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Publication Date: 
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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/01/16 : CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 tit 14 wet SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE kOENCT 14 0,1M4 1954 SUBJECT8 TERMS OF REFERENCE8 NIE 104=54s ANTI-COMMUNIST RESISTANCE POTENTIAL IN THE SOVIET BLOC (Staff Draft for Consideration by the Board of National Estimate) THE PROBLEM To appraise the ba as intensity and distribution of disaffootion and resistance in Soviet Bloc oountri es anti-Communist resistance potential under cold mar and h t mar conditions* SCOPE This estimatelmill cover the USSR the Satellites, Commanist China and North Kerma 1 With respect to Poland and Communiet Chinas agency contribution should cover only relevant developments (if agy), nubs/al:pant to those covered in the Resist= Intfilligence Committee's studies on those c 4tries (tOtA and RIR4) and contributio thereto? SECRET DO NO 0 DLA NEXT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 QUESTIONS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM Contributions STO to cover each country severally's, in addition to making -any appropriate generalisations f groups of countries fr the Bloc as a whaeo I. Basic Factors and Elements of Dissidence .41.? What eoonomice politicale and social factors crests iUill tomard the regime; e,g0e persecution of aocio-economice religi se or Ahnic group% economic control% economic distress, political control% the regimes attacks on traditional vales and practicese encroachments of the USSR on national sovereigntye etco? B, In.uhat elements of the population is dissidence and actual or potential resistance found; s0g0e in what religiouse economic') political() militarye etbnice rurale urbane agee or occupational groups, other categories? C. How intense is dissidence and to ubst extent does it provide a favorable popular setting for actual r sistance activity? D. Mat trends in the basis and intensity of dissidenc have been in evidence since the death of Stalin? SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 ? ? SEC= Resistance Activitie to Date A. Mat has been the histroy of resista groups and their 'activity id.ne the d of World War II? B, t o anised resistance groups are believed to allot nes? In addition to identifying the groUpss indicates 1, N rical strengths internal disciplines train gs and cohesion, :mintiest, and (Beni nts etc0 2, Character and background of leadership? 30 Political orientati *ages nationalists Titoists antiATB, 40 Area of operations, 50 Trend of strength and activity, 60, 1168000B for dissidence, 70 diets and ultimate objectives under pe time and wartime conditions, Extent of infiltration into armed for as bureaucracy9 war industrys too 90 Type and extent of activity to dates including .active (sabotages etc,),, passive (alowdomn% satc,),, intelligence collections etc. C, What is the =tent and nature of unorganised resistance? :By at eleisnts of the population is it displayed? How is it manifested? 3 em SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 SECRET What trends appear in its prevalaace or type of manifestation? D. To what extent has organized and unorganized resistance been guided and materially assisted by enie groups? Other, external sources? E. By whatleans does the mine meek to inhibit or counter .diesidones and resistance organization and activities? What is trend of effectiveness of ceunterresistandel III, Desiatance Potential A. Assuming continuation of cold war conditionas 1. What typos and levels of resittan aotivityare nee witlita the capability of organized resistance groups? Uhor ised resistance? To what extent could such activity be expanded or intensified? Upon that factors Will Increase or 00029a809 of resistance eapability depend.? eotop (a) Improved cooperation among groupeo (h) Exta7nal support by governments or groups9 both overt and covert. (a) Indicated poseibilities for eventual laprovement in9 or replacement of the regime? - 4 - SMUT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 MR& (d) sic factors of dissidence (as covered in I).* (e) State security controls and other factors inhibWng resistance? Bo Under conditions of epee warfere9 what Would be the capabi1itiele for initial action and for ustained action of the following lines? Intensified reaistance measures? Indepen t military action. To uhat extent would this capability depend on outside support? Assistanc? to emmey foresee ins (a) Military or poBbical arfare. W _Evasion and ?seeped (c) Intelligence cell ctiono H would the capabilities indicated in le 29 and 3 above be Affected bys CO The stage or trend of military action at the time? 6sogos by whether military action9 was actually in process within the comatry or area in (pastime whether epdh action included WO of nuclear weaponse or whether one side or the other eppeared to be gaining (b) Nationality of Attacking forces. (c) Indicated p saibilities for eventual improvegent in, or replacement Ofe th regime. 5 - SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 177( Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2 ? SECRET Circumstanc s surrounding initiation of hostilitiess Loak,, which side is held refiponsibla for such initiation? Occupation policies of attacking for in occupied parte, if mg of the country. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/16: CIA-RDP79R01012A004800050031-2