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-NITflir Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET I SUBJECT: (Optional) Career Intelligence Medal 25) FROM: R. W. Manners EXTENSION NO. FBIS-0149-88 Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service DATE 25X1 28 Jun 88 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) .Protocol Branch Room 7E31 Headquarters . . 4. . ? ' . . . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ? *- FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 6'79, EDITIONS CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 411 RETI.1117%; COPY 14 June 198P Mk. ;'ordin. Infornation Service Deouty Director for science and Technoloqy Executiv: (_!ecretary, 1-lonor bnel Merit Awards. Dcar SUPOWT: Carer Intelligence 1. The 1-cruty Director or Science 3n,f. Teohnoloolv has aorrovrl ard of the Career Intelligence etia1 to in recomition oT his. careL contributions to the ;FirIcy. Please intorm him of the awarr.3 and of th,o, security provisions governing it as set forth in the attachd i7,emoranf'lur:.: from the ecurity Advisor, ionor Mctrit Awarc.t.c: ::oarc,, and a0vise him that the Protocol rs:ranch will contact hi7r, to arrane 3ward cercrony. 2. :-are cornitted to presfzlit awards as soon as 'possible after their a:-Iroval, Thon you have contacted the awardee, please ask a memtr of 'our Ptaff to oaj the attached "Return Copy" of this nemomndum to the Pl7ntocc0 '?ranch no later than 29 June 1988, indicating the date of your r,otiidation nh a tblon,,. auaeer on vhich we can reach the 7\tt3chr.3ents Awordoe nsillfloti of award col urn g g (date) RIAI.SaIDIMS (1)i-fiS) bLi ritt r (nente, elks, extension) Mvordeo can be rw.choci on (teiennone) smilmentu RETURN COPY TACWiSIFID whon eeriarteel From CaWIDENTIU, FA:ta,Th:nont 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 FOREI. BROADCAST INFORMATION AVICE P.O. Box 2604 Washington, D.C. 20013 Dear 28 June 1988 It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been awarded the Career Intelligence Medal in recognition of your career contributions to the Agency. The Protocol Branch will contact you to arrange for presentation of the medal. Sincerely. R. W. Manners Director STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? SUBJECT: DDSU/FBIS/SA/CD Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - Protocol Branch 1 - D/FBIS Chrono 1 - RWM Correspondence 1 - SA/CD 2 - C/EUS 1 - C/PB 01) 1 - FBIS Registry (22 Jun 88) STAT STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? 51tUlt-lit II ? ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FBIS Coverage of Soviet Regional Press FROM: R. W. Manners Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service EXTENSION NO DATE 27 June 1988 25) TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. DDS&T 6E60 Hcits. 44 al-t ft-, avitz-/a-g-v-',/ ic:C,,, j 0 dr 4r444,9 4.44/ Gs" 41.-4/e/ZkoVe--e Z.4.t )21 foir- eyl / j4.46 Xe. fi) etee4 tt-Lr.L41SA1-& V---/ e el-c"-.'. 71-- 11144'l /4 t /1 Gjei. X e4.2 Li e... >40cy /(?/ r/ 4 " .1"-t Crg / /I" irk -t- es 74 j 2.epA,444(44e? 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. S. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS 7.79 EDITIONS Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 1 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? cs: - R rrr taj ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (optional) FBIS Coverage of Soviet Regional Press FROM: R. E. Hineman DDSU 6E60 Hqs EXTENSION NO. DSU-552-77 DATE 25) TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. ER 7E12 Hqs 2. 3. EXDIR 4. 5. DDCI 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IL 12. 13. 14. 115. F?1"4 610 ID7SN'T's 1-79 F C. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201' 3/09/19 : CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 * U.S. Government Printing Office: 1,1115-494-1134/49156 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? btkAlt I ? DSU-552-88 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence VIA: Executive Director FROM: R. E. Hineman Deputy Director for Science and Technology SUBJECT: FBIS Coverage of Soviet Regional Press REFERENCE: Your Memo, dtd 13 Jun 88, Same Subject 1. I do not believe the subject of exploiting the Soviet regional press can be addressed outside the general context of FBIS' total Soviet coverage effort. What you may have heard with respect to an "inadequacy" may well reflect the selection criteria difficulties presented by the unprecedented availability of media information on Soviet affairs. In light of glasnost and Gorbachev's social experiment, FBIS has been under strong pressure to exploit the Soviet press more fully and to get the product to the consumer faster. To balance the growing requirements against existing resources, FBIS has been forced to be more selective in translating material. On the whole, I believe FBIS is doing an adequate job of covering the Soviet regional developments. 2. FBIS would have difficulty disputing a charge that it does not fulfill every analyst's wish for more material. The numerous consumers which FBIS' USSR Division deals with, including the Department of State INR desk officers, have very specific require- ments geared to their office missions. Every attempt is made to satisfy their requests, but FBIS cannot reasonably be expected to meet all their needs without consideration for priorities. While I am concerned that there is a perception that analysts are not receiving significant political and military information, I know, too, that FBIS devotes a great deal of its present resources to the coverage of Soviet affairs and that regional developments are only one of many requirements competing for those resources. SECRET 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? tt.mor-cc, ? SUBJECT: FBIS Coverage of Soviet Regional Press 3. To address specifically the Soviet regional press, as you can see from the attachment, FBIS exploits some 140 regional publications on a regular basis. Most are in Russian; the rest in the republic vernacular languages. FBIS currently has nffirers 25X1 scanning the Soviet Russian-language regional press, 25X1 scanning the vernacular press (including Armenian), and 25X1 contractors regularly translating material selected from the Russian- language nrpcs Th p London Bureau's Press Monitoring Unit (PMU) employs monitors to process material from the central press 25X1 and some 15 selected regional sources. PMU's scrutiny of Soviet regional sources is limited to the party/government newspapers for coverage of priority developments and leadership-related activities; the same sources are exploited at FBIS Headquarters for other, less perishable material. Austria Bureau also has a small staff of two Russian monitors and one Ukrainian monitor, who exploit one Russian-language and three Ukrainian- language regional sources. 4. The average lag in receipt of Soviet regional newspapers at FBIS Headquarters is 3-4 weeks; it is significantly less at the bureaus: 8 days. Vernacular sources reach contractors in about 5-6 weeks. FBIS subscribes to the regional sources through the Moscow PPO and a Soviet- authorized literary agent in the United States. In the overall processing cycle, the delivery segment accounts for the longest average delay. This may worsen, for we have just heard of Moscow Embassy's proposal to reduce the PPO's role in press procurement. It takes another 21 or so days on average for a contractor to translate the material, and an average of 9 days for PUG to print it. Mailing material to and from the contractor also introduces delays. These parts of the production cycle are beyond FBIS' control, so there is little latitude for improving the product's timeliness under the present mode of operation. One point of concern is that the JPRS material is essentially in electronic form 3 weeks before it currently reaches consumers; unfortunately, however, the material is not available to analysts through SAFE (field bureau copy is in SAFE, however). 5. In past years, the Soviet press was mined assiduously for the rare nuggets of information; today, so much "gold" is available that we have had to become more selective in how we use our resources. That is not a metaphor that I would want to push too strongly, but it does illustrate the nature of the problem. Coverage of Soviet regional developments competes against other Soviet collection targets, and with the information explosion in the Soviet press it has become necessary for FBIS to weigh more carefully selection decisions (which convert directly 2 SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? SECRET ? SUBJECT: FBIS Coverage of Soviet Regional Press into translation costs) against a host of established and evolving requirements. It is fair at this stage to note that, like all the DSU offices, FBIS has taken its share of the not insignificant resource cuts over the past several years. FBIS' translation activity has not escaped these resource pressures. Even if more resources were devoted to Soviet coverage, however, it is arguable those resources would be put to the best use by increasing exploitation of Soviet regional sources. This is not to say that regional affairs are not important, but rather to point out that there are other areas which should be receiving more attention than regional affairs in attempting to provide balanced reporting on the Soviet scene in the context of resource constraints. 6. This is what leads to my conclusion that, on balance, FBIS is doing an adequate job of covering Soviet regional developments. FBIS very recently conducted a survey of its consumers, including the DI and particularly SOVA, to determine the adequacy of its coverage. It was reassuring to discover that these consumers find current reporting of high importance to the analytical process and fulfilling both current and research needs. More, of course, could be done, but not without sellously affecting other intelligence collection efforts that are equally or more important. Attachment Distribution: Original 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Addressee - DDCI -ER - DDSU - DSU Registry - D/FBIS Chrono - FBIS Registry R. E. Hineman DDSU/FBIS, :27Jun88) 3 SFCRET , Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 24 June 1988 Follows a comprehensive listing of all Russian regional publications to which FBIS subscribes. The language is Russian unless otherwise noted. Vernacular sources preceded by an asterisk are scanned regularly. Armenia Yerevan KOMMUNIST (CP CC daily newspaper) Yerevan KOMSOMOLETS (thrice-weekly Komsomol newspaper) Yerevan LITERATURNAYA ARMENIYA (monthly writers union journal) Yerevan PO LENINSKOMU PUTI (CP CC monthly journal) Yerevan PROMYSHLENNOST, STROITELSTVO I ARKHITEKTURA ARMENII (Armenian Gosplan monthly journal) Yerevan RUSSKIY YAZYK V ARMYANSKOY SHKOLE (bimonthly Education Ministry journal) Yerevan VESTNIK OBSHCHESTVENNYKH NAUK (Armenian Academy of Sciences monthly social sciences journal) *Yerevan AVANGARD in Armenian (organ of the Armenian Komsomol Central Committee) *Yerevan SOVETAKAN AYASTAN in Armenian (Armenian CP CC daily) Yerevan AYASTANI ZHOGOVRDAKAN TNTSUTYUN in Armenian (magazine of the Armenian Gosplan and Academy of Sciences) Yerevan GRAKAN TERT in Armenian (organ of the Armenian Writers Union) Yerevan LENINYAN UGIOV in Armenian (Armenian CP CC monthly) AzerbaCan Baku AZERBAYDMANSKOYE NEFTYANOYE KHOZYAYSTVO (monthly petroleum industry journal) Baku BAKINSKIY RABOCHIY (CP CC daily newspaper) Baku IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK AZERBAYDZHANSKOY SSR: SERIYA EKONOMIKI (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences monthly economic journal) Baku IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK AZERBAYDZHANSKOY SSR: SERIYA ISTORII, FILOSOFII, PRAVA (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences monthly history, philosophy, and law journal) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? Baku IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK AZERBAYDZHANSKOY SSR: SERIYA LITERATURY, YAZYKA I ISKUSSTVA (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences monthly language, literature, and art journal) Baku KOMMUNIST AZERBAYDZHANA (CP CC monthly journal) Baku LITERATURNYY AZERBAYDZHAN (writers union monthly journal) Baku MOLODEVA AZERBAYDZHANA (thrice-weekly Komsomol newspaper) Baku NARODNOYE KHOZYAYSTVO AZERBAYDZHANA (Azerbaijan Gosplan monthly journal) Baku SOVET KENDI (thrice-weekly CP CC newspaper in Azeri) Baku VYSHKA (CP CC daily newspaper) Baku ADABIYAT VE INDJESENET in Azeri (organ of the Azerbaijan Writers Union and Ministry of Culture) *Baku AZARBAYJAN MUALLIMI in Azeri (organ of the Azerbaijan Ministry of Education) *Baku KOMMUNIST in Azeri (Azerbaijan CP CC daily) 'Baku AZARBAYJAN in Azeri (Azerbaijan Writers Union monthly) Baku AZARBAYJAN MAKTABI in Azeri (Ministry of Education monthly) Belorussia Minsk BELARUS (writers union monthly journal) Minsk IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK BELORUSSKOY SSR: SERIYA SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNYKH NAUK (Belorussian Academy of Sciences bimonthly agricultural journal) Minsk KOMMUNIST BELORUSSII (CP CC monthly journal) Minsk NARODNOYE KHOZYAYSTVO BELORUSSII (Belorussian Gosplan monthly journal) Minsk SELSKAYA GAZETA (CP CC daily newspaper) Minsk SELSKOYE KHOZYAYSTVO BELORUSSII (Belorussian State Agroindustrial Committee monthly journal) Minsk SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA (CP CC daily newspaper) Minsk VESTSI AKADEMII NAVUK BSSR: SERYYA SELSKAHASPADARCHYKH NAVUK (Belorussian Academy of Sciences quarterly agricultural journal) *Minsk ZVYAZDA in Belorussian (CP CC daily newspaper) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? Estonia Tallinn KOMMUNIST ESTONII (CP CC monthly journal) Tallinn MOLODEZH ESTONII (5x/week Komsomol newspaper) Tallinn SCNETSKAYA ESTONIYA (CP CC daily newspaper) Tallinn TALLIN (bimonthly writers union journal) *Tallinn NOORTE HAAL in Estonian (daily Komsomol newspaper) *Tallinn RAHVE HAAL in Estonian (CP CC daily newspaper) *Tallinn SIRP JA VASAR in Estonian (organ of the Ministry of Culture and Creative Unions ) *Tallinn TEATER, MUUSIKA, KINO in Estonian (Estonian Culture Ministry monthly journal) Georgia Tbilisi KOMMUNIST GRUZII (CP CC monthly journal) Tbilisi LITERATURNAYA GRUZIYA (writers union monthly journal) Tbilisi MOLODEZH GRUZII (thrice-weekly Komsomol newspaper) Tbilisi PARTIYNOYE SLOVO (semimonthly CP CC journal) Tbilisi SOOBSHCHENIYA AKADEMII NAUK GRUZINSKOY SSR (Georgian Academy of Sciences monthly bulletin) Tbilisi ZARYA VOSTOKA (CP CC daily newspaper) *Tbilisi AKHALGAZRDA KOMUNISTI in Georgian (organ of the Georgian Komsomol) *Tbilisi KOMUNISTI in Georgian (Georgian CP CC daily) *Tbilisi LITERATURULI SAKARTVELO in Georgian (organ of the Georgian Writers Union) Tbilisi MNATODI in Georgian (monthly belletristic and sociopolitical journal) Tbilisi PARTIULI SITQVA in Georgian (Georgian CP CC journal) Tbilisi SABCHOTA KHELCNNEBA in Georgian (organ of the Georgian Ministry of Culture) Tbilisi SAKARTVELOS KOMUNISTI in Georgian (Georgian CP CC monthly) Tbilisi SKOLA DA TSKHOVREBA in Georgian (monthly educational journal) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 41P Kazakhstan Alma-Ata AGITATOR KAZAKHSTANA (semimonthly CP CC journal) Alma-Ata AGROPROMYSHLENNYY KOMPLEKS KAZAKHSTANA (monthly CP CC agroindustrial journal) Alma-Ata IZVESTIYA AKADENUI NAUK KAZAKHSKOY SSR: SERIYA OBSHCHESTVENNYKH NAUK (bimonthly Kazakh Academy of Sciences social science journal) Alma-Ata KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA (CP CC daily newspaper) Alma-Ata NARODNOYE KHOZYAYSTVO KAZAKHSTANA (Kazakh Gosplan monthly journal) Alma-Ata PARTIYNAYA ZHIZN KAZAKHSTANA (CP CC monthly journal) Alma-Ata PROSTOR (writers union monthly) Alma-Ata RUSSKIY YAZYK I LITERATURA V KAZAKHSKOY SHKOLE (monthly Kazakh Education Ministry journal) *Tselinograd FREUNDSCHAFT (Kazakh CP CC daily newspaper in German) *Alma-Ata BILIM MANE ENGBEK in Kazakh (Komsomol monthly) *Alma-Ata LENINCHIL ZHAS in Kazakh (Komsomol 4x weekly) *Alma-Ata QAZAQ ADEBIYETI in Kazakh (weekly literary newspaper) *Alma-Ata SOTSIALISTIK QAZAQSTAN in Kazakh (Kazakh CP CC daily) Alma-Ata MADENIYET ZHANE TURMYS in Kazakh (popular magazine on culture and daily life) Alma-Ata QAZAQSTAN KOMMUNISI in Kazakh (Kazakh CP CC monthly) Alma-Ata QAZAQSTAN MEKTEBI in Kazakh (journal of the Kazakh Ministry of Education) Alma-Ata ZHULDYZ in Kazakh (monthly journal) Kirghizia Frunze KOMMUNIST KIRGIZSTANA (CP CC monthly journal) Frunze LITERATURNYY KIRGIZSTAN (writers union monthly journal) Frunze RUSSKIY YAZYK I LITERATURA V KIRGIZSKOY SHKOLE (Kirghiz Education Ministry bimonthly journal) Frunze SELSKOYE KHOZYAYSTVO KIRGIZII (monthly CP CC agricultural journal) Frunze SMETSKAYA KIRGIZIYA (CP CC daily newspaper) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? Frunze LENINCHIL YASH in Kirghiz (Kirghiz Komsomol paper) Frunze ALA-TOO in Kirghiz (Kirghiz Writers Union and Ministry of Culture journal) Frunze EL AGARTUU in Kirghiz (Kirghiz Ministry of Education journal) Frunze KYRGYZSTAN KOMMUNISTI in Kirghiz (Kirghiz CP CC monthly) Frunze KYRGYZSTAN MADANIYATY in Kirghiz (Kirghiz Ministry of Culture organ) *Frunze SOVETTIK KYRGYZSTAN in Kirghiz (Kirghiz CP CC daily) Latvia Riga DAUGAVA (writers union monthly) Riga IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK LATVIYSKOY SSR (bimonthly Latvian Academy of Sciences journal) Riga KOMMUNIST SOVETSKOY LATVII (CP CC monthly journal) Riga SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA (CP CC daily newspaper) Riga SOVETSKAYA MOLODEZH (Komsomol daily newspaper) *Riga CINA in Latvian (CP CC daily newspaper) *Riga LITERATURA UN MAKSLA in Latvian (literary weekly) *Riga MAKSLA in Latvian (quarterly journal of creative artists' unions) *Riga PADOMJU JAUNATNE in Latvian (5x/week Komsomol newspaper) *Riga SKOLA UN GIMENE in Latvian (pedagogical monthly) Lithuania Vilnius KOMMUNIST (CP CC monthly journal) Vilnius KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA (Komsomol daily newspaper) Vilnius LITVA LITERATURNAYA (semimonthly writers union journal) Vilnius SOBYTIYA I VREMYA (semimonthly CP CC journal) Vilnius SOVETSKAYA LITVA (CP CC daily newspaper) Vilnius TRUDY AKADEMII NAUK LITOVSKOY SSR: SERIYA A--OBSHCHESTVENNYYE NAUKI (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences quarterly social sciences journal) Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? ??? *Vilnius LIAUDES UKIS in Lithuanian (Lithuanian Gosplan monthly journal) *Vilnius MOKSLAS IR GYVENIMAS in Lithuanian (Lithuanian Znaniye Society monthly journal) *Vilnius NEMUNAS in Lithuanian (CP CC and writers union monthly journal) *Vilnius PERGALE in Lithuanian (writers union literary monthly journal) *Vilnius SVITURYS in Lithuanian (semimonthly sociopolitical and literary journal) *Vilnius TIESA in Lithuanian (CP CC daily newspaper) Moldavia Kishinev IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK MOLDAVSKOY SSR: SERIYA OBSHCHESTVENNYKH NAUK (Moldavian Academy of Sciences monthly social sciences journal) Kishinev KOMMUNIST MOLDAVII (CP CC monthly journal) Kishinev RUSSKIY YAZYK V MOLDAVSKOY SHKOLE (bimonthly Moldavian Education Ministry journal) Kishinev SELSKOYE KHOZYAYSTVO MOLDAVII (monthly CP CC agricultural journal) Kishinev SOVETSKAYA MOLDAVIYA (CP CC daily newspaper) Kishinev TRIBUNA (semimonthly CP CC journal) Tajikistan Dushanbe AGITATOR TADZHIKISTANA (semimonthly CP CC journal) Dushanbe AGROPROMYSHLENNYY KOMPLEKS TADZHIKISTANA (monthly Tajik State Agroindustrial Committee journal) Dushanbe KOMMUNIST TADZHIKISTANA (CP CC daily newspaper) Dushanbe PAMIR (writers union monthly) Dushanbe ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYE TADZHIKISTANA (bimonthly journal of the Tajik Ministry of Health) *Dushanbe ADABIYOT VA SAN'AT in Tajik (organ of the Tajik Ministry of Education and Writers Union) *Dushanbe GAZETI MUALLD4ON in Tajik (organ of the Tajik Ministry of Education) *Dushanbe TOJIKISTONI SOVETI in Tajik (Tajik CP CC daily) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Dushanbe KOMMUNISTI TOJIKISTON in Tajik (Tajik CP CC monthly journal) Dushanbe AGITATORI TOJIKISTON in Tajik (Tajik CP CC journal) Dushanbe MAKTABI SOVETY in Tajik (journal of the Tajik Ministry of Education) Dushanbe SADOI SHARQ in Tajik (monthly journal) TUrkmenia Ashkhabad AGROPROMYSHLENNYY KOMPLEKS TURKMENISTANA (monthly Turkmen State Agroindustrial Committee journal) Ashkhabad ASHKHABAD (bimonthly writers union journal) Ashkhabad IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK TURKMENSKOY SSR: SERIYA OBSHCHESTVENNYKH NAUK (bimonthly Turkmen Academy of Sciences social science journal) Ashkhabad KOMSOMOLETS TURKMENISTANA (thrice-weekly Komsomol newspaper) Ashkhabad PROBLEMY OSVOYENIYA PUSTYN (bimonthly Turkmen Academy of Sciences journal on desert development) Ashkhabad TURKMENSKAYA ISKRA (CP CC daily newspaper) *Ashkhabad MUGALLYMLAR GAZETI in Turkmen (thrice-weekly teachers' newspaper) *Ashkhabad SOVET TURKMENISTANI in Turkmen (Turkmen CP CC daily) Ashkhabad TURKMENISTAN KOMMUNISTI in Turkmen (Turkmen CP CC theoretical and political monthly) Ashkhabad EDEBIYAT VE SUNGAT in Turkmen (Turkmen Writers Union paper) Ashkhabad SOVET EDEBIYATI in Turkmen (Turkmen Writers Union journal) Ashkhabad TURKMENISTANYNG KHALK MAGARYFY in Turkmen (Turkmen Ministry of Education journal) Ukraine Kiev EKONOMIKA SOVETSKOY UKRAINY (monthly journal of Ukrainian Gosplan) Kiev KOMMUNIST UKRAINY (CP CC monthly journal) Kiev POD ZNAMENEM LENINIZMA (semimonthly CP CC journal) Kiev PRAVDA UKRAINY (CP CC daily newspaper) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Kiev RABOCHAYA GAZETA (CP CC daily newspaper) Kiev RUSSKIY YAZYK I LITERATURA V SREDNIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIYAKH USSR (Ukrainian Higher Education Ministry monthly journal) Kiev TEKHNOLOGIYA I ORGANIZATSIYA PROIZVODSTVA: NAUCHNO-PROIZVODSTVENNYY SBORNIK (monthly journal of Ukrainian Gosplan) *Kiev FILOSOFSKA DUMKA in Ukrainian (bimonthly Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Philosophy Institute journal) *Kiev KHILIBOROB UKRAYINY in Ukrainian (monthly grain and crop production journal) *Kiev KYYIV in Ukrainian (writers union monthly) *Kiev KULTURA I EdYTTYA in Ukrainian (Ukrainian Culture Ministry weekly newspaper) *Kiev LITERATURNA UKRAYINA in Ukrainian (writers union weekly newspaper) *Kiev LYUDYNA TA SVIT in Ukrainian (Znaniye Society monthly journal on atheism) -*Kiev NARODNA TVORCHIST TA ETNOGRAFIYA in Ukrainian (bimonthly folklore and ethnography journal) *Kiev RADYANSKA UKRAYINA in Ukrainian (CP CC daily newspaper) *Kiev SILSKI VISTI in Ukrainian (CP CC daily newspaper) *Kiev UKRAYINSKYY ISTORYCHNYY ZHURNAL in Ukrainian (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences History Institute monthly journal) *Kiev VISNYK SILSKOHOSPODARSKOYI NAUKY in Ukrainian (Ukrainian State Agroindustrial Committee monthly journal) *Kiev VITCHYZNA in Ukrainian (writers union monthly) Uzbekistan Tashkent EKONOMIKA I ZHIZN (monthly journal of Uzbek Gosplan) Tashkent KOMMUNIST UZBEKISTANA (CP CC monthly journal) Tashkent OBSHCRESTVENNYYE NAUKI V UZBEKISTANE (Uzbek Academy of Sciences social science monthly journal) Tashkent PARTIYNAYA ZHIZN (CP CC monthly journal) Tashkent PRAVDA VOSTOKA (CP CC daily newspaper) Tashkent RUSSKIY YAZYK I LITERATURA V UZBEKSKOY SHKOLE (bimonthly Uzbek Education Ministry journal) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 ? Tashkent SELSKOYE KHOZYAYSTVO UZBEKISTANA (monthly CP CC agricultural journal) Tashkent ZVEZDA VOSTOKA (writers union monthly journal) *Tashkent OZBEKISTON ADABIYOTI VA SAN'ATI in Uzbek (organ of the Uzbek Writers Union and Ministry of Culture) *Tashkent SOVET OZBEKISTONI in Uzbek (Uzbek CP CC daily) Tashkent FAN VA TURMUSH in Uzbek (popular science journal of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences) Tashkent GULISTON in Uzbek (Uzbek CP CC sociopolitical belletristic journal) Tashkent LENIN UCHQUNI in Uzbek (Uzbek Komsomol organ) Tashkent OZBEK TILI VA ADABIYOTI in Uzbek (Uzbek Academy of Sciences journal) Tashkent OZBEKISTON AGITATORI in Uzbek (semimonthly CP CC journal) Tashkent OZBEKISTON KOMMUNISTI in Uzbek (Uzbek CP CC theoretical and political monthly) Tashkent OZBEKISTON SOTSIAL TA'MINOTI in Uzbek (journal of the Uzbek Ministry of Social Welfare) Tashkent SHARQ YULDUZI in Uzbek (organ of the Uzbek Writers Union) Tashkent SOVET MAKTABI in Uzbek (journal of the Uzbek Ministry of Education) Tashkent SOVET OZBEKISTONI SAN'ATI in Uzbek (Uzbek CP CC art journal) Tashkent SOVET OZBEKISTONI in Uzbek (illustrated journal of the Uzbek Society for Friendship and Cultural Ties With Foreign Countries) Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19 CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 18 ? 13 June 1988 .?? MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Science & Technology .FROM: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: FBIS Coverage of Soviet Regional Press . 1. One of the issues discuss me length at the ? Intelligence Community ConferenceL Jwas the adequacy of the exploitation of the regional press in the Soviet Unicin. , The overall sense from the Department of State and others present was that' this coverage is highly inadequate. (State raised again what they, characterized as the termination of .FBIS's one contract employee doing Armenian translations.) (S) 2. I think this is something that merits our attention. I -woiild like to know how many staff and contract employees FBIS ..4.? ? .has working on the Soviet regional press including the .non-Moscow Russian press. I would also like to have a list of the regional periodicals that are received and translated by as well as some indication of the speed with which they are translated. There Is a growing number of examples of significant political and even military information coming out in the regional press which are either not being received by analysts at all or are reaching themmuch.too late to be' of gre4test.valuee.. (s) . 3. With the turmoil in the Soviet Union, 'and Gorbach.ev's :Continuing difficulties with the nationalities, this is an arena.I believe we cannot afford to slight. Please provide me ,.with a paper addressing the above questions and related issues 'by 1 July or; if you prefer, arrange a meeting so we can discuss this by that time. (S) cc; FACDIR ? ?????????? 72- Robeit Gates SECRET Cl By Signer DECL OADR 25X1 nne-ImccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/19 CIA-RDP92-01361R000100060012-2 DC: EXEC REG