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gpf, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 111 I '1427- ENGINEER INTELLIGENCE /STUDY EIS 111 50X1-HUM THE PORT OF POTI, USSR COPYC 6 OF 100 A TECHNICAL SERVICE INTELLIGENCE DOCUMENT PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. DECEMBER 1957 SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIRED NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS ? EXCEPT: NONE REGRADING DATA CANNOT BE PREDETERMINED 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 200082 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 1,????.. R. &H, Bd. UNCLASSIFIED ENGINEER INTELLIGENCE STUDY PORT OF POTI, USSR TABLE OF CONTENTS ? Page' List of Illustrations 3 List of Tables* 3 ? Explanatory Notes ? 4 1, Introduction 9 ? 2. Harbor? 9 a. Summary 9 b. Approaches 9 C. Entrances 10 d.? Breakwaters and other protective works 10 e. Dimensions, shape, and water area of each 10 basin f. Liability to silting, dredging required, 15 composition of bottom g. Bridges and other obstructions crossing 16 navigable parts of the harbor ? h. Anchorages 16 1. Hydrographic conditins affecting navigation 16 3. Wharves 16 a. Summary 16 b. Types of wharf facilities 17 c. Wharf footage by usage, by depths 17 d. Vessel accommodation by class at commercial 18 wharves e. Estimated military port capacity 18 f. Tabular details with sectizms and photos 19 4. Mechanical handling facilities (cargo) 38 a. Cranes ashore and afloat 38 b. Specialized handling equipment 38 5. Port maintenance and engineer equipment afloat 38 a. Tugs 38 b. Dredges 38 c, Other equipment 38 6. Rards and unimproved sites usable for cargo 39 ia_ding within the port -1_ LSSFE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R0029ormnnn wo ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. &L Bd. r, WIRED TABLE OF COIETENTS-Continned 7. Storage facilities a. b. C. d. 0. f. imti, USSR General cargo nulk varehouses, other than grain and tink'irtoragii Cold storage Tank storage Grain elevators Open storage 8. Clearance facilities a. b. c. d. Rail Road Inland waterways Oil pipelines 9. Ship supplies a. Fuel b. Utilities 10. Shipbuilding and repair a. SummAvy b. Details of docking installations 11. Planned development and improvements 12. Potentialities for expansion a. b. C. d. Summary Phase / Phase II Phase III 13. Construction data a. Availability of construction materials b. Weather and climatic factors affecting construction 0. Labor and craftsmen factors d. Foundation conditions e. Water supply f. Electric power g. Fuel ? 14, Points of vulnerability in the port area a. Summary b, Strategic points 15. Comments on principal sources Distribution List Page 39 39 39: 39 39 40 40 40 40 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 40 49 49 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 ag' .011. 414. R. &H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL ENGINEER INTELLIGENCE STUDY PORT OF POTI, USSR LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Description 1 Location map. 2 Uncontrolled aerial view of port area. 3 View of South Breakwater. 4 View of entrance to Inner Basin. 5 Diagrammatic sketch of cross section of middle portion of South Breakwater. 6 View of Grain Quay (wharf Ref. 1). 7 View of Middle Mole Pier (wharf Ref. 2). 8 View of .East Quay (wharf Ref. 3). 9 Views of South Quay (wharf Ref. 4). 10 Views of North Quay (wharf Ref. 5). 11 View of Northwest Quay (wharf Ref. 6). 12 View of North Mole Quay (wharf Ref. 7). 13 View of grain elevator. 14 View of floating drydock. 15 View of repair yard. 16 Plan of suggested expansion and improve- ment. 17 Annotated vulnerability map. 18 Port plan. 19 B. A. Chart 2236. LIST OF TABLES Number Wharves (piers, quays, etc.). II Summary of port facilities CONFIATIAL Page' 7 8 11 12 13 21 22 25 26 29 30 33 41 45 46 48 follows page 53 do do Page 20 follows page 53 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 14" a R. & 11.. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL ENGINEER INTELLIGENCE STUDY . PORT OF POTI, USSR EXPLANATORY NOTES ?ettanum Anchorages are given where appropriate in the following classes: Class Class II Class XII Class IV Usable berthing space Wharves with alongside depths of 5 feet or more at mean low water are the only facilities listed. The following classification of wharf berths is used in this report: Class B-type - (Large coaster) Length of 350 feet with depths of 19 to 24 feet alongside. 800-yard diameter 500-yard diameter 300-yard diameter 200-yard diameter 38-foot depth 30-foot depth 20-foot Aepth 15-foot depth Class C-type - (Standard coaster) Length of 250 feet with depths of 16 to 19 feet alongside. Lighter - Length of 100 feet with depths of 5 to 12 feet alongside. Facilities included Wharves known to handle general cargo, or believed to be suitable for handling general cargo, are listed as general cargo wharves. However, where there are minor facilities for handling grain, coal, or petroleum products on a general cargo wharf, the wharf is classified as a general cargo facility. When a wharf is used exclusively for fitting out, coal, grain, petroleum, repair, and other special uses, it is classified and tabulated as such. CONFIA-NTIAL ??? .401, aft. CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. Bd. EXPLANATORY NOTES-Continued Distances Poti, USSR Unless otherwise stated, distances are expressed in yards or nautical miles. Depths of water and heights above water Expressed in feet. In presenting navigation and con- struction features, depths of water and heights above water are in terms of chart datum (zero tide). Construction details Expressed in feet or meters. Slopes of embankments, breakwaters, etc. are expressed in the text in terms of the horizontal base to the vertical rise as 3 to 1 or 4 to 3. Harbor areas For less than 1 square nautical mile, areas are listed in acres. Over 850 acres, the areas are listed in terms of square nautical miles. Covered storage space The total area in warehouses, transit sheds, and similar structures is given in square feet of floor area. No deduction ? I is made for aisle, fire, elevator, or other such space. Place names The latest available designation for places and areas is given. English terms for words such as wharf, bay, canal, and basin have been given preference. Estimated unloading military capacity The estimated unloading military capacity of a port is determined on the following basis: One long (2,240-pound) ton of general cargo handled in a 20-hour day for each linear foot of usable general cargo wharf. -5- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. 14 g. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL EXPLANATORY NOTES-continued Poti, USSR However, this estimate has been reduced in some cases to com- pensate for local conditions which restrict cargo handling operations. Potentialities for Description of the expansion possibilities of the port to increase the military discharge capacity. The phased program to be used as a guide for planning purposes is as follovs: Phase I - The repair, improveuent, and modernization of existing facilities, including minor dredging. Phase 11 - Improvenents such as the construction of additions or extensions to existing wharves or piers, including dredging requirements. Phase III - Suggestions for the location of new piers or wharves. Points of vulnerability The points of vulnerability in the port are those which if rendered useless by any means, in whole or in part, vould adversely affect the present and ultimate capacity of the port. CONFIDENTIAL. war. yr. R. & H. Bd. 46o RUMANIA BULGARIA ? GREECE , 0 40. cf:1 CONFIDENTIAL ? to Poti, USSR U. S. S. R. NIKOLAYEV ODESSA ? ? KHER SON % TAGANROG MAR IUPOL: YEYSK SEWSTOP042 S Rom. m ? NOVOROSSIVSK YALTA TUAPSE BLACK SEA POTI B AT Uhl!. ;A . a .00 z 017 34* T URK E Y MEDITERRANEAN 5(4 EGYPT SINAI .$ 4 , 4 --. SYRIA , I R AQ ? , -? ;.? ei ., , UI, ,.? , ,-- , , , , ,, , 0_ , v-?4 , _ -, o -- ,,, , i 82; ...- - .. .. e 5 tat , 5, C-4 ' I % Cs)f, % ' , ) t sr O. % %, , S. tt St % 1 SAUDI ARABIA RED SEA Location Map U.S.S.R. o SCALE IN MILES *0 30 130 CONFIDENTIAL ? *ID a$ 34' ze,* _7_ CONFIDENTIAL FIGURE I t. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Poti is located on the eastern part of the Black Sea coast about 40 miles northward of the Turkish border. (Figure 1) The port .lies just northward of the north mouth of the Rion River, and the city proper is southward of the port on Bol'shoy Island (Ostrov Bol'shoy), an island which forms part of the delta of the Rion River. The principal industries are the export of manganese ore and the transshipment of general cargo. Uncontrolled aerial view showing port area of Poti, USSR. arid is afforded no appreciable natural protection. The total water area within the breakwaters is about 160 acres with general depths of 26 to 28 feet. Outer Harbor, an area under development, is separated from Inner Harbor by North Mole. Inn Harbor is comprised of North Harbor, Inner Basin, and South Harbor. Inner Basin, an eastern extension of North Harbor, is the center of port activity. (Figure 2) The harbor is entered directly from the Black Sea. Depths of greater than 60 feet with no obstructions exist within 2 miles of the port. The western side of Bol'shoy Island is fringed by shoals with depths of less than 30 feet. Adequate navigation aids and pilotage are available. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 s. R. & H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR C. Entrances The entrance channel to Outer Harbor between the breakwaters is periodically dredged to a depth of 29.5 feet, and a bottom width of about 93 yards extends from the northern portion of the entrance through Outer Harbor to Inner Harbor. A distance of about 290 yards exists between the breakwaters at the entrance. d. Breakwaters and other protective works South Breakwater extends from the northern side of the north mouth of the Rion River in a 'western direction for about 550 yards and then in a northern direction for about 1,300 yards. The outer 880 yards is riprap construction, and the inner portion is masonry quayed with a parapet on the outer side. A 5-foot-gage track extends about SOO yards from the roots The breakwater is used for stern mooring, but it is too narrow for cargo purposes. (Figures 3 and 5) North Breakwater extends westward from a position on the mainland about 1,200 yards northward of the root of South Breakwater. It extends westward for about 350 yards, then southwestward for about 125 yards. The outer 180 yards is rip. rap and the inner part is rubble covered with concrete. A newly constructed inner breakwater extends south- ward from a position near the midpoint of North Breakwater to North Mole Quay (Re/.7), with the exception of an opening about one-third the total span. It is constructed of stones and con- crete blocks placed in a steel frame. e. Dimensionso shape, and water area of each basin Outer Harbor, irregular in shape and divided by the recently constructed inner breakwater, has a water area of -10- CONRDENTIAL SECRET R. &H. Bd. Poti, USSR View of South Breakwater opposite Middle Mole Pier (wharf Ref. 2). Vulnerability point No. 1. 1954 50X1 -11- FIGURE 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. Bd. ? ? ? Poti, USSR ? ,71, ??? ? View looking W at entrance to0 Inner Basin. Vulnerability point No. 2. 0 ? 0 FIGURE 4 ? $ ? 0 0 ? ? 0 O 0 -12- a 0 ? 0 e a ? rir ? CONFIDENTIAL ? ? 1946 a ? 6 fp 0 ? a 0 . ? 0 0 ? ? 1. 0 R. &H. Bd 0 CONFIDENTIAL ? 2.20 4 1.90 -17-0AV:05',4 --L-r-7;11AaF" J I 4.39 T- 1 1 1 1 6.29 0.00 Poti, USSR 4IwesPOS 01111?4?01boive.. ??????ogi oupopershibMpeorrisesimuogpsweemipoodmOVI/4,41.111M/010444. ???????? .040???????00v0011041,46.41141m 0041. 414.110.1011.0nireflow? lea ? ii???1111160.46 00 ???? ?? ???? ? ? ????14.....tet....1,,0?????? VW\VIVVPV- Vftte.OPt tIVP*11VVIt.4. 10 96 Diagrammatic sketch of cross section of middle ,portion of South Breakwater. Dimensions in meters. *. ? 50X1 ? -13- FIGURE 5 CONFIDENTIAL Il Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 t? CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. Bd. Poti,.USSR about 55 acres and includes the harbor area northward of North Mole and eastward of South Breakwater. Central depths range from 29 to 18 feet. Outer Harbor, which is currently under development, serves as a fairway to Inner Harbor and provides berthing for naval vessels at recently constructed piers and at bow and stern moorings. ? Inner Harbor with a total water area of about 105 acres consists of North Harbor, Inner Basin, and South Harbor. North Harbor is rectangular in shape with a length of about 600 yards and a width of about 260 yards. Its uses are the handling of manganese ore, coal, and general cargo, the bunkering of oil and coal, the transfer of passengers, and the berthing of naval vessels. Central depths range from 28 to r- 22 feet. Inner Basin, an eastern extension of North Harbor, is irregularly shaped with a water area of about 18 acres. It is used for the' handling of manganese ore and general cargo, the berthing of naval vessels, and for ship repair and ship- building. It is entered through a channel 70 yards wide and 26 feet deep. In 1954 the central depth was 26.5 feet. (Figure 4) South Harbor is irregularly shaped with a water area of about 47 acres and central depths of 26 to 18 feet. It is used for general cargo, grain, and the mooring of naval vessels. f. Liability to silting, dredging required, composi- tion of bottom A series of northwesterly gales may silt Outer Harbor and decrease depths as much as 1:5 feet throughout the harbor. Periodic dredging is required to maintain a depth of '15' CONFIDENTIAL . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 3'4 170_ ' ? , ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. & H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR 29.5 feet iu tilos eutra.iae cLannel. The bottom along the shore- line consists of a haild of sand, with the remainder mainly mud except for an area of ooze off Poti harbor. g. Bridges and other obstructions crossing navigable parts of the harbor There are no obstructions to navigation in the harbor area excapt for movable entrance barrier nets, supported by cylindrical buoys. between the outer ends of South Breakwater and North Breakwater, and between North Mole and a position opposite on South BreLkwater. H. Anchorages ? ? ? Anchorages may be taken in depths of 72 to 90 oe ? ? feet over' an ooze, mud, and sand bottom im.the open roadstead west-southwest:LFard of Somp Breakwater. The area available is ... unlimited; hut?It Is' unsheltered. Wittin the harbor vessels its or sitern-to gto tLe inner.sideof South Breakwater. Several ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 0. ? ? S. pee 400 ? , mopring,buoys are withiu. . the harbor. ? ? ? ? ? 4- ' es . ? ? i. Hydrcgraphic?conditions affbcting navigation ? O O? 0 0 5, O Wleseare?n4ligigle, but the water level varies ? .. . . ? . . fp ? about la geet above and betow mban sela level fro u other causes4 . 0 ? ? ID 0 ? ? Westerly winds raise the rater level, and easterly winds lover c ? ? . ? ' .??? ? ? ? it. Shorrperiod osci/lattons (seiches) can raise the water ? ? ? 5 . . ? level aOtuch?as 2 9 feet0w4attn an hour, and over longer Atter- * ? o ? 0 0 eree 0 0 0 0 0 wills iha.water? levai may fluctuate as much as 3.3 feet. During 0 ? ?0 ? 0 0 oe 6 ? ? e o ? gales6from the wentwardoaDd northwestward the harbor in inacces- . eo eo 0 0 ? 0 ,c5 ? ? sib/e. 'IceconOitlons0 do not interfere with port operations. 3. Wharves P.. Su.f.;:glary The whv,:vos usable for general cargo transfer are -16- CONFIDENTIAL ? ? o ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? .0?9 ? ? 0 CONFIDENTIAL R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR situated principally in Irner Harbor, and about one-half of that wharfage is situated in Inner Basin. The manganese and coal wharves extending along the northern side of Inner 3asin are suitable for general cargo purposes; however, the eastern 0 00side of Inner Basin is not quayed and is used only for naval . ? 0, ? 0 s' .. ...14pilr6Sunctionstoliorthpftbor has cargo quays along the 0 0 % :. ? 00 ?.. 0 ? .." ? ? ? 0 0 . e ' ? ee ? 0 1- ? ? ? a ? 0 0 ? ? . "southepngide of:.Nerth Mo4eQuay (Ref. V), and along the . . .... ., .. ? 0 ? ? . 0 Se 00 0 ? , , e ? . . . c ? ?? e . e . "? ? ? 0, ? .... piortifeeh?Sias Of Midale.0141e..N:er KW. ?).. South Harbor . , , ?. 0 r ? ? :, 4, ? ? ?? ? ? .** o ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ArkcjAides0Grain celiy? (Ref .',l). ? th.c, .4,6uther'n si? of ,Middle : ,- . ? ? . 0 , .? . ? . ? .?? .. ? .0 ? ? ?? ? ... ? ? ? ???? ? . . ? ?? .? ? . .. . . 0. , ? . : ? ? ? ?? ? ...? ? .? ? Mete. Piet.*buter,fiarbprecg_gsdd-fok?Ierthing naval...Vessels. ? ? -?, , . ?? , . .. . e ? ? ? . o ..? ?? ? ? 0 S ? ? ? ? ? : ? ? ? ? ? ., ? ?? J ??? ???frpes; .sif?.,?.,hdrf. Ta ?tailltieb. ? ? ? ? : ,-- .? ? ? - ? ? w ec, 00 . -..4. p . ..*A . , , - 0 , ? ., ? ? ? ?. ? )? . 0 ? '. 0 ? 0 ? e: ..? Mille mhkes?throllgchout,the portlai.2..quay. type with " 0 0 i 1 , ? ? e a. ?.,..? ? ? ? ? ? . 0 44 ? s so ? ?;',. ?? ????:kckte?Its,siruervitil ,vetVirtkl.ig? s554.14: yVA-., -e4dpe tile newly? con- ,.. 0o00 . . .., .? . ? ? ? '.' : ?.? 0 . 0 i ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? tructedenavalo wh mesc?ill. en :Hp...I-Von yihic. li Web of ,Jal&e.nown ? ? 0 . ? . .? o 0 ? ? s ? ? ? . ? ? : ??? 'fl . ? :I. ? ? se 011g?iillet i on.? ,,, 0. ..? ? .. ? ? ? ? ? ,. ? e ? ? ? ? . 5 , ?? ? ? ? ? ? 0. ... e ? , ? ?? ? ... ???? ? ? ::: .: .? ? ? .? .? - 0 0 ? ..? ? ? ????? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? : .? ? ? . o .. . ? .: ? s? ? . ? . ? e? e? ? ?? ..) 7.... .? : r....0 0 toe o ? : . ? se ?????? ? ???????? ? ? ?? ? . . ? tt? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ?? ? ? Ca: e WharrefObtarsse,:liy.?44aggl; 'by...deptlis ?????? -,,.., ?? 45 , , ? . . ? 0 0 .0.t t . ,Tlieiicfs:A?totgl::op*Sv04.5%1Inekli feet of usable ???? ??.:: ? :????? " , f..) i ,...,. , .. .,.? ... .? ? .. s? -. ? ? . . ? ? ???? ... ? 5 ?. .. .? .?'? ? . ,, . . . .? . ? 0 e? ? .. . ? ' 0%,. 49 ? o ? I'Verttirng sllt.ce ThichtprovisdeS???*6.28213' ltnear ? 1:66,V /usable for e? 0??.* .... se' el ? ,???? 00 46?. 4 ....?!....????????? ?. ? ??. :? ..: :. ? ? : .? ,.. n 0 .. ? , 0 2 0 ?? . 5 ? ? e; O .: .? gettpra].? caregb...'TfOd? .&:.3411-iii6j 'lir 'Ille??aild deiiiths ire shown in . ?? ., -- :? ....t..0 ????.:?.: ..???? ...... ...??? . .? c, ? ? ?? ? ? ? .S ?? Azi ., el OfrOti: ii 0.i.e ... ; ? . ' 1. ... . ? the . ? ? ? .., ... .,,.. .... .6., ... ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? : . ? e ? ? ? ? ? S 0 0 0. .? :? .: ? :::. 0. ? ? .. :1? . ? . ?? 1 ?? ../? % ,.. :. ? ? 0 . ?7 . . . ? ?? t ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? % .:: .. ?? : * ... : ? ? ? ? ? ... .? ?? ' ? 0 e e 0 I 0 , ? 0 ... . . . .$ ? ? ? ? ., ?. . ? . ? ? . .. . ? . 5 ? ??? ? ; ... ? . ? 42 ......' '. ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? : ? ??... ? ? ' . ? ? . OD . ?I. t , .. . . . . ? ? ? ' : 0 .^ o * . . . ; . . ; S . * . 0 0 0. . o ? . .. .. .. .. .,.? 0 . ? .. ?? ? . ? ? ? .; ? : ? ? ? ? " ? O 0 0 .? ? ?? ? ? ? :. ? ...? : :, ? , ? ? 4 : 4:. ?? ? ? . .. ? ? ? ? ? 0 ?? 0 ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? . t ?? 0 e e0.... ? ? ? e A . : 0 ??? ? 0 0 C ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? I. ? ? ? 2 0? . ? t ... . ? '' , ' ? ? . ... t? .. ?: '? ." . . 0 . ? 0" 0 ii 0 0 ? ??? ? t ? . . t ? ? ? .? ? . a (10 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? . ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? . " ? ? ? te Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 *?? ? 000 -17- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. tz H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR 29.5 feet iu the entrance channel. The bottom along the shore- line consists of a band of sand, with the remainder mainly mud except for an area of ooze off Poti harbor. g. Bridges and other obstructions crossing navigable parts of the harbor There are no obstructions to navigation in the harbor area except for movable entrance barrier nets, supported by cylindrical buoys, between the outer ends of South Breakwater and North Breakwater, and between North Mole and a position opposite on South Breakwater. H. Anchorages Anchorages may be taken in depths of 72 to 90 feet over an ooze, mud, and sand bottom in the open roadstead vest-southwestward of South Breakwater. The area available is unlimited, but it is unsheltered. Within the harbor vessels moor stern-to to the inner side of South Breakwater. Several mooring buoys are within the harbor. i. Hydrographic conditions affecting navigation Tides are negligible, but the water level varies about 1.7 feet above and below mean sea level from other cause*. Westerly winds raise the water level, and easterly winds lower it. Short period oscillations (seiches) can raise the water level as much as fZi9 feet within an hour, and over longer inter- vals the water level may fluctuate as much as 3.3 feet. During gales from the westward and northwestward the harbor in Juncoes- sib/6. Ice conditions do not interfere with port operations. 3. Wharves a. Summary The wharves usable for general cargo transfer are -16- CONFIDENTIAL ^ ??????? ,r.???? CONF1DEFIAL R. & H. Bd.' . Poti, USSR situated principally in Inner Harbor, and about one-half of that wharfage is situated in Inner Basin. erhe manganese and coal wharves extending along the northern side of Inner Basin are suitable for general cargo purposes; however, the eastern side of Inner Basin is not quayed and is used only for naval repair functions. North Harbor has cargo quays along the southern side of North Mole Quay (Ref. 7), and along the northern side of Middle Mole Pier (Ref. 2). South Harbor includes Grain Quay (Ref. 1) and the southern side of Middle Mole Pier. Outer Harbor is used for berthing naval vessels. b. Types of wharf facilities The wharves throughout the port are quay type with stone masonry wall retaining solid fill, except the newly con- structed naval wharves in Outer Harbor which are of unknown construction. ? c. Wharf footage by usage, by depths There is a total of 8,045 linear feet of usable berthing space which provides 6,820 linear feet usable for general cargo. These wharves by use and depths are shown in the tabulation on the following page. -17- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Eil Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ,,:11Mirag. R. & H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Pcti, USSR Usable Depths Total No. Berthing Space Alongside of Berths (feet) (feet) (by class) 3,480 COMMERCIAL General Cargo 18 to 22 Manganese Ore and Coal* 2,990 19 to 24 350 6,820 Grain* 8 - B 2 - C 1 lighter 6 - B 2 - C 2 lighters 22 1-8 NAVAL 875 19 and over 350 7 and over 1,225 8,045 * Indicates usable for general cargo. d. Vessel accommodation by class at commercial 'wharves The wharves provide accommodation for 15 Class B, 4 Class C, and 3 lighters. e. Estimated military port capacity It is estimated that the port can unload 6,800 long tons of general cargo in a 204hour day. A phased study of the expansion possibilities indicates the capacity could be increased q' about 3,500 long tons. (Par. 12) k -18- CONFIDENTIAL ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-R-15P8-1--01043R002500060005-9 -J 50-Yr 20 ' CONFIDENTIAL R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR f. Tabular details with sections and photos The known details of piers and quays with photo- . graphs, where available, are shown in the table of Wharves under 10 reference numbers. These numbers are used to designate their locations on the port plan, Figure 18. 14/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 -19- CONFIDENTIAL 1.4 41160 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 me, :?x% R. & H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Wharves (Piers Quays etc.) Poti, USSR Details of Wharf ? ? ? ? ? ? Grain Quay Ref. on Port Plan Use Type and Construction Load Capacity of Deck Height of Deck above Water (feet) Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space Depth alongside (MSL) Width of apron Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds (number): Construction Dimensions (feet) Number of floors Total floor area (sq.ft.) Handling Facilities Railroad Facilities Road Clearance Utilities: Water Electricity ? Potentialities for Remarks TABLE I Expansion 1 Grain. Quay; masonry wall retaining solid fill. ma 10 350 350 22 45 1 Class B. 1 Masonry. 325 by 110 1 35,750 4 grain-loading spouts; elevated conveyor to grain storage facilities. Tracks (5'-gage) pass N 011d of quay. Truck access to shipside. Hydrants on quay. Lighted. Under Phase II extend quay SW 150 it.; dredge entire length of quay and approaches to 24 ft. Grain elevator located close SE of quay. -20- CONFIDENTIAL v4, R. &H. Bd. ..a. - ma. .??? CONFIDENTIAL irr in "Ilr Poti, USSR las.21timailsra:ssrmisra * View looking SE at Grain Quay (wharf Ref. 1). Note grain- loading towers. ter, -21- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 June 1946 FIGURE 6 50X1 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release MIR 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 SECRET I CONFIDENDAL R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR 1121V1 R. &H. Bd. Poti, USSR Wharves (Piers, Quays, etc.)-Continued Details of Wharf Middle Mole Piyr Ref. on Port Plan Us, Typo and Construction 2 General cargo and pa-sengers. Quay; masonry wall retaining solid fill. View looking S at northern side of Middle Mole Per (wharf Ref. 2). 1954 Load Capacity of Deck Height of Deck above Water (feet) Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space Depth alongside (MSL) Width of apron Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds (number): Construction Dimensions (feet) Number of floors Total floor area (sq.ft.) Handling Facilities Railroad Facilities Road Clearance Utilities: Water Electricity `itentialities for Expansion FIGURE 7 Face 737)? 330 22 30 4 Class B, 1 Class 2 n a 455 by 60; 725 by 60 1 70,800 One 5-ton electric traveling portal jib crane em S side. Track each side length of apron 10 ft. from coping; 2 tracks extend the lengt!' nY center pier between sheds. N Side 850 700 20 20 to 50 1 lighter. Truck access, paved roadway. Hydrants at 150-f-, intervals. 8 outlets, lighr?.d. Under Phase I dredge outer 500 ft. of N and S side ci to 24 ft.; extend present 22-ft. depths to increase total usable berthing space, each side to 750 ft A 1,100-ton cold storage plant is on the SW part of the pier. TABLE I CONRDENEAL - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005 2-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release IoN R. &L Bd. CONFIDENTIAL. Wharves (Piers Quays, etc.)-Continued Poti, USSR Details of Wharf East Quay Ref. on Port Plan 3 Use Berthing naval vessels. Type and Construction Quay; masonry wall retaining solid fill. Load Capacity of Deck n a Height of Deck above Water a a. Dimensions (feet): . Length overall 350 Usable berthing space 350 Depths alongside Over 7 ft. Width of apron a Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds Mone. Handling Facilities None. Railroad Facilities Road Clearance Truck access. Utilities: Water Available. Electricity n a Potentialities for Expansion None. Remarks Partially deteriorated. ? TABLE I CONFIDER-[IAL ? ? ? - 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 ? ? SECRET R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR View looking S at East Quay (wharf Ref. 3). Note silo-type grain elevator at right. ? 1954 ? -25- FIGURE 8 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 A.111. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: Cf-A-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 ? A 4 SECRET R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR 110.?:?,c?-? ? it 4.1 Wil"W Sw? 1.4 f# 41, v?se ; - 144. =0,1'0 (gill : 7 ? I 1(0 r. ? z-r--??? ? ?.1?_` ? sy. l ie ? t ?f ? View looking SE at outer part of South Quay (wharf Ref. 4). Note 5-ton cranes. 1954 View looking S at middle part of South Quay. FIGURE 9 -26- SECRET 1954 r- - r- - R. &H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL ; A Y... A.A. ? . , _ Wharves (Piers, Quays, etc.)-Continued Poti, USSR Details of Wharf ? ? South Quay ? Ref. on Port Prin ?4 t ? et ? n. A Use Type and Construction Load Capacity of Deck Height of Deck above Water (feet) Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space . - Depths alongside (MSL) Width of apron BerthifieCal5iCirtyl-14 f 4 '1 4 : r Transit SE4rd (niimberj.: Construction Dimensions (feet Numberof floors Total floor, area Handling Facilities Railroad Faciifties/ -,A Road Clearance Utilities: Water Electricity Potentialities for Remarks Expansion General cargo petroleum. Quay; masonry solid fill. n a 15 1,950 1,750 - 22 to 18 70 and bunkering wall retaining 4 Class B, 1 Class C. Masonry and wood. ft? , 50X1 625 by 60; 300 by 60; and 3 smaller. 1 83,000 Four 5-ton electric portal ttaveling jib cranes. '2 flush tracks (5'-gage) lehgth of apron nearest 10 ft. from coping. Truck access, paved roadway. Hydrants at 150-ft. intervals. 8 outlets, lighted. Under Phase I dredge outer 1,750 ft. to 24 ft., and inner 200 ft. , to 22 ft. Fuel oil ca,available; quantity and pipe connections not known. -27- CONFIDENTIAL TABLE I 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 "`r '47A 4- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CiA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. &H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL_ ? Poti, USSR Wharves (Piers, Quays, etc.) -Continued North Quay Details of Wharf Ref. on Port Plan Use Type and Construction Load Capacity of Deck Height of Deck above Water (feet) Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space Depths alongside (MSL) Width of apron Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds Handling Facilitiea Railroad Facilities Road Clearance Utilities: Water Electricity Potentialities for Expansion Remarks TABLE I ? t 5 Awideme.???????????? Manganese ore. Quay; masonry wall retaining solid f.11. n a 15 1,050 1,050 22 to 19 Open. 2 Class 0, 1 Class d, 1 lighter. None. Six 12.5-ton electric traveling portal Jib cranes equipped with 7-ton grab buckets; ore loading rate 60 to 75 T/hr. each. Tracks (5v-gage) along string- piece and in rear. Truck access. Hydrants at 150-ft. intervals. 5 outlets, lighted. Under Phase I dredge outer 1,000 ft. to 24 ft. 6 acres of ore storage area on quay. -28- CONFIDENTIAL worf }????"- SECRET R. &H. Bd. Poti, USSR View looking E at North Quay (wharf Ref. 5). Note repair facilities at right of root of quay. 1954 View looking W at North Quay. At left is Northwest Quay (wharf Ref. 6). -29- SECRET 1953 FIGURE 10 1 50X1 .11 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 ?q; R 4. 7 R. & H. Bd. 1 74/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release SECRET /lb 1", ?4AI ? IA 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Poti, USSR View looking NE at inner part of Northwest Quay (wharf Ref. 6). At right is North Quay (wharf Ref. 5). FIGURE 11 ? ? ? st, ? p. SECRET ? co 0 ? e ? ? ? ? fill ? 19'51 ? a?, ? 'fa ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 00. 4r, ? R. &H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Wharves (Piers, Quays, etc.)-Continued Pott, USSR Details of Wharf Northwest Quay Ref. on Pgrt Plan 6 Use Manganese ore. Type and Construction Quay; masonry wall retaining solid fill. Load Capacity of Deck n a Height of Deck above Water 10 (feet) Dimensions (feet): Length overall UsAle berthing space Depth alongside (MSL) Width of apron Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds Handling Facilities Railroad Facilittes ; 720 700 24 ? A Open. 1 Class B, 1 Class C. None. Three 1215-ton electric traveling portal jib cranes equipped with 7-ton grabs; Dore loading rate 60 to 75 T/hr. each. 2 flush tracks (5'-gage) length of apron, nearest track 10 ft. from coping; 2 tracks behind ore storage area. Road Clearance Truck access, paved roadway. ? Utilities: Water Hydrants at 150-ft. intervals. 0 Electricity 4 outlets, lighted. Potentialities for Expansion Under Phase I dredge entire berthing length to 24 ft. Remarks 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Ore stockpile in rear of pier served by a 3- to 5-ton electric traveling portal crane, and 3 mobile 3- .to 5-ton cranes. Load- ing to draft of 27 ft. is accom- plished by breasting vessel 12 ft. from quay. Quay in good state of repair. -31- CONFIDENTIAL TABLE I 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. &g. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR Wharves (Piers Qua s etc.)44Ontinued Details of Wharf Ref. on Port Plan Use Type and Construction Load Capacity of Deck Height of Deck above Water (feet) Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space Depth alongside (MSL) Width of apron Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds Handling Facilities Railroad Facilities Road Clearance Utilities: Water Electricity Potentialities for Expansion Remarks TABLE I ? ? North Mole Quay 7 Manganese ere and coal. Quay; masonry wall retaining solid fill. a 12 1,240 1,240 22 Open. ??? 3 Class B, 1 lighter. None. Four 12.5-ton electric traveling portal Jib cranes with 7-to grab buckrts, 60 to 75 T/hr. each. 2 flush tracks length of span. Truck access, paved roadway. Hydrants at 150-ft. intervals. 6 outlets: Under Phase I dredge outer .1,000 ft. to 24 f,".. Fuel oil connections are on the quay. -32- CONFIDENTIAL an. ? ? R. &H. Bd. - ? CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR View looking N at outer part of North Mole Quay (wharf Ref. 7). Note 12.5?ton traveling portal jib cranes. ?33? CONFIDENTIAL ? 1946 50X1 FIGURE 12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 to ,RIIWUkIWU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 ? ? CONFIDENTIAL R. & H. Bd.., Poti, USSR Wharves (Piers, Quays, etc.)-Continued Details of Wharf South Naval Pier Ref. on Port Plan Use Type and Construction 8 Berthing naval vessels. Pier; construction unknown. Load Capacity of Deck n a Height of Deck above Water n a Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space Depth alongside ? Width of apron 300 300 Over 19 Open. Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds None. Handling Facilities n a Railroad Facilities Near root. Road Clearance Near. root. Water and Electricity n a Potentialities for Expansion Remarks ? ? ? ? ? ? -35- CONFIDENTIAL TABLE I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 al" R. & H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR Wharves (Piers, Quays etc.)-Centinued Details of Wharf ?0001111...000..m01.011.100.000,00 ? ? ? North Naval Pier Ref, on Port Plan Use Type and Construction Load Capacity of Deck Height of Deck above Water Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space Depth alongside Width of apron Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds Handling Facilities Rnilroad Facilities Road Clearance Water and Electricity Potentialities for Expansion Remarks TABLE I 9 Berthing naval vessels. Pier; construction unknown. n a ? ? ? N Side 200 200 Over 19 Approximately 30 S Side 200 ? ? ? None. None. ? ? 0 n a None. -36- CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR Wharves (Piers, Quays, etc.)-Continued Details of Wharf ? ? ? ? ? ? North Wharf Ref. on Port Plan Use Type and Construction Load Capacity of Deck Height of Deck above Water Dimensions (feet): Length overall Usable berthing space Depth alongside (MSL) Width of apron Berthing Capacity Transit Sheds Handling Facilities Railroad Facilities Road Clearance Water and Electricity Potentialities for Expansion Remarks 10 Berthing naval vessels. Offshore wharf; construction unknown. n a n a 375 375 Over 19 Open. 0 ? ? None. None. None. None. n a ? ? ; ? ? ? S ?? ? . Under Phase II extend wharf 125 ft. WI widen apron to 60 ft.; ? . dredge alongside to 24 ft. Pro- vide rail and road clearance. ? ? ? 0 -37- CONFIDENTIAL TABLE I ? ? 14 ? ? ? ? ? 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 ..713 R. & H. Bd. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 CONFIDENT1AL Poti, USSR 4. Mechanical handling facilities (cargo) a. Cranes ashore and afloat The tabulation below lists the cranes located at the wharves: Location Number ? Capacity (tons) ? ?Type Wharf Ref. 2 1 5.0 Electric traveling portal jib. Wharf Ref. 4 4 5.0 do Wharf Ref. 5 6 12.5 do Wharf Ref. 6 3 12.5 do Do 1? 3 to 5 do Do 3 3 to 5 Diesel, mobile. Wharf Ref: 7 4 12.5 Electric traveling portal jib. Four floating cranes with capacities of 25 to- 100 tons are at the port. b. Specialised handling equipment A grain loader with 4 spouts is on Grain Quay (Ref. I), and an elevated conveyor extends from the quay to the grain storage facilities. 5. Port maintanance and engineer equipment afloat a. Tugs Three tugs are normally at the port. One of the tugs has about 1,500 hp. and the other 2 have !jean 600 to 750 hp. b. Dredges A suction dredge, 197 by 131 feet, with 2 suction tubes was at the port in 1954. 0 c. Other equipment There are no piledrivers, block handling cranes, salvage equipment, or fireboats reported. -38- CONFIDENTIAL 00:1-1,0 ^?.1. Ii CONFIDENTIAL R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR 6. Hards and unimproved sites usable for cargo landing within the port Within the breakwateis, the undeveloped areas near the root of South Breakwater and the southeastern part of Outer Harbor could possibly be utilized for landing cargo. The beach northward of the port for about 6 miles has a gentle slope of 100 to 1 from the shoreline to the 30-foot curve which is about 0.5 mile offshore. 7. Storage facilities a. General cargo ? The covered storage area usable for general cargo includes 6 warehouses with a total floor area of 73,400 sq.ft., and 8 transit sheds with a total floor area of 189,550 sq.ft. 0 ? The covered storage warehouses are located eastward of Outer Harbor; except for 2 southward of Inner Basin. b. Bulk warehouses, other than grain and tank storage No data are available. c. Cold storage One plant with a capacity of 1,100 long tons is located on the outer part of the south side of Middle Mole Pier (Ref. 2). d. Tank storage Eight tanks with an estimated total storage capac- ity of 475,200 barrels are located at Poti. Four, with a total capacity of 19,200 barrels, are situated about 500 feet south- eastward of Grain Quay; 3, with a total capacity of 426,000 barrels, are situated about 1,8.00 feet eastward of Inner Basin; and 1 of approximately 30,000-bbl. capacity is about 1 mile northwestward of Outer Harbor. The tanks southeastward of -39- CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 T, R. & H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR Grain Quay have about 20 feet each above ground, and the tanks ? eastward of Inner Basin are partially buried. e. Grain elevators A grain elevator consisting of several conciete silo-type towers, and 3 other storage buildings 'is located close southeastward of Grain Quay (Ref. 1). A conveyor system runs between a Quay and the elevator. (Figure 13) f. Open storage About 10 acres of open storage space are available at Poti. Approximately 7 acres are eastward of Outer Harbor and northward of Inner Basin, and about 3 acres are southward of Inner Basin on Middle Mole and in the vicinity of Grain Quay. Most of the open storage space is served by rail. 8. Clearance facilities a. Rail (1) Lines clearing port - A single-track? 5-foot- gage line leads northeastward from Poti to the rail system at Mikha-Takhakaya. At the Junction point an electrified line leads eastward to Samtredia and Tbilisi, and another line leads north- westward to Sukhumi and Tuapse. (2) Rail facilities in port - About 11 miles of track serve the port area. Most of the wharves have railroad clearance. The main line enters the port from the northeast- ward ad branches westward along the Rion to the eastward of Inner Harbor. A branch serves the area southward of Inner Basin, including Middle Mole and South Breakwater, and another branch serves the area northward of Inner Basin including North Mole Pier. A third branch serves the area northeastward of Outer . Harbor. A passenger station is on Middle Mole Pier (Ref. 2). -40- CQNFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. Bd. Poti, USSR ft* 1 tc1 1,::"1"10J11, L"Ai1)1111117 40.114 1 411111 View looking SE at grain elevator. Note conveyor system leading from quay. 1954 50X1 -41- FIGURE 13 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 CONFIDENTIAL R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR A double-ended railroad yard is located about 1 mile eastward of the southern part of the port. It is 5 tracks wide and about 2,000 feet long. In the vicinity of the yard is a station building, several repair shops, and storehouses. b. Road (1) Roads and highways clearing port - A highway 13 to 20 feet wide with a bituminous surface over a crushed stone base leads northeastward parallel to the railroad to Mikha-Tskhakaya, where it connects with the improved Novorossiysk- Batumi highway. (2) Streets and roads in town and port area - All the roads in the port are paved with asphalt or concrete. There are access roads to most wharves which are in fair condition and capable of accommodating the usual port traffic. A highway bridge of probable masonry construction, 375 by 15 feet, crosses the Rion south of the port and connects with the town of Poti. c. Inland waterways The Rion is navigable by steamer about 40 miles to Samtredia. Shallow draft river boats navigate 90 miles above the mouth. d. Oil pipelines None. 9. Ship supplies a. Fuel (1) Petroleum products - Fuel oil is available at North Mole Quay (Ref. 7) and South Quay (Ref. 4). Type of fuel, rate of delivery, and number and size of connections are not known. (2) Coal - Coal of poor quality is available at North Mole Quay. The delivery rate is 60 to 75 tons per hour. The amount of coal for ships' use is not known. -43- CONFIDENTIAL :7; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 dal" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Te. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR b. Utiliticr; (1) 7ater - Water is piped to most of the wharves. It is available in adeouate quantities, but the pressure is weak. The water is usually !!otable, A 300-ton water barge is at the port. (2) 2lectricity - Most wharves are served with electricity. There are about 35 outlets on the wharves with current characteristics of 220/330 volts, a. c. 10. Shipbuilding and repair a. Summary The Yelyava Shipyard, situated on the eastern side of Inner Basin, has facilities capable of building vessels of patrol craft size, and accomplishing underwater repairs on medium-sized oceangoing vessels. Several repair shops, a machine shop, and a foundey are at the shipyard. The work force con- mists of about 1,000 'workers. Shipbuilding facilities reportedly are under construction on the eastern side of Outer Harbor. b. Dotail s of docking installations (1) Graving docks - None. (2) Floating drydocks - Two floating drydooks are normally at the poet. The larger drydock is approximately 400 feet long sith 70 feot between sidevalle, and of 11,000 tons lifting capacity. It is equipped with a 5-ton portal jib crane. (Figure 14) The smaller floating dock ia about 370 feet long lath 65 feet between sidewalls, and of about 2,000 tons capacity. It ir4 equipped with a to portal jib crane. (3) Marine railways - Five marine railways are situated at the nprthoastern corner of Inner Basin. These rail- ways are capable of lifting 500-ton vessels with lengths of 150 feet. (Figure 15) I SNT1AL _s SECRET R. &H. Bd. Poti, USSR ? View of floating drydock in SE part of Inner Basin. Vessel is the naval transport "Volga" (11,000 tons loaded), reportedly drydocked at Poti. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5 19540X1 -45- FIGURE 14 SECRET 7'4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Elia& Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 View looking E at repair yard on E side of Inner Basin. Note vessels on marine railwsys. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 ." t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/64: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 CONFIDENTIAL R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR R. & H. Bd. Poti, USSR 11. Planned development and improvements Information concerning planned development and improve- ments at the port of Poti is not available; however, a consider-." a a able amount of construction work recently has taken place in Outer Harbor. Piers for berthing naval vessels have been completed in the northeast part of Outer Harbor and, except for an entrance gap of 500 feet, a new inner breakwater in the form of extensions between North Breakwater and North Mole ncloses the eastern half of Outer Harbor. Construction of submarine pens and repair facilities was reported in this area of the harbor, but the information may be unreliable. Concrete blocks is's" F29 PHASE II CM PHASE III APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 500 0 500 1500 Plan of suggested expansion and improvement. have been placed irregularly along the outer part of South Breakwater indicating a reinforcement of the existing riprap construction. Cranes were reported under construction in the vicinity of Inner Harbor. 12. Potentialities for expansion a. Summary Potential expansion of the port of Poti within the limits of the breakwaters can be accomplished by construct- ing a pier near the root of South Breakwater, extending 2 exist- ing wharves, constructing a marginal wharf northeastward of North Mole, providing landing craft hards at the eastern end of Inner Basin, and by performing minor dredging in the vicinity of existing facilities. The port's military discharge capacity can be increased about 3,500 long tons per 20-hour day of which 500 tons can be accomplished under Phase I, 500 tons under Phase II, and 2,500 tons under Phase III. (Figure 16) FIGURE 16 -49- CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part- Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP8 nztqpnno grInr.-vw 1A:4 R. & H. Bd. 7. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR b. Phase I - Suggested repairs and improveaents to existing facilities Improve existing facilities by performing minor dredging, not detrimental to footings, as follows: Biddle Mole Pier (Ref. 2), dredge outer 500 feet - north and south sides - to 24 feet and increase total usable berthing space on each side to 750 feet by extending present 22-foot depths; North Quay (Ref. 5) and North Mole Quay (Ref. 7), dredge outer 1,000 feet to 24 feet; South Quay (Ref. 4), dredge outer 1,750 feet to 24 feet and inner 200 feet to 22 feet; Northwest Quay (Ref. 6), dredge entire length to 24 feet. Provide landing craft hard about 200 feet in length at eastern end of Inner Basin. Upon completion of Phase I, the increase of discharge capacity in estimated at 500 long tons. c. Phase II . Suggested major improvements, additions, and extensions to existing facilities Extend Grain Quay (Ref. 1) southward 150 feet and dredge entire length of quay and approaches to 24 feet, an practicable. Extend North Wharf (Ref. 10) 125 feet westward, laden the apron to at /east 60 feet, and dredge entire length to 24 feet. Provide railroad spurs and road clearance for Outer Harbor wharves. Upon completion of Phase II the increage of discharge capacity is estimated at 500 long tons. d. Phase III - Suggested locations of new piers or wharves Construct an open pile timber deck pier, 750 feet long and 250 feet vide, extending westward from the root of South Breakwater. Provide a marginal wharf 750 feet long north- eastward of North Mole in the southeastern part of Outer Harbor. CoONFIglTIAL 4 4 4 1 t R. &H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti, USSR Perform dredging to a depth of 26 feet alongside and in approaches to both facilities; provide road and rail clearance. Upon completion of Phase III, the increase of discharge capacity is estimated at 2,500 long tons. 13. Construction data a. Availability of construction materials Lumber is obtained from nearby forests, and stone and limestone are known to be available in the general vicinity. Fill material may be obtained by dredging. b. Weather and climatic factors affecting construction January is the coldest month with minimum tempera- tures averaging from 350F. to 400F., and mid-day temperatures about 450F. July and August have maximum day temperatures averaging about 800F., and 900F. is likely to be reached during summer. The mean relative humidity is about 81 percent. Rain- fall is heavy with an annual average of about 64 inches falling on about 145 days. Fog occurs 2 to 4 days a month exCept in July and August. Prevailing winds are easterly. During gales from the westward and northwestward the harbor is inaccessible. c. Labor and craftsmen factors Skilled and unskilled labor are present in adequate numbers. If the need existed, additional labor resources possibly could be obtained from other parts of the USSR. Women are employed as crane operators and hold other port jobs. d. Foundation conditions Within the harbor the bottom is principally mud and ooze. Along the shoreline the bottom consists of a band of sand. The remainder of the sea bottom is mostly mud except for an area of ooze off the harbor. -51- CONFIDENTIAL 11.,.//???0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. &L Bd. CONFIDENTIAL Poti? ussa e. Water supply Water is supplied from the Rion and is piped to the wharves by the municipal system. The port supply is adequate for boiler use. The water is usually potable. f. Electric power The port is on the Caucasian electric grid which includes several hydroelectric plants, one of which is on the Rion River. About 35 outlets are on the quays. The current is 220/380 volts, a.c. g. Fuel Fuel oil connections are on North Mole Quay (Ref. 7) and South Quay (Ref. 4). The type and quantity of the petroleum supply at the port are not known. A stockpile of 4,000 to 5,000 tons of coal is normally at the port. 14. Points of vulnerability in the port area a. Summary Poti is important as an outlet for manganese ore and as a naval base and repair facility. Destruction of South Breakwater would expose the port to the prevailing sea and swell from the Black Sea and render the port facilities useless. Damage at the entrance to Inner Basin would seriously curtail cargo and repair operations. Blocking railroad and highways would decrease clearance. -52- CONFIDENTIAL ? e II /a- 4,* : CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. Bd. b. Strategic points The vulnerable points are listed below and are shown on the annotated map, Figure 17. Poti, USSR Ref. on Fig. 17 1 2 Description South Breakwater. Entrance to Inner Basin. 3 Railroad. 4 Highway. 15. Comments on principal sources The information used in compiling this study was secured mainly from the Washington area. Cross sections and photographs of several of the facilities were lacking, as were factual details of the wharves, warehouses, petroleum installations, and basins. ? ? ? ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 -53- CONFIDENTIAL 9 '1J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. Bd. ? cr, N. 6'rea ? Poti, USSR OUTER HARBOR NORTH HARBO 0 R ER SOUTH HARBOR ^ r,--) POINTS, OF VULNERABILITY. \--J SEE TEXT FOR DESCRIPTION. CONFI ENTIAL ? FIGURE 17 ) 4 IDENTIAL PORT FACILITIES Poti, USSR SHIP SUPPLIES-Continued POINTS OF VULNERABILITY IN THE PORT AREA Utilities Water --Water is piped to tity is adequate, but A 300-ton water barge Electricity Most wharves Current are most wharves. The quan- the pressure is weak. is at the port. served with is 220/380-v., a.c. electricity. The points of vulnerability at the port are the South Breakwater, the entrance to Inner Basin, and the highway and railroad. Destruction of South Breakwater would expose the port to the prevailing sea and swell from the Black Sea and render the port facilities useless. SHIPBUILDING AND REPAIR GENERAL REMARKS The Yelyava Shipyard is capable of building patrol-type vessels and performing underwater repairs on medium-sized oceangoing vessels. There are several repair shops, a machine shop, and a foundry. Two floating drydocks are at the port. The larger is about 400 ft. long with 70 ft. between sidewalls and of 11,000 tons lifting capacity. Five marine railways capable of lifting 500-ton vessels with lengths of 150 ft. are at the port. The work force numbers about 1,000. Oit PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS Information on development and improvements is not available, however, a considerable amount of development has taken place in Outer Harbor. New piers for berthing naval vessels, and an inner breakwater enclosing the eastern portion are included in the work completed. POTENTIALITIES FOR EXPANSION The port's military discharge capacity can be increased about 3,500 long tons per 20-hr. day of which 500 tons can be accomplished under Phase I, 500 tons under Phase II, and 2,500 tons under Phase III. The expansion includes construction of a pier, extension of 2 existing wharves, construction of a margi- nal wharf, providing landing craft hards, and minor dredging. CONSTRUCTION DATA Availability of construction materials Lumber is obtained from nearby forests, and stone and limestone are known to be available in the general location. Fill is obtained by dredging. Weather and climatic factors affecting construction The minimum temperatures average 350F. to 40?F. during January. A temperature of 90?F. is likely to be reached during summer. The mean relative humidity is about 81 percent, and the average rainfall is about 64 in. Prevailing winds are easterly. Labor and craftsmen factors Labor resources are adequate. Foundation conditions The harbor bottom is mostly mud and ooze. Along the shoreline is sand. Water supply Water is supplied from the Rion and is piped to the wharves. It is adequate for boiler use. Electric power The Caucasian electric grid, which has several hydroelectric stations, including one on the Rion, provides electric power. The current is 220/380-v., a.c. Fuel --FUel oil connections are on South Quay and North Mole Quay. Type of fuel, rate of delivery, and data on connections are not known. A stockpile of 4,000 to 5,000 tons of coal is available. Poti is on the E coast of the Black Sea about 40 miles N of the Turkish border. The principal industries are the export of manganese ore and the transshipment of gen- eral cargo. The population was about 20,000 in 1948. The port serves as a naval base for submarines and surface vessels. IDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 TABLE .11 ? 7-S 16 . s 1.1 'a,se Is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 R. & H. Bd. CONFIDENTIAL SUMMARY OF PORT FACILITIES Poti HARBOR AND ENTRANCE MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES SHIP SUPPLIES-Continued ? POINTS OF VULNERABILITY IN THE PORT AREA The artificial harbor has a water surface area of 160 acres. It is protected by 2 breakwaters, and is entered directly from the Black Sea. The entrance depth is 29.5 ft., and a bottom width of 93 yd. extends through Outer Harbor to Inner Harbor. Distance between the break- waters is about 290 yd. South Breakwater extends W about 550 yd. from S part of port, and N about 1,300 yd., protecting the harbor from SW through NW. North Breakwater protects the N part, extend- ing W about 350 yd., and SW about 125 yd. Outer Harbor, irregular in shape with a water area of about 55 acres and central depths of 29 to 18 ft., is used for berthing naval vessels. Inner Harbor, with a total water area of about 105 acres, is composed of North Harbor, Inner Basin, and South Harbor. North Harbor is rectangular with an area of 40 acres. It is used for ore, coal, and gen- eral cargo. Central depths are from 28 to 22 ft. Inner Basin - E of North Harbor - is irregu- larly shaped with an area of 18 acres. It is used for ore, general cargo, and ship repair. Central depth is about 26.5 ft. South Harbor, irregularly shaped with an area of 47 acres, is used for general cargo and grain. Central depths are from 26 to 18 ft. Cranes ashore and afloat Utilities The points of vulnerability at the port are the South Breakwater, the entrance to Inner Basin, and the highway and railroad. Destruction of South Breakwater would expose the port to the prevailing sea and swell from the Black Sea and render the port facilities useless. Capacity Number (tons) Type Water --Wirer is piped to most wharves. The quan- tity is adequate, but the pressure is weak. A 300-ton water barge is at the port, Electricity 13 12.5 Electric traveling portal jib. 5 5.0 do 1 3 to 5 do 3 3 to 5 Diesel, mobile. 4 25 to 100 Floating. Specialized equipment Most wharves are served with electricity, Current is 220/380-v., a.c. GENERAL REMARKS SHIPBUILDING AND REPAIR Poti is on the E coast of the Black Sea about 40 miles N of the Turkish border. The principal industries are the export of manganese ore and the transshipment of gen- eral cargo. The population was about 20,000 in 1948. The port serves as a naval base for submarines and surface vessels. The Yelyava Shipyard is capable of building patrol-type vessels and performing underwater repairs on medium-sized oceangoing vessels, There are several repair shops, a machine shop, and a foundry. Two floating drydocks are at the port. The larger is about 400 ft. long with 70 ft. between sidewalls and of 11,000 tons lifting capacity. Five marine railways capable of lifting 500-ton vessels with lengths of 150 ft. are at the port. The work force numbers about 1,000. A grain loader with 4 spouts is located on Grain Quay, PORT MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEER EQUIPMENT AFLOAT Tugs --Mee tugs are normally at the port. One of the tugs has about 1,500 hp., and the other 2 have from 600 to 750 hp. Dredges --A-giiFtion dredge is used to maintain harbor depths. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS HARDS AND UNIMPROVED SITES USABLE FOR CARGO LANDING WITHIN THE PORT Information on development and improvements is not available, however, a considerable amount of development has taken place in Outer Harbor. New piers for berthing naval vessels, and an inner breakwater enclosing the eastern portion are included in the work completed. The undeveloped areas at the root of South Breakwater and the SE part of Outer Harbor could be utilized for landing cargo. The beach N of the port has a gentle slope of 100 to 1. ANCHORAGES ? Anchorage in the roadstead WSW of South Breakwater may be taken in depths of 72 to 90 ft. over an ooze, mud, and sand bottom. ? POTENTIALITIES FOR EXPANSION . STORAGE FACILITIES HYDROGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AFFECTING NAVIGATION - -The port's military discharge capacity can be increased about 3,500 long tons per 20-hr. day of which 500 tons can be accomplished under Phase I, 500 tons under Phase II, and 2,500 tons under Phase III. The expansion includes construction of a pier, extension of 2 existing wharves, construction of a margi- nal wharf, providing landing craft hards, and minor dredging. t . General cargo (sq.ft.) Tides are negligible. W winds raise the water level; E winds lower it. Gales from W and NW render the harbor inaccessible. Transit sheds 189,550 Warehouses 73,400 Tank storage Eight tanks with a total capacity of 475,200 bbl. are at the port. train elevators WHARVES Four grain storage facilities are situated near Grain Quay. Open storage Usable Depths Total No. Berthing Space Alongside of Berths (feet) (feet) (by class) CONSTRUCTION DATA About 10 acres of open storage space are available at the port. Availability of construction materials COMMERCIAL CLEARANCE FACILITIES General Cargo Lumber is obtained from nearby forests, and stone and limestone are known to be available in the general location. Fill is obtained by dredging. Weather and climatic factors affecting Rail --A-single-track, 5'-gage line leads NE to the rail system at Mikha-Tskhakaya. About 11 miles of track serve the port area. Most of the wharves have rail clearance. Road --A-road, 13 to 20 ft. wide with a bituminous surface over a crushed stone base, leads NE parallel to the railroad to Mikha-Tskhakaya, where it connects with the main improved Novorossiysk-Batumi highway. There is paved road access to most wharves. Inland waterway 3,480 18 to 22 8 - B, 2 - C, 1 lighter Ore and Coal* construction The minimum temperatures average 350F. to 40?F. during January. A temperature of 90?E is likely to be reached during summer. The mean relative humidity is about 81 percent, and the average rainfall is about 64 in. Prevailing winds are easterly. Labor and craftsmen factors 2,990 19 to 24 6 - B, 2 - C, 2 lighters Grain* Labor resources are adequate. Foundation conditions 350 22 1 - B The harbor bottom is mostly mud and ooze. Along the shoreline is sand. Water supply 6,820 NAVAL The Rion is navigable by steamer about 40 miles, and by shallow draft river boats about 90 miles. Oil pipelines Water is supplied from the Rion and is piped to the wharves. It is adequate for boiler use. Electric power 875 19 and over ... 350 7 and over ... None, 1,22b B704.5 SHIP SUPPLIES The Caucasian electric grid, which has several hydroelectric stations, including one on the Rion, provides electric power. The current is 220/380-v., a.c. Fuel * Indicates usable for general cargo. Fuel --Paroleum ESTIMATED MILITARY PORT CAPACITY Tel oil connections are on South Quay and North Mole Quay. Type of fuel, rate of delivery, and data on connections are not known. A stockpile of 4,000 to 5,000 tons of coal is available. Fuel oil is available at South Quay and North Mole Quay, Coal --CUal is available at North Mole Quay. The quality is poor, ? _ It is estimated that the port can unload approx. 6,800 long tons of general cargo in a 20-hr. day. A phased study of the expansion possibili- ties indicates the capacity could be increased about 3,500 long tons. CONFIDENTIAL TABLE II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04 ? CIA RDP81 01043R00250oo6onn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY -- CONFIDENTIAL CORPS OF ENGINEERS '17-A7,14. ? "V" LEGEND To Mikha - Tskhakoyo NOTE: PORT CAPACITY 6,800 LT PER-20 HOUR DAY. CC WHARF REFERENCE (IN TEXT) NM TRANSIT SHED WAREHOUSE 4?+ RAILROAD 0 OIL TANK FOREIGN PORTS BRANCH BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS PORT FACILITIES AT POTI, U.S.S.R. PREPARED: APRIL 195 7 SOURCE: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS DATED 1944 AND GROUND PHOTOGRAPHS DATED 1954 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 500 0 500 1500 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL FIGURE-18 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 If Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500060005-9 ? 9 ? CONFIDENTIAL R. &H. 13d. Poti, USSR 42? 9 10 4]. ? 36. 316. 4,1 4 3* it z ? a -14a 8 8 87 7 7 88\ ? 34 44 \k 6 44 4k 4 4 34 341 44 3:\ * oFroopatimmoviaaRiava.tvuoaptsgjanv3.4pG01.:z6E20:..1 taappr01:81,110. zi (Lat. 42?8 NI 7 77' 44 14eI:3 311, 23 zi