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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 _ FOR THE DEPU1Y DIRECTOR, JOINT INTELLIGENCE GROW,JOINI STAFF WORLD TIN SITUATION \ nc.N SR-27 Jo. L.) Published July 1948 ? ? 7 " 7 - '67, 17 . ? by ? Date: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY .xisrEstacEALLiAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 WARNING This document contains information affecting the na- tional defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32, as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL DISSEMINATION NOTICE 1. This copy of this publication is for the information and use of the recipient designated on the front cover and of individuals under the jurisdiction of the recipient's office who require the information for the performance of their official duties. Further dissemination elsewhere in the department to other offices which require the informa- tion for the performance of official duties may be authorized by the following: a. Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence, for the Department of State b. Director of Intelligence, GS, USA, for the Department of the Army c. Chief, Naval Intelligence, for the Department of the Navy d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the Department of the Air Force e. Director of Security and Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic Energy Com- mission f. Deputy Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for the Joint Staff g. Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination, CIA, for any other Department or Agency 2. This copy may be either retained or destroyed by burning in accordance with applicable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by arrangement with the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. :%777 r4s. CLC) TO: C DISTRIBUTION Drm. 1,7w?, /tzar 71 1? DD ? REG. 77/l76 The President Chief of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief Date: bj ij 11 By AL, Secretary of Defense Executive Secretary, National Security Council Chairman, National Security Resources Board Secretary, Research and Development Board Department of State Department of the Army Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Atomic Energy Commission Joint Chiefs of Staff State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee Joint Intelligence Group CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Published July 1948 CONFIDENTIAL SR-27 A SURVEY OF THE WORLD TIN SITUATION TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY TIN SUPPLY AND ITS CONSERVATION DURING WORLD WAR II 1 CONSUMPTION AND USES 5 WORLD MINE PRODUCTION OF TIN 9 WORLD SMELTER PRODUCTION OF TIN 12 PRINCIPAL TIN PRODUCING AREAS 14 1. Far East . 14 a. Malaya . 14 b. Netherlands East Indies 15 c. Siam? (Thailand) . 16 d. China 16 e. Burma 17 f. Australia 17 g. Other Countries of the Far East . 17 2. Africa . ? ? 18 a. Belgian Congo 18 b. Nigeria 18 3. Latin America 19 a. Bolivia 19 b. Argentina 20 c. Mexico 21 d. Brazil 21 4. United Kingdom 22 5. Canada 23 6. USSR 23 APPENDIX Table A ? Estimated Tin Ore Reserves of the World Table B ? World Mine Production of Tin (Content of Ore) by Countries, in Long Tons . . . Table C ? World Mine Production of Tin by Principal Countries Table D ? Major Tin Smelters of the World . . Table E ? Index to World Map of Principal Tin Mines and Major Deposits World Map of Principal Tin Mines and Important Deposits . References . A- 1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A- 5 A-10 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL ? SUMMARY The world's major tin-producing areas are the Far East, Bolivia, and Africa. The principal tin-producing countries of the Far East area are Malaya (the Malayan Union), Netherlands East Indies, Siam, China, and Burma, which together accounted for two-thirds of the world's production in 1939. The peak years of world mine pro- duction of tin were 1940 and 1941 when 239,000 and 246,000 long tons of tin (metal content of ore) were produced, the years just before the Japanese invasion. The production in Malaya for these two years was 84,000 and 78,000 tons respectively and in the Netherlands East Indies 43,000 and 51,000 tons. Most of the ore mined and concentrated in the Far East was smelted within the area, although some of the concentrates from the Netherlands Indies were shipped to the Arnhem Smelter in Holland and to the United States. Rehabilitation of the mines, plants, and dredges in the Netherlands Indies has been more rapid than in Malaya and other countries of the Far East, and it is be- lieved that tin production in the Indies will be restored to prewar levels in 1949 and in Malaya possibly a year or two later, depending on the speed at which the dredges can be repaired and equipment replacements obtained. Aside from delay in ship- ments of new equipment and spares, recovery has been impeded by a coal shortage, and by labor troubles due to the general social and economic disorganization to which the shortage of rice has considerably contributed. Bolivia now ranks second in importance as a tin-producing country, although in prewar years it ranked third, and its economic well-being is dependent on exports of tin which constitute about 80 percent of its export trade. All Bolivian production of tin concentrates has in recent years been shipped to the United Kingdom and the United States for smelting. Prior to World War II about 75 percent of the tin exports went to England and the balance to Belgium, Holland, and Germany. Bolivia's pro- duction is now the chief source for supplying the Longhorn smelter at Texas City, Texas, but the exports to the United States fall short of smelter capacity. Bolivia's peak production in recent years was 42,500 long tons (tin content of concentrates) in 1945, but dropped to 37,700 in 1946 and to 33,259 in 1947. The average annual tin production for the 5-year war period of 1941 to 1945 was 40,500 long tons. If labor troubles can be avoided and the present price * of 90 cents per pound f.o.b. vessels at South American ports can be maintained, it is believed that Bolivia's annual rate of exports of tin should increase substantially in 1948 over 1947. An agreement for the purchase of 8,000 tons of Bolivian tin per year, in the form of concentrates, for five years was signed early in March 1947, between Bolivia * Subsequent to this writing the price was increased to 99 cents f. o. b. vessels at South American ports. Note: The information in this paper is as of April 1948. The intelligence organizations of the Departments a State, Army, Navy, and the Air Force have concurred in this report. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL and Argentina and ratified in October. As yet there have been no shipments made, for negotiations as to the method of payment were still continuing in March 1948. If Argentina intends to use the Bolivian tin for a domestic industry in the near future, the concentrates would have to be shipped to the United States or United Kingdom for smelting as Argentine facilities are totally inadequate for the handling of such a tonnage. Plans for the erection of additional smelting facilities, however, are under consideration. It is possible that the Argentine government may be considering this purchase of relatively large tonnage for stockpiling purposes. The two most important tin-producing countries in Africa are Nigeria and the Belgian Congo. Nigeria's tin production in 1939 was 9,567 long tons and during the war it was maintained well above 10,000 tons each year with a peak production of 12,883 tons in 1945. All Nigerian production of tin concentrates is exported to smelters in England for reduction to metal. The importance of the Belgian Congo during the war was brought out by the fact that the mine production of tin increased from 7,140 long tons in 1939 to 17,070 in 1945, most of which was exported to the United States in the form of concentrates and metal. Exports of tin from the Belgian Congo to the United States for the 5-year period, 1941 to 1945, amounted to 50,000 tons of metal, and 19,000 tons of tin in con- centrates for the period 1943 to 1945 inclusive. The production of tin in the Congo may decline at the less remunerative mines depending on the world market and eco- nomic factors. The principal tin smelter in the Belgian Congo is at Manono with a rated annual capacity of 10,500 long tons of refined tin. The production of tin in the USSR falls far short of domestic requirements, although active search for tin in recent years has disclosed several tin-bearing de- posits. Most of these deposits are low grade, difficult of access, and will need greatly improved transportation facilities for their economic exploitation. According to cap- tured German documents the production of tin increased during the war to 7,500 tons in 1944, but it is not believed that there has been any increase in mine produc- tion since the termination of hostilities. It is believed that essential requirements of tin are at present less and that production of tin in the USSR may be estimated at about one-half of domestic needs. The ore reserves of tin are limited and a much greater tonnage of ore will have to be developed before the USSR may be considered to have attained any semblance of self-sufficiency with respect to tin. The mine production of other countries is discussed under tin production for the individual countries. The total world's ore reserves have been estimated at 6,541,000 tons of contained tin, of which Malaya, China, Netherlands East Indies, Siam, and Burma of the Far East account for 78 percent. Bolivia and the Belgian Congo each account for about 7.7 percent, Nigeria 3.8, and all other countries about 3.0 percent. It is not difficult to note from the above where lies the largest source of supply and how important it is to get the mines in the Far East rehabilitated and back to normal prewar produc- tion. For the world's ore reserves see Table A of Appendix A. CONFIDENTIAL ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL In contrast to the tin-producing areas, tin is not produced in appreciable amounts in any important industrial country. The United Kingdom imports its tin primarily in the form of concentrates, and prior to the war the United States imported refined tin largely from the Far East and United Kingdom. These two countries together consumed about 60 percent of the world's output of virgin metal. Now that the United States has its own tin smelter, it produces more refined tin from Bolivian concentrates than it imports as metal, but it will undoubtedly increase its imports of metal from the Far East and other sources when production of refined tin is again made available. The Longhorn smelter at Texas City is operated by the Tin Processing Corpora- tion. Its capacity was originally designed for 18,000 tons of fine tin per year, but was subsequently increased to 74,000 tons which has never been reached, owing to the low grade of Bolivian concentrates. Congress has extended the government's authority to operate the smelter until 30 June 1949, with a proviso that Congress make a thorough study of the advisability of maintaining a domestic tin-smelting industry on a permanent basis. Considering the present world tin shortage, it would seem highly essential to continue the operation of the Texas Smelter, especially in case our source of supply, other than Bolivia, were cut off. The United States is entirely dependent on foreign sources for its supply of tin and is the world's largest consumer of tin. The most important and largest source of world supply is found in the Far East, and if this source of supply should be cut off from the United States and the United Kingdom, the only other sources would be Africa and Bolivia. Of course, if the Far East should be cut off from the United King- dom, Britain's demands on the Belgian Congo and Nigeria would be greater, which would no doubt curtail shipments to the United States. It, therefore, stands to reason that the United States should stockpile sufficient tin to fill its requirements for at least two or three years, because of the great distances to principal producing areas and largest ore reserves. Note: All tonnage figures in this report are long tons unless otherwise indicated. iii CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL ? TIN SUPPLY AND ITS CONSERVATION DURING WORLD WAR II ? The procurement of tin for stockpile purposes was relatively small in the United States until after the passage of the Strategic Materials Act in June 1940 which au- thorized purchases by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. By the end of 1941 the Government owned 23,245 long tons of tin contained in ore and concentrates and 50,039 long tons of metal, of which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation held 42,606 tons, the Treasury Procurement 5,478 tons for the strategic stockpile, and the Navy Department 1,055 tons. Events following Pearl Harbor necessitated prompt and drastic reduction in the use of tin. On 17 December 1941, an order was issued placing tin under full allocation control which forbade the fabrication, sale, transfer or disposal of tin except as au- thorized by the Director of Priorities. Subsequently, supplementary conservation orders and regulations were issued. In fact, throughout the war the orders were fre- quently modified or amended to effect more restricted regulations and were extended through auxiliary limitation and conservation orders to stop lesser loopholes in the restraining program. The effectiveness of these orders was demonstrated by the fact that consumption of primary tin declined from 103,086 tons in 1941 to 46,253 tons in 1943. Toward the end of the war restrictions were slightly relaxed and 55,642 tons of primary tin were consumed in 1945. Conservation was generally effected in three ways: (1) through prohibition or nearly complete prohibition of tin for use in certain items, such as foil for packaging or decorative purposes, collapsible tubes, and jewelry. (2) A second method was by reducing the tin content of alloys and tin plate, such as solders, bronzes, and bearing metals. The greatest saving in this field was obtained by reducing the thickness in tin plate coating for many uses. Part of this saving was accomplished through specifi- cation control and part through the introduction of electrolytic plating which made it possible to produce tin plate with coatings of 0.5 pounds per base box and less as against 1.0 to 1.5 pounds by dipping. This type of plate was suitable for many ap- plications and as it became available its use was specified whenever possible. It has been stated that industrial research has made it possible to produce 26 billion cans in 1947 with 40 percent less tin than was consumed in 1941 in making 25 billion cans; electrolytic tin plate, low tin content solders, and other research developments, in metal can production alone, will have saved some 80,000 tons of tin during the six years ended December 31, 1947. (3) A third method of conservation was through substitu- tion. In this field the displacement of metal by glass containers, partly as a result of concurrent limitations on steel, was the most important factor. Fiber containers found increasing uses as well as chemically treated plate for certain cans. As a result of distribution and conservation controls, at no time during the war period was any war or essential civilian program held up for lack of tin. It must be remembered, however, that the United States had a fairly good supply of tin in the form of metal and concentrates when it entered the war and was able to acquire 1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL STOCKS OF TIN METAL AND CONCENTRATES (Metal Content) IN THE UNITED STATES* 1939-1940 THOUSANDS OF LONG TONS 200 175 150 125 100 75 25 0 1939 1940 1941 1942 * End of year. 1943 1944 1945 ** Mostly Government. Data prior to December 1941 are not available. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce. CONFIDENTIAL 2 1946 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL additional supplies from the Far East before they were cut off by Japan, and from the Belgian Congo and Bolivia. Should our sources of supply from the Far East as well as from the Belgian Congo be cut off, our only source of supply would be Bolivia. Our supplies at present are none too plentiful and it stands to reason that the United States should build up and maintain a stockpile of tin to meet its needs for a period of at least two Or three years.' Stocks, of tin metal and concentrates (metal content) in the united State.a for the:Tears 1939 to 1946 are indicated by the chart on page 2. According to the Department of Commerce, stocks of tin at the end of 1947 are given as follows: Government: LONG TONS (TIN CONTENT) Concentrate 19,282 Pig 24,555 Industrial: Pig 14,438 Other 9,112 TOTAL 67,387 Does not include strategic stockpile. During the war, supplies of both tin metal and concentrates available to the United Nations were allocated by the Combined Raw Materials Board. When that Board was discontinued at the end of 1945, the United States, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands established the Combined Tin Committee to allocate the pig tin exportable surpluses of the world's major producers among consuming countries. Concentrates are no longer allocated. Certain countries with smelters, such as the United Kingdom and Malaya for example, produce more pig than they consume. To insure an equitable distribution, their surplus of pig tin is allocated to those countries where smelters are lacking or are not producing enough pig tin to meet their respective requirements, such as the United States. The allocations to different countries for 1947 have totaled about 57,000 tons of pig tin over half of which was allocated to the United States. The imports of tin into the United States by country of origin for the years 1939 to 1947 are given in Table 1. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL TABLE 1-IMPORTS OF TIN INTO THE UNITED STATES BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (In long tons) 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Concentrates 1 Argentina 1,609 .. 60 .. . . . Belgian Congo .. 4,094 7,549 7,401 7,214 350 Bolivia 20,514 20,750 21,048 27,701 25,984 28,566 22,967 French Cameroons 179 161 283 177 129 58 Mexico 114 45 212 61 13 Netherlands East Indies . . 6,220 7,977 2,206 4,894 Siam (Thailand) ... ... .8 2,280 Other 500 2 3,0002 34 2 72 12 Total 500 3,000 28,670 28,933 25,645 35,548 33,529 38,116 30,503 Metal Belgian Congo 100 4,899 11,030 11,225 11,550 10,000 6,494 628 4,550 British Malaya 46,785 96,454 104,872 7,791 5 .. 12,440 China 3,259 ? 3,889 2,845 3,625 3,338 1,946 . . 2,607 Netherlands East Indies 5,316 12,101 17,739 3,922 1,847 Portugal 25 104 . 99 364 9 United Kingdom 10,698 4,851 3,641 87 4,208 246 Other ' 3,719 - 2,512 746 4 111 973 24 13,849' Total 70,102 124,810 140,873 26,753 12,030 13,338 9,413 6,716 33,692 1 The above figures of imports of concentrates are on a tin-content basis. The amount of actu- ally recoverable refined tin will be less because of treatment and smelting losses. 'Imports of tin concentrates came largely from Bolivia and were consigned for treatment in private plants in this country. ?3 Japan 9,820 tons; Siam 4,029 tons. SOURCE: Department of Commerce. CONFIDENTIAL 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CO] Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 TABLE 2-CONSUMPTION OF TIN IN THE UNITED STATES Product 1939 1940 1941 199 Pri- Second- Total mary ary Pri- Second- Total mary ary Pri- Second- mary ary Total Pri- Seco mary ar, Tin plate 36,640 1 1 36,640 38,674' 38,674 44,8541 44,854 28,522 Terneplate 317 1,137 1,454 455 1,058 1,513 917 1,129 2,046 339 5 Solder 9,578 7,701 17,279 10,222 8,797 19,019 18,084 10,141 28,225 7,228 6,6 Babbitt 3,850 1,598 5,448 4,473 3,173 7,646 7,495 3,104 10,599 3,195 2,9 Bronze and Brass 3,385 3,051 6,436 5,444 9,216 14,660 10,067 13,103 23,170 10,646 17,0 Collapsible tubes 3,507 " 3,507 3,512 2 3,512 4,233 212 4,445 1,048 Tinning 2,165 172 2,337 2,455 265 2,720 3,987 145 4,132 2,764 Foil 2,001 5 2,001 1,713 1,713 4,292 4,292 576 Chemicals (other than tin oxide) 167 288 455 52 330 3822 280 690 970 36 2 Pipe and Tubing , 606 2 606 661 2 661 1,325 2 1,325 143 Tin oxide 651 359 1,010 651 506 1,157 995 495 1,490 84 Type metal 149 990 1,139 84 1,048 1,132 287 1,528 1,815 40 1,1 Galvanizing 1,028 . 1,028 963 963 863 104 967 82 Bar tin 1,100 241 1,341 1,000 91 1,091 1,526 607 2,133 601 1' Miscl. alloys 404 45 449 353 11 364 480 137 617 558 2 White metal 466 42 508 953 83 1,036 2,463 3 982 2,561 83' 1, Miscellaneous 569 221 790 659 262 911 938 116 1,054 343 Total 66,583 15,845 82,428 72,324 24,830 97,154 103,086 31,609 134,695 56,288 29,3! Includes small quantity of pig tin derived from detinning operations. Small quantity included under "Miscellaneous." "Includes 454 tons of primary and 20 of secondary. 'Includes 9 tons of primary and 2 of secondary for Britannia ware and 2 tons of primary for pewter. 5 Includes 5 tons of secondary for pewter. 'Includes "Miscellaneous." 'Included under "Chemicals." SOURCE: U. S. Bureau of Mines. TABLE 2A - CONSUMPTION OF TIN II PRODUCTS (TIN CONT 199 PRODUCT Tin plate and terneplate Solder Babbitt Bronze and Brass Collapsible tubes Tinning Foil Chemicals (other than tin oxide) Pipe and Tubing Tin oxide Type metal Miscellaneous TOTAL 'Other and unclassified. = Includes about 3,000 tons of secondary pig fro SOURCE: Department of Commerce. CONFIDENT! AT. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION AND USES ? The present shortage of tin is the direct outgrowth of the wartime devastation of Far Eastern producing areas. On current evidence, this shortage will continue for some time. Domestic requirements of tin for the year 1948 are estimated at approxi- mately 90,000 tons under restrictions now in force. World supply estimates made public by the inter-governmental Tin Study Group in Brussels in April 1947, indicate that current supplies of tin will fall short of demand at least until some time in 1949, and for that reason tin will probably continue to be allocated. The United States normally consumes about one-half of the world's total output of tin, but is entirely dependent on foreign sources. Although tin is not used directly in the production of steel, its consumption is closely linked with the steel industry. The largest use of tin is in the production of tin plate, that is, steel sheets covered with a layer of tin as a protective coating, the major part of which is in tin containers needed for packaging food. A small amount is used to put a lead-tin coating on steel in the manufacture of terne plate. Its use for plating steel, in solder, and in bearing alloys for use in machines made of steel accounts for about 60 percent of the tin consumption. Solder, bearing metal, and bronze ac- count for the bulk of the metal used in alloy form, with lesser amounts in die casting alloys and similar combinations. Other uses are in collapsible tubes, type metal, foil, and other products. A small percentage of the total consumption is in industrial uses in the form of chemical compounds as oxide and chloride. There are few direct military uses, but on the other hand, war demand considerably increases the consumption of tin in many of its ordinary. industrial uses, particularly tin containers, solder, and bearing metal. Such uses as we find of tin in military equipment are simply adaptations of the ordinary industrial uses, applied to products that happen to be of a military character. The total consumption of tin in the United States by finished products is given in Table 2 and Table 2A for the years 1939 to 1947. From these tables it will be noted that the proportion of tin used in tin plate during the years 1939, 1940, and 1941 was much greater than during the years follow- ing when restrictions were in effect. On the other hand, a larger proportion was used in alloys of bronze and brass during the war period because of greater requirements by the military services. As long as tin is in short supply and restrictions remain in force, the free use of tin for certain finished products will continue to be limited. The accompanying chart indicates the consumption of primary and secondary tin in the United States by finished products (tin content) for selected periods 1937 to 1946. Table 3 gives some idea of the apparent consumption of tin in the leading countries from 1939 to 1947 in long tons. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TIN IN THE UNITED STATES BY FINISHED PRODUCTS (TIN CONTENT) FOR SELECTED PERIODS DURING 1937-46 Percent 100 80 60 40 20 PRE-WAR WAR POST-WAR OTHER TINNING COLLAPSIBLE TUBES BABBITT BRONZE AND BRASS SOLDER TIN PLATE AND TERNE PLATE N,?;?;?;?;c9;* ???:+:?:???%????? .A.?.?.?.?!?,11.? .0 .0 / / / / 1937-39 average 1942-44 average Source: Basic data from Bureau of Mines, U. S. Department of Interior and U. S. Department of Commerce. CONFIDENTIAL 6 1946 Declassified and A. .roved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL TABLE 3-APPARENT TIN; CONSUMPTION, LONG TONS 1939 1940, ? -1941 . 1942, 1943 ' 1944 1945 -1946 1947 . Africa Egypt 342 Union of S. Africa 642 Other 185 529_ 796 330 , 508 '660 140 681 450 83 .9.3 800' 187 384 1,127 498 , 358 931 138 450 823 74 438 1,200 237 Taal 1,169 1,655 1,308 1,214 1,080 2,009 1,427 1,347 1,875 North and South America Argentina 1,734 2,065 2,172 1,234 792 992 464 500 1 900 Brazil 1,260 902 1,589 526 231 407 515 850 1 600 Canada 2,601 5,285 7,814 3,769 1,521 1,428 3,300 3,300 4,920 Chile 130 252 345 279 40 81 88 150' 180 United States 3 66,583 72,324 103,086 56,288 46,253 59,156 55,642 54,627 63,078 Other 380 476 633 332 147 365 337 413 668 Total 72,688 81,304 115,639 62,428 '48,984 62,429 60,346 59,840 70,346 Asia China 400 1 400 1 400 1 India 3,524 2,772 4,203 2,9002 5,160 Japan 11,184 10,800 9,500 11,000 13,000 11,000 3,150 1,800 Netherlands E. Indies 650 500 1 300 1 Turkey 266 790 515 178 94 402 450 450 480 Other 284 417 103 107 126 230 200 352 436 Total 16,308 15,679 15,021 11,285 13,220 11,632 3,800 3,702 7,876 Europe Belgium 1,217 697 40 17 1,200' 1,500 1 1,800 Czechoslovakia 853 375 3 5001 1,824 Denmark 1,236 523 124 81 85 58 228 777 522 Finland 299 185 42 115 65 38 15 347 162 France 7,726 11,785 945 34 3,171 5,500 1 7,800 Germany 11,000 1 2,560 1,600 1,700 1,840 100 300 Hungary 633 477 19 166 9 51 93 360 Italy 3,716 3,942 1,575 1,903 1,687 6601 3,600 Netherlands 1,220 400 1 1,0001? 1,500 1 1,860 Norway 674 567 70 29 9 1 272 545 420 Poland 1200' . 61 500 12 880 Portugal 270 1 270 1 270' 270 1 270' 2701 250 1 250 1 5 Roumania 283 386 15 67 115 89 Spain 854 1 1,066 786 110 406 508 600 600' Sweden 2,917 2,118 51 51 365 568 1,242 Switzerland 1,101 1,360 306 280 117 62 65 628 1,200 United Kingdom 27,279 29,225 30,0001 23,478 17,631 18,435 16,396 25,606 27,384 Yugoslavia 472 588 Other 382 370 97 149 105 71 193 140 870 Total 63,332 56,306 35,852 28,348 22,464 19,751 23,671 39,714 51,790 Australia 2,272 2,616 3,095 3,012 2,338 2,049 1,991 2,0001 2,160 New Zealand 338 543 585 20 424 430 250 250 480 Total 2,610 3,159 3,680 3,032 2,762 2,479 2,241 2,250 2,640 Total World 162,000 160,000 171,500 115,500 100,500 99,500 96,200 110,700 131,400 1 Estimates. 'Imports of country in question as shown from the trade returns of other countries exporting to it. 3 1939-46 Source: Bureau of Mines. As from 1942: Ministry of Supply, showing actual consumption. 'Not available. NOTE: USSR is not included. See Section covering USSR. Most figures for 1947 are approxi- mations which will undoubtedly be corrected at the meeting of the International Tin Study Group to be held in Washington during April. SOURCE: Statistical Bulletin of the International Tin Study Group. 1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL At the international meeting in Brussels (April 1947) the Tin Study Group esti- mated that the quantity of tin likely to be available for consumption in 1947 would be between 140,000 and 150,000 tons, provided present restrictions were continued. The actual available tonnage, however, was approximately 135,000 tons. CONFIDENTIAL 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL WORLD MINE PRODUCTION OF TIN The principal tin ore deposits are located in remote areas of the world. The most important producing area includes the Asiatic countries of Malaya, Netherlands East Indies, China, Siam (Thailand), and Burma, while Bolivia is the major producing country of the Western Hemisphere. The Belgian Congo and Nigeria were important producing countries during World War II, the former increasing production of 7,140 long tons in 1939 to over 17,000 tons in 1945. Other important countries, but with relatively smaller production, are England (Cornwall), Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Indochina, Japan, and Australia. The pro- duction of tin from each of these countries ranges from about 1,000 to 3,500 tons per year. Countries producing a few hundred tons annually are Mexico, Canada, the French Cameroons, Union of South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, and Uganda. In 1939 the Malay States produced 27 percent of the world's production while the Netherlands East Indies accounted for 16 percent, Siam 10 percent, China 8.7 per- cent, and Burma about 5 percent. Including Indochina and Japan, the production of tin from all the Asiatic countries in 1939 represented over two-thirds of the world's production. About 80 percent of the Bolivian tin output comes from the mines owned by the three large operating companies of Patifio, Hochschild, and Aramayo. The balance comes from relatively smaller companies. In 1939 the exports of 27,211 tons of tin in concentrates accounted for about 15.8 percent of the world's production, but this tonnage was considerably increased during the war years, reaching 42,487 tons in 1945. While Bolivian tin production was increased during the war, the production in the Far East was greatly curtailed because of Japan's occupation of the Malayasia tin producing area. This is clearly indicated in Table 4 which covers the world mine production of tin for periods 1925-29 (average) and 1939 to 1947 by principal produc- ing areas and countries. A more comprehensive coverage of world mine production is given in Tables B and C of the Appendix. At the international meeting of the Tin Study Group held in Brussels in April 1947, the world tin situation was reviewed. In view of the difficulties experienced in the Far East in obtaining delivery of mining plant and equipment, the shortage of coal, and the inability of labor to secure sufficient supplies of rice and consumers' goods, the Study Group, after examining the statistical position, revised downward the estimates of production made in 1946. As a result, a report of the Statistical Committee gave the following estimate of world production for the years 1947, 1948, and 1949 in long tons of contained tin: 9 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL 1947 1948 1949 Far East 50,000 96,400 135,200 Africa 25,500 26,700 28,000 South America 41,500 41,500 41,500 Other Countries 6,000 6,500 7,000 TOTAL 123,000 171,100 211,700 Less 5 percent allowance 6,150 8,550 10,585 TOTAL (round figures) 117,000 163,000 201,000 Although progress has been made in the rehabilitation of the mines and dredges, difficulties in securing necessary equipment and unsettled conditions generally have continued to obtain. Because of these and other factors which would have a re- tarding effect, the estimates of production for the Far East and South America may be considered optimistic. In prewar years more than two-fifths of the world output of tin was produced by British capital. Dutch, Chinese, and Bolivian interests had important holdings while those of Belgian, US and Argentine investors were of minor importance. At the present time Bolivian, British, and Belgian capital accounts for the most important portions of world mine production, in that order, while those of the Dutch and Chinese are comparatively small, but a trend toward the prewar pattern is underway. For the location of the principal tin mines and tin-producing areas see Table E of Appendix A and accompanying map. CONFIDENTIAL 10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL TABLE 4-WORLD MINE PRODUCTION OF TIN (CONTENT OF ORE) , 1925-29 (AVERAGE) AND 1939-47 BY COUNTRIES, IN LONG TONS 1925-29 (average) 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Far East Malaya 56,837 46,827 84,028 78,0001 15,748 26,000 9,309 3,152 8,432 27,030 N.E.I. 33,266 27,755 43,193 51,0001 9,812 17,457 6,719 843 6,535 15,910 Siam 8,204 17,325' 17,447 15,0001 7,843 5,839 3,194 1,275 5001 1,400 China 7,085 8 15,000' 11,500 1 12,0001 7,000' '7,500 1 3,000 1 1,500 1 2,500 1 1,500 Burma 2,228 8,536 5,5001 5,0001 . 1,000 1 500 1 200 1 2 200 Indochina, French 691 1,467 1,472 1,295 1,029 653 358 100' 2 . . Japan 590 1,473 1,760 2,177 1,894 1,107 374 2 1,200 Australia 2,830 3,067 3,501 3,494 2,931 2,635 2,547 2,282 2,127 2,100 Total 111,731 121,450 168,455 167,966 46,257 62,191 26,001 9,352 20,094 49,340 Africa Nigeria 8,319 9,567 12,177 12,229 12,574 12,835 12,512 11,224 10,333 9,400 Belgian Congo 967 7,140 12,075 15,751 15,754 17,007 16,858 17,070 14,095 14,630 Others 2,062 2,060 1,754 1,618 1,640 1,425 1,351 1,265 1,520 Total 9,286 18,769 26,312 29,734 29,946 31,482 30,795 29,645 25,693 25,550 South America Bolivia' 37,169 27,211 37,940 42,199 38,293 40,312 38,720 42,487 37,717 33,250 Others 32 1,702 1,553 968 1,073 1,139 1,004 823 631 650 Total 37,201 28,913 39,493 43,167 39,366 41,451 39,724 43,310 38,348 33,900 North America Canada, Mexico, U.S. 26 323 394 297 924 779 553 553 690 1 550 Europe United Kingdom 2,658 1,633 1,620 1,509 1,363 1,359 1,289 993 793 950 Others 868 2,027 2,323 2,863 3,417 4,4401 2,7801 620 1 2,4151 1,450 Total 3,526 3,650 3,943 4,372 4,780 5,799 4,069 1,613 3,208 2,400 Grand Total' 163,000 173,000 239,000 246,000 122,000 142,000 102,000 86,000 89,000 111,740 Estimated. Data not available; estimate included in total. Exports. SOURCE: 1925-46 Bureau Mines. 1947 preliminary estimates by the U.S. Section of the Inter- national Tin Study Group. The Statistical Sub-Committee of the International Tin Study Group (Conference 19-24 April 1948) has estimated the production of Burma and China for 1947 at 900 and 4,000 long tons, respectively. Other sources consider these estimates to be high because of the unsettled conditions in these countries. 11 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL WORLD SMELTER PRODUCTION OF TIN While Malaya produced 27 percent of the world's mine production of tin in con- centrates in 1939, its smelter production, according to Table 5, accounted for 45 per- cent of the world's production of refined tin. Next in importance in production of re- fined tin was the United Kingdom with 20.8 percent. Bolivia was out of the smelting picture as the major part of its mine production was exported to the United Kingdom and the balance to other European countries. During 1940 and 1941, before the Japanese invasion, the smelter production in Malaya and the Netherlands East Indies was increased by something over 50 percent. In 1942 and the years following, however, there was an abrupt drop in smelter pro- duction in the Far East as indicated in Table 5. There is sufficient smelting capacity in the Far East to provide for US consumption and when the mines have been rehabilitated, dredges repaired, and other factors which are impeding production have been overcome, the smelter production is ex- pected to return to normal. This may take two or three years. When it became apparent in 1940 that our regular sources of tin supply were threatened, plans were made for the construction of a federally financed tin smelter. It was decided to locate the plant at Texas City, Texas, as this location is convenient for receiving ore from Bolivia and is accessible to a plentiful supply of acid and of cheap natural gas for fuel. The construction of the Longhorn Tin Smelter was begun in October of 1941 under the supervision of the Tin Processing Corporation, and smelting operations began in April 1942. The capacity of the smelter was originally designed for 18,000 tons of fine tin per year to be produced from Bolivian ores, but the plant was enlarged to an annual capacity of 52,000 tons when two of the large tin smelting centers of the world?Singapore and Penang?fell into the hands of the Japanese. The annual capacity was subsequently increased to 74,000 tons of fine tin but the highest production to date was 43,500 tons in 1946, owing to the low grade of Bolivian concentrates. The bulk of the concentrates smelted in the Texas City smelter originates in Bolivia, although supplementary quantities have been received from the Belgian Congo and the Netherlands East Indies. As the Bolivian tin concentrates which come from lode mines are for the most part low grade, it necessitated building at Texas City a plant to beneficiate them by ?further concentration, roasting and leaching before smelting. In 1945 and 1946 the smelter supplied the major part of the primary tin consumed in the United States. During 1947 the Longhorn smelter produced 33,280 long tons of tin. This drop was largely due to labor difficulties in Bolivia. Since it is the only major smelter of primary metal in the United States, its output will be essential during 1948 and 1949, especially as the entire output can be sold to the United States. Legislation was passed by Congress extending the government's authority to oper- ate the Longhorn Smelter until 30 June 1949, with a proviso that Congress make a CONFIDENTIAL 12 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL thorough study and investigation of the advisability of maintaining a domestic tin smelting industry on a permanent basis. Capital invested by British Nationals controlled more than two-fifths of the world smelter production of tin in prewar years, Bolivians held one-fifth, the Dutch and Chinese combined one-fifth, while German, Belgian, and Japanese had small holdings. Now the United States, with the federally financed Longhorn smelter, accounts for about two-fifths of the world output, substantial portions by British and Bolivian in- terests, while Belgian, Chinese, and Dutch interests are of minor importance. How much the pattern will change depends on the future of the Longhorn smelter. A list of the major tin smelters of the world is given in Appendix A in Table D. TABLE 5-WORLD SMELTER PRODUCTION OF TIN BY COUNTRIES, IN LONG TONS 1929-35 Country (average) 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Argentina 1,080 881 768 709 552 467 714 500 1 4801 Australia 2,952 3,294 3,544 3,656 3,024 2,565 2,442 2,359 2,000 1 2,000 7 Belgian Congo 2,711 7,832 11,818 13,963 11,068 10,0001 6,713 2,3721 36,0001 Belgium' 720 3,100' 3 3 3 2,0001 15,000 7 British Malaya 88,855 4 81,536 4 126,9452 125,0001 10,0001 15,0001 5,0001 2,5001 7,5001 30,0001 Canada 29 553 347 231 379 390 360 1 China 7,080' 14,019 10,517 11,188 7,756 7,091 1,982 1,0001 1,929 3,6001 Germany' 3,444 7,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 4,000 a a Indochina, French 8 3 69 337 389 213' 141 3 Italy 146 330 72 228 110 a 6 30' 120' Japan' 606 2,025 1,661 2,620 3,870 2,058 759 121 68 600 1 Mexico a 90 116 150 320 395 286 166 263 240 1 Netherlands 1,0008 14,600 1 2,967 a 3 3 3 3 800 1 8,750 Nether- lands E.I. 14,749 13,941 22,035 23,0001 8,000' 12,0001 3,000 1 500' Norway 283 206 98 48 23 27 80 Portugal 28 30 781 1,481 2,381 3,058 373 182 114 240 7 Siam (Thai- land) 113 79 1,0001 3,5001 2,5001 1,0001 Spain ? 138 112 86 99 121 515 1,111 1,150' 9601 Union of S. Africa 33 143 535 862 1,150 1,033 858 678 1 United Kingdom 45,800 37,400 3 40,000 30,000 31,026 25,0001 28,0001 28,5901 27,544 United States . 1,391 11 1,839 " 16,168 11 21,489 " 30,884 '1 40,475 11 43,500 33,280 Total (esti- mate) 165,000 181,000 224,000 225,000 103,000 117,000 89,000 86,000 92,000 127,500 Estimates. 'Yearbook of American Bureau of Metal Statistics. 'Data not available; estimate included in total. 'Exports plus difference between carry-over at end and beginning of year. 5 Exports. Includes production of some secondary tin. Preliminary data. O Estimated production in 1929. Average for 1926-27. ' Average for 1926-28 "Including tin content of ores used direct to make alloys. SOURCE: Bureau of Mines 1925-46; Department of Commerce 1947. 13 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL PRINCIPAL TIN PRODUCING AREAS 1. FAR EAST. a. Malaya. The territory covered by the term Malaya includes the Federated and Unfederated Malay States, now known as Malayan Union, and the Straits Settlements. Most of the tin ore produced in the Malay States is treated in smelters located in Straits Settle- ments. In the Federated States the deposits are located in Perak, Selangor, Pahang, and Negir Sembilan, while in the Unfederated States, small tonnages have come from Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, and Trengganu. In 1937 there were more than 1,000 tin mining operations in Malaya and there were hundreds of companies operating these properties. Approximately 120 dredges owned by perhaps 75 companies were in operation before the Japanese occupation. Operations for the most part were profitable but the companies distributed their earn- ings in dividends and rarely retained more than a small amount as operating capital. With their dredges damaged, ruined, or sunk, most of them do not possess the money required to rehabilitate or to purchase new dredges. Many of these companies, even after they receive compensation from the government for the damage they suffered, may never again purchase a dredge because the acreage of their holdings which remain undredged will not be large enough to amortize the investment in a dredge before the property is exhausted. 'They may hold the property for a time to await developments or, if they are ,fortunate in being contiguous to another property in similar position, may either sell the ground, lease it, or amalgamate with the adjoining property and thus have sufficient acreage to amortize the cost of a new dredge. Another possibility is the use of dredges which have portable pontoon-type hulls and superstructures which are more readily and cheaply dismantled and moved than the existing designs. As most Malayan tin mines are inland from the coast, it is the practice to erect dredges on the operating sites. This means that for a given type, there will be a greater time lag between ordering and putting into operation than with tin deposits directly ac- cessible by boat. In any case, it will result in a much slower rehabilitation. Rehabili- tation of the tin industry in Malaya has also been retarded by a shortage of coal, high labor costs, and delays in the delivery of equipment. Not quite half of the tin concentrates produced in Malaya came from dredging enterprises, approximately one-third from gravel pumping operations, and the balance, about one-fifth, from hydraulicking, Dulang washers, and underground lode mines. Compared with a mine production of 84,028 long tons of tin in 1940 the production in 1946 was only 8,432 tons and 27,030 tons in 1947. According to the Statistical Bulletin of the International Tin Study Group exports of tin metal from Malaya in 1946 and 1947 to countries of destination are given as follows: CONFIDENTIAL 14 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 COUNTRY OF DESTINATION 1946 CONFIDENTIAL LONG TONS 1947 Canada 1,070 2,580 United States . . . . 16,250 India 1,445 3,340 Belgium 990 France 1,470 Italy 1,200 United Kingdom 589 335 Other Europe 1 475 6,565 Other countries 45 819 TOTAL 7,284 29,889 1Figures for 1947 are for Europe (Continent) . b. Netherlands East Indies. These islands were among the early producers of tin, and lying as they do in the Oriental tin belt, the ores are of the same character and high grade as the adjacent deposits of Malaya. About 60 percent of the output is from the island of Banka and 30 percent from Billiton, with the balance coming from Singkep, Sumatra, and the Riouw Archipelago. Operations on Banka are entirely alluvial, but on Billiton and Singkep there are also lode deposits. Mining has been mostly by open-pit methods, by hand, or with gravel pumps, but dredges have now been introduced. Although rehabilitation of the tin industry in the Netherlands East Indies may be retarded by shortages of coal and shipping facilities, the problem of rehabilitation is quite different from that of Malaya for several reasons. In the Netherlands East Indies there have been two organizations producing tin?the Banka properties which have been run by the government1 and the Billiton properties in which the government holds a majority interest. Consequently, millions of dollars worth of new equipment can be ordered by the government or by Billiton with the backing of the government. In the case of dredges, they can be built in Europe or the United States and floated to the scene of operations which are the submarine deposits along the coasts of the Banka, Billiton, and Singkep Islands. Two new dredges built in the United States have been towed across and placed in operation at Banka. The capacity of these dredges is 500,000 cubic yards per month. Also new dredges being built in the Netherlands are expected to be available in 1948. With the aid of new equipment and the dredges repaired in 1946, the production in 1947 was 15,910 long tons, as against 6,535 tons in the year previous. The Banka mines, which are among the world's lowest-cost tin producers, com- prise more than a dozen dredges and over 40 open-pits, although many mines are oper- ated from time to time. Billiton and Singkep have been increasingly mechanized in recent years. 1 The government has relinquished to the Billiton Company the management of the tin mines on Banka. 15 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL Tin exports from the Netherlands East Indies in 1946 were 3,797 tons of pig tin and 4,950 tons in concentrates. Of the 4,950 tons of concentrates 2,101 were ex- ported to the United States and the balance to the Netherlands. The excess over production was derived from stocks, left by the Japanese, consisting of 3,818 tons of metal and 6,618 tons of concentrates (about 70 percent tin). According to J. J. Croston the Japanese produced 31,354 metric tons of tin during the occupation period. In 1947 exports of concentrates (tin content) amounted to 15,608 long tons. c. Siam?(Thailand). The tin deposits of Siam connect with those of Burma on the north and Malaya on the south, and are of the same general character, predominantly alluvial. The de- posits lie along the mountain range that forms the backbone of the peninsula, with the most productive areas on the western side at Puket Island and Tongkah Harbor. Dredging is carried on in the coastal region and some hydraulic mining in the interior. Siam is a substantial producer of tin concentrates which are derived almost entirely from dredging operations and, except for small amounts smelted for local consumption, the concentrates go to the smelters at the Straits. Most of the produc- tion was reportedly taken over without much damage to equipment and the Japanese are supposed to have placed reliance upon this source of supply. The production of tin in 1940 reached 17,447 long tons followed by 15,000 tons in 1941. In 1942 the production dropped to 7,843 tons and declined each year there- after to 1,275 tons in 1945. The production in 1946 has been estimated at 500 tons and it may have reached 1,400 tons in 1947, but it will probably be 2 or 3 years before the higher tonnages can again be realized because of lack of equipment and unsettled con- ditions. d. China. China has been an important producer of tin for several centuries, but there is no record of output for earlier years and records for recent years are confined to ex- ports, with little or nothing known as to the amounts of metal involved in local con- sumption. The ore is found in lodes extending to considerable depths. The output comes largely from the Kochiu district in southeastern Yunnan, near Mengtze, and from the neighboring provinces of Kwangtung and Kwangsi. Mining and concentration are carried on by rather primitive methods and the concentrates are smelted within the country. Prior to the war, China shipped some tin to the United States and occasional shipments were made during the war. The USSR also received substantial amounts from China. Normally the country possesses the capacity to produce about 15,000 tons of tin per year, but the increased costs in China have greatly reduced production. As noted in Table B of Appendix A, the mine production of tin in 1945 has been estimated at 1,500 tons and 2,500 tons for 1946. Until adequate food and other supplies are made available at reasonable cost, it is unlikely that China will be able to get its produc- tion back to normal for some time, especially at mines that have required extensive rehabilitation. Transportation difficulties have also limited exports of tin. CONFIDENTIAL 16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL The tin reserves of China have generally been estimated at 1,500,000 tons, although there have been other estimates ranging from 652,000 to 1,873,000 tons. e. Burma. The Malayan tin deposits extend up the peninsula through the lower portion of Siam and into Lower Burma. The output of tin from Burma is relatively small and derived from half a dozen dredging operation enterprises and a few lode-mining companies. As in the case of Malaya, the producers are individual company opera- tions and are confronted with similar economic problems. In contrast to a production of 8,536 long tons in 1939, the output has dropped to only a few hundred tons after the Japanese occupation and since the end of the war. Tungsten is associated with most of the ores which adds to the value of metal recovered. f. Australia. Following discovery of the Mount Bischoff tin deposits in Tasmania during 1870, Australia became one of the important tin-producing countries of the world and ranked first during the period from 1873 to 1882 with the exception of two years. With the exhaustion of the Mount Bischoff ores, except what is worked by leasers, production has gradually declined to an annual production between 2,000 and 4,000 tons. The Australian States, Queensland, Tasmania, and New South Wales, are the most important and rank about equal in tin output. Of minor importance is the production from the States of Victoria, Northern Territory, and Western Australia. The bulk of the Australian tin production comes from a number of relatively small producers in eastern Australia and the greater part of the output from stream tin placers. Primary vein deposits are also a source of considerable tin ore and eluvial deposits immediately below vein outcrops still yield some ore. In Victoria tin is largely recovered as a by-product of gold dredging along Reedy Creek, Eldorado, near Wangaratta. The cassiterite produced in Western Australia comes from alluvial de- posits at Greenbushes in the southern part of the state and from Pilbara district in the northwest. Prior to the war the consumption of tin in Australia (including New Zealand) averaged about 2,000 tons annually, and with the production of over 3,000 tons there had been an exportable surplus. After 1940, and during the war period, however, production of tin did not meet requirements and some tin had to be imported. After the war, lack of manpower and drought continued to hamper tin mining in Australia. Several small smelters are operated in Australia but the principal one is the Lempriere Smelter of 6,500 tons capacity, situated at Alexandria (Sydney), N.S.W., and owned by 0. T. Lempriere & Company, Pty, Ltd. The capacity of this smelter is in excess of present Australian and New Zealand requirements. g. Other Countries of the Far East. The remaining tin-producing countries are Indochina and Japan. The maxi- mum production from these countries is approximately 1,500 tons for Indochina and 2,000 tons for Japan. 17 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL The tin mines of Indochina were seriously damaged during the war and some time will be required for making repairs and bringing the mining operations back to prewar output. Internal political disturbances may also retard the rehabilitation of the mines. Japan has excess smelting capacity but it is a relatively minor factor in the world tin industry except for the operations of its trading companies such as Mitsui and Mitsubishi. The Mitsubishi tin smelter is in Osaka and the one of Toyo is at Oita. The industry was entirely disrupted at the time of the Japanese surrender and it will probably be some time before production of tin is again back to normal. 2. AFRICA. a. Belgian Congo. The importance of the Belgian Congo during the war is brought out by the fact that the mine production of tin increased from 7,140 long tons in 1939 to 17,070 in 1945, and the imports of tin into the United States from the Congo for the years 1940 to 1946 were as follows: TIN METAL CONCENTRATES (TIN CONTENT) 1940 4,899 27 1941 11,030 1942 11,225 1943 11,550 4,094 1944 10,000 7,549 1945 6,494 7,401 1946 628 7,214 The mine production in 1946 was 14,095 long tons, a drop of about 3,000 tons from the year previous. Production of tin for 1947 is estimated at 14,630 tons. Practically the whole output of tin in the Belgian Congo comes from a mineral- ized belt east of the Lualaba River which includes the southern part of Stanleyville Province, Costermansville Province, Ruanda-Urundi and the northern part of Elisa- bethville Province. The greater portion of the output has thus far been obtained from shallow alluvial and detrital deposits. Some pegmatite lode deposits are worked where the lodes are soft and the cassiterite is free of the gangue to permit its recovery by simple washing methods. The most important tin-mining companies are Geomines, Union Miniere, Sermikat in the Province of Elisabethville, Symetain and Cobelmin with properties in both the Costermansville Province and southern part of Stanley- vine Province, and the Somuki Company in Ruanda-Urundi Province. The tin ore reserves of the Belgian Congo are estimated at 500,000 tons of metal content. The principal tin smelter in the Belgian Congo is at Manono. During the war there was another plant converted to tin smelting at Lubudi, but this has since been discontinued. The annual capacity of the Manono smelter is said to be 10,500 tons. b. Nigeria. The tin production of Nigeria is important, the bulk of its output being pro- duced from alluvial deposits situated in the Bauchi Plateau in the northeastern section CONFIDENTIAL 18 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL of the colony. Development has been hindered by shortage of water and inadequate transportation facilities. The Geological Survey of Nigeria has been remapping the tin field on the Jos Plateau in a search for new deposits and has resurveyed a con- siderable area south of Bukuru. It will be noted from Table B of Appendix A that the mine production of tin in 1939 was 9,567 long tons and it has been well maintained above 10,000 tons each year following through 1946, with a peak production of 12,835 tons in 1945. All the tin ore or concentrates are exported to smelters in England for reduction to metal. The ore reserves in terms of fine tin are estimated at 250,000 long tons, although some estimates have been given as low as 100,000 tons to as high as 300,000 tons. 3. LATIN AMERICA. a. Bolivia. Bolivia's economic well-being is dependent upon exports of tin which con- stitute about 80 percent of its export trade. Prior to World War II about 75 percent of the tin exports went to England and the balance to Belgium, Holland, and Germany. The tin belt of Bolivia is on the high plateau of the Andes and extends from the Peruvian frontier on the north to the Argentine on the south, a distance of about 500 miles. The average width of the tin belt is about 60 miles. The elevation of the plateau is around 13,000 feet, but the mountain ranges rise to elevations over 20,000 feet. The tin deposits are found at altitudes from 12,000 feet to 15,000 feet. Bolivia's tin production comes principally from comparatively narrow veins instead of from placer deposits as in the case of most of the other large tin areas of the world. The production costs of tin in Bolivia are considerably higher than those of the placer deposits where large-scale dredging can be applied at low costs. There are some alluvial deposits in Bolivia, however, and a few are exploited. The cassiterite obtained in placer operations is in general fairly clean and offers no great problem in its reduction to metallic tin. In the lode deposits of Bolivia, however, the cassiterite is often accompanied with the mineral stannite, a copper-iron- tin sulphide; tealite, a lead-tin sulphide, and other complex tin minerals. In addition, the tin minerals are associated with various other sulphides, especially iron and zinc, and with tungsten, bismuth, antimony, and silver minerals. Many of the present tin mines of Bolivia were formerly worked for their silver content and today both tin and tungsten ores are mined from the same lode. The complexity of the Bolivian ores offers a serious problem, first in the separation of the tin minerals from the crude ore and second in the smelting of the concentrates to reduce the tin minerals to metallic tin. The ultimate recovery of tin from Bolivian ores is between 50 and 60 percent. An improvement in the metallurgical treatment of Bolivian ores offers an excellent field for increased production. This will not be an easy task, however, and will prob- ably take some time before a treatment method or process can be developed to effect high recoveries of tin from these complex ores. 19 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL Considering the high altitude and rigorous condition of living of the work- ing people, the natives have proved to be the best labor adapted to the particular conditions. The shortage of labor has hindered greater mining activity which might partly be remedied by more mechanization, especially at the smaller mines. The principal producing companies are Patin? Mines and Enterprises Con- solidated, Inc., Hochschild S.A.M.I., and Compagnie Aramayo de Mines en Bolivie. The main problem confronting the producers is connected with labor costs and labor relations. The costs of materials have increased considerably during the past few years, but the major portion of the increase can be attributed to increased labor charges. The Bolivian government is vitally interested in maintaining high production of tin and a high price for exports of the product, as a large proportion of the national revenue comes from taxes on exports of tin concentrates and the taxes are based on the selling price. Thus the country's economy depends on high production and high prices and it can, therefore, be assumed that the government will do all it can to solve the problems between labor and industry. The chief source of tin, at present, for supplying the Longhorn smelter at Texas City, Texas, is Bolivia. As a result of negotiations between Bolivia and the United States for the purchase of the former's production of tin, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation agreed on 28 March 1947, effective 1 April, to pay 76 cents per pound for purchases to be made during the remainder of 1947, for production costs had risen to a point where the increase in price was necessary in order to maintain Bolivia as a source of supply. Labor troubles cut production during the summer months of 1947 so that exports for the year dropped to 33,259 tons. A new price,* effective 1 January 1948, of 90 cents per pound, f.o.b. vessels at South American ports, was agreed to by Bolivian producers and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and if this new price is maintained, Bolivia's annual rate of tin exports should be sub- stantially increased in 1948. No systematic and complete survey of Bolivia's tin resources has been made, but it has been roughly calculated that the proven plus probable reserves of tin of the country's known mines are estimated to be 500,000 tons of fine tin. The geo- graphical location of the deposits is the greatest impediment to their development. Some areas exist which would be capable of much higher production, but their inac- cessibility precludes intensive exploitation owing to the lack of transportation facilities and high costs compared with the tin fields of Africa and the Far East. b. Argentina. The annual tin production of Argentina for the period 1939 to 1947 has averaged about 1,000 long tons, which has about equalled domestic consumption. This production has come almost entirely from placer deposits and the nearby veins of tin-silver ores at the mines of the Sociedad Minera Pirquitas in the Province of Jujuy. In the Province of Catamarca there are some tin mine workings as well as in the Province of La Rioja. Other deposits are said to occur but have not been prospected. * Subsequent to this writing the price was increased to 99 cents f.o.b. vessels at South American ports. CONFIDENTIAL 20 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL The tin concentrates from the Pirquitas placers are smelted at the company's smelter in Buenos Aires. An agreement for the purchase of 8,000 tons of tin per year in the form of concentrates for five years, at a price of 76 cents a pound during 1947, was signed early in March 1947, between Bolivia and Argentina and ratified 24 October but none of the 8,000 tons of tin called for in the contract has as yet gone to Argentina. If it is intended to use the Bolivian tin for a domestic industry, it should be borne in mind that the concentrates would have to be shipped to the United States or United Kingdom for smelting, as Argentine facilities are totally inadequate for the handling of such a tonnage. Plans for the erection of additional smelting facilities, however, are under consideration. It is possible that the Argentine government may be considering the purchase of these relatively large tonnages for stockpiling purposes. c. Mexico. According to official figures the production of tin in Mexico is relatively small and has averaged about 300 long tons per year during the period 1939-1947. The peak year for this period was 1943 with a production of 426 tons. Tin occurs in the small mountain ranges found in the high plateaus lying to the east of the Sierra Madres extending in a zone about 50 miles wide beginning in the north of the State of Durango and including the States of Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Queretaro, and Michoacan. The known ore deposits are small and are mainly detrital, but there are some occurrences in narrow veins. There are no individual tin mining operations of im- portance. The tin ore is largely recovered through the efforts of numerous small mining enterprises or individual prospectors who search for the cassiterite on the surface or in shallow excavations and dispose of their comparatively small production to small local ore buyers who in turn sell to the larger purchasers. The most important company in the Mexican tin-producing industry is the Cia. Estanifera Mexicana which has been engaged in buying, smelting, and export- ing tin ores since 1932. The headquarters of this company are in the city of San Luis Potosi, where it operates a plant capable of producing 30 tons per month of 99 percent tin, which is sold to consumers within the country. Ore not needed for smelting is sold to buyers in England and the United States. This company buys its ore in small lots from producers and traders throughout the tin bearing areas. d. Brazil. The production of tin in Brazil is small and comes mostly from alluvial de- posits in the State of Minas Gerais from an area along the Rio das Mortes and its trib- utaries. According to Anderson of the Bureau of Mines, Minas de Estanho de Sao Joao d'El-Rei has proposed construction of a gravity-concentration plant with a ca- pacity of 100-125 tons a day of ore containing cassiterite. Some tin has been produced in the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sul, usually from placer operations in the vicinity of pegmatite masses. 21 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL The production is smelted locally, producing a good quality of tin. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul tin-bearing lode deposits have been found near Encruzilhada, and to the south alluvial deposits on the banks of the Camaquam River, but are considered relatively unimportant. Official figures are not available, but the tin production is relatively small and Brazil's consumption of tin is provided largely by imports. 4. UNITED KINGDOM. Cornish tin mining, which began before the Christian era, is rapidly becoming extinct. Available records show that its peak was from the middle of the Civil War to the depression of 1893 and averaged something over 9,000 tons with a maximum production of about 11,000 tons in 1871. In the first two decades of the present cen- tury, production was about half that of the 30-year period mentioned; was more than halved again in the succeeding two decades; and in 1946 was only 793 tons. After six years of war the mineral industry of the United Kingdom has been greatly affected by the sudden change to peacetime conditions. The United Kingdom ranks second both in the smelting of tin and as a consumer of tin. It is also second among the world producers of tin plate, which usually accounts for about 40 percent of its pig tin consumption. Foreign trade in tin was greatly changed by the course of the war, for prior to the fall of Singapore, imports of tin concentrates increased materially above the prewar level and reached 83,902 long tons of contained tin in 1940, dropped to little more than half that in 1942, and reached a low point of 32,948 tons in 1944. Pig tin imports fell from nearly 12,000 tons in 193-8 to zero in 1941 and remained negligible through 1945. Tin exports (including re-exports) averaged about 18,500 tons in 1938-39, dropped sharply to 6,500 tons in 1941, and for the next four years averaged about 8,500 tons. Of the 6-year (1940-45) total of 56,000 tons, a large part was sent to the USSR. Shortage of labor has made it impossible to expand exports of tin plate by re- opening more plants. Demobilized workers have been reluctant to return to the tin plate industry and in July 1945, less than 10,000 were employed compared with 25,000 in 1939. If labor were available, the output of 1945 (278,700 tons) could almost be doubled within a reasonable time. Normally the United Kingdom imports both tin concentrates, chiefly from Bo- livia, Nigeria, British Malaya, and South Africa, and some refined tin from British Malaya, Netherlands, Belgium, and China. The imports of tin concentrates for 1946 amounted to 34,476 tons of contained tin and for the first nine months of 1947 imports of concentrates totaled 26,572 tons, of which 14,928 came from Bolivia and 10,006 tons from Nigeria. There were no imports of metal. The smelter production during the period 1939 to 1946 ranged from 40,000 tons in 1941 to a low of 25,000 tons in 1944. The 1946 production was estimated at 28,590 tons, and 27,544 tons for 1947. CONFIDENTIAL 22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Consumption of tin in the United Kingdom in 1947: CONFIDENTIAL LONG TONS Tinplate 8,932 Solder 5,621 Alloys (white-metal, bronze, etc) 13,535 Foil and collapsible tubes 3,318 Tinned copper wire 716 Tin compounds and salts 868 Tinning 981 Miscellaneous uses 613 TOTAL All Trades 34,584 Of the 34,584 tons, virgin tin accounted for 27,384 tons and tin in scrap 7,200 tons. SOURCE: Ministry of Supply. 5. CANADA. Tin production in Canada during 1946, according to preliminary estimates, totaled 390 long tons recovered as a by-product of lead-zinc ores at the Trail Smelter, com- pared with 379 tons in 1945. Imports of tin metal in 1946 are reported as 3,677 long tons. All tin produced in Canada at present is from the Sullivan lead-zinc mine in Brit- ish Columbia, but great interest is being shown in the possibility of commercial pro- duction of tin from the Murray Bay area of Quebec. The Mountain Crest Mines, Ltd. already is operating mines in the area and planning substantial expansion, and a new company, the Saguenay Mining and Smelting Company, believed to be a sub- sidiary, is contemplating sizable operations in the same area. 6. USSR. The production of tin in the USSR still falls far short of domestic consumption requirements, although active search for tin, which began in 1925, has disclosed sev- eral tin-bearing deposits. These deposits are mostly of low grade and situated in places difficult of access. Development of the tin industry has, therefore, lagged, and increasing quantities of tin have been imported in recent years. Although data are lacking as to the output and mining facilities of individual properties or areas, the Soviet authorities in recent years have emphasized the prog- ress made by prospecting and developing the tin resources. Starting with negligible , reserves in 1925, the potential tin reserves of the Soviet Union, as of 1 January 1933, were estimated at 10,000 tons of metal in the ground, and by 1937 at about 30,000 tons. 23 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL The Chita region is the oldest tin-producing area of the USSR. The Khapcheranga mine in the Kirensk district of the Transbaikal is perhaps the best known of recent developments. The metal occurs as cassiterite in several lodes that cut the sedimen- tary formation for a distance of nearly one kilometer. Also in the Transbaikal is the Sherlovaya tin deposit. Here the tin is found in numerous small quartz veins, and in disseminated form in the granite intrusive that forms the Belshaya mountain range. These two properties are probably the most important for the production of tin at present. Another important tin deposit in the same district is at Onon on the left bank of the river of the same name, a few kilometers from the Olovyannaya station of the Transbaikal railroad. The tin occurs in several quartz lodes and the distribution of cassiterite is irregular, as are the length and width of the lodes. Wood and water supplies are available and there is a concentrating plant near Olovyannaya on the Onon River. Tin is also found in the Kirgiz and the Tadzhik SSR's. According to recent in- formation, concentrating installations have been put in operation and are producing lead, zinc, and tin concentrates. One group of deposits in the Tadzhik SSR is situated on the northern slope of the Turkestan and Altai ranges. From the standpoint of tin production, an advantage of these deposits is the absence of copper, lead, antimony, and other minerals which often impede a clean separation of tin from tin bearing ores. The tin deposits in the Yakut ASSR are said to be larger and more numerous than those of the Chita region, but commercial exploitation is handicapped by the lack of adequate means of transportation, as are the deposits in the very north of the Khabarovsk Territory. A new concentrating plant has been constructed and placed in operation by the Khinganolovo Combine at Khabarovsk but details are not available. The tin smelters in the USSR, which have been listed below, are reported to be relatively small, but their condition and individual capacities are not known. NAME LOCATION Leningrad Leningrad Podolsk Podolsk, near Moscow Altai-Naryn Kazakhstan Khapcheranga Khapcheranga, Chita Transbaikal Onon and Ualba, Chita Sherlovaya Gora Sherlovaya Gora, Chita Verkhovansk Ege-Khai, Yakutia Simancha Simancha, near Tetiuke Novosibirsk Novosibirsk CONFIDENTIAL 24 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL According to captured German documents, statistics on the USSR tin economy covering consumption, production, and imports are given as follows: YEAR CONSUMPTION AMOUNT (TONS) YEAR AMOUNT (TONS) 1929 4,500 1934 5,900 1930 5,000 1935 7,400 1931 4,500 1936 9,800 1932 3,900 1937 12,500 1933 4,100 1938 13,000 PRODUCTION 1933 390 1943 6,750 1942 5,500 1944 7,500 IMPORTS 1934 5,805 1942 13,500 1935 7,400 1943 12,000 1936 9,800 1944 19,500 1937 12,507 The 19,500 tons for the year 1944 appears high, although apart of it may have come from Japan as the USSR was not at war with Japan during that year and Japan, after occupying China, Siam, and Netherlands East Indies, undoubtedly had a sur- plus for export at that time. Tin imports of the USSR for the year 1938 giving country of origin, were as follows: Belgium-Luxemburg 2,740 tons Netherlands 6,719 tons United? Kingdom 2,945 tons TOTAL 12,404 tons As has been stated, the production of tin in the USSR still falls short of require- ments. The production record indicates, however, that real progress is being inade in developing new properties. The big drawback is the fact that the deposits being developed are for the most part low grade, difficult of access, and will need greatly improved transportation facilities for their economic exploitation. Also, ore reserves, much greater than those reported, will have to be developed before the USSR may be considered to have attained any semblance of self-sufficiency with respect to tin. 25 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX TABLE A ESTIMATED TIN ORE RESERVES OF THE WORLD (Metal Content) COUNTRY LONG TONS Malaya (Malayan Union including Straits Settlements) 1,500,000 China 1,500,000 Netherlands East Indies 1,000,000 Siam (Thailand) 800,000 Bolivia 500,000 Belgian Congo 500,000 Burma 300,000 Nigeria 250,000 Australia 40,000 USSR 30,000 French Indochina 25,000 Portugal 25,000 England (Cornwall) 1 20,000 Argentina 10,000 Canada 6,060- Brazil 5,000 Others 30,000 TOTAL 6,541,000 Based on prewar rate of consumption the above reserves would supply world needs for only 30 to 40 years, but further developments will undoubtedly yield additional reserves. CONFIDENTIAL A-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 ? ? ? TABLE B-WORLD MINE PRODUCTION OF TIN (CONTENT OF ORE) BY COUNTRIES, IN LONG TONS Country 1929-35 (average) 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Argentina 32 1,655 1,481 921 998 1,070 1,004 700 1 600 1 500 Australia 2,830 3,067 3,501 3,494 2,931 2,635 2,547 2,282 2,127 2,100 Belgian Congo 967 7,140 12,075 15,751 15,754 17,007 16,858 17,070 14,095 14,630 Bolivia (exports) 37,169 27,211 37,940 42,199 38,293 40,312 38,720 42,487 37,717 33,250 Brazil .. . . . . . S. .. . . 120 British Malaya 56,837 46,827 84,082 p78,0001 15,748 26,000 9,309 3,152 8,432 27,030 Burma - 2,228 8,536 5,500 1 5,0001 . 1,000 1 500' 200 1 2 200 Cameroons, French 243 218 220 233 194 161 112 111 140 Canada . . . . ? 29 553 347 231 379 390 350 China 7,085 a 15,0001 11,5001 12,0001 7,0001 7,500' 3,0001 1,5001 2,500 1,500 Germany 98 285 293 303 54'7 980 1 980 1 2 2 100 Indochina, French 691 1,467 1,472 1,295 1,029 653 358 100 1 . . . Italy . . 256 309 230 200 . 2 .201 115 1 100 Japan 590 1,473 1,760 2,177 1,894 1,107 374 2 2 1,200 Mexico 2 289 345 212 365 426 317 174 300 1 200 Morocco, French 4 31 20 26 4 11 9 11 12 Netherlands Indies 32,266 27,755 43,193 51,0001 9,812 17,457 6,719 843 6,535 15,910 Nigeria 8,319 9,56'7 12,177 12,229 12,574 12,835 12,512 11,224 10,333 9,400 0> Peru 47 72 47 75 79 73 54 31 30 Portugal 625 1,486 1,721 2,330 2,6'70 3,460 1,8001 600 1 1,0001 500 Portuguese E. Africa 5 7 6 4 10 6 8 2 2 Rhodesia, Northern .. . . 16 10 2 3 6 18 . 6 . . Rhodesia, Southern 15 451 450 231 162 178 123 125 100 120 Siam (Thailand) 8,204 17,325 17,447 15,0001 7,843 5,839 3,194 1,275 500 1 1,400 Southwest Africa 149 156 137 120 110 158 123 185 177 150 Spain 145 106 100 103 239 222 483 950 1,300' 750 Swaziland 138 114 103 131 113 109 77 53 37 40 Tanganyika (exports) 22 224 258 247 193 159 124 137 132 110 Uganda (exports) 98 354 334 302 283 296 288 215 201 170 Union of S. Africa 1,174 482 518 463 508 526 506 493 487 790 United Kingdom 2,658 1,633 1,620 1,509 1,363 1,359 1,289 993 1 793 950 United States 24 34 49 56 6 6 5 TOTAL 163,000 173,000 239,000 246,000 122,000 142,000 102,000 - 86,000 89,000 111,740 1 Estimates. 2 Data not available; estimate included in total. 'Exports. Data include Sudetenland. NOTE: The USSR is not included as reliable figures are not available. SOURCE: 1925-46 Bureau of Mines; 1947 preliminary estimates by the U.S. Section of the International Tin Study Group. The Statistical Sub-Committee of the International Tin Study Group (Conference 19-24 April 1948) has estimated the production of Burma and China for 1947 at 900 and 4,000 long tons, respectively. Other sources consider these estimates to be high because of the unsettled conditions in these countries. rivumaaralloo Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL TABLE C-WORLD MINE PRODUCTION OF TIN BY PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES, 1900, 1910, 1929 to 1947 * (Tin Content in Long Tons) Year Malaya Netherlands Siam East (Thai- Indies land) Burma China . Bolivia Belgian Congo Nigeria g Other Total World 1900 43,111 17,619 3,900 73 2,932 9,053 0 0 8,712 85,400 1910 45,918 21,404 4,896 137 6,407 22,764 0 573 14,301 116,400 1920 36,927 21,566 6,201 1,648 10,566 29,075 396 5,167 10,754 122,300 1929 69,366 35,920 9,939 2,402 6,776 46,338 1,011 10,734 10,114 192,600 1930 63,974 34,903 11,060 2,749 6,860 38,146 840 8,569 8,899 176,000 1931 54,908 27,480 12,447 2,006 5,948 30,742 188 7,772 7,409 148,900 1932 29,742 15,683 9,261 2,534 7,406 20,583 677 4,263 9,051 99,200 1933 24,904 14,406 10,324 2,399 8,104 14,725 2,225 3,762 10,151 91,000 1934 34,059 18,678 10,587 2,487 8,145 20,634 4,602 4,996 11,012 115,200 1935 45,955 24,719 9,779 2,991 9,398 27,168 6,481 7,029 13,580 147,100 1936 66,806 31,684 12,678 3,108 10,664 24,074 7,310 9,634 14,242 180,200 1937 77,542 39,825 16,494 4,023 10,457 25,024 8,856 10,468 15,511 208,200 1938 43,361 27,299 14,704 7,100 11,605 25,484 8,820 8,977 15,650 163,000 1939 46,827 27,755 17,325 8,536 c715,000 1 27,211 7,140 9,567 13,639 173,000 z?,',3940 84,082 43,193 17,447 5,500 11,500 1 37,940 12,075 12,177 15,086 239,000 1941 78,0001 51,000 1 15,0001 5,000 12,0001 42,199 15,751 12,229 14,821 246,000 1942 15,748 9,812 7,843 500 1 7,0001 38,293 15,754 12,574 14,476 122,000 1943 26,000 17,457 5,839 1,000 1 7,5001 40,312 17,007 12,835 14,050 142,000 1944 9,309 6,719 3,194 500 1 3,000 1 38,720 16,858 12,512 11,188 102,000 1945 3,152 843 1,275 200 1 1,5001 42,487 17,070 11,224 8,249 86,000 1946 8,432 6,535 500 500 1 2,500 l 37,717 14,095 10,333 8,483 91,000 .6-.1947 27,030 15,910 1,400 200 1,500 33,250 14,630 9,400 8,420 111,740 * Source: International Tin Research and Development Council 1900-37, inclusive. Bureau of Mines 1938-46, inclusive. Preliminary estimates for 1947 made by U.S. Section of International Tin Study Group. The Statistical Sub-Committee of the International Tin Study Group (Conference 19-24 April 1948) has estimated the production of Burma and China for 1947 at 900 and 4,000 long tons, respectively. Other sources consider these estimates to be high because of the unsettled conditions in these countries. ' Estimated. CONFIDENTIAL A-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL TABLE D?MAJOR TIN SMELTERS OF THE WORLD 1 Country Name (Annual capacity) Location Ownership (In long tons of tin) Argentina Pichetti (1,800) Buenos Aires Sociedad Minera Pirquitas, Pi- chetti y Cia. Belgium Hoboken (10,000) Hoboken Societe General Metallurgique de Hoboken China Kochiu (8,000) Kochiu, Yunnan Yunnan Tin Corporation PKMA (2,500) Papu, Kwangsi Ping Kwei Mining Administration Malayan Union Eastern (35,000) Penang Isle Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. Pulau Brani (40,000) Pulau Brani (adj. to Singapore) Straits Trading Co. Butterworth (40,000) Penang Isle Straits Trading Co. Netherlands Arnhem (40,000) Arnhem N. V. Hollandsche Metallurcische Bedrij ven Netherlands Muntok (20,000) Banka Isle Banka Tin Mining Administration East Indies Pangkalpinang (20,000) Banka Isle Banka Tin Mining Administration United Kingdom Williams, Harvey & Bootle Cons. Tin Smelting Co., Ltd. Co. (40,000) Cornish Tin Smelting Redruth Cons. Tin Smelters Ltd. Co. (10,000) British Tin Smelting Litherland Cons. Tin Smelting Co., Ltd. Co. (8,000) Penpoll Tin Smelting Bootle Cons. Tin Smelting Co., Ltd. Co. (8,000) Capper Pass & Son, Ltd. Bristol and Hull Capper Pass & Son, Ltd. (2,500) Belgian Congo Manono (10,500) Manono Geomines Australia Lempriere (6,500) Alexandria D. T. Lempriere & Co., Pty, Ltd. (Sydney) Union of South Zaaiplaats (2,400) Potgietersrust Zaaiplaats Tin Mining Co., Ltd. Africa United States Longhorn (74,000) Texas City, Texas Tin Processing Corporation Nationality of the principal owner is the same as the country in which the smelters are located except in the case of the colonies where the nationality is the country which controls such colonies. The companies are incorporated in the country in which they are located, except those in the colonies which are incorporated in the countries which control those colonies. The Longhorn smelter (United States) is owned by the United States Government but is oper- ated by the Billiton interests which are Dutch. NOTE: The minor tin smelters are not listed, but information as to their capacities and loca- tions is available in the Central Intelligence Agency. A-4 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL TABLE E-INDEX TO WORLD MAP OF PRINCIPAL TIN MINES AND MAJOR DEPOSITS CANADA 1. Sullivan MEXICO 2. Aguascalientes region 3. Durango region PERU 4. Oroya Smelter BOLIVIA 5. Fabulosa (Fabulosa Mines Cons.) 6. Chojlla (Intl. Min. Corp.) 7. Mocaya (Intl. Min. Corp.) 8. Araca (Patifio) 9. Caracoles (Aramayo) 10. Colquiri (Hochschild) 11. Oruro (Hochschild) 12. Santa Fe (Empresa Minera Santa Fe) 13. Morocalla (Hochschild) 14. Playa Verde (Bol. Intl. Min.) 15. Huanuni (Patifio) 16. Monserrat (Empresa Minera. Monserrat) 17. Totoral (Sociedad Estanifera Totoral) 18. Llallagua (Patino) 19. Vila Apecheta (Min. Dev. & Inv. Co.) 20. Ocuri (Cia. Estanifera de Ocuri) 21. Potosi (Hochschild) 22. Telemayu-Animas (Aramayo) 23. Oploca (Patifio) 24. Chorolque (Aramayo) ARGENTINA 25. Sociedad Minera Pirquitas (Pichetti y Cia.) CORNWALL 26. Geevor 27. East Pool and Agar 28. South Crofty PORTUGAL 29. Tuella Tin Mines, Ltd. 30. Emp. Port de Estanhas, Ltd. 31. Portuguese American Tin Co. CONFIDENTIAL A-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 SPAIN 32. Galicia Prov. GERMANY 33. Altenberg deposit ITALY 34. Monte Valerio 35. Canale Seres NIGERIA 36. United Tin Areas of Nigeria, Ltd. 37. Naraguta Extended Areas, Ltd. 38. Naraguta Tin Mines, Ltd. 39. Jantar Nigeria, Ltd. 40. Nigerian Cons. Mining Co., Ltd. 41. Amalgamated Tin Mines of Nigeria, Ltd. 42. Ribbon Valley Tin Fields, Ltd. 43. Nigerian Tin & Exploration Co., Ltd. 44. Bisichi Tin Co., Ltd. 45. Kaduna Syndicate, Ltd. 46. Gold and Base Metals of Nigeria, Ltd. 47. Keffi Tin Co., Ltd. 48. Naraguta Karama Areas, Ltd. 49. Ex-lands Nigeria, Ltd. 50. Jos Tin Areas, Ltd. FRENCH CAMEROONS 51. Mayo Darle 52. Obau Mountains BELGIAN CONGO STANLEYVILLE PROV. 53. Punia area (Symtain) 54. Kima area (Cobelmin) 55. Kasesa area (Cobelmin) RUANDA URUNDI 56. Gatumba area (Minetain) 57. Rutongo area (Somuki) 58. Lugarama area (Minetain) COSTERMANSVILLE PROV. 59. Kabunga (MCL-C.N.Ki.) 60. Kailo area (Cobelmin) 61. Kalima area (Symtain) 62. Shabunda (Cobelmin) 63. Kamituga (MGL) CONFIDENTIAL A-6 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL 64. Kampene (Cobelmin) ELIZABETHVILLE PROV. 65. Manono (Geomines) 66. Mitwaba (Sermikat) 67. Kikole (UMHK) 68. Busanga Mine (UMHK) UGANDA 69. Ankole Tin Fields, Ltd. 70. Kagera Uganda Tin Fields, Ltd. 71. Central Africa Exploration Co. SOUTHERN RHODESIA 72. Kapata Syndicate UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA 73. Zaaiplaats Tin Mining Co. 74. Mutue Fides Tin Mining Co. 75. McCreedy Tin Ltd. 76. Leeuwpoort Tin Mines Ltd. 77. Rooiberg Tin Mines Ltd. 78. Nieuwpoort Tin Mines Ltd. USSR 79. Altai 80. Naryn (Kazakstan) 81. Ichapcheranga 82. Onon deposit 83. Sherlovaya 84. Verkhoyansk BURMA 85. Peirmedaik 86. Mawchi 87. Kanbauk 88. Heinze basin 89. Kabamaunghla 90. Hermyingyi 91. Kyaukmedaung 92. Heinda 93. Bwabin 94. Theindaw 95. Yemon 96. Thabawleik 97. Karathuri CONFIDENTIAL A-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 THAILAND (SIAM) 98. Renong Tin Dredging, Ltd. 99. Bangrin Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. 100. Talerng Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. 101. Kamra Tin Dredging, Ltd. 102. Pungah Tin Dredging, Ltd. 103. Thai Tin Syndicate, Ltd. 104. Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging, Ltd. MALAYA 105. Kamungting Tin Dredging, Ltd. 106. Larut Tin Fields Dredging, Ltd. 107. Austral Amalgamated Tin, Ltd. 108. Takka Taiping Tin Dredging, Ltd. 109. Southern Kinta Cons. 110. Karamat Tin Dredging, Ltd. 111. Southern Malayan Tin 112. Pengkalen Ltd. 113. Malayan Tin Dredging Co. 114. Pacific Tin Co., Ltd. 115. Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. 116. Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd. 117. Gopeng Consolidated 118. Tronah Mines, Ltd. 119. Kampong Lanjut Tin Dredging, Ltd. 120. Southern Tronoh Tin Dredging ,c0. 121. Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. 122. Rawang Concessions, Ltd. 123. Rawang Tin Fields, Ltd. 124. Pahang Consolidated Co. 125. Fetaling Tin Ltd. 126. Killinghall Tin Dredging Ltd. 127. Ampat Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. 128. Sungei Besi Mines (Hong Fatt) Ltd. 129. Kuala Kampur Tin Fields, Ltd. 130. Hong Kong Tin Dredging Ltd. 131. Sungei Way Dredging 132. Kuchai Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. 133. Ayer Hitam Tin 134. Rantau Tin Dredging, Ltd. 135. Pelapah Tin Dredging NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES 136. Singkep 137. Banka CONFIDENTIAL A-8 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL 138. Billiton CHINA YUNNAN PROV. KOCHIU DISTRICT 139. Malaka (e) (Shing Chang) 140. Li Tao 141. Wa Feng 142. Lao Chang KWANGSI PROV. 143. Ping Lo 144. Fu Ho Chung 145. Kung Chung HUNAN PROV. 146. Kiang Hua 147. Chang Ning 148. Lin Wu KWANGTUNG PROV. 149. Tien Pai KIANGSI PROV. 150. Tayu 151. Kong Shui Tsei 152. Nan Kong INDOCHINA 153. Tinh-Tuc ravine (Pia-Ouac), 154. Nam-Pathene ravine (Icham-Mon) JAPAN 155. Suzunoyama Mine 156. Mitate Mine (Toyo Mining Co., Ltd.) 157. Kurauchi Ohira 158. Ueda-Ohira Mine 159. Ikuno Mine 160. Akenobe Mine (Mitsubishi) 161. Ashio Mine AUSTRALIA 162. Herberton District, Queensland 163. Mt. Garnet, Queensland 164. Gibsonvale District, New South Wales 165. Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania 166. Rennison Bell, Tasmania 167. Briseis Mines, Tasmania 168. Gladstone Field, Tasmania 169. Aberfoyle Mine, Tasmania 170. Storey's Creek Mine, Tasmania CONFIDENTIAL A-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 PROVISIONAL EDITION 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 80 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1 60 180 WORLD PRINCIPAL TIN MINES AND IMPORTANT DEPOSITS FOREIGN ECONOMIC ADMINISTRATION METALS AND MINERALS DIVISIONS 80 LEGENIC ED Tin-bearing zone, ? Mines and deposit, (Numbers refer to names in text.) SOURCE: War Production Board; Bureau of Mines; Geological Survey; Tariff Commission; Foreign and Domestic Commerce; State Department; Foreign Economic Administration UNITED STATES A 143 146 139 ?\^? IN DI A BURMA): ? i? ? :.? I 88 'THAILAND- :. 142 153 154 CAM 0000s 250 MILES . 25 MILES BAUCHI.::PL AT EAU 100 MILES A US T R A L I A (64 40 40 : ..... 110.111 1.69 .114 118 .: 113 6ff 00 ": ,. ? 16., .?. ... 124 16 mi."9125. .121 . MI"--.2 0 ? I25 122 SUMATRA: . , ? , aici ..... ? 134 '.135 SCALE TRUE ALONG THE EQUATOR 0 1000 2000 3000 MILES 1000 H FH HF Hi ?Hi MALAYA,: 166 60 NO.1715- M 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 OCTOBER 25,1944 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 60 80 100 120 140 DRAWN IN THE CARTOGRAPHIC SECTION, F.E .A. U.S. GPO- S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCES U. S. Bureau of Mines, Minerals Yearbooks U. S. Bureau of Mines Files U. S. Bureau of Mines, Foreign Minerals Survey Vol. No. 8 U. S. Bureau of Mines, Mineral Trade Notes Consular Reports, State Department "The Industries of The USSR", Intelligence Division, WDGS, War Department, 20 June 1947 "World Tin Supply Situation", Office of Materials Distribution, Department of Com- merce, 28 May 1947 "Dwindling Tin Supplies and The Reconversion Problem", War, Production _Board, WPB-9002 "Strategic Mineral Supplies" by G. A. Roush, 1939 "The Mining Journal", London, 1946, 1947 and 1948 "Statistical Bulletin of the International Tin Study Group" Central Intelligence Agency Files ()I Document No. NO CHARGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED s. CHANCED TO: TS s d DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA EEG. 77 1763 Pate: A-10 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP78-01617A001600050001-8