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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: NIO/GPF DATE 22 July 87 Larry -- More "grist for the mill" -- near term -- paper for OJCS long term -- you are our NIC action officer to respond to this and other Net Assessment requirements. We need to begin to talk about what the 1 March reply might say -- after you've had a chance to talk it up w/appropriate players (e.g., NIO/SP, CIA/SOYA, DIA, OJCS/J-8, Marshall's office, etc.). FROM: C/NIC ROOM NO. BUILDING Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 I 22 July 1987 MEMORANDUM FQR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: "Net Assessments" Amendment Added to SSCI Version of the FY 1988 Intelligence Authorization Bill by the Senate Armed Services Committee 1. Attajhed is the subject report, which has not yet been printed In its official fore but was given to us by Senator Warner's Legislative Assistant on the Committef. We were told the amendment was offered by Senator Nunn. 2. We received draft language on this proposal earlier this month. We have highlighted those sections of the report that are different from what we received in draft -- the differences are all langauge that has been added to the original draft; no other language has been changed or deleted. 3. The report calls for a SECDEF-DCI "plan" to provide greater Intelligence Community participation in the conduct of net assessments; that plan is due no later than March 1, 1988. The reference on page 3 to the 1986 DoD Reorganization Act reflects DIA's comments/objections to the draft report language; Dave Gries orally provided the CIA's comments on the draft bill to the Committee. 4. On mother subject, please note that the SASC has included the language we favor on "unallocatted reductions" in this report (see page 5). Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080025-5 i I REPORT OF THE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON THE INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988 AND 1989 The Committee on Armed Services, having considered on sequential referral from the Select Committee on Intelligence the bill (S. 1243) authorizing appropriations for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 for intelligence activities of the U.S. Government, the Intelligence Community staff, the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes, reports favorably thereon with one amendment and recommends that the bill do pass. S. 1243 would authorize appropriations and other matters for Fiscal Year 1988 and 1989 for intelligence activities of the United, States Government, including certain Department of Defense intelligence related activities within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Armed Services. The Select Committee on Intelligence reported out the bill on', May 2Q, 1987 and it was referred to this Committee under the provision of Section 3(b) of Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress for a period of 30 days. SCOPE OF COMMITTEE REVIEW The Committee conducted a detailed review of the intelligence community budget request for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989. This was, the first year that the Administration and the Congress considered' budget for the Department of Defense and the intelligence community is a two-year budget. The purpose of the two-year authorization is to permit longer range planning within the Executive Branch, reduce turmoil caused by the annual budget process, and permit both the Congress and the Executive Branch to concentrate on issues of oversight and management and reduce the amount of time spent in the annual budget process. The Committee has carefully reviewed the report of the Select Committee on Intelligence and has incorporated the relevant budgetary decisions of that Committee in the Defense Authorization] Act for Fiscal Year 1988 and 1989 reported by this Committee on May 5, AMENDMENTS AND OTHER MEASURES The committee has considered and adopted one amendment and two a*3ditionel measures. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080025-5 Communication; Security T, a Committee supports the recommendation contained in the classi!ied annex prepared by the SSCI that funds should be added to continue to improve communications security for certain domestic communications. Net Assessments by the Intelligence Community Net assessments provide a valuable source of information on the potential effectiveness of U.S. forces and weapons systems in hypothetical engagements with adversaries. In order to conduct such assessments, one requires detailed and accurate information on both foreign and U.S. weapons systems and tactics, small office exists in the Department of Defense to conduct] and cup rdinate net assessments. This office, separate from the intelligence community relies on d t f h , a a rom t e intelligence commucity relative to foreign weapons systems, as well as data from the military services and other DoD organizations on friendly forced. However, the results of these net assessments have been restrjcted primarily to the Secretary of Defense. ~jp until 1981, there was some debate as to the extent to which the intelligence community should conduct or become involved in net, assessments. Some have argued that while the intelligence community hag expertise in foreign weapons systems and tactics, itl lacks the requisite expertise and often the access to necessary data elativc to U.S. forces. Further, it was argued that such analy es require a commitment of resources beyond what the commw ity can afford without interfering with the overriding mission of foreign assessments. Proponents of intelligence community involvement have pointed out that the expertise and elaborate tools used by the intelligence community to evaluate and assess effectiveness of foreign weapons systems are equally applicable to U.S. weapons evaluations. Further, the involvement of th,p Intelligence Community would lend greater credibility to the results of net assessments. For example, in the acquisition of we#pon systems, the service proponent of a particular weapon has to primary if not sole responsibility in assessing how well that freapon will perform against opposing threats. In 1981, the Director of Central Intelligence and the secretary of Defense agreed that they would jointly conduct net assessments in selected areas, and that DoD would provide the intelligence community with data on U.S. forces for use in these analyses. The most notable activity undertaken pursuant to this agreepent to date, has been a joint net assessment of U.S. and Soviet strategic forces completed in 1983, and updated in 2985. However, these joint efforts have been very limited is number and scope. These efforts clearly could and should be expanded. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080025-5 l,pr examjle, it would be useful to have an independent net assess,pent of such strategic systems as the U.S. air-breathing systemp against the Soviet Air Defense systems. This is particplarly important given the well-publicized problems with the: 8-1H and the substantial investment yet to come in air breathing systems. Net assessments of key weapon systems will assist the executive branch and the Congress in making budgetary and programatic decisions. Currently, the absence of such assessmentsi means that very important decisions are often made without a J'J complete or independent assessment of how these systems would fare in actpal combat. Ip June 1986, the Packard Commission recommended that the Departcnent of Defense and the Intelligence Community expand its net assessment work. Specifically, the Packard Commission recommended that: "fit the direction of the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with the assistance of the other members of the JCS and the CINCs, and in consultation with the Director of Central Intelligence, should also prepare a military net assessment that would: Provide comparisons of the capabilities and effectiveness of U.S. military forces with those of potential adversaries for the Chairman's recommended national military strategy and other strategy options; Reflect the military contributions of Allied Forces where appropriate; Evaluate the risks of the Chairman's recommended national military strategy and any strategy options that he develops for the Secretary of Defense and the President; and Cover the entire five-year planning period." In the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act of 1986, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was given a new responsibility to perform net assessments to determine the capabilities of the armed forces of the United States and its allies as compared with those of their potential adversaries" (10 O.S.C. 153(a) (2) (C) , as amended by section 201 of P.L. 99-443.) This responsibility was added because the Congress believed that the Chairman should also have din enhanced role in net assessments. The Committee believes that more involvement in specific net assessments by the Intelligence Community is a prerequisite for meaningful participation in the overall assessment of the national military strategy envisioned by the Packard Commission. The Committee is mindful, however, of the potential impact such involvement may have on resources and believes that intelligence com_nucfity participation should be structured so as to provide an Y Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 i Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080025-5 I alternative source of net assessment information for those Department of Defense weapons systems or plans judged critical. Accordingly, the Committee directs the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence to develop a plan for the conduct of net assessments which allow for independent u ments_ by the intelligence community. The Co"-jftee -Be eves at-the following considerations should be taken into account in the development of this plan: -'i eapon systems. The On should sp cific?I,., dentifv end Trinri~ise Li Intelligence community net assessments tor th4 De rtment of Defense should be restricted to those areas judged critical to the overall effectiveness of U.S. national security policy, strategy, tactics or s ecif is w intelliejudae~mmunity D.art'~~i. ci2a_C~ori and the re~.so.,~ they are "critical". Given the resources associated with complex net assessments, the conduct of joint net assessments by DoD and the intelligence community are acceptable. The should Hermit the intelligence community to have an equal role In establishing be parameters of the assessment and to a r r iv at independeat concl wU based on the resul The process used in the preparation of national intelligence estimates is a useful model in this regard, including procedures for reporting dissentin o anions. The completion of net assessments should be timed so as to provide maximum value in the decision making process. The plan shQyld set forth a ti"1eta~~S3~ Initiation and_cpZ identified fointelligence commun ty particirut p Net assessments would be particularly valuable to senior officials involved in national security policy outside the Department of Defense in both the Executive Branch and Congress- The plan should provide a m ch~ni f information on the results of net Aggessme- is to such officials. Fu they senior officials s - aDpzanria a houlsl be consulted in the selection AL4_prioritjw7,4tion of areas to be the sub,j gf net Furthermore, the Committee encourages the Intelligence Community, and specifically the CIA, to improve its analysis of how the Soviets view "the correlation of forces,' which is the Soviet term analagous to net assessments. The Committee requests that the plan be provided to the Armed Services, Intelligence, and Appropriations Committees of the House and Senate no later than March It 1988 with an implementation date Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89TO1032R000100080025-5 as coop thereafter as practical but no later than October If 111988. The Committee will assess the plan as a basis foe any furthe, action in this area deemed appropriate. D I!rogrAo a R a ~2-ls_~~d _ xhe--N~ _QnnL-Eor~i9~_ lJit~4~ igeass The Committee is concerned about the impact on the National Foreigp Intelligence program of undistributed reductions in the Depart~,ent of Defense Authorization which might be required as a result of Congressional action. It is the int~nt...of rt. :. that t,andistributed^~~reduet~' CZre: 9 and liacal~ Y ar 1 89 -I~fD_~eRacal Year 1998 88 and Department of Defense Authorization Act to approiction, accounts of the Department of Defense shall not be applip;to elements of the National Foreign Intelligence Program conta4ied in those accounts. COMMITTEE-ACT O July , 1987 the Committee on Armed Services approved the bill a,; amended and ordered it favorably reported. EVALUATION OF-REGULATORY IMPACT Ip accordance with paragraph 11(b) of Rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Committee, the Committee finds no regulatory impact will be incurred in implementing the provisions of this legisl,ation. CRANGES IN EXIST 11M LAW In the opinion of the Committee, it is necessary to dispense with the requirements of Rule 12 of Rule XXVI of the Standing Rules, ,of the 4enate in order to expedite the business of the Senate. wee, _ .. I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP89T01032R000100080025-5