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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31: CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 T ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI X 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 NiOiCN X 18 19 20 @21 I( 22 SUSPENSE Date Remarks STAT Executive Secretary 27 May '88 Date '11.17 (10-81) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Executive NOStrY 8-2104X ?????=0?11, NATIONAL DRUG POLICY BOARD Washington, D.C. 20530 MAY 23 1988 FROM: John C. Lawn Chairman, Na Intelligence nal Drug Committee SUBJECT: NDPB Strategy and Implementation Plan Status Reports TO: National Drug Intelligence Committee Pursuant to Drug Enforcement Coordinating Group Chairman Frank Keating's May 4 letter, each lead agency committee is to provide semi-annual status reports on the Drug Strategy and Implementation Plan. Enclosed are the cover letter and the instructions for the status report. (The June 1 deadline for our committee's submission to the Policy Board Staff was extended to July 1 at the May 18 Drug Enforcement Coordinating Group meeting.) Each agency should clearly identify those Program/Action Items and Objectives that are its responsibility. For each Objective provide a brief statement of its status. Documentation also should be provided in the form of a memorandum or report, if available. Agencies are reminded that page 3 of the Executive Summary of the Drug Intelli- gence Strategy and Implementation Plan describes additional actions against which we must report. Questions related to this project should be posed to Patrick Tarr on 633-1071. Please send your response to me by June 17, 1988. Enclosures cc: Mr. Frank Keating Mr. David Pickens Mr. Craig Coy LIMITED OFFICIAL USE Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NATIONAL DRUG POLICY BOARD Washington, D.C. 20530 MAY U41988 The Honorable John C. Lawn Chairman, Intelligence & Investigation Committees Drug Enforcement Administration 1405 I Street, N.W., Eye Building Washington, D.C. 20537 Dear mr,eWn: a LI At our Coordinating Group Meeting on April 20, the NDPB Staff made a brief presentation suggesting a format and timetable for auditing, or submitting status reports, on our Strategy and Implementation Plans. The proposal was agreed to and the first report will be due on June 1, 1988, covering the semi-annual period October 1, 1987 to March 31, 1988. Subsequent reports will be due as follows: Due Date Period of Report 12/01/88 04/01/88-09/30/88 06/01/89 10/01/88-03/31/89 12/01/89 04/01/89-09/30/89 The enclosed pages describe how the report is to be completed, provide sample report pages from a number of different strategy areas, and include a blank form which you may photo-copy to prepare your report. Please use this format only. The entries in the "status" column of the report should be as succinct as possible - a few lines at most for each program activity or accomplishment. There will be a number of uses for this information: keeping the NDPB membership apprised of progress; responding to press inquiries; preparing testimony and speeches; input to future Progress Reports and Strategies. In particular, in the coming months we can anticipate a great deal of interest from the Congress in the progress we are making in carrying out our Strategy and Implementation Plans. For these reasons, it is extremely important that you meet the reporting requirements. Please send the completed report to the Executive Director, NDPB Staff. If there are questions concerning preparation of the report, the NDPB Staff point of contact is David Pickens. Enclosures aSincerely , ncirgmating 11 Acting Chairman Drug Enforcement Coordinating Group Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 YOUR COMMITTEE HERE STRATEGY 6 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN STATUS REPORT SEMI-ANNUAL PERIOD ENDING STRATEGY WRITE OUT THE STRATEGY # , STATEMENT HERE PAGE PROGRAM/OBJECTIVE STATUS AGENCY 1 xx -1. State first Program under this Strapegy. A. State first objective under Program A. Brief t- , , . cating proge reS8 rd ?jective. . i sta ... 0 ? TEMENTS SHOULD BE AS ? CIFIC AS POSSIBLE AND QUANTIFIED WHEN APPROPRIATE) 9 . abcd etch . . . . .? this B. State second objective ?... . . --- . . . 13 Ks 2. State second Pr or Strategy 1STRATY AIN OBJECTIVES) IT C A. Statement indicating status or progress of a particular effort or project within this Program B. Same for second project. . . ijkl mnop ate third program under this strategy A. Etc. grit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 PREVENTION EDUCATION LEAD AGENCY COMMITTEE STRATEGY & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN STATUS REPORT SEMI?ANNUAL PERIOD ENDING 3/31/88 SUPPORT STRATEGY #2 . PRO- .. THE COLLECTION OF UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ABOUT TRENDS IN DRUG AND mils GRAMS THAT WORK, AND THE LATEST EVALUATION AND RESEARCH FIN GS PAGE PROGRAM/OBJECTIVE STATUS 3/31/88 ' , GENCY 7 1. Conduct national surveys on incidence and prevalence of drug and alcohol use among youth. A. XXXXX . . i B. YYYYYY i ZZZZZ .. IDA ???? 7 2. Identify programs that work assist in the collection of up-to- - info iricfr)1; IV (Progress n Drug-Free Schools Recognition Program) XXXXXX S C. YYYYYYY ED OSAP ACTION ? , - 7 v s ..,.. _ Pienduct pr impact aluation A. (Process evaluations) B. (Outcome evaluations) C. (Impact evaluations) ?fl?e ???? ???? 8? 41.6??????? .uct basic research which provides to not to - A. (Action of drugs on central. . nervous system) [CONTINUED) NIDA, . i nformation persuade youth use drugs. - eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353Ronn9nn1gnn1 nzz Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 PROSECUTIONS LEAD AGENCY COMM STRATEGY & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN STATUS REPORT SEMI-ANNUAL PERIOD ENDING 3/31/88 STRATEGY 11 INCREASE PROACTIVE TARGETING OF THE MAJOR TRAFFICKERS RESPONSIBLE FOR NARCOTICS IMPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION, AND DEVOTE 80% OF TOTAL FEDERAL NARCOTICS PROSECUTION RESOU , (100% Or OCDETF) TO PURSUING PRIORITY ONE TARGETS. . - , PAGE PROGRAM/OBJECTIVE ' STATUS 3/31PA AGENCY 12 f. Develop priority target and asset in- ventories ? A. Priority target inVentor'., it - pleted B. Asset 11-ntory cate.ories . fi and 25% c.i.leted et f ...? MPH DEA 12 2. Pursue CCEs and RICOs '. 1. A. XX .Es initia ,d .. ,. Y RICOs mi ated A MULT MULT 12 3. Emphasize use of man bil/ir min and recidivist statute i A. ' andatory minimum .... B. ....recidivist .... USA USA 13 4. Expand pros: utive fi?proach eto in- ti de post- ?nvic o ran jury in- igations.r 1 )4' O. A. Initiated ZZ post-conviction grand jury investigations abc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 MAINSTREAM ADULTS STRATEGY & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN STATUS REPORT SEMI-ANNUAL PERIOD. ENDING 3/31/118 STRATEGY SUPPORT RESEARCH ON THE FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE OF MAINSTREAM ADULTS IN *5 - VEMENT TO GREATER AND MORE EFFECTIV- REDUCING DRUG ABUSE PAGE PROGRAM/OBJECTIVE STATUS 3/31/:8 ?ei AGENCY 10 # 1. Utilize grant funding for research in drug use prevalence and productivity, performance assessment, and workplace policy. 0,14,reets9YY' . . A. Grant an.iincement issued B. XXXXXXX 1 YY 1, D. etc iV , 4 . abcd efgh ijkl ,,00;00011)0A ..:1 , 10 12. Develop industry-spef , dru - education and awarenes m s. A. ay. t announcement issued B. ZZZZZZZ C. ec . OSHA mnop qrst 10 i .. 3. Develop res rch ini tives regarding illicit druq use in tublic Housing. ..... I A. AAAAAAA B. BBBBBBB C. CCCCCCC - D. etc HUD HHS DOJ uvwx -----6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R0002001900102.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 AIR INTERDICTION STRATEGY & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN STATUS REPORT SEMI-ANNUAL PERIOD ENDING 3/31/88 STRATEGY CONDUCT THE AIR INTERDICTION MODULE AGAINST GENERAL INTO THE EASTERN UNITED #1 EGAL DRUGS , AVIATION AIRCRAFT CAR: G V STATES 9. PAGE PROGRAM/OBJECTIVE STATUS 3/31/88 '' GENCY ? 11 , 5. Provide 12 CG helicopters as OPBAT apprehension units in the Bahamas and Turks and' Caicos. A. Nassau site October 1987 B. Increase Nassau to 24-hour opelegl tions by October 1987 . Implement Georgetown sit t 88 _ 41\ etc. . B. - 1 A . Est lished schedu Ac plished o; :chedule Planning proceeding on schedule etc. CG CG CG . , - ; s, .. Fe- i ? NN .' / . ? , norimeeifi,?-I ;, In Cs .-..4 --.....? 1?.- _I /1 A I - y Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353ROnn9nn1gnn1nzz Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 STRATEGY i IMPLEMENTATION PLAN STATUS REPORT SEMI?ANNUAL PERIOD ENDING i STRATEGY i . PAGE PROGRAM/OBJECTIVE STATUS AGENCY , ? . . . .., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 LIMITED OFFICIAL USE NATIONAL DRUG INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE OF THE NAT IONAL DRUG POLICY BOARD DRUG INTELLIGENCE STRATEGY LIMITED OFFICIAL USE March, 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Drug Intelligence Strate2y and Implementation Plan National Drug Intelligence Committee Policy, The National Drug Intelligence Committee (NDIC) was formed following the May 1987 National Drug Policy Board Directive which designates the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to be the lead agency for drug intelligence. Chaired by the Administrator of DEA, the NDIC established a Working Group to prepare a Drug Intelligence Strategy and Implementation Plan that was requested by the Attorney General as Chairman of the National Drug Policy Board. The strategy and implementation plan that follows uses the Policy Board's National and International Drug Law Enforcement Strategy as its basic guiding document: To be most effective, law enforcement and other drug control programs must be directed at those drug threats that are both substantial and vulnerable. Expanded and improved intelligence collection,,analysis, and dissemination is essential to effective program design. Since good intelligence is a prerequisite to the effective deployment of drug control resources, it is the first among priorities and must be developed to support each of the major drug abuse functions--international programs, licit drug control, investigation and prosecution, interdiction, prevention, rehabilitation, and treatment. This diversity of programs and Functions, and the complex intelligence structures supporting Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 -3- Strategy 4: Maintain and integrate systems for communication, .storage, retrieval, and sharing of intelligence. information.' Strategy 5: Continue and improve drug and drug-related intel- ligence analysis and estimation for tactical, operational, and strategic purposes. Strategy 6: Ensure the timely and appropriate dissemination of useful drug intelligence products. Programs and Recommendations All of the agencies contributing to the fight against drug abuse and drug trafficking have developed programs and action items to carry out these six strategies. Collectively they represent implementation of the National Drug Intelligence Strategy. In addition, many initiatives are in various stages of planning. The National Drug Intelligence Committee, to enhance drug intelligence sup-port to our supply reduction and demand reduction .efforts, recommends the following: (1) Establish an interagency group to identify and coordinate annual drug intelligence needs, and to coordinate the tasking of requirements and responsibilities. This includes identifying, by March 1988, new drug information sources or collection capabilities for consideration by the NDIC. (2) By April, 1988, each agency should review its Field collection system and identify potential enhancements. (3) Beginning June, 1988, and periodically thereafter, the EPIC Advisory Board will report to the NDIC on such matters as: computer enhancements to EPIC functions; relationships between EPIC and C3I centers; productivity and utility of EPIC functions; etc. (4) By January, 1988, the FBI and DEA will refine procedures for receiving, handling, storing and disseminating classified intelligence information for investigative and prosecutorial use. (5) The NDIC should review dissemination procedures for both law enforcement and NatiOnal Intelligence to assure that drug intelligence is being provided to the right agencies on a timely basis. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NDIC Strategy and Implementation plan Strategy ill: Determine the intelligence needs of all entities engaged in drug supply and demand reduction, to enable them to better achieve their assigned responsibilities. Prolram/Action 1.1: By November, 1987, establish an inter- agency group to identify and coordinate annual drug intelligence needs and production goals. Objectives: Ensure coordination and avoid duplication of intelligence products. Establish intelligence priorities and coordinate these with NIO for Narcotics. Identify key issues for drug source and 1..r:ansi.t countries for analysis. Identify principal drug trafficking organizations that require analysis. Determine means of producing major threat assessments'. Utilize the National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC) as appropriate. Program/Action 1.2: Use the NIO/Narcotics monthly intelligence coordination and strategy meetings to further prompt discussion on intelligence needs of the enforcement community and refer such issues and intelligence gaps to appropriate Intelligence Community mechanisms. Objectives: Set up off-site seminar to include representatives from law enforcement and intelligence communities to discuss the broad spectrum of intelligence support to the law enforcement community. The HUMINT, SIGINT, and COMIREX committees of the IC Staff are to provide periodic up-dates for intelligence components of the enforcement community. -1- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NDIC Strategy and Implementation Plan Strategy # 2: Formulate and issue information collection requirements and responsibilities, both foreign and domestic. Proqram/Action 2.1: Use existing Intelligence Community mechanisms to'coordinate the tasking of foreign drug information CO 1 leo t ion. Objectives: In coordination with the IC Staff, the NIO for Narcotics to monitor the DCI's Foreign Intelligence Requirements and Priorities list and recommend appropriate 'changes in priority for drug-related topics as needed. In coordination with the DCI HUMINT Committee, NIO for Narcotics to review the National HUMINT Collection Plan for International Narcotics on a regular basis. In coordination with DCI SIGINT and COMIREX Committees, the NIO for Narcotics to monitor standing SIGINT and IMINT requirements for worldwide narcotics collection and recommend changes as appropriate. Intelligence components of the law enforcement agencies participate in Intelligence Community (IC) fora to identify and integrate information needs within IC collection requirements systems. Program/Action 2.2: Continue to explore ways of establishing an interagency group to coordinate the tasking of domestic drug information collection. Objectives: Coordinate and establish priorities for agencies in law enforcement, health, and education. Identify essential elements of information for interdiction strategies, and ensure field unit participation. Ensure systematic collection of information on drug smuggling attempts and identify the contribution of.prior intelligence. Improve drug smuggling data base on containerized cargo by improved collection. -3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NDIC Strategy and ImplemehLation Plan Strategy It 3: Improve field collection efforts, and ensure the unimpeded flow of information to intelligence processors and consumers. Program/Action 3.1: Continue to aggressively explore research and development efforts to improve collection. Objectives: Pursuant to review by MCI, explore recommendations of the September 1987 Intelligence Research and Development Council Study. Program/Action 3.2: Establish additional information sources and derivative programs. Objectives: Establish. a DEA Analyst Work Group modeled on the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG) concept to improve strategic intelligence on drug availability and trafficking :trends in and from the DEA Field Divisions. Program/Action 3.3: Task specifically CIA field stations with narcotics intelligence collection responsibilities. Objectives: Human source collection on narcotics will remain a top priority for a number of stations in the key narcotics producing and transit countries. All stations, however, are aware of the importance of the overall issue and will be expected to respond to collection opportunities as they might arise. Program/Action 3.4: State Department Narcotics Assistance Unit TWiTT to collect and report on narcotics production and trafficking worldwide Objectives: Report on narcotics intelligence- related matters as a by-product or regular liaison activity with host country officials. Program/Action 3.5: Initiate Special Field Intelligence Programs SFIPs to improve collection of information related to drug cultivation and production as well as other aspects of drug trafficking. Objectives: Fill intelligence gaps by a variety of collection methods. -5- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NDIC Strategy. and Implementation Plan Strategy g 3: Improve field collection efforts, and ensure the unimpeded flow of information to intelligence processors and consumers. Program/Action 3.8: Develop a program designed to improve the collection and effective utilization of foreign and domestic drug intelligence. Objectives: Create DEA Regional Intelligence Coordinator positions in Bangkok and Islamabad and assess the need for intelligence analysts in Australia, Belize, Haiti, Paraguay, and Venezuela, and in Europe and the Middle East. Expand Customs Latin American Operations Program into other source and transit countries by stationing additional collection assets in DEA country offices. Use Coast Guard Defense attaches in key countries involved in the shipment of illegal drugs. Assist source country police agencies in improving reporting systems for seizures, asset forfeiture, arrests, etc. Collect and exchange intelligence information with foreign countries regarding trafficking and the diversion of chemicals and equipment for illicit drug production. Continue to develop and utilize a corps of high quality informants to identify the leadership structure, operations, associations, and financial aspects of major drug trafficking organizations. -7- L Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 %Da: 3trategy and impleilentation 'Ian Strategy # 3: Improve field collection efforts; and ensure the unimpeded flow of information to intelligence processors and consumers Program/Action 3.13: INS will establish for itself a national-level Drug Program direction and coordination staff and promulgate a Drug Collection and Reporting Program. Objectives: Provide efficient Drug Program direction and coordination at INS Headquarters. Establish a Service-wide drug seizure/drug activity intelligence collection system. Improve the quality an'd quantity of drug related intelligence collection by field elements. Ensure the continuous collection and reporting of tactical intelligence. Promote the-development of all-source drug intelligence databases for strategic as well as tactical applications. Program/Action 3.14: Improve Customs' Designated Intelligence Officer Program (DIO/E). Objectives: Increase collection and reporting from DIO/E's in field offices through: A. Coordinated and improved collection plans for DIO's which address local, regional, and national objectives; B. Coordinated feedback system, from processors and consumers, to maintain the currency and focus of the Customs collection program. Program/Action 3.15: State Department and Bureau of International Narcotics Matters will fund aerial surveys in selected drug production countries. Objectives: Obtain drug information for use in host countries in targeting, eradication planning, and production estimates. Help U.S. Government analysts validate crop estimates obtained separately. -9- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NDIC Strategy and Implementation Plan Strategy # 4: Maintain and integrate systems for communication, storage, retrieval, and sharing of intelligence information. PriliEja/Action 4.4: Locate the Southwest FBI Regional Photo Laboratory at EPIC. Objectives: Enhance aerial reconnaissance film and print processing in support of anti-drug trafficking programs of EPIC agencies. Program/Action 4.5: Enhance Customs secure communications capabilities. Objectives: Provide secure communications capabilities for the Office of Intelligence via: AUTODIN, CTNTICOM, KY-3, STU II, State Department Cable 'System, Gray phone, and FLASHBOARD. Program/Action 4.6: Enhance Custom's Intelligence Watch Operations Center. Objectives: Establish the Intelligence Watch as the focal point for all'activities in the Office of Intelligence. It will be the central point for the receipt of intelligence from other agencies and the release point for internally produced reporting. It will be a 24 hour contact point for all Customs Intelligence elements, field components, Custom's Attaches, and for other government agencies. Program/Action 4.7: Develop and deploy Treasury's TECS II nationwide. Objectives: Continue development of TECS II, based on the rationale that data residing in the TECS II data base should be of at least Customs-wide interest. -11- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NOIC Strategy and Implementation Plan Strategy # 5: Continue and improve drug and drug-related intelligence analysis and estimation :for tactical, operational and strategic purposes. Program/Action 5.1: Reorganize and restructure EPIC operating sections to address functions according to methods of drug transport (basically, air-sea-land). Taiectives: Establish a commercial air carrier and cargo program. Establish a maritime cargo program. Create capability to .produce DOmestic Drug. Movement profiles and threat assessment. Support regional coordinated interdiction operations through taitored products. Transition NNBIS Regional Center intelligence functions'and capability to EPIC wherever possible. Program/A.ction 5.2: Analyze available intelligence for strategic products. Objectives: Develop more comprehensive illicit drug assessments and expertise on a state-by-state basis in direct support of field divisions. Provide policy makers with all necessary strategic reports. Program/Action 5.3: Produce analyses of the sale and movement of precursor chemicals and target drug organizations responsible. Objectives: Provide intelligence support to Operation CHEMCON by developing intelligence on cocaine precursor chemical purchases, businesses, and movement. (1989) Support Operation ORIGINATION by documenting and analyzing the flow of precursor chemicals from major reporting companies to suspect retailers and known clandestine laboratory operators. (1989) -13- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NDIC Strategy and Implementation Plan Strategy # 5: Continue and improve drug and drug-related intelligence analysis and estimation for tactical, operational, and strategic purposes. Program/Action 5.8: Fund National Household Survey on Drug Abuse Contract. Objectives: Provide incidence and prevalence estimates of drug abuse in the U.S. household population. Provide pattern trend information. Provide- consumption estimates for cocaine and marijuana. Program/Action 5.9: Fund Heroin Prevalence Estimation Contract. Objectives: Estimate heroin prevalence and intravenous drug abuse in the U.S. for 1982 through 1987. Evaluate data using three existing Methodologies. Program/Action 5.10: - The DIA will refine and enhance its production of finished intelligence products concerning the involvement of foreign military forces in both narcotics trafficking and counternarcotics efforts. Objectives: Help leaders in DOD and other U.S. Government departments and agencies assess the growing impact of the illicit drug trade on foreign military forces, particularly in Latin America. Program/Action 5.11: CIA's analytic program on narcotics will produce assessments on the international drug problem to meet the needs of policy-makers and enforcement agencies. Objectives: CIA's all-source assessments will deal with all dimensions of the drug trade, its impact on drug producing and traf- ficking countries, prospects for anti- drug programs, and the relationship among insurgents, terrorists and narcotics traffickers. -15- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3 NDIC Strategy and Impiementation Plan Strategy # 6: Ensure the timely and appropriate dissemination of useful drug intelligence products. Program/Action 6.1: Reinstate the Maritime Watch at EPIC. Objectives: Enhance intelligence support to interdiction effort's. Program/Action 6.2: Establish the C3I System. Objectives: Provide a complete communications package for the secure dissemination of both classified and law enforcement intelligence. Onsite intelligence staff will iaterpret and provide direct dissemination of intelligence to the supported interdiction commanders. Program/Action 6.3: Provide NADDIS access to deputized state and local officers assigned to state and local task forces. Program/Action 6.4: Continue the use of Coast Guard Headquarters, and the Coast Guard Intelligence Coordination Center, as the primary point of contact with the National Intelligence Community for subordinate Coast Guard commands. Objectives: Ensure full implementation of Operational Intelligence Program. Ensure widest dissemination and full implementation of Coast Guard directives guiding intelligence ccllection and reporting by Coast Guard units. Program/Action 6.5: States' Bureau of Intelligence and ReseaT7F7-NR) will monitor all source intelligence relating to narcotics control for consumers within the Department. Objectives: Ensure Department principals are informed of significant narcotics related development. Disseminate drug intelligence within State and, as appropriate, to the intelligence law enforcement community. -17- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/31 : CIA-RDP90G01353R000200190010-3