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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794; the transmission or revelation of which in any manner tO an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. q-P - r- 72- E- T NOFORN 50X1-HUM COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF ? INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. USSR (Ukrainian SSR) Town Plan of Lvov( (P&L cit c&6,-(14f4.4.+01hk, REPORT ti,DATE DISTR. *NO. PAGES 1 /4/ July 1961 REFERENCES RD 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM e. ;FIELD REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENT 50X1-HUM A 64- oint overla with le end of the town Lvov 5 )1.9-50, E 24-02/L \the street names in Lvov were ollowin-g- pitv. written in both Russian and Ukrainian and provides the f information on the present and former street names in ti- Present Name Former Name Bogdana Khmelnitskogo Botvina Kalinina Khimicheskaya Kuznetsova Pobeda gquare Zavadskaya Zavodskaya/7 Distribution of Attachment: ORR: Loan S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN SoIkiewska. Sloneczna Zamarstinowskz Kresowa Kleparonska Smolki gquarE panienska 4 x 1 TATE 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM %MIMI 111111111117.1 NAVA GOMM I' I' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 X ARMY X NAVY X AIR X lote:' Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) NSA X OCR X NIC 1 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 50X1 -HUM NOFORN SECREI COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO PLACE ACQUIRED : USSR (Ukrainian SSR) : Town Plan of Lvov 50X1 -HUM Attached is a town plan of Lvov, scale 1:12,500, with the following legend. Preface: ZI-IELEZAOWROZI4 yy Er4 4q-SOf 24-00 9/' Li1W-CiA4OSVY:1 I. Up to 1958, Lvov, was adpiistratively divi?dinto four rayony: Shevchenkovskin -7:13.e1domzhny, Sta1inskiyA,can1,Icrctrnoarmeyskiy. In 1958, town planners decided to test the e`ificaCY-Of a two-rayonX administrative division and, for this purpose, the he1derezhnyandyy Shevchenkovskiy districts were merged. If this system worked out well,athe other two rayony would then be united. Street names were latitten both in Russian and Ukrainian, for example, 17 Sentyabra Sovetskaya was also 17 Veresnia Radyanska. The first trolleybuses appeared in Lvov in 1956, since which time there had been a steady changeover from streetcars to trolley buses and, in 1958, about 60 percent of urban transportation was via trolleybus. Until recently, Lvov suffered a shortage of electricity, especially in witt4r, and. current SECRET WORN/ 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/17 : CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 ? P. LC; veukv (AMA/. ;...1 bUX1-HUM qvi would be cut off in 6:Air ec ions o e c y for a few hours each day. The water supply s steady and was no longer being pumped from the Peltava RiveiA., which was said to now serve as a sewerage outlet. Most of the factories in town used gas as fuel, including the power station. 1. Meat Products Combine (Myasokonbinat), which employed about 1,000 workers. A large part of the produce was canned meat for emergency use. 2. Plywood Factory in Shevchenko rayon (formerly Janovska), which first operated after the war. 3. Flour Mill (Krup Zavod) in Shevchenko rayon, which produced primarily various types of groats. It was a prewar installation and employed about 60 workers. 4. Military barracks on Kuznetuova (formerly Kleparonska), former Polish barracks now occupied by an artillery unit the size of a regiment. 5. Building housing a political school for NCO's of the MVD (studies lasted one year), located on Kalinina (formerly Zamarstinowska). The prison which had formerly occupied the premises was closed in 1956. 6. Paint Factory (Lako-Krasochny)'Zavod) on Khimicheskaya (formerly Kresowa), an old plant thichdhad been expanded in recent years. The fac- tory employed about 150 workers in three shifts and produced 50X1-HUM enamel paints and lavers of good quality. Dqpartment of a bicycle factory (Ivovski30/elosipedny. Zavod), located on-Zhvadskaya (formerly Panienska). The entire plant had been located here until 1954, at which time most of the departments were trans- ferred to Zelona Street, in the Persenkovka quarter. In 1958, all eight departments of the plant employed about 300 workers. Until 1954, it produced mostly ladies' bicycles, but since its expansion it had been nhking all kinds of bicycles as well as scooters. 8. (Omitted on overlay and legend). 9. Railroad freight station (Lvov Podzamche), with seven or eight pairs of tracks and a number of warehouses. This station received the cargoes destined for the industrial plants in the neighborhood. 10. Oblast POL Depot (obi. Neft-Baza) on Bogdana Khmelnitskogo (formerly Soikiewdka), Which had tanks both above and below ground. The depot had been expanded in 1950-1953, and many tanks were added. FNT:r , 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 11. Petroleum Refinery (Nefte Peregonny Zavod), located at the end of Bogdana Khmelnitakogo. The plant, Which had been expanded after World War II, refined aviation gasoline and produced lubricants. It was connected by pipeline to the Oblast POL Depot (No. 17). a 12. Cotton Mill (Luo KoMbinat) on Bogdan,Khmelnitskogo. The mill, Which began operating in 1955, produced cotton fabrics and other types of cloth. 13. Cold Storage Plant (Khlado Kombinat), Which comprised six buildings and, until 1952, had been in the process of expansion. 14. Clothing and Food Depot of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters. The warehouses were 30 to 40 meters long, made of wood coated with plaster. The base was surrounded by a barbed-wire fence and was under military guard. 15. Fork Lift Plant (Zavod Avtopogruzchik) in the Zheleznodorzhnaya- Shevchenko rayon. The plant, which began operating in 1954, was considered the largest plant in Lvov, producing fork lifts and all their components except the motor and tires. 16. LocomotIve and Railroad Car Repair Plant (Parovozavagonny Rem. Zavod), Which carried out general repairs but did not build rolling stock. It had been enlarged since the time of Polish rule. 17. Clothing depot of the Military District, with about 30 storage huts in an area surrounded. by barbed-wire and guarded by soldiers. Until 1954, the site had. been a military transit camp (14nny peresylny)l punkt). 18. Civil Auto Repair Shop (Autoremzavod) in Shevchanko. The shop employed about 100 workers. 19. Military District Depot in Sheychanko, Where spare parts for all kinds of vehioles were stored. Many trucks could be seen in the area, Which was surrounded by a board fence and was guraded by soldiers. In the southern part of the area there was a military transport office (voennaya transportnaya kontora) of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters. 20. Glass Factory (Mekh. Stekolny Zavod) in Shevchanko, which began operating after World War II and produced primarily plate glass. 21. Brewery (PivovarnyyZavod), on Kuznetsova. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 rTh r7-771 ,^X,A 1111" Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/17 : CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 - 4 - 50X1 -HUM 22. Gas Works (Gaz Zavod) on Botvina (formerly Sloneczna). The plant had been expanded after World War II. It contained six tanks, each the height of a three-story building and some 50 meters in diameter. The gas was supplied from the Dashava deposits by means of a pipe Which branched off the Dashava-Kiev main line. 23. City KGB office, in a three-story building on Pobeda (formerly Smolki) square. 24. Oblast Consumers Cooperative (Oblast Potreb. Soyuz). Until 1950, the site had been occupied by the Air Force Headquarters of the Trans- Carpathian Military District. 25. Central post office (Glav. Pochta) on Slavatskogo. 26. Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters (Shtab Prikarpatskogo Voennogo Okruga), in a three-story building on Vatutina. 27. Oblispolkom, on Sovetskaya. 28. Television Center (Televizyonny Tsentr), in the Visokiy Zamek Park The center, Which had a 200-meter-hgih mast,was put into operation in late 1957. 29. Agricultural Machinery Factory (Lvovselmash), on Gorodetskaya. 30. Distil]ery (Spirt Zavod), an old plant on Gorodetskaya Which produced vodka and alcohol. 31. Electric Bulb Factory (Lvovskiy Elektro-Lampovy Zavod), on Pedkovicha, which produced television tubes. 32. Citadel (Krepost), a military zone with warehouses for food, clothing, and combat equipment. The communication center (uzel sviazi) of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters was also in this zone. 33. Medical Institute, including two hospitals. 34. Tank Repair Shop (Tank() Remontny Zavod), on Lenina, which employed both soldiers and civilians. 35. Military Repair Shop for Radio Communication Equipment (Radio Rem. Masterskiye). 36. Infantry Officers School, on Gvardeyskaya. Fre,REHS 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/17 : CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 ouAl-hUlvi 37. Teachers College (Ped. Institut), on Institutskaya (1958). 38. Water Works (Vodokanal Trest), on Zelenaya. 39. Party Committee of the Stalinskiy Rayon, on Darvina. 4o. Party Committee of the Zheldorozhny Rayon. ? 41. Barracks of an air force regiment, a two-story building on Lysenko Street. The regiment was equipped with MIG-17 interceptors in 1958. The aii-Tield used by the regiment was located in Lvov-Sknilov. This airfiela was also used by civil aircraft and, as late as 1958, no jets had landed in the civilian part of the field. The military section, where the MIG-17 interceptors were stationed, had(kConcrete runway. Close to the airfield was Aircraft Factory NO. 87, which produced spare parts for aircraft and employed civilians only 42. Militia Officers School, on Chapayeva. 43. Oblast Party School (Obi. Part. Shkola), on Sovetskaya. 44. Sovnarkhoz offices, a two-story building on Pervomayskaya. 45. Headquarters of an unspecified border guard unit (shtdb Pogran. voysk), on Gorkogo. 46. Automatic City Telephone Exchange (Gor. ATS), on Shovtneva. 47. Rear Headquarters of the Trans-Carpathian Military District (Shtsb Tila Prikarpatskogo Voennogo Okruga), a three-story building at 17 Veresnya. Up to 1954, the office of an oil and gas prospecting enterprise (Nefte Gaz Rarvedka) was located in the neighborhood. 48. City Militia Directorate Directorate (Gor. Upravleniye Militsii), on Slovatskogo. 49. City Department of Communal Economy (Gor. Kom. Khoz), on Sovetskaya. 50. Military Hospital (Voenny Gospital), three two-story buildings on Nekrasova. 51. Officers mess of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters, at the corner of Chernishevskogo and Pekarskaya. 52. Student Hostel of the Frank? University, on Kopenika. Until 1950, the headquarters of a large infantry unit had been stationed there. '?1 H 1- 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 FflY1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 - 6 - 53. Oblast Militia Directorate (obi. Upravleniye Militsii), on Stalina. 54. In 1958, the air force headquarters of the Trans-Carpathian Military District was located in this building on the continuation of Akademicheskaya. 55. Oblast KGB office, a five or six-story building on Dzerzhinskogo. 56. Granaries and grain elevators of Zagotzerno, in Shevehenko rayon. 57. Hospital for the rehabilitation of war invalids (Gospital Vostan- ovitelnoy Khrurg), Which opened in 1956 and accommodated invalids in need of long-term convalescent. Until 1956, the buildings accommodated a transit jail (peresylnaya tyurma), particularly for political prisoners. 58. Sweets Factory (Bolshevik), formerly the Hazet Factory, on Zavadskaya. The factory employed about 300 workers. 59. Flour Mill (Mel KoMbinat), on Bogdand Khmelnitskogo, which was put into operation in 1957. 60. Political Directorate of the Trans-Carpathian Military District, a two-story building on Chernishevskogo. 61. Teletechnical Plant (Kontakt), in Zheldorothnayal which produced telephone exchanges, electricity consumption meters, etc., some of which were exported to China. The plant employed about hoo workers. 62. Press Factory (Zavod Presay), an old and not very large plant Which employed about 100 workers and manufactured small hydraulic and pneumatic presses. 63. Small Water Meter Factory (Zavod Vodomer), on Tkatskaya. 64. Lvov Railroad Directorate (Upravleniye Lvovskoy Zheldorogy), a four- story building. Not annotated on overlay was Shoe Factory No. 3(0buvnaja Fdbrika Nr. 3), Which was located at the end of Martina Street and employed between 900 and 1,000 workers. 71- 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 IRA I ?1 NOM RFCRET COUNTRY : USSR (Ukrainian SSR) SUBJECT : Town Plan of Lvov DATE OF INFO 50X1 -HUM PLACE ACQUIRED ' Attached is a town plan of Lvov, scale 1:12,500, with the following legend. Preface: ? 1,, ,c ? ? ' Up to 1958, Lvov; was administratively divide( into four rayony: Shevchenkovskiy, gheAldorozhny, Stalinski4, and Icrapnoarmeyskiy. In 1958, town planners decided to test the efficacy-Of a two-rayonX administrative division and, for this purpose, the Thel-dorolthkv_. an r A Z? '',C124,7'!"17 Shevchenkovskiy districts were merged. If this system worked out--- well,the other two rayony would then be united. Street names were written both in Russian and Ukrainian, for example, 17 Sentydbra Sovetskaya was also 17 Veresnia Radyanaka. The first trolleybuses appeared in Lvov in 1956, since which time there had been a steady changeover from streetcars to trolley buses and, in 1958, about 60 percent of =tan transportation was via trolleybus. Until recently, Lvov suffered a shortage of electricity, especially in witr, and current NOTONO SECRET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17 : CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 111111111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 !KA %.1%,- I /V I op E R would be cut off in. enti,, ons of the city for a few hours each day. The water supply ,wits steady and was no longer being pumped from the Peltava River, which was said to now serve as a sewerage outlet. Most of the factories in town used gas as fuel, including the power station. 1. Meat Products Combine (Myasokombinat), which employed about 1,000 workers. A large part of the produce was canned meat for emergency use. 2. Plywood Factory in Shevchenko rayon (formerly Janovska), which first operated after the war. 3. Flour Mill (Krup Zavod) in Shevchenko rayon, which produced primarily various types of groats. It was a prewar installation and employed about 60 workers. 4. Military barracks on Kuznetsova (formerly Kleparondka), former Polish barracks now occupied by an artillery unit the size of a regiment. 5. Building housing a political school for NCO's of the MVD (studies lasted one year), located on Kalinina (formerly Zamarstinowtka). The prison which had formerly occupied the premises was closed in 1956. 6. Paint Factory (Lako-KrasochnyeZavod) on Khimicheskaya (formerly Kresowa), an old "lent whidhLhad been expanded in recent years. The fac- tory employed about 150 workers in three shifts and produced enamel paints and laquers of good quality. ,7. Department of a bicycle factory (Lvovskiy Velosipedny Zavod), located on Zevadskaya (formerly Panienska). The entire plant had been located here until 1954, at which time most of the departments were trans- ferred to Zelona Street, in the Persenkovka quarter. In 1958, all eight departments of the plant employed about 300 workers. Until 1954, it produced mostly ladies' bicycles, but since its expansion it had been slaking all kinds of bicycles as well as scooters. 8. (Omitted on overlay a4legend). 9. Railroad freight station (Lvov Podzamche), with seven or eight pairs of tracks and a number of warehouses. This station received the cargoes destined for the industrial plants in the neighborhood. 10. Oblast POL Depot (Obi. Neft-Baza) on Bogdana Khmelnitdkogo (formerly Solkiewtka), Which had tanks both above and below ground. The depot had been expanded in 1950-1953, and many tanks were added. r!Tii 50X1-HUM 1111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 agg 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 - 3 -" 11. Petroleum Refinery (NefteePeregonny Zavod), located at the end of Bogdana Khmelnitakogo. ,The plant, Which had been expanded after World War II, refined aviation gasoline and produced lubricants. It was connected by pipeline to the Oblast POL Depot (No. 17). a 12. Cotton Mill (Lno Kombinat) on Bogdand Khimelnitskogo. The mill, which began operating in 1955, produced cotton fabrics and other types of cloth. 13. Cold Storage Plant (Khlado Kombinat), Which comprised six buildings and, until 1952, had been in the process of expansion. 14. Clothing and Food Depot of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters. The warehouses were 30 to 40 meters long, made of wood coated with plaster. The base was surrounded by a barbed-wire fence and was under military guard. 15. Fbrk Lift Plant (Zavod Avtopogruzchik) in the Zheleznodorihnaya- Shevchenko rayon. The plant, Which began operating in 1954, was considered the largest plant in Lvov, producing fork lifts and all their components except the motor and tires. 16. Locomotive and Railroad Car Repair Plant (Parovozovagonny Rem. Zavod), Which carried out general repairs but did not build rolling stock. It had been enlarged since the time of Polish rule. 17. Clothing depot of the Military District, with about 30 storage huts in an area surrounded by barbed-wire and guarded by soldiers. Until 1954, the site had been a military transit camp (vd,renny peresylnyy punkt). 18. Civil Auto Repair Shop (Autoremzavod) in Shevchanko. The shop employed about 100 workers. 19. Military District Depot in Shevchanko, where spare parts for all kinds of vehioles were stored. Many trucks could be seen in the area, Which was surrounded by a board fence and was guraded by soldiers. In the southern part of the area there was a military transport office (voennaya tranSiaortnaya kontora).of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters. 20. Glass Factory (Mekh. Stekolny Zavod) in Shevchanko, Which began operating after World Ar II and produced primarily plate glass. 21. Brewery (Pivovarny, Zavod), on Kuznetsava. 50X1-HUM mi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 orrnrr 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 WORN - 4 - 22. Gas Works (Gas'. Zavod) ln Botvina (formerly Sloneczna). The plant had been expanded after World War II. It contained six tanks, each the height of a three-story building and some 50 meters in diameter. The gas was supplied from the Dashava deposits by means of a pipe Which branched off the Dashava-Kiev main line. 2. City KGB office, in a three-story building on Pobeda (formerly Smolki) square. 24. Oblast Consumers Cooperative (Oblast Potreb. Soyuz). Until 1950, the site had been occupied by the Air Force Headquarters of the Trans- Carpathian Military District. 25. Central post office (Glav. Pochta) on Slovatskogo. 26. Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters (Shtab Prikarpatskogo Yoennogo Okruga), in a three-story building on Vatutina. 27. Oblispolkom, on Sovetskaya. 28. Television Center (Televizyonny Tsentr), in the Visokiy Zamek Park. The center, which had a 200-meter-hgih mast, was put into operation in late 1957. 29? 30. Agricultural Machinery Factory (Lvovselmadh), on Gorodetskaya. Distillery (Spirt Zavod), an old plant on Gorodetskaya Which produced vodka and alcohol. 31. Electric Bulb Factory (Lvovskiy Elektro-Lampovy Zavod), on Pedkovicha, Which produced television tubes. 32. Citadel (Krepost), a military zone with warehouses for food, clothing, and combat equipment. T40 communication center (uzel sviazi) of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters was also in this zone. 33. Medical Institute, including two hospitals. 34. Tank Repair Shop (Tanko Remontny Zavod), on Lenina, which employed both soldiers and civilians. 35. Military Repair Shop for Radio Communication Equipment (Radio Rem. Masterskiye). 36. Infantry Officers School, on Gvardeyskaya. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 SIM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRele-ase2013/07/17 : CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 -HUM 5 37. Teachers College (Ped. Institut), on Institutskaya (1958). 38. Water Works (Vodokanal Trest), on Zelenaya. 39. Party Committee of the Stalinskiy Rayon, on Darvina. 40. Party Committee of the Zheldorothny Rayon. 41. Barracks of an air forceregiment, a two-story building on Lysenko Street. The regiment was equipped with MIG-17 interceptors in 1958. The air?field used by the regiment was located in Lvov-Sknilov. This airfiela' was also used by civil aircraft and, as late as 1958, no jets had landed in the civilian part of the field. The military section, where the MIG-17 interceptors were stationed, hadeoncrete runway. Close to the airfield was Aircraft Factory No. 87, which Produced spare parts for aircraft and employed civilians only 42. Militia Officers School, on Chapayeva. 43. Oblast Party School (Obi. Part. Shkola), on Sovetskaya. 44. Sovnarkhoz offices, a two-story building on Pervomayskaya. 45. Headquarters of an unspecified border guard unit (shtab Pogran. voyak), on Gorkogo. 46. Automatic City Telephone Exchange (Gor. ATS), on Shovtneva. 47. Rear Headquarters of the Trans-Carpathian Military District (Shtab Tila Prikarpatakogo Voennogo Okruga), a three-story building at 17 Veresnya. Up to 1954, the office of an oil and gas prospecting enterprise (Nefte Gaz Razvedka) was located in the neighborhood. 48. City Militia Directorate Directorate (Gor. Upravleniye Militsii), on Slovatskogo. 49. City Department of Communal Economy (Gor. Kom. Khoz), on Sovetskaya. 50. Miltary Hospital (Voenny Gospital), three two-story buildings on Nekrasova. 51. Officers mess of the Trans-Carpathian Military District Headquarters, at the corner of Chernishevskogo and Pekarskaya. 52. Student Hostel of the Frahko University, on Kopenika. Until 1950, the headquarters of a large infantry unit had been stationed there. lcy 50X1-HUNI 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 loSIVAId 50x1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 _ 53. Oblast Militia Directorate (obi. Upravleniye Militsii), on Stalina. 54. In 1958, the air force headquarters of the Trans-Carpathian Military District was located in this building on the continuation of Akademicheakaya. 55. Oblast KGB office, a five or six-story building on Dzerzhinskogo. 56. Granaries and grain elevators of Zagotzerno, in Shevchenko rayon. 57. Hospital for t4e rehabilitation of war invalids (Gospital Vostan- ovitelnoy Khrurg), which opened in 1956 and accommodated invalids in need of long-term convalescent. Until 1956, the buildings accommodated a transit jail (peresylnaga tyurma), particularly for political prisoners. 58. Sweets Factory (Bolshevik), formerly the Hazet Factory, on Zavadskaya. The factory employed about 300 workers. 59. Flour Mill (Mel Konibinat), on Bogdand Khmelnitskogo, Which was put into operation in 1957. 60. Political Directorate of the Trans-Carpathian Military District, a two-story building on Chernishevskogo. 61. Teleteohnical Plant (Kontakt), in Zheldorozhnaya, which produced telephone exchanges, electricity consumption meters, etc., some of which were exported to China. The plant employed about 400 workers. 62. Press Factory (Zavod Presav), an old and not very large plant Which employed about 100 workers and manufactured small hydraulic and pneumatic presses. 63. Small Water Meter Factory (Zavod Vodomer), on Tkatskaya. 64. Lvov Railroad Directorate (Upravleniye Lvavskoy Zheldorogy), a four- story to ng Not annotated on overlay was Shoe Factory No. 3(0buvnaja Fabrika Nr. 3), which was located at the end of Martina Street and employed between 900 and 1,000 workers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2 _ 0 / i L V o Ni - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A059600440001-2