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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 - . - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECURITY INFORMATION This Document contains information affecting the Na. Lionel Defense of the United States, within the mean. ins of Title 18, Sections 729 and 724, of the U.S. Cods, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorised person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. 50X1 50X1 COUNTRY USSR (Kalinin Oblast) REPORT SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Working Conditions and Exterior BallleticsDATE DISTR. Work at Branch No. 1) Gorodomlya Island NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES 25 August 1953 50X1 11 50X1-HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1-H UM 1. 2. The following are corrections of the spelling of Soviet names appearing in the5?X1 attached reports a. Popjedonoszew should be Pobedonoatecv. b. Bosoh-Kozyubinsky should be Bosh -Koteyubinskiy. 0. Wassilyev should be Vaeilyev. d. .Kieselyev should be Rieelov. e. Landyehev should be Landishev. f. Skripnitehenko should be Skripniohenke. g. Miskevitsh should be Mitskevichs h. DranovskY should be Dranovskiy (also reported aa novskiy). S. Tehernopyatbv should be Ohernopyatov. j. Brazeva should be Brattseva, k. Tehernykova should be Ohernikovae 1. Raeumova also reported as &move. STATE I#X I Y I ME I AVY ikt los ihe Fel I ACC (Nein Washinote Distribution Sind sy "x", Mold Disttibuilon Sy "*",) 50X1 --50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 ' ? COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ? ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF I SECURITAMMATION 50X1 USSR WOrkint-Cenditiona-iti Ostashkov and Exterior Ballistics Work There ? THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION REPOR 50X1-HUM DATE DISTR. fl fueLY tJ- NO. OF PAGES 9 NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TC5oxi-HUM REPORT NO. 50X1-HUM NOSS CONDITIONS IN MASSY' IN NOVEMBER 1946 1. 2. 3. 14. 50X1-HUM As far as housing was concerned, sufficient space for the Germans existed: All apartments in two brick apartment houses were redecorated; in the wooden hoOseavork wits still in progress, but there were also enough apartments available. Fire wood supply was especially short sad forced to cut trees in the foreet throughout the winter of 19L6. Every eight to fourteen dlys given a day off for this purpose. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 50X1 -HUM . . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 SECRET -2- 50X1 5. Work did het"begin until. the end of November; or early in December'1946. APproxiMateilbetween the-20th-and-25th of November, Col, POP3EPO14OSZA4 end DiPl, Ingo GROETTRUP anti/ad-oil-the Mend froth MISOO* te organize the work.. POPJEDONOSZEW was very reserved and left everything to GROETTRUP. ? . 64 The Gertan group on 'the Island belonged to Branch No. 1 of Institute 88. Inetitita-88 was it'Podlipki, a suburb Of -Mosconi :co itbelong ed GROETTRUP and the' rest oft-theaGeriiine-frOMBleieherode-ilid-Soeliiiait- "GROETTRUP brought with him a list'Of-ailikies for-the-Dettans in Brabah-N6.1L-ind divided that-Jae working -groups.- He designatediCIRCHNER as his deputy in admin- istrative matters, and .Dr. WOLFF was to fUnctionas the Professional leader Of the German speeialists on the Island. . ? 7. The'f011oting Working groups were created /gee Enclosure ($ an organiza- tion chart of Branch No, 1, Institute 88,.dorodomlya Islan a. BallistieS: Dr. WOLFF; with-hint Dipl. Math. Werner MUELLER, Dr. SCHLIER and auxiliary personnel. . b. Billiatid-Speoiel-GrouP1 Prof, nosEi with-hii two 50X1-HUM aosietaht;"Tne.teasonfer-the-sPeoiel"poeitierief the EASEgreup was that GROETTRDIrddtnot'iwint to heVi?Pref. MOSE-Under D1. WOLF?. -Relations between-Wet:1=8E4M tir.-NOLFF were teried-bechted'he-,' KLOSEIotherved-Soon enough that Di. ? played the more important role with GROETTRUP and the Soviets.' _ , ? Aeradynamiesi Dr. ALBRINGO:ith him"Di4,11HWARZ, Dr. SCHMIEDEL, CONRAD, Fritz MUELLER and huliliary, personnel. d. Thermodynamics:. Dr. =ISE, with, Ma Dr. EMT, Dr. REICHARDT. e. Fuels: Dr. smand f. Chemical Group: Dr. MATTHES; with him Dr. OTTO, Dr. STRZELBA. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 6. h. Design:. Dig: Eng. BLASS; with him HESE, ANDERS, BOLLET, SILBERNAGEL and others. .50X1-HUM Statical. 'Dipl. Eng,?RudOlf MUELLER; with Dip).. Eng. MARONE, TOEBE Ma Dig ?? Ell ? . AD050X1-H U M . and WENZEL. S. Special Scientific 'Group: Prof. SCHUETZ, Prof. !RISSER and Dr. HOPPE. 8, Oalq provisional office? were available in the beginning. Design was boated in a Small woOden building-with'eevetiibaeoient'reopi, which- - became later a school. Most of the others *tilted in'a sitilat building, which-later-be:iamb teMporarily the'idministration'hialding, and at the end of oUr?stay-in the USSN'was esed'asakindergartan for Soviet children wheie parents Were-emPioked., Alho loverai-robisAn-the-WOoden houses *Ore Peed as werking'places.? Frequently groups mated from one working rboi te inathei. The Original ihstitUte was.not ueable. The blinding tab damaged; Probably'by artilleriland showed fire damage; most of the windows and many doors were missing.. . ? 9. The eirriete soon initiated reconstruction, and single working groups *vied into, the institute building by the summer ind.fall of 1947. SECRET " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 Xi SECRET -3- 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 10. At-working fields for the groups from Rleichroda and Soammarde, rector,- etrietion ind"deveiapment of'the.A-4 (V4) was 'planted; This job had alteadfoneupied-thete'greUprin Germany it '1945-1946; at the so-called "Zentrelwerken'at SleiChernds.- VOLFF?and ALBUM brought data from their work at the Ilkentralwerkell with them; and were thus' able to work toilet's extent inthe7. Prig% ROSE-was to work on the. reeket-grasierfillh. KLOSE1 rcculd not-return'to Germ when deported fram'kerlin on 22-Octebir 19 6,4nd consequently hid no data at the'dtatt- ?nflran?1ui4?.i. KLOSE etarted.then'te recall btiomory the fieCessary data. Even'a'tabulation Of..the attosiherid dita (tempariture dietributien is A-function oriltitudeittmospheric pressure, airdaneity) Wie-newly:dalculited: 't/t-aPPearedlator that WOLFF had a-fibulition'of:the'Gertin-Nnriil-Atiedphere....4a Used by the German cooperitia-eXisted betweeff-ELOSE-indWOLFF;'and MOSE ? 50X1-HUM ering of-19471'difloperte-reac e USSR which had been written nee-WOLFInki-thititilain several-Montlies. inthe - in KLOSE's department at GemO . _ _ , . . _ . 50X1-HUM U. ihen7Ocirk'beigin'it-the-RBSR.'eVerkthint tat-laekingt piper', calculators, Mitheiitidil eharte; eta.-1 the nectseary Work was executed lopritnmicalxv bY-teinfltitate tables. :It-iis-impobbible'in the-beginning to get a dloar denial:it froth the'Soviete Wreepect tolierking'hours.' The dir- ector-ottratchile.11 at thie timel'AGAFONOV, ankedOreference. The Gerithi'saggestedi: eight'houra-per-dayl-the edientiste (professors . 'and dedtore)-eik'houra, SaturdaY ifternoon'free, and one'dgy a week off fticepOd bUtting. AGAFONOV made no definite commitaants, butJ7zflYl ulmi tpprdgimately that way. 50X1-HUM 12. Working hours were 'not cheoked. It wis'cuatdmtry to gd home once in a While durine-werking houreithie'Paa'aiso necetagribecatee salitery inettIlationd in the 'jerking-01:1de were very bid. In WinterwOrk slays started'liter'tteauee the mornings were dark and there was often no ' electric current. 50X1-HUM ? . I. At the time of arrivel the following Sovieta(tspediany in charge ? dflermane)wete on the-Island: the dirattor,AGAFONOVISIBELOV who had tdminiitritite-duties andWae Iaterttineferrette-PedlipkilMATIUMIN, AO cider' poreen'whe-had ltter-adminiettatite-fUnotIonii, but isalIed'him- soli 110dgiatndefitylater-onrand SRURIK, i party eficiAlllthe beceee' later pittreedretary in-Oetteihkot:' There We'r(alieSeviet gitls'eho ? *Corked-is aertante-in'tho'bouses-and'Oeretn-tptrtiente, and-kitchen - .0ersonnatin the'reetaurant. FUrthernoreleoidiere woreetationed on the'Ieland-Whflarked bh.bnilding cOnetrUction:- retie tutored-that they were a penal company land that they had been German priaonera 015E(tHUM - ? 14? Ia the beginning the most important Soviet for?the Work (if the German specialists waellOSCH-KOZYUBINSKT. Be arrived shortly after oethe Ieland and was presented as the Man responsible for all ebrk qpietienall He Made the impression of wag well-iiidteated and. or being one Stith many interests') he spoke fluent German and appeared'to.talamiliar with the essentials in the'rocke450X1-HUM fie1d. From the beginning he had a good relationship with Dr. WOLFF. 15.' About this time two interpreters arrived on the Island. One of these, Ritt'SPRO041,-enoke excellent German and mined ab Branch No. I. for several years until the spring of 1950),kha second inter? . pretax* remained only for a short time, and was replaced by others.. 50X1-HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 50X1 SECRET ?4- 50X1 -HUM .16. At the .begiiming BOSCH-KOZYUBINSICI asked tat the SerTaf) wishes %bre in 'regard' to- the work." fie-heard a ltrt of complaints ?.cautiously or- mulategt-try Dr; -WOLFF, a tr cmgly .p?3d by. KLOSE--: which' hUrt BCiSCH.50X1-HUM But consequently be' tried to inproveworking cianditions. ; For sample, writing paper arrited. It waEi a thick, ? brown wrapping paper with a -very: high pulp bontont, thich had to cut in - X- ? 50 1-HUM ortYPeariter- site, 'One ? 'could hardly *rite' on this- paper. StMietiiiie raleflied" a ;Very' thin-paper' with Veit?' high pnlii ?Content; iitieb-Mas even Warta far Writing- rposes: A printing shop in Ostashkov printed calculation forms Oilbtaiin Paper- ?normal- thibknesa; SeVoral R?dAnThaictbr& arrived, bearing the They were' Similar' to the- mull German oBiluntrigan ? maithines. The gear wheels were poorly-fabricated, wore 50X1 -H U M out qitiCkly,--ahr the Madhines were not reliable after a short while. It was.very anneying that the- ?a/ablators -Were very primitive in design. ifeit. Menthe later Gerthan Rheilmietail calculators arrived, partly for Operation- by hind, prartIY half-automatic. 'tartly 'fell-automatic: Stated41th -thistle =Chines *Efithiiut? any ma;50X1-HUM repaire 'et' overhauling. For' some automatic 'machines carbon replacements for the Motor Wife-necessary; Imitr? not get them. All 50X1 -HUM tb-? the-Branch atithinietration, or. to 88 Pedlipld remained unanswered, . doiiPite direCtiona as to Where theeif 'Carbons Were. atailable in 050X1-HUM mink; -Gansebuentiv. Several -inch' machinel-Cord no longer be ?aerated. 50X1 -H UM 50X1 -HUM 11. the ?firist bOokii received for work in Ostashkov.were German books, ? taken-from Varian's libraries; for sixaMple,'-from the Air 'Aeademy In Oita* 'near-Berlin; That 'Mere' Mainly table's' (tables-of lbgarithms, Of- eq'tereel'tables for trigonometric ?and hj??? funatiOnii,-Euid Various idagaiine (for' example, Aircraft Re ifedreh ); With the ekceptien of -thil table0; vett little *aa 0=5777 speciar type of- Ito& 50X1 The billy "literatrnse on' rocIcets *eta a report -by MERGER' and BRW?, Smitten diirin-g' the tar, which iiiscioubtedli had been mritten more for pro- paganda reaeOns then .any- ?there. The purpose of the report may have been to promote rocket science. .? ? .? 18. Itilateettatk, paitapa'aftei-1949,-RuesiewbbOke-atrived tegularly at tho-iibterfof BrarldheN6.-1 -; tattiniatioallphyilioalichetical ant. othiebooks.-liateVerp.they *eta Mote fine the*SeViet-CoLworkers there. Bibaase-Orlanguage'difficiatiee the-Germanehardly tater ailed them. It Ith a-Girimiiiiish-to have thellagatine fol' AeliOdltilthemitics and ' - --(2itt)"ih the library. But it took years, and only after 1950 reaeive the new issues of the magazine; older issues were not Available, 50X1-HUM 19. Inas possible to order books from the Lenin libraryin Moioow: The On1, German who made much use of it was Dr. ZEISE: In general, it took a Ling time to get a book this way. 20. Shortly after BOSCH 'cams, MALINOVSKAYA, a female planning engineer, . arrived at Ostashkov. .About three months after work began BOSCH in- elated that work records be kept of what was done during all working hours. 'larking time had to be closely observed, the work week Was 48 hours. The German detand to be free on Saturdv afternoon was taken into consideration. The Soviets agieed to this arrangement (otherwise they Observed eitht hours of working time every weekday). ' Slbwly the'habit developed for monthly working plans and of writings monthly reports ahcut the fulfillment of the plans. In scientific work SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 . - SECRET -5- ii-beeiMe austOMAry"thafthe results were Slightly over 100 pot-cent. ..Diffidultiii-detroloped ifi theibbrkihg gaps whieh-depended on the Oiipplf:Of-fietititlilb.?ThS-SOViStisahlgement-Was"genetellycentent if At could report the fulfillment of the working plan on paper. 50X1 22. Reports'ibeht-ieseareh'inri*Written:in-Gernme.. It first one. and later eiViral Oemah:tirOewriteke'were available. The reports during the 'first period weie.w4tten by Mrs.-XWAACKindw-Mrs.'STAHL) and by" WCS.-..TROLLDENIER (haw.litif:-SIEGMBD) in-t*O-Or-thkee-Copies:-.0no'coPY. Went terMddeew. termail'rep"orte-Were-trataited-bithe intStpriters ititO'Bubsi&W. -But-tbeso[tranelations were often completed months after delivery of the?GermaO report. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS OF THE WASSERFALL, OSTASRKOV (November 1946-February 1948) / First Task for Ballistic Examinations in Ostashkov . . . 23. Thevtoriaetidn7Of the fitit-tiskewere'stited-in-very genera terms ? b31 the All details were left to the initiative of the German workers. ? ? Work Order for the. WOLFF Grew , 24. Thieinier..resiospted the_oreation of ballistic dats.for the A-41 ? 'a 'tiring table and- further..A-4-development. projenflaidirWhnown as-the v0-1Mojeot (0 stood for GROETTRIIP),I:the Soviets later paned it 11-10. ? 25. Thii general theoreticaleredeireh (without detailed ? subjectWatter);?Reeearehere weriii?ro.-MVLMieknOr NGELLER,.Dic SCHLIECT iBr.-WOLFF-ilie began work On a theor956X1-HUM turbations of the powered trajectory. . _ Work Ordei-fei'ihe ELME Group 26. Thief. Order Webeerfall,' 'and- general theoretical50X1-H UM research. The. researchernThDr. BLOSE1 50X1-H UM 27. RegardingHgaterirthebroticafeleirdh,-Dr.:ILOSE-Mide eiaMlnations-for virinde' thtnet-PkcigtaMe.--Fer"diample; in'Intittitttent'drlie-wes'examined bY-whiell-fnerisSlin-dietribntedithat'S-ceitiiiipoetibliottbe: fuel Wareiternitily-bdrned-Oirnied'fok thrdst generation, and then followed ? is-peiiod of flyin without thrust. The incentive to this idea was given by Dr. SIEMONO G-1617. But these considerations were executed wiih- out considering their technical performance. . . 28. deepardsone of such thrust programs with the normal procedure 61' constant flow were made. The result was, that by these other thrust programs no 'essential inereise'of range could be achieved. These questions were examined by calculation of the cut-off values of vertical ascents. .29. The continuation of previously Mentioned examinations for target procedures .with AS rockets (target-seeking methods, dog curve and generalizations) ? was also conduated under general theoretical research. ?, ? . .. . ..... .. ... ..... . ... 30.' No cooperation between the WOLFF and !MOSE Groups existed: SECRKT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 SECRET 4- tassorfali Calculations in Ostashkov 31. Cant/num the reedit:rich Teti& had'heen done at Gema, several piano tree jectories for Neaserfall iere-baldulatedl'the*deflectione'of which took plab?ceerding-tO the differential equatien or the 'ground?Calculating tAiti-TiajectOries"wete daloulated by moans of-the'above;;MentiOhed "(161-? 1/01-1111-1701--(b1" tn-r71T-- 50X1 The calculations heel the results indicated below. 50X1-HUM 32. $bosi:ifter.the'deflation-from'the'Vertidel-deeent,-faiilliarge angles of ihoidehdo-(15?FapPeiredibib-this'dOeifnot matter;eince thee-rocket aUbsehia-speed,'has-jet-reddere'and the necelieary itddetangl?d cahreailWhe iebieted; -/n flying'thisbagh-the velocity of'sound'(the RachINOPOr 1 and .1.2)1 the angle of incidence decreases to 2 to 4 ? 33. It it:abating. aircraft which are flying towards the launohing.point the trAjobtbry of thellecket'had naming point (paint Of inflection)abefore Ilgitaieg1420 target approach path (see sketches below): Rein} of IrAcciion 0 Poir4 of Leflithion 0 34. For -bemusing the altitude of the rocket after this turning point, in sone cases rudder angles are necessary which are too large and would Outpaes.the-pOssible'maxibUtof approXimatel3''250j-this'meant that the ? toOket'oen-not-keerthe prescribed trajectory." The-reason-for the large nedeseary'rudder angle is that in supersonic region the distance te-? 15 of the pressure center from the center of gravity is fairly great. ill such data wee by the Aerodynamic and Design Departments. 35. The deAdlipa0i, tot" 'the spat:win which a targettantot be ocebated by ? the -rocket; islaititelY large, because the beginning of the target approach path often occurs very late. . . 36. Becauas'only simple target approaches were examined, the transverse aceeleretiOn (load factor) of the rocket remained smallikl2g. 37. These were the essential resultis in the Wasserfall examinations of the KLOSE tamp until February 1948. The group was then dissolved, whereby research on the Ilecerfall came temporarily to an end. 36. No rinietrch was conducted regarding stability questions at the starrand duittflight, Or abedt the probability of hitting the target or of the efietitetele Of hiteptertherm674 no comparieeno were tade.betemen tha offitititinseforquallimmr4tAll onA AA A94411mover SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 ( ' ? SECRET -7- 50X1 ? 39. In-the suimer of 1948 the order &Lie from Moscm-for?Section gl (Hiliistics,7Dr.-WOLFF) And Section #2 (Aerodynamics, Dr. AWING) to Again work on Wasserfall. SeCtion #2-ehould.cMapile the aerodynamic dita-(Cifriftej4kiCii.);""SeVerai'date were-givenwhich' originated probibly frot?Sovietlkind-tunnel measurements. The researcher was Filtz-MUELLER,-perhaps alsOMONRAD. Section #1 should calculate tra- lectories, using the data from Section #2, as follows: a. Trajectory with Vertical start and deflection into a linear end-path-With cut-bit Ingle-VW. Tabulation of a program ? for the angle of inclination . . . . b. The same for cut-off angler = 60?. a. The same for,: 3000 'd. Calculation of a plane trajectory withprescribed target ? Movement, *herehylt was-demande?that the-defleCtion shotld foiloWthirdifferettittrequation 6f thebeledliting'unit and that-the-angle Of-ificidenee-At.the *Ming -a the reeket-- 50X1-HUM through .the velecity?Oreound-bluald be iiirotedeiVred no replY'tor7777ObjeotiOn-that both be Ss fiiledibeeitee-the-path orthe'rockit-ie-uniquely fixedlif 50X1-HUM the eltitUde-engleebould-satiefithe differehtiel'equition-of thi-daledliting Thitrijibterlivie that-Calculated onlY indir'the'Condition-that-the differential equation of the cal- culating.unit was pertinent. I. ..??? The SoVieto deiahded'thatthe dependency of-the'ew Valdis 6:1 ihd'h-ahd-the.zikiet.thrust, considered in-tho-path-direCtion.. The 'gravity acCeleketion'g Could be cal- oulated'indepandentiy'from the altitude, censtant at 9.81-m/sec2 Since the'heighte ihvelveditre small. The whole equation system was then solved simultaneously. ? e. CalotlatiOn Of a*spatiel trajectory with preseribed-target move- TherGermiti aekerunder-Whieh-rtles'the'reeket'should fly ? Witife'spatierpith-citrve., if far example the aide-angleir of. the rocket?againit a'fixed-direction it the horizogtal plane ' should'check in every moment with the side anglemE46 of the target, and how the rotation around the longitu 7-axis of the rocket behavee'in flying a spatial curve.' No answer was given ? by'the Soviets. Section #4 (Guidance, Dr. HOC!!) was also asked, bdt no definite reply was made. ? 40. The following way out waq taken for ballistic calculations. First, rig"- a, WAS ahoumoda Secondly it was assumed that the lift is independent of the rotation angle around the longitudinal axis of the. teeket.-.0te-fictitious rudder angle/el was introduced. It.was re- .gerded as a task for the guidance, to determine !rem the fictitious angle 'a and frot the rotation angle around the longitudinallixis of the reaet, the factually nece arY deflections re of the altitude rdddet'and of.the side rudder l/f. The assumptions' were doeided upon in a conference between Dr. Werner MUELLER - . -? . 50X1-HUM hi. The tad equitien skstOm consist:: then of One vectorial force equation (411-scaler'equatiens).,'the-mbment-equatiOh?(..1 Scalar equation), and the geometric boundary equations for the various angles. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 achET - -8- 142. spatial polar coordinates is useful for the treat. . . ment.of the equation system. The following designations are valid: . . E xj,i'rectangular coordinates of a trajectory point (y. altitude), rir,er polar coordinates a= location vector, r altitude angle, cr side angle). ft,t;1 rectangular .coordinates of the velocity vector? = . Iv)e.stIP-PDXar coordiniter,of the-velocity.vector (v = amonnt?otspeect, linelination angle Of trajectoryirpi angle between the projection of the velocity vector on the horizontal plane and the x - direction). 43. Then the following relations are valid: (7-40,,biC) (A) i,2.) r(cog r .c., c, r, co, r sik es) ? (2?gt,b10 V Ls. ((, i) = v (Cos t (nt,. siewe I cos r?Siiii .1)42 414,1310) = COS(' Co ?.$ re -At ti%Vrat COS - V tp COS t SI.V1 ep j. ?4, S . Vie Cos lc. Cos tcs Si'vNee Si'vl.ef.' teCostourp). W4. The unit vdOters in the xalz - direction are labelled with a, 4% then the vectors (170.,10.4) { eel tCoS If' Cos tp 6.1-1-Sin tact Cost Sin te az -e,a escnigostego- cost (.6.2- s?v, tsi.nn,z.3 El = -S'untr.3.1 # COS rp a.3 fori i'eystem of three pairlike? perpendicular to each other, unit vectors, and for the scalar products from (26) and (27) are valid: (2.1o.,131c) =:4,t itp COS IA SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 50X1 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 - . SECRET 45. OonSeqUehtly the valuee\shtte an separated from each othe? by using the co:Ordinates:system j27Y. Thia'coiordinates system iS the eight one for tree:talent-of the three force equations. The first equation is the 'one, in,:theydireetieri-of_the nath-tengent. It.bebotee in an analogoue way for the plane-Sep-a differential equation-af-setohd order fez. r. Only; additional terms appear which containt and its derivatives. Is+ Cra+ e co er spat tr6 tie+ ( ft+ et +rls(ft te'r e Corr - ci-N; sbi r cosi) 46. The equation ford remains as before:. V S (c? @ Sty: r rr Cos r la. In addition two equations are found: V cbsr s(jec)ir.ricosr .Cost , Cos (r p e)14 cos r r fa' 48. Frai-oniof these equations, or also by the equation resulting from diVisien itx (Se"4.6. rir.77,7"1 Fir s . . 'results co'. Threugh differentiation of the equations for tand.rp teSUItetafid-ti. -Thotelith.the'left'sidee of-the'dOcend-and.third force-equation are"knewt.?TheSie and.thi-itmaining eqUitione-ard-for the detertination Of the angled. The-44'16f incidence is always positively calculated in spatial traijectories. 49.' In acritical review Of the results, the following was pointed out. The trajectory-elloulAtionin the-above mentioned way is already in a plane - out, but ispediaiiy"in.the.cate-ora sPitial trajecter4; a-very-lengthy affair.' In Sot&redpeatifit'diecloseis More-thdirid actually neceSsart tO.knowilike the valUe Of Opeed.0 every moment, th&pkth-COOrdinates, etc. BUt-fer.the intended Purpose it would beifUllt Sufficient tO know that the reeket.can-be-guided to -oh the'otnei.'nend, it ie. :Otto ihtereit,toldiltrthe exact -flying tite'until the impact and ttHo Speed Of the.reatt id at daVery.toment..--It4tUld be tore iteasOnabio net"to-Integrate the' firstThree equation every time under . consideration brill troilistanceirespeCially-eince the CoUree'of VilOaitfin the Various trajebtories.'is not Vety Much different, 'hut ieiCte..Onee-ihd ftit ?& fited Velocity cOurge and then&xamine, which Arintverse-AcCelaritions, eta.. appear. For thie-pUrnose'it should . ietnally be knot in.whichlity the rocket is being guided. -Research in.this-direction mid met'dOhe because of lack of time. The deadline , for COmpletion.of the Wasserfall 'calculations was September or October 1548,;'16.adeist in this work three Soviets had arrived fret Moscow: 0e :engineer who worked in' the aerodynamics section, one engineer ani one calculator, both'women,who.participated in trajectory calculations.. d numerical integrations After Adams-Stcermer. 50X1-HUM . 50X1-HUM 50X1 ENCLOSURE (A) Organization Chart of Branch No, 1, Institute 88, Oorodomlya Island, USSR SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2 L4ankatiori. thitif? Of. . . BRANCH .- ? GincoominAIsuo4D OSTASNK011 ? USSR SECRET IDIRECT OR: usaigriumov CHIEF-ENGINEER: LiKnUARGANOV writ simmER pm SSI LYE V SINCE SUMMER WA 1 . INPL-ENGGROETTRUP wan. FAUNS? CHIEF-DESIGNER DR? -PI 0 C 11 oaf NOV 1950 DR. WOLFF mov Ivo -JUN F152 DEPUTY CH. -Id : KISSELYEV SECtiON P& 1 2 ? 3 i s ; 6 -1 7 g , ? 9 10 '7 II . DES1SWITION; . . - . BALLISTICS - AERODYNAMICS 1 . POWER PLANT . GUIDANCE DESIGN MEASURING INSTRUMENTS CHEMISTRYS AND FUELS ELECTRONICS WORKSHOP TRESS ANALYSIS A BUILDING --- MAINTENANCE .GERMAN, 'SECTION:la . TOL WOLFF ?DR. ALM NG ? nuipsttiRACH IRMO' art ima sommiust son . ? DrA.-cien BIASs nar.m. Satura .DR. MATTH ES VREIKSCHAT Aft DIM-ENS. map mun.LER IAFFKE . . . GERMAN . DEPUTY:- . . INTL-PIATIL wrens nuEuER ' DP- 4CHWARz nane.PAUER STADTWOLFR Nel _ Two MT tx6. ANDERLS ENS BOESE D2. COERMAN N Mt. OTTO WUTTK E SCHRADER ? 504/1 ET - =mune ? _ SOLosrav MIZKEVITS14 TSITERNOTYATOV NE STEROV NIS MIAMI twabisurs NOTYATOV .5HUNDRIKOV AUSTRUM smir WISNER: . ? SOVI ET . CO-WORKERS: . . .LANDystiEst RS KNUATI NA sxkotiffsfitiow JLANELVTE V wn SvnIENF' ? FREYOCIEmAE pi DitAtiovs icy mati lostsoutaovA ? MIL YOFFE Miss TRNOVA mus tam-YTYL- - GOLovAN0V i_ ii TT BRA ZETA ? PAS WITANYIZTA MTSMIZTTEVITSH KOSHARINov . t. ? ..; SVER t Nxv UI tt' r ? P? a -? Q.. . Iton z ... . ? Z \ f f it I ? ti e ! a . g if 1 fri it g a al c g E teg d 21 ) - a 31 , a .1 TON -113T PAM) 0,011W) Dt.UiriFitliACW amiworD, . lawsuit mann; YOFFI . ? ? " ,NOZZLE ittAy. LA& - vagauttitapcossuitatA I Ar 4, ... e - _ F c' i .0 B gr 0 a ... ...... _ g. si 1 \ 5 vs_ i 2 U 2 3 a " Inv* Mt WM INCORPORATTV 11110, SECT.INTO 4 ? .10 ifge- TEST STAND . at, SIEGOIUND ? 4) iiibt oft WO INCORPORATED SECT ? ? 4 1 IVA 0) IUCORPOUTED INTO LICE! . SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613109109: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100150002-2