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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 TOP' SECliET/SAGE SAMPLE LETTER TO GEN SCS 0002H/86 July 16, 1986 GORBACHEV (S/S) Dear Mr. General Secretary: I have taken careful note of the negotiators made during the c continued to ponder our dis our subsequent corresponden earlier exchanges, I heartil in your recent address to the C need to "search for new approaches the road to a reduction of nuclear most urgent task before us. esting proposals your in Geneva. I have also va last November and y have guessed from our the statement you made entral Committee about the to make it possible to clear arms." That is certainly the In Geneva, you expressed to me the concern that one side might acquire the capability to deliver a disarming first strike against the other by adding advanced strategic defenses to a large arsenal of offensive nuclear weapons. I agree that the "new approach" you have called-far ?should address this problem directly. Neither side shouldhaVt-first strike capability. The issue of advanced sy em 'et:rategic defense is one on which we have both focused in on with a "new approach." Research and exploration as the feasibility of such advanced strategic defenses is a subjegtty641eve discussed with each other. I want to address it new, athe Wry outset of this letter, because I am aware that the itsue-is a matter of great concern to both of us. We bot1. agree that neither side should deploy systems of strategic defense simply to augment and enhance its offensive capability. 1:*.have assured you that the United States has no interest in seeking unilateral advantage in this area. To ensure that neither of?us-is in a position to do so, we would be prepared to immediately conclude an agreement incorporating the following limits: (a) Both sides would confine themselves for a period of ae--litit ess than ive years, through 1991, to a program of research and associated tes ing to determine whether, in principle, advanced reliable systems of strategic defense are technically feasible. Such research could include testing necessary to establish feasibility. In the event either side wishes to conduct such testing, the other side shall havotd*beKight to observe the tests, in accord with mutuallyfagreed pi6cedures. j7,17.2 (b) Following this period of research or at some later future time, either the United States.--;Qr the Soviet Union may determine that advanced reliai temkpf strategic defense are technically feasible. Theref -e, e erIparty may then desire to r u ? proceed beyond research and associated testing to development and related testing of an advancegAptraXicpefense system. In anticipation that this may octiit,_w ould be prepared to sign a 4r .44,4411200e ?Teia?S-EC-PrE44-SAGE HANDLE VIA SAGE CHANNELS Declassify on: OADR Tno Q r n r-r QPAICMVE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 TOP' SECRET/SAGE IUP SELINE.i traa-ty now which would require to develop an advanced strateg benefits of such a system wit mutual agreement to eliminate he of both sides. The details of the shari elimination of offensive ball c m of negotiations for a perio that decides to proceed ystem to share the oviding there is ballistic missiles of angement and the would be the subject an two years. (c) If, subsequent to t fter either side has offered a sharing plan, the Unite States and Soviet Union have not agreed on such a plan, either side will be free to deploy unilaterally after six months notice of such intention is given to the other side. I would also be prepared to have our representatives discuss additional assurances that would further ban deployment in space of advanced weapons designed to inflict mass destruction on the surface of the earth. I would expect that you would agree= that significant _ commitments of this type with Kfsp,9ek,t9, strategic defenses would make sense only if made in congin on with the implementation of immediate actions on both our wd :jbegin moving towards our commonly shared goal of the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Towards this goal, I believe we:;alsO;shaie the view that the process must begin with radical and stabilizing reductions in the offensive nuclear arsenals of both the United States and the Soviet Union. In the area of strategic offensive, nuclear forces, I remain concerned about what we perceive as a first-strike capability against at least a portion of our retaliatory forces. This is a condition that I cannot ignore. ? I continue to hope that our efforts in pursuit of significant reductions in existing nuclear arsenals will resolve this problem. We remain committed to the immediate implementation of the principle of a fifty percent reduction, on an equitable and verifiable basis, of existing strategic arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union. The central provision should be reduction (up to 50 percent) of strategic ballistic missile warheads. [However, we are prepared to consider initial reductions of a less sweeping nature as an interim measure.] In this con *e prepared to limit long-range air-launched cruise niss esto well below our current plan, and to limit the total nUrribeof-ICBMs, SLBMs and heavy bombers to a level in the range suggested by the Soviet side. (These reductions should be completed tqd,plin an agreed period of time A-for-mamplg!,_five_year6 4. ratIz , At the same time, we could deal with the question of intermediate-range nuclear miqiles l agkeeing on the goal of eliminating this entire class:ofJapai-baed, LRINF missiles world-wide, which is consisfent w1-t1; thjp#total elimination of all nuclear weapons, and by agreeing on imthediate steps that would TOP SECRET/SAGE TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 TOP SECRET/SAGE TOP SECRET lead toward this goal in eithe series of steps. Your commen nuclear missile systems sugge right direction last November hen we interim INF agreement. An imme iate elimination of long range INF sil the rest of the world as we it is not immediately possi the complete elimination of t interim approach may prove the mos early reductions in these systems. , or, if you prefer, in a intermediate range we were heading in the sed the idea of an . ent leading to the ms in Europe and in possible outcome. If to reach agreement on es, then a partial, i.e., ruitful path to achieving Both sides have now put forward proposals whose ultimate result would be equality at zero for our two countries in long range INF missile warheads. If we can also agree that such equality is possible at a level above zero, we would take a major step towards the achievement of an INF agreement. Finally, I agree that we a ou_14;Taeek to achieve an interim outcome without delay. I wouldkbe inteAsted in any specific suggestions that you may wish to o i towards this end. Once again, however, we should agre't 4?tions begin immediately and that significant progress ed within an agreed period of time. Of course, I would hope tgat we Could also agree now that once we have achieved a fifty percent reduction in the U.S. and Soviet offensive nuclear arsenals and the progress we seek in eliminating intermediate-range nuclear missiles, we would continue to pursue negotiations for further reductions in strategic offensive nuclear arsenals, inviting other nuclear powers to participate. Such negotiations could focus on the reduction of the size of nuclear arsenals then held by the negotiating powers. The overall aim should be the ultimate elimination of all nuclear weapons. Associated with the program to reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons, we would be prepared to agree to a parallel program to achieve progress in effectively limiting and ultimately eliminating nuclear testing in step-by-step fashion. This program could begin by our prompt agreement on verification procedures to permit ratificatipitehtreaties signed in and 1976. Upon ratification of these treaties, we could then etablish_a---process of furtherredUaTbris in the number of nuclear testa which each side would be permitted to-conduct annually._JFor example, we could-d-grreao reduce, from that the number of nuclear tests in. ionLp to the scale of 'reductions in strategic_nucle4r-arctully implemented. With regard to conventio941 andik-lemAcal forces, I fully agree that the existing fora:-and!,chiThelsf should be used more actively. These areas diffet, in -S'eVeralPWays from nuclear matters. As you have pointed t a arjor difference is the 1974 y 114,?A0-147. time, - TOP SECRET/SAGE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 Tni) UPPFT OCKICITIVP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 TOP SECRET/SAGE TOP SECRET number of relevant states -- and, potentially, in chemical could, however, envision frui us at the level of experts, a would suggest that such discu preliminary exchanges to clar experts' meeting. When our preliminary progress, we mig respective ambassadors to MBFR in capitals for bilateral exchange. in both conventional an the nuclear area. I ial exchanges between lare of publicity. irst profit by the agenda of such een able to make some to consider our the CD getting together Mr. General Secretary, I hope that you will notice that I have tried explicitly to take into account the concerns you expressed to me in Geneva and in our correspondence, as well as key elements of your most recent proposals. I believe you will see that this approach provides) p?tt111ff?ce that neither country would be able to exploit? esearcb on strategic defense to acquire a disarming first-strike capability, or to deploy weapons of mass destruction in space.' alemework I propose should permit us to proceed immedi*ely to reduce existing nuclear arsenals as we have agreed is 4,?si and to establish the conditions for proceeding to f th r reductions toward the goal of total elimination. With respect to those jasp9Apks4-6fothe^,,above subject to negotiation at the Nuclear and Space Talks, I will be instructing our negotiators to present this proposal, along with appropriate implementing details, when the next round of negotiations begins in Geneva in September. I hope that your negotiators will be prepared to respond in a/positive and constructive fashion so that we can proceed promptly to agreement. We also look forward to the beginning of expert level discussions on the related area of nuclear testing. aA Sincerely yours, ToP SECRET/SAGE T n r n rr nri Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13 : CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8 TOP SECRET SAGE LANGUAGE CONSISTENT WITH ADMINISTRATION POLICY ON TESTING "With respect to nuclear testing, as you know, we believe a safe, reliable and effective nuclear deterrent requires testing. Thus, while a ban on such testing remains a long-term United States objective, we are unable under present circumstances to contemplate a proposal for a complete ban on such tests or other limitations beyond those involved in existing treaties in this area. We are, however, hopeful that, with the initiation of discussions between our respective experts, we can make prog- ress toward eliminating the verification uncertainties which currently preclude ratification of the TTBT and PNET." MP SECRET SAGE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP88B00443R000401910002-8