preserve the Union. Available for educational use, permission needed. Video -The Constitutional Convention" Twenty-four 60 second audio spots produced by the Los Angeles Bar Association, hosted by Gregory Peck, for the National Association of Broadcasters. Video Vrdeo Video "The First Amendment" Four programs examining the First Amendment from the perspective of current issues. "The First Freedom" A documentary examining religious freedom through the Virginia statute that served as the basis for the First Amendment. "The Making of the American Const."A 44-minute docu-drama on the Convention of 1787, volume one of three. Format: VHS. Social Studies School Service 10200 Jefferson Blvd., 1(8-2 Culver City, CA 90232 The Broadcasting Dept., LCA 1350 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 Radio Dept., NAB 1771 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 WHYY Philadelphia 150 North Sixth Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Film America and Video Box 1048 Santa. Monica, CA 90406 Mark Lipsitz Amer. Studies Center 499 South Capitol Street, SW Washington, DC 20003 813 541-5763 Beta. VHS 000 621-2131 202 429-5420 (Available at a all radio stations) 215 351-1200 213 828-7577 202 480-.7122 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Lori No. 43 Ol, .18/OS ITYWORDS video Video Video Video video Video Video Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME 8 DESCRIPTION The Presidency 8 the Constitution-Eight 60 -minute programs examining the domestic and foreign issues facing the modern presidency. Contact nalb7jAR [ridings -The US Constitution" Si:: minute programs hosted by Bill Moyers, on limited federal government, federalism, separation of powers, free speech, equal protection and the economy. "The US Constitution...- A 15-minute video on the ties of the Constitution to ancient Greek thought. Available to TV ;t cable networks, associations and or Format: VHS -The US Constitution:..." Video and sound filmstrip production, narrated by newscaster Bill Kurtis, exploring the Constitution as a loving framework For government and introduces the It' amers. For- grades 5-9. Format: VHS -This Constitution: A History" A Project '87 Maryland Public Television 5 1/2 hour segment on the history of the Constitution from its English predecessors to the Constiutional Convention. this Honorable Court" Two one hour programs exploring the history and function of the Supreme Court. Produce by WETA, hosted by Paul Duke. Scheduled for spring of 1988. "To Form A More Perfect Union" A thirty minute program on the Federalist Anti -federalist debates. Available to the public. Format: 16 mm, VHS Video -Two Good and Noble Men" An hour long dramatized debate between Benjamin Eranklin and Patrick Henry on the Constitution. Format: 16 mm, VHS INFORMATION SERVICES BTCENTENNIAL Al..norw COMPANY/ADDRESS Media f Society Seminars Columbia Univ. Si. mi of JournillismNew York, NY 10027 Agency for Instruction 1 Box A Bloomington, TN 47402 STATUS:THONT NUMBER 212 AO-4100 chnology BOO 457.4007 703 525-1717 American He Alliance 1700 N. Moore Street 11727 Arlington, VA 22209 SUE 1342 W. Diversey Avenue Chicago, IL 60614 SOO 621 1900 Gary Millen 301 897-3443 10840 Little Patuxent Parkway 11203 Columbia, MD 21044 WETA Box 2626 Washington, DC 20013 Marylou Crummitt, NOS 17th and M Sts. NW Washington, DC '20036 David County Comm. for US Const. Box 721 Bountiful, UT 84010 202 990-2626 BOO 368-2720 PRICE * mm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page Po. 04/18/BB KEYWORDS Video Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NAME & DESCRIPTION "Vision of the Constitution" A series of five programs that examine, the Constitution and how it functions. Produced by WQED and MPPB. Hosted by Judy Woodruff and Tom Gerety. Video "Voices of Freedom" Three minute segments by Walter Cronkite on audio tape, reciting passages about the Constitution by George Washington. Video "We The People" Six 60-second scripts about the Constitution, a 100 question quiz that can be distributed through radio/TV stations to their sponsors is part of the package. Video. "We The People" An educational program slide program on the Constitution. "We The People" Four one hour public affairs programs produced by the American Bar Association and KQED San Francisco, hosted by Peter Jennings. "We The People" A multi-media presentation with emphasis on religious influences, narrated by Paul Harvey "We The People" 60 seconds and 30 second radio public service annoucements documenting the role of the Army Reserve in the ratification process. Video Video Video INFORMATION SERVICE; BICENTENNIAL ALMANAC COMPANY/ADDRESS Peggy Zapple, WQED 1802 Fifth Avenue Pittsburg, PA 15213 The American Way 1424 16th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Radio Dept., NAB 1771 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Eagle Forum 316 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE N203 Washington, DC 20003 Films for the Humanities, Inc. Box 2053 Prince1on, NJ 08453 Second Baptist Church Houston, TX Army Reserve Office Chief, AR 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, NDAAR-PA Alexandria, VA 22331 SIATUB/PHONF NUMBER 412 672?1324 202 462-4777 202 429-5420 BOO 257-5126 703 325-8400 PRICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 NATIONAL CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENTS 1988 1991 EXHIBITS LECTURES CONFERENCES COMPETITIONS CELEBRATIONS HISTORIC SITES PERFORMANCES FAIRS and FESTIVALS and OTHERS Prepared by Information Services Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution Updated April 25, 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 WE NEED YOUR EVENT INFORMATION ! ! ! As the Bicentennial celebration continues with emphasis on the Constitution's ratification and formation of Congress in 1988, the presidency in 1989, the judiciary in 1990, and the Bill of Rights in 1991, the Information Services Clearinghouse will continue to gather, record and disseminate information on all Bicentennial events. This information is compiled into the following widely distributed, comprehensive, and continually updated National Constitution Bicentennial Events List. If you have information on any future Constitution-related event, please complete and return the enclosed form or send your descriptive event brochures, pamphlets, flyers, etc., to: Walter E. Avis Information Services Bicentennial Commission 808 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Or call Walter at (202) 653-9800. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENTS INFORMATION UPDATE PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. EVENT NAME: 2. DATE(S) OF EVENT: 3. NAME OF CONTACT: - ADDRESS: - TELEPHONE:( 4. NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE OF SPONSOR IF ANY): 5. COMPLETE DETAILS OF EVENT: - LOCATION: - TIME: PLEASE RETURN FORM TO: Walter E. Avis Information Services 808 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Alabama's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Alabama U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Performance Livingston University will sponsor an oratorical contest for high school students at Wallace Hall on campus. The subjects will be of a constitutional theme. ***Livingston University is an official Bicentennial Campus*** Bicentennial ?"" 'Free government rests upon public and private Quotes morality." - 'John Adams. *** *** "Public happiness depends on a virtuous and unshaken attachment to a free Constitution." - Joseph Warren (1772). *** *** The great end of government is . . . peace, safety, and happiness. - Rev. Jonas Clarke (1776). *** BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME i ADDRESS OF CONTACT Neel , Bob Alabama Bicentennial Task Force Governor's Office State Capitol Montgomery, AL36130- 05/12/88 05/12/88 Bowen , Dr. David W. Dept. of History and Social Sciences Livingston University Livingston, AL35470- 11/11/99 / / TELEPHONE (205) 261-7174 (205) 652-9661 ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Plye No, 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Alaska's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Alaska U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME 4 ADDRESS OF CONTACT Bicentennial *** "Let a crown be placed [on a Constitution) by which 11/11/99 / / Quotes the world may know . . . that in America the law is king. - Thomas Paine (1776). *** *** 'Fear is the principle of a despotic, VIRTUE of a republican government." - "People, the Best Governors." *** "Liberty cannot be preserved if the manners of the people are corrupted. - The New England Chronicle." *** Elgee , Allison Alaska Commission to Celebrate the U.S. Constitution / Office of Management and Budget / P.O. Box AM Juneau, AK99811- TELEPHONE (907) 465-3568 ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pae N Arizona U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT 04/28/8ti EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Arizona's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial COMM1551011 Ceremony A re-enactment of the inauguration of President Washington. ** Huachuca City is a Designated Bicentennial Community ** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Wocheski , Tini Arizona Commission on the Bicentennialof the U.S. Constitution/ Arizona Bar Association / 363 N. 1st Avenue Phoenix, AZ85003- 04/30/89 04/30/89 Gadbois , William F. Huachuca City Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 500 North Gonzales Blvd Huachuca City, AZ85616- Bicentennial *** "The whole art of government consists in the art of 11/11/99 / / Quotes being honest." - Thomas Jefferson (1774). *** *** The happiness of society is the end of government." - John Adams. *** (602) 252-4804 (602) 456-9472 ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pie No, 1 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Arkansas State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Conference/ Lecture Arkansas U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT July 26 - August 7, 1987 - The American Constitution: A Bicentennial Celebration and Convention Simulation," AEGIS Summer program. September 17, 1987 - Constitution Day activities included bell ringing and Birkett Williams Lecturer, Morris S. Arnold, The Courts and the Constitution.' Joint Educational Consortium (with Henderson State University) Lecture Series, 1987-1988: 'Bicentennial Reflections on the American Constitution" A. October 13, 1987: Forrest McDonald, 'The Miracle at Philadelphia" B. November 7, and the Courts" C. February 2, Civil Rights" D. March 22, President" E. October 6, 1988: Alexander Herd, Former Chancellor of Vanderbilt College, "Presidential Selection" 1987: Richard Arnold, The Constitution 1988: Carl Stokes, The Constitution and 1988: George McGovern, "Congress and the ***Oachita Baptist University is an official Bicentennial Campus*** Ceremony June 21, 1988 - In celebration of the ratification of the United States Constitution Mississippi County Community College will sponsor the planting of a "living legacy" garden. The garden is expected to hold 2000 different trees and plants to include cyprus, oaks, mulberry, pine and others. A Bicentennial Oak tree will be dedicated. Elsewhere in the community is one of the oldest trees in the country. It is a catalpha tree and plans are under way to hold a ceremony with local dignitaries-. ***Mississippi County Community College is an official Bicentennial Campus*** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Ross , Mike Arkansas Constitution Bicentennial Commission Lt. Governor's Office, State Capitol Little Rock, AR72201- 07/26/87 10/06/88 Bass , Mr. Hal Department of Political Science Ouachita Baptist University Arkadelphia, AR71923- 06/21/88 06/21/88 Haynie , Dr. Paul Mississippi County Community College P.O. Box 1109 Blytheville, AR72316-1109 TELEPHONE (501) 371-2144 (501) 246-4531 (501) 762-1020 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No 04/28/88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 1 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State California's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Workshop Conference/ Lecture California U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Welcome to America A program in which students in Constitutional Rights Foundation's Youth Community Service Program help newly arrived immigrants assimilate into the mainstream of Los Angeles community through such methods as the "buddy system" and educational forums. the Constitutional Rights Foundation's Youth Community Services is funded by the Ford Foundation. Novus Ordo Seclorum: A New Order of the Ages Claremont Institute for the Study of Statemanship and Political Philosophy. A 7 year program of Conferences, lectures, media programs, publications and exhibil::. designed to increase awareness of fundamental principals of American Contitutionalism. September 17, 1987 - 5th annual Constitutional lecture. February 1988- 5th annual conference. Competition National Bicentennial Competition on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights - The Center for Civic Education has developed a six-week instructional program for students at the high school level, designed to help students gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of our constitutonal democracy as well as knowledge of their background and historical development. Once the Instruction is completed, students choose whether to participate in a national competition in which entire school classes compete as teams to determine congressional district, state, and national winners. The competition is In a quiz-bowl format where students answer a series of questions that were preselected and/or random questions created by the judges. The following are the final state competitions: March 1 - Boston College, Boston 4 - Orlando, Florida 5 - State Office Building, Lincoln, Nebraska 7 - Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky 8 - Honolulu, Hawaii 12 - Carson City, Nevada 15 - State Capitol, Jefferson City, Missouri BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Crosby , Jane A. State of California Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 700 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 550 Glendale, CA91203- Taylor , Elenor Constitutional Rights Foundation 601 South Kingsley Drive Los Angeles, CA90005- 01/01/83 12/30/89 Flannery , Christopher Claremont Institute 9650 Arrow Highway Suite D6 Montclair, CA91763- 12/01/86 04/28/88 Andrews , Tammy Center for Civic Education 5115 Douglas Fir Road, Suite 1 Calabasas, CA91302- TELEPHONE (818) 502-1791 (213) 487-5590 (714) 621-6825 (818) 340-9320 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 P,Iye No. 04/28/88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 2 California U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT 11 - Boise, Idaho 18 - Richmond, Virginia 25 - New Jersey 28 - PBS Station, Fargo, North Dakota April 8 - Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 9 - Providence, Rhode Island April 24 - 28, 1988 - NATIONAL FINALS. WASHINGTON, DC April 25, 7:45 AM - 5:30 PM, Competition all day at Fort McNair, Washington, DC. April 26, Competition all day, "50's" party at Old Post Office, Washington, DC, 7 PM. April 27, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM - Competition finals, Awards banquet, Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC, 6 PM. Conference/ Glendale Community College Debates - Lecture All debates are held in the Glendale Community College Campus Center from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM: - March 10, 1988; You and I and Constitutional Government: A Matter of Rights? of Responsibilities?" Is pornography protected by the First Amendment? Drug testing, by the Fourth? What about "Miranda" and the exlusionary rule? "Free exercise" and public education, the problem of "creation science?" - April 14, 1988; "Individual Rights: Natural or Civil? Which Ones? and for Whom? What are the meanings of the due process, and particularly, of the equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment? - May 12, 1988; "E Pluribus Unum: Does Mr. Madison's Constitution Require Mr. Madison's Avenue? What is the nature of the "American way," assuming that there is one? What are the various and generally held perceptions of the "American way?" Conference/ Our Living Constitution" A Faculty-Staff Lecture Series - Lecture February 18, 1988 - The Constitution and Black Americans," Professor Maria Brown. February 25 - "Japanese American and the Constitution,' Professor Midori Watanabe and Dr. Nadine Hata. March 10 - The Constitution and the Right to Die," Dr. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME i ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 12/10/87 05/12/88 Glendale Community College Social Science Division 1500 North Verdugo Rd. Glendale, CA91208-2894 02/18/88 05/19/88 Hata, Ph.D. Nadine I. El Camino Community College District 16007 Crenshaw Blvd. Torrance, CA90506- (818) 240-1000 (213) 715-3565 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paye No. 04/28/88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 3 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Exhibit Exhibit Michael Braun and Dr. Mary Ann Preach. California U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT March 24 - "The Constitution: Past, Preueul, and Future," Dr. Edgar Love. April 7 - "Women and the Constitution," Dr. Pauline Stein and Dr. Bettylu Kessler. April 21 - "Our Fragile First Amendment," Professor Jolene Combs. May 5 - "Hispanic Americans and the Constitution," Dr. Bernie Rang. May 19 - "Our Living Constitution," Dr. Charles Sohner. All lectures, 12:30 - 1:30 PM, ADM 206. "Are We To Be A Nation?" exhibit is a traveling exhibition on display in Los Angeles to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. The exhibit, composed of photographic reproductions of prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 "Are We To Be A Nation?" is an exhibit on display in San Francisco to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. The exhibit, composed of photographic reproductions of .prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME 6, ADDRESS OF CONTACT 05/24/88 06/30/88 Alford , Thomas E. Exhibit on display in: Los Angeles Public Library 630 W. 5th St. Los Angeles, CA90071- 05/24/88 07/05/88 Kincaid , Anne Exhibit on display in: San Francisco Public Library, Offc. ofAdult Services, Civic Center San Francisco, CA94102- TELEPHONE (213) 612-3333 (415) 558-4514 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pe No. 4 04/28/88 EVENT NAME Conference/ Lectute DETAILS OF EVENT California U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT The University of California at Berkeley, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, will host a four-week summer institute titled, "Constitutionalism: Two Centuries of Freedom Under Law." The institute, directed at junior and senior high school teachers of United States history, civics and government will pay $800 stipends as well as travel costs and living expenses for non-local participants. Applications for the institute are due no later than March 31, 1988. Late applications will be accepted only if space permits. For more information contact, Dr. Paula Gillett, Project Coordinator, (415) 642-4793. Performance Octdber 8, 1988 - College of the Redwoods will host the play "A More Perfect Union," sponsored by a grant from the California Council for the Humanities. December 5, 1988 - The College will also host the play "Norman Rockwell's America," sponsored by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Play is accompanied by a short course taught by an interdisciplinary team of instructors. ***College of the Redwoods is an official Bicentennial Campus*** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT 06/24/88 07/22/88 Gillett , Dr. Paula Project Coordinator University of California-Berkeley Clio History Project, Graduate School of Education Berkeley, CA94720- 10/08/88 12/05/88 Mills , Lea Director, Community Education College of the Redwoods 7351 Tompkins Hill Road Eureka, CA95501- TELEPHONE (415) 642-4793 (707) 443-8411 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No 1 Colorado 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENF NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State Colorado's State Bicentennial Commission. Capps , Esther Marie (303) 694-9428 BIcentennial Colorado Commission on the COMMISIOh Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 7951 East Maplewood Ave, Suite 327 Exhibit "Are We To Be A Nation?" is an exhibit on display in 03/29/88 Englewood, C080111- 05/07/88 Wolfe John (303) 571-2000 Denver to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Denver Public Library Constitution. The exhibit, composed of photographic reproductions of prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 1357 Broadway Denver, C080203- Bicentennial *** "A wise, a knowing and a learned people, are the least 11/11/99 / / ( Quotes likely . . . to be enslaved." - Rev. Samuel Webster (1777) * * * Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe No. 04/28/88 Connecticut U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State Connecticut's State Bicentennial Commission. / / Elliot , Ralph (203) 522-6766 Bicentennial U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission Commission for the State of Conect. c/o Old State House, 800 Main Street Historic Site General David Humphreys House, 1698 - mansion house for town clergymen, home of local manufacturer, poet, aide to / / / Hartford, CT06103- General David Humphreys House 37 Elm Street, Rt. 8 Ex. 15 (203) 735-1908 General Washington. Careful restoration; programs on local history. Mon. - Fri. 9 AM - 4:30 PM. Ansonia, CT Conference/ "The Constitution Across-the-Curriculum" Lecture Series - 04/26/88 11/15/88 Lacey , Barbara E. (203) 232-4571 Lecture Saint Joseph College April 26, 1988, 1st Session: Origins of the Constitution West Hartford, CT06117- Ceremony 1. Josef Kalvoda, Professor of History and Political Science, St. Joseph College, "The Framing of the Condtitution" 2. Barbara Lacey, Assistant Professor of History, St. Joseph College, "Mercy Otis Warren and the Constitution: A Minority View" 2nd Session: The Rising Glory of the Republic - I. Dorothy Keller, "Exalted Vision of the Young Republic: Painting and Architecture." 2. Dennis Barone, "The Collar of My Coat; The Brim of My Hat: Propriety (Property) and the Literature of the Federal Period." November, 1988, 3rd Session: Issues - I. Gerard Thibodeau, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, "Rendering Unto Ceaser: A Theological Perspective on Religion and Politics in the United States." Contemporary Constitutional In addition, a theatrical production keyed to the Bicentennial theme is tentatively planned by the College's Queen's Company for the fall of 1990. ***St. Joseph College is an official Bicentennial Campus*** September 17, 1988, 10 AM; Nathan Hale Park, Rt. 149 in East Haddam Center - Bicentennial Rededication of the General Joseph Spencer Monument. Emphasis will be placed on the 201st Anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution. Participating groups include: 09/17/88 09/17/88 Leatherbee II , James H. Connecticut Society of the Sons of theAmerican Revolution, Nathan Hale Chap.R.F.D. 11, Bone Mill Road East Haddam, CT06423- (203) 526-5401 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 0-1-00091-0060001?17900968dCll-V10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Lige No 2 Connecticut 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Rogers Rangers (militia unit), Nathan Hale Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Moodus Drum and Fife Corps, and the East Haddam Historical Society. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Bicentennial *** "Let only men of integrity be entrusted . . . with any 11/11/99 / / Quotes power." - Rev. Samuel Webster (1777). *** *** "Freedom is the birthright of all mankind." - VIRGINIA GAZETTE (1767). *** *** The PEOPLE . . . are the only competent judges of their own welfare." - Josiah Quincy (1774). *** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej -104 panaiddv /Woo pazwes - ;Jed u! PeWsseloaCI Faye No. 1 DC 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Other Exhibit U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT "City of the Constitution Tours" - Walking tours of the nation's capitol conducted by National Park Service Rangers. Sundays in May, through August 1988, 10 AM - Noon. Tour begins at Western Plaza, Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th St., NW. Call (202) 426-6770 for reservations. These are special exhibits and activities on the Bicentennial of the Constitution to be displayed at population centers, conventions, and other selected locations. To schedule the exhibit, requests should be addressed to: U.S. Army Recruiting Command Att: USAR SASP-SP Captain Peterman Ft. Sheridan, IL 60037-6000 Bicentennial National Archives Bicentennial Exhibits in the Rotunda, Programs Constitution Avenue at 8th Street, NW: "The American Experiment: Creating the Constitution" - Tells the story of the origins of the Nation, success and problems under the Articles of Confederation, and the struggle to write a new Constitution. October, 1986 - February, 1989. On display in the Rotunda, 7 days/wk, 10 AM - 9 PM (summer hours). "The American Experiment: Living with the Constitution" - Shows how the Constitution has affected daily life as it has been challenged and interpreted over the past 200 years. Three contemporary constitutional issues of concern to American will be highlighted: Who has the right to vote? What are the powers of the Commander-in-Chief? What are the roles of the state and Federal governments in school desegregation? April 10, 1987 - September, 1988. ,On display in the Circular Gallery, 7 days/wk, 10 AM - 9 PM (summer hours). The Magna Carta - The 1297 version of the Magna Carta, a precursor to the United States Constitution and one of the bases for fundamental English privileges and rights, is on display in the Rotunda of the Exhibition Hall from 10 AM - 9 PM, seven days a week, indefinitely. "we the Japanese People" - Commemorates the 40th BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / / / / National Park Service United States Capitol Washington, DC TELEPHONE (202) 426-6770 01/01/86 12/30/89 Green , Ltc. Ron (202) 697-7419 Department of the Army Pentagon Washington, DC20310-1508 07/01/87 02/20/89 National Archives Pennsylvania Ave. at 8th St., NW Washington, DC (202) 523-3000 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/Z1-4 eseeiej -104 p8A0AdV MOO Pez!l!ueS -1-led LI! PeWsseloaCI Page N. 2 04/28/dd EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Pentagon Exhibits Exhibit DC U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT anniversary of the Japanese Constitution. The exhibition, which is based on the archives records of General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, traces the creation of a new Japanese constitution after the signing of the armistice on September 2, 1945. On display at the Washington National Records Center, Suitland, Maryland. Open 9 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon. - Fri.. Transportation by shuttle bus is available from the Archives building. For schedule information, call (202) 523-3194. National Archives Arts and Culture Series - Three original musical plays produced by the Norwood School of Bethesda, Maryland: February 17, 1988 - We Are All Part of It, U.S.A. 1776-1840" March 15, 1988 - 'Land of Freedom" April 20, 1988 - "Twentieth Century U.S.A." Geared to elementary and middle school students, the musical dramas capture the spirit and feelings of the characters and events from the Founding Fathers at the Constitutional Convention to the astronauts walking cm the' moon. All plays presented at Noon. For more information: (202) 523-3347. A Hall of Military Signers of the United States Constitution Corridor was dedicated on 17 September, 1986. This permanent exhibit is located on the third floor, E ring, 7th corridor, at the Pentagon. An exhibit on the Constitution is now located in the display cases near the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon. A second exhibit entitled, 'Providing for the Common Defense" is now displayed on 2nd floor, A Ring, 7th Corridor. The exhibit uses artifacts, facsimiles of historical documents, photographs, illustrations, and blocks of text to convey the role of the Armed Forces in .protecting and defending the Constitution and in providing the security shield behind which the country has developed its social and economic potential. The Blessings of Liberty" an exhibit on the development of the American political process under the guiding principals of the U.S. Constitution, opened at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History on September 30 and continues through late 1988. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT 07/15/87 / / Hudson , J. B. Department of Army Pentagon 3rd Floor, E Ring, 7th Corridor Washington, DC20310- 09/30/87 / / Foster , Susan Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC20560- TELEPHONE (202) 697-6900 (202) 357-2627 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej Jo j panaiddv /Woo pazwes - ;Jed LI! PeWsseloaCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 3 DC 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 'Jed pewssepeo GO a) Exhibit Bicentennial Exhibits: 09/30/87 / / Smithsonian Institution (202) 357-2700 D EE - Washington, DC20560- N A. "A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the (D ' United States Constitution' - Permanent exhibit, 3rd 0_ Floor, National Museum of American History - This exhibit 0 0 examines the constitutional process through the -0 experiences of thousands of Americans of Japanese ancestry who were relocated and interned during World War II. The I> exhibit describes the political and military circumstances -0 -0 leading to the relocation orders; offers personal (7) experiences of relocated Japanese American; outlines < several legal cases stemming from the government's action, (D CL and presents art works produced in the camps. 6 B. We the People: Winning the Vote" - September 30, 70 7 1987 - 1988, National Museum of American History - This a) - exhibition explores the development of the American Political process under the guiding principles of the Lb - a; United States Constitution. The exhibit examines through a) _ posters, photographs and artifacts both the formal and NJ informal political processes that have emerged over the CD past 200 years, including the party system and national conventions, as well as the changes in voting rights -- through amendments, legislation and the courts. NJ 25 C. The American Presidency, 1789-1989 - September, 1988 CD - June 1989, National Museum of American History - This .. exhibit documents the office of the President of the 0 United States and how it has evolved over the years. In 1; conjunction with the Bicentennial of the first 70 presidential inauguration on April 29, 1789, this exhibit 0 displays more than 400 objects and photos, as well as a 1J number of presidential portraits. CO OD Gp D. The First Federal Congress" - March 4 - July 9, 1989, CD National Portrait Gallery - This exhibit celebrates the CD Bicentennial of the first Congress. It is being planned CD -P in cooperation with the historians of the House of GO 7 klepresentatives and the Senate. 70 _ CD CD E. "Portraits of Distinguished American Jusriste - CD - October, 1989, National Museum of American History - This OD CD exhibit will feature a selection of historically. important CD portraits of prominent members of the legal profession CD from the early years of our nation's history to present. CD CD CD For more information on exhibits call: National Museum of American History - (202) 357-3129 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PAqe N 4 DC 04/26/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAmE DETAILS OF EVENT Workshop National Portrait Gallery - (202) 357-2866 Public Relations - (202) 357-2627 Bicentennial Lcader:ihip Awards Program - Awards will be made to organizations for conducting outstanding bicentennial activities, events, and resources, and to individuals who have performed exemplary leadership roles in bringing national or local commemorative activities to fruition. The first round of awards were presented at the Bicentennial Leadership Workshop of December 3, 1987, in Washington, DC. Subsequent awards were at the January 29 workshop, Los Angeles; March 11, St. Louis. The final will be May 12, 1988, in Washington, DC. The deadline for award recipient nominations for the final meeting is April 4, 1988. For nomination forms, call or write CAC, 1724 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036. (202) 857-0580. Exhibit "Documenting the History of the Constitution" - This exhibit features original documents with relevance to the United States Constitution and its founding. Also on display are "touch" computer screens that present a Constitution quiz to viewers. On display until May, 1988. "The American Solution: Origins of the United States Constitution" - This is a permanent three-part exhibit featuring original manuscript and printed materials: A. "The Nation in Crisis" - Touches upon the tremendous optimism that pervaded throughout the country after winning independence, then leads through a series of problems that confronted the Confederation Congress in the mid-1780's. B. The Philadelphia Convention" - Contains notes of debates and speeches kept by members of the Convention, including extensive original notes of the debates by James Madison and fragments of notes by William Paterson, Robert Yates and Alexander Hamilton. C. "The Struggle Over Ratification" - Contains fundamental items such as the first of the FEDERALIST esays, first newpaper printing of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson's annotated copy of THE FEDERALIST, Richard BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 12/03/87 05/12/88 Council for Advancement of Citizenship 1724 Mass. Ave., NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC20036- 02/15/88 / / Supreme Court of the United States 1st Street, NE Washington, DC (202) 857-0580 (202) 479-3000 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe No 5 DC 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Henry Lee's LETTERS FROM THE FEDERAL FARMER, letters or speeches by James Wilson, George Mason and Edmund Randolph, and notes of state ratifying convention debates. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Competition National Bicentennial Competition on the Constitution and 04/24/88 04/28/88 Andrews , Tammy the Bill of Rights - The Center for Civic Education has Center for Civic Education developed a six-week instructional program for students at Fort McNair, DC the high school level, designed to help students gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of our constitutonal democracy as well as knowledge of their background and historical development. Once the instruction is completed, students choose whether to participate in a national competition in which entire school classes compete as teams to determine congressional district, state, and national winners. The competition is in a quiz-bowl format where students answer a series of questions that were preselected and/or random questions created by the judges. April 24 - 28, 1988 - NATIONAL FINALS, WASHINGTON, DC April 25, 7:45 AM - 5:30 PM, Competition all day at Fort McNair, Washington, DC. April 26, Competition all day, "50's" party at Old Post Office, Washington, DC, 7 PM. April 27, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM - Competition finals, Awards banquet, Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC, 6 PM. Competition National Bicentennial Competition on the Constitution and 04/25/88 04/27/88 Avery , Tish the Bill of Rights National Finals - Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution April 25 and 26, 1988 - Over 1,000 high school students, 808 17th Street, NW from 43 states will compete in the first round of the Washington, DC20006- national finals at Fort McNair. Having completed an intensive six-week course on the history and principles of our constitutional demociacy, each class earlier earned the opportunity to represent its state at the national finals by winning congresional district and state-level rounds. Three-person judging panels will quiz the classroom teams in six areas of study: the basic philosophical ideas of the Framers; the English historical background and colonial experiences that led to independence and the Constitution; the establishment of the new United States government; guarantees of fundamental rights; and the responsibilities of citizens. April 27, 9 - 11:30 AM and 1 - 3:30 PM - The final rounds TELEPHONE (818) 340-9320 (202) 653-5244 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT of competition in Courtroom III, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 717 Madison Place, NW, Washington, DC. 6 PM - The Awards Dinner, Grand Hyatt Hotel, 1000 H Street, NW. Exhibit The Bicentennial Exhibition of American Federal Furniture An exhibit constisting of furniture and architecture designs, documented and authenticated as to originality, region of origin, and attributions to American craftsmen where possible. The exhibit will be housed in the historic "Old North," built in 1795, the oldest remaining structure on the Georgetown University campus. On display Tue. - Sat., 10:30 AM - 4 PM, June 15 - August 25, 1988. August 26, 1988 - September 24, 1989 - The Georgetown University Alumni Association will make available its replica of a federal residence, the "Bicentennial House" at 3601 0 Street, NW, for a separate collection of authentic pieces of American Federal furniture. It is anticipated that a lecture series, tours, and other educational programs will accompany the exhibit. ***Georgetown University is an official Bicentennial Campus*** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 06/15/88 08/25/88 Schwenke , Thomas G. Thomas Schwenke, Inc. 956 Madison Ave., NY, NY 11021 Exhibit held at Georgetown University Washington, DC20057- Performance "Spirit of America" - Spirit of America is an annual 06/16/88 06/19/88 Murray , Mark W. military pageant using historical tableaux, period Department of Defense costumes and colorful lighting to present American Pentagon heritage as reenacted by soldiers of the Third United Washington, DC States Infantry and the United States Army Band. Shows are at the Capitol Center, Landover, Maryland: June 15, 8 PM June 16, 8 PM June 17, 8 PM June 18, 8 PM ,June 19, 2 PM and 8 PM. For tickets write to Spirit of America, Fort McNair, Washington, DC 20319. Confelence/ Georgetown University Bicentennial Conference Series - Lecture CONFERENCE ON EXECUTIVE ESTABLISHMENT AND EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP (202) 687-6800 (202) 475-1481 09/05/88 09/07/88 Currie, S.J. , Rev. Charles L. (202) 625-6550 Georgetown University 207 Healy Hall Washington, DC20057- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No 7 DC 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT September 5, 1988 - at the Georgetown University Intercultural Center, 8:30 - 9:15 AM: Welcoming remarks by Rev. Charles L. Currie, S.J., Director of the University Bicentennial 10 AM - Noon: EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP IN WESTERN DEMOCRACIES, Lecturers: "The Leadership Question," Bert Rockman, University of Pittsburgh; "The Institutional Context,' Margaret Wyszomirski and Colin Campbell, S.J. Georgetown University; 'Governmental 'Overload' and Strains on Executive Leadership: A Comparative View," B. Guy Peters, University of Pittsburgh; Commentators: Marver Bernstein, Georgetown University; Norman C. Thomas, University of Cincinnati. 2:30 - 4:30 PM: CABINET GOVERNMENT AND EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP, Lecturers: "The American Cabinet in Comparative Perspective," Colin Campbell, S.J., Georgetown University; "The Cabinet in a Parliamentary System," Peter Hennesey, Policy Institute, Great Britain; 'The Cabinet in Canada," Peter Aucoin, Dalhousie University, Canada; Commentators: Patrick Weller, Griffith University, Australia; Charles Levine, American University. 8 - 10 PM: ROUNDTABLE ON THE MEDIA AND THE PRESIDENCY, Panelists: Allan Fatheringham, Washington Correspondant for the Southam News, Canada; David Gergen, U.S. News and World Report; Jody Powell, Former Carter Presidential Spokesman; Peter Hennesey, Policy Studies Institute, Great Britain; Colin Seymour-Ure, University of Kent, Great Britain; Michael Robinson, Georgetown University. September 6, 9:30 - 11:30 AM: EXECUTIVE OFFICE AGENCIES AND ADVISORY POLICY UNITS: SESSION I, Moderator, Anthony King, University of Essex, Great Britain; "Office of Management and Budget,' James Pfiffner, George Mason University; "Perspectives on Economic Advice," TBA; "Domestic Affairs," TBA, Commentators: Stuart Eizenstat, ,Former Director of the Domestic Policy Staff, Carter Administration. 2 - 4 PM: EXECUTIVE OFFICE AGENCIES AND ADVISORY POLICY UNITS: SESSION II, "National Security Affairs,' Kevin V. Mulcahy, Lousiana State University; 'Foreign Policy: A Departmental Perspective," Laurence Kolb, University of Pittsburgh; "Presidentialization in Parliamentary Systems," George Jones, London School of Economics BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PAqe No 8 DC 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT 7:30 - 9:30 PM: EVENING FORUM ON ADVISING THE PRESIDENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM THE WHITE HOUSE AND THE CABINET, Introducer, Thomas Cronin, University of Colorado; Speakers: James Baker, Former Reagan Chief of Staff and Current Treasury Secretary, or Richard Darman; Joseph Califano, Special Assistant for Domestic Policy, Johnson Administration, and Secretary of HEW, Carter Administration; Respondent, Thomas Hockin, Minister of State, Canada. September 7, 8:45 - 10:45 AM - STAFFING PRESIDENTS AND PRIME MINISTERS, Moderator, Richard Rose, University of Strathclyde, Great Britain; "Court Politics in the White House Staff," Samuel Kernell, Brookings Institution and the University of California-San Diego; "Issues of Structure and Organization in the White House Staff," IBA; "Staffing for the Prime Minister: A Comparative Perspective," Patrick Weller, Griffith University, Australia. Commentators: Arch Dotson, Cornell University; John Hart, Australian National University. 11 AM - 1 PM - EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION: A VIEW FROM THE CONTINENT, Moderator, Ezra Suleiman, Princeton University; "Executive Leadership and Bureaucratic Politicization: West Germany, Renate Mayntz, Max Planck Institut, West Germany; The Cabinet in a Parliamentary-Presidential System: France, Harvey Feigenbaum, George Washington University, France; 'Political Executives and the Struggle to Lead Strategically in Federal Systems: Switzerland," Ulric Klott, University of Zurich, Switzerland. ***Georgetown University is an official Bicentennial Campus*** Conference/ CONFERENCE ON RELIGION AND THE CONSTITUTION: Lecture April 13, 1989, 2 - 4 PM, Georgetown University Law Center - LEGAL PERPECTIVES ON THE PROBLEM OF RELIGIOUS .,EXEMPTIONS, Moderator, David Little, University of Virginia; 'In Support of Generous Exemptions," Stephen Pepper, University of Denver Law School; Some Skepticism About Exemptions," William Marshall, Case Western Reserve Law School; Commentators: Stanley Hauerwas, Duke Divinity School; John Howard Yoder, University of Notre Dame. April 14, 9 - 11 AM - HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE PROBLEM OF RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS, Moderator, Jesse Choper, University of California-Berkeley Law School; TBA, Thomas BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 04/13/89 04/14/89 Currie, S.J. , Rev. Charles L. Georgetown University 207 Healy Hall Washington, DC20057- (202) 625-6550 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600M?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIM, eseeiej -104 p8A0AdV MOO PeZP-IeS -1-led LI! PeWsseloaCI 0 (D 0 (t) (t) Paqe No. 9 DC 04/28/88 (D - CI U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EY BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE GO Curry, S.J.; "Exemptions in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries," William Lee Miller, university of Virginia; Commentators: Carol Weisbrod, University of Connecticut (D Law School; John Garvey, Universtity of Kentucky Law School. 0 0 CONFERENCE ON RELIGION AND PUBLIC POLICY: -0 Noon - 5:30 PM, Georgetown University's Intercultural -0 Center - Welcoming remarks, Rev. Timothy Healy, President -0 of Georgetown University. THE ROLE OF RELIGION IN THE 0 - FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM (D - "The Origins of the American Political System and Religion," Henry May, University of California-Berkeley; "The Continuing Influence of Religion: 200 Years of History," Emmett Curran, S.J., Georgetown University. 70 (D 8 - 10 PM - THE ROLE OF RELIGION IN THE FORMATION OF FIT- a) - PUBLIC OFFICIALS: THEORETICAL, Moderator, Bill Moyers, tri journalist and Former Press Secretary to President Lyndon (D _ Johnson; Panelists: Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., NJ CD President Emeritus of Notre Dame University; Terrell Bell, University of Utah, and former Secretary of Education; Rhoda Dorsey, President of Goucher College; E. Gordon Gee, President of University of Colorado. NJ April 15, 8:30 - 10:30 AM - Georgetown University's Gaston CD Hall, THE ROLE OF RELIGION IN THE FORMATION OF PUBLIC 0 OFFICIALS: PRACTITIONERS, Moderator, Robert Drinan, S.J., Georgetown University Law Center; Panelists: Rev. Jerry 1; Falwell, Clergyman, Thomas Road Baptist Church; Barbara 70 Mikulski, United States Senate; Jesse Jackson, Chairman, People United To Save Humanity - PUSH; Henry Hyde, United -10 CO States House of Representatives; Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz, OD Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Adam Israel, Washington, 0 DC. CD - CD CD - 11 AM - 1 PM - THE NEXUS BETWEEN RELIGION AND PUBLIC CO POLICY, Moderator., Edwin Newman, News Commentator; 70 . Panelists: Jimmy Carter, Former President of the United CD 'States; Arthur Schlesinger, Cuny Graduate Center; Cardinal CD CD - John O'Connor, Archbishop of New York; Warren Burger, OD Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; Barbara Jordan, CD LBJ School at Austin, University of Texas; Edward Kennedy, CD United States Senate. CD CD CD ***Georgetown University is an official Bicentennial CD Campus*** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PAqc No 10 DC 04/28/88 EVENF NAME DETAILS OF EVENT U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Coliterence/ Georgetown University Bicentennial Conference Series - LectoLe CONFERENCE ON THE JUDICIARY ACT OF 1789 September 21, 1989, Georgetown University Law Center, 10 AM - 12 Noon GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE JUDICIARY ACT OF 1789 - Lecturers: "The Relationship Between the Constitution and the Judiciary Act of 1789" - Maeva Marcus, Editor, Christine Jordan, and Natalie Wexler, Associate Editors of THE DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, 1789-1800; 'Federal Courts in the American Republic" - G. Edward White, University of Virginia Law School; "Jurisdiction and the Judiciary Act" - Akhil Amar, Yale University Law School; Commentator, Gerald Gunther, Stanford University Law School. 2 - ,41 PM: Lecturers: "Debtors, Creditors, and Federalism after the American Revolution" - Bruce H. Mann, Professor of Law and History, University of Pennsylvania; Title TBA - Robert Weisberg, Stanford University Law School; Commentator, Warren Schwartz, Georgetown University Law Center. 5 PM - 6 PM: SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, The Honorable William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court will introduce Gerhard Casper, University of Chicago Law School, speaking on "The Judiciary Act of 1789." September 22, 1989, Georgetown University Law Center, 9:30 AM - 11:30 All: Lecturers: "The Judiciary Act and the Separation of Powers" - Mark Tushnet, Georgetown University Law Center; "Murdock v. Memphis: The Relationship Between State and Federal Courts," William Wiecek, Syracuse University Law Center; Commentators, David Shapiro, Harvard Law School; Wythe Holt, University of Alabama Law School. 1 - 3 PM: Moderator, James C. Oldham, Georgetown llniversity Law Center; Lecturers: "The Formation of Juries" - Kathryn Preyer, Professor of History, Wellesley College; "UNITED STATES V. RAVARA: Trial Practice in the Early Federal Courts" - John Gordan, Attorney, Lord, Day and Lord, New York; "The Iconography of Courthouses", Lecture/Slide Demonstration - Michael Kammen, Professor of History, Cornell University. Commentator, Thomas Green, University of Michigan Law School. 3 - 5:30 PM: UNITED STATES SENATE, Moderator, Benno C. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 09/21/89 09/22/89 Currie, S.J. , Rev. Charles L. (202) 625-6550 Georgetown University 207 Healy Hall Washington, DC20057- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/ZIA eSeeiei -104 panaiddv Ado paz!4!ueS - 4-led u! PeWsseloaCI Paqe No. 11 04/2d/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DC U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Schmidt, President, Yale University; Panel discussion on "Federal Courts: Progress and Prospects" with panelists: Hon. William J. Brennan, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States; Hon. Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States; Judge Howard Markey, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals. Federal Circuit; Judge Abner Mikva, United States Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit; Justice Hans Linde, Supreme Court of the State of Oregon; Sheldon Goldman, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Chairmen of Senate and House Judiciary Committees. ***Georgetown University is an official Bicentennial Campus*** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Bicentennial *** "Wherever public spirit prevails, liberty is secure." 11/11/99 / / Quotes - Noah Webster (1764). *** *** The origin of all power is in the people." - Mercy Warren. *** TELEPHONE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page Nu 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Histolic Site Delaware U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT John Dickinson Plantation, home of John Dickinson, delegate from Delaware to the Constitutional Convention, tours: Tue. - Sat. 10 AM - 4:30 PM; Sun. 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Slate Delaware's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Historic Site Historic Site Historic Site Historic Site Historic Site Robinson House - Built approximately 1723. In the 18th-century it was inhabited by notables such as George Washington, Lafayette, Anthony Wayne, Robert Morris, and General "Lighthorse" Harry Lee. Open Sundays, April - December. George Read II house and Gardens - Built between 1797 and 1804 in high Georgian style by a lawyer who signed the United States Constitution and was the son of a signer of the Declaration of Independence; formal garden designed in 1847; three rooms furnishe d in 20th-century Colonial Revival style. Open March-December. Hale-Byrnes House - Mid-18th-century brick architecture. General George Washington and his staff met here during the American Revolution's Brandywine Campaign. Reservations required. Free admission. Hall of Records - The State's public archives are housed here. "Troops Leaving Dover Green,' a 9' x 17' canvas by Stanley Arthurs, is on display, as is the Royal Charter granted by Charles II to James, Duke of York, for the territory which became Delaware. Also on display are Jo,limAnts rPlating to Delaware's ratification of the United States Constitution. Amstel House Museum - A glimpse of life in the 18th-century, including a complete Colonial kitchen. George Washington attended a wedding here. Open April - November. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT John Dickinson Plantation Directly south of the Dover Air Force Base, Kitzhummock Road and Rt. 113 Dover, DE Bushman , Claudia L. Delaware Heritage Commission Carvel State Office Building, 3rd Fl. 820 North Frenc Street Wilmington, DE19801- / / / / Robinson House Naaman's Road and Philadelphia Pike Claymont, DE19703- / / / / / / / George Read II House and Gardens 42 The Strand New Castle, DE19720- / Hale-Byrnes House Delaware Hwy 7 and Delaware Hwy 4 606 Stanton-Christina Rd. Stanton, DE19804- / / / / Hall of Records Duke of York Street Dover, DE19903- / / Amstel House Museum 4th and Delaware Streets New Castle, DE19720- TELEPHONE (302) 736-3277 (302) 652-6662 (302) 798-7335 (302) 322-8411 (302) 998-3792 (302) 736-4266 (302) 322-2794 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe N. 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Exhibit State Bicentennial Commission Florida U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Disney World has incorporated the Bicentennial theme in their celebration of their 15th Anniversary. An exhibit of items from the Founding period greets visitors to the American Adventure Show case in the Epcot Center. Florida's State Bicentennial Commission. Conference/ January 20, 1988 - Bicentennial Commission of Florida Lecture Quarterly Meeting. February 5-6 Jefferson Meeting on the Constitution, Florida State Conference Center, Tallahassee. February 25 - Chief Justice Warren Burger, Oxford Lecture Series, New College Foundation, University of South Florida, Sarasota. March 3 - Florida Ratification Day, "Separation of Powers: An Enduring Constitutional Issue," Florida State University Alumni Dinner Series, Moderator Dean Sandy D'Alemberte, College of Law Wakulla Springs Lodge & Conference Center. March 4 - National Bicentennial Competition, Florida High Schools from Congressional Districts. March 26-27 - Jefferson Meeting for Teachers, Southeast Region, Nashville, Tennessee. March 28 - "Women and the Constitution: A Florida Perspective" - Conference held at the Florida State Conference Center, Tallahassee. $40 advance registration April 13 - American Legion National Sectional High School Oratorical Contest, contact: Ray Weaver, (813) 272-5790. May 14 - Florida Ratification Celebration, educational fundraising benefit sponsored by Merril Lynch, contact: Carol Bellamy, (904) 487-1022. July 4th - National Ratification Celebration, Proposed. September 17 - Constitution Day/Annual Celebration of Citizenship BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / / Disney World Epcot Center Orlando, FL Bellamy , Carol U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission of Florida, Dept. of Educ. Knott Building Tallahassee, FL32399- 01/20/88 12/15/88 Bellamy , Carol Bicentennial Commission of Florida Department of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, FL32399- TELEPHONE ( (904) 487-1022 (904) 487-1022 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe No 04/28/88 2 Florida U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT October - "Black Americans and the Constitution," Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, contact: Professor Larry Rivers, (904) 599-3138. December - 150th Anniversary of Florida Constitutional Convention, Port St. Joe. For more information contact: Carol Bellamy, (904) 487-1022. Celebration Merrill Lynch Ratification Celebration for the state of Florida's ratification of the Constitution. The event will include a statewide fund-raising event to benefit constitutional education in Florida. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 05/14/88 05/14/88 Bellamy , Carol U. S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission of Florida, Dept. of Educ. Knott Building Tallahassee, FL32399- Bicentennial *** "The moral sense is as much a part of our Constitution 11/11/99 / / Quotes as that of feeling, seeing or hearing . . .." - Thomas Jefferson (1815). *** power resides always in the body of the peopl: dwl it never . . . can be, delegated to one man or a few . .." - Proclamation of the General Court of Massachusetts (1776). *** (904) 487-1022 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/ZIA eSeeiei -104 panaiddv Ado paz!4!ueS - 4-led u! PeWsseloaCI Page No 04/21J/88 EVENT NAME State Bicentennial Commission Conterence/ Lecture 1 Georgia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Georgia's State Bicentennial Commission. / / Dougherty , Helen P. Georgia Commission on the Bicent. of the U.S. Constitution/Secretary of State's Office, 214 State Capitol Atlanta, GA30334- February 16, 1987 - The American Dream: Image and 02/16/87 01/01/91 de Valinger Ron Reality," a seminar day involving the entire campus, high Andrew College school students and local citizens. 413 College Street Cuthbert, GA31740- March, 1987 - Library exhibits on Bill of Rights and the Constitution. April and May, 1987 - Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society TELEPHONE (404) 656-2869 (912) 732-2171 CD En CD 0_ IJ ?=w. CD 0_ 0 0 -0 -0 -0 a CD Eh) sponsored a series of speakers on the Constitution. June and July, 1987 - Library exhibits on Federalist papers, Artic les of Conferderation, and personalities involved in framing of the Constitution. September, 1987 - Survey of students' knowledge of the Bill of Rights. October - November, 1987 - Phi Theta Kappa sponsored a series of programs on the Constitution, open to the public. October 30, 1987 - Phi Theta Kappa sponosred speakers on citizenship and on Abraham Baldwin, a Georgia signer of the Constitution. Representatives from five college : CD cT En CD ic) ic) cs) . . 0 51' attended. February 17, 1988 - Community-wide seminar day held on the theme The United States Constitution: Assuring Continuity through Controversy" - ten speakers with keynote address by Judge Thomas 0. Marshall, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia. 1989 - Special programs on the United States Presidency: 'Powers and limitaions of the office, plus a seminare day in February, 1989, open to the public. 1990 - Forum on the party system; also February seminar day. Possibly a reader's theater. 1991 - A study of the Bill of Rights (speakers, videos, filmstrips, and films) open to the public. 0 IJ OD CO C.1.) 7 - 0 0 0 - (0 0 0 0 0 0 (!) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 P3qc No 2 Georgia 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT ***Andrew College is an official Bicentennial Campus*** conference/ Bicentennial Community Plans: 01/12/88 04/26/88 Pfeiffer , Charlotte S. Lecture Crisp County Bicentennial Committee January 12, 1988; 7:30 PM, Crisp County Courthouse 26th Ave., East Courtroom. Dr. Fielding Dillard performs a portrayal of Cordele, GA31015- Benjamin Franklin. Exhibit Febuary 2, 1988; 7:30 PM, Cordele Carnegie Library. Professor John Cole lectures on "Varying Philosophies and Visions Expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution." February 9, 1988; 7:30 PM, Cordele Carnegie Library. Dr. James Burran lectures on "Abraham Baldwin's Role in the Constitutional Convention." February 16, 1988; 7:30 PM, Cordele Carnegie Library. Dr. Gary Roberts lectures on The Shaping of the United States Constitution through the Nineteenth Century." February 23, 1988; 7:30 PM, Cordele Carnegie Library. Dr. Hal Henderson lectures on The Shaping of the United States Constitution in the Twentieth Century." TELEPHONE (912) 273-8839 February 26, 1988; 7:30 PM, Crisp County Courthouse Courtroom. The Baldwin Players, Ms. Kay Dukes, Director and Dr. Jim Burran present an historical drama on Georgia's role in the framing of the Constitution. **Crisp County is a Designated Bicentennial Community** A special exhibit by the Department of Army Bicentennial 06/11/88 06/15/88 ANPA Convention ) Office is on tour at: AtIdnta, GA June 11 - 15, 1988 - ANPA Convention, Atlanta, Georgia. For more information contact: Lt. Col. Green, Department of the Army, Pentagon, (202) 697-7419. Exhibit ."Are We To Be A Nation?" is an exhibit on display in 07/19/88 08/27/88 Heid , Greg Atlanta to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Constitution. 1 Margaret Mitchell Square Atlanta, GA30303- The exhibit, composed of photographic reproductions of prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association (312) 944-6780 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej -104 penaiddv /Woo pazwes - ;Jed LI! PeWsseloaCI Page No. 3 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 Georgia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Bicentennial *** They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a 11/11/99 / / Quotes little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin (1759). *** *** "We must . . . hang together, or . . . we will . . . hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin. *** dare to see the truth, to support the truth . . .." - Christopher Gadsden (1769). *** TELEPHONE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 0-1-00091-0060001?17900968dC11-V10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Faqe No 1 Hawaii 01/28,88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Hawaii's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Char , Vernon Hawaii Bicentennial Commission P.O. Box 26 Honolulu, HI96810- (808) 531-8031 Bicentennial *** " . . . let us be united and strengthen the hands of 11/11/99 / / ( Quotes each other . . .." - John Hancock (1774). *** it will always be necessary tor those who would preserve and perpetuate their liberties to guard them with a wakeful attention." - Johnathan Mayhew (1766). * * * *** "Liberty, perhaps, is never exposed to so much danger, as when the people believe there is the least (danger) . .." - John Dickinson (1768). *** 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/IA L0 8S8I8I Joj penaiddv Ado paz!PeS LII108!4!sseloaCI 0-1-00091-00600M?17900968dCl-V10 90/ZIA eSeeiei -104 panaiddv Ado paz!PeS - 4-led u! Peq!sseloeCI Page No I Idaho 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT 1-led u! PeWsseloeCI BEGIN ENDING DATE GO EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT NAME 4 ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 0) DATE D _ EH . Constance N State Idaho's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Arana (208) 345-1990 CD ' Bicentennial Constitution Bicentennial Commission a Commission of Idaho 0 217 West State Street o 7D Boise, 1D83720- Bicentennial *** "A people . . . deserve to be abandoned by providence 11/11/99 / / ( ) 7D Quotes if they trust their interest with men whom they know to be 7D either weak or wicked." - Andrew Elliot (1765). *** 8 < (D CL 6 70 (D CD - *** To the lovers of freedom throughout the world . . . (D may their ardor for liberty never subside until they have NJ 0 thrown off the chains of oppression . .." - July 4th Toast of the 1790's. *** NJ 25 CD 0 1; 70 *** "A republican government and science mutually promote and support each other. - Phillips Payson (1778). *** 1J CO CO 0 0- 0 CD 7:1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pd,le. No 04/28/88 1 Illinois U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State Illinois' State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Niro , Cheryl (312) 726-4853 Bicentennial Committee to Commemorate U.S. Commission Constitution in Illinois 75 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2100 Exhibit We The People: Creating a New Nation, 1765-1820" - 09/12/87 / / Chicago, IL60601- Manthei , Pat (312) 642-4600 An exhibition that explores the lives of the founding fathers, as well as women, children, African Americans, Native Americans, and artisans. Showcased documents included are: broadside of the Declaration of Independence; the first newspaper printing of the Chicago Historical Society National Endowment for Humanities Clark Street at North Avenue Chicago, IL60614- Constitution; first printings of the Bill of Rights; the Northwest Ordinance and the Treaty of Greenville. Conference/ The Kankakee Community College and the Kankakee Bar 10/01/87 05/12/88 Liehr Mr. Steve (815) 933-0277 Lecture Association will cosponsor a People's Law School which instructs area citizens on how to handle practical legal questions. The following topics have been discussed or Kankakee Community College P.O. Box 888, River Road Kankakee, IL60901- are planned for the future: October, 1987 - Operation of Courts November, 1987 - Family Law February, 1988 - Consumer Law March 17, 1988 - Workman's Compensation and Personal Injury April 21, 1988 - Wills and Guardianship May 12, 1988 - To Be Announced ***Kankakee Community College is an official Bicentennial Campus*** Conference/ November 5 and 6, 1987 - Speech and seminar by Stanley N. Lecture Katz, President, American Council of Learned Societies, Professor, Princeton University. March 31 - April 1, 1988 - Speech and seminar by Jesse Choper, Dean of the Law School, University of California, 'Berkeley October 20 - 21, 1988 - Speech and seminar by the Honorable Chief Justice of the United States, William H. Rehnquist. ***Northern Illinois University is an official Bicentennial Campus*** 11/05/87 10/20/88 Schwarz , Jordan A. Northern Illinois University Department of History Dekalb, 1L60115- (815) 753-6802 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/ZIA eSeeiei -104 panaiddv Ado paz!4!ueS - 4-led u! PeWsseloaCI 133,1e No 2 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Illinois U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Conference/ Mar 31 - Apr 1, 1988: Speech and seminar by Jesse Choper, Lecture Dean of the Law Schoo. University of California, Berkeley Oct 20-21, 1988: Speech and seminar by the Honorable Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, William H. Rehnquist. **Northern Illinois University is an official Bicentennial Campus** Conference/ May 10, 1988 - Batina Gregory, Senior Correspondent for Lecture ABC News, will speak on the First Amendment right of freedom of the press. ***Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville is an official Bicentennial Campus*** E&filit Are We To Be A Nation?" is an exhibit on display in Chicago to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. The exhibit, composed of photographic reproductions of prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME 4 ADDRESS OF CONTACT 03/31/88 10/21/88 Schwarz , Jordan A. Committee to Celebrate Bicent. of the U.S. Constitution /Dept. of Hist. Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL60115- 05/10/88 05/10/88 Pearson , Dean Samuel C. Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville School of Social Sciences Edwardsville, IL62026-1450 07/19/88 08/27/88 Duff , John B. Chicago Public Library 425 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, 1L60611- TELEPHONE (815) 753-6802 (618) 692-2372 (312) 944-6780 CD (-) En CD El 1J CD El0 -0 -0 -0 a CD Eh) CD cT En CD NJ NJ ? ? 0 1J OD (!) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Puqc 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Stdte Indiana's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Conference/ Lecture Exhibit Indiana U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT The Founding Mothers," an interdisciplinary program focused on women's history and literature of the Founding era, is being conducted at the University of Indiana at South Bend. Contact Eileen T. Bender, Assistant Dean of Faculties, Indiana University at South Bend, P.O. Box 7111, South Bend, IN 46634. Are We To Be A Nation?" is an exhibit on display in Indianapolis to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. The exhibit, composed of potographic reproductions of prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / , / Ewick Ray Indiana Commission on the Bicentennialof the U.S. Constitution Indiana State Library, 140 N. Senate Indianapolis, IN46204- Bender , Eileen T. Assistant Dean of Faculties Indiana University at South Bend P.O. Box 7111 South Bend, IN46634- 05/24/88 07/05/88 Gnat , Raymond Exhibit on display in: Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library, 40 E. St. Clair St. Indianapolis, 1N46204- TELEPHONE (317) 232-3692 ) (312) 944-6780 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 CD Paqe No 1 Iowa (D 04/2B/68 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EY 1J BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE GO State Iowa's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Walt , Joseph (319) 335-3917 Bicentennial Iowa State Commission on the Commission Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 0 402 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, 1A52240- it is the practice of . . . America, to make 11/11/99 / / ) 7D men as wise as possible, so that . . . they may be rationally governed." - Tom Paine (1778). *** (7) (D 70 - ? (D FIT 0)- If) *** "Neither piety, virtue, or liberty can long flourish (D . In a community where the education of youth is neglected." n) - Samuel Cooper (1780). *** 0 n) 25 CD 0 1; *** "Learning is both nurse and offspring of 70 public-spirit." - Noah Webster. *** 1J Co c0 0 7:1 (E) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Kansas U4/28,.8 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME di ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Stdte Kansas State Bicentennial Commission. / / Schnacke , Marjorie (913) 235-1787 Bicent,nnial Commission Kansas Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution P.O. Box 4929 Bicentennial Quotes *** "Neither peity, virtue, or liberty can long flourish in a community where the education of youth is neglected." 11/11/99 / / Topeka, KS66604- ) - Samuel Cooper (1780). *** ***Learning is both nurse and offspring of public-spirit." - Noah Webster (1763). *** no government ought to be without critics and where the press is free no one ever will . . .." - Thomas Jefferson (1791). *** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No 1 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Kentucky's Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Celebration Bicentennial Events in Kentucky: Kentucky U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT June 17, 1988 - Madisonville/Hopkins County Commission on the Bicentennial will host the 2nd Annual James Madison Symposium. The featured speaker, Dr. James Stag, editor of the James Madison Papers at the University of Virginia, will disucss the role of James Madison in the writing of the Constitution and in its ratification. For more Information contact Charles Boteler at (502) 825-6512. June, 25 - Conference of the Bicentennial: Kentucky and the United States Constitution will inform participants about national and state programs available to schools, communities and organizations that relate to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, also feature speakers on the parallel history of the ratification of the Constitution and Kentucky's statehood. For more information contact Betty Seay at (502) 564-2106. - Also on the 25th the Merrill Lynch Ratification Celebration will honor the three branches of state government as those individuals who make the Constitution work on a daily basis. Governor Wallace Wilkinson will host and th event will raise funds to benefit a state education project to further citizen understanding of the Constitution. For more information contact Steve Wilson at (502) 564-4270 or Donna Moloney at (502) 564-2611. August 11 - 12 - The United States Constitution Through Law-related Education" conference will feature model law related programs, a Jefferson Meeting, and sessions on constitutional issues. The conference will be held at the Old Courthouse in Louisville. For more information contact Bruce Bonar (606) 622-3766 or Betty Seay at (502) 564-2106. September 30, 1988 - "Conference on National and Internatinal Ramifications of the United States Constitution" held in Sellbach Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky. The conference will examine the global impact of the United States Constitution and its relationship to world affairs. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME i ADDRESS OF CONTACT Seay , Betty U.S. Constitution Celebration Project Kentucky Department of Education Capitol Plaza Tower Frankfort, KY40601- 06/17/88 09/30/89 Seay , Betty H. Project Director United States Constitution Celebration Project, Kentucky Dept. of Education, Capitol Plaza Tower Frankfort, KY40601- TELEPHONE (502) 564-2106 (502) 564-2106 'Jed pewssepeo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe Ni. 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Louisiana's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Louisiana U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Conference/ 1988 Louisiana State University in Shreveport American Lecture Studies Forum, "Battle of the Presidents: The Selection and Evaluation of American Presidents" - September 15, 1988, 8 PM, LSUS University Center Theater - James David Barber, renowned political psychologist, author of PRESIDENTIAL CHARACTER (1985), THE PULSE OF POLITICS (1980), RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY (1978), CHOOSING THE PRESIDENT (1974), and THE LAW MAKERS (1965). September 16, 10 AM, LSUS University Center Theater - William E. Leuchtenburg, historian and author of IN THE SHADOW OF FDR: FROM HARRY TRUMAN TO RONALD REAGAN (1983), and FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT AND THE NEW DEAL, 1932-1940 (1963). Stephen Hess, syndicated columnist, political scientist, and former staff assistant to Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford; also author of THE ULTIMATE INSIDERS: U.S. SENATORS IN THE NATIONAL MEDIA (1986), WASHINGTON REPORTERS (1981), ORGANIZING THE PRESIDENCY (1976), THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN, (1987), NIXON: A POLITICAL PORTRAIT (1968), THE REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT (1967), and AMERICA'S POLITICAL DYNASTIES: FROM ADAMS TO KENNEDY (1966). Ellis Sandoz, political philosopher, President Reagan's appointee to the National Council on the Humanities; a Fulblright 40th Anniversary Distinguished American Fellow to represent the U.S. in Italy and lecture on the ,Constitution; author of POLITICAL APOCALYPSE (1971), CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY: AMERICAN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS TODAY (1978), A TIDE OF DISCONTENT: THE 1980 ELECTIONS AND THEIR MEANING (1981), and ELECTION 84: LANDSLIDE WITHOUT A MANDATE? (1985). For complimentary tickets write to: Tickets, American Studies, LSUS Shreveport, LA 71115-2399, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, with telephone number and whether request is for September 15, September 16, or BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Allbritton , Terry Louisiana Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution P.O. Box 51388 New Orleans, LA70151-1388 09/15/88 09/16/88 Pederson , William D. Associate Professor and Director Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Dept. of History and Political Science, 8515 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA71115- TELEPHONE (504) 568-5707 (318) 797-5337 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-0060001C17900968dCll-V10 90/ZIA eseeiei -104 penalddV MOO PeZWUeS u! PeWsseloaCI Page No. 2 04/26/86 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Louisiana U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT both. Ticket reservations will be held until mailing in early September. For further information, contact: Dr. William D. Pederson, Director, American Studies, LSUS, Shreveport, LA 71115-2399; (318) 797-5349 or 5337. ***Louisiana State University at Shreveport is an official Bicentennial Campus*** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME 4 ADDRESS OF CONTACT Bicentennial *** Which amendment guarantees the right to freedom of 11/11/99 / / Questions religion, speech, and press? Answer: The First Amendment. *** ***'What proportion of the state does it take to ratify a Constitutional Amendment? Answer: Two-thirds. *** TELEPHONE 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/ZIA LO eseeiei -104 panoxIdv Ado pez!l!ueS u! PeWsseloaCI Piqe No. 0.1/ 28/b8 1 Maine EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Maine's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial COMMISSloh U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Bernstein , Rosalyne Maine Commission to Commemorate the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution P.O. Box 4820, Downtown Station Portland, ME04112- (207) 879-4792 Bicentennial *** The liberty of the press is essential to the security 11/11/99 / / ( Quotes of freedom in a state." - Massachusetts Bill of Rights (1780). *** I have ever thought religion a concern purely between our God and our consciences . . .." - Thomas Jefferson. *** *** The civil rights of none (ought to be) abridged on account of religious belief or worship . . .." - James Madison. *** 0-1-00091-00600a1?17900968dCll-V10 90/ZIA eseeiei -104 panaiddv Ado paz!4!ue3 - 4-led u! PeWsseloaCI Pdye No 04/28/88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 1 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Maryland's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Conference/ Lectuie Conference/ Lecture Tour Maryland U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Spring, 1988 (Date TBA), Harford Community College, Be! Air - Edward C. Papenfuse, Ph.D., Marlyand State Archivist, Maryland State Archives will lecture on The Amending Fathers." For more information contact Judy Dobbs or call the Harford Community College at (301) 836-4340. Spring, 1988 (Date TBA), Montgomery County Library, Rockville - Jack P. Greene, Ph.D., Professor of History, The Johns Hopkins University will lecture on The Origins of American Constitutionalism." For further information contact Judy Dobbs. Annapolis, Maryland - This historic town was the site of the Annapolis Conference on September 11-14, 1786. Delegates from New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Virginia met at the Maryland State House to discuss the volatile state of the colonies. Other states sent delegates but they did not arrive on time to participate in the discussions that led the members to exceed their original purpose and call for a national convention to amend and revise the Articles of Confederation. Many historic 18th-century homes and buildings are parts of various tours to include: Middleton Tavern, an "Inn for Sea Faring Men;" Tobacco Prise House, historic warehouse; William Paca House, five-part mansion built in 1765; Brice House, considered the most magnificent .Georlian residence in America;" Hammond Harwood House, Georgian mansion designed by William Buckland, designer of Gunston Hall (home of George Mason, delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention); Maryland State House, oldest state capitol in the United States and numerous other historic sites. Guided tours are available from Historic Annapolis, Inc. Tours, Old Treasury Building, State Circle (301) 267-8149; Three Centuries Tours, 48 Maryland Ave. (301) BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Stiverson , Gregory Maryland Office for the Bicentennial of the Constitution of the U.S. c/o Maryland State Archives, Box 828 Annapolis, MD21404- Dobbs , Judy Maryland Humanities Council 516 N. Charles Street Suite 201 Baltimore, MD21201- Dobbs , Judy Maryland Humanities Council 516 N. Charles Street Suite 201 Baltimore, M021201- Historic Annapolis Inc. Tours Old Treasury Building State Circle Annapolis, MD TELEPHONE (301) 269-3914 (301) 625-4830 (301) 625-4830 (301) 267-8149 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 FJ9e No. 2 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Cunterei)ce/ Lecture Other Maryland U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT 263-5401; and from the Navy Academy Tour Service in Ricketts Hall on the Academy grounds (301) 263-6933. Spring, 1988 (Site and Date TBA) - John W. Huston, Ph.D., Professor of History, United States Naval Academy; Member Maryland Humanities Council will lecture on "Maryland's Role in the Ratification of the United States Constitution." For more information contact Judy Dobbs. The Catonsville Community College has produced a television program entitled "Time Machine 1787" which features costumed actors delivering a half-hour newscast of events occurring 200 years ago. The program includes national newst sports, weather, play reviews, advertisments, and international news to include reports of disaster stories of that time, i.e., a volcano eruption in Italy and a devastating earthquake in Mexico. For information on obtaining copies of the program contact: Donald Jansiewicz, (301) 455-4153. ***Catonsville Community College is an official Bicentennial Campus*** Competition AMVETS National Sercice Foundation, Council for Advancement of Citizenship member, and AMVETS Auxiliary have combined their citizenship education efforts through a National American Essay Contest. Open to public, private and parochial school students in the sixth, ninth, and twelfth grades, the purpose is to encourage young people to reflect on what this country means to them. Length of essays and value of prizes vary with grade level of contestants. But for all entries the theme is the same: We The People." Deadline for submision of essays is July 1, 1988. For more information contact Mr. Gregory Floberg, (301) 459-9600. Conference/ Lecture Amerjcans United Research Foundation - The Foundation will sponsor a new Religious Freedom Institute as part of its 1988 Bicentennial Campaign for Religious Freedom Education. The June, 1988 Institute will involve secondary school teachers in an intensive study of the religion clauses of the First Amendment. Participants will examine key religious issues in American history and society, and develop new approaches for teaching about religious freedom in the social studies. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Dobbs , Judy Maryland Humanities Council 516 N. Charles Street Suite 201 Baltimore, MD21201- 01/01/88 / / Jansiewicz , Donald R. Catonsville Community College 800 S. Rolling Road Catonsville, MD21228- 01/01/88 07/01/88 Floberg , Gregory National Programs Director AMVETS National Service Foundation 4647 Forbes Boulevard Lanham, MD20706- 03/30/88 05/06/88 Haynes , Dr. Charles Project Director Americans United Research Foundation 900 Silver Spring Avenue Silver Spring, MD20910- TELEPHONE (301) 625-4830 (301) 455-4153 (301) 459-9600 (301) 588-2282 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/IA L0 8S8I8I Joj penaiddv Ado Pez!PeS LII108!4!sseloaCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pdqe No. 3 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Maryland U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Secondary school social studies teachers and supervisors are eligible to apply. Applications must be received by March 30, 1988. For more information, contact Dr. Charles Haynes, Project Director, Americans United Research Foundation, 900 Silver Spring Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910, (301) 588-2282. Celebration April 28, 1988 - 200th Anniversary of Maryland's Ratification of the Constitution Celebration in Calvert County: - "Liberty trees" will be planted at the three middle schools and the courthouse - A poster contest is being conducted in the middle and elementary schools - Members of the Calvert County Bar Association will speak to fourth and fifth grade classes at Mutual, Huntingtown and Appeal elementary schools on the impact the Constitution has had on Americans, what the Constitution means and how different this country would be without the document. Local churches will ring their bells at noon and a ceremony at the courthouse will follow with Judge Perry G. Bowen as the keynote speaker. Participants in 18th-century costumes will also take part in the ceremonies and special music is planned by one of the high school music departments. June 1 - Ceremony for the arrival at the Calvert Marine Museum of The Federalist," a reproduction of the original ship that was sailed from Baltimore to Mount Vernon by Captain Joshua Barney as a gift for General George Washington for his role in supporting the writing of the Constitution. September 17 - "Dr. Benjamin Franklin" (portrayed by Bill Meikle of Boston) will visit the schools and.a reception will be hosted for this gentleman from Philadelphia; also an 18th-Century Fair featuring the Williamsburg Dance Heritage Assembly, era foods, and other displays and activities of that period in history. ***Calvert County is an officially Designated Bicentennial Community*** BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT 04/28/88 09/17/88 Grady , Ameila Calvert County Bicentennial CommissionCalvert County Board of Education Danesby Road Prince Frederick, MD20678- TELEPHONE (301) 535-1600 0-1-00091-00600a1?17900968dCll-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej -104 panaiddv Ado paz!PeS LII108!4!sseloaCI Page No. 4 04/28/88 EVENT NAME Conference/ Lecture DETAILS OF EVENT Maryland U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT April 28, 1988, Frostburg State University, Frostburg - R. Cresap Davis, L.D., LL.M., Attorney; Professor Emeritus, Frederick Community College; Chairman, Maryland Humanities Council lectures on "The Founding Fathers." For more information contact Judy Dobbs or call Frostburg State University at (301) 689-4351. Celebration Celebration of Maryland's Ratification of the United States Constitution April 28, 1988, 6:30 PM - Midnight; B and 0 Museum, Baltimore - Merrill Lynch, Inc. sponsored gala ball, hosted by Governor William Donald Shaefer. 875 each for admission. Fair/ Festival April 29, 8 PM; St. John's College, Great Hall, Annapolis, Maryland - 18th-century ballad opera, "The Poor Soldier." Produced by OPERA Project of Alexandria, Virginia; lead singer, David Hildebrand. April 30, 1988; St. John's College; 18th-Century Fair featuring arts, crafts, games, music and costumes of the 18th-century. 11 AM - 5 PM, St. John's College, Great Hall; Bicentennial exhibit: Constitutional era flags, Maryland's copy of the Constitution and replica of the Liberty Bell. May 1, 1988, 2 PM - Ratification Parade in Baltimore, recreating the original ratification parade held exactlty 200 years ago. The public is invited to participate as they were in 1788 when 3,000 of the 12,000 residents of Baltimore took part. 2 - 5 PM - Informal picnic on Federal Hill, the same site where citizens of Baltimore celebrated 200 years ago. There will also be a launching of the "Maryland Federalist," which will sail to Mount Vernon. In 1788, ,the priginal "Federalist" was sailed by Captain Joshua Barney to Mt. Vernon where it was presented to George Washington as a gift from the people of Maryland. Canal Festival at Great Falls Park - Celebration of the Patowmack Canal and its contribution to the United States Constitution. Period dress, crafts, and music. 10 AM - 4 PM. For information call (703) 235-3884. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT 04/28/88 04/28/88 Dobbs , Judy Maryland Humanities Council 516 N. Charles Street Suite 201 Baltimore, MD21201- 04/28/88 05/04/88 Stiverson , Gregory A. Director Maryland Office for the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, Maryland State Archives, Hall of Records 1828 Annapolis, MD21404- 05/14/88 05/14/88 Patowmack Canal Great Falls, MD TELEPHONE (301) 625-4830 (301) 974-3914 (703) 235-3884 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No 1 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Massachusetts' State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Histotic Site Historic Site Historic Site Massachusetts U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Colonial Josiah Quincy House - Late 18th-century mansion where Benjamin Franklin and Lafayette visited. Maintained by the Society of the Preservation of New England Antiquities. June - October, Tue., Thur., Sun. and by appointment Adams National Historic Site - Built in 1731, home to four generations of the Adams family, including Presidents John and John Quincy Adams; family furnishings, portraits, mementos. Mid April - Mid November, daily. John Adams Birthplace - Saltbox farmhouse where John Adams, second United States President, was born in 1735. Mid April - Mid November, daily. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / / / / / Cavanaugh , Margaret Massachusetts Advisory Commission to Commemorate the Bicentennial State House, Room 114 Boston, MA02133- / Colonial Josiah Quincy House 20 Muirhead Street Quincy, MA / / Adams National Historic Site 135 Adams Street Quincy, MA / / / / John Adams Birthplace 133 Franklin Street Quincy, HA TELEPHONE (617) 727-2068 (617) 227-3956 (617) 773-1177 (617) 773-1177 0-1-00091-0060001?17900968dCll-V10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Fiv No. 04/2H/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT StJte Michigan's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentenni41 COMMISSIon Conference/ Lecture Michigen U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT April 29, 1988: "Humanities and Education Conference: What American Students Need to Know" - The Michigan Council for the Humanities, in conjunction with Oakland Schools, the Michigan Department of Education and Central Michigan University, will host this second annual conference at the Kellogg Center on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. The conference will feature keynote addreses by nationally recognized figures in education such as Dr. Lynne Cheney, Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities and commission member of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution; Dr Judith Lanier, President of the Holmes Group Consortium, and Dr. James Kelly, President of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This year's conference will emphasize the role that the humanities and cultural literacy play in the future of education. The conference is open to the general public and registration fee including lunch is $40. For registration information contact the Kellogg Center at (517) 332-6571. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Russell , Ronald Michigan Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution Lewis Cass Building, 1st Floor Lansing, MI48909- 04/29/88 04/29/88 Weber , LuAnn Michigan Council for the Humanities Suite 30, Nisbet Building 1407 S. Harrison Road East Lansing, M148824- TELEPHONE (517) 363-1004 (517) 355-0160 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/IA L0 8S8I8I Joj penaiddv Ado paz!PeS LII108!4!sseloaCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pdqe No 04/:.8/88 EVENT NAmE DETAILS OF EVENT State Minnesota's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Exhibit Exhibit Minnesota U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT An exhibit on the United States and Minnesota Constitutions, the Magna Carta Travelling exhibit, Northwest Ordinance exhibit entitled, "Liberty's Legacy," and a lecture series sponsored by the society. "Liberty's Legacy -- Our Celebration of the Northwest Ordinance and the Constitution" - a multi-million dollar traveling exhibit which includes 120 original historical documents, maps and other artifacts. The exhibit is sponsored by The Northwest Ordinance Big Ten hlumni Association, Indiana Memorial Union, M-17, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. For further information contact Frank Jones at (812) 335-5022. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Harris , Tony Minnesota Commission on the Bicentennial, 515 Transportation Bldg John Ireland Blvd. St. Paul, MN55155- / / / / Bunch , Peg Minnesota Historical Society 05/04/88 06/30/88 Minnesota Historical Society St. Paul, MN TELEPHONE (612) 296-1892 (612) 296-9713 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 P,oje No, 1 Mississippi 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Mississippi's State Bicentennial Commission Bicentennial COMiltiStilufl U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Bicentennial *** "The people (ought not to) be deprived or abridged of 11/11/99 / / Quotes their right to write, or to publish their sentiments." - James Madison (1789). *** ***,"The liberal . . . way of thinking, as to the rights of conscience, . . is one of the characteristics of a free people . . .." - James Madison. *** it is the mutual duty of all to practice . . forebearance, love and charity towards each other." - George Mason (1776). *** Dixon , James United States Constitution Bicentennial Commission of MississippiP.O. Box 139 Jackson, MS39205- TELEPHONE (601) 359-3100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej -104 penaiddv /Woo pezweS - ;Jed u! PeWsseloeCI Pe No 04/28/88 1 U.S. Missouri CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State Missouri's State Bicentennial Commission. Hibdon , Joanne (314) 751-5938 Bicentennial U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission Commission of Missouri State Capitol Building, Room 116-3 Jefferson City, M065101- Bicentennial Quotes *** 'We may be tossed upon an ocean where we can land - nor, perhaps the sun or stars. But there chart and a compass for study, to consult and to see no is a obey. 11/11/99 / / ( The chart is the Constitution." - Daniel Webster. *** *** The government of the Union, . . is, emphatically , and truly, a government of the people." - John Marshall, in McCULLOCH V. MARYLAND, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316, 404-405 (1819). *** *** The people made the constitution, and the people can unmake it. It is thee creature of their own will, and lives only by their will. - John Marshall, in COHENS v. VIRGINIA, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat.) 364, 389 (1821). *** 0-1-00091-0060001C17900968dC1I-V10 90/ZIA eseeiei Joj panaiddv Ado paz!PeS u! PeWsseloeCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paa, 04/2H/88 *** Montana U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE St,ite Montana's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Roeder , Richard (406) 444-1989 Bicentennial Montana Constitutional Connections Commission Committee/Statehood Centennial Office P.O. Box 1989, Capitol Station Helena, MT59620-1989 Exhibit 1787: Our Constitutional Heritage" a slideshow. / / / / Ranney , James T. (406) 243-2311 University of Montana A slideshow which covers events and documents leading from Missoula, MT59812- Bicentennial Quotes 1776 to 1787, gives mini-portraits of some of the founding fathers, and the social and cultural context of the times. The slideshow is made available by the Montana Committee for the Humanities. For more information or for possible use of the slideshow contact: James T. Ranney (406) 243-2311. . The Constitution of the United States . . . is the 11/11/99 / / most perfect Federal Constitution that ever existed . . . " - Alexis de Tocquevelle, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA (H. Reeve trans., 1961) I, 184. *** ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0 .... oc. P f 4110 Page No 04/28/88 EVENT NAME State Bicentennial Commission Bicentennial Quotes I Nebraska U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Nebraska's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Garay , Julie U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission of Nebraska 3835 Holdrege St., Varner Hall, 219Lincoln, NE68583- *** The government of the United Staes exhibits a new 11/11/99 / / scene in the political history of the world, . . . exhibits, in theory, the most beautiful system which has yet been devised by the wisdom of man." - Nathaniel Chipman of Vermont, 1793. *** Pm TELEPHONE (402) 472-2111 ( ) - (D 0 W W W (D CI EY 1J EU 1 GO CU D 7:.:. N (D a 0 0 -0 ,..< > -0 -0 8 < (D a E.).' 70 CD FIT CD *** "The Constitution of the United States is a law for NJ rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers CD with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all time, and under all circumstances.* - David Davis, in EX PARTE MILLIGAN, 71 U.S. (4 WALL.) 2, 120-21 (1866). *** NJ CD 0 1; 70 0 *** "The constitutional system as developed in America has 1J had both the flexibility and durability to meet and master CO every challenge." - Senator Hubert Humphrey, "Introduction" to Holcombe, SECURING THE BLESSINGS OF CD LIBERTY: THE CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM (1964). *** CD CD CO - 70 _ CD CD CD (ID CD CD CD CD CD CD (E) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 FA9C Ni 1 Nevada EVENr NAME DETAILS OF EVENT ON State Nevada's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME E. ADDRESS OF CONTACT Miller , Robert Nevada Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 2501 East Sahara Las Vega, WV89158- Exhibit "Nevada: From Its Territorial Beginnings to Shaper of the 07/01/87 06/30/88 Rocha , Guy Louis Nation's Constitution" Nevada State Library and Archives 101 S. Fall Street A display of original documents related to early statehood Carson City, NV89710- and the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Exhibit will be displayed in Sparks, Elko, Las Vegas, and Carson City during 1987-1988. TELEPHONE (702) 486-4506 (702) 885-5210 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600M?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIM, eseeiej -104 p8A0AdV MOO PeZP-IeS -1-led LI! PeWsseloaCI P.iqe No 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT New Hampshire U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT State New Hampshire's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Historic Site Exhibit Governor John Langdon Mansion c. 1784 - One of North East New Hampshire's finest 18th-century houses with gracious Interiors which once hosted Lafayette, Washington and other statesmen. Open June 1 - October 15, Wed. - Sun., 12 - 5 PM. Cost: $2 Adult, $1 Children. Washington Museum - Open in summer by appointment; occasional tours. Exhibits of American transportation from Colonial times to early auto age. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Chase , Russell C. State of New Hampshire Bicentennial Commission on the U.S. Constitution Middletown Road Wolfeboro, NH03894- / / / / Governor John Langdon Mansion 143 Pleasant Street Portsmouth, NH03801- / / / / Washington Museum Washington, NH03280- TELEPHONE (603) 569-1827 (603) 436-8420 ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PAir N I New Jersey 04:26:88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Stite New Jersey's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial CommissIon Conference/ Cumberland County College Bicentennial Plans - Lecture March 15, 1988 - Mr. James Humes, "Stars and Stripes, Not Just a Banner but a Covenant" BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Edwards , Lynn Constitutional Bicentennial Commissionof New Jersey - Ramapo College, 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Room G431 Mahwah, NJ07430-1680 03/15/88 10/15/88 Gibbs , John H. Cumberland County College P.O. Box 517 Vineland, NJ08360- (201) 529-7401 (609) 691-8600 September 15 - October 15, 1988 - We the People Photography Exhibit at the Cumberland County Library. ***Cumberland County College is an official Bicentennial Campus*** ' Bicentennial ***,"The United States presents the most remarkable, if 11/11/99 / / ) Quotes not the only successful, happy, and prosperous, federated government of the world." - Justice Samuel F. Miller, Memorial Oration Commemorating Centennial of the Constitution, September 17, 1887. *** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/Z1-4 eseeiej -104 p8A0AdV /Woo Pez!l!LleS -1-led LI! PeWsseloaCI P&p, N, 04/28/88 1 New Mexico U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State New Mexico's State Bicentennial Commission. / / Hendley , Virginia (505) 827-3800 Bicentennial New Mexico Diamond Jubilee/U.S. Commission Constitution Bicentennial Commission 325 Don Gaspar Bicentennial Quotes *** "History points us to no government in which the freedom of the citizen and the rights of property have been better protected and life and liberty more firmly 11/11/99 / / Santa Fe, NM87503- ( ) secured" (than the government established by the Constitution of the United States). - Justice Samuel F. Miller, Memorial Oration delivered on September 17, 1887, to commemorate the Centennial of the Constitution. *** *** ? . . . I can truly say that after spending my life in studying (the Constitution), I still daily find in it some new excellence." - Justice William Johnson in ELKISIN V. DELIESSELINE, 8 Fed. Cas. 493 (1823). *** *** No argument would seem to be necessary to prove the importance of instructing the youth of our country in the theory and practical character of the Federal Constitution." - Henry Flanders, EXPOSITION OF THE CONSTITUTION (1860). *** 1-led u! PeWsseloaCI 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej Jo j panaiddv /Woo Pez!l!ueS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Yale N. 041/28/Hd New York U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State New York's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Schechter , Stephen L. (518) 473-6191 Bicentennial New York State Commission on the Commission Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution Cultural Education Center, Room 9D30 Albany, N112230- EXhitit *Birch Views of Philadelphia* - Etchings and engravings by / / / / New York Public Library (212) 930-0800 William Russell Birch and his son, Thomas, depicting daily life, industry, public events (such as George Washington's 5th Avenue at 42nd Street Stokes Gallery, Third Floor 1799 memorial procession), and historic places in Manhattan, NY Philadelphia during the 1790's. Mon. - Wed., 10 AM - 8:45 PM; Thurs. - Sat., 10 AM - 5:45 PM. Free admission. Historic Site City Hall - Considered one of the most beautiful buildings in America, this building has been the seat of the municipal government of New York City since 1812. On the second floor the Governor's Room, now a museum, features / / City Hall City Hall Park, Broadway at Murray St. Manhattan, NY ) Geoege Washington's des, and near it, the American Flag which once draped the coffin of his good friend Lafayette, who the Continental Congress had made an honorary citizen. The Governor's Room also contains a notable collection of historic portraits and furniture. City Hall is open five days a week, except holidays. Governor's Room: Mon. - Fri. 10 AM - 3 PM. Free Admission. Historic Site Abigail Adams Smith Museum - Originally owned by Abigail, the only daughter of President John Adams, this gem of an historic house museum was the carriage house of the estate she and her young husband had to sell before they could build a manor house. It contains nine beautifully restored period rooms, including a kitchen with an open hearth. Mon. - Fri., 10 AM - 4 PM (Closed August); / / / Abigail Adams Smith Museum 421 E. 61st St. (Between First and New York Avenues) Manhattan, NY (212) 838-5489 Tuesdays, June and July, 5:30 PM - 8PM. Cost: $2 for adults, Seniors $1, free to school groups and children under 12. Historic Site Bowne House - The oldest house in New York City was built in 1661 by John Bowne and permanently displays a rare / / / / Bowne House 37-01 Bowne Street, Flushing (718) 359-0528 collection of 17th-century furniture, pewter, paintings and documents of the Bowne family. When Governor Peter Stuyvesant, employed by the Dutch West IndieS Company, attempted to isolate the members of the Quaker Sect in New Netherlands by declaring that no inhabitant of the colony could have any commerce or social intercourse with them, non-Quaker members of the Flushing community petitioned him, on behalf of the Quakers, with the Flushing Remonstrace, dated December 27, 1657. Although this important document was a forerunner of the First Queens, NY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Plyr No 2 New York 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Historic Site Historic Site Historic Site Historic Site U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Amendment, adopted over a century later, it had no effect on Stuyvesant. Six years later John Bowne, whose wife Hannah was a Quaker, let a group of Quakers meet in his house and was arrested and fined. When he refused to pay and demanded a trial he was imprisoned and eventually deported to Holland. As a result of his trial there, John Boyne secured religious freedom for the entire colony. Open Tues., Sat. and Sun., 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Cost: Adults $1, Children under 14 $.25. Hamilton Grange - Completed in 1802, this was the country home of Alexander Hamilton, a hero of the Revolutionary War, a New York delegate to the Federal Convention, principle author of THE FEDERALIST, and nation's first Secretary of the Treasury. Designed by John McComb, one of the two arehitects of City Hall, much of its construction was supervised by Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton during her husband's many absences, necessitated by his law practice in New York, He lived there until 1804, when he was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr. Wed. - Sun., 9 AM - 4:30 PM, Free admission. The oldest residence remaining in Manhattan, the Morris-Jumel Mansion was built in 1765. In 1776 it became headquarters for George Washington at the time of the Battle of Harlem heights. It was later the home of Stephen Jumel. After he died his notorious widow, Eliza, married Aaron Burr in the front parlor. Open daily except Monday, 10 AM - 4 PM. Admission: Adults $2; students and seniors, $1; children under 12 are free. Tours by appointment only. St. Ann's Church and Graveyard - St. Ann's pays tribute to the powerful and illustrious family of the one-legged Gouverneur Morris who, as a member of the Federal Convention of 1787, framed the final draft of the Constitution. Sun. - Fri., 10 AM - 2 PM. Free admission. Valentine-Varian House: A 1758 National Landmark, this tieldstone farmhouse houses the Museum of Bronx History, which contains ongoi ng exhibits celebrating the heritage of the Bronx. In 1777 this h ouse was at the center of a battlefield, occupied by by British and Hessian forces. It miraculously escaped destruction. The society has prepared several publications commemorating the Bicentennial. Admission $1, children under 12 are free. Guided tours by appointment only. Historic Vander-Ende Onderdonk House BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / / / / / / Hamilton Grange 287 Convent Ave. (near 141st St.) Manhattan, NY / / Morris-Jumel Mansion West 160th Street and Jumel Terrace Manhattan, NY / / / / St. Ann's Church and Graveyard 295 St. Ann's Avenue Bronx, NY ' / / / / Valentine-Varian House - Museum of Bronx History 3266 Bainbridge Avenue at East 208th Bronx, NY / / Vander-Ende Onderdonk House TELEPHONE (212) 283-5154 (212) 923-8008 (212) 585-5632 (12) 881-8900 (718) 456-1776 1-led LI! PeWsseloeCI (/) CD 0.0 0 73 73 73 CD 0. CD CT CD NJ0 NJ CD 0 0 -0 CO CO 0 0 CD 0.) 0 0 0 CO 0 0 CD 0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 FJle N. 3 New YotIc 04:26/8S EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Site Historic Site Histotic site Historical site Historic Site Historic site U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT The oldest stone Dutch colonial house in New York City, erected circa 1750, with foundation dating back to 1660, maintains a permanent exhibit of the artifacts found in recent excavations on its property, which have yielded objects ranging from household items to skeletons of farm animals. Admission is $1. Conference House On September 11th, 1776 a delegation from the Continental Congress comprised of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and 26-year old lawyer Edward Rutledge tried in vain to make peace with British Admiral Lord Howe, and thereby prevent war. Built about 1680, this handsome building has been authenticallly refurnished as an 18th century Manor House. Adults $1, Children 50 cents. The Origins and Interpretations of the United States Constitution" exhibit - This exhibit explores the history of the Constitution and how our government has functioned over the past two centuries. Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat., 10 AM - 4 PM. Large group tours on Thurs., by appointment. Free admission. "The Origins and Interpretations of the United States Constitution" exhibit - This exhibit features an original set of the journals of the Continental Congress and the journals of the first Senate and House of Representatives from the library's rare book collection, as well as famous historical and modern books interpreting the Constitution. Mon. - Thurs., 9 AM - 11 PM; Fri., 9 AM - 10 PM; Sat., 10 AM - 6 PM; Sun. Noon - 11 PM. Free admission. King Street bears the name of Rufus King, a Massachusetts delegate to the Federal Convention and later a Senator from New York. The Early 19th century houses along King, Charlton, and Van Dam Streets in Manhattan's Greenwich Village are among the finest in the City. Nearby a plague on the 1904 Butterick Building at Spring Street marks the site of "Richmond Hill," the Abraham Mortier Mansion of 1760., which served as one of George Washington's military 'headquarters during the Revolutionary War, and was the home of Vi.Je Prel;ident John Adams and, later., Aaron Burr. Walking tour. THE ALEXANDER HAMILTON COLLECTION - Features portraits, miniatures, and furniture from the family of the great patriot Alexander Hamilton, who played a major role in framing the Constitution. Tues. - Sat., 10 AM - 5 PM; Sun. 1 PM - 5 PM. Free admission. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME i ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE / / 18-20 Flushing Avenue Ridgewood, Queens, NY / / Conference House 7445 Hylan Boulevard Staten Island, NY / / 12/31/88 FORBES Magazine Galleries, 62 Fifth Avenue (at 12th St.) Manhattan, NY / / / / / / Fordham Law School Library 140 West 62nd St. Manhattan, NY King-Charton-Van Dam Historic District, King, Charlton and Van Dam Streets, off. the Ave. of the Americas Manhattan, NY / / Museum of the City of New York Fifth Ave. at 103rd St. Manhattan, NY (718) 984-2086 (212) 206-5549 (212) 841-5223 (212) 534-1672 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe No 4 New York U4/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Exhibit Exhibit U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT "Capital City: New York After the Revolution" - Located in the colonial (1762) tavern that was the site of George Washington's farewell to his troops in 1783, this exhibit examines the city's role as the political center of the nation during the late 18th-century. Objects and documents from the Tavern's collection include: "Federal Hall, the Seat of Government," an engraving by Amos Doolittle; "Six Views of New York," oil paintings by William Chappel; The Signing of the Constitution," an oil by Thomas Pritchard Rossiter, a door of the carriage used by George Washington at the time of his first inauguration, and many others. On display through 1989. Free admission from 10 AM - Noon, weekdays and selected Sundays. $2.50 Adults, $1 Children, seniors from Noon - 4 PM, Mon. - Frl. Trinity Church: The graveyard, which predates the original church built in 1698, bears witness to the historic role played by Trinity Parish over the years. Alongside the bodies of Alexander Hamilton, Albert Gallatin, Robert Fulton, and Captain James Lawrence was found, in the 1960's, the body of an unknown English soldier from the Revolutionary War, still in his red coat, along with a dagger broken in two, the symbol of military defeat. The permanent exhibit in the Trinity Museum, Manning Wing of the church is entitled, The Parish of Trinity Church in the City of New York: The Evolution of an Urban Institution. The current exhibit open until March, 1989 is entitled, "Trinity and the Newcomer: Three Centuries of Outreach to Immigrants and Migrants from Early 18th-Century to the Present. Mon. - Fri., 9 AM - 11:45 AM, 1 PM - 3:45 PM; Sat., 10 AM - 3:45 PM; Sun., 1 PM - 3:45 PM. Exhibit Federal Hall National Memorial: The first Capitol of the United States now holds permanent exhibitions to commemorate and explain the many historic events which took place on this site. Washington's inauguration as the first President of the U.S., the beginnings of government under the Constitution, and the adoption of the Bill of Rights in 1789 are featured and graphically presented through dioramas, models, prints and artifacts including the suit George Washington wore when he was inaugurated on April 30, 1789 and the important Messmore Kendall collection of Washington memorabilia. Mon. - Fri., 9 AM - 5 PM year round. Closed on some federal holidays. Open on Washington's Birthday and July 4. Free admission. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / / / / Fraunces Tavern Museum 54 Pearl St. New York, NY 05/01/87 / / Trinity Church Broadway and Wall Street Manhattan, NY 05/01/87 / / Federal Hall National Memorial 26 Wall Street Manhattan, NY TELEPHONE (212) 425-1778 (212) 602-0872 (212) 264-8711 1-led LI! PeWsseloeCI (/) CD 0 0 -0 -0 -0 CD CD CT) CD N) CD N- ) 25 CD . ? 0 0 -0 CO 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PTqe N. 5 New York 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Histolic Site U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT A part of Trinity Parish, St. Paul's was 23 years old when George Washington came to worship following his inauguration in 1789. The original chapel (recently refurbished) contains items of particular interest; for instance, the "Glory" over the high altar designed by noted architect Pierre L'Enfant, who designed the plan of washinvon, DC. The first oil painting of the Great Seal of the U.S. can also be found here, painted by an unknown artist commissioned in 1785 by Trinity's Vestry. "Pillars of the Constitutions: Church Leaders and National Leaders, 1784-1788" - a continuous exhibt from June 18, 1987 to 1989. The exhibit includes drawings, photographs and documents about members of Trinity Church who were involved with the birth of our nation, including John Jay and Alexander, Hamilton. 8 AM - 4 PM, daily, except during service 1 PM - 2 PM. Free admission. Exhibit New York Roots of the U.S. Constitution" - an exhibition of original documents and illustrations depicting the Constitutional era from the New York perspective. Among the many significant pre-1787 court records on display are the minute book inscribed with the jury's Not Guilty" verdict in the landmark Zenger Trial, establishing freedom of the press. Sponsored by The Historical Records of the New York County Clerk, INC. Monday - Friday, 9AM - 5PM. Free admission. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME 6, ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 06/18/87 01/01/89 St. Paul's Chapel Broadway at Fulton St. Manhattan, NY 10/26/87 06/30/88 New York County Courthouse The Rotunda 60 Centre Street Manhattan, NY Performance 'Vote Nol" - a one-man, hour long play portraying a speech 12/01/87 / / Blecker , Robert by an Anti-Federalist candidate to a state ratifying New York Law School convention premiered at the John F. Kennedy Center on 57 Worth Street December 1, 1987. The monologue was adapted by Professor New York, N110013- Robert Blecker of New York Law School from the Anti-federalist speeches and writings collected in Herbert J. Storing's seven-volume THE COMPLETE ANTI-FEDERALIST. For complete information, contact Robert Blecker, New York Law School, 57 Worth Street, New York, New York 10013 (212) 431-2140. Conference/ May 4, 1988 - Corning Community College Law Society will Lecture "sponsor a Law Day with featured speakers, Mr. Dale Clark, attorney and assistant professor of Business, Corning Community College, speaking on "Reluctant Revolutionary New Yorkers and the Constitution"; also Dr. Ernest Giglio, Lycoming College, Williamsport, Pennsylvania on "Why We Really Need the Constitution." In the fall of 1987, Corning Community College's Council of Full Professors sponsored an interdisciplinary seminar 05/04/88 05/04/88 Leveen , Pauline Division of Social Sciences Corning Community College Spencer Hill Road Corning, NY14830- (212) 602-0874 (212) 374-8359 (212) 431-2140 (607) 962-9424 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pat- Nu. 6 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Conference/ Lectute Exhibit New York U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT featuring Professor Pauline Leveen, Chair, Division of Social Sciences, Corning Community College speaking on the roots of the United States Constitution and Joseph Hanak, professor of psychology, speaking on the changes in the kinds of cases the Supreme Court has handled over the years. New York State Bicentennial Commission's CRITICAL CHOICES Program: During 1988, New Yorkers will engage in debates on issues related to freedom of expression, equal rights, the right to privacy, separation of powers, or federalism and local home rule. The program begins with a writing contest with senior division, 18 and older, junior division for under 18. Essayists will express their views on a constitutional dilemma facing the state today from one one of the issues listed above. The division winners will be selected from regions to become citizen delegates at a statewide convention on July 26, 1988 June 9, 1988 - New Yorkers are invited to participate in one of 12 town meetings occurring simultaneously throughout the state. The meetings will allow participants to explore, discuss, and debate constitutional issues facing New Yorkers in their regions today. July 25-26, 1988 - A statewide convention of citizen-delQqdlco and state legislators will meet in Poughkeepsie to debate and approve a final CRITICAL CHOICES report to be presented to the governor, other state leaders and the presidential candidates. For more information write to: Critical Choices, Box 2111, Empire State Plaza Station, Albany, New York 12220. Exhibit - The Blessings of Liberty" in the Mount Saint Mary.College Library. **Mount Saint Mary College is an official Bicentennial Campus** Celebration Bicentennial Festival - July 23 or 24, 1988 - all local clergy are invited participate in an opening Ecumenical Service. Ice social held after the service at the Parks-Bentley to cream House. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME 6, ADDRESS OF CONTACT 06/09/88 07/26/88 Schechter , Stephen L. New York State Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution Cultural Educ. Center, Room 9D30 Albany, NY12230- 07/01/88 07/30/88 Sakac , Sister Ann Committee for the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution Mount Saint Mary College, 330 Powell Newburgh, NY12550- 07/23/88 08/20/88 Village of South Glens Falls P.O. Box 1210, 46 Saratoga Ave. South Glen Falls, NY12803-1210 TELEPHONE (518) 473-6191 (914) 561-0800 (518) 793-1455 1-led LI! PeWsseloeCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqc No 7 New York 04/28/8d U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT July 24 - 30, 1988 - 4th Annual South of the Border Festival in conjunction with the Constitution Bicentennial Celebration. July 26, 1988 - 200th Anniversary of New York's ratification, possible band concert in the park and a sing-a-long. July 30, 1988 - 4th Annual South of the Border Festival Street Dance in conjunction with the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. August 20, 1988 - Bicentennial "Old Fashioned" fun days, picnic lunch, local organizations set up booths and sell crafts and foods. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME i ADDRESS OF CONTACT Exhibit "Museum of American Constitutional Government" - An 04/30/89 04/30/91 Bryant, Jr. , John exhibit featuring exhibits, laser-driven, interactive Federal Hall National Memorial audio-visual programs, and personal computers to allow Museum of American Constitutional individual, in-depth exploration of constitutional issues. Government, 26 Wall Street Mon. - Fri., 9 AM - 5 PM year round. Closed on some Manhattan, NY federal holidays. Open on Washington's Birthday and July 4. Free admission. TELEPHONE (212) 264-8711 0-1-00091-006000e1C17900068dael-V10 90/Z1-4 I,CZ eseeleelJOj pa/middy Ado Pez4lueS u! Pe!l!ssepea 0-1-00091-0060001C17900968dCll-V10 90/ZIA eseeiei -104 penalddV MOO PeZWUeS u! PeWsseloaCI Page No 04/28/88 1 North Carolina U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State North Carolina's State Bicentennial Commission. Hancock , Gerry (919) 733-2050 Bicentennial North Carolina Commission on the Commission Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 532 North Wilmington St., Jordan Exhibit Carteret Community College has a collection of twenty 01/01/88 HouseRaleigh, NC27604- 12/15/88 Plough , Gary W. (919) 247-4448 Constitution posters encased in plexiglass hanging from the cieling on display in the Learning Resources Center. Carteret Community College 3505 Arendell Street They will be on display until December, 1988. ***Carteret Community College is an official Bicentennial Morehead City, NC28557- Campus*** Conference/ Lecture May 13 and 14, 1988 - Jefferson Meeting in Asheville, North Carolina. A keynote address at 7 PM. 8 PM delegates will divide into 'issue committee" meeting, each of which will examine a particular proposal for changing the Constitution. Each committee will consLA of 10 to 12 delegates. Discussion in the committees will be 05/13/88 05/14/88 Humphries , George K. Buncombe County Bicentennial Commission 80 Wendover Rd. Asheville, NC28806- (704) 253-6288 initiated by a humanities scholar who will briefly summarize the issue to be discussed and encourage the open exchange of views about the issue among the delegates. May 14 - A plenary session will convene at 9:30 AM in the Carmichael Humanities Lecture Hall on the campus of UNC-Asheville. The following issues will be debated: "Proposals to Limit Campaign Contributions and Expenditures," "Proposals for a National Initiative and Referendum Process,' the "Implication of Calling a National Constitutional Convention," and 'Electoral College Reform." The session is open to the public. Celebration June 10 - 12, 1988 - Chapel Hill, North Carolina will be the site of the annual Mid-Atlantic American Assembly meeting sponsored by the Columbia University and the American Bar Association. This conference will focus on "Public Awareness About the Law." July 22 - 24, 1988 - Hillsborough, North Carolina will host a political fair and a Jefferson Meeting. The political fair will include reenactments of 200 years of political campaigning, as well as current political candidates and the annual "Sam Irvin" keynote speaker. 06/10/88 07/24/88 Hancock , Gerry North Carolina Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution Jordan House, 532 N. Wilmington St. Raleigh, NC27604- (919) 733-2050 0-1-0009 1-0060001?17900968dC11-V10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page N. 04/,76/88 North Dakota U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State North Dakota's State Bicentennial Commission. Spears Lawrence (701) 224-2689 Bicentennial North Dakota Constitution Celebration Commission Commission / State Capitol Building Supreme Court of North Dakota Bicentennial Quotes *** 'If it was thought best that the Patrician youth should be thoroughly instructed in the laws of the Twelve 11/11/99 / / Bismarck, ND58505- ( Tables, how much more important that the American youth of each succeeding generation should be taught the fundamental principles of the Constitution of their country." - G. S. Williams, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. (3rd ed., 1862). *** *** "Written constitutions sanctify and confirm great principles, but the latter are prior in existence to the former." - Danel Webster. *** *** ? . . every man is safe under his own vine and fig tree, and there is none to make him afraid. To produce this effect was the intent of the Constitution. and it has succeeded." - Richard Bland Lee, on the floor of the Congress in 1794. *** Faye No 1 Ohio 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME. DETAILS OF EVENT State Ohio's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Conference/ Town Hall Lecture Series with an open forum discussion Lecture following each speaker or slide presentation. To be held on the last Monday of each month. 7;30 PM - 9 PM. January 25, 1988 - The Northwest Ordinance: A Framework for Statehood," Mrs. Ione L. King, Chairperson, Spring Valley Bicetennial Commission. February 29 - The Blessings of Liberty," a 20 minute VHS Presentation courtesy of the United States Department of the Interior. March 28 - The Soldier - Statesman," Captain Charles Swan, Spring Valley Resident. April 22 - Arbor Day, tree planting, flowers and shrubs in Constitution Park April 25 - "A Look at the Past, An Eye Toward the Future," Mr. Art Marsiale, Master Commissioner of the Ohio State Supreme Court. May 30 - Memorial Day, a local A.M. celebration with parade, floats, speach by Mrs. Ione King, Commission Chairperson and Korean War veteran in the Army Nurse Corps. June 12 - Ratification Day Celebration, an old fashioned picnic in Constitution Park, parade of flags with history of each state. July. 25 - "Three Branches of Government, Judge Heiber, "Bellbrook, Ohio resident and Greene County Judge, Xenia, Ohio. August 29 - John Hess, Xenia High School Teacher September 26 - The Northwest Ordinance," Mr. Alexander Kaye, Publisher of Landfall Press, Dayton, Ohio. October 31 - "Our Legal Heritage,' Mrs. Scarlet Bashe, Spring Valley resident. Discussion will include the BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME 5, ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Miller , James (614) 297-2371 Northwest Ordinance and U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission 1987 Velma Avenue Columbus, 0H43211- 01/25/88 12/10/88 King , Mrs. Ione Chairperson Spring Valley Bicentennial Commission on the United States Constitution 2855 U.S. 42 South Spring Valley, 01445370- ( ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe N. 2 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Conference/ Lectute issues of AIDS and abortion funding. Ohio U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT November 28 - "Ohio. . . The Way It Was, Ms. Sandra Scapero, Ohio Historical Society. December 10 - "Christmas Past," a candlelight buffet in honor of the ratification of the United States Constitution held in an historic home, circa. 1838. "Main Street Mercer County, When the Railroad Came to Town" - Program focuses on time period of railroad's arrival to identify the evolution of changes from the wilderness to civilization, under the influence of the Northwest Ordinance and the United State Constitution. Will feature historical lectures and displays. For information contact: Joyce Alig (419) 586-6065 or (419) 678-2614. Celebration May 27, 1988 - Ohio's Constitution Ratification Gala at the Columbus Hyatt Regency Hotel and Ohio Center, Black tie. For information call (614) 297-2370. Lakewood, June, 1988 - Constitution/pioneer activities and demonstration will be scheduled during 'A La Carte in the Park," an annual food festival. For information contact: Carol DiMario (216) 521-7580. Marietta, June 24 - 26, 1988 - Bicentennial Men's and Womens Tennis Tournament, Marietta Tennis Center. Geauga County, July 17, 1988 - County-wide Bicentennial picnic. Arts and crafts, family picnic, 10-K run. Also a 7 PM concert by the Cleveland symphony orchesta. County Fairground, Middlefield. For information contact: (216) 622-9800 ext. 2751. Marietta, July 4, 1988 - Bicentennial celebration of Independence Day. Parade and fireworks. spring Valley, July 4, 1988 - Hike-bike-canoe and walk-in celebration. Each group will represent one of 13 original states and also the state of Ohio. Carry in picnic, ratification reenactment. Constitution Park. Marietta, July 15-17, 1988 - Closing ceremonies - "Focus on the Future," marking the 200th anniversary of the inauguration of Arthur St. Clair as the first governor of the Northwest Territory. Rededication of "Start Westward of 'United States" statue, Grand Encampment of the Brigade BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT 03/01/88 04/30/88 Miller , James Executive Director The Northwest Ordinance and United States Constitution Bicentennial Commission, 1987 Velma Ave. Columbus, 0H43211- 05/27/88 10/22/88 Miller , James Executive Director The Northwest Ordinance and United States Constitution Bicentennial Commission, 1987 Velma Ave Columbus, 0H43211- TELEPHONE (614) 297-2372 (614) 297-2372 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqe No. 3 Ohio 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT of the American Revolution, 1st Arthur St. Clair Family Reunion, parades, musical entertainment, children's activities, burial of time capsule. Otterbeln College, September, 1988 - Public meeting to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution. For information contact: Dr. John H. Laubach (614) 898-1311. Bowling Green, October 20-22 - Third conference in series "Economic Rights and the Constitution." The subject of this final conferenc e will be "Economic Rights and the Constitution: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." Bicentennial *** "Let us with caution indulge the supposition that Quote morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." - George Washington. *** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 11/11/99 / / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved or Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 i'Aqc No. 1 Oklahoma 04!:.8/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Oklahoma's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial COMMIS5100 Exhibit U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Blackman , Joseph A. Constitution 200 Tulsa Junior College 909 South Boston Tulsa, OK74119- "Are We To Be A Nation?" is an exhibit on display in 07/19/88 08/27/88 Meyers , Duane Oklahoma City to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United Metropolitan Library System States Constitution. The exhibit, composed of 131 Dean A. McGee photographic reproductions of prints, Oklahoma City, OK73102- portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 Bicentennial *** "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and 11/11/99 / / Quote inseparable." - Daniel Webster. *** *** "Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint." - Daniel Webster. *** (918) 587-6561 (405) 235-0571 0-1-00091-006000e1C17900069dael-V10 90/Z1-4 I,CZ asealael Jol pa/middy Ado PazWeS u! Pall!ssepaa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqc 04/28/88 Ofegon U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE State Oregon's State Bicentennial Commission. Crookham , Charles (503) 248-3198 Bicentennial Oregon Governor's Commission on the Commission Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 1021 Southwest 4th Avenue, Room 206 Conference/ Oregon State University Constitution Bicentennial Project 05/18/88 Portland, 0R97204- 05/18/88 Foster , James C. (503) 754-2811 lecture - Spring Lecture Series. Oregon State University Symposium II of the Spring Lecture Series. Constitution Bicentennial Committee "What Should Be the Role of the Press in Our Department of Political Science Constitutionally-Governed Society?" given by Bob Edwards, Journalist and Host of "Morning Edition', National Public Corvallis, OR97331- Radio, and James O'Fallon, Professor of Law, University of Oregon Law School. 7:30 PM. Bicentennial Quotes *** "Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees, and both thc and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people. - 11/11/99 / / ( ) Henry Clay. *** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pennsylvania 04/26/B8 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Historical "Black People of Philadelphia - 1787: Framing of the / / / / Mother Bethel Church (215) 923-4136 Site Constitution Celelebration Tour" - One of two walking tours offered by Black History Strolls and Tours of 6th and Lombard Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia. Noon. Open year round. Historical Site This museum contains displays on the growth and development of Philadelphia. Exhibits cover Philadelphia life from 1680 to 1880, archaeological finds from the vicinity, orgins of the city's municipal services, and antique toys and dolls. The "Rouges' Gallery", a collection of mug shots of nineteenth-century criminals, is especially entertaining. Open 9:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. / / Atwater Kent Museum 115 S Seventh Street between Market and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, PA (215) 922-3031 Tuesday through Saturday. State Pennsylvania's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Akers , Mitch (717) 787-7133 Bicentennial Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Commission Commission on the Bicentennial 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA17126-0333 Historical Site Modeled after the Parthenon and completed in 1928, this vast, ten-acre museum contains more than 300,000 art objects in 200 galleries. Some of the better-known paintings here are Benjamin West's "Benjamin Franklin / / Philadelphia Museum of Art Benjamin Franklin Parkway near 26th Street Philadelphia, PA (215) 763-8100 Drawing Electricity from the Sky", Charles Wilson Peale's "Staircase Group" and Picasso's "Three Musicians". Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Open Tuesday for tours only. Admission is $4 for adults and $2 for students and senior citizens. Historical This example of Victorian Gothic architecture is a / / / / Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (215) 972-7633 Site National Historic Landmark that was restored in 1976 for the U.S. Bicentennial. Established in 1805 by Charles Southwest corner of Broad and Cherry Streets Willson Peale, the Academy was the nation's first art school and museum. The collection includes works by Philadelphia, PA Peale, Benjamin West, Gilbert Stuart, William Rush, Thomas Sully, Winslow Homer, Thomas Eakins, and Andrew Wyeth. Historical Site Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday (until 7 p.m, on Wednesday); 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. 'Admission is $3 for adults and $2 for students and senior citizens In 1736 Benjamin Franklin founded in Philadelphia the nation's first fire company, the Union Fire Company. Later, other firefighting groups emerged and then, in 1871, the Union Fire Company and others joined to form the Philadelphia Fire Department. This hall is actually a restored 1876 firehouse. Exhibits include hand and / / Fireman's Hall Museum Second and Quarry Streets Between Raceand Arch Philadelphia, PA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Ei No. 2 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Histolical Site Historical Site Historical Site Historical Site Historical Site Historical Site Pennsylvania U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT horse-drawn firefighting equipment, uniforms, and scale model fire engines. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Betsey Ross, and other notables worshipped here. The parish, organized in 1695, remains an active Episcopal congregation. The present structure was completed in 1754. The church is open year round to vistitors: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Saturday and 1 p.m to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Closed Monday and Tuesday during January and February. The house where Polish immigrant and engineer Thaddeus Kosciuszko lived during 1797-1798 has been restored and designated a national memorial in honor of this man who designed defenses for the American Revolutionary Forces. Vistitors can view Polish-American exhibits, a portrait gallery, and a six-minute film about Kosciuszko. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. This house was built in 1775 as the residence of attorney John Todd, Jr. and his wife Dolley Payne. After Todd died during the yellow fever epidemic of 1793, Dolley married James Madison who was to become the fourth president of the United States. The Todd House is a fine example of an eighteenth-century middle-class Quaker home. An item of particular interest here is a precursor of the office copier. The house is open by tour only. Free tickets are available at the INHP Visitor Center (Third and Chestnut Street). As the Todd House is an example of the lifestyle of the middle-class eighteenth-century Philadelphians, the Bishop White House reflects the lifestyle of the upper class. Open by tour only. Free tickets are available at the INHP Visitor Center (Third and Chestnut Streets). This fine example of Neo-classical architecture was completed in 1797 and is probably the oldest bank building in the country. The bank was completed in an attempt to organize the nation's chaotic finances. The building was was also the first headquarters of the Treasury Department. The bank's exterior has been restored to its 1797 condition, but the interior has not. It is not open to the public. This tavern was the "after hours" meeting place of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and other colonial leaders when the Continental and Federal Congresses convened in BEGIN DATE / / / / ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / / Christ Church Second Street between Arch and Market Phliadelphia, PA Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial Northwest corner of Third and Pine Streets Philadelphia, PA Todd House Northeast corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets Philadelphia, PA Bishop White House 309 Walnut Street Between Third and Fourth Streets Philadelphia, PA First Bank of the United States 116 South Third Street between Third and Fourth Streets Philadelphia, PA / / City Tavern Northwest corner of Second and Walnut Street TELEPHONE (215) 922-1695 ( ( (215) 923-6059 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pa,je N. 3 Pennsylvania 04/28:88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Historical Site Historical Site U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Philadelphia. Originally built in 1773, the tavern was reconstructed in 1976 for the U.S. Bicentennial. Open seven days a week for lunch (11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.), cocktails and dinner (5 p.m. to 10 p.m.). The tavern accepts reservations. The menu, furniture, and staff garb are from the colonial era. In commemoration of the nation's Bicentennial in 1976, the Liberty Bell, cherished symbol of American Freedom, was moved from Independence Hall to the glass-walled structure that now encloses it. According to tradition, the crack now seen on the bell occurred while it was being rung in mourning the death of Chief Justice John Marshall in 1835. The pavilion is open 9 AM to 5 PM daily (until 8 PM in the summer). The Library Company of Philadelphia, the oldest subscription library in the United States, first built its hall here in 1789-90. Delegates to the Continental and Federal Congresses and the Constitutional Convention used the facility. Documents in the collection include Benjamin Franklin's will, a copy of the Declaration of Independence in Thomas Jefferson's handwriting, and William Penn's 1701 Charter of Privileges. The library is open only to serious scholars from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except holidays. Historical The Pemberton House has exhibits on the formation of the Site U.S. Army and Navy from 1775 to 1800, as well as a twelve-minute film about the colonial army. The Marine Corps Memorial Museum in New Hall features displays on Marines from the time of their founding in Philadelphia in 1775 to their service in the Revolution from 1775 to 1783. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Historical Site Historical Site This guild hall of the Carpenters' Company of Philadelphia was built in 1770. The First Continental Congress met here in 1774 and later, during the Revolutionary War, the hall was used by the patriots as a hospital and arsenal. open, 10 AM to 4 PM daily except Monday. Located in the Franklin Institute, this memorial includes a large statue of Franklin and a four-part exhibit called "Ben Franklin: Ideas and Images." Admission to the memorial is free, but there is a charge for the Franklin Institute Museum. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Historical Here visitors can obtain maps and information about BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE / / / / / / / / / / / / Philadelphia, PA Liberty Bell Pavilion Market Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets on Independence Mall Philadelphia, PA Library Hall 105 South Fifth Street Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets Philadelphia, PA Army-Navy Museum (Pemberton House) and Marine Corps Memorial Museum Both on Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA Carpenters Hall 320 Chestnut Street between Third and Fourth Streets Philadelphia, PA Benjamin Franklin National Memorial 20th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia, PA / / / / The Visitor Center, Independence (215) 546-2465 (215) 925-0167 (215) 448-1200 (215) 597-8974 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Liqe N. 4 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Site Historical Site Historical Site Historical Site Historical Site Historical Site Pennsylvania U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT special programs and tours. A computer exhibit about the U.S. Constitution highlights milestones in the charter's history and its significance today. Visitors may also see a twenty-eight-minute John Huston film, "Independence". This is a reconstruction of the house where Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence in June 1776. Replicas of the two second-floor rooms Jefferson rented contain items like those he brought with him from Virginia. Visitors can also see Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence. A twelve-minute film dramatizes Jefferson's stay in Philadelphia during the summer of 1776. The Graff House is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. The U.S. Congress met here from 1790 to 1800, with the House of Representatives on the first floor and the Senate above. Important historical events that occurred here include the second inauguration of George Washington; the establishment of the First Bank of the United States, the Federal Mint, and the Department of the Navy and the ratification of Jahn Jay's treaty with England. Open 9 AM to 5 PM daily. As its name implies, Old City Hall, built in 1790, was originally meant for Philadelphia's municipal government. But the building became the home of the United States Supreme Court from 1791 to 1800. Today the first floor contains displays on the Supreme Court's work during that period. On the second floor, visitors can see exhibits on what life was like in late eighteenth-century Philadelphia. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. According to tradition, this is where seamstress Betsy Ross stitched the first American flag at George Washington's request. Five rooms are furnished with period pieces. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, May through October, and until 5 p.m. the rest of the year. chis 'narrow public thoroughfare is lined with thirty-three houses that date back to the early part of the eighteenth century. It is the oldest residential street in the United States. A small museum here is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Performance "Four Little Pages" - a one-act musical play that brings to life the great constitutional ideas debated in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. The title refers to the number of pages in the original copy of the United BEGIN DATE / / / / / / ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT National Historical Park Southeast Corner of 3rd and Chestnut Philadelphia, PA Graff House Southwest corner of 7th and Market Streets Philadelphia, PA Congress Hall Southeast corner of Sixth and ChestnutStreets Philadelphia, PA Old City Hall Southwest corner of Fifth and ChestnutStreets Philadelphia, PA TELEPHONE ( 'Jed pawssepac (I) CD CI 0 0 -0 -0 -0 CD 0. CD 7:1 (1:7 (I) CD 0 CD 0 7:1 0 -0 CO Betsy Ross Hpuse 239 Arch Street between Second and Third Streets Philadelphia, PA (215) 627-5343 0 0 CD 0.) 7:1 / / Elfreth's Alley ( ) 0 0 Off Second Street between Race and 0 Arch Streets 0 Philadelphia, PA 0 CD 0 / / / / Roberts , Franklin S. 228 Delancey St. (215) 922-6616 0 0 Philadelphia, PA19106- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 F.Aqc N. 5 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Histolical Site States Constitution. Pennsylvania U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT The United States Department of Education has plans to use "Four Little Pages" in schools around the country. To bring "Four Little Pages" to your community, contact Franklin S. Roberts (215) 922-6616, or call Kip White at the National Park Service, (202) 343-4917. Constructed between 1732 and 1756 as the Pennsylvania State House, this building is now famous as the site of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The hall has been restored wherever possible to its original late 18th-century appearance. The two treasures of greatest interest are in the Assembly Room called by guides, "the most historically significant room in America:" the "rising sun" chair in which George Washington sat while presiding over the Constitutional Convention adn the silver indstand used by the delegates BEGIN DATE / / ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Independence Hall Chestnut Street between 5th and 6th Streets Philadelphia, PA TELEPHONE to Sign both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The half-hour tours begin in the east wing every 15 - 20 minutes. 9 AM - 5 PM, until 8 PM in the summer. Exhibit "Born Out of Time" - A permanent sound and light exhibit of Benjamin Franklin's contribution to the modern world. 02/19/87 12/30/88 The Franklin Institute Independence National Historical (215) 564-3375 Free admission. Park Philadelphia, PA Exhibit "Promise of Permanency" - A major computer exhibition designed to show how people can influence their government and how government influences the lives of people. The exhibit includes 16 computer stations featuring touch screens and overhead monitors. Surrounding the computer stations will be huge images capturing constitutional milestones such as the struggle for civil rights. prohibition, and the Civil War. 05/13/87 01/01/92 Independence National Historical Park Visitor Center 3rd St. between Chestnut and Walnut Philadelphia, PA (215) 597-8787 Exhibit "Red, White and Blue: Childhood and Citizenship" - 06/02/87 05/25/88 Please Touch Museum (215) 936-0667 Hands-on exhibit identifying the processes children go 210 N. 21st St. .,thromgh to developy patriotism, citizenship and self-awareness as an American. Tues. - Sat. 10 AM - 4:30 Philadelphia, PA PM, Sun. Noon - 4:30 PM. Conference/ "The John Marshall Lectures" - 02/18/88 02/02/89 Henderson , Joan R. (717) 291-3878 Lecture -February 18, 1988, 8 PM: Professor Walter F. Murphy, Department of Politics, Princeton University, "The Franklin and Marshall College College Avenue and W. James Street Constitution and the Legacy of Justice William 0. Douglas" Lancaster, PA -Fall, 1988: Dean William M. Beaney, School of Law, University of Denver, "Justice John Marshall Harlan, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 P,,p! No 6 Pennsylvania 04/2886 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Federalism, and Criminal Justice" -Spring, 1989: Professor Martin Shapiro, School of Law, University of California at Berkeley, "Justice Rhenquist and the Inarticulate Premises of Our Constitutional Tradition" Contetence/ "The Constitution: Then and Now" Lecture Series - Lectute April 14, 1988; 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM, Science Center, Montgomery County Community College, Eric King, Research Associate for the Urban League, co-editor of "The State of Black Philadelphia" and former professor and chairman of the department of political science at Lincoln University, will speak on "Religious and Economic Dimensions of the American Constitution." April 30; 8 PM - The Choral Society of Montgomery County, under the direction of Judith Willoughby Miller, will perform in concert, "An American Sampler,' a 'rousing tribute to the Constitution." ***Montgomery County Community College is an official Bicentennial Campus***. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 04/14/88 04/30/88 Ogg Betty Mongomery County Community College 340 Dekalb Pike Blue Bell, PA19422- Ceremony "196th Annual Bill of Rights Day" - Speech and reading of 12/15/88 12/15/88 Baron , Bruce G. the Bill of Rights. Pennsylvania Bar Association Capitol Rotunda Harrisburg, PA (215) 641-6529 (717) 787-1619 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Filr Ni'. 01/28, 83 1 Puerto Rico U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Puerto Rico's Commission on the Bicentennial. Bicentennial CommIL-,:ritari Bicentennial *** "The Constitution of the Unied States was made not Quotes merely for the generation that then existed, but for posterity -- unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity." - Henry Clay. *** *** This provision is made in a constitution, intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs." - John Marshall. * * * *** "Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice, without constraint." - Alexander Hamilton. *** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME ft ADDRESS OF CONTACT 11/11/99 / / Navas , Carmen I. Puerto Rico Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution Call Box 22-A, Hato Rey Station Hato Rey, PR00919- TELEPHONE (809) 763-7319 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PAye No 04/28/88 1 Rhode Island EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Rhode Island's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commis ion Exhibit U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Are We To Be A Nation" is an exhibit on display in Providence to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. The exhibit, composed of photographic reproductions of prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 Performance Constitution Run. The finish area will have student-staffed booths presenting various aspects of the Constitution and historical figures. **Providence is a Designated Bicentennial Community** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Conley , Patrick Rhode Island Bicentennial Foundation 189 Wickendon Street Providence, RI02903- 03/29/88 05/07/88 Bundy , Annalee Providence Public Library 150 Empire Street Providence, RI02903-3283 05/08/88 05/08/88 Downing , Antoinette Providence Constitutional BicentennialCommittee Executive Office, City Hall Providence, 11102903- TELEPHONE (401) 861-5656 (401) 521-7722 (401) 277-2678 1-led LI! PeWsseloeCI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pi, 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT South Carolina U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT State South Carolina's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial CO=1165100 ielebiation Charleston, South Carolina Bicentennial Community Ratification of the United States Constitution Celebration: May 20, 1988; Noon - Joint Bicentennial/Spoleto Opening Ceremonies Speaker: The Honorable Alexander Sander, Chief Judge of the South Carolina Court of Appeals. 1:30 - 4 PM "Vote No, " a one-man play about the Anti-Federalists (Exchange Building). 3 -.4:30 PM - Panel Discussion sponsored by the Charleston County Bar Association and the Bicentennial Commission (Exchange Building). 4 - 7 PM - House Tours, downtown Charleston. Tickets available at the Preservation Society. May 21; 10 AM - Noon - Panel Discussion on the South Carolina Framers, the anti-federalists, and the Ratification Convention, sponsored by the South Carolina Historical Society and the Bicentennial Commission (Exchange Building). 3 - 5 PM - Re-enactment of the post-Ratification parade of May 1788 which will end at the Old Exchange Building. 8 PM - Ratification Day Celebration hosted by the Governor, the Speaker of the House, the Lieutenant Governor, the Mayor, the Bicentennial Commission and the Spoleto Festival (Exchange Building). May 22; Noon - 5 PM - Plantation tour co-sponsored by the South Carolina Historical Society, the Bicentennial "Commission, and the Christ church Parish Historical Society. Tickets availabe at the Preservation Society May 23; 9 AM - Interdenominational worship service at St. Michael's Church with Westminster Choir, Bishop Allison, Mayor Riley and Chief Greenberg. 9:45 AM - Procession from St. Michael's Church to the Exchange Building complete with bands, color guards, BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Stephenson , Tray U.S. Constitution Commission of South Carolina Department of Archives, P.O. Box 11669Columbia, SC29211-1669 05/20/88 05/23/88 Parker , David E. Charleston Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, P.O. Box 893 Charleston, SC29402- TELEPHONE (803) 734-8591 (803) 577-6726 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 1,,je N 2 South Carolina 04/28/88 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Marine Corps Band, United States Air Force, United States Navy, 21-gun Salute. 10:30 AM - Joint session of the South Carolina General Assembly at the Old Exchange Building. Navy ship at Union Street Pier on display all day. CelebtatIon South Carolina Ratification of the United States Constitution Celebrations: Charleston, South Carolina's plans are sponsored by the Charleston Bicentennial Community and endorsed by the State Commission: May 20, 1988; 1 - 4 PM - Constitution-related seminar at the Old Exchange Building, co-sponsored by the Charleston County Bar Association. 4 - 7 PM - Tours of Charleston houses, co-sponsored by the Preservation Society of Charleston. May 21; 10 AM - Noon - Second Constitution-related seminar co-sponsored by the South Carolina Historical Society. 3 PM - Re-enactment of the post-Ratification parade of May 1788 which will end at the Old Exchange Building. 8 PM - Ratification Day gala at the Charleston Ports Authority. 11 PM - Performance of Charleston Symphony Orchestra and fireworks display, Charleston Ports Authority. May 22; late morning - Plantation tour co-sponsored by the South Carolina Historical Society. May 23; 9 AM - Interdenominational worship service at St. Michael's Church, followd by procession to the Old Exchange Building. 10:30 AM - Joint session of the South Carolina General Assembly at the Old Exchange Building. Columbia's Ratification Day Observances: May 23 - Activities will occur on the State House grounds including the opening of the 1938 Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission's time capsule, which was sealed in a wall of the State House fifty years ago. A new capsule containing information about the 1988 Constitution Bicentennial events will then be resealed in the wall. Also at the State House there is to be a first-day postage stamp issue ceremony sponsored by the US Postal Service to commemorate South Carolina's special Ratification Day postage stamp. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT 05/20/88 05/23/88 Stephenson , Tray U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission of South Carolina, Dept. ofArchives and History, P.O. Box 11669 Columbia, SC29211-1669 TELEPHONE (803) 734-8591 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Lvje No 3 South Carolina 04/A/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE For additional Information: State of South Carolina Bicentennial Commission in Columbia (803) 734-8577 or the Charleston Bicentennial Commission in Charleston (803) 577-6726. Ceremony On May 23, 1988, members of the Prosperity U.S. 05/23/88 05/23/88 Bedenbaugh , Lewis (803) 734-5200 Constitution Bicentennial Commission and other interested citizens will participate in South Carolina state celebration of its ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Town of Prosperity U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission P.O. Box 36 **Prosperity is a Designated Bicentennial Community** Prosperity, SC29127- Conference/ Lecture May 23, 1988 - In celebration of South Carolina's ratifying of the United States Constitution, Professor Mel 05/23/88 05/24/88 Steirer, Jr. , Professor WilliaDepartment of History (803) 656-5375 Bradford, University of Dallas, will present the Clemson University Federalists position on the South Carolina's ratification Clemson, SC29634-1507 debate. 2 PM, Daniel Hall Auditorium. May 24 - Robert Blecker will present the Anti-Federalists position on South Carolina's ratification debate. 2 PM, Daniel Hall Auditorium. ***Clemson University is an official Bicentennial Campus*** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Faue No. 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State South Dakota's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Coinint SS I on South Dakota U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Bicentennial *** 'The care of human life and happiness, and not their 11/11/99 / / Quotes destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.' - Thomas Jefferson. *** ***The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.' - Thomas Jefferson. *** *** Not a place upon earth might be so happy as America. Her situation is remote from all the wrangling world, and whe has nothing to do but to trade with them." - Thomas Paine. *** Martin , David South Dakota Centennial Commission State Library 800 Governor's Drive Pierre, SD57501- TELEPHONE (605) 773-4036 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 F,Ic N I Tennessee 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Tennessee's State Bicentennial Commission. BiCerathhial COMill155l0h U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Confeieuce/ Institute on the Constitution for High School Teachers. Lectute Thirty High School Teachers of the Memphis and Shelby County area will participate in a three week institute where there will be lectures and discussions daily and unit planning instruction on the constitution. Scholars will lecture on background, the Constitutional Convention, and the development of the Constitution. Emphasis will be placed on the. Legislative Branch, Seperation of Powers, Republicanism, and the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Sewell , Mary U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commis-sion of Tennessee 701 Broadway, Tennessee Dept. of Cons.Nashville, TN37219 5237 06/15/88 06/30/88 Waller , Dr. Robert L. LeMoyne-Owen College 807 Walker Avenue Memphis, TN38126- TELEPHONE (615) 742-6768 (901) 774-9090 ***LeMoyne-Owen College is an official Bicentennial Campus*** bicentennial *** "(The Constitution) will also give more stability and 11/11/99 / / ) Quotes vigour to our state governments, and prevent most of those iniquitous interferings in private contracts which destroy all confidence among individuals. - James Madison. *** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page No. 04/28/86 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Texas' State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Exhibit Texas U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Are We To Be A Nation?" is a traveling exhibit on display in Dallas to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. The exhibit, composed of photographic reproductions of prints, portraits, broadsides, cartoons, and maps, is designed to promote an understanding of the historical context of the Constitution. Sponsored by the American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Peggy Barber (312) 944-6780 Bicentennial *** "Many people look upon the adoption of the new Quotes constitution, as the mellennium of virtue and wealth; Indeed it's auspicious dawn augurs much, but it should be remembered, that much depends on our own conduct." - NEW JERSEY JOURNAL. *** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Hinojosa , Ricardo Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution P.O. Box 2066 Brownsville, TX78520- 03/29/88 05/07/88 Barber , Paula Exhibit on display in: Dallas Public Library 1515 Young St. Dallas, TX75201- (512) 548-2570 (312) 944-6780 11/11/99 / / ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PJAr No. 1 0,1/28; 88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Utah's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial COMISSION Rah U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Cobb Donald Governor's Commission on Law and Citizenship 110 State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, UT84114 (801) 538-1531 Bicentennial *** "To none will we sell, to none deny or delay, right or 11/11/99 / / ) Quotes justice." - Magna Carta. *** *** ,"One country, one constitution, one destiny." - Daniel Webster. *** *** "Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty." - Ronald Reagan. *** Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paj N 1 Vermont 04/28/88 CL U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EY 1J EA ENDING EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE GO EH State Vermont's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Schubart , Bill (802) 862-8861 (D Bicentennial Vermont Statehood Bicentennial CL Commission Commission Resolution 0 1 Mill Street 0 Burlington, VT05401- -0 Bicentennial *** "The public mind cannot be occupied about a nobler 11/11/99 / / ( ) -0 Quotes object than the proposed plan of government. It appears -0 to be admirably calculated to cement all America in affection and interest as one great Nation." - John Adams. (D CL 70 CD *** "[The Constitutional Convention] seems to be admirably CD calculated to preserve the Union, to increase affection, and to bring us all to the same mode of thinking." - John Adams. *** CD C) 1; 70 0 *** "Every learned, and good and great man here who is a 1J co well- wisher to our country - applauds the federal constitution and only fears the people will be misled, and 0 not adopt It. - John Brown Cutting. CD CD CD 4 GO 70 CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 0 cb Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 F.pic N 1 Viigihla 04/:8/80 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Histotic Site Historic Site Historic Site Historical Site Historic Site Historic Site U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Wilton House Museum - Wilton House was built by William Randolph III in 1753, a close associate of Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, Benjamin Harrison, Gouverneur Morris and Martha Washington, many of whom frequented the House. Randolph was also related to Edmund Randolph, Govetiloi of Virginia and delegate to the ConJtituti,nal Convention who did not sign the Constitution, feeling it allowed for too strong a federal government and that it must include a bill of rights. Peyton Randolph House - Home of Peyton Randolph, one of the leading statesmen of colonial America, speaker of the Virginia House of Burgesses, and president of the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. George Wythe House - Home of America's first law professor. He taught Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and Henry Clay. The house was George Washington's headquarters before the siege of Yorktown, and Rochambeau's after. Wythe was a member of the House of Burgesses, signer of the Declaration of Independence, speaker of the House of Delegates, and one of the three judges of Virginia's High Court of Chancery. Located in historic Williamsburg, Virginia and open year round. Visit Gunston Hall in Lorton, Virginia, home of George Mason, delegate to the Constitutional Convention from Virginia. Mason was a wealthy planter-aristocrat who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights which served as a basis for the Bill of Rights. Mason refused to sign the Constitution, however, because a bill of rights was not part of the Constitution from the beginning. Later in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, Mason became one of the principal spokesmen opposing the acceptance of the document. Open every day of the year, 9:30 AM - 5 PM. Cost: $3 Adults, $2.50 Senior Citizens, $1 Children. 'Great Falls Park - George Washington often hoped to make the Potomac River navigable as far as the Ohio River valley. In the uncertain period when the colonies were loosely joined in confederation, Washington believed that better transportation and trade would bind the nation together and help it grow. John Marshall House - The house was built by John BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME 6, ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Mooz Director Wilton House Museum South Wilton Road Richmond, VA23226- , Dr. R. Peter / / / / Peyton Randolph House Williamsburg, VA / / / / George Wythe House Williamsburg, VA23185- ( ( ) / / / / Gunston Hall (703) 550-9220 Lorton, VA / / Muller , Dan Acting Site Manager Great Falls Park Great Falls, VA / / Fleming , Viola Marshall, first United States Supreme Court Chief John Marshall House (703) 759-2915 (804) 648-7998 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Page N 2 Virginia 04/26/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Histolic Site Historic Site U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Justice, in 1790 as his principal residence. This architecturally significant Federal style building remained in the Marshall family until 1907 when it was deeded to the city of Richmond. The house and gardens were restored in the 1790's, and 902 of the furnishings are original to the Marshall family. Open Tuesday - Saturday, 10 AM - 5 PM; Sunday, 1 PM - 5 PM. Adults $2.50, Students $1. Group rates available. Mount Vernon - Mount Vernon was the home to George Washington, the president of the Constitutional Convention and the United States. It was also the site where commissioners from Virginia and Maryland met in March 1785 to resolve a !lumber of trade questions involving the two states' common waterways. This meeting, the Mount Vernon Conference led to the convention of state delegates in Annapolis, which in turn led to the Constitutional Convention. "The Call of His Country: George Washington and the Constitution" - A special exhibit will be on display in the museum at Mount Vernon through 1989. Featured in the exhibit are original manuscripts, books, and items relating to George Washington and Mount Vernon during the constitutional period. 9 AM - 4 PM. Exhibit on display at Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, Virginia (703) 780-2000. February 15, 1988 - Mount Vernon Open House for George Washington's Birthday. Special events include a ceremony and wreath laying at the tomb of George Washington. 9 AM - 4 PM. Free admission. June 9, 1988 - Mount Vernon, the 'Federalist" Arrives - A re-enactment of the presentation of a ship given to George Washington as a gift from a group of Baltimore merchants who constructed it in celebration of the ratification of the Constitution by the state of Maryland. The ceremony -wilr be on the waterfront. 1 PM. Open every day of the year, including Christmas and New Year's Day. 9 AM - 4 PM, November - February. Stratford Hall Plantation - Built around 1725 by Thomas Lee, member of the King's Council and acting Bovernor of Virginia at the time of his death in 1750; birthplace of Robert E. Lee, General in the confederate Army during the BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE / / 818 E. Marshall Street Richmond, VA / / Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Ladies' Association Mount Vernon, VA Smith, III , Capt. Allen Stratford Hall Plantation, birthplace of Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot Lee (703) 780-2000 (804) 493-8038 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06 0-1-00091-0060001?17900968dCll-V10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PlAt N. 3 Virginia 04/26/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Site U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT American Civil War, and later President of Washington College in Lexington, Virginia. The Hall is one of the earliest surviving houses of colonial Virginia and the only home of that time to be built in an H. shape. Colonial Williamsburg - From 1699 to 1780, the Williamsburg served as the capital of the Virginia colony and one of the most important training grounds for the leaders of Americanindependence. Here, George Washington, Patrick Henry, George Wyth, Thomas Jefferson, George Mason and other patriots helped shape the foundations of government. Attractions include: - 225 period rooms, furnished primarily with American and English antiques, in the exhibition homes, shops and public buildings. - DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Gallery, housing 8,000 outstanding examples of rare English and American antiques of the late 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries. - Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center, examples of American folk art -- oil paintings, watercolors, pastels, pen drawings, wood and metal sculptures. Through May 14, the Center will highlight the work of 19th and 20th-century black artists in general and 19th-century painter Joshua Johnson with the exhibit, "Joshua Johnson: Freeman and Early American Protrait Painter." - Visitor Center, Bassett Hall, Carter's Grove Plantation, Governor's Palace and many other attractions. The spring season includes two-hour guided walking tours: "According to the Ladies" tour led by a character interpreter portraying women of 18th-century Williamsburg and offering a feminine perspective on life in those days. 'The Other Half' tour focusing on the African-American culture of Williamsburg, where half the residents in the '1770's were black. Tours especially for children are also conducted. Other spring activities include period dramatic performances, a Celebration Ball on April 3 at the Governor's Palace, a witchcraft trial drama, fife and drum corps, etc. May 15 - June 4 - "Prelude to Independence and Salute to BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE / / Stratford, VA22558- Louer , Mr. Albert O. (804) 220-7285 Director, Media Relations Colonial Williamsburg Williamsburg, VA23187- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dC11-V10 90/ZIA eSeeiei -104 panaiddv Ado paz!4!ueS - 4-led u! PeWsseloaCI PAye No 4 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Historic Site Virginia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT the 13 Original Colonies - Observance to pay tribute to the 13 original colonies with military drills, display of colors and more. For information: (804) 229-1000. October 27-29, 1988: The Second Annual Williamsburg History Forum - The Constitution Makers: The Federal F1lf1,-e" 19 the top iC for this annual program. Several noted constitutional historians will give lectures and lead discussions on the topic. Special tours of Colonial Williamsburg and 18th-century-style colonial entertainment complete the 3-day program. Also on display, in conjunction with the forum is "Union or No Union: Virginia and the Constitution" an exhibit of rare books, manuscripts and portraits of famous and not-so-famous Virginians designed to explore Virginia's role in the creation and ratification of the United States Constitution. For information contact Registrar, Colonial Williamsburg, P.O. Box C, Williamsburg, VA 23187.Basic admission costs for Colonial Williamsburg are $15.50 adults, $8.25 children (6-12). Other packages are available at different prices. For more information on any Colonial Williamsburg attractions or programs call (804) 229-1000 ext. 2750. For dining reservations call (804) 229-2141. For room reservations call 800/HISTORY or, in Virginia, (804) 229-1000. To write for more information address inquiries to: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, P.O. Box C, Williamsburg, VA 23187. Scotchtown - The home of Patrick Henry from 1771 - 1778, the historically crucial years of the Revolution. The architecturally interesting frame Manor House was built around 1719 and is currently furnished with antiques of the period in which Patrick Henry lived. Exhibit The Papers of George Washington - A publishing of all of Washington's Correspondance. 15 volumes have already been publ.ished, anticipating 80 to 90 volumes. A total of 4 series - 1. Colonial, 2. Revolution, 3. Confederation, 4. Washington as President. This is an ongoing project which will require 20 or more years of research. A total of 135,000 documents will be published. The volumes will be placed in University Libraries. Historic Site George Washington Birthplace National Monument - The park contains the site of the home and plantation on which George Washington was born and spent a portion of his BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Perkins , Phyllis Chairman, Scotchtown Committee Scotchtown, home of Patrick Henry from 1771 to 1778 Box 168 Berverdam, VA23015- Toubig Dorothy University of Virginia 504 Alderman Library University Press of Virginia, Box 3608Charlottesville, VA22903- / / Storke, Jr. , Dwight C. Chief of Visitor Services George Washington Birthplace TELEPHONE (804) 227-3500 (804) 924-3569 (804) 224-1732 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pdye Nu. 5 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT childhood and teen years. Virginia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Histotic Red Hill Plantation - It was from Red Hill in 1794 that Site Patrick Henry journeyed to Richmond and defended indebted Virginia planters in the famous British Debts Case. The case was heard in the Federal District Court in Richmond. It was the first test case involving the Constitution and the question of state sovereignty. In 1799 to counter Virginia's threat of constitutional nullification and interposition, Henry delivered an impassioned appeal at the Charlotte county court house, 15 miles from Red Hill. Open to the public 9 AM - 5 PM Historic Monticello - Monticello's major and obvious connection to site the Constitution is through Thomas Jefferson, who designed and built the house over a period of forty years, beginning in 1769. Jefferson served as a member of the Contintental Congress from 1775-1776 dnd from 1783-1784. From 1784-1789, during the Constitutional Convention, Jefferson was in France as commissioner and minister. Special Programs: April 13, 1988 - A special ceremony celebrating Thomas Jefferson's Birthday to include a wreath laying at Jefferson's tomb and presentation by Governor Baliles. April 23 - May 1 - Historic Garden Week in Virginia. July 4, 1988; - Independence Day Celebration with an old fashioned picnic, fireworks and live entertainment, to include a naturalization ceremony; 10:30 AM - Noon. December 2 - 31 - Yuletide Traditions in Charlottesville, featuring a candlelight open house with music at Monticello, in addition to many other holiday events. Open 7 days except Christmas 8 AM - 5 PM, March 1 - October 31 and 9 AM - 4 PM otherwise. Tours run every 5 minutes. Adults $7, children (6-11) $2, Students $1, Senior Citizens $6. Group rates available. For more information, please write to: Public Affairs Department, Monticello, P.O. Box 316, Charlottesville, VA 22902, or call (804) 295-8181 or 295-2657. BEGIN DATE / / ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT National Monument RR1, Box 717 Washington's B-Place, VA22575- Daily , Patrick Red Hill Plantation, last home and burial place of Patrick Henry Brookneal, VA24528- Gaffney , Matthew Director, Public Affairs Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson P.O. Box 316 Charlottesville, VA22902- TELEPHONE (804) 376-2044 (804) 295-8181 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pdqe No 6 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Historic Site State Bicentennial Commission Historic Site Historic Site Historic Site Virginia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Ash Lawn - Ash Lawn - Highland was the home of President James Monroe from 1799 - 1823. Monroe, along with Jefferson and Madison, formed the "Virginia Triumvirate" of presidents who served from 1803 - 1825. The three men - friends, neighbors, and political allies - corresponded in depth on issues of ratification of the Constitution, and Ash Lawn-Highland examines their associations through daily guided tours and special programs. Special programs: April 27, 28, 1988; 7 - 9 PM - Celebration of James Monroe's Birthday, with the house and gardens illuminated with 2,000 candles and period music performed. May 8, 1988 - Kite Day July; 2 - 3; 11 AM - 6 PM - Colonial Crafts Weekend: The Ash Lawn-Highland gardens are transformed into an active, working farm of the 18th-century by craftspeople in period dress demonstrating their skills. Open 7 days a week, Open 9 AM - 6 PM; November - February, 10 AM - 5 PM. The estate is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's days. Admission: Adults $5, senior citizens $4.50, children (6-11) $1.50. Group rates available. Virgina's State Bicentennial Commission. Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop - Interpretation of colonial medicine, authentic herbs, medical and apothecary equipment. For 4nformation: (703) 373-3362. St. Peter's Parish Church - George and Martha Washington were married here. Tours by appointment. For information: (804) 932-4846. Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest - Jefferson designed and used this home as his personal retreat. This unfurnished National Historic Landmark and dependencies are presently open to afford visitors opportunity to see them before BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Walker Ash Lawn, home of President James Monroe Rt. 6, Box 37 Charlottesville, VA22901- TELEPHONE , Judith H. (804) 293-9539 O'Rourke , Timmothy Virginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution Institute of Government, U of VA Charlottesville, VA22903- / / / / Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop 1020 Caroline Street Fredericksburg, VA22401- St. Peter's Parish Church Rt. $1, Box 139A New Kent Courthouse, VA23124- Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest P.O. Box 419 Forest, VA24551-0419 (804) 924-3396 (703) 373-3362 (804) 932-4846 (804) 525-1806 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej -104 penaiddv /Woo pezweS - ;Jed u! PeWsseloeCI Pi N. 7 04/':.8/86 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Histotic Site Virginia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT restoration begins. Open Sat. - Sun. and holidays, May 14 - October 30, 10 AM - 4 PM. Last tour at 3:45 PM. Group tours by appointment year-round. For information: (804) 525-1806. Tavern dating to the time of George Washington. Closed on Mondays. For touts and information: (703) 838-4242. Histotic Historic Michie Tavern and Museum - Located near Site Jefferson's Monticello. Visitors may enjoy hearty Southern fare served in 18th-century "Ordinary. 11:30 AM - 3 PM. Tours of historic tavern and grist mill, 9 AM - 5 PM, daily. Historic Site Historic Site Historic Site Exhibit Historic Site Historic Site For information: (804) 977-1234. George Washington Masonic National Memorial - Memorial and museum dedicated to George Washington, the mason. For information: (7030 683-2007. Boyhood home of Thomas Jefferson. Interpretive tours by appointment, group rates. For information: (804) 784-3493 of (804) 784-5736. The Lycuem Museum - Small museum, travel information, gift shop. For information: (703) 838-4577. George Washington's Office Museum - Served as Washington's office in 1755. Open April 1 - November 1. For information: (703) 662-6550. Fairfax County Courthouse - Includes the wills of George and Martha Washington. Tours available, reservations requested. For information: (703) 691-3227. George Washington's Birthplace National Monument - George Washington's birthplace site, house tours, colonial farm area, crafts. For information: (804) 224-1732. July 4, 1988 - Annual celebration including free ox cart rides and craft demonstrations. Carlyle House - 18th-Century Georgian home of wealthy BEGIN DATE ENDINr; DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT / / / / Gadsby's Tavern Museum 134 N. Royal Street Alexandria, VA22314- Historic Michie Tavern and Museum Rte 16, Box 7-A Charlottesville, VA22901- George Washington Masonic National Memorial 101 Callahan Drive Alexandria, VA22301- Tuckahoe Plantation RFD 2, Box 369 River Road Richmond, VA23233- The Lyceum Museum 201 S. Washington Street Alexandria, VA22314- George Washington's Office Museum 32 W. Cork Street Winchester, VA22601- Fairfax County Courthouse 4110 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA22030- George Washington's Birthplace National Monument RR 11, Box 717 Washington B-Place, VA22443- TELEPHONE (703) 838-4242 (804) 977-1234 (703) 683-2007 (804) 784-3493 (703) 838-4994 (703) 662-6550 (703) 691-3227 (804) 224-1732 / / / / Carlyle House (703) 549-2997 merchant and landowner John Carlyle. For information: 121 N. Fairfax Street 0-1-00091-0060001C17900968dC1I-V10 90/ZIA eseeiei Joj panaiddv Ado paz!PeS u! PeWsseloeCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 P.rge No. 8 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Exhibit Historic Site Historic Site Historical Site Historic Site Historic Site Exhibit Other (7030 549-2997. Virginia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT "Thomas Jefferson at Monticello" Exhibition - Located at the Thomas Jefferson Visitors Center, this exhibit contains nearly four hundred domestic objects and artifacts including items discovered during recent irchaeological excavations on the Monticello grounds, architectural models and drawings, and two audio-visual presentations. The Center is located on Route 20 South and 1-64, near Monticello. Hours: 9 AM - 5:30 PM, March - October, and 9 AM - 5 PM, otherwise. Free admission. Old Presbyterian Meeting House - Built in 1774. Site of George Washington's funeral eulogy. For information: (703) 549-6670. Pohick Episcopal Church - Parish church of George Washington and George Mason. Christ House - George Washington and Robert E. Lee's Church, built in 1773. For tours and information: (703) 549-1450. The Lloyd House - Built in 1795. Special house for scholars of Alexandria and Virginia history. For information: (703) 838-4577. George Washington Masonic Museum - The Lodge that initiated Washington in 1752. The museum contains numerous artifacts. For information: (703) 373-5885. "Shenandoah Valley After the Revolution" Bicentennial exhibit at Newmarket Battlefield Park - The exhibit honoring the Bicentennial contains more than 100 artifacts from the Shenandoah Valley, covering a variety of subjects in late 18th century America. Cost: $3 adults, .75 Children 7-13 yrs old. Open 7 days 9 AM - 5 PM. Visit Montpelier in Montpelier Station, Virginia, home of James Madison, Jr., "father of the Constitution," Madison, delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention, is known for his diligent notekeeping at the Convention, as well as his leading role in writing the document. Madison enthusiastically supported a strong national government and the abandonment of the Articles of Confederation. BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME F. ADDRESS OF CONTACT Alexandria, VA22314- / / / / Thomas Jefferson Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 161 Charlottesville, VA22902- Old Prsbyterian Meeting House 321 S. Fairfax Street Alexandria, VA Pohick Episcopal Church 9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA22079- Christ Church 118 N. Washington Street Alexandria, VA22314- The Lloyd House 220 N. Washington Street Alexandria, VA22314- George Washington Masonic Museum P.O. Box 702 Fredericksburg, VA22404- 01/01/87 04/01/89 Newmarket Battlefield Park Newmarket, VA ? 05/01/87 01/01/89 Quillen Montpelier Montpelier Station, VA , Jackie TELEPHONE (804) 293-6789 (703) 549-6670 (703) 339-6572 (703) 549-1450 (703) 838-4577 (703) 373-5885 (703) 672-0006 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 N, 01, b EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Other U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Guided tours of the home occur every half-hour, 7 days a week, 10 AM - 4 PM. Individual cost, $5 each. Groups of 25 or more. $4 each. Groups should contact Kay Meyers at (703) 672-0006. During 1988 the Close Up Program will welcome its 200,000th participant to Washington, DC. Each year the Close Up Program brings more than 20,000 Americans to the Federal city to participate in a full agenda of Capitol Hill meeting, on-site issue seminars, and evening workshops to study how democracy, freedom, and the BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME i ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 01/01/88 / / Wentworth , Mitzie Close Up Foundation 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA22202- (800) 336-5479 Constitutionn work in our day-to-day lives. Participants include high school students, teachers, and older Americans. Cluse Up also publishes books and videotapes on the Constitution. For more information, contact Mitzie Wentworth, Close Up Foundation, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202, (800) 336-5479 or (703) 892-5400. Exhibit "Providing for the Common Defense" Exhibit - This exhibit uses artifacts, facsimiles of historical documents, photographs, illustrations, and blocks of text to convey the role of the Armed Forces in protecting and defending the Constitution and in providing the security shield behind which the country has developed its social and economic potential. 01/61/88 / / Quist , Donna United States Army Engineer Museum 16th at Belvoir Road Fort Belvoir, VA22060-5054 (703) 664-3171 The museum is open Tues. - Fri., 10 - 4:30 PM; Sat. 12 - 4:30 PM. Performance Travelling Madison - Henry Debate - In honor of Virginia's ratification of the United States Constitution, thr 03/30/88 06/30/88 Easton , Billie Virginia Bicentennial Commission (804) 924-3396 Virginia Bicentennial Commission has produced a touring dramatization of the debate between James Madison and Center for Public Service, University of Virginia, ,207 Minor Hall Patrick Henry over ratification. The 30-45 minute program Is offered at no cost to Virginia high schools, local Charlottesville, VA22903- Bicentennial Commissions, and historic homes. Ryan Fletcher and John Douglas Hall, both accomplished professional actors with experience in eighteenth-century teemktments, will portray Henry and Madison. Other May 1, 1988; 11 AM - 5 PM - Fairfax County, Gentleman/Farmer - Step into late 18th-century and enjoy the music, rafts and activities of the gentleman/farmer of Northern Virginia with members of the Fairfax County 05/01/88 05/01/88 Deakin , Carol Fairfax County Authority Fairfax, VA (703) 759-5241 Militia. For information: (703) 759-5241. Conference/ May, 13, 1988; 7 PM - "A Tribute To Verna M. Hall and the 05/13/88 05/14/88 Stonebridge Educational Foundation (804) 488-7586 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 PIA, No. 10 Virginia 04/28/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Lecture U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America": A tribute for Verna M. Hall, publisher of THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, with banquet hosted by Carole Adams, founder of Stonebridge School; Der. Herb Titus, Dean of the College of Law and Government, Christian Broadcasting Network University; and Gary DeMar, President of American Vision. Miss Rosalie Slater and Miss Katherine Dang, of the Foundation for American Christian Education will speak on "Verna M. Hall, and the Christian History Legacy." Banquet is held at the Holiday Inn, Chesapeake. Cost is $25 and reservations must be made by May 7, 1988. For information: (804) 523-1500. May 14, 8:30 AM - 4 PM - American Christian History Education Seminar - Lecturers: Miss Rosalie Slater on "Teaching and Learning America's Christian History, The Principle Approach," and "Learning the Literature of the Bible, Source and Seedbed of Liberty." Elective courses offered: "The Principle Approach Applied in the Teaching of Literature," Carole Adams, Founder and Director of Stonebridge School; "The Principle Approach Applied in the Teaching of History," Elizabeth Youmans, Master Teacher of History and Geography, Stonebridge School; "The Principle Aproach Applied in the Teaching of Geography," Linda Andrus, Director of Home Lessons, Stonebridge School. Seminar costs: $45 per person, $75 per couple; after May 7 - $50 and $80, includes all materials, syllabus and lunch. For information: (804) 488-7586. Celebration Gunston Hall Special Events of 1988: April 23 - May 1, 1988 - "Historic Virginia Garden Week," Gunston Hall's 550 acres on the Potomac River include nature trails, deer park, pastures, graveyard, and formal boxwood gardens. The gardens center on a boxwood allee planted more than 200 years ago by George Mason. May 15 - 'George Mason Day: Farmer Mason Has a Fair" A living history program will be presented continuously from 12 Noon - 4 PM. Costumed interpreters at various stations will explain, through their roles as George Mason, Ann Mason, and servants and craftsmen, work done on the plantation during George Mason's time, and some of his ideas about the importance of a Bill of Rights. Barbeque lunch for sale. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE P.O. Box 9231 Chesapeake, VA23321- 05/15/88 05/15/88 Gunston Hall Route 242 ? Lorton, VA (703) 780-2000 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 N, EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Virginia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Admission: $3 Adults, $1 Children (6 - 15). For information call (703) 550-9220. August 20 and 21, 1988 - "George Mason of Gunston Hall" - a one-man play featuring Dr. Robbin Gates as George Mason accompanied by 18th-century music, produced by Theater BEGIN DATE ENDING DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Fair/ Festival Wagon of Staunton, Virginia. Candlelight tour of the mansion and dessert follow each performance. September 11 - 22nd Annual Gunston Hall Car Show - Trophies will be awarded for the oldest car, best car in class, most popular, and best in show. Music from Noon - 3 PM May 21 - 22, 1988; 11 AM - 4:30 PM - Eighteenth Century Spring Market Fair - Period merchandise, food and drink for sale at Claude Moore Colonial Farm at Turkey Run. For information: (703) 442-7557. 05/21/88 05/22/88 Colonial Farm and Turkey Run Fairfax, VA (703) 442-7557 Celebration Virginia Bicentennial Commission Activities: 05/29/88 06/25/88 O'Rourke , Timothy (804) 924-3396 Virginia Commission on the May 29 - Hanover Courthouse, Hanover, Virginia - a celebration of the birthday of Patrick Henry. Bicent. of the U.S. Constitution Instit. of Govnt., Univ. of Virginia June 11 - The Patrick Henry Foundation and the Virginia Charlottesville, VA22903- State Bicentennial Commission will sponsor a dinner in Richmond honoring Patrick Henry. Governor Sununu of New Hampshire and Governor Baliles of Virginia will be in attendance. Historic George Washington Grist Mill State Park - Reconstructed 05/30/88 09/05/88 George Washington Grist Mill State (703) 780-3383 Site version of one of George Washington's original grist mills. For information: (703) 780-3383. Park 5514 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway Ceremony The Williamsburg Charter, to be signed at 11 AM on June Alexandria, YA22309- 06/25/88 06/25/88 Brown , Sharon (202) 857-2360 25, 1988 in Colonial Williamsburg, represents America's leading faiths, including Protestants, Catholics, Jews and secularists. The document will serve four primary The Williamsburg Charter Foundation Colonial Williamsburg P.O. Box C 'purposes: to celebrate the geniouo of the First Amendment religion clauses, to reaffirm freedom of conscience for Williamsburg, VA23187- people of all faiths and no faiths, to work for a consensus on the place of religion in public life and to foster understanding of these issues in America today. The ceremony, taking place on the 200th anniversary of Virginia's ratfication of the Constitution, is to be broadcast from Colonial Williamsburg's House of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Pa.jr N. 12 Virginia 04/?8/8H EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Fair/ Festival U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT Burgesses. Behind the effort is the Williamsburg Charter Foundation with a board of trustees including five United States Senators, Secretary of Interior Donald Hodel, evangelist Billy Graham, Coretta Scott King, and former Democratic Party chairman Robert Strauss. - "First Liberty" Tours: Walking tours of Colonial Williamsburg that highlight the Framers' progression from Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776, to the call for a federal bill of rights for all Americans in 1788, to the First Amendment in 1791. - Dramatic Reenactments ? The Williamsburg Charter on display - First Day of Issue Postage Stamp Presentation: A stamp issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of Virginia's ratificaion of the United States Constitution will be presented by the Postmaster General. - Freedom Concert: The Sunken Garden at the College of William and Mary will be the setting at 4 PM for an open air freedom concert that will appeal to all ages. - Military Tattoo and Fireworks: A colonial military parade will lead into a dazzling sound and light show with fireworks, music, and narrative, to be held on the Palace Green at 10 PM, Saturday. For further information contact: Sharon Brown, (202) 857-2360. Virginia Ratification Celebration - The 175th Executive Mansion Committee is sponsoring an outdoor family festival at the Capitol Square, Richmond on June 25, 1988. Expected celebration participants includes: United States Contintental Army Band; Colonial Color Guard; 3rd U.S. Jnfantry (Old Guard) Fife and Drum Corps; 1st Virginia Regiment Musketeers; 1st Virginia Regiment Color Guard; 1st Virginia Regiment (Encampment Personnel )Governor Baliles; Senator John Warner; Senator Paul Trible; Secretary of the Army John 0. Marsh, Jr. For information contact: Luis Lazo, (804) 380-3700. Celebration June 25, 1988 - An all-day outdoor festival on the State BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 06/25/88 06/25/88 Lazo , Luis 175th Executive Mansion Committee Richmond, VA 06/25/88 06/25/88 Easton , Billie Capitol grounds in Richmond will celebrate the Virginia Bicentennial Commission (804) 380-3700 (804) 924-3396 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej -104 penaiddv /Woo pezweS - ;Jed u! PeWsseloeCI P,Jc No. 13 Vitginia 04/.'8,1311 U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT Bicentennial of Virginia's ratification of the United States Constitution and the 175th anniversary of the Executive Mansion. Dr. John Kaminski, co-editor of THE DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE RATIFICATION OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, will present to Governor Baliles a copy of the Virginia volume of the history, underwritten in part by the Virginia Bicentennial Commission. The celebration will also include a mock ratifying convention, a re-enactment of the debate between James Madison and Patrick Henry over ratification, and the issuing of a special commemorative stamp and stamp cancellation. Music, crafts, colonial performers and encampers, and a parade will complete the festivities. Free admission. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Center for Public Service, University of Virginia, 207 Minor Hall Charlottesville, VA22903- 0-1-00091-0060001C17900968dC1I-V10 90/ZIA eseeiei Joj panaiddv Ado paz!PeS u! PeWsseloeCI 0-1-00091-00600M?17900968dCl-V10 90/Z1,41,0Z eseelel -104 PaikaiddV MOO PeZ!PeS u! pawssepac PileN 1 ldsII1nyton OW6/88 EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Washington's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentenni:JI commibsion U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Bicentennial *** "It is with pleasure I inform you, that all honest men 11/11/99 / / Quotes in Rhode Island are anxious for the adoption of the new constitution, knowing it to be the only thing that can extricate us from present distress, and prevent future slavery." - LANSINGBORGH NORTHERN CENTINEL. *** *** The federal plan, like the globe of the moon, will appear perfect from a true observation - though both may seem covered with inferior spots." - NEW HAMPSHIRE SPY. * * * without a national system of government, we shall soon become a prey to the nations of the earth; our commerce will become contemptible, and our boasted expectations terminate in disgrace." - BOSTON INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE. *** Zenker , Caryl Constitution Committee, Washington Centennial Commission 111 West 21st/KL-12 Olympia, WA98504- (206) 586-037a ) 0-1-00091-00600n1?17900968dCW-V10 90/ZIA eseeiej -104 penaiddv /Woo pezweS - ;Jed u! PeWsseloeCI 1 Vest Virginia U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State West Virginia's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commilisiun Bicentennial *** What was the original purpose of the Constitutional QlIestiotla Convention? Answer: The Convention was originally called to amend the Articles of Confederation. *** *** How many men who signed the Constitution also signed the Declaration of Independence? Answer: Six. George Clymer, Benjamin Franklin, Robert morris, George Read, Roger Sherman, and James Wilson. *** *** Which state refused to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention? Answer: Rhode Island. *** BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE 11/11/99 / / Sullivan , Ken U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission of West Virginia Cultural Center, Capitol Complex Charleston, WV25305- (304) 348-0220 0-1-00091-0060001C17900968dC1I-V10 90/ZIA eseeiei Joj panaiddv Ado paz!PeS u! PeWsseloeCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Paqo Ni 04/28/88 1 Wisconsin U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT EVENT NAME DETAILS OF EVENT State Wisconsin's State Bicentennial Commission. Bicentennial Commission Exhibit "Liberty's Legacy -- Our Celebration of the Northwest Ordinance and the Constitution" - a multi-million dollar traveling exhibit which includes 120 original historical documents, maps and other artifacts. Exhibit is sponsored by the Northwest Ordinance Big Ten Alumni Association, Indiana Memorial Union, M-17, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. For information contact Frank Jones at (812) 335-5022. BEGIN ENDING DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT TELEPHONE Habermann , Philip Wisconsin Bicentennial Committee on The Constitution Wisconsin Bar Center, P.O. Box 7158 Madison, WI53707-7158 03/04/88 04/27/88 Historical Society of Wisconsin Madison, WI Bicentennial *** When did the Constitution become the law of the land? 11/11/99 / / Questions Answer: When New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify -- July 21, 1788. *** *** Who were the three authors of the Federalist Papers? Answer: John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. **It *** How were the President and Vice President chosen under the original Constitution? Answer: The one receiving the most votes in the electoral college was named President, and the second most popular candidate was named Vice President. *** (608) 257-3838 ( 'Jed pawssepac Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/06: CIA-RDP89G00643R000900160001-0 ['CD Age N 04/ 2ti/88 EVEN!' NAME St.,te Bicentenniiii CuMMISS1011 Bicentenni,i1 Questions *** 1 Wyoming U.S. CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL EVENT REPORT BEGIN ENDING DETAILS OF EVENT DATE DATE NAME & ADDRESS OF CONTACT Wyoming's State Bicentennial Commission. / / / / Lewis , Tony Wyoming Commission on the B1cent. of the U.S. Constitution, Wyoming State Bar Assoc., P.O. Box 109 Cheyenne, WY82003- *** During the Constitutional Convention, how was the 11/11/99 / / issue resolved of state representation in Congress? Answer: By giving each state equal representation in the Senate, regardless of size or population. In the House, however, representation was based on population. *** TELEPHONE (307) 632-9061 ( ) _ C) 0 (D EY 1J CU 1 GO CU D N 0 0_ 0 0 -0 ,..< > -0 -0 (D Oh Who refused to sign the Constitution because it 70 (D contained no Bill of Rights? FIT Answer: George Mason of Virginia. *** cf) NJ CD NJ *** "Which amendment was the quickest to be ratified? CD Answer: The 26th Amendment. It gave the vote to 18 year 0 olds. *** * 1; 70 1J CO (01 0 CD CD CD 70 CD CD CD (01 CD CD CD CD CD CD (E)