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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZ198 ON ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 91-139 0 - 87 (590) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 100 STAT. 3192 PUBLIC LAW 99-569-OCT. 27, 1986 group, movement, organization, or individual. Any change in such policy, or the provision of intelligence information contrary to such policy, shall be considered a significant anticipated intelligence activity for purposes of section 501 of the National Security Act of 50 USC 413. 1947. TITLE II-INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 201. There is authorized to be appropriated for the Intel. ligence Community Staff for fiscal year 1987 the sum of $22,000,000. AUTHORIZATION OF PERSONNEL END -STRENGTH SEC. 202. (a) The Intelligence Community Staff is authorized two hundred thirty seven full-time personnel as of September 30, 1987. Such personnel of the Intelligence Community Staff may'be' perma- nent employees of the Intelligence Community Staff or personnel detailed from other elements of the United States Government. (b) During fiscal year 1987, personnel of the Intelligence Commu- nity Staff shall be selected so as to provide appropriate representa- tion from elements of the United States Government engaged in intelligence and intelligence-related activities. (c) During fiscal year 1987, any officer or employee of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces who is detailed to the Intelligence Community Staff from another element of the United States Government shall be detailed on a reimbursable basis, except that any such officer, employee, or member may be detailed on a nonreimbursable basis for a period of less than one year for the performance of temporary functions as required by the Director of Central Intelligence. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF ADMINISTERED IN SAME MANNER AS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SEC. 203. During fiscal year 1987, activities and personnel of the Intelligence Community Staff shall be subject to the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.) and the Central Intelligence Agency Act -df-19 9 (50 U.S.C. 403a et seq.) in the same manner as activities and personnel of the Central Intel- ligence Agency. TITLE III-CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY RETIREMENT AND RELATED MATTERS AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 301. There is authorized to be appropriated for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability Fund for fiscal year 1987 the sum of $125,800,000. SURVIVOR BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN FORMER SPOUSES OF CIA EMPLOYEES SEC. 302. (a) Part C of title II of the Central Intelligence Agency 50 USC 403 note. Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Employees is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90G00152R000200300012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 PUBLIC LAW 99-569-OCT. 27, 1986 100 STAT. 3191 intelligence and intelligence- t e Intelligence Community nt and Disability System, and (Representatives of the bled, That this Act may ct for Fiscal Year 1987". :TIVITIES e.a propriated for. fiscal and intelligence-related f the United States be appropriated under filings as of September uid intelligence-related n, are those specified in epared by the Commit- 9 of the Ninety-ninth hall be made available f Senate and House of ?resident shall provide Df appropriate portions it of Defense for fiscal -related activities and iCIFICALLY AUTHORIZED to which subsection (a) IN authorized by the of section 502 of the National Security Act of 1947, notwithstanding the absence of so UsC 414. authorizations of appropriations for such activities in this Act. SEC. 103. The Director of Central Intelligence knay authorize employment of civilian personnel in excess of the numbers au- thorized for fiscal year 1987 under sections 102 and 202 of this Act when he determines that such action is necessary to the perform- ance of important intelligence functions, except that such number may not, for any element of the Intelligence Community, exceed 2 per centum of the number of civilian personnel authorized under such sections for such element. The Director of Central Intelligence shall promptly notify the Permanent Select Committee on intel- ligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate whenever he exercises the authority granted by this section. SEC. 104. The authorization of appropriations by this Act shall not be deemed to constitute authority for the conduct of any intelligence activity which is not otherwise authorized by the Constitution or laws of the United States. INCREASES IN EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS AUTHORIZED BY LAW SEC. 105. Appropriations authorized by this Act for salary, pay, retirement, and other benefits for Federal employees may be in- creased by such additional or supplemental amounts as may be necessary for increases in such compensation or benefits authorized by law. RESTRICTION ON SUPPORT FOR MILITARY OR PARAMILITARY OPERATIONS IN NICARAGUA SEC. 106. Funds available to the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, or any other agency or entity of the United States involved in intelligence activities may be obligated and ex- pended during fiscal year 1987 to provide funds, materiel, or other assistance to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance to support mili- tary or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua only as authorized in section 101 and as specified in the classified Schedule of Authoriza- tions referred to in section 102, or pursuant to section 502 of the National Security Act of 1947, or pursuant to any provision of law 50 USC 414. specifically-providing such funds, materiel, or assistance. RESTRICTION. ON,INTZWGRNCE,AGE ICY:000PERAT10N WITH SOUTH SEC. 107. No agency or entity of the United States involved in 22 use s072a. intelligence activities may engage in any form of cooperation, direct or indirect, with the Government of South Africa, except activities which are reasonably designed to facilitate the collection of nec- essary intelligence. It is the policy of the United States that no agency or entity of the United States involved in intelligence activi-' ties may provide any intelligence information to the Government of South Africa which pertains to a South African internal opposition Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 .._.. ...................-.-._._..-............,.........:.:y....?.,....?.:e_,.:.,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 I To prohibit United States intelligence and military cooperation with South Africa. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ? MAY 18, 1987 Mr. GRAY of Pennsylvania (for himself. Mr. CONTE, Mr. DYMALLY, and Mr. WOLFE) introduced the following bill; which was referred jointly to the Com- mittees on Foreign Affairs, Armed Services, and Permanent Select Commit- tee on Intelligence To prohibit United States- intelligence and' military cooperation. with South Africa. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 fives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON UNITED STATES MILITARY AND 4 INTELLIGENCE COOPERATION WITH SOUTH 5 AFRICA. 6 (a) PROHIBITION.-Section 322 of the Comprehensive 7 Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 (22 U.S.C. 50 1 2) is amended to 8 read as follows: sified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 "PROHIBITION ON.UNITED STATES. MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE COOPERATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA "SEC. 322. (a) No agency or entity Of the United States ? t - di t or indirect rec t Ion, pera With the armed forces of the Government of Sout,h: Africa.. The cooperation prohibited by this. subsection speccifiealfv. "(1) assigning or detailing and member of the United States Armed Forces to serve as, or otherwise perform the functions of, a defense (or military) attache 11 in South Africa; and 12 "(2) cooperating in any way with an individual 13 serving . a , or otherwise performing the functions of . a 14 defense (or military) attache at a South African diplo- I 1 15 matic mission in the United States. 16 Consistent with the objectives of this subsection, the Presi- 17 dent should not accredit any individual to serve as, or other- 18 Nise perform the functions of, a defense (or military) attache 19 at a South African diplomatic mission in the United States. 20 "(b) No agency or entity of the United States in--olved in intelligence activities may engage in any form of coopera- tion, direct or indirect, with the Government of South Africa (specifically including the authorities administering Namibia so long as Namibia. is illegally occupied). The cooperation prohibited by this subsection specifically includes any activity Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 includes- Declassified in Part - SanitizCopy Approved for Release 2012/01/17 : CIA-RDP90GO0152R0002003 00012 2 ? iC,n[Ing w -cne ? collection-'-of intelligence, including the 2 exchange of intelligence either directly ^r *l-.,., a; third ? S.-country.".. 4 (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.- 5 (1) TABLE OF CONTENTS.-The table of contents 6 contained in section 2 of that Act is . amended by 7 amending the item relating to section 322 to read as 8 follows: "Sec. 322. Prohibition on United States military and intelligence cooperation aith South Africa.". 9 (2) INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT.-Sec- 10 tion 107 of the Intelligence Authorization Act for 11 Fiscal Year 1987 (Public Law 99-569), relating to re- 12 strictions on intelligence agency cooperation with ~ 13 South Africa, is repealed. ?111P. 244S III Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Wvtoc:ows The : Honorable: Louis ,Stokes Chairman Permanent Select'Committee on Intelligence House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear M'r. Chairman: to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 4 June inviting us to brief the Subcommittee on Legislation on South Africa; on 29 and 30 July 1987. We'will be happy to provide the requested briefing, and I understand that my staff is in contact with a member of your staff to work out the specific arrangements. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance to you in this matter. Sincerely yours, William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence Distribution: Orig. -'Addressee 1 Stf 1 DDCI 1 ExDir 1 ER (Ref ER 87-2118x) 1 -D/ICS J- DDI - DDO 1 -, Chm./NIC 1 - NIO/AF 1 -ID/ALA/Dl 1 -,C/AF/DO 1 D/OCA 1 - OC=R Record 1 -; PT Chrono 1 ac ~ pt (12 Jun 87 ) STAT DD,'r7N/OC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Central Intelligence Agcnctr The Honorable Louis Stokes Chairman Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: '16 JUN 1981 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 4 June inviting us to brief the Subcommittee on Legislation on South Africa on 29 and 30 July 1987. I We; will be happy to provide the requested briefing, and I understand that my staff is in contact with a member of your staff to work out the specific arrangements. I Please let me know if I can be of further assistance to you in this matter. Sincerely yours, / William H. Webstet William H. Webster Director of Central Intelligence Distribution: Orig. -'Addressee 1-;D/ExStf 1 DDCI 1 - ExDir ER (Ref ER 87-2118x) 1 D/ICS 1 DDI 1 DDO 1 Chm/NIC 1 NIO/AF 1 D/ALA/DI 1 -1 C/AF/DO 1 D/OGA 1 OCA Record 1 PT Chrono STAT DD/Nn 1 ,/O OCARead dpt (12 Jun 87 ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/17: CIA-RDP90GO0152R000200300012-2