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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: ~ ' t EXA / DDA HAS "EEN 17 JUN 1987 , ADDA DDA MS 1ZA 22 JUN 198 DDA REGISTRY FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FORM NO. REPLACES FORM 36-8 1 FEB 56 241 WHICH MAY BE USED. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12: CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE 16 June 87 TO: FCA/DDA ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: Jim, This document was received in our registry this way a few days ago. The envelope was not kept to check addressee. Is this something you requested from P (c.a) a w.-k -h? RDA EEO? FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FORM NO. REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) 1 FEB 56 241 WHICH MAY BE USED. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 3t I. INTRODUCTION II. EEO PROGRAMS * BLACK AFFAIRS * WOMEN'S PROGRAM * HANDICAPPED * COMPLAINT * UPWARD MOBILITY * ASIAN/HISPANIC PROGRAM III. SPECIAL EMPHASIS AREAS * Recruiting/Representational Act * Minority Undergraduate Program * Summer Fellowship Program * CIA Scholar Proqram * Training Programs IV. SPECIAL PROJEC_'S/PAPERS * Webster Reprint * Bi-Weekly Stats * Contacts Listing * Recruiting schedule/and Tracking * EEO Newsletter for Publication 3rd Quarter * Personnel Changes Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 The following report covers the activities of the OEEO during the period 1 January 1987 to 30 March 1987. It is a first effort at doing a quarterly report and thus is a bit long and somewhat weighty. However, it does reflect what this office does on a routine basis and the new initiatives we launched during this period. Many of these new initiatives have since been refined or altered but the thrust of the effort remain the same. Subsequent reports will be shorter, better focused, and more timely disseminated. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 A. Black Affairs Programs Summer fellows - On 11 - 13 January 1987, eighteen prospective Summer fellows visited Headquarters for physical examinations and polygraph tests. To date eleven are fully cleared and EOD dates have been established. Student Symposium - Our second Student Symposium was scheduled for 27-28 April. These students and placement directors will represent 9 different schools with 7 Hispanic and 29 Black students expected to attend. All except 2 students have GPA's of 3.0 or better; there are 12 Computer Science majors, 8 in Accounting, 5 in Engineering, 4 in Political Science and 3 in Communications. There are also students majoring in each of the following fields: Electronics Technology, Chemistry, Psychology and Business Administration. We are proposing another Student Symposium in the fall. The fall symposium will allow additional time for component/student interviews, additional briefings, Asian-Pacific-American student participation and curriculum expansion. External Contacts - There has been a continual flow of information and exchange of ideas from the Black Affairs Program Managers from the National Security Agency. The Office of Equal Employment had a poster commemorating the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. produced by the P&PD staff. The poster was placed on Agency bulletin boards during January and was well received by most. National Black History month also was observed with an auditorium program featuring the Honorable Shirley Chisholm as keynote speaker. A Minority Undergraduate Program flier was developed for distribution to colleges and universities. B. Federal Women's Programs "A Workforce analysis of Women in the CIA in FY 19P7 During this quarter the first of what will be a series of annual reports which will provide information on the status of women in the Agency each fiscal year was compiled. This report identifies patterns, trends, gains female employees have made in recent years, and problem areas. (2) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 National Women's History Month To celebrate the event of National Women's History Month the EEO Office invited Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations to be guest speaker. The program was well attended and well received. Federal Women's Program Advisory Council (FWPAC) The FWPAC met three times during the quarter to discuss problems, concerns, and activities of all Agency women. The council with representatives of all agency Directorates provided information both internal and external which is of interest to women as employees of the Federal Government as well as of the CIA. The council continued to involve itself with special studies of such issues as child care, part-time employment, dual career assignments, sexual harassment, and gender awareness. CIA Child Day Care Planning Committee The FWPAC Manager remained active as an action officer for the Child Dav Care Center Planning Committee and Vice President of the "Harry Fitzwater Children's Center, Inc", and continued to be the focal point for all employee inquiries on the Center's status and planned operation. The Agency's Handicap Program Manager (HPI) continued to make progress on several fronts albeit some of it modest. On average, five or six applications are received each week, and 20 to 30 are out for component review. All applications, particularly those with only resumes or Form 171, are being carefully screened to ensure review of only those candidates that possess requisite qualifications. On 5 February, HPM met with representatives from CYTS regarding several Electronic Specialist positions that could be filled by qualified disabled persons. HPM has contacted Mainstream and rehabilitation services of both Virginia and Maryland with these requirements. No response has been received thus far. It is expected that an applicant who uses a wheelchair will DOD to work in Chamber of Commerce Building at some point in the next quarter. HPM began discussions with OL representatives in November, l9R6 in anticipation of accommodating restrooms and ramps. GSA rejected the first set of plans, but new ones have been prepared, and it is hoped modification work will begin soon. We intend to monitor progress closely. (3) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 D/EEO and HPM met with D/OMS to discuss the disqualification of an applicant specifically and other matters of concern generally. D/OKS suggested a follow-up meeting to discuss the general issues. HPM will arrange this meeting next quarter to include, inter alios, D/EEO and P/OMS. A problem that continually plagues us is the dearth of qualified sign language interpreters available to work as Independent Contractors to the Agency. We have advertised in Registry newsletters in both Virginia and District of Columbia without success. Most interpreters seem to object to Agency clearance procedures; others appear to have full schedules and are not particularly interested in Agency work. Whatever the reasons, our Wool of cleared interpreters, at one time consisting of six, is now down to one who works full time. We plan to make a major effort in the coming quarter to obtain a position and recruit a full-time interpreter who will reside in the Office of Equal Employment. During 22-23 April, Handicap Program Manager will attend the Annual Meeting of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped (PCEH) in Denver, Colorado. Three Agency employees who are handicapped and two sign-language interpreters will accompany Hispanic Program Manager to staff the Agency exhibit, which was very popular during the annual meeting last year. Agency participation in the PCEH conventions communicates very effectively the organization's commitment to provide equal employment opportunity to persons with disabilities. 1. The Agency's discrimination complaints process is divided into two distinctly different parts: (1) the informal (precomplaint counseling), and (2) the formal (filed complaint, investigation, and subsequent steps). We report our complaints processing activity to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission every six months. Figures from these reports over the past five years show that we have averaged 26.8 people per year coming for informal counseling and 4.4 per year filing formal complaints. These counts include only those who claim discrimination, but past surveys have shown that twice as many people contact counselors for general advice on a variety of issues without entering the complaint process. While we have had peaks and valleys, there seems to be no trend to more or fewer complaints. We are seeing some encouraging responses from managers who are anxious to cooperate and resolve complaints. We hope this positive trend will continue. The following statistical information provides some insight as to where we presently stand with our complaint case load as of 31 March 1987. 2. New cases to precomplaint counselors--------- 10 In counseling -- 10 In other stages - 2 Total closures ----------------------------- 12 (4) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 4. Cases pending as of 31 March 1987 In counseling --------------w- 8 In formal internal process ----- 11 In external processes (court (2), EEOC (4)) --------- 6 Total pending ------------------------------ 25 5. Summary of Primary Bases and Issues Alleged in Pending Cases Sex (female) --------- 11 Race (Black) --------- 6 Age ------------------ 5 National origin ------ 4 Handicap ------------- 3 Religion ------------- 2 Race (white) --------- 1 Race (other) --------- 1 Issues Hiring ---------- 10 Promotion ------------ 9 Assignment ----------- 4 Non selection -------- 3 Harassment (non sexual) 2 Misc. others ---------- 1 each These counts do not match case counts because multiple issues arr1 bases are claimed in many cases. The Agency-wide Upward Mobility Program was formally establisher in 1980 by the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) to provide long-term career advancement opportunities for clerical and technical employees who had demonstrated the ability and desire to successfully perform higher-level work in professional and technical positions. The centralized program, which operated for three years, was an Agency effort to incorporate the goals and objectives of Executive Order 11478 and the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Act of 1972. After operating the Program for three years, the Office of EF70 determined that a centralized Agency-wide program did not effectively meet employee needs, therefore, the program was returned to the directorates in (5) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 1985 to be administered and managed by the Directorate EEO Officers and Career Management Officers. The program continued to be monitored by the Agency Upward Mobility Program Manager who assisted the directorates with the overall program. Since the program was established in 1980, 114 employees have been placed in professional positions. Four directorates are participating in this year's program for the first time since 1981. Twenty-seven technical and professional positions, GS-07 to GS-11, were offered for inclusion in the program. These positions were reviewed and edited in November, with printing and reproduction completed in December. The positions were ready for dissemination and review in early January 1987. On 10 February 1987, the Upward Mobility Career Fair was held which attracted more than 100 employees interested in obtaining information from the supervisors about positions being offered. approximately fifty percent of the individuals who attended the Career Fair submitted applications for final consideration. The number of applications received by directorate are as follows: Directorate of Administration 23 Directorate of Intelligence 6 Directorate of Operations 6 Directorate of Science and Technology 14 The Directorate of Administration, Science and Technology, and Intelligence have completed their file review, and the files have been forwarded to the selecting supervisors to review and make selections for the 1987 program. The Directorate of Operations ranking panel will review files of the six applicants who applied for positions in mid-April 1987. The program is scheduled for completion, with all selectees reassicmed to their respective positions, by mid-June 1987. F. ASIAN/HISPANIC PROGRAM On 25 February, a meeting was held with Director/FPO, AIPA/PM, and 10 Asians representing all Agency directorates except Dn. all participants agreed there was a need for an agency effort to recruit Asians, but no consensus could be reached regarding approach, especially in identifyinq Asian groups at colleges and universities. Most participants indicated they would be willing to assist in the recruiting effort, such as going TDY to make presentations. We have launched a major effort during this quarter to recruit and retain a highly motivated program-oriented employee to encumber our Hispanic Coordinator Program. We hope to attract and place such an individual in this position by the end of our next reporting quarter (30 June). (6) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Developed for the first time a comprehensive, Agency-wide minority recruitment schedule. The focus of our recruitment targets has been expanded to include visits to more majority schools. In an effort to keep better recruitment records the Black Affairs Program Manager has developed a trip and interview report form to be completed on the colleges and universities we visit and the various persons interviewed by travelers. We plan to use that information in making future recruitment plans, contacts, and student EOD's. B. MINORITY UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES PROGRAM At the close of the 01 January - 31 March 1987 Quarter approximately twenty students remained in process for this program. Six students have been scheduled to EOD in May 1987 as follows: Benedict College - DDA/OIT - Xavier University - DDA/OF Xavier University - DDA/OIT - Howard University - DDI/LDA - Howard University - DDI/CPAs We anticipate 12 to 15 students entering on duty this summer as a result of this program. This will more than double the six students who came on board last year. At the close of the Quarter, Eleven Sumner Fellows applicants have been fully cleared and scheduled to enter on duty in the May - June 1987 time frame NAME OF'FICF DS&T/FBIS DS&"'/ORD DS&T/ORD DS&T/FBIS DI/OGI DI/MPSS DI/OGI DA/OIT DA/OIT DA/OMs DA/OIT The Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 1987 established an undergraduate high school program for CIA to facilitate the recruitment of individuals, particularly minority and where, possible, disabled high school students, (7) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 and have their undergraduate education funded by the Agency. This program will will target students interested in and capable of developing skills critical to the Agency's mission. Since January 1987 we have developed a program flier, established a set of guidelines and precepts to follow for eligibility and employments, initiated a comprehensive recruitment plan at both the high school and the college level and agreed to recruit, select, process and enter on duty five to seven students by 30 September 1987. E. TRAINING PROGRAM Urban Awareness Course In January and February there were two sessions of the Urban Awareness Seminar with a total of 55 participants. Three National Security Agency (NSA) employees attended the January session, and plan to include the course in the NSA training schedule next year. The next Urban Awareness Seminar at STC will take place 28-29 May 1987. Federal Women's Program sponsored training courses The three women's training courses being offered are: The new course, "Women's Executive Leadership Development" (WELD); the "Professional Women's Course" (PWC), which has been conducted over the past four "ears, and the "Professional Men's Course" (PMC). The WELD course is targetted at women employees in grades GS-11 and above and is especially useful for middle-level managers, i.e., Branch Chiefs, and Deputy 'Division r'hiefs. During this quarter the following courses have been offered: 2 Runnings of the PWC 2 Runnings of the WELD 2 Runnings of the PMC OPM - Women's Executive Leadership Training Program (WELP) At the invitation of the Office of Personnel Management Executive Programs Division, the Agency is participating in OPM's government wide WELD. This is a leadership program for Federally employed women in grades GS-09 thru GS-12 who have shown exceptional managerial potential. This year seven Agency women were accepted and have begun their orientation. IV. SPECIAL PIO7EC TS/PAPERS A. Webster Reprint EEO data was provided for the DCI Designate, Judge Webster which reflected full time staff employee strength from fiscal year 1980 through 1986. (Tab A) (8) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 B. Bi Weekly Stats on Minority Processinq (Tab B) C. Listing of University/College Contacts (Tab C) D. Recruiting Schedule (Tab D) E. Recruitment Tracking (Tab E) V. INTERNAL EVENTS (Future Events) A. Several Agency employees, including three employees with disabilities, attended the Agency exhibit at the annual meeting of the President's Committee for Employment of the Handicapped in Denver, C'olrrado, 22-23 April. B. The Black Affairs Program staff is now planning the following programs: 1. Minority Student Symposium 27 - 29 April 1987 2. 1988 Minority Undergraduate Studies Program 3. 1988 Summer Fellowship Program 4. A get-acquainted/social function during the summer of 1987 for the 1987 Summer Fellows and Minority Undergraduates 5. Independence Day concert with Wintley Phipps - 2 July 1987 C. The Federal Women's Program Council (FWPAC) is planning another "first" for the Agency in August of this year. A one-day training conference will be held, open to all Agency women and those men who wish to attend. The purpose will be to explore ways that women can incorporate their feminine equalities and skills into a powerful managerial style; examine barriers that block their assent to the top and to address the issues women as managers face in working relationships with men. Another project planned by the FWPAC is billed as "A Week at the Movies." It will consist of a series of continuously running films during the noon hour in the auditorium for all interested personnel. The theme will be "The 24 Hour Person," and will deal with problems and choices made by employees regarding their family and career adjustment. (9) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 D. EEO Newsletter for Publication E. Personnel Changes New Hispanic Coordinator New Assistant to Hispanic Program Manager New Special Programs Manager (10) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Trends in Agency Workforce from 1980 to 1986 1. Since 1980, the total number of Blacks joining the Agency as full-time employees has increased- however, their percentage of the Agency work- force has decreased to in 1986. The growth rate for Blacks within the Agency has not kept pace with the Agency's overall staff growth rate. 2. Women have continued to occupy a larger portion of the workforce as reflected by their 0 representation in 1980 to in 1986. The number of women occupying professional positions has continued to increase to represent approximatelof the professional workforce at present. 3. The number of employees in the Agency who identify themselves as having some type of disability as defined by OPM has continued to increase since 1980. However, the percentage of handicapped employees in relation to the total Agency workforce has continued to decline since 1984. The major jump in severely or multiple disabled employees from 1982 to present reflects the Agency's adoption of OPM's standards defining these types of disabled employees. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 SECRET Equal Employment Opportunity-.Overview The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity was created in July 1975 and was placed in the DCI area as an independent office. In August 1983, when the Office of Personnel was incorporated into the DDA structure, the EEO Office was placed under the Office of Personnel for general guidance, tasking, and accountability. The CIA's equal employment opportunity and affirmative action program is a multifaceted effort. Since the program's inception some 12 years ago, it has focused on recruitment and retention of women and minorities, and on the development of their careers through skills training and awareness-building efforts. In recent years the EEO office has taken major steps to broaden awareness and sensitivity training for managers and employees, and covers a comprehensive spectrum of minority and women's issues. We are continuing to make progress in these areas but we still have a way to go. During FY-86 the Director of EEO, three specific Program Managers (Hispanic Employment, Black Affairs, and Asian-Pacific-American), as well as the four Directorate EEO representatives aggressively participated in the minority recruitment effort while providing assistance to the Agency's ten regionally based recruiter facilities. In FY-86, the Agency hired minorities and women for full-time permanent employment. Three EEO managed programs-Minority Student Symposium, Summer Fellowship, and Minority Undergraduate-are in direct support of the minority recruitment effort. These programs are being expanded and should play an important role in helping the Agency develop recruitment feeder groups and recruitment networks at the Historically Black Colleges and Universities HBCUs and other schools with significant minority -Minority Student Symposium This promising effort was introduced in FY-86 and is being continued in FY-87. Last year the program brought some 18 minority students from a variety of colleges/universities to the Agency for a series of indepth briefings concerning our mission and objectives while providing them an SrC s Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 SECRET opportunity to be interviewed for future staff employment. The students were enrolled in science, engineering, political science, and economics study programs at HBCUs and two universities with high Hispanic representation. Of the number participating, seven were offered positions and are being processed. The total cost of the program was far less than anticipated, given the some forty percent selection rate we achieved. The next program will include some 20 students and 15 placement directors, and is planned for 27-28 April 1987. -Summer Fellowship Program This program, which began in 1980, has proven to be an excellent developer of supportive contacts at the HBCUs and at the same time offers opportunities for staff personnel at these schools to strengthen their own skills. By placing a small number of faculty and administrators of HBCUs, regardless of their ethnic background, into regular Agency assignments during the summer months, the participants gain valuable experience in their fields and the Agency improves its relations with the schools. Since the program's inception, we have averaged about six per year. However, for 1987 we hope to double that number. -Minority Undergraduate Program This novel program was first introduced in the Directorate of Intelligence in 1984 and has since been expanded to two other Directorates. Under this program, promising minority undergraduates receive an early introduction to the CIA through a summer work experience linked to their formal academic studies. Also, the program affords the Agency an opportunity to evaluate potential future employees and guide them into course work that will prepare them for careers within our various components. In FY-86 six students, out of some 25 applicants from HBCUs, participated in the summer program, and one already has been hired for full-time staff employment. The current program for FY-87 has been expanded in two ways. Two of our major components--the Directorate of Administration and the Directorate of Science and Technology--will now join the Directorate of Intelligence in participating, thereby significantly increasing the number of summer placement opportunities. Also, minority students from all colleges and universities (not just HBCUs) are now being invited to participate. Of the 40 applicants that have app us far, we hope to hire about 12 students for this year's program. Tuition Assistance Program This program, now managed by the Office of Personnel, was established to assist students currently enrolled in one of the Agency's student programs, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 SECRET to help defray the high cost of receiving a college education. Eligible students can receive tuition payments up to $2,000 provided they return to the Agency as a staff employee upon graduation. An additional sum of up to $500 will be provided each student with 3.5 or higher G.P.A. Financial assistance has already been provided to over 103 students from 42 different academic institutions. We plan to expand the program this spring in accord with Sections 505 and 506 of HPSCI's Intelligence Authorization Bill. The expanded program, which will be managed by the EEO office, will provide a comprehensive scholarship program for minority high school students planning to attend college and interested in employment with the Agency. Upward Nobility The Agency's Upward Nobility Program offers career opportunities to male and female technical and clerical employees at grades QS-09 And heinw- Prrrn its inception in 1980 through 1985, some 100 employees were moved into technical and officer positions through this program. In FY-86 we dipped below expectations, placing 14 employees; all of them were white. Two minorities had been selected for placement but withdrew from the program. Training Opportunities The EEO office participates actively in formal Agency training courses. A new and comprehensive management training program has been developed by the Office of Training that will now help all new managers to become familiar with EEO issues. It is an effort to further sensitize and educate our next generation of supervisors and managers. In FY-86 the Urban Awareness Seminar conducted by Dr. Charles King, President of the Urban Crisis Center in Atlanta, Georgia, was offered 12 times, reaching approximately 360 employees. Since 1980 the EEO office has contracted with Dr. King to provide these seminars in an effort to help participants become aware of the broader issues involved in black-white and male-female relationships and other minority concerns. The EEO office's Federal Women's Program sponsored 12 one-week sessions of the Professional Women's Course, training 263 Agency women in FY-86. We also provided 8 runnings of the Professional Men's Course which trained 113 male managers. These courses provided substantive training, information, and role experiences from different perspectives to teach leaders of both sexes to understand and accommodate gender differences in the workplace. This training already has been expanded to reach a large audience in the current fiscal year. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 SECRET In FY-86 the Office of Logistics-one of our principal employers of wage grade workers and minorities-devised a "Blue Collar" mid-career course, paralleling a similar Agency-wide course for professional employees. The "blue collar" course is intended to provide a broadening experience and new insights on career opportunities for workers with demonstrated potential for advancement. In the first two runnings of the course, some thirty percent of the participants were represented by women and minorities. We expect this high level of minority and female participation to continue. SEC ET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Hi =torically F,lac}: Coi 1 etes CD ?r Fr;E CARF.ER PLANN 1NG DI RFA'TORS (Listed by States) College/University Tt 1 er;none Number Director/Address Alabama A&M University Dr. Earlie Rich, Director Huntsville, AL 35762 Greer Planning, Placement & Cooperative Education, (205) 859-7436, 859-7252 Alabama A&M University P.O. Box 345 Huntsville, AL 35762 Alabama State University Mr. Noses C. Carter, Director Montgomery, AL (205) 293-4156 36195 Career Planning & Cooperative Education Services Alabama State University Career Planning-Coop Building Montgomery, AL 36195 Miles Col lecte Birmincrharr,, AL 35206 Ms. Carolyn Ray, Miles College (205) 546-0484 Ext. 240/245 P.O. Box 3800 Birmingham, AL 35206 Oakwood College Huntsville, AL 35896 (205) 837-1630 Ext. 442/445 Stillman College Tu scaloosa, AL 35403 (205) 349-4240 Talladega College Talladega, AL 35160 (205) 362-0206 Tuskegee Institute Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 (205) 727-8294/727-8254 Ms. Janice V. Ross Director of Placement Oakwood College Counseling Center Huntsville, AL 35896 Mr. Gilford Kibler Director of Placement Stillman College P.O. Box 4893 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 Mr. Wylie N. Tucker Placement Director Talladega College 627 W. Battle Street Talladega, AL 35160 Dr. James N. Harris Director of Cooperative Education & Placement Services Tuskegee Institute Carnegie Hall, 2nd Floor Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director/Address University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff Mr. Elbert Bennett, Director Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Career Planning & Placement (501) 541-6667 University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff P.O. Box 4035 Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Philander Smith College Dr. Preston D. Robinson Little Rock, AR 72202 Director of Career Counseling (501) 370-5295 Philander Smith College Placement & Human Development Center 812 West 13th Little Rock, AR 72202 Delaware State College Mr. James R. Mims Dover, DE 19901 Director of Career Planning & Placement- (302) 736-5141/736-5142 Asst. to the Academic Vice President Delaware State College Dover, DE 19901 University of the District of Mr. James E. Dean, Director Columbia Career Planning & Placement Office Washington, DC 20008 University of the District of Columbia (202) 282-7557 4200 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Building 38, Room 210 Washington, D.C. 20008 Howard University Mr. Samuel M. Hall, Jr., Director Washington, DC 20059 Career Planning and Placement (202) 636-7513 Howard University Student Resource Center Sixth & Bryant Streets, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20059 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director/Address Bethune-Cbokman College Daytona Beach, FL 32015 (904) 255-1401 Ext. 283/295 Ms. Claudine L. McKee Director of Career Planning & Placement Bethune-Cbokman College 640 Second Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32015 Edward Waters College Jacksonville, FL 32209 (904) 355-3030 Florida A&M University Tallahassee, FL 32307 (904) 599-3700 Ms. Teri L. Wilson Career Counselor Edward Waters College 1658 Kings Road Jacksonville, FL 32209 Rev. Clinton C. Cunningham Director of Career Counseling & Placement Services Florida A&M University P.O. Box 158 Tallahassee, FL 32307 GEORGIA Albany State College Albany, GA 31705 (912) 439-4654 Mr. Willie D. Hampton Director of Career Development Albany State College P.O. Box 459 Albany, GA 31705 Atlanta University - School of Business Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 681-0251 Atlanta University Center Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 523-5157 Ms. Kassie Freeman, Placement Director Atlanta University - School of Business 223 J.P. Brawley Drive, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30314 Mr. George C. Land Coordinator of Career Planning & Placement Service Atlanta University Center 806 Creensferry Avenue, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30310 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 College/University ':telephone Number Director/Address GDOIIA (continued) Clark College - Atlanta University Center Atlanta, GA 30314 Ms. Georgia B. Jones Director of Placement & Cooperative Education (404) 522-8980 Clark College - Atlanta University Center 240 Chestnut Street, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30314 Fbrt Valley State College Fbrt Valley, GA 31030 Mr. Fralph P. Malone, Director Career Development/Cc>operative Education (912) 825-6219/825-6229 Fbrt Valley State College P.O. Box 4416 Fb ll GA 31030 t V r a ey, Morehouse College - Atlanta Mr. Benjamin P. McLaurin, Director University Center Career Counseling, Placement, & Atlanta, CIA 30314 Cooperative Education Before 12:30 - (404) 423-5157 Morehouse College - Atlanta University Center After 1:30 - (404) 681-2800 X320 P.O. Box 5 Atlanta, GA 30314 Morris Brown College Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 525-7831 Ext. 337 Paine College Augusta, GA 30910 (404) 722-4471 Ext. 307 Savannah State College Savannah, GA 31404 (912) 356-2285 Spelman College Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 681-3643 Dr. Charles M. Greene Associate Dean, Student Affairs Morris Brown College 643 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Atlanta, GP. 30314 r Mr. Henri Freerran, Director Career Planning & Placement Paine College 1235 - 15th Street Augusta, GA 30910 Mr. Nelson R. Freeman, Placement Director Savannah State College 246 Student Union Building Savannah, GA 31404 Ms. Barbara A. Brown Associate Dean for Life Planning Programs Spelman College 350 Spelman Lane Atlanta, GA 30314 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director//Address Kentucky State University Ms. Veleria E. Shavers, Director Frankfort, KY 40601 Cbunseling & Placement (502) 227-5948 Kentucky State University 349 Academic Services Building East Main Street Frankfort, KY 40601 Dillard University Ms. Rebecca H. Washington New Orleans, LA 70122 Director of Career Planning and Development (504) 283-8822 Ext. 216 and Placement Services Dillard University 2601 Gentilly Blvd. New Orleans, LA 70122 Grambling State University Mr. Lonnie B. Smith Grambling, LA 71245 Director of Career Planning & Placement (318) 274-2447 Ext. 2364/2197 Gra.rdling State University P.O. Drawer F, Grambling Hall (kambling, LA 71245 Southern University and Mr. Odell Compton A&N College Director of Career Counseling & Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Placement Center (504) 771-2200 Southern University and A&M College Academic Building, Room 206 Baton RDuge, LA 70813 Xavier University of Louisiana Ms. Carolyn D. Thomas New Orleans, LA 70125 Placement Officer (504) 483-7364 Xavier University of Louisiana 7325 Palmetto Street New Orleans, LA 70125 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director/Address Bowie State College Bowie, MD 20715 (301) 464-3316/464-3317/464-3373 Ms. Mary G. Johnson, Director Career Planning and Placement Bowie State College Bowie, MD 20715 Cbppin State College Baltimore, MD 21216 (301) 383-6324/383-3699 University of Maryland - Eastern Snore Princess Anne, MD 21853 (301) 651-0475/651-2200 EKt 566 Morgan State University Baltimore, MD 21239 (301) 444-3110/444-3111 Mr. James H. Thornton Director of the Career Development Center Coppin State College 2500 W. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21216 Ms. Dorothy L. Waters, Director University of Maryland - Eastern Shore Box Campus Princess Anne, ML) 21853 Mr. William M. Carson, Director Center for Career Development & Cooperative Education Morgan State University Carter, Grant, Wilson Administration Bldg. Suite 230 Baltimore, Maryland 21239 Alcorn State University Lorman, MS 39096 (601) 877-6324/877-6325 Mr. Al W. Johnson Director of Career Planning, Placement and Cooperative Education Alcorn State University Box 552 Campus Union Building, 2nd Floor Lorman, MS 39096 Jackson State University Jackson, MS 39217 (601) 968-2477/968-2478 Mississippi Valley State University Itta Bena, MS 38941 (601) 254-9041 Ext. 6470 Ms. Pearl M. Vincent, Director Career Counseling & Placement Jackson State University 1400 J.R. Lynch Street Jackson, MS 39217 Ms. Gladys Flaggs, Director Mississippi Valley State University P.O. Box 433 Itta Bena, MS 38941 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director/Address MISSISSIPPI (continued) Rust College Holly Springs, MS 38635 (601) 252-4661 Mr. John F. Peaches Cboperative f5ucation & Placement Director Rust College Cne Rust Avenue Holly Springs, MS 38635 Tougaloo College Tougaloo, MS 39174 (601) 956-4941 Ext. 287/288 Mr. Karl Collins, Placement Director Tougaloo College Zbugaloo, MS 39174 Lincoln University Jefferson City, MO 65101 (314) 751-4009 Ms. Mary W. Simmons, Director Lincoln University 3 08 Young Hall Jefferson City, MO 65101 Medgar Evers College Brooklyn, NY 11225 (718) 735-1776 Ms. Brenda J. Barley, Director Medgar Evers College 1150 Carroll Street Room 222 Brooklyn, NY 11225 Bennett Cblleae Greensboro, NC 27401 (919) 273-4431 Ext. 153/275-6174 Dr. Doris D. Vincent, Director Bennett College Career Services Center Lower Level/Health Bldg. Greensboro, NC 27401 Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth City, NC 27909 (919) 335-3287 Fayetteville State University Fayetteville, NC 28301 (919) 486-1205/486-1206 Mr. Alvin T. Kelley Director of Career Planning & Placement Elizabeth City State University Box 867 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Mr. James A. Scurry Director of Career Planning & Placement Fayetteville State University Butler Building Room 241 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number NORTH CAROLINA (continued) Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 378-1041 Livingstone College Salisbury, NC 28144 (704) 633-7960 Ext. 33/53 North Carolina A&T State Univ. Greensboro, NC 27411 (919) 379-7755/379-7756 North Carolina Central University Durham, NC 27707 (919) 683-6337/683-6305 St. Augustine's College Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 828-4451 Ext. 225/226 Shaw University Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 755-4915 Winston-Salem State University Winston-Salem, NC 27110 (919) 761-2140/761-2169 Director/Address Ms. Curtina P. Simmons Director of Career Planning, Placement & Cooperative Education Johnson C. Smith University 100 Beatties Fbrd Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Ms. Esther S. McNeill Director of Career Counseling & Placement Livingstone College 701 W. Monroe Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Mr. Leon Warren Director of Career Planning & Placement North Carolina A&T State University 101 Murphy Hall Greensboro, NC 27411 Mr. Thomas D. Listen, Director Career Counseling & Placement Office North Carolina Central University P.O. Box 19585 Alexander-Dunn Bldg. Durhair., NC 27707 Ms. Mabel Jones Matthews, Director Career Development Center St. Augustine's College 201 Hunter Building Raleigh, NC 27611 Ms. Louise W. Lewis Coordinator of Career Planning & Placement Shaw University Student Union Bldg. Raleigh, NC 27611 Ms. Sandy M. Sosnik Director of Career Planning & Placement Office Winston-Salem State University Winston-Salem, NC 27110 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director/Address Central State University Ms. Marcella A. Sampson, Director Wilberforce, CH 45384 Career Services Center (513) 376-6383 Central State University Banter Hall Wilberforce, OH 45384 Wilberforce University Ms. Helen P. Wren Wilberforce, OH 45384 Director of Career Planning & Placement (513) 376-2911 Ext. 738 Wilberforce University Shorter Hall - Basement Wilberforce, OH 45384 Langston University Ms. Yvonne Montgomery Langston, OF. 73050 Director of Placement (405) 466-2231 Langston University Box 360 Langston, Of: 73050 Ch eyney University of Pennsylvania Dr. Newton H. Miller Cheyney, PA 19319 Director of Career Services & Placement Center (215) 399-2033/399-2049 Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Marcus Fbster Student Alumni Center Second Floor P.O. Box 357 & 358 Cheyney, PA 19319 Lincoln University Mr. William S. Bowles, Director Lincoln University, PA 19352 Career Services Center (215) 932-8300 Ext. 257 Lincoln University 409 Lincoln Hall Lincoln University, PA 19352 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director/Address SOUTH CkRDLINA Allen University Columbia, SC 29204 (803) 254-4165 Ext. 202 Rev. Rosalyn G. Frederick, Counselor Allen University 1530 Harden Street Columbia, S2 29204 Benedict College Columbia, SC 29204 (803) 256-4220 Ext. 2153 Claflin College Orangeburg, SC 29115 (830) 534-2710 Norris College Sumter, SC 29150 (803) 775-9371 Ext. 257 South Carolina State College Orangeburg, SC 29117 (803) 536-7031/536-7032/536-7033 Voorhees College Denmark, SC 29042 (803) 793-3351 Ext. 7331 Mr. Jimmie F. Monroe Director of Greer Planning & Placement Benedict College Mather Hall, B5 Columbia, SC 29204 V. Deas Robinson Director of Counseling & Planning Center Claflin College Laymen Hall, 1st Floor Orangeburg, S: 29115 Ms. Audrey P. Neal Director of Career Planning & Placement- Cooperative fl ucation Center Morris College North Main Street Sumter, SC 29150 Ms. Marie A. Hamberg Director of Career Development Center South Carolina State College P.O. Box 1568 Rowe Hall, First Floor Orangeburg, SC 29117 Ms. Dorothy P. Patterson Career Counselor Voorhees College Box 66 Denmark, SC 29042 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Fisk University Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 329-8597 Knoxville College Knoxville, TN 37921 (615) 524-6831 Lane College Jackson, TN 38301 (901) 424-4600 Ext. 278 L--Moyne--Owen College Memphis, TN 38126 (901) 942-7375 Tennessee State University Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 320-3525 Director/Address Ms. Shirley A. Turner Director of Career Planning & Placement/ Dean of Student Affairs Fisk University 1615 A-iillips Street Nashville, TN 37203 Dr. Riby P. Cochran Director of Placement Knoxville College 901 College Street Knoxville, TI\N 37921 Mr. L. Kapel Kirkendoll Director of Greer Planning & Placement Lane College 501 Lane Avenue Jackson, TN 38301 Ms. Bertha J. Jones, Placement Counselor LeMoyne-Owen College 807 Walker Avenue Memphis, TN 38126 Ms. Dorothy D. Lockridge, Director Tennessee State University Student Union 220 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd. Nashville, TN 37203 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Co_lece 'Univers t-,- Telet none Nurfoer Director/ AM7ress Bishop College Ms. Katherine L. Rollerson Dallas, TX 75241 Associate Dean of Greer Planning (214) 372-8744 and Placement Bishop Qbllege 3837 Simpson-Stuart Road Price-Branch Building Room 224 Dallas, TX 75241 Haston-Tillotson College Ms. Marian Lavon Marshall Austin, TX 78702 Greer Counseling & Placement Director (512) 476-7421 Eat. 272/273 I sto- Tillotson Collece 1820 E. 8th Street Austin, n. 78702 Jarvis Christian College Ms. Floydine Y. Henson; Pjawkins, TX: 7576= Counselinc & Testing Saecialist (214) 76G-12174 Fast_ 29: Jarvis Christian Coileo e P.C. Drawer G Hawkins, T}: 75765 Paul Qainn College Ms. Joyce M. Fonteneaux, Director Waco, TX 76704 De artment of ktman Resource Center (817) 753-6415 Eat. 248.%2E: Ps Cu nn Cblleoe 1020 Elrr. Avenue Waco, TX 76704 Prairie View AL I,' i~.:. Brutus N. Jackson. Prairie View, TX 77440 Director of Career Education & Placement Center (409) 857-2120 Prairie View A&M University P. 0. Box 2 74C Prairie View, TX 77440 Texas College Ms. R?ggy A. Johnson Tyler, TX 75702 Director of Placement (214) 593-8311 Ext. 73 Texas College 2404 N. Grand Tyler, TX 75702 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 College/University Telephone Number Director/Address TEXAS (continued) Texas Southern University Houston, TX 77004 (713) 527-7346/527-7347/527-7142 Mr. Harry E. Clack, Director Cooperative Education & Placement Services Texas Southern University 3100 Cleburne Street ibuston, TX 77004 Wiley College Marshall, TX 75670 (214) 938-8341 Ext. 232/233 Mr. Bishop B. Corry Director of Career Counseling & Placement Wiley College Thirkield Hall, B-9 Marshall, TX 75670 Hampton University Hampton, VA 23668 (804) 727-5331/727-5630/727-5631 Mr. James A. Bell Director of Career Planning & Placement Hampton University Wigwam Building Room 300 Hampton, VA 23668 Norfolk State University Norfolk, VA 23504 (804) 623-8462 St. Paul's College Lawrenceville, VA 23868 (804) 848-3111 Virginia State University Petersburg, VA 23803 (804) 520-5211 Virginia Union University Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 257-5888/257-5656 Mr. George E. Watts Director of Placement 306 Student Union Norfolk, VA 23504 Mr. W. Harrison Land Director of Career Planning & Placement St. Paul's College 406 Windsor Avenue Lawrenceville, VA 23868 Dr. Mack B. MDrant Director of Placement Virginia State University Box 84 Petersburg, VA 23803 Ms. Brenda Steppe, Director Career Planning & Placement Virginia Union University Henderson Center 1500 N. Lombardy Street Richmond, VA 23220 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Geographical Locations Four-Year Institutions State'College City Alabama ' A;aoama A&M' Universr.\ Norma ' Aiaoama State Unvers-\ M,ontoomer\ Mues Coheos Fairf~ei: Gak wood Coliepe Huntsville Stilin-,a-, Coiiepe luscaioos Taliaoeaa Colieoe Tal;aoeos i uSRepee inStitute 1 USKegec Arkansas ' ArKansas-Pine Biu`1,Un viers t, io F,ne Biu` [-.rKa':sas 5a: -,:s-. i~ep, Lillie FtDC Pniia-,oe, Smt .,Oliep= LittiE 1=50 Delaware UEiCVvde SiatE Coiled- DDve' District of Columbia ' ~~~str~ct o' Coiurr.o,i= Unn-ersa, IC bOv.arb Univers.,. Florida Betnune-CooKrnar, Colieoe Eov,?arc 'Vyaters COiiece Fiorioa A&M Unrversl" Fionoa t'emoria' Coiiece Georgia Aldan, State Colieoe Atianta Univers-t\ Clan Col eas r o . \aliev State Colieoe, Tne Morenouse Colieoe Morris Brown Colieoe Paine Colieoe Savannar State Colieoe SDelman Colieoe Inter-Denominations Tneological Cente- Kentucky ' Kentucky State University Simmons Bible College Louisiana Dillard University ' Gramblinc State University " Soutnern Universm ' Soutnern University at Nev, Orleans Xavier University of Louisiana Vtiasn noto, V~asn!notor Daytona Bea--- Jacr,sonviLe -aLar,assee Mu a m, Aldan, Atia rata Atiant- For, Valle. Atianta Atianta Augusta Savanna, Atianta Frankfort Louisville New Orleans Gramblina Baton Rouge New Orleans New Orleans v /b State'College Maryland Bowie State Colieoe Copoir State Colieoe Marviano-Eastern Snore University (0' Morgan State Unlverst. Sojourner-Douotass Colieoe Mississippi ' Aicorn State Universlt\ ' JacKson State Universe. M,ss!ssIpD Valley State Unverst, Rust Coliece i ouoaioo Col!eoc Missouri uncoln Un;vers-t\ New York Meopar Evers Colieoe North Carolina 5aroe- Scotia Colieoe Sennett Colieoe Ei zaoetn Ctty State Un versit\ ' =avettevilie State Un ve-s t, uonnson C Smtr Univers~t. Livingstone Coiheoe No-tr Caroiina A& State Universe. ortr Carotina Centra University Saint Augustine's Colieoe Snav. Univers-t. ' Vvinston-Salem State University Ohio " Centra! State University Wilberforce University Oklahoma ' Langston University Pennsylvania ' Cheyney University o4 Pennsylvania Lincoln University South Carolina Allen University Benedict College City Bowe Baltimore Princess Anne Baltimore Baltimore Aicorr JacKSO- Itta Ber, Hol!\ SDrinoE TOUgatol Concorc. Greensoor: Ei;zabetr Cie, Favettevilie Cnanotte S s r ) , Durnarr Raieor Raieo~ Wilberforce Wilberf orce Langston Cneyney Lincoln Columbia Columbia Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 State'College City State'College City CiafI,r Col~eo_ Grarlpen.u?- Jarv:s Cnnsuan Colleo_ E HawKin_ Morns CoIIeoE Surnte' Pau' Quinn Colleoe Vvacc ' SOJ:" .,arOlir.c S:atE C_Okeoe GranoeDJ'_ ' Frame Vlev, A&M Universr,\ Prairie Viev, voornee_ COlieac Denm " Texas Colieoe Tvie ' Texas Soutnern Univers!t\ Houston Tennessee Wuev Colleoe Marsnal ;--so Un!ve's"., Nasnvilie h,n2'ville Colieo~_ Knoxvli Virginia -anE Coheoe Ja~Ksor Hamotor Universit~ Hamptor LeN,Mtovne-0wen Colieoe Hemp^.u_ ? Norfolk State Unlversit~ Norfok NMlenarr Meo cal College Nasnvdh~ Saint Paul s Colieoe Lawrenceville Tennessee State Un,vers t~ NasnvIIie Virginia Seminar- & Colleo_ Lyncnpuro ? 'vlro nia State University Petersourc Texas v- roan a Unior. Unlve's:. Ri^nmonc 6!sno[ Colleo= Dale, P'1 jEJor- i Iho:sor Col~eoe AuS:.' "institutions which are supported and controlled by municipal or state government. 92 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 January 1987 - September 1987 Michigan State University Minority Career Fair Ohio State University (Minority Career Fair Carnegie Mellon/U. of Pitt. University of Maryland Xavier, Southern/Baton Rouge Indiana University University of Louisville-Minority Career Fair Western KY. Univ. KY. State U. U. of Kentucky Prairie View January - Coop Jan. 2? - 2. - Dn!c- & FFn 9 - 10 February 1987 - FFO & (r*' (Interviews will be arranged) 19 - 20 February - .Fr) 18 February - FF0 February coop Y February - E90 & TX)/(''' 25 - 27 February - Do/w & FEo Late September Late September Late September March 12 Dallas RAC'/ DnS&^_' FFn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Grambling Grambling University of Minnesota MIT/Harvard South Carolina State Atlanta Consortium Morehouse College & other Atl. schools Winston-Salem State TI. 21 March Dallas PAC May- DI/EF,O To be established DO/(' DO/C"' March Coop March Coop 10 - 11 March ro/c'r March 22- 24 DO/Cr & DDI/EEO National Society of Black Engineers Univ. of Tenn. /Chattanooga University of D.C. Virginia Commonwealth University Winston-Salem State University (Youth Motivational Task Force Michigan State University University of New Mexico (APA/Hispanic) San Diego State Dallas 25 - 29 March DI/FEO & S&m/FF) March 30 - 31 EFO 1 April 1987 - EEO Date to bP establis"hetq - FFY) 6-7April-FFM 13, 14 & 15 April Dn/' ' - 10 April F'F0 20 -21 April('^o be confirmed w/ school 22 - 23 April EEO("'o be confirmed with school) 27 - 28 April - EEO (To be confirmed with school Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89G00643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Annual Meeting of PECH - Denver 22 - 24 April 1987 - EEC) (Conference on the Handicapped) EXHIBIT Cleveland State, Case Western, U. of Akron EEO mid - March(mo be confirms with school Xavier U. (Career Fair), Southern/Baton Rouge EEO Week of 14 Sept. Atlanta University - Career Fair(includes last week in September Clark, Morehouse, Spelman and Morris Brown Colleges)FSO University of Maryland/Eastern Shore Univ. of South Carolina Minority Career Fair Univ. of VA. Minority Career Fair 3rd week in Sept. - EFO 2nd week in September - FF0 Last week/Sept. or 1st week in October North Carolina A&T University Tennessee State Hampton University Pennsylvania State Tuskeegee Temple University U. of Penn. New York University Georgia State University Old Dominion National Urban League Convention National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Convention Minority Student Symposium 1st week in September - F n DDS&T/EEO(Car_eer Fair) 2nd week in September - FF 15 March - DO/C?' DDS&T/EFI_) Late April - Tr/r'" Late April - DO/CT' Late April - TY /(" Mid March -T)o/C" Late April - DO/CT, F-0 July 19 - 22, 19R7 Houston- July 6 - R New York Projected 29 - 30 April, 1 May Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5 Next 12 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/12 : CIA-RDP89GO0643R000600020040-5